#Romulan Bird-Of-Prey
chernobog13 · 10 months
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Romulan Bird-Of-Prey Cutaway.
Cutaway diagram by Matt Cushman. Blueprints by Gary Kerr and Petri Blomqvist.
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How to enter the neutral zone without entering the neutral zone.
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alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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Romulan Bird of Prey Cutaway by Matthew Paul Cushman
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defconprime · 2 months
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grayrazor · 4 months
It suddenly struck me that the reason the Romulan symbol is a bird of prey is because they’re space Romans, and that’s their Aquila.
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How did I never see it before?
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ship-o-rama · 11 months
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Romulan Bird of Prey
Profile: mainstay of the Romulan Navy, stealth over speed.
Pictured: A Romulan Bird of Prey intercepts a starfleet shuttlecraft that crossed the Neutral Zone in 2259
Appeared in Star Trek Ongoing Vol 2. "Vulcan's Vengeance" IDW Comics
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
The December 15, 1966 episode of Star Trek introduced the alien race the Romulans and their bird-of-prey ships. It was also the last appearance of Janice Rand in the television series. The character wouldn't appear again until the motion picture. ("Balance of Terror", Star Trek TOS, TV, Event)
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urban-disco-bones · 2 years
Star Trek Micro Machines and Eaglemoss 🚀
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lithiumseven · 1 year
Literally the most difficult part of being a Trekkie is trying to remember which one is the Warbird and which one is the Bird of Prey
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nekolein-on-bricks · 2 years
Da entarnt sich ein romulanischer Bird-of-Prey
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Wer kennt ihn nicht den Bird-of-Prey der Romulaner aus TOS in Mini-Size von BlueBrixx.
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Wer die Folge kennt, weiß, dass auf der Unterseite ein Adler aufgemalt war. Auch dieser ist im Modell zu finden. Natürlich als Brick-build.
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Hier nochmal ein Bild der Verpackung. Die 238 Steine waren schnell verbaut.
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trekkie-polls · 4 months
For bonus points tell us if it would be scary or exciting to have run of the whole ship alone. Where would you explore first?
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chernobog13 · 3 months
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quasi-normalcy · 10 months
I think one of the big differences between Star Trek and Star Wars is that (intentional) silliness is baked into the canon on Star Trek in a way that it's really not on Star Wars.
Like, there are moments of levity in Star Wars (and things that aren't supposed to be funny but are), but it's written as a counterpoint to the big sweeping epic saga going on in the foreground. Like, behold Luke Skywalker, off on his Hero's Journey against the forces of evil! Also featuring a gay robot with anxiety and his peddle-bin pal. If the took the silliness out of Star Wars, it might not be as good, but it would still be legible as a series.
On Star Trek, on the other hand, there *is* no big, sweeping epic that's supposed to absorb your attention, and so the "serious" bits have no pride of place over the "silly" ones. Episodes where the Enterprise has to play a tense game of cat and mouse with a Romulan bird-of-prey or where Jim needs to let the love of his life die to save the future stand co-equal with episodes where the Enterprise is overrun with purring balls of fluff or where the crew needs to short-circuit a conman's sexbots by staging absurdist plays for them. And if you took the silliness out of Star Trek then it wouldn't be Star Trek anymore; you can't have utopianism where everyone is dour and serious all of the time.
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Romulan Bird-of-Prey Naval Chart by Mark Farinas
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defconprime · 2 months
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iconuk01 · 6 months
For a long time I felt like I was being a bad Star Trek fan for not remotely liking the Klingon Empire as a concept, still less as an ally.
Worf was written, despite a powerhouse performance from Michael Dorn, as a bad father, emotionally constipated and something of a hypocrite (with occasional lapses into being a decent guy which were promptly forgotten)
Every interaction with the Klingon Empire seemed to reek of hypocrisy, sexism, a performantive concept of "honour" and just be frankly unviable. (Also raising concerns as to why we never once saw anyone who was NOT a Klingon as a crewmember on a Bird of Prey, or in any position of power, despite their Empire being vast and presumably having as many varied members species in it as the Federation. Ditto the Romulans, but that's not the subject here)
And the otherwise outgoing and interesting Jadzia Dax seemed to go along with it all too, which never felt right. Sure, Curzon had had good relationships with several noted Klingons, by I alwasy felt she would challenge them more?
So this scene in late DS9 had be practically punching the air with cathartic satisfaction as Ezri Dax, of all characters, basically makes the same points as I had always felt, and to Worf's face, no less.
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