#Ric Lee
longliverockback · 1 month
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Ten Years After Woodstock 1969 2024 Chrysalis ————————————————— Tracks LP One: 1. Spoonful 2. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl [false start] 3. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl 4. The Hobbit 5. I Can’t Keep from Cryin’ Sometimes
Tracks LP Two: 1. Help Me 2. I’m Going Home —————————————————
Chick Churchill
Alvin Lee
Ric Lee
Leo Lyons
* Long Live Rock Archive
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princessxpunk · 7 months
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I'm going to miss this team so much. Thank you for all the great memories Sting!
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
Fantasy Booking:WCW never goes out of business
In March of 2001, AOL TimeWarner sold off WCW and all it's trademarks, championships, many of it's wrestlers and their entire tape library to the World Wrestling Federation. This happened, because on top of WCW's declining ratings in the Monday Night Wars (thank you SO much Vince Russo), AOL had no interest in airing wrestling on TNT anymore.
So now, we explore an alternate timeline of events, where Eric Bischoff and Fusient Media, beat the WWF in purchasing WCW from AOL TimeWarner in spring of 2001.
So now, Bischoff has basically paid out of pocket to keep WCW out of the hands of the uncaring WWF and it's monster of a CEO. So, what now? Well, WCW would most likely be nearly broke at this point, and would have very little money left to spend. Many lower-card wrestlers would likely get benched, and weekly shows would ALL get cancelled. This includes: Nitro and Thunder!
WCW would be forced to do what TNA did initially in our timeline: do PPV's ONLY, until they could find a new channel to air their weekly programming. Now, it just so happens, that later that same year, the WWF's flagship show: Monday Night Raw, would leave it's traditional home: the USA Network, to begin a four year stint on Spike TV. The USA Network experienced a HUGE loss with this change, and that's where WCW would step in. WCW even in it's worst days, were getting higher weekly ratings than TNA did in it's PRIME. So, needless to say, a now wrestling deprived USA Network, would pick up Nitro and the Monday Night Wars would be BACK ON.
Throughout all of this, Scott Steiner and Booker T, would likely remain on top of the mountain in WCW. Due to many wrestlers getting released, the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team titles would likely be retired, as would the Hardcore title. With Nitro's re-airing, WCW bring back the Television championship, which is put on the line in a tournament which is won either by a creatively deprived mid-carder (Billy Kidman), or a promising rookie (AJ Styles).
Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash would most likely NOT return to this new WCW. Instead, like many other wrestlers, they would sit at home and let their AOL TimeWarner contracts expire and would most likely join the WWF in early 2002 like they did IRL. Sting on the other hand, I could imagine returning to weekly programming, along with Diamond Dallas Page. DDP was willing to join the WWF IMMEDIATELY after WCW's cancellation IRL, so I think he'd come back to WCW instead of waiting it out. As for Sting, WCW was his home and he refused to join the WWF for many years. I think his loyalty would shine through, and he'd return as well.
Rey Mysterio Jr would wait out his contract like IRL and would get offers from both WWF and WCW. He'd agree to return to WCW, only if they gave him his mask back. Whether Bischoff agrees is up to him and him alone. Hopefully he lets him have it back.
AJ Styles, at least I HOPE, would remain employed by WCW. I think at this point in his career, Styles wouldn't dare leave a company like WCW, that could really help him get a foot in the door. His tag partner, Air Paris, would most likely be released. I think anyone could see Styles potential even this early on, and he'd be worth keeping in the long run. Hopefully, Bischoff would agree with me on that.
WCW's ratings would DEFINTELY increase throughout the 2000's. They'd actually be able to compete with WWE in my opinion, both because fans started losing interest in WWE frequently throughout the decade, and WCW has a LOT more legitimacy as a company than TNA did. TNA lost the second Monday Night War so definitively, because people couldn't take them seriously. WCW with it's rich history, is a very different story.
Now, when considering WCW in the long run, we have to sit back and ask ourselves, what wrestlers would NEVER join WCW? Well, here's a list of wrestlers I think wouldn't be on the table for WCW:
The Undertaker - Similar to Sting with WCW, Taker is a WWF man through and through. There's no WAY he would ever jump ship.
Kane - Same reason as the Undertaker.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Austin would hold a grudge against Eric Bischoff for his unjust firing in 1995 while he was out with injury. Even when he walked out on the WWF in 2002, Austin wouldn't be caught dead on WCW programming.
The Rock - Rock's loyalty to the WWF would remain intact. The WWF made him a star, and he wouldn't forget that. Plus, WWF would finance his early films like IRL, making him a WWF-lifer.
Eddie Guerrero - Guerrero hated the way he was treated in WCW, hence why he left them in 2000. Would be unlikely to ever return, even when WWF briefly fired him.
Chris Benoit - Benoit also left WCW in a huff in 2000 for the same reasons as Eddie. Even being crowned WCW World champion, wasn't enough to keep Benoit around, so I see no reason why he'd budge.
Randy Orton - Bob Orton Jr never went to WCW during the Monday Night Wars, and I couldn't imagine him doing so in the early 2000's either. So therefore, his son Randy, would only get his wrestling career opportunity in WWE.
Batista - Had previously been rejected from the WCW Powerplant, and was told he would never make it in the business. Batista would NEVER forget that, and wouldn't think twice about joining and staying with the WWE instead.
Daniel Bryan - William Regal and Shawn Michaels trained him to wrestle. He would of course want to join them in WWE.
The Miz - WCW wouldn't even let him in the door, let's be honest.
I'm sure there's plenty of other people I'm missing, but for now let's go with this.
Now, I do believe WCW would operate somewhat like TNA did in its early years. Apart from the PPV-exclusive format WCW would operate with throughout most of 2001, it would also likely feature a lot of the same wrestlers. However, it's also important to note, that TNA would NEVER exist in this timeline. Jeff Jarrett formed it because WCW shut down and he knew WWF wouldn't want him after what he pulled in 1999. So, he formed TNA, so he'd have a non-WWF promotion to call home. In this timeline, WCW never closes, so Jarrett remains in WCW and TNA is never formed.
In 2004, Brock Lesnar would be picked up by WCW. Brock left WWE IRL in 2004, because they're schedule was too much for Brock to handle. WCW prided itself in it's lighter schedule, and Brock would be the biggest free agent in wrestling. Lesnar would agree, on the condition that he be given extended periods of inactivity in order to pursue the NFL (and later UFC), which WCW would agree to do. Anything to get Lesnar. In fact, I'd bet that many UFC fighters would join WCW. Eric Bischoff has a real appreciation for MMA and other contact sports, and we'd likely see a lot of UFC/WCW cross-promotions.
WCW throughout the 2000's, would also likely hire all the big indie stars not signed by the WWE. CM Punk is a definite in my opinion. Although, I could also imagine Punk joining WWE instead, since Paul Heyman was the one who vouched for him, and Heyman was in WWE, NOT WCW. However, if WCW values wrestling (which it normally did), then WCW would come knocking on Punk's door.
Samoa Joe would be a definite yes for WCW. I'm honestly surprised Joe ever went to WWE, considering how rude Jim Ross apparently was to him early in his indie career. With no TNA, Joe would go to WCW and would quickly rise to the main event.
Kurt Angle would likely join WCW in 2006, after leaving the WWE like he did IRL. He'd be a MAJOR signing for WCW, and would definitely help further boost ratings.
Other people I could imagine joining WCW throughout the years include:
Bobby Lashley
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Jon Moxley
Lance Archer
Big Show
AJ Lee
Charlotte Flair
Gail Kim
Awesome Kong
Jay Lethal
Richie Steamboat
Again, I'm sure I've missed a lot of people, but these ones all stick out to me personally.
Some effects WCW's presence would have on WWE, include the fact that Evolution would never be formed (at least not in the same way). There's a VERY real chance that Triple H and Shawn Michaels could both have joined WCW, if Hall and Nash had decided to stay in WCW. If not, then Ric Flair definitely would've stayed in WCW, and Evolution might not have happened at all.
Another thing is that John Cena might never have become a big deal. WWE came very close to firing Cena, and there's a chance that because of the butterfly effect, Stephanie McMahon never discovers his rapping ability, and Cena is fired. If that's the case, Cena probably wouldn't have gone to WCW, since they wouldn't see much value in a kid who at the time, had no visible charisma and was fairly average in the ring.
Cody Rhodes also never would've joined WWE or formed AEW. Dusty Rhodes and Goldust would've stayed in WCW instead of joining the WWF, and thus Cody would be trained in the WCW Powerplant and debuted on Nitro in 2007. Cody would be treated a LOT better than IRL, and would've become one of WCW's biggest players of the 2010's. No mistreatment by WWE, means no Stardust, no American Nightmare, no AEW, and no run in WWE period. Cody would be WCW-bound for life.
The Hardy Boyz would also be WCW-bound. Jeff was fired from WWE in 2003 after refusing to go to rehab. He'd be a hot free agent that WCW couldn't possibly pass up. Matt would join him in 2005, when WWE fires him for his online post about Edge and Lita's affair.
Ring of Honor would still exist, but probably wouldn't rise to prominence like IRL, since ROH became popular because of WCW's demise. When WCW shut down, people yearned for an alternative to WWE. But now, WCW is still around and thus ROH is a lot more obscure. If WCW got to a point of getting rich again, I could imagine them buying it out like Tony Khan did IRL. The wealth of talent ROH could provide WCW with would be INSANE.
Now, if CM Punk DID join WCW, then he never would've retired in 2014. He would be likely treated a little better, get no staph infection, and would remain active throughout the entirety of the 2010's. He'd probably never marry AJ Lee sadly, although I could imagine Lee going to WCW, since WWE's women's division was AWFUL for a long time. Then again WCW's wasn't that much better honestly, though hopefully that would change in this timeline.
The nWo would absolutely be revived at some point, with new members. CM Punk would be a FANTASTIC nWo leader.
The WWE as a whole, would probably be a better overall product. Vince wouldn't get an inflated ego from purchasing both ECW and WCW, and would still operate like he did in the Attitude Era. WWE would still lose viewers after the deaths of Eddie and Benoit. WWE would still go PG and despite the ongoing Monday Night Wars, Vince McMahon CLEARLY has mental health problems in real life, so it wouldn't stop him from micromanaging. WWE would remain out of touch with it's fans and continue pushing wrestlers that fans don't like. With Edge, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker and Batista all leaving WWE in 2010 and 11, plus with Cena possibly never becoming a main eventer, WWE suffers a LOT in the early 2010's, helping WCW gain even more fan support with better promos and matches.
WCW would form a working partnership with NJPW, which would really help them even more, since it would get them wrestlers like Kenny Omega, Shinsuke Nakamura, Jushin Liger, Jay White and Kazuchika Okada to perform on Nitro. Just IMAGINE THAT.
By today, WCW would be more popular than WWE and AEW in our timeline. It would get millions of viewers a week, and WWE would likely become a shell of it's former self. The wrestling landscape is a lot healthier, with viewers and performers having a different place to watch/wrestle, that was actually on WWE's level. TNA suffered because it was a lesser promotion, with a short history, and a roster of WWE's leftovers. Plus it was run by Vince Russo and Dixie Carter. Ugh.
WCW surviving would've been the best thing possible for wrestling as a whole. We can blame Vince McMahon, for yet another thing he robbed the world of. Thank you so so much Vince. We REALLY appreciate it.
The current champions for WCW are as follows:
WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Cody Rhodes
WCW United States Champion: Seth Rollins
WCW Women’s Champion: Charlotte Flair
WCW World Television Champion: AJ Styles
WCW World Cruiserweight Champion: Adam Cole
WCW World Tag Team Champions: FTR
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musicmags · 7 months
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disastersteps · 1 year
the energy of chargestep for anita is funny when it comes to ric and jules and you can tell-
anita hates ric but cares abt him sm bc he was a brother figure to them, and they used to throw jabs at each other and the two laugh it off and just being bros, really, having a blast time, hes a brother, hes a friend, he was a best friend after themmy, and yeah-
anita hates jules but loves her sm it hurts, she was a friend, a best friend after themmy, and their first and only crush, and yet the two always, always have something to talk about in a never ending hours, and sometimes, they're soft for each other without other knowing it-
and despite how different anita act toward these two-
anita will never ever stop lecturing them on expensive shit!!!!!! ORTEGA WHY ARE U IN GUCCI!?!?! (and they say it with love and platonic love at once-)
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kaitaiga · 2 years
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Hey guys! So it’s the weekend and I had ~some~ time to doodle today :D so why not spend it drawing tactical Daniel Riccardo aka Wyatt LOL
I wish I had more time to render this out more but alas, uni comes first D: hope you enjoy and as always, click for better quality
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draculovemp3 · 5 months
Gary I need to do a drag routine to love gun by kiss
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genevieveetguy · 2 months
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. I just don't know that I believe in everything you believe in. But I believe in you.
Footloose, Herbert Ross (1984)
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ringthedamnbell · 4 months
Wrestling With Sin: 489
This is the 489th installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker, underbelly of pro wrestling. Many of the stories involve such subjects as sex, drugs, greed and in some cases even murder!
Brian Damage This is the 489th installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker, underbelly of pro wrestling. Many of the stories involve such subjects as sex, drugs, greed and in some cases even murder! As with every single story in the Sin series, I do not condone or condemn the alleged participants. We simply retell their stories by researching…
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frankentyner · 2 years
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Part I
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amakumos · 7 months
enhypen as f1 fans - headcanons.
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SYNOPSIS. enhypen as f1 fans this is literally just it
GENRE. probably just crack
AUTHOR'S NOTE. this is literally just for fun and i love lando norris. lmk what else you would want to add if u like f1 and enha... let me know what types of fans theyd be... not tagging taglist in this cuz its not that serious of a fic
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favourite team: aston martin
favourite track: spa-francorchamps
favourite driver: fernando alonso / lewis hamilton
heeseung also gives me the vibe that he likes red bull as well! i think he definitely wouldn't be mad if a rb driver won, but would prefer drivers from his favourite team
he's definitely gone to races before. occasionally buys paddock passes.
had the time of his life in the first half of the 2023 season when aston was good... after the upgrades (more like downgrades) he's been going through it...
but i think he'd still have hope.
the kind of guy to quit watching the race if his favourite driver dnfs
buys merch like a crazy person
loves fernando’s tiktok account with a burning passion. probably uses them as reaction memes in the gc
will lose his shit when fernando or lewis retires.
has a soft spot for oscar
bashes his head against the wall when his fav driver has a slow pitstop
the kind of guy to yell at the tv when the result outcome is terrible
"i'm never watching formula 1 again" he says when his fav doesn't make it to the points... and then proceeds to turn the tv back on the next race week
probably has a selfie with his fav driver (and probably cried a little bit after)
uses that video of fernando's celebration dance as a way to get out of awkward conversations
the first guy to like fernando's new tiktoks whenever they r posted
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favourite team: mercedes
favourite track: circuit of the americas
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / sebastian vettel
honestly i feel like everyone in enha loves lewis
lost his shit when seb retired
i think he also likes nico rosberg as well. seems like a brocedes guy (he sheds tears every time someone brings brocedes up tho)
would sacrifice his right lung for another lewis hamilton win
would gladly help seb build his bee hotels in suzuka
paddock passes every time when he goes and watches f1.
probably has selfies with every driver that he likes
hes just a mercedes guy through and through
he's loyal to his team! if ur a mercedes driver, jay loves u AUTOMATICALLY.
probably died a bit on the inside when george and lewis had contact on turn 1 in qatar 2023
not a red bull fan. im sorry
but he sometimes thinks about turning into a red bull fan because life as a red bull fan is much less depressing compared to being a merc fan
misses the merc domination era
probably on f1twt and is famous there
people know him for having selfies w the drivers and always buying paddock passes. he's a rich guy what can i say
another guy who yells at the screen during a race
whenever merc has disappointing strategies he just sighs and thinks: "i could do a better job"
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favourite team: ferrari
favourite track: monza / monaco
favourite driver: charles leclerc
he goes through it every single weekend. every weekend he is constantly disappointed by ferrari and at this point he is considering to quit watching f1
only cares about charles. loves that man with his life
he also likes oscar and danny ric as well, because they're australian
you know how every italian man is in love with charles? they post stuff on their story like "met my husband😍" and it's a pic of them and charles? that's jake. he is him
jake reminds me of that one fan who made charles a pizza and gave it to him in person. like that’s lowkey some shit that he would do
picks up on phrases that charles says. mainly "it's like this" ...
prays every single weekend for charles to get good results (he is always disappointed)
wanted to die when he saw charles' slow pit stop at the dutch gp in 2023... they had NO TYRES and jake threw the remote control at the screen
has charles merch. definitely bought the monaco special edition hat. probably buys apm monaco for charles too
he's definitely gone to races before. probably bought paddock once but he will never do that again his wallet was crying
was 100% in the crowd during charles' 2019 monza win. also shed tears during that moment
"BURN THE SF23" is the most tweeted thing on his f1twt account of the 2023 season
argues with sunghoon all the time over f1 because sunghoon is a red bull fan... but secretly they're literally lecstappen
in general jake would sacrifice his entire life for charles leclerc and... he's so real for that
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favourite team: red bull
favourite track: zandvoort / red bull ring
favourite driver: max verstappen
the only one enjoying the 2023 season
because his favourite driver always wins
the only one in enha whos NEVER disappointed whenever a race happens
yells rlly loud whenever max wins (so basically every race weekend) and the rest of the enha boys just look at him like 😒
probably has like 5 red bull shirts in his closet and sleeps in them
defends max with his life. probably has a twitter account w the user onlyverstappen and you'll see him bashing the shit out of max haters
prob bought a max mini helmet. almost bought the max verstappen christmas sweater (hes a dedicated fan what can i say)
big maxiel fan. would sacrifice everything for a max and daniel pairing again because he thinks they're funny together
likes max bc of his humour as well
watches youtube videos about f1 like "every f1 driver getting mad at nikita mazepin" or like "funny f1 driver radio moments"
the kind of guy to save every max edit into his camera roll (hes in love what can i say)
started drinking red bulls because of his love for the team… he says it’s his way of supporting them
fan of liam lawson too. needs him to get a seat and he does not care with what team. he just needs to see that man in a f1 car ASAP...
has been to f1 races, bought paddock once to go with jay. max won that race and he never shuts up about how he saw max verstappen win with his own two eyes
has the same passion towards f1 as jake except he lives in a constant state of happiness due to red bull's dominance while jake lives in a constant state of depression
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favourite team: alphatauri / williams
favourite track: singapore
favourite driver: yuki tsunoda / alex albon
big yuki fan. thinks his radios are funny
he's not too invested in f1 but watches occasionally
loves alex bc of how he's somehow able to drag a williams into the points
he's pretty quiet when he's watching f1 i feel
feels like the kind of guy to just sit on the couch and be like "hmm. good job" or like "oh. maybe next time..."
mainly bc his fav drivers and teams arent fighting for podiums or championships... but he hopes that they'll be able to someday
he's that one rlly lucky fan that could just be walking around in the same city as his fav f1 driver and just bump into them on the street
doesn't hate any team and doesn't hate any driver. he's a pretty chill f1 fan
the ONE time sunoo probably got pissed was when yuki was on his formation lap and his engine broke down... meaning he didn't start
wanted to punch smth because How in the World
probably bought one of yuki's mini helmets bc he thinks its cute. "good room decor" - kim sunoo 2023
probably has a yuki or alex cap but that's as much merch as he'll buy tbh
likes the yuki / daniel combo for alphatauri but also thinks nyck should've been given a bit more time
probably hasn't been to an f1 race in person... if he went i don't think he'd buy paddock unless one of the other members bought it and brought him along
keeps up w f1 news from twitter or from jake bc he never stops talking about how ferrari’s fucking up charles' strategy again
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favourite team: mclaren
favourite track: silverstone
favourite driver: lando norris / oscar piastri
no, i’m not just saying jungwon is a lando enjoyer just because i am (maybe a little bc i’m biased BUT)
they’re both just adorable so what can i say really
depressed at the beginning of the season when the mclaren boys were driving a fucking TRACTOR for a car
landoscar enthusiast. i don’t make the rules… he and jake remind me of landoscar kinda… like jake would be a lando and jungwon would be an oscar
would do anything (I MEAN ANYTHING) for a lando win… me too
spends money on lando merch (HOODIES!) and prob wears it bc the designs r insanely cool
sits in silence in the corner when it’s a bad race week for his faves… like he’s crazily silent to the point where it’s scary. it's giving eye twitches vibes
gets hyped for race week tho he’s the kinda guy to have every race logged in his calendar
makes maeumi watch f1 with him. unfortunately maeumi is not a mclaren fan much to his disappointment
if you hate lando or oscar he will hate you. defends them with his life and trust and believe me he will win.
is on f1twt, pretty well known on there (he just tweets random shit and gets 1k likes and hes like... Wtf)
attends races whenever he can, prob not paddock cuz he thinks it’s not really worth it bc of how expensive they are
used to mclaren being good now compared to the start of the season so he’s devastated when they’re not top 5
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favourite team: mercedes (ferrari later tho...)
favourite track: suzuka
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / yuki tsunoda / kimi raikkonen
lewis fan because he’s the goat, yuki fan bc he thinks he’s funny and bc they’re both japanese, kimi fan because well... hes KIMI
riki’s prob been invested in f1 since he was a kid, definitely the most involved / passionate w motorsports
probably watches other motorsport series too! pretty sure he’s talked about formula e, and i could see him enjoying indycar and motogp
yk how lewis released that collab w fortnite? riki prob bought the skin and plays as lewis in fortnite😭
loves roscoe!!! would want bisco and roscoe to meet tbh
wants lewis to win again SOOOO badly
prob has a picture with yuki and the height difference would be hilarious (yuki is 159cm)
i think he's a big fan of schumacher, senna, prost too, definitely been watching this sport for a WHILE!
in a complete state of SHOCK when it was revealed lewis would be going to ferrari
started learning italian on duolingo after the big announcement
has definitely been to a few f1 races (suzuka, silverstone & singapore are probably the ones he's been to)
probably gets invited as a guest of his favourite teams n shit it's crazy he's practically an influencer there
would start an f1 podcast for fun and it would go viral
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apas-95 · 6 months
it was a dark, drizzling evening (just like it always was) in space. Private space detective Ric Lee (he/they) was smoking an electronic cigarillo and leaning back in his/their chair. just then, a nonhuman superintelligence walked through the door, after two short knocks. it reasoned rationally across the office's span in two short strides, with semiotic legs that seemed to go on forever. bending over the detective's desk carefully, the superintelligence yanked a half-empty bottle of space whiskey out of his/their hands, downing it in two short minutes
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glitchaxolol · 2 months
So I’m going to a wrestling con at the end of November. And I have some people I wanna get but I have no clue how much they charge. So PLEASE, if you’ve gotten an autograph from one of them or a picture with them, comment or reblog with the price! Or if you know the price of someone but they aren’t on this list, you can still share because there’s still time for them to add people!
- Billy Gunn
- Carolina Cruz/Emma Diaz
- Danhausen
- Jeff Hardy
- Jordynne Grace
- Juice Robinson
- Kamille The Brickhouse
- Kayla Braxton
- Matt Riddle
- Sting(presumably expensive)
- The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens)
- Xia Lee/Xia Li
- Zilla Fatu
- Allie/ The Bunny
- Jim Ross
- Joe Hendry
- Sean Waltman/X-Pac
Here’s some I know the price of:
-Kevin Owens $40 pic or auto, $60 combo
-Matt Hardy $80 combo
-Ric Flair $100 pic or auto
-MJF $60 pic or auto, $100 combo
-Nic Nemeth $80 combo
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Fantastic Four (1961) #51 — Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Obviously, the big parallel in this story is meant to be between Ricardo and Ben, each being ostracized by society. However, with Ric's obsessive hatred and jealousy toward Reed Richards, I couldn't help but think of Doctor Doom.
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Despite Ricardo's initial bitterness toward Richards, once he actually met the man, he was completely humbled by his selflessness and altruism. He finally saw Richards for who he truly was, not who he believed him to be.
To me, it only further highlighted Doom's resentment toward Richards, who I couldn't ever imagine doing what Ricardo did by the end of this story: admitting he was wrong about Reed.
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Ric might've only been a one-issue antagonist, but this only added to the tragedy of his sacrifice. All we knew about this man was that he was a bitter scientist aiming to destroy the Fantastic Four, but in his last moments, he showed that he was always capable of being a good man.
What if he had met Richards in person sooner? Would he still have the same epiphany? Would he have still overcome his bitter nature?
Who knows, but I'd like to think he would've.
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disastersteps · 1 year
thinks about anita and their relationship with ricardo and julia be like-
anita @ ric: him? he kept asking me things i don't want to answer. i don't like him. hes honestly annoying and jokes on him, his charms doesn't work on me. :/ ended up becoming friends with him begrudgingly -
anita @ jules: her? she may have a pretty face, but i'm not a fool to know she's charming me. with her stupid questions and her stupid hot face. that's stupid and silly. ugh. she got them through, and now they're friends-
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shalomniscient · 6 months
sometimes a good neka can be so life changing. [nekas of sevchino family utc—]
link to the neka is here !
1. sevvy
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it’s me !! or as close as i could get with this neka LOL i cut my hair quite frequently actually and it’s not this long anymore, but i like to imagine i grow it out and keep it long with arle 😌😌
2. estelle
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first and eldest daughter !!
she grows up to be a terrifyingly good lawyer and handles any contracts her younger siblings have to sign.
her birthday is august 7th !
she has a 3 year age gap with noé, and a 6 year age gap with aymeric and amélie.
nickname/s: elle, ellie & starshine
3. noé
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second and middle child !!
he grows up to be the principal dancer of fontaine’s premiere ballet company. known to be very princely on stage, and his performances at the opera epiclese sell like hotcakes.
his birthday is august 9th !
he has a 3 year age gap with estelle and a 3 year age gap with aymeric and amélie.
nickname/s: little prince
4. aymeric
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third, and youngest child !!
he grows up to be an actor, after starting really young with his twin sister amélie. their breakout role was being cast in a horror film directed by furina, playing a pair of creepy, possessed twins. he gets typecasted mostly in romance roles.
his birthday is august 13th !
he has a 6 year age gap with estelle, a 3 year age gap with noé and a 3 hour age gap with amélie.
nickname/s: mer, ric & loverboy
5. amélie
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fourth and youngest child !!
she grows up to be an actress like her brother. she gets typecast into mainly action roles, but sometimes gets cast into romance/drama roles and always playing a particularly mean character.
her birthday is august 14th !
she has a 6 year age gap with estelle, a 3 year age gap with noé and a 3 hour age gap with aymeric.
nickname/s: lee & em
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