#Release date: May 16th 2014
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 7 months
Sabaton - Night Witches
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Hi. I know you've talked a lot about the jikook number theory, and I MAY have found something? Emphasis on the MAY because I was bored and my delulu mind became active for a little while(sorry, not sorry🙇‍♀️).
Anyway, I stumbled onto a k-army's post on twt, according to which, one of the posts made by JM on June 15th at 23:23 about waiting for 2 more hours, meaning the 16th, means it would be 1108 since still with you was released(5th June,2023).
Now, as I said I was bored and it was past midnight here so I checked and it wasn't 1108 days since SWY. 1108 days from that date would me 18th of June, 2023, the day JK posted two selcas on weverse.
But I did find a couple of coincidences and I maybe totally out of my mind, but hear me out for a sec!
1. JM's post on the 15th was at 23:23 KST. It contained something about waiting for just 2 more hours. Which would mean 1:23 KST. (Reference to the infamous 123 jikook theory)
2. JK's selcas on the 18th of June marks 1108 days since still with you and it was posted at 11:39 KST. The numbers are a combination of various things. 11, their speculated anniversary month, 13 JM's birthday and both of their fav number and even JK's birthday can be found.
Was I so bored that I just overanalysed it? Was it all just a coincidence?
I'd honestly love to know your thoughts as well!
Ok, @beardedcolorduck so let's see where we are with this.
JK's Weverse post was posted 18 June 2023 11:39 am KST or 17 June 2023 7:39 pm or 19:39 LA time.
Still with you was released on 4 June 2020 or on June 5 2020.
See, there is a question mark regarding the date of release, or more like difference I am assuming that arises from the difference in time zones.
In any case I can't explain this:
When I share this link the date that shows is 4 June 2020.
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When I go into the link the date that shows is 5 June 2020.
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I can't explain it, maybe you guys know why (seeing that both of them are me writing from the same IP address in Australia).
Anyway, I digress.
If we count the days from 4 June 2020 to 17 June 2023 or from 5 June 2020 to 18 June 2023 (see, I'm assuming that the differences are due to the time zones) we get this:
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It works.
Interesting indeed.
Another coincidence do you think?
So yeah, not JM's post, but JK's post the one landing 1108 days after Still with you.
As for the numbers working otherwise, let's see what we can get.
If we look at the date alone as 17.6.23 we get 1+7=8 and 6+2+3=11
7:39 gives us 7+3+9=19
The next one is a bit far fetched I think, but then, again, I'm not taking this all too seriously (just to clarify - there are numbers that I do, this specific calculation I don't).
With the 19:39 we ate the 1+9=10 and we have the 3+9=12 bring that down to a one digit which will be 1+3=3
Now to your first insight.
JM's 23:23 post telling us to wait another 2 hours. I have to tell you that on the day that one puzzled me. I thought maybe something was coming, an announcement maybe. And when that didn't come I was baffled as to what was JM telling us. Was he waiting a couple of hours for JK to wake up? But then why mention it? JM is very precise as to what he mentions. Super calculated. There is always meaning behind it, even if we don't understand what that meaning is.
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His 23:23 comment: Let's hold on for 2 hours. Just 2 hours.
Very specific, and repeating the 2 hours.
What you are suggesting is very interesting, you know?
23:23 plus 2 hours will bring us to 01:23, which is definitely giving us the 123.
The whole thing with the 123 theory is that we think we know where it originated (might have meant something to them way before but that's the first time it's mentioned) - Festa 2014 JM's profile Just one day MV at 1:23 min. represents him best. JK was by his side while filling out that profile. Since then we have had song recommendations ending at 1:23 min., posts timed at 12:30 or 1:23 am, posts on January 23rd etc. We know there is very possibly something going on with that sequence of numbers, but what it is exactly or more so, what it means to them exactly, we don't know.
Anyway, 123 is a very interesting result, and I definitley wouldn't put it past JM that this is what he was aiming for.
Another path with the numbers is:
1:23 16.6
We have the 1 from the time.
If we take the 2+3+1+6+6=18
You end up with:
Or the simpler path:
1:23 is just that: 123
And the date: 16.6 which easily is 1+6+6=13
123 and 13
I'm sure there is something I'm missing. Him repeating the 2 hours twice kind of makes me think maybe he was aiming for 3:23 am, but I can't seem to get the math mathing. Or maybe it is? Not sure how legitimate this one is with Karmy, but I'll put it out there anyway:
3:23 16.6.2023
Like I said, no idea if this is legitimate mathing, but it's fun and the numbers work.
End of the day, I have zero idea what JM was aiming for. All I am sure of is that he doesn't waste words with his posts, and he was clearly hinting to something.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 20/02/2024
Chex Invaders
Season 4 Episode 1 No Album Release (Read More) Circus (Chex Mix) - Five Nights at Freddy's
Ripped by LiterallyNoOne
Requested by Realchickenmanny! (@realchickenmanny)
So remember back when I said in Goodbye To Love that I'd be providing some sort of further explanation to the Circus rips at a later date? Uh, yeah - that later date is today, and I still...don't really know how to properly explain it.
It all feels like a giant web of in-jokes that were never quite properly explained, culminating into a channel-long mainstay to the channel. SiIvaGunner presents itself as a place for listening to edited video game music, and it certainly stuck to that for...at least its first few weeks? That blurry line would get pushed and prodded with rips of "Nintendo Direct themes", rips of fake games like Battle Theme - Zeno Blade Chronicle X, and rips that didn't contain the original track supposedly being ripped at all for a complete bait and switch - all of it leading up to the release of Rip Squad, the first Circus rip ever, on March 16th, 2016. In just 37 seconds, it manages to be extremely memorable from just how good the execution is, with the beginning music box jingle, the coy transition out of it, followed by the hilarious skrillex-like dubstep drop edited to play the Flintstones theme. Given that the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise was still enjoying meteoric success from the original four games releasing across 2014 and 2015, yet lacked much of any music to rip on SiIva, to do this sort of complete bait-and-switch was a pretty fun workaround for a one-time gag. Yeah. One time gag.
Except, with just that one rip, NBGMusic had seemingly summoned a monster - due to the Circus theme technically just being the ditty playing at the first few seconds of the rip, any remaining runtime could be dedicated to doing exactly what Rip Squad itself did - quite literally anything on the planet, related to video game music or not. Circus thus became home to every kind of rip under the sun, with the very same song being ripped again and again and again with different "mix" names for each one to at least ATTEMPT to distinguish them. Trust me, "Chex Mix", as Chex Invaders dons, is far from the most absurd mix name out there, and given their sheer variety going to the Five Nights at Freddy's playlist alone is akin to playing a ripper-based game of russian roulette.
But then, let's return to Chex Invaders then - because with the unlimited freedom that Circus rips provided, not even asking rippers to come up with fake games to loosely attach their rip jokes to, they were free to go absolutely hog wild with whatever concepts they could think of. I praised Plantasia 2 yesterday for just how well the theming of its joke and game ripped matched together, yet Circus mix embody the complete opposite side of that spectrum, and take full advantage of it. The only tie that Chex Invaders has to your expectations is the dubstep-adjacent electronic music featured in it, which many rips taking after Rip Squad also did, but it's not as if that's at all a constant for Circus rips - that rule was broken by Chaze the Chat himself just a month after the Circus rips began.
No, Chex Invaders isn't playing on any sort of emotional attachment you may have to Five Nights at Freddy's, not any sort of expectations on the part of viewers upon clicking - it simply appeared in SiIvaGunner fans' subscription boxes like a face-down card, its true intentions unknown to those who didn't click it. Those who did, however, were met with one of the few contributions to SiIvaGunner by the excellent artist LiterallyNoOne, still going strong today with 245K subscribers on YouTube. And while I'm unfamiliar with their more numerous contributions to fan channel TimmyTurnersGrandDad (as mentioned in V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r), Chex Invaders alone proves their talents to me in its sheer quality. The base track Space Invaders by Teminite & MDK is played with in so many creative ways, from sections of melody-swapping in and out of one another, to overlaying vocals from other songs and clips onto the song, to full-on mashups, to moments doing all three in harmony...the amount of jokes featured, especially during Season 4 Episode 1, feels almost overwhelming! From the first four years of the channel's life, there's only a few channel mainstay jokes to NOT be featured here, from Flintstones to Snow Halation to CaptainSparklez to Megalovania to Inspector Gadget, yet it all ebbs and flows in and out of one another at such a befitting pace. A calmer moment in the song will play Fireflies, a more ominous section plays 8-Bit Beast's Haunted House (see Maroon 5 more like Maroon 8 hehehehehehe), the beat drop at one point is a single "op" from Gangnam Style - for having SO many different pieces of SiIvaGunner's long history in play, for being a rip made by just one person, it all fits together shockingly well, to where I almost forget that Space Invaders is a song that exists outside of this rip!
Loud, bizarre, unexplainable, and as memorable for their contents as they are easy to forget from their titles and presentation...Circus rips on SiIvaGunner are a true enigma, and I'm really not sure if I've even listened to them all. Yet there's rarely one that's disappointed me thus far - without a source game to pull from, it feels as if a rip almost has to be inherently interesting to have even been submitted as a Circus rip to begin with. Chex Invaders most certainly isn't an example of just HOW deep the rabbithole goes with these rips - but it is an example of an absolute banger from them.
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shieldslingera · 3 months
alright i just need to jot this down bc my brain won’t stop obsessing over it until it does
steve enlists sometime after turning 18, spends Time in bootcamp and training, undergoes the experiment that turns him into cap. technically should happen in 1940. (good to note that his mom has died before this and he’s also graduated high school and attends art school for a year before doing freelance painting jobs and living off a gov grant to do it)
after that and til he’s ~20 (’42), he spends his time in the US fighting mobsters and spies, as the US hasn’t officially entered WWII for a large part of it (US enters WWII on Dec ‘41)
steve is 20 when he meets bucky. bucky has just turned 16. much of their first time together is spent in the US still, until the US enters the war at the end of ‘41. they technically meet in ‘40 per cap & bucky #620 (2014)…. but time doesn’t add up? well, it adds up just fine with bucky, but you’d have to push steve’s bday back 2 years from 1922 to 1920 to make that work. it’s actually… weird because it was formerly earlier, and all canon seems to reflect that, minus the fact that the official bday is 1922 (as of 2012 in avenger’s roll call; earlier it wasn’t stated, i don’t think, but adventures of cap #1 puts it in 1917 [comic released in 1991]). funnily enough, the ‘91 bday started the origin story of steve’s parents being first gen irish immigrants and the old, unstated bday allows for ~revolutionary rogers~ to be steve’s ancestor (the 2012 one skips over anything to do with steve’s parents).
for the sake of my brain and avoiding revolutionary rogers because i think all of canon does and while i usually embrace things canon wants to ignore it’s… for… the best… we all forget…. i’m going with a birthday of 1920 born to irish immigrants joseph and sarah. normally i choose older canon over newer, but i haven’t come across an actual date so far in my older comic read thru, so we’re going right down the middle with 1991′s adventures of captain america #1, at least in respect to steve needing to be born earlier (technically it puts his birthday at 1917 but i don’t want to go that early bc steve is still very baby during the war & the avengers after being on ice. but interestingly enough, it puts his mom’s death in ‘34, and steve would be 17… so i’m keeping that she died when he was 17, it tracks)
now it also gets a little fucky bc joseph is supposed to die in 1920 but… marble can’t tell years, so i guess i’m gonna have to. bc later cap issues still have joseph alive and being a drunk asshole in ‘26 but dies later that year (cap 2013 #1-2).
tl;dr - steve is born in 1920, joseph (dad) dies in 1926, sarah (mom) dies in 1937, steve enlists at 19 and spends some time before the serum in prep for getting it, then time after the serum training that big brain he got (early 1940). meets bucky in 1940 just a few months after bucky’s 16th birthday in march (and after his own birthday in july). they spend the next year and a half in the US fighting mobsters and spies. they then start seeing action in verry late ‘41 after the US officially enters WWII. they then spend the next 4 years in the war. bucky turns 20 in March of ‘45, steve won’t turn 25 until july. franklin d. roosevelt dies april 12, 1945. steve and bucky are racing to stop zemo at that time and don’t know roosevelt has died, they go down into the water at some point in late april, possibly very early may. WWII ends in europe on may 8th, 1945.
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bi-bard · 1 year
Album Writing Challenge Masterlist
Here you will find a list of every writing challenge that I have done so far.
These writing challenges involve me taking an album and writing a story for every song on that album.
What originally started as a silly idea to get me through the pandemic has become a collection of projects that have become very dear to me. I hope that you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.
Currently in Progress: Noah Kahan - Stick Season [We'll All Be Here Forever] Bonus Tracks, Sleeping at Last - Yearbook Series
Conan Gray
Release Date: June 24th, 2022 Start + End Date of the Challenge: July 10th, 2022 - August 13th, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 12 Album Run Time: 40 min, 22 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: Hannibal, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Death Stranding
Release Date: September 19, 2014 Start + End Date of the Challenge: January 9th, 2023 - February 12th, 2023 Number of Tracks [stories]: 15 Album Run Time: 1 hr, 3 min Some Featured Shows/Movies: The Invitation, Hannibal, The Flash
Wasteland, Baby!
Release Date: March 1st, 2019 Start + End Date of the Challenge: February 21st, 2023 - May 1st, 2023 Number of Tracks [stories]: 14 Album Run Time: 57 min, 27 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: Supernatural, Titans, Chicago Med
Unreal Unearth
Release Date: August 18th, 2023 Start + End Date of the Challenge: August 26th, 2023 - ??? Number of Tracks [stories]: 20 Album Run Time: 1 hr, 16 min Some Featured Shows/Movies: Merlin, Hannibal, The Last of Us
Lizzy McAlpine
five seconds flat
Release Date: April 8th, 2022 Start + End Date of the Challenge: April 10th, 2022 - April 18th, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 14 Album Run Time: 45 min, 5 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: Arrow, Gilmore Girls, House MD
Maisie Peters
You Signed Up For This
Release Date: August 27th, 2021 Start + End Date of the Challenge: February 9th, 2022 - March 5th, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 14 Album Run Time: 46 min, 1 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: Gilmore Girls, Gotham, Teen Wolf
Noah Kahan
Stick Season
Release Date: October 14th, 2022 Start + End Date of the Challenge: October 18th, 2022 - October 30th, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 14 Album Run Time: 55 min, 28 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: Hannibal, Haven, Prodigal Son
Stick Season [We'll All Be Here Forever] Bonus Tracks
Release Date: June 9th, 2023 Start + End Date of the Challenge: June 14th, 2023 - August 15, 2023 Number of Tracks [stories]: 21 total [7 new stories] Album Run Time: 1 hr, 23 min Some Featured Shows/Movies: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Good Omens
Sleeping At Last
Yearbook Series
Release Date: November 8th, 2011 Start + End Date of the Challenge: February 20th, 2023 - TBD [not completed] Number of Tracks [stories]: 36 Album Run Time: 2 hr, 10 min Some Featured Shows/Movies: Peaky Blinders, Doctor Who, Shadow & Bone
Taylor Swift
folklore & evermore
Release Date: August 18th, 2020 & January 7th, 2021 Start + End Date of the Challenge: January 21st, 2021 - January 31st, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 34 Album Run Time: 1 hr, 7 min & 1 hr, 9 min Some Featured Shows/Movies: Supernatural, Bones, Doctor Who
From the Vault
Release Date: N/A (all re-recordings) Start + End Date of the Challenge: April 27th, 2022 - ??? Number of Tracks [stories]: 15 (written for) Album Run Time: N/A (all re-recordings) Some Featured Shows/Movies: House MD, Supernatural, The Resident
Release Date: October 22nd, 2022 Start + End Date of the Challenge: October 30th, 2022 - January 2nd, 2023 Number of Tracks [stories]: 20 Album Run Time: 1 hr, 9 min Some Featured Shows/Movies: DC's Birds of Prey, Hannibal, Mr. Robot
The Wrecks
Release Date: June 10th, 2022 Start + End Date of the Challenge: June 16th, 2022 - July 4th, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 11 Album Run Time: 35 min, 41 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: The Flash, Supernatural, The Path
Release Date: September 2nd, 2022 Start + End Date of the Challenge: September 5th, 2022 - October 14th, 2022 Number of Tracks [stories]: 13Album Run Time: 36 min, 1 sec Some Featured Shows/Movies: The Sandman, Chicago Med, Doctor Who
Navigation Guide
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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scotianostra · 2 years
Happy Birthday musician Michael ‘Mike’ Scott born 14th December 1958 in Edinburgh.
Scott was born and raised in Edinburgh. His father, Allan Scott, left the family when Mike was ten years old, but the two were reunited in 2007.
Scott was interested in music from an early age. At age 12, after the family had moved to Ayr, he began a serious interest in learning guitar. In 1968 he mentions listening to Hank Williams as a “life-changing” experience. The next year, Scott was playing in school bands and formed the band Karma, they were inspired by David Bowie, The Beatles and Bob Dylan.
Playing in a few bands by the time 1981 came he had started the idea of The Waterboys, he admits that he “is” The Waterboys, the lineup has changed through the years but he say that “ there’s no difference between Mike Scott and the Waterboys; they both mean the same thing. They mean myself and whoever are my current travelling musical companions.”
It’s not all about having hits with The Waterboys, Mike is a natural songwriter, as The Waterboys and Mike Scott he has released 15 albums, 4 of the singles reached the top 40.
In mid-1980s, when The Waterboys supported U2 at Wembley Arena in London, Mike Scott’s band seemed all set for the same global status as Bono and Co.
The following year, when their third album, This Is The Sea, and classic single, The Whole Of The Moon, catapulted the band’s “big music” into the Top 10 such success seemed virtually assured. But it was never what he wanted. Under pressure from his record company to produce more stadium-pleasing Waterboys tracks, he retreated to Ireland… and made a folk record. Mike has lived in the Fair city of Dublin for over 12 years and holds a dual nationality, he said in an interview last year   “ ….people have often told me I’m an honouree Irishman, but I feel Scottish. But I’m very proud to live in Ireland. And my children are Irish. So, now I’ve very deep roots here.”
Mike continues to write and tour with the Waterboys, I remember always arguing with a friend that disagreed with me that the Waterboys were (are) a Scottish group, it’s true some of the members of the group have come from Ireland and England as well as the US but Mike Scott, as I said to him and would still say to him IS The Waterboys, The Whole of the Moon is a top class song and the lyric…
“Unicorns and cannonballs, palaces and piers Trumpets, towers and tenements Wide oceans full of tears Flags, rags ferryboats Scimitars and scarves”
……could only be written by a Scotsman. The song was initially released to a limited success in 1985, it resurfaced again in 1991 and won an Ivor Novello Award as “Best Song Musically and Lyrically” that year and reached number 3. Celtic Women sing a version at their concerts, Jennifer Warnes has also covered it as well as the late great Prince at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club during his 2014 Hit & Run tour. U2 used the song as a “walk out tune” during the Joshua Tree tour.
The Waterboys released their 16th studio album last May, I’ve listened to a few of the tracks, Blackberry Girl for me is the stand out tune, Once were Brothers is a decent track too, it’s a cover of Robbie Robertson song.
The Waterboys  are set for dates next year in Portugal, Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries and Germany, before heading home with gigs at Glasgow Royal  Concert Hall on October 2nd, Edinburgh Usher Hall on the 3rd and back to Glasgow Barrowlands on the 6th, they then head south for a number of dates in England 
The song I have chosen this year was  originally from The Waterboys Too Close to Heaven album, a collection of outtakes, alternative versions, and unreleased tracks from The Waterboys' Fisherman's Blues period, released in September 2001. This version is sung in a Scottish accent, it is, in my opinion fucking brilliant. The line  You feel like you want to have your sporran refilled, just gets me.If I was to describe it, I would say it is like The Proclaimers on Acid. 
The mountain is steep The ditches are deep The task in hand Is making us weep But here's a promise (I intend to keep / That I mean to keep) Seed it in your mind And say it each night Before you sleep: We will climb higher in time (och!) You've got a head full of trouble And a ship to build (You think you won't make it But you know you will You feel you need your Cup refilled Fill it out of mine We'll drop the defenses Pool our skill / Your heart you're hiding It's making you ill You feel like you want to have your Sporran refilled Well, fill it out of mine Let the soulful water Overspill) And we will climb higher in time
I've been to the bottom I've been on the train I've slept in the gutter With my head in a drain I've been brutally proud I've been mortally shamed But this is not a crime I'm just learning, my friends That it's all in the game And we will climb higher in time (Och!) Climb higher in time Climb higher in time
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amphtaminedreams · 1 year
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June 2021->June 2023: Photo Dump No.22
1. 15th March 2023, 18th March 2023 [graphic source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod, background: Barbican, City of London, 17th November 2022], 9th February 2023, 2nd March 2023, 26th September 2022, 9th March 2023, 16th March 2023 [Fair Game, Canary Wharf], 21st September 2023, 18th October 2021 [Bella Hadid in Paris, September 2018, source: instagram account @crystalmethangel2]
2. 27th January 2023, 17th January 2023 [Vinegar Yard, London Bridge], 31st January 2023 [Russell Cotes Museum & Art Gallery, Bournemouth], 9th June 2021 [Lana Del Rey performing live @ Coachella, April 2014, source: instagram account @tulsa_lana_freak], 13th July 2022, 25th January 2022, 27th September 2021 [DSquared2 RTW F/W21], 14th November 2022 [Soulland RTW F/W22], 21st October 2022 [source: instagram accounts @fleurrrrrrrrr & @natalieenamaste]
3. 30th December 2021 [source: instagram account @posterjournal], 3rd April 2023 [Exhibition Road, South Kensington], 4th July 2022 [details @ Iris Van Herpen Haute Couture FW22], 11th January 2023, 22nd March 2023, 13th August 2021 [Lana Del Rey for Numero Tokyo magazine, March 2013 issue], 22nd March 2023, 20th March 2023 [St.Martin's Theatre, Seven Dials]
4. 19th September 2021 [Van Gagh Alive @ Kensington Gardens, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea], 1st February 2023 [source: instagram account @themayfairgroup], 17th May 2023 [Courtfield, Chelsea], 7th December 2022 [Liberty's of London, Soho], 19th December 2022, 23rd September 2021 [Miley Cyrus performing at the Midtown Music Festival, September 2021], 26th May 2023 [Bournemouth, Dorset], 1st December 2021 [Alexander McQueen RTW S/S19], 8th May 2023
5. 15th November 2022, 9th February 2022, 10th October 2022 [source: instagram account @kiracyan.design], 1st October 2021 [Zuhair Murad, Haute Couture S/S17], 6th July 2021 [Britney Spears photographed by David LaChapelle, 2000], 15th February 2022 [Frameless @ Marble Arch, Marylebone], 16th February 2022, 28th November 2022, 17th February 2022
6. 7th June 2023 [Queenhithe, City of London], 14th January 2022 [Versace RTW F/W19], 8th December 2022 [Twisted Museum, Oxford Street], 11th July 2021 [Britney Spears photographed in L.A, August 2009], ]5th December 2022 [CND for the Blonds S/S15], 22nd March 2023, 28th November 2021 [Saatchi Gallery, Chelsea], 5th June 2023, 29th December 2021 [Giant gallery, Bournemouth]
7. 7th December 2022 [Holborn, West End], 1st December 2021 [Versace RTW F/W19], 4th October 2022 [Bermondsey Street, Southwark], 1st June 2023 [Earl's Court, Kensington], 14th July 2021 [Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in The Suicide Squad, released July 2021, dir. James Gunn], 21st August 2021 [source unknown], 2nd May 2023, 21st March 2023 [Beyond the Streets Exhibition @ the Saatchi Gallery, Chelsea], 30th March 2023 [Christchurch, Dorset]
8. 18th June 2023 [Southbourne, Bournemouth], 21st June 2023, 19th June 2023 [Christchurch, Dorset], 11th November 2021 [Miley Cyrus via Instagram, wearing Gucci x Balenciaga for the November 2021 LACMA gala], 14th May 2023, 21st July 2021 [Marina Diamandis BTS on the set of the "Primadonna" music video, released March 2012], 8th April 2022 [graphic: @oshthoughts on lnstagram], 14th July 2021 [Bimini Bon Boulash via Instagram, July 2021], 21st March 2023
9. 13th June 2023 [Belem, Lisbon], 16th September 2022 [Et Ochs RTW S/S23], 12th June 2023 [Villa Berta, Lisbon], 15th November 2022], 9th April 2023, 10th July 2021 [source unknown], 30th September 2022 [source: Etsy store ConceptsDigital], 15th February 2023 [Frameless, Marylebone], 11th June 2023 [Jardim das Amoreiras, Lisbon]
10. 17th April 2023 [Bournemouth Town Centre, Dorset], 2nd May 2023, 4th May 2022 [Earl's Court, Kensington], 9th April 2023, 15th September 2021 [Miu Miu Resort 2021], 8th September 2021 [Dilara Fındıkoğlu, Resort 2022], 12th November 2022, 6th May 2023 [source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod], 17th October 2021 [Monse Resort 2022]
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shieldslinger · 2 months
alright i just need to jot this down bc my brain won’t stop obsessing over it until it does
steve enlists sometime after turning 18, spends Time in bootcamp and training, undergoes the experiment that turns him into cap. technically should happen in 1940. (good to note that his mom has died before this and he’s also graduated high school and attends art school for a year before doing freelance painting jobs and living off a gov grant to do it)
after that and til he’s ~20 (’42), he spends his time in the US fighting mobsters and spies, as the US hasn’t officially entered WWII for a large part of it (US enters WWII on Dec ‘41)
steve is 20 when he meets bucky. bucky has just turned 16. much of their first time together is spent in the US still, until the US enters the war at the end of ‘41. they technically meet in ‘40 per cap & bucky #620 (2014)…. but time doesn’t add up? well, it adds up just fine with bucky, but you’d have to push steve’s bday back 2 years from 1922 to 1920 to make that work. it’s actually… weird because it was formerly earlier, and all canon seems to reflect that, minus the fact that the official bday is 1922 (as of 2012 in avenger’s roll call; earlier it wasn’t stated, i don’t think, but adventures of cap #1 puts it in 1917 [comic released in 1991]). funnily enough, the ‘91 bday started the origin story of steve’s parents being first gen irish immigrants and the old, unstated bday allows for ~revolutionary rogers~ to be steve’s ancestor (the 2012 one skips over anything to do with steve’s parents).
for the sake of my brain and avoiding revolutionary rogers because i think all of canon does and while i usually embrace things canon wants to ignore it’s… for… the best… we all forget…. i’m going with a birthday of 1920 born to irish immigrants joseph and sarah. normally i choose older canon over newer, but i haven’t come across an actual date so far in my older comic read thru, so we’re going right down the middle with 1991′s adventures of captain america #1, at least in respect to steve needing to be born earlier (technically it puts his birthday at 1917 but i don’t want to go that early bc steve is still very baby during the war & the avengers after being on ice. but interestingly enough, it puts his mom’s death in ‘34, and steve would be 17… so i’m keeping that she died when he was 17, it tracks)
now it also gets a little fucky bc joseph is supposed to die in 1920 but… marble can’t tell years, so i guess i’m gonna have to. bc later cap issues still have joseph alive and being a drunk asshole in ‘26 but dies later that year (cap 2013 #1-2).
tl;dr - steve is born in 1920, joseph (dad) dies in 1926, sarah (mom) dies in 1937, steve enlists at 19 and spends some time before the serum in prep for getting it, then time after the serum training that big brain he got (early 1940). meets bucky in 1940 just a few months after bucky’s 16th birthday in march (and after his own birthday in july). they spend the next year and a half in the US fighting mobsters and spies. they then start seeing action in verry late ‘41 after the US officially enters WWII. they then spend the next 4 years in the war. bucky turns 20 in March of ‘45, steve won’t turn 25 until july. franklin d. roosevelt dies april 12, 1945. steve and bucky are racing to stop zemo at that time and don’t know roosevelt has died, they go down into the water at some point in late april, possibly very early may. WWII ends in europe on may 8th, 1945.
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bolllywoodhungama · 11 months
On March 16, 2024, Ed Sheeran will return to India with his Mathematics Tour; Callum Scott will open the show.
Ed Sheeran returns to Mumbai, India, six years after his previous smash blockbuster tour, the Divide Tour, in 2017. Ed Sheeran, one of the world's best-selling musicians of all time, will bring his + - = x (Mathematics) Tour to India as part of his Asia and Europe Tour in 2024. The India leg of this much-anticipated fantastic and best-selling tour will be the Asia Tour's final stop, taking place on March 16th, 2024 at the Mahalaxmi Racecourse in the heart of Mumbai. Calum Scott, a singer-songwriter, will appear as a special guest on the evening.
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BookMyShow Live, the live entertainment branch of BookMyShow, will promote Ed Sheeran's + - = x Tour in India alongside AEG Presents. Ed Sheeran returns to Mumbai, India, six years after his previous smash blockbuster tour, the Divide Tour, in 2017. The general on-sale for Ed Sheeran: + - = x Tour - India will begin on October 27th, 2023 at 3 PM IST. The + - = x Tour's upcoming Asian concerts will be Ed Sheeran's first in Asia since 2019, while the European dates will follow his visit to the region last year. The announcement follows Ed's record-breaking USA tour, during which he set various attendance records, including Los Angeles' SoFi Stadium and New Jersey's MetLife Stadium; the latter saw Ed secure the greatest single-day concert attendance in the United States, ever. Ed Sheeran, a four-time Grammy Award winner, released two albums this year, '- (Subtract) and Autumn Variations, both of which debuted at No. 1 around the world. Sheeran collaborated with The National's Aaron Dessner on both LPs, which were released to tremendous acclaim in May and September, respectively. Sheeran's two-hour + - = x Tour will feature songs from all of his albums released since 2011 - "Plus," "Multiply" (2014), "Divide" (2017), "Equals" (2021), and the new "Subtract," as well as one from 2019's "No. 6 Collaborations Project" ("Blow").
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chromehcart · 1 year
May 13th - The boys are put into the group.
December 15th - The boys place second in the StarCaster competition. They are immediately signed to Golden Goose Records, under the management of StarCaster judge, Ian Albright.
July 12th - Their first album "Mine & Yours" is released. The promotional singles are "Tell Me That I'm Yours" & "Better With You".
July 14th - The group's fans are officially named "Heartstoppers" after a three day poll.
July 18th - They begin their first tour: "Mine & Yours: Live"
September 13th - The boys win their first VMA (Artist To Watch) for TMTIY.
September 20th - The tour ends.
February 7th - The boys leave Golden Goose and sign with Rocqstar Records.
April 8th - The boys drop a surprise single, "C U L8r"
April 9th - A sophomore album "With Love, From Chrome Heart" release date is announced.
May 7th - WLFCH is released.
June 14th - Cam comes out in an Instagram post.
August 21st - The boys win their second & third VMAs. (Best Group & Video of The Year)
September 3rd - Dates for their second tour "XOXO, Chrome Heart" are released.
September 16th - Tour begins.
November 13th - Tour ends.
January 20th - Derek John tells a fan on Twitter that the group is working on their 3rd album.
March 12th - Eddie announces a hiatus to help raise his child with then girlfriend, Harley.
April 6th - The group announces their first project as a four piece, an EP entitled, "Nobody Like Us"
April 15th - NLU is released with two singles "Keep It Sweet" and "Nobody Like Me"
April 17th - Eddie drops a surprise solo song, "Always & Forever."
April 20th - Derek John gets in trouble with Eddie solo stans on Twitter for making fun of Eddie's song doing poorly on the chart. #derekjohnisoverparty trends for four hours.
April 21st - Eddie is called out for bullying Cam during StarCaster, with many Derek John stans using this as payback for the events of the day prior. #eddieisalsooverparty trends for two hours before Eddie goes on Instagram live to discuss the situation.
June 10th - The NLU tour begins.
August 12th - Tour ends.
August 27th - The boys perform "Keep It Sweet" at the VMAs, where they win the awards for Best Pop & Song of the Summer.
November 19th - The boys win four American Music Awards. (Favorite Pop Group or Duo, Favorite Music Video, Favorite Pop Album, and Favorite Pop Song.)
December 25th - Alvin gets engaged to his long time girlfriend, Ashley.
February 23rd - Ross states in an Instagram live that the group is working on new music.
May 4th - The group's 3rd album, "See You There!" comes out.
May 10th - Alvin goes on hiatus to be with Ashley, who is pregnant.
June 15th - The SYT Tour begins.
July 15th - Tour ends.
August 20th - The boys once again win Best Group at the VMAs. They go viral online for only having three members and Derek John accidentally swearing during their acceptance speech.
September 3rd - Eddie returns from hiatus.
November 15th - The boys drop a surprise EP "Wish You Were Here" as a four piece once again.
November 23rd - An entire scrapped album, "See You Soon" leaks online.
December 3rd - SYS is formally released.
March 12th - Derek John gets into a Twitter feud with an indie musician and gets his social media access revoked for a week.
April 1st - Ross posts an April Fools joke about going solo. Many news outlets run the story as if it's real. Ross calls them stupid, then has to issue an apology.
April 2nd - Cam's 20th birthday! Everyone posts their usual sappy birthday posts and all of the heartstoppers are going insane over them as usual. Then Derek John posts his post, with the caption calling Cam "my love" and a picture of the two of them kissing. The internet explodes.
May 13th - Happy fifth birthday, Chrome Heart! A surprise album is dropped, featuring all five membes. Cam cries on camera for the first time in their entire career. (Tears of joy). All five of the boys meet up and go live in celebration.
May 14th - An anonymous Twitter user under the name "MAYA" posts images of a very young Cam with a much older man and tags him and the tag #HappyBirthdayChromeHeart. Cam deactivates all of his social media. The man is revealed to be CEO Richard Greer.
May 15th - The boys score their first ever number one on the Billboard charts with their most recent single, "Yours Forever".
May 17th - The MAYA account releases even more images, including screenshots of conversation between Cam and Richard. Richard releases a statement claiming all of the images and texts are fake, and he'll sue for defamation if they get spread. MAYA replies to him with a video of him referring to Cam by name, and he deletes the statement.
May 20th - Rocqstar Records announces that Cam has "decided to go his separate ways" from the company and the group.
May 21st - Ross goes live and claims that he can't say anything about the situation but Cam would never leave the group, and he would never leave them. He also states that he doesn't fully understand what's happening with the MAYA account because Cam doesn't like to talk about his life before the group, but he knows that Cam's privacy has been violated and he's done nothing to deserve an attack like that.
June 5th - After radio silence from all of the boys, the company releases a statement that says after many long discussions, the members have decided to go on hiatus. Shortly after, they announce that all of the members have cut ties with the company. Ross tweets "Five or none." which is met with mixed feelings from fans and non fans alike.
September 9th - Cam makes his first appearance after dropping off the face of the Earth on Instagram live.
December 23rd - Alvin and Ashley get married! All five boys are in attendance! Eddie is his best man!
March 23rd - Cam finally reactivates all of his social media, and begins to and drops a teaser for his first solo project. He drops two other teasers on the 24th and 25th as well.
April 2nd - Cam's 21st birthday and the release date of his album, "Death 2 The Kid". The guys are all present for his launch/birthday party.
April 3rd - Eddie releases a reaction thread to D2TK which goes viral.
June 12th-27th - Cam does a mini tour with ten shows around Los Angeles.
July 4th - Alvin announces that he and Ashley are expecting their second child.
August 17th - Eddie releases another solo single, "Happy 4 U" to mixed reviews.
September 1st - Derek John opens a joint SoundCloud account for him and Cam where they release music as a duo called, "dulce como la miel."
October 3rd - Ross teases a new solo song of his own, but nothing comes of it. He also opens a vlogging channel on Youtube, where he reveals that he's living with Cam and Derek John.
November 24th - Cam is nominated for Best New Artist at the Grammys.
January 26th - Cam does not win Best New Artist at the Grammys but he does perform a medley of D2TK, making it his first ever solo television performance.
January 31st - Alvin announces the opening of his own label, "Triple A Records".
February 14th - The boys celebrate Valentines Day by suing the fuck outta Rocqstar Records for mismanagement.
March 15th - The guys win their lawsuit! They're awarded undisclosed amounts of money!
April 7th - Richard Greer is sentenced to fifteen years in prison though the media is suspiciously silent on what he was charged with. Unrelated but Cam and Derek John were seen celebrating something on Derek John's Instagram.
May 13th - The guys all post cryptic things about something coming soon...
June 18th - Triple A Records announces that Chrome Heart will be returning as a five piece with a new album, "Back To Us."
June 23rd - BTU is released. Everyone cries.
July 5th - The boys goes on tour. Everyone cries some more.
August 6th - Tour ends.
November 10th - Happy 23rd birthday Derek John! He releases a solo single, "Love Like That". It does very well! Woo!
February 17th - Ross FINALLY releases his solo song, "Golden Hearted". It does decently on the charts, but nothing to write home about.
March 24th - A single that Alvin produced goes platinum!
June 9th - Cam teases new music.
June 10th - Cam drops his second album, "Like Summer Rain" which is notably more positive than D2TK.
July 16th - On their fifth anniversary, Cam and Derek John get engaged <3.
July 25th - Cam starts tour for LSR.
August 19th - LSR Tour ends.
September 3rd - LSR Side B, "Love Like Thunder" is released with twelve new songs. Every Chrome Heart member is featured in some way whether it be background vocals, production or writing. Camrek girls finally get a duet ("Love Like Thunder") and it trends for two days on Twitter.
November 15th - Cam is nominated for three Grammys, "Record of the Year," "Best Pop Solo Performance" and "Album of The Year".
February 5th - Cam wins the Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance. Everyone loses their minds.
April 3rd - Ross and Derek John release a joint EP under the name "Kids from Queens", a reference to their StarCaster audition.
July 15th - A video of Eddie auditioning for a CW show leaks online. He gets clowned on by so many people and becomes a meme. Derek John's Twitter gets suspended for a day because Eddie solo stans report him for bullying.
August 4th - Ross teases another solo song that does not happen.
September 8th - Cam posts a picture of him and Derek John in the studio, hinting at a new project.
Anything else TBA.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 7 months
Sabaton - Man Of War
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technofantasia · 4 years
Rise of the TMNT Timeline
Alright, by piecing together some clues from the show and making some educated guesses, I’ve put together a tentative chronology for Rise!
(Note: not all episodes are included, just a couple that either have timeline evidence or are somehow plot notable. This is assuming the canonical episode order is also chronological order.)
[EDIT] Added some more information (namely Splinter’s birthday month).
1600s-ish: The Shredder was created and sealed away September 1960: Splinter was born 1966: Splinter’s mother left (Finale part 1 flashback) 1979: Splinter left for America (Finale part 1 flashback) 1980-1984: Splinter became an action film star, dated around 1984: Splinter started dating Big Mama 1987: Splinter’s “Hot Soup: the Game” was released 1989: Splinter proposed to Big Mama, was imprisoned in Battle Nexus November 2002: April was born April-August 2003: (Presumably) Raph was born April-August 2004: (Presumably) Leo and Donnie were born April-August 2005: (Presumably) Mikey was born October 2005: Splinter and the Turtles were mutated February 2014: The first Lair Games was held 2014-2016: Donnie made his first battleshell, goggles, and tech bracer Early 2018: Piebald was flushed August 2018: Mystic Mayhem (the series begins), Down with the Sickness September 2018: The Turtle Tank was created (The Fast and the Furriest), Bug Busters, Hypno part Deux October 2018: Bullhop,  Evil League of Mutants, Shelldon was first created (Smart Lair), Shadow of Evil November 2018: April’s 16th Birthday (Warren and Hypno), April meets Sunita (Operation: Normal) December 2018: Snow Day January 2019: S1 Finale February 2019: The sixth Lair Games was held (Lair Games), Repairin’ the Baron March 2019: Air Turtle April-May 2019: S2 Finale
(Reasoning below the cut!)
So. Assuming that the episodes occur in chronological order, we can reasonably assume that the course of the show proper takes around or slightly less than a year.
In Hypno Part Deux, April is going to a homecoming dance; homecoming dances happen usually around the beginning of the school year, in late September or early October. Since she is canonically 15 at the time (she says she’s 16 in Always Be Brownies, which happens after her birthday) and has a birthday that comes after homecoming, that would likely make her a high school junior! That’s not important, just a fun fact. Placing the beginning of the series around August makes sense, then, since it’d be before April started school and during flu season, giving Splinter a good reason for catching the rat flu in Down with the Sickness.
The other solid time marker we have is Snow Day, which obviously takes place during snow season in New York (which is usually December to March). It’d likely be closer to December, since I’d like to imagine that they would have gone out to have fun in the snow as soon as they could have, potentially even at first snow. Since Lair Games comes chronologically after Snow Day and confirms the year as being 2019, we can assume that most episodes that happen before Snow Day happened in 2018 while those after happened in 2019.
Another, slightly more tenuous time marker is Bullhop, where a calendar is shown that says the 21st of the month was on a Sunday; by our previous assumption, this is 2018, so a calendar shows this must have been during the month of October, which falls in line with the rest of our timeline here! Neat. The 2018-2019 NBA season went from October 6 to April 10, so, since Air Turtle presumably showed a late season game with potential for turnaround, early March seems like a fair bet. All of those episodes combined give a pretty good sense of time throughout the series, spanning from probably around August 2018 to Mid-2019. The finale could have happened any time after March and before June (when high school would end, meaning Sloppy Joe wouldn’t have had to be working Draxum’s kitchen). Because there were quite a few episodes that should have happened before the finale, though, I’ll split the difference and say the S2 finale happened in or around May.
Fun detail: by this timeline, April’s birthday is sometime between October and December/January, likely November (seeing as it comes after Bullhop but before Snow Day, and judging by the fall colors of the foliage in Operation Normal which comes directly after her birthday episode.)
As for the brothers, we can assume that they might have different birthdays judging by how in Lair Games, Mikey says that one of his favorite days is “my birthday”; if they all shared a birthday, he might have been more likely to say “our birthday”. They were mutated sometime close to October, but since they didn’t seem to see the date of their mutation as anything special in ELoM, we can assume they don’t celebrate it as their birthday. We know that at the beginning of the show, Mikey is 13, Leo and Donnie are 14, and Raph is 15; at no point during the show do any of them have a birthday, which leads me to assume that they are the same ages by the S2 finale. They COULD have had a birthday offscreen, but since birthdays are a pretty big thing for teenagers, I’d think that if one of them had a birthday it would be pretty noteworthy. I’ll just guess and say they didn’t have one. If that’s the case, then all of their birthdays would be some time between April-ish and August-ish. By the time the show starts, then, they would have already had their birthdays, confirming for us their (probably only guessed anyway but whatever) birth years as 2003, 2004, and 2005. Realistically, Splinter probably didn’t know how much older Raph was from any of the others or anything like that, but the years are still somewhat important for age calculation purposes. I could try to guess their birthday months by saying they might all have wanted a unique birthday month, but that would be complete conjecture on my part (as compared to the rest of this which is just mostly conjecture), and would honestly be more headcanon territory than an educated guess? So for the timeline I’ll just say that their birthdays are between April and August.
Now, reaching further backwards to figure out Splinter’s life timeline!
In Splinter’s memories in E-turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, we see a clip of a teenage Splinter. Said “teenage splinter” looks to be on the older side of teenager, as he seems to have his own apartment and just looks older besides, so I’d place him at either 18 or 19 (leaning towards 19). Additionally, taking a look around his room, it looks like he might be using a Sony Walkman (first made in 1979), and has what looks to be a Star Wars poster on his wall (1977). Additionally, he has a TV in his room that looks to be a Toshiba Blackstripe model that was popular in the mid-to-late 70s. While I can’t tell if he does actually have a walkman or not, I’d probably place this scene as being 1978 or 1979 anyway, so let’s just say it’s 1979. If he was 19 in 1979, that would place Splinter’s birth year as 1960, which is nice and even so I’m keeping it. That would make Splinter 58-59 during the course of the show, which seems to track! He has a birthday in Mascot Melee (the turtles are buying him a new robe as a birthday present), which, according to my episode timeline, puts his birthday around early September.
The flashback of Splinter as a kid is a little bit tricky, since he looks to be about five or six judging by how he acts in the scene? But he’s also holding a Kamen Rider doll, and that show didn’t exist until 1971. I nonetheless place the scene in 1966, since this is a cartoon and hey, maybe the Kamen Rider equivalent came out a few years earlier in this world, who cares. The bottle flip challenge already apparently happened in 2014 here, why not move some other stuff around? This exercise has already had me comparing calendar days, I will not be deterred
In Many Unhappy Returns, the clapperboard for the film “Crouching Shrimp, Hidden Tiger Prawn” in Splinter’s flashback shows that it was 1984 when he first met Big Mama, meaning that he was not only Lou Jitsu by then (at just 24 years old!), but that he had been making movies for at least a few years. After all, he and Big Mama were supposedly inseparable after meeting, and in The Shadow of Evil, it’s shown that Splinter did date around a bit as a star. Assuming that rat dad isn’t the cheating type, that would have had to be before meeting Big Mama. In Fists of Furry, Splinter mentions that he hasn’t seen any of his dojos in thirty years; while he may not have meant literally thirty years on the dot, assuming he’s at least close, that would mean that he was first abducted around 1989 (age 29). At that point, he and Big Mama would have been dating for around 5 years, which seems like a reasonable amount of time for him to wait before proposing. He also would have had time to build up quite a bit of fame as a movie star; the game he had of him looks to be on a system similar to the Atari 2600 and in fact looks pretty similar to the real life game “Kung Fu Master” that came out on Atari in 1987, a year which would have been the prime of his career. Sure, that date works as well as any. After that point, we know he was imprisoned in the Battle Nexus until Baron Draxum kidnapped him in order to use his DNA to mutate the turtles 13 years before The Evil League of Mutants. That would have placed his kidnapping and their mutations at around October of 2005, judging by the monthly timeline of the show. So, Splinter would have been around 45 when he adopted the turtles, after having been imprisoned and forced to fight for ~16 straight years. Dang.
Finally, I figured that the whole deal with Shredder and Karai would have happened at some point in the 1600s as it was 18 generations ago, judging by the number of “greats” in Karai’s grandma title, and if you average out a generation to be about 20-25 years, that lands you in the range of the 15th century. That works especially because Ninja apparently first started becoming a thing in the 15th century, so the timing checks out well enough.
(and, just as an extra fun note for the timeline, the lair games was said to have been going on for 6 years as of early 2019, meaning it must have started in 2014. We see that, in 2014 (year 1 of the Lair Games), Donnie doesn’t have his goggles or battleshell and is instead wearing glasses. In 2016 (year 3), though, he looks about the same as he does in the present, meaning he must have created all his tech that he wears on him (battleshell, goggles, tech bracer) between 2014 and 2016.)
So, the above timeline is a guesstimated and shoved around compilation of all this totally meaningless investigation, typed in a form that makes some kind of chronological sense! I hope that someone finds it useful, or just fun to think about :D
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thenightling · 3 years
Those things you associate with Halloween that ...actually weren’t created for Halloween...
You know how we associate certain movies, books, and songs with the Halloween season?  It’s a major pet peeve of mine when people say things like “Halloween is over.” or “Wait until Halloween” for (insert thing here). But here’s the thing.  We keep sweeping away a lot of our spooky, Gothic, and horror related content for the Halloween season and a lot of it wasn’t even created for Halloween to begin with.   Here.  Let me show you.
Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow - The story begins slightly before Halloween as when Ichabod arrives in Sleepy Hollow they are having an All Hallow’s Eve celebration.  But the majority of the story is set in November and even concludes either on New Years Eve or New Years Day. “Just in time for a new century.”  Also the film was released on November 17th, 1999.   So no, not actually a Halloween movie.
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (film) - Bram Stoker’s Dracula was released on November 13th 1992.
Interview with The vampire (film) - Interview with the vampire was released November 11th, 1994.  I’ll point out right here that Bram Stoker’s Dracula film and Interview with the vampire’s movie were released the day after and day before my birthday.  They have more to do with my birth than Halloween.  :-P
Corpse Bride -  Corpse Bride is distinctly set in the winter time.  There is snow on the ground.  The film was released on September 16th, 2005.
Dracula (1931 film) - Dracula starring Bela Lugosi was actually released on February 14th, 1931. It was a Valentine’s Day movie, technically.   Happy Valentine’s Day!  Here’s Count f--king Dracula.
Dracula (1979 film) - The version of Dracula starring Frank Langella was released July 13th 1979.  Admittedly it was a Friday the 13th but it was not Halloween. The film is set in late Autumn, likely November.
Love at first bite (1979) was released April 13th, 1979.  Yes, it was a Friday the 13th but it was not Halloween.  Hmm... Two romantic Dracula films, each released on Friday the 13ths in 1979.  I wonder if that was on purpose. 
 Frankenstein (1931 film) - the 1931 Frankenstein film was released on November 21st, 1931.  
Frankenstein novel - The Frankenstein noel was written in the summer of 1818 and the Creature was brought to life in November, according to the novel’s own story. 
Dracula novel - The Dracula novel was published on May 26th, 1897.
Dracula’s Guest - This is considered the “deleted” chapter of the novel Dracula and it is actually set on Walpurgisnacht, which is April 30th, exactly half-way toward Halloween.
Over The Garden Wall - This one bugs the Hell out of me.  I see a LOT of people online saying “I wait all year for Halloween so I can watch Over The Garden Wall again.”  Here’s the thing.   Over the Garden Wall was originally released on November 3rd, 2014. The first episode starts around midnight the morning after Halloween.  It’s November 1st.  The majority of the story is set in November and implied to encompass Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Yes, the boys’ adventure started on Halloween but that’s not even revealed until the second to last episode of the mini-series.  There are plenty of Hallowe’en aesthetics to Over the Garden Wall but the visuals are based on vintage (turn of the century to early twentieth century) Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Cards.  The Beast’s song is even a twisted version of O’ Holy Night (a Christmas carol).              
 Just watch it whenever you want, especially if you happen to love autumn.
Ghostbusters (movie and song) - Ghostbusters was released June 1st, 1984.  and yet we associate the song and movie so heavily with Halloween.
Ghostbusters 2 -  Ghostbusters 2 was released June 16th 1989.  And the story is set a day or two after Christmas and reaches it’s climax on New Years Eve.  
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Ghostbusters: Afterlife has a November 19th, 2021 release date.
Michael Jackson’s Thriller -  The song Thriller was considered, for many years, to be one of the major songs of Halloween like Monster Mash or This is Halloween, however... It’s not actually a Halloween song.  The song was released in November of 1983 and the music video was released in December 2nd 1983.   It’s closer to being a zombie Christmas song than a Halloween song.
Monster Mash by Bobby “Boris” Picket - Monster Mash (long considered a staple of Halloween parties) was released August 25th, 1962.  Yup, Monster Mash is a summer song.
Lost Boys (film) - Released July 31st, 1987.
Fright Night (1985 film) - Released August 2nd, 1985.
Castlevania - Season one of Castlevania premiered on Netflix on July 7th, 2017.
Dracula (1958) - Dracula (1958) also known as Horror of Dracula was released to cinemas May 8th, 1958.  In fact almost none of the Hammer Dracula or Frankenstein movies had autumn releases.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - The 1994 film called Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (not actually very faithful to the novel) was released November 4th, 1994. 
 The Wolf Man (1941) - The Wolf Man was first released December 9th, 1941. Where are my Werewolf Christmas decorations?  I demand werewolf Christmas decorations!
The Sandman - Considered one of the greatest Gothic horror / Gothic fantasy comics of all time The Sandman features various tropes we associate with Halloween.  There are literal creatures of nightmare, ravens, haunted houses, sorcerers, murderers, curses, ghosts, demons, and spooky castles.  There’s also a Jack-o-lantern headed character.  The Sandman was first published in November 1988 with an official release date of January 1989.
The Sandman audio drama act 1 - Act 1 of the audio drama version of The Sandman was released July 15th, 2020 and was an almost instant best seller.
Hocus Pocus -  I kind of put this one here as a bonus. Though Hocus Pocus is set at Halloween and is easily considered a Halloween movie, it was actually released to cinemas on July 16th, 1993.  Yes, Hocus Pocus was actually a summer movie.  Weird, huh?  But its ability to endure shows that people can do and do love it any time of year despite it being a “Halloween movie.”
Anyway, why did I write all this?  My point is simple. If you love Gothic Horror, if you love spooky stuff, don’t starve yourself until “Spooky season.”  Don’t feel like you can only watch, read, or listen to your favorites only around Halloween.  Love what you love whenever you want and don’t be ashamed.   Just because it’s fashionable to sweep these things away until October doesn’t mean you have to conform to that behavior.   If you want to watch Over the Garden Wall in March, do it.  If you want to watch Hocus Pocus on Easter, do it.  Don’t let anyone stop you.   What you love does NOT have to be consigned to just a tiny part of the calendar. 
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years
Reconciliation and Late-Stage Tayliz (September 2014 - Present)
Despite not seeing each other for a while, Taylor and Liz clearly still hold a soft spot in each other’s hearts.
During the Secret Sessions for 1989 in Nashville, fans took pictures in Taylor’s home, and you can clearly see she has photos from Charleston displayed:
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When it came time to mend the fences between Taylor and Liz, Claire Callaway was the one who ended up doing it:
2 October 2014 - Claire tweets a TBT to the Charleston trip. Liz responds to it:
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That seems to get the ball rolling, because when Taylor drops Out of the Woods as a single, this happens:
14 October 2014 - Taylor and Liz tweet about how much they miss each other:
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Then, when Taylor walks the runaway with Karlie at the VSFS, this happens:
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Taylor is with Karlie at the time, and obviously nothing romantic is happening on Liz’s end either, because...
20 December 2014 - Liz gets engaged to Bryan Brown and has dinner with friends:
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16 February 2015 - Liz tweets that Taylor is badass
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8 April 2016 - Liz makes this gay post on Facebook that I’d like to think is a response to Style, since the MV had come out a few months before:
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And Liz seems to have found a group of gay friends...
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Although, that could just be a typo.
15 July 2015 - Liz posts on Facebook that “Thanks to some really talented friends, I got to record something beautiful today. Can’t wait to share this one.” The picture she attaches definitely looks like Taylor:
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Liz also tweets this:
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We do NOT know where Taylor was that day. However, she performed in DC on the 1989 tour on the 14th and was papped in NYC on the 16th so it’s not impossible she was in Nashville working on something with Liz. Unfortunately, whatever they worked on has yet to surface (unless you subscribe to the theory that Liz is WB...)
3 August 2015 - Shawn Brooks releases a song called Matter of Time that was written sometime in 2014 by Liz.
Notable lyrics include:
She’s got me lovestruck, crazy Going out of my mind She’s got me lovestruck, crazy But sooner or later, she’s gonna be mine It’s just a matter of time
Don’t know what this means for Liz or TayLiz, since Liz has been with Bryan since early 2013 at the latest, but this is very gay and fun.
27 August 2015 - Thirst tweet:
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31 August 2015 - Liz calls Taylor sexy in response to the Wildest Dreams MV:
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15 October 2015 - Liz tweets about Better Than Revenge:
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28 October 2015 -  Liz quote tweets Taylor about OOTW acoustic:
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11 November 2015 - Liz responds to Caitlin’s tweet tagging Taylor about nostalgia:
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9 December 2015 - Liz congratulates Taylor on her Grammy noms:
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13 December 2015 - Taylor’s birthday. Liz wishes her HBD:
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29 January 2016 - Liz says her favorite song from 1989 is This Love:
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15 February 2016 - Liz and Taylor both attend UMG’s Grammys afterparty at the Ace Hotel Theater :
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26 February 2016 - Liz posts a TBT to Charleston:
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16 April 2016 - Liz and Taylor both attend Coachella:
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6 May 2016 - Liz tweets about This Love:
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10 May 2016 - Liz possibly writes STFU and Hold Me (likely about Bryan, since he’s out on tour with the woman he’s going to leave Liz for, signaling to me that their relationship is on the fritz):
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4 August 2016 - Liz posts a throwback to the Vogue photoshoot at the Bowery.
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3 September 2016 - Liz and Bryan’s last interaction on Twitter:
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(Bryan had been on tour with Jillian -- who he’d later marry -- and tweeting at her all summer, much more than he’d been tweeting with Liz). It’s important to note the way their relationship ended for when we start studying who Liz’s songs are about.
26 November 2016 - Liz tweets about Clean, possibly signaling her and Bryan have broken up by this point:
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13 December 2016 - Liz wishes Taylor happy birthday with a post about Charleston (captions vary based on site). This also signals to me that her and Bryan are over, since she’s reminiscing on Taylor picking her up off the ground after her breakup with Jason:
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11 July 2017 - Liz tells a fan that You Are In Love and All Too Well are her favorite songs from 1989 and Red (guess her favorite song is no longer This Love…):
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11 August 2017 - Liz releases STFU and Hold Me:
This MV has a LOT of parallels to the IKYWT video. The lyrics talk about “staring with a bang” (”took off faster than a green light go”?), and reckless abandon (”this path is reckless”). MV parallels are as follows (thank you @mercuryonparklane​ for all the help finding this):
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(notice the key necklace?)
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So, either Liz is lowkey ripping off Taylor’s work or she’s trying to signal that she was the muse for IKYWT. However, considering Liz is deliberately trying to keep her image separate from Taylor, it doesn’t make any sense that she would try and rip her off. Of course, it could just be a big coincidence...
30 September 2017 - In an interview with The Young Folks, Liz says that STFU and Hold Me is about “getting to that point in a relationship where you’re sick of going around and around talking about the same issue with your partner and it’s time to wave the white flag,” Huett says. “We’ve all been there.”
Of the lyrics “I’m coming from a line of problems / I was born and I became a product” Liz says “I’m not exactly the most polished person. I’d rather be real than perfect and sometimes that means I say things that make people uncomfortable or act out in relationships and test limits, etc… I’m an honest mess but I believe I can and should be loved in light of that. :)”
I still think this song was written about the end of her relationship with Bryan, but it’s still interesting to see how Liz describes herself in relationships.
27 October 2017 - Liz releases H8U
This is another song that I think was written about Bryan. The lyrics reference taking another woman to a Tom Petty concert (Liz LOVES Tom Petty) and generally moving on quickly with another woman, which seems apt for the Bryan/Jillian situation going on.
HOWEVER, the lyrics also reference “our first date two years ago,” which doesn’t make any sense, since Liz and Bryan didn’t break up until 2016 and were together since early 2013. So it could maybe be lyrically about Taylor.
I do think the MV makes a deliberate Taylor reference, though, with the interrupting the wedding scene. Taylor famously had Liz dress as the Bridezilla on the Speak Now album art:
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And, at the end of the H8U MV, Liz DOES kiss the blonde bride on the mouth after interrupting her wedding... which is... INTERESTING (especially since Liz is dressed in full RED the whole MV):
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I don’t think it’s a stretch to presume Liz could’ve reversed their roles here. IDK.
9 November 2017 - Liz makes her “H8U, love these” playlist on Spotify, which features All Too Well.
1 November 2017 - Liz obsesses over Reputation:
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15 November 2017 - Taylor posts an IG story with photos of her Liz and Caitlin in Australia in the background:
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13 December 2017 - Liz wishes Taylor happy birthday:
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20 December 2017 - In a now deleted tweet Liz obsesses over New Year’s Day
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6 April 2018 - Liz releases Don’t LV U Anymore. Here are some interesting lyrics:
I don't steal your chapstick anymore / Don't wake up to your kiss anymore / And I don't have a washer and dryer full of guitar picks anymore / 'Cause you don't come over to my place anymore / Don't flirt with my roommate anymore / And I don't run to your friends / To get them on my side when we fight anymore / And I never say it / I keep it inside / But maybe I'm wasted / Or maybe it's time to get this off my chest, babe / ... / I don't love you anymore / But I don't love you any less / I don't play you my songs anymore / To see if they're good anymore / You don't tell me your secrets / 'Cause you don't know if I keep them to myself anymore / I don't go to church anymore / Don't know what to believe anymore / And I don't remember the beat of your heart / The smell of your car anymore / ... / Two years and counting / Still got all this weight on my chest / Two years and counting / And I can't remember what I can't forget
Based on the “two years and counting” line, as well as the line about a washer and dryer of guitar picks, I’m inclined to believe this is another song about Bryan. 
However, it is a really similar sentiment to that Civil Wars song Liz posted back when her and Taylor first ended things, and the line about running to get friends on a side when fighting is very similar to the “you go talk to your friends, talk to my friends talk to me” in WANEGBT and the image in Battle/Let’s Go of all their friends standing around watching them fight. Could go either way.
9 April 2018 - Liz reposts a Facebook post announcing Dammit that implies it was written a while ago. But we already knew that.
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19 May 2018 - Reputation in Pasadena. Liz attends. Surprise Song: All Too Well. Camila Cabello is the opening act.  
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27 May 2018 - Liz gives an interview at Bottlerock festival where she says that Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus is a song she used to get over someone (likely Bryan). She also says Havana was the song she last had stuck in her head -- probably because Camila performed it at Taylor’s show the previous week.
14 March 2019 - Liz makes a happy birthday post for Antoni (who’s dating her friend Trace):
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27 April 2019 - Bryan and Jillian get married:
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3 May 2019 - Liz releases Nothing Personal:
This feels like DIRECT BRYAN SHADE, since she released it right after his wedding. However, you definitely could also read it as being about being let go from The Agency.
Early May 2019 - Taylor shoots YNTCD. Her and Antoni bond over their love of The National (keep in mind Taylor would end up asking a member of the National to work on exile with her):
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17 June 2019 - Liz likes Taylor’s post announcing YNTCD is out:
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26 June 2019 - Liz posts on IG a video of unreleased song “One of These Days” with the caption “i’m emo” Lyrics:
One of these days I’ll rise above the blue / One of these days when I get sober too / I’ll be flying high you know / Gonna say I told you so / One of these days I’ll rise above the blue / The stars will align / My heart will come back to life / I won’t have to cry anymore / Someday soon, when I / When I get over you / One of these nights I’m gonna get some sleep / One of these nights you won’t be in my dreams / I will lay this love to rest / I will miss you in this bed / One of these nights I’m gonna get some sleep / The stars will align / My heart will come back to life / I won't have to cry anymore / Someday soon, someday / When I get over you
More evidence that Liz does, indeed, struggle with the things that Reddit post suggested.
14 August 2019 - Liz posts on IG a video of an unreleased song called “I Wanted It to Be You” with the caption “I really did” and a red rose emoji. Lyrics:
I’ll find someone else to take your place / In no time at all I’ll be okay / So you don’t have to say it babe / We don’t have to cry / ‘Cause I know you got shit to do / And baby so do I / I’ll find someone else to take your place, hey / I wanted it to be you I’m closing down the bar with / I wanted it to be you I’m fighting in the car with / Who I could push away / Come back and beg to stay / Ooh, I wanted it, I wanted it, I wanted it / I wanted it to be you
Likely for Bryan BUT maybe a red rose grew up out of frozen ground with no one around to tweet it (lol I’m joking the lakes is very likely not about Liz).
22 August 2019 - Taylor releases the Lover MV, featuring the “breakable heaven” board game:
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In the bottom left corner, you can spot a blue 0527. May 27th is Liz’s birthday. What does this mean? I don’t know. I absolutely do not know, but whatever it is is driving me INSANE.
28 August 2019 - Liz posts on Twitter a screenshot of her listening to Cornelia Street:
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16 October 2019 - Liz comments on a fan’s video of Taylor performing at the NPR Tiny Desk concert saying “she cute”:
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19 November 2019 - Liz says on IG that her favorite songs from Lover are The Archer and Cornelia Street:
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22 November 2019 - Liz releases That’s What You Get. This is the one late-stage Liz song that I FULLY BELIEVE is about TayLiz due to a few very specific lyric parallels:
“That’s what you get when you recklessly fall in love” >> “This path is reckless” from Treacherous
“That’s what you get for keeping your armor up” >> “You come around and the armor falls” from State of Grace >> “I would put my armor down if you said you’d rather love than fight” from Story of Us.
“And all your friends are lining up to hate me” >> “You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me” from WANEGBT >> “First shot’s fired everybody’s gathered around” from Battle >> “I can't run to your friends anymore / To get them on my side when we fight anymore” from Don’t LV U Anymore.
It also, just from an outside perspective, doesn’t make any sense for Liz to write a breakup song about Bryan blaming herself when it seems very clear to me that they broke up because Bryan wanted to be with Jillian instead. That’s not her fault. So either this is about another breakup (I’d guess Taylor, based on the lyric parallels), or she’s just very very self-loathing and won’t let herself think it’s Bryan’s fault (which both H8U and Nothing Personal don’t suggest to me).
25 November 2016 - Liz posts a video on her IG story about Taylor at the VMAs.
6 December 2019 - Liz talks about That’s What You get with Earmilk and gives an interesting quote: 
Huett explains, “This song is about facing myself after a brutal season of running from it... I made a self-destructive choice that hurt someone I really value. The angle of the chorus is really sort of a letter to me after that first long look in the mirror. It SUCKED. However, in owning my shit (and sharing this song) my hope is that listeners might apply the sad lesson without having to learn the hard way, or, if they’ve ever found themselves in the regretful position I was once in, I hope this song can at least make them feel less alone."
This is SO DIFFERENT fro mhow her relationship with Bryan ended, but matches up so well with Liz getting help and owning her shit after spiraling in 2012.
24 July 2020 - Folklore drops. Two of the songs are written by the mysterious William Bowery. One of those songs is Betty -- a popular nickname for Elizabeth. Liz tweets at Taylor about the 1 because all of Taylor’s exes wanna think that song is about them.
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So, IN CONCLUSION: Liz got help and worked through her shit and they’re on good terms now. They were possibly working on something together in 2015, although that never saw the light of day as far as we know. Liz seems to maybe be referencing Taylor in her music and MVs, but there’s no way to know for sure. Better Than Revenge on the Speak Now Tour was an iconic moment of sapphic energy, and maybe, just maybe, when Taylor re-records her masters, Liz will sing backup for her again.
Thanks for reading!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
With 7Fates: Chakho, BTS Breaks Back Into Webtoons
BTS is no stranger to the webtoon, one of Korea’s most popular narrative formats. In 2014, web comic superhero counterparts of the group’s seven members fought monsters in We On: Be the Shield. In 2019, Naver WEBTOON, the world’s most-read comics publisher, released Save Me, which saw a character based on Jin stuck in a time loop from which he can’t escape until he saves his six best friends. By its end, the 16-volume webtoon had massed more than 50 million views.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a new BTS-inspired webtoon, but the wait is almost over. Back in August, Korea’s Naver, who owns both WEBTOON and Wattpad, announced a team-up with BTS parent company HYBE, and ever since ARMY have been eagerly awaiting further news on what the collaboration might mean on the narrative level. Last month, during HYBE’s corporate briefing to “the community,” we got it, with the announcement of 7 Fates: Chakho, an original webtoon and web novel done in partnership with BTS. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming genre story…
BTS’ 7Fates: Chakho Release Date
7Fates Chakho will hit the WEBTOON platform as a web comic and Wattpad as a web novel on January 14th. Also coming to WEBTOON/Wattpad in January will be webtoons done in partnership with other HYBE groups, including ENHYPEN (January 15th release) and TXT (January 16th release). All three stories will be released in both web comic and web novel formats.
BTS’ 7Fates: Chakho Story
7Fates is an action-driven urban fantasy inspired by the Joseon Dynasty tiger-hunting officers called chakhogapsa (hence the “Chakho” subtitle), as well as Korean folklore. The story is set in a dangerous and corrupt near-future city called Sin-si, and tells the story of seven boys tied together by fate who overcome hardships (and probably some tigers?) and grow as a group in the process. You can learn more about 7Fates‘ ties to Korean folklore from Jimin…
In 7Fates, the seven main characters will be facing off against “beom” (the Korean word for “tiger”). In the webtoon, beom are supernatural creatures who come to Sin-si in order to hunt humans. Listen to Yoongi describe them in more detail below…
7Fates: BTS Members’ Characters
The seven main characters in 7Fates are inspired by the BTS members, but they are decidedly their own, original characters. Jungkook’s character is half-beom. Jimin’s used to be a rock. Here’s what we know so far…
RM is Do-geon
RM’s character is a crime expert called Do-geon. Like all of our characters, Do-geon has had a hard life. He has developed his skills in the backstreets of Sin-si. While he is at first reluctant to join the chakho team, he keeps running into the other hunters. The power of their shared destiny is too strong!
Jin is Hwan
Jin’s character, Hwan, lost his entire family to a beom attack. As a result, Hwan went from being “an ordinary archer” to a beom hunter. Hwan is playful and mischievous most of the time, but it sounds like, when it comes to hunting beom, he means business.
Suga is Cein
Suga’s character, Cein, sounds angsty. He was almost eaten by a beom, but escaped and now feels traumatized and lost. His friendships with the six other chakho will lead him on a path to healing.
J-Hope is Hosu
J-Hope’s character, Hosu, was kidnapped by a beom and had to do something terrible in order to escape their den. His character has mysterious golden eyes, which may or may not be related to this backstory.
Jimin is Haru
Jimin’s character is called Haru, and he used to be a rock (he turned human). More specifically, the rock that guarded the gate to the beom’s world. Because of this, he is very old and very wise, with the qualities of a master.
V is Jooan
V’s character Jooan seems very unique. He is so compassionate and caring that he falls in love with a beom. It sounds like a lot of Jooan’s story will revolve around this starcrossed romance.
Jungkook is Zeha
Jungkook’s character, Zeha, is half-beom, a fact he only finds out after battling a beom himself. Zeha uses his tiger powers to hunt beom for bounty, all while trying to keep the secret of his heritage.
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HYBE’s Other Upcoming Webtoons & Web Novels
Also on the docket for a January release: ENHYPEN’s “Dark Moon” and TXT’s “The Star Seekers.” The former is a high school romance about vampire boys who meet a girl… with a secret. The latter is a fantasy tale about a group of K-pop idols who live in a world where magic exists. Together, they must fight against a secret surrounding the downfall of the world; also, there will be imaginary animals. Honestly, it sounds like there is some crossover potential across these three HYBE-driven stories.
Are you planning on reading HYBE’s upcoming WEBTOON/Wattpad line-up? What do you think of the genre premises?
The post With 7Fates: Chakho, BTS Breaks Back Into Webtoons appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3qgy6TG
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
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NOVEMBER 2018->MAY 2021: Photo Dump No.10
1. 29th October 2020, 27th October 2020 [source: instagram account @werenotreallystrangers], 25th March 2021, 14th December 2019 [source: instagram account @creepyyeha], 6th March 2021 [Miley Cyrus “She is Coming” EP promotional material in New York, source unknown], 10th March 2020 [Ole & Steen, Tottenham Court Road], 4th March 2021 [source unknown], 27th March 2021, 6th March 2021
2. 22nd March 2021 [Violet Chachki photographed backstage for Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture @ Paris Haute Couture Week F/W19], 12th April 2021 [source: instagram account @thepulpgirls], 14th April 2021, 13th April 2021, 30th March 2021 [Teuta Matoshi Daisy Sun Ruffle dress], 13th April 2021, 12th April 2021, 10th April 2021 [Britney Spears photographed @ Versace RTW S/S13 at Milan Fashion Week], 11th March 2020 [North Laines, Brighton]
3. 14th April 2021, 16th March 2021 [Marc Jacobs “Kiki” platform boot @ Marc Jacobs RTW F/W16], 12th April 2021, 28th March 2021 [Lady Gaga photographed for V Magazine January 2016 issue], 14th April 2021, 13th December 2020 [source unknown], 15th March 2021 [The Ragged Priest Heart Shaped Box collection promotional material, source: instagram account @theraggedpriest], 15th February 2019 [source unknown]
4. 17th April 2021, 1st December 2020 [Maison Margiela RTW S/S16], 12th April 2021, 11th March 2019 [makeup by Isamaya French for YSL Beauty 2016 campaign], 12th April 2021, 9th August 2019 [Sistine Chapel, Vatican City], 25th November 2018 [Paolo Sebastian Haute Couture S/S18, Once Upon a Dream Collection], 5th March 2019 [Tracey Emin’s “Fortnight of Tears” @ White Cube, Bermondsey Street], 12th April 2021
5. 8th June 2020, 21st July 2019 [De Pijp, Amsterdam], 13th August 2019 [source: instagram account @werenotreallystrangers, 12th April 2021, 25th January 2021 [Tayce in still from RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 2 Episode 2], 13th December 2019 [Hannah Murray as Cassie Ainsworth, promotional material for Skins Season 2 on E4, 2008], 20th August 2019 [Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona], 19th July 2019 [Musée Yves Saint Laurent, Paris], 24th November 2020
6. 9th December 2019, 21st February 2019 [Zuhair Murad Haute Couture F/W15], 21st April 2021, 21st August 2020, 21st February 2020 [Rihanna photographed for V Magazine September 2016 issue], 20th December 2020 [source: twitter account @gotsoybeanmilk], 20th April 2021, 20th April 2021 [promotional material for “Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land”, MARINA, release date June 2021, edited by instagram account @speirgraphics], 21st April 2021
7. 26th April 2021 [source: twitter account @DI0RSBABY], 10th April 2021 [Lily Allen photographed for UK Cosmopolitan November 2018 issue], 25th April 2021, 24th July 2019 [Spandauer Vorstadt, Berlin], 26th April 2021, 24th April 2021, 22nd July 2019 [Burgwallen Nieuwe Zijde, Amsterdam], 19th April 2021 [Erdem x Richard Quinn for UK Grazia 05/05/2020 issue], 23rd March 2020
8. 6th January 2021, 15th February 2019 [source: idea stand.com], 29th April 2021, 28th April 2021, 12th April 2021 [Alexander McQueen RTW S/S19], 15th April 2021 [Megan Fox in Versace cardigan, photographed out & about in L.A, 6th April 2021], 24th October 2020 [Devon Aoki walking for Jean Paul Gaultier RTW S/S99], 21st June 2020 [Lana Del Rey for Rolling Stone July 2014 issue], 26th April 2021
9. 11th August 2019 [San Babila, Milan], 2nd May 2021, 26th March 2021 [details @ Vivienne Westwood RTW S/S12, Paris Fashion Week], 8th May 2021, 8th March 2021 [Kate Moss photographed for German Vogue February 1996 issue], 12th August 2020, 13th August 2019 [dress from the Hermione De Paula S/S19 Bridal Collection], 9th May 2021, 6th May 2021
10. 1st May 2021 [Lana Del Rey for Dazed S/S17 issue, edited, source: twitter account @playforfortunes], 17th May 2021, 15th May 2021, 19th May 2021 [Lucy Liu photographed in her studio in New York, source: instagram account @theartoflucyliu], 14th May 2021, 8th August 2019 [Grand Canal, Venice], 1st December 2020 [Valentino RTW S/S20], 26th April 2020 [Teuta Matoshi Timeless Rose Gown], 29th April 2021
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