#Remakes need to remember this is SKAM why is that so hard to understand
lucidpantone · 4 years
So everything is magically solve and Kato super horrible and strict parents are now cool ahahahahahaha omg this show makes no sense
similar anon: Hook that never reels is the perfect way to describe this mess. But like, it’s the last ep (Christ I hope it’s the last ep) and there have been so few light, fun moments throughout this whole misery fest this would have been the perfect opportunity to lighten the load of the season a little at the end. They just can’t do anything right its such poor writing I know we keep banging on about it but it’s so frustrating and I can’t understand the logic with this season at all. Kato has been moody and mopey and miserable so so often. Did they really even enjoy writing all this moping about?
similar anon: You known what is another horrible thing about this season? We always know what's gonna happen next is so predictable and Skam is the contrary even if you already know the OG plot you don't really know what's gonna happen next....this is not Skam
similar anon: My initial reaction to ur theory about a potential cut clip: "that'd be another idiotic move! that clip would add a layer to Kato" But then I remembered. It's Wtfock. They would have made sure to do the most damage with the least amount of care for their audience. A scene like that in incapable hands? No thx. But if they are in a cutting mood, they should go ahead and cut the rest of s4, issue an apology (yh, right) and fill the rest of the slots w bts footage/ bloopers of the show.
similar anon: I find so funny how lose yourself, going through thinking you got raped, struggling with your sexuality and a homophobic bash is on the same level as not getting into a dance competition, she's the racist and the naive person so the ploblems she got for that doesn't count and all the consequences of her actions are gonna be justify because she hurts herself or autistic which annoys me more because those two things are not for that, you can't play with those for drama or justification of stupid shit and clearly are not even going to get properly representative.
Thoughts after the cut
I think we can all agree that s4 was a slew of narrative plot mistakes after another. Firstly, THIS IS SKAM. Why is the concept of Skam so hard to understand for some remakes they get so caught up on the drama they can’t just focus on one/two decent topic(s) and evolve it properly. Or you could have Kato be an influencer and self harming but you needed to get to that point pretty quick so we could see 6/7 weeks of her presenting herself as this super fake influencer persona online and behind closed doors being monitored constantly by her parents due to her self harm issue. You dont introduce self harm in like ep8 and then try to build a last minute relapse plot like wtf. Even Lola we knew from jump that lola had addiction issues and we spent 10 weeks unpacking that. Also, why did wtfock cut the parents scenes? once again this makes no sense because it is SKAM (remember Jana and her mom s1). We need to see Kato being micro-managed to then link her frustrations as to why she feels the way she does. We need to see her pov to make us understand her actions. This season was so predictable but in the worse way and lets also remember that the season was meant to end with the dance competition and she probably would have won the only reason we got the ankle thing was because of corona. So it would have made an already predictable season more predictable even tho personally at that point I would have preferred the dance competition because we spend so much damn time on it may as well have resolved it. IDK I cant rant anymore about the writing this season aside from the simple THIS IS SKAM......please remakes remember that fact.
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nolabballgirl · 3 years
Im a white girl and im just learning here so forgive me if im slow on this. But i don't understand why druck is put on a pedestal with regards to how they've tackled race/developed their characters of color. Druck also tends to dismiss race entirely (Sam, David, Fatou and Abdi) or make the trauma of characher their whole character (Ava and David) or underdevelop characters when they've had space to do more (Amira, Sam & fam). So why is druck deemed better than other remakes in this area?
hi, Anon! thanks for your ask. okay, so for me to answer your questions, you have to accept two premises:
neither skam nor any of its remakes (including druck) are perfect.
when a remake acknowledges audience pain and admits that it has made mistakes, hires writers of color, and then greatly improves upon its mistakes, that has to be commended.
so, let's break down race and representation for the remakes. and as you will see below, the remakes are so egregiously bad when it comes to race and representation, that when you compare druck after jünglinge took over, it's on a separate level altogether and that's why i believe druck is deemed to be better when it comes to race and representation. (also, i'm skipping skam nl and skam austin from this analysis because who knows how those two would have ended up...and begoña owes me a heart to heart after she ruined by beloved skam españa, but let's be real, eskam had a long way to go too.)
druck -
well, from the list in your ask and from the hard work that skamofcolor put in, druck is a remake with one of the most racially diverse main cast members in both the old and new gens as well as the most characters of colors in side characters as well, so that's an improvement compared to the other remakes. but you're right, there were a lot of missed storylines they could have tackled with the old gen.
druck's sana season (amira mahmood) does not put their sana through weeks of torture or ruin the girl squad in the process. (and as a muslim, i will say their handling of islam was the best among the remakes but i digress...) however, amira did not get her full 10 weeks of screen time and the show missed a huge opportunity diving into shared microaggressions and racism that sam, abdi, etc. also faced. and druck was ripped for it! for cutting amira's time and playing it way too safe and not giving sam her fair due, among others.
now, here's where druck does something that no other remake has done and honestly, this is where i think most of the praise stems from. they listened to the criticism! wait, showrunners and writers can do that?! do you mean we are not just yelling into the avoid? not only have the writers said the ways in which they could have improved (even after s6 they discussed audience perceptions and overestimating how ava/mailin would be received, etc.) but they also hired JÜNGLINGE to bring the new gen to life. if you are unfamiliar, this is how they describe themselves:
JÜNGLINGE is a film collective of mid-twenties raised in the hybrid cultures of post-migrant Germany. We believe that young, European film needs to tell queer, diverse and most of all – specific – stories about growing up and living together in our societies.
so looking at that progress over time from druck s1 to druck s6, i can't help but give them them props for such a marked improvement. in fact, i don't think ANY single skam season covers race and ethnicity as well as s5 and s6 did. sure, they were not perfect (see point 1 above), but my god, the strides that these two seasons made. so much so that in s6, we had a non-white interracial couple as main, who were both unapologetic about their ethnicities and upbringing and culture (Gambia and Vietnam). and having fatou/ava's friendship be so prominent, listening to them talk about black hair, and referencing nazis in germany - yes to all of this!
and let's talk about ava! what an amazing character who was allowed to be angry, giggly, happy, sad, and express herself, without falling into tropes like imane from skam france, and so many people can relate to her struggles with white liberal mailin. there was a sensitivity there that's so rare in these remakes. and what druck couldn't do with amira/kiki, they were given room to explore here, and i really do feel that it was an important story to tell, especially in the age of whitesplaining, white feminist tears, and white liberals talking over women of color.
skam france -
eight seasons in and skam france is STILL mistreating its characters of colors and not given them their full due. now with bilal literally taking a back seat to jo (look at the YouTube header for crying out loud!) but ever since yann in s1, skam france has done such a horrible job with its depiction of POC, especially black characters. daphne is one of the most racist vildes and the treatment of imane (even beyond her season) has been vile and unfair.
and you would think that post s6 and after a new showrunner and writing team was hired on, that there would be improvements (similar to what druck did above), but no! look at how both aurélien and judith were treated in s7, and after a strong opening for s8, it looks like bilal is now taking a backseat to jo, and once again, skam france and its new team are prioritizing a white character over a character of color.
and has there been any acknowledgment by the skam france team of the criticism over the years? rather, david has often doubled down in the face of fan critiques - just an unwillingness to listen, and so we are left with this as a result.
skam italia -
say what you want about skam italia but when it comes to race?well, they certainly take the cake for the whitest remake, so much so that swaths of fans will refuse to watch this remake for the "wana" debacle, and rightfully so. (whitewashing of the sana casting) and remember how people tried to defend this casting decision? but don't forget that italy has a higher percentage of muslims living in the country than norway does! give me a break.
and how can i forget how hajar brown was dragged after she, as a woman of color, deemed to shade and criticize casting decisions for this remake?
wtfock -
do i even need to get into wtfock and its representation on race?! i mean s4 and s5 are arguably the two worst seasons of any skam remakes period. and the complete lack of acknowledgment from the showrunners after the torrent of criticism they received. the egregiously racist writing. i am a defense attorney by profession, and even i am struggling. there's seriously no defense for them here...
so given all this above, i hope this explains why i value the steps druck has taken, especially in s5 and s6, to tackle and improve their depiction of race and representation.
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E1
Previous season Prologue: Vlogs (1) - Vlogs (2)
Zaterdag 21:43
The time lapse already showing us a string of places that will be important later, like the dark alley, the Meir with Noor’s workplace, the university neighborhood, the Scheldt river where the boys hang out, ...
Perfect parallel: 
The second season starts Zoë’s POV with a (washing machine) door, whilst the third opens with a door to a party that Robbe attends.
Robbe glances back at Noor passing through the shot this episode, an action he repeats when he spots Sander in the second episode. - A very subtle hint to where his love life may lead.
The first one starts with two unknown LGBT+ girls kissing at a party, the last episode shows two known LGBT+ boys (Sobbe) kissing at their own party.
The aerial shot through the floor to introduce us to Robbe’s POV here and the aerial shot through the roof to say goodbye to him in the last episode.
Moyo saying “No one would do you” to Aaron in this episode, Aaron realizing “No one here wants to do me!” in the last.
Where’s Wally? Noor greeting Marie, accompanied by Jana and Britt. Max dancing with Keisha in the crowd.
How ‘meta’ of you: Newsflash, yes you are!
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Nod to the OG: 
The deliberate messy POV: following everyone that we know already and then slowly settling on the Isak version in a tub.
Robbe saying Noor looks like ‘Natalie Portman’, which is what people said to the OG Emma when they flirted with her. Everyone, except Isak, that is.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Moyo keeps pressuring Robbe into explaining what type of girl he likes. The boys laugh it off when he answers that ‘he doesn’t have a type’.
Lost in translation: Moyo mocks Noor’s Dutch accent, making his ‘g’ and ‘st’ sound harsher, while also adding ‘hoor’ at the end - a typical word used by the Dutch to emphasize a point.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is playing with the weed bag. Keisha is one of the girls that Moyo mentions as Jens’ ex-girlfriend or ex-fling. Not only did Noor nót flush the toilet, but she didn’t used any toilet paper either!
Zaterdag 22:44
C is for culture: 
Noor rescuing Robbe on her scooter - In Belgium, you’re allowed to drive a moped or scooter once you’ve reached the age of 16. Nothing is needed if the vehicle doesn’t go above 25 km/h. If it stays between the range of 25-45 km/h and max. 50 cc, you need to pass a theoretical exam, 4 hours of driver’s ed and a practical exam to get the license. Anything other than that, has a whole new set of restrictions, types of driver’s licenses and minimum ages.  Noor and Robbe are, however, still breaking the law. As long as you’re not 18, you’re not allowed to have an extra passenger with you. Especially if they’re not wearing a helmet. (Plus they ignored a red light. Those rebels!)
“You do know that you always have to have it with you?” - The Belgian law states that everyone above age twelve, has to get an ID to identify themselves. Some might have had a Kids-ID already - for travel purposes - but that’s not mandatory. However, once you're fifteen years old, you’re obligated to carry your ID with you at all times.
Perfect parallel:
Luca being all jealous whilst staring at Noor and Robbe making out in S3, her glaring at Maud and Robbe every chance she got in the last season.
Robbe and Noor having fun on the scooter while screaming and Robbe filming their adventure in this episode. Robbe and Sander doing a similar thing, but on their bikes in a later episode.
Wink to other remakes: Robbe sporting a brown jacket. (Eliott, anyone?)
Surprise bitch, guess who: It’s Willem Chanterie, the on-set costume designer and social media production assistant!
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has a ‘Fuck Trump’ sticker on her helmet. Robbe says “Hey, it’s red” in a very clear Antwerp accent. 
Zaterdag 23:11
Hello from the outside: The garbage truck they sprayed, still drove around the city regularly. The art piece itself is named ‘#Genoeg mama' (= ‘#Enough mommy’). It blames the consumer society as toxic, making young people its victim.
Oopsie: Inside the graffiti den, Noor suddenly sports a tote bag with supplies, even though we never saw her wearing that in the previous shots.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has black combat boots. The photographer is obviously Sander, in case you have missed that subtle clue.
Zondag 13:41
Lost in translation/Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: 
“Check die pekie’s”. The word ‘pekie’ is actually Amsterdam slang for ‘beautiful girl, girlfriend’. In recent years, more and more Dutch slang are making their way into the Flemish dialect, because of the Dutch rap songs gaining popularity with the youngsters.
“Vamos, flikkers”. The word ‘flikkers’ can mean ‘wussie’ as well as a derogatory term for ‘homosexual’. Again establishing the fact that the boys use a lot of homophobic or toxic words for each other.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +1, him tossing the bag behind Jens instead of into his hands.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: There is a football right next to the skateboards.
Maandag 16:04
C is for culture: “The whole art school was talking about it” - 
Secondary school is divided in four sections: general, technical, art and vocational. Which section you choose can have effect on further education. In one of these sections, you pick what you want to study from your first to last year (‘directions’). That means that you have some courses purely focused on the direction and others that are obligated for everyone, regardless.
Art high schoolers can choose to go to work or study a specialization afterwards. Their coursework isn’t solely art based, there are general required courses too. That’s why some foreigners - including the Dutch - come to Belgium, since they’ll get a more rounded and higher level of art education than in their countries. ‘de!KUNSTHUMANIORA’ is the high school in Antwerp Noor goes to and is known for having students with unique styles.
Perfect parallel: 
Noor waiting outside the school for Robbe and him reacting somewhat confused here, Sander doing the same and having an instantly happy Robbe in a later episode.
Robbe having no problem kissing a girl ‘as a straight guy’ in front of the gates in this episode and scared for what might happen if he kissed a boy ‘as a gay guy’ later on. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The insta caption underneath the art work says ‘An inspirational message on a Sunday! Just discovered this in Antwerp city today. Artist unknown... Can you remember when you last called on your mother?’ (That last sentence, oooofff, the symbolism!)
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Dinsdag 14:57
C is for culture: 
“Yes, mini enterprises are so chill.” - Mini enterprises are often used as a tool for Economics in the fifth/sixth year. The goal of these is to ‘learn whilst doing it’. Like the name specifies, mini enterprises are actual miniature companies set up by a group of students. During the school year, they’ll try to work together on commercializing a product. All aspects of entrepreneurship are at play here: writing a business plan, holding meetings, doing bookkeeping, marketing the product, produce and sell it, ... If the enterprise idea is good or well executed, it might even win a national prize by the company making this education formula.
“What if he contacts child protection services” - Actually, those services doesn’t really exist in Belgium. There are, however, other youth organizations for these types of things, like JAC - Youth Advice Centre, CLB - Centre for Student Guidance and the Centre for Mental Healthcare.
Perfect parallel: The boys hyping Aaron up to walk over to Amber and talk to her - yet he fails in this episode, them doing the same and he succeeds (after some fails) in the last episode. 
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Jens saying “Damn, seems like someone is on his fucking period”, after Robbe snaps at him due to the difficult telephone call with his dad.
Lost in translation: Jens saying “Mijn kop staat er niet naar” (= “My head’s not standing there”) can actually mean different things: I’m not in the mood, it’s not the right time, I don't want to do it, my head’s all over the place, ... It depends on the context, on which interpretation would suit the situation the best. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girls are all fawning all over Britt’s cellphone, so there is a good chance that they’re discussing (pictures of) her boyfriend, Sander. Also, Jana’s braces are gone! 
Donderdag 17:13
Perfect parallel: Robbe stating that he can’t talk to his dad or he’ll fight and Zoë getting that, as she said a similar thing to an understanding Senne about her parents in S2. 
How ‘meta’ of you: Ah, yes, fandom ship names in SKAM. We applaud!
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Oopsie: If you look really hard, you see that the body type and hair of Robbe’s dad, doesn’t correspond with the version waiting at the restaurant later on.
Wink to other remakes: This shot reminding you of a certain S3 trailer?  👀
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The numerous references to Zoënne’s relationship in their room (relationship pics, Senne’s guitar). The paper Milan gifts to Robbe is the written permission by his parent to live with them, as is obligated by law.
Vrijdag 20:04
Perfect parallel: 
Senne pulling Zoë up after a kiss here, just like with their first kiss in S2.
Robbe pushing Milan away after thinking he wanted to kiss him at the party in S2, them hugging it out in after talking about it in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë and Milan making some healthy party snacks like cauliflower and cocktail sauce, cheese with tomatoes and salami squares. She pulls back the bottle of gin that Milan wants to steal. Senne also bought paprika and tortilla chips from Colruyt (a discount store).
Vrijdag 20:54
C is for culture: “Noor, Robbe’s girlfriend” - (Teen) dating culture is different in Belgium. Usually, if you have kissed, hung out, texted or just said/did something to show your mutual interest, you’d pretty much consider yourself in a relationship. It can go from 0 to 100 very quick. Unless there is, of course, an agreement that what you’re doing is no such thing. Also, nobody really ask you to be their gf/bf. It just implied or stated to their family or friends. 
Perfect parallel: 
A reluctant Robbe pushing himself to do stuff to Noor (playful dancing, kissing, riling her up) as far as putting his hands on her bra here. A totally different, excited Robbe not even thinking twice about doing these things to Sander, even licking his nipple during their reunion.
Noor pushing Robbe on the bed and climbing over him, whilst Robbe looks all sad in this episode. Him pushing Sander on the bed and being happy as Sander crawls over him during their reunion.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe tries to convince himself into liking heterosexual sex with Noor and fake laughs with his friends about having it.
Where’s Wally? Keisha laughing with Amber and later dancing with Marie.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is talking to Senne. The decorations behind Milan saying ‘Welkom Robbe’ (= ‘Welcome Robbe’). Noor has a beautiful tattoo of a pin-up girl covered with butterflies on her lower arm.
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birthdaysentiment · 4 years
The music in wtFOCK season 3 - Song #30
Zaterdag 09.41 // "Past Lives" - BØRNS
Up until this point, season 3 had been a roller-coaster of emotions, and after weeks with several ups and downs, it finally seemed like things were going in the right direction for Robbe and Sander. After spending weeks apart, they finally reunited the night before, and made a promise to each other, that it would always be the two of them in every universe. And as we learned months later, that night meant something very special to Robbe and Sander, because they consider it the beginning of their relationship, the day they chose to love each other.
That's why it came as a surprise to Robbe, that he woke up alone in his bed, without any signs of Sander. At first, he seemed a bit confused, and for a split second he wondered if last night actually happened, but he knows it was real, that they spend the whole night holding each other close, not wanting to let go, not wanting the moment to end. So, waking up without any trace of Sander, considering the nigh they had, was painful for Robbe and just when he was about to lose hope, thinking Sander had left him again, he came back, and the smile on Robbe's face was so heart-warming; he's so in love with Sander and there's no way for him to hide it.
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But even though Robbe was relieved to see Sander again, he couldn't deny the emotions that emerged, when he thought Sander had left him. Because at some level, I think Robbe was a bit unsecure about their relationship and if they were going to stay together this time, and that's understandable, given everything they've been through. But Sander tries to reassure him, that he has nothing to worry about, that he won't get rid of him that easily and that everything is over between him and Britt. Maybe Robbe was doubting Sander, because he had made similar promises before, but there's something inside of Robbe, that believes Sander this time, that it's going to be the two of them from now on. And how can Robbe stay mad, when he sits in Sander's lap, while Sander looks up at him, with the most stunning eyes, making him look more beautiful than ever before.
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At that point, I think Sander's words was enough for Robbe, because he didn't necessarily need a big explanation, Robbe just needed to know if Sander had meant what he said last night, that it was going to be the two of them forever. And Sander knows that feeling better than anyone, he understands the need for reassurance, because he sometimes feels the same way. He knows that he needs to erase the doubt in Robbe's mind, because for Sander there is no other option than Robbe, so he tells him, that from now on, it's just the two of them.
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A sense of relief goes through Robbe's body after hearing those words, and you can see how his upper body seems to relax, while the firm expression on his face disappears as it gets replaced by a smile. Robbe closes his eyes, slowly leaning down towards Sander so their lips can collide, and everything feels intense and powerful, especially since the camera is, once again, so close to them. Because when their lips meet, it's the best feeling in the words, as it is a mixture of safety, comfort, passion, desire, love and so much more.
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As they continue their passionate kiss, the music starts in the background, beginning with a high tone that blends with the soft melody of the song. It's sweet and tender, but when the melody gets higher, Sander flips them around, crawling up to lay on top of Robbe, so he can look deeply into his eyes. And at that point, the higher tones seem to come down from their peak, which creates a more mellow and loving atmosphere. Robbe is a bit surprised, but at the same time he giggles lightly, before the moment becomes more intimate and intense, as they look deeply and longing into each other's eyes.
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When Sander whispers to Robbe, that he's holding him close and that he's never letting go of him, the softer melody fills the background, and it seems very fitting for the situation, that, in some way, need a deeper and more intimate feeling.  As they're lying close to each other, lips almost touching, the melody creates a calmness that surrounds them, almost resulting in a feeling of relief, but also a feeling of closeness, romance and happiness, and in that moment, it was impossible for my heart, not to skip a beat.
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But what I find interesting about the song is the lyrics and the meaning behind them, which seems, not only, fitting to this clip and to Robbe and Sander, but the song could also be interpret to have a connection to the theory about parallel universes, a theory that's a huge part of season 3 in general. As Robbe and Sander deepens the kiss, making it more passionate and loving, the lyrics below can be heard in the background:
Past lives couldn't ever hold me down
Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found
I've got the strangest feelin'
This isn't our first time around
If you don't interpret the lyrics, they could indicate, that this isn't the first time Robbe and Sander kiss, or the first time they're being intimate with each other. But if you interpret the lyrics, they might indicate that Robbe and Sander have met in another life, that this isn't their first time around. However, in their current lives, they found each other, where all the time they've spend apart, only made their reunion even sweater, as we saw the night before this clip, where they finally found their way back to each other.
The artist, behind the song, talks about reincarnation, but I think the lyrics also can be seen in connection to parallel universes, because in some way, this isn't the first time Robbe and Sander have meet each other, this isn't the first time they kiss, because they're also together in other parallel universes, just with different names and looks. And I think that's the beauty about season 3, because Isak and Even's conversation about it in SKAM, actually became true, when the remakes made their own version of season 3.
Maybe I'm overanalysing, but I just remember hearing those two sentences and I immediately started thinking about parallel universes, and maybe that's why wtFOCK chose the song, to somehow acknowledge the other remakes with a very small detail. It's just interesting, that they only chose to have those lyrics in the clip, and once again I have a hard time believing it's a coincidence. But maybe the song got chosen, because it just fitted the vibe of the scene, the intensity, the intimacy and the closeness between Robbe and Sander.
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The clip ends with Sander kissing down Robbe's neck, obviously having something in mind and Robbe just takes it all in; the pleasure, the enjoyment and the desire he has for Sander. And even though we had something big waiting for us, at the end of the week, it made emotional to know, that in that exact moment, Robbe and Sander were so in love with each other and just so happy to finally be together.
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lightsandlostbells · 4 years
wtFOCK season 3, episode 4 reaction
Kiss kiss fall in love? More like kiss kiss stay away from me.
I have to warn you. This is the episode where I lost it. I had to go back and edit so much unhappy capslock out of my notes. 
Episode 4
Clip 1 - Het drama again
Zoë shows Milan a video of the shooting prank. Milan asks about romance on the trip, Robbe says there were too many people and too little privacy.
Senne and Zoë have tension because Zoë is pissed that Senne was partying? And that he was posting pictures of parties on IG when she wasn’t there? I mean … look, I’m never a William fan, but this seems like Zoë’s problem. If you can’t trust him to behave when you’re gone, you SHOULDN’T BE WITH HIM. And if you feel like you can trust him, this dude going to bars or whatever shouldn’t bother you. At least it seems to be portrayed as Zoë’s issues. Milan mentions that she’s jealous. He seems to like Senne, and I do find that dynamic cute so far.
I do appreciate that the Noorhelm drama this time is boring and not like “Senne was mad about how Zoë handled her sexual assault” levels of offensive.
That being said ... Robbe’s story. Where.
If you’ve been telling a very tight story so far, where Robbe’s personal journey has been steadily progressing clip by clip, then a clip like this wouldn’t be that bad. We absolutely have not been watching a tight story. Even with the next clip of Robbe doing some introspection, I’m like ... can we not make every scene count toward his story when there’s so much catching up to do? Ten seconds of Robbe looking vaguely troubled out of a two-minute clip that’s mainly about Zoë and Senne’s relationship does not count. A better writer would find some way to make Zoë/Senne parallel to Robbe/Sander, like how Noora talking about William and “if he loves you, he’ll choose you” in the first clip of episode 4 is relevant to Isak sitting there texting Even and Even choosing his plans with Sonja over Isak.
Clip 2 - Milan and Robbe talk gaydar
Robbe checking out Sander on Britt’s IG … finally, some cyberstalking. Did he take a screenshot of a pic of Sander? Lol.
Milan sits down and asks Robbe his opinion of a guy on Grindr, sexy or not? Robbe is lukewarm, giving neutral answers, Milan says he’s allowed to have an opinion on whether a guy is hot or not.
It feels SO WEIRD to have this clip so late, and I’m trying to like … recalibrate my brain so it’s not just because it’s later than usual. I don’t inherently hate if a remake changes up the order of clips. But the problem is that we’re now FOUR episodes in and it feels like Robbe’s sexuality crisis has just begun, I guess? Or rather, efficient storytelling would start out with this clear view of what Robbe’s issues are, rather than muddling into it a few episodes in.
Milan’s all, this guy says he’s not gay, but he likes to blow guys. This turns into a conversation about Milan’s gaydar and how to know if a guy is gay. In the original scene, the purpose of this conversation with Isak and Eskild was there as a way of Isak figuring out if Even was gay. That ... does not really fit this version, because this clip is so late in the season. Isak was getting Eskild’s wisdom right after meeting Even, when he had nothing but a BJ reference to go on. But Sander eyefucking Robbe while kissing Britt and leaning in to kiss Robbe should be pretty big clues to Robbe that Sander likes men, no? And that he likes Robbe specifically. Yeah, Robbe might be doubtful because Sander is still with Britt, but nothing new has happened since the almost kiss to make Robbe doubt! It would make way more sense if they’d adapted the opening clip of OG season 4, with Even texting Isak that he had plans with Sonja, into the clip prior to this one. If Robbe had texted Sander an invitation to hang out, or even just a “hey, what’s up?” and Sander wrote back “plans with Britt” then it would be an understandable transition for Robbe to have some doubt about Sander’s sexuality in this clip, like hey, maybe he’s not actually into me, after all.
The scene might make sense if you think about Robbe listening and applying Milan’s words to himself. Thinking about how there’s “something trapped in them that desperately wants to come out.” Wondering if it’s obvious to other people that Robbe is gay. It still doesn’t quite work and I actually doubt that was their intention (I think it was all about how to detect if Sander is into guys) but I am searching for any scraps of Robbe introspection, so.
OK, at least they had Robbe immediately look up Grindr (I laughed that he searched “grinder”). Good! Sexuality conflict! Why is it so late! Although it was probably more about trying to find Sander rather than a personal move on Robbe’s part.
This is a very gay song, btw (I Like Boys by Todrick Hall). 
Clip 3 - Robbe and Yasmina talk het drama
Aaron talks to Robbe about sitting close to his teacher to see her boobs and the teacher saying she knows why he’s sitting there. I highly suspect this is just a dream Aaron had, unless the teacher said it in a pissed off way. Throw his ass in the back row, big-breasted teacher!
Robbe meets up with Yasmina. Yasmina wants to know the dirt from the seaside, Robbe fills her in. Soooo are they good friends, or what? He tells her about Aaron and Amber and they laugh and stuff. I mean it’s cute and all but like … where is this coming from? Did they become great friends in the S2 that I didn’t watch?
And that’s the whole clip … again, I ask what was the point? 
To establish that Robbe and Yasmina are friends? Way to undermine the development and importance of that relationship by basically cutting through the buildup and hard work to the payoff. Sana and Isak meant more to people BECAUSE they started off prickly and grew to like each other and respect each other via their actions and words, right? That their conversations were more interesting because of their opposing views and resulting friction? That the friction was extremely relevant to the religion discussion?
Was the point to talk about Aaron/Amber and how Amber supposedly isn’t interested? We don’t need Yasmina’s commentary on that at all since we could see how Amber herself reacted to Aaron. Like if Yasmina was all, yeah, Amber couldn’t stop talking about Aaron, she says she doesn’t like him but I think she does, then I guess I could see the relevance of this conversation since it’s “new” information ... but it’s just the same shit we already know. And again: why spend so much time on a SIDE HET ROMANCE during a gay character’s season? Two of out three clips in this episode so far have been about side het romances!
This clip was just not needed at all except to set up Robbe and Yasmina so the impending religion conversation feels mildly less like two characters who have barely spoken on screen suddenly have an intense and somewhat personal talk. Something they could have done in earlier episodes instead of the other repetitive, unnecessary clips they’ve done this season. 
Clip 4 - Dance chicks
At Noor’s dance performance, Robbe’s pals are drooling over the performers (and honestly being rather inappropriate and distracting). At least they got Robbe’s lack of interest right. Even though they have established this FIFTEEN THOUSAND TIMES with the lack of interest in Noor, like this clip almost doesn’t feel necessary at this point! If they’d had it earlier in the season, sure, but now it feels redundant. Like we really super mega get it by now that Robbe’s not into the girls.
The instructor thanks the performers at the end and Robbe says that he was “so gay.” Hey, except you know what? THERE IS NO BUILDUP TO THIS MOMENT. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NONE. Except for the homophobic jokes from his friends in the previous seasons, but there’s nothing I can recall in this season.  But more importantly, Isak’s similar comment was prompted by him taking the gay test in a preceding clip. Taking a quiz about generalizations of gay people, rooted in homophobia! Which Isak applies to the dance teacher! In order to distance himself from being gay! WE GOT NONE OF THAT HERE. For fuck’s sake.
There is no setup or reason why Robbe goes from being somewhat neutral about gay people with Milan asking him about the Grindr dude two clips ago - where Robbe is just kinda like, yeah OK, whatever, you think everyone’s gay, Milan (but he’s not overly grossed out or homophobic) - to this moment where he’s making a derogatory comment about a person he perceives as flamboyantly gay. This scene just happens because it did in OG. And the thing is, obviously you can attribute Robbe’s reasoning here to internalized homophobia. We know internalized homophobia exists and why he has it. But this is a scripted narrative, and any scripted narrative needs to have things happen for a reason rather than just because.
I remember complaining that Skam Italia had a bizarre take on this scene. But that’s nothing compared to the laziness on display here.  
Jens is like WTF at Robbe’s “so gay” comment, it’s clear he’s not feeling it. I do like that Robbe gets defensive when Jens scoffs at him. They ask Robbe why he’s such a downer lately and if it’s because of his dad, or because of the Vlogs. Robbe blames the vlogs and yells and walks off, they’re confused.
Lol I just realized that I don’t think there was any followup to the prank from the seaside trip that had Robbe all pissed off. Nothing to show that the boys reconciled or that Robbe didn’t get over it right away.
I have a big problem with the way the boy squad is characterized so far, and it might be because they come across as more self-absorbed than other boy squads, as well as having a more superficial bond. I feel like so far they’re a rather cynical take on teenage boyhood. Again, not expecting them to be perfect or to be overly mature, but this show has to do a lot of work to make me believe they have the empathy or maturity to deal with Robbe’s situation kindly. (EDIT from the future: lol)
Clip 5 - Robbe and Yasmina talk religion
Oh shit, somehow I didn’t connect that dots that Aaron mentioning the teacher’s boobs would lead to THE boob teacher making an appearance! Unless there are multiple teachers with notable breasts at this school.
Another scene of Robbe not interested in breasts ... I mean, not to sound like a broken record, but this would have been good about three episodes ago.
The teacher is talking about religion and Darwininsm and creationism, which prompts Robbe to complain about how people still have religious beliefs in 2019.
Heavy fucking sigh. Have we gotten ANY religious moments from Robbe’s mom this season? Or from anyone else? Do the writers realize that Isak grilling Sana about religion was prompted by his OWN MOTHER’S religious beliefs and his fear of her judgment of his sexuality? No? Not surprised.
For real, Robbe just complains about religion out of nowhere … and like, obviously religious homophobia isn’t a rare thing, it exists. But it has not been established why Robbe in particular cares about the effects of religious homophobia, compared to say, the casual homophobia of his friends, or gay stereotypes, or gay bashing … we don’t know why religious homophobia has PERSONAL relevance in Robbe’s life. And yes, this is a concern for every gay person! But from a STORYTELLING perspective, there should be some focus as to what Robbe’s main fears are about being gay. Lack of acceptance from his peers? His family? Religion? Violence? Homophobic slurs?
I would say based on previous seasons, the most compelling basis for Robbe’s internalized homophobia would be the homophobic attitudes of his friend group. A revised take on the dance chicks scene might have been done with this in mind, but it wasn’t, and so it’s all just very muddled. 
Anyway, Robbe goes on this tangent and asks Yasmina why she believes in God. The teacher voices what I thought and is like, why the fuck are you talking in class?
Again, there is NO BUILDUP to the involvement of religion at all. They have this shoehorned in friendship, I guess so he can ask her. He does bring up homosexuality at least, and how religion is so black and white.
Yasmina asks him what he believes. ONE THING they got right: they had Robbe challenge Yasmina on an intellectual level, and so Yasmina challenges him on an intellectual level right back. Because a lot of their dialogue is lifted right from OG, that’s why it works. LMAOOOO. Yasmina points out that homosexuality is an evolutionary “dead end” so therefore it can’t be genetic, so what is it? A disorder? A choice? I will also give some credit for her invoking the most anxiety-causing options to get under Robbe’s skin.
But the tone of their friendship does come across very different, because in the previous scene they seemed like good chums who had a rapport, and here it’s like Robbe lashed out at her for no reason, even less than Isak did with Sana, because Robbe just decided to torch his friendship with Yasmina out of the blue. I guess the answer is that Robbe is cranky so he decided to grill Yasmina over religion, but again, the fucking question is: why was he cranky? Two clips before this one they were on warm, friendly terms. In the last clip, he lashed out at his male friends, but that has nothing to do with religion. What the writers are asking us to do is basically just imagine all the stuff that’s happening in Robbe’s brain instead of doing their jobs and showing it to us. You don’t have to spoon feed us but you don’t also get to stick a few peas on a plate and wonder why we’re going hungry.
Clip 6 - Bowie playlist
Robbe is doing homework when Sander sends him a Bowie playlist. Robbe listens to Space Oddity and has a brief Moment. It’s very nice but wow, wouldn’t it be even better if Robbe fell for Sander listening to that? Say, in the last episode? Before they almost kissed? And before Robbe was suddenly declaring himself a Bowie expert to Noor?
Sander calls him, I like Robbe fixing his hair before he answers. It’s a video chat, gotta look his best! They have an actual conversation about Bowie and they flirt. Sander invites Robbe to the cafe later and Robbe is happy except then Britt is in the background and apparently she’s going with them, so it’s not a date after all, oh no. Robbe’s actor is good at subtly conveying his disappointment here.
Robbe hangs up and sticks his head against the bed (lol) and then goes back to Grindr. He immediately gets messages for horny sex and then gets rid of Grindr. 
At first I was like, yay, this clip had a clear point and a sense of cause-and-effect, but now I’m like ... ehhhhh. Because the purpose of Robbe checking out Grindr is either A) so he can look for Sander or B) so he can check it out as a general way of exploring his sexuality (or both). The suggestion is that it has a lot to do with the former, because it was part of Milan’s advice as to how to find out if someone’s gay. But it’s a little weird here, because Robbe just saw that Britt was coming along to the cafe, so he should be discouraged about Sander. I mean, I think it’s still possible that he’s trying to figure out if Sander likes him because he’s getting mixed signals between the playlist and Britt, but it’s just a little off. And as for option B, I’m not sure why now of all times is the best time for that, like if you think about it, the sting of getting his hopes dashed should be the predominant emotion here, would he go straight to Grindr just to be like hmmm, maybe I’m into dudes?
And it bugs me because there is a super easy fix to this clip! Just have Sander send the Bowie playlist, Robbe listens to it, and as he’s daydreaming and smiling a bit, he gets out his phone and checks out Grindr, ready to search for Sander. But there are too many sex messages so he’s just like WTF and gets rid of it. Then Sander calls and they have this conversation that ends in Robbe being reminded that Britt is still in the picture. (Or he doesn’t need to get the sexy messages at all, I mean they’re kind of funny but I’m not sure they’re plot-necessary here.) 
Noor texts him that they’ll meet up later. It’s not 100% clear but it sounds like she knew about meeting up with Sander and Britt, so that means Britt probably told her previously. Which is a little bit of different context from OG, because I was under the impression that Even asked Isak to hang out with them hoping that they’d be alone, and then somehow Sonja found out and made it into a group thing with Emma, making Even grumpy. With this it seems like it was planned as a group thing from the beginning, Britt knows they’re meeting up later.
Or wait, when Sander says he’ll give Robbe advice at the cafe later, does that mean Robbe already knows they’re meeting up? That would make sense because it’s what happened in OG (Even invited Isak in an earlier clip and then Isak found out Emma and Sonja were coming in a later one). They’re incorporating all kinds of OG elements in this episode so I wouldn’t be surprised. But I assumed that this was the invite because we didn’t see Sander talk to Robbe earlier this week? Shouldn’t we have seen that clip since it’s the first time they’ve interacted since they almost kissed? I checked the texts for this episode and I don’t see anything like Sander inviting Robbe, either? Did I just miss something? What is going on?
Clip 7 - Robbe is late to meet Noor
Later that day …. Robbe rides a bike. Very fast. The music is dramatic! This would not be out of place for an O Helga Natt scene
And yet it’s not OHN, it’s Noor? Noor seems annoyed. Because Robbe is late. OH NO THE TENSION WHATEVER WILL WE DO. WE CARE A TON ABOUT ROBBE AND NOOR.
Noor is super pissed at him and starts screaming and shoving at him. What the actual fuck? She complains that she thought he was dead or something and is mad he didn’t even send a message. She says fuck you and walks off. Robbe follows her on the bike.
I don’t know how popular this opinion is, but Noor did not come across as great here, like when I watched it I was baffled at her response. I say this as someone who is chronically early and also gets annoyed at lateness. She has every right to be annoyed that Robbe is late and that he didn’t message her to tell her he’d be late, and I get that there’s supposedly more to her reaction than just this one incident. But the screaming and especially the shoving at him is just WTF. 
Also, she told him to meet him at 19:00, and the beginning of the clip is at 19:21 (I see what you did there) and Robbe arrives like a minute or two later. So he’s 20 minutes late, which is certainly annoying, especially because it’s dark and chilly outside, but IMO not a cause for “I thought you were dead or in an accident!” and the OTT reaction. 
Clip 8 - Robbe and Noor fight
Sander and Britt are in the cafe, Robbe and Noor argue outside about him giving her mixed signals. Has ... he ...?
OK, I’d say I half-see her case, and I half-don’t. If Noor can somehow sense Robbe’s disinterest during their makeouts or lovey-dovey moments or w/e, then I can buy that. I think there are slight moments where he doesn’t seem into it. But Robbe has put so much more genuine effort into their relationship than Isak did. He hasn’t even turned Noor down for sex, really, they’ve just gotten interrupted every time, or she’s thrown up. He didn’t want to go to her dance performance except then he told her he would go approximately thirty seconds later. He went to her dance performance. He went to the seaside with her and kissed her and slept in the same bed with her. This is the first time he’s actually fucked up with her.
Noor sounds ridiculous right now. “Do you still love me?” Uhhhh what??? You’ve been dating for less than a month, really? Did he tell her he loved her at any point? I’m serious, is there some material I missed? Some nuance in the language that didn’t completely translate?
I get it, I’m watching insecure overdramatic teenagers! I’m just wondering if I’m supposed to be on Noor’s side here. They could have portrayed this less OTT and more fitting to Robbe’s actual offenses.
Anyway Robbe and Noor have a screaming fight in the street and he says he can’t breathe anymore because of her. I can buy that even if it’s dramatic because he’s feeling trapped by her due to his sexuality. She walks off, Sander and Britt come outside. Britt goes after Noor and hugs her, Sander sings Space Oddity to signify the crash and burn of Robbe/Noor. He has on a Pink Floyd shirt so at least his musical taste is more varied than Bowie.
Clip 9 - Robbe and Sander by themselves
Robbe and Sander drink alone at the bar, they don’t think the girls are coming back. Sander texts Britt and then tells Robbe they’re going to do something else. He shows him Britt’s text saying that Noor needs some time alone. I mean. this drastically changes the context of them going off together … it’s not because they want to be together, necessarily (although they do) but it’s by default now.
So they leave.
Yeah, I do not love what they did with this scene. It’s short and to the point but I want to point out a few things.
First, because again, there’s no need to break up most of these clips into such short, choppy scenes just because 15 or 20 minutes have passed in-universe. It might be exciting if you happen to be watching and following at the exact time these are being posted, but it also messed with the flow of the scenes and the build of emotions. Imagine if we cut off after Isak and Even left Emma and Sonja and then 10 minutes later we got them riding around on a bike. We’d missed that beautiful transition from the silent, empty room to Isak on the bike and then Head Over Heels kicking in. That’s one of my favorite moments in season 3 and it’s because of that transition. It’s because I was sitting there watching this uncomfortable scene and wishing Isak and Even could be alone and then they got to be alone and my stomach swooped! If you break up moments like those, there’s just not as much build. (Or imagine - horror of horrors - an O Helga Natt where Isak gets the text from Even and it cuts off after he runs out of the church and then resumes when he arrives at the school, so we don’t see his journey. You lose so much.)
Second, there is a curious lack of romantic/sexual tension in this scene. It’s there on Sander’s end, I think, or at least you can read it there due to his focus on Robbe and even some of his body language. Robbe, on the other hand, seems more upset that his girlfriend who he doesn’t even feel genuine attraction to has walked out on him rather than the fact that he is sitting next to the boy he’s crushing on, alone together, right before they share their first kiss later that evening. And it just makes me want to know why. 
I don’t blame Robbe’s actor at all, because it’s the director’s job to tell him how to play the scene. But I rewatched this scene trying to be generous, and there is not a single shred of attraction or tension from Robbe toward Sander.  He checks the cafe door when it opens, he asks Sander to text Britt, and when Sander suggests they leave, Robbe’s first instinct is to ask what if Noor comes back. He sits there moping into his beer the whole time. He doesn’t sneak looks at Sander. He doesn’t try to talk to Sander about anything except Noor and Britt. No banter, no discussion that’s focused on them, Robbe-and-Sander, you know, the main couple of this season (supposedly). It doesn’t even feel like he’s consciously trying not to look or interact with Sander because of the romantic tension. No, it genuinely feels like Robbe’s #1 thought right now is Noor. Does that make sense to you? It makes sense for him to be a little out of sorts due to the fight, but does it make sense that Robbe seems to have no perceptible reaction to being alone with the guy he likes? Does it make sense that they didn’t take this chance to throw in some romantic and sexual tension in order to pave the way for the kiss that is going to happen very shortly? Gotta say that I think this scene exemplifies my earlier complaints about how Noor was so prevalent early in the season and how Robbe/Noor was built up. Because once again, Robbe/Noor has taken precedence over the undeveloped Robbe/Sander pairing.
Finally, as I said above, the situation makes it so that Robbe and Sander are on their own by default, not by choice. Combined with the bizarre lack of tension, that makes this scene fall totally flat. There’s no sense that these two really really want to be alone together. There’s no joy in them running off together. Robbe actually seems reluctant to go off with Sander. And not even because he’s fearful of what might happen, ooooo things might get a little gayer than I can handle right now, but like he’d rather sit here and drink and think about his girlfriend. 
It’s like they were concerned that Isak and Even were too mean to Emma and Sonja so they decided Robbe and Sander would only be alone because it was the girls’ decision to leave them, not the other way around. We even get that text from Britt so we know that Noor totes isn’t coming back and it’s OK for them to leave. I have no idea what their actual motivation was to construct the scenario this way, though. I would love to know. (The answer would probably annoy me so I’m better off not knowing.)
It’s little stuff like this that makes me want to sit down the writers/directors/whoever’s behind wtFOCK and have them watch scenes from Skam S3 and write an essay on the construction and execution of clips. Do some homework about timing, tension, narrative structure, and everything else that makes S3 work. 
Clip 10 - Smooch time
It’s 21:21 so you know what’s happening. Also, bullshit! Why is this happening so fast. You haven’t earned this!!!!
Sander buys them booze. The Sander actor is very good, honestly. I like his screen presence. It is a testament to his abilities that this relationship is working for me at all, because it sure ain’t the writing. (Robbe’s actor is doing well, too, but the writing is dragging him down since he’s present for all this nonsense.)
This scene of Sander and Robbe drinking and riding bikes is genuinely good on its own and they have strong chemistry when they’re allowed to show it. They have easy banter and interaction, there’s a callback to the booking.com reference from when they met. Really, this part makes me sad, because I can see the potential here! If the writing was GOOD, if the story had a legit direction, if it was just better storytelling all around … this season could have been wonderful, they had the right guys to do Isak and Even’s story justice. Instead it’s like this one terrific moment in a sea of wtFOCK.
If they go in the pool I will roll my eyes. C’mon, guys, you DO NOT HAVE THE SYMBOLISM to do this scene. It had a meaning in Skam, in most of the remakes it’s just an arbitrary location.
Yep, it’s a pool.
Sander takes off all his clothes so he jumps in bare-assed, and Robbe laughs. Sander yells at Robbe to get in the pool so Robbe does a fucking striptease while Sander watches, more or less, and he’s about to get in the pool in his underwear, but Sander is like “all the way or no way” so Robbe takes off his underwear after a brief moment of hesitation and jumps in. So they’re naked in the pool. Cool cool cool.
 Seeeeee, on the one hand this COULD be a moment of liberation, I could see it, taking off the clothes and jumping in as a representation of abandoning the stale hetero life or w/e. But I don’t think wtFOCK has built anything resembling a clear arc for Robbe, to the point where this act means anything, really. (Can you imagine Isak doing this in episode 4? I don’t know if it fits his character at that point, but I could at least be like, OK, this is part of his ~rebirth and I think we’ve built him up enough that this moment of liberation feels like a culmination of something.) I’m also not totally sold on the way they presented this, like we’ve got a closeted gay kid alone with his crush and the crush takes his all his clothes off and then Robbe takes all his clothes off with only the barest reluctance (but he’s not like … distressed or worried, just kinda like “aw, man!”) For some closeted gay kids? Sure, guess I could see it! But in the context of “this kid is struggling with his sexuality and he’s alone with the boy he likes and he’s supposed to be going through Some Shit”? Why doesn’t this have a bigger reaction in Robbe? Since they are drunk and not necessarily overthinking things in the moment, however, I will let this slide. Cynically I think this is mostly about trying to make wtFOCK Sexxxxy. I’m not a prude and I don’t have an objection in theory to a teenage couple skinny dipping together, but wtFOCK has a trend of taking a thing that happened in OG and going “How can we do this but more?” and these remakes know Evak is the big sell in fandom, so. They’re making it spicier. (EDIT from the future: Jumping ahead to later content on wtFOCK ... they very much are trying to make it Sexxxxy.)
Also, these guys just haven’t had a lot of buildup yet! And I can see like … rewriting this scene so the first kiss isn’t necessarily some epic release of a simmering tension and growing love, but more of a tentative, pivotal moment with a gay kid kissing a boy for the first time, and having the relationship grow from there. But wtFOCK isn’t doing that, it’s trying to do the Evak thing with the epic romance, and they haven’t earned it.
They go underwater for the breath-holding contest, Sander tries to kiss Robbe (Robbe’s eyes are pointedly closed so this feels like some unnecessary POV breakage) and Robbe shoves him back. He’s still in a good mood, though. They go back underwater and Robbe kisses Sander. Yay, I guess.
Lol, I don’t actually want to sound like a bitter asshole. The song choice is lovely! The cinematography is pretty good! And like I said, they have nice chemistry. It’s just that the storytelling has been so messy up to this point that I can’t get too invested. The very first clip I saw in real time for Skam season 3 was the pool scene - I had just discovered the show a few days prior, and I kept watching the clips on repeat. I could not get enough of this story. I really really needed those guys to kiss. Yeah, I recognize that at the time the story was brand new and this wasn’t the fourth iteration of the same pool scene and the sixth first kiss for this couple, and you really can’t recreate that feeling of not knowing what comes next in a remake like this. Still, I think that if the writing had just been better, I could have been happy and invested in this moment.
I also think that the pool scene in particularly has a tendency to get written in kind of a rote way in the remakes. Some of them have put their own spin on it - I had plenty of criticisms of Skam France’s S3 but I did enjoy their first kiss and I praised that they made up their own symbolism - but some of them have gotten so close to the original, the exact same banter, the interruption at the end, and it doesn’t feel natural for those versions of the characters. I’m not sure if the remake showrunners think that the original scene is something the fans want to see or if they’re being lazy or if they think the OG is just that good (which it is, lol). I don’t think any remake has been that faithful with their O Helga Natt clips, by comparison. 
Anyway they get caught, yadda yadda.
Clip 11 - Morning after the pool smooch
Robbe gets up and sees Zoë looking at Senne, seemingly hungover, on the couch. She makes coffee to spite him since the coffeemaker is loud.
Zoë asks Robbe about last night and says Noor was at the door. Robbe doesn’t tell her what really happened. Apparently Noor looked like she felt bad. I don’t think I can handle more Robbe/Noor, guys. I appreciate that OG didn’t drag out Isak’s thing with Emma once he kissed Even, but I’m not confident this won’t happen here.
Zoë asks if he’s all right. Man, the most effective relationship this season is probably Zoë and Robbe? Which is fine! But like … boy squad ain’t great, Sander and Robbe aren’t well developed, they fucked up Yasmina and Robbe already, Milan and Robbe are way behind schedule…
What if the reveal were that Sander were in Robbe’s bed?
It’s not. Instead, Sander texts him as a cover of Space Oddity plays. Robbe has angst and blocks Sander on WhatsApp. Ohhhh my. Another thing I appreciated about OG? That Isak was all in after he kissed Even, and that the angst came from different places besides the typical gay coming out storyline of “kissed a boy, regretted it, went back in the closet temporarily.” Not that it’s unrealistic, just that it’s done so much.
I think we’re supposed to take away that Zoë saying Noor was there looking sad made Robbe reconsider what happened with Sander? Or just general internalized homophobia. I don’t think the latter is totally out of Robbe’s characterization based on what we’ve seen so far, although I wish there was clearer writing so it felt more like “Robbe has internalized homophobia that made him block Sander” and less like “????? internalized homophobia I guess.” Again, I’ll letting this slide because I can also rationalize it as him being a little drunk last night, and now that he’s sober he regrets his choice, even if I don’t think this is a great choice at this stage in the season.
Clip 12 - The heaviest of sighs
The subs helpfully gave a trigger warning for homophobic slurs so I knew this was going to be “good.”
Robbe is listening to music as he goes home. Sander comes up to him, smiling, wanting to know why Robbe blocked him. Robbe says to leave him alone, that Sander got him drunk and took advantage of him.
L M A O welp, this would soooo kill this ship for me if I were invested.
Oh, so Robbe also shoved him and called him a dirty f****t! What a great romance!
No, really - this is the EXACT THING I was so glad that Evak DID NOT DO. I’m not saying their romance has to be free of flaws, that there can never be fuckups, that Isak can’t ever hurt Even and vice versa. But this is such a common and ugly trope in gay media. 
Robbe goes inside and slams his door, Milan asks what’s wrong, Robbe tells him to leave him alone. We get Milan’s POV and not Robbe’s at the end. 
Anyway lmao. wtFOCK indeed.
Did you enjoy the cuddle scene in Skam, where a same-sex couple got to be tender and sweet and open with each other for almost seven minutes? A clip that felt refreshing and even revolutionary for its normalization of gay intimacy? Hahahaha, fuck you.
Okay, seriously though. It’s not a problem that we didn’t have the cuddle scene immediately after the pool scene. It’s not a problem that they want to change up this storyline and make it their own - though again I would ask the creative powers at wtFOCK why they’re making these particular choices. It’s not a problem if Robbe and Sander’s relationship has some extra bumps along the way to their happy ending.
WHAT EVEN PROMPTED THIS CHANGE IN ROBBE, like I get the answer is “internalized homophobia” but Robbe was BUCK NAKED WITH SANDER IN THE POOL so like. Can we please get SOME context for why he suddenly had a freakout? Can we please get some narrative structure with cause and effect? Can we get a fucking reason that Robbe went from 0 to 100? Because if it was just the blocking Sander on WhatsApp, that’s one thing, but accusing him of sexual assault and calling him slurs is so vastly beyond that. If we’re supposed to take away that Robbe feels bad about Noor, that still doesn’t explain the ugliness of his reaction, rather than just telling Sander that he has a girlfriend and it was a mistake or whatever.
I’m going to add that I understand that Robbe went through some additional homophobic shit from his friends in previous seasons - I remember Moyo saying crappy things to him in S1, and I watched a S2 scene where the same thing happens. So I can understand if  Robbe’s internalized homophobia is very strong. But they’ve also cut out so much stuff in this season that added to Isak’s internalized homophobia (no mom’s religion making him anxious, no gay test, no gay generalizations from Emma...) If they want to rely on internalized homophobia from previous seasons, then we really need a reminder in this season, such as his friends making homophobic jokes, which I do not recall hearing so far. And they need to show what happened between the kiss to provoke such a homophobic reaction.
After Sander said that thing about not knowing if anyone would ever love him … why did they do this? I love me some pain in storytelling but this isn’t just angst, this is needlessly cruel.
There is, believe it or not, a middle ground between “conflictless fluff” and “cruel homophobia and assault allegations” where you can have some tension, even have Robbe have a freakout, without bringing in this kind of material. Robbe could have told Sander to stay away without accusing him of assault or calling him slurs. He could have said he wasn’t gay or that it was a mistake or even “I was drunk” without following it up with “and you took advantage of me.” All of these options might have stung for Sander and for any viewers who were hoping for morning-after cuddles, but they also create conflict without pushing it over the edge into OTT cruelty. 
So far this season is like a disconnected set of scenes from Skam S3 with bonus filler scenes and unnecessary clips about non-Robbe things. It’s getting hard to think about rewrites because the point, if you will, so often so unclear. It’s also hard because this episode squeezed in so many OG scenes that were missing from earlier in the season that it’s like, well, shouldn’t we have had this a few episodes ago? Should we just leave them out now?
Okay. Start by getting rid of the first clip in this episode that’s mostly about Zoë/Senne, bump up the Milan clip. We start with Robbe looking at pics of Sander on IG, Milan comes in and asks if there was any romance on the trip, then they get into the Grindr talk, etc. The Grindr talk makes more sense before Robbe almost kisses Sander, but like. We can’t do anything about that now. What might be better is if the whole “how do you know if a guy is gay?” thing takes a swerve into not just Robbe trying to figure out Sander, but to something uncomfortably close to Robbe’s own behavior (like IDK, referencing body language and how a guy will lean in closer, like Robbe did with Sander) and then Robbe gets cranky because he’s worried he’s too obviously gay to other people. After Milan leaves, he starts looking up stuff like “how to act straight” or “how not to seem gay” or whatever. That leads us into the next clip...
... the dance chicks scene. Now we’ve seen plenty of Robbe being disinterested in girls already, so this time we’re going to show him trying to be interested in girls instead. Like he’s watching his friends’ annoying horny reactions and he’s clearly trying to imitate them and join in, but we can see that he’s awkward and not totally feeling it. But he’s trying. Then after the performance, Robbe makes the comment about the dance instructor being so gay.
There is a problem, IMO, in that Robbe’s friend group has been shown to be more homophobic than the average boy squad (as seen in S1 and S2). And frankly I don’t really believe yet Jens is the type to shut down a homophobic comment. Like in S2 Moyo and Robbe straight up start calling each other f*gs and Jens is like chill, no one here is a f*g, but if there were, you should date each other. That’s his idea of intervention. So I’m not sure how to handle that. 
I don’t love this idea, because I hate what they’re done with Moyo in particular, making him pointedly more homophobic (to be discussed in a future reaction) but Moyo and Aaron could perhaps laugh at Robbe’s comment and start riffing off it, while Robbe is sitting there pretending to laugh but looking increasingly uncomfortable, and Jens notices something is off with Robbe, and he tells the guys to knock it off, the guy is gay, so what? Big deal. Then aside from the other guys, he asks Robbe if something is wrong, and Robbe snaps at him or attributes it to family problems again. 
I was going to also say that the setting for this clip doesn’t really allow for Sander to swoop in, like Even did to return the snapback, but actually maybe it could? Noor could have invited Britt and Sander to watch the show, right? So maybe when Robbe makes this gay joke and his friends are laughing, Sander comes up while Britt is talking to Noor and is like, hey guys, what’s up? Robbe’s friends are just like, oh nothing, did you see how gay that guy was? Then Sander is like, sorry, what’s the problem with being gay? He tells them off a little. Meanwhile Robbe is standing there awkward as fuck, not looking Sander in the eyes, while Sander is looking at him for backup, but Robbe just makes an excuse to bolt. Maybe he walks past Noor without saying anything, so she looks confused.
Now onto Robbe and Yasmina. Man, I truly hate saying this. But: If you are not going to incorporate other religious themes into this season, then you don’t need to redo the Isak-Sana friendship. Again! I don’t like suggesting this! But what actually is Robbe and Yasmina’s relationship bringing to this season when it’s portrayed like this? 
They left out the weed blackmail, which is really just a plot device in OG, but it’s a plot device that sets up Sana and Isak’s thread. It also gets Isak to kosegruppa to meet Even, something which is irrelevant here.
Sana’s main tie to S3 is Isak’s mom. Isak’s mom is religious, that makes him anxious, and it’s a hurdle to coming out to her. Robbe’s mom is not religious, Robbe’s internalized homophobia doesn’t seem to have anything to do with religion specifically other than this one scene with him and Yasmina. It’s just a disconnected tangent. What’s more, what is Yasmina’s eventual advice going to do for him? Sana’s advice led Isak to come out to his mom.
I really like Yasmina. If there’s another way that her presence is relevant to the themes of this season, by all means let’s find it and include her. As it is, either make it that Robbe’s mom is religious and include the Robbe-Yasmina subplot, or don’t and leave it out. 
I would love to see in-depth and meaningful friendships develop among all the characters in the Skam squads, just because I love all those kids. Jonas and Vilde? Even and girl Chris? Eva and Mahdi? I don’t care how random, let’s have them all! But there is a finite amount of time per season, and we can’t extend time for all possible relationships - just the ones that are most relevant to the story we are trying to tell. 
I mentioned above a fix for the Bowie playlist clip that makes it have a little more sense to me. If you include Sander in the dance chicks clip like I said, you could have Robbe thinking about Sander again and wondering if he’s into men since he called out the boys’ homophobia. That’s how he ends up on Grindr. Then Sander sends him the Bowie playlist, Robbe listens, Sander calls and they talk, Robbe apologizes for bolting out of there the other day. Sander invites him to the cafe later, Robbe’s all :D until he realizes Britt is there and is coming too, then he’s :(
He’s late to meet Noor and Noor is upset, but not like ... screaming and shoving at him. She’s more snippy and passive-aggressive, she walks off. She says she’s upset because he ditched the dance performance without talking to her, and then he’s late to meet her, it seems like he just doesn’t care that much. They have a fight but it’s like a normal fight and not The End of the World. Just tone down Noor’s OTT anger and make it more natural.
I don’t have a preference in this version whether Noor and Britt leave the cafe and Sander and Robbe know they’re not coming back, or whether Noor and Britt just go to get some air and cry it out and Sander is like fuck it, let’s leave. The important thing for me is that Robbe sits there with Sander, painfully aware that they’re alone, and there’s lots of tension and awkwardness and his brain is clearly hyper-focused on the proximity of Sander’s knee to his own. They banter and flirt and then when Sander suggests they leave, Robbe acts like he wants to go.
Don’t do a pool scene for the first kiss. Give a shit, make it your own. Except IMO they have done so little to establish this relationship in terms of larger themes or symbolism that they have nothing to choose from. 
Man, what if THIS episode was about going to the seaside, after they had been talking for several episodes, and they kissed in the sea when they were alone? That would be at least somewhat plausible? A take on the pool scene/underwater kiss that wasn’t the exact same.
You could do something related to graffiti, perhaps? Instead of breaking into a pool, they break into the tagging place or wherever. Or something else related to Sander’s artwork, because I know that this comes up in their version of O Helga Natt.
I’m not wild about adding this blip in Robbe and Sander’s relationship after the kiss, because of how much ground we need to cover the rest of the season (it messes with the pacing yet again) and also just because I like that Skam didn’t do this expected route. However, if they wanted to make Robbe try to shut out Sander again: the strongest case for his internalized homophobia seems to be his friends. So have him meet up with them again the day after kissing Sander. His friends bring up Sander and how weird he was at the dance performance about the gay instructor, like it’s just a joke! He took their comments way too seriously! Is Sander gay or something? And maybe Robbe tries to defend Sander - no, he’s a cool guy, really - and then his friends are like, pffft, what, do you have a crush on him? Robbe denies and everybody chills out, but Robbe seems troubled. Maybe this is when Jens finally gets a fucking clue and realizes something’s up with Robbe, and in the future there’s a scene where he shuts down gay jokes. For now, though, we do see how Robbe would feel compelled to go back in the closet. Sander texts him and Robbe blocks him.
Now we come to the worst part. So. Take out Robbe calling Sander a sexual predator and a homophobic slur and pushing him, that’s for sure. If he must reject Sander, do it in another way. “I’m not gay.” “I was drunk.” “It was a mistake.” “I have a girlfriend.” It’s not actually hard to do this clip without adding this ugly taint to their relationship.
Since I’m trying to think of rewrites without just copying Skam, here is a radical change on how to include a post-kiss freakout from Robbe earlier on so the pacing isn’t as odd. In previous recaps, I suggested Sander should be introduced earlier as a mysterious stranger that Robbe is trying to find. Well, maybe we can rework that. Robbe and the mysterious stranger share a kiss in episode 1. They’re hiding from the police or security or something after getting busted at a party or while tagging or w/e, and they’re both a little drunk and high on adrenaline, they’re smiling and laughing because they actually got away, and it just ... happens. The mysterious stranger can initiate it, but Robbe tentatively reciprocates before running away. Robbe freaks out and it’s after this that he starts heavily pursuing Noor. Because, you see, he’s not gay, he was just drunk, and it was all that other guy’s fault. But at least he doesn’t have to see that random guy again, right? No one will ever know. Just like no one will ever know if late at night when he can’t sleep, he does a Google search to see if he’s gay if he liked kissing a boy or if he can’t get it up with his girlfriend. Or if he goes on Grindr to see if he can find the mystery dude. It’s a bust and Robbe gives up and settles into dating Noor. Except in episode 2, OH SHIT, he’s introduced to Sander again via Noor, and it’s awkward and fuck, Sander has a girlfriend. Well, that’s good, right? Totally not a bummer. Anyway, Robbe tries to avoid Sander or tiptoe around him but they end up spending time together because they’re stuck at the seaside under the same roof. Maybe they directly address the issue by Robbe saying he’s not gay and Sander being like “me neither” (which technically is not a lie, lmao) and brushing it off as a mistake, or maybe they both pretend that it never happened. Maybe Robbe is more aggressive about it at first and Sander is like, whoa dude, chill out, I’m not going to tell anyone. Still, they get to know each other, there’s heaps of sexual/romantic tension, and in episode 4 (or 5 or whenever) they kiss again and it’s Epic.
This arc is definitely not the same as Isak’s or Evak’s and I absolutely won’t claim that it’s in the same league as what Julie Andem did, but I can see a narrative arc like this making some sense. Better than trying to do Isak’s arc half-assed.
It occurs to me just like … how little we know about any of these characters in terms of subtext or something? No hints about Sander’s background, really? Let’s get some clues in there.
I think something I miss about Skam was how kind it was. How all the characters were at heart, good people capable of the most generous love and empathy. And maybe we’ll get there with these characters in the end, but overall, so many of these people just don’t feel like that! There’s so much more ugliness and cruelty involved in this story, and it doesn’t feel like it’s done with good intentions, like to show the audience how to handle these situations and to heal. 
There’s this weird attitude of defense where cruelty, tragedy, and negative events are defended in the name of realism and there’s a backlash to the backlash, acting like the critics just want fluffy plotless hand-holding and cuddling, a conflict-free season, or a story where no one makes mistakes. And it’s like people forget that in Skam season 3, the story was FULL of angst! We know Evak get their happy ending but like … from episode 1 all through O Helga Natt, the story is packed with conflict. People hurt each other. Even in episode 10, not everything is perfect. It is very possible to do angst and conflict without this ugliness. Like … I have to assume people weren’t here for episodes 5 and 6 of Skam S3, or for the hotel scene, or episode 9 up to OHN, because I can assure you, there was no lack of angst. There was just a lack of shock value gratuitousness.
As always, let me know if I missed something due to cultural or linguistic context.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
There’s something that I’ve never really been able to square in my mind and I’d love your thoughts on it. I should start by saying that I’m not from Norway and I wasn’t around when Skam s2 was airing. But from what I have heard, the season was wildly popular locally and that sexual assault reports actually went up after that storyline aired (which is a really good thing, obviously). Since then, however, the general consensus across the fandom has +
become that s2 was really problematic and that it depicts a toxic relationship. So I guess the thing I have a hard time understanding is how that seemed to be missed in Norway in 2016? Are viewers there just not as “woke” as the wider international audience? Or do the people now looking back on it just have the advantage of hindsight, not to mention how much things have changed culturally over the last four years? Not that four years is a great deal +
of time, but we are post-‘Me Too’ now and things like misogyny and sexism are called out much more freely and loudly in the year 2020. I definitely feel that I’ve certainly become more attuned to the problems with the way that female characters are portrayed in recent years. Anyway, if you feel like it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Hi anon! ✨ This is a really good question, and while I will try to answer it to the best of my knowledge/educated guessing, I have to say that I’m also not from Norway nor did I live there in 2016 to be able to speak about the nuances of feminism.
I do think that, to a certain extent, Norway has a very casual approach to safe sex. As far as I understand, girls and women are expected by their sexual partners to be on the pill or some other kind of birth control. As a result, condom use isn’t great. Community transmission of chlamydia is so common that Norwegian 7-11 made an advertising campaign advising tourists to buy condoms, because having sex with locals would likely lead to getting it yourself. Hence the Skam girls constantly talking about chlamydia, William and P-Chris gave them chlamydia, Vilde is afraid of getting chlamydia in the eye, Linn has had chlamydia tons of times... One of Josefine’s (Noora) projects after Skam, Dear Condom, was meant to promote condom use, and lack of condom use in lovleg leads one of the characters to need an abortion.
So, to start with, someone like William who goes around pressuring naive girls into condomless sex and then discarding them (someone who might have even given chlamydia to half the school, as the Rad Girls speculate about him), can still be a romantic lead in Norway, because the attitudes are different. Like, he’s not the problem, Vilde is the problem because at 16 she’s not on birth control, you know?
I also know that the reaction to William was mixed even in 2016. Julie Andem once gave an interview to an (I believe Swedish) outlet, sometime after Skam aired, and she mentioned that in Sweden, where Skam was also available, William was not popular and she’d get very negative feedback about him after certain clips became available.
But ultimately, I think the reason that Norway was more receptive to William in 2016, than fandom has been of him subsequently, is that international fandom became aware of William once Isak’s season started airing. And the thing about Skam is that both NRK and Julie were willing to do a very different show with each season. Eva’s season is less romantic and more rooted in self-affirmation, a self-help show if you will; Noora’s season is a Wattpad bad boy/good girl enemies to lovers romance; Isak’s season is a LGBT escapist fantasy; and Sana’s season is more concerned with Russetide and who it excludes and how, than the romance storyline. So when people found Skam during Isak’s season, they thought the entire show was like Isak’s season, but it’s not, really. Isak’s season wasn’t going to necessarily appeal to straight Norwegians, just like Noora’s season wasn’t conceived to appeal to sad gay people worldwide. The thing is, NRK/Julie weren’t afraid of switching gears with each season, because rather than make a show with the most mainstream appeal (like some remakes), they were trying to make seasons that would appeal to the people who they felt needed to heed the messages therein. (Of course they fucked it up in s4, but you know.) 
And essentially, the people who needed to heed the messages in Noora’s season were girls who weren’t woke. Who didn’t know what had happened to them was not normal, or their own fault for blacking out or not being on birth control or because they had sex too young or not saying no when the guy got too rough or... The list goes on. And how do you get those girls to watch the show? You give them a bad boy/good girl enemies to lovers storyline that rivals even the American TV shows Gossip Girl (it’s not a coincidence that Eva namedrops it), One Tree Hill or The OC in plot twists and good-looking people making out. Cause if you remember, NRK asked Julie Andem to develop Skam because older teens were watching American TV shows instead of Norwegian ones.
In stan language, Isak’s season appealed to (white, mlm-centric) fandom because it was about two white dudes in love. But Noora’s season was made to appeal to locals. And it did. Even in 2020, bad boy/good girl borderline toxic/abusive storylines are popular (see: Euphoria, Nate/Jules shippers), because regardless of #MeToo or public consciousness struggling with sexism and misogyny, these dynamics keep appealing to women. (Same with Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, etc.) Both because not every woman is part of this conversation, and because sometimes people just want to turn off their brain and enjoy some trash. 
As for Noora’s season, while I get all of this, my personal issue is that by mixing the fun trashiness with the educational messaging, while it did do good and led to an uptick in SA reports, Skam ultimately couldn’t keep the trashiness outside of the messaging. That’s why Nora’s season is the only good Noora season to me.
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skamamoroma · 4 years
My heart breaks at the thought of Nico and Marti being put through wha Eliott and Lucas have been...
Lord. Don’t.
I mean, ALL Evaks have to be tested because it’s life and it’s a bitch. They are two deeply flawed human beings, deeply affected by their lives and pasts and the people in them. That stuff doesn’t go away. It means that you will mess up and struggle but the thing about them, or the thing that is supposed to be there, is this inate thing between them that is undeniably unshakeable. It means with every parallel, they struggle but they will endure. Their flaws and struggles are a challenge and make the other have to adapt and understand and learn and vice versa but they remain a pair of triers. ALWAYS. I like that Nico embodies that as even during s2, it’s that constant “oh god I can’t let him go, I need to keep trying” despite his “impossible personality”. The red string, the plans for the vaccine, the instruction to find a giraffe, the cure in a bottle, the poem he tried to use to explain... all of it as a way for Nico to effectively say “I’m trying, please don’t let me go, please have faith and please don’t think I don’t care because I know I’m messing up, I just don’t know how to do this any other way”. Hence the spontaneous road trip to Bracciano at the mere thought of all of his efforts failing. It’s an absolute for Nico. He can’t allow that to happen. I feel the same with Isak and Even and it’s a trait they all share which is why it sucks when I see how Eliott and Lucas are progressing at times
There is SO MUCH interesting stuff to delve into with these characters. It’s why I hoped s3 of the og would provide some interesting background developments for Isak and Even and in some ways it did but we’ve all been through the nightmare that was the fallout from that so I won’t reiterate hahaha but the whole “I’m jealous” thing could have made sense if handled better but sadly it didn’t. I hope Ludo Besse makes it make more sense. ALL it needed was for one of the guys to make a wrongly timed poor comment and Isak’s behaviour would have been really understandable to me as to who he is as a character and I can say the same about Marti. Marti HAS a temper. He’s not too dissimilar to Isak like that. He’d absolutely go for the jugular if needed and if he felt someone he loved was being wronged. So I am curious as to how they’ll handle all of that. Also, we are wayyyyy behind with Marti and Nico! They have their whole s4 arc (whatever the detail may be!) to go through. Nico IS still secretive and is likely still keeping some stuff to himself. He’s entitled to it until he feels ready. It might sting Marti for a moment as he might feel lied to but that’s the beauty of them as a pair... Marti WILL understand because he has lied time and time again for his own reasons and come to learn lessons himself. After this, I think their understanding of the other will be much more solidified because it pieces together many of the gaps that exist. They learn significant lessons as a couple as Isak and Even did - we just didn’t see it! They have a very close bond and I think their connection has such a foundation in friendship and ease that they have the added advantage of being a little more chill and a little more sensitive to each other as they’re less fiery but they also feel HARD and any fracture (I personally think) would be fundamentally heartbreaking for them if it were to be serious. I don’t think s4 will come that close but I think they’d both be terrified of anything happening to test them THAT much because to lose each other would be just horrendously painful. That unspoken understanding between them, the sheer enamoured way Nico sees Marti, Marti’s really simple soul latching onto Nico’s heart and just settling there... that kind of stuff would hurt if threatened I reckon.
But I get the same feeling about them as I did with Even and Isak. There’s no option but to have what they have. Their test is to come and I’m sure that Ludo will remember them as characters and what they’ve gone through and I hope we get a little more depth than some of the stuff in s3 as, while perfectly in character, we didn’t see enough that we should have seen without taking focus from Ele. I guess Skam It always has the closest POV of most of the remakes after the og and they don’t allow a moment to divert so it can feel like you’re missing out on too much when the stuff is very important... hence me hoping they give Nico the respect he deserves in s4 to at least have what Even wasn’t given. It doesn’t need to be a lot! As for beyond that, ah man, there will always be ups and downs but Marti told Nico how he saw their future - calm and with serenity, one day at a time and I get that feeling from them entirely.
That warmth and comfort and quiet settled peace and connection people talk of when they bring up Skam It or these two is something they’re all about and their relationship will go through tests but I don’t for a second worry they won’t try as hard as they can.
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norgestan · 4 years
You mentioned that you didn't know Skam had a Spanish remake until s2, so I got super curious. Did you watch Skam back in the day? Had you watched any remakes before eskam? What made you start watching eskam, and what were your thoughts on Nora and Alejandro (individually and as a couple) before s3?
oh i will put a read more on this because it got too long
i watched skam before, yes! i got to know about it in 2016 and the first clip that i ever watched on real time was the speech eskild gave isak about pride. i really loved s3, so i watched s1 and s2 and kept up with s4 for about half of the season - i can’t remember why i stopped watching but it probably had something to do with the little time that i had back then and the work that one had to do to search and watch every individual clip subtitled on dailymotion.
when i came to know about the remakes idea i was like, fuck no. lol, because i thought og was pretty good on its own and the idea of having the same show in so many other versions is just so weird to me? i still kept up with some remakes via seeing their tag whenever it trended on tumblr, like skamfr and skamit. those were the most popular ones, and also the ones with evak seasons, ha. that is why austin, wtfock and nl were the ones i knew about the last.
i tried watching skamfr to see what was all the fuss about, i remember i chose that because i like the language and i was trying to learn french. you can imagine how that went lol i gave up on like, episode 8? because i was honestly bored and watching the super unnatural, fast delivery of the actors made me miss og SO much (i still watch og s3 every once in a while, it’s for me what the kids call now a comfort show).
i only came to know about skam españa when the trailer for cris’ season dropped and everyone started to freak out because a) finally another evak season, and b) it’s about two girls! i was pumped bc the wlw rep and THEN i realized it was a remake in my first language. if i had known about it before i definitely would’ve watched that one first. i kept up with the remake because it was super easy with the clips dropping in youtube, and though i wasn’t the biggest fan of cris back then and it didn’t resonate w me the way og had done, it was well done and i didn’t need subtitles to understand it. after i finished it, i watched s1 and found it way more compelling than skamfr s1 had felt to me, but i really didn’t have any desires of watching every single remake, until i made this sideblog.
i never really cared that much about nora on s1 and s2. i think josefine’s portrayal of noora was so charming and iconic on s1 and nicole didn’t get to those standards, but she def was a really good friend to eva. my problem is that her actions seemed way too... performative? in previous seasons. a highlight of that would be nora telling eva about her “joan of arc” nickname in s1. having s3 to close off her development makes it all really nuanced, but at the time i just didn’t buy her feminist rhetoric - although that’s more of a noora problem. it also reminded me a bit of myself, the kind of things i’d say because i read them on tumblr and how there was always a challenge to stand my ground whenever i tried to pull that with my family or my classmates, that helped me to shape my morality. and i think skames got a bit of that, too: the whole pansexuality thing, nora telling cris that she didn’t have to put up with joana’s MI, etc. i think it was refreshing to see a character that thought so highly of herself and her morality, be put on her place by people who knew better, and she never took it hard or got angry because of that. because there wasn’t a lot of depth to her in s2 and just kept on being the cool, supportive friend, i was okay w her but didn’t like her as much as the others. with s3, of course that drastically changed for me.
i think i summed up my impression of alejandro really well on my s1 review, and because i watched s2 first i immediately assumed he’d be the typical william and i was an anti noorhelm when i watched og, so i was super wary of him (there’s also my tags here that sum up how i was feeling about him at the time). rewatching og s1 and s2 made me really appreciate some of the changes: small things like alejandro wearing a condom to have sex with viri, inviting the girls to his halloween party as an apology, being invited to cris’ house party where she came out to her friends, and big things like him not gifting girls he slept with hoodies to mark them, instead causing a (hilarious and skames’ best choice in s1) std outburst that only talked about his promiscuity and status as a fuckboy; apologizing to viri because he realized he was in the wrong and not because nora “promised” him a date if he did it; despite his william-esque “i won’t stop until you say yes” line in s1, effectively stopping to try to creepily hit on nora in s2 and instead becoming friends with her and the girl squad; and then everything that happened in s3.
about norandro, i was never a big fan of them. i had the same concerns about their relationship that i had with alejandro, and i thought they would be the annoyingly toxic token straight couple of the show. during s2′s airing i was pretty pissed that skames kept shifting the pov to develop their relationship, because i thought (and still think) that they could’ve squeezed more growth out of cris, although looking back it’s fine, really. before s3 i saw what they were doing to build them up and i was pleased and VERY curious about it - until i learnt about miquel’s existence and realized that skames would go for the toxic relationship route. absolutely nothing would’ve prepared me by how charmed i was by their dynamic and how they became my favorite couple in skames, lol.
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theexecutionerssong · 5 years
Recap of EIL3 under the cut :)
Skam OG
Skam Italia
Skam France
Skam France/Italia/(OG)
The opening ceremony gave the tone for the day, aka starting late but with a lot of chaotic, happy-to-be-here energy with a member of each cast saying a couple of words of gratitude.
I was whisked away to the autographs with the OG skam cast just after. It was pretty great because it was the beginning of the day so everyone was still very chill. I first got to talk with Simo and Adam. and I thanked Simo for coming to the screening the other day, I asked if it was not too uncomfortable for him not being able to understand everything that was going on and I apologised that we didn't have a translator but he was very very happy to be here, some people were translating for him anyway, he said he really enjoyed the energy that we were giving off and for welcoming him with such a warm welcome. He actually loves Paris, he’s been here a few times, he was here 2 weeks ago then went back to Oslo then came back for the convention, he really loves it here :’) Then I went to Adam, who told me his whole life story azertghjk like how he had slept the night before, what he ate, everything it was so funny. Thomas was extremely chill, he took his time with everyone, really talking with us, he said he didn't have a lot of sleep either the night before because he was really excited. it's not the first time he’s doing the convention and he had loved it the last time but this time it was even better because Josefine was there with him.
Just as I was going up to Ulrikke, the staff came to tell me I had to leave and do my duo photoshoot with Maxence and Axel. I knew it had started already because I could hear them being their chaotic self a room over. When I got to the room, the energy was indeed through the roof. The trio Leo/Robin/Paul was happening at the same time and Axel kept going over to them to photobomb them, like every time one of them would shout in the room CHECK DE GANG, he would leave the photoshoot with Maxence and go with the guys, it was a mess but he was unstoppable. I know the bodyguard (I’ve been to other cons before and he handles the security on all of them), I was talking with him while queueing and he said that he didn’t know if Axel was either the best or worst person he had had to deal with. He was this close to strangle him or put a leash on him azerfghj. The girl before me didn't have any idea what kind of pose she wanted to do, and Maxence said “wait, is it my turn then?” to Axel, and just like that did a headstand like actually on his head not even on his hands, on his HEAD, what even azedfghjkl then it was my turn, they asked if I had already done other things already. I told them I had been doing my autographs with OG and Axel went “oh that’s AWESOME” and then to Maxence “wait who is OG, have we met him?”  and Maxence looked at him all fondly like he was the dumbest person on earth “OG as in originaleuuuuh”, I burst out laughing at Axel’s face. Anyway, I told them I loved their shirts, you must have seen them, they were wearing the ones with half a rainbow heart on each, Maxence explained it was designed by a friend of his :’) we took our picture, I got a hug, they squished me so hard, and then I went back to finish my autographs with OG Skam.
Josefine was the sweetest, I didn't know what to say to her just that I was really really grateful that she was here and her nails were amazing (GREAT CONVERSATION GAELLE HERE, WOW) but she actually lit up because they change colour depending on whether it's hot or cold, she was really excited about it, she threw her arms up over her head and shouted “SCIENCE!!!”. I didn't want to hold up the line for nothing so I went to Ulrikke. I thanked her for pouring out so much positivity, about bodies, genders, feminism ect on social media, it really makes a difference to me, and she said that she actually needs to do it for herself before doing it for anybody else because she needs to hear the words, she needs to think positively, she needs to give back, and publishing her thoughts actually helps her a lot, and getting positive feedback is a very appreciated bonus.
The Skam France panel was supposed to start then but let me tell you, it was not happening. I was not in the same room as the guys when I was doing the autographs with OG but I could still hear them screaming their heads off and cheering and chanting that damn oui-oui song, they were being so fucking chaotic so of course they were running very late. 
I had to wait around a bit and I was annoyed because I completely missed the Skam Italia panel that was happening during my autographs and shoots. I also missed the beginning of the Skam France panel when it finally started because I was sent to do my autographs with the Skam Italia cast.
I tried to speak my best Italian, I was a bit rusty, but they were so kind anyway. Bea actually knew the town my family is from in Sicily, I thanked her for her portrayal of Sana because I can’t begin to imagine the impact a character like her could have in my tiny Sicilian village. Rocco was very sweet and focused on what you’re telling him, he didn’t even glance at my notebook at first, I told him that his character is always such an important character to me personally in every remake but I especially enjoyed the Skam Italia portrayal because it was the first one, there must have been a lot of pressure and expectations but he nailed it. He said if he could help even one person, that would be enough for him, it was important to him too, he’s hoping he could continue portraying this kind of characters. I was supposed to take selfies with the actors as well but I hate pictures (photoshoots are okay because it’s a more ~professional setting) but he insisted like “why, why don't you want to?” I was just “I'm way more comfortable behind a camera than in front of it, nothing against you, so sorry”, for real I felt so bad, but Bea heard us talking and she said “don't push her if she doesn't want a picture” and he apologized, which made me feel worse azerfghjk I was like dude you're fine don't worry, thank you, ciao.
After that I had  to wait a while for the next thing to happen because they were so so late that's when I got to meet some of you and I'm very very very happy to have met you, thanks for the love you gave me, for giving me a hug :’)
Then I went to my duo photoshoot with Assa and Lais, they were so sweet and kind but I couldn't say much to them, we had to hurry because we were running so late and we were supposed to be doing the Skam France panel already. It should have had started over an hour before. Assa and Lais left quickly after and started the panel with the others while Maxence was busy doing his duo shoot with Rocco.  I had to miss the beginning  because I was queuing for that. When it was my turn, Rocco said “this one speaks Italian!” and Maxence said “no, I know her, she speaks French” and my brain completely froze because I was not expecting them to remember me at all so I went “I speak both” in ENGLISH azerfghjkl i’m a dumbass but they laughed so it’s fine i guess
I went back running to the main room for the Skam France panel, I had missed 25 minutes already but you can thank Manon for filming what I had missed. The whole panel is on my YouTube channel so I won't repeat everything that was said here, I will be translating it but please give me time, it's a very long and very tedious process so please be patient with me, it might take me a few days, sorry about that.
I just want to point out, and I've said it before because it’s so obvious every time I see them together, I want to say that the friendship between Axel and Maxence is so beautiful to see in person. I think you all saw the videos but when Maxence got there after his duo photoshoot with Rocco, he just went straight to Axel and sat down at his feet, Axel was rubbing his shoulders and being very supportive. I think the day was a bit hard on Maxence, I’ll talk about it more later but he was stressed out, very happy sure, but you could see he was a bit overwhelmed. While he was in the photoshoots with Axel or Rocco it was fine, when he was with Coline it was fine, during the panel with the others it was fine, but when he was by himself you could see he was a bit anxious.
The staff really did their best to not lose more time, as in stop the cast from taking questions once they were out of time. we were supposed to have been eating  lunch already over an hour and a half earlier but Axel just flat out refused. He got up, took the mic for himself, went to the line of fans who were waiting for their questions and said “don't worry I’ll do the translation myself, be quick, be quick but we're doing everyone's questions, as long as there are people in the queue then we are not stopping and we will eat later.”  just my input here but I think he needs to learn to stop. He wants to do good, but he is going to exhaust himself. The rest of the cast didn't complain either.
Then we were able to eat very quickly. The afternoon started with the Skam France groupe photoshoot. At first they were doing crazy poses, they were being their chaotic selves, they were impossible to manage but the staff had to be a bit strict and tell them to stop, no pose, no moving around just stay where you are and let the fan go in the middle of all of you because otherwise we would lose way too much time again. Everyone was getting between Maxence and Axel and I could see the girls who were sitting on the floor were starting to get tired, I think, so when it was my turn, I went “I want the girls, I want the girls, sorry guys” and I knelt in the middle of them, they looked so happy like Marilyn and Anne Sophie cheered so loud, Zoe went “ahAH SUCK IT” while Axel behind me pretended to be upset but I don't regret it for one second ahah.
I then did all the solo photoshoots with all the cast from OG and the OG group picture, and a duo with Ulrikke and Josefine, so that took me a while even if I tried to be as fast as possible.
In the afternoon I had a meeting with Josefine but since we were late the staff decided to do a group meeting with Josefine and Thomas instead of two separate ones, so I ended up having also a meeting with Thomas that I didn't pay for. The more the merrier I guess but still a bit meh for them (I mean they seemed happy to be together but still, especially since the staff came to pick me up in the middle of it to do my group photoshoot with the Skam Italia cast - Bea went “ahhhh la mezza italiana!!” when she saw me, cute cute cute).
The meet and greet with Josefine and Tomas was pretty sweet. Thomas’s mum called in the middle of it and we talked with her, it was funny. They were asked very interesting questions such as what is on their bucket list. Thomas said he wanted to learn to be a plane pilot and Josefine said “no you don't you're gonna DIE”. Josefine said she didn't really have a bucket list because she was really trying to live in the present and not spend her life looking forward to something because otherwise she wouldn't appreciate the present to the fullest and we got into talking about the minute by minute concept and the “life is now” line in OG, it was very inspirational. somebody also asked about how they were cast and I don't know if the story had been told before, I hadn't heard it, but basically they were both told separately that the person they were doing the casting with was in love with them and they had to tell them that they didn't feel the same way and let them down gently. It ended up being an hour long very awkward moment, they remember it fondly though. They both have projects coming up but Thomas  cannot say anything about it at all, we cannot even know if it's a movie or video clip or music or theatre, nothing. Josefine has a movie coming out in theatres in a few months and she is very excited and weird out about it because it's her face on the big screen and she's not sure she's ready for that. Josefine was cold so Thomas gave her his jacket, she was swimming in it. They were both very grateful the other was there, it actually what made them decide to come to the convention. When they learned that the other had been invited, they called each other and said “are you going? if you're going then I'm going.” Josefine was also asked how she had been approached about the storyline in season 2. Julie met with her to talk about the sexual harassment storyline beforehand, even before actually writing it, because she wanted to make sure Josefine was comfortable playing something like that but Josefine was really on board with it because it's such an important topic that is not discussed or shown on TV enough.
I got to see the panel with Josefine and Thomas but I missed the one with Ulrikke, Adam and Simo but I gave the camera to my friends Manon and Louise so it's on YouTube thank you friends!
We then started the autographs with the whole Skam France cast and that was a mess, that was the biggest mess, I think because Dream It oversold the passes and there were way too many people queuing. It was getting late, it was already 6:30 when that's when the conventions should have ended,  the cast was tired but also the fans were tired and cranky and some of them had panic attacks because they were anxious they wouldn't get their autographs before they had to leave to get a train home for exemple. I started with Assa, then Laïs, then Moussa, then Leo. The notebook I get all my autographs in is just a pretty paper blank notebook in which I write all my favourite quotes, inspirational lines from shows or songs or poems and Leo went through it and was like “oh I've got a nice one” and wrote and I quote “Gaëlle, the best revolution is to make love”  and then said please “don't #BalanceTonPorc me” (the French equivalent of #MeToo) well alright then I guess azerfghjkl.  
We then had to leave the autographs because the closing ceremony was about to start, since the other actors from Italia and OG were done for the day.  the closing ceremony was emotional because that's when everyone thanks everyone and cries, especially since so much money was raised for organisations like SOS Homophobie, SOS Autisme, project Rescue Ocean, another association for deaf people that I unfortunately didn’t get the name of and the gay centre in Italy.  in total €18,000 was raised. the heads of the organisations were there to receive the checks, it was really emotional, Marilyn was asked to be the godmother of the rescue ocean project branch in Paris and she cried so Coline and Anne Sophie cried too, Maxence was crying too, some fans had raised money by themselves and got on stage too to make a little speech and he hugged them so tight, he was really touched and so were they. Dream It convention thanked everyone for coming especially the OG cast because without them there wouldn't be anything, Skam was their first convention and it will always have a special place in their hearts. Then they announced that there would be a fourth edition of the Everything Is Love convention but it will be over 2 days, thank God. that's when What Makes You Beautiful started blasting through the speakers and everyone lost it, everyone was hugging each other and dancing and singing and taking pictures and videos, I think you all saw the videos by now, it was such a glorious mess, and I lost all sense of composure. it looked like the Skam France cast was the only one with energy still left though.
That should have been the end of the convention, we were so late, it was I think around 7pm by then but the Skam France cast and the fans who had the proper pass all had to go back to the autographs. And I think that's when it got too much for real. I know we paid for it and I know the cast doesn't want to disappoint us but that should have been the end of it. We stayed for autographs and the selfies but it was so disorganized, people kept cutting the queues, a lot of girls - mainly not French, gotta admit - were not respecting the rules and I don’t know if they just didn’t care or if they had not understood the translation but they had zero respect for others :( some people would monopolize the cast for so long and were slowing everything down, and I know you want to talk with them, I know it might be your only chance because you came from across the world but please be respectful of the people around you and of the cast. Leo had to leave because he couldn't take it anymore, he had a headache. I’m thinking of Assa who was graceful until the end, and who had been fasting all day. I think I saw Lais drink something at some point but Assa didn't drink or eat anything all day, I saw her drink for the first time when it was already after 9.
I went through my autographs as quickly as I could, I didn't ask for selfies at all. Lula was even upset about it because she recognised me, she said something like “oh thank you for the beautiful pictures, do you want a selfie?” and I repeated I don't like selfies and she tried to convince me I was pretty lmao.
I thanked Robin for raising money for the deaf and HOH community because I’ve got a couple deaf friends and I can see how they struggle sometimes. He said one of his best friends as a kid was deaf and he remembers how he got bullied, and he himself got bullied because he skipped two classes, he was younger and shorter and smarter than everyone so he knows what it feels like to be isolated and he wants to help.
Coline has music projects coming up which is exciting. Marilyn was still crying when I got to her so I couldn't talk with her or else I would have cried too and Coline next to her was ready to burst too.  
I said to Maxence that I was really excited for the House of Gaunt short film to come out and that I loved being an extra on set for the day and his head snapped up to me “oh my god I'm so sorry I hadn’t recognised you” and I just went “azerfghjk dude stop apologizing, I’m not remarkable”, he got angry I would say that, gave me a hug and scolded me, what a sweetheart :’) Someone had given him a Slytherin scarf, a wand and a hood (I think they gave a Griffyndor scarf to Axel too) earlier and we joked about how frustrating it is that we can’t talk about his actual Voldemort costume.
Axel was the last one I got to talk to because there were so many people for him, it was insane. I didn't catch what he was saying to the girl before me, what they were talking about, but I heard him shout “WELL AN ASSHOLE IS NEVER GOING TO TURN INTO A VAGINA NOW IS IT”  and then he went on a rant about how some straight guys would want to have anal sex with their girlfriend but God forbid two guys have anal sex together, which, you know what, that’s very true and a very blunt Axel thing to say.
After that I was done so I waited around for my friends to be done too and I just observed everything that was happening. Coline had to leave because she had a dance lesson at 10 p.m., can you believe she had a dance lesson after such a long day??  Maxence was very jumpy, he kept going outside (with Lula sometimes) to smoke, you could see by the end of the evening he was stressed out. He even sat on the table crossed legged because he couldn't sit on the chair properly anymore. But he would still hug and listen to everyone.  Axel’s voice was fucked completely again but he didn’t seem to care. The staff of the Dream It convention and of the hotel kept pressing them and the fans because it was 9:30 and the hotel should have been closed already but Axel, Maxence, Lula, Robin and Paul wouldn’t leave as long as fans were still there.
I left around 9:40pm, I was fine if only tired, but I genuinely don’t know how the cast was still standing. I really hope they are better organized next time, it’s already a good thing they will be doing the next convention over two days instead of just one because that was too much. I had an amazing time and I would do it all over again, and it seems the cast feels the same (I apologized to all of them for how late it was during autographs but they wouldn’t hear it) but still. More time, less people, would have been way easier to manage.
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This clip shook me to my very core.. it was hard to watch and i almost cried. This is why it's so important to have shows like Skam and Wtfock, because they show us the reality of things. Skam and Druck showed us the Hope that there is for Lgbt+ people so that Wtfock could bring upfront the horrible shit that Lgbt+ people have to face DAY TO DAY. It's a show about reality and HOW it NEEDS. DESPERATELY NEEDS to change. I'm here for it we need to remember in what position we are in and how sheltered we can be, we HAVE to be mindful about what other people may face and how to help. If you don't believe this is STILL a reality think about that.
Yes it's a BIG choice to make but if handled correctly this will make so many people AWARE of what is going on. And to understand is always the first step of the SOLUTION of a PROBLEM.
Skam S3 purpose was to GIVE HOPE now WTFOCK' is to DENOUNCE HOW SOCIETY STILL ACTS and its consequences. Do you believe Robbe would've EVER said those things to Sander if his friends had never pushed him so deep into Internalizing his feelings by making a joke of being Gay and being offensive?
AS SOON AS THIS SEASON STARTED you can tell they were foing to be going HARD on the issues (already Robbe's friends being much more toxic than in any other remake and how MUCH focus we had on Robbe and Noor).
At this point my advice is: if it's too much to watch the clips as they come out (since this way you are immersed deep down in the story and it might be harder to zone it out of your thoughts if it gets rough) make the decision to WATCH THE EPISODES WHEN THEY COME OUT AT THE END OF THE WEEK. Or wait for the season to be over to aatch it alk in one go, this way you'll have something else to look forward to very SHORTLY AFTER the bad clip came out and not like a whole ass of interminable hours that never go by fast.
Drink a glass of water and put on chill music. Watch a funny video if you have to distract yourself. Breathe. It's fine.
Sorry if i'm not too articulate it's literally 00:30 rn as i'm wrapping up.
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Sooo.... Here we go! If you’re wondering what is this crazy girl doing writing these long ass posts about episodes of a TV show that aired a year ago... Well, I explained everything here, I also analysed the Trailer, I know that in the website it looks like the first clip, so if you’re wondering why it doesn’t match, that’s your answer.
This is gonna be full of spoilers for seasons 1 and 2 because it’s impossible for me to watch it and not add all of that baggage, sorry. I’m going to do this clip by clip because I think it’s the most organized way of going about it, although I also thought about doing character by character... If you think it’s better that way, let me know. I’m also going to compare it to the OG and the other remakes and, no, it’s not because I think Skam España is the “superior remake” or whatever people call it, it’s because they are so different in so many ways it’s difficult to compare. 
So, after all of that, we get the first clip, with Jorge, Lucas and Eva hanging out on the stairs after a day at the swimming pool, I love that they tease each other, they feel like an amazing group of friends, none of them feels isolated until Eva and Jorge start kissing and Lucas just leaves because no one likes being the third weal.
I really like how they make Lucas feel part of the group, it’s not Eva and Jorge and Jorge and Lucas, it’s Lucas, Eva and Jorge, but Eva and Jorge have sex with each other.
I don’t have too much to say about this clip, it’s a nice introduction to their dynamic, with Jorge always trying to reason with Eva and to reassure her by saying that everything is gonna be OK wile teasing her and making her laugh and Eva being scared and allowing herself to believe Jorge.
In this clip we get the mandatory slow motion walk of the Ingrid character, Inés in this case, and she at least just looks at Eva, with so much superiority she’d make an elephant feel small, but she doesn’t insult her or show her the finger. What a good way to start the school year!
Here we meet the boy-squad. I love that we get introduced to them in the first season, they all have such a chaotic energy, laughing at Hugo’s bad luck and making plans for the next big party.
I really like how much they actually wanted Eva to go to the concert, and that, if you think about it, they probably got the tickets before her and Jorge started dating, so it’s not that they didn’t tell her but that they didn’t think about her that way, not yet.
I also really like how understanding Eva is about all of this, she doesn’t get mad, she just basically accepts it and encourages Jorge and the boys to go and have fun and not worry about her.
I feel so much for Eva here, it’s really relatable how out of it Eva seems, she knows these boys, they all know her, they like her, but she is not part of the group, she isolates herself and doesn’t participate in the conversation, she tries at the beginning, but she can’t help feeling that these are her boyfriend’s friends, not hers. I love how this clip ends with the boys being loud and blocking her form their little circle without realizing it and with her being quiet and accepting it.
Here we get the introduction of faux-Noora, but it’s not what I love the most about this clip. We get so much information about Amira in the background, people whispering about her because she hasn’t worn the hijab ever before and they think it’s weird. I love that we get this bit of info and that we see what our hacker queen must go through every day.
About Lara I’ll only say how relatable this whole thing is, I have a friend who says that you have to choose carefully who you talk to on the first day of school because you’ll never talk to them again and to be weary of people who come and talk to you on the first day because they’re probably just looking for someone to explain them the dynamics before they find their real place within the school/work environment/whatever.
I love when Skam posts clips like this, just the character in their room, doing absolutely nothing. She is scrolling through Instagram and eating some crackers. Her mom tells her to get off the phone and that she’s going to work. Nothing else happens, Eva wonders if she should follow Lara on Instagram and she doesn’t.
¡Ay...Viri…! We meet her in this clip, when Lara still seems to be Noora and is being nice and asking Eva how to get to her next class. Viri comes so full of energy, with so many propositions and ideas, she just comes on too strong, bless her soul, she tries too hard to fit in and it shows. We see Cris for the first time here and I love how they state that Viri is new in school and doesn’t know anyone. This is a change from the OG that I didn’t understand until season 2.
And then in comes Alejandro. Can we all just stop a second to appreciate how corny all of this is? The fact that the second Eva says his name is Alejandro, Alejandro by Lady Gaga starts playing? How Lady Gaga says Alejandro the second Viri mouths Alejandro? Like, did they have the song playing on set so that she could nail the timing? How Alejandro looks right at the camera when the song ends? It’s all so amazingly corny and cheesy and right out of one of my daydreams about the moment I’ll meet the love of my life. It’s cringy and gold and I love it.
I think on the 14th of September of 2018, if you listened closely, you could hear the screams of all the confused and angry fans. I remember how I felt after watching who I KNEW was the Nora equivalent hanging out with Inés, it was devastating, I didn’t know what was gonna happen next, little did I know that with Skam España it’s always better to expect the opposite to what you’re used to.
I love how, here, Eva goes to Inés and tries to apologise, doesn’t ask for things to go back to the way they were, just for forgiveness and admits that she’s made a mistake and is so sorry that she’s hurt her and that it wasn’t her intention to do so. I really like how BRUTAL Inés is. She’s so hurt and has a reason to be so, even though we don’t know what the reason is I think that here we realize so much more than in the OG that it’s Eva’s fault, both because she says so and because she is completely understanding of Inés behaviour.
But, poor baby, she basically just lost the only friend she had in school, then went and tried to fix things with an old friend and finally it all backfired and she’s left alone.
You know what I really like about Skam in general? How they make you understand why characters do what they do, so, even if you don’t agree with their actions, you can’t make them the bad guys of the story, because situations are never black and white. 
CLIP 7  ➡ All for you
Okay, let me just begin by saying that I love how they stablish the girl squad in the background even before we know they are the girl squad, like they are part of the high-school, we see them getting in and out of class, moving around.
Jorge is so sweet. That’s all I have to say, like, the way he notices that Eva is not OK? How he tries to get the truth out of her??? Just heart eyes everywhere, I honestly think he’s the sweetest Jonas of the bunch and Eva is probably up there for being the clingiest Eva, but I love her.
CLIP 8  ➡ End of the year trip!!!
Here we discover Eva’s love for pizza, I can relate. And I love that she’s not mad at Jorge for being out with his friends and, even though she is jealous she is not there, she understands the situation and still tells Jorge to have a good time and means it.
Also here is the first time we see something that’s become sort of a recurrent theme in Skam España, the “I post on Instagram pretending that everything is alright and that I’m having the time of my life when I’m dying inside”.
CLIP 9  ➡ Hungover
So this is a clip that changes with its second viewing, I was so sure Lucas was jealous at Eva because she was kissing Jorge and, don’t get me wrong, I still think that he’s jealous, but more at the fact that they can be out in public and kiss and no-one will bat an eye than at the fact that Eva is kissing the boy he likes.
Also, if you want a sign telling you that you need to get some friends ASAP, sitting alone on a Saturday watching your partner play football, or whatever they play, with their friends as you sit alone on the bleachers eating Cheetos should do the trick.
Oh, and I love Jorge, have I mentioned that? How supporting he is? The way he encourages her and tells her how amazing she is while teasing her and making her laugh is amazing, I’ve never had a relationship like this, but I’m pretty sure being with someone who’s self esteem is as low as Eva’s is right now must not be easy, but he does it with such an ease, he loves her so much he’ll support her through thick and thin and he’ll be by her side for whatever she may need as long as she wants him to.
Also, Eva not being mad that he forgot that they where supposed to hung out together is something I have conflicting feelings about because, OK, you shouldn’t put on a show and scream and all of that, but it was important to her and she doesn’t say anything because she’s afraid that she’ll lose him if she does, she should have made it clear that she was hurt and that it was okay, for this once, but that she hoped it never happened again because she was counting on spending the day with him and now her plans are ruined and that’s not OK.
So I think this clip shows how much Eva depends on Jorge, so much so that she won’t stand up for herself for fear of loosing him, and that’s sad, but also so fucking relatable. And I’m not blaming Jorge here for forgetting it, I’m sure that to him the “I’ll be all yours” comment was just not as important as it was to Eva, he should’ve remembered though, and Eva should’ve shown him he hurt her.
CLIP 10 & 11  ➡ Shitty meeting
That meeting was painful to watch, but can I just state how much I hated Viri during that first season and how much she’s changed and improved, like here she is: “I don’t get you and you don’t follow the society’s way of thinking or acting so you’re weird” and now she’s all: “I don’t get you and you don’t follow the society’s way of thinking or acting, but you’re my friend and I’m here for whatever you need”.
I also love the little hints they drop here and there about Amira and her hijab being a new thing, like how she says she’s planning on buying a burkini and Cris is all like WTF? But then Amira looks at her like saying, are you my friend or what? And Cris is all like, OF FUCKING COURSE AMIRIS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER, so she ends up supporting her.
And Nora’s introduction, I think it’s amazing, and I was so FUCKING confused on my first viewing, like, girl, she’s literally called Nora so she MUST be Noora, but, then, who the fuck is Lara? Little did we know…
I’ve also noticed how much Amira’s changed, she’s so closed of and defensive in this episode, both clips, like she is not sure whether the girls will accept her or not, so she puts up this wall between them to guard herself and is brutally honest, maybe even cruel. Looking at this clip now feels so weird, because this is not the Amira I know now, the Amira I know is quiet, and loving and caring, and loves to talk about her religion and her culture, and is always ready to help her friends, or to fight for them… It really takes me back to what Skam really is about, loving one another and creating safe spaces where we can grow and become who we are meant to be free of prejudice.
Final thought on this clip, I really, really, really hate Cris’ make up here, like, girl, WE are supposed to be the clowns here, not you.
CLIP 12  ➡ The weirdos
So, Eva and Nora, I love their friendship, the way Nora picks up on the fact that Eva is NOT okay, and asks her if everything is alright a couple of times before she leaves???? Heart eyes everywhere.
Also I’m going to use this to address the criticism about Nora’s introduction, honestly, I don’t remember where I saw it, it was more than a year ago, but it basically said that it was the least gay out of all of them and I’m like, WTF???? People, aren’t you tired of being queer-batted? Because I am, I’m so over queer-batting, and that you’re asking for it is weird. Because, if they are not meant to be anything more than friends, I’m grateful that they don’t have any kind of interaction that could be considered as “gay” (although I don’t really know what a “gay” interaction actually is, I guess I would already have a girlfriend by now if I did, instead of sitting in a coffee shop writing very, very, very long Tumblr posts about things no-one really cares about).
In defence of anyone who likes Noreva, I get it, we are all starved for good wlw representation, and on the original the only thing remotely close we had to that was Noora and Eva’s friendship during the first season, but here we’ve got Cris and Joana, so having Eva and Nora be just best friends is totally fine by me.
The clip ends with a heartbroken Eva watching as Jorge laughs with Inés, I don’t know. I have nothing to say about it, other than the fact that I’m glad I’m no longer 16 and have better communicating skills and higher self seem than Eva, not that I did at 16, I was an absolute mess at 16, still am, in a different way.
Sooo... This took longer than I expected,  if I’ve said anything you don’t agree with, tell me and we’ll chat for a bit😘
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I'm sorry but I don't feel bad at all. I unfollowed that blog a long time ago when they started to talk shit in their posts. One thing is you sharing your opinion on something and you have the right to do it, you don't have the obligation to like what other people like. Other thing is coming for someone for having a different opinion on things. This croissenne blog some time ago answered a ask stating that people in this fandom that liked jealousy plots were toxic and the involvement of Jens in Sobbe's business were weird. Calling someone toxic or weird because they like smut that involves more than two people or because they like to read "cheap ass plots" (like they called it) is wrong in many ways. There are writers/readers following that blog that probably felt bad about the things they enjoy. Sure this person is a good writer, don't take this from them, they're indeed good but don't put them as the victim here for deleting the blog because no one made them do it.
Look anon we don’t mince words on this blog so lets actually get all our damn facts strait and come with the receipts if your gonna take that tone with me. This situation began unfolding a few days back concerning croissenne and +18 blog who btw writes fantastic content and truly provides a space for those who want to discuss topics concerning queer sex honestly. They are very few blogs like this in the fandom because the Skam fandom is sorta splits into two categories those who graduated into the remakes and are now over the age of 23+ and those between the ages of 15-23. Thus this weird divide concerning differing perspectives on sex and also personal preferences towards mature content. I understand the frustration concerning the constant spin cycle of criticism when you enjoy reading specific sexual kinks or even something like a threesome. I won't deny there is side-eye and judgement from some mutuals but for me personally I am super comfortable with my sexuality so haters gonna hate so my toxic queer ass is gonna be extra petty and open this big ass newspaper with the headline sander jealousy plot and read that shit at high volume but anyways i get that others aren't as petty as me and being called weird and toxic can create a stigma towards this type of content and hence 18+ blogger becoming a dying breed and beginning to funnel out. I am just saying the solution isn’t going on anon and getting combative and seeking to enlighten or change someone else’s perspective on sex.Like the irony of fans of queer blogs sending anons to those blogs trying to shift their sexual perspective. Like some of you all need to go back to the library because reading is fundamental. 
Like if someone wants to give a stank eye to a jens threesome who tf cares.... let them. Honestly I will be right there behind them and not because of the threesome but because what is it with this fandom and Jens? Y’all jens is the most vanilla white boy ever. He is the definition of basic and its not even cuz am hating on white guys but like give me Gio(IT), Arthur(FR), Luchi(IT), David(Druck) or even Aaron(at least Aaron is funny asf and way more interesting than Jens). Also if Sobbe was gonna have a threesome they could do better than Jens.... like dont disrespect sobbe like that. Also folks lets learn to de-couple trope bias from published fics and using that fic as some sort of graph as to why this trope bothers you. Like its not that hard I remember croissenne once stating she didn't read angst or enjoyed it and she wouldn't be engaging with high angst content well guess what I love to write.......angst, but i wasnt upset by her commentary I just noted ok she wont enjoy my content however doesn't stop me from creating it for those who do enjoy it. Thats the people that matter not the latter. Moral of the story no content creator should ever feel so overwhelmed by the fandom’s actions enough to deactivate.Especially the wtfock fandom its super small and literally once a week we get the haters in the tag insulting and generalizing the fandom for sport. So I am sticking by what I said its said to see any content creator leave the space is a lost to the fandom because they too serve a purpose as does an 18+ blog. If you cant recognize why those two things are mutually exclusive and on par well then i dont know what to tell you. 
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wings-of-a-storm · 6 years
It’s been fun realising after Saturday’s clips that a lot of things are being set into the perfect position to hurt us all as anticipated! I am so thrilled that the time is finally upon us (/sarcasm).
Eliott’s early absence / Lucas’ absence at Basile’s birthday party
In other versions, Lucas’ character completely forgets about Basile’s party because he is occupied with Eliott in their cozy world. I guess you could say that in Skam France, Lucas is still preoccupied with Eliott but this time not in a good way…
It’s so hard knowing that Lucas was actually free to go to Basile’s party in this remake but still didn’t -- not because I want to see more Basile, but because the party slipping his mind goes a long way to show us how emotionally out of sorts Lucas must be feeling right now after Eliott left to go back to his own world again. We all saw his face when he heard Lucille texting Eliott, and when he woke up alone… I imagine that expression hasn’t left his face for a while now…
It is such an awful situation. Lucas is the Home Wrecker (even though it takes two) and he knows it. He knows Eliott can’t be ‘his’ while he is still involved with his primary relationship. It’s hard when that poisonous reality slips back into your little bubble of happiness. It’s hard to see it written on an otherwise sweet drawing (3000+ Eliotts were all doing something other than actually spending the day with Lucas? It makes their relationship feel so impossible).
And it would be even harder to suddenly be alone without Eliott after the night and morning they spent together! Lucas was made to feel like he was worthy of a Polaris love for Eliott; he finally got to kiss Eliott; he was able to spend the night in the same bed with him; he was able to see his body; he was able to lie on top of and underneath that body, almost naked; he discovered that Eliott had noticed him long before he ever realised, that he had made a huge impression on Eliott; he had had Eliott cuddling him for god knows how long; and he heard Eliott choose to stay with him that day over Lucille when Lucas had been feeling so secondary to other people in his life (his father, bloody Mika and Lisa, his friends if they knew his true self).
And he woke up alone.
Eliott did try to prolong things, but the reality is that he does have someone else he is seeing, whom he badly hurt last night, and at some point he did have to leave to go back to her and sort that all out. (Among other things, but that hasn’t come into the plot yet even if his ig has hinted at it.)
It is a shame that Eliott had to leave early (thanks David, I hate it!). Lucas would have needed more time with Eliott alone, especially after all the lost time with him that week when Eliott stood him up! It would have been so bitterly disappointing that Eliott slipped away without Lucas even being able to say goodbye to him or ask what the next step for them is…
I can’t stop thinking about how amazed Lucas would be feeling about everything they had done together that night and morning, but equally how upset he would be in Eliott’s absence, knowing he was probably with Lucille now…
And to make matter’s even worse, Lucas has an irate Chloe coming for him. Between missing Eliott like hell and stressed that he has yet another mess to clean up with Chloe, it’s no wonder he wants to just stay inside that weekend and avoid all the shitty things waiting for him outside. He either ignored all social media and forget all about Basile’s party in that funk (very likely), or he remembered but couldn’t face leaving his apartment.
Chloe is going to be coming hard for Lucas
Lucas really doesn’t help himself, does he? To actually type and send “…” in response to someone utterly irate at you for absolutely doing the wrong thing and being a dick to them… Oh boy. He just drew a big target on himself. I know he is just a teenage boy and the concept of deescalation might not register so much for him right now but it is just common sense not to piss someone off further.
I’m not going to lie, I laughed outright when I saw the nerve of Lucas to actually send “…” to Chloe. I am on Chloe’s side with this but holy heck, the audacity is pretty hilarious. Chloe sent a Men Are Trash post about him after just one infringement and he thinks “…” is a good idea? Lucas, mec, you are so effed.
Sidenote: I think Chloe has a right to give Lucas sass to her friends for the way he treated her. If she does what she is set up to do though, it goes beyond that and I don’t condone it.
As an extra sidenote: Although I haven’t warmed to Lucille in the admittedly tiny amount of time we have seen her (it doesn’t help that she seems to have a Resting Bitch Face like at Kiffance), I got a pang in my chest when Chloe revealed Eliott’s comments had made her cry. This whole situation suuuuuucks.
Anddd more fun under the cut.
Arthur fighting Lucas eventually?
It is interesting to see how Lucas’ absences are affecting his friends. (I guess you never know how much of a core you are to your group until you mysteriously stop being as available to them?)
The instagram videos were setting us right up for an eventual open Gang conflict with this new absence from Lucas. Lucas’ strange absences (and changing behaviour) are clearly already an issue for Arthur with that passive aggressive joke in their chat, and then they sure enough couldn’t get in contact with him at the grocery store. (Where they were so sweetly trying to buy his favourite food anyway! Thanks David, I love being set up for extra hurt).
Then the issue of Lucas ghosting them culminated at the party where it seemed to become more of a focus for them the drunker they got. Arthur seemed to be particularly affected while Yann was slightly more chill (‘He’s not answering his phone’ as opposed to WHERE THE EFF IS HEEEE). I understand that you’d be upset on behalf of your friend whose birthday is being ignored, and that you’d be worried (or frustrated) because it seems to be a pattern now, but yikes. I guess also that the party was clearly a flop and maybe they were thinking that if only Lucas would turn up, he’d somehow have this magic ability to make it great? That Chloe would come along and bring more people? I dunno. But all the ‘WHERE IS LUCAS’ from Arthur is probably why I actually dreamt last night that Arthur’s instagram was hacked open and it was full of Lucas photos hahaha. I wish I was joking. That was a bizarre dream.
But yes, Arthur seems to be really perceptive and not shy to speak his mind; he certainly has the right personality to call Lucas out about his behaviour to his face later. And like generally all of you, it kills me that Arthur is being set up to do it and not Basile (who isn’t the type to start fights unless it involves his virginity?!!). I would love Lucas to shove Basile around instead of Arthur… It’s awful of me, I know. Violence is bad, etc.
Those ig stories definitely upped the ante with the pressure it puts on Lucas to maintain the control that has started slipping from him with his conflicting worlds. He now has to deal with his friends after ghosting a friend’s birthday as well as dealing with Chloe. School on Monday will be fun...
Basile’s obsession with Daphne continuing at an even more alarming rate
The imagery of Daphne completely drunk and being lead away from everyone (ie. from safety) by a very creepy boy who doesn’t seem to understand boundaries was chilling. Just chilling. It actually looked sinister, like the start of a true crime documentary.
Normally I would say ‘Surely Basile wouldn’t do anything because she is drunk as anything’ but we did see him trying to touch a very drunk Maria in episode one. He doesn’t understand boundaries or how to respect a someone’s right to their own body. He is such a wild card. And it was disheartening to see that he was being egged on by his drunk friends, who were also trying to stop Daphne’s actual friends from interrupting them. It’s such a toxic culture… And while I am glad the writers seem to be covering it, it’s still hard to watch. I just hope they keep calling it out overtly!
(For the record, I don’t think Basile will do anything but the fact that he even tried to lead Daphne away from everyone else when she was severely intoxicated was awful enough.)
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dusuessekartoffel · 5 years
Some Thoughts on Druck Season 3, or: a Love Letter to Matteo’s Season
Okay, here we are. The season ended two weeks ago. I don’t think I’ll ever be over it. I don’t think I’ll ever fully recover from watching it all live. It was stressful as hell and and it was more emotional than I ever could have anticipated and it was so, so satisfying. It took over my life for ten weeks, which I’m somehow grateful for, even if it probably took away ten years from my lifespan. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to express quite how this season makes me feel. I can try, but I really don’t think I can put all my feelings into words. (Which is frustrating, because words are what I’m good at, usually. But I’ll just have to accept that and try.) These are just some of my thoughts on Matteo’s season, because otherwise this would turn into a novel.
From the moment we saw Matteo Florenzi in season 1, I knew his season was going to be good. I knew it was going to be my favourite season 3 remake. I knew Michelangelo Fortuzzi would do Matteo and Isak justice. And yet, I could have never imagined this. I never thought I would love this season as much as I did. That I would feel this much for fictional characters and that their story would touch me so much. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this about any two fictional characters. Ever. (Not even Harry Potter and that is the one story that has stuck with me for 13 years now.)
Those people who, like me, have been in the fandom since the very beginning, will surely remember how we all knew how much we needed Matteo’s season when this disaster teenage boy first interrupted Hanna and Jonas in the very first clip. And then, sometime towards the end of season 1, people started advocating for trans Even. And I honestly think none of us would have ever expected that Druck would actually make their Even character trans. There was a casting call for a trans actor sometime last fall, but it was explained that it was for another show (which I’m guessing was a lie) and again, no one got their hopes up. When we saw David in season 2, the theories started, but still no one wanted to set themselves up for disappointment. And then Matteo saw David on that first Monday and it was confirmed that beanie boy was German Even and I will never forget how it felt to watch that scene for the first time and to see the fandom’s reactions to it, especially trans fans’ reactions. That Monday was when I realised that a. this season was truly going to be spectacular and that b. I could say goodbye to my life for the next ten weeks. That Monday was when “Druck is a show I like and think is really good” turned into “Druck is more or less the best thing I’ve ever seen and my life will now revolve around waiting for updates and then obsessing over them.” (You think I’m exaggerating, but seriously, on that Monday, I could barely concentrate on my classes and when I got home, I rewatched and rewatched the clip and I already felt way more for this show than I ever thought I would.)
This season was everything. It has its flaws, sure, and we shouldn’t ignore them. Criticising the things you like is good and healthy and we should never stop doing it. But the season also has its good parts, so, so many good parts. This is about the good parts because they are what made me fall in love with Druck again and again and again. (Also because a lot of people have talked about the bad parts and done it better than I ever could.)
David and Matteo have easily become my favourite version of Evak because they just feel so real. The show lets them be just two dumb teenage boys in love. It’s in everything, from both of the actors being the actual age of the characters, to them bonding over Matteo installing that switch thing (I’m honestly too dumb to understand what exactly he did), to Matteo calling David “Alter,” to their first date where they played table tennis with their hands and without a ball, to their dumb playful fights, to that first “I love you,” to them having sex for the first time. That’s what makes it so good, that they’re teenagers. They’re real teenagers. That’s such a rare thing to see on tv nowadays and it shouldn’t be. I’m not even a teenager anymore and I feel more represented by Druck than I have in a long time by anything else.
There’s a million details about this season and about Druck in general that make me love it so much. The music, which is always so good and so fitting. The flawless acting. The fact that they do workshops with the actors, writers and directors before every season and they adjust the characters and the scripts accordingly. The fact that Lukas was allowed to help on the last few scripts. The amazing and always entertaining Instagram content. (Oh, how I already miss #matteomonday and #florenzifriday.) How very much in character everything is all the time. Samstag 20:55. The kissing noises. (Don’t get me started on the kissing noises, because they may be my favourite thing about this season.) The sheer accuracy of everything. How stuff is properly built up and followed through and the writing is just so good.
One of my absolute favourite things about Druck is how good they are at characterisation. It was already spectacular in season 2, when we all suddenly fell for Alex right along with Mia, but they really took that to a new level in season 3. Matteo is one of the most well-written, well-developed characters I have ever come across. His character development was so good and so earned and it feels truly special to have witnessed it in real time. And David. Don’t even get me started on David. I do think a good part of this is Lukas Alexander’s sheer brilliance, but David is by far the most fleshed out and well-written Even character in all the remakes. He got to tell his own story and talk about his own experiences without ever being talked over and that is exactly how it should be. He was portrayed as kind and caring and desirable and funny and complex and more or less the best thing that has ever happened to Matteo. We all fell in love with him as hard as Matteo did. (How could we not have, when he’s the most loveable character played by the most loveable actor?)
But the thing with Druck is, every single character is multidimensional. They all have their little stories without taking away from the main character. I know a lot of people don’t like Sara, but again, she is by far the most well-written Sara/Emma character in the Skam universe. She has her own story and character development and I actually really enjoyed the scenes with her (when she wasn’t trying to get Matteo to kiss her). Eskild is one of my favourite Skam characters, but he doesn’t really get his own story, ever. Hans has an entire background we know about and, just like everyone else, he is also constantly learning and growing. Carlos and Abdi, who could have easily just been there for comic relief, are both fleshed out characters who have their own unique relationship with Matteo. Even Linn, who is in very few clips, has her own, distinct personality and got a cute little storyline about searching for a hobby.
Druck can be a bit messy sometimes and there’s a shit ton of continuity errors, but I think the fact that we are so ready to forgive them for that says a lot. The thing about Druck is that the people behind it care so much. They want to tell a beautiful story and they want to do it right. That doesn’t mean that they never fuck up, but throughout the entire show you can just feel the love they have for their characters and their stories. The fact that they listened to their viewers and gave us David says so much. So does the fact that they had Lukas Alexander work on the last three scripts with them. Or the fact that they broke their “no interviews” rule for those two videos with Annika to educate their viewers. Ever since we learned that they do workshops with the actors, directors and writers before each season starts to adjust the characters and the stories to the actors, I can’t stop thinking about that. It’s such a good example of just how much they care.
I’ve said this a lot this season, but Druck just gets it. They get how to be a remake (there’s a million examples of this, but my favourite one will always be how they took the iconic swimming pool kiss and turned it into their very own thing that felt absolutely fitting to their own characters while also referencing Skam). They get what Skam is all about: it’s about telling stories that matter, creating characters that people can relate to and being brave enough to try new things. This is why Druck is my favourite. Because it doesn’t try to be Skam, but in that, they do exactly what Skam was always meant to do. They open their viewers’ minds and they give people these beautiful stories that they can relate to in ways they may have never been able to relate to anything before. And it’s not even just things like the fact that so many trans viewers have been able to see themselves represented properly for the first time (though of course that is so important), it’s also just how well they portray how being a teenager in Germany feels. I’m not even German and I have never seen myself and my own school experience reflected more in a show. That Abi-Streich transported me right back to the end of my school days and made me feel all the things I felt back then. I have never had that with anything before.
So, yeah. Season 3 sure had it’s rocky parts. People are and always will be allowed to be upset about that. But it was nevertheless such a beautiful season. It made so many people feel seen and represented, whether in David or Matteo or any of the other characters. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a show like this. Going through the Druck tag can leave you with the worst feeling sometimes, but so often, it made me feel joy. And it made me feel grateful. Watching this season live was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. But I wouldn’t miss it for anything. Because it was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever witnessed.
I don’t think I can quite put into words how much I love this season and this show in general. But I guess it comes down to this: I am so unbelievably grateful that I exist at the same time as this beautiful show. And I am so unbelievably grateful that I got to witness Matteo’s story and that it made me feel so much. Guess that’s how you explain “wunderschön” to the people who don’t speak German.
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illgiveyouahint · 5 years
I'm %95 certain Druck will make the trans storyline about David's fears of getting rejected and distancing himself, then finally building up the courage to come out to Matteo, only to be absolutely and completely accepted by him. Honestly this the best way to handle a sensitive subject like this, without adding transphobia and a beautiful way to give transgender people hope and support to overcome their fears and show the audience that everyone deserves to be loved and accepted for who they are.
Hello anon :)
Firstly let me just say I’m still a mess from today so my thoughts will probably not be coherent and will probably get sappy.
Yes I absolutely agree with you. In fact I always believed that. Or at least I believed that they’re not gonna have Matteo be transphobic in any way and I don’t think there will be a lot if any transphobia just because this is Matteo’s season and while transphobia is, unfortunately, alive and well in the world showing it through the eyes of a cis person (Matteo) would simply not have the same effect I think + I do think they want to make this show for their trans viewers and not subject them to things they already hear every day.
I also spoke in the past about how much I love what they’ve been doing with developing this particular storyline so far. And them having their misunderstanding be about David’s own fears rather than something that’s coming from the outside is I think really clever from the writers and I think it shows they had help from trans people in developing this storyline. This way, even though it is Matteo’s season, this particular storyline is kept with David. It’s not something that Matteo has to “overcome” or “solve” but it is actually David who has to now make this particular step. And once he does Matteo will be there waiting for him. Of course, there might be some hesitance or confusion since I doubt Matteo is knowledgable of trans topics but I think he’ll want to learn and he’ll love David and be so happy he gets to be with him again. Because like Matteo said today when he’s with David it’s perfect. He’s never felt like this before so he’ll be willing to move mountains for him. 
The reason why I always rooted for gereven to be trans and poc is because this particular season is as you said all about “hope and support to overcoming your fears and showing the audience that everyone deserves to be loved and accepted for who they are” and to get this message across with a trans guy and man of color is at the very least remarkable and I dare say revolutionary. To have a trans guy to be the subject of desire, to have someone fight for him and love him and be there for him, support him is simply something we don’t see in media and yet it is so so so needed.
Lastly, I want to say. I heard people over the course of this week say that Druck is harsher than the other remakes. I see people in the tags or coming to my inbox having these fears of what’s to come. Fears that Jonas will be mad at Matteo, fears that David will be outed, fears that Matteo sink even deeper in his depression and tries to do the worst. But honestly I don’t think Druck is harsher. In fact I think Druck is one of the few if not the only remake that truly understands what Skam is about and understands that this is a show for teenagers and that it needs to give teenagers hope and not send them to despair. Yes Hell Week is hard. Of course it’s hard. But you got these glimpses of hope there. The boy squad reacting calmly to Matteo’s outburst, Hanna reaching out, Mr. Weed guy and of course today. Druck understood how important today was (unlike ehm ehm some remake). Druck understood that this scene needed to happen and it needed to happen exactly like this. So I have little worries about how the coming out on David’s part is gonna go because I think Druck understands. It understands when it can press harder but also that overall you need to give hope. Just like Skam understood that. I remember O Helga Natt. I remember the devastation but I also remember Isak texting Eskild. a glimpse of hope. I remember the next morning Isak’s mom sending him the message that she always loved him. Hope. In those dark times there was hope (which is why I hated how skamfr never really seem to understand that).
Anyway this got away from me and I feel like I’m answering something completely different at this point but like I said I’m a mess so…
Thank you for sending me this and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day
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shadowhuntersloving · 6 years
So a lot of people are probably gonna hate me for what I'm about to say. I'm actually a bit worried about how many, but we're gonna do this anyway because I need this off my chest now that s3 of Skam France is close to its end(it hurts just saying it). 
Actually Yann's "Episode 9, it's almost over" made me emotional enough to write all of this. So thank him for that. Yeah.
I don't even know my exactly point yet, but I'm gonna start ranting: I love s3 of Skam France. I will be honest, I haven't seen s1 and s2 yet. I have heard so many bad things about it, and to begin with, I was one of those people who didn't understand why we needed remakes of the same story. I was one of those people. But I realise I have been TOTALLY wrong. Skam France is the only remake I have really watched through, and then the OG. I have seen some of Skam Italia, but it didn't capture me the same way. As soon as I started Skam France s3, I was mesmerized. I didn't know it was possible to get THIS invested.
Back when I just started Skam OG, I also first found out about the show during s3. It was everywhere, and as someone who watched Eyewitness at the time, and is still a Shadowhunters fan, it popped up on tumblr. I believe that was where I saw it first. Then I went to youtube and started watching, and I was hooked like no other. The show had an earthi-ness to it(I don't think that's a word lol). I related to the characters. And I just generally really liked it. 
However, the difference between back then and now, was that I wasn't really 'a part of' the fandom as I feel like I am now. I wasn't reblogging stuff and commenting and all those things. I wasn't very active on social media, so I watched the show and...yeah. I didn't really have anyone to freak out over it with, or rather I did, I just didn't use it at the time, not thinking about it. But I don't know how many times I have rewatched scenes from s3.
S3 has a very special place in my heart. Not only do we have Evak, who are incredible, but as mentioned it is the first season where I discovered Skam, and my two best friends have MI. Even as MI too, so I could see that, like, feel it deeper than anything else, because of that. Therefore Even is also a very important character in the story for me. 
Then I came across Skam France, after long long time of not being involved with anything Skam, and I can't even remember how I found it, but I'm SO happy I did. I came in around right before episode 7, I believe, so I haven't been here from the beginning, sadly. I kind of hate that to be honest, because it feels like everything have gone faster because of that. But that's not my point. My point is that I found out how much I actually love Skam France s3. Yes, it's the same story overall, but the actors, the cinematography, how deep they are going into the characters, how filled with emotion it is, everything. I love the changes they made to Even and Isak's characters too. 
For example, the intensity of it all. You really feel everything. It's very emotion-filled, and I love when a series can do that to me. Also, how bold Lucas is and what a dork Eliott is, like, how can you not love them? Plus the chemistry Maxence and Axel has, both on screen and off screen. Their friendship is so pure. And Maxence's livestreams gives me life, seriously. The whole raccoon and hedgehog. Another big thing I love, which we have seen in this latest clip, is that there is not a division between the boy and girl squad. They are one big group. 
So I'm just gonna say it straight out: At a lot of points, I like Skam France's s3 more than the OG Skam's s3. Now, please don't get mad. I know what you're thinking, and I agree. All of the remakes have their own charm, their own ups and downs, none are better than the other. But taking in a personal opinion, in this case mine, I as a person likes Skam France s3 more in several ways. Like that Lucas hangs out with the boy AND girlsquad and supports them both. As I mentioned above, there is no division. This is one of the things that I have never liked about the OG. 
But it's not 'just' about the show to me, I think: It's also about watching the live streams, seeing the interviews, seeing gifs, reblogging and commenting with you guys, the fandom. I didn't do all of that when I saw the OG. I didn't have that 'bond' with the show. But I have that bond with Skam France. I go on here to find updates all the time, and I get so emotionally invested in the story, and can see others doing that as well. I don't know, it gives me a much different feeling than what I had with the OG. Somehow this bond is just stronger, and a lot of it is thanks to you guys. I feel like I'm actually a part of this, like many others. Which also means it's so hard for me to say goodbye to Lucas. I loved his season, and I still do. I have already rewatched the clips too many times for my own good. Axel is such an incredible actor, but so is Maxence, and if I hadn't found Skam France, I wouldn't have found out how amazing these two precious people are. And how much I could freak out over instagram posts ahaha xD. But it's the fact that I am that invested that it's so hard to say goodbye, and I have to remind myself that it's not a goodbye. You guys aren't going away. You're still gonna be there, and so is Lucas and Elliot, but this time they will be in the background. That is okay. I will miss them deeply because they hold a special place in my heart, as mentioned earlier s3 is the first season where I found out about Skam in the first place, and my two best friends have MI, so Eliott's character also have great meaning to me. But they won't go away. They will still be there. 
I think what I have to get used to is the lack of Maxence and Axel. Livestreams, interviews and such. I hope they won’t go away completely because they make me so happy. They are like a walking sun for me lol.
Also, I am really hoping that we can get that s5, and that it will be about Eliott. I want to know more about MI, but not from reading on a website, I want to actually see it being represented in a good and healthy way on TV, which we sadly don't get a lot, if at all, and I don't want him to just be 'Lucas' bipolar boyfriend'. No, that man has SO much more to tell! Please David, Niels and Julie: Give him the chance to. So let's knock the views out of the park, and show them just how much we want it! :D
Yeah, that got a little side tracked I know, but that is honestly also a part of my point: Because if we get an Eliott season, a character that means so much to me, that would make me thrilled, and I will be so happy, also on behalf of my friends. Really, we need to have MI shown in a healthy way, and I feel like this is an opportunity we can't miss. Plus, it will be a season that hasn't been made before, because it's not part of the OG, and I find that really exciting!
So, short story told: I'm a mess, what a surprise, I love you guys, I love all of the cast, and I will miss Lucas' season way too much.
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