#Riven dell
fabiochampioraro · 8 months
Ma quello vestito di viola dei bnkr44 è riven delle winx?
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 12 days
You seem like a Tolkien etymology person, what is there to say of Imladris / Rivendell as names (as in which languages are used and the meaning of you know them and/or why/when the names were acquired)? It’s title if The Last Homely House (I believe per the hobbit?) is also cool but more self explanatory I believe.
Well, since I am a genius, I totally didn't use Eldamo or anything.
Even without looking it up, I can tell you it's Thindarin. There are two words involved: imlad (a deep valley, like a canyon, with steel sides) and riss (cleft/cloven/separate).
Literally means Deep Dale of the Cleft.
As for Rivendell, it says that that's a localized name, like how Frodo is a localized version of his actual name. But as to why it's called Rivendell: riven (to split or tear apart violently); dell (a small valley, usually among trees).
And that sounds a lot better than Deep Dale of the Cleft.
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winxsource · 1 year
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Hello everyone!! We're excited to announce the next WinxSource event:
F*ck Canon, FIX IT!
This event is all about fixing canon's wrongs and deciding how a scene should have gone instead of how it did.
We'll offer you 10 scene choices and you'll have to pick one of them to fix! Posting will be on May 20th.
Yes, the results might be repetitive but the goal is to see how each one of you decides to fix it and interpret it.
You can do as many fix-its as your heart desires, after all there are many many ways the whole show could've been different if only... If only Riven hadn't helped Dane save Beatrix... If Silva had gone to Polaris for real and they had to free him from there... You get it.
Choose wisely!
FIX IT - Scenes List:
S01E05/6: Destruction of Aster Dell/Saul "kills" Andreas
S01E02: Bloom has a vision Rosalind put into her mind
S01E04: Beatrix and Bloom at the archives room before driving to Aster Dell
S01E05: Farah snooping in Beatrix's mind while Bea is locked up
S01E06: Riven helps Dane save Beatrix
S02E01: Saul is transferred to Polaris
S02E03: The end of the banquet and Beatrix's attack.
S02E04: Riven goes back in the abandoned place to find Musa/Sky and Saul vs Andreas
S02E07: Bloom transferring powers to Sebastian
S02E05: Bloom kills Rosalind
Remember to tag your works as #winxsource and #ftwsfix-it so we'll reblog them! On AO3, add your works to the collection: ftwsfixit
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amchara · 11 months
Hi! Your official HEX gifter, back again!
For each of the following can you tell me what color you most equate with the character and which scene of theirs is your favorite:
Thanks. 💜💙🩵
Hi! Sorry for the delay in replying. I had to go and watch a few scenes to make sure that yes, those are my favs!
Also, looking at my answers. I think it's safe to say I am very basic bitch when it comes to colour associations, lol:
Sky - That kind of deep, burning blue that you get on a clear autumn's day with no clouds in the sky.
Favourite scene: It's a tie between the scene in S1 where he learns the truth about his father and Saul at Aster Dell. "He killed hundreds of people. And you killed him. And all I get from the both of you is you're both flawed? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?" - and the last scene in S2 where he confronts Bloom about to step into the Realm of Darkness.
What can I say... I like Sky kind of broken and disillusioned - all the better to build him back up again or to find those small moments where he's happy again. Runner up - any fighting scene with Riven, and or any scene where he is quietly but consistently supporting Bloom.
Riven: Deep, mossy green. Not the green of a forest but the undergrowth of a primal forest.
Favourite scene: The scene late in S2 where he is basically schooling Musa ("you're dead, again"), and you can see all the facets of his character - bit of a dick, protective friend, reluctant but well-versed warrior, etc. Runner-up scene - his first sparring scene with Sky back in S1, filled with banter and flirting. *swoon*
Andreas: A deep burgundy, like a well-aged red wine.
Favourite scene: The scene where he storms into Rosalind's office post-S2, demanding that they form a plan to save Beatrix. And when Rosalind refuses... he goes straight into enacting it by going to knock Marco out and exchange him for Beatrix with the Blood Witches. His love for Beatrix paired with his cold, ruthlessness. Perfection. Runner-up: His first scene in S2 where he's being a dick to Sky. Andreas has many facets, most of them being an asshole and I appreciate him for that.
Sebastian: Ooh, slightly tougher. I think... a mystical purple, almost gauzy and see-through, like a scarf on a fortune-teller's table.
Favourite scene: Hands down, the diner show-down scene with Bloom. Still the same charming, reasonable persona but now with So. Much. Menace. Mwahaha, excellent villain monologuing in this scene.
Hope that's helpful for you! I can't wait to see what you come up with! ♥♥♥
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djino04 · 2 years
Drawing book
POV Andreas
I miss the days when Beatrix didn't know about shopping malls. Since Stella took her shopping in town two months ago, my daughter has been asking to go almost every weekend. I've made excuses for why we haven't gone the last three weeks, but this time I couldn't think of any. And that's how I ended up spending the day in girl's clothing stores. I hope she knows I'm doing this for her...
The worst part of it all is that I couldn't get Saul to go with me. He laughed in my face when I told him it would be a good way for him to bond with Beatrix. Apparently, he'll do almost anything for that, but a shopping day is out of the question. Sky, of course, didn't want to come either and is staying with Riven doing who knows what in Alfea. Or maybe he's with Bloom, and I want to think even less about what they can do together.
But it's over now, I walked Beatrix and all her bags to her room. She couldn't wait to show them to the other girls. It's nice to see that she is finally starting to find friends, even though she denies it every time the subject comes up. 
So I'm on my way home with just one small bag. It's a gift for Saul and I hope he enjoys it. When I saw this drawing book in the window, I immediately thought of him. He loved to draw when we were younger and it kept him busy during our brief respite. I haven't seen him do it since we got back together but maybe he just hasn't had the time. The last few months have been hectic. 
When I walk into the apartments, he's sitting at the living room table, papers in front of him but he's not drawing, he's grading papers. This is one of the things I hate about being a teacher. Fortunately for us, we teach mostly classes that don't involve spending hours trying to proofread students' illegible handwriting in order to grade them. 
Saul looks up at me as I approach and we exchange a kiss. And he asks me: 
"So, did you have a good day?"
I collapse into the chair next to him: 
"Let's not talk about this anymore. The next time she wants to do this, I'll ask Farah to go with her. She should like that, right?"
Saul begins to laugh softly: 
"You really think Farah will like it if she spends all day following your daughter around the stores?"
I sigh, resigned: 
"No, I guess not."
I can't wait any longer so I bend down to retrieve the bag and hand it to him. He takes it with a questioning look: 
"What is it?"
"Open it and you'll see."
I try to remain nonchalant as he opens the bag and pulls out the drawing book but my heart beats slightly faster. We haven't really exchanged gifts since I got back and I'm not even sure if he really likes this gift. Yet he stands still in front of it as if he can't figure out what it is. I then feel the need to clarify: 
"It's a drawing book."
I almost expect him to respond with something like, "You really think I don't know what this is?" or something similar. But instead, he looks at me with eyes full of emotion: 
"You know I haven't drawn since... since Aster Dell?"
I understand the "since you died" that is implied. So I reach out my hand to open the drawing book to the first page and answer him: 
"I'm here now, it's the perfect time to start over, isn't it?"
I understand day by day the damage my death has caused Saul, just as he is learning about my wounds caused by Rosalind. But day by day, we move forward together on the road to healing.
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theyhaveacavetroll · 2 years
Farah/Saul/Andreas used to be the Beatrix/Riven/Dane of the school for the prompt thing
Set in an AU where Andreas lived and came home after Aster Dell a bit faster (although not as fast as they'd maybe have wanted - long enough that Saul still had most of the raising of Sky):
Andreas, as usual, does not knock on Farah's door before entering her private quarters. Instead, he comes in, sits down on her sofa heavily, and puts his head in his hands.
"Specialists giving you grief?" Saul, sitting beside him, asks mildly, and Andreas shakes his head.
"No," he answers, running both hands over his hair. "Beatrix."
Farah looks up from the still life she's been working on for the past three days and smiles at Andreas.
"I think I know something about that feeling," she sympathizes, and Andreas grimaces.
"That depends," he answers. "What's your experience with walking in on your daughter -" he stops and gestures with one hand, holding it out.
"Getting busy with Dane and Riven?" Saul supplies, and Andreas sighs explosively.
"Yes!" he answers. "Both of them! You knew?"
"Yes, I knew, and as to walking in on something I'd rather not see, I hate to tell you this, but both your kids could do with a lesson on how to lock the door," Saul answers. "I walked in on Sky and Stella a time or two, and since he's started dating Bloom -"
Andreas lowers his head into his hands again.
"Please tell me you've given him a thorough talk about safe sex and consent?" he asks, and Saul reaches out and rubs his shoulder with one hand.
"Of course I did," he answers. "I assume Bea's had the same."
Andreas nods.
"Then I see very little to worry about," Farah says. She rises from the bench she's been sitting on and comes to join them, flopping down on the couch on Andreas' other side. "They're smart, and they're old enough to have to make their own choices."
"Riven and Dane?" Andreas asks in a pained tone. "Riven I could just about understand, but the other one?"
Saul shakes his head.
"Can't make her decision for her," he answers. "She'll figure out he's gay at some point and so will he."
Andreas groans, and Farah snorts.
"It's not funny," Andreas mutters, and Farah rolls her eyes.
"Please, it's comical. Everything is at that age. Remember what we were like?"
"I wasn't gay," Saul says dryly. "Pan, yes, but gay, no."
"You were a twink, though," Andreas adds. He's smiling now, Farah notes - just a little, but it's enough. Every smile is a victory since they got him back. Saul squawks with indignation, and Andreas's smile widens into an actual grin.
"I was not a twink," Saul protests, and Farah reaches out, across Andreas, and strokes his hair.
"I say this with love," she promises, "but Saul, you were the prettiest young man I'd ever seen." Saul gives a noise of protest again, but leans into her touch.
"I grew out of it," he grumbles, and Farah smiles.
"Quite nicely," she agrees.
"What was I?" Andreas asks. Farah turns her gaze toward him, and allows the corner of her mouth to turn upward in a predatory smirk.
"Tasty," she answers.
Andreas smiles. Andreas gives her a flirtatious, hungry look in return, and Farah feels warmth spreading through her like a fire as she looks at the two men who've been such a large part of her life. She leans forward, and Andreas reaches out, taking her face between his large, warm hands and kissing her deeply. She reaches out to Saul, inviting him in, taking his hand until she runs out of air and Andreas lets her go reluctantly. He turns to Saul, who grins at them.
"Shall we take this upstairs?" Saul asks, and Farah and Andreas both rise to their feet, hauling on clothing as they do so.
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Riventrix was definitely one of those relationships that were doomed from the start. Her loyalty belonged to Rosalind and Andreas and couldn’t be wavered. Suddenly there’s this guy, who’s rough around the edges just like her, who’s willing to break the rules for what he wants just like her, who doesn’t see the world in black and white but in gray just like her and she can’t have him. She has to be this perfect soldier because she sold her loyalty to a woman who ended up tossing her aside. Beatrix really did lose everyone she cared about - her father who died the second they stepped out of hiding and the boy that everyone was telling her to let her walls down for
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She waited so long for that opportunity, you can hear it in her voice and she starts the season having everything she ever wanted - freedom, no longer hiding, her father, her mentor, justice for Aster Dell, Riven and Dane... Except every single thing for Bea has a caveat. A but.
It's so incredibly unfair.
Riventrix hurts so much, they genuinely cared but just... No scenario where they win. Doomed from the start.
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fate-winx-fairies · 2 years
Raised by humans on Earth, Bloom thinks she’s dealing with a major case of teen angst until she unleashes literal fire following an explosive argument with her mother. Following the incident, former Alfea College headmistress Farah Dowling conspires to bring Bloom to the Otherworld to learn to use her fire magic properly.
In the short time she’s been at the school, Bloom has already met a slew of friends, and she’s learned just how powerful she really is. In addition to honing her magic as a fire fairy, Bloom is still trying to uncover how she came to be a changeling — a fairy living among humans.
A no-nonsense and whip-smart water fairy, Aisha immediately takes Bloom under her wing as a friend and roommate upon their arrival at Alfea. A Hermione Granger of sorts, Aisha likes to follow the rules but is not afraid to have her friends’ backs when they need her.
A master at manipulating water, Aisha is also the first person to suspect that Bloom is a changeling. She’s an avid swimmer and typically the leader of the girls’ friend group.
Don’t let Stella’s perfectly curled hair or stylish outfits fool you. The Crown Princess of Solaria is much more than just a spoiled light fairy. Last year, there were some sinister rumors surrounding Stella and her use of magic. However, as Bloom and the others learn, living under the thumb of the icy Queen Luna isn’t exactly a cushy experience for Stella.
By the end of Fate: The Winx Saga Season 1, Stella is learning to speak up for herself and her new friends. More than that, she learns to control her light magic by calming her emotions instead of letting them spiral into chaos.
Raised at Alfea College by her father, Professor Ben Harvey, Terra is an earth fairy with a love of plants. Her vast plant manipulation ability enables her to grow things no matter the weather conditions. She can also manipulate plants to encase her enemies in their vines. With an expansive knowledge of Alfea and the Otherworld, Terra also has a knack for potion making. When we first meet Terra, her eagerness to bond with Bloom and the rest of her suitemates leads to some awkwardness. However, by finding her footing and taking a stand against bullies like Riven, Terra truly blossoms.
It’ll be interesting to see how she adjusts now that her cousin, Flora, is enrolled in Alfea.
You’ll rarely catch mind fairy Musa without her headphones. An empath who’s hyperaware of the emotions of others, Musa spends a great deal of her time distancing herself from people, including her roommate, Terra.
Despite her best efforts to remain isolated, Musa becomes increasingly connected with Stella and Terra, especially after she begins dating Terra’s brother, Sam. For some reason, Sam’s emotions don’t send her into a frenzy.
Sky is a talented specialist who immediately connects with Bloom on her first day at Alfea. Like Bloom, he has a checkered past. Sky’s father, Andreas of Eraklyon, was thought to be killed at the battle of Aster Dell in the year following his birth. As a result, he was raised by specialist instructor Saul Silva, Andreas’ best friend.
Though sparks continue to fly between Sky and Bloom, things are complicated because Sky is also Stella’s ex. Moreover, by the end of Season 1, Sky learns that the things he was told about the past aren’t exactly true.
Though he’s Sky’s best friend, Riven doesn’t share Sky’s integrity. The “bad boy” specialist isn’t afraid to hurt others to get what he wants, even when his actions directly affect Bloom, Dane and Sky.
In Season 1, Riven bites off more than he can chew amid his entanglement with Beatrix (Sadie Soverall). He will likely be reeling from his past choices in Season 2.
The Bonnie to Riven’s Clyde, Beatrix, is willing to do things that even her “bad boy” beau wouldn’t dare. An air fairy who can manipulate electricity on a whim, Beatrix uses her alluring aura to trick Riven and Bloom into her schemes.
Beatrix knows a lot about Alfea’s dark history and Bloom’s past. As new revelations come to light and the school regime shifts in Season 2, Beatrix could become even more powerful and dangerous.
When we first meet Dane, he’s a sweet first-year specialist with a special bond with Terra. However, his crush on Riven and his enchantment with Beatrix transforms him into someone much cruder.
Only time will tell if Dane can repair his bond with Terra and return to the kind-hearted person he once was.
The Alfea specialist instructor has shown bravery in the face of terrifying and heart-wrenching challenges. Following the death of his best friend, Andreas of Eraklyon, Silva raised Andreas’ son Sky as his own.
However, as he discovered in the Fate: The Winx Saga Season 1 finale, the past is much more textured than he could have imagined. In Season 2, he will likely face the repercussions of his actions.
Professor Harvey is Terra and Ben’s father. He’s the botany teacher at Alfea and is close friends with Saul Silva and former Alfea headmistress Farah Dowling.
Professor Harvey works with Silva, Dowling and Rosalind to defeat the Burned Ones.
Rosalind is the former headmistress of Alfea and a mentor to Silva, Professor Harvey and Miss Dowling. She uses her powers and knowledge to keep her students and the citizens of the Otherworld under her strict direction.
Rosalind has taken a particular interest in Bloom, and she knows ancient magic that has long since been buried. More than that, she has allied with Queen Luna to take back her role as headmistress.
Flora is a newcomer in Fate: The Winx Saga Season 2. Like her cousins Sam and Terra, she is also an Earth fairy. As her name suggests, Flora has a knack for flowers.
An earth fairy, Sam can pass through mass objects like walls. He immediately intrigues Musa because she’s unable to read his emotions. Unlike his sister Terra, Sam has a much easier time socializing at school. But he’s also the first to jump to her defense if needed.
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randomia00 · 2 years
Speed cas delle protagoniste di Fate: the Winx saga online su YouTube! 🦋
Quando ho scoperto della cancellazione della serie ci sono rimasta malissimo (era diventata la mia dose di trash preferita!)
Cosa ne sarà di Riven e Musa? Di Bloom dispersa nelle campagne della dimensione oscura (o quello che era)? Del povero Sky lasciato solo come un cretino? Non lo sapremo mai... Così per l'amarezza ho creato le protagoniste della serie su The Sims!
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telodogratis · 3 months
Riven, la recensione di uno dei migliori remake degli ultimi anni
Riven, la recensione di uno dei migliori remake degli ultimi anni La recensione di Riven, uno dei migliori remake degli ultimi anni che rilegge in modo intelligente un classico delle avventure punta e clicca. Powered by WPeMatico La recensione di Riven, uno dei migliori remake degli ultimi anni che rilegge in modo intelligente un classico delle avventure punta e clicca. {authorlink}…
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444names · 2 years
breton names from tes BUT excluding "a" and including "e"
Bedries Begric Belec Belell Beler Belexin Belexine Beley Belie Belien Belins Belleine Bellet Belley Bellon Belly Belyne Benne Benno Berique Berolwyn Berrent Berric Berslene Beruquis Bervele Beryse Bethele Betigue Bette Binette Blierrys Boise Bovercyn Bovinte Brene Brenniff Brent Briel Brinisne Bruren Bruse Bucene Celeon Celine Celle Cellex Cenet Cette Chedwinn Chele Chend Chene Chenne Cheone Chewice Chine Chredgen Chrette Chrice Chrie Chrieles Cieliot Ciusel Clier Cogen Coppe Cottere Cresse Crobouze Crose Curie Dednelle Deline Delle Dellever Dende Deniert Denne Derenile Derst Derth Devel Devole Diquelle Ditte Donte Dorey Driel Dubes Duffes Duffie Duffret Dundie Durette Dystower Eddine Edilipel Eding Edren Edrick Edrie Edrine Edunyr Edwen Edwic Edwin Edyvyr Einien Elelle Eleses Elette Eleyn Elient Eline Eling Elleom Elley Ellie Elotheng Elrenk Elylvey Elyng Emelien Emert Emilden Emitile Emord Emouing Enden Enique Entine Enton Erele Erieldey Erine Erling Ernitte Eroene Eroft Eshcrose Estont Etone Ettel Etten Eurdill Evelle Evelon Event Everier Everrise Evert Every Exine Feldine Felien Felivine Fenemin Fenne Feric Ferwiele Fient Fixte Floureen Foncel Forge Freviren Friese Gedwynyn Gedyne Gelie Gengte Genne Geodio Geoft Geomel Geoppe Gerne Geroft Gerros Gerth Gertord Geryd Gesen Gespert Geste Girnoive Goine Goiseph Golle Gonne Gorey Gorge Grefiert Greine Grele Grelie Grenyn Greyn Grien Grine Guden Guele Gurtime Gusque Guybie Gwine Gwyne Gwynetie Gwyriene Helley Helreny Henton Heque Heric Herofte Hibel Hiene Hille Hilloche Hipper Hubedel Huber Hugulie Ileyne Illedyn Imber Ingsmine Isine Isnette Jenne Jenric Jenrin Jeroctot Jerther Jesser Joetus Joste Jostone Jurole Jurseld Jusert Kette Kilbele Kinique Knotten Lemier Lenne Lestyrir Lettend Lexine Lienck Lienique Lisine Liste Livien Lodenne Loeud Logine Lorend Lorette Lorier Lozibel Lumert Lyste Lywyvel Lyzen Melirges Menrette Mentie Mergete Merthyne Mienton Mierene Mique Mithen Mitte Mittel Molbely Mondrine Monien Monnine Monriend Montille Mooren Moree Moremon Morete Morey Morie Morne Mouckine Munole Niles Noberine Noiseves Norent Odine Ogeodyr Olbedric Ordette Oriene Orysse Oulue Ourrice Oweld Owine Pelles Pelley Pelloe Penwoort Perch Periert Peris Pernis Perroft Perste Petort Pette Pheober Pheoft Pheons Phirelen Phryrice Physylle Piene Pienne Pruree Pynien Reenwine Reithien Reline Relvie Relyn Resbynn Ricele Riene Riven Robermer Rodeben Rodel Rodhne Rodstyne Roine Roloette Rolwine Rondine Ronether Roque Roreleyn Roserec Roste Rouce Rourique Rowenric Rozend Ruque Selles Sepheon Sephimen Sepierj Seppel Serrein Serric Setill Shsle Siele Siline Simbucie Solien Solusse Sondier Stile Stine Styriene Styrre Suree Susebese Sybelf Syrre Syste Thelline Theodie Theody Theome Theort Therick Thielph Thilvel Thippel Thondise Thstynne Thynte Tiele Titte Tivinet Trenie Trien Trine Trole Tuette Tureloz Tusquel Uline Urele Velete Veley Velley Vemit Veque Veric Verien Vicely Vickine Vidie Vienette Viert Vilbose Vineline Vinghe Vippert Virem Vithelle Voinie Vycine Vyctone Vyctotte Vyctrien Vyrre Vysybie Wenthend Weyne Wices Winitie Winse Winsie Woodwen Yeode Yeodsle Ylvernie Ysebe Yssine Zurelle Zyssene
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elvenstardesign · 4 years
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Copper, silver or gold? I made this over a year ago and only just got around to photographing it. Its held up quite well considering its been kicking around our workshop exposed to the elements since its birth.
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the-geeky-truth · 4 years
Fate: The Winx Saga 1x04
Sam and Mr. Harvey simultaneously switching into protection mode over Terra as soon as Dane opens the door? Amazing. I also appreciate that they trust Terra to handle it herself, but not without one last menacing death stare aimed at Dane.
Terra rules.
“I was born in 2004”, Bloom says casually, while I need a moment to wrap my head around the fact that people born in 2004 are really, actually 16 or 17 years old right now.
Sky vs. Riven was bound to happen eventually, but their conflict seemed nearly ... tame? I would have expected it to be louder, and perhaps physical.
Musa and Sam are so cute.
And I personally would love to be an empath, even though I do see the downside. But there are so many scenes in which the empathy gift is simply great.
And the award for the absolute worst mother of the year goes to ... the queen of Solaria! Still a bit clichéd that the princess character is pressured to be perfectly perfect, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful.
I’m also convinced now that Stella didn’t blind Ricki on purpose, but she’d rather go with the story of being a jealous bitch than admitting she’d been weak and caused a terrible accident.
The girls confronting Ms. Dowling and Mr. Harvey and telling them to “drop the bullshit” - yes! Girl power!
Finally someone suspects Beatrix!
Well, if Beatrix’s story about Aster Dell is true, she has every right to be pissed and vengeful. Maybe not every right to be evil and murderous, though. 
Love the group hug. And Terra hugging Musa after she tells her about Sam.
Sky confronting Silva. Teenagers calling out adults about withholding information really is a pattern on this show.
Nooo, don’t give us a plotline in which a character (here: Sky) has to spy on their love interest (here: Bloom) out of loyalty to an authority figure (here: Silva). I mean, I get that putting golden boy™ in a moral dilemma like this one is tempting, but the spying-on-your-loved-ones-trope is bad on so many levels.
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mxacegrey · 2 years
The Masked Part 1
Fandom: Fate the Winx Saga
Pairings: Sky x reader, Riven x reader, Saul Silva x reader (Platonic or otherwise undecided)
Warning: Descriptions of violence. swearing and hints of childhood abandonment.
A/N: This part is based on Season 1 but the rest will be pre- and in Season 2 (Rosalind’s era). So spoilers for them.
Taglist: @v1naco | @instantplaiddream | @faithm120601 | @holyhumorliteraturelight​​
Series Masterlist
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You woke to the vibrations of their makeshift bed and the engine of the Solarian guard car in which they slept. You could hear the words of the driver and passenger of the car, a pair of fairies, one a fire fairy and the other an air fairy. The two fairies were ‘friends’ with your best friends, Sky and Riven respectively.
“You stole a car? How do you know how to steal a car?“ You heard Bloom, the fire fairy, ask Beatrix, the air fairy.
“I know how to do a lot of things.” You heard Beatrix retort as they drove off to an unknown destination. Now why you were in a Solarian guard’s car was simple... No, you didn’t sleep with a guard that arrive that morning. You didn’t sleep at all the night before and when one of the guards, an old friend called Cathán, asked you to grab something from the car, you may have fallen asleep. 
The drive went on in silence, you laid stiff with tension. The car twisted and turned, the sound of tires over gravel the only other sound. Soon the car stopped, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Bloom and Beatrix stepped out of the car, causing you to exhale heavily,
“Aster Dell was a town, right? Are you sure this is the right place?” You heard Bloom ask, Beatrix replying.
“I'm positive.” 
“How could a town be marked on a map if it's on the side of a mountain?” Bloom asked as she walked further from the car. Your hand went towards your phone and read the most recent texts from Sky and Riven.
BlueEyes: Where the hell are you?!
Raven: Fuck this! Sky is calling Silva! So get your ass back here!
Soon enough, Bloom and Beatrix got back into the car, Bloom’s face depressed. You heard them talk about Rosalind and Aster Dell... Two very familiar names.
“Dowling imprisoned her. I'm at Alfea to break her out.” Beatrix explained before exclaiming as something hit the car. “Shit!”
The tires screeched and Beatrix ran out, only to be stopped by Headmistress Dowling and Professor Harvey, who was holding her in place using Earth magic. 
“Take Bloom. We’ll handle this.” Headmistress Dowling stated, your body froze in the back of the SUV. The group began to move away from the SUV when Silva then stated.
“You know... Y/N was missing today. Sky and Riven told me they weren’t on campus. Then one of the queen’s guards, Cathán, said that Y/N was helping him with something in the SUV before he got knocked out.” Silva explained, walking towards the back of the SUV. He opened the door to your sheepish face, staring blankly at you. “Get out, Y/N.“
Meanwhile back on the Alfea campus, Sky and Riven were talking to each other. They stood in the training grounds, wooden sticks in hand as they fought.
“And you’re sure Y/N isn’t here?” Riven asked Sky, his stick spinning as he hit Sky.
“We looked everywhere.” Sky explained, before dodging a swipe and blocking another hit. “I told Silva and...”
Sky was cut off by a loud ping and Riven’s phone went off a second later.
Silva: We’ve got them.
As they read the message, another appeared from their friend.
Y/N ⚔❤: You fuckers snitched! Silva hasn’t stopped yelling at me since he found me!!
Due to your ‘actions’, Silva placed you on house arrest with a curfew. Bloom was spied upon and Beatrix led away by Headmistress Dowling. A few days passed and soon you were called to arms against the Burned Ones.
“Y/N. We need to go!” Riven called out before you grabbed your dual swords with a silver hilt and ran outside the school. Unsheathing your swords, you began cutting down Burned Ones, leaving a trail behind you. In the distance, you could make out a redhead walking towards the Burned Ones and transforming, fire swirling around her. You began walking back to the school, passing out from exhaustion.
The next day, you stood outside with Sky and Silva when Solarian troops exited their vehicles and armed themselves, glancing between the three of you. A car door opened to reveal the figure of Queen Luna of Solaria, who walked up to you and began speaking.
“Saul Silva. It's with a heavy heart I must place you under arrest.” 
“For what?” Silva asked confused, you echoing.
“The attempted murder... of Andreas of Eraklyon.” Queen Luna explained. 
“‘Attempted’?” Sky asked, bemused. Another door opened, causing your heads to spin around, and a man in a specialist uniform stepped out. Closing the door behind him, Andreas walked forwards, glancing at Sky. Silva and Sky’s eyes widened in shock while yours widened in horror, your jaw clenching.
“Hello, Sky.” Andreas smiled at Sky before turning to face you. “Hello, little warrior.“
“...Andreas.” Came your cool reply, your stomach churning as Andreas’ smile widened as he looked at you. Sky’s eyes looked at you, betrayal evident while Silva barely spared a glance at you. “I assume there will be some changes to Alfea now.”
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theyhaveacavetroll · 1 year
Tagged by @iamdexter123. Thanks for being patient and kind - life's been intense!
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have fewer than 10 fics posted, post what you have.
If he lives to ninety, Ben Harvey will always remember the night before Aster Dell.
She should have killed Rosalind sixteen years ago, Farah thinks as the stasis field envelops her.
Saul looks at Andreas. Andreas looks at Saul, and for a frozen moment, no one speaks.
“Saul?” The voice calling his name sounds like Farah, Saul registers distantly. It sounds like Farah, and it can’t be Farah, and so he’s hallucinating.
5. “Doing alright?” Farah asks, and Saul can’t help the frisson of irritation that travels through him.
6. "You know your dads are in love, right?" Riven says one day, and Sky immediately scoffs.
"You're out of your fucking mind, Riv, they hate each other," he says, but a week later, he's starting to think that Riven might just be startlingly sane.
7. There is a flash of lightning outside, and Andreas opens the window as the thunder rolls. He leans out, and when he pulls his head back in, he’s laughing wildly.
8. "Who was my mother?" Sky asks one afternoon, and Andreas tries very, very hard not to wince.
9. The first first time, they are teenagers. Andreas is sweet and less experienced than Saul, and Saul is charmed and touched at the same time.
10. If a dead woman dies in a graveyard and only her sworn enemy is there to notice, was she ever alive to begin with?
tagging @penflicks and whoever else wants to do this!
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Unpopular opinion, S1 was way better than S2. I will admit some things improved like Bloom and Aisha’s styling, more locations and more romance. But S2 Stella and Terra’s styling were so bad, fights weren’t as good as S1 the beginning of Bloom and Rosalind fight was brilliant but after that it ended so fast, Flora fighting those creatures was cut, the final battle was disappointing “ remember how Aisha saved Bloom from the burned one or Bloom’s fight scene in S1 final” I wish they kept Rosalind as the final villain instead of the new guy since they have built her up as this huge threat only to end like that also all the girls have reasons to hate her and unlock their power against unlike that boring guy. Finally, I feel characters like Stella and Musa had potential in S1 for their story, unfortunately They really ignored their story and focused on their relationship with Beatrix and Riven, I mean Luna barely showed up this season and I know nothing about Musa’s past or anything outside of her mom’s death.
Hi nonny!
I'm so tempted to just post this without added text, because damn AGREE. I will say, for one caveat I did enjoy Stellatrix, it was a surprising ship I didn't expect but that was made sense/was written to make some sense, I just wish we had seen more beyond that, with Riven (in the case of Riventrix), with Luna (for Stella ofc) and with Sky (for both girls!!!).
The fight scenes were so so disappointing, ugh. But we did get Sky beating someone up, so silver linings?
Also, not only we don't know about Musa's past, we don't know about Rose which was a big fandom question, we don't know SHIT about Riven's past, we don't know about Sky's mom, we don't know how the fuck did Rosalind know Bloom was in Aster Dell and why did she chose to save Bloom and Bea (assuming that's what happened?), we don't know about the monarchy and how the other kingdoms/realms/countries work under it, we don't know about how they dealt with Bloom drugging Sky (lmao did we just brush it off), we don't know if Beatrix knows Andreas was a willing participant in the destruction of Aster Dell because they forgot this plot point and I can GO ON
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