#Rocket dan
kuriarty · 1 year
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there’s no proper way to say goodbye to team rocket but i drew something in time to see them off, at least.
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3nyasu3 · 7 months
Do you ever think about how the twerps always listen to Team Rocket's motto, out of politeness and by choice?
TR steals their pokémon and the first course of action should be to immediately attack them.
But no, they decide to first let those weird autistics do their thing, and that's kind of insane to me.
And I love love love it the most when this crazy dynamic sometimes turns into one of these things:
The twerps ignoring their motto when feeling petty and TR losing their shit
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The twerps actually saying something nice about their motto
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The twerps taking full advantage of TR's need to say the motto
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And last but not least, it just hits so much more when TR went too far and the twerps prioritize safety over listening to them.
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Like, maybe listening to them is politeness, but maybe it's also caring, it's also kindness, the twerps showing that they treat them with human decency even if theyre evil. And when they don't, it signals that something is wrong, but that doesn't last, and in the next episode TR does sth silly again and the twerps listen again. Because they care. Theyre family by now you can't convince me otherwise
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James: *accidentally brushes Jessie's hand with his own*
Jessie: *aggressively grabbing his hand and holding it* fucking commit to it!
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princessbutler1316 · 1 year
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smjuliotaku · 1 year
I like that the Team Rocket barely considers leaving their life of crime and retire, before they come across the main characters and decide they like this job to much although they are terrible at it
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arialthemonster2 · 2 years
Evae just steel James clothes 😂
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pkmndaisuki · 10 months
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quick thing of @yamujiburo 's oc! love their design so much 🌹
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@danielhowell and @amazingphil as Jesse and James from Pokémon
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kaytub · 6 months
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did that stupid car meme with the astral express crew. I love them sm
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splooosh · 1 month
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“There’s a lot more…”
Adrian Gutierrez
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emeritusterzo · 2 months
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his boy <3
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3nyasu3 · 2 years
Wobbuffet and Meowth friendship headcanons:
In the beginning, Meowth really didn't like Wobbuffet.
He was LOUD and ANNOYING and he only talked one-liners so he probably also was STUPID
And well, Meowth usually doesn't get jealous over the other Team Rocket Pokémon (because they're only Jessie's and James' pets while Meowth is their friend, right?) but Wobbuffet ... he starts spending so much extra time with them. Which is slowly getting him extra attention and love from Jessie and James. Plus, then he KEEPS STEALING MEOWTH'S LINE IN THE MOTTO
So yeah. He's definetely very jealous of Wobbuffet at first. Scared he'll replace him.
Until he slowly starts to realize that ... Wobbuffet is being nice to him???
It's because of the motto that Meowth first notices. Because it's becoming more and more of a problem and then James suggests - why don't they both have their own line, seperately? And Wobbuffet immediately likes this suggestion and he asks Meowth please, please, can we do it like this? Asking him for his opinion. Respecting that it is his choice.
Meowth doesn't immediately give in, it takes a lot more begging from Wobb and James convincing him that it wouldn't take away but even add to his line. However, he does start to realize that Wobbuffet might actually ... respect him a little?
And Wobbuffet DOES! How couldn't he? This Meowth is spending so, so much time with his beloved trainer and they're all so good friends and they all understand each other so well and they're all so unique and Wobbuffet wants to be a part of that!
Also he really, really, really thinks that Meowth's ability to speak is amazing? Due to his curious and friendly nature he could never even consider thinking of Meowth as a freak. No, he is impressed and curious. But he's not the talk-active kind, so he doesn't ask more about Meowth, he just waits. Which he is, obviously, pretty good at.
So their relationship starts with Meowth suddenly starting to talk to Wobbuffet. First just things he is interested in. And he realizes: Wobbuffet listens. So next he starts speaking random thoughts. And Wobbuffet is still listening!
It takes quite a few weeks until Meowth trusts Wobbuffet enough to actually open up to him. He complains about his love life. Mentions certain fears of abandonment.
From the outside, he seems pretty calm and random when he does this. And he doesn't really tell Wobbuffet how much him listening means to him. But Wobbuffet sort of knows.
They generally don't really talk about their friendship but at some point they're absolute besties and Meowth knows he can tell Wobbuffet absolutely everything.
Jessie and James are super confused about this happening because they still remember them fighting all the time very well. They also have no idea how much they talk (or well, Meowth to Wobbuffet). But they'll realize eventually.
Wobbuffet also helps Meowth find his place in interaction with the other Team Rocket pokémon.
He got along quite badly with Arbok, Weezing, Victreebel and Lickitung. They didn't respect him - but that was largely due to fact that he just straight up was not nice to them, treated them as lesser
And he did that because of his stupid fear of not being liked
But Wobbuffet was like. Hey, Cacnea and Seviper and co. actually think you're pretty cool! Be friends with us all!
And it worked.
I realize that in other headcanon posts people also talk about what Wobbuffet gains from Team Rocket. That they make him happier, make him learn to speak his mind and be himself, let him feel fulfilled..
I could talk about that more but from my perspective, Meowth's and Wobbuffet's friendship is something that especially Meowth gains from. And is that so bad?
Oh but one thing that Wobbuffet definetely does gain is an over-protective friend. Call Wobbuffet stupid and Meowth will throw himself at your throat and scratch your eyes out
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Meowth: If we're on a date, do not bring yar wallet. I'm not lettin' you pay.
Meowth: Just run when I run.
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leafdebrief · 9 months
げきとつ!ちょうこだいポケモン Fierce Battle! Ancient Pokémon (ep 72)
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jadenoryuu · 1 year
Day 24: NASA
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After their successfull redemption quest together (SPOILER: the one you'll see for DannyMay Day 20+28), Dan (AKA Little Baby Terror) gets fully adopted in the Fenton family! So, @tourettesdog's Baby Man saw fit to gift him a Nasa Rocket Pen to have something to bond over (since that part of Danny still exist in Dan).
(Dani was the one to braid his flaming hair, because I shamelessly borrowed that headcanon from @krossan (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠).)
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