#Rissa reads
writingrissa · 2 years
I Can't Remember the Title
I read a synopsis for a book and I cannot remember the title. Does anyone recognize this book? I really want to read it.
It's a historical romance. The heroine was in an unhappy marriage and her husband dies. She does not want a mourning period to interfere with her sister's coming out so she puts him on ice and tells no one. Then his twin brother shows up and reveals that he is the actual duke (?) and his brother stole his title/identity.
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laesas · 1 year
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RamKing + Venus Flytrap || by kinnbig
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liamlawsonlesbian · 2 months
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torsamors · 7 months
the cold and the rust poetry collection by emily van kley…………
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bright-and-burning · 7 months
just had a category 5 brain malfunction (misread rissa’s tags on that jennifer’s body gifset like three fucking times)
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c2-eh · 1 year
Thanks for answering! I have to say not Piarlos 😭 sorry but I can't stand the guy.
Please tell me more about why you don't think it works in Charlos if you're comfortable. I love to read people's opinions!
Helloooo anon, I am so sorry for responding so late but these last days have been kinda hectic over here and I didn't want to give you half-assed answer. I hope you're still interested in this even though i took and eternity 🥲 (although this one doesn't make much sense either lmaooo I'm sorry).
About piarlos, fair tho I am slowly changing my mind about them too ngl.
Okay so for the record I don't have a problem with it, I read it and give chance to every fic, it's just not something i would actively look for yk. Or write - I wouldn't do it any justice so I leave it to competent people, which there is a lot of them <3
So I don't have any grandiose reasoning tho, I am not here to change anyone's mind, it's just simply not my fav. It sometimes feels too forced I guess? Sometimes people think bottoming = submissive puppet (which in this case means Carlos crawling on all fours because of Charles (not in a good way tho), which is just not Carlos to me) (also i hate supporting chirlies' agenda lmao). Also have you seen Carlos? Yeahhhh. Another issue is not Carlos issue, it's just Charles doesn't top 😔 (only when situation is right or if you're Lando). He's either pillow princess or power bottom nothing in between :)
Also overall, to me Carlos is the type to provide, esp in this... area. Plus don't get me wrong, I don't base my whole characterizations on top vs. bottom, so when I say I like top Carlos more doesn't mean he is not my bbg. Because he is ❤️
Honestly I think every man should get fucked (literally and figuratively) at least once, but that's that.
Basically, it really depends on the situation and the background of the relationship for me. I just don't vibe with it as much as I do when it's switched. Anyway, service top Carlos for the win, thank you, that's my established dynamic <3
Aaand I think i'll leave it at that! If you want to talk about this more, my dms are open!
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@dynamoprotocol sent: 💕Clarissa and Rick back when they were dating ,,uwu,, Ship meme: in-depth edition || Selectively accepting !
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How did they meet? ~ "O-One night we ran into each other a-at this random seedy pub in space. I-I guess that we bonded over having had a shitty day an-and a shitty life in general."
Who flirted with who first? ~ "I-I think it was me, that very same night, b-but shit, we were both so drunk. I-I don't fuckin' remember. I-It would track. S-She was a beautiful, witty, available woman, w-why the fuck I wouldn't have flirty with her, i-if she had let me?"
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? ~ "D-Definitely a fuckin' slow burn...even if not that slow. W-We started off as drinking buddies, an-and it didn't took much to get to friends with benefits. A-As for the romance part...tha-that took a while. T-The feelings were there, b-but...neither of us though tha-that dating was a good idea...u-until we decided that we didn't care."
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? ~ "A-As I mentioned it was a long road to the dating stage, s-so...yeah. I guess you could say tha-that we've been friends first."
What was their first date? ~ "I-I took her out on the beach, o-on this planet tha-that's basically made of crystals. T-Thinnest emerald sand, f-fuckin' spectacular amethyst waters an-and three suns setting. I-I wanted to go all out b-because...she had made me feel alive for the first time since...i-in a very long while. W-We went for a swim, had a picnic, danced under the stars...an-and had a real wild night of sex there too."
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? ~ "W-We usually go out to drink or-or I take her to concerts and parties. I-If we're not not in the mood for a crowd, w-we take my ship and go for a drive. I-I know a lot of cool places, i-in different dimensions, and...I-I want to share them all with her. I-If we do something more 'domestic', w-we stay in for some shitty soap opera an-and booze or I go to her place an-and we work on our projects."
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? ~ "O-Of fuckin' course! W-Why the hell would we stop j-just because we've been dating a while? Tha-That's demented. D-Dates and sex are the most fun shit in a relationship. I-If I have a say in it, w-we'll never stop having on dates."
What is their love language? ~ "W-We don't...you know, say shit out aloud. O-Or well, I don't, Clarissa is a little more...vocal. B-But I think we show it by spending time with each other. An-And being there to offer a sympathetic ear an-and share a bottle of liquor a-after one of us had a shitty day. I-I get her random presents too, sometimes. Y-You know, the 'this made me think of you' sort."
Who kissed who first? ~ "I-I did. As soon as she showed that she was interested, I-I cornered her against a wall an-and kissed the hell out of her."
Who started the relationship? ~ "Uh, t-that was her. S-She said...the words first. I-I didn't say it back, I-I wasn't ready, but...I asked her if it meant tha-that she was my girlfriend now an-and that's how we made it official."
Monogamy or Polyamory? ~ "M-Mandatory fourth wall break for this one, pffffft. W-We never openly said that we were exclusive back when we dated, b-but we still didn't sleep with anyone else. I-In a universe where there's both her an-and Rick...Damn. P-Poly would be the fuckin' best choice."
Are they/do they plan on getting married? ~ "A-Absolutely no. After...I-I will never marry again. I-I haven't even told her that I-I had a wife. I-I mentioned during a drunk talk tha-that I don't believe in marriage. B-But that's the only time the subject had come up."
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? ~ "W-We've never talked about it. S-Shit, our relationship is a whirlwind. An-And our lives are a fuckin' mess, f-for a lot of reasons. K-Kids wouldn't fit in it. An-And I don't want any. I-I doubt that she does."
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? ~ "...I-I had a daughter. C-Clarissa doesn't know, I-I haven't told this either. An-And I'm not planning to."
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? ~ "K-Kind of? I-I mean, shit, we both live pretty messy lives, s-so it happens that we don't see each other for a while. An-And we don't live together an-and we both have our own shit to take care of, s-so...routine isn't really our thing. B-But I make her breakfast if she stays the night, an-and we always bring each other a bottle w-when we pop in for an unannounced visit. An-And we sext when we can see each other for a few days."
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? ~ "W-We...don't. Not really. I-I guess we're both stubborn that way an-and we'd rather deal with it on our own. B-But I got her some alien medicines an-and painkillers a few times an-and she kicked me to bed and kept me there a-after I had caught a bad case of Atlaxian flu. S-So I guess that we're willing to stick around an-and take care of each other, b-but we do only when the other allows it."
How do they like to spend time together? ~ "D-Doing all the stuff I mentioned. G-Going out, drinking, making out an-and fucking, working on shit, exploring a little. I-I take her with me when I need a hand o-on adventures. An-And sometimes she takes me along to break into...s-some facilities or shit. I never ask. I-It's fun, I get to blow up shit, an-and that's all that matters to me."
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? ~ "I-I don't know about Clarissa, b-but mine is laying my head in her lap an-and just stay there. S-Sometimes she feeds me popcorn or shit, i-if we're watching TV, o-other times she plays with my hair. I-It feels...quiet. I-In a good way."
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? ~ "S-She's one of the most headstrong people I know. S-She's smart, witty, bold. I-I like that she doesn't mince words, an-and that she isn't scared to say what she thinks. I-I like how she can play me, an-and that she knows exactly how to make me do what she wants. S-She's just...her personality is fuckin' electrifying, an-and yeah, that's on purpose. An-And she's gorgeous. A-A hot hothead, damn. S-Sign me up."
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? ~ "W-We mostly sit with each other and drink. S-She never asks me to talk about it, an-and neither do I. I-If we feel like talking, w-we do, otherwise...we just keep each other company."
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? ~ "I-It's mostly me. A-As I said, I get her shit I find around w-while I'm doing my thing. S-She doesn't always like them, b-because, well...s-some stuff is objectively disgusting, b-but hey, I find it cool."
What position do they sleep in? ~
Do they bathe/shower together? ~ "F-From time to time. U-Usually the morning after we slept together or-or after a messy outing."
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? ~ "F-Fuck yeah, lots of other things. ~ An-Add we take our time, i-if neither of us has to run."
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? ~ "S-She can literally make electricity. W-What do you think?"
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? ~ "W-We switch. I-If I have some particular craving, I-I let her know, but I mostly go with whatever she's in the mood for. A-As long as she makes sure to shock me at least a bit e-every time we fuck."
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? ~ "S-Same as the top/bottom thing."
What is their favourite sex position? ~ "S-Shit that's a tough one. I-I think it's a tie between me lifting her up, p-pressing her against a wall and fucking her like that, an-and she is fucking me while keeping me pinned down."
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? ~ "H-Hell yeah! Y-You should see the stuff I find around, s-some people out there are goddamn crazy. A-At times in a really good way. W-We don't try everything I-I bring back, but Clarissa is pretty adventurous, s-so...let's say that we have a lot of unconventional fun.~"
Favourite place to have sex? ~ "F-For me? The back of my ship. I-It's messy and there's not much room, b-but it's intimate. An-And I just love how hearing the echoes o-of the sounds she makes."
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex? ~ "N-No gravity chamber. I-It's trickier than it looks, trust me."
How often do they fight? What about? ~ "W-We do, but not too much. U-Usually is about random shit, l-like if I touch something of hers I shouldn't touch or-or if she presses some subjects too much. B-But it's never big fights. M-Maybe we give each other the silent treatment for a day, an-and that's it. T-There was this one time we fought over our hair, pfffft. I-I don't even remember what I said, b-but she got offended an-and she mocked me for my bald spot."
Have they ever broken up? ~ "A-Again, fourth wall break...Y-Yeah, we did. An-And we didn't see each other for eight years after that."
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ~ "C-Calling it 'messy' is a fuckin' understatement. I-It was ugly, almost violent. T-The worst break up I've ever had. W-We hurt each other so badly tha-that we still feel it, e-even after all those years."
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mystellenia · 6 months
abby taking care of you after a shower ୨ৎ
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summary: after a long day and a well deserved shower, abby takes it upon herself to take care of you.
content: answer to this req!! DOCTOR ABBY 🤤🤤🤤 sfw!!! there's like implied sex at the end but it doesn't happen in this
notes: do u know how hard it was to just pick two pics for this. i guess i'll never know bc the extras i just couldn't not use will be at the bottom!!!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ she's just too sexy to only have two pics
(wc 1.1k)
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removing the shower head from the mount, you direct the water over your head to wash out the last of your hair mask. you'd taken a day to yourself after a long and particularly annoying week to pamper yourself in the shower, exfoliating your skin with various scrubs and creams. 
you wash the last of the product out of your hair, replacing the shower head in the mount and turning the water off. sliding the glass door open, you step over the tub and wrap your towel around you, dabbing your legs dry. when you walk out of the bathroom, you see abby in bed with her back perched up against the headboard, legs crossed at the ankle with an open book on her stomach. 
"hey," she lowly greets, looking over her glasses at you rummaging through the dresser for underwear. she watches as you pull out a simple, blue bralette with maroon underwear, smiling at how you never matched your bra and underwear. 
"hi," you say, dropping your towel to put on the underwear you selected and shaking your head at how she tries to subtly watch you. "which book are you reading?" 
her eyes flick up to you, then follow your gaze to the book in her lap, her head rearing as if she had forgotten about it. "oh, it's that ortho one you got me at the bookstore. the one with the x-rays we saw." 
"i see." you grab your discarded towel and begin squeezing it into your hair, drying it as much as you could with just a towel. your body oil sat on top of your nightstand, and you grabbed it and flipped the cap open to begin lathering it onto your skin. 
abby had been on the same page of her book since you came out of the shower, instead quietly watching you as you worked. once you started oiling your legs, though, she interrupted you, saying, "let me." 
your hand stills on your leg as you look up and hum in confusion, watching as abby retrieves her bookmark from her nightstand and sets her book aside, moving her glasses to perch on the top of her head. 
"come," she beckons, "lay on your stomach." 
you catch on to what she meant and obey, handing her the bottle of oil. as you lay down and stack your arms on top of one another to rest your head on them, you hear her shaking the bottle, and then the click of the lid coming off. 
her palms smooth over your back, the oil feeling heated from her perpetually hot hands. "so, how was your day, baby?" 
you fight to keep your eyes open, almost struggling to form a sentence at the sensation across your skin. remembering your day, you deeply sigh, "it was okay, just long. rissa kept going on about her son. and then someone that i don't know didn't show up so i had to take all their work. just little stuff, but it was annoying." 
"i know how you hate rissa and her talking," abby hums, removing her hands from your back to get more oil, then dragging down to knead the backs of your thighs, the warmth of her hands once again melting any tension your body held. 
the heels of hands make their way down your legs, pressing the oil into your calves and then your feet, making both of you laugh at your legs twitching from your ticklish feet. 
her hands quickly rub up your legs, tapping your thighs and saying, "okay, other side. flip over." 
you look over your shoulder at her and are met with her back, her figure turned around to get more oil. you flip onto your back, grabbing a pillow to put under your head so you can look up at her as she starts to massage the flesh of legs, grabbing at the fat on your hips. 
you two generally fall into a comfortable silence until you interrupt with the clearing of your throat, a sly smile toying on your lips when you notice her eyes lingering on your neck and boobs too long. 
"hey, abby?" you poke, lifting yourself up to prop up on your elbows.  
her head juts up to look at you so abruptly that her glasses almost fell onto the bed, her eyebrows raised up to her hairline. "yeah?" she responds, trying to hide the fact that she knows you saw her wandering eyes. 
"oh, nothing," you smile, nodding at your feet. "do my shins now, please." 
"okay," she answers, nodding her head as she re-enters her state of concentration. 
after five minutes, she finally finishes, massaging the rest of the oil on her hands into yours. "all done," she beams, lifting the back of your hand to her mouth to kiss it and smiling against the skin after. 
abby makes her way over your body, crawling in between your legs. "you look pretty in blue," she says, pausing after she looks down. "and maroon, too," she quipped, nipping at your cheek and making you laugh. 
she leans over to flick the light switch off, pulling her shirt over her head to remain in a bra so she could have her skin against yours. easily pulling you onto her chest, she draws the sheets up to your chin, kissing your forehead long and hard before resting her chin on your head. 
her head draws back, eyebrows drawn tightly together in faux concern. "you know, i didn't wanna say anything because i know how much you love work, but you're really burning up. don't you feel just so sick?" she purrs, clicking her tongue at her concocted diagnosis. "it's looking like you might even have to stay home—you know, just call in sick to rest?" 
you quickly catch on to what she was getting at, looking up at her as a smirk melts across your features. "actually, i think you're right. now that you mention it, i have been feeling quite faint," you hum. 
"a nice, hearty lunch at the cafe will heal you right up." 
"of course, doctor, we'll go tomorrow." 
"oh," she replies, surprised, "you need to sleep right now, but we will be revisiting that whole doctor thing later." 
"yes, dr. anderson," you tease, dodging her playful swats at your arm. 
she shakes her head and sighs defeatedly. "just go to sleep." 
"okay," you grin, a shit eating smile on your lips as you push up to kiss her. "good night." 
"good night, love." 
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glasses abby pic cred to mommy @r3starttt's pinterest of the same username. yall should take a little peekie poo bc her pics are bomb.
fun fact i named that annoying coworker after this annoying bitch i have in like two classes gosh she's such a Cunt. if you're reading this rissa you're a Cunt and everyone pretends to tolerate u. you're not cute you're not funny you're just rude 💘💘
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her with her sexy glasses on to read her sexy med book and be sexy
she's so cutie poopy pie head. also i think i most definitely will be doing a part two, or at least exploring dr. abby anderson md bc thats sauuurrrrrr hot.
this first pic right here is so good her eyes are so pretty. lash routine when?!?!!
tell me why it was so hard to find a pic of abby w glasses on pinterest?? like i had to find a pic here on tumblr and then image search it on pinterest like gosh.
click here!! oh and here too!! ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
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Omg thank you so much for ~What the Body Wants~ it was so good!! No! Sorry, that's not it. It was hot, like, so hot!! I loved reading it! Somehow i found it a bit funny too and that always a win😁 there's something about that sex pollen that i find so intertaining, i don't no why. Maybe because they're just so out of control and they act on pure lost, i don't know. Oh.....and the little masturbation session.... i didn't see it coming at all and i thought it was a really good idea!! And Larissa saying "i like you bra" come on Larissa, can you be more obvious?😅❤
Thank you again, i'm so glad you wrote it😊❤
Thank you so so so much!! 🥹 Ready for the part 2… 😏 Thank you all for your patience 💞 I got some inspiration from @syrupy-sweet-honey & @shiftingplates for this one. Hope you Enjoy 😘
What the Body Wants Pt. 2 ~Larissa Weems xFem Teacher!Reader
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Link to Part 1
Mommy… Master List
Requests Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, past smut, implied drugging/ambrosiac, implied future smut, shapeshifted d!ck, g!p fucking, d!ck riding, overstimulation, pain kink, praise kink, more implied smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
The second you walked into Larissa’s office, she had you pinned against the door.
“Fuck it…” she growled.
Her lips smashed onto yours. You moaned eagerly into the kiss.
“Please ‘Rissa need more…!” You mewled in desperation.
“Oh Darling, I could go all night…” Larissa breathily moaned.
“I’m gonna hold you to that…” you groaned, wiggling your eyes suggestively at her.
Larissa then grabbed your hand and placed it over her now apparent bulge.
She’s a shapeshifter… Fuck, that’s right…
Your breath hitched and your eyes fluttered from her bulge back up to blonde’s eyes.
“Please…” you breathlessly pleaded.
Larissa then picked you up with ease and carried you into her private quarters. She slammed and locked the door was ease, as you stripped down to nothing with ease, still scolding yourself internally for having lost your knickers. You later yourself out on her bed, propping yourself up with your elbows, as Larissa tantalizingly removed her dress and the rest of her garments, until she was just as nude as you. You gulped.
Fuck was she big…
The blonde then crawled on top of you, spreading your legs with ease. Her eyes were just as desperate as yours. They had a glossy coating of lust, so thick it was now extremely apparent how much the aphrodisiac was affecting the woman. The blonde then slid her hand up to your neck, as she lined up her member with your aching cunt. You gasped and breathily moaned out at her contact with your bare skin. Larissa’s eyes widened and she tightened her grip on your neck, and you only mewled more. And then she sunk into you.
The only thoughts in your mind in that moment were Oh how I’ve needed a pretty girl like this for so long… and—
“OhHhhHHh Fuck…!!” You breathily moaned out, your eyes screwed shit and your hands grasping up at her marvelous form for some sort of grounding.
Your heart raced tripled as the blonde bottomed you out, your eyes rolling back in pleasure and your nails already scratching up Larissa’s back.
“Doing such a good job taking me, Darling…” Larissa groaned, while tightening her hold around your throat.
You only keeled over in pleasure even more at her words and actions, and your walls clenched around the blondes dick deliciously. Pretty soon, Larissa got a good pace of pounding into you.
And yes, she was pounding…
Her breathing was just as labored and ragged as yours, one hand on your throat and the other stabilizing her body and yours on the bed.
“Yes yes yes…!!” You mindlessly chanted, engulfed in the overwhelming pleasure and chasing your near impossible high.
At one point the blonde, hooked your right leg over her shoulder, giving her a new angle to hit, and you damn near saw stars. She was hitting that spongey spot deep inside of you every damn time… and her hold around your throat only tightened.
“Fuck fuck ‘Rissa I—” you mindlessly blabbered.
“I know, I know… me too…!” She groaned.
Your high came first and it hit your like a ducking tidal wave. Larissa was quickly behind you, squirting her thick, hot cum deep inside you. You both went limp from pleasure, engulfed in silence, until Larissa finally spoke.
“I’m sorry, I should have asked if you wanted me too… cum inside you…” she panted, her cheeks flushing lightly with embarrassment.
“Don’t be. It was… so hot…” you breathleslly admitted.
The blonde then collapsed next to you. You winced as the overwhelming heat hit you once more.
“I need more…” you whimpered lightly.
The blonde chuckled at your words.
“All night, right?” She teased.
Your eyes widened and you sat up, only to find that Larissa had moved to position herself propped up against the headboard with her legs splayed open.
“Would you really?” You breathlessly asked.
At this, Larissa patted her thighs, indicating for you to come over. She tilted her head slightly, nodding seductively in response.
“Come sit on my lap, Darling…” the blonde lustfully groaned, “So that you can bounce up and down on my cock while I pull your hair and tell you how good your cunt feels…”
Your walls fluttered in anticipation and your throat went dry at her statement. You nodded breathlessly. You scurried into the blondes lap and straddled her form. Larissa’s hands found home on your hips as they lined your dripping hole up with her dick once more. This would be the time where Larissa would have made a seductive quip or made you beg, but not now. No, you were both too desperate, now.
You sank down on the blondes dick, releasing a strangled moan from your throat. This was paired with a guttural groan from the blonde. Larissa’s head fell back, hitting the headboard with a bam!.
“Ughhhhhhh, that’s it, Darling…” the blonde groaned, as you began to squirm and ride her member.
Larissas hands were eager to help you find a rhythm. And pretty soon, you were bouncing up and down on the tall woman’s dick, spewing incoherent moans and cries. While keeping one hand on your hip, Larissa moved her other hand to interweave in your hair. She tugged tightly, causing you to breathily yelp out in pleasurable pain.
“Again again…” you mewled.
And Larissa happily obliged, tugging on your hair even more. And then her pace of fucking up into you sped up. And her lips found your neck, where the blonde left many a marks. They stopped at the shell of your ear.
“God, my love…” she lustfully groaned, “I can feel your pretty, tight walls fluttering around my cock…”
“Oh God ‘Rissa—!!” You cried out, your eyes fluttering shut in overwhelming pleasure.
“No no no, eyes open, Darling… look at me…” she breathlessly groaned.
You did as you were told, your hodded eyes desperately trying to stay trained on that beautiful face.
“Feels… so…so good…!!!” You cried out with a stutter.
“Fuck… that’s it—!!” The blonde cried out.
“M’mmm gonna cum again…!!” You cried out, tightly grasping at the blondes shoulders.
“Me too, me too Darling…” Larissa groaned.
You both came with leud moans and cries.
Safe to say, neither of you were stopping for the night…
Part 3 of the morning after…? 😏
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Tag list: @la-muertas-lover @mrslovettn @s-c-rambledegggs @eveymay @justcallmelittleone @larissaoftarthweems @killer-quill @enchantressb @principal-weems09 @scream-queenlover @littlemaggot13 @cute-catx @larissa-weems-chokehold @bxtrflyr @danisogay @philip-15 @ellythefoodielover @yanehv @crunchthatsoup @mommysimpx @wandanatslittlewhore @alder-saan @villanevexo @sunnyanon @levexer @wifeymaterialsstuff @teenybean @shyladyfan @dvrkhcld @lex13cm @thesamesweetie @milfomaniac @darla99 @a-queen-and-her-throne @rainbow-hedgehog @ofherdowlingohara @kimiinou @ghostedpast
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thesiltverses · 1 year
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[Description: a bedraggled woman in an anorak - presumably Carpenter - stands amongst reeds with a gathering storm behind her. She stares intensely and furiously at the viewer. The caption reads, '"And when I am dead, of course - there will be no end to the lies they can tell about me." - Faulkner.']
Chapter 30 of The Silt Verses - and the premiere episode of Season 3 - is here! Really hope you enjoy the listen.
The transcript can be found here. This episode contains drownings (multiple), eating sounds (34.50-35.16) car crash, gunshots (49 minutes onwards)
This episode features performances by the incredible Steve Hendrickson, B. Narr, Sophie Lynch, H.R. Owen, Méabh de Brún, Steven Zivic, and Steven Anzalone.
Huge gratitude as well to the amazing AJ Fidalgo, Alyssa Petrie, Rissa Montanez, and Marlon Dance-Hooi for providing additional voices throughout the episode!
And if you want to know more about the process behind making the episode, we've got an episode commentary already up for our amazing patrons.
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
Hello there! I have a smutty larissa x reader request😈 so r is able to get off just by eating larissa out but larissa doesn’t know about it yet and when she finds out she teases that r will have to eat her out more often now
A/N: Had so much fun writing this! Thank you for your request, I hope you’ll enjoy what I did with it 🫶
On Your Knees (nsfw)
Larissa Weems x reader
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“Get on your knees.” Larissa ordered as soon as you stepped into her office.
You made sure to lock the door, not wanting to be interrupted by another teacher or worse, a student.
Your little game had started a few hours earlier when, while on your free period, you’d decided to text your lover.
Nothing crazy at first, letting Larissa think you were just checking on her. But quickly the conversation had turned sexual and you had ended up describing in graphic detail what you wanted to do to her once you two would be alone together.
It had taken everything in Larissa’s being for her not to touch herself. She had taken a deep breath and put her phone back into the drawer of her desk, hoping to keep her thoughts away from what she had just read.
But it didn’t work. Of course, it didn’t. She had spent the last two hours trying to focus on anything else than the warmth that had spread in her lower belly, unsuccessfully so.
“I said, get on your knees.” Larissa repeated as you were walking towards her desk where she was seating in her leather chair.
“Now ?” You asked, still halfway through the room.
“Now.” She nearly barked and you happily obliged, your knees dropping to the cold tiled floor.
The tall woman got on her feet and smoothed her dress before rounding her desk and walking closer to you.
That dress, you thought, that damn grey dress would be the death of you. The way the belt cinched her waist, the fabric perfectly clinging to her generous hips.
God, your mouth was watering at the thought of having her naked thighs wrapped around your head.
“My eyes are up here.” Larissa’s voice snapped you out of your reverie.
You looked up at her, your neck bent back as much as it possibly could. You loved this, kneeling in front of her, making you feel as small as a mouse while she towered over you.
She grabbed your chin, bending over so she could take a closer look at you, her face only a few inches from yours.
“You better put that mouth to good use, darling.” She whispered, her hold on your face tightening to the point where it started to hurt a little.
Larissa tried to hide it as best as possible but when your pupils dilated and you nodded eagerly, her heart melted a little at how much you desired her.
She let go of your face and you helped her out of her stilettos, smiling at the red nail polish painted on her toes that matched her fingernails, which also matched her lipstick.
“Come closer, I won’t bite…Unless…” You smirked, earning a low growl from the woman above you.
Larissa slowly lifted her dress, showing more and more of her creamy thighs which made you clench your own. She was teasing you, wanting to make you pay for the torturous hours she’d just been through. And it was working.
Your breath hitched when her burgundy panties caught your eyes and you couldn’t help but imagine her breasts cupped in the same material.
“See anything you like, pet?” Lust dripped from your lover’s voice.
“God, Rissa…” You groaned, your hands grabbing her thighs to pull her closer. You thought you’d heard Larissa call you an impatient brat but you couldn’t be sure, your mind hazy at the thought of her taste on your tongue.
You hooked your fingers under her underwear and pulled it down her legs, letting your fingers graze her skin as you took in the perfectly trimmed patch of blonde curls on her pubis.
Your name came out of Larissa’s mouth as a warning when you pressed a kiss on her navel. She wanted you to stop teasing her. You sighed and gave a small nod.
You’d have plenty of other occasions to make love to her, slowly and properly. But all Larissa wanted right now was to use your mouth, to grind against your tongue until your face was slick with her arousal.
You were nearly drooling when she positioned herself above you and spread herself, revealing her glistening folds. You didn’t think twice before latching your mouth on her cunt, greedily licking from her entrance to her clit and back to her entrance again. Larissa let out a shaky breath, her hips almost immediately starting to move on their own accord.
“God…Oh…Oh, fuck!” She moaned, making you smirk against her flesh. You loved hearing Larissa swear, proof that you were doing a good job.
Your sex fluttered when the older woman’s fingers grasped at your hair, pushing you impossibly closer to her core. You tried your best to ignore the delicious warmth that had settled below your navel, pushing aside the need to slip your hand inside your pants.
Sex with Larissa, and more particularly eating her out, was always an experience. The number of sounds, sinful moans, and groans she could produce would make a pornstar blush. And you loved it, you loved when the pleasure you were giving her was too much to bare and she lost control, unable to hold herself back like she always perfectly did in any situation.
A mix of saliva and Larissa’s juices dripped from your chin when you pushed your tongue inside her, earning yourself another praise from your lover which only further tightened the coil in your tummy.
You groaned against Larissa’s flesh, one hand grabbing onto her hip while the other firmly held onto her thigh as you pushed your tongue deeper inside her. She was close. When her words turned unintelligible and all that left her mouth were those soft little whimpers that you adored, you knew she was close.
You laid your tongue flat against her clit and looked up at her, knowing Larissa liked to be in control of her orgasm. Her grip on your hair tightened, her hips jerking back and forth on your face.
You watched the way her face contorted, eyebrows furrowed, and mouth agape. And god, you felt close too. You squeezed your thighs shut as much as possible, trying to get some much-needed relief.
And when your lover’s body tensed up and she threw her head back as she came, you felt your own cunt clench as you were pushed over the edge too.
Fuck. Fuck. You had just climaxed simply by letting Larissa use your mouth.
The older woman came down from her high faster than you did, and when she looked down at you and saw your face twisted in pleasure, she immediately knew.
She brushed her thumb on your lips, collecting the evidence of her orgasm before licking her finger clean. You looked up at her, your body still buzzing from what had just happened.
“Well, darling….” She spoke, bending down to pick up her panties. She helped you get back on your feet, wrapping her arm around your body and chuckling when she noticed your wobbly knees. “Had I known how much you enjoy eating me out, I would have used your face as a seat way more often.”
“Maybe you should start.” You sighed happily, nuzzling your nose against her neck.
“Oh, I will.” The woman answered, her lips pulling in a smirk as she walked with you to her private quarters.
It’s a promise, Larissa thought.
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v3nusxsky · 4 months
Hello! 👋🏻 I would love a little smutty Larissa x Morticia x Reader oneshot if I'm the first ask. Please and thank you 😊
Can we keep her? 18+
*Authors note~ I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a while placement has been hectic with so many assessments needing to be done for me to pass the year which ends in two weeks! But have this little brain child*
Trigger warnings ~ established relationship Mortica x reader, mommy dom! Mortica, sub r, sub leaning switch!Larissa, talks of past Tish x Larissa, oral fixation (r), thigh riding (L-M), praise kink, degrading kink, oral sex, fingering, sensory play?, blindfolds, overstimulation kink, mirror sex, aftercare obvs
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Being Nevermore’s Literature professor was in all honesty a dream come true. Ever since your time as a student in the school you’d wished to end up here. And that you did. Larissa couldn’t wait to offer you a position after being your last placement before you qualified. The skills you possess are honestly some of the best she has seen and therefore makes you an asset to her staff.
But if you know Nevermore, which you do, it always provides the unexpected. The youngest member of staff just so happened to unknowingly gain the interest of a certain raven haired beauty. Morticia Addams. But it was not the only time you’d been on her mind, no, when you were studying you often ended up shadowing her class as Larissa felt you needed to be well rounded in classroom management. Your nature making you quiet and reserved and a little afraid to assume your natural authority over the class. Which is why Mortica was perfect for you.
Thinking back to how it all started out with you and your girlfriend always brings a smile to your face. When things got tough she was always there, rain or shine to support you. Also you’d be utterly insane to not notice her radiant beauty she so effortlessly wears. Everything about her was perfect. Beautiful skin like the pale moons reflection on the lake. Raven hair as dark as night, perfectly straight and never out of place. Dresses that hugged her body as if they were her skin. And the height that woman has often brings you to your knees. Truly, she’s magnificent. So of course it was only natural to see her celestial being in your dreams.
You knew of her psychic abilities and she knew that you process the ability of mental projection. Now you have a higher ability than most would assume which allows you to project thoughts feelings, create alternative worlds with your imagination and even switch realities. Mostly, you enjoyed your ability and the fact you could use it to help others, but you’d never would’ve thought that your own mind would let out your secret desire.
You’d been utterly exhausted the whole day which resulted in your head snuggled into the woman’s neck as she read a French book out loud to soothe you to sleep. And like always the smooth silky voice and the steady thumps of the heart bellow you worked like a charm. Only to send you into the spiciest dream you’ve ever had.
“Mommy” you whined pitifully as you squirmed under Larissa’s gaze. The blonde seemingly confident as she towered over you, not even throwing her past crush a glance. “She is a pretty thing Tish, I could do so much with her” the shifter murmured thoughtfully, clearly talking about you and not to you as she ignored your desperate state.
“Ah, mon amour, you aren’t in control here are you darling?” Your lover reminded the principal, clearly stating that she is in control of both you and the blonde. “Will you be good for me sweet girl?” She practically coed at the older woman while actively ignoring you. “Yes mommy” came the mumbled response, her shyness soaking the words. “Oh my dear Rissa, we both know you aren’t shy in this department darling” came her chuckled teasing words. You’d know there was something with them in the past, but purposely not spoken about until this interaction.
It was then that you became overwhelmed with your thoughts of the two women together in the most intimate and inexperienced ways that your grip of control faltered and everyone in the room was blessed with the image of Larissa Weems in her youth, riding your Tish’s milky thigh in a frantic rhythm. “Oh! You’re so good Rissa, keep going for mommy, I want to feel you cum for me darling” she would murmured into the blondes ear before taking it between her teeth and tugging gently.
Unbeknownst to your slumbering self you’d given your girlfriend the opportunity to hopefully bring her first crush and lover to the bedroom without fear of upsetting you. Seeing the sexual dream that had caused you to entangle your legs to hers, effectively pressing your now dripping warmth to her leg was enough reassurance. All she needed now was the principal to agree.
To say Larissa was expecting the potion teacher to barge into her office with such a personal invitation during school hours would have been insanity, but then again the Addams family love to make keep her on her toes. Truthfully, Principal Weems kept her ex lover former crush on the staff for many reasons. Her teaching for one, to be close to her for another, and the third being those pesky lingering feelings that never left once she left the gates of Nevermore with Gomez. One swift divorce had her back where she belongs it still not hers. No. Because she wanted you.
Meetings with the principal after hours were not uncommon for you as a first year qualified teacher however, seeing Tish sat on her desk as their lips fused together like a centuries old dance was definitely a first. Not that you were complaining at all. In fact, you decided to let them feel the affect they have on you, causing Larissa to let out a whimper of need. “Patience sweetheart, this isn’t about us yet” Morticia reprimanded as she pulled herself away from the shifters body. “Would you care to join us sweet girl? I know just how much you enjoyed your dream the other night, and mommy wants to give that to you baby.”
That’s how you found yourself reliving your first part of your dream, word for word squirming on the sofa by the warm fire. Two pairs of eyes drinking in your now semi naked form. “Much better sweet girl you’re so pretty for mommy baby” your girlfriend praised before swiftly moving to grab the blindfold she’d stashed away before your arrival. From there you were promptly ignored by the older women as Mortica claimed her dominant stance causing Larissa to slip into a happy medium, content to please everyone.
Slender fingers trailed your exposed abdomen ever so lightly that it may as well have been a ghost. A phantom feeling only to be chased away with a rougher texture on your plush thighs. “Mm” you purred happily, Morticia always knew just what you craved without you needing to say it. So there was no surprise when she instructed Larissa to fetch a cold water bottle and roll it over your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. “C-cold mommy” you whimpered with an adorable pout on your luscious lips. “Oh my poor baby” the faux sympathy rolling off her words in waves. Soon enough there was a soft tassle being dragged all over your body like a snake looking for its prey as it slithers over your bra clad chest.
Soon enough both women grew tired of their little game, deciding that you were all simply too clothed for the occasion. Tish instructed you to try and undress her while your vision was not present but you ended up reaching for Weems instead. A quick tut of disapproval soon had you swivelling around to please her only to lose your balance. “Such a silly baby, can’t even undress me. Well Larissa will have to do it seems I know she can be a good girl for me.”
Only when Larissa freed the older woman from her garments did she get permission to strip down herself while Morticia ripped the skimpy lace off your body. “Please can I play with her Mommy?” Larissa mumbled completely star struck by your bare body. With a wave of the other woman’s hand Larissa immediately yanked you onto your hands and knees and settled under your body. Mortica coming to sit on the arm rest and spreading her legs for you to be eye to eye with her aching core. “Get to work little slut, be good for me baby.”
You immediately delve into her awaiting cunt, blindly missing your target by an inch causing your lover to grab a fist fall of hair to guide you, all while Larissa happily began to kiss and lick your pillowy thighs before eating you out like a starved woman. Soon enough the office was filled with the sweetest moans where French and English words blended together in the height of her enjoyment. Larissa simply moaning shamelessly into your soaked pussy causing you to mirror her with the raven haired woman’s clit pulsing between your lips. “Oh fuck baby! Right there pretty whore. Best whore for mommy” her praise only spurring on your determination to please her. Only when you decide to plunge two fingers into her greedy core did she cum as you happily lapped up your reward before tumbling over the edge yourself.
“Oh sweet girl your blindfolds all wet.” She mock gasped before ripping it off your head to examine it. “Messy whore” was offered by the blonde whose mouth was coated in your arousal and cum. All while you were blinking rapidly trying to maintain your position not wanting to disappoint them. Inevitability your shaking legs failed you causing you to collapse against the sofa earning a time out.
That’s how you found yourself sat on the floor, let’s spread wide, hands behind your back as you watched Tish bring Larissa over the edge time after time, lavishing her on sweet praise with ever orgasm, while you sat untouched and ignored. Every little needy sound that slipped past your lips bought the blonde another high. Every time you moved from your position brought your girlfriend a chance to feel the bliss while you sat there watching another woman have her screaming and crying out with pure pleasure. On one hand you were jealous as sin on the other it was hot as hell and what a spectacular show to be blessed with. Perhaps that’s why you behaved.
Tish had simply lost count of how many times she’d rode the waves of pleasure, simply forgetting how good Larissa is in the department before she had some experience. However, she’s not as young as she was back then and her body simply requires a break which is why Larissa gets you resting against your mommy’s front, legs spread as she instructs you to keep your gaze on the ceiling. Fuck. Mirrors. Everywhere, you realised. “Gonna make you watch how much of a filthy slut you look like as you fall apart for another woman” she stated before setting to work in trailing her fingers through your slick. “So fucking messy sweet girl, eyes on the ceiling or I’ll make mommy hold your head that way” the blonde threatens before unleashing a whole new burst of energy on your pleading core.
“Tish, the whore won’t look” Larissa grumbled noticing how your head had dropped to the side after the second orgasm. “Mommy, too much” you slurred letting out a little squeal when Larissa touched your oversensitive clit. “One more sweet girl, mommys right here, one more baby you can take it. Look how pretty my girl looks.” Her praise combined with the principals three fingers curling just right to hit the perfect spot had you seeing stars and drenching the sofa below you all. It was only after working you down from the high did you let out a sob of “no more” over and over.
Larissa hurrying to find the pre set out aftercare things while morticia hummed a French lullaby, your favourite when this deep into sub space. Your eyes filed with a haze as you immediately began to root around for more skin to skin contact. When Larissa returned with water and sugary treat you seemed to far down which worried her. Yet Tish seemed to know just what to do. After sipping her water and encouraging you to do the same with the support from both women you settled in between them both. Completely submerged into your subby mindset you gently grabbed Larissa’s hand and brought her fingers to your lips before ever so lightly drawing them between your lips. Immediately a content sigh left your body as you snuggled more into your mommy muttering around the slender fingers, “mm we keeps her?” Without knowing Morticia already planned on it.
Word count ~ 2161
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 11 months
Happy Birthday!
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Pairings: Larissa Weems x witch!reader
Warning: Fluff
Summary: Its Larissa's birthday so you decide to surprise her
Author's not: Just a quick early birthday piece in honor of Gwen's birthday!
I woke up at 4 am. Seeing Larissa still sleeping, I got ready for my eventful day. I hastily grab my phone, keys, and wallet and left the room but not before kissing her on the cheek.
Once I got in my car I started driving to Jericho where I had ordered Larissa a bunch of small gifts to put everywhere in our shared room and office.
An hour later when I have gathered all my gifts I wanted for Larissa to have I started to make my way back to Nevermore. I look out the window into the sky seeing the sun start to rise meaning Larissa would be up soon since she has to work. I doubt that women even remembered her birthday is today.
After a quick 10 mins, I flicked my wrist causing all of the gifts to float and follow me. When I got to Larissa's office I saw on the clock I still had 30 mins before she woke up. So I quickly started to use my magic to hide the small gifts I got for her in her office and then would hide some others were we usually go to regularly or somewhere that means a lot to her.
Twenty minutes later I have finished hiding half of the gifts in her office and decided to write a little note, letting her know that there were more for her in some special places. Making it like a scavenger hunt for her. Which I thought was fun.
I looked at the time and saw that it was 6 am. Letting me know that it was time for Larissa too wake up so I quickly left her office and went to go and place the other gifts I bought in its places. And decided to hide the last ones in the bedroom during lunch so she wouldn't see me putting them in.
Larissa's pov:
My eyes slowly flutter open, my body instinctively trying to snuggle into Y/n. But she wasn't there. All I felt were cold sheets letting me know that they woke up a lot earlier then me which was strange because they always woke up late.
I then started to worry if something bad happened to them since they never wake up this early at all, but it also confused me deeply.
I then just sighed a got up out of bed and started to get ready for the day. I walked over to the closet and saw the cream color dress that Y/n loved to see me in. Since they said it makes my look beautiful. I decided to wear it since their compliments always made me feel so confident throughout the whole day.
Then I slipped into the dress, feeling very confident. I went over to my vanity and started doing my makeup and putting my hair in its signature updo.
Once I finished getting ready I saw it was 7:15 am. I then got up from up from my vanity chair and sighed. Still wondering where Y/n is since they never just disappear in the mornings. They aren't an early bird either.
I stood up and put on some cream color kitten heels and headed out of my office, knowing that I don't have a lot of work today so I can finish early and spend a lot of time with Y/n once I find them/
I stride out of my shared bedroom that is connected to my office. When I entered I immediately notice something different about my office. I then saw a letter that was written by Y/n. Instantly know thing that was their neat cursive hand writing.
I opened the letter and started to read what the contents said.
Dear Rissa,
I know you must be wondering where I am since I wasn't there when you woke up, but I had a few matters to take care of and just wanted to let you know. There is also something different about the office, and our special spots. Do not worry about working today since I have already done everything that you have needed to take care of today.
I hope you will have fun!
Your Darling
When I have finished reading the letter I felt myself starting to smile like an idiot. They have planned something for me and I don't know what. They also did all my work which is oddly suspicious since they always complain about working.
I tried to rack my brain of why they would do this but nothing came to me, so I just decided to play their little game so I started looking around my office. Immediately noticing on my chairs in-front of my desk.
It was a perfume I have always wanted but it just kept selling out and I now had five of them. I then pondered how Y/n was able to get this since they were always sold out but I decided to ask them later.
On the other chair I saw some books that I have always wanted because they were from my favorite author. It only has been published yesterday and yet again. I pondered how they were able to get this. I picked up one of the books and opened it, seeing that it was signed by the author herself. I then checked the other books seeing that they were also signed as well.
I started to smile once again at their gestures that they have showed me today and its only 8 am in the morning. I then started to look around my office more, looking for some more gifts from Y/n.
Our pov:
"Ok! So today is Principal Weems's birthday. As you all may know, so in honor of her birthday I have decided to throw her a surprise party. I know this is last minute but we have seven hours to decorate and I have told all the teachers and we all agreed to do this. So in order to finish the surprise party in time we decided to have no classes today!" I said to the students which made them cheer and start to chant my name. Putting a smile on my face. I then quickly shushed them, worried that Larissa would hear them.
They then quieted down, also expressing their concerns on getting caught. I then started telling everyone the plan.
Hours later and everyone already had lunch. Larissa had just went back into her office. I was sad that I couldn't eat dinner, breakfast, and lunch with her since I've been organizing stuff for her birthday. It is now currently 8 pm. So in two hours the students would have to go back to their dorms since they would be passing their curfews.
Once we made sure that everything was in place I went to go get Larissa. I knocked on her office doors. I opened the doors once I heard her yell a soft, "get in!"
"Rissa!" I squealed a bit. She looked up at me once she heard her nickname that I call her.
"Hey my darling, where have you been I've been worried sick about you since I haven't seen you for almost 14 hours. Which is too long being away from you!" She grumbled and outed slightly towards the end of her rambling.
"Im sorry Rissa, but did you like my little scavenger hunt for you?" I asked excitedly.
"Oh darling they were wonderful! And I love them all so much! But what is with all these gifts? Because I don't think its a special occasion since I usually remember these types of things." Said Larissa in a confused tone.
"Yes, but I do have one more surprise for you!" I said excitedly, before dragging her out to the quad where it was pitch dark.
"There is nothing here but darkness dear?" Larissa softly said to me.
All of a sudden lights were flipped on and there was a huge banner saying;
"Happy Birthday Principal Weems!"
Students and teachers were singing happy birthday to Rissa. I looked over at her and I can see her overcome her shock and started to smile widely.
"Happy Birthday," I whispered softly before kissing her.
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sharedramblings · 1 year
Staying After
Summary: This is the first time you've stayed the night ever since your little arrangement with Larissa.
Prompt: "I'm so glad you stayed the night." from this Morning After prompt list I've read.
Contains: fwb, nudity, implied smut
Author's note: What's this? I don't know either but it's what came to mind when I saw the prompt. And with this one out, I now only have one thing left in my drafts.
You slowly stir from what's likely the best slumber you've ever had, legs tangling further with the woman beside you. Your head rests near her collarbone and you can feel the warmth her body radiates with the little space between the two of you.
"I'm glad you stayed the night" she murmured from above you, voice still hoarse from sleep. You basked in her presence, the fingers that rest on your back were persistent on drawing circles in your skin.
You hummed before answering, your voice tinged with the teasing tone she's all too familiar with. "You didn't gave me much of a choice with the way you're hugging me last night"
She gently pushed you away, scoffing at your response.
"For someone who clearly loved it, you're unbelievably cocky" Larissa retorts, knowing full well you nestled further in her side as sleep takes you.
"Who told you I did?"
"You're free to go then. Leave, and make sure you bring with you your astounding ego. Shoo" she nudged you farther, hands sending you away, face alight with mischief.
"I'm kidding! Please stop sending me away, it's cozy in here." You chuckle, fighting to get back to her space. "I'm glad I stayed too."
She didn't put up much of a fight after that, content with your admission. She let you embrace her this time as she lay on her back, eyes staring at the ceiling above.
"Your bed really is the best, whether it be for refreshing sleep or mind-blowing sex. I might steal it from you, Rissa"
"Just because we're friends doesn't mean I won't report you, thief" She chose not to comment on your thoughts about her bed's purposes, preventing her mind from thinking about the sensual night you two shared, about the moans and pleasure that occurred in her bedroom.
You fake a betrayed gasp, lifting your head to look at her. "You could just buy another"
She raised an eyebrow in return, "so could you but here you are, resorting to theft instead"
You decided to make face in response to her answer, earning you a pillow smacked right in your face.
"Hey!" You both laugh, silence filling the room right after.
"Maybe I could convince you in some other way?" You playfully raise your eyebrows up and down as you look at her, one hand caressing her arm.
"I'm a DILF" Larissa gave you a baffled look. What on earth are you onto now?
"Dork you'd like to fuc–"
"Okay that's enough." She immediately cut you off as she caught on the last part of that statement, and you can't help the entertained chuckle you let out.
"As if you weren't doing me last night, which, you're an expert of, by the way" She groaned at that. You're insufferable. Why did she let you stay?
Your arrangement with Larissa brings you to her bed whenever she needs, providing her with the relief and pleasure she sometimes craves. You're not blind to the appeal Larissa possesses; on the contrary, you're actually heavily affected by it, by her. So if she wanted a no strings attached relationship, then you're more than willing to deliver.
This was the first time you've slept with her– in the literal sense of the word. An hour after you're both satisfied was always spent catching your breaths, taking care of each other, and conversing just a bit, and then you're off to your own quarters. The warmth which envelops your being right now is something you know borders in dangerous territory, but you're not ready to deal with it yet. Maybe next time.
You get up with a grunt, not caring to cover your naked form. "Coffee or Tea?"
Larissa watched you for a while before sitting up, wrapping the blanket in her body. She chose the latter, and you nodded, padding your way to her kitchen.
"Coming right up, my lady." Sure, it's your first time sleeping in, but you've been sharing meals with her enough in this very house to know where her items are stored.
"For heaven's sake, wear something first"
You turned back to her with a grin on your face, shrugging at her. "Eh, nothing you haven't seen and drooled over, Rissa"
She just huffed and rolled her eyes before a smile appeared on her lips at your antics, staring at the door despite you no longer occupying the space. You're both aware that a line has been crossed, but neither of you acknowledged it. You spending the night is just a one time thing.
... Definitely.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
My Neighbor Lady Pt. 2 (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
Synopsis: Your affair with Larissa continues. You know you are falling in love with her, but are you ready to leave you husband for a woman you have just met.
Authors Note: This had taken me forever to write. My Neighbor Lady Pt. 1 for those who haven't read/or want to reread the first part.
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“You should stay...” Larissa’s voice spoke up from behind you as you dressed yourself quickly. Your husband would be expecting you home with dinner on the table when he was done with work. Turning back to face Larissa, you smirked at the sight of her stretched out across the bed on her stomach completely nude. The look on her face almost beckoned you back to bed. 
“I need to have dinner ready for my husband.” You didn’t want to leave. In this moment, you wished you could crawl back into bed and stay forever. The love you felt from her was unlike anything you had ever experienced from anyone in your life, even your husband. Two weeks you had spent endless hours together, enjoying your respective vacations in the arms of the other whilst avoiding the fact that you were supposed to go back home in a few days. 
Larissa shifted up on all fours, crawling to the end of the bed and sitting back to rest on her knees, “I’m hungry too..” 
“Are you now?” You fastened the button on your pants and turned around to face her. Your gaze looked her over, Larissa’s skin was pale and flawless, except for the bruises you left across her shoulders, chest and thighs. She noticed your lingering gaze on her thighs, a place you would happily call home, and she reached out, looping a finger through your belt loop and pulling you closer. 
This was a rare occasion you were staring down at her. Larissa’s hands slid to the button of your now fastened pants, “Perhaps you should let me eat before you go.”
“Rissa...” You grabbed her hands before she could undo your pants, knowing if you were undressed once more, it would be hours before you would be ready to go home again. 
“No fun...” Larissa bit her lip and sighed in resignation, falling back to lay on the bed. This woman drove you mad. Now she lay before you, legs lazily parted, her cunt exposed to you. You couldn’t help but stare, wishing to taste her once more before you left. She knew what she was doing as the smirk on her face told her she was winning this battle. 
You check your watch: 1 hour before he would arrive home from work. Shifting to your knees, you gestured with your hands for her to bring herself to the edge of the bed as you spoke, “Come.”
“I hope so.” Larissa jokes, shifting her hips to the edge of the bed as you wanted. You pushed her legs further apart before diving back into her pussy. This morning you had pulled her from her slumber with a bit of cunnilingus and now you could prepare her for bed with a little more. You swiped your tongue through her slit, tasting the past few orgasms from a day spent enraptured in love-making. 
A hum of pleasure rose up through her chest as she savored the sensation. You moved to her clit, knowing you didn’t have the time to waste on the teasing you both preferred. Lapping at her clit, moans rise up through her becoming louder and louder with each stroke of your tongue. Your hands move up her sides and Larissa’s hands reach out to grasp yours, fingers squeezing yours. 
Larissa was the first woman you had ever been with and she was impressed with how quickly you picked up the little things that brought her orgasms quicker. Even though you loved the praise, it wasn’t all that challenging when Larissa frequently gave you directions to help you, “Spell your name for me, baby.” 
You knew exactly what she was looking for. You did as you were told and began sweeping your tongue over her clit, spelling out your own name and then then her own. Larissa was writhing beneath you, moving closer and closer to her own orgasm. You keep a grip on her fingers, but move your other hand across her stomach to press down and hold her still. Larissa’s heel grazed your back as she tossed her leg over your shoulder, “Yes... Just like that...” 
Her moans came louder until she spilled over the edge. Larissa let out a low groan as she came once more, her thighs shutting around your head. You relinquish her fingers from yours and bring your hands to grasp at her thighs, reminding her that she should release you. When she opens her thighs once more, she leans forward, grasping your face in her hands, pulling to you her face. 
Larissa’s open mouth meets yours as she greets you with a sloppy kiss. She wanted to taste herself on your lips. You crawl up into bed with her, taking a seat between her legs to make out for a while longer. Hands begin wandering and you melt into her embrace, unable to keep yourself from her. 
More time passes before you finally pull away from the kiss. Larissa keeps going, lips pressing to your jaw and neck. You check your watch once more- 10 minutes until your husband is home. 
The next morning, you let yourself into Larissa’s home, immediately crawling into bed with her. You knew she was awake when you came in, but she made no effort to get up and greet you, rather she accepted you into her arms. Both of you sighed as you relaxed into one another. You couldn’t deny that you should have woken up in this position. 
Larissa’s voice cut through the sleepy silence, “We could stay like this... forever.”
You chose not to respond. While daydreams of that thought had crossed your mind, they were nothing more than that: daydreams. Larissa spoke once more, exposing a plan to you that she had been clearly thinking about for a while, “We could run away together. You could come to stay with me. Being a teacher, we will have summer breaks to travel the world. We could visit Europe... or see the topics... Make love when we want and where we want... Never having to hide.” 
“Larissa...” You felt your heart breaking, “It isn’t that simple...”
“It can be! You said it yourself a few days ago... You have never been happier.” Larissa spoke softly before bringing your fingers to her lips, pressing a kiss to each of the digits as she awaited your response. 
“I-I don’t know... I’m a stay-at-home wife... I have nothing but him.” You knew that if you chose to leave him, you would truly be left with nothing at all. Even if you chose to be with Larissa, if you were to grow tired of one another, then you would be left truly alone. She was the one you wanted, but you couldn’t deny that you were too scared of being let down. 
 Larissa folded your hands between her own and tucked her face into your neck, her voice sent goosebumps across your flesh, “Then you come and stay with me. You can be my darling girl and I will care for you until the end of time.”
You were happy she couldn’t see your smile. Desperately you wanted to say yes to her offer. You wanted to hold her to you and tell her to sweep you off your feet so you could spend the remainder of your days together. You were desperately in love with this woman. She had reignited a passion in you that you once thought to be dead. It wasn’t just due to the intense love-making you found yourselves to be in more often than not. Larissa truly saw you. Together, you spent many hours talking about your favorite things and the places you wished to travel to before you died. The conversations between moments of ecstasy or over shared meals were the ones you truly held dear. 
Larissa spoke once more, “Please, darling. At least think about it.”
“I’ll think about it...”
“Good. Now, kiss me.” Larissa brought a finger to your chin, turning your face to meet hers. You appreciated the change in subject, allowing you to focus on the here and now rather than the uncomfortable and frightening future. You push your lips to hers, wrapping your arm around her neck to keep her close. 
Any wandering of hands was interrupted by a knock on the front door of Larissa’s home. Larissa held a finger to her lips when you parted, but you had no plans on making yourself known. She slipped from bed, donned in her pajamas to see who was disturbing your peaceful morning. You followed her to the bedroom door, but stopped short just to eavesdrop. 
“Hello you two. What can I help you with this morning?” Larissa’s tone was bright and cheery. 
“The girl’s husband is home.” You recognized the voice immediately, it was Luci from across the street. 
“And he seems to be looking for her.” The second voice that came was clearly the voice of Em, the individual who lived with Luci. 
You were less concerned with Luci and Em knowing the extent of your relationship, and more concerned with the fact that your husband was home during the middle of the day. Without hesitation, you move from the bedroom towards the front door, not caring if the two visitors saw you. The smirk on both of their faces was unmistakable. 
Larissa grabbed your wrist before you could push your way past the neighbors, “Where are you going?”
“Larissa-” You turn to face her, shaking your head, “My husband-”
“To hell with him.” You could hardly believe your ears, especially in the presence of two strangers. The grip of her fingers tightened, not wanting you to leave her, “You don’t have-”
“I have to go.”
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honeyvettel · 5 days
thank you sm for the love you’re giving to my last edit !!! i just wanted to share some of the first pages i used for the second collage because i think they deserve their post alone (plus as a journalist wannabe i just love these kinds of things)
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my favorites. the first one is just— straight up tragic. marca knew what they were doing. ‘the fall of an idol’, that picture framed with a broken glass. poetry.
second one they were just fujoshing it out. like the black and white pics and the subtitle reading ‘the story behind the biggest fall out in moto racing’ ?? royal family drama type of shit.
third one is just funny because they are literally implying valentino has lost his sanity, not only the championship. ‘has he lost it?’ yes, MCN. in every way capable.
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some italian unused ones because ….yeah.
first one has the infamous interview (indeed it reads ‘exclusive’ at the bottom) where valentino says ‘marc betrayed me and i can’t forgive him’; lol. nice ‘v for vendetta’ reference. horrid photoshop.
second one reads ‘lucid folly’ and the subtitle goes ‘race direction mistakes and the fight (like literal; rissa means scuffle, something physical) with rossi’. love how they are calling marc insane and implying him and valentino threw some punches in the back room.
third is a little bit misleading in the sense it makes you believe they are admitting argentina 2018 was vale’s fault or at least trying to be impartial about it (lol they are not). it writes ‘SHAME’ like in regard to vale’s fanthom kick but then the sub goes ‘championship ruined. marquez plays dirty and angers valentino. rossi ‘kicks’ the championship away’. love the photo and the big flashing ‘vergogna’ but alas this is always an italian motorsport magazine we’re talking about. of course they gonna fuck it up in the subtitle.
and that’s all ! thank for the attention ! ngl it was really difficult to find these and had to scratch the bottom of the internet for some. but they are super interesting !
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