#Jikook 123
kanmom51 · 1 year
Hi. I know you've talked a lot about the jikook number theory, and I MAY have found something? Emphasis on the MAY because I was bored and my delulu mind became active for a little while(sorry, not sorry🙇‍♀️).
Anyway, I stumbled onto a k-army's post on twt, according to which, one of the posts made by JM on June 15th at 23:23 about waiting for 2 more hours, meaning the 16th, means it would be 1108 since still with you was released(5th June,2023).
Now, as I said I was bored and it was past midnight here so I checked and it wasn't 1108 days since SWY. 1108 days from that date would me 18th of June, 2023, the day JK posted two selcas on weverse.
But I did find a couple of coincidences and I maybe totally out of my mind, but hear me out for a sec!
1. JM's post on the 15th was at 23:23 KST. It contained something about waiting for just 2 more hours. Which would mean 1:23 KST. (Reference to the infamous 123 jikook theory)
2. JK's selcas on the 18th of June marks 1108 days since still with you and it was posted at 11:39 KST. The numbers are a combination of various things. 11, their speculated anniversary month, 13 JM's birthday and both of their fav number and even JK's birthday can be found.
Was I so bored that I just overanalysed it? Was it all just a coincidence?
I'd honestly love to know your thoughts as well!
Ok, @beardedcolorduck so let's see where we are with this.
JK's Weverse post was posted 18 June 2023 11:39 am KST or 17 June 2023 7:39 pm or 19:39 LA time.
Still with you was released on 4 June 2020 or on June 5 2020.
See, there is a question mark regarding the date of release, or more like difference I am assuming that arises from the difference in time zones.
In any case I can't explain this:
When I share this link the date that shows is 4 June 2020.
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When I go into the link the date that shows is 5 June 2020.
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I can't explain it, maybe you guys know why (seeing that both of them are me writing from the same IP address in Australia).
Anyway, I digress.
If we count the days from 4 June 2020 to 17 June 2023 or from 5 June 2020 to 18 June 2023 (see, I'm assuming that the differences are due to the time zones) we get this:
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It works.
Interesting indeed.
Another coincidence do you think?
So yeah, not JM's post, but JK's post the one landing 1108 days after Still with you.
As for the numbers working otherwise, let's see what we can get.
If we look at the date alone as 17.6.23 we get 1+7=8 and 6+2+3=11
7:39 gives us 7+3+9=19
The next one is a bit far fetched I think, but then, again, I'm not taking this all too seriously (just to clarify - there are numbers that I do, this specific calculation I don't).
With the 19:39 we ate the 1+9=10 and we have the 3+9=12 bring that down to a one digit which will be 1+3=3
Now to your first insight.
JM's 23:23 post telling us to wait another 2 hours. I have to tell you that on the day that one puzzled me. I thought maybe something was coming, an announcement maybe. And when that didn't come I was baffled as to what was JM telling us. Was he waiting a couple of hours for JK to wake up? But then why mention it? JM is very precise as to what he mentions. Super calculated. There is always meaning behind it, even if we don't understand what that meaning is.
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His 23:23 comment: Let's hold on for 2 hours. Just 2 hours.
Very specific, and repeating the 2 hours.
What you are suggesting is very interesting, you know?
23:23 plus 2 hours will bring us to 01:23, which is definitely giving us the 123.
The whole thing with the 123 theory is that we think we know where it originated (might have meant something to them way before but that's the first time it's mentioned) - Festa 2014 JM's profile Just one day MV at 1:23 min. represents him best. JK was by his side while filling out that profile. Since then we have had song recommendations ending at 1:23 min., posts timed at 12:30 or 1:23 am, posts on January 23rd etc. We know there is very possibly something going on with that sequence of numbers, but what it is exactly or more so, what it means to them exactly, we don't know.
Anyway, 123 is a very interesting result, and I definitley wouldn't put it past JM that this is what he was aiming for.
Another path with the numbers is:
1:23 16.6
We have the 1 from the time.
If we take the 2+3+1+6+6=18
You end up with:
Or the simpler path:
1:23 is just that: 123
And the date: 16.6 which easily is 1+6+6=13
123 and 13
I'm sure there is something I'm missing. Him repeating the 2 hours twice kind of makes me think maybe he was aiming for 3:23 am, but I can't seem to get the math mathing. Or maybe it is? Not sure how legitimate this one is with Karmy, but I'll put it out there anyway:
3:23 16.6.2023
Like I said, no idea if this is legitimate mathing, but it's fun and the numbers work.
End of the day, I have zero idea what JM was aiming for. All I am sure of is that he doesn't waste words with his posts, and he was clearly hinting to something.
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wingzie · 6 months
Do you have a favorite moment back from when you were baby army that stood out to you about Jungkook and Jimin?.
And bonus question: for the sake of going back in the day and how we used to say “I’m going into delulu mode right now”, was there a theory you or someone else might have posted that made you say “ok let me go get my tin hat too”.
Thanks for being with us for such a long time, and thank you for creating a safe space for us!.
Hellooo!!! Thank you for the ask. Hmm... this might be a somewhat long response haha. For me, there was a certain time period as baby army that stood out for me in showing what their bond is like: When Jimin was sick after New Jersey. Side note: The VLive after the concert is LEGENDARY
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Anyways, it was obvious that Jimin was not well in Brazil from the reports we got at soundcheck. We know from the Behinds that Jimin asked Jungkook for help if his condition didn't get any better. During TTU, Jimin stopped singing and got emotional. Jungkook kept his promise and sang along in the background. (For both days.) He then thought about jumping over to Jimin's pillar to comfort him, but thought better of it and thankfully waited until they were down.
This showed the upmost trust that they have for each other, on and off stage. There of other examples that shows this, of course. But it's the way they put the others' needs first over their own that hits me each time. They know when the other needs them and they'll do their best to be "There For You" no matter what. That connection is something that continues to beat stronger every single day.
One of my other faovurite moments is from "This moment right here is happiness" from KBS. Funny story: Quite a lot of Army had turned off KBS as soon as BTS had finished. I kept it on and continued to watch the ending collab. I think I confused both my own friends and people on my Timeline by screaming something along the lines of "AHH JIKOOK WERE SINGING TOGETHER CUTELY IN CONFETTI!!" Not many had kept watching like I had, so they had absolutely NO IDEA what the hell I was talking about...And then of course after that finished, Jungkook uploaded GCFH.
Another funny story is related to your delulu quesiton. I am not sure how I feel about the math theories. I somewhat believe in them, but those who know me will know that I absolutely suck at math. I actually failed it three times and never passed. It never stopped me in life though, apart from my inability to count to 13 apparently lol. Just before the release of Who, a GC of mine were talking about the 123 theories. I said that some seemed deliberate, but I couldn't tell overall. Queue Who being released, with Jikook singing at 1:23 and the song being track 13... It's still something the same GC jokes about with me today whenever numbers with Jikook happen. Thank you again for the ask and for the kind words. I'll always do my best. Happy to answer anything that I can! Much love, Becca/Wingzie.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I ain't gonna lie. JK kinda being a bit of a shit stirrer today. Why is he posting pictures adding up to 13 like he's baiting Jimin, but posting the food in the same set of dishes that Tae owns? Tae already showed that dish set in his story not long ago. Kinda like that day JK said Jimin was his, but turned around and said Tae was his. JM's in NY minding his business, while JK's kinda being messy. Well, at least both sets of shippers are happy & fighting at the same time over who JK is really posting for.
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Anon, come closer. Let me show you something.
Remember this?
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Okay. Wonderful then I'm sure you remember that atrocity they did of photoshoping V on Jimin's face. See if u can find it among all these times where they replaced Jimin with V.
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These assholes didn't even try 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ That's one of the most iconic Jikook moments of all time. If you're gonna try to copy at least put in some effort 🙄🙄
That's one.
2) Remember when Jimin said the best part that represented him was the timestamp 1:23 on the One Day MV?
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Remember how JK started recommending songs to army and pausing the songs at 1:23? He did this continuously without fail. (Manilla fight)
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Even when sometimes the part made no sense. More on this here.
When Jikookers started celebrating this guess what the vermin did? They took the 123 theory and decided to relate that to Vkook. Even though they never would have done that shit, if Jikookers didn't point it out. According to them, 123 was about Tkk because V was born on 12th December 🤦🏽‍♀️
Shouldn't it have been 1230 then?? Why did they get rid of the 0? For convenience as always. 🙄🙄 Well, joke's on them, because JK stopped doing this. This is one of the earliest moments of JK debunking Tkkrs.
3) When Jkkrs noticed the JM and started talking about it.
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The vermin said the tiger was about them. Because V's animal is a tiger.
Fuck the fact that the tiger and Korean culture go hand in hand. But guess what JK did when he met Poly C? He👏🏾covered👏🏾that👏🏾shit👏🏾up! Sure the man and the rest of BTS hated how the SK government were treating them. Sure he hates how he can't even show the world who he's in love with due to his homophobic country, so he decided the Tiger didn't mean that much to him after all. But I bet he saw a chance to kill 2 birds with one stone and he did. Fuck SK and fuck Tkkrs. Boom! Done.
4) When Karmy nick named Jikook the Sun and Moon duo because satellite Jeon is always orbiting Jimin like the moon orbits the sun, The vermin also started calling Tkk the Sun and Moon duo. Their reason? Don't ask me. Idk and idc. Too bad though, coz even BH knows who are the REAL Sun and Moon duo
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5) While we are on the "mine" topic. Karmy already explained the difference between JK saying Jimin is his Vs when he said (warning RIP your algorithm if you click on this) V is his. According to Karmy, with V it came off more like a statement. With Jimin it was possessive, AF. And I agree. Not just because I'm a Jikooker, but because you don't need to be Korean to hear the difference.
For context: An army asked JK to give Jimin to them and JK was like; he's mine. But here is what u have to keep in mind. The V one came way, way, waaaaaay later than the Jimin one. As soon as he said Jimin was his, the vermin kept pestering JK with the same thing the former Army asked about Jimin. So going by JK's tone, it seems to me like he said what he said about V, to shut them up. 🤷🏽‍♀️ The difference is in the tone, guys. U don't gotta be Korean to hear it.
These are just a few examples. And now you're telling me, even though our numbers theory makes more sense, Tkkrs are claiming what JK is doing on weverse for themselves because of a plate?? A plate? Really.
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This is just like when they decided Tkk went snowboarding because of a pair of shoes. Like no one else owns those shoes apart from JK and V 🤡 Again, someone please explain to me how people take them seriously. Please. They want what we have soooooo bad. They have always wanted what we have.
Jin can grab V's balls or whatever tf this was. Taejin what goes on??? 🧐🧐
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And the vermin did not bat an eye. Not one fucking peep from them. But in the same memories 2021, Jimin gets embarrassed and does the simple act of hiding his face in JK's neck (something he has done for years BTW)
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You cannot tell me these people don't know Jikook is real. If they didn't see what we see they wouldn't want what we have so bad. And they certainly wouldn't feel so damn threatened.
So anon, JK owning the same plate as V, cannot even be compared to JK making a post on Jimin time. It ain't and will never be the fucking same. Please.
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juliapark13 · 1 year
I saw some reactions and it was
~ it’s not him
~ it’s planned and forced fs
~ if it’s him he doesn’t look happy
~ trust tk, tk forever
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‘123 theory’ for tk 😭
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If there isn’t official announcement or if Tae doesn’t post photo on his Instagram (he won’t) they will be back in their fantasies pretending nothing has happened.
The only thing I want is not to see jikook being dragged.
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jkjmbtsarmy · 3 months
⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭June 15, 2024⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛 ⟭⟬
Jikook = 360 Yoongi =370
⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭Discharge⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛 ⟭⟬
🐹 12/13/22 - 6/12/24 : Discharged! (100%) ✅
🐿️ 4/18/23 - 10/17/24 : 123 Days until Discharge (77%)
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🐨/🐯 12/11/23 - 6/10/25 : 359 Days until Discharge (34%)
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🐥/🐰 12/12/23 - 6/11/25 : 360 Days until Discharge (34%)
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🐱 9/22/23 - 6/21/25 : 370 Days until Discharge (41%)
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⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭Birthday⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛 ⟭⟬
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🐰☀️ 78 🐨🚲 89 🐥🌙 120 🐹🌝 172
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
Do you think the numbers theory Jkkrs discussing about JK's today's post is valid ?
Hi !
I see the 10/13 (jimin bday) and 8/11 (one of their important days if I aren't wrong) thing all the time and it's supposedly a jikook number and JK posts a lot at that specific time. People can believe what they want to. Apparently in the Korean culture, numbers are super important and it's has a huge significance in Korean relationships. So yes it may be really huge especially with k army's. Based on what I have seen, Jungkook has been repetitively repeating those numbers at specific times.
If you would like to have more clarity about this whole numbers theory, @kanmom51 would be the best blogger for you .
Once again this a theory. It's just like the 123 one. Believe it if you want to. 💜.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I'd never make it as a Jikooker, because I've never gotten romantic vibes from them yes but also because I'm a skeptic and would have to tap out on the numerology/apophenia based theories very quickly. To be fair, years ago Taekookers had their 123 theory which was just as bonkers, and I'm sure there are some that still hang onto it but...thinking that people are timing screenshots or internet messages, or setting their clocks to send hidden messages that confirm their relationship is so wild to me. It's also major confirmation bias because some things can be forced to fit the existing theory. You're guaranteed to find some numbers/times that line up for you, and a lot that don't. Anything that doesn't line up is ignored, so at the end all you have is the things that confirm it for you. Very similar to the matching jewelry/brands. You can find brand matches to confirm any ship you want, if that's all you need.
Hi anon!
Oh, hard same!! The base of things should always be actual interactions and bodylanguage I feel, and there’s just so many moments that to me make it impossible to think Jk and Jimin are anything but friends.
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cakejerry · 8 months
Thinking about how much I hate you shipper fucks (besides sky btw). "Oh whyy whyy whyy???? Whyyy jikook do that??? Why jikook do that????🥺🥺🥺🥺 Why did they act like xyz on date 123?????? Relationship??? Are they in a relationship??? What do YOU think, cakejerry??? Dating?? Friends??? When did they first kiss???? When did they first fuck????? When is their breakup and makeup anniversary????????????? What is their favourite restaurant????? What did their lips taste like when they kissed each other on 180613?????????????? How much do jungkooks balls weigh?????" DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING?????? OBSESSED FREAKS.
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jiminieloved · 2 years
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 115
BE Era part 3
January 5, 2021:
Run Ep. 123
22:57 talking about how to mix flour
25:56 Jimin points out how frustrated JK is while touching his neck
32:34 Jimin was going to give the food plate to the staff but gives it to JK instead
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2. January 9, 2021:
Golden Disk Awards
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3. January 10, 2021:
Golden Disk Awards
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4. January 12, 2021:
Run Ep. 124
20:20 while the members tease JK for not having written anything, Jimin looks fondly at him
5:53 JK says he likes Jimin’s idea
5. January 17, 2021:
a) Tokopedia X BTS - Interview
4:57 Jimin has a cute reaction when the interviewer praises them and JK looks fondly at him
b) Tokopedia X BTS - BTS Asks BTS Answers
8:09 JK guesses what Jimin’s favorite lyrics from their album BE are and then they do their “you are me, I am you” thing
8:37 the interviewer mentions JK being picked as the sexiest man in the whole world, JK acts goofy and Jimin laughs and teases saying “we’re not too sure about that”
12:14 Jimin gives Jin a high-five and JK stares at him
c) Tokopedia X BTS - Behind The Scene TVC
A couple of cute moments on this
d) Tokopedia X BTS Ad
6. January 18, 2021:
a) Smart x BTS (message to Philippines)
1:24 Jimin talks and JK touches the back of his neck
b) BTS x Smart Behind de Scenes
Jikook playing and dancing together a few times throughout the video
7. January 19, 2021:
Run Ep. 125
24:59 JK looks fondly at Jimin when he talks about his dish
8. January 26, 2021:
Run Ep. 126
18:10 Jimin asks JK to play the bottle caps game with him, at 18:55 they play together
25:41 Jimin mentions that JK is going upstairs for the nexts games
37:18 Jimin asks JK what he is doing and watches him play
Information compiled by Shan and @lagalaxiedemochi
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kookiecrush · 1 year
Jkkrs have some nerve calling every taekook hint delusional when they keep adding numbers up to reach Jk or Jimin's birthday and stuff like that. They're so deep in the delusion that they can't see how ridiculous they're being! This goes back to them having to make everything Jimin and Jk do somehow related to jikook.
When you have to bring out the calculator to make it work and reach the number you're after, maybe it's time to take a step back and consider the fact that it might all be nonsense. It does seem quite hypocritical of them to call taekookers delusional when they're adding up numbers from the time j*kook post just to make it mean something, and have they ever stopped to think about how ridiculous it makes J*min and Jungkook sound? As if they have nothing better to do than make sure that every time they make a post or start a live the time or day it's on is related to the others birthday. So J*min didn't actually spend time with Jungkook on his birthday (even though birthdays are so important to them apparently), but he made sure to set his watch to the time of Jungkook's birth and did a live? Who's writing this stuff? The j*kook fanfiction is getting out of control! 😂 If they believe all of that, then I'm sure they'll find the taekook 123 theory very credible 🤔
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
Oh the number theory. This particular fixation isn't recent at all really. While they've been descending into more and more conspiracy theory minded stuff recently, I'd say the number theory has had jkkrs in a chokehold since forever. I mean crazy theories have always floated around in pockets of jkk spaces but by and large most of them are just treated like fun / rejected or only touted by the crazier pockets of shippers but the number theory is just.... It's like catnip to even the most sensible jkkrs.
I get the fixation with 13 - that's Jimin's signature number - even he says 1013 is Jimin time and yes I think JK's thirst trap bday greeting had so much dead air time because he wanted to get the video to 1 minute and 3 seconds. It doesn't have to be romantic - but it was a Jimin bday greeting and Jimin does like numerology after all so I get why JK might do that so that Jimin gets a kick out of it. So ok I get 13. HOWEVER constantly adding digits to make 13 is insane. Like please what are you doing 😭😭😭
The 1108 stuff is kinda not to my taste - very reaching imo. The only solid thing is JK tagging those numbers once even though it made no sense in that situation but i don't buy most of it. I think coincidences like these are a lot more common than people realise.
The obsession with 58 is also kinda stupid. Yes JK chose those numbers once but why does anyone think he even remembers it 😭
The 123 theory - insane from start to finish. But at least it's not that popular. I find it more funny that some tkkrs tried to co-opt this theory. Of course tkkrs saw the dumbest thing jkkrs had come up with and immediately thought - yes we need that!
Number theory is the only area when jkk is actually crazier than tkk. Whether you think jkk is real or not at least we can agree that tkk outranks jkk in crazy in every area EXCEPT when it comes to numbers, jkkrs are down bad.
Seriously. The funniest part is people are serious about it and actually believe it. Like why??
Nobody thinks that much before doing something. They seriously believe that jikook do all the math before posting a random ass picture.
They're trying to add them together even when it's not required. Like jk simply posted a picture, what had jimin anything to do with it?
Even If we assume that jikook are in a relationship but it doesn't mean that everything they post is about each other. It's just a random picture of his back. Jimin has nothing to do with it.
I mean the shippers can get excited about the picture that jimin posted because it had both jimin and jungkook in it.
But even in the photos where jimin is not in the picture or jk is not in the picture they still somehow make it about the ship.
Like maybe just enjoy their individual pictures without making stupid ass theories.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK's live 30 June 2023 12:38 am KST
30.6.2023 12:38 or 00:38 KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
Before I start talking about the live itself and Seven, of course, let's look for just a second, again, for the fun of it, at the numbers.
12:38 or 00:38 is the time JK started the live.
Do you see what those 2 numbers give us? Side by side?
1 2 3 and 8 and then 3 and 8. Does that help?
Do I think he did this on purpose? The 123 yeah, I see that. But the other part, nah? Just a usual lovely stars aligning Jikook coincidence I guess, lol.
Oh, and we also have 12:38 that gives us a 2+8=10 and the 1 and 3 that give us the 13, so:
So, not too too much happened during the live. JK came, talked a little tiny bit about his upcoming single, working on an album and a little more too, worked out, was his own cute self and dipped.
That was that in a nutshell.
Now let's dive in a little deeper.
JK talked about Seven. Well, telling us it's coming out on the 14 July and that he's excited about it.
There is an album in the works, but not finalized just yet.
Oh, and the MV, it's a wrap, and was fun. Now I'm truly curious.
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I did talk about the song not being written by him in my previous post. He heard it with BPD and said he wants to do it a lot. His words.
He heard it, he liked it, he wanted to do it. Not personal, not a life story.
Doesn't mean the lyrics didn't 'speak' to him in a sense. Didn't mean something to him. You can feel connected to a song that isn't written by yourself. But it is something to keep in mind when we hear the song, watch the MV and see the lyrics, lol.
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Just side tracking here for a sec to this:
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CP says it's sooooo good. I'm gonna trust him on this.
Question I have right now is: Is JM becoming JK's spoiler king?
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JK misses Jin and Hobi.
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He got a new lip piercing.
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What I love about that man is that he's so aware. He knows there are those that do not approve (you know, those idiots that think they have ownership over him or a right to tell him what to do). And yet, he doesn't give a shit. He wanted it, he did it. If they want to accept it they will, if they don't sucks for them. And the thing is that when he says it, he does it so nicely and respectfully. I LOVE IT!!!
He told us he's taking English lessons.
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As a matter of fact, he had one just before starting the live.
Funny how both JK and JM seem to be studying English at night.
Remember this?
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You know, must be one of those Jikook coincidences.
Nah. Fuck that. They are studying English together. Period.
JK talks about doing intermittent dieting, so he bought snacks but can't eat them just yet.
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JK wanting to share but blanking out, lol.
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Well, he didn't give us a spoiler, but we did get the next best thing, lol.
We get full JK workout.
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Gotta love army edits (some at least, lol)
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Poor baby hurt himself.
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That was quite a workout.
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Well, working out can be alone or together. There are many forms of working out... Does he really want us to wonder all of that?
The duality of this man.
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And then.
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I absolutely adore that JK has no problem what so ever that we see him like this. No makeup, every hair possible out of place, tired, sleepy, drunk, sad, happy, just bare.
He trusts us to see him bare.
Writing those lines, that sentence, idk why, it brings tears to my eyes.
He's not afraid to be himself. Take it or leave it. Yes, he plays the part of the idol, but he isn't afraid to show us him, a real human being just like us (just way prettier and sexier and more talented and more intelligent and in better shape), as much as he can under the circumstances of being an idol and a celebrity.
How can we not LOVE this young man?
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JK ending the live.
So, not so much going on during this live.
I wrote this post based on the translations available. Of course I will watch the live translated and come back with corrections if be needed.
This to me felt more like a scheduled live for him, less one he just wanted to do, to keep connected with us or to convey a message that doesn't have to do with his own promotions (you get what I'm saying). And it makes sense it was pretty much scheduled, given the announcement of his single release. But who cares? We got us some cute ass JK. Just seeing him warms my heart. I assume it has the same effect on you.
I'll leave you with an amusing take on JK's live.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hi hope u have a good day/night
One of the boys posted a beautiful song on Twitter which I highly recommend everyone to listen to this lovely song and then taekookers started being shit again under the bts twt account bc the song stopped at 1:23 and as far as I know they also have a theory about 123 so they claim the song was posted by JK. Meanwhile others saying either Namjoon or Taehyung posted bc they do randomly. It couldbe anyone and just a simple screen shot. Anyway, Personally I read the 123 theory for TK and except the recommendation songs which is common for both KM and TK theories, other statements were a little bit ambiguous for me like they were struggling to make a connection and convince ppl that its for TH, that doesn't make sense to me and it couldn't make me believe in it. Then I read the KM theory and... literally... they were sth that I couldn't ignore and deny and yet Idk. Since I really love Jikookers on Tumblr and ur blog for sure, bc I've never seen u guys being delulu or acting toxic, I wanted to know your thoughts about the 123 theory for KM. Do you believe JK's 123 fav no. refers to JM? And
Anon 2: Hi! I really like your blog 😊 as a baby army, I heard about the "123" theory but I don’t know very much about it. What’s your take about it? Is it a jikook thing? or a maknae line thing? (Bts last song recommendation on twt show the 123 again! people are assuming the post was made by Tae because of the emoji used) have a nice day 😃
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So based off the emoji used I would guess it was Tae who posted. But who knows! It is just guess work at this point whenever they don't tag it. I will say that Jimin and JK usually always tag their posts while the other members sometimes do and sometimes don't. Lol Hobi, Suga and Tae almost never do. Suga only seems to tag his when posting for the boys birthdays. Anyway, my guess is that the post was from Tae. Jay from Twitter did a wonderful thread over both Taekook/Jikook theories over the 123 stuff. It's not fully updated but it's very through with proof both sides consider as their proof.
Personally I like to keep it objective and I think both lean a bit more towards the conspiracy theory side and don't totally buy into it. But honestly the Jikook theory seems to have more behind it to back it up. Considering that Jimin DID start by saying 1:23 in a song described HIM as a person instead of just it happening to be a birthday. And the fact that when JK posted a 123 post, Jimin would sometimes reply to it. Making it an exchange between them. But I digress. Everyone can form their own opinions. It's a wonderful and objective thread for you to be able to do that. Including saying both thoeries of full of BS and just simply moving on. Lol
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Personally, I think this was just a song promotion of someone they know (because they do know each other) and they were being friendly. And it's an amazing song! I'm glad they shared it! I don't think this has anything anything do with ships of any kind.
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jmdbjk · 3 years
im confused whats the flag for 👉🏽👈🏽
Because we needed one.
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Fly it proudly.
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va-cu-i-ty · 4 years
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// kookmin » Run BTS ep.123 behind
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
So just wanted to know your opinion on this...i just read some comments on quora on jikook's relationship and one person there analyse the whole jikook and vkook. They said that both ships have same similarities and jk in the middle. She make so many points on how much same these both ships are...like in the soop one day they shows jk with tae and another day they show jk with jm. Or like how both ships thinks 123 theory are for their ship and so many...at the end she said no ships is real...it's all done by hybe and the company. They feed both ships equally and its all just fantasy of shippers. No matter how much they ship...the reality is it's never gonna happen.she also said while shooting magic shop mv ??(may b) when jimin teasing jk coming close to his face and jk sighs and moves his face to other side...and jm replied that when jk hates it,he enjoys too much...(means he like to tease jk when jk hates this type of behavior) and it happens bcz sometimes jk was not in the mood for all cute fanservice interactions. Same goes fr vkook. Lastly she said their friendship is real but nothing romantic.
So i want to know your opinion (even tho i knw u r a jikook believer but still) that it's really impossible that jikook can't be real???zero possibility?? Like we are really being fooled by hybe??? We are over analysing evrything???
I don't know if this will sound rude but anon as soon as you mentioned that you read something on Quora, you invalidate your ask for me. The worst thing one can do is to believe anything that is said there. So I will respectfully refrain from responding.
I don't think I'll be posting any asks about this one, if they are ever sent.
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