#Release date: February 16th 1990
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Death – Spiritual Healing (1990)
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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February 16:
On this date in 1975, T Rex released their album, Zip Gun.
On the 16th of February, 1990, Naked City let loose unto a world that may or may not have been ready for it, their debut self-titled album.
On this date in 1998, the agents for the estate of Miles Davis plus Bill Laswell released the album of electric period Miles Davis remixes called Panthalassa.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Lincoln's Birthday
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was born on February 12, 1809. Over the years, he has become known as one of the greatest American presidents of all time. At the time of his death, in 1865, many saw him as a martyr, and it wasn't too long afterward that his birthday began being observed informally. In the mid-1870s, Julius Francis of Buffalo, New York, began honoring Lincoln on his birthday and petitioned Congress to make the day a legal holiday.
But, as of 2019, Lincoln's Birthday is not, nor has it ever been, its own federal holiday. On the state level, a handful of states celebrate Lincoln's birthday on its actual date. In recent years, it has been celebrated as a state holiday in Ohio, Missouri, New York, Illinois, and Connecticut. It is celebrated as such in California as well, but since 2009, it has no longer been a paid holiday there. Some states, Indiana being one example, have officially celebrated Lincoln's birthday, but not on the actual date of his birth. In prior years, more states officially celebrated his birthday; twenty-four states celebrated it in 1940, and ten celebrated it in 1990.
Although Lincoln's Birthday is not celebrated on its own on the federal level, it is often implicitly or explicitly celebrated as part of Washington's Birthday, which is usually called Presidents' Day, taking place on the third Monday in February. In some states, this holiday is known as Washington and Lincoln Day. However, there are other variations of the day; some states specifically celebrate only Washington, and some celebrate Washington and another president, such as Thomas Jefferson.
Besides state observances and informal federal observances, Lincoln's Birthday is celebrated at many places associated with him. Each year, there is a wreath-laying ceremony at the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park in Kentucky. Since its dedication in the early 1920s, there has also been a wreath-laying ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial, which is organized by the Lincoln Birthday National Commemorative Committee and the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. The reading of the Gettysburg Address is also a part of this event. For his bicentennial, on February 12, 2009, the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission organized a special event at the Lincoln Memorial. That same day, four new Lincoln pennies were released, with backs that depicted different stages of Lincoln's life. Each year on the day, events are also held at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Illinois. The Republican Party holds Lincoln Day dinners around the date because Lincoln was the first Republican president.
Abraham Lincoln was born in a one-room log cabin just south of present-day Hodgenville, Kentucky. When he was two, his family moved to Knob Creek Farm, which is northeast of Hodgenville. In 1816, he moved with his family to Indiana. He did not get much schooling while growing up and often had to work to help support his family, doing things such as farming and splitting rails for fences.
In 1830, his family moved to Macon County, Illinois. He got a job on a boat, hauling freight down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. He then settled in West Salem, Illinois, where he worked as a shopkeeper in a store as well as a postmaster. In 1832, he was a captain in the Black Hawk War and ran for a spot in the Illinois state legislature, which he lost. However, he ran again in 1834 and was successful. As a member of the Whig Party, he was influenced by other Whigs such as Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Some policy positions he held at the time were in opposition to slavery's spread to the territories, and a goal of expanding the United States with a focus on commerce and cities.
Lincoln decided to teach himself law and passed the bar in 1836. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Springfield, a few years before it became the state's capital. He married Mary Todd in 1842; they had four sons together, although only one would live into adulthood. Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1846, but pledging to serve only one term, he returned to Springfield in 1849. His opposition to the Mexican-American War is the most remembered element of his term.
Politics were in Lincoln's blood, and he decided to return to them in 1854. That year, Democrat Stephen Douglas had helped get the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed, which said there should be popular sovereignty when it came to slavery in the territories, meaning that voters should be able to decide for themselves if slavery should be allowed in them. On October 16, 1854, in Peoria, Illinois, Lincoln debated Douglas about the act. During the debate, he spoke against slavery and said it was incongruous with the Declaration of Independence. That same year, he joined the recently formed Republican Party, a party that was created in large part on the belief that slavery should not expand into the territories.
In 1858, Lincoln ran against Stephen Douglas for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois. In June, he gave his house divided speech, which said the country couldn't go on existing half slave and half free. Lincoln lost the race but gained national recognition, in part because of the debates he had with Douglas.
The Republicans nominated Lincoln as their candidate for president in the 1860 election. It was a four-way race: Stephen Douglas was the nominee of northern Democrats, John C. Breckenridge was the nominee of southern Democrats, and John Bell was the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party. Breckenridge and Bell split the southern votes, and Lincoln won most of the north. He won the electoral vote count, and thus the presidency. By the time he had taken the oath of office in March 1861, seven states had already seceded from the Union; the Civil War began the following month.
The Civil War engulfed Lincoln's presidency, but he proved to be an adept war leader. After George McClellan failed to pursue the Confederate Army after the Union victory at Antietam in September 1862, Lincoln removed him of his position of Commanding General. Lincoln also issued the Emancipation Proclamation after Antietam, which went into effect on January 1, 1863, freeing slaves in the southern states (slaves in the border states loyal to the Union were not freed). The emancipation laid the groundwork for slaves to be freed everywhere—the Thirteenth Amendment went into effect in 1865, after Lincoln's death.
In November 1863, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address at a dedication of the national cemetery at Gettysburg. It became one of the most famous speeches in American history. Although Lincoln has been lauded for fulfilling the commander-in-chief role, he did so not completely without controversy, as he suspended habeas corpus.
In 1864, Lincoln faced the general he had relieved, George McClellan, in his bid for reelection. He prevailed, and at his second inaugural he spoke of the end of the war, and the need for a conciliatory reconstruction "with malice toward none; with charity for all." On April 9, 1865, Confederate commander Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union Commanding General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House. Two days later, Lincoln gave a speech on the White House lawn.
On April 14, which happened to be Good Friday, President Lincoln was shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth while at Ford's Theatre. He died early the next morning at a boarding house across from the theatre. Today we remember his remarkable life and his contributions to the United States at such a difficult time in its history.
How to Observe Lincoln's Birthday
The following are some ways to celebrate Lincoln's Birthday:
Visit the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park. This encompasses both his birthplace south of Hodgenville, as well as Knob Creek Farm, where he lived next. A wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the park.
Stop at the Lincoln Museum in downtown Hodgenville as well as the nearby Abraham Lincoln Statue.
Stop at other places along the Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail.
Attend the wreath-laying ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial.
Visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and The Lincoln Tomb in Springfield, Illinois.
Stop at the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial in Indiana or at the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum in Tennessee.
Go to Ford's Theatre.
Read a book about Lincoln.
Read some of Lincoln's own writings and speeches.
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Abkhazians & Ossetians in Georgia. A Short History
In light of the disinformation campaign carried out by Russian information networks and picked up by western media, the Institute of the Georgian History at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has released an explanation as to why the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions (incorrectly called "South Ossetia") have always been an integral part of Georgia.
In the remote past, to the south of the Great Caucasian Range and east of the Black Sea, rural clans fought each other for land and mines, making alliances and early states. Two cultures equipped first with bronze and then with iron were established in the valleys of the rivers Rioni (Phasis), Chorokhi (Aphsaros), and Mtkvari (Cyros/Kura). Roughly, the borders of Colchis included the city of Pitius (Bichvinta, Pitsunda) in the North West, Sarapanis (Shorapani) in the East, near the Likhi mountains, which divides Georgia into West and East, and the mouth of the river Chorokhi in the South, near Batumi, Georgia’s main port. Another name for Colchis is Egrisi, derived from the tribal name Margali/Megreli/Mingrelian. The Mingrelian language, very close to the Georgian, is still spoken in West Georgia as a family one, like that of West Georgian highlanders, the Svani. The next country had two rivers, Chorokhi, now mostly in Turkey, and Mtkvari within its borders. Local folk called it Kartli, and the Greeks – Iberia and Iberians. The latter term contributes to Ivirk, Vrastan – Armenian terms; also to Varkan, Gurgan, Gurgistan – Persian terms, which in turn contributes to Georgia and Gruziya.
Thus, Kartli, while comprising the Mtkvari and Chorokhi valleys, was labeled as Iberia, or Vrastan, or Varkan, or Gurgan by foreigners. Gradually, Colchis/Egrisi and Kartli/Iberia became more and more integrated, and Georgian, the language spoken in Kartli, spread to the eastern Black Sea coast, putting the Mingrelian and Svani languages in the position of a family language. From that point on, this new country was called Sakartvelo, a term derived from Kartli, and also Iberia, Gurgistan, Gruziya and Georgia (T. Dundua. History of Georgia. Tbilisi. 2017, pp. 5-22. v. Academia.edu/Tedo Dundua).
Still, there was another language in West Georgia which was also converted into a family language: Abkhazian. The Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (Georgia) has Sokhumi as its capital. Sokhumi is the Turkish version of the Georgian name Tskhumi, while the Greeks and Italians called the city Dioscurias and Sebastopolis. People living in its neigborhood in the Classical and Hellenistic periods were the Colas and the Coraxae, obviously Colchian clans. Their names are substituted by that of the Colchians themselves. The first mention of the Aphsils, obvious ancestors of the Abkhazians, near Sebastopolis/Tskhumi, dates back to the 70s of the 1st c. A.D. Soon, their relatives, the Abasks, appear. These two names sometimes disappear in favor of “Lazi,” the name of Mingrelian-speaking people descended from the southern mountains to mingle with the Colchians, thus changing the name of the country into Lazica. In the northern part of Lazica under the local feudal lords, they again call themselves Aphsils and Abasks, when unified with the rest of the country – Lazi. That means that from the 2nd c. A.D., the Mingrelian language was a social one throughout Lazica, while the Abkhazian language was put in the position of a family language spoken near Sebastopolis/Tskhumi. Indeed, the special Mingrelian term for that part of Lazica was “apkha,” i.e. periphery. The periphery of what? That of Mingrelian, i.e. western Georgian, culture. Gradually, Aphsils and Abasks under the local princes also started to call themselves Abkhazians. When in the 8th c., apparently through marriage, their prince found himself residing in the central city of Kutaisi, Lazica/Egrisi received one more name – Apkhazeti. With the Georgian language becoming dominant on the eastern Black Sea coast, the Mingrelian, Svani and Abkhazian languages found themselves in the position of a family language (T. Dundua. Christianity and Mithraism. The Georgian Story. Tbilisi. 1999, p. 6; T. Dundua, Akaki Chikobava. Pacorus, the Lazi King, Who Was Overlord of Colchis/Western Georga. Tbilisi. 2013, pp. 9-16; T. Dundua. Georgia within the European Integration. Tbilisi. 2016, pp. 81-88. v. Academia.edu/Tedo Dundua).
West and East unified was called Sakartvelo/Georgia. And the title of the kings from the Bagrationi ruling dynasty was as follows: “King of the Abkhazians (i.e. Western Georgia), Kartvelians (Eastern and Southern Georgia), Ranians and Kakhetians (extreme East of the Eastern Georgia)” (T. Dundua. Review of Georgian Coins with Byzantine Iconography. Quaderni ticinesi di numismatica e antichità classiche. Lugano. 2000. Vol. XXIX, pp. 389-393; T. Dundua and Others. Online English- Georgian Catalogue of Georgian Numismatics).
The decline of Georgia towards the end of the 16th c. enabled the Ottomans to increase their territory, seeing them taking control of the cities on the eastern Black Sea coast. Georgian frontier defenses were down. Finding so little opposition, many tribes settled in the districts they had penetrated, a new wave of the Abkhazian speaking clans among them. They made their way from the mountains first to the region of nowadays Sochi (Russian Federation), and then down the coast towards Bichvinta (Pitius, Pitsunda). Those rough highlanders forced part of the local agricultural folk to flee to the central regions. Thus, rural and urban sites suffered much and the links with the rest of the country were badly damaged. The Ottoman overlords also encouraged the slave trade, completely changing the economic visage of the northwest of western Georgia for centuries before the Russians advance against the Ottomans in the 19th c. (T. Dundua. North and South (towards the Question of the NATO enlargement). www.nato.int/acad/fellow/99-01/dundua.pdf, pp.41-42; T. Dundua and Others. The Black Sea – Zone of the Contacts. Tbilisi. 2001, pp. 9-10, 15-16; T. Dundua and Others. The Black Sea. A History of Interaction. Teaching Pack. The Council of Europe. Oslo. 2004, pp. 46, 105. v. Academia.edu/Tedo Dundua).
The Russian Empire annexed eastern Georgia, the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti, in 1801. This paved the way for Russian expansion into western Georgia. In 1810, Abkhazian prince Giorgi (Safar Beg) Shervashidze swore allegiance to the Russian Emperor and in 1864, Russian governance was established in the territory. (Abkhazia in the late 18th- early 19th centuries. Entry of Abkhazia Under the “Protection” of Russia. in Essays from the History of Abkhazia. Tbilisi. 2011, pp. 300-305). Sukhumi military department was founded (M. Lordkipanidze. The Abkhazians and Abkhazia (Georg., Russ. and Engl. texts). Tbilisi. 1990 http://www.amsi.ge/istoria/div/m.lordkiPaniZe_afx.html#90).
Although the process of separating Abkhazia from Georgia was actively supported by the Russian authorities, still Abkhazia was a natural and integral part of Georgia. Perhaps it was for this reason that the Sukhumi military district was soon included in the Kutaisi governorate. Despite the negative effects of the Russian imperial policy, in 1918, the year when the Democratic Republic of Georgia was founded, Abkhazia was a part of Georgia (M. Lordkipanidze. The Abkhazians and Abkhazia (Georg., Russ. and Engl. texts). Tbilisi. 1990 http://www.amsi.ge/istoria/div/m.lordkiPaniZe_afx.html#90).
On June 11, 1918, an agreement was signed between the people’s council of Abkhazia and the leadership of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, where Abkhazia as a part of Georgia gained autonomy.
After the end of Georgia’s short independence in 1921, Abkhazia remained within Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia under a special union agreement, as a treaty republic having a certain type of autonomy within Georgia. In 1931, Abkhazia officially became the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR) of Georgia (Political Status of Abkhazia within the Soviet Georgia. 1921-1937. in Essays from the History of Abkhazia. Tbilisi. 2011, pp. 419-436; Революционные комитеты Абхазии в борьбе за установление и упрочение Советской власти. Сборник документов и материалов. Сухуми. 1961, p. 350). This remained unchanged until the end of the Soviet Union. According to the 1989 Soviet census, the total population on the territory of the ASSR of Abkhazia was 525,061, of which 239,872 were ethnic Georgians (45.7% of the population), while 93,267 were Abkhazians (17.8%) (S. Markedonov. Abkhazia: Historical Context. in Abkhazia Between Past and Future. Prague. 2013, p. 18).
Abkhazia enjoyed cultural and scientific benefits as part of Georgia during the Soviet era. The Abkhazian language was taught at the schools, and university.
Since 1993, the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia has been occupied by the Russian Federation (for the full-length narrative about Abkhazians v. З. Папаскири. Абхазия: история без фальсификации. 2е изд. Тбилиси. 2010 (with Engl. summary).
The next region occupied by the Russian Federation was the Autonomous District of South Ossetia. The Ossetians started settling in Georgia beyond the Caucasian range in the 16th-17th cc. as fugitives.
After the annexation of eastern Georgia by Russia in 1801, the Ossetian villages were attached to the Gori district of the Tbilisi governorate.
In 1920, the Russian Bolsheviks supported Ossetians living in the Democratic Republic of Georgia, in the mountains north of Gori, to establish the Soviet power there and declare the territory a part of Soviet Russia. This was an abortive attempt.
In February 1921, Soviet Russia violated the agreement of May 7, 1920 by militarily attacking the Georgian state and eliminating its independence. In April 1922, the Bolsheviks granted so-called South Ossetia the status of autonomous district within Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia. Soviet policy can be regarded as a premeditated attempt to disrupt the future attempts of the Georgians to gain independence and build a stable state as separatism within Georgia would constrain Tbilisi in its actions. The Autonomous District of South Ossetia consisted of a number of Ossetian settlements and a purely Georgian town Tskhinvali.
Thus, in 1922, the Autonomous District of South Ossetia was created in the heart of historic Georgian lands where the Georgian population represented the majority of the population.
It also needs to be emphasized that throughout the Soviet period (until 1991), the Ossetians living in Georgia were granted all necessary legal rights as an ethnic minority. Then Georgia became independent and the Russian occupation of the Autonomous District of South Ossetia began. (M. Lordkipanidze, G. Otkhmezuri. Ossets in Georgia. in The Caucasus and Globalization. Vol. 1 (4). Tbilisi. 2007, pp. 109-118; R. Topchishvili. Ethnic Processes in Shida Kartli (the Ossetians in Georgia). in Causes of War – Prospects for Peace. Georgian Orthodox Church. Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Tbilisi. 2009, pp. 111-138).
Prof. Dr. Tedo Dundua is the Director of the Institute of Georgian History, Faculty of Humanities, at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
By Prof. Dr. Tedo Dundua & Dr. Emil Avdaliani
Photo: Map of Georgian states in 1762. Based on the map of Dr. Andrew Andersen, from Atlas of Conflicts. Author: Gaeser
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yasbxxgie · 4 years
N.W.A. was formed back between 1986 and 1987 with the original lineup consisting of Dr. Dre, Eazy-E & Arabian Prince. A 17 year old Ice Cube joined after his old groups Stereo Crew and C.I.A (Criminals In Action) with Kid Disaster (K-Dee) and Sir Jinx who Dr. Dre produced for both dissolved. Shortly afterward, MC Ren and DJ Yella entered the fold and in November 1987 Macola Records released and distributed N.W.A’s debut project on their independent label funded by local hood Eazy-E called Ruthless Records. At the time, Ice Cube was 18 years old and responsible for writing the songs that put the group on the map both locally and nationally, Eazy-E’s “Boyz-N-The-Hood” & “8 Ball” plus N.W.A.’s “Dopeman”.
In August 1988, N.W.A. who were less than satisfied with Macola’s handling of their material switched to Priority Records as a national distributor. They re-released “N.W.A. & The Posse” (not “Straight Outta Compton”) which immediately began moving units and entered the Billboard charts. They also released a new single “Gangsta, Gangsta” on Ruthless/Priority that garnered them even more attention and spread nationwide like wildfire. The song was once again, penned by Ice Cube. It was soon followed by one of the most influential songs in Rap history, “Fuck The Police”.
The next step was to release Eazy-E’s debut LP “Eazy-Duz-It” which was mostly written by MC Ren and The D.O.C. formerly of Fila Fresh Crew but featured contributions from Ice Cube on the aforementioned “Boyz-N-The-Hood”, “No More ?’s” and the spoken word album closer “Eazy-Chapter 8 Verse 10”. It was released in September 1988 and soon joined the re-released “N.W.A. & The Posse” on both the Top Black Albums and Billboard 200 charts, climbing them both at an impressive rate.
In February 1989, N.W.A.’s “Straight Outta Compton” was unleashed on the masses, its meteoric rise up the charts was powered by the Ice Cube penned pre-release singles “Gangsta, Gangsta” & “Fuck The Police” in addition to the single “Express Yourself” that got them some radio play with a video that landed on BET’s “Rap City” and MTV’s “Yo! MTV Raps”. “Express Yourself” featured Dr. Dre kicking rhymes written by Ice Cube and the single and video exposed N.W.A to a much wider audience and expanded their reach even further. Following the sales success of both albums, N.W.A. went on their Straight Outta Compton Tour then picked up some other dates later on but as the tours progressed Ice Cube kept close tabs on his publishing and royalties statements.
By Fall 1989, Ice Cube became frustrated with his situation at Ruthless Records and felt he wasn’t receiving his proper compensation for contributing to the empire Ruthless was becoming. By then, J.J. Fad was Gold, Eazy-E had gone Platinum, N.W.A. was certified Platinum and The D.O.C. had just received his Gold plaque. Cube noted that neither Priority nor Ruthless was spending an exorbitant amount of money on marketing or promotions, they typically sold via word of mouth thanks to the coverage they got in mainstream press as the poster children for “Gangsta Rap”, derived from the N.W.A. single “Gangsta, Gangsta” Cube made significant contributions to.
Ice Cube was 20 years old at the time, constantly butting heads with Jerry Heller and Eazy-E over his splits, points and his royalties from N.W.A’s back catalog in addition to Eazy-E’s. Rather than sign another contract with Ruthless that would no doubt result in Cube continuing being under compensated for his role in the group as well as other albums on the label, he instead opted to go solo. By December 1989, Ice Cube leveraged his value to Priority into a solo deal by telling them Def Jam was interested in signing him.
This resulted in Ruthless Records blocking Dr. Dre from producing Ice Cube’s upcoming debut on Priority Records so he contacted several people in New York in search of producers, among them being The Bomb Squad which he had preliminary talks with. Ice Cube traveled to New York in January 1990 with Sir Jinx heading for the Def Jam offices to meet with Sam Sever, one of the main producers of one of his favorite albums of 1989, 3rd Bass’ “The Cactus Album”.
Sam Sever never showed up for the meeting but by chance Ice Cube ran into Chuck D of Public Enemy who was in Def Jam’s offices handling some business. Ice Cube and Chuck D first became acquainted back in December 1988 when Public Enemy brought N.W.A. & Eazy-E along with them on the Bring The Noise Tour with Ice T, Stetsasonic & EPMD. Public Enemy was in the process of completing their album “Fear Of A Black Planet” and Chuck tells Cube he should come to Greene Street Studios tonight because they were going to record a song called “Burn, Hollywood, Burn” with Big Daddy Kane. Cube came through, recorded a short 4 bar verse and sounded at home over Bomb Squad production… the rest was history.
Ice Cube then spent time with Chuck D fleshing out what he wanted on the album in notebooks and Hank Shocklee of The Bomb Squad stressed that they wanted to make a concise body of work for him as opposed to a few tracks here and there. Next step involved Ice Cube and Sir Jinx spending a couple of weeks at Public Enemy’s pre-production studio and rehearsal space at 510 South Franklin Street in Hempstead, Long Island poring through a mountain of records.
After taking careful consideration of the many records at their disposal, Cube & Jinx selected Funk from Kool & The Gang, Commodores, Betty Davis, Steve Arrington, Funkadelic, Parliament, Sly & The Family Stone, Maceo & The Macks, Bar-Kays, The J.B.’s, Fred Wesley & The New J.B.’s and Zapp in addition to staple breaks from Bob James, Mountain, The Meters, The Turtles, ESG, Cerrone, Melvin Bliss, King Curtis, Lafayette Afro Rock Band, Kid Dynamite and Soul Searchers. Between Ice Cube, Sir Jinx, Hank & Keith Shocklee, Chuck D & Eric “Vietnam” Sadler we have all the ingredients necessary for a classic album.
After close to two full weeks of culling together sample material, additional loops, sounds and song ideas from a cassette tape Chuck sent Cube a month or so prior to him arriving in New York and having Eric “Vietnam” Sadler craft together a bunch of skeletons to work from they eventually moved from there to Greene Street Studios to begin the recording process. Ice Cube had notebooks full of rhymes, some originally intended for Eazy-E and future N.W.A. projects, the ideas he laid down with Chuck and now the beats (some of which were demos originally recorded by Son Of Bazerk and True Mathematics). All that was left was for the Bomb Squad’s mad scientists to put on their lab coats, safety goggles and gloves and try to make a timeless piece of art.
The album itself was created over a 4 week span by The Bomb Squad, Ice Cube & Sir Jinx. The Bomb Squad’s attentions were split between finishing “Fear Of A Black Planet”, putting finishing touches on Bell Biv DeVoe’s debut “Poison”, tour dates and working with other talent they were developing like Leaders Of The New School, Young Black Teenagers and Son Of Bazerk featuring No Self Control & The Band. It was rough going given the scheduling conflicts but eventually the team was able to finish the project. Everyone worked relatively quickly and the album was done, mixed and mastered by Howie Weinberg then was turned in by March 1990. Ice Cube wanted to deliver the album to Priority as soon as possible so it could beat the next N.W.A. project to market.
The album consists of 17 tracks, 3 of which are skits (“Better Off Dead”, “JD’s Gafflin’” & “The Drive-By”) and 3 more were short songs like “What They Hittin’ Foe?”, “I’m Only Out For One Thang” & “Get Off My Dick & Tell Yo Bitch To Come Here”. “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” had a few features on it, Chuck D on “Endangered Species (Tales From The Darkside)”, Flavor Flav on “I’m Only Out For One Thang” and Yo-Yo on “It’s A Man’s World”. Given Ice Cube’s track record for making misogynistic anthems, the first member from his crew to get a deal was Yo-Yo and his manager was a Black woman, Pat Charbonnet.
Yo-Yo’s verse on this album led to her getting signed to EastWest/Atlantic later on that year. The experience Sir Jinx & Ice Cube gained working on this album plus having The Lench Mob in tow gave them the foundation for Street Knowledge Music. Eventually it led to Ice Cube working with his own iteration of The Bomb Squad, The Boogie Men (DJ Pooh, Bobcat & Rashad) in concert with his road dawgs Sir Jinx & Chilly Chill.
Priority released a single from the upcoming album in April, “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” b/w “Once Upon A Time In The Projects” but there was no video and although the single was selling it wasn’t receiving any radio airplay. On May 15th, 1990 Ice Cube’s Bomb Squad helmed debut LP “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” finally hit store shelves. When it debuted on the Billboard charts it was #110 on the Top Pop Albums on June 2nd, 1990. The single “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” was #2 on the Hot Rap Singles chart right behind Public Enemy’s “911 Is A Joke”.
To provide some context to the era, A Tribe Called Quest’s “People’s Instinctive Travels & The Paths Of Rhythm”, Public Enemy’s “Fear Of A Black Planet”, Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.’s “New Funky Nation”, Audio Two’s “I Don’t Care: The Album”, Poor Righteous Teachers’ “Holy Intellect” & X-Clan’s “To The East, Blackwards” were all recent releases. By June 9th, 1990, “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” entered the Top Black Albums at #47 and jumped all the way up to #62 on the Top Pop Albums as the single occupied the #1 spot on Hot Rap Singles.
On June 16th, 1990 it leaped all the way up to #19 Top Black Albums and #27 Top Pop Albums while “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” b/w “Once Upon A Time In The Projects” remained the #1 Rap single for the 2nd week in a row. It occupied the top position on the Rap charts as #2 was Snap!’s “The Power”, #3 was Power Jam featuring Chill Rob G “The Power”, #4 was MC Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This” and at #5 was Public Enemy’s “911 Is A Joke”. Ice Cube had just turned 21 and his first solo single was a #1 Rap hit in the age of MC Hammer & Pop/crossover Rap…
What makes this feat all the more impressive was Ice Cube’s single got little to no support at Black radio whereas all of the singles charting below it were. Nonetheless, Ice Cube’s single was still outselling all of the others while Priority was spending the bare minimum on their marketing campaign and promotional materials. The album was pretty much selling itself via word of mouth.
The subject matter on the album included some of the West Coast fare N.W.A. fans were used to from the same Ice Cube who made “A Bitch Iz A Bitch”. Songs like “The Nigga Ya Love To Hate”, “You Can’t Fade Me”, “Once Upon A Time In The Projects” & “A Gangsta’s Fairytale”. The Bomb Squad/Public Enemy influence was evident in cuts such as “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted”, “Turn Off The Radio”, “Endangered Species (Tales From The Darkside)”, “Rollin’ Wit The Lench Mob”, “Who’s The Mack?” and “The Bomb”. The way Ice Cube was able to blend elements of Gangsta Rap with Conscious Rap themes and Sir Jinx managed to combine his West Coast roots and East Coast influences to result in the incredible finished product was a revelation for many who thought Cube couldn’t do it on his own.
The fascinating thing about “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” was how it was RIAA certified Gold on August 9th, 1990 with no video, no Black radio support and at the time not even a 2nd single released. One of the motivating factors behind the Bomb Squad knocking the album out of the park was when Ice Cube told Hank Shocklee and Eric “Vietnam” Sadler when he informed N.W.A. that he would seek out production from them if Dr. Dre wasn’t involved with his solo project they said he’d be lucky to even go Gold. This was odd considering “It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back” was Platinum at the time as was “The Great Adventures Of Slick Rick” which the Bomb Squad had also made significant contributions to.
Around the same time, N.W.A. released their EP “100 Miles And Runnin’” and a video for the title track on Ruthless/Priority containing several Ice Cube disses whereas Ice Cube made a conscious effort to not address his situation with N.W.A. or even mention them at all on his album. That same month, Priority decided to finally shoot a video for the follow up single, “Who’s The Mack?”.
The job of directing the clip went to Alex Winter and Tom Stern of Propaganda Films, it debuted on BET’s “Rap City” & “Yo! MTV Raps” in mid to late September 1990 and had entered the regular rotation of The Box on October 13th, 1990. Priority urged Ice Cube to release some follow up material which resulted in the “Kill At Will” EP released that November. The EP was self produced by Ice Cube, Sir Jinx & Chilly Chill and was supported by two videos, “Jackin’ For Beats” and “Dead Homiez”. It went Gold in under 3 months and “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” eventually went Platinum. Far more important than the sales was the lasting influence of Ice Cube’s debut album and the accompanying EP…
What “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” did was take the style of music Spoonie Gee created, Schoolly D pioneered, Ice T, KRS One (BDP), Just-Ice , Toddy Tee & Mixmaster Spade innovated and Ice Cube made style evolutions in then marry it with the sociopolitical themes Public Enemy addressed on wax but from the perspective of a young person from South Central Los Angeles. This album became a new benchmark for not only artists looking to rebrand themselves after going solo but for new artists making their first project. “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” was revolutionary but gangsta before 2Pac was.
It set in motion a new timeline and created a lane where Paris, Geto Boys, The Coup, The Lench Mob & later on dead prez for a new generation of emcees and groups that could toe the line between gangsta and conscious post Boogie Down Productions’ “Criminal Minded”. Ice Cube was further able to merge the fanbase that loved Public Enemy, BDP, Jungle Brothers, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, X-Clan, Poor Righteous Teachers and Brand Nubian with one that also loved Ice T, King T, Geto Boys, Compton’s Most Wanted & Above The Law in a way that N.W.A. couldn’t do without Ice Cube.
Ice Cube’s output and evolution between 1988 and 1992 is easily one of the best and most impactful 5 year periods of any Rap artist in the genre’s history. It’s insane to think that span only covers Ice Cube between the ages of 18 to 23. By the time he was 25, he was considered a legend who was instrumental in launching several Rap careers, including Yo-Yo, Del The Funkee Homosapien (and Souls Of Mischief & Hieroglyphics), Threat, Da Lench Mob, Anotha Level & Kausion amongst others.
Sean “Puffy” Combs once told Ice Cube that while he was in the process of putting together “Ready To Die” for Biggie during his days at Uptown/MCA he studied “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted”. Over the past 30 years solo acts, groups and producers alike have all drawn inspiration from this album and cite it as influential. This opus is one of the many bodies of work that inspired me to write about music, frame it and put it into full context for those who may not have lived to experience the era for themselves. Ice Cube went and fucked up the program… Fuck you, Ice Cube!
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triciaisonline · 6 years
PLEASE NOTE: John’s Blog and the show contradict each other at times, in these cases, the show will be taken as canon. In times where the show contradicts itself, if other media cannot solve the mix up, then estimates based on what makes the most real world sense will be used to find an answer.
ADDITIONALLY: I don’t want to get flooded with everyone's headcanons for things where estimates had to be made; but i greatly welcome canon information that might have been missed or ( ie: The Game is Now Escape Room ) have been unable to experience. I also do not consider interviews with cast and crew as reliable sources for the most part, as these answers have also changed throughout the years. It will only be given consideration if nothing else contradicts it and was said without the air of taking the mickey out of us as many interactions with fans have. They like to say things just to get us going. So I consider this less of a word of god and more of a word of the clown.
SHERLOCK HOLMES: January 6th, 1981 ( stated in The Casebook ); making him younger than the actor playing him. However, this does conflict slightly as Sherlock states he was nine years old when Carl Powers drowned, and the article claims it was in 1989, which places his birth in 1980 instead. This was before they gave Sherlock a canonical birthdate in any media, however, and for the purposes of this, we’ll be using the casebook age, and claiming Sherlock was either rounding or misremembering due to the fact his childhood memories are not entirely factual. Additionally, the headstone image shown in The Sherlock Chronicles says 1977, but the previous date is the one considered to be Canon. ( See Notes )
JOHN WATSON: unknown, but somewhere in the 70′s. A popular fandate is March 30th. Judging off of the actor’s age, possibly around 1971, but maybe younger as many actors are playing younger than themselves.
MYCROFT HOLMES: Exact date unknown, but he is seven years older than Sherlock, which puts him to be born around 1973-1974. Which makes him canonically younger than the actor playing him.  02/25/19 EDIT: According to sources, Mycroft is given a birthdate in the Escape Room based on the series, October 20th, 1968. While the October date works fine, year for this doesn't fit the "Seven Years Older" claim on the show. The oldest birth date given for Sherlock is 1977 and that would make Mycroft nine years older than Sherlock, not seven. The year given falls closer to Mark Gatiss' actual age, and leaves me inclined to think that perhaps year for the game isn't entirely factual. That being said, there's still no reason he couldn't have been born October 20th. Based on the "Seven Years Older" claim, stated in show, the best guess is October 20th, 1974.
EURUS HOLMES: Exact date unknown, but she is a year younger than Sherlock, which makes her born somewhere in 1982-1983 depending on when she was conceived. 
MARY WATSON: Unknown, but based on the actress’ age, likely 1974;  but maybe younger as many actors are playing younger than themselves. 
ROSAMUND “ROSIE” WATSON: January 2015. We can infer this because based on how far along Mary was at her wedding, Rosie would have been conceived Mid-April, and if she was relatively ontime, she’d be born late January. 
REDBEARD / THE MUSGRAVE FIRE: Between 1988-1989 roughly; there is no clear indication on the show as to when these events took place. We can only summarize based on what we know about other events. We know that Sherlock "began" solving crimes at age nine ( see below ) due to Carl Powers; and we know that Sherlock had to be younger than ten years old during the events told in The Final Problem. Assuming that the tragic events of Carl Powers triggered something in him, making him take extra notice due to his own past experiences with Eurus and Victor; but still allowing time for all the events to take place and enough time to have passed for Sherlock to have rewritten the story so completely in his head where he can be suspicious but not fully triggered; I'd place him as seven or eight during these events.
*see notes for Sherlock’s birthday
UNIVERSITY: Sherlock attended the same school as Sebastian Wilkes in the early 2000s. Exact years, and if they were at school for the same duration of time is unknown; but he last saw the man roughly eight years ( if Wilkes can be trusted for accuracy ) prior to The Blind Banker, which would be somewhere in 2002/2003
CASE: A STUDY IN PINK: January 30th, 2010
CASE: THE BLIND BANKER: March 23rd-March 27th; inferred by Sherlock deducting the incorrect date on Wilkes’ watch and the on-screen passage of time.
Sherlock traveled to and from Minsk sometime between the events of The Blind Banker and The Great Game; based on the dates given, as well as the close air dates of the two episodes, it’s to be believed that Sherlock left and returned from Minsk on March 28th. This is also made plausible due to the funding Sherlock seems to have for himself, his impatience and the fact that it is a three hour flight each way. 
BAKER STREET BOMBING: March 28th; evening
CASE: THE GREAT GAME: March 29 - April 1st; we know this based on both the blog posts and Sherlock updating his website with the case answers. However, the blog post was edited from the original date of April 6th after it’s initial publication. The reason for this is unknown.
DURATION OF SERIES ONE: January 29th, 2010 - March 29th, 2010: three months exactly.
MISC: John and Sarah go to New Zealand for a week and breakup ( April 2010 )
IRENE MEETING: September 15, 2010
IDENTIFYING IRENE’S BODY: December 25th, 2010 
IRENE REVEALS SHE’S ALIVE: December 31st, 2010
JOHN PUBLISHES THE CASE: March 12th, 2011;
We don’t know the exact amount of time transpiring between New Years Eve and this point. Based on his track record, it’s likely January 15th is meant to be the date that Sherlock is told Irene is in Witness protection ( John seems to publish immediately, regardless of how tasteful it might be to reveal details of recent cases ). This gap would cover everything from Irene arriving at Baker Street, Sherlock going to the airfield, him beating Irene at the game, and saving her in Karachi. It’s likely, considering how erratic Sherlock is by early March with no cases, that the day John tells Sherlock the lie, is around late January / early February. Allowing Sherlock enough time to have done all of this as well as get riled up in time for Baskerville, which had to have occured before March 16th
CASE: THE HOUNDS OF BASKERVILLE: Early March 2011; by best estimates given as John doesn’t take too long to post his accounts of the events, and he had already finished typing up the case prior.
BASKERVILLE CASE POSTED: March 16th, 2011. This is also the same date Moriarty hacks John’s blog with a video of him inside of their flat. Suggesting he’s already free from his interrogation shown at the end of The Hounds of Baskerville.
The dates surrounding Sherlock’s death and The Reichenbach Fall are highly questionable as the episode, the blog, and logistics for certain events all contradict each other. Joe Lidster, who wrote John’s real world blog, has comically said that Moriarty hacking the blog gave it a virus that messed with the dating system, as a tongue in cheek explanation. Meaning if we were to take that as fact, all the dates in the blog could be false. The newspapers shown in the episode, have dates that suggest different things. I’ve chosen the one which makes the most sense, based on the news reel clip on John’s blog, the statement that he went to therapy three months later, the school holiday schedule for the abduction of the Ambassador’s children and several other people’s attempts to sort this all out. An alternative version can be found here.
MORIARTY’S ROBBERIES: Late March, by best guess. Possibly a bit earlier.
MORIARTY COMMITS SUICIDE / SHERLOCK FAKES HIS: June 14th/15th; the 15th is the more commonly believed date.
TOTAL SERIES TWO DURATION: March 29th, 2010 ( The Pool ) - June 2011. Fifteen Months / One Year and Three Months
SHERLOCK DISMANTLES MORIARTY’S NETWORK: June 2011 - Late October / Early November 2013
JOHN POSTS OLD CASES: April 2013 - October 5th, 2013
WEBISODE ( MANY HAPPY RETURNS ): October 5th, 2013
SHERLOCK RETURNS: Late October / Early November 2013
JOHN ALMOST BURNED ALIVE: Guy Fawkes Day, November 5th, 2013
Another case of Blog vs Screen; John and Mary’s wedding invites are shown throughout The Sign of Three with the date May 13th, while John’s blog states it was in August. The blog is deemed incorrect in this case, as well as his entries about the cases Sherlock reads at the Wedding
JOHN AND MARY’S WEDDING: May 13th, 2014; ( see above note about The Sign of Three )
His Last Vow has the opposite problem as the series finale prior, in which next to no dates are given. We only know the dates at the end of the episode. Just that the events of John getting restless, Sherlock using again, Magnussen visiting, Sherlock being shot, Sherlock leaving early to confront Mary, Sherlock leaving to confront Magnussen, John confronting Mary, Sherlock being taken to Hospital again and being released all happen between May 13th and December 25th, 2014. It can take a couple months for gunshot victims to be released from Hospital, depending on the severity. Applying Mycroft Rules and Television Rules we know that Sherlock likely didn’t stay the time a regular patient would have. Knowing Sherlock he would have wanted out as soon as possible. We know John and Mary were at odds for a bit, reconciling on Christmas. Plus there needed to be time for Sherlock to fake date Janine, John to reach the level of restlessness there was and get Charles’ attention. So these next few dates are estimates. The majority of the scenes shown in episode are out of order and happen in two time periods, before Mary’s revealed and Christmas Day. 
SHERLOCK GETTING SHOT:  September / October 2014
SHERLOCK SNEAKING OUT OF HOSPITAL TO MEET MAGNUSSEN AND MARY:  Early/Mid October 2014; presuming based on deleted scenes depicting a Sherlock who was unable to move for a while in recovery that this was maybe days or weeks later when it was deemed safe to wake him up from medically induced coma.
JOHN CONFRONTING MARY: October 2014 ( same day as above )
SHERLOCK RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL: Mid-December 2014, inferred by how the family and friends act as if it was more recent while at the Holmes’ family home.
SHERLOCK BOARDS THE PLANE / MORIARTY’S VIDEO GOES LIVE: December 31st, 2014 / January 2nd, 2015; the show itself provides two different accounts of this. Mycroft states in His Last Vow, that Sherlock was in holding for a week, placing the scene at the tarmac in Early January 2015; however, the introduction to The Abominable Bride places the scene with onscreen text in 2014 still. The only way both can be remotely accurate is if Mycroft is rounding up, and it’s December 31st, 2014.
DURATION OF SERIES THREE: Fall 2013 - Winter 2014;  just over one calendar year.
CASE: THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE ( REAL WORLD ): December 31st, 2014 / January 2nd, 2015 ( see above )
The first scene of The Six Thatchers, along with the real world scenes of The Abominable Bride and the final scenes of His Last Vow are the same day.
SHERLOCK IS ACQUITTED OF CRIMES:  December 31st, 2014 / January 2nd, 2015 ( see above )
ROSIE WATSON IS BORN: Mid/Late January 2015, assuming she was relatively on time.
ROSIE WATSON’S BAPTISM: March / April 2015; based on many modern traditions, the baby’s age and the style of clothing worn by the attendees.
The Six Thatchers covers the majority of one calendar year, no exact dates are given but we can surmise things based on the shown development of Rosie Watson ( whom we know to be a year old by the end of The Final Problem ). Rosie is shown to have full head support and movement before Mary dies, which is something that happens around six months. This would mean Mary’s still alive around June 2015. Allowing for time in which Mary is on the lam, leading to the aquarium, the following are my best guesses for events.
MARY IS MISSING: Summer 2015 ( how long she was gone for is unclear )
MARY IS BACK IN LONDON: September 2015
SHERLOCK RECEIVES MARY’S VIDEO / JOHN’S LETTER: Late October. 2015 / Possibly Early November 2015 
CASE: THE LYING DETECTIVE: Possibly Mid-December 2015 / Early January 2016
Another case of ‘we don’t know how long’; we know Sherlock returns from hospital on his birthday, but the dates in between are unclear. Nor do we know how long John and Sherlock didn’t speak for. Sherlock would have needed a major detox, as well as treatment for his injuries. Based on the timeframe, it’s unlikely he attended any form of inpatient rehab outside of whatever the hospital had on location due to his injuries. Possibly due to either Mycroft pulling strings, or the more likely, Sherlock refusing and signing himself out when able.
We also know that the jump from The Lying Detective and The Final Problem can’t be too long. Even though Sherlock has had a magical recovery from all ailments between episodes, it’s extremely unlikely that John sat on the ‘I was almost killed by your secret sister’ tidbit for a few weeks. Meaning these episodes likely happen very shortly after one another. It also feels unlikely that Eurus would make herself known to John and then wait weeks/months to then begin acting out again once the secret was revealed.
JOHN’S FINAL THERAPY SESSION WITH EURUS: Somewhere between January 6th - January 13th 2016; assuming he went about once a week.
CASE: THE FINAL PROBLEM: January 13th, 2015 - January 20th, 2016; presuming John was able to tell Sherlock after ( not knowing how long he was knocked out for ); and allowing Sherlock and John some time to figure out their next move. This would also cover the attack on Baker Street and the entire event on Sherrinford Island.
The Entire Series spans six years.
The Sherlock Timeline runs one year behind real world time, with the show’s episodes in universe during 2016, aired in January 2017
Sherlock Holmes would be 29 in A Study In Pink, and 35 by The Final Problem based on the Casebook date. 30 and 36 by The Carl Powers age. and 33 and 39 by The Sherlock Chronicles age. All would make him younger than Benedict Cumberbatch, born 1976.
An incorrect headstone, as seen in The Sherlock Chronicles would make sense with the fact that until The Lying Detective, John states he never knew his birthdate. Which, had his tombstone had it, would make little sense. Providing an in universe reason for this odd lack of knowledge on John’s part. Perhaps John merely guessed? Maybe Mycroft knew he wouldn’t want it known, so they put a fake date? Especially as Mycroft knew he was alive. Otherwise, this is just another plot inconsistency  --- which, I’m getting quite tired of. 
We don’t know when Mary and John first met, but we can infer they’ve known each other about a year from dialogue in The Six Thatchers when John is attempting to propose.
Alternate timelines surrounding The Reichenbach Fall sometimes claim the following dates: Sherlock Testifies: May 9th, 2011; Moriarty is freed and visits 221B: September 20th, 2011; The Kidnapping: November 19th, 2011; Sherlock Falls: November 20th, 2011. This comes from a couple on screen newspaper clippings; but they are contradictory to the stated three month interval stated. It’s up to fans to decide which version they feel is more accurate.
More of a musing, but it’s kind of interesting how many times John immediately runs to the internet to share the details of really recent cases fresh in the public’s mind; in contrast to Watson’s monologue in The Abominable Bride about how careful he is to avoid doing that very thing. Which is even funnier if you view it through the long standing canon lens of John is an Unreliable Narrator
SERIES ONE: January 29th, 2010 - March 29th, 2010
SERIES TWO: March 29th, 2010 - June 15th, 2011 
SERIES THREE: November 2013 - December 2014
SERIES FOUR: December 2014 - January 2016
WEBISODE: October 10th, 2013
SPECIAL: December 2014
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rockrageradio · 6 years
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On this day in Rock music history (Mar. 26th 1990)......Gary Moore released his GREAT 8th studio album titled 'Still Got the Blues'. Prediominatly known as a rock guitarist, it marked a substantial change in style for him. The album features guest contributions from Albert King, Albert Collins and George Harrison.The title track was released as a single and only reached #97 on the Billboard Hot 100 on February 16th 1991. To date, it is the only single of Moore's to chart on the Billboard Hot 100.The album reached #83 on the Billboard 200 on February 16th 1991, then was certified gold by the RIAA on November 1995. This was the most successful album both in sales and chart positions from Gary Moore in the US
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k-hiphop-trash · 7 years
1llionaire Records facts
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It was founded on January 1st 2011, by Dok2 and The Quiett. This is the reason their symbol is 11:11 and is written as 1lli; they event try to release songs at 11:11 pm.
The label only has one employee.
None of the rappers are bound by contracts.
Ambition Musik was created under Illionaire Records as a sub label.
The label was closed down on the 6th July 2020.
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He is one of the founders and owners of Illionaire Records.
Nickname: Dok2 (도끼) or Gonzo.
Real name: Lee JoonKyung (이준경).
He was born on March 28th 1990, he is from Seoul.
He is 165 cm or 161 cm.
He debuted when he was 13 by making a collaboration with rapper Cho PD and later on he joined his label Future Flow Entertainment.
At 16, he was part of the hiphop group Like Child Rapper alongside Microdot.
His stage name “Dok2″ means “axe” in Korean.
He is half Corean, a quarter Spanish and a quarter Philippine, because his mother is Korean but his father is Philippine and Spanish.
He made a cameo in 2016 drama “Entourage”.
Gonzo refers to his Philippine mother whose last name is González. However, he is also called “The Dirty South Korean” by some of his fans and “Young Boss” by himself.
He said he is very romantic and falls in love easily.
He is attracted by a woman’s strength and character rather than physical appearance.
He is close with Jay Park, Epik High, CL, Wooram, GD and Taeyang.
He collaborated with GD and Tablo on GD’s album “One Of A Kind”.
He admires 2pac, Dr. Dre, Jay-Z, Zeebra and Nas.
He is really close with all YG artists and has a lot of collaborations with many of them.
He was a producer in Show Me The Money 3 with The Quiett.
Team Dok2-TheQuiett won SMTM3 with Bobby.
He was in Show Me The Money 5 as a producer with The Quiett.
He appeared in Show Me The Money 6 with Jay Park as a producer team.
His father is famous guitarist Willy Lee.
In November 2018 his car was broken into and a few things stolen.
On the 6th February 2020 it was announced that he had left 1llionaire Records.
He produced SMTM collaboration stage for rappers that were eliminated: S.M.T.M (Show Me The Money).
He currently lives in Los Angeles.
In October 2019 he was accused by a jewellery brand of not having paid over 34,000 USD and filed a complaint against him. Finally, the trial took place on July 22nd 2020 and Dok2 won the lawsuit and the complaint was dropped.
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He is one of the founders and owners of Illionaire Records.
Real name:  Shin Dong Gab (신동갑).
Nickname: The Quiett (더콰이엇).
He was born January 29th 1985 in Gwangmyeong, South Korea.
He started rapping at 16, in 2003.
He is 171 cm.
He went to SungKongHoe University.
His blood type is B.
He met Dok2 in 2005 when they participated in Dynamic Duo’s second album.
He said he would be a nice and kind boyfriend since it comes naturally to him, he isn’t a “bad guy” type of partner. He also said that he is the kind of person that never fights with women. Regarding this topic, he’s mentioned that he wouldn’t make the relationship public since chaos would ensue.
Some of his many hobbies are small action figures, audio, furniture and toys.
He knows how to overcome loneliness.
He would like to try skydiving.
He plays basketball since he was a young kid.
He doesn’t like vegetables and he doesn’t really know how to cook. In fact, for about 11 years he did not pay the gas bill because he didn’t cook at home; he’s said to have a working stove nowadays.
He has collected a lot of tazos in the past.
He debuted in 2005 with his first mixtape, which was Christian music.
He used to be the co-founder and one of the main producers in Soul Company.
He was a producer in Show Me The Money 3 with Dok2.
Team Dok2-TheQuiett won SMTM3 with contestant Bobby.
He appeared as a producer in SMTM4 with Dok2.
He is considered as one of the best rappers in Korea and one of the best producers in the world.
His album “Q-Train” won the Hiphop Album of the Year in the fourth Korean Pop Music Awards.
He already went to the military service.
The South Korean law says that during the military service you can’t do any other work related activities without a special permit. However, The Quiett still released an album and performed shows to promote it. Due to this, he was sanctioned to two extra weeks in the service.
He was a producer in Show Me The Money 777 with Changmo.
He was a mentor in HSR3 with Code Kunst.
He appeared in many episodes of Dingo’s mini series “Bition Boyz” with Ash Island, Changmo, Way Ched, Leellamarz, Hash SwN and Keem Hyoeun.
He came up with his stage name after listening to Mobb Deep’s “Quiet Storm”.
He learned English through music, by listening to Western artists.
“Rap House” is a small concert that happens once a month and he is in charge of managing and casting rookie artists to perform.
The members of 1llionaire and Ambition Musik often meet at his place.
He doesn’t cook a lit, in fact, he has not paid gas bills for about 11 years since he doesn’t use the kitchen.
He really likes Coogie and was one of his favourite rappers of SMTM777 along Nafla and Kid Milli.
He met Leellamarz before he was signed under Ambition Musik to record the violin for some of his songs. They later met again in New York after Leellamarz (who was living there at the time) contacted him weh he learned that both of them were in the city. Afterwards Leellamarz was contacted by The Quiett to sing with his company.
He discovered producer Way Ched through Leellamarz, who was friends with him and recommended him to sign in Ambition as well.
He is very calm and doesn’t get angry often, so in one episode of Bition Boyz Ash Island and Leellamarz hat to try and anger him (they failed). Leellamarz said this is because he just goes with the flow of the situation.
He lives without planning anything because he likes to be faithful to the everyday life and live as it is.
According to pH-1, his strength is being able to control his emotions.
In 2018 he was officially a full member of KOMCA (Korea Music Copyright Assotiation).
On September 29th 2016 he co-founded Ambition Musik with Dok2.
He is the maknae among the members of DAMOIM (excluding NoiseMasterMinsu).
During his appearances in Dingo’s channel he’s fallen many times and other artists say he has a natural talent for this type of shows.
He doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings.
He doesn’t smoke.
He eats whatever he can find at any time he is hungry, doesn’t really follow a schedule or diet.
The Quiett’s answer to what’s his ideal type was: “It’s a really difficult question because there isn’t just one”.
He has a Shiba Inu named Torry and has it’s own instagram account: @torrystory
He co-founded Daytona Entertainment with fellow DAMOIM rapper Yumdda on November 25th 2020.
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He joined Illionaire Records on 2011.
Nickname: Beenzino (빈지노).
Real name: Lim Seong Bin (임성빈).
He was born on September 12th 1987.
He is 187cm or 180 cm.
His blood type is AB.
He is dating german model Stefanie Michova since 2015.
He started in the Korean hip hop scene in 2004, at 17.
He released his first work, “Daily Apartment”, in 2009 with Dok2.
He debuted with Illionaire Records during the concert HUSTLE REAL HARD Concert, held in 2011.
He used to be a member of the group JAZZYFACT with producer Shimmy Twice.
He went to Seoul Arts High School (not sure if this is the correct name in English).
He went to the Korean National University of Arts and got a bachelor in sculpture.
He spent part of his childhood in Christchurch, New Zealand and moved to Korea before middle school.
He can speak English fluently.
He is good at beatbox, drawing and sculpting.
He was part of “IABstudio", a very famous art studio.
He admires B.o.B, Drake, Nas, 2Pac and Frank Ocean.
He is close with Simon D, Zico, Tablo, Zion.T and Yong JunHyung.
He said in an interview that his girlfriend called him “Lim-sugar”.
His nickname “Beenzino”, is a parody of American rappers name Benzino. He used to use parody names with his university colleagues. He never expected to use it for a long time. It was created by combining the Boston rappers name with hos birth name “빈”.
When asked who they would like to collab with, many Korean artists mention Beenzino claiming that is really hard to get a feature from him.
He made his debut as a solo MC in Primary’s album “P’Skool’s Daily Apartment” in July 28th 2009.
He released his first album in 2012, “24:26”.
He was offered to be a part of BTS by CEO Bang Si Hyuk.
After a long time, JAZZYFACT released new material in 2017, on the day Beenzino joined the military service.
He concluded his military service on February 16th 2019.
After finishing his military service he apeared in one episode of Dingo’s mini series”Bition Boyz” with Changmo, Hyoeun and Hash Swan.
He often travels to Germany with his girlfriend.
He is learning German.
He is engaged to Stefania Michova.
We are not sure wether the facts in italics are true/correct or not. 
If you have any more information or notice something wrong don’t hesitate to let us know!
Credits to: https://kprofiles.com/beenzino-profile/; https://kprofiles.com/quiett-profile-facts/
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classic-rock-roller · 7 years
The Van Halen Timeline
Mostly Taken from Everybody Wants Some: The Van Halen Saga by Ian Christe, everything after March 2007 is from my own research  
October 13th, 1947: Sammy Hagar born in Monterey, California 
May 8th, 1953: Alexander Arthur van Halen born in Holland
October 10th, 1953: David Lee Roth born in Bloomington, Indiana 
June 20th, 1954: Michael Anthony Sobolewski born in Chicago, Illinois
January 26th, 1955: Edward Lodwijk van Halen born in Holland 
July 26th, 1961: Gary Cherone born in Malden, Massachusetts 
Winter 1962: Jan van Halen emigrates with his family to California 
1967: Edward gets $100 Teisco Del Ray guitar from Sears 
1971: Alex and Eddie Van Halen form the Trojan Rubber Company 
Autumn 1973: David Lee Roth joins the Van Halen brothers in Mammoth
1973: Sammy Hagar joins Montrose, records two albums, and tours heavily 
Spring 1974: Mike Sobolewski joins Van Halen, becomes Michael Anthony 
May 1976: Gene Simmons “discovers” Van Halen at the Starwood, finances unsuccessful demo tape 
1976: Sammy Hagar leaves Montrose, launches solo career 
May 1977: Ted Templeton rediscovers Van Halen, signs band to Warner Bros.
February 10th, 1978: Release of Van Halen; leading to tours with Journey, then Black Sabbath 
October 10th, 1978: Van Halen goes platinum
March 23rd, 1979: Release of Van Halen II; first headlining tour runs through October 
March 26th, 1980: Release of Women and Children First 
August 29th, 1980: Eddie Van Halen meets Valerie Bertinelli
April 11th, 1981: Eddie marries Valerie 
April 29th, 1981: Release of Fair Warning 
April 14th, 1982: Release of Diver Down
May 29th, 1983: Van Halen paid $1.5 million to play for four hundred thousand people at US Festival ‘83
January 4th, 1984: Release of 1984, featuring band’s first number 1 singe, “Jump”
September 2nd, 1984: Final show by classic lineup in Nuremberg, Germany 
December 31st, 1984: David Lee Roth releases Crazy from the Heat
1985: Cherone’s band the Dream wins MTV’s Basement Tapes
April 1985: David Lee Roth exits Van Halen 
September 1985: Eddie Van Halen announces at Farm Aid that Sammy Hagar is Van Halen’s new lead singer 
November 19th, 1985: Sammy Hagar’s ninth studio album, VOA, becomes his first platinum-selling disc
March 24th, 1986: Release date of 5150; first “Van Hagar” album sells triple platinum by October 
July 4th, 1986: Release of David Lee Roth’s platinum solo debut, Eat ‘Em and Smile 
December 1986: Jan Van Halen dies  
May 24th, 1988: Release of OU812, followed shortly by Roth’s Skyscraper 
Summer 1988: Eddie attempts sobriety while Van Halen tours with Metallica, Scorpions, and Dokken 
February 1989: Tone Lōc;s “Wild Thing” reaches number 2, a rap single that samples Van Halen’s “Jamie’s Cryin”
April 22nd, 1990: Van Halen performs at opening of Cabo Wabo Cantina in Mexico
June 8th, 1990: Extreme’s “More than Words” single hits number 1
February 2nd, 1991: Release of David Lee Roth’s A Little Ain’t Enough, his last gold record as a solo artist
March 16th, 1991: Eddie’s son Wolfgang Van Halen born
June 17th, 1991: Release of For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, Van Halen’s third-straight number 1 album 
January 1991: Eddie debuts the EVH Music Man guitar and the Peavey 5150 amplifier line 
April 20th, 1992: Gary Cherone joins surviving members of Queen at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert in London
February 23rd, 1993: Release of first official live album, Right Here, Right Now
October 16th, 1993: Van Halen’s manager since 1985, Ed Leffler, dies 
March 14th, 1994: Sammy Hagar releases solo collection, Unboxed 
October 2nd, 1994: Fresh from rehab, Eddie Van Halen announces he will never drink again
January 24th, 1995: Release of Balance, the fourth consecutive number 1 studio album 
April 7th, 1995: Eddie arrested at Burbank Airport carrying a loaded gun 
April 26th, 1995: Van Halen returns to Europe after eleven years, as an opening act for Bon Jovi
Fall 1995: David Lee Roth appears in Reno and Las Vegas with a fourteen-piece band 
November 29th, 1995: Sammy Hagar marries second wife, Kari 
June 1996: Eddie and Sammy fight during a phone call; Sammy Hagar leaves Van Halen 
August 7th, 1996: Van Halen certified diamond for ten million sold
September 4th, 1996: Original members of Van Halen appear together at MTV Video Music Awards, leading to renewed quarrels 
October 4th, 1996: Alex and Eddie announce that Van Halen’s new singer will be Gary Cherone 
October 22nd, 1996: Release of Best of Volume I, with two new songs featuring Roth; despite the recent split with the band, it is his first number 1 album 
March 17th, 1998: Release of Van Halen III, the first VH . studio album not to go platinum 
November 5th, 1999: Gary Cherone leaves Van Halen
May 2000: Texas hospital confirms Eddie in outpatient cancer prevention  
Summer 2001: Van Halen completes at least three new songs with David Lee Roth
January 2002: Van Halen’s partnership with Warner Bros. ends after twenty-three years 
April 15th, 2002: David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar announce joint forty-date summer concert tour 
May 2002: Doctors declare Eddie Van Halen cancer free 
July 2002: Eddie and Valerie Van Halen announce separation 
April 2004: Sammy’s Cabo Wabo Cantina opens a branch in basement of a Lake Tahoe casino; Cabo Wabo tequila ships over 110,000 cases for the year
June 11th, 2004: Van Halen launches reunion tour with Sammy Hagar; relations sour by the end of the summer 
November 19th, 2004: Eddie smashes two Peavey Wolfgang guitars, ending his thirteen-year partnership 
December 6th, 2005: Eddie and Valerie officially file for divorce 
January 2006: David Lee Roth replaces Howard Stern as morning radio DJ; lasts through April 
September 2006: Eddie Van Halen announces that Van Halen will tour in 2007 with his son, Wolfgang, playing bass
December 2006: Roth rehearses with a new all-Van Halen lineup
March 2007: Van Halen inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
September 27th, 2007: Van Halen started their new tour in Charlotte, North Carolina 
March 5th, 2008: World Weekly Entertainment to CBS News reported that the reason the tour had been interrupted was Eddie Van Halen’s needing to reenter rehab
June 2nd, 2008: The tour ended at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan       
July 3rd, 2008: Van Halen headlined the Quebec City Summer Festival 
August 2010: Warner/Chappell Music extends its administration agreements with Van Halen 
January 17th, 2011: Van Halen enters the Hensen Studio C with Producer Jon Shanks 
December 26th, 2011: Their official website is updated, announcing that tickets for their 2012 tour will be available beginning January 10th, 2012 
January 5th, 2012: Van Halen plays an intimate gig at Café Wha? in New York City
January 10th, 2012: Van Halen’s single “Tattoo” makes it’s premier on radio stations 
February 7th, 2012: A Different Kind of Truth is released 
August 30th, 2012: Eddie Van Halen is diagnosed with diverticulitis and undergoes surgery, which postpones the shows in Japan 
April 20th, 2013: Van Halen performs it’s first show outside North American with Roth since 1984
February 2015: Van Halen fansite, VHND.com, announces that Van Halen is releasing their first every live album with David Lee Roth, Tokyo Dome Live in Concert 
March 24th, 2015: Van Halen announces a 39 date tour with Roth that will take place between July and October across North America   
March 31st, 2015: Tokyo Dome Live in Concert is released 
April 2015: Eddie Van Halen tells Rolling Stone that the band “will probably hunker down and do a studio album” after their tour 
January 16th, 2016: Michael Anthony clears up the rumor that he might be rejoining Van Halen 
February 26th, 2016: David Lee Roth clears up some rumors about his recently released song “Ain’t No Christmas”, saying that it has nothing to do with Van Halen 
May 25th, 2016: David Lee Roth says he believes he’ll be back with Van Halen 
August 17th, 2016: Sammy Hagar apologizes to Van Halen  
December 23rd, 2016: Rumors start to fly about Van Halen reuniting for album and 2018 tour 
March 12th, 2017: Michael Anthony says that it’s time for Roth/Hagar Van Halen tour 
June 22nd, 2017: Michael Anthony says that now is a perfect time for a reunion of the classic lineup of Van Halen 
November 2nd, 2017: Sammy Hagar says that there is no chance of a Van Halen reunion 
January 5th, 2018: Michael Anthony is interviewed for upcoming Van Halen documentary 
January 20th, 2018: Van Halen is rumored to have new music and 2018 tour 
January 29th, 2018: Eddie Van Halen sues to stop release of “5150 Vault” documentary  
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bog-o-bones · 7 years
Kaiju Forecast - 2018
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The new year is quickly approaching us and kaiju fans certainly will have their plates full next year. Here’s a list of some of the major movies, events, merchandise and more to look forward to in the coming year!
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Obviously the main tent-pole film of the year will be Legendary’s Pacific Rim: Uprising due out on March 23rd. The sequel to arguably the forefather of the New Kaiju Boom has seen plenty of ups and downs during it’s development, including a terrifying “indefinite hiatus” stamp placed upon the film in late 2015. Thankfully, the film has marched on through production and features the return of fan favorite characters from the first film as well as a new team of Jaeger pilots, led by Star Wars and Attack The Block’s John Boyega. Although a few trailers and promotional ads have been released, kaiju groupies can probably expect a surge in marketing around February.
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Second banana (no pun intended) to Uprising is New Line’s Rampage loosely based on the popular city-crushing game franchise. Another film that’s spent time in Development Hell, Rampage stars perennial popcorn flick favorite Dwayne Johnson and will be unleashed April 20th to theaters everywhere.
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One can’t forget about the King of the Monsters either. The second installment in the anime trilogy will make landfall in Japan on May 5th, titled Godzilla: The City Mechanized for the Final Battle (whew). Initial details remain scarce bar the inclusion of Mechagodzilla (who can be seen in the poster above). International fans may also get the chance to view the first installment in the series on Netflix, although no details for that are available either, aside from a continuously fluctuating date on the film’s Netflix Instant listing.
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Tsuburaya’s latest entry in the Ultraman franchise will be seeing it’s traditional theatrical film in the form of Ultraman Geed: The Movie. Abroad fans of the show will most likely have to wait for a fansub service to translate the film in order to see it, but it may also be subject to a small theatrical screening like it’s predecessors Ultraman Ginga S: The Movie and Ultraman X: The Movie, although those were released to coincide with the Ultra series’ 50th anniversary. Never give up hope, though!
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Of course, one can’t also forget about the ever-so-secretive Cloverfield franchise, which supposedly launches it’s third film in the semi-anthology series on February 2nd. Tentatively titled God Particle, the film has been pushed back three times from its initial October 2017 release date, leaving some to speculate if it is even going to come out at all. The Cloverfield franchise is noted for its heavy use of alternate-reality games for its marketing, but God Particle has seen effectively nothing so far, even when we’re less than three months away from release. Only time will tell, however.
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Not necessarily a kaiju film, but it does feature the 8th Wonder of the World and may or may not feature Ultraman and the third incarnation of Mechagodzilla, Based on a thoroughly bland and tasteless early teen novel, Ready Player One is basically this generation’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit only for “geek culture” (hard gag) and...you know, bad. Kaiju fans will most likely want to wait for the YouTube compilation of all the references instead of wasting $9.00+ on a movie ticket to see some giant monster action.
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Also supposedly on the docket is a film adaption of the above novel, Steve Alten’s Meg which features a surviving prehistoric Megalodon terrorizing some form of human society (you can tell I’ve read the book, can’t you?). Yet another film stuck in development hell, although the production for this film is at least two decades old. Supposedly principal photography has been completed on this film, but who the hell knows.
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While Tsuburaya is most definitely working on the next main installment of the Ultra series, a short series in the style of Ultraman Retsuden or Ultraman Zero: The Chronicle will be aired starting January 6th. Ultraman Orb: The Chronicle follows the history of the titular Ultra’s alter ego Gai Kurenai. Unlikely to be picked up by Crunchyroll like it’s original show, Ultra Fans will most likely want to stalk fansub sites to view this series.
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Another of Tsuburaya’s toku heroes will see an animated revival next year with Studio Trigger’s Gridman anime based on a short shown at the Japan Animator Expo in 2015. Titled SSSS Gridman, named after the original show’s Americanization Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad, the show will be released in the Autumn of 2018. Also related to Gridman, the original show is being broadcasted to nearly-impossible-to-document-channel Toku starting this December.
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Aside from Ultraman and Gridman, I don’t know of any other kaiju-related television shows happening next year, so to not leave this section sparse, I should probably mention Kamen Rider Build, which while technically not kaiju based or a 2018 release, is tokusatsu-related and will be continuing into the new year. I know nothing aside from the basics of Kamen Rider, but according to the wiki it will be the last Rider show to be fully broadcasted during the Heisei era, as the next series will run into 2019 when Emperor Akihito will abdicate the throne to his son Prince Naruhito, thus beginning a new era of Japan.
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It would be heresy to discuss kaiju-related events and not bring up the quintessential annual kaiju con G-FEST! Next year’s convention looks to be an absolute banger and the entire guest list and schedule hasn’t even been announced yet! In attendance next year are Akira Takarada, best known for his role as Ogata in the original 1954 Godzilla film as well as his other roles throughout Toho’s library. Joining him will be Megumi Odaka, known as Miki Saegusa in the Heisei Godzilla series. This is her first G-FEST in over fifteen years, having attended back in 2000. Fans will most definitely not want to miss this event! G-FEST 2018 will be held July 13th - July 16th at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare in Rosemont, IL.
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San Diego Comic Con has always been the number one hotspot for pop culture news every year, and 2018′s convention is definitely one kaiju fans want to keep their eyes peeled to. The highly anticipated sequel to Legendary’s Godzilla reboot has wrapped filming and it’s extremely likely that the film will have some sort of presence at next year’s SDCC. Whether this means a panel with the cast and crew or a trailer is anyone’s guess, but considering it’s the last major convention before the film’s release (with the possible exception of New York Comic Con in October), it’d be insane of Legendary not to promote the film here. San Diego Comic Con will take place July 19th - July 22nd at the San Diego Convention Center.
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On a slightly smaller note, Monsterama is a convention in the Atlanta, GA area that seems like your average horror/monster fan convention. Of special note on the guest list to kaiju fans is Matt Greenfield, former president of ADV Films and current president of Kraken Releasing. Both companies are notable for releasing many kaiju films to DVD & Blu-Ray in the west. Kraken’s latest tokusatsu releases include The Return of Godzilla on Region 1 disc for the first time, and Garo, the creation of character and monster designer Keita Amemiya. Fans will want to keep their ears open for this convention as new information regarding possible new releases from the company could be revealed.
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The S.H. MonsterArts line continues releasing highly-articulated and accurate representations of characters from the Godzilla franchise, including the first non-Godzilla Showa character in the form of Mechagodzilla. Reissues of the infamous Shin Godzilla figure and the sought-after SpaceGodzilla and Little Godzilla are also in the pipeline. And of course, the highly anticipated release of the 2002/2003 KiryuGoji design as well. Mechagodzilla has been licensed by BlueFin to see a stateside release, but the others will remain Japanese exclusives.
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Continuing the theme of super-articulated figures, the S.H. Figuarts line will be seeing a surge of Ultra-related figures next year. On the docket are too many figures to list (see the Ultraman Wiki article) but of special note are the kaiju Antlar, Pandon, Twin Tail and Gudon (seen above). No release dates for any of the kaiju have been revealed, but it’s very likely these monsters will see release in the coming year.
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In the world of vinyl figures, chances are Bandai will produce figures for the Godzilla anime sequel, but of special note are new releases in the Movie Monster Series line for 2003 Kiryu and Biollante! This marks the first vinyl figure of Biollante since the original 1990′s deluxe-sized figure. Despite the lack of pictures, the low price of only 1500 yen means collectors will not want to miss out on this one.
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Pacific Rim Uprising continues to dominate off the screen with a highly anticipated line of figures from Bandai’s Robot Spirits line. All six of the film’s main Jaegers will be released for less than $40 each (and imported to America via BlueFin) and are easily available for pre-order from mainstream sites like Amazon and BigBadToyStore. Tamashii also plans to release an expensive yet extraordinarily accurate Gipsy Danger figure through its Soul of Chogokin line as well as vinyl representations of the kaiju enemies in the newly revitalized Sofubi Spirits line.
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Alternatively, Diamond Select Toys is putting out their own line of Pacific Rim Uprising figures of the Jaegers and the kaiju. These figures appear to be more in-tune with what NECA released for the first film, so those who want similarly scaled figures have that option. DST is also releasing articulated kaiju, for those who aren’t satisfied with Bandai’s vinyl offerings.
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Continuing with American companies, NECA has been hard at work sculpting new figures for their Classic Godzilla line. Nothing new has been revealed yet and information is reportedly coming at ToyFair in February, although NECA is notorious for not keeping their word on reveals for their non-80′s properties. Part of this has to do with Toho’s infamously strict licensing policies which resulted in NECA being only allowed to do Godzilla suits in their line as opposed to supporting monsters as well. NECA also revealed that they do not have the rights to create figures based on the 2019 designs of Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah leaving the likely scenario being similar to Pacific Rim Uprising’s toys, with Bandai doing S.H. MonsterArts figures of the three kaiju to be distributed in America via BlueFin.
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In late 2017, Criterion secured the streaming rights to fourteen Showa Godzilla films, comprised of the films Classic Media released in their Toho Master Collection, Media Blasters’ two-film library of Destroy All Monsters and Godzilla vs. Megalon, and the out-of-print Son of Godzilla and Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974). The films are currently available for streaming on the FilmStruck service, but Criterion has implied that they are interested in a physical release sometime in the future. Nothing concrete has been revealed yet, so fans will want to keep an eye on Criterion’s monthly Future Releases updates to see if any of these films make the cut.
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Finally, kaiju artist and fan extraordinare Matt Frank is drawing an officially licensed Redman manga! From the previews shown, it appears to be taking on more of a dark tone than the original show. No word on a US release yet (although it’s likely copies will be offered at his G-FEST Artist Alley table).
With each passing year, the kaiju fandom grows bigger and bigger and more and more kaiju-related media is being released every month. It’s truly a new age for the genre and definitely the best time to be a fan. Here’s to a happy 2018!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
Death - Within The Mind
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myraelvira · 4 years
Rick James' Kidnapping Allegation
Rick James' Kidnapping Allegation
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James Ambrose Johnson Jr., better known as Rick James, was born on February 1st, 1948. He was renown singer and musician that was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. His father was an auto worker that left the family when he was ten years old, and his mother resorted to working as a numbers runner to make money. James' mother would take him with her on routes, where he would see famous musicians playing in bars. James claimed that he lost his virginity at the age of 9 or 10 to a 14 year old girl, claiming that his "kinky nature came in early.". He was introduced to drugs at an early age and was busted for burglary as a young teen. At the age of 14 or 15, James entered the US Navy to avoid being drafted into the army. James ended up missing his twice a month reserve sessions and ended up being ordered to Vietnam.
Rick left the states and went to Toronto, Canada. While there, he made friends with Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, and went by the name 'Ricky James Matthews' to avoid being caught by the military. In 1964, he formed 'the Myna Birds' to which they briefly recorded at the Canadian division of Columbia Records in 1965.
Sometime in 1968, James got into pimping briefly, but stopped as he felt like he was not qualified due to the 'harsh activity and abuse of women there.'. Also during this time, James formed various iterations of the band 'Salt'N'Pepper', even gaining an investment from Jay Sebring. According to Rick James, Sebring invited him to attend a party at Sharon Tate's house, but he was too hungover to get out of bed. The next morning, James found out that Jay Sebring and the others at Cielo Drive had been murdered, on August 9th, 1969.
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James went solo in his career come 1973, and in 1978, he released the album 'Come Get It!' that had the hit single 'Mary Jane'. The album sold 2 million copies, which launched his career. Come 1989, his career started to lose strength, and he began struggling with personal and legal problems in 1990. In 1989, James met Tanya Hijazi, who is described as having been a 17 year old party goer. The two started dating in 1990, and welcomed their only child in 1993. They married in 1996, then divorced in 2002.
On August 2nd, 1991, James and Tanya were arrested on the charges of holding 24 year old Frances Alley hostage for six days, though some sources state that it was two or three days. They tied her up, forced her to perform sexual acts, and burned her legs and abdomen with the hot end of a crack pipe, and a heated knife during a week long coke binge. James' bail was 1 million dollars, and Tanya's was half a million.
Frances Alley had met James at his house on July 16th of that year. She initially went to his house, as she was friend. One source states that the couple offered to 'put her up at their house'. But James accused Alley of taking drugs from his home and held her against her will, also threatening her with a gun.
James released her, initially telling her not to tell anybody. Alley went to Cedars-Sinai to be treated for her injuries. Deputy District Attorney Myron Jenkins had stated that the burns left on her body left horrendous scars. Alley suffered around 20 burns in total. Her injuries led to the hospital staff to notify the police.
James faced a sentence of life in prison if he were convicted on all charges, which included assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated mayhem, torture, forcible oral copulation, false imprisonment, and kidnapping. The case went to trial in 1993, where James pleaded innocent. The trial was only three weeks long, and at one point, he cried while testifying, asking the judge for a weekend release so that he could marry his girlfriend Tanya (of which it was denied).
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Tanya plead guilty to an the assault charge, and the rest were dropped for her. She served 15 months. James on the other hand was convicted on the assault, imprisonment, and drug charges, and was sentenced to five years and four months in prison. He was sent to Folsom State Prison, where he apparently created more than 300 songs. James is quoted as saying,
”Prison has been a blessing in disguise,” he said during his incarceration. ”Otherwise, I probably would have been dead by now.”
He served two years in prison, and was released in 1996.
In a 1997 interview, James stated the kidnapping and torture never happened. He said:
"I mean, here’s a girl who had a pimp, who feels that they could get some money out of Rick James so they could support their habit, so that’s how that happened."
On August 6th, 2004, James passed away in his Los Angeles home. He died of pulmonary and cardiac failure. He is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, in Buffalo, New York.
https://ew.com/article/2001/08/02/1991-rick-james-arrested/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1991-08-04-9103250740-story.html https://meaww.com/rick-james-death-anniversary-aug-6-music-icon-legacy-tarnished-controversy-arrest-kidnap-abuse-drugs https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-08-03-me-242-story.html https://www.thetapesarchive.com/rick-james/ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/9276693/rick-james
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rastronomicals · 4 years
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February 16:
On the 16th of February, 1975, T Rex sprung upon us Zip Gun, their tenth album.
On the 16th of February, 1990, Naked City delivered Naked City, their debut album.
On the 16th of February, 1993, Tom Petty came out with Tom Petty's Greatest Hits, his best-of album.
On this date in 1998, Miles Davis, or at least, his estate with the aid of Bill Laswell, released the album, Panthalassa.
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netflixia · 8 years
New to Netflix for February 2017
Feeling the love this month. A few things coming to Netflix in February: Santa Clarita Diet, Imperial Dreams, Michael Bolton’s Big Sexy Valentine’s Day Special, David Brent Life on the Road, Abstract: The Art of Design, Girlfriend’s Day...consider date night settled. Date is optional.
Check the Complete List of New Titles on Netflix in February 2017
February 1st
Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies, and Cyber Attacks (2016)
Babe (1995)
Babe: Pig in the City (1998)
Balto (1995)
Balto 2: Wolf Quest (2001)
Balto 3: Wings of Change (2004)
Contact (1997)
Corpse Bride (2005)
Finding Dory (2016) Disney Exclusive
Eleven P.M. (1928)
From This Day Forward: A Trans Love Story (2016)
Gun Runners (2015)
Hell-Bound Train (1930)
Highly Strung (2015)
Hot Biskits (1931)
I Am Sun Mu (2016)
Invincible (2006)
Les beaux malaises (Season 1-4)
Magic Mike (2012)
Masha’s Spooky Stories (Season 1)
Mother with a Gun (2016)
Paris Is Burning (1990)
Project X (1987)
Silver Streak (1976)
The Blair Witch Project (1990)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe (2005)
The Five Heartbeats (1995)
The Furchester Hotel: Season 1-2 (2014)
The Girl from Chicago (1932)
The Longest Day (1962)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Twilight (2008)
Women in Gold (2015)
February 2nd
American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson (Season 1)
Frequency (Season 1) The CW Early Release
February 3rd
Daniel Sosa: Sosafado (2017) Netflix Original
Imperial Dreams (2017) Netflix Original
Santa Clarita Diet (Season 1) Netflix Original Series
February 4th
Superbad (2007)
February 5th
Elvira I Will Give You My Life but I’m Using It (2014)
Los herederos (2015)
February 6th
Girls Lost (2015)
Me, Myself and Her (2015)
February 7th
Michael Bolton’s Big, Sexy Valentine’s Day Special (2017) Netflix Original
February 8th
Tiempos Felices (2014)
Girl Asleep (2015)
February 10th
Abstract: The Art of Design (Season 1) Netflix Original
David Brent: Life on the Road (2016) Netflix Original
February 11th
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Season 2) The CW Early Release
Stronger Than The World (2017) Netflix Original
February 12th
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)
February 13th
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap (2016)
Magicians: Life in the Impossible (2016)
February 14th
Girlfriend’s Day Netflix Original
Katherine Ryan: In Trouble Netflix Original
King Cobra (2016)
Miraculous Ladybug (Season 1)
Project Mc 2 (Season 4) Netflix Original
White Nights Netflix Original
February 15th
Aram, Aram (2015)
Before I Go to Sleep (2014)
Fire Song (2015)
February 16th
Milk (2008)
Sundown (2016)
February 17th
Chef’s Table (Season 3) Netflix Original
DreamWorks Dragons: Race to the Edge (Season 4) Netflix Original
Kill Ratio (2016)
The Seven Deadly Sins (Season 2) Netflix Original
February 19th
Girl Meets World (Season 3)
Growing Up Wild (2016)
Tini: El Gran Cambio De Violetta (2016)
When Calls the Heart (Season 3)
February 23rd
Sausage Party (2016)
February 24th
I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore (2017) Netflix Original
Legend Quest (Season 1) Netflix Original
Ultimate Beastmaster Netflix Original
Ultimate Beastmaster Mexico Netflix Original
VeggieTales in the City (Season 1) Netflix Original
February 26th
Night Will Fall (2016)
February 27th
Brazilian Western (2013)
February 28th
Be Here Now (2015)
Michael Birbiglia: Thank God for Jokes (2017) Netflix Original
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micaramel · 5 years
Artist: Jutta Koether
Venue: MUDAM, Luxembourg
Exhibition Title: Tour de Madame
Date: February 16 – May 12, 2019
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release, and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of MUDAM, Luxembourg. Photos by Rémi Villaggi.
Press Release:
Tour de Madame is the first major retrospective dedicated to the painting of Jutta Koether (*1958, Cologne, Germany). Long associated with writing, music and performance, Koether’s painterly oeuvre shown in this densely sweeping presentation highlights her pictorial and conceptual approach to painting over four decades. Koether’s painting constantly confronts the conditions of its own production, as a site of reflection on the act of looking and the perspectives such an act might bring to bear according to who is looking, how and when. The exhibition crucially highlights the historical significance of Koether’s oeuvre as a counter-history to the (male-dominated) canons of modernism and post-modernism, and the understanding of painting in our contemporary world as part of a dynamic set of historical, cultural and social relations.
The exhibition at Mudam is organised as three moments. In the west gallery, a retrospective view of 45 paintings created between 1983 and 2016 is presented in a salon style of double hanging that references collectors’ cabinets, and the memory of the first retrospective exhibition staged by Pablo Picasso in Paris in 1932. Presented in the east gallery is the eponymous Tour de Madame, a cycle of 15 paintings made by Koether for the exhibition. In the pavilion gallery, Koether presents her creative universe as a dynamically orchestrated audio-visual environment.
The installation of paintings in the west gallery spans Koether’s beginnings in Cologne in the 1980s, her move to New York in the 1990s, and paintings from the 2000s. The evolution from the small format, tightly composed canvases to more graphically lyrical and open pictorialism on a large scale is evident, as are recurring narrative, pictorial and conceptual themes. They include the use of colour, a dialogue with the history of painting and its conventions, music and the performative dimension of painting, together with motifs such as the sphere, stars and planets, the bruised grid, and the human body.
From 1987, Koether used the colour red as a conceptual prism through which she explored female representations in art, popular culture and media. Ganz (100% Malerei-Niemand ist eine Frau), 1991, presents several symbols that are emblematic for the artist: a woman’s face projected on to a globe emerging from a bountiful composition made of conflicting energies.
The large-scale paintings presented in the centre of the gallery, beginning with The Inside Job painted in 1992, mark Koether’s arrival in New York and that was followed by a series of important exhibitions at the Pat Hearn Gallery. Their gestural exuberance and densely worked surfaces give way in the second half of that decade to the monumental unstretched canvas paintings (Lappenbilder) in which motifs of explosive stars and waterflows are rendered in yellow, gold and black. The chromatic emphasis on particular colours, such as red, but also yellow, and black finds continued refrain in works of varying scales and facture in paintings such as WB I (William Burroughs), 1997, and Unganzheitsymbole: K(Hommage an Kenneth Anger), 2004.
In these as in many of Koether’s paintings, language, in the form of words or annotated phrases, is omnipresent, an allusion to the importance of both writing and drawing for the artist, as well as to the idea of painting as a form of script or text. Music is another important influence for Koether who visually transposes rhythms borrowed from rock and jazz, song titles and lyrics that evoke the aesthetics of Heavy Metal, Techno and Punk music, in the so-called ‘Liquid Glass’ paintings that combine fashion accessories and chains caught in layers of poured resin.
Throughout her career Koether has engaged in an evolving dialogue with the history of painting, its narratives and its formal conventions. Subjects and compositional motifs from classical and modern painting are present in paintings dating from the 1980s through to the more recent works of the late 2000s and 2010s. An insight into these sources and their juxtaposition with images from contemporary culture and Koether’s direct life experiences is revealed in the multi-channel projection in the pavilion gallery. A quasi-architectural moment of pause in the installation, the ‘Bruised Grids’ serve as motifs for micro-contemplation within Koether’s larger compositions and continue her dialogue with a more recent history of painting, in particular, the grids of Agnes Martin as a form of ‘storing time’.
In the east gallery, Koether’s most recent cycle of 15 paintings, Tour de Madame, offers a retrospective view of her painterly practice and resumes preoccupations that characterise her oeuvre since the 1980s. The intersecting curved, glass supports for the paintings are a reference to the disposition designed by Cy Twombly for the permanent installation of his painting cycle Lepanto in the Brandhorst Museum, Munich, reflecting Koether’s interest in the presentation of the conditions of painting. The transparent layering of support and canvas relates to painting under the digital conditions of our image-flooded present. The title plays on the word ‘tour’ which has literary associations for Koether with the 16th century writer Michel de Montaigne, and to the idea of making a tour – the Grand Tour, that was part of the necessary formation for any European painter in the 18th century, and the movement of ideas, bodies and of course painting, across space and time.
The multichannel installation Cosmos of Images presents reproductions of Koether’s painting series Fresh Aufhebung (not presented at Mudam), a video of the performance, Touch and Resist, made with Amy Granat, and digitised images, preparatory sketches, texts, and photographs from Koether’s notebooks. Together, they offer insight into Koether’s creative universe.
Jutta Koether was born in Cologne in 1958. She lives and works in Berlin and New York. Her work has been the subject of recent exhibitions at the Museum Brandhorst in Munich (2018), PRAXES Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin (2013), Arnolfini in Bristol (2013), Dundee Contemporary Arts in Dundee (2013), the Moderna Museet in Stockholm (2011), the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven (2009), among others. Her works are part of collections displayed at major international museums, such as the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the MoMA in New York, the MOCA in Los Angeles, the Nationalgalerie in Berlin, the City of Paris’ Museum of Modern Art, the Art Institute of Chicago and Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean.
Link: Jutta Koether at MUDAM
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investmart007 · 6 years
Home Prices Not Slowing Down According To S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index
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Home Prices Not Slowing Down According To S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index
NEW YORK/ May 29, 2018 (STLRealEstate.News) — S&P Dow Jones Indices today released the latest results for the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices, the leading measure of U.S. home prices. Data released today for March 2018 shows that home prices continued their rise across the country over the last 12 months. More than 27 years of history for these data series is available, and can be accessed in full by going to www.homeprice.spdji.com. Additional content on the housing market can also be found on S&P Dow Jones Indices’ housing blog: www.housingviews.com.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index, covering all nine U.S. census divisions, reported a 6.5% annual gain in March, the same as the previous month. The 10-City Composite annual increase came in at 6.5%, up from 6.4% in the previous month. The 20-City Composite posted a 6.8% year-over-year gain, no change from the previous month.
Seattle, Las Vegas, and San Francisco continue to report the highest year-over-year gains among the 20 cities. In March, Seattle led the way with a 13.0% year-over-year price increase, followed by Las Vegas with a 12.4% increase and San Francisco with an 11.3% increase. Twelve of the 20 cities reported greater price increases in the year ending March 2018 versus the year ending February 2018.
The charts on the following page compare year-over-year returns of different housing price ranges (tiers) for the top two cities, Seattle and Las Vegas.
Before seasonal adjustment, the National Index posted a month-over-month gain of 0.8% in March. The 10-City and 20-City Composites reported increases of 0.9% and 1.0%, respectively. After seasonal adjustment, the National Index recorded a 0.4% month-over-month increase in March. The 10-City and 20-City Composites posted 0.4% and 0.5% month-over-month increases, respectively. All 20 cities reported increases in March before seasonal adjustment, while 19 of 20 cities reported increases after seasonal adjustment.
“The home price increases continue with the National Index rising at 6.5% per year,” says David M. Blitzer, Managing Director and Chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices. “Seattle continues to report the fastest rising prices at 13% per year, double the National Index pace. While Seattle has been the city with the largest gains for 19 months, the ranking among other cities varies. Las Vegas and San Francisco saw the second and third largest annual gains of 12.4% and 11.3%. A year ago, they ranked 10th and 16th. Any doubts that real, or inflation-adjusted, home prices are climbing rapidly are eliminated by considering Chicago; the city reported the lowest 12-month gain among all cities in the index of 2.8%, almost a percentage point ahead of the inflation rate.
“Looking across various national statistics on sales of new or existing homes, permits for new construction, and financing terms, two figures that stand out are rapidly rising home prices and low inventories of existing homes for sale. Months-supply, which combines inventory levels and sales, is currently at 3.8 months, lower than the levels of the 1990s, before the housing boom and bust. Until inventories increase faster than sales, or the economy slows significantly, home prices are likely to continue rising. Compared to the price gains of the last boom in the early 2000s, things are calmer today. Gains in the National Index peaked at 14.5% in September 2005, more quickly than Seattle is rising now.”
Table 1 below shows the housing boom/bust peaks and troughs for the three composites along with the current levels and percentage changes from the peaks and troughs.
2006 Peak
2012 Trough
From Peak (%)
From Trough (%)
From Peak (%)
Table 2 below summarizes the results for March 2018. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices are revised for the prior 24 months, based on the receipt of additional source data.
March 2018
Metropolitan Area
Change (%)
Change (%)
Change (%)
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
New York
San Diego
San Francisco
U.S. National
Sources: S&P Dow Jones Indices and CoreLogic
Data through March 2018
Table 3 below shows a summary of the monthly changes using the seasonally adjusted (SA) and non-seasonally adjusted (NSA) data. Since its launch in early 2006, the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices have published, and the markets have followed and reported on, the non-seasonally adjusted data set used in the headline indices. For analytical purposes, S&P Dow Jones Indices publishes a seasonally adjusted data set covered in the headline indices, as well as for the 17 of 20 markets with tiered price indices and the five condo markets that are tracked.
March/February Change (%)
February/January Change (%)
Metropolitan Area
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
New York
San Diego
San Francisco
U.S. National
Sources: S&P Dow Jones Indices and CoreLogic
Data through March 2018
For more information about S&P Dow Jones Indices, please visit www.spdji.com.
S&P Dow Jones Indices is the largest global resource for essential index-based concepts, data and research, and home to iconic financial market indicators, such as the S&P 500® and the Dow Jones Industrial Average®. More assets are invested in products based on our indices than products based on indices from any other provider in the world. Since Charles Dow invented the first index in 1884, S&P DJI has become home to over 1,000,000 indices across the spectrum of asset classes that have helped define the way investors measure and trade the markets.
S&P Dow Jones Indices is a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI), which provides essential intelligence for individuals, companies, and governments to make decisions with confidence. For more information, visit www.spdji.com. FOR MORE INFORMATION: David Blitzer Managing Director and Chairman of Index Committee New York, USA +1) 212 438 3907 [email protected] Jordan Global Head of Communications New York, USA (+1) 212 438 2297 [email protected] Shane North America Communications  New York, USA (+1) 212 438 8184 [email protected]
S&P Dow Jones Indices’ interactive blog, HousingViews.com, delivers real-time commentary and analysis from industry experts across S&P Global on a wide-range of topics impacting residential home prices, homebuilding and mortgage financing in the United States. Readers and viewers can visit the blog at www.housingviews.com, where feedback and commentary is welcomed and encouraged.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices are published on the last Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am ET. They are constructed to accurately track the price path of typical single-family homes located in each metropolitan area provided. Each index combines matched price pairs for thousands of individual houses from the available universe of arms-length sales data. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index tracks the value of single-family housing within the United States. The index is a composite of single-family home price indices for the nine U.S. Census divisions and is calculated quarterly. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 10-City Composite Home Price Index is a value-weighted average of the 10 original metro area indices. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index is a value-weighted average of the 20 metro area indices. The indices have a base value of 100 in January 2000; thus, for example, a current index value of 150 translates to a 50% appreciation rate since January 2000 for a typical home located within the subject market.
These indices are generated and published under agreements between S&P Dow Jones Indices and CoreLogic, Inc.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices are produced by CoreLogic, Inc. In addition to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices, CoreLogic also offers home price index sets covering thousands of zip codes, counties, metro areas, and state markets. The indices, published by S&P Dow Jones Indices, represent just a small subset of the broader data available through CoreLogic.
Case-Shiller® and CoreLogic® are trademarks of CoreLogic Case-Shiller, LLC or its affiliates or subsidiaries (“CoreLogic”) and have been licensed for use by S&P Dow Jones Indices. None of the financial products based on indices produced by CoreLogic or its predecessors in interest are sponsored, sold, or promoted by CoreLogic, and neither CoreLogic nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or predecessors in interest makes any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such products.
SOURCE: S&P Dow Jones Indices
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