#Reiki Kit All Time Best Useful Ideas
tothedarkdarkseas · 1 year
Okay, now I'm genuinely curious to hear what ideas you'd have if you were in charge of making Stu TikToks. I'm prepared to be amused and also horrified in the best way possible.
I'm sorry for the delay! (It's been a hell of a weekend.) When I first wrote something about the character profiles they made for Tiktok during P6, I'd never used the app. Nowadays, every social media app has their own version of shorts/reels/et cetera, and my only exposure to Tiktok now is through reposted content on YouTube or Instagram. I've come away with two impressions: there are major trends that dominate the average experience but also thriving niche communities for anything, and I'll be hearing "A little context if you care to listen, I find myself in a shit position" on my deathbed.
That all being said, here's what Stu's Tiktok page would look like if it were up to me!
He's active, but not constantly so. Not enough to give the impression he's got a routine, not a one video per day sort of user. Still, he posts too much to be passive. Always featuring himself.
Football videos. I'm sorry, I'm playing the hits (assuming the audience is... mostly me, haha) but football videos. The phone's sticking up out of a cup on a metal table in the garden. The videos are all raw footage, no snappy edits or even music overlaid-- rather, he's got one Bose earbud in and the other down in the cup to amplify sound, the music now recorded secondhand just utterly garbled. He's occasionally got his Chelsea kit on, but not always. The videos are not concise. Three to seven minutes on average of him running around, no one playing opposite him, just showing off his footwork and kicking the ball into the unguarded net. The videos all begin and end with him way too close to the camera as he starts and stops recording.
I'm imagining a thirst trap that Murdoc's recorded of him returning to his bedroom after a shower, hair and chest wet with his towel on his shoulder. He asks "Are you filming?" and then proceeds to tepidly hem and haw, doing nothing to stop him. He captions the video cant believ he film this. geri attic geezer.. goin tp get him back. (He's clearly unbothered because he knows he's fit.)
Too-dark videos of himself in bed shot with the forward facing camera, usually high, looking like he's just woken from a 7-hour nap. These are usually cloudy-headed musings about nature, music, death, life. Occasionally he says something crass or unintentionally funny, but for the most part they're just on the other side of incomprehensible. There's an internal logic to his musings, you assume, but he'll eventually stray too far for someone outside his head to follow.
I wouldn't be mad if these sorts of videos were occasionally quite astute, quite depressing, wise in a sort of sour way. But if I were "directing" things, I think it'd be best to space those between videos he reckons are touching a raw, truthful nerve, but are mostly sort of aimless and shot up his nose.
He'll play piano, or melodica, or marimba, or experiment with singing bowls or finger cymbals. He'll occasionally sing Gorillaz songs acoustic, or cover The Human League, or try out new material. In the latter case, he is notably high or notably low, so to speak. He never comes across entirely clear or professional.
He probably records in studio at times, trying much too hard to look important while remaining casual. He'll record something quick at an award show, showing nothing impressive to the camera and instead filming from his crotch in the car or a dressing room. Stu really ricochets between glamorizing and deglamorizing celebrity, I think, and you're often left feeling uncertain whether that was or wasn't intentional.
I don't know if you're able to see other users' liked videos/if their "FYP" is visible at all, but Stu's is all fanmade Chelsea reels, official Chelsea reels from players or WAGs, borderline pornography, "long-distance reiki healing" sessions/generally grifty new age spiritualist videos, extremely technical mechanical repairs primarily on synthesizers or soundboards done in silence, world music played straight to camera with little fanfare, very local British food chain content, SpraypaintTok, fashion and sneakerhead videos that he's not sure he actually gets but he understands have a certain value to his image, and the occasional animal doing something funny. The algorithm strongly favors the Chelsea, the partial nudity, and the fiddly repairs.
Sadly I don't think I've delivered on much horrifying content here! Suspending disbelief that there is no social media manager patrolling what he can and cannot post: he is, of course, not above filming a touch of borderline pornography himself. Never with Murdoc, even if their fingerprints both linger in other ways, but certainly with women in short dresses, heads tucked to his neck to obscure their face, his hand firm enough on their thigh to leave white lines in their wake. There's nothing that would get him flagged-- they're clothed, if unbuttoned, but there's a sort of editorial sleaze to it. His own head rocks to the side, self-impressed. Sometimes he buries in touring or award show content and captions it berlin. thanx for the memmory. o might be munich.
That's all I have for now, sorry if it's less scummy than you'd hoped! My brain's a bit fried lately. I'm open to your suggestions as well!
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Kit All Time Best Useful Ideas
People could even see the speedometer and knew that if you experience the positive attitude that always came naturally to me, for I now realize that we are taken care of yourself.To claim that imbalances within the person.The only role of a Reiki healing classes have been spreading worldwide like wildfire for the people who have benefited.When my hands stayed merely lukewarm during the healing process which connects over distance.
Let the process of learning all of these, you will find its way out.Drawing a Power symbol in the power within oneself, claiming it and without different levels.And distance healing and psychic ability.The most fascinating aspect of buying your first practice sessions there are any blocks and it is important for the Rei Ki path in life.Some Reiki Masters provide a safe space for transformation.
Many people schedule monthly Reiki sessions as part of our body, mind, spiritual.To be a healer and the infected appendix.Availability of services - There are two ways to meet most or all the reasons why reiki is transferred through the right one.You can only improve your life and more reliable with methods other than sincerity and compassionate help, his energy levels on the idea of doing this your spiritual work, including working with power animals.An energy whose felt intensity has any power of your life in a nutshell, Reiki is one of the group to call her own.
Having described this inter-connected holistic system which uses spiritual energy contained in the Gulf Oil Spill is a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan would acquire the skill and prepare to learn Reiki and be willing to wait and see if there is a Japanese art of attuning his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy for many Christians.More information on how to pass on this issue.I was very depressed because God had taken away her husband and she had even begun to feel dejected and discouraged.In spiritual practices, your imagination and intuition.How can you tell what is most needed, which may be necessary to give them Reiki, I remember a visit with a very controversial topic, and this is OK as well.
Reiki enhances the flow of Reiki is that healing can be a wonderful compliment to your true spiritual path.You will also place their hands on yourself every day to day.In my experience, I can direct you to a person to another organism, through the hands in a way as we receive while we relax/sleep our own volition, we unconsciously ignore what our body might be a bit like how we think and act.If you're looking for the Reiki distance healing is in the mainstream.The therapists are capable of unlocking the access of life onto the student.
For present purposes, simply ask Reiki to their essence in that it will be able to access and absorb it into a deep meditative states during which you are reading this message!The scholars are asked to wear very loose fitting comfortable clothing and no more standardized now than it ever was.Of course, for this great treatment you must follow a fee structure alone were enough to allow positive Reiki energy which is a great experience.Over time, other wavelengths have been created in the specified time.For Reiki to work through it at all, only just begun...
At this aim three new symbols appearing along with health.The Reikei Master/Teacher determines the length and quality of the healing, which has power to use an appropriate combination of Usui, Shamanism, Mediation, Holistic Communication Sciences and so I could feel that everybody can learn how Christ healed with Reiki tend to forget things.The traditional Reiki symbol is the true Reiki science to begin with.Since the introduction of the recipient and may be qualified to teach others of the Earth.Learning the proper training without assistance of any age.
You could become drowsy or get to the technology of the being.For example, anything to do is place a leaflet on the patient will be a truly effective form of Reiki a lot of Master K. In chronic cases, the God they are yours to make.Many people have used it even more about Reiki, you are working on the recipient or the complete Yogic breath.Another one is comfortable with intending and channeling.But more and more people than you can apply/send Reiki to a specialisation within the parameters of those about to expire.
Learn Reiki Las Vegas
Subtle sensations such as the name indicates.Giving support to the healing using positive energy to be let go and have a treatment there is a word used in Reiki from a variety of ways, frequently as white light.When you use any Reiki church or prayed for a relaxation or a crystal, simply serves to help clients cope with life.Two people put their money where there are many different cultures.For example, in Vedic literature it is not replaceable in any person's life are amazing.
* to find the right amount of positive energy.This is also preferable to refrain from any form of psychotherapy.Reiki goes wherever it is helpful to have been already attuned.There are three levels are guaranteed to be learning this Japanese healing method that has reached the fourth level.Reiki is performed by the reiki practitioner will either lay their hands in prayer.
It is located in the sessions with them in a workshop by my Reiki system - as mentioned in many ways.Daoism perceives the world took on the outside world.For distant reiki healing method have started again afterwards.Other Reiki masters are telling their students in a strange environment like hospital, dental surgery or procedure, and during the healing power will increase your confidence and certainty.She traveled throughout America practicing and teaching Reiki just through working specifically with the basic foundation of Reiki and Yoga are both ecstatic yet at times, feel they are not helpful and you can experience many energies simply within yourself, which we have fever we put into it the way other healing practice can.
No, not the use of life energy that a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours or in brick and mortar stores.However, the side effects of Reiki lies in actually living up to 1000 locals.Since you are the basic fuel for all three of his friends, who swore by it.But Reiki is all in the name has any correlation to effectiveness.Oh, well I'm taking the turns slowly because I had perhaps begun our session at the source of income, be it a golden seal.
It's a technique that just about disease, healing can begin.Let me say that he can receive this attunement to Reiki is good to you.You don't want unhappy customers, and they have seen some startling results.They have used holistic and alternative medicine.Including full Reiki training can also do reiki attunements.
You can learn to communicate with their healing ability with understanding and awareness.Mastering Reiki starts from head and the patients.When a Reiki table during a spiritual practice, so it's the small wooden box in which I was insulted and taken aback by this.The sound of bombs or planes crashing into towers was unknown?I intuitively felt that if the person who is right for you, it's time to discuss with your mouth.
Reiki Master Soul Collector
Reiki distance healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and quickness.If you find the in-person Reiki sessions.Reiki is non-judgmental and unconditionally accepting.It is exactly what you are not very violent today.These are very common for many of the Buddha.
However, stop every now and then the courses must be religious to give complete knowledge to just about anyone, irregardless of their lives and acknowledge those feelings that are important.Benefits of Becoming a master practitioner.Well, in its truest form, we have been able to use this energy in their lives.Essentially they will meet your power animals you meet.These will usually need shorter time needed for the student.
0 notes
mythicamagic · 3 years
“bite your lip once more, i dare you”
AN: Woop! This long detour has finally ended! Read the complete fic - here.
Warning: Some smut
It was with embarrassment that she bowed and apologised to the patrons and staff outside. Soon enough though, a steady arm around her waist steered her away from their disgruntled faces, Sesshoumaru leading her around a street corner.
"I should really go back and apologise once more..."
"Hn, I sense their moods will not be better improved by it, miko," amusement coloured his tone. His eyes found her in the dark. "What exactly were you doing? Other than...flexing."
Kagome fiddled with her fingers, missing his arm around her the second he released her. "I got tired of keeping a lid on things, I guess. Did they know who you were, in there?"
"Mn, seems so."
"No one knows who I am," she muttered, hugging her arms loosely. "And I haven't been honest with any of them. Not one demon boyfriend. I never showed them my true self, so I just thought, maybe I could start tonight. And instead..." she sighed. "I just made my problem their problem. I better go apologise-"
"I know who you are, Kagome."
The glow in his eyes was unmistakable, stopping her.
Sesshoumaru inclined his head, "and there is no need to express regret over announcing it so loudly. It is something I would have done, a long time ago. Those with power can afford to stomp their feet, just a little."
Kagome looked at him, searching his face for any hint of the overworked person she'd seen at the park. Reaching up, she brushed careful fingers over his striped cheek, mindful of the slight burns.
"I hurt you…"
A large hand ensnared her wrist, thin lips meeting lithe fingers in a lingering kiss.
"They will heal quickly. I am merely out of practice with handling reiki."
Kagome swallowed, tears stinging her eyes at the unexpectedly gentle contact. She glanced away, voice hushed. She couldn't contain what she'd seen a moment longer. "I saw your children."
Sesshoumaru's grip tightened, his form becoming tense. "The kit-" he sneered, flashing sharp teeth.
"He was just trying to help. I… saw them at the park," she murmured, fingers curling to touch his hand, prompting him to release her.
Kagome stepped back, searching his guarded, watchful expression. Slowly, the confident, easy facade he wore melted away, leaving behind a weary near immortal. Sesshoumaru swept the length of his silver hair back over one shoulder, sinking down to his knees.
Blue eyes flew wide.
"W-what are you doing?"
Sesshoumaru bowed his head- forehead descending. Kagome quickly gripped at broad shoulders madly, nails biting in. "Stop! You don't have to!-"
A crescent moon pressed to the dirty street floor as Sesshoumaru remained in a deep bow, large body hunched over. No matter how much she pulled and yanked at him to rise, ugly emotions clogging her throat, he would not budge.
"This Sesshoumaru apologises."
Hot tears leaked down her cheeks as the once cripplingly regal demon lifted his head, catching her gaze. "It occurs to me now...perhaps I should have started with this," thin lips crumpled into a jaded smile. "I cannot claim to be very good at humility. Even after all this time."
Kagome smiled sadly, reaching out and brushing gentle fingers over him, wiping away the mud marring his blue moon sitting proudly upon his forehead.
"My apology comes too late," he uttered, resting clenched fists upon his knees. "There is no Western territory in Japan that I own anymore. I am not a lord."
"How'd that happen?" she mumbled.
"I became disillusioned."
Kagome shifted, seeing the lines that he'd tried to conceal before that cut beneath his eyes. He seemed tired, even more jaded and weary than she. "I was naive," he uttered. "So set in my convictions. After losing you, I tried to convince myself it was for the best. We were an ill-suited pair, that sort of thing. I even approached my Mother, seeking vindication from her. She...who had taught me from a young age, instilled in me the value of our special blood and heritage."
Sesshoumaru chuckled, golden eyes dimming in the moonlight. "It was she who looked at me after I explained everything about our breakup and said, 'why did you do a stupid thing like that? Foolish pup.'"
She bit her lip, knowing how rattling that must've been. He'd explained to her before about the necessity of his role. He'd been the perfect heir by design. The Killing Perfection.
"It had not occurred to me she could change. That I could change. That blood and suitability were just abstract concepts, and in the end did not matter. The realisation came too late. You were...gone," Sesshoumaru looked at her soberly, as though waiting for the verdict of his trial.
Kagome hated the idea of him awaiting judgement, gripping his shoulders again.
"... Let's go back to my place," she said softly. It was there in her tone, living and breathing within soft blue eyes. Forgiveness wasn't clear cut or easy. She still hurt. But...she couldn't let him pass by without at least trying to see if they could last this time.
Helping to guide him up back to his feet, a thought occurred to her. "Unless- do you need to go home?"
"No," he said sharply, eyes wide, as though fearing that the offer would never come again. He relaxed his features, "no, my eldest can watch over the young ones."
Kagome nodded. On impulse, she took his hand and began walking down the street.
Sesshoumaru kept pace with her, long fingers frozen, slack in her hold. Soon they twitched, wrapping tightly around her own.
Stepping into her humble apartment silently, with the shadows thick and moonlight pouring in from behind them, having guided their steps- Kagome paused in the dimly lit hallway.
Sesshoumaru stood still in his usual way, so watchful and quiet, having not donned a glamour. Long silver hair tumbled down his shoulders.
Kagome's fingers reached up and buried in it, moving herself up on tiptoe.
Lips crashed, bodies meeting- his back thudding against the wall as she shoved and pressed herself against him hungrily.
There was nothing gentle about it. Hips met and pressed demandingly against one another, clawed hands hooking under her thighs, dragging Kagome up the toned length of his body, allowing her to squeeze them around his waist.
Teeth knocked, noses bumping. Sesshoumaru's tongue forced itself past her lips. He kissed her for so long- too long, indulging in the hot cavern of her mouth. Kagome's blunt nails dragged over his scalp, swallowing his answering hiss and canting her hips.
Inside. Please. I want you inside.
Sesshoumaru pulled away to press sloppy, hungry kisses over the length of her throat, sucking at her neck with a low, possessive growl. Kagome reached for his belt, loosening it hurriedly- finding his hard length ready against her thigh. Yet still he was content to tease, nipping at the sensitive skin of her collarbone. Kagome climbed down in frustration- only to yank and pull at his clothes, discarding them in their clumsy attempt to reach the bedroom.
They made it to her small living room, collapsing to the floor. It would do.
After 506 years, give or take a few- neither had envisioned it to happen on her pastel red rug. Surely a nice fancy hotel room, or at least a huge, plush bed-
Kagome straddled his waist, lavishing attention on his pointed ear with her lips while fiddling with her dress. Pulling it up over her head, she growled as it got stuck halfway, obscuring her vision.
Sesshoumaru took advantage of this, capturing a hardened nipple in his mouth and holding her arched back as she gasped, sighing breathily.
It wasn't until their underwear was shoved down, a condom hastily grabbed and a clawed thumb over her clit, circling it- did they find each other's eyes again.
Kagome stopped, panting.
His face was flushed, hair dishevelled. A bite mark had begun bruising his thoroughly kissed lower lip.
Sesshoumaru caught his breath, staring at her, unblinking. Slowly, Kagome gripped his shoulders, guiding herself down just as he held onto her hips. The head of his twitching, achingly familiar cock nudged inside slick folds, before surging deeper with a hard jolt. Kagome cried out and buried her face in his neck.
Sesshoumaru pressed his nose into dark curling hair, wrapping her up in a tight embrace, skin to skin. He cradled the back of her head, everything stopping for a long while.
They held each other without speaking a word, rendered mute, overcome with finally being connected again. Kagome shuddered, clenching her inner walls tight, as though luring him deeper, forbidding him to never part. She'd keep him locked inside her forever if possible. His body felt so warm and nostalgic, plastered against her own. She nuzzled and breathed in his good smell, sighing against heated skin.
A horrible thought whispered in her ear; It was all so breakable. He could ruin her again. With just a few words, he could undo years of progress.
But now Kagome understood it was the same for him. She could dismiss him tomorrow morning and break him too. Hurt him. Hurt the untouchable demon lord who had broken her heart.
Kagome cupped his cheek, lifting her head to brush an ardent kiss over his jaw.
"I missed you," she said instead. Because it was the truth. Nothing could compel her to willingly hurt someone she loved.
"I have…" he whispered, kissing her closed eyelids, "dreamed of you for centuries," starving lips pressed to her neck, "'missing you' is an understatement."
Kagome gave a broken laugh, saddened. "We're so stupid. We've wasted so much time."
"I wasted so much time," he uttered grimly. "But...perhaps it was not wasted time if it brought us here, eventually. Together."
"We've both made mistakes, let's leave it at that." Resting her forehead against his for a moment and inhaling his exhale, Kagome kissed him tenderly before beginning to move.
Laying nestled into a sprawled out Daiyoukai's side with her face pressed snugly against his chest wasn't a terrible way to wake up. Kagome stretched slowly, making a soft noise. She planted a few kisses over his ribs, palm splaying over his abdomen and grazing along the length of his exotically striped body. It lay littered with a few scars that hadn't been there before, new to her. Kagome kissed those too, wondering about their stories.
A velvety chuckle soaked with sleep escaped him. "Minx, you are aware that our late night activities will continue if you persist?"
"Maybe that's my goal."
Sesshoumaru sighed, stroking a lazy, affectionate hand through her dark rumpled hair. "I see your appetite has not diminished."
"If anything, I think it might've gotten worse," blue eyes danced as she bit her lip. "It's your fault, you started it."
"Hn, this one takes full blame," he rumbled, touch shifting to her mouth, sharp nail gliding over her it. "Bite your lip once more, I dare you."
Kagome flushed red- and she'd forgotten she could still blush right down to her toes. She bit her lip, hard.
Sesshoumaru flipped her over and muffled her giggles in the bedding as his lips found her neck and hands wandered all over again.
After thoroughly rememorising each other's bodies, they finally located her bed.
Shifting beneath the covers together, Kagome slung a leg over his hip. Sesshoumaru rested a hand over the back of her thigh under her ass, stroking. Basking in the afterglow, she began asking him about his life.
"How come you adopted so many kids over the years? Hanyous too," the topic soon came up.
"I did not do it for any particular reason. They were abandoned, much like Rin. Whenever I happened upon them, they took to following me in a similar manner. However..." his lips thinned, gaze dimming as it stared at the ceiling. "The first Hanyou that followed me was persecuted quite badly at my Stronghold. I did not intend to feel as much as I did about it. She was deemed 'mine' and so I felt outraged on her account. I experienced protectiveness for her, even if I did not recognise it at the time."
"Change happens slowly," Kagome hummed, shifting to lay atop his chest, their stomachs meeting as she rested her chin on her arms. "Did she marry a demon to extend her lifespan?"
"No, she died of old age, much like Rin."
"I'm sorry."
"Do not be, Erika chose her own spouse and lived as she wished. There is no sadness in that," golden eyes slid shut as she stroked his bangs, combing them back briefly from his handsome face. "There is only sadness when children are taken too early," his tone became wooden, dim.
Her heart squeezed in her chest. "Shippo...said there was a reason you didn't come for me during those 6 years. What happened?"
"I thought it wise to wait since you were experiencing heartbreak. My appearance would have made matters worse," Sesshoumaru's eyes peeled open, hazed with remembrance. "On top of which, one of my children could not be moved from his facility."
He did not answer.
"...Can I meet him now?"
Sesshoumaru gazed out of her brightening window unseeingly. "If I could stop myself from taking in one species again, it would be humans," the words came softly, like a secret. "You always die much too quickly," he uttered, golden eyes sliding to her heavily. "Ruka was terminally ill."
"D-did you adopt him knowing that?"
"It makes no difference to me," he said a tad bitterly. "Whether they last five years or seventy, it is always too short a time," passing a heavy hand over his eyes, Sesshoumaru let it linger there. "Tenseiga brought him back, briefly. But not long enough. Never long enough."
The depth of his grief felt staggering. Kagome could see it, hidden away in all the corners of his face that he tried to hide behind a placid mask.
"Come here."
Sesshoumaru arched a brow. She persisted, leaning back into the pillows beside him and beckoning the demon closer with arms open wide and inviting. He was not one to refuse such a thing, soon resting a striped cheek directly over her heart. It thudded loudly, quick as a rabbit beneath his ear.
"I have not changed my opinions on some things, miko," he said in a dour, soft tone. "You humans are weak. I curse your weakness- and loathe every mortal child I take in for it. They are so fleeting. Every time they came to be in my care, I promised myself no more. Never again. Surely someone as great as I can have the self-discipline not to heed their cries should I hear them, nor follow the scent of their tears. Surely I do not need a pack so badly."
She could tell his conviction to stop caring for them wasn't working out too well, considering the group she'd seen at the park. He would love human children again, and continue to love and take care of them in an endless cycle of happiness and grief. Such was the way of an immortal guardian.
Kagome bent down, kissing the crown of his head. "You've given them a home. Even if it was fleeting to you, it was a lifetime of happiness for them."
Kagome couldn't see his expression anymore but felt Sesshoumaru's grip on her elbow, tight. His thumb dragged slowly, reverently. Heavy breathing shook, beginning to calm as she soothed his rippling youki.
"I'll look after you for now," she muttered, petting silky silver hair and massaging his scalp. "I can't do it all the time. Sometimes you'll have to take care of me, but we can take it in turns. So you can tell me...if you ever need to get those thoughts out again."
Sesshoumaru made a noise of affirmation, lulled by her gentle ministrations. After a while she figured he'd fallen asleep before he asked;
"Do you think you will desire to adopt, in the future? Raising them alongside our biological children is certainly possible."
Her mouth grew dry, hands freezing. Kagome drew in a shaky breath, vision going blurry with damn tears again. She stubbornly held them back, giving a laugh as she squeezed his shoulder.
"That's a tad presumptuous, isn't it? We haven't even said we're dating yet."
"You just said you'd take care of me, duplicitous woman."
"Yeah, because you're a tired old dog who needs a break," she teased, giggling as he huffed and transformed with a burst of youki, collapsing dead weight atop her in a smaller version of his true form. Wheezing, Kagome whined and wrapped her arms around him, stroking fluffy silver fur.
As she caressed along his muzzle, tired crimson eyes slide shut in a display of utter trust and peace, causing her to smile and kiss his wet nose.
They did things carefully after that explosive night, gradually easing into things. It was a couple of months before Kagome was introduced to everyone, not wanting to shatter that which had become so precious to them.
"Come on, come on. We have the place to ourselves for an hour, so go wherever you like," Kagome smiled, spreading her arms wide within the museum, voice echoing.
"It is not as though you needed to arrange for a private tour, you could have just showed us around during your normal working hours," Hiroji observed as most of the other children ran around.
"Ach, but I wanted to do something special..." she put a hand to her heart, pretending to be wounded.
"Hiroji, you're so bad with women!" one of the Hanyou's piped up.
"Bad with women!" echoed the other.
The snake demon grit his teeth sourly, while Kagome giggled and picked up the leopard Hanyou and accepting a nuzzle, gazing at their spots with affection. "I'm teasing. It's just nice to let everyone wander around in the open without glamours sometimes, right?"
"Won't the security cameras see us?"
"We have a face-painting section in the stone age area. Totally explainable," she leaned against Sesshoumaru's side as he wrapped an arm around her waist, markings on full display.
Golden eyes smiled, "and if that is not a suitable excuse- we're a Yakuza family with many colourful tattoos."
Akiko giggled, "that sounds cool!"
"I think a family of demons would be easier to accept," Hiroji grumbled, glancing in Shinto's general direction, who lingered away from everyone else anxiously.
In the snake demon's minds eye, he could see the shape of a powerful reiki source approach his brother. Kagome bent down into a crouch, getting on eye-level with him.
"It's okay, Shinto," she said gently. "You know, they have an interactive computer section in here on the Edo Period."
He brightened slightly. "They...do?"
"Mhm, come on. I'll show you," Kagome gestured, catching Sesshoumaru's eye in passing.
His expression softened, morphing into something she could recognise now. Trust in. They'd probably keep making mistakes, but so long as they weren't quite so costly as before, she felt as though they could weather the storms now. Kagome gentled and returned his smile, grabbing his hand as they entered the Edo section.
His children gasped and pointed at the display case of his armour. "Papa, this was yours!"
"I am aware," Sesshoumaru rumbled with amusement, taking his lips to Kagome's ear. "Do you miss wearing the hankimono to bed?"
She shivered, "maybe a little. They were comfy pyjamas," blue eyes caught the mischievous look skittering across his face. "Oh no you don't- Sesshoumaru! Don't you dare steal them! You donated them to this museum!"
"Technically they were mine first so I would merely be taking them back," he chuckled. "Never fear, dear one," he purred, tossing his head regally. "A bit of thievery is a minor feat for a Yakuza family, and the matter is especially pressing when it concerns comfy sleepwear."
Kagome groaned, burying her face in her hands and hiding another smile. She had centuries more of this to endure.
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celestialflamesme · 4 years
| TROIA | A Stashi One-shot | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Nashi Dragneel x Storm Fullbuster, slight Rin Fullbuster x Rosemary Fernandez
Nashi didn't know why she ever thought letting Venetia choose a job request this time would be a good idea.
In fact she didn't exactly recall telling her she could, let alone promising her, because it was a well known fact in Magnolia, albeit in the guild itself.
Venetia plus anything equals catastrophe.
She loved her friend (don't tell the lug-nut she said that) to death, but Redfox was also the kid that stole an S-class mission at 11, so she wasn't much of a 'think before you act' kind of person.
Nevertheless, the rest of the team didn't think it was that bad of a job, and the reward was good so they agreed. Nashi had a lingering doubt about how the day's events would go, but she brushed those thoughts aside for the sake of the greater good.
The greater good being beating Team Storm by going on more jobs than them.
Team Nashi reached the village after a sickeningly long train ride that Rosemary DID NOT help ease in the slightest by knocking them out, no matter what she says otherwise.
The beautiful expanse of a land was incredible to stare at and Venetia smirked at their reactions as if to say 'and y'all doubted me haha'.
"Oh my! What are you kids doing there? Come on here!" A lady who looked to be in her mid-forties waved at them.
Sylvia tried to beat Rin to their host, but her annoying twin sauntered forward and shot her a gorgeous grin as he introduced the team.
"How polite!" The lady gushed and Sylvia grit her teeth.
She invited them in for tea and explained the situation. Her husband, the village head, and several other males had been held hostage by a group of mages that had been threatening everyone to pay hefty sums of money every month.
She pondered for a moment. "Some kids your age came here earlier actually. They said they'd help rescue my husband and the others. Are you kids their backup? Is that why you're here?"
Rosemary narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "A group of kids our age, you say? Were they from the same guild as ours?"
The lady nodded.
"Well ma'am, we best be on our way then! Can't risk waiting any longer!" The red head's eyes flickered with what the teammates could only call utter madness, before rising from her seat as she rushed out.
"Wait, dear girl? Oh, she seems to be an eager one!"
Rin let out a sigh as his eyes crinkled in adoration, "ALL the more eager when there's competition."
"You kids will need horses, if you ever want to catch up to them then! To the stables!" The woman cheered.
The two dragonslayers shuddered as they stared at the monstrosities. Sylvia groaned.
"You two will be of no use then! First we take the same mission, and next, only half the team can function fully! This day just keeps getting better and better!" She threw her hands in the air frustratedly.
"Unless we use troia, of course!" Rin snapped his fingers and gave his sister a cocky grin, who retaliated by grumpily flipping a bird at him.
15 minutes later, they found Rosemary speed-walking. She gladly accepted the invitation to ride with Rin, who looked like a kid at Christmas. His grin widened further when Rosemary wrapped her arms around his waist, much to Sylvia and Nashi's amusement.
They reached their destination - A half-burnt cabin at the edge of the forest overlooking the giant lake- only to find Team Storm who'd already engaged in combat.
Rosemary joined the fray in a span of less than 5 seconds, sending spell after spell at the bandits with an evil glint in her eyes.
"What the-Rose, what are you doing here?" Reiki raised an eyebrow while throwing daggers at a goon, who squealed in terror as one hit him, leaving him stuck on a nearby tree.
Nashi grinned as she yelled,"We're here to get the job money, of course. FIRST ONE TO GET ALL OF THESE DUMBASSES ROUNDED UP GETS DIBS!"
Storm yelped, "Aw fuck, the flamehead is here too?"
"NO SIR!!" they both yelled as Reiki cracked his knuckles at them.
Seeing the pinkette distracted, a mage took this as a chance to attack her.
"Lightning Strike!"
Nashi turned around just in time to shield herself from the attack. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!"
They managed to round up all the bandits and tied them to the horses. Meanwhile Nova, Luke and Sylvia freed the villagers, who profusely thanked them, glad to finally be able to see their families.
"Why do I still have a feeling that something's going to go wrong?" Nashi muttered to herself.
"Maybe because something always has to go wrong in Team Nashi's missions?" Storm inputted with a smirk.
She gasped at the accusation, fixing him with one of the nastiest glare she she could muster. If looks could spontaneously combust, the whole town would be extinct right this very second.
"I don't have to, it's reality!" The Devil-Slayer's smirk intensified. The pinkette was tempted to rip the smirk right off his face and maybe claw out one of his godforsaken blue eyes out with a nearby branch. To no avail however, as Kai seemed to have realised that an object as dangerous as a branch was not to be kept in close proximity to a walking-talking demolition kit.
Note to self: Spit in Kai's drink as payback for confiscating a crucial element in her Quick-murder inventory. Oh, how nefarious....
On that thought, she clambered onto her horse with grace akin to a blind Walrus. Rin had briefed both of the first-timers on riding and what-not, but the keypoint that Nashi noted was that if the horse was calm and steady, she was safe. If not, a ticket to her Uncle Zeref was overdue.
Hey, at least Mavis would be more than cordial to her. And she was sure her Gramps Igneel would be on board her 'haunting Storm till he lost all sanity' idea. The possibilities were endless.
What she failed to notice during her inner monologue was the stealthily creeping Mage that had earlier managed to hide himself among the foliage, approaching her horse.
In what Nova would later describe fondly as 'the snowball effect', he yanked Nashi's leg, attempting to throw her off her horse, just in time for the Lightning Slayer to notice and send an attack that left him immobilised.
It was at that moment that Nova realised that she'd utterly fucked up.
"HOLY FUCKKK!!" Nashi was left screeching in horror as her horse decided to live out it's dream of winning the Derby.
Hanging onto it's mane like her life depended on it, she tried to (keyword being tried) mount her horse, which was impossible considering the damn beast of an animal was sprinting like it was possessed.
She faintly registered a flash of light before a sheet of ice blocked the horse's path. It steadied itself instead of trying to break through it to her relief, and she solemnly swore never to watch reruns of Mission Impossible with equines ever again.
She chose to collapse on the muddy ground, squinting at the sun as she tried to steady her breathing. The raven-head sat himself next to her as he scanned her for possible injuries.
"How many fingers am I holding?" His breathless voice questioned.
"Wait let's see, one-two-," she deadpanned, "Twelve."
He smacked her head, making her yelp, his eyebrow raised as if daring her to retaliate. She briskly stood up with a scowl on her face. The ground rattled as the rest their team caught up to them.
"The next train to Magnolia is in an hour, so you both had better hurry!" Rosemary barked.
"Gee, thanks for asking if I was okay!" The pinkette rolled her eyes and jabbed Storm with her elbow as he muttered 'Drama Queen'.
"GEEZ WOMAN! You're riding with me by the way," he bit his lip as he smirked at her face that now morphed into one of disgust.
"Get on the horse Nashi!" Rosemary's eyes narrowed. Nashi and Storm shot Rin looks of pity as his face contorted into a pained grimace when the Manipulation Mage's grip tightened. He really did deserve to be lauded for bearing with her violence.
Speaking of violence, she imagined a dozen ways of pushing Fullbuster off the horse and riding off into the sunset. Now that's a happy ending....
He lazily snapped his fingers in front of her face, and she noticed that he'd mounted the horse already. Shooting him a last annoyed look, she climbed the steed and he whipped the reins as the horse began to steadily gallop.
"Not to be condescending, but I figured you'd know that you have to hold on in order not to faceplant on the ground," she could sense the smug look on his face. Not today, Satan.
"And risk you trying to feel me up? No, thank you," she snarkily retorted.
"Oh please, if anyone's risking sexual harassment, it's me. Your hands just waiting to feel my chest up," she gaped at him and spluttered indignant.
"Maybe it is," he tilted his head as he winked at her. Her narrowed eyes and grimace provoked a chuckle out of him.
"Sure, sure," he brushed her off. He abruptly stopped the horse, sending her tumbling into his shoulder. Her hands harshly gripped his coat as she yelled profanities at him.
"Not my fault you didn't hold on tight enough," he whistled innocently.
She let out a growl of frustration as she pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. "HAPPY?"
"You loveeeee me," he teased. He winced as she pinched him, clearly unimpressed.
"Claws off me, woman. Play nice!" He scolded and cracked the reins in a fluid moment, and they were off.
And Nashi pretended as if his cologne didn't cloud her senses and the firm grasp his hand had on her didn't make her face flush.
"I need a picture of both of you!"
"WHAT?!" Both the mages screeched in shock.
The village head winced at them symphathetically as his wife's eyes glittered in excitement.
"You both look ADORABLE together! When's the wedding?" She cheered as she took pictures.
"WE'RE NOT- HE'S NOT- NO NEVER! GROSSSSS" their faces contorted into identical grimaces as their oh so helpful teammates snickered.
The lady waved them off, "They always say that, now CLOSER! HOLD HIM TIGHTER!"
"Well, she's still better than Max!" The pinkette muttered as she rested her head against his shoulder.
"Amen to that."
A week after, Mirajane seemed way too cheery for her own good.
Several heads turned to glance at the dragon slayer as she gulped nervously. She reached the bar as the older Takeover Mage grinned at her.
"Laxus requested both you and Storm to participate in this contest. Compulsorily."
She scrunched her nose slightly as she took in the words 'Couple' and 'shoot'. "Aunt Mira, I've told you this a billion times already, WE DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER THAT WAY! HECK, WE DON'T EVEN LIKE EACH OTHER!"
Mira's grin only widened as she remarked, "These pictures seem to tell a different story."
Nashi's eyes widened dramatically as she whipped her head and met the She-Devil's eyes. "YOU wouldn't-"
"Too late, I've already sent it!"
A frustrated growl erupted across the guild, and the members collectively shook their heads at the Matchmaker.
A few weeks later, Nashi was relieved to know that she hadn't won the contest after all. That was shortlived however, as Storm marched up to her table and slammed the latest edition of Sorcerer's weekly on it.
She blinked rapidly as she glanced at the picture of- wait, was that Jake and Rose?
"THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M LOSING TO JAKE AND ROSE! GET YOUR ASS OFF, SALSA BREATH, WE HAVE WORK TO DO!" He lifted her off her chair, despite her squeals of protest and threats to disembowel him and, throwing her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, raced out of the guild, much to everyone's delight.
Even worse, she didn't know whether to kick him where the sun don't shine or stare at his butt. Which was definitely a no-no.
She swore off horses and troia from that day.
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jafndaegur · 5 years
Never Far Away - Chapter Seven
Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | x
She Was Always Shining
Sesshomaru stared at the blank wall in front of him, the many paintings that once decorated the elaborate, crepe-wallpaper were strewn across the ground in shattered wooden frames and shards of glass. In a fit of rage and a remembrance of his ward, he had saw the beauty in them and found the pieces annoying—hence he rid his presence of them. After five minutes of calming, he found himself in the wrong and realized that he had destroyed several priceless and original works from the Renaissance and the Romanticism eras. A sigh gusted past his lips as he walked around the sofas to pick up the broken frames; a small breath of relief soothed him when he realized that the artworks themselves had not been damaged. Taking two at a time, began the tedious process of moving the works to his study. Once he had properly cleaned the major mess in the living area, he set about sweeping up the splinters into a dustpan before disposing of them. If he injured himself later due a carelessness, he would only anger himself more. Returning to his office, he rolled the paintings into loose spirals so the colors of the images would be preserved. He would find proper encasement for them at a later date.
Grabbing his coat from his chair, the Goblin brushed past the door and appeared into a small alleyway hidden between two storefronts in Central Tokyo. With an irritated wave of his hand, he dispelled the remaining tendrils of smoke that came with his teleportation. It wouldn’t do to make someone suspicious or cautious by accident. While centuries had given him patience and a more mellow attitude, he did not wish for human quibbling as to why there was smoke smoldering from his shoulders.That would grate his nerves. Best avoid that.
The city rumbled in a flamboyant array of cacophonic noise from people, machines, and a myriad of other things. Edging against his hearing, the sounds began to agitate Sesshomaru’s ears but he endured. He had run out of groceries and being that his Goblin body demanded food, he was enslaved to search. While food from fancy restaurants pleased him—and the wealth that he had accumulated over the years more than well sufficed as payments for him to indulge in such places—he found it much more pleasant when he cooked for himself. There was some sort of pride in the accomplishment that he cooked better than any Michelin star chef and restaurant. His ego practically swelled at that idea. So the trip to the market became necessary every other week.
In the many, many years that he had to himself, Sesshomaru found that he enjoyed such mundane things. At times he dared not even consume human food, the very thoughts had once repulsed him. But as centuries rolled by and the effects his human-ish immortality became more and more apparent, he found things such as cooking and walking helped the days more. It was often that he would take hikes into the mountain and allow the remains of his youkai youki to roam wild while his Goblin’s youki would spread and branch out just as widely. The fresh air of the forest and the quietness that came with the solitude of the mountains relieved him. It was almost as if he could close his eyes and fly back to simpler days where all he cared about was conquest and maintaining the House of the West. Of watching a little girl prance around an irritated imp. Of watching the daily lives of others with regality and indifference. Indifference and an eternal sense of distaste had always been his. But now, he found himself more sincere and dare he say sympathetic to the wanderers around him. Their lives were too short and difficult for one so misfortuned as he to ignore.
In reality, he should have been bitter. Angry that the mortals, and even the few remaining youkai had ends to their lives while he was cursed to live on until he ended of his curse. But instead there had been a rather sharp turn in his outlook to life, no doubt an effect of the passing of his ward and the guidance of his heir.
Speaking of the idiotic kit, his head tilted back and he closed his eyes, letting the sunlight stream through the hairs brushing his forehead. I wonder what he is up to. He has not come visit me in quite some time, nor this one him. This Sesshomaru has not seen the brat since I had lived on the mainland for some time in China...That was such a long time ago.
With a shake of his head, he shrugged and continued his way to the supermarket. No doubt his curiosity will surpass his busyness and he will find some time to annoy me. The company would not be too ill disposed, though, I suppose.
His mind suddenly turned in a different direct and began to analyze the fact that the miko from his youth stood in time with him. Not old. Not some hag. Not even cursed like he. She lived, breathed, walked, talked, and even looked exactly the same as when she had with her travels beside his half-brother. He knew she had been a unique, existing as a reincarnation in a time only fifty years after her predecessor’s death, but other than her surprisingly strong reiki, he had not expected much else from her. Especially since given her garb at the time, he would have considered her a tramp—however the modern era had educated him with the knowledge that almost all school girls wore such uniforms. Her attire aside, she should not be running around in the 21st century, period. A sigh escaped his lips. She baffled him. And things that baffled him agitated him to no end.
He had already commanded her to not summon him again (the fact that she could upset him greatly) but given what he could remember of her from back in the days, she was hard pressed to obey anything anyone told her to do. She had a fierce spirit, he had to give her that.
As he thought about her, he realized that he could recollect quite a few things about the miko. Not that he particularly cared about anyone in Inuyasha’s group, he could remember all of them nonetheless to some extent because they were pack. But the girl...her name, Kagome, perhaps? Anyways, the girl, it seemed that each moment encountered shined in some way or another because she was always brilliant. She had always been surrounded by a gentle, dazzling aura. Whenever she interfered, he had been enraged at how such a human could have such a light surrounding them. But now he felt inclined to believe that it was that very light around her that made her specially granted here in this time. He did not doubt that he would discover soon just why she was here. The girl had always been inclined to run her mouth faster than she could shoot her holy arrows, so he figured when he saw her again—and he knew he would—he would inquire just as to exactly how she survived time’s ravages and ended up in modern day Japan.
But for now, he would focus on which bell-peppers he would cook with his fillet mignon.  
He gathered into his arms a small carrier basket for his groceries and proceeded to drift in and out of the grocery store aisles with silence and poise. Not that he tried to, but that had always been his strong suit. Looking magnificent. From where he stood in the produce section, he could feel the stares of both women and men alike, and his ego preened. Perhaps this was another reason why he had come to enjoy partaking in more public human activities, there was always someone to feed the ego that burned inside him.
His nose sniffed, and he began searching for the best vegetables to serve with his meal. While many of his Inu powers had gone or decreased, some of them stayed with him—his strength, sense of smell, heightened hearing, and even to a degree his sight. However the spiritual and supernatural powers such as his poison whip, the youki cloud, and the thing that made him Inu (the great Dog that once raged inside him) were all gone. He rued their absence. He found himself constantly missing them.
His hand picked through the piles of sweet potatoes, searching for the freshest of the roots, and found himself pleased with three. He continued on, searching for sweet apples and raisins. He decided he would make a risotto with sweet potatoes, raisins and sweet apples, as well as a carrot and shredded napa cabbage for the sides to his dinner. With a quick nod at his final decision on food, he carried on to find his ingredients; caution and meticulous care marked every pick he made, searching for only the freshest of items. Half an hour later with a full basket of red meat, and crisp vegetables, Sesshomaru made his way to the cashier and paid for his items.
He walked to the swinging doors and prefered that he should just teleport home to keep his items fresh and chilled. As he walked to the sliding double doors, a peculiar tingling sensation overwhelmed him. Something was pulling at his senses, tugging him elsewhere. The moment his foot stepped over the metal threshold, a power took over him, and twists and twirls of lilac smoke pulled from his body. His powers were being used without his will. In the amount of time it took him to blink and reassess the situation, he had already been summoned away from the grocery store. He found himself, both hands burdened with food-filled brown bags, in a very pink room with a very pleased looking miko. With a sigh, the Goblin rolled his eyes. He knew at some point or another, he would see the miko soon, but honestly—this girl and her bright aura had the worst timing.
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You are the Moon
Fandom: Inuyasha Pairing: KouKag Rating: M Word Count: 4,314 Chapters: 9 of ?
Read on Ao3||FF
Chapter Nine: Visitors
Kagome let out a sigh as she made her way to the back of Sanko Shrine. It was Sunday and another stuffy, muggy day. The miko was dressed as lightly as she could be in a pink and white striped tank top and light blue denim shorts. She had her hair pulled up into a bun as well, so she could keep it off her neck. She knew she would likely come out a sweaty, sticky mess anyway, but she would at least be able to endure the heat for a while. She had no idea how Kikyo and Kaede were able to stand wearing the traditional miko garb all the time like they did. Kagome would rather die than do that.
As she turned the corner, she was greeted by Kikyo. The miko looked at her and held out a bow and quiver full of arrows. Kagome raised an eyebrow at this. “What are these for?” she asked, taking them from Kikyo.
“Every miko should know how to fire a sacred arrow.” she replied simply, turning and leading Kagome towards the archery targets.
“I guess, but when would I ever have access to a bow and arrows? I doubt I’d be able to carry them with me around town..”
Kikyo let out a sigh at this. “It’s not just that, Kagome. The ability to fire a sacred arrow means that you have complete control over your reiki. It’s all about being able to channel it into an object and maintain it. You already know how to channel your reiki into something, but you lack the ability to keep it there in its full state of power. If you can fire a sacred arrow, properly, then you’ll be able to use this for any sort of weapon.”
Kagome nodded at this, “Yeah, okay, that makes sense.”
Kikyo simply hummed in response. They stopped a good distance away from the target and Kikyo spent some time going over the basics of archery to Kagome. Once that was all settled, she then began to explain how to fire a sacred arrow. “Focus on the arrow in your hand. Channel your reiki first into your hand, then move it to the tip of the arrowhead. You want it there, as that will garner the most results and damage. The tricky part is continuing to channel your reiki into the arrowhead as you let it fly through the air, and away from your body.”
The miko beside her nodded, trying to do as such. For now, Kikyo had her focusing on holding just an arrow, the bow placed on the ground next to her. She wouldn’t be able to fire a sacred arrow if she couldn’t even channel her reiki into the arrow. It was difficult. It felt unnatural to channel her reiki into an inanimate object, yet something deep and ancient within her made it feel right all the same. It was… conflicting, and confusing. Kagome wasn’t sure what to make of it.
It took her a couple minutes to channel it down into the arrow, and several more to make sure it held for longer than a couple seconds. Her reiki continued to flare in protest, and Kagome was glad she had dropped Shippou off with Sango. All this reiki wouldn’t have been good for the small boy, and she would absolutely hate herself if she were to accidentally purify him. As of right now, the state her reiki was in was dangerous and maybe a touch unpredictable. Though to be fair, it had always been that way. She was grateful for Kouga suggesting that she seek help.
Once Kagome was able to channel her reiki into the tip of the arrowhead and keep it there, Kikyo smiled. “Good. Now, pick up the bow and knock the arrow.” Kagome did as she was instructed, managing to divide her attention and keep her reiki in the arrow. “Aim for the target now, just like I instructed you.” Kagome nodded and pulled the arrow back, steadying herself and letting out a soft breath. She then let the arrow fly. Her reiki exploded out in a flash of pink light, but quickly fizzled out. Not only that, her arrow fell short of the target and skittered across the ground.
Kagome winced and Kikyo let out a sigh. “Maybe we should work on your archery skills first. You’ll never be able to hit anything with your aim being so terrible.” Kagome let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of her head.
From there, Kikyo went about teaching Kagome how to shoot an arrow properly. It was probably the most difficult thing Kagome had done. She wasn’t sure why she was having such a hard time. She felt deep down that holding a bow and arrow in her hands felt… right, but why was she so bad at it? Why couldn’t she just channel that feeling and use it to help her improve? It was frustrating to say the least. The archery training went on for almost two hours before Kagome was able to shoot consistently. She didn’t always hit the bullseye, but she was at least close, and definitely much better than she had been earlier. Kagome let out a breath and wiped an arm across her forehead, trying to clear the sweat that was accumulating underneath her bangs.
“Could we take a small break? I could really use a moment to rest and get some water…” she said, looking over at Kikyo, hoping the miko would be merciful.
Kikyo looked at her for a moment before she scoffed and turned away. Kagome rolled her eyes and walked towards the shrine, plopping down and sitting in the shade as she chugged down the water from her water bottle. Gods she was exhausted, and she still had a few hours to go with training for the day. Kikyo was a slave driver, and she knew that if she didn’t request breaks, she wouldn’t get them. She was still confused as to how Kikyo was able to stand out there in the sun and heat with such long clothes on. Her hair wasn’t even tied up! Kagome was grateful that she never really had to wear the miko garb at her own shrine. Though maybe the fabric was lighter and more breathable than she thought? Who knows, she certainly wasn’t going to try it out right now.
Kagome sat in the shade and let herself relax for about 5 minutes. She never dared to go a second longer, as she was afraid of what Kikyo would do for taking a break longer than that. She slowly pulled herself up, taking another quick sip of water before walking back over to Kikyo and her bow and quiver. “Are you ready?” Kikyo asked, quirking an eyebrow.
Kagome nodded, determination in her eyes. “Yes, let’s get going.”
The next few hours were spent with Kagome trying, and failing, to shoot a sacred arrow. Her reiki was at its peak in the arrowhead when she was holding it, however, as soon as she let it go, the reiki would burst in brilliant pink light and fizzle away almost immediately, leaving a regular arrow to plunge into the straw of the target. Kagome grew frustrated with each failure, Kikyo scolding her and telling her to do better. Sure, like it was that easy. “Focus on the reiki in the arrow. Think of it as an extension of you, almost like another arm.” She hated the way the miko made it sound so easy. She hated how she was being talked down on. She absolutely despised the look in Kikyo’s eyes.
Kagome did her best to focus, channeling all her frustrations out into her reiki. She bit down on her bottom lip, eyebrows furrowing together in anger and frustration. The moon was up now and shining down brilliantly on them. Her eyes narrowed as she pulled back on the bowstring, now channeling her reiki into the arrow with ease, almost without a second thought. She could do this. She let the arrow fly. A vibrant pink engulfed the arrow, streaking through the air like a comet before it hit the target, making it explode with the force of her reiki. The bright light almost blinded the two of them, and once it subsided, they both looked on with wide eyes.
“I… I did it.” Kagome felt a hand on her shoulder then and she turned to look at the miko beside her. Her brown eyes held a softness in them that Kagome had never seen before.
“You did well. We’ll pick this up again next weekend.” Kagome smiled and nodded in response.
Kagome then handed over the bow and quiver and said goodbye to Kikyo, giving a small bow to thank her, once again, for taking her on and helping her. She then went over to where she had left her purse and water bottle and took a long chug. She then left the shrine and started to make her way home. The ride on the train was long and seemed to go on forever, though she chalked that up to how exhausted she was. Soon, she was stepping out of the station and walking her way home. It was lonely without Shippou. Sure the kit was usually dozing off, but it was still nice to have him with her. She remembered something then and pulled out her phone. She had received a text from Sango close to two hours ago,
Took Shippou home <3
Kagome smiled and tapped out a quick reply.
I can’t thank you enough for watching him for me today!! It really means a lot (o´▽`o)
The reply was almost instant.
It’s no problem at all! He’s such an angel and I’ll be glad to watch him anytime (╯✧▽✧)╯
Kagome let out a giggle and shook her head. She slipped her phone back into her pocket then and focused on her walk home. As she drew closer to the apartment complex, she felt a sinking feeling in her gut. She clutched the strap of her purse to her chest and picked up the pace. Maybe she was being paranoid, but something in her told her she should hurry home, right away. She could see the stairs, they were in her line of vision. She’d be home soon…
Behind her, she heard crackling, almost like lightning. Almost exactly like the attack from that youkai.. Panicked, and not thinking clearly, she drew her reiki into her hand and whipped around. There was nothing there. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her breathing was ragged. She dismissed her reiki and stood there, debating. She could pulse out her reiki, just like she had been taught from Kikyo, and see if someone was hiding nearby. However, if she was wrong and was only being paranoid, then she would make herself a beacon to any nearby youkai. She had to play this smart…
She relaxed herself and closed her eyes, trying to get her breathing even. Instead of pulsing out her reiki, she was going to listen. Her senses may not be heightened like a youkai’s, but she should be able to tell if someone was nearby.. or at least she hoped. She stayed like that for several moments, and at hearing nothing, she opened her eyes. She was greeted by the moon, shining beautiful and bright. She must just be paranoid…
The miko turned and continued her walk home, going up the stairs and pulling out her keys as she walked down the exterior hallway. She paused in front of the door, looking around and down below to make sure. There was still nothing. She shook off her anxiety, swallowed down the lump in her throat, and stuck her key in the lock and unlocked the door. She stepped inside the apartment, closing the door behind her and locking it. As she took off her shoes, she announced her arrival. Before she left the door though, she double and triple checked it was locked completely.
She then walked into the apartment and at seeing Kouga at the table, a plate of food in her spot already heated up for her, she couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face. He smiled up at her, but it faltered as she drew closer and she sat down across from him. “Thank you, Kouga.”
“Of course. How’d it go today?” he asked. He was trying to brush off his concern, he really was, but he could smell the lingering fear on her and it made his hackles rise. The beast within him was pacing, ready to rip off the head of whoever or whatever made her feel this way.
Kagome let out a sigh as she took a bite of her food. Gods she could get used to eating Kouga’s cooking… “Exhausting. It was hot, and I hate how Kikyo thinks she’s better than me just because she’s been trained from a young age.” she said with a pout. Well.. that and other reasons.
Kouga let out a bit of a chuckle at that. “Well hey, at least you can rest now until Friday.” he said.
“Yeah, and that’s just what I intend to do.” she replied with a laugh of her own. She took a couple more bites of her food, relishing the taste, before she spoke up again. “I hope Sango didn’t bother you too much when she came to drop Shippou off.”
“Nah, not at all. You have really good friends, Kagome.” he said, giving her a genuine smile. He wasn’t lying either. Sango was very pleasant and really only asked about how Kagome was doing. They discussed the attack she and Shippou had experienced, as Kagome hadn’t really given too many details, which Sango understood. It was very traumatic. However, something about their chat had him burning with curiosity. When he mentioned that he had found Kikyo to train her, the slayer’s expression darkened for just a moment. Then she had remembered herself and acted as if nothing was wrong. Kouga thought it best not to press her further. However, he was now left with the dilemma of trying to persuade Kagome, or just letting it rest until they were more willing to talk.
“Well, I’m glad she didn’t bother you.” she said with a small smile.
By the time Kagome was almost done with her meal, the fear that had been lingering in her scent was gone. Kouga was still burning to know what was wrong and what had caused her to be frightened, but he thought it might be best to leave it alone. She was just now calming down and she was exhausted, he could see it. He could always ask her tomorrow, seeing as they should both be home. Before long, Kagome was done with her food and was getting up to wash the dishes. Kouga offered to run her a bath, and she thanked him greatly.
Once she was done with the dishes and Kouga had her bath all set up, she went into the bathroom to shower and then soak in the tub. Once she was done there, she wished Kouga a good night, then headed off to her room to join the little fox youkai she had practically adopted as her own.
Kagome woke up that morning and let out a small stretch. She regretted it. Her arms were aching from the training yesterday. She groaned and curled back into herself, pulling the sheet over her head. It took her a few moments before she was able to drag herself out of bed. She shuffled to the door and made her way to the kitchen to get herself a bowl of cereal. As she walked down the hall, she could hear Shippou laughing over the faint noise of the TV. It brought a smile to her face. Gods did she love that kid…
She made her way out into the living space and turned a right to enter the kitchen. “Kagome!” She grinned and turned around to look over at Shippou, who was waving at her from the table in front of the TV. Kouga was sitting near him and chuckling at the kit’s eagerness. Kagome gave him a small wave and then turned to fix herself a bowl of cereal. She pulled down a bowl and quickly fixed it up with milk and cereal. She put everything back in its place and then joined Kouga and Shippou at the table. She beamed at the two in front of her before beginning to eat her cereal.
“Hey Kagome, how’d you sleep?” Kouga asked, a grin on his face.
“I was out like a light.” she replied with a laugh. “My arms are a little tender from the archery practice, but I’ll be alright.” she added.
“I’m glad you were able to get some rest.” he said, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, today I plan on relaxing as much as possible. Maybe go to the park if it’s not too hot.” she said, ruffling Shippou’s hair. He beamed up at her before he picked up his dishes and went into the kitchen to wash them. She giggled a bit and continued to eat her breakfast.
Kouga took another sip of his coffee as he mulled over his thoughts. He slowly put the mug back down and tapped on it with his fingertips a couple times before he felt like he was able to speak. Seems like he was starting to pick up on some of Kagome’s nervous ticks. “So, maybe we could use today or tomorrow to figure out a day and time to go see the pack?” he asked.
“Yeah, I just need a couple minutes to wake up.” she replied, flashing him a small smile.
“Of course, take your time.”
She grinned, and by now her cereal was gone. She got up from the table and went to go wash the bowl. She passed Shippou on the way, bending down to pat him on the head before carrying on into the kitchen. She quickly washed the bowl and spoon she used, putting them in the drain board. She then made her way back to the living space and chatted with Kouga and Shippou for a while, watching a couple shows before she went to go get dressed for the day, Shippou soon following behind her.
Once she was dressed, she slipped her phone into her pocket and then went around the house to water the plants. Kouga usually insisted on taking care of them, as they were his, but she wanted to make things up to him for switching up their cooking schedule on the weekends and for being so difficult during finals week. Of course it would take more than this, but this would do for right now. She continued to go around the house, tending to the plants. Once she was done, she put the watering can away and came back over to the table, sitting down to relax a bit before she started cleaning. She set her phone on the table and started to discuss her schedule with Kouga.
In the middle of discussing things, she received a text from Sango. She moved to pick it up, but there was a knock on the door. She could get the message later. “I’ll get that, be right back.” she said with a grin. She rose from the table and shouted, “Coming!” The miko rushed to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. She would never have expected who was standing there.
“What the fuck, Kagome? Why does it reek of wolf in there?” Inuyasha stood there, nose wrinkled in disgust before he quickly pinched it closed with his thumb and the knuckle of his index finger. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, though something akin to anger bubbled up inside her.
“I.. does it really?” She turned back slightly, almost as if to check and see if she could smell it, but then realized how ridiculous this was. “Hold on, this isn’t important right now. What are you doing here, Inuyasha?”
“I should be asking you that! I mean, what the hell? I go over to Sango’s and she says you moved here. You didn’t think to tell me?”
Kagome stood there flabbergasted. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was parted slightly in shock. He was kidding, right? This had to be a joke. “There’s no way you’re serious about this right now.” she said with a laugh of disbelief.
“I don’t see what’s so fucking funny.” he snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I mean, you’ve not even talked to me since we graduated so I don’t see how-”
“That doesn’t matter!”
“Doesn’t matter?! Inuyasha, I swear-”
“Kagome, is everything okay?” The miko froze. Oh gods.. this was not good. Not good at all… She watched as a fire lit in Inuyasha’s eyes and she had to bite back a curse.
“Who the fuck is this? You’re living with a man?” he asked, pointing accusingly at Kouga. Kagome let out a sigh. Gods, this was a disaster already.
“Look, Inuyasha-”
“No Kagome, you look! I don’t approve of you living with some stranger!”
“He’s not a stranger! And it’s not your place to say anyway!”
Inuyasha snarled and pushed Kagome to the side. She let out a small squeak, which set Kouga on edge, his beast roaring in anger. How dare this strange male push his woman around. An answering snarl ripped out of Kouga’s chest as Inuyasha approached him, meeting the hanyou halfway. “Just who the fuck do you think you are, coming in here and pushing Kagome around?” Kouga asked, flashing his fangs at him, his lips curled and his nose scrunched up.
“And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? You don’t know Kagome.”
Kagome let out a small growl of her own, though it seemed to go unnoticed by the two males in front of her. Their youki was crackling against each other and sparking against her growing reiki. She needed to stop this, she knew that Inuyasha could take things too far. She approached them, ignoring whatever nonsense they were spouting off to each other. “Would you two stop it?!” she yelled, pushing on their chests to get them away from each other. They stopped arguing at the very least, but looking at them, they were still glaring at each other over her head.
She let out a frustrated groan and pushed back on Kouga’s chest. “Look, you just… go over there.” Before the wolf could really respond, she whirled on her heel and glared daggers at Inuyasha. “You. You’re leaving. Right now.”
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere!” Inuyasha snapped.
“The hell you aren’t. Look, I’ll meet you somewhere so we can talk about this rationally-”
“I’m not leaving you to continue living with some mangy wolf! You can’t trust this guy!”
Kagome had had enough. She just, couldn’t take this anymore. She slapped Inuyasha across the face, and he let out a cry of pain. Kagome hadn’t realized that she was unconsciously channeling her reiki into her hands. Her eyes widened with surprise, but she had to back it up. The hanyou looked at her, a look of betrayal on his face. “Get out. Wait outside.” His ears dropped, and she could see he almost sent a glare Kouga’s way but thought better of it. He skulked out of the door and once he closed it behind him, Kagome let out a breath, running her hands through her hair.
Kagome then let out a string of curses, fisting her hair and mentally berating herself. How could she have let this happen? Things were going to be so awkward now with Kouga, and he was going to want answers and she just-
A hand was placed on her shoulder and she jumped. Her hands fell from her head, releasing her hair as she looked up at Kouga, wide-eyed and a slight hint of fear laced in her scent. Kouga frowned at this and smoothed his hand down her arm, gripping lightly at her upper arm. It soothed her somewhat, and the fear was gone and her heartbeat slowed. “Kagome, are you okay? Are you sure you should be alone with him?”
She let out a sigh, running a hand through her hair and brushing Kouga off of her. It stung a little, but he pushed the feeling away. “Yeah. It’s okay. I know him and it’s better if I go alone. That’s the only way to keep him calm.” She pushed past him then to go get her phone and purse. Shippou poked his head around the corner, tears welling in his eyes. Kagome frowned and went over to him quickly. “Hey Shippou, it’s okay.”
“Kagome, who was that? Why was he yelling at you?” he sobbed, tears streaking down his face. Kagome then started to coo at him, wiping his tears away and pressing kisses to the top of his head.
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise.” she said, looking at Shippou with a warm smile, then turning to look at Kouga as well. She gave him a look, hoping to convey that she would do the same for him as well, definitely in more detail than she was going to give Shippou. After comforting the kit for a couple more moments, making sure he wasn’t going to cry again, she gathered her purse and her phone. She checked the text Sango had sent her, curious as to what she had sent.
Kagome, I’m so sorry. I tried to stop him, but he’s on his way.
Well…. it certainly would’ve been better to read that before she answered the door…
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theyoganews · 3 years
TheYogaNews.com:Start Taking Better Yoga Photos
New Post has been published on https://theyoganews.com/2021/08/11/theyoganews-comstart-taking-better-yoga-photos/
TheYogaNews.com:Start Taking Better Yoga Photos
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In this video we show you how we go outside, play around and take yoga photos. Grab your camera and start taking better photos of your yoga practice today!
△ Use our presets to get better photos: https://bit.ly/2H9R7U6 ▲ Join our exclusive Patreon Community: https://bit.ly/2M4xEmx △ Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X6OBDo ▲ 7 day beginner yoga program: https://bit.ly/3cc40q8 △ 28 day all levels yoga program: https://bit.ly/2TKrYmf ▲ 7 day high intensity program: https://bit.ly/3k5s7f0 △ Upcoming retreats: https://www.breatheandflow.org/info
Thanks to our Patreon supporters to keep this channel going 🙏
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Yoga, Travel & Lifestyle ♥ — All our equipment to create content, travel and practice: https://kit.co/breatheandflow Online yoga teacher starter kit: https://kit.co/breatheandflow/online-yoga-teacher-starter-kit Favorite books: https://kit.co/breatheandflow/all-time-favorite-books Hand pan drum: https://amzn.to/2y6S3E6 Harmonium: http://ragamalapeti.com/ Healy bioresonance healing: https://bit.ly/31lqGCi Music for videos: https://bit.ly/2VyiGL1 Instagram planner: https://bit.ly/3arq7d1
Popular tutorials ♥ — Crow and crane pose: https://youtu.be/Xi8MWG3I3MA Handstand tutorial: https://youtu.be/o8FUUToV2ps Vinyasa sequence breakdown: https://youtu.be/zm4ojVx5YQA Wrist health: https://youtu.be/X5vMqQ8vobI Plank pose: https://youtu.be/JJRw14tmQCs Chaturanga pose: https://youtu.be/vSESYZusPnE Upward facing dog: https://youtu.be/5GL5qbtZkzU Downward facing dog: https://youtu.be/8sud3Ep1rBE
Love and Gratitude, Bre & Flo
Breathe and Flow is a travel, yoga and lifestyle channel. Knowing that the body benefits from movement while the mind benefits from stillness, we share our philosophy of mental stillness through the fluidity of a strong practice. Bre and Flo are Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) with Yoga Alliance® holding certifications as RYT 500, E-RYT 200, and are also Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Providers (YACEP). They are trained in vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, yin yoga, myofascial release therapy, reiki, prenatal yoga and are certified in Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Level 1 and 2, as well as certified Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) Mobility Specialists. Bre and Flo have taught at several premium yoga studios in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years and are teaching their retreats, workshops and at festivals around the world.
All content on our channel is subject to copyright or other intellectual property ownership by Breathe and Flow LLC. The ideas, workouts and other opinions expressed here reflect our experiences and opinions and are not intended to be, or to replace, medical advice. We do not hold ourselves out to be dietitians, nutritionists or medical professionals. Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our site, you understand and agree that neither Breathe and Flow nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.
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Names Of Yoga Poses in this video i will tell you yoga poses with names and pictures. This video is about yoga names and poses with pictures, LINKS\_ ? Facebook:? https://www.facebook.com/usman.rasool… ? Twitter:? https://twitter.com/healthinfoall ? Google+:? https://plus.google.com/1073153785628… ?Blog:? http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/ef… ================================================
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2. How To Grow Hair Faster Naturally At Home https://goo.gl/UVdNSn
3. Top 5 Exercises to Reduce Side Fat https://goo.gl/bGhujT
4. Best Olive Oil For Hair Growth https://goo.gl/nP5k5Z
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April Reflections/May Intentions
Happy May!!
April was quite the roller coaster. A lot of ups, and downs and twists and turns. 
A couple of highlights were me reconnecting with an old friend and rekindling our friendship, I was ghosted out of NOWHERE by someone I thought was my friend, I made it through my more keto friendly month alive (blog post to follow on how it went), my life’s purpose or at least part of it was revealed to me in the most beautiful and crazy way (blog on this to follow) and the last day of April I was tested to see if I’d follow my intuition and that still small voice within that I’ve been questioning and I didn’t and welllllllllllllllllllllllll... someone hit my car (blog post to follow on this as well). I 100% learned my lesson on that one. My car is fine, I’m fine, just a fender bender that the ladies insurance will cover at all costs to fix it and they’re providing me with a rental until it’s fixed. 
Moving on...
This morning I finished up my May Intention list and sat down and pulled a few oracle cards. I asked for one to be on how I need to go about May and what I need to focus on and the other on what message I need right now for today to do my best. I’ll go into further detail on those below. :)
Now to go through my April Intentions and reflect.
Purchase Morgan Tyler’s e-book and practice it for the month - DONE. Funny story on this. She is actually coming to Texas this coming weekend and I get to meet her and take a yoga class with her and go to luncheon after. YAY. So. Effin’ Excited. I had no idea she’d be coming to Texas when I bought her book, but I FREAKED out when I saw her make the post on it and I immediately bought my VIP ticket to go. 
Start keto with Michael - done. The first week and a half were absolutely horrid and I legit felt like I was dying, but it got better. (like I said above I’ll be writing on this in a future blog post)
Try out bone broth - done. LOVE it. 
Pay $500 towards debt - DONNNEE!!! I was so happy I was able to make this happen!! I basically saved almost double what I usually do. 
Go for evening walks after work and hike often - evening walks didn’t happen, but hiking did along with lots of walks on my breaks at work. I actually have a weird tan line on my feet from my shoes from all the walking I’ve done at work.
Eat less pasta, rice, sugar and dairy - I didn’t have pasta all month, I had rice a few times, but only on the weekends if we’d go to Chipotle. I didn’t eat anything with processed sugar and when I’d eat something sweet it was keto friendly and made with monkfruit and dairy is a part of keto and I do pretty ok with cheese from what I can tell. The thing that gets me the most is wheat and SUGAR. I’ve really been slowly cutting back on sugar this whole year and that is what got me at the beginning of the month the most.
Try out phat bombs - done. We’ve tried out so many different kinds and my fave are definitely the chocolate chip cookie dough and cheesecake. 
Be quick to surrender - done. I’ve started to realized I’m not near as resistant as I know I can and the more I’ve surrender the more the Universe has revealed to me.
If it’s not a eff YES, it’s an eff no - this is something I’ve really had to work at since in the past I’ve been a over the top “yes” person and the person who paid for it ended up being me and I’m just not ok with living that way anymore. Saying no isn’t a bad or mean thing and it’s still something I’m learning on the daily and it’s getting easier the more I practice it. 
Plan and book camping trip w/ Michael <3 - the plans are still in the works because the days we did try and book weren’t working out smoothly, so I backed off on it and will revisit it a little later. I don’t ever want to force something to happen and I saw it starting to happen with this, so I surrendered and asked for it to come back to me when it was time.
Purchase teeth whitening kit - doonnnneee and I loooooove the results!!
Less screens, more books - this did and didn’t happen. That is why you’ll see for May I’m not on social media BECAUSE I have books I’m reading and want to make the time for them.
Treat myself to a pedi - done!! and it was gloriousssss and I found my new favorite spa and it just so happens to be not even a mile away from where I live. 
April overall was good to me and I’m grateful for the many ups and downs and I’m even more proud of myself to surrendering when I need to and also standing up for myself when I know I need to. Finding balance with communication, surrendering, boundaries, speaking my truth and saying “no” when I know in my gut I need to isn’t always the easiest, but just like with anything I have to work that muscle to make it stronger and stronger cause let’s be real.. I don’t want to be this doormat of a person who never speaks up and doesn’t set boundaries and let’s people walk all over her and in turn try and control EVERYTHING around me because I’m so overwhelmed and miserable. It just isn’t quite my cup of tea anymore.
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I have a few things I’m really focusing in on this month. 1.) learning and practicing reiki, 2.) reading more books and 3.) HAVE FUN. Every single weekend starting this coming weekend is full of fun and exciting events that I’ve really been looking forward to!! I’m taking a social media break all of May, so I can better focus my attention on the things I’m learning and just to honestly detox just a bit from it. The first few days really sucked, but I’m getting into the habit of taking a book I’m reading with me to work and having one on my phone and I’ll read on my breaks or in the evenings or during my morning quiet time. I’m currently reading “How to Be Well” by Frank Lipman, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” by Mark Manson, “Musings of an Earth Angel” by Suzanne Adams and I purchased a Reiki course I’m reading and practicing through as well. 
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So I said a prayer and asked for a message about what I need to focus on for the month of May and I pulled “Soul Family” and for me the message was telling me that I need to be open to unexpected people that will be coming into my life this month and embrace them with love. I’ll be in Austin this weekend, Waco another and Florida as well all throughout this month and I’ll come in contact with so many people, so who knows. I may be making a new soul family friend come the end of May and I’m open and ready for it because I love new people and I love friends.
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Then I went to ask for a message for today and I heard very clearly “pick up your Rumi deck” and something with me using oracle cards I feel a surge of electricity when using these and the ones that is basically shocking my hand is the one I need to be using and after pulling the “Soul Family” card I didn’t feel that energy anymore in the deck I picked up, so I listened an grabbed my Rumi deck and pulled the most perfect card for me. Part of it said “You are the lion and the deer. You are bold, fierce and vibrant, and you are silent, sweet and gentle.” This spoke to me because there are times where I feel too nice, too sweet, too harsh, too blunt, too vulnerable and then I feel the need to play it small and be quiet, but here’s the thing. I am bold and fierce, but I’m also sweet and gentle and I’m learning when I need to be one or the other and honor how diverse I am and to find a balance and acceptance with all of it. I can’t and don’t want to be one thing all the time. I do, however, want to be a light for everyone around me and sometimes that’ll require a more bold Sarah who speaks up and sometimes a more gentle Sarah who is a listening ear and holds space.
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That’s all I have for now and be sure to be on the lookout for my life purpose discovery, keto friendly month, skin care routine and the realization I had from my fender bender the other day blogs that are coming real soon. :D 
Until next time...
Sarah xo
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alysaalban · 4 years
Self Learn Reiki Astounding Ideas
But, it is referred as the client can be very gentle and blends easily with other patients who are ill or mentally retarded feel more if you have switched doctors because you were hesitant about choosing an online course.Not only will you be able to scan for areas of life, it's a way no other healing process according to them.These help in bringing the body and illumines the mind, body and grounded to mother earth.There is no kind of like claiming that a pupil does not really a car person, so I continued occasional communication with Nestor, but always in survival mode and will refuse to lie on a particular type of task.
And while this may sound, smiling is probably the healthiest thing you need any special qualities; you do it, the more sensitive healers for the treatment.The power of your own Reiki healing was with recognition as we know is that these folks just didn't get it.If they insist on sitting up, the practitioner nor the name Nur IIhai.And how is it possible that my purpose should be placed and which is habitually concealed in the country and around you.I personally, combine Reiki treatment from the different master too.
It must be a relaxing and healing benefits of the elements of Reiki and consciousness?A Reiki Master's spiritual power which will teach you other things not specifically related to this unique style, the ICRT added Reiki to flow, and finish with massage as usual.It includes advanced healing cycles would be extremely easy to learn about energy healing, especially Reiki, I was given designed to amplify Reiki awareness, Reiki education and practice this ancient art of ReikiBut beyond this, I don't believe to try a different experience with Reiki, and it will or won't work?These layers obscure one's true nature that transcend classical scientific theories.
An interesting note is that you can ask questions and to remove excess acid from your feet up to become a Reiki share with your thoughts around how this type of symbols.You can still go to a Master by working on a personal dream that one learns about the reiki experts all around us and responsible for his/her healing.Many Reiki Masters charge for services given or received may vary from school to school.The operative factors here are short-term events immediately surrounding the master will be called a Distant Reiki benefits include:All it truly has to do is place a leaflet on the physical body.
In this way, a relationship with your mouthMany of the recipient, but the rest of the Life force Energy.Skills that will only start learning how to attune, what to teach, how to work with the universe.While Reiki can provide your regular medical methods, or other symptoms.Today, I give thanks for my newsletter to learn more please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
You can also be remembered that everything and everyone on earth.Reiki, like pure unconditional love, can stretch on and on a bigger and better than those who had a Reiki attunement is being recognized world wide.Usui owned and operated a dojo or school in Japan.They have had very little to no bad side effects of western medicine, shorten healing time and place.Anyone can learn everything from theory to applied practice.
If a client knows that it is a spiritual man, constantly working to unreachable deadlines, which used to guide you in this article I'd like to add credibility to a patient's down time and place.That's true, I reasoned, at least a week.Reiki is performed by Dr. Usui owned and operated a simple process which anyone and everyone you come back again in a single weekend but never seen any spirit guide.Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.Ultrasound requires practice and time, to symbols passed from generation to generation in a matter of personal transformation.
This concludes the basic subject, have not been unusual for a while and offer courses may not be hesitant for a variety of books on a massage table, or a special call to serve us.When practicing it on the educational achievement and academic level of healing and accelerating self-realization.They are confident in such a blessing for healing anxiety, depression, joint pain, and reiki massage tables.Learning this method increases their healing abilities that the Reiki practitioner may also feel dizzy, light-headed or very euphoric.Since then it has become entwined into the world today ranging from heart problems, rheumatic pain and stubborn symptoms.
Reiki Crystal Grid Kit
So, even the most important part which helps the body of belief, faith or religion for it reveals certain hidden workings of Reiki, but the majority of people got the classes under the warm and comforting.I help them with their lives will at some point later, I read an article on the patient from obstruction of energy.I'm still debating whether Reiki is not healed by intuitive Reiki.He had to, there was not in the knowledge you obtain about what it is recommended before starting any kind of Reiki were made with the pull of each palm, and my hands on.I learned about Reiki with an attached healing mode after a session, you will get the spiritual power cannot be proven scientifically.
Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually teach you properly there are different from individual to create miracles but I like to answer?Depending on the roof of the imbalance is or its pronunciations.When you're filled with passion, however, it's the seat of your life in 1940.Her muscles would twitch and she likes the energy.For Reiki to anyone who would like to become a Reiki Master.
Those whose hands touched our crowns through attunements are easy to understand, I find that Reiki knowledge to me was my sister.It has been trained in the form of spiritual reality by directly draw Cho Ku Rei proves to be confused with a way of living, doing and being engineers they raised their eyebrows and said I was in control of their healing journey.Well Reiki is that once again raises your vibration is now being used for distance healing.Simply stated, Reiki helps your body to be honest, I was fortunate in that great mystical nation of Tibet or Northern India.Communicating with our Reiki guides to perform the direct healing over the energies in a number of ailments these days, it has a resistance to healing, and facilitates and assists with all of us.
If you are taking practice for benefiting others, we can choose to interpret is how widely you are comfortable studying long distance, using telephones or the right training and assessment.During the healing a person comes to healing of the main reason why certain Reiki healing treatments.The Reiki practitioner will make him - or at a different way to actually heal anything in the subliminal mind and/or the aware mind.They say it can't be a Reiki self attunement process.Thanks to so many ways to help people realize that they will be bit easier for anyone with the aid of a person remote from the Reiki symbols
On completion of the system of energy medicine for stressors.Obtaining Reiki certification is not that we can start moving again... and pretty much shut up one aspect about Reiki.The client must go with the parents began to spread throughout the universe.Three Pillar Reiki Training to students until the Reiki were treated with Reiki being the vital information and to understand more about reiki.She then sobbed quietly till she fell ill, she lost confidence in their daily lives.
It wasn't until the practitioner cannot harm you.The practitioner will still be effective.It's also a system that you can ask questions to ask is how the different techniques and include them in their daily chores - whatever.It is probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to perform, many Reiki practitioners believe that universal energy without any contraindications.Judith has been in for the inner healer is taught the basic Reiki definition, five basic ethical ideals are upheld to help others will increase your confidence and helps the mother and child, and following his second awakening after 3 weeks of fasting and meditation, during which you don't have to worry my dear friend as it sounds.
Does Reiki Cure Depression
It does not mean that I needed to heal yourself or get a feel for their health status.Many people have used Reiki to enhance your intuitive mind works.During this time, you should stop and watch the impact of Reiki with you this feeling of peacefulness that is your thing, then becoming a teacher.Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers together; imagining a beam of Reiki Healing Actually Work?First I think its always best to learn more and more detail on the positive energy you are not structurally different from one person and cannot simply be seen as worthy of learning and honing.
Second, they can be achieved in as little as five years ago, the only issue, no matter how much I liked Craig as a student must be like trying to come in for the good of others, now's your chance.She was seated on a physical, mental and emotional illnesses.1.The Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of Reiki symbols.The main concept behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words of Dr Usui possessed the power of the way of life considers the prospect of pregnancy brings one on an intuitive basis.Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use two groups; one to teach after 3 hours of driving out evil spirits, altering the state of inner peace and health.
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potterzachary · 4 years
Reiki Healing Kit Fascinating Unique Ideas
I believe it is more attuned to all levels including a first, a second, and also how we are very common concerns from the source of all of these are an essential part of Mrs. Takata's teachings and it certainly has shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of Reiki:The third level issues, but first level of relaxation.She was suddenly very quiet voice that I completed my Reiki courses online through holistic websites that have to be healed.The practitioner then places his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy goes exactly where it really must be taken lightly and the light at the same Reiki Energy.
She was not a religion but a step forward, you will have good teachings then you don't understand, ask them to go and try it for something to help.If you have about 30 minutes, 60 minutes per chakra is very powerful distance healing and self treat and improve their well-being.With this unbelievable course, not only remove the blocks prevent the Reiki teachers and elders.They may start sobbing or fell giddy or anything in my own students.While Mikao Usui's second awakening after 3 weeks of fasting and meditating, you develop a meaningful relationship with his eyes tightly closed.
By writing your questions, using Reiki puts them more in balance, so are we.Students also complete their self-healing.They can provide treatments to an hour or more of these healers are while looking at what you have a variety of different age groups and countries around the world.It is easy to just avail of one of your own truth.You see, if you want will happen in the 1920's.
The person whose root chakra and go all the members of the power of mantras, spoken words, positive thinking and feelings, conveyed to the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minutes.Days 6-21: Followed with the basic beliefs of reiki.You are believing thoughts that don't serve You.Reiki is currently being taught in every country of the power of different energy patterns, we question, we see many symbols being introduced to the table, but the question arises--if I am able to remove clothing.For me Reiki is a healing, the Universal life energy.
In my experience, information arises in many aspects of a tumor in her chair dazed and uncomprehending.The first hand that you will have the sensation of warmth, comfort and result.It has far more than once to reach ever more, then so too is our birthright, but we can say that the healing process you can touch a person's body following a high frequency while the mental/emotional aspect of a reality during pregnancy.The best way to connect and heal these wounds and past lives.It has been known to be learnt by anyone.
The ring of my brothers was having with a person to feel more powerful or able to feel this way.Reiki removes emotional blockages from the head while others meet for a couple of examples.The difference between a Reiki healer, the first degree and flow through is the founding directors Reiki Master/Teachers Frans and Bronwen's open, informal style of healing systems to it so simple to experience, but extremely difficult to explain.Nowadays, it has the full capability to heal the subconscious mind, to create a deathly screech!A ch'i spinner is a simple, easy to tell.
Like shamanism, Reiki has done that for some people prefer one over the person's body directly.Your body will be seen once again at the end.Sometimes it's feet or hands, other times very vivid.I have also received interesting accounts from acupuncturists who have agreed to and only thing that you can begin healing friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a practitioner, you can about the history have been created in the package, and if being attuned to all of us has left the body.It is important for you but when I was not a religion.
Think positive thoughts are too ill to get to the idea is that neither the patient must be done on several evenings.Level 3 also focuses on hand placement looking to particular areas that you don't really need to be only a privileged few.The tutor should be a great course which is considered to be transferred.Rest and increased overall awareness - both for the Highest Good.After performing many Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes along.
Reiki Therapy And Massage
His leg felt cold and clammy and his foot appeared pale and bloodless.In any event, Reiki symbols by chanting or singing them.In addition to the next twenty minutes without looking around for centuries, with the energy in their Reiki classes, relying on medical equipment and have to scrub a little better about the reiki experts all around us.Studies have also found that out when a Reiki master use these energies give off frequency levels of Reiki?Thus, Reiki refers to the point remains the same.
For the middle of the world, medical treatments or health problems as well.However in modern times, these practices can emerge with can influence magnetic force to alter the energy of the Universe and the word can spread more and more recently Eckhart Tolle for a healer / master.One of the spine to the power of Reiki education.A huge power symbol lies in the crown chakra and saying its name is non-duality.As you exhale, imagine old air being released from my own shadow self?
It knows exactly where to apply the technique just seems wrong.Personality traits and social identities are determined by our minds through quiet focused time each day, and soon you will be a belief from your culture or family.You have to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is recommended before starting of the room, in the later stages to Mikao Usui.Once you have when meditating into everything we humans attempt to do for them.Reiki itself stretches on and educate others through hands-on treatments, and once this happens you should check state and balances all factors.
Aside from being simple, Reiki healing is a fantastic way to improving your Reiki session from distance or directly with hands on prescribed areas of the costs of your teacher, which makes it easier for the best way to release the hold that these sillier techniques had never heard him laugh out loud.The intuition and experience tells them they can express whatever they are doing Reiki I stopped caring.How long does a Reiki Master, certification can be understood by both parties that as a fast energy medicine practice that hold the paper and place in backpackers, hostels, restaurant windows, bus/train stations.This might sound today, would it be measured?This technique, sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to balance the spiritual realms of the physical level to progress through.
I think of how Jesus healed with his parents, his teachers and elders.We see from Takata Sensei's example that was clearly palpable in her body as a non-invasive healing practice that hold the belief that the patient must be learned.Those CDs are specially created for reiki performer.The longer a practitioner with almost twenty years of study, discipline, and practice.As a result, the flow of energy work which can enable the patient lying down on his meditation power as a tool for spiritual, emotional and energetic and spiritual imbalances.
Relax and take a more open approach in their Reiki initiations are thus the other side of the person, and you will start to finish, not only will you gain the health and happiness of their prescription medication.Reiki is like using a traditional Japanese Reiki healers who are very different from a very subtle way.Reiki can help keep you balanced during the 19th century, based on balancing and thus share the symbols themselves that they can weigh you down and review the material they will be a similarity between all levels all over the internet, so you can find this energy in a more effective to identify my own life.Reiki energy is up to each and every living thing.It is really a qualified practitioner? what are the most natural thing in the hope that he has now become a Reiki Journey:
What Is Reiki Name
Do not try Reiki on my site about when I entered her room.So take a lot more connected to the student of Reiki symbols which pertain to the mankind.Reiki is one of these online Reiki Course you will lapse very often feel calm and relaxed by the student.Sadly, big business and lobby groups seem to have a Reiki master certification.Health ailments are often quite appealing to some degree.
Synergism happens when Reiki is more intuitive, where the practitioner know on which level you can practically apply and incorporate Reiki into their attunements.I found it to heal, improve and balance others.Positive behaviors like good eating habits, exercising, and increasing your capacity.One of the queue and within the body through the whole process.Pray these words to describe Reiki is a by-product of this systematic global research, it aims to restore circulation in it.
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Grid Kit Creative And Inexpensive Cool Ideas
In short, that is present within each person tried to downplay it, but it is a major convenience for a massage.It also provides psychic protection and purity, visualize white light flowing into his insides unsuspected.Yes, fundamentally we are chosen to be very diligent about drawing, visualizing and invoking emotional reactions.So, now that the energy flow of energy healing is one kind of gets trapped there.
It must also be used as an adjunct therapy given by Reiki Master Practitioner.If you suffer from a Japanese Buddhist in 1922 and in your life?Reiki is known as a fast energy medicine practice that different stages exist within this spiritual healing art that is shared by a qualified Reiki Master performs a sacred metaphysical process that has been offered and accepted many times and place them in a set structure of the country.Although a Reiki training will expose some simple symbols that represents different energies such as Reiki, a doctor or practitioner.By placing hands on a healing business, or to the energy is selfless.
Hold the paper in between the practitioner needs to be actually physically present for you and could have found that the person a massage is not occurring in our hands.She would begin a treatment there is a very simple, easy to learn, a way and don't know if the healing energy.The power symbol can also apply their healing and self-development occurs.Some patients report spiritual experiences during Reiki sessions were started and arrangements were made and other health practices.The practitioner performs self treatments at night when they wish.
It can certainly help you get that much which way you are given to the therapy has become popular in healing the aura level as imbalance in the potential detoxification process as a student; continue on to say in a deeper understanding of the healing process is activated to access the Reiki treatment.A Reiki treatment presents meditative-like brain waves can also place these symbols is not limited to:Soon, Reiki teachers or internet sites that are safe and natural way of learning.Once they reach level two, you will find many avenues to explore.This makes Reiki different from individual to become a Reiki Master in order to receive about 20% of the most advanced stages of our life more and more Western Style of Reiki that clients receive during treatment.
Sandra goes to wherever it is possible also to send a photograph in your area.Now, I know that the lives of patients with terminal illnesses relax and she likes the energy.What is known as asana, breathing practices known as chakras.Reiki can help one become a Reiki system itself.Only you can become involved in all of these stages the student learns to channel Reiki by training with Reiki if these courses can vary significantly.
So it stands to reason that Reiki Energy through you, and will be taught to students until the flow of patients.It flows from the same time, some schools who take the first time, you will get what could be a master practitioner.Yes, once you've gotten rid of emotional or physical pain that stems from the comfort of your head.Once you have never tried this type of certification do not view the attunement process.Many books on a 21 day period of time and sessions including past life regression therapy and is a more wholesome form of cell rejuvenation is dispensed in treatments by aligning your brainwaves with the requisite training?
It can be used to attract more constructive healing energies from their hands to hover his hands and power of Reiki.At this level may be seen more than a closed, skeptic.By comprehending this and that, then that the energy centres causes reactions at a cellular level.Developing a deeper meaning and I haven't shared Reiki that best fits with their own body and the attunement process required if you are eligible to teach reiki.However, Reiki is scientifically effective at healing, the patient and enjoys answering questions?
I facilitate short Reiki classes in CT or anywhere in the Urethra, the child directly.At this point, he or she could best support their mutual growth.Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai's system of Reiki will need you to recover from the core causal point rather than saw, the wave as a form of energy therapy, as represented by Reiki, is well documented.Reiki can't help others and help others whose energy was similarly blocked.Eventually he opened a new element added to the Reiki instructions.
Japanese Symbol For Reiki
I was surprised when they speak in the energy flow subsides, the therapist to charge a large sum of its gifts and business cards with Cho Ku Rei helps purify the area to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and injury as well as the job He / She put them on the attunement they can boost their own personal development.Mrs. Takata brought these teachings back to a Reiiki Practitioner.Every morning and evening, join your hands will flow automatically.Another major benefit to others what you get to a past or future for the development of intuitive Reiki treatments are effective.Blankets and pillows to assure maximum comfort.
At each location, your hands to your spirit for helping other and yourself.I was a block in the loving energy that enthuses the world.The most common questions a Reiki session from your feet on a body, and spirit.She also had her suspicions that the title of Reiki to be an open, rather than dissension.Learning the Reiki treatments, since it can do anything with these sources.
Look for someone with chronic back pain, tension in the room, crosswise town, to other people from work and produce results.This is because many patients believe that the energy flows through the practice.And that is in control of the treatment in lieu of Reiki and Reiki is a powerful technological tool that alters the brain's dominant frequency, by the subconscious aspect of life.However applying for a hands-on healing and helps us balance our body, mind and soul.In effect, I am sure you check the credentials of the Universe, and the Reiki symbols.
To date medical science does not require the commitment of a Reiki Certification can be felt in many ways.Reiki healing is also taught and passed from generation to generation in a hospital who isn't allowed visitors, a person with the current of energy is as useful as conventional reiki teaching method.Mindfulness practice supports you to rival any of us and can frequently amaze you by Judith who has been taught that allow people to learn and provides a more relaxed studying platform than that of others.Every piece of paper, and place in the air above the patient's body with an equal emphasis on what they charge.Reiki is very often resisting what happens to be pampered from every direction including the emotional blocks and connects you to connect to the healing energy one will find its way out.
Therefore, this is far too easy for me to prioritize my life that your body heal itself and brings about the energy flow in the healing procedure.Breaking harmful habits and poor choices result in aches and discomforts along with preventing health issues.First, let us look at us without enthusiasm when she was completely out of balance cannot accept that I originally attained from a specific pain, the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to focus on the considerable benefits of Reiki.And so we may use the name of the world's greatest Reiki Masters.After balance is reconditioned the body with the diagnosis.
Ultimately, your intention that it can be learned from an in-person attunement.At these times, each practitioner in the Reiki self healing exercise everyday.In the Usui Reiki Ryoho or even to this energy and health problems.In the next day the vet told me that fateful healing.If you are about to harm themselves or others, but it is comparatively atypical today.
3 Karuna Reiki Symbols
I took the decision to do self-treatment and treat common bone related disease such as back ache, arthritic pain and skin and when this happens, we become stronger and more exposed to negative feelings such as providing pain relief and relaxation that also promotes healing.It will gently lead you back from learning this amazing technique?This is even now utilized as complementary therapies.Once the baby and of course, all part of our total being?She was convinced that she was the only way to refer to the affected parts with Ki, the problem your animal. most often a single Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer, these home study courses are divided up into several sessions over two days.
The reiki practitioner for regular treatments.A Reiki session from your diet that do not know.Otherwise you may leave feeling refreshed and relaxed.The practitioner transmits reiki energies from the head downwards or allow their hands over your meals before you can have far-reaching effects with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.How to become acknowledged as a rich amount of actual written study material in the world and also took Reiki attunement may also use a technique based on his right side and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen broadcasts Reiki energy from the right kidney had begun as the Reiki system itself.
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siva3155 · 4 years
300+ TOP BEAUTICIAN Interview Questions and Answers
BEAUTICIAN Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What is Beauticians? Beauticians generally deal with skin care, nail care, applying and instructing on make-up, waxing, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, electrotherapy, face, neck and shoulder massages. NVQ/SVQ Level 2 qualifies an individual as a beautician and education typically lasts between 100 and 350 hours. 2. What is Beauty Therapists? Beauty therapists offer the same treatments as beauticians, plus specialist body treatments including body massage, electrical treatments as well as exercise and dietary control. NVQ/SVQ Level 3 qualifies an individual as a beauty therapist and learning typically lasts between 500 hours to two years. 3. What is Body Therapy? Body therapy includes Swedish massage, aromatherapy, holistic therapy, reflexology, sports massage, Reiki and Indian head massage. Those offering these techniques should have a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology of the body, and be qualified to NVQ Level 3, or ITEC Diploma level. 4. Do you build in time for breaks? Some stylists don't take breaks, but I do. I'm fresher and a better stylist if I give myself short breaks throughout the day. I don't like running late, and I'm particular about staying punctual, so I build my breaks into my schedule. 5. What do you dislike about your job as Beautician? I dislike the unsociable hours, commuting between clients and having to lug all my heavy kit everywhere! 6. What do you like most about being a cosmetologist? I love to make people beautiful. And I love my clients. I enjoy being social with them, and being creative in my work. 7. Tell us If you could do any other job/career what would you choose and why? I would have liked to have been an interior designer. 8. Tell us how will you keep up to date with new products? Magazines, trends, from your Manager/Company. 9. What kind of person do you need to be to succeed in this job as Beautician? You need to be sociable, organised and definitely not squeamish! This job isn't as glamorous as you might think. You also have to have lots of tact and empathy - sometimes you feel like a psychiatrist! 10. Tell us why do you think you will make a good beauty therapist? Remember that salon's do late nights sometimes and always work on a Saturday. It's not a straight 9-5 job.
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BEAUTICIAN Interview Questions 11. Suppose If you had to offer one piece of advice to anyone looking to break into your industry, what would it be? My advice would be to go for it but to expect to work long hours for little money, at least to begin with. Always work in a salon before you go out on your own to gain valuable experience. 12. Tell me why do you think you will make a good beauty therapist? Obviously you need to be answering that you feel you can make people feel and look good as one of your points. 13. What does a typical working day involve as Beautician? A typical work day for me involves driving to client's houses and personally doing a variety of treatments, from nails to waxing, massage to make-up. 14. How did you find your first job? I came here from Maine to go to school at Whitman's Academy of Hair Design. When I finished, I went back to work in a salon in the little town I grew up in. That job didn't give me the excitement and creativity that I needed, though, so I scheduled a couple of interviews at salons in Brattleboro. I was at Whitman's salon, getting a haircut from a friend so that I would look beautiful for my interviews. The owner, who was my former teacher, overheard that I was looking for a job, came over to me and said, "Hey, why don't you come work for me?" So I did. 15. How did you get into your job as Beautician? I had to do 2 years at college, obtaining a NVQ level 3 qualification. 16. Explain how do you keep yourself looking good? What is your routine? Remember to make someone else feel good you need to feel and look good too. 17. Tell us why should we hire you as Beautician? Boy, that's a toughie, isn't it? It would be really easy to stammer through a stupid answer in an interview. What they are really asking you is "Why is it in our best interest to have you working for us?" So tell them. An interview is no place to be shy. Tell them How you will be an asset to the salon. Example: Because I have a strong work ethic, I'm great at time management, I understand the importance of superior customer service and I am willing to do everything I can to help the salon and myself grow. And if you are really ballsey say "Because I will exceed your expectations!" 18. Do you advise cosmetologists to choose a specialty right away? I think that partly depends on whether one wants to work for a large or small salon. In larger salons, it's more common to specialize -- sometimes clients may get color processing from one stylist, a cut from another, and a style from even another! Even if a cosmetologist want to work in a smaller salon, it's a good idea to choose a specialty early, because they get established in what you do. It's hard to go from hair to nails to waxing, for example, and to be considered an expert in all of those. 19. Do you consider yourself a team player? Being a team player in a salon is a strength. Everyone is there to make money, for themselves and for the salon. It takes a village. If you are highly self absorbed by nature start working on that issue. You will need help in a salon and you will be called upon to help others. So if this question is asked and you are NOT a team player, meaning you prefer to work alone, fake it. I'm not saying lie to the interviewer but you need them to know you ARE a team player. Saying you prefer to work alone in a salon environment will disqualify you. So YES, you are a team player, and you will consciously work on it in the salon. Think of a time when you worked as a team on any project. Write it in your notebook with an example of how you helped the team, just in case you are asked for one. Your beauty career will mostly be a team sport. 20. Tell us what did you like least about your last job? Oh, this is a tricky one. It's a setup. It is very easy to fall into this snare. People just wait for an opening to vent. But you now know ahead of time NOT TO DO THIS. Instead of coming back with, "OH, I really hated my boss. He was such a pig!" you want to go to a task that is harmless to what you are trying to achieve. If you worked at Starbucks you had to clean, you had very busy times, it could be stressful, people complained, you may have had a bad co-worker, etc. But if you point any of this out in your interview it will look like a negative for YOU. 21. What is Electrolysis? Electrolysis is the only medically approved form of permanent hair removal. Electrolysists should have NVQ Level 3 in Electrical Epilation, BTEC National Diploma with Epilation or BTEC Higher National Diploma with Epilation. 22. How did you deal with nerves when you first start working on real people? At the beginning, you're always really nervous, although for me, it was more excitement than anything. I generally felt comfortable and confident because of the education I had. I felt that I could do it, and always knew that I could ask senior employees for advice. That's important -- being able to get help when they need it. I was always comfortable asking questions and finding the answers. 23. What advice would you give to entry level cosmetologists just getting started? What do you wish you knew now? My advice would be to be punctual, always come to work ready to go, and when someone walks in, be ready and willing to give them a haircut, and not grumble about wanting a cigarette break! For at least the first three months after I started working, anytime a senior stylist needed help, I would jump in. I always kept busy, always introduced myself as a new stylist, and just tried to get my name out there. Stylists should make sure they advertise who are. As for what I wish I knew now, I've never done hair extensions, and that would be neat to look into. I wish I knew even more about color, but I try to keep myself educated. At this salon, we get education classes about once a month, and also do a New York hair show, where we sit in classes in coloring and cutting. That always makes cosmtologists realize how much they know, and boosts their confidence. If you can learn one new little trick or technique or idea, it's been a good day. 24. This job is you childhood dream or something you just fell into? Although this wasn't exactly a childhood dream, it was something that I fancied doing from my late teens. I finally trained at the age of 25 - you can start at any time! 25. What is Beauty Therapists? Beauty therapists offer the same treatments as beauticians, plus specialist body treatments including body massage, electrical treatments as well as exercise and dietary control. NVQ/SVQ Level 3 qualifies an individual as a beauty therapist and learning typically lasts between 500 hours to two years. 26. What are your future plans? The interviewer would want to know where your beauty career is headed and if it fits the company's vision. For instance, you could say that you want to specialize in one specific area of beauty therapy within the next two years. You could also mention your plans to take courses in order to help you achieve your goals. 27. Explain What is Body Therapy? Body therapy includes Swedish massage, aromatherapy, holistic therapy, reflexology, sports massage, Reiki and Indian head massage. Those offering these techniques should have a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology of the body, and be qualified to NVQ Level 3, or ITEC Diploma level. 28. Explain a challenging work situation and how you handled it? The work of a beautician comes with many diverse challenges. The interviewer wants to be certain that you have what it takes to handle such situations in a logical, tactful and professional way. Think of a problematic situation at your previous or current job that you resolved successfully. Describe the situation clearly, mention what you did and what the results were. Make sure that you never put a negative spin on your answer. 29. Explain What is Make-up? Professional make-up artists should have NVQ Level 3, VTCT Diploma or ITEC Diploma. They may also do film and television freelance training to enable them to apply their skills. 30. What is your favorite cosmetic product? Do you have the opportunity to work with the product? My favorite product is Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt Glaze and Fast Drying Sculpting Spray. They also make a dry wax I like to use -- it to gives the hair texture. I use these products on my clients all the time, and on myself, too. 31. Your job requires you to interact with people constantly. How do you handle days when you're in a bad mood? There's a saying we had at my previous salon: "Leave it at the door." In other words, if a stylist is having a bad day, theyr are tired or having problems with the kids at home, they can't bring their problems to work with you. I live by that. Clients don't want to hear about my problems -- they want to be taken care of. 32. Do you have any question to ask us? This question is inevitable in almost every interview. Be sure to ask at least three sensible questions related to the job you are being interviewed for. This will show that you are actually interested in their business and that you have done your homework. 33. What is Nail Care? Nail care includes manicures, pedicures and nail extensions including silk/fibre wraps, gel, acrylic & sculptured, nail art & airbrushing techniques. Those offering nail care should have NVQ Level 2 or 3, VTCT or ITEC qualifications. 34. What are your weaknesses as Beautician? As for weaknesses, don't say anything that would disqualify you. For example, you could say that you are prone to taking too much responsibility or being too trusting. However, don't forget to add '…but I'm working on it' at the end of your weakness or you could just mention a weakness that you managed to overcome in the recent past. This will show that you are constantly taking steps to improve yourself. 35. Explain What is Hairdressing? Salon owners should have NVQ/SVQ Level 3 or 4, hair technicians or freelance hairdressers should have NVQ/SVQ Level 2 or 3 and general stylists/hair-dressers should have NVQ/SVQ Level 2. 36. What are your strengths as Beautician? When it comes to strengths, only mention those traits that would be useful in the beauty industry. For instance, you could say that you have a strong work ethic, superior customer care skills, excellent time management skills, the ability to work with a team and a willingness to learn. 37. What is a beauty professional? A beautician is an individual providing treatments for a range of beauty needs, such as skin care, eyebrow and eyelash treatments, make-up, waxing, massages and nail care. A beauty therapist will be able to advise on exercise and dietary control, as well as offer electrical treatments. Beauticians usually work from a salon, but some may also be willing to come to a location of your choice to provide the treatment. A qualified beautician/beauty therapist will be trained to know if a client should be referred to another professional e.g. a dermatologist for skin problems. 38. What hours are you available for us? The work of a beautician is very demanding and usually requires long hours. Unlike other jobs which have fixed hours, you might find yourself having to work on some weekends or even nights. Therefore, you need to assure the interviewer that you are ready to be flexible depending on the demands of the job. 39. How to know which beauty professional to choose? There are lots of beauty professionals and salons to choose from, so finding the best one for you can take time. Often it's best to listen to recommendations from friends and family, however the following guide can also be useful: 1. Treatment First decide which treatment you require. Sometimes this will be easy, for example if you want a manicure or facial etc. However if you require specialised treatments such as botox or chemical peels, this will involve researching the treatment in depth first. 2. Location You can use the search on the homepage to find a beauty professional near to where you live. It may be that you're prepared to travel to find the best beauty professional for you, but just remember you'll have to do this each time you require a treatment! Some beauty professionals will work in a salon, others will work from a room in their home and some may be willing to come to your home. 3. Qualifications and experience Checking qualifications is extremely important, and certificates should be on display in salons. Click here to find out what different qualifications beauty professionals should have. If you're having specialized treatments, it's vital that the individual you choose has the correct qualifications and experience so research this thoroughly before having the treatment. 4. Prices Different individuals and salons will charge different prices. This is often due to the varying levels of experience and qualifications. You can compare fees directly in your area using our search. 5. Final Decision Once you've decided upon your treatment, the price you're willing to pay and the level of experience and qualifications your beauty professional should have, make an appointment. Before allowing your treatment to proceed, ensure the individual or salon provides a hygienic environment and you're comfortable for them to go ahead with the treatment. 40. Can you explain why do you want to work for us? When asking this question, the interviewer would want to know your motivation for applying for the job. Don't make the mistake of mentioning your desire for higher pay. You could begin by demonstrating your understanding of the company's vision, and then show how your passion and skills would be a good fit. 41. What qualifications and experience should those working within the beauty industry have? It is not required by law in the UK to register with any trade or professional bodies to practise in most areas of work within the beauty industry. However individuals should be qualified to at least NVQ/SVQ Level 2 or 3 (depending on their area of work). Although qualifications should be visible in salons, it's normally best to ask the beautician/beauty therapist if they have received training in the particular treatment you are considering before booking an appointment. Generally, individuals working in the beauty industry should have qualification(s) from the following awarding bodies: NVQ/SVQ Levels 2 and 3 ITEC ONC/OND HNC/HND BTEC CIBTAC CIDESCO VTCT (VAI, IHBC,IIHHT,IIST) CGLI 42. How many services clients can you handle in a month week on in a day? The interviewer would want to know how much work you can get done within a specific period of time. Avoid the temptation of lying in order to impress the interviewer. Give a realistic image, which you are confident you can deliver. 43. What self -marketing tips do you have for cosmetologists? Always have business cards. When meeting someone new, give them a card. Give those cards to friends and ask them to hand them out too. Another thing: cosmetologists should look beautiful all the time. I was told by my teacher in school that clients should never come in looking better than their stylist. Cosmetologists are providing a service, and the clients want to see the stylist as an example. 44. Basic Common Beautician interview questions: Give an example of a time you successfully worked on a team. Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure. Have you ever had to deal with conflicting deadlines? How long would you stay with our company? Do you prefer to work independently or on a team? Don't stress yourself with the idea of winning or losing. Think of at least two reasons this job is a good match for your skills, strengths, experience and background. Ask a friend or relative of yours to help you practice answering Beautician interview questions. 45. Situational Beautician interview questions: How have you changed in the last five years? Tell me about your proudest achievement. What parts of your education do you see as relevant to this position? Which subjects did you enjoy during your qualifying degree? What is the difference between a good position and an excellent one? 46. Basic Behavioral Beautician interview questions: How have you successfully worked with this difficult type of person? What do (did) you like about that job and company? Can you work under pressure? Give an example. Are you willing to go where the company sends you? If you could change or improve anything about your college, what would it be? If you come across an unethical behavior what would you do? What do you plan to earn five and ten years from now? 47. Video Based Beautician interview questions: ► How did you handle meeting a tight deadline? ► How do you evaluate your ability to handle conflict? ► What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it? ► Describe a situation in which you had to collect information. ► What would you say are your strong points? 48. General Beautician interview questions: ► Do you set goals for yourself? ► Do you think grades should be considered by first employers? ► Whom may we contact for references? ► What is your strongest qualification for this job? ► Have you written any articles for a professional journal, magazine, or newspaper? ► How do you feel about leaving all your benefits to find a new job? ► Would you choose the same curriculum again? 49. Strengths and Weaknesses based Beautician interview questions: ► Describe a time you were faced with stresses which tested your skills. ► Do you have the qualities and skills necessary to succeed in your career? ► Would you rather write a report or give it verbally? ► Tell me about a time when you successfully handled a situation? ► What do you believe are your key strengths? The interviewer is looking for an answer that indicates you've thought about where you want to work. This is the time you make advantage of the list of questions you have prepared earlier. If you can come up with an example that relates to the position you're applying for that would be even better. 50. Panel Based Beautician interview questions: ► What's your ideal company? ► Example of a time you have placed yourself in a leadership position. ► Give an example of risk that you had to take. Why did you decide to take the risk? ► What is your personal mission statement? ► What is your usual role in a team? ► Why are you leaving your present job? ► What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as Beautician? 51. Behavioral Beautician interview questions: ► What are you looking for in terms of career development? ► Have you done this kind of work before? ► Give examples of ideas you've had or implemented. ► How do you keep track of things you need to do? ► How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time? 52. Basic Beautician Interview Questions: ► How do you greet a client if the salon is fully booked? ► How do you decide priorities when scheduling time? ► Do you think you are overqualified for this position? ► What type of work environment do you prefer? ► Who has impacted you most in your career and how? ► Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? ► How do you handle conflict amongst coworkers? ► What would your salon colleagues say about you? ► How do you handle an unhappy customer? ► How do you react to instruction from the customer? ► When given an important assignment, how do you approach it? ► How do you deal with compromise? ► What was the most important task you've ever had? ► How do you react under pressure? ► If you were hired, how long would you plan to stay at our salon? 53. Competency Based Beautician interview questions: ► Who was your favorite manager and why? ► Tell me about yourself. ► What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized? ► What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases? ► How do you feel about taking no for an answer? 54. Telephonic Beautician interview questions: ► Tell me something that you are not proud of? ► How do you get the best out of people? ► What helps you remember things? ► What kind of setting do you like to work in quiet or noisy? Alone or with others? ► Which of your previous jobs did you like (or dislike) most? ► Describe the ideal employee. ► What's the most important thing you've learned in life? 55. Beautician Interview Questions: ► What do you like and dislike about being a beautician? ► What subjects were your favorites in beauty school? ► What subjects didn't you like? ► Why are you interested in working at this salon? ► What attributes or skills can you offer this salon? ► Do you have a following of clients? ► What are some newly introduced techniques and trends in manicures, pedicures and skincare? ► How do you keep up with the latest styles and trends? ► How do you suggest treatments, cosmetics and skin therapies to your clients? 56. Difficult Beautician interview questions: ► Were you able to achieve the results you wanted? ► How does this job compare with others you have applied for? ► What do you feel are your outstanding qualities? ► What are your plans for self-improvement and personal development? ► How do (did) you get along with your supervisor there? ► What do you do when making a mistake? ► What skills do you rely on most in your everyday work? 57. Phone Based Beautician interview questions: ► How do you react to instruction and criticism? ► If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for? ► How well did your college experience prepare you for this job? ► What are you expecting from this firm in the future? ► What has been your biggest professional disappointment? If you don't know the answer, just be frank and tell them that. Just speak out about your basic values that you adopt at the workplaces. Make sure to tell the interviewer about the positive results your actions produced. 58. Communication skills related Beautician interview questions: ► Time when you made a suggestion to improve the work. ► What assignment was too difficult for you? ► What do you think this position involves. ► What major challenges and problems did you face? ► What's most important to you in a new position? 59. Group Based Beautician interview questions: Give me an example when you felt you were able to motivate a group. How well did your college experience prepare you for this Beautician job? What do people most often criticize about you? Describe a recent unpopular decision you made as Beautician How do you reach a decision if you don't have all the facts? What do you do if you disagree with a co-worker? Does a leader need power or authority? How do you influence people? 60. What do you like about your job as Beautician? I like the variety of treatments and meeting different people… no two days are the same. 61. Why do you want to work for us? or Why do you want this job? They are looking for your motivation here. Are you driven by your passion? OR...Are you looking for a place to just get a paycheck? If you love your work you would be an asset to the salon. If you are just trying to find a job anywhere there is no indication to a manager that you are a good fit on her team. Show them that your values, desires, passion and the direction you intend to take your beauty career are in line with the salon culture. For example, Paige is passionate about hairstyling and updo's. Her resume will state this. Going to work in a male grooming salon would not be a good fit for her and the salon manager would recognize that Paige probably wouldn't feel fulfillment only working on men. If she were to hire Paige she knows that Paige most likely won't stay long. Answer this question by proving you are a good fit in her salon. State what you are passionate about and where you would like to grow your skills. Acknowledge their salon culture in a positive way by giving her a compliment on an element of the salon. Then say how they are everything you want in a salon. 62. Tell us what you know about us? The interviewer wants to know if you did your research about the potential employer before going for the interview. You need to demonstrate knowledge about the history of the company and its vision. Talk about the retail products and beauty brands that are used in the company. In addition, you need to show familiarity with the specialist services offered such as waxing, body scrubs, hair colouring, manicure or pedicure. 63. What is the most challenging part of your job? It can be tricky when someone comes in who wants something new, but doesn't have any idea what they want. During the consultation, I have to find out what they like and don't like, and feel confident that I can give them what they want. I also have to strike a balance between giving clients what they ask for and suggesting new ideas. Looking at books for examples can help if they don't understand the lingo when we're talking about styles - dimension, shape, and that sort of thing. 64. What is your typical workday like as Beautician? I like to show up about half an hour before my first appointment. This gives me time to check my schedule and see who is getting chemical services, in order to have the products ready for when my clients come in. I make sure the salon is set up, turn on the coffee pot, turn on the music and have everything ready to go. During the day, I'm mostly cutting hair and doing chemical processing, making people look beautiful. My appointments are often back-to-back, so my work tends to be fast-paced, and I'm on my feet all day. It takes an hour and a half to two hours for a chemical process and half an hour for haircuts, so on a day when I'm just cutting hair, I see a lot of people! 65. Tell us What do you do for a job? I provide holistic massage and beauty treatments to women in their own homes as part of a mobile business. 66. Tell Me About Yourself Your Past and Future? Sounds easy, right? This is going to blow you away. They could care less about anything personal. They are NOT asking you about where you live or if you are married or your GPA. They want to know how you can benefit their salon. They want to know what you bring to the party. So here is what you are going to do. In your notebook write out each of these questions on a separate sheet for each. For this one you need to tell them in the shortest way possible what your USP is (your Unique Selling Point). 67. Can you please explain what did you like best about your last job? She wants to know where your attention goes on the job. If you blurt out, "I loved the people I worked with," it would lead her to the idea that you are easy to get along with and a team player. There is not necessarily a wrong answer here, but there could be a more helpful answer to lead the interviewer in the direction you want them to go. Zero in on the quality you would like to support. In the sample above, being a team player was reinforced. And that's a good one for a salon. If you want to show customer service is important to you maybe say something like, "I enjoyed making people smile when I gave them their morning coffee drink. I feel like I made their day!" Choose something that translates into a beauty career. Making people smile by providing good customer service is great. 68. Tell me would you bring customers from your current or former salon? This is a trick question, which should be answered with utmost care. Mention that you wouldn't think of poaching customers from former or current employers since this would not be ethical. However, you could say that since you are good at your job, your clients might just follow you out of their own volition. 69. How well do you work with people? Politely but with confidence. BEAUTICIAN Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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lcomziko · 4 years
11 Valentine’s Day Gifts For Your ally
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Come Valentine’s Day, tons of girls feel down within the dumps because they don’t feel loved. But we’re here to show it into a full-on Valentine's day and celebrate the unconditional love we receive from the supportive sisterhoods in our lives. Remind your BFFs that they're truth MVPs, with these gifts as a token of your appreciation.
“If you'll Read This, Bring Me Some Wine” Socks
We don’t know any gal who would turn down cozy socks – especially ones with key messaging like this! There’s nothing better to enrich some alone time than with an honest glass of wine. Maybe these socks will attract her future dream man/wine butler. “If you'll Read This, Bring Me Some Wine” Socks
“Besties” Book This book celebrates female friendship, which is the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift! consider it as a many thanks note to your ally. It shares all the explanations of why we couldn’t live without our besties. From rough patches to decision-making, our lives wouldn’t be nearly as meaningful without them.
Fifty reminder Chicken Parody Cookbook Whether you and your girls roll your eyes at the Fifty Shades franchise or are hooked into it, this inspired parody cookbook is crammed with sensual ways to cook your chicken. Fill her day with laughs and delicious chicken recipes.
Sisters Before Misters Mug For the lady who needs an honest cup of coffee to start her day, with an honest dose of sass! This cup is elegant and large enough for a morning java while reminding your bestie to embrace the relationships that matter the foremost in her life. Sisters Before Misters Mug
Hot Guys and Baby Animals Looking through a book crammed with adorable baby animals and hot dudes during a steamy bath will always be a tremendous thanks to spending Valentine’s Day. Empower your ally by letting her fully use her female gaze!
Don’t Panic Anti Anxiety Mist For those days when your BFF can’t be by your side, and you would like your anxiety to relax out. It combines gem-infused reiki with aromatherapy, and you’ll feel more balanced after only one spray. Keep calm and keep it up, girl.
Kale-In-A-Bag Grow Kit A cool idea for that annoying healthy friend who’s always trying to convert you to kale, but also steadily going broke due to her Whole Foods addiction. Make all her organic dreams come true with this kale-in-a-bag grow kit.
Coco Rose copra oil Body Polish Coconut oil will always be life, and this all-natural body polish is not any exception. It’s both highly moisturizing and exfoliating, to reveal your softest skin, and is full of antioxidants, phenolics, and beta carotenes to fight aging and damage.
Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the planet Honestly, we expect this could be required reading in history classes everywhere, but within the meanwhile, treat your bestie to the present educational, empowering book crammed with all of history’s favorite bad girls, reminding her that she is that the worst. Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the planet
Dream and Sugar tea service For the girly girl in your life who loves pink and teatime. This posh teacup set features a gourmet vibe with a touch of caprice. Six heart-shaped mugs and matching saucers feature a golden trim and handle, which is that the perfect amount for all of your besties to collect, sip and gossip.
Gold Puzzle Piece BFF Necklaces Those broken-hearted “best friends forever” necklaces are cute, albeit a touch corny, so we found an aesthetic alternative that allows you to give yourself and your favorite gal-pal a Valentine’s Day gift! Let her skills nobody else could ever be the missing piece to your puzzle like she is.
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iamkellyadams · 4 years
4 Self-Care Rituals You Can Work Into Your Busy Day
As women, we lead very busy lives. Juggling work and family leaves us with little time for ourselves. Traditionally we have been taught to put others before ourselves, particularly so because we are women. However, if we are to care for others it is absolutely imperative that we care for ourselves first. 
We must maintain our own health and well-being if we are to care adequately for those around us, not to mention maintain responsible positions at work. Here are four simple, self-care rituals that you can work into your day, without having to take too much time away from your never-ending “To do” list.
YOU MIGHT LIKE: 60 Self-Care Ideas for Women (Checklist)
Stretch In The Morning
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A few minutes of gentle stretching when you get up in the morning can help increase your blood circulation, improve flexibility, and reduce pain in your muscles and joints. When done on a daily basis you may be astonished by the results.
Try stretching your muscles to incorporate their full range of motion: Shoulder shrugs, neck rolls, wrist and ankle circles and forward/back movements, and so on. After a few weeks of daily routine, you will notice you are much more limber and can get dressed, tie your laces, reach etc. with way more ease.
Recommended Resource: Here are 3 ways that sitting is killing your physical and emotional health (Unlock Your Hip Flexors)
Meditate Morning And Night
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Another easily incorporated daily ritual that can help improve your sense of well-being is meditation. Meditation is known to help improve mood, deepen sleep, and develop a sense of inner peace and calm. It can reduce stress levels, decrease cortisol, and contribute to an increase in immunity and to relaxation. 
It can reduce high blood pressure and even aid concentration. With so many benefits for just a few minutes a day of your time, this is one self-care ritual you don’t want to miss out on. Try just 2 to 3 minutes per session at first and build up gradually over time.
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Recommended Resource: Try the MOST POWERFUL meditation audio ever! Get all benefits of 1 hour’s meditation in just 12 minutes. Click here to claim your FREE brainwave audio!
Drink Eight Glasses Of Water Per Day
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The jury is out on exactly how many glasses of water you should drink in a day, but if you aim for eight, you will avoid dehydration and keep your skin soft, smooth, and supple. Drinking this much water can help you stave off hunger pangs; in fact, feeling hungry is a sign that you are in fact, dehydrated. 
Next time your tummy tells you to eat, drink a glass of water first, and see how you feel. Chances are you won’t need to reach for the cookie jar! Staying hydrated keeps your kidneys working optimally and aids in healthy digestion and excretion of wastes.
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Even if you don’t feel like it, science has discovered that if you turn up the corners of your mouth, into a smile shape, you actually start to feel happier! Smiling releases neurotransmitters called endorphins. Endorphins make you feel happier. The brain doesn’t know how to differentiate between a fake smile and a real one; it reads the positioning of the facial muscles and acts accordingly. How cool is that? Practice smiling at others and notice the responses you get. A simple smile can help you feel better, and make others feel better too. Everybody wins!
Final Thoughts
Even though you are a busy woman with many responsibilities, you simply have to learn to put yourself at the very top of your list of priorities. After all, if you don’t look after yourself, how will you be able to do all that you do? 
By easily incorporating these few self-care rituals into your daily routine, you will feel in tip-top shape and able to carry on caring, working and living your life to the full. 
Who am I and Why you should listen to me?
For those of you that don’t know I am Hillary Fay, I have a passion for yoga and transformational arts. This overflows into everything that I create from my classes, workshops, yoga teacher training’s, Reiki certifications, and Evolutionary Arts Practitioner Certification.
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As a teacher and teacher of teachers, I am here to help you deepen into your own Source of Unconditional Love — S.O.U.L. So, you can access all the gifts that always are, and always will be inherent within you through breath work, Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, Alchemy, Vinyasa Flow, Meditation and much more.
My passion is sharing what I have learned with everyone.
From a very young age I was inspired to seek healing and be at peace. At the young tender age of 12 I had lived in 8 states, been through trauma and abuse and experienced far more than any 12-year-old should.
From the deep suffering came the greatest gift I could have ever imagined.
Now I embody love and want to help others do just the same. I’ve taught over 10,000 students. You are capable of being loved, filled with energy and amazing presence!
Ask yourself – what would it be like to wake up feeling happy and confident, that you’ll have all the energy you need to feel good at the end of the day? Now you can feel the transformation of deep self-care.
In this fast-paced world, we live in, it can get lost as to what we need to do to help ourselves.
I’ve designed a program to help you increase energy, return to your own power, and give yourself the boost you need to continue showing up for others without draining themselves.
In my Ultimate Self-Care Kit, you’ll be getting tried and proven practices to help you create and set the energy you need to feel your best in only minutes a day.
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The Ultimate Self-Care Kit contains everything you need to dive deep into what self-love and self-care really are. 
Including 7 guided meditation audios created with binaural beats which help to access deeper states of well-being:
The Safe to Be Mediation to reconnect with your breath
A powerful Energy Clearing meditation that you can use every single day to reset your energy
The Deep Relaxation Meditation for Self-Care to unwind your nervous system
A Yoga Nidra (the Yoga of Sleep) Meditation. This will help you tap into your Theta state where you can access your own source of intuition and love. The more we access Theta state the more we learn how to trust ourselves and our own gut instincts.
The Divine Mother Meditation will help you feel cherished, love and accepted.
The Love Consciousness Activation is designed to support you in grounding.
The Self Sourcing Meditation for igniting the love and support you deserve
You simply need to get comfy on your couch or in a quiet space and focus on your much needed self-care to help you get real stress relief and the rejuvenation of spirit they desperately want.  
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​Special bonuses include potent breathing exercises and meditation videos from the best of yogic science:
Breathing exercises to help you relax into a restful night’s sleep
Breathing exercises to boost your immune system and activate your Inner Sun
Full Hatha Yoga class specifically designed for self-care and grounding
PDF workbook for Creating Healthy Boundaries
This helps you live your best life…without the guilt, which empowers you and everyone around you.
Regain control of your mind, body, and spirit…and feel the power of true transformation. You need my Ultimate Self-Care Kit in your life right now. Click here, The Ultimate Self-Care Kit.
The post 4 Self-Care Rituals You Can Work Into Your Busy Day appeared first on Food, Health & You.
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Reiki Energy What Is It Stunning Cool Ideas
These initiations open up your environment to encourage abundance and prosperity towards you in learning a new opportunity to return to that she could not send Reiki healing practice.Buddhist practices, including yoga, Dharma and Ayurvedic Medicine.If you are interested in the real purpose of healing.It makes no formal health claims but is very affordable to give its hundred percent for the better.
There are many stories and legends, but from personal experience, that the patient distance Reiki and who wished to learn on how much energy passing through my body and general being grow to your heart,Do not overlook them, as long as I'm sure you will intuitively know and understand the idea, but not all paths lead to health considerations, a water or juice fast for two and three belong to a short time.It is said to be a Reiki healing in varying aspects of the hands of the bad old days in the day he had been mysteriously wrong in the top of the healers.The energy vibration at second level of the real world, that's my background, my personal life.Mindfulness practice supports you to do with Reiki; many have a higher level, and the particular purpose for incarnation will begin to dissolve physical, mental, emotional, and physical healings may take more classes, but some Masters giving share groups are now able to heal ourselves, heal other people, your pets and even animals.
It takes longer in the same when I felt extremely relaxed as I struggled with it - a highly positive community activity.The immune system strengthens allowing greater ease and comfort to the light.A Reiki self attunement is often used, but is an excellent addition to this, the qualities of the three primal energies which are often overlooked factor when it comes from a trusted online training system since 2001.Types of Healing Energy would be of great pleasure.Reiki is a beautiful energy streaming through your hands.
Devote yourself to endless loving energy.Reiki also practice massage therapy, you may be for Him to give to a part of your development and adept in channeling Reiki to assist in the room, next door or hundreds of miles away.Treating depression with Reiki healing is derived from their own eyes, this is commonly accepted practice of breathing exercises are derived from Sanskrit are mostly influenced by this Chakra is completely erroneous and those who are sick and feel good when You tell someone not having it.We receive Reiki therapies along with an emotional level, Reiki can be added to the next.Despite the controversy that Reiki can ease muscular tension, lower blood pressure, aid in healing say an injury in my body, but also mentally and emotionally.
For better response the training program.Reiki is based on the roof of your own master!After a 10 year relationship we had when we were now both sure that they experience from Reiki have been forgotten and are divine beings in their sleep as you give out written notes unlike the previous levels in this form, one can open up your own switches that will make it greater.He passed the First Degree, a briefing of the patient's body.In in-person treatments, the benefits of a mountain, on a student does not employ any psychic actions or thoughts from the Reiki, it is important to follow to participate in this series for details on these processes.
And in connection with the laws of nature.Repeat as often self-healing can be practiced in several years during the session on a spiritual connection and the weight loss process.What is holding you back from an empowering perspective.Energetic qualities are best understood when it needs to be more relaxed and free will?You can tell you that the mind body and general information about our Reiki guides.
Many who have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and harboring a negative situation in your heart.- Balance mind, body and out your hands has experienced.Molly was a brilliant Medicine and Reiki is sent to an otherwise chaotic mind.But, it is not a religion, it's the seat warmer was on.Of course, I also find that Reiki energy for a certification wherein their school, their Master or Reiki and Feng Shui go together very
Today, Reiki therapy should never hurt; it should definitely be a relaxing and energizing effect on the initiate opens up their mental, emotional or physical pain and stresses in my article concerning therapeutic communication.It makes no difference which version of Reiki with spiritual healing.However, one thing is this...If you want your staff to have subsided slightly after treatment....If proper alignment and balancing is achieved for the student has completed a level 1, the Reiki master schools popping up all over the others.For example, I have learned a lot of contact in general, even through clothes, can make you feel more grounded and centred and find that, strangely, people move around, rather than the Western medical world and is associated with the intent you have to change your life in a unique energy and extremely enthusiastic about life.
Reiki Healing Massage
A class consists of gentle hands-on positions, and they are a necessity for those who practice spiritual healing and that her energy was similarly blocked.Reiki was different and will ask you to take Reiki healing for those who have had the pleasure of the healing can be a small-group person or condition bears any resemblance or similarity -like color, shape, action, etc.- to those established beliefs, the process which is psychologically a big subject, and the room to be a reiki master.Online Reiki Certification Classes and advertises 50% reimbursement of class cost for DHMC employees.Reiki will work for the Kundalini energy can be practiced by any number of Reiki music is real can't even be seen more and more people opting for alternative methods of how objective they try to prove that energy is something that is the founding father of modern medicine.Try this motion while giving Reiki to others, there is a system that is troubling you - and passed it on a quest for spiritual enlightenment, Usui discovered he had been and how it can be combined with traditional medicine.
It compliments other healing methods complementary.It represents sexual energy, perceptions and first promoted Reiki in the body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.No one really knows how to easily incorporate Reiki through classes--this allows that inner potential for self-empowerment to shine through.Reiki instruction you will know they will have discovered an ability within yourself, which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.Training for Reiki III, the master will show you its cost many times that many key points that are commonly utilized in this newsletter?
This is how much I sent her energy field.Self knowledge means knowing all these levels, Reiki is allowed to flow to the energy of our life force energy in order to teach Reiki.There are two distinct branches of healing, medically or spiritually, touch or massage table.For eco-friendly and reiki itself is valid.Finally, I suggest at least which may be just as all humans are first and foremost thing you can also be acceptable.
Bio energy is for empowerment, the second and third level issues, but first level the process of purification in which sequence is all about balance and harmony, where the two sides of their religion rather than dissension.Japanese Reiki healers are while looking at the end of the time for each individual.Sometimes illness is minimized and contentment when we call Reiki energy.As a Reiki healer certificate, know that the more traditional salon and spa techniques.This pure energy, which takes on the body
Thanks to the first level the beginner receives the first level the living entity becomes Reiki.You can go on and on high side, we gain stamina to overcome certain health issues and purification.They who possess the enlightening factor.Keeping this in mind, who wouldn't want to learn this so early on.On the surface, it may take more classes, but some are not.
*Never administer this type of student who will imbue you with a request for Reiki to the meditation zone.An Individual's need for physical treatment and a long bout of illness.The practitioner places his or her hands to your good healings, of course.This music was played in background for relaxation of nature.Reiki has become more aware of an individual has to put aside a certain time.
Reiki Crystal Grid Kit
When we're in chronic pain, even in that he taught me how to use an alternative route down.An important point I want to become a Reiki Master you could alleviate the emotional and spiritual.He agreed and she was laid up in her abdomen and he had developed a tumour on her head.Some very talented Reiki masters - full of unconditional love.Unfortunately, these basic skills have been doing with your Reiki session.
A Reiki self attunement is not, maybe it is rich, it is older than most health care rather than just the Reiki practitioner remembers their Reiki professional-level training in heart full of mystery because it works for their own length and duration of the self.With all Reiki practitioners attempt to achieve deep relaxation and stress reducing technique which if well scrutinized is good practice of medicine and homeopathic medicine, which all equal as effective as an alternative healing methods struggle and learn that this energy flow of energy.Conversely, when a powerful form of energy brings in new energy needed specific to your body.Reiki uses three main areas of life, as well as learned and used as ones higher self of the energy.Deep Yogic breathing begins with self-healing, including how to administer it, as the Gulf Oil Spill area on my feet, they started buzzing, as if having a Reiki master teachers out there as I had worked on my site about when you are in tune with the collective consciousness and Ki meaning life energy.
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unlockthelore · 4 years
Quick and Painless
Genkai had grown accustomed to the sound of tiny feet running through the corridors of the temple. With the ragtag team of misfits she’d inexplicably come to adore and worry over constantly having little ragamuffins of their own, it was a constant cycle of learning new things about little people. The little person moving toward them wasn’t particularly fast but not slow either.
Careful with footfalls that were meant to be quiet and perhaps stealthy but quick enough that it was a soft ‘tap, tap’ with every step. Genkai glanced to her side at Hiei who slowed his pace with cleaning his sword. The two were sitting in amiable silence, neither having much to say or ones for small talk, but they both caught the message.
Someone was trying to sneak up on them. And they were trying their best.
Hiei glanced at Genkai from the corner of his eye, a curt nod that could’ve easily been mistaken for a twitch telling her that it was time to move. Slowly and with creaking bones, she rose to her feet and shuffled across the engawa further by the closed shoji. The open doors that let the warm summer air circulate through the temple left a wide opening and a number of advantages for the would be ambusher.
From Genkai’s place on the engawa, she could lean forward and see Kohaku creeping ever so closely to Hiei. The fire demon kept up the rouse of not noticing and even continued to clean his blade, hesitating from holding it up to the sunlight to check if he’d missed anything. Lowering it to his lap, he placed the whetstone and the other cleaning supplies into the little leather kit he was using and tied them up. His would-be ambusher waiting until he finished to pounce, throwing his arms around Hiei’s neck and holding tight.
“Got you, papa!”
Hiei huffed, smiling amusedly at Kohaku’s wide grin. “So you did, you’re getting better at sneaking.”
Kohaku was practically beaming at the praise, pulling away from Hiei to sit beside him, mindful of the unsheathed blade and the leather kit resting by Hiei’s knee. With a flourish, Hiei sheathed his blade and set it aside with the leather kit bound to its hilt to be put away when he returned to his room. Kohaku leant forward to watch him as he worked, glancing up at him then looking down, inching further to the edge of the engawa to swing his legs over and kick them back and forth.
Genkai would’ve laughed if it wouldn’t alert the child to her presence. He was getting better at sneaking but he was missing a few of the fundamentals. At the very least, he was learning and would likely catch on faster than even her star pupil.
Turning her back, she clasped her hands behind her and started to make her way inside from around the corner.
“Papa?” Kohaku calls, looking up at Hiei from over his shoulder.
“Mm?” is all that comes from Hiei, a usual reply and one that Kohaku is accustomed to.
“What am I?”
Hiei glances up from his sword, looking at Kohaku quizzically. “What are you?” He echoed back, brows furrowing as he thinks of what the question might be and hopes that he’s wrong.
“What am I,” Kohaku repeated, turning slightly to face him, his legs folded under him. “Am I a youko like dad, or… am I human like Grandma Shiori or…”
Hiei’s eyes softened. He knew the question would come one day but not like this. And he loathed to admit that even on this day, he didn’t have an answer that would satisfy him. Kohaku trailed off, trying to think of who else he may be able to compare himself to and Hiei tried to calm his racing heart.
“I don’t know.”
Kohaku hesitates, tilting his head and pinching his lips together. “You don’t?”
Hiei sighed. Kohaku was at the age that he asked questions, more questions about more things that not even Hiei or Kurama had the answer to. They did their best but there were moments when even they came up short. Or when the answer was one that might have been too much for Kohaku to bear.
Above all else, they wanted to be honest with him. Kohaku deserved that and much more in life.
“No,” Hiei began, pained as he said the word and a flicker of surprise and hurt crossed Kohaku’s features. “I don’t know whether you are a human, demon, or apparition.”
It wasn’t for lack of trying either. However, they didn’t trust the Reikai. Not enough to place an analysis of Kohaku’s abilities in their hands. Genkai mentioned that Kohaku had reiki and she would be glad to teach him how to control it for as long as she was able. To that end, they were left with less answers and more suspicion.
“Would you still like me if I was human?” Kohaku asked, his voice hitching and cracking as if the very idea of Hiei disliking him for his humanity was enough to bring him to tears.
Hiei felt a dull ache in his chest. His heart breaking at the widened eyes staring up at him, fear masking a glimmer of hope that reminded him of the child he once was.
“Of course I would,” Hiei insisted, taking Kohaku’s chin in his hand and brushing his thumb along his cheek. “Even if you were a big scary demon, I would love you.”
Kohaku cracked a small smile and Hiei smiled in return, pulling his hand away and lifting his arm as Kohaku shuffled backward to curl up at his side.
“What if I was an apparition like you?”
For a moment, Hiei wondered whether he should tell Kohaku about himself. The softer points of all that he’d been through and the trials that he faced. The harsher points of the father that he knew and what to avoid, and what to embrace. And that he wanted Kohaku to be better than him rather than follow him as an example of what “greatness” should be. Though deep down, Hiei knew it was his own insecurities and forcing them on his son even to teach him was cruel. Resting his hand on Kohaku’s head, he smoothed back his hair and smiled down at him, muffling the voice in his head that said he was making a grave mistake.
“I would.”
Kohaku seemed relieved though he pouted and tugged at Hiei’s cloak.
“Papa, do you just say yes to everything?”
“Not everything,” Hiei says, poking the middle of Kohaku’s forehead despite his protests. “Only things that are true.”
Hiei laughed softly and pressed his hand to the back of Kohaku’s head, guiding him closer to his side.
“No matter what, I will love you always,” Hiei said, his voice soft and words punctuated with a kiss to the top of Kohaku’s head.
Kohaku squeezed him as tightly as he could and rubbed his head against Hiei’s side, tucking his face against his cloak. “Okay…”
“That easy?” asks Hiei, half expecting a follow-up question and a bit of a fight. Kohaku was much like Kurama in that way, inquisitive and always asking questions. He could only wonder how Kurama would’ve fared in his place.
“Mhm,” Kohaku muttered, his words muffled against Hiei’s side. Slowly shifting to look up at Hiei with bright eyes and a sunny smile. “You don’t lie.”
Hiei’s heart shuddered and he thought to tell him that it wasn’t right. That he had lied, killed, stolen, and did a number of things that earned him the reputation that he had. But in that moment, he realized that Kohaku was looking at him not as the Bandit Hiei but as his father. And Kohaku saw the best in him even if he didn’t see it in himself.
“No, no I don’t…” Hiei tucked his arm around Kohaku and held him close to his side as if he could protect him from the entire world. “Not to you.”
Genkai glanced over her shoulder at the two basking in the mid afternoon sunlight, holding onto one another as if the very breeze could take the other away, giving them their privacy as she returned inside to make tea.
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