#Rodney skinner
canadian-pug-cartel · 7 months
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Has this been made before?
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mylittlepimp · 6 months
*My conversation with my nonverbal (in the way of words) nephew*
Me to my nephew: "I watched the first 3 X-Men. Well not the prequel... The first 3 before the prequels, that I grew up with."
My nephew: 🤗
Me: "and I cried for 2 hours."
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My nephew: 🥺
Me: "then I watched Van Helsing..."
My nephew: 🤨
Me: "and I was sad again. But I didn't cry."
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My nephew: 🥹
Me: "then I watched league of extraordinary gentlemen for the first 20 minutes so I could prove people are who I think they are! And they were!"
My nephew: 🤨
Me: "I couldn't finish it because I promised Grandma (my mom) I wouldn't finish it without her."
My nephew: 🤣
Me: "but they are who I thought they were! Dracula - uh Van Helsing's Dracula is M."
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Me: "and Marcus - uh underworld and underworld evolution, because he dies in evolution (spoiler alert) Marcus is Skinner - the invisible man!"
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My nephew: 🤔😘
Me: "I don't recognize their faces but I recognize their voices. It was in the first five or ten minutes that I knew "M" or the masked villain was Dracula and he was speaking in an entirely different language." *Laughs*
My nephew: 🙄 *giggles* 😁
Me: "I'm not crazy."
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bindi-the-skunk · 6 months
A youtube comment said that Jekyll and Skinners actors are friends IRL…is That why people ship their characters so hard despite them not interacting that much in the film?
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invisible-vampire13 · 2 years
Now that I’m thinking about it. How would Griffin react to Skinner if they ever met?
I mean: he’s no longer the only invisible person in the world. Plus the fact that Skinner stole his research and managed to himself invisible.
Also the fact Skinner doesn’t betray the team and Griffin does that.
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So I watched LXG/League of Extraordinary Gentlemen for the first time since it came out and not only did it reawaken a 20-year old ship (Mina/Skinner brainrot incoming) but it also lead to a few questions:
How long was it from the Final Battle to Quartemain's funeral back in Africa? How the hell did Skinner heal from those burns so damn fast? I get they couldn't bandage him up, as that may cause Claude Rains to rise from the grave, but still.
Granted, I know they took liberty with the original Invisible Man novel (and I haven't read it since high school) but I don't recall Griffin having a healing factor to the invisibility serum.
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no-side-us · 6 months
The Invisible Man, Ch. 5 - The Burglary at the Vicarage
Short chapter. Not much to say about it except that Griffin makes for a terrible burglar.
For one, he makes too much noise. It's no wonder the Buntings woke up considering they could hear him walking around, swearing, opening doors and drawers and striking matches. And he sneezes too! "Violent" ones at that, which is how each one is described. At the end he doesn't even bother anymore and makes a break for it, slamming each door he goes through.
That's coupled with the fact he's too unaware of his surroundings. The Buntings are quieter than he is and somehow manage to sneak up on him. He should be listening for them!
And another thing, he doesn't even know the layout of the house. One of the reasons they woke up was because Mrs. Bunting heard Griffin open their bedroom door, leave, then do the same to the room right next to them, presumably because Griffin has to check each one to find the study.
Griffin's only real asset here is that he's invisible, which makes this whole thing ironic actually. You'd think being invisible would make you a great burglar, but the fact he can't wear clothes means he's cold and sneezing constantly, he can't wear anything on his feet so they're making noise as well. And we know he has weak eyes, so he's forced to light a candle just to find what he's looking for.
Other than all that, the fact he's burgling the vicar is Griffin's first genuinely antagonistic action against the people of Iping. Now I suppose they can say he's a criminal. It also means Griffin's short on money, which means he's desperate, etc., etc., let's see what happens next.
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
Good morning, my dear Tumblrinas, I come to you with yet another crack idea and that is:
Varsha's Personal Radiator Ranking
aka: How good are the various League members for Varsha to cuddle with when she finds herself in a situation not befitting her temperature requirements as a snake?
I've mentioned it before, but Varsha has the habit of coiling around people for warmth. So, without further ado, here are the victims:
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Let's begin, right to left because I will not start with Varsha’s literal boyfriend
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Tom Sawyer
Literal golden retriever, but he might get nervous. Also complains about Varsha getting heavy after a while. Plus, he might still be a little scared of snakes and might feel a little awkward about it all. BUT look at this picture! This boy does not get cold. Perfect radiator. Also, it's not pictured here but he has one of those big film noir detective trenchcoat, which I imagine would be very nice to cuddle under. Final rating: 6/10
Rodney Skinner
Once again, the man doesn't freeze. He's also very okay with physical affection and avoiding people's personal space. Would probably ramble a little and make jokes all throughout if the situation calls for it. There's only one problem: The man is naked. He's wearing nothing under that coat. Veeery awkward and goes against Varsha’s common sense. 5/10
Mina Harker
Ah yes, the eternal question: Are vampires warm? I'd say, in Mina's case, yes? Because she needed a winter coat to keep warm and she wouldn't need that coat if there was no warmth to keep in the first place. But I'd also assume that her body temperature isn't that high, so she's not that good at keeping others warm. Also, her clothes are pretty form-fitting, so there aren't any coats to slide under. Still, I think she'd be pretty comfortable, and probably wouldn't think that Varsha cuddling with her for warmth is awkward. 7/10
Allan Quatermain
Uh... Yeah, no, he wouldn't be happy about it. But he would do it if it's really cold. He has a wide and comfy coat though! I dunno, uh... 4/10?
Captain Nemo
Well, you see, this man has a lot of dignity. But he also has protective dad instincts when Varsha is in danger. So, once again, he only really allows for cuddles when it's necessary. Also, no wide and comfy coat. 3/10 - I'm sorry, Nemo, this isn't your time
Dorian Gray
Yeah... no... For personal reasons, no. If he wasn't such a bastard, he could easily be a 7/10 or higher, but seeing that he is a bastard... 0/10
And finally...
Henry Jekyll
Henry/10. What am I even supposed to say? Henry and Varsha are cuddlebugs, and the excuse of "it's cold" is always good for sneaking in some socially appropriate PDA. Henry gets touch-starved, the slight bit of pressure helps with his anxiety, he's head-over-heels in love... And Varsha is very affectionate and touchy! Perfect!
Also, if you're wondering about Edward Hyde: I'd imagine that he's very warm and he also has the least issues with having Varsha's weight on his shoulders, but also, he has no patience for casual cuddling. If he's out, he's there to get things done and maybe carry Varsha out of danger, no more and no less. So, I'm not really including him here. But he's loved <3
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower (also @waddlesworth because LXG content; hope you don't mind <3) - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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spurious · 1 year
M C S H E P for the ask bc i can lol
Fandom asks!
Lmao yessssss lets go
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Tomoyo from CCS. The OUTFITS!!!!!!!
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
i don't know what that parenthetical means BUT. i think a lot of my personal HCs are shared by a large portion of fandom at the moment. John is gay. Rodney has a big dick.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I answered this but also didn't actually answer because. I don't know? Whatever has the things that make my brain go brrrr
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I wrote the cannibalism fic 🙂
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Xfiles au where Scully is a tattoo artist and Skinner runs a flower shop!
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spider-xan · 11 months
Here's a question, how do you think Griffin would react to Rodney Skinner? As someone who both stole his work but is also now a fellow invisible man??
Given Griffin's paranoia, anger issues, and general contempt for humanity, I don't think he would like the idea of there being an Invisible Man the Second to potentially challenge his reign of terror if he couldn't force him into being an accomplice, and for all that Griffin freely steals without remorse from others to fund his projects (with the possible exception of his father), I don't think he would be happy that not only did Skinner steal the formula from him, but Skinner was somehow able to decipher the cryptic code he wrote his notes in and rebuild the machine he had destroyed in order to replicate the invisibility process.
Of course, this is assuming the LXG filmverse is accurate to the book in how the invisibility process works, and the promotional material points towards the movie going with a simplified magic potion explanation - but my point still stands, just with a different method of administration.
Now, if Griffin could control his temper and impulsiveness long enough to think things through, he would realize that he has a convenient test subject for his experiments to become visible again, and another human being would be even more applicable to himself than the cat was - but far more likely, I think Griffin would just try to kill him tbh lol
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^NOTE: Not gonna lie, I was extremely disappointed upon finding this out, but with cleavage this perfect-looking, should it really come as a surprise to anyone?
PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on promotional materials (in English and German languages) of Peta Wilson as Mina Harker in the sci-fi/action/fantasy film "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" (2003), directed by Stephen Norrington, and written by James Dale Robinson. 20th Century Fox.
MINA HARKER: "My husband was Jonathan Harker. Together, with a professor named Van Helsing, we fought a dangerous evil. It had a name: Dracula. He was Transylvanian."
Rodney Skinner (The Invisible Man): "European? One of those radicals the newspapers love to report on?"
MINA: "I don't know, Mr. Skinner. [pulls her scarf aside to reveal two small punctures]. Is the vampiric sucking of people's blood radical behavior?"
Source: www.imdb.com/title/tt0311429/characters/nm0933959.
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
1776 Dreamcast made by me:
John Adams: Brian D’Arcy James
John Dickinson: Christian Borle
Benjamin Franklin: Nathan Lane
Thomas Jefferson: Gabriel Ebert
Edward Rutledge: John Riddle
John Hancock: Christopher Sieber
Stephen Hopkins: Roger Bart
Charles Thompson: Gavin Lee
James Wilson: Alex Brightman
Richard Henry Lee: Aaron Tveit
Col. Thomas McKean: Alfred Molina
Caesar Rodney: Christopher Fitzgerald
George Read: Brad Oscar
Samuel Chase: Danny Skinner
Dr. Lyman Hall: Eric Anderson
Roger Sherman: Drew Gehling
Lewis Morris: David Josefsberg
Joseph Hewes: Tom Alan Robbins
Dr. Josiah Bartlett: Richard Kind
Rev. John Witherspoon: Adam Dannheisser
Robert Livingston: Andy Karl
Andrew McNair: Wesley Taylor
Abigail Adams: Jessica Keenan Wynn
Martha Jefferson: Taylor Louderman
Courier: Ethan Slater
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canadian-pug-cartel · 6 months
The rest of the gang freaking out over Dorian gray:
Skinner who fucked off half the movie ago:
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sootyships · 1 year
one summer i watched pitch black almost every night. i could practically quote the whole movie. to be fair one of my friends rly seemed to like it too, we used to watch it together. i actually still think that it aged pretty well, and it's bafflingly much better than the sequels.
i ALSO had a crush on the invisible man in the league of extraordinary gentlemen movie. rodney skinner.
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bindi-the-skunk · 1 year
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raethye · 2 years
BTS as the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (shitty film version, sorry... fueled by comebacks and feral photo folios and instagram things)
Namjoon as Allen Quatermain
Seokjin as Captain Nemo
Yoongi as Dorian Gray
Hoseok as Rodney Skinner
Jimin as Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde
Taehyung as Mina Harker
Jungkook as Tom Sawyer
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self-shipping-hell · 2 years
I'm not going to block or hate you if we share an F/O. In fact, I don't mind sharing as long as you tag your posts related to that character. I'll do the same in turn, that way we can share without intersecting.
Active F/O=⭐️
⭐️🔥Sharky Boshaw [Far Cry 5]
(Self Ship: My Knight in Flaming Armor)
🐔Shane [Stardew Valley]
(Self Ship: Sweater Weather)
🦋Emily [Corpse Bride]
(Self Ship: My butterfly)
💉Herbert West [Reanimator]
(Self ship: Meatball of Science)
🚲Olivia Octavius [Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
(Self ship: Living for Livvie)
🎭Rodney Skinner [The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen]
(Self Ship: At Least Our Love is Visible)
💪Sheeva [Mortal Kombat 11]
(Self Ship: The Perfect Hugs)
🌌Mantis [Marvel Cinematic Universe]
(Self Ship: My Fire Was Fate with You)
🐀Plotzo [Meow Wolf]
(Self Ship: Vermin Vying)
🔍Touta Matsuda [Death Note]
(Self Ship: To You From Me)
👁 Commander Peepers [Wander Over Yonder]
(Self Ship: Got My Eye on You)
🚗 Dan [Dan Vs]
(Self ship: Your Good Luck Charm)
🪲Shino Aburame [Naruto]
(Self Ship: The reason is you)
I have platonic and familial Fictional Others as well, but you probably were only concerned with knowing the romantic ones. They'll be showing up regardless, but they're usually not the ones in the spotlight.
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