#Riverdale nonesense
It is the 1580s. The ink has 🐻ly dried on Martin’s 95 theses. The wind gently blows the leaves of the oak saplings that will become the Mayflower’s hull. Blessing Cooper purposefully strides through the forest towards the town of Riverdale in -what is yet to be- the state of New York. In her lil’ basket she carries a big chunk of palladium for her sickly grandmother. Vangelis’ Conquest of Paradise plays in the background.
Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets! Which of the following non-16th-c.-related topics do you think will be referenced during the next episode?
A. The Harlot of Babylon
B. The Salem Witch Trials
C. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
D. The Rat King
E. The Uktena (I’m kidding! I’m kidding! We all know they don’t exist anymore!)
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thestaredown · 2 years
Also I know they are going very obviously comic inspired.
But how do you miss the opportunity to make Jughead a greaser?
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archieism · 5 years
archie is one of the only thematically consistent characters in riverdale send tweet
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chifuyusgangshirt · 2 years
Cool to see I wasn't the only one to get the "I am your father" idea in this mess.
I hate this idea.
Like this would make no sense at all?!
It's like saying Emma could be draken's sister or sanzu traveled back in time and fucked mucho's mom and he's mucho's father but that would not give the story anything to improve. It's just bullshit that you add when you don't have any more plot to exploit so you just make something up to keep your watchers like in the vampire diaries or riverdale
But otherwise, I would truly appreciate it when wakui would just let the show go badonkers and write complete nonesense
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klucis · 3 years
There used to be a teenager fighting ring in Riverdale and yet our boy Archiekins is surprised about a dog one…
You just got to love this pile of nonesense 😂
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ao3feed--bughead · 5 years
by Toryb
When Betty had ridden him until neither of them could think to breath without difficulty she turned to him with the cold gaze of Elizabeth and asked, “My love, would you follow me into the flames of Hades if I asked you to?”
He had answered without second thought. “I would without question.”
“So loyal you are. A loyalty I am not sure I have earned. I wonder if we will have to test the strength of that promise one day.”
There are 72 hours until the the police come to Elm House and drag Miss Elizabeth Cooper to hang for the crime of patricide. Just three days for her closest friends to prove she had no hand in his untimely demise, but with very little to go on and halls that dare to seem haunted, hope is not in high supply.
Words: 4129, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews, Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), Hal Cooper
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews/Veronica Lodge (secondary)
Additional Tags: Heavily Gothic Lit Inspired, Gothic, Very Edgar Allen Poe and Turn of the Screw, Lord Archie, Attendant Jughead, Murder, Murder Mystery, Secrets Lies and Deception, 1850s, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Period Typical Nonesense, Secret Relationship, Class Differences, Hal Cooper is Very Dead
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theao3feed-bughead · 5 years
Three Strokes to Midnight
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2w3ysQQ
by Toryb
When Betty had ridden him until neither of them could think to breath without difficulty she turned to him with the cold gaze of Elizabeth and asked, “My love, would you follow me into the flames of Hades if I asked you to?”
He had answered without second thought. “I would without question.”
“So loyal you are. A loyalty I am not sure I have earned. I wonder if we will have to test the strength of that promise one day.”
There are 72 hours until the the police come to Elm House and drag Miss Elizabeth Cooper to hang from the crime of patricide. Just three days for her closest friends to prove she had no hand in his untimely demise, but with very little to go on and halls that dare to seem haunted, hope is not in high supply.
Words: 4129, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews, Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), Hal Cooper
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews/Veronica Lodge (secondary)
Additional Tags: Heavily Gothic Lit Inspired, Gothic, Very Edgar Allen Poe and Turn of the Screw, Lord Archie, Attendant Jughead, Murder, Murder Mystery, Secrets Lies and Deception, 1850s, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Period Typical Nonesense, Secret Relationship, Class Differences, Hal Cooper is Very Dead
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2w3ysQQ
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writtenwordsoffic · 7 years
The Inquisitive Snake - Jughead x Reader
@idle-lanes @sgarrett49 @murderyoursoul @moonlight53
There is a request of an Archie x Reader on my inbox that I will hopefully post before the end of the weekend - I just haven’t figured out the ending in my head.
This however came to me today so let me know if you guys like it. As always thanks for reading.
A few months have passed since Jughead Jones joined the Southside Serpents as well as becoming a student at Southside High.
His friendships still exist within Riverdale - but his new found friends at school have made it difficult to keep his life in Riverdale the same - including Betty.
I was done with the day already - I didn’t want to go to the trivial classes where I seemed to already know the answers. I didn’t want to ditch with my new friends yet either though. As much as they had accepted me as one of their own, they still didn’t know me - and I’m not one to let people in.
Part of me always liked schools - even when I lived in one. Hallways going from an intensive loud rush to a quiet and somber retreat. Classrooms that could remain silent and kept secrets hushed behind their doors. Something about a school, felt more like a home than my actual one.
So when I decided to ditch class by my lonesome - I decided to investigate the new school that seemed to have some secrets of its own.
I walked around for a bit - avoiding the random person in the hall - until I heard some faint music.
My feet went in tow of the sound.
As I peered through the small glass window of the door, I saw a girl slightly move to the music with a paintbrush in hand. Her brush ever so lightly tapping her palette for more paint - and then her body would stop in motion - using all of her concentration to make her next stroke on the canvas. She would pause, step back and start the process all over again. I watched her do this a number of times. It was then when the song changed to “Hello Operator”, that she began to sing - waving her hair to the music without a worry in her movements.
Until she turned.
She didn’t give a gasp in fear or even a look of being scared - instead she just gently rolled her eyes.
“Well are you coming in or are ya just going to keep staring?”, her voice had a slight natural rasp to it - as if her soul was darkened.
I gave a small smile and entered in the room, placing my bag down by the door. I looked around and saw that the room was empty besides her and the music.
Since I had become a Serpent - I had a newfound confidence in myself. While I usually had a quick retort to anyone and anything - now I felt more comfortable in my skin. Not worried about what the others thought of my family or how I didn’t fit in. So with that in mind, I grabbed a stool and sat close to where she was standing, leaning over on my elbows.
“Is it always empty in here?”.
“Well shockingly there isn’t a big budget for this school which also means there isn’t many art classes anymore. It’s a rather neglected room now…”, her hand went back to being steady - her eyes in the painting in front of her.
“So you ditched class as well?”, I pulled out a toothpick - a newer habit I had adorned - rolling it slightly with my tongue.
“Who says this isn’t my class?”, she quipped. She turned and gave me a smirk. My eyes went to the smock she wore that had paint covered all over it. “Lets just say I have a lot of free periods and this place…well it kind of feels like…”, her voice finally became unsteady in her choice of words.
“Home?”, I cut her off.
She gave a sigh and then a small chuckle. Then went back to her painting as I started to dive into questions - the mystery that surrounded her perked my interest.
“What’s the laugh for?”.
“Well most Serpents wouldn’t call this a home, let alone think of calling it such”, her brush went back to the canvas.
“Well maybe I’m not most Serpents. Can’t judge a book by it’s cover ya know”. I leaned back a little, now playing with the toothpick in between my teeth.
“Don’t worry - I’m not one to judge”, her words came out while leaning downwards to fill a spot. She once again took a step back - and looked at her work. “So, did you want to work on something in here or did you just want to escape a class?”
“I’ve never really tried out anything artistic besides writing…”
“A writer huh? Well at least that means the creativity is there”. She gave a smile while she turned, drawing attention to the sink behind me as she began to wash a brush.
“Come on”, she had a rag to clean her hands while her head tilted to the other side of the room.
She went to a metal cabinet of drawers and pulled some paper out. She leaned down to the side of the cabinet- grabbing two wooden sketch boards.
She reached for some empty bottles that were on top of another cabinet, put them in a group on the middle of a table and sat down. “Well…sit. I could use the company and critique anyway”.
“Won’t someone mind?”, I slowly made my way to the table in front of me, taking off my jacket and placing it on a stool. 
She reached for the pocket on her smock and pulled out a keyring that had a good 10 keys on it. “Nope”, she gave a smirk. She then took a sheet of paper for each board and clipped it down. Passing one to me. 
She then pulled out some pencils from her smock and put them on the table in between us. “So these are drawing pencils. A little different from your regular No.2. These will make darker strokes”, she pointed to a couple, “and these will make lighter ones”. She then scooted her stool closer to me. She gently leaned over - as I could smell the lavender scent coming from her hair - she started to point with the pencil to the bottles in front of us. “Okay, so you want to start out with basic shapes. See how the bottle looks like a long cube and then has a cylinder on top?”. I nodded. “That’s where you want to start with your sketch, after that - you want to add line, shadow, texture…whatever you see the bottles as. Alright?”. Her eyes finally stared back at mine but unlike the small blush that was presumably on my face - hers just looked solemn. As if this was an everyday thing for her - hell maybe it was. 
“Oh!”, she paused a second and pulled a gray ball out of her smock. “This is for erasing. It works better if you tap it down, not like a pink eraser”. 
“Why is it round?”, I touched what seemed to feel like putty. 
She gave a small giggle. “It’s a kneadable eraser. I formed it into the ball though”. She scooted back her chair to the spot she had before and began to sketch - as did I.
A good half an hour went by - and with exception to the music that was still on - we sat there drawing in silence. The only subtle noises being our pencils hitting the paper as well as my attempt at using the odd eraser. 
A bell rung and caught both of our attentions. “So are you going to your next class?” She picked up her board and put it in the area where it sat before. Making sure the paper she was using laid on the table. 
“Well…I actually like English”. I got up from the stool. 
She gave a soft chuckle. “Fair enough then. Can I see?” She pointed towards my board. 
“Uh…sure…it’s not very good though”. 
“Nonesense. Did you draw what you see the bottles as?”. I nodded. 
“Then it’s great”, she gave a reasurring smile and then looked at it for a bit. “Looks like you just started on the shading”. 
“Yeah, I didn’t get very far…”. 
“It’s alright. Takes a bit for your hands to gain a type of muscle memory with this stuff”. 
I took the paper off and put the board back like she did before. She went to put her smock away. “Can I see yours?” 
“Sure”, she nodded and eyed it from where she was standing. 
“Wow that is really cool. The shading is really different”. 
“It’s called crosshatching…and it’s alright”, it was as if she realized she didn’t take the compliment. “Uh…thanks though”. She grabbed her bag and I followed suit in retrieving my own stuff. We made our way to the hallway while she locked the door after me. “I’ve got History but let me know if you want in there again. There’s only like 3 classes a week in there now”. 
“How do you have keys?”, curiosity got the better of me as I was also eyeing some of the Serpents that were at the end of the hall. 
She gave a smirk, “I have my ways”. “Well see ya…”, she realized we hadn’t caught each other’s names. 
“Jughead”, I finished it for her. 
She gave a nod and a smile. “Y/N”. She gave a soft wave and made her way down a hall. 
 Ricky - one of my new found friends - approached me with an inquisitive look. “Whatcha doing hanging out with weirdo?” 
“What makes her weird? Also isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black there Rick?”, I gave a slight nudge to his shoulder. 
“Haha funny Jones. No she’s just well…she does help us out every once in a while…she’s just someone who has a rather odd reputation. Even for us Southsiders. I wouldn’t waste your time…” 
“In what, being friends with her?”, my curiosity perked once again. Honestly she seemed more of someone who belonged in Riverdale- with the exception of the key thing.  
He gave a chuckle, “if that’s your only interest in her then that’s fine”. 
“How does she “help” us out”? 
Once again, a small laugh fell from Ricky’s mouth. “You’ll see Jones”.
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“It’s really not going well, people. It really isn’t.
I think I’ve reached it. And by “it”, I mean the point in my life when I got tired of Riverdale and its nonesense.
As I’m writing this it’s 2020! First post I’ve actually written in the new year and I can’t find the will to commit to writing more Riverdale reviews.
I have watched the episode. I did. According to my calendar, I watched it on the 18th of December and I do not remember a single things that happened.”
WOW I WAS SO NAIVE WHEN I WROTE THIS! Wait until you get to episode 17, sister!
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If we’re really going to do the whole Puritan thing …
I seriously need:
No-Merit Andrews
Reformation Mantle
Remember Keller
Die-Well Jones*
Has-Descendants Tate (owner of ye locale ordinary**)
*Die-Well Jones is son of Freegift Jones and brother to Farewell Smith (male) and Offspring Jones (female)
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