#Ron Blaise Draco and Theo go the leaky
What is that fic with the summary that’s just repeating groups of people who go to the leaky together and somewhere along the way drarry fall in love?
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Let No Man Steal Your Thyme - (older Dramione), Part Three
Wow! Thank you so much for your feedback and apparent enthusiasm for the previous parts, and for your excitement to see more in the future! I never imagined it’d get any traction, but I’m staggered and touched to see that people are enjoying it!
Here’s part three for you, as promised. I had written twice as much as this (around 7k in total) for part three, but I split it up into two. Part Four will go up tomorrow after I’ve given it another once-over. It’s tooth-rottingly adorable really. There’s pizza involved. And a little delving into the past.
Content warnings for part three: unexpected run-in with Ron, passing mention of past alcohol abuse (Ron), and general prejudices against Slytherins. Again, this isn’t supposed to be a Ron-bashing story, but relationships do break down when fundamental beliefs don’t align. If I seem harsh on Ron, I don’t really mean to be. Hermione also isn’t perfect or unbiased, but she has perhaps slightly more reason to be upset with him than he does with her. It will all be explained in a later part, I promise, but it has been hinted at already in the previous two parts.
Part One | Part Two
Friday found her lingering awkwardly in the Ministry’s echoing Atrium, waiting for Theo to come out of his last meeting of the day, up on level five. The problem with being the former Minister for Magic - and one so famously young - was that quite literally everyone knew who she was. So far, in the ten minutes she’d been standing there, a seemingly ceaseless line of twittering assistants and employees had come cringing up to her to ask if she needed anything.  
She’d just sent the latest one packing with a tight-lipped ‘no, thank you. I’m just waiting for a friend,’ when someone cleared their throat behind her, and a familiar voice made her heart clench and her breath come short for half a moment.
“’Mione? What are you doing here?”
“Hi, Ron,” she sighed, even before she turned to face him.  
In the decade or so since their divorce, he’d actually done pretty well for himself. Gone was the lingering paunch that had crept in towards the tail end of his quidditch career, and now he looked… well, quite frankly, he looked really good. He reminded her of Charlie Weasley a little, with floppy, roguish hair and a surprisingly lean figure once more. Becoming the coach of an internationally-recognised quidditch team suited him, clearly. That, and a happier, second marriage with Lavender, she supposed.  
“How are you?” she asked, trying not to sound too stiff and failing abysmally.  
“Good,” he said, rocking back on his heels for a moment with his hands shoved into his pockets. “What, uh, what brings you here then? Miss the place too much?” he asked with a little snort of laughter.
“Hardly, Ron,” she said with perhaps a little too much feeling. “No, I’m waiting for Theo.”
At the mention of Theo’s name, Ron’s eyes darkened. “Why?” he blurted.  
“Why? Because he’s my friend, Ronald,” she said. “And what are you doing here? Come to blag your way out of another ‘drunk and disorderly in possession of a broomstick’, hmm?”  
She knew even as she said it that her snide comment was uncalled for, and that she was being disproportionately petty, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. Something about his lingering, bone-deep resentment of the people with whom she chose to associate these days just brought out the worst in her even now. She wasn’t proud of it. In her defence though, how many times had he tried to use the whole ‘The Minister for Magic is my wife’ ploy to get out of scrapes like that in the past?
Ron’s freckled face flushed at that. “I’m clean and sober now, Hermione,” he said. “Have been for the past five years, which you’d know if you ever came to any of Harry’s dinners. We used to be the ‘Golden Trio’ for fuck’s sake…”
Very quietly, and with what she thought was a remarkable degree of renewed self-control, Hermione said, “Excuse me for not wanting to intrude on your happy family, Ron. I am pleased to hear that though. That’s no small achievement. Congratulations.”
“But you’d still rather go scuttling off with the Slytherins instead of having dinner with me and Harry?” he said, eyes flashing.  
There it was. There was the comment — the little dig at her choices — that she’d been waiting for ever since she’d mentioned Theo’s name. 
“I hear that you and that lot are pretty tight now. Even dragged Neville into it.”
Her already-simmering outrage crept a degree or two hotter beneath the surface, and Hermione blinked rapidly. “‘Dragged’ Neville? Is that what you call his perfectly healthy and happy relationship with Pansy?”
“He wouldn’t have had anything to do with her if it wasn’t for you and Nott meddling. He’d have settled down with Hannah instead of leaving her for some Slytherin trust-fund bitch. You know she’s still heartbroken about it?”
Her eyebrows rose. That wasn’t how it had happened at all, though she knew Hannah was still upset, and she’d just opened her mouth to say so when she felt the prickle of other people’s eyes on them.
“I’m not discussing this, Ron, and I’m certainly not starting something here in the Ministry Atrium, for God’s sake,” she said, turning away. Her ears were starting to ring as her magic crackled inside her and she took a long, steadying inhale to try and calm down. People were indeed starting to stare, and she thought she glimpsed Gabriella Guile lurking near the sandwich shop with one of Rita Skeeter’s bloody ‘Quick-Quotes Quills’ hovering at the ready. “Please, Ron.”
He stepped in close and snarled, “Well, at least some of us still remember where our loyalties lie.”
Hermione saw red at that and spun back round to face him, eyes flashing and hair expanding like a Devil’s Snare. “Loyalty?” she spat. “You — you of all people — want to lecture me about loyalty?!”
Clearly he hadn’t followed that thought through to its conclusion before opening his mouth. He turned beetroot red and took half a step back, hands up defensively. “Look, Mione, I’m sorry. I didn’t come over to start another fight. It’s not like I expected to see you here - you don’t even work here anymore, and it’s not like we hang out or anything. How was I to know?” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I’m meeting Harry when he gets off work and we’re going for a drink at the Leaky. Let’s... Lets just forget it, ok?”
A hand landing gently but firmly between her shoulders made her jump and she whipped round to find Theo standing behind her, looming over her from his six-foot-something height. “Alright, love?” he asked in a steady baritone without taking his eyes off Ron.  
“Ready to go,” she said tartly. “Say hi to Harry for me, Ron.”
And with that, they left the Ministry by floo for Theo’s.  
As she stepped out of the swirling green flames of the fancy, Mayfair town-house’s marble fireplace only a moment or so behind him, she found Daniel rising from the sofa to greet Theo with a kiss, and once Theo had moved off through the house to hang up his cloak, he opened his arms to hug her warmly.
Dan, always a pleasure,” she said. “How are you?”  
The unexpected meeting with Ron left her oddly rattled. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen him at all in the decade since the divorce - his little sister was her own best friend, and she’d met Bill Weasley on more than one occasion during her time at the Ministry, but still, to see him doing so well for himself and to see him so happy should have made her pleased. After all the years of shared friendship that she genuinely cherished, she should have been happy for him.  
Instead it galled and made her uncharacteristically bitter to know that he had everything he wanted now and he still couldn’t resist trying to rubbish the few things she had left of value in her life. Theo and Daniel were among her closest friends, and to her surprise, the rest of the Slytherins had adopted her into their little group without question.  
“Let’s start a bit early, shall we?” Theo chimed as he re-entered the living room with three champagne flutes and a bottle of something French and no doubt eye-wateringly expensive floating in front of him. Since that left his hands free, he began undoing his cuff links as he walked. “The others should be here soon enough anyway, and I just closed a deal with the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France that I’ve been trying to hash out all year. Yay me.”
His flawless French accent made Hermione smile. Everything just seemed so easy and natural to Theo; it might have enviable if he weren’t such an affable sweetheart to go with it.  
“Yay you,” Daniel chuckled, eyes glittering with affection as Theo handed Hermione a very full glass. “To my brilliant husband.”
Two hours later, amid the happy murmur of conversation that now filled the gorgeous, airy ground floor, Hermione looked up as the floo whooshed and Draco Malfoy stepped out. She’d begun to think he wasn’t going to show, and when she caught sight of him, a weight unexpectedly lifted from her chest. Something, at least, was going right today.
He had a heavy, black cloak around his shoulders and a bundle of brown paper parcels under one arm, printed with the logos of various Diagon Alley shops, though it was well past most of their closing times. She wondered where he’d been in the meantime, but didn’t want to pry.  
Whether out of surprise or curiosity, the chatter in the living room sputtered out a little at his arrival before Pansy rose to her feet and flung her arms around his neck. “Draco, darling!” she laughed as she air-kissed his winter-pink cheeks and hissed melodramatically in his ear — loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear —, “I’m so glad you came; Blaise owes me ten galleons. He said you wouldn’t come.”
Draco twitched his lips fondly into something that was almost a smirk and unclasped his cloak as she stepped away from him. He folded it up neatly atop the parcels beside the now-still fireplace and shot her a look. “Glad to know how much my company is worth these days, Pans,” he drawled.  
As he straightened, Hermione actually sank her teeth into her lower lip at the way his bespoke charcoal grey suit fitted him, accentuating his long, lean figure, with narrow hips and broad shoulders. He looked every bit the successful businessman while she was slouching around in the jeans and mauve hoodie she’d thrown on in the back room after closing the bookshop for the day. No wonder Pansy had given her an affectionately pitying grimace when she’d greeted her earlier.  
Theo rose gracefully from his seat beside her on the sofa to join Draco and Pansy by the hearth, and he hugged Draco fondly, murmuring something in his ear. The two were almost a match in height, though where Theo’s hair was a warm, copper-streaked, chocolate brown and his skin a tanned, freckled olive, Draco’s hair and skin were almost as colourless as the marble fireplace behind him.  
When Draco drew back this time, he spotted Hermione over Theo’s shoulder. He offered her a slow incline of his head, and allowed a clinking tumbler of whisky and ice to be pressed into his hand by Theo.  
Hermione wasn’t really sure quite what she’d been expecting from Draco when she’d invited him to join Theo’s usual Friday night drinks. Whatever it had been though, it wasn’t the thoughtful, considerate conversationalist she now found engaging Neville in detailed discussion about the disadvantages of farming dittany commercially. For some reason, Draco’s icy exterior and apparently reclusive behaviour had made her think he might be socially awkward, but apparently one can’t train the upper-class manners out of someone once it’s been bred into their bloodline for umpteen generations, even after a dusty decade of disuse. Further to her surprise, he actually seemed genuinely interested in what Neville had to say about the difference in potency between rare, wild-harvested dittany and the farmed stuff.  
Meanwhile, she just sat on the sofa with Neville on her left and Theo on her right, and only half-listened to the talk around her, not participating at all.  
Despite everyone’s obvious enjoyment of the gathering, Hermione found herself unable to muster any of her usual social enthusiasm, and remained in pretty subdued silence. After a while, Neville politely excused himself to find Pansy, with an earnest promise to follow up on something or other for Malfoy, and his seat was not reoccupied.  
In the lull, Malfoy took the opportunity to lean across the space from his armchair to the sofa and murmur, “Everything alright, Granger?”  
From beside her, Theo looked round and slung his arm causally over her shoulders and squeezed. “Hermione had a small run in with her ex-husband in the middle of the Ministry Atrium.”
Draco’s eyes flashed and his lip curled minutely.
“Nothing dramatic, but the prick had the nerve to insinuate that Slytherins make for poor company. Luckily, dear Hermione reminded him that we’re not all still twelve years old...”
She managed a smile at that. “Don’t let me rain on your party, Theo, but I think... I think I will head home now.”
“Feel free to floo,” he breezed, waving the hand that had been around her shoulders with a flash of the gold signet ring on his little finger, “But obviously I’d much rather you stay and drink yourself into a giggling stupor again... It’s been far too long since that happened.”
“You drink yourself into a giggling stupor every Friday, Theo. I’m sure you can manage to do it again on my behalf tonight. I’d love to stay, but it’s all getting a bit... loud now anyway...” she said vaguely. “I think I’ll walk home.”
Theo just nodded and gave her an affectionate little wink that would have looked corny on anyone half as charming. “Take care of yourself, sweetheart. Say hello to whatever your book-du-jour is for me. Will it be Emily or Charlotte this time?”
Draco frowned in confusion and she laughed a little. “Charlotte.”  
Still cleanly nonplussed, Malfoy looked from Theo to Hermione before Theo grinned at him. “Brontë,” he said conspiratorially. “Muggle author.” He looked back to Hermione and said, “Means it’s an evening with dear Jane Eyre then. Haven’t you read that a hundred times?”
“More, probably,” she chuckled, standing. “Goodnight, Draco. I’m glad you came. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
He nodded, looking slightly winded for some reason, and offered nothing else.  
After saying goodbye to a few people, and finding that Pansy had somehow managed to drape herself successfully across Neville’s lap despite the fact that he was sitting on a bar stool of all things, Hermione headed for the front door and slipped out into the night alone.  
With her coat still over the crook of one arm despite the biting wind, she made her way from Theo’s cushy house out into wider Muggle London, and from there she began to meander.  
Just as she crossed the boundary into Hyde Park, she heard running feet and someone calling her name. To her surprise, she turned and found Malfoy loping along the pavement after her.
Halting, she waited for him to catch up and looked curiously up at him. His pale cheeks were flushed pink again from the bout of light exercise, his breath billowed white, and his hair seemed to glow like burnished silver in the harsh light of the street lamps. It was hard to doubt the rumours of him being part Veela in moments like that.  
“What is it, Malfoy?” she asked when he didn’t articulate the reason for his hasty journey. “Did I forget something?”
“No, I —“ he faltered and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. The motion ruffled his hair into something altogether softer and more attractive. He cut it much shorter at the sides now but left the top longer, and it had an attractive wave to it that had once been oiled out of existence in his earlier years at Hogwarts. “I thought — ach, this was a stupid idea.”
“What do you mean? What was a stupid idea?”
“I thought I’d come after you and see if you were alright. You looked fucking miserable back there, Granger.”
“You taught your son foundation spellwork with that mouth, Malfoy?” she countered, slightly staggered by his apparent thoughtfulness. This was not the Malfoy she remembered at all, and it was gratifying to find that her experience of him over lunch had not been a one-off.
He smirked and the effect was disarming in a way it never had been at Hogwarts. “I do try not to swear around him, but if he’s learnt something uncouth, I couldn’t promise it didn’t come from me. Or Theo. Actually it’s more likely to have come from Theo.”
She laughed suddenly. “Your little mandrake,” she sighed.
Something odd passed across his face and he stuffed his hands into his jacket pocket. “Salazar’s balls,” he cursed. “It’s colder out here than I thought.”
Wandlessly, she murmured a spell to extend the radius of her own extant warming charm to surround them both. “Better?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “Left my cloak and stuff back at Theo’s.”
Hermione smiled and gestured with the arm holding her coat. “I’d offer you mine, but I’m not sure even you could pull off a Muggle women’s rain mac that’s several sizes too small for you.”
“Oh I don’t know,” he said. “I think I could transfigure it into something… workable.”
“You sound just like Theo and Dan and Pansy,” she groaned. “They’re always threatening to take me shopping. I’m terrified to let them loose on my wardrobe. I’m afraid I’ll never see another pair of comfy jeans again!”
“Don’t listen to them. The way you dress is just fine,” he said easily. “Besides, you give that lot an inch and they’ll take a mile. You should always stand your ground, especially against Pansy…”
“Well, I’ve got Nev on my side too,” she said. “Though even I have to admit that she’s had a positive effect on his wardrobe. Maybe I should let her take me shopping after all... I probably couldn’t afford the places she shops though,” she laughed, then looked up to find an odd light in Malfoy’s grey eyes. “You really came haring through London after me just to check I was alright?”
“And walk you home if you’d like,” he added. “But I’ll leave you in peace if I’m imposing. Heavens know you’ve had one pushy bloke to deal with already today...”
“The last thing I think of you right now is ‘pushy’, Malfoy. I think you’re very kind to come after me.”
He looked away at that and a private smile graced his lips. Bloody hell though; where some people’s looks seemed to have been watered down with age, Malfoy’s features had been honed and refined by time into something akin to a masterpiece, with high, sharp cheekbones and a slim, and clearly very fit and healthy, figure. It made her stomach swoop and ache again in a way she hadn’t felt in years. It also made her feel a little self-conscious of the softer curves she was carrying around her hips, arms, and lower stomach these days. Hefting books around kept her strong, but a largely sedentary life in the bookshop wasn’t doing wonders for her once-svelte figure, it had to be said.  
He nudged his elbow out a few inches and she smiled, taking the offer and sliding her fingers into the crook of his arm.  
They set off and walked slowly, aimlessly, along the walkways of Hyde Park, and for a long time neither of them spoke. A cyclist shot past them at one point, and Malfoy watched him disappear into the distance with an inquisitive frown, as if trying to figure out how it could possibly function. He never said anything though, and they carried on, warmed by Hermione’s spell and encased in an oddly amicable silence.  
It was Malfoy who broke the silence at last. “You find this strange, Granger?” he asked, glancing down at her.  
Her breath caught as she stared up into those full-moon eyes of his; bright and silver and so god-damned intense. Gone was the pinched look of fear and insecurity lingering in the corners. Gone was the cruel, steely glint. The lines of his face were still hard and severe, and he carried a hefty frown most of the time, and that trademark pointy chin was still there, but he really had grown up, inside and out, and it showed.  
“Strange?” she croaked. “What, you and me walking arm in arm through Hyde Park at seven in the evening?”
“Mmm,” he nodded.  
“A little,” she admitted as she looked ahead up the path. “A little.”
Part Four
As before, if you like where it’s going and want to see more, do let me know! I will post it on Tumblr as I write it, and once it’s all complete, I’ll plop it onto AO3 in one go. That way keeps the pressure off a bit, I think? Anyway, let me know if you’re enjoying it, and why, either by reblogging this or sending me an ask
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I Get It Now | Neville/Theo
Warning: discussions of a sexual nature
Thanks to my lovely Beta @rose-grangerweasleyisbae ❤️❤️❤️
Read on Ao3
Neville watched from his table in the leaky. His friends were loud and happy, jokes flying and drinks sloshing between them. He knew, with some amusement, that Harry was getting drunk enough to make a move on Draco, and Ron was just wasting time until Blaise nodded at him to the door. The only time Harry made a move on Draco he was drunk, and Draco always laughed the inebriated mess off. Neville shook his head. Left to Harry, the two would never get their shit together.
Neville, on the other hand, had his eyes on Theo. Theodore Nott who looked like he itched to be broken. Mouthy little brat he was, just begging to be forced to his knees. By Merlin, the man could also be sweet, and kind. He was good at his job as a teacher and he was always helping everyone. Then as the day came to an end, music going, liquor flowing, Theo became cheeky, obscene and downright delicious.
Neville was always watching Theo. He wanted to claim him, mark him as his own, make the man know that he could flirt all he wanted but it was Neville who owned him. Neville who controlled his pleasure, and dealt his punishments. He was simply waiting for the right moment.
“Harry,” Neville said softly. “How drunk are you?”
Neville watched Draco laughing with Blaise and Pansy, trying his hand on Theo’s arm and leaning close to speak into his ear.
“Not even a bit,” Harry grumbled pointing towards the four by the bar. “Definitely not enough to handle that.”
“Maybe try asking him out when you’re sober,” Neville nudged him with his shoulder. “No one wants to deal with someone drooling on their shoes, and making a pass at them by complimenting their ‘stupid shiny hair’.”
“I didn’t,” Harry gaped in horror.
“Mate, it was pathetic,” Ron laughed. “He looked like he was going to hit you before Neville dragged you away last week.”
“Like you can talk,” Neville looked pointedly at Blaise. “Have you told him you want more than blowies in the loo, yet?”
Ron turned a ridiculous shade of red and muttered under his breath. He left the booth, stalked over to Blaise and dragged the amused man from the pub.
“Harry, just go ask the pointy git out,” Neville grinned. “Everyone knows you want to, and you can’t possibly embarrass yourself worse.”
Harry seemed to think of that for some time, ignoring the half-finished fire-whiskey in his hands before he stood abruptly. He marched right up to Draco, his face a brilliantly darker colour, and—to Neville’s amusement—spoke to him loudly with a shaky voice. Draco was grinning, a shine to his eyes that spoke of a desire to torture Harry a little bit, but the raw honesty in Harry’s expression seemed to change things. Draco nodded and Harry broke out in a wide smile.
Neville sighed happily and went back to his beer.
“You know,” a low voice spoke into Neville’s ear, lips lightly brushing his lobe, “I get it now.”
Neville peered up at Theo as he sunk into the seat across from him in the booth. His dark eyes taking in every inch of Neville, his dark hair pulled back in a loose ball at the back of his head, the scruff on his jaw that he hadn’t shaved that morning.
“Get what, exactly?”
“You like to take care of people,” Theo stated. It wasn’t a question. Neville felt his eyes narrow. “I bet it gets you off.”
Neville’s jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth but didn’t respond.
“Soppy Longbottom, wants everyone to feel loved.”
Neville took a breath, even, measured, as he dragged his eyes over Theo and his messy dirty blonde hair, his black ripped jeans, his tight black shirt and the black leather sport coat over it. Merlin, he was fit, and the prick knew it.
“Your pretty little mouth is going to get you into trouble, Theodore,” Neville said in his deep warning voice.
Theo’s eyes widened.
“What are you going to do about it?” He asked slowly, his eyes flashed with anticipation.
Neville raised a brow and smirked. He stood up, finished his beer and tossed down the shillings he owed and then some for a tip. He glanced at Theo almost absently.
“Not a thing,” he paused looking Theo up and down and licking his bottom lip. “When you’re ready for your punishment, you know where daddy is.”
The shock and arousal in Theo’s eyes made Neville’s heart jump. He pulled his jean jacket off the seat beside Theo and locked eyes with him once more before he left the pub.
Neville was nothing if not patient. Theo knew where to find him.
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Happy Birthday Harry
Something quick and shitty I whipped up for Harry's birthday. Un-beta'd because I didn't have the time. Also it'll very likely be continued but I just had to post something today.
Word Count: 1k
Harry woke up to a quiet house, that in itself wasn't very unusual. He sometimes woke up before Ron, Hermione or Ginny did. Whenever that happened he would go make tea and breakfast for all of them because he knew how grumpy they could get without it. Harry trudged down into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, trying very hard not to wake Kreacher, the old house elf deserved to rest as much as he could. Harry had offered to set him free and to have him live here even without having to work but he refused, he said he'd die working for the master of the house, whoever it was, and he'd be glad to do it.
He put the kettle on and got out the eggs and bread and a saucepan, he felt like making some french toast. Harry was going through his schedule for the day when he heard the kettle whistle long enough for Kreacher to bring it off the heat and place it on the counter, Harry wanted to argue but he knew it would be pointless and he'd rather Kreacher help him in the kitchen than clean the whole house himself, which was more than his old bones could handle. Kreacher looked over at what he was making in curiosity, wondering whether he needed any help. He just shook his head and nodded to the table which needed to be set. Kreacher set to getting out everyone's mugs and putting plates, butter, and  marmalade on the table. Just as he was done mixing everyone's tea to their liking, Hermione came down the stairs, took her tea from Kreacher, thanked him and walked up to Harry “Good morning, Harry” she said giving a peck to his cheek and set about helping Kreacher set the table. “Morning, 'Mione. Slept well?”
“As well as I usually do”
“And Ron?”
“Still snoring in our bed like a wild boar” Harry let out a snort at that, completely agreeing with Hermione's analogy. Harry could attest to that having roomed with Ron for all of their schooling and more.
Harry had had a whole bout of depression and existential crisis and PTSD when Hogwarts ended. He didn’t know what he was to do with his life anymore, Ginny and him had broken up and he had realised he liked blokes too. Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the other Weasley’s helped him so much and he was forever grateful.
 Now, here he is 37 and he's the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts and is relaxing before terrorising his students for the next year, that is, preparing his lesson plan. He’s living with one of his best friends at one of his favourite places in the world 9 months out of 12 and the other times he's living with at least two of his other best friends the rest of the time. Speaking of friends, he can hear his Floo, it was probably Neville to tell him about his day as they've both gotten used to doing usually over breakfast in the Great Hall. He walked over into the parlour, he was so lost in thought that he didn’t realise he was the only one left in the kitchen.
 “Happy birthday, mate” Neville said sticking his head through the Floo. At Harry’s surprised look he let out a laugh and fixed him with a knowing look. “You haven’t had your team yet, I presume. I’ll talk to you later then Harry. Happy birthday again” Harry didn’t even bother responding with words, he just nodded in acknowledgement and went back to the kitchen.
 He got back to the kitchen and sat at the table and sat down with his tea. He was 38 years old, he was happy and satisfied with his life but there were some things he was missing too. Almost all of his friends were together, Hermione and Ron had been together since 6th year. Ginny and Luna got together a few years ago and we're together whenever both their schedules as a Maagizoologist and a professional Quidditch player let them. Whenever one was on your the other stayed at Grimmauld Place, Neville and Hannah were married, Dean and Seamus had been together for so long people had forgotten when they got together. Even the Slytherins that had joined their friend group had partners, Blaise and Theo had gotten their heads out of their asses after the war and told the other how they felt for the other.Millicent and Pansy had been together on and off ages and now they seemed more on than off now. Harry used to be happy with a career and a stable life but he was also getting tired of being one of the only single people whenever they all met. Him, Draco and Greg were really the only single people in their group and Harry was planning on setting Greg up with Dudley one of these days.
 He knew he’d spend their evening dinner at the Leaky trying not to get noticed by people and drinking. Not that he particularly minded doing that, he would end up talking to Draco who was actually really fun to speak, thirteen year old him would probably laugh at them if someone told him he’d get along with his arch nemesis so well, in another world Draco was someone he could fall for, maybe even in this world. Harry had nothing to do all day but laze in front of the telly and laze around. He started out his evening by going for a run. He came back just in time for a shower and quickly getting dressed. When he came out of the shower to get dressed there was a new shirt and the pair of his best black skinny jeans set out by either Hermione or Ginny. He got dressed and apparated directly to the Leaky. Harry spotted his friends and went over to them, almost all of them were already there. All of them cheered and raised their glasses for him, shouting in unison, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY”
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Dramione Fic Index ~ Title H
Title: Hair Author: imera Rating: G/K Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,500 Summary: His whole life was over because he was going bald and none of the potions he tried had a lasting effect. Then he heard about a new potion, but there was a catch: it was still in the testing stage, and he would have to go in for regular check-ups, and—worst of all—a certain witch was in charge of the project. Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: November 14, 2014  Themes: Apologies [Draco], Healer/Patient [Healer: Hermione; Patient: Draco] Draco: Broody, Divorced, Redeemed  Hermione: Healer
Title: Halfblood or Nothing Author: CharleeBleu Rating: T Genre(s): Family, Humour Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,369 Summary: He was a Slytherin, after all and the survival of his own was what he held as his highest priority. He’d take a Halfblood over nothing at all. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: January 9, 2014 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Scorpius], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Endearments/Pet Names Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Bossy, Feisty Locations: St. Mungo’s Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Daphne, Hermione & Pansy Characters: George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley
Title: Hallelujah Indeed Author: naarna Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,400 Summary: After a love spell has gone wrong, Draco shows up in Hermione’s bedroom every night for a week. Investigations into this matter lead to revelations both never expected… Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: hp_drizzle Alternate Links: AO3 Published: September 3, 2016 Completed: September 3, 2016  Themes: Curses and Spells [Love Spells], Banter, Draco kisses Hermione to shut her up, Secret Feelings Draco: Snarky, Ministry Worker Hermione: Feisty, Auror Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House 
Title: Halo Author: margaritama  Rating: M Genre(s): Angst, Gneral Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,892 Summary: He was alone and broken. No one saw him. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: May 22, 2009 Themes: Alcohol/Drinking Locations: The Leaky Cauldron Warnings: Mild Profanity
Title: Hanging On Author: eau_bleu Rating: G Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,068 Summary: Draco turned spy with Hermione Granger as his contact almost immediately after the the Golden Trio’s escape from Malfoy Manor when they were brought there by Snatchers . Only Hermione and Andromeda Tonks know of Draco’s position. Draco went to his aunt first, who contacted Hermione at Shell Cottage, on Draco’s behalf. They meet in secret at a safe house, a very small cottage belonging to the late Ted Tonks’ family. The cabin is located in Ireland. Status: Complete Timeline: War Fest/Exchange: Otter and Ferret Published: April 21, 2012 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Azkaban, Songfic, Travel [Dingle, Ireland] Draco: Order Member, Redeemed Hermione: Order Member Characters: Andromeda Tonks Character Birthdays: Draco, Hermione
Title: Happily Divorced Author: writerspassion18 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor, Family   Chapters: 31 Word Count: 102,558  Summary: A hug here. A kiss on the forehead there. Nothing bad could come out of being on good terms with your ex, right?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: October 19, 2016  Completed: February 11 2017 Relationship: Divorced Pregnancy/Children: Children [Cassie, Lyra, Scorpius] Themes: Past Relationship, Friendship, Quidditch, Dates, Jealousy [Draco and Hermione], Next Gen, Slytherin Friendship, Denial of Feelings, Accidental Pregnancy, One Night Stand, Draco cheats with Hermione, Weddings, Lingerie Draco: Romantic Hermione: Ministry Worker Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Blaise/Pansy, Theo/Daphne, Draco/Astoria Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Harry, Draco & Ginny, Draco & Theo,  Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Original Character, Astoria Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Narcissa Malfoy, Grangers Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations 
Title: Happily Ever After Author: Emily North  Rating: K   Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,712 Summary: Draco’s favorite fairy tale. Pure cotton candy DHr fluff! Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: February 15, 2005 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Beatrice], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Fairytales Draco: Business Man, Redeemed
Title: Happy Birthday Harry Author: black wolfgirl2722  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Family Chapters: 2 Word Count: 4,134 Summary: It’s Harry’s birthday and the Weasley’s and Hermione are happy to celebrate with him one more time. Having a certain ex-Slytherin around this time though has left Hermione a little distracted and wanting. A little together time surrounded by all these Weasley’s is just what the doctor ordered. PWP Dramione Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, Semi-Epilogue Compliant Published: July 21, 2012 Completed: August 1, 2013 Relationship: Enaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Ariana, Orion] Locations: The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Character Birthdays: Harry
Title: Happy Birthday, Draco Author: AnneM.Oliver Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,665 Summary: Draco is not at all happy about turning 30 years old and he figures if he is miserable, everyone else should be as well.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: June 29, 2008 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners Draco: Auror, Witty Hermione: Ministry Employee, Witty Locations: Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Theo/Pansy Character Birthdays: Draco  Warnings: Alternate Universe, Lemons(Extreme Smut), Limes(Mild Smut)
Title: Happy Birthday To Me (Chocolate Cake and Wildflowers) Author: naarna Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Fluff, Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,831 Summary: It’s Hermione’s 40th birthday, but everyone else is either on a vacation trip or buried in work, so she decides to celebrate it with a candlelight dinner just for herself. However, an unexpected visitor turns the evening into something worth remembering. Status: Completed Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: H&V If The Prompt Fits Published: February 14, 2018 Relationship: Friends and Co-Workers Themes: Secret Feelings, Surprises, Confessions, Co Workers Office Partners, Friendship Draco: Ministry Worker, Widowed, Redeemed Hermione: Ministry Worker, Divorced Characters: Rose Weasley Character Birthdays: Hermione Character Point of View/POV: Hermione
Title: Happy Christmas, Draco Author: dceptivenocence  Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,793 Summary: Snowball fights, flaming mistletoe, and teasing touches -the things that make life worth living. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Holiday: Christmas/New Years Published: December 19, 2005 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend  Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Events/Celebration [Party] Draco: Redeemed Locations: Malfoy Manor Characters: Harry Potter
Title: Happy UnValentine’s Day Author: kimmiecub1595 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,860 Summary: Hermione and Draco are both having a typical, bitter, lonely Valentine’s Day. But can they change that by the end of the night? Rated T for really mild language. The party theme is inspired by the movie ‘Valentine’s Day’. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Holiday: Valentine’s Published: August 3, 2010 Relationship: Breakup/Together Again Locations: The Three Broomsticks Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Blaise/Pansy, Neville/Luna Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Pansy, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson
Title: Have Mercy Author: blackkisbackk Rating: M Genre(s): Romance/Drama Chapters: 19 Word Count: 83,737 Summary: “I’ll have Granger begging to be in my bed within the month. Mark my words.” “Care to put your money where your mouth is?” At St. Mungo’s, Draco meets Hermione, a new psychiatrist at his hospital. After being forced to work together on a battered woman, feelings develop, but things get complicated when Draco makes a dangerous bet. Non-magic AU. Also HP/GW. Status: Complete Timeline: Non-magic AU. (Both are doctors. Draco is a surgeon, Hermione is a phychaitrist. Set in L.A., USA) Published: March 3, 2012  Completed: July 7, 2012 Draco: Doctor, Snarky Hermione: Doctor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco and Blaise Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Michael Corner, Minerva McGonagall, Rolanda Hooch Warnings: Abuse/Rape
Title: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Granger Author: AnneM.Oliver  Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,765 Summary: Hermione feels like a scrooge this year, and doesn’t even care about Christmas, but will someone make her Christmas wish come true? Draco  wants her to be his Christmas wish, and let’s face it, Draco Malfoy always gets what he wants. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 13, 2007 Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners, Events/Celebrations [Ball] Draco: Redeemed Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Ministry of Magic
Title: He Is Love Author: ashleyfanfic Rating: M Genre(s): Fluff, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,110 Summary: Hermione has a very bad day and Draco makes it all better. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war Published: March 26, 2011 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Engagement Themes: Endearments, Injuries [Hermione gets injured], Insecurity, Muggle Life, Roommates/Housemates Draco: Redeemed
Title: Head Games Author: Miss Fantastic Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Fluff, Humor Chapters: 22 Word Count: 38,511 Summary: Inspired by the cliché challenge, Draco Malfoy is made Head Boy and is horrified to find that Hermione Granger is Head Girl.  Draco decides the only thing that would make the situation bearable is to seduce the little know-it-all.  He comes up with a foolproof plan - but does he really know the Gryffindor Princesses as well as he thinks?  At least Draco can control every detail of the seduction - or does he? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Published: September 14, 2012  Completed: November 19, 2012 Themes: Baths/Showers, Bets/Wagers, Cuddling/Spooning, Endearments/Pet Names, Events/Celebration [Ball], Flirting, Head Boy/Head Girl, Jealousy, Quidditch/Flying, Sharing a Bed Draco: Manipulative, Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Heads’ Common Room, Hogsmeade, Quidditch Pitch, The Three Broomsticks Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Narcissa Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Viktor Krum Warnings: Coarse Language, Lemons(Extreme Smut), Limes(Mild Smut)
Title: Head Girl Author: jess_lovecat Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Plot? What Plot? Chapters: 13 Word Count: 11,444 Summary: Hermione witnesses something that arouses her. curiosity. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: December 10, 2003 Completed: July 22, 2005 Themes: Apologies [Draco], Baths/Showers, Head Boy/Head Girl, Imperius Curse [Draco uses it], Magical Items [Jewellery], Massages [Hermione massages Draco], Sharing a Bed Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Feisty Locations: Gryffindor Tower, Hogsmeade, Slytherin Dungeons Friendships: Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott Featured Holidays: Christmas/New Year’s Warnings: non-con
Title: Head Over Feet Author: Lucky-Stars-3345 Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,996 Summary: It’s Hermione’s 21st birthday, and Draco has some surprises in store Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Published: April 24, 2005 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Engagement Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Letters, Songfic Draco: Redeemed Side Pairings: Blaise/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Wealsey Character Birthdays: Hermione  Warnings: OOC
Title: Head to Head Author: malfoymaiden Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 15 Word Count: 55,375 Summary: Head duties, planning balls, patrolling, bickering: normal behavior. Kissing in closets, dancing, snogging the DADA teacher, becoming friends: ? It’s everyone’s favorite Head Boy and Girl!  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Published: June 4, 2009  Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Amortentia, Games/Challenge/Dares [Games], Events/Celebration [Ball, Party], Forced Partnership/Together, Head Boy/Head Girl, Jealousy, Sharing a Bed Draco: Draco’s Feelings Hermione: Feisty, Makeover Locations: Heads’ Common Room, Potions Class, Room of Requirement Side Pairings: Blaise/Ginny, Narcissa/Original Character Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Malfoy, Original characters, Padma Patil,Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Theodore Nott Character Birthdays: Hermione  Featured Holidays: Halloween, Christmas/New Year’s
Title: Healed Author: enter-a-world-entirely-our-own Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 47 Word Count: 108,216 Summary: It’s four years after the war and Hermione is broken and still having nightmares. Draco is cold and lonely and the only person that means something in his life is nearly taken away from him. With Hermione’s help he may just start living again. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: December 14, 2011  Completed: June 20, 2012 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Cassiopeia, Leo, Ara, Scorpius, Lyra], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Hermione], Meet the Parents, Nightmares [Draco and Hermione], Weddings [Harry/Ginny] Draco: Business Man Hermione: Birthhday, Healer Locations: Grimmauld Place, Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor, St. Mungo’s, The Burrow Side Pairings: Hermione/Original Character, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Pansy, Blaise/Luna Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Grangers [Greg and Jane], Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Character, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Voldemort Character Deaths: Lucius Malfoy
Title: Healing Scars  Author: mintlumos  Rating: K+ Genre(s): Friendship, Romance Chapters: 15 Word Count: 31,549  Summary: It’s two years after the War has ended. Draco finds himself caught up into the lives of the Potter Gang again thanks to Teddy Tonks. As a healer in training, he is working on a scar healing potion and gets help from an old childhood enemy. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: August 19, 2017 Completed: September 10, 2017 Pregnancy/Children: Child [Scorpius] Themes: Friendship, Nightmares [Draco], Hermone’s Patronus, Research, Psychological Trauma [Draco has panic attacks], Alcohol, Potions,  Draco: Healer, Broody Hermione: Know-It-All Locations: Malfoy Manor, Grimmauld Place, Hermione’s Flat/House, St. Mungo’s Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Draco & Harry, Draco & Andromeda Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Andromeda Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Original Characters  Featured Holidays: Christma 
Title: Healing the Wounds Author: SnarkyWench Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 5 Word Count: 39,161 Summary: Fate drops an opportunity to aid a former schoolmate on Hermione’s doorstep — a wounded Slytherin who needs more than physical healing. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU [Compliancy: HBP] Published: October 13, 2005 Completed: October 19, 2005 Categories/Themes Themes: Cooking/Baking [Hermionecooks], Injuries [Draco], Siblings/Step-family [Draco has a half-sister] Draco: Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Healer Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House Friendships: Hermione & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, Severus Snape
Title: Heart and Soul Author: TassanaBurrfoot Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy Chapters: 26 Word Count: 69,473 Summary: Dear Miss Granger, I understand and sympathize with you, however there is very little else I can do. While I know how difficult Mr. Malfoy can be, you are his last hope… Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6, Year 7, War Alternate Links: AFF Published: October 4, 2007  Completed: October 23, 2007 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point), Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Evangelon Gwendolyn, Scorpius], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco], Dancing, Endearments/Pet Names, Events/Celebrations [Party], Injuries [Draco], Jealousy, Magical Item [Jewellery], Muggle Life, Sharing a Bed Draco: Head Boy [Head Girl: Padma Patil], Snarky, Virgin Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Bossy, Emotional, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Grimmauld Place, Malfoy Manor, Room of Requirement Side Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa, Blaise/Padma, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Luna Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Padma, Draco & Snape, Draco & Luna, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Blaise Zabini,Dean Thomas, Garrick Ollivander, Grangers [Henry & Amy], Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Moaning Myrtle, Narcissa Malfoy, Padma Patil, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Severus Snape, Vincent Crabbe Character Birthdays: Draco, Hermione  Feaured Holdays: Christmas/New Year’s Sequel: InLaws - M, 21 chapters - The sequel to my story Heart and Soul. Prison puts a damper in Draco and Hermione’s plans for a dream wedding. Can Hermione release Draco and his father so she may have her wedding? Or will the tides of prejudice put an end to her fantasy?
Title: Heart in the Whole Author: floorcoaster Rating: G Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,956 Summary: Draco pulls Hermione’s name for a Secret Santa exchange. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Holiday: Christmas/New Years Fest/Exchange: dhr_advent Published: November 20, 2012 December 18, 2012  Themes: Hogwarts Professors, Magical Creatures Draco: Hogwarts Professor, Redeemed Hermione: Hogwarts Professor [Teaches Arithmancy]
Title: Heart of the Phoenix Author: I M Sterling  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Friendship Chapters: 13 Word Count: 34,228 Summary: Years after Hogwarts, a widowed Hermione Granger Weasley is surprised to see Draco Malfoy walk into her office. What in the name of Merlin could a St. Mungo’s Medical Curse Breaker need from her?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, Epilogue Compliant Published: May 28, 2012  Completed: June 20, 2012 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Lyra, Cassiopeia] Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Endearments/Pet Names Draco: Curse-Breaker, Draco’s Patronus [Dragon], Healer, Redeemed Hermione: Widow Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, King’s Cross Station, Malfoy Manor, St. Mungo’s, The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Neville/Luna Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Hugo Weasley, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Character Deaths: Ron Weasley
Title: Heart’s Reflection Author: Ekko Rayne Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 13,854 Summary: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi..I show not your face but your heart’s desire..Reflections of rivals are their heart’s truest desires. As they come to realize the love they could have they must fight to keep it as others see fit to destroy it. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6 Published: November 25, 2011 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Injuries [Draco], Mirror of Erised, Quidditch/Flying, Sharing Clothing Locations: Great Hall, Room of Requirement Side Pairings: Ron/Lavender Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Rubeus Hagrid, Ron Weasley
Title: Heartbreak: A History Author: pink_flame_87/I Can Spell Confusion With a K Rating: PG Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,784 Summary: Hermione is writing the history of the war and everything that led up  to it. But with only two people left to interview, her own life is slowly falling apart. Will one of her subjects be able to help her? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: October 12, 2008 Themes: Travel [France] Draco: Broody, Redeemed Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Writer Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Hotel Characters: Original Characters
Title: Heartstrings Author: crimsinsky Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Fluff, Family, Drama Chapters: 55 Word Count: 69,872 Summary: Hermione is studying to become a healer, her time after the war has left her and many others trying to assemble their lives. When she is assigned to care for a patient, her life get’s turned around. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: June 22, 2017 Completed: May 5, 2019 Pregnancy/Children: Children [Scorpius, Cordelia, Narcissa] Themes: Magical Creatures [Werewolf, House Elf], Healer/Patient, Cooking and Baking, Flying, Friendship, Disguises, Nightmares [Hermione], Sharing a Bed, Pureblood Traditions, News and Gossip, Proposals, Weddings, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Hermione], Pregnancy Draco: Werewolf, Broody, Potions Master, Protective and Possessive Hermione: Healer, Compassionate, Campaigner Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/OC Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Draco & Theo, Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Andromeda Tonks, Ron Weasley, Original Character, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, George Weasley, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Lucius Malfoy Anti-Characters: Anti-Lucius Pro-Characters: Pro-Narcissa Featured Holidays: Christmas, New Year’s Additional Notes: Characters are OOC, Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, Torture
Title: Heat Author: LynstHolin Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,100 Summary: When Hermione returns to Hogwarts after the war, things heat up in more ways than one. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Published: September 5, 2011 Relationship: Adultery/Cheating [Hermione cheats with Draco] Draco: Snarky Hermione: Bossy Locations: Black Lake Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley
Title: Heaven Forbid Author: empathapathique Rating: NC-17/MA Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 15,285 Summary: She held the Muggle pregnancy test limply in her hands, and the red plus sign glared at Draco dauntingly, his very own monster come to wreak havoc in his world Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: AO3 Published: November 1, 2008 Relationship: Breakup/Back Together Pregnancy/Children: Accidental Pregnancy, Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Epiphany, Jealousy, Love Triangle, Misunderstandings Draco: Boyfriend, Broody, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Girlfriend, Know-it-all, Pregnant Side Pairings: Harry/Pansy, Ron/Hermione, Dean/Ginny Characters: Ron Weasley Warnings: Sensitive Issues, Mention of abortion
Title: Heaven’s So Far Away  Author: MegSamadhi  Rating: M  Genre(s): Romance, Angst  Chapters: 25  Word Count: 50,312  Summary: He could feel her fingers softly tracing the mark on his arm. He hated that she was touching him there. He wanted to be more to her than that decision had made of him. He wanted more choices than it had allowed him. He wanted her.  Status: Complete  Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Alternate Links: AO3  Published: September 23, 2017 Completed: October 23, 2017 Relationship: Getting Together, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Engaged/Married   Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Scorpius, Rose]  Themes: Injuries, Jealousy, Magical Creatures, Weddings, Honeymoon, Stuck Together, Insecurity, Draco’s Dark Mark, Azkaban, Rescue [Draco rescues Hermione]   Draco: Redeemed, Snarky, Business Man, Possessive/Protective  Hermione: Know-It-All, Healer, Emotional  Locations: Hogwarts, St. Mungo’s, Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic, Hermione & Draco’s Flat/House  Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron, Bill/Fleur  Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Draco & Harry  Characters: Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Blaise Zabini, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, Terry Boot, Ginny Weasley, Kreacher, Ron Weasley, Anthony Goldstein, Penelope Clearwater, Fleur Delacour, Parvati Patil, Bill Weasley, Original Character  Character Deaths: Terry  Warnings: Mentions of torture
Title: Heavy Lies the Crown Author: floorcoaster Rating: M Genre(s): Mystery, Romance Chapters: 36 Word Count: 279,419 Summary: Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude, And in the calmest and most stillest night, With all appliances and means to boot, Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down! Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. // For seven years, Draco has carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and just when he thinks he’ll be released, something happens that will make him seek help from the last person he could have imagined. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Alternate Links: ff.net Published: January 16, 2009  Completed: February 11, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Fake Relationship, Friendship Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Blackmail, Contracts/Deals, Cooking/Baking [Draco cooks], Dancing, Dates, Events/Celebrations [Parties], Jealousy [Draco and Hermione], Love Triangle [Draco/Hermione/Charlie], Meet the Parents, News/Gossip, Pensieves [Draco and Hermione], Psychological Trauma/Disorders [Hermione has panic attacks], Quidditch/Flying, Scars [Draco’s Dark Mark/scars], Siblings [Draco has a sister], Speaking Another Language [Draco speaks French], Travel [Paris, France] Draco: Business Man, Quidditch Player [Chaser], Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Feisty, Hogwarts Professor [Teaches Arithmancy/Head of Slytherin House], Researcher Locations: Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, Malfoy Manor, Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs, Other Restaurant, The Burrow, The Three Broomsticks Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Charlie, Goyle/Pansy, Bill/Fleur, Luna/Original Character Friendships: Draco & Goyle, Draco & Pansy, Draco & Harry, Draco & Ron, Draco & the Weasleys, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny,  Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Charlie, Hermione & Blaise Characters: Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Charlie Weasley, Fleur Delacour, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Grangers [Thomas and Elizabeth], Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Characters, Pansy Parkinson, Rabastan Lestrange, Rita Skeeter, Rodolphus Lestrange, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott Character Birthdays: Hermione  Featured Holidays: Christmas Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Title: Heavy Losses, New Beginnings Author: LoveBugOC Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 2 Word Count: 8,367 Summary: [She lost a child. He lost a child as well as his wife.] Dramione. Rated M for subject matter. Two-parter. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: October 26, 2012 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children - Scorpius, Pregnancy Difficulties [Miscarriage] Draco: Business Man, Redeemed Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Blaise Zabini
Title: Hell and High Water Author: Misdemeanor1331 Rating: MA Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 22,369 Summary: Life’s choices are unfair, difficult, and occasionally impossible. But to stand in inaction is to perish, and to perish is to fail. What determines survival, and ultimately success, is one’s ability to adapt to the consequences of the action taken, regardless of whether it’s right or wrong. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_remix Published: September 23, 2011 Relationship: Elopement Pregnancy/Children: Children - Other Names [Demetrius Logan], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Betrayal/Deception, Literature, Travel [Greece; Russia] Draco: Business Man, Emotional, Redeemed Hermione: Bossy, Campaigner, Emotional, Ministry Employee Locations: Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender, Neville/Luna, George/Angelina Characters: Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Character, Ron Weasley Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Violence, Strong Profanity
Title: Help Me Help You Author: HermioneWinchester21 Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 20 Word Count: 32,415  Summary: AU. Set in Victorian England, Hermione’s reputation has taken a substantial blow. A damaging and false rumor has spread that Hermione did more than provide information to Harry during the battle with Tom Riddle. How will she fix her reputation, and how does Draco Malfoy fit into that solution? Rated M for future chapters. Status: Complete Timeline: Victorian Era, Historical Era, AU Published: September 4, 2016 Completed: December 24, 2016 Relationship: Marriage of Convenience  Pregnancy/Children: Children [Scorpius, Lyra, Unborn Twins] Themes: Flashbacks, Events and Celebrations, Dancing, News and Gossip, Contracts and Deals, Magical Creatures [House Elves], Secret Feelings, Illness [Draco has a cold], Royalty, Kidnaping and Imprisonment [Hermione], Magical Items [Jewellery], Injuries [Hermione],  Draco: Snarky, Compassionate, Romantic Hermione: Feisty, Know It All, Virgin,  Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Luna, Blaise/Ginny, Theo/Pansy Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny    Characters: Grangers, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Sirius Black, Neville Longbottom, Narcissa Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Original Characters, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson  Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron Additional Notes: Harry and Draco are cousins. Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Non-con, Forced Kissing 
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mrsrensecondary · 7 years
Unsteady Chapter one, Part One
Eighth year. She rolled the words around in her head, trying to repeat them until they were real, concrete, set in stone. The last year had been anything but predictable as they fought their way through the war.
The only way out had been through.
She had told herself this during the war, during the terrifying night with Bellatrix Lestrange, and during the Battle of Hogwarts. But she hadn’t expected to continue to repeat the secret mantra in the present tense after the war. From the moment McGonagall’s letter came, she knew she was returning home.
Home had become tents with Harry as Ron left in his fit of insecurity. It was running for their lives, but at least her best friends with her. At the end of the generic acceptance letter, McGonagall had written: Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home. Her heart surged when the boys decided to return alongside her. “Auror training will still be available next year, Hermione.” Harry told her in the lazy sunlight of The Burrow’s kitchen.
Ron, however, did not agree but he came anyways. For the wrong reasons, she told herself, but perhaps they could move past the elephant in the room.
Their new headmistress had owled her several times for two weeks, asking if she was sure she could return and accept the Head Girl position. Hermione Granger had not been herself since the end. If anything, she needed the normalcy. She needed to be back inside the castle’s walls when they weren’t crumbling around her. She needed to find exactly who she was after the the war. It wasn’t who Ron fell in love with, he told her in that blasted fit of anger that tore straight through her defenses. Those hadn’t been built for him.
She told him to leave again then. That she wouldn’t hold him back from what he wanted in life, and she’d still support him. She wished she could just bloody forget Harry breaking up their fight. In seven years, she’d never expected such an outburst from Ron. It was all about her sixth year, and the end of fifth. How she’d gotten drunk at a party and had too much fun.
Hermione apparated on the spot to The Leaky Cauldron, paying for a room until the first day of the term. If she could have, she’d have returned to her childhood home. In that lied the other problem: Wendell and Monica Wilkins still didn’t remember their lone daughter.
The scarlet Hogwarts Express made her sigh in relief. Finally. A month inside The Leaky Cauldron would drive anyone crazy. There was only so much to discover in Diagon Alley, which led to her weaving her way through Knockturn and drinking herself halfway
to oblivion the night before. The bartender didn’t like her in his bar, but charged her double and let her stay.
“Hermione!” Ginny enveloped her in a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you.” Hermione smiled despite the fact that the sun was about to split her head open. “The last month with Mum as the only girl in the house was unbearable.” Mrs. Weasley sent her daughter a look as she looked over Harry and Ron. “Have you talked to anyone since you left?”
“No, I didn’t feel like being friendly.” She let go of the handle of her trunk. “I needed the time to myself, you know? After that fight with Ron, I was thinking too much.”
“We saw you in The Daily Prophet stumbling out of Knockturn Alley, What were you thinking?” Ginny’s eyes were sad. She could have owled her friend at any point. No doubt Mrs. Weasley would have rushed her daughter to apparate.
“I was thinking that even when they charge me double, the fire whiskey is still cheap.” Ginny gave a short laugh.
“Have you spoken to Theo? Or Blaise and Pansy?” Hermione shook her head. “Do you have any idea how many letters they sent me?” She jabbed one finger into the other girl’s chest. “Ron was throwing the biggest tantrum, I’ll have you know.”
“I’m aware. At some point all of them have shown up at my door. Ron was the worst.”
“I didn’t know he came looking for you.”
“Oh, yes. First he groveled at my door and then when I didn’t answer he called me a whore. And told me how none of this wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t being a prude.” Ginny clenched her fists at her side. “Don’t. He’s your brother.”
“The fact that his last name is Weasley gives me even more of a right to beat him to a bloody pulp. I’ll bet I can swing my trunk at him.” Hermione laughs, the first genuine laugh in Godric knows how long.
“Don’t, Ginny. It’s not going to solve anything and I’m sure you’ve used violence since I’ve been gone.”
“Malfoy looks awful.” She gasps and Hermione whips her head around.
There on the platform he is standing with his mother, looking like she did when she stumbled out of the pub. Narcissa waves to her with a smile. She forces a smile, but waves back. “He looks how I feel.” Hermione whispers.
“He went to trial, and at the end-I’m sure he’s got a lot in common with you right now. Has he talked to you since he was released?” She shook her head. A half lie, she admonished. He hadn’t reached out to her personally, rather they ran smack dab into each other in a pub last week and she fucking ran, mumbling a quick, “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“I hope he’s alright.” She means it, but that’s just something everyone says. Draco Malfoy clearly was not okay and seeing him in Knockturn proved as much. Mr. Weasley waved the girls over, but Hermione couldn’t quite tear her eyes from Malfoy. He looked so much paler, and like sleep was eluding him just as well.
“It’s good to see you.” Arthur pulled her in for a hug. “Molly and I were worried when we saw that article.” Ron didn’t hide how he was staring.
“I’m sorry for worrying you both” She replied, wrapping her arms around him for a hug. “I’m feeling more like myself now that we’re returning to Hogwarts.”
“Time to go.” Molly ushers them to the platform.
“Wait, I’m sorry.” Hermione says as Narcissa waves for her to come to her. “I’ll meet you on the train.” She says to Ginny alone, who nods.
“Write us when you can, dear. We’d love to hear from you.” Molly says. “Especially if you need anything.” She nods, knowing Molly had worried as her own mother would have.
“I promise.” She drags her trunk behind her quickly. The younger Malfoy glanced at her and then to his mother before boarding the train. “Mrs. Malfoy.” She greets.
“Would you please call me Narcissa, Miss Granger. I’d like to distance myself from Lucius’s infamy.”
Hermione sucked in a breath. That was not what she expected. “I can do that, if you wouldn’t mind calling me Hermione instead.” She gave her a warm smile. “Have you been well?”
“Not particularly, but I’m grateful my son and I have been safe.” She replies, her hands clasped in front of her. “I never properly thanked you for serving as a witness in his trial, Hermione.”
“There’s no need. I would have never left him. Not after, not after he saved my life. He didn’t deserve to be thrown into Azkaban. Malfoy did what he had to in order to survive.”
Narcissa smiled then, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Hermione’s ear. “I know he didn’t deserve to meet such a cruel punishment. Draco is punishing himself, as are you. He told me you were in a pub.”
“I was.” She admitted.
“He told me you ran away, and he thought you might have been afraid of him.”
“Afraid of him?” Hermione echoed. “I would never be afraid of him. I haven’t exactly been myself. I couldn’t let him see me like that. I couldn’t let anyone see me like that.” She said quickly.
“That’s what I told him, and I apologize for my presumptions. I rather wanted to hear you say it as well.” Hermione nods. “If it comes up, please tell him you weren’t scared of him. He will never admit this, but I’m certain he feels saving you from Lucius is the only thing he did right in that war.”
“If it comes up, I promise.” Hermione knew she would be the one to bring it up. “As fellow Heads’, we can hardly avoid each other forever.”
“Have a good term, Hermione.”
“Have a good year, Narcissa.” She says quietly. “Thank you for telling me.” The blonde woman was already gone with a distinct crack.
Hermione boarded the train, dragging her trunk down the hallway to the Heads’ compartment. She had passed the compartment that housed so many of her friends, and friend turned boyfriend turned ex boyfriend. Ron called her name, but the slamming of the door behind her answered that.
“Do you have to be so bloody loud?” Malfoy snapped. He was laying on his back on the bench. His legs were much too long. He’d drawn the curtains, immersing the room in the pitch black darkness.
“Still as infuriating as ever, aren’t you, Malfoy?”
“Obviously. Lumos.” She laid her wand on the table, using the light to shove her trunk into the corner. She sat opposite of him. “Nox.”
“Afraid of the dark, Granger?” He asked, and she just knew that same cocky smirk was plastered on his face. She remained silent. “What did she talk to you about?”
“I’m sure you’d prefer to not know.” She replied. Fuck her Gryffindor bravery, she wasn’t about to bring up something he probably regretted telling his mother. “It’s nothing of importance, Malfoy.”
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Cherry Blossom Skies | Day 4
Tag list: @slytherin-queen07 @carrameli @hdanalyst t @hidnplainsight @silvergold-swirl @drarryruinedme7
If you’d like to be added to the tag lost for 25 days of Christmas let me know!
Big thank-you to @shealwaysreads for being my beta and cheerleader for this story!
Warning: daddy kink, eventual impact play, eventual smut, eventual pain/punishment kink
And Merry Christmas to @keyflight790 this is for you!
Master list <- clicky
Neville rolled his eyes as Ron made his excuses and slipped out of the seat beside him.  He watched with an arched brow as on yet another pub night Ronald slipped away to the loo, and shortly after him Blaise Zabini followed. It had been happening for the past six weeks, Blaise always seemed to make his way to the Three Broomsticks despite it being in Scotland and Blaise working for the Ministry in London. Neville wondered if, during the Summer months, Blaise and Ron would resume their restroom activities at the Leaky Cauldron.
“I’m ‘unna do et!” Harry slurred from across the booth.
“Harry don’t,” Neville warned but it was pointless.  Harry was already up and out of his seat, pushing through the crowd towards Draco.
“One of these days, Draco is going to hex his balls completely off,” Theo chuckled, watching the scene unfold.
Harry was leaning on the bar and saying something in Draco’s ear. Whatever it was had Draco red in the face in seconds. He twirled around, and swiftly kicked Harry between the legs.
“Ouch,” Neville laughed, shaking his head. “He’s bloody useless.”
“Has to be good for something,” Theo winked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
He and Harry had their fun once, a long-long time ago. Harry was alright, but a touch too much and not enough at the same time. Harry being mad for Draco didn’t help. Something near to jealousy flashed in Theo’s eyes. Neville could have laughed with joy if not for what Theo did then.
“Not particularly,” Theo snapped. “I prefer my men a bit more, in every way. Think I’ll go find myself one now.”
“You have rounds tonight,” Neville said dismissively. He refused to let his annoyance with Theo show. Annoyance and anger. Not jealousy. If Theo thought he’d pull a proprietorial Neville out, he was sadly mistaken. Neville knew he had no claims, for now.
Theo stood and stormed towards Draco. After a few moments Draco nodded and Theo grinned. He marched back towards the booth, grabbed his leather jacket and smirked down at Neville.
“Not anymore,” he winked. “Have a goodnight Neville, though I suppose I’ll be having a better one.” 
With a petulant lift of his chin, Theo swept out of the pub and into the night. That little brat really had it coming.
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Title: The Thin Line Between Hate and Love Author: VikkkieS Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 11 Word Count: 27,497 Summary: Ron’s dead and he has left Hermione and her kids only debts. With Harry’s help, they end up living in Malfoy Manor. But Hermione has secrets- is Draco the only one who can discover what they are? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, Semi-Epilogue Compliant Published: December 27, 2010 Completed: February 17, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Sebastian], Single Parent [Hermione has a daughter (Rose) and son (Hugo), Draco has a son (Scorpius)] Draco: Single Father, Widower Hermione: Single Mother, Widow Locations: Malfoy Manor, The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Harry Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hannah Abbott, Harry Potter, Hugo Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Character Deaths: Astoria Greengrass, Ron Weasley
Title: The Thin Red Line Author: kazcluettrl Rating: MA Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Dark, Drama, Romance Chapters: 32 Word Count: 201,847  Summary: The Ministry had fallen and the British Wizarding World was at war. At that point, Draco thought the only way to defeat evil was to kill those responsible for all the unwarranted suffering in the world. Hermione ended up being one of the last to accept this but would it be in time to save everything dear to her heart?  Status: Complete Timeline: War, AU Alternate Links: ffnet  Published: August 25, 2011  Completed: March 20, 2017  Themes: Betrayal and Deception, Curses and Spells, Espionage, Forced Partnership, Friendship, Kidnapping and Imprisonment, Roommates/Housemates, Unrequited Love, Psychological Trauma,  Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Abuse and Assault,  Draco: Broody, Dark, Death Eater, Manipulative, Order Member, Snarky  Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All   Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender  Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Blaise Zabini, Fenrir Greyback, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lavender Brown, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Character, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Voldemort Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Violence, Non-con/Rape, Torture 
Title: The Thing About Biscuits Author: eilonwy Rating: M15 Genre(s): Romance, Humor, Angst Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,980 Summary: Hermione and Draco discover that the road to the heart can result in the most surprising of journeys. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, Epilogue Compliant Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Fest/Exchange: dhr_advent Published: November 25, 2013 December 6, 2013 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco], Cooking/Baking [Draco & Hermione], Endearments/Pet Names, Solstice/Equinox, Sweets Draco: Broody, Divorced, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Divorced, Feisty Locations: Diagon Alley, Hermione’s Flat/House Epilogue: The Thing About Biscuits: Conclusion
Title: The Thing With Feathers Author: luckei1 (floorcoaster)  Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 8 Word Count: 29,538 Summary: A story in which there is a Marriage Law, Hermione is convicted of sedition, and the Quibbler saves the day. Dramione.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Alternate Links: AO3 Published: June 28, 2017 Completed: August 3, 2017 Relationship: Friendship, Getting Together Themes: Jealousy,Marriage Law, Ministry and Politics, Pureblood Rituals/Traditions, Secret Feelings, Travel [Lyon, France], Unrequited Love [Draco for Hermione] Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Redeemed Hermione: Feisty, Hermione’s Feelings,Ministry Worker/Employee, Refugee Locations: Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic, TheBurrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/OC, Lucius/Narcissa, Ron/OC Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Ginny, Draco & Harry, Draco & Luna, Draco & Pansy, Draco & Ron, Draco & Theo, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Luna, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott Pro-Characters: Pro-Lucius, Pro-Narcissa
Title: The Things You Know Author: withdrawnred Rating: T Genre(s): Angst, Fluff, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,125 Summary: Draco muses over the things he knows about Granger while she broods. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: July 30, 2011 Themes: Insecurity Draco: Redeemed Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity, Psychological Trauma
Title: The third date Author: ningloreth Rating: MA Genre(s): Fluff, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,830 Summary: Their first and second dates had been perfect in all respects but one. What will happen on their third? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: September 13, 2010 Themes: Dates, Driving [Hermione], Muggle Life, Teaching/Tutoring [Hermione teaches Draco] Draco: Redeemed Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity
Title: The Third Time is the Charm Author: Secret Nom de Plume Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 41 Word Count: 140,763 Summary: Will Draco ever be the man that Hermione deserves? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6, Year 7 (AU), War, Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: January 15, 2009 Completed: March 15, 2009 Relationship: Breakup/Together Again, Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Adoption/Guardianship, Children Names [Minerva “Emmie” Eltanin, Helena, Lavender, Luc, Severus], Draco-Doesn’t-Know, Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Abuse/Assault/Hurt Emotionally [Hermione], Apologies [Draco & Hermione], Betrayal/Deception, Bets/Wagers, Cruciatus Curse [Draco and Hermione are tortured], Curses/Spells, Dancing, Endearments/Pet Names, Draco’s Dark Mark, Events/Celebration [Dance; Ball], Head Boy/Head Girl, Injuries [Draco & Hermione], Jealousy [Draco], Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Hermione], Sharing a Bed, Travel [Massachusetts, USA], University [Hermione], Weddings [Ron/Luna’s] Draco: Auror, Emotional, Order Member, Redeemed, Spy for the Order Hermione: Emotional, Feisty, Know-It-All, Order Member Locations: Diagon Alley, Great Hall, Grimmauld Place, Gryffindor Tower, Headmaster’s Office, Heads’ Common Room, Hogwarts Express, King’s Cross Station, Malfoy Manor, Potions Class, Room of Requirement, St. Mungo’s, The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Remus/Tonks, Ron/Luna, Neville/Original Character, Hermione/Original Character, Draco/Daphne, Hermione/Marcus, Theo/Daphne, Narcissa/Lucius, Narcissa/Snape Friendships: Draco & Harry, Draco & Ron, Draco & Neville, Draco & Luna, Draco & Ginny, Draco & Marcus, Draco & Crabbe, Draco & Goyle, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & McGonagall, Hermione & Luna, Hermione & Neville, Hermione & Original Characters Characters: Adrian Pucey, Albus Dumbledore, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Dean Thomas, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lavender Brown, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Marcus Flint, Miles Bletchley, Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Original Characters, Original Characters - Hermione’s Extended Family, Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Severus Snape, Vincent Crabbe, Voldemort Character Deaths: Grangers Anti-Characters: Anti-Blaise, Anti-Theo, Anti-Daphne Featured Holidays: Christmas/New Year’s
Title: The Third Time’s the Charm Author: DHLane Rating: M Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,536 Summary: Hermione has a horrid taste in men and her friend, Draco Malfoy thinks he can help her with this problem. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: July 21, 2012 Relationship: Friendship Draco: Business Man, Snarky Hermione: Feisty Locations: Draco’s Flat/House Side Pairings: Adrian/Hannah Characters: Adrian Pucey, Blaise Zabini, Hannah Abbott
Title: The Three Part Quest  Author: Magical words from Muggle pens Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 3 Word Count: 7,145 Summary: Narcissa Malfoy may be sick, sore, and hospitalized. But that isn’t going to stop her from achieving her goal … whether her son likes it or not. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: August 12, 2010 Completed: September 10, 2010 Themes: Healer/Patient Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Childbirth Themes: Matchmaking/Blind Dates [Matchmaker: Narcissa] Hermione: Healer, Innocent, Naive Locations: St. Mungo’s  Side Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa Characters: Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Title: The Through and Sanitary Metamorphosis Factory Author: gleamingeyes Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,847 Summary: There’s the factory, and then there is it. The factory is a torture house, and I wonder if it is making it better or worse. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Posst-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: February 23, 2007 Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Heremione & Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Character Point of View/POV: Hermione
Title: The Tie Author: DHLane Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,423 Summary: Can Hermione learn to appreciate the game of Quidditch? Draco Malfoy thinks he should be the one to help her overcome her issues. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Holiday: Valentine’s Published: February 15, 2009 Themes: Alcohol, Endearments/Pet Names, Events/Celebration [Party], Quidditch/Flying Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Know-It-All Locations: Grimmauld Place Side Pairings: Ron/Lavender Friendships: Hermione & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley Warnings: Alternate Universe, Coarse Language, Lemons(Extreme Smut), Limes(Mild Smut), OOC
Title: The Timekeeper’s Watch Author: Pennilyn Novus  Rating: K Genre(s): General, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 15,890 Summary: He can’t change anything, but everything will change. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Reverse Challenge 2010 (Hawthorn & Vine) Published: June 30, 2010 Themes: Apologies [Draco], Coffee/Tea, Flirting, Magical Items, Polyjuice [Draco], Time Travel Draco: Broody, Redeemed, Unspeakable Hermione: Feisty, Ministry Employee Locations: Diagon Alley, Hogwarts, Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic Characters: Minerva McGonagall
Title: The Token Author: mezy Rating: M Genre(s): Mystery, Drama Chapters: 21 Word Count: 59,748 Summary: Hermione has mysteriously disappeared. She is depending on Draco Malfoy to solve the mystery and save her life. But why him? They hadn’t spoken for years, even then they had never been friends. Of course, he did owe his life to her. She had his token to prove it. She could only hope that would be enough. **Please read AN for warnings. M for many reasons** DM/HG Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: July 13, 2014 Completed: September 21, 2014 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Negative Reactions [Lucius] Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Cassiopeia], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Abuse/Assault/Hurt Emotionally [Hermione], Accidental Magic [Hermione], Adultery [Ron cheats], Curses/Spells, Disownment, Draco’s Dark Mark, Dreams [Draco], Events/Celebrations [Ball], Injuries [Draco], Sharing Clothing, Veratiserum [Draco], Wand Sharing [Hermione uses Draco’s] Draco: Ministry Employee [MLE Officer], Redeemed Hermione: Emotional Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Ron/Lavender Characters: Blaise Zabini, Cho Chang, Daphne Greengrass, Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Oliver Wood, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron
Title: The Tooth Santa Author: chiheerios  Rating: K+ Genre(s): Family, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,491 Summary: Scorpius goes for his first dentist appointment and Draco promptly scares him. Dramione. One-shot. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: July 17, 2014 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Scorpius]
Title: The Tower Author: Delayed Poet  Rating: PT Genre(s): Angst, Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,608 Summary: “I promised my servitude to a powerful wizard, allowed him to brand my arm. And in doing so, I made myself into exactly what I was raised to abhor. Can you understand that, Granger?”  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: February 18, 2010 Relationship: Friendship Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Compassionate Locations: Astronomy Tower
Title: The trade-off Author: nitsrek0803 Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Dark Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,274 Summary: Hermione tries to deal with her husband’s death by making a deal with the devil. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: October 19, 2012 Relationship: Already Married Themes: Curses/Spells Hermione: Dark Locations: The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Characters: Harry Potter
Title: The Train Author: Musyc Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): General Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,582 Summary: What could have happened in chapter seven of HBP, and why Harry Potter should never lurk in luggage racks again. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6 Published: November 27, 2009 Relationship: Sex Only Draco: Snarky Hermione: Bossy Locations: Hogwarts Express Characters: Harry Potter
Title: The Trail of Draco Lucius Malfoy Author: KittenWolf17 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,907 Summary: The trial of Draco Malfoy was the most controversial of the year. More than half the wizarding world felt that he ought to be thrown into Azkaban for his crimes, the other half very passionately believed it was wrong to lock up an eighteen year old boy for choices he’d been forced to make under duress. Hermione Granger was in attendance with Harry, Ron and the other Order members, but she’d never expected the trial to take a turn like this. Status: Complete Timeline: Post Hogwarts/Post War Published: April 6, 2015 Completed: April 6, 2015 Relationship: Draco has Secret Feelings for Hermione Themes: Apologies  Draco: Redeemed, Death Eater Hermione: Feisty Locations: Ministry of Magic Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Harry Potter Part 1: Unrequited Snowfall - Draco Malfoy has a secret. An Infatuation. An Obsession. “I have to admit Granger, I was less than pleased with some of the things you drew in this book of yours” he said, pulling his hand away before he could do something crazy like sliding it into her hair and tugging her close so he could snog those pouting lips of hers.
Title: The Trials of Singularity Author: certainswagger Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 2 Word Count: 8,048 Summary: Hermione Granger has a major breakup melt down. Naturally, she’s going to require someone to help her out. I think we all know where this is going… Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: November 21, 2008 Draco: Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Feisty Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House Side Pairings: Hermione/Harry, Draco/Original Character Characters: Harry Potter, Original Character
Title: The Triwizard Tournament Author: cleotheo Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Family Chapters: 13 Word Count: 32,940 Summary: Twenty years after the war and Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament. As the tournament begins Harry is surprised and pleased to discover that his old friend Hermione will be present at the tournament. What’s not as welcome to Harry is the identity of one of the rival champions,Scorpius Malfoy,and his blossoming friendships with his children. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: February 6, 2013 Completed: February 17, 2013 Relationship: Already Married, Revealing Their Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Lyra, Scorpius] Themes: Dancing, Events/Celebration [Yule Ball], Triwizard Tournament Draco: Business Man, Redeemed Locations: Hogwarts Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, “Scorpius”/Lily Luna, Ron/Lavender, James Sirius/Original Character Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Arthur Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Padma Patil, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin
Title: The Trouble with Orchids Author: Misdemeanor1331 Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Mystery, Romance Chapters: 15 Word Count: 74,649 Summary: Everybody calls him Squid, and he has but one mission: destroy the  Malfoy family. No one can take it from him – not the MLE, not Granger, and certainly not the ferret himself. However, they are welcome to try. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Alternate Links: ff.net Published: October 13, 2013 Completed: March 30, 2014 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relaionship Themes: Apologies [Hermione], Cooking/Baking [Hermione], Driving [Draco], Ministry/Politics, Muggle Life, Pensieves [Draco], Present/Gift Giving [From Hermione to Draco], Protection, Shopping, Trapped Together, Travel [Canada] Draco: Birthday, Emotional, Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Emoitonal, Feisty, Know-It-Draco, Ministry Employee [MLE] Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa Characters: Dennis Creevey, Gregory Goyle, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Characters, Ron Weasley Character Deaths: Lucius Malfoy Anti-Characters: Anti-ennis Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity, Mild Violence, Secondary Character Death, Strong Profanity
Title: The Troublesome Thing About Time Author: LadyKenz347 Rating: E Genre(s): Mystery, Romance Chapters: 9 Word Count: 38,914 Summary: Hermione was sick of adventure. She’d had her fair share, and taking a seat at the desk in the back of the DLME was all she could have dreamed of – until it wasn’t.One day Hermione is summoned to the bowels of the Ministry where she is met by the lead Unspeakable who has a rather odd situation that needs to be dealt with.Draco Malfoy has just arrived from twenty years in the future and insists on speaking to his wife, Hermione Granger.The only problem is that the Draco Malfoy she knows is still the snarky, button-pushing boy upstairs–and not the man in front of her now. Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: November 22, 2019 Completed: December 9, 2019 Relationship: Getting Together Themes: Magical Items, Research, Curses and Spells, Ancient Magic, Time Travel, Cheating, Forced Cohabitation, Mystery, Events and Celebrations [Galas], Letters Draco: Auror Hermione: Auror Characters: Theo Nott, Harry Potter, Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: The True Master Author: Margot Le Faye Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 10,916 Summary: What if Draco had realized he had become the Master of the Elder Wand? Oh, the possibilities. This is just one. Status: Complete Timeline: War, Year 8, Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Reverse Challenge 2014 (Hawthorn & Vine) Published: February 24, 2014 February 25, 2014 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Themes: Apologies [Hermione], Battle of Hogwarts, Curses/Spells [Invisiblity], Head Boy/Head Girl, Imperius [Draco uses it], Magical Items Draco: Redeemed Locations: Hogwarts Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Ron/Lavender Characters: Cygnus Black, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Voldemort Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Strong Profanity
Title: The Truth Hurts Author: DracoDew17 Rating: M Genre(s): Angst, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,700 Summary: Draco.” She spoke his name like a prayer. It was, in a way, to her. The name of her savior, of her salvation. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: August 4, 2004 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Themes: Adultery, Head Boy/Head Girl Hermione: Emotional Locations: Great Hall Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: The Twelfth Stop Author: ayane_tsurugi Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,960 Summary: Hermione Granger had always seen life a bit like a Ferris Wheel. You take a ride with every person that comes into your life, each stop an experience that affects your relationship, and when you get off at the end, the two of you either walk away together and connected or split ways forever.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post Hogwarts/Post-War Published: October 22, 2009 Themes: Alcohol, Curses/Spells, Driving [Draco & Hermione] Draco: Auror, Redeemed Hermione: Feisty Locations: Ministry of Magic Friendships: Draco & Pansy Characters: Pansy Parkinson Warnings: Mild violence and language
Title: The Two Musicians Author: Silver Chessboards Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 15 Word Count: 42,357 Summary: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger unknowingly share a great passion for music. After Ron cheats on Hermione with Lavender, she runs away sobbing and ends up in the deserted corridor on the sixth floor. A hauntingly beautiful classical piece coming from inside of an abandoned music room intrigues her. Seventh year. Post War. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: November 27, 2012 Completed: August 27, 2013 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Adultery [Ron cheats], Apologies [Draco & Hermione], Injuries [Hermione], Memory Modification [Hermione], Music [Draco plays the piano; Hermione plays the violin], Travel [Belfast, Ireland] Draco: Prefect, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Head Girl [Head Boy: Ernie] Locations: Black Lake, Diagon Alley, Great Hall, Gryffindor Common Room, Hogwarts Library, Hogwarts Hospital Wing, Potions Class,  Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Ron/Lavender Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Harry Characters: Blaise Zabini, Grangers, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Narcissa Malfoy, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron Weasley
Title: The Unanswered Question Author: auselysium Rating: R Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~9,000 Summary: The hatred that Hermione had adopted when she became friends with Harry Potter and had grown with every insult Malfoy directed at her had never really disappeared. Time would not let her forget that kind of relentless disgust and the tireless ball of loathing that been lodged in her gut since first year burned their still. And yet, her attention always seemed to drift his way Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Fest/Exchange: hp_emofest Published: September 28, 2010 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Themes: Adultery [Hermione cheats with Draco], Alcohol, Apologies [Draco], Events/Celebration [Party] Draco: Emotional, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional Locations: Great Hall, Hogwarts Library Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron Characters: Neville Longbottom
Title: The UnDead May Be With Us Author: starduchess Rating: R Genre(s): Action, Dark, Horror Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,282 Summary: Hermione is on the run from Inferi and stumbles upon Draco attempting the Samhain rites. Status: Complete Timeline: War  Holiday: Halloween Fest/Exchange: dmhghalloween Alternate Links: LJ Published: November 1, 2011 Themes: Events/Celebrations [Samhain], Ghosts/Spirits, Voldemort Wins, Zombies/Inferi [Inferi] Character Deaths: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley
Title: The Unexpected Mistletoe Kiss of Christmas Eve 1998 Author: superpotterlock (fvalconbridge) Rating: G Genre(s): Fluff, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,987 Summary: Set in ‘eighth year’. They had warned them not to do it but they just wouldn’t listen and now it’s the day before Christmas Eve and Hermione and Draco are running around the castle like idiots trying to zap suites of armour. In their pyjamas no less. And before any of the teachers notice! The two plot some unexpected revenge. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 24, 2012 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Cuddling/Spooning, Gryffindor Friendship, Mistletoe Draco: Redeemed, Snarky, Witty Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Draco visits Gryffindor Table, Hermione visits Slytherin Dungeons] Friendships: Draco & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan
Title: The Unveiling Author: Dark Whisper Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,537 Summary: Lord Malfoy is the last of his generation and in a rare appearance at the grand opening of the new library at Hogwarts, he unveils a statue… along with a shocking truth that will change the history books forever. Status: Complete Timeline: Post Hogwarts/Post War Published: March 28, 2013 Completed: March 28, 2013 Relationship: Already Married, Secret Relationship, Past Relationship Themes: Revealing Their Relationship, Anniversaries Draco: Redeemed Locations: Hogwarts Characters: Harry Potter, Other Characters Character Deaths: Draco, Hermione, Harry 
Title: The Unwanted Tutor Author: vegetasbubble Rating: R Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 9,148 Summary: Hermione Granger, smartest witch of her age, is asked by Headmistress McGonagall to help tutor a certain classmate in a very particular field. Post War. DH compliant, though EWE. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Holiday: Valentine’s Fest/Exchange: dramionelove Valentine’s Fic and Art Fest  Published: February 26, 2013 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Quidditch/Flying, Teaching/Tutoring [Hermione tutors Draco] Draco: Quidditch Player [Seeker], Redeemed, Vampire, Veela Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Head Girl, Know-It-All Locations: Hogwarts Library, Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Hermione visits Slytherin Dungeons] Side Pairings: Blaise/Pansy Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Pansy, Hermione & Luna Characters: Blaise Zabini, Dean Thomas, Filius Flitwick, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Original Character,  Pansy Parkinson, Romilda Vane, Seamus Finnigan Warnings: Veela!Draco/Vampire!Draco, Sassy!Hermione, Course Language, Sexual References, Scenes and Situations, minor blood play, friendship-turned-relationship.
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Title: Loss of Dignity leads to Love Author: Curiositykils Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 9 Word Count: 30,954 Summary: “I told you that I was only here to make a stupid donation to get Granger off my back, NOT to pick up some daft bint for a date.” - Draco “You bet on me for DRACO MALFOY! What in Merlin’s pants was going through your pea-sized brain”- Hermione.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: November 14, 2009  Completed: December 28, 2009 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point), Narcissa Approves/Is Nice Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [William and Holly] Themes: Abuse/Assault/Hurt Emotionally [Hermione had been hurt emotionally], Auctions, Endearments/Pet Names, Insecurity, Matchmaking/Blind Date [Matchmakers: Blaise, Harry, Ron], Travel [Italy], Veritaserum [Draco takes Veritaserum] Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Feisty Locations: Diagon Alley, Malfoy Manor, The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Blaise/Original Character, Lucius/Narcissa, Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Blaise, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Grangers, Harry Potter,  Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Characters, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley
Title: Lost and Found Author: floorcoaster Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,643 Summary: Draco and Hermione are friends, and he’s been watching her date through a seemingly endless parade of losers. Finally, he has enough. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: February 3, 2010 Relationship: Friendship, Positive Reactions Themes: Bets/Wagers Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional Locations: Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley
Title: Lost and Found  Author: Anuna Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Romance (also includes a little angst, fluff, family) Chapters: 1 Word Count: 38,792 Summary: Draco Malfoy, a single father and a Curse Breaker employed at Ministry of Magic wants few things from his life. He mostly wants to be left alone. However, his work, his reputation and his mother’s schemes are to prevent him from being left alone as he wishes. Working with Hermione Granger doesn’t help much either. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war, Semi-Epilogue Compliant Published: April 14, 2012 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Katie, Andrew], Single Parent [Draco has a son (Scorpius), Hermione has a daughter (Rose)] Themes: Alcohol, Baths/Showers, Cooking/Baking, Co-Workers/Office/Partners, Curses/Spells, Events/Celebrations, Injuries, Draco: Curse-Breaker, Draco’s Patronus, Redeemed, Single Father, Snarky, Widower Hermione: Feisty, Know-It-All, Single Mother, Widow Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Hermione’s Flat/House,Ministry of Magic, Muggle London, St. Mungo’s, The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny  Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny, Draco & Harry Characters: Anthony Goldstein, Arthur Weasley, Astoria Greengrass [Deceased/Portrait], Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Wealsey, Hannah Abbott, Harry Potter, James Sirius Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Character Deaths: Astoria Greengrass, Ron Weasley
Title: Lost and Found Author: Kyonomiko Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Adventure Chapters: 8 Word Count: 30,145 Summary: Paired off and trapped in a ridiculous assignment, Hermione Granger is at the mercy of Draco Malfoy’s sense of heroics and chivalry. She might be in for a long wait. Then again, every ferret has his day. Timeline: Year 8 Fest/Exchange: TheMourningMadam’s Once Upon A Time Fest Published: August 31, 2019 Themes: Fairytales, Based on other book or movie plot, Forced Partnership, Transfiguration, Rescue [Draco saves Hermione], Sharing a Bed, Muggle Studies, Draco: Redeemed, Virgin Hermione: Feisty Locations: Room of Requirement Side Pairings: Harry/Theo Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Theo Nott, Lavender Brown, Grangers, Cho Chang, Padma Patil, Original Character, Minerva McGonnagall, Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content
Title: Lost and Found in Love Author: UnseenLibrarian  Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,443 Summary: Lost in the Forbidden Forest, Hermione and Draco find something wondrous. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Fest/Exchange: Otter and Ferret Published: March 18, 2013 Themes: Forced Partnership/Together, Injuries [Hermione], Trapped Together Draco: Redeemed, Sex God, Snarky, Whiner Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Forbidden Forest Characters: Rubeus Hagrid
Title: Lost and Presumed Destroyed: One lantern, school-issued Author: worksofstone Rating: K Genre(s): Fluff, General, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,930 Summary: Friday nights aren’t supposed to consist of schoolwork, property damage, and being set on fire. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Fest/Exchange: dmhghalloween Alternate Links: AO3 | LJ Published: November 1, 2011 Themes: Forced Partnership/Together, Head Boy/Head Girl, Injuries [Hermione is injured] Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Manipulative, Snarky, Snobby Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Characters: Madam Pomphrey
Title: Lost in Austen Author: pagan Rating: T Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,984 Summary: Hermione and Draco debate on the worthiness of Austen’s heroes. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: June 13, 2010 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Co-Workers/Office/Partners, Literature Draco: Ministry Employee, Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Ministry Employee
Title: Lost Images Author: EvilGu Rating: M Genre(s): Romance/Humour/Mystery/Drama Chapters: 51 Word Count: 226,022 Summary: Epilogue up! MARRIAGE LAW Hermione must marry Draco Malfoy- the only wizard that (begrudgingly) petitioned for her who is not actively trying to kill her. If only there was some loop-hole… Can the unlikely pair survive marriage, in-laws, ghosts, murderous enemies, and their own traitorous feelings? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8, Post Hogwarts/Post War Published: December 8, 2014 Completed: February 9, 2015  Relationship: Hate Turns to Love, Marriage Law, Forced Relationship, Negative Reactions Themes: Marriage Law, Sharing a Bed, Ministry/Politics, Injuries [Draco and Hermione], Curses and Spells, Magical Items, Death Eaters, Misunderstandings, Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Hermione], Endearments, Travel [Croatia], Alcohol, Events/Balls, Ghosts, Horcruxes Draco: Redeemed, Snarky, Emotional, Ministry Employee, Protective/Possessive Hermione: Compassionate, Campaigner, Emotional, Witty, Protective/Possessive Locations: Malfoy Manor, Hogwarts, Grimmauld Place, The Borrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/OC, Pansy/OC Friendships: Hermione and Harry, Hermione and Ginny, Draco and Harry, Draco and Ginny, Draco and Pansy Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley. Pansy Parkinson, Theo Nott, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy Character Birthdays: Ginny Anti-Characters: Anti-Theo Featured Holidays: Christmas Warnings: Attempted Rape/Sexual Assault, Explicit Sexual Situations, Profanity
Title: Love - Lost & Found Author: elektra30 Rating: T Genre(s): Angst, Drama, Romance Chapters: 2 Word Count: 8,245 Summary: She had everything while he had lost it all. Now when it’s her turn to lose something - can he find it for her? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Treasured Tropes (Hawthorn & Vine) Alternate Links: ff.net Published: September 28, 2012 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Adultery/Cheating, Coffee/Tea Draco: Hogwarts Professor [Teaches Potions], Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Emotional, Feisty Locations: Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic, The Burrow Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Ron/Pansy, Harry/Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley Warnings: Adultery, Mild Profanity
Title: Love or Deception Author: Enchanted21 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Adventure  Chapters: 22 Word Count: 31,029  Summary: Hermione is being threatened from an unknown source and reluctantly looks to her Auror partner and shut off Draco Malfoy when the letters get increasingly worse. The threats they face will be dangerous, but through their trials will they realize how deeply they care for each other or will potential danger rip them apart?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: December 10, 2016 Completed: January 23, 2017 Relationship: Past Relationship Themes: Co Workers Office Partners, Crime, Mystery, Letters, Flashbacks, Abuse and Asault [Hermione], Curses and Spells, Proposals Draco: Auror, Spy Hermione: Auror Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Ron Weasley, Original Character, Harry Potter,   Character Deaths: Ron Anti-Characters: Anti-Astoria, Anti-Ron Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Attempted Rape 
Title: Love and Forgiveness  Author: HarryPGinnyW4eva Rating: M Genre(s): Romance/Humor Chapters: 39 Word Count: 177,189 Summary: After the war and university, Hermione Granger lives in New York City beginning a new life. Draco Malfoy fled his life of misery, fear, and cowardice with Blaise Zabini. Can time and distance lead to forgiveness, and perhaps, love? Post DH Spoilers Status: Complete Timeline: Post Hogwarts/Post War, EWE  Published: January 3, 2008 Completed: April 13, 2008 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point), Friendship, Narcissa Approves/Is Nice Pregnancy/Children: Children [5 unknown names], Pregnancy/Childbirth Themes: Affection, Apologies, Ball, Baths/Showers, Cooking/Baking, Cuddling/Spooning, Dancing, Double Dates, Endearments, Events/Celebration [Wedding, Muggle life, Parties], Sharing a Bed, Travel [America] Draco: Auror, Draco’s Feelings, Redeemed Hermione:  Compassionate, Hermione’s Feelings, Teacher Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Grangers’ Home, Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor, Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs, The Burrow Side Pairings: Blaise/Original Character, Harry/Ginny, Lucius/Narcissa, Ron/Original Character Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Ginny, Draco & Harry, Draco & Original Characters, Hermione & Blaise, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione& Original Characters Characters: Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Characters, Ron Weasley, The Grangers Character Birthdays: Draco, Narcissa Additional Notes: use of nicknames: D, Dra for Draco, Mioneand Mi for Hermione and B for Blaise 
Title: Love and Its Perils Author: Naeryna Rating: M Genre(s): Action, Angst, Drama, General, Suspense Chapters: 6 Word Count: 14,991 Summary: Statutory Warning: Love can be injurious to your health! Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Reverse Challenge 2014 (Hawthorn & Vine) Published: January 17, 2014 February 19, 2014 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Engagement Themes: Apologies [Hermione], Betrayal/Deception, Co-workers/Office/Partner, Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Hermione], Magical Creatures Draco: Auror, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Campaigner, Know-It-All, Ministry Employee, Snob Locations: Ministry of Magic, St. Mungo’s Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Susan Bones Warnings: Mild Profanity, Mild Violence
Title: Love and Lust Author: cyyt Rating: T Genre(s): Angst Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,181 Summary: On that special day, Draco and Hermione find out what it means to ‘love your enemy’. Status: Complete Timeline: Hogwarts Years Holiday: Valentine’s Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange  Published: February 10, 2007 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Sex Only Themes: Cruciatus Curse [Hermione is tortured] Hermione: Emotional Locations: Hogwarts Library Characters: Lucius Malfoy
Title: Love Boat Author: cleotheo Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s):  Romance, Friendship Chapters: 14 Word Count: 32,817 Summary: An invite to Blaise and Daphne’s wedding means Draco will be in the same place as an obsessed Astoria. In a bid to keep Astoria at bay, Draco ropes his best friend, Hermione, into attending the wedding as his girlfriend. Will the charade turn into reality, or will the smitten couple refuse to acknowledge their real feelings for one another and remain just friends? Timeline:  Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published:  October 9, 2014 Completed:  November 4, 2014 Relationship: Fake Relationship, Friendship   Themes: Alcohol, Cruise, Draco’s Dark Mark, Endearments/Pet Names, Quidditch/Flying, Sharing a Bed, Travel [Australia; France; Italy], Wedding [Blaise/Daphne]  Draco: Redeemed   Side Pairings: Blaise/Daphne, Harry/Pansy, Theo/Ginny  Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Harry  Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson  Anti-Characters: Anti-Astoria
Title: Love Decided Author: Spaced Out Space Cadet Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,211 Summary: A Christmas time argument can make or break a relationship…  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: ff.net Published: December 13, 2005 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Conflict/Bickering, Head Boy/Head Girl Locations: Black Lake
Title: Love in the Air Author: MinisterForMadness Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,825 Summary: No Summary Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: April 26, 2011 Themes: Travel [Singapore; Australia] Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
Title: Love in the Time of Death Eaters Author: gnrkrystle Rating: NC-17/M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 24 Word Count: 100,957 Summary: Hermione makes a plan to lose her virginity. When she offers it to Draco, it changes everything. With a new prophecy and a war approaching, what will this change mean for the Golden Trio and the outcome of the war? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6, War Alternate Links: ff.net Published: December 16, 2010  Completed: August 27, 2012 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Friendship Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Charlotte, Phineas, Maya, Finn, Scorpius],Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Endearments/Pet Names, Injuries [Hermione], Jealousy, Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Hermione], Legilimency/Occlumency [Hermione learns Occlumency], Prophecies, Quidditch/Flying [Flying] Draco: Draco’s Patronus [Dragon], Order Member, Redeemed Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Emotional Locations: Great Hall, Grimmauld Place, Hogwarts, Malfoy Manor, Potions Class, Room of Requirement Side Pairings: Ron/Lavender, Harry/Ginny, Bill/Fleur, Remus/Tonks, Ron/Original Character Friendships: Draco & Bill, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Alator Moody, Albus Dumbledore, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Pansy Parkinson, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Voldemort Featured Holidays: Christmas/New Year’s
Title: Love Me Twice Author: Bex-chan Rating: M Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 11,792 Summary: ‘“They tore her apart and then wiped me out of her mind to send me a message. To mess up my life. To break…” he trailed off. Blaise nodded his head with understanding. “To break your heart,” he finished for him.’ Dramione. One-shot. Status: Complete Timeline: War/Post-war, AU Published: January 4, 2012 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Draco: Broody, Order Member, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Feisty, Know-It-All Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood Warnings: Extreme Coarse Language, Limes(Mild Smut), Violence
Title: Love That Red Author: OogieBoogie Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,458 Summary: Apparently Hermione Granger’s life lacks some colour. Warm earthy browns, neutral soft pinks and nudes are her safe colours. Can a change in colour – a lipstick colour – make a difference? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: July 21, 2012 Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners Draco: Redeemed Locations: Ministry of Magic Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: Love, Animal Style Author: RZZMG Rating: PT Genre(s): Angst, Fluff, Humor, Mystery, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 15,785 Summary: One ancient, evil talisman. One eurasian otter. One albino ferret. Result: a whole mess of trouble for the Head Girl & Boy.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Published: May 19, 2010 Themes: Alternate Universe, Curses/Spells, Head Boy/Head Girl, Injuries [Draco and Hermione get injured], Magical Creatures, Magical Items, Trapped Together Draco: Broody, Draco’s Feelings, Manipulative, Snarky Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Heads’ Common Room, Hogsmeade Side Pairings: Ron/Pansy Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott Warnings: Mild Profanity, Mild Violence, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Title: Love, Hope and Speaking Now Author: A Hint Of Mint Rating: K+ Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 4 Word Count: 16,118 Summary: “Why was I here? I was beginning to have second thoughts about this. I, Hermione Jean Granger, was gatecrashing a wedding.” And not just any  wedding, but the wedding of one Draco Malfoy. How the hell did she get there? She’s not too sure herself. Only, it had something to do with Love, Hope, and Speaking Now. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: October 12, 2012  Completed: November 2, 2012 Relationship: Friendship, Past Romance Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Songfic, Wedding/Party Crashing Draco: Redeemed Side Pairings: Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson Character Point of View/POVs: Hermione
Title: Love, I’ll See You Later Author: Mia Fitzpatrick Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,236 Summary: Draco and Hermione bond over their mutual hatred for one exasperating redhead. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: LJ Published: July 9, 2006 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Apologies [Hermione] Draco: Ministry Employee, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Emotional, Ministry Employee Locations: Grimmauld Place, Hermione’s Flat/House, Hogsmeade, Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter Anti-Characters: Anti-Ginny
Title: Love, Lust, and Draco Malfoy  Author: NeuroticMuse413  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 31 Word Count: 102,559  Summary: The werewolf’s curse forces Draco to seek asylum from the Order. When Hermione gets a little too close and Draco bites a little too hard, the two are forever linked. Can they resist their new animal attraction or will Hogwarts be split in two? 6th Yr, M.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6, War Published: March 8, 2009  Completed: May 17, 2009  Relationship: Secret Feelings Themes: Magical Creatures [Werewolves, Veelas], Potions, Head Boy and Head Girl, Injuries, Jealousy [Draco & Hermione], Experimentation, Dueling, Events and Celebrations [Ball], Insecurities [Hermione], Curses and Spells  Draco: Werewolf, Death Eater, Turncoat Hermione: Werewolf, Compassionate, Feisty  Locations: The Burrow, Malfoy Manor, Hogwarts,  Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Remus/Tonks Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny, Draco & Harry, Draco & Ron, Hermione & Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Narcissa Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson Pro-Characters: Pro-Narcissa Additional Notes: Head Boy and Head Girl in Year 6 instead of Year 7/8. Warnings: Non-con elements, Explicit Sexual Situations 
Title: Love’s Labor Author: Bobotuber Pus Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,624 Summary: A husband, a wife, and magic in the birthing room at Malfoy Manor Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Alternate Links: FA Published: September 23, 2003 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Curses/Spells, Endearments/Pet Names, Loss of Magic [Hermione] Draco: Business Man, Redeemed Locations: Malfoy Manor Characters: Narcissa Malfoy
Title: Love’s Pure Light Author: ashleyfanfic Rating: R Genre(s): Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,836 Summary: Draco and Hermione come together again  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: January 18, 2006 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth, Pregnancy Difficulties [Miscarriage] Hermione: Emotional Locations: Ministry of Magic
Title: Love’s Vow Author: Lady-Delphinea  Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 19 Word Count: 67,458  Summary: A moment in time. Something that will change everything. Whatever you want to call it, I mean really everyone has a different definition for it at the end of the day. For me, it was something that changed my life completely. In saying that, however, my life had already gone through a dramatic change in the last three years. I suppose that really is where I need to start…  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Published: December 24, 2012  Completed: November 22, 2014  Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children [Iris and Leo (Twins), Phoenix] Themes: Memory Modification, Injuries [Draco and Hermione], Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Draco and Hermione], Running Away, Hiding, Curses and Spells, Siblings/Step Family [Hermione], Potions, Memories, Flashbacks, Bonding, Mental Connection, Cast Out Friend Draco: Redeemed, Emotional, Author Hermione: Feisty, Compassionate, Laywer Locations: St. Mungo’s, Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron, Blaise/Pansy Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & OC, Draco & OC Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, OC, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Grangers [Jane and Robert], Molly Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange Character Point of View/POV: Hermione Anti-Characters: Anti-Lucius, Anti-Narcissa, Anti-Bellatrix 
Title: Love and Death  Author: TheMourningMadam  Rating: M  Genre(s): Romance, Tragedy  Chapters: 1  Word Count: 4,787  Summary: It had been ten years, and the thought of him made her heart race just as much as it had at the tender age of sixteen. But he was little more than a memory now, a whisper at the back of her mind, begging to be spoken aloud. One shot.  Status: Complete  Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Published: February 8, 2018 Relationship: Secret Relationship, Past Relationship  Themes: Flashbacks, Meet Again, Final Battle, Grief/Mourning  Locations: Hogwarts  Character Deaths: Draco 
Title: Love and Other Misfortunes Author: SenLinYu  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Hurt and Comfort Chapters: 22 Word Count: 99,668  Summary: Following the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger has devoted her career to the rights of magical beings and works reluctantly with the sardonic ministry lobbyist, Draco Malfoy. But there is ancient magic at work in the aftermath of the War and its consequence will be severe if Hermione fails to look up from her legislation and notice it. VeelaFic. COMPLETE. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Published: February 12, 2018 Completed: April 30, 2018 Themes: Magical Creatures [Veela], Co Workers Office Partners, Ministry and Politics, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Draco], Azkaban, Trials, Injuries [Hermione], Memory Modification [Hermione], Illness [Draco] Draco: Veela, Business Man, Protective and Possessive, Redeemed Hermione: Ministry Worker, Compassionate, Campaigner Friendships: Hermione & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Ron, Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Original Characters, Kingsley Shacklebolt Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations 
Title: Love Is Foolish Author: Kyonomiko Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 5 Word Count: 19,748 Summary: Love is powerful, but love is foolish. Hermione Granger impulsively lets her broken heart guide her and loses more than she calculates in order to save her lover. Dramione time trope with a twist Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: October 2, 2016 Completed: October 6, 2016 Relationship: Past Relationship, Getting Together Themes: Time Travel, On the Run, Curses and Spells, Memories, Hogwarts Retelling, Secret Feelings, Draco: Death Eater Hermione: Order Member, Campaigner Locations: Hogwarts Friendships: Hermione & Snape Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy Warnings: Torture
Title: Love Isn’t Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough) Author: naarna Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Hurt and Comfort Chapters: 6 Word Count: 17,713 Summary: A wedding, a Greek island, and a daughter who wants to reunite her parents. Should be easy, right? Status: Complete Timeline: AU, Post-Hogwarts Fest/Exchange: dramione_remix Published: Sept 8, 2019 Relationship: Past Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Daughter [Sofia], Draco also a son [Scorpius] Themes: Meet Again, Apologies [Draco], Wedding, Travel [Greece], Based on Other Book or Movie Plot [Mamma Mia] Draco: Divorced, Ministry Worker Hermione: Business Woman Locations: Greece Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Original Characters, Scorpius Malfoy
Title: Love of a Mate  Author: CJRed  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama  Chapters: 25 Word Count: 80,041  Summary: Draco Malfoy has a secret that Hermione Granger has forgotten. Time and fate collide as two people learn to love each other and the world learns to accept the lovers without knowing their secret, they are mated. Dramione. Post War. Veela Draco. Complete. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: May 31, 2016  Completed: February 28, 2018   Relationship: Past Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Unborn Child Themes: Magical Creatures [Veela, House Elves], Dreams, Memory Modification [Hermione], Letters, Events and Celebrations, Travel, Flashbacks, Bonding, Reading Minds, Mews and Gossip, Pureblood Traditions, Weddings, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Draco], Endearments/Pet Names, Injuries [Draco]     Draco: Veela, Business Man Hermione: Ministry Employee  Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter, Original Characters, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Grangers, Theo Nott, Katie Bell, Nott Sr, Lucius Malfoy Character Deaths: Lucius Additional Notes: Characters are OOC. Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations 
Title: Love on the Inside Author: WishFlower  Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy Chapters: 16 Word Count: 26,390  Summary: Draco has no love in his heart so he was cursed with a monstrous appearence until he finds love. Hermione is lonely and can see better then he can. Can these two opposite people fall in love before Draco is trapped as a monster forever? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: September 2, 2010  Completed: December 17, 2010  Themes: Based on Other Book or Movie Plot [Beauty and the Beast], Curses and Spells, Ostracized [Draco], Letters, Insecurities [Draco], Arguments, Magical Creatures, Jealousy [Draco], Cheating [Ron cheats on Hermione], Weddings Draco: Snarky Hermione: Curse Breaker, Compassionate Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Teddy Mupin, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Ron Weasley Featured Holidays: Christmas, New Year’s Additional Notes: Characters are OOC. 
Title: Lover of the Light Author: xXBeckyFoo Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 26 Word Count: 184,495  Summary: She always knew who she was and never tried to be anything but, that was the beauty of her. But then two people show up at her doorstep and she finds that all that she was didn’t really exist. Hermione Granger was a complete lie. With secrets of a daunting past revealed, she’s thrown into a world that never wanted her. And even into the arms of a boy that always hated her.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8, Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: August 2, 2009  Completed: September 7, 2013  Themes: Disguises [Hermione], Curses and Spells, Injuries [Hermione], Legilimency [Hermione uses it],  Apologies [Draco],  Contracts/Deals, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Hermione],  Draco: Snarky Hermione: Pureblood, Compassionate Locations: Hogwarts, The Burrow, Zabini Manor, Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Pansy, Theo/Zacharias, Blaise/Luna,   Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Theo Characters: Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, OC, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil,  Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Grangers,  Additional Notes: Modern Technology reference, Fast Romance, 
Title: Lovers and Liars Author: eilonwy Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 3 Word Count: 18,763  Summary: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Hermione is determined never to make the same mistake again that she’d made once with Draco Malfoy. When he waltzes back into her life after a year’s absence, her resolve is put to the test.Written for Round 8 of the Dramione Couples Remix. My chosen couple: Beatrice and Benedick, from Shakespeare’s peerless romantic comedy, “Much Ado About Nothing.” Status: Complete Fest/Exchange: dramione_remix 2017 Published: August 15, 2017 Completed: August 15, 2017 Relationship: Past Relationship, Breakup/Getting Back Together Themes: Curses and Spells, Matchmaking [Matchmakers: Blaise, Theo, Ginny, Luna, Harry, Ron], Draco is Hermione’s boss, Eavesdropping, Apologies [Draco] Draco: Landlord Hermione: Shop Owner Characters: Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley 
Title: Loving Every Second Author: peach12blossoms/iDontKissAndTell Rating: R Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,488 Summary: Gather ye rose-buds while ye may; Old Time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying ~ Robert Herrick Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: November 8, 2013 Relationship: Engaged/Married, Friendship, Marriage of Convenience Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Cassiopeia Leigh, Caelum], Pregnancy/Child Birth Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Hermione’s Feelings Side Pairings: Harry/Luna, Ron/Pansy Friendships: Hermione & Pansy Characters: Pansy Parkinson
Title: Loving the You, You Love Author: margaritama Rating: MA Genre(s): General, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 6,820 Summary: Who needs fairy tale and happy endings when you can live your own life? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war, Epilogue Compliant Published: May 4, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point) Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Events/Celebrations, Matchmaking [Matchmakers: Rose & Scorpius] Draco: Business Man, Manipulative, Widower Hermione: Divorced, Feisty, Know-It-All Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Original Character, Scorpius/Rose Characters: Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Title: Lovingly, Draco Lucius Malfoy Author: mysterymoon Rating: T Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,363 Summary: Hermione and Draco are forced to work together to throw the Annual Ministry Staff Party. Will they survive the process, or end up killing each other? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Otter and Ferret Published: March 3, 2014 Relationship: Engagement, Positive Reactions Themes: Bantering, Co-workers/Office/Partners, Events/Celebrations [Parties],  Forced Partnership/Together, Hermione Kisses Draco to Shut Him Up, Letters Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender
Title: Lunar Phase Author: CourtingInsanity Rating: M Genre(s): Mystery, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 13,700 Summary: A mystery werewolf has been causing havoc across England, leaving a devastating and bloody trail in his wake. When the number one suspect shows up on her doorstep in the middle of the night, Hermione learns that things are rarely as they seem. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: hp_creatures Published: October 10, 2018 Themes: On the Run, Sharing a Bed, Injuries [Draco], Rescue [Hermione saves Draco], Hiding, Crime, Mystery, Ministry and Politics, Magical Creatures, Roommates Draco: Werewolf Hermione: Ministry Worker, Compassionate, Campaigner Characters: Lucius Malfoy Anti-Characters: Anti-Lucius
Title: Lucky October  Author: margaritaabate Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Fluff, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,887 Summary: No Summary Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: November 1, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point) Themes: Flirting Draco: Auror, Redeemed Locations: Other Bars/Clubs/Pubs Side Pairings: Luna/Rolf Friendships: Hermione & Luna Characters: Luna Lovegood
Title: Lunch in the Backroom Author: kryptiq Rating: K+ Genre(s): Humour, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8239 Summary: “Calm down, Granger. It’s just lunch. You’d think I asked you out. Not that I ever would.” Draco Malfoy was a liar. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: HP Five Things Published: June 8, 2009 Relationship: Getting together Themes: Alcohol, Events/Celebrations [Party], Misunderstandings, Love Triangle [Draco/Hermione/Fred], Conflict/Bickering, Presents/Gift giving [Draco to Hermione], Flirting, Jealousy [Draco, Hermione] Draco: Hit Wizard, Awkward Hermione: WWW employee, Flirtatious, Witty, Feisty Locations: WWW, Hermione’s house Side Pairings: Hermione/Fred, George Weasley/Katie Bell Friendships: Draco & Harry, Draco & Ron, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Fred Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Character Point of View/POVs: Draco  Character Birthdays: George, Hermione
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Dramione Fic Index ~ Title S
Title: Sabotage Author: LoveBugOC Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 5 Word Count: 14,933 Summary: Draco Malfoy is proud of his daughter, especially since she takes after him. So when she comes up with a plan to sabotage her mother’s upcoming marriage, he agrees and takes matters into his own hands.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: May 25, 2012  Completed: June 18, 2012 Relationship: Divorced Pregnancy/Children: Children [Rose/Scorpius] Draco: Business Man, Divorced, Manipulative, Redeemed Hermione: Divorced, Emotional, Feisty Locations: Diagon Alley, The Burrow, The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Hermione/Cormac, Ron/Lavender, Blaise/Luna, Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Blaise Zabini, Cormac McLaggen, Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown, Pansy Parkinson Additional Notes: This should probably be rated T for some cursing Sequel: Second Chances, Same Mistakes - K, one shot - Not everything works out the first time around. And not everyone gets a second chance. Some things work out better the second time around. SEQUEL to Sabotage.
Title: Sacrifices Author: sapphire phoenix Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): General Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,750 Summary: Draco takes control of his life to preserve family values. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6 (summer before) Published: September 10, 2011 Themes: Curses/Spells, Sex Magic Draco: Snarky, Virgin Hermione: Feisty, Know-It-All
Title: Sad. Beautiful. Tragic. Author: ashleyfanfic Rating: G Genre(s): Romnace, Angst Chapters: 3 Word Count: 8,845  Summary: Hermione Granger returns home to England five years after her relationship with Draco Malfoy ended. Things and people have changed and things are not always how they appear.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-ogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dramione_remix Published: September 26, 2016 Completed: September 26, 2016 Relationship: Past Relationship, Breakup/Getting Back Together  Themes: Arguments, Flashbacks, Misunderstanding, Running Away, Returning, Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Based on other Book or Movie Plot, Syltherin Friendship Draco: Business Man, Draco’s Feelings Hermione: Ministry Worker, Hermione’s Feelings Side Pairings: Pansy/Greg, Theo/Astoria, Draco/Astoria, Katie/Marcus, Tracy/Adrian Friendships: Hermione & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Narcissa Malfoy, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini. Astoria Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Greg Goyle, Tracy Davis, Katie Bell, Marcus Flint 
Title: Sad and Bad and Mad Author: sapphiretragedy Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,628 Summary: War allows people to let go and live – for fear of death. Draco and Hermione find each other. Draco discovers Hermione has more to offer than her love.  Status: Complete Timeline: War, Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: February 8, 2007 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Accidental Pregnancy, Children Names [Pyxis], Draco-Doesn’t-Know, Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Adultery/Cheating [Ron cheats on Hermione; Hermione cheats with Draco] Draco: Draco’s Feelings Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ron Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Dobby, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape
Title: Safe and Sound  Author: gnrkrystle Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,343 Summary: Songfic. Hermione and Draco form a relationship in the middle of war.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6, War Published: January 6, 2012 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Injuries [Draco & Hermione], Songfic Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Emotional, Order Member, Redeemed Hermione: Bossy, Compassionate Locations: Malfoy Manor, Room of Requirement Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter
Title: Safe House Author: silvernatasha Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,134 Summary: It wasn’t what Draco had imagined a safe house to be like, a flat in the middle of Manchester with one bedroom and a dodgy toilet that never flushed first time. Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: November 3, 2006 Friendships: Draco & Pansy Characters: Pansy Parkinson
Title: Safehouse Author: Cheringin  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 22 Word Count: 97,174  Summary: Four years post-war, all captured Death Eaters manage to escape Azkaban with one goal in mind: revenge. The Golden Trio is separated to assure their safety, and though the situation is hard for them all, Hermione can’t help but feel she is stuck in the worst safehouse… Or Manor, in this case. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Published: August 7, 2014  Completed: February 7, 2016  Relationship: Hate Turns to Love, Negative Reactions Themes: Death Eaters, Hiding, Crime, Alcohol, Forced Partnership, Sharing a bed, Nightmares [Hermione], Draco Kisses Hermione to Shut Her Up, Curses and Spells, Dueling,  Draco: Auror, Witty Hermione: Ministry Worker, Feisty, Compassionate, Emotional Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Narcissa, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Ron, Draco & Blaise Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Andromeda Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Ginny Weasley, Original Characters, Antonin Dolohov,  Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity, Graphic Violence. 
Title: Same Time Next Week Author: sesptwd Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Humor, Plot? What Plot? Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8,120 Summary: Blackmail and a dare gone wrong lead to a surprising discovery for Hermione and Draco. Timeline: Year 7 Published: January 27, 2006  Themes: Adultery [Hermione cheats with Draco], Blackmail, Detention, Games/Challenges/Dares, Magical Items [Hermione uses Harry’s Invisibility Cloak], Polyjuice [Draco] Draco: Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Head Girl Locations: Great Hall, Gryffindor Tower, Slytherin Dungeons Side Pairings: Crabbe/Goyle, Harry/Severus, Hermione/Ron Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Crabbe, Draco & Goyle, Draco & Theo Characters: Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe
Title: Samhain’s Blessings Author: k_lynne317 Rating: MT/PG-15 Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 17,700 Summary: Hermione goes into labor in the dead of night. Healer Draco is on call at St. Mungo’s when she shows up at the hospital alone. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Dramionelove ~Love Fest~ 2014 Published: June 13, 2014 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Friendship, Lucius Approves/Is Nice, Narcissa Approves/Is Nice Pregnancy/Children: Accidental Pregnancy, Children Names [Elysia Thalassa, Xavier Pavo, Neacail, Aurnia], Draco-Doesn’t-Know Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners [Healers], Endearments/Pet Names, Illness/Sick [Hermione], Magical Creatures [House-elf] Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Healer Hermione: Feisty, Healer Locations: Malfoy Manor, St. Mungo’s, The Burrow Side Pairings: Adrian/Ginny, Harry/Luna, Lucius/Narcissa Friendships: Draco & The Weasleys, Hermione & Susan, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Luna Characters: Arthur Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Character, Portrait Characters [Original], Susan Bones
Title: Sanctuary  Author: MykEsprit  Rating: T  Genre(s): Angst, Suspense  Chapters: 1  Word Count: 3,970  Summary: Malfoy Manor was supposed to be a safe place for their family. Dramione. One-shot.  Status: Complete  Timeline: War  Alternate Links: AO3  Published: April 7, 2018 Relationship: Already Married  Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Scorpius, Helena]  Themes: Hiding, On the Run, Family, Magical Creatures [House Elves] Locations: Malfoy Manor  Characters: Scorpius Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley  Character Point of View/POV: Scorpius 
Title: Santa Claus is Coming to Town Author: twin-v Rating: K Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,336 Summary: Draco is amazed to hear Hermione telling some children about a man who goes around at Christmas, delivering presents. Why hadn’t anyone told him about Santa Claus before? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: January 10, 2009 Relationship: Already Married Themes: Muggle Life
Title: Santa Who? Author: cleotheo Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Friendship, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,168 Summary: At a Christmas celebration at Malfoy Manor, Ron witnessed Hermione getting a Christmas treat off Santa. The only problem is the part of Santa was being played by Lucius Malfoy, Hermione’s father-in-law. Is Hermione really cheating with Lucius or is it just a case of mistaken Santa’s. Cute, Fluffy One Shot. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 22, 2013 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Lyra, Scorpius] Locations: Draco & Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa, George/Angelina, Ron/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Blaise/Daphne, Theo/Pansy Characters: Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott
Title: Sapere Aude Professor Malfoy  Author: aCanadianMuggle Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 36 Word Count: 65,217 Summary: Professor Malfoy has been teaching at Hogwarts for almost a decade when his life is upended. He has always been grateful to Harry Potter for keeping his secrets from the war but his resolve is tested when Hermione reappears.Works within canon but ignores the epilogue & cursed child. Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: September 15, 2022 Completed: October 19, 2022 Themes: Meet Again, Siblings/Step Family [Hemione has a sister], Muggle Life, Dancing, Legillimency, Occlumency, Unrequited Love [Draco for Hermione], Secret Feelings, Speaking Another Language [Draco speaks French], Co Workers Office Partners, Sex Dreams, Arguments, Music [Draco plays the Guitar and Sings], Bonding, News and Gossip, Ancient Magic, Proposals, Memories Draco: Redeemed, Hogwarts Professor, Potions Master Hermione: Hogwarts Professor Side Pairings: Ron/Pansy, Harry/Ginny, Neville/Luna Friendships: Draco & Harry, Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Ron Weasley, Theo Nott, Narcissa Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Original Characters Additional Notes: OOC, Fast Romance Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: Saucy Snaps Author: cleotheo Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,154 Summary: Ginny Weasley is determined that Harry Potter will be hers, but she’s too blind to see he’s not interested. When she discovers ‘proof’ he’s involved with Hermione she confronts them in The Great Hall, where the actual truth about who Hermione is involved with is revealed. Fun, One-Shot. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: June 24, 2014 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Revealing Their Relationship Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Humiliation Draco: Quidditch Player, Redeemed Hermione: Feisty Locations: Great Hall, Heads’ Common Room Side Pairings: Ron/Lavender Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Severus Snape Anti-Characters: Anti-Ginny
Title: Save Me, San Francisco Author: withdrawnred Rating: T Genre(s): Adventure, Drama, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 20,897 Summary: In which Hermione has to find Malfoy and return him to his rightful place in Wiltshire. (Round 2 dramione-remix - Dimitri/Anastasia) Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_remix Alternate Links: LJ Published: March 31, 2012  Relationship: Past Relationship Themes: Art [Draco’s into art], Memory Modification [Draco], Muggle Life, Travel [San Francisco, California] Hermione: Feisty Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy Warnings: Mild Profanity
Title: Save the Last Dance for Me Author: Claudi Skies Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,968 Summary: “Will you dance with me?” “Sorry, but no Gryffindors.” Heels, dances, The Weird Sisters, giggling girls, jealousy, candles, Houses, Graduation Ball, Dramione! Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Published: March 7, 2012 Themes: Dancing, Events/Celebrations [Ball] Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Bossy, Head Girl [Head Boy: Ernie Macmillan] Locations: Great Hall Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Ernie Macmillan, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Ron Weasley
Title: Save thou, my rose Author: msissocoollike Rating: M/R Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,000 Summary: For nothing in this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose, in it thou art my all. - Sonnet 109, William Shakespeare  Draco comes home to a lot of things – a wedding, old friends, and maybe, just maybe, a new love. Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: November 12, 2014 Themes: Babysitting [Hermione], Forced Co-Habitation, Forced Partnership/Together, Hermione Kisses Draco to Shut Him Up, Weddings [Harry/Ginny] Draco: Curse-Breaker, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Feisty  Locations: The Burrow Side Pairings: Charlie/Original Character, Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Ginny, Draco & Harry, Draco & Ron, Draco & The Weasleys Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Teddy Lupin Warnings: Mild Profanity
Title: Save Yourself Author: museinmotion Rating: PG Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,296 Summary: They were meant to be enemies. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: May 15, 2005 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Draco: Death Eater Hermione: Auror Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House Characters: Harry Potter
Title: Saving Christmas Author: Bobotuber Pus Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,802 Summary: A disagreement over holiday traditions threatens Draco and Hermione’s first Christmas together.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Alternate Links: AFF Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 16, 2004 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Draco: Business Man, Hogwarts Governor, Redeemed Hermione: Hogwarts Professor [Teaches Muggle Studies]
Title: Saving Draco Malfoy Author: Cuteblndegoddess Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 30 Word Count: 75,723 Summary: While on assignment Hermione finds an injured Draco and brings him back to number 12 Grimmauld Place to the dismay of Harry and everyone else. She finds out the secrets that have kept him on the run for over a year. Book 7 scenerio. HBP spoilers. Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: January 12, 2006  Completed: July 30, 2006 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Emily Narcissa, Brennan Harry, Roslynn Katherine], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco & Hermione], Baths/Showers, Cruciatus Curse [Draco], Dreams, Injuries [Draco], Memory Modification [Draco], Mirror of Erised, Tickling Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Draco’s Patronus [Eagle], Redeemed Hermione: Blushing Virgin Locations: Diagon Alley, Grimmauld Place, Malfoy Manor, St. Mungo’s Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Luna, Hermione/Viktor Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Cho Chang, Ginny Weasley, Grangers [Richard and Katherine], Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Severus Snape, Viktor Krum, Voldemort Character Deaths: Narcissa Malfoy
Title: Saving Mr. Malfoy, or A Life in The Ruins  Author: eilonwy  Rating: MT Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance Chapters: 2 Word Count: 20,370 Summary: April in Paris sounds ideal for a holiday, just what Hermione needs. Her itinerary on paper is neat and tidy, organised, and well rounded; the reality turns out to be quite another thing. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Reverse Challenge 2014 (Hawthorn & Vine) Published: January 18, 2014 February 8, 2014 Completed: February 8, 2014 Themes: Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Curses/Spells, Driving [Hermione], Eye Glasses [Draco], Ghosts/Spirits, Magical Items, Muggle Life, Speaking Another Language [French], Travel [Paris, France] Draco: Broody, Redeemed, Snarky, Snob Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Cafe, Hotel, Other Restaurant Characters: Original Characters
Title: Saving Valentine’s Author: Hanako A Rating: T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 5 Word Count: 20,920 Summary: When a boycott is launched at Hogwarts targeting Valentine’s Day, it is up to the Head Boy and Head Girl to derail it. Unfortunately, given how well Draco and Hermione work together, they might wind up being its unwitting ally. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Holiday: Valentine’s  Published: February 11, 2008 Completed: February 14, 2008 Themes: Apologies [Hermione], Head Boy/Head Girl Draco: Snarky, Witty Hermione: Bossy, Campaigner, Feisty, Manipulative, Witty Locations: Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Hermione visits Slytherin Dungeons, Draco visits Gryffindor table] Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Anthony Goldstein, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Mandy Brocklehurt, Padma Patil, Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Ron Weasley, Terry Boot, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe
Title: Saving Your Enemy Author: luciannamalfoy Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 2 Word Count: 12,445 Summary: Who would’ve thought that a letter could change one’s life? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: May 10, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco], Flirting, Illness/Sick [Draco], Sharing a Bed, Sweets Draco: Redeemed, Weak/Vulnerable Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, St. Mungo’s Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Title: Say It Right Author: Musyc Rating: MA Genre(s): Plot? What Plot? Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,925  Summary: Now he knows what she wants and he gives it to her, in a heavy, groaning voice. He pleads with her, asks her over and over again.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: October 1, 2011 Relationship: Established Relationship
Title: Say My Name  Author: NeverNik  Rating: M  Genre(s): Romance, Drama  Chapters: 1  Word Count: 4,914  Summary: During the Final Battle, Hermione disappears. Or so everyone thinks. She’s been hit by a curse that’s turned her mute and changed her appearance. All alone in a world where she used to be known and loved, how will she break the curse? How will she even survive? And will the man, who’s been in love with her all this time, lose hope?  Status: Complete  Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War  Alternate Links: AO3  Published: February 19, 2018  Relationship: Secret Feelings  Themes: Curses and Spells, Disguises, Meet Again, Hurt and Comfort  Draco: Redeemed, Broody  Hermione: Mute, Prostitute  Locations: The Leaky Cauldron, Draco’s Flat  Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley  Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: Say My Name Author: Poobah Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Mystery Chapters: 2 Word Count: 14,157 Summary: Harry’s been acting a bit odd lately and unloads a kneazle on Hermione just before he gets himself obliviated. What’s going on, and more importantly, why has his partner gone missing? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: hp_creatures Published: October 19, 2018 Themes: Transfiguration, Mystery, Sharing a Bed, Co Workers Office Partners, Roommates, Curses and Spells, Memory Modification [Harry], Injuries [Harry], Secret Feelings Draco: Auror Hermione: Compassionate Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley,
Title: Seasons of Love  Author: MrBenzedrine89  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,885 Summary: Strictly Dramione 2017 Valentine’s Day prompt: Hogwarts. Draco and Hermione as professors. “Will you ever let go of the past, Granger? I’m not that little boy anymore. People can change.” - Draco Malfoy never realized how pretty Hermione Granger’s smile actually was until she bumped into him again. Now, he can’t get her out of his head, but she isn’t falling for his charm.  Status: Complete  Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: Strictly Dramione 2017 Valentine’s Day  Alternate Links: ffnet Published: February 5, 2017  Completed: February 5, 2017 Relationship: Progressive Relationship  Themes: Co Workers Office Partners, Events and Celebration, Flirting , Banter Draco: Snarky, Draco’s Feelings, Hogwarts Professor  Hermione: Feisty, Hogwarts Professor  Locations: Hogwarts  Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Padma  Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Padma Pail Featured Holidays: Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day 
Title: Scandalous Author: Bmcenroe132 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 10 Word Count: 41,118 Summary: The Ministry is about to be hit with a scandal. Can the Wizarding world’s top Fixer Draco Malfoy keep the flames a bay? And why did he leave his job in the Minister’s office anyways? Read to find out. Status: Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: December 28, 2018 Completed: July 30, 2019 Relationship: Past Relationship, Affair Themes: Ministry and Politics, Contracts and Deals, Adultery [Ron cheats on Hermione, Hermione cheats with Draco], News and Gossip, Travel Draco: Lawyer, Business Man, Emotional Hermione: Minister of Magic, Compassionate, Emotional Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Draco/Astoria Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron
Title: Scarlett Dragon  Author: cleotheo Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Family Chapters: 20 Word Count: 57,329  Summary: As a single teenage mother, Hermione chooses to begin a new life in France, little realising the move will eventually bring her the happiness she longs for. However, the past can’t be ignored forever and one day the past is going to catch up with both Hermione and her daughter.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: June 14, 2016   Completed: August 18, 2016 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Engagement/Marriage (at some point), Positive Reactions, Lucius Approves, Narcissa Approves, Grangers Approves Pregnancy/Children: Children [Scorpius, Cassiopeia] Themes: Single Parent [Hermione has a daughter, Scarlett], Meet Again, Travel, Cast Out Friend, Proposals, Dates, Quidditch, Secrets, Meeting the Parents, Family, Adoption and Guardianship [Draco adopts Hermione’s daughter] Draco: Business Man, Redeemed, Protective and Possessive, Romantic Hermione: Single Parent, Museum Curator, Protective and Possessive, Feisty Locations: Paris Side Pairings: Hermione/Harry, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Mrs and Mrs. Granger, Narcissa Malfoy, James Sirius Potter, Original Characters, Blaise Zabini Anti-Characters: Anti-Harry, Anti-Ginny 
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