#Republican Leaders
dencyemily · 8 months
Trump Pledges Opposition to Federal Reserve's Digital Currency in Presidential Bid
In a bold move during his 2024 presidential campaign, former U.S. President Donald Trump pledged to oppose the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by the Federal Reserve. Speaking in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on January 17th, Trump emphasized his commitment to safeguarding Americans' freedom, categorically stating he would "never allow" the introduction of a CBDC. His stance resonates with other Republican leaders, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, highlighting broader concerns within the party about potential government overreach in personal finance.
Trump's concerns center around the notion that a government-controlled digital currency poses a threat to freedom and privacy. He contends that such a currency could grant excessive power to the government over individuals' financial matters, potentially enabling unauthorized interventions.
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vamprisms · 1 year
i see they're already arresting protesters in london today. Hell
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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arson-09 · 1 month
Have been seeing some discussion again about tamlin being a good High Lord or not and I just have to remind everyone of one of the best little facts from acotar I never really seen mentioned.
Acotar, Chapter 25 Page 221
She [Alis] simply said, "Summer Solstice. The main celebration used to be at the Summer Court, but... Things are different. So now we have one here, too. You're going."
"so now we have one here too..." Because of amarantha and Tamlin being just a good person he allowed anyfae from any court to come to spring. And because no one could really go back to their courts for their respective solstice celebrations, Tamlin made sure Spring Celebrated all of them
I just think that's such a cool fucking thing. That Tamlin cared for the people coming to spring for safety, and he made changes to help everyone feel comfortable and at home. He cares about the people who live in Spring, he cares so damn much :(((
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republikkkanorcs · 8 months
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sher-ee · 5 months
The other day I responded to a video that was discussing how utterly stupid Trump was. I had responded that we (America) must look like a bunch of kooks to the outside world. Man, the responses I got from people in other countries confirming what I said was accurate was an eye opener. We have become a HUGE joke thanks to this insufferable daft prick and his GOP knob heads.
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deadpresidents · 6 months
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"Johnson is an insolent, drunken brute in comparison with which Caligula's horse was respectable."
-- Senator Charles Sumner (R-Massachusetts) on President Andrew Johnson
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
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vintageseawitch · 10 days
former democrat sell-out tulsi gabbard seems to have a problem with people calling trump "the modern day hitler."
...does she realize what jd couch lover vance said about him just a few years ago before selling what was left of his soul to the likes of peter thiel for $15mil? or does that cancel out now that he's also proven that he stands for nothing & falls for anything much like herself?
she's so full of shit that she believed that trump stayed focused on policies the entire time. should we be concerned that they believe in delusions?
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juniestar · 7 days
How on earth is harris v trump a tight race??? How do ppl look at donald trump having SEEN the way he acted in his presidential term, seen his LENGTHY criminal record, seen the fact that NOBODY else in his party aside from some loose hanging cultists wants to associate with him, seen the way he literally incited riots after losing an election which resulted in at least seven deaths, seen his total lack of coherent policy plan, and think yeah well but Kamala is a cop. Which isn’t even fucking true
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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It’s official: All nine of South Dakota’s tribes have now voted to ban Gov. Kristi Noem (R) from their lands.
The final tribe still holding out hope for a productive relationship with the state’s governor, the Flandreau Santee Sioux, made the decision to join their counterparts Tuesday, just a week after telling The Daily Beast that they had no plans to do so.
A tribal leader told the Argus Leader that the Flandreau Santee Sioux executive council made the decision after hearing from a number of citizens who urged them to banish Noem—saying that many on the reservation were “uncomfortable and upset” with the council’s decision to wait so long in the first place. One attendee of the council’s Tuesday meeting told the local newspaper that the matter led to a “pretty heated discussion.”
Noem angered Indigenous American communities earlier this year by suggesting that tribes in her state were in league with Mexican drug cartels and blaming Indigenous parents for their children’s poor academic performance—leaving them unemployed and with “no hope.”
The comments led to her to be rapidly declared persona non grata by most of the tribal nations in South Dakota, starting with the Crow Creek, Sisseton Wahpeton, Oglala, Cheyenne River, Standing Rock, and Rosebud Sioux tribes, which account for nearly all of the reservation land in the state—almost 20 percent of the its total area.
Leadership of the Yankton Sioux Tribe has also voted to express its support for a similar ban, though it has yet to make an official decision on the matter.
Prior to its decision, leaders of the Flandreau Santee Sioux tribe reportedly held one last meeting Sunday with Gov. Noem in the Capitol, one they described to the Argus Leader at the time as “respectful and productive.”
Noem released her own statement following the meeting, writing that it was “never my intent to cause offense by speaking truth to the real challenges that are being faced in some areas of Indian country.”
“It is my hope that the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe will give us the opportunity to partner together in a way that can be an example for all,” she added.
But just two days later, the tribe’s leadership committee decided that it just could not let her comments go unpunished.
“We need to stand in solidarity with our fellow tribes in South Dakota, the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ,” Tyler Rambeau, a tribal leader, told the local newspaper during a recess in Tuesday’s meeting. “We do not want to come up on the wrong side of history in this moment.”
When reached for comment on her banishment from tribal lands, Gov. Noem told The Daily Beast: “I only want to speak truth to the real challenges that are being faced in some areas of Indian Country. I want to focus on solutions that lead to safer communities for all our families, educational outcomes for all our children, and declining addiction numbers for all our people. We cannot tackle these issues without addressing the problem: dangerous criminals who perpetuate violence and illegal activities in all areas of our state. We need to take action. It is my hope tribal leadership will take the opportunity to work with me to be an example of how cooperation is better for all people rather than political attacks.”
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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7loveneverfails · 4 months
I keep seeing people discuss the Trump case like, "Oh, you think it's bogus? You're so ignorant it's spelled out in the indictment."
"So what was he charged with?"
"It says right there, did you even read it?"
"What do you think he was charged with?"
"If you can't understand what is so obvious, I can't help you."
I don't think I have seen anyone say what he was charged with clearly. I couldn't make heads or tails of the documents. It just really looks bad to me. Going down this road was a huge deal, there should be a damn clear reason why we did it.
And there isn't.
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hemlockvarnish · 29 days
Harris’ DNC speech made me wanna die, dems are fully just republicans from 20 years ago, my jaw dropped when she said she would make sure our military was the “most lethal” in the world like okay didn’t realize that this voter base supported more war
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