#Ron and Harry go to the leaky
What is that fic with the summary that’s just repeating groups of people who go to the leaky together and somewhere along the way drarry fall in love?
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bridenore · 4 months
HD Party Games fic recs
Here are a few drarry fic recs in which party games play an important part. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Back to You by @aibidil & daisymondays [8k]
The eighth years make Harry and Malfoy go head to head and back to back in a question-and-answer drinking game. The worst that can happen is they end up drunk, right?
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon [39k]
Post-war Hogwarts has been energized by its new teaching fellows program. Where once bitter enmity divided the wizarding community, Malfoy and Potter chummily patrol hallways together whilst Granger and Zabini seek lost parts of the castle at McGonagall’s behest and Chang supervises Quidditch when not lecturing in Charms. It’s a veritable wizarding utopia and life is predictable for the first time in years. Which is, of course, when everything blows apart as the result of a drunken dare and Malfoy’s life is ruined beyond his capacity to repair it. Ever. In a million years.
check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous by @lqtraintracks [7k]
Harry's had a crush on Malfoy for months now. But it will take a bar full of his friends, some Firewhisky, wagers made on his behalf, and Malfoy himself to get him to act on it.
Erase the Shame by FleetofShippyShips [6k]
An Inter-House unity party is the last thing Draco wants to go to. It's not long into a game of Truth or Dare when he is reminded why. But maybe his dare is worth it after all.
Exceeds Eggspectations by Elle Gray (LGray) [61k]
Eighth year. Winter. Christmas has been and gone. Harry’s just been dumped and so has Malfoy. There’s a stupid fake baby assignment to be done, and what’s the harm in doing it together, really, when life is this shit already? This is not slow burn, this is a roman candle pointed at a pile of dry twigs that represent your heart.
Games Night by @agentmoppet​ [6k]
Harry has no idea why Hermione decided that an inter-house Games Night would be a good idea, but he’s here now, and he intends to beat Malfoy, no matter what game he chooses. But, who would have thought muggle games could be full of so much... tension?
How to Handle an Enemy by who_la_hoop [7k]
Everyone knows that it’s no fun playing truth or dare with a Slytherin. But add a little Veritaserum, a scheming duo of Slytherin girls and surprising things can be revealed. Particularly about the fine line between love and hate… Turnbout Is Fair Play by who_la_hoop [10k]   After a – cough – revealing game of truth or dare instigated by  his fellow Slytherins, Draco Malfoy finds himself in possession of a).  the interesting knowledge that a certain Gryffindor horror may not be as   immune to his personal charms as hitherto suspected and b). the   password to the Gryffindor Tower. But Draco makes a fundamental error   when he decides to make use of these facts.
Love, Harry by Zzzara [26k]
Harry Potter keeps a huge secret: that scary thing he can’t tell anyone about. Until a mysterious penfriend changes his life, because he keeps a secret, too.
Never Have I Ever Thought That You Might Want Me, Too by @drarrymyheart [8k]
“When it’s his turn, Ron gives Harry an ominous look. “Never have I ever wanted to kiss any of the boys in this room.” Harry freezes. Dean, Seamus, Hermione, Hannah, Pansy, and even Blaise are all immediately lifting their drinks. Malfoy moves to pick his up as well and Harry tracks the movement as if watching in slow-motion…The ridge of Malfoy’s bottle of cider pushes against his lower lip as he takes a sip. Harry nearly groans. Steeling himself, Harry drinks.” Harry and the crew take a ski trip. Harry can’t seem to keep his eyes and thoughts off a certain blonde.
One Night at the Leaky by birdsofshore [41k]
Harry should have known better than to accept a drunken dare. Especially when Malfoy was sitting right there, looking like that and wearing those bloody tight trousers. 
A Perfectly Valid Dare by kitty_fic [5k]
“It’s a perfectly valid dare,” Pansy says, and somehow she looks like she actually believes what she says. “I am not doing that,” Draco insists. He really has no idea when daring someone to wank in Harry Potter’s bed became a perfectly valid dare?
Right Hand Red by @lqtraintracks [73k] 
Harry felt Malfoy’s breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.
Silk Scarves and Enchanted Handcuffs by TommyLane [28k]
It was only supposed to be for seven minutes and then the blindfold would come off and he'd be free from the dark cupboard and his mystery partner - only Harry was no longer sure he wanted it to end.
Starts With a Spin by Maxine [119k]
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.
Truths, Dares, and Love Affairs by @ronbinary [17k]
NEWTs are approaching, Mind Healing is mandatory, and something is wrong with the castle. And then, there’s Potter.
When I Put My Eyes On You by Zzzara [31k]
When a hero defeats a villain, there’s supposed to be a happily-ever-after… but when did anything ever happen to Harry Potter the way it was supposed to? Having sacrificed himself to the greater good, Harry is left alone in the darkness, blindly groping for the shreds of the life he knew. When the enemies meet, how is the story supposed to go, once they learn there’s more to it than the eye can see? A story of pain, hope and things we discover, once we stop looking for them with our eyes.
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands [146k]
It’s the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort’s soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too. Featuring rumpled band shirts, poker games everyone hates, fumbling sex, and a Harry going a little mental over how wands even work.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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hjparisian · 10 months
always yours-harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x fem! reader w: TW !!! toxic relationship, abuse, fluff ending, cussing, not proof read summary: harry and (y/n) come across each other a bit after the war and reconnect. a/n: another request from a lovely follower! so sorry this is so late. i haven't had motivation to write and couldn't figure out what to even write. if any of you guys are in an abusive relationship, please try to reach out to someone! i know it's better said than done but you all deserve the best.
The light breeze felt perfect to (Y/N). It was her day off of work from the Ministry today, so (Y/N) decided to use this day for herself to relax. Merlin knows that her work and her boyfriend has her feeling drained.
(Y/N) had just exited Flourish and Blotts, nose in one of the new books she bought. Her focus was disrupted when she bumped into a large figure, making her drop her book.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going," (Y/N) said to the person as she went to pick up her book but someone else grabbed it first.
"Oh it's alright, no worries," a familiar voice said to her.
(Y/N) looked up to the person handing her her book back.
"Wait, H-Harry?"
The girl was in shock. In front of her was her old friend and former crush, Harry Potter. The last time they've seen each other was at the Battle of Hogwarts. Though she had returned to Hogwarts for her eighth year, Harry did not.
"What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked the man.
"I was just grabbing some stuff for school."
"Yeah," Harry said. "I'm teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."
"That's amazing Harry!" (Y/N) said to him. "I mean you were the best at the class. Plus you were such an amazing teacher when you taught Dumbledore's Army so it doesn't surprise me."
"Thanks, (Y/N). And what are you doing?"
"Oh, I just came from Flourish and Blotts. It's my day off from the Ministry and I was looking for new books."
"Well," Harry says. "What else do you have planned for today?"
"Honestly, nothing else."
"Do you want to come over to my place?" Harry asked her. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just hoping we could catch up maybe?"
"I would love to," (Y/N) said without a second thought.
Harry and (Y/N) exited the Leaky Cauldron and apparated to Harry's place. It was an apartment not too far from London. Harry unlocked the door and let (Y/N) enter.
It was a rather simple but clean apartment. There were a couple photos on the walls from Harry's years at Hogwarts. One that caught (Y/N)'s eye was a picture of Dumbledore's Army during their fifth year. Harry was in the middle of the photo and (Y/N) somehow had a spot right next to Harry.
"Bring back memories, huh?" Harry said as he stood behind her.
"Yeah. I still remember the first meeting." (Y/N) said. "I wanted to punch Zacharias in the face."
Harry laughed at your comment. "Me too, but he did come around."
Harry guided (Y/N) to the couch in his living room.
"Did you want anything to drink?" Harry asked her. "I got water, butterbeer, firewhiskey."
"Some butterbeer please."
Harry left to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of butter beer, handing one to (Y/N).
"So, how are Hermione and Ron?"
"They're good. They got engaged recently."
"Really?" (Y/N) said in awe. "That's wonderful! I remember talking with Hermione about Ron back in sixth year. Finally got her to admit her feelings for him."
Harry nodded his head, grinning at the memories. "They were both too stubborn to realize it."
(Y/N) nodded before taking a sip of the butterbeer. "What about you Harry? You were with Ginny last I heard."
"I was but not anymore." (Y/N) had a shocked look on her face. "We broke up a while back."
"Really? And Ron hasn't killed you?" (Y/N) asked.
Harry chuckled a bit. "It was actually Ginny who ended it. It was mutual so no bad blood between us."
"That's good then."
A question had been burning on the back of Harry's mind. Thankfully, they were on the topic of it.
"What about you? Are you with anyone?"
(Y/N) set down the bottle she was holding before she answered. "I am actually."
Harry felt his heart drop a bit. "Who is it?"
(Y/N) started messing with the hem of her top, feeling a bit nervous. "Do you remember Cormac McLaggen? He tried out for keeper our sixth year."
For some reason, Harry felt his heart crumble a bit. That bloke Cormac is with (Y/N)? Those two couldn't be anymore different. How could that troll earn her love?
(Y/N)'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Are you alright Harry? You were zoning out a bit," (Y/N) pointed out.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I remember him, bit of a jerk from what I remember in sixth year." Harry said. "Is Cormac good to you?"
(Y/N) avoided eye contact and kept messing with her shirt. "Oh yeah. I mean we have a few arguments here and there, but he means well. Do you mind bringing another bottle of butterbeer please?"
Harry nodded before getting up to the kitchen again. He didn't necessarily believe (Y/N), but he wasn't going to prod on their relationship.
The two had been enjoying reconnecting. Harry told (Y/N) stories from his first year teaching at Hogwarts, one including how a third year girl sent him a singing card on Valentine's Day. (Y/N) also told Harry about her job at the Ministry and how her coworker spilt coffee on Kingsley Shacklebolt's robes.
(Y/N) looked at the clock on the nearby wall to see that it was a quarter past twelve am. She couldn't believe that she's been talking to Harry for this long. She had to get home.
"Hey Harry, I have to get going," (Y/N) told the man sitting next to her.
Harry looked at the clock to also see how late it was. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the time."
"It's quite alright Harry, I had a wonderful time with you anyways."
"Will you be apparating home?" Harry asks her. "Don't want you to head home by yourself if you aren't."
"Yes, I am. You don't need to worry," she said to him. "Besides, I know a few spells thanks to a certain Gryffindor."
Harry smiled a bit, knowing she was referring to him.
"I'll see you later Harry," (Y/N) said while handing him a paper.
The girl disapperated, returning to her home.
Harry unfolded the paper, which revealed some numbers. It was (Y/N)'s phone number. Right under it, she left a small message.
Call me! :)
The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to hearing noises coming from the kitchen. She put on a sweater and walked out to find her boyfriend Cormac cooking.
"Good morning," he said to her.
"Morning," she said.
"Thought I'd make us breakfast before you go to work," said Cormac. "Also where were you last night? You got home pretty late."
"I was catching up with an old friend."
Cormac hummed before asking her the dreaded question. "Who?"
"Oh it's no one special," she nervously said.
Cormac raised an eyebrow at her before asking again. "Who were you with, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) cleared her throat before speaking. "Harry."
"Yeah him."
(Y/N) looked at her boyfriend, seeing a look of resentment in his eyes.
"I never really liked that bloke." Cormac said while handing (Y/N) her plate. "Gave the keeper spot to Weasley just because that's his best friend."
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to say anything to make Cormac upset.
The two ate until (Y/N) had to go to work. While heading to work, (Y/N) felt her phone buzz. She saw it was a number she didn't recognize, but the back of her mind was hoping it was a certain boy.
(Y/N) took chance and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hello?" A familiar voice said. "Is this (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) laughed a bit before responding. "Yes it is."
"Oh good. It's Harry."
"I know," (Y/N) said, smiling. "I recognized your voice."
"Ah yeah," Harry said. "How are you?"
"Good. Just heading to work."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I can call later."
(Y/N) felt herself smiling more.
"No it's alright! I have time. Besides, it makes the travel to work less lonely."
And so began a new routine of Harry calling her on her way to work. Which then went into them calling each other after work. On nights Cormac was away, Harry and (Y/N) would call each other.
Harry and (Y/N) began seeing each other more in person too. He'd join her on trips to Diagon Alley for more books or to grab a bite after a long day of work.
This change did not go by unnoticed by Cormac, though. He noticed how distracted she became, how she smiled at her phone more, how she left for work earlier and came back later, how she'd go out more.
The boy had enough.
One day, when (Y/N) had returned from work late, Cormac was sitting in her living room, waiting for her arrival.
"Oh! Didn't know you were here Cormac, I thought you wouldn't get home 'til later," the girl said upon noticing her boyfriend on her couch.
"Where were you?" The boy asked her.
Cormac had gotten up and walked towards her, glaring at her.
(Y/N) had begun to feel a bit nervous, knowing Cormac wouldn't like the reason she had returned late.
"I-I was at work," (Y/N) stammered out.
"What about after work?" Cormac questioned her. "Where did you go?"
"Just went to grab a bite."
Cormac began pestering her. "With who? You had to have been with someone if you've taken this long."
(Y/N) felt herself starting to shake. She had never enjoyed when Cormac began to act like this, knowing he was getting angry and a bit emotional.
"I was just out with a friend," she meekly said.
"I wanna know who you were with (Y/N)."
"It was just a friend, Cormac."
"Don't bullshit me. Was it with Potter?"
(Y/N)'s hesitation was all Cormac needed to get his answer.
"It was with Potter, wasn't it."
(Y/N) couldn't lie to him, knowing he figured her out. She nodded.
"Yes, but he's just a friend."
Cormac laughed at her. "Oh really, (Y/N)? Doesn't look like it to me. All those days you came home late, were on the phone for hours. Probably all with fucking Potter. Wouldn't be surprised if you went and shagged him."
--TW description of physical abuse--
"Cormac, I didn't shag him! We were just reconnecting, that's all. Please let's just tal-"
A loud smack echoed through the room.
Cormac had hit her.
"Shut up you bitch!"
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s face. Cormac took noticed of this and began laughing at her.
"You're crying?" The boy shoved her against the wall. "What if I give you something to actually cry about?"
"Cormac, stop!" (Y/N) sobbed.
He let go of her and let her drop to the ground. (Y/N) had begun sobbing loudly, hyperventilating.
"Get out (Y/N)! Go to your fucking boyfriend Potter for all I care." Cormac screamed at her.
--TW end--
(Y/N) had pushed herself up and got out the door before Cormac slammed it behind her. She decided to use her strength to apparate to the only person that could help her.
She knocked on the door and waited a second before it opened to reveal her former schoolmate.
Harry stared at her before bringing her inside and embracing her. She flinched, but began melting into his embrace after telling herself that it's just Harry.
"I just need to know," Harry began. "Did Cormac do this to you?"
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to speak.
Harry felt himself become angry. How could Cormac do this to her? She was an angel, unlike that asshole. He never deserved her. But did Harry himself deserved (Y/N)? He couldn't protect her, keep her safe. This could've been avoided if Harry was with (Y/N).
He couldn't think about that now when (Y/N) was in his arms needing care. He brought the girl to his bathroom, doing his best to try and tend the bruises that littered her skin. Harry drew a bath and brought a change of clothes for (Y/N).
"I'll be right outside, I promise." He told her. "I'll have to finish checking your bruises when your done."
Once (Y/N) decided to get out of the bath half an hour later, Harry made sure he didn't miss any other injuries before bringing her to his bed. He was just going to let her rest until a hand grabs his.
"Don't leave. Please."
Harry would always listen to (Y/N).
The boy stayed with her until sleep finally took over. As much as Harry wanted to stay with her, he had business to take care of.
Thankfully, he remembered where (Y/N) lived after dropping her off multiple times so he apparated in the night to her door. He banged on the door hard until it opened, revealing his new worst enemy.
"What do you want Potter? (Y/N) isn't here."
"Oh I know." Harry told Cormac. "Just came for a chat."
Harry stepped forward in an attempt to enter the house until Cormac stopped him.
"I'm busy right now."
"Well I guess I can try to make this quick," Harry said.
A punch was thrown at the older wizard, catching him off guard. Harry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed them into the apartment, shoving him up against the nearest wall.
"I know what you did to (Y/N), McLaggen. How dare you hurt her!" Harry screamed at him.
"I didn't do such thing." Another punch was thrown.
"Don't you dare lie to me! I know you did it. You hurt her! You never deserved her."
"Oh but you think you do?" Cormac scoffed at Harry, while trying to push him off.
"I would've treated her way better than you ever have."
"You want a slut like her? You're pathetic Potter."
Those words had enraged Harry more than ever. The two continued fighting, Harry having the upper hand. One more punch landed on Cormac before he fell to the floor.
"You better stay away from (Y/N). If I hear that you stepped one foot near her I won't hesitate to punch you again," Harry spat at him before making his leave back to his home.
Harry headed for his room, wanting to make sure that the girl he loves was still there. Fortunately, she was, but she was awake.
"Where did you go Harry? I was getting worried."
"I just went to take care of something," he said, trying to reassure her.
"What do you need to take care of at this time?" (Y/N) said while walking toward him.
A small gasp slipped her month before her hand made contact with his cheek. Harry would be lying if he said it didn't feel nice.
"You're hurt Harry!" (Y/N) exclaimed before dragging him to his bathroom.
"(Y/N) love, I'm fine." He kind of wasn't. Harry looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw the marks Cormac apparently left him. He was too focused on getting vengeance for (Y/N) that he ignored it.
(Y/N) began cleaning his face. "Harry, you have dried blood on your face. I don't think that's considered fine. What were you doing?"
"If I tell you, you have to promise you won't be upset," Harry said to her.
"What?" (Y/N) paused, confused.
"Just promise me."
"Fine. I promise I won't get upset."
"Alright, well," Harry began. The adrenaline was gone and he began feeling nervous. "I went to visit Cormac at your guys apartment."
"You went to see Cormac?" (Y/N) squeaked. "Why would you do that Harry?"
"I couldn't stand what he did to you (Y/N). He hurt you. You didn't deserve what he did. I had to teach him a lesson."
"So you went to beat each other up?"
"Well, him more so than me," Harry joked.
"Why? Why would you beat him up for me?"
"Because (Y/N). I love you."
(Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock. "W-what?"
"I love you. And I think I always have. Seeing you brought back those feelings I've had back when we were at Hogwarts. I would do anything to protect you (Y/N)."
"Oh Harry," tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes.
Harry noticed and got a little bit worried. "It's alright if you don't feel the same way. I know you just had to deal with Cormac so-"
Arms wrapped around him and lips met his. Harry froze for a second before melting into it, gently placing his hands on her waist.
(Y/N) was the first to break the kiss, to respond to Harry's declaration of love to her.
"I love you too, Harry."
(Y/N) finished cleaning up Harry before heading back to his bed. His arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and safe.
"I promise to protect you no matter what," Harry said to her. "I would do anything for you."
"And I will do the same for you, because you're mine."
"And I will always be yours."
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 11.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Threesomes, MMF Threesome, again No Twincest. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
This chapter took on a life of it’s own and I’m not remotely sorry. I need a very cold shower now. 🌹
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You walked out of the coffee shop feeling revitalised and refreshed from seeing your muggle best friend and her dad. You felt like you'd been recharged back in the muggle world and were excited to go back to the wizarding world once again. The small ounce of guilt at still not being able to chose between the twins was still present inside of you, the angst sitting at the base of your stomach never quite extinguishing itself, but for now it was manageable.
You'd been gone quite a while and you knew the twins would be waiting for you somewhere so you scurried out of the cafe and threw your arms around your friend as you both babbled about missing each other and seeing each other soon.
Adam pulled you into a hug as you said goodbye and as you pulled away, you noticed two figures off in the distance, a familiar shade of red flashing in your mind.
You grabbed Val by the hand as you pulled away from Adam and subtly nodded towards where the twins were stood trying to be subtle about watching and waiting for you. She lets out a small gasp and pulls you in for a hug again, whispering in your ear, "that's them?! They're so tall! No wonder you can't chose!"
You laugh and say goodbye again, telling her that you'd write, reminding her once again that your 'boarding school' is Scotland doesn't allow telephones.
You make your way over to the twins who have wide smiles on their faces as you approach.
"Enjoy seeing your friend princess?" Fred asks, as George suspiciously bumps your hand against his, as if he intended to hold it.
"It was great thank you, I'm sorry if I'm late," you apologise, walking instep with them as you head back towards Diagon alley. You reach to take your bag from George's shoulder but he doesn't let you carry it, responding to your protests with an overly innocent smile. You notice they've bought a couple of bits from the joke shop, namely the no heat fireworks.
Upon returning to Diagon alley, you nipped into sugarplum's sweet shop to get a box of chocolates for Molly and Arthur as a little thank you gift for taking you in this week, managing to get a selection box full of Molly's favourites. You only hoped they didn't melt in the heat on the way home.
You found Harry, Ginny and Ron a little while later outside of Wiseacre's and had all set out to meet Molly and Arthur, ready to return home. As you were walking down the street, Fred mumbled something to George and they walked off ahead looking at a boarded up shop at the top of the street, one that you'd never really noticed before, next to the quidditch supply shop and a few shops up from Ollivanders.
Just as you walked around the corner towards the leaky cauldron a few fat drops of rain hit you unexpectedly. Within mere seconds, a loud crack above you rang out and all the heavens opened up, instantly soaking you all. Everyone fled like their life depended on it, desperate to get out of the rain that was bucketing it down.
Ginny squealed as you all ran straight towards the leaky cauldron where you'd planned to meet their parents, narrowly avoiding the dangerous, slippy cobblestones. George grabbed your hand as you ran, ensuring you stayed close by him and not getting caught up or pulled away in the rush of others fleeing.
You finally made it to the leaky cauldron and heaved a breath of relief as you ran under the shelter, each of you soaked to the skin. You began laughing at the sudden turn of events as you looked at your friends, seeing that they all looked like drowned rats.
Ron's hair was stuck flat to his face, Ginny looked horrified as she tried to ring out her hair whilst Harry attempted to de-fog his glasses, shaking his shoulders to try and get off excess water.
Fred and George were vigorously shaking their heads in the corner, like dogs to try and dry their long hair a little, unbothered by who might be on the receiving end of their splattering.
"Are you sure you're not animagi?" You joked as they stopped whipping their hair about.
You pulled the hair bobbles out of your hair and untangled your wet braids, hoping to release a little of the water and checked your clothes, ringing out the bottom of your skirt in a sad attempt to dry off.
Arthur barked out a laugh as you all rounded the corner and saw them sat at one of the large family style tables whilst Molly at least attempted to stifle her laugh. With a flick of her wand, you were all dried immediately, now just looking entirely unkempt as you made your way to the car.
When you arrived back at the Burrow, the rain was still going strong, the blistering sun and heat of the day just a memory now as it tipped it down with no sign of stopping.
Molly had been to the little street vendor just outside Diagon Alley and had collected a selection of vegetables for dinner and immediately set to washing and chopping them up when you returned. You offered to help her but she declined, telling you to go with your friends and have fun. You had flicked the kettle on to make a cup of tea, wanting something warming and soothing after getting wet in the rain and made sure to secretly make her one too, just as a small token of appreciation. You left it next to the chopping board as she nipped into the pantry, just so she'd know it was for her.
When you turned back to the lounge, the twins weren't there and so you made your way up to their bedroom, pausing briefly to knock on the door before you entered.
"What are you two plotting?" You asked, seeing them huddled around on the bed, their purchases from the day laid out in front of them. You closed the door and walked straight to their chest of drawers and pulled out one of their big sweaters that you wanted to wear, the softest one you could find. You peeled off your little summer top and then your bra, wanting to feel comfortable and cozy as the rain carried on and then slipped the soft, green jumper over your body. You couldn't help but lift the sleeve of the jumper up to your nose and try to subtly smell the comforting blend of them both, feeling cosier already.
When you turned slightly, you felt their eyes upon you; they were watching you with rapt attention, clearly not missing you getting undressed or your little weird smell test. You switched out your socks for a pair of big, fluffy ones, wiggling your toes at the overwhelming comfort you felt. You blushed under their gaze and bent down to reach for a big claw clip you kept in your case, clipping back your hair until you showered later. You kept your skirt on from earlier, still wanting to feel a little cute and turned to climb onto the bed with them, sensing that they were watching your every move.
"What?" You asked as you climbed onto the bed, noticing their eyes still trained on you.
"Has she ever looked more beautiful to you?" Fred says to George who shakes his head in reply.
"Didn't think it was possible," he answers, looking utterly smitten. You have to fight the blush that threatens to break out over your face as you tell them to stop.
"Have you two accidentally drank some love potions?" You joke, reaching out to grab the firework they'd procured from the joke shop, looking it over.
"Don't need it princess," Fred says smugly, reaching out for you as he pulls you closer, sliding you across the bed until you nearly end up in his lap. As he drags you, your skirt flips up and exposed your lilac, lace panties which George openly stares at. You rush to cover yourself again as Fred begins kissing your neck, enjoying the sight and feel of you squirming in his lap. You laugh as his kisses turn to blowing raspberries on your neck and manage to break free, sitting down beside him as you lounge on the bed.
"Think your mum would mind if I had a bath later? The rain makes me feel so cozy." You ask, stretching out your legs as he lean back against Fred's pillows.
"Sure she wouldn't mind angel," George says, as Fred simply shrugs, focusing back on the fireworks in front of them. You pull out your book from off the bedside table and begin reading, knowing that they didn't need your help right now.
"George focus," Fred says sharply after a minute or two as they tinker about. You look over to the squabbling siblings and see George rapidly blinking, as if he's trying to focus himself. His hips move subtly in a way you know exactly what it means as you notice the way he's slightly hunched over, making a little grin appear on your face as you think of the ways you could mess with him.
"Georgie, everything alright?" You put on your most innocent look at you s glance at him with doe eyes, biting your lip for effect as your voice drips smoothly like caramel. You don't miss the slight widening of his eyes at your voice and of your words as he fumbles for a reply. His hips shift again and you move your sock covered foot and smooth leg to rub against his clothed thigh, opening your legs with the movement and 'accidentally' flashing the crotch of your panties to him.
"Merlin," he mutters as he catches sight of your light purple panties underneath your skirt and you knew right then that you'd got him. He adjusts himself in his trousers, wiggling his hips once again, still trying to hide the fact that he's hard.
"Oi, what's up with you?" Fred says, completely oblivious, briefly looking up towards his brothers face before going back to his project.
George's gaze suddenly slips to your face and catches your smug little smirk, realising then that you'd been playing him all along. Without a moments hesitation, he lunges for you and reaches out to grab your ankles, pulling you closer to him and exposing your panties once again as your skirt rides up with the movement.
"Little minx trying to rile me up, think you could get away with it that easily?" He asks darkly as his long, deft fingers begin to stroke your exposed thighs, the sensation alone making your nipples harden under their sweater. Dominant George was not something you often encountered but by god it was arousing when it came out. "It is just a game for you, trying to get me hard and aching in my trousers?"
"No, no Georgie," you say weakly, though he can see straight through it.
"Tell me right now why I shouldn't bend you over my knee and spank you, right here in front of Fred," he says, gripping onto your thighs. You gasp, mind going blank at the very thought as your arousal pools, starting to seep into your panties.
Suddenly he smirks and looks down at you with a dark grin. "Seems to me that's exactly what you want, so why should I make it easy for you?"
He suddenly throws your legs off of him, pulling away and leaving you aroused and exposed on the bed. You have to fight back a whine at the sudden loss of contact but you just about manage to stay silent as you look up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
"Be good for us and you'll get what you need later."
Just like that, the moment is over and you're reeling, wondering how exactly you teasing George had turned into you dripping wet and without any satisfaction, the lingering feeling of his hands on your thighs only worsening your problem. You turn your head to see George has left the room and you're alone with Fred on the bed.
"Don't look at me for help princess, you started it teasing Georgie," he says, sensing your gaze at him. You huff and roll over onto your front, not even bothering to flip your skirt back down. George comes back in a few minutes later and you hardly acknowledge each other, a strange tension passing between you both as neither of you know how to communicate after your little interaction.
A little while later, Fred curses as one of the fireworks slips out of his hands and immediately ignites on the floor, sparking it and omitting a loud whine as it crackles. George immediately pulls you closer to him, straight onto his lap, trying to shield you from the incoming explosion as Fred dives out of the way.
The room is immediately filled with noise and pyrotechnics, prisms of colour and shapes sparking and exploding midair as it flies around the room at high velocity, bouncing off the walls and nearly knocking down the books on the top bookshelf in the corner. Eventually it begins to slow, the noise fading to a quiet whine as it begins to crackle and splinter until it erupts into a loud bang, the last remaining gunpowder detonating into a resounding bang as coloured powder explodes from within it. The powder magically fades and settles into the air, leaving a smog in the small room that lingers for minutes after.
You immediately hear Molly yelling as she climbs the stairs, her voice getting louder and louder with her approach as she begins calling the twins names with vengeance.
She slams open the door, already fired up and yelling at the boys, pausing only briefly when she sees you in George's lap, clearly him protecting you from the firework, shock evident on both of your faces. You fight to climb off of him, having to act neutral and you immediately apologise to her, telling her it was an accident.
She softens a little, seeing your remorse the slight fear in your eyes from the surprise of the firework before turning to the boys who now stand together, pointing and wagging her finger at them, berating them for setting off the firework inside.
"Sorry mum," they mumble in unison, looking down at the floor in remorse which you doubted was real, until Molly walked out of the door, telling you that tea was almost ready.
"Well at least we know not to drop them," Fred chuckles, moving the other fireworks to the desk, handling them a little more carefully now.
George moves to stand behind you, slipping his hand down to your bum underneath your skirt, giving you a little fright at the unexpected contact.
"Don't think I've forgotten earlier Angel," he whispers in your ear, patting your bum gently, making you immediately want to squeeze your thighs together for a hint of relief.
Molly calls you all for tea and you sit beside the twins as you eat the delicious chicken and vegetable stew she'd made from the fresh veg she'd bought earlier. The main chatter is about the torrential rain that had still not stopped nor slowed all evening, a stark contrast to the hot summer day you'd expected. As the meal comes to an end, you ask Molly if she'd mind you having a bath rather than a shower and she of course agrees, even going as far as to tell you where her best bath salts and oils were if you wanted to use them.
After dinner you walked into the twin's room to gather some bits for your bath, fresh pyjamas, panties and your hairbrush when George walked in without Fred, giving you a smug little look.
"I want you to do something for me, Angel," he says, grabbing something off the desk before walking up to you and linking your free hand with his.
"Anything Georgie."
He leans down and whispers in your ear, dangerously close and low in tone, "don't touch yourself in the bath... I'll know."
He then parts your hands and walks back out of the door, shooting you a little wink as he exits, "enjoy your bath."
You take a deep breath once George had left, steadying yourself from the overwhelming arousal coursing through your body. You'd been a little on edge since your altercation earlier and you felt like you were on a hair trigger now.
You huffed out a breath and set off towards the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you as you began to run the bath, adding a few bath oils that Molly had told you to use earlier. You kept the claw clip in your hair and stripped down, placing your fresh clothes on the little, wooden chair whilst your old ones were strewn carelessly on the floor, everything except the twins' jumper, that was hung against the back of the chair. When the bath was the perfect temperature, you stepped in and felt yourself relax almost instantly.
The hot water, soothing oils and the sound of the heavy rain falling against the roof was enough to make you feel cozy and relaxed, your naked body shifting down in the water until only the tops of your breasts were visible. You laid there and thought back to the day you'd had, smiling as you thought of Val and finally seeing her again. But then you remembered the little tally and the questions of trying to chose and your face fell again, reminding you of the inevitable expiry date on one, if not both, of your relationships.
You tried to think of something else to push down these negative thoughts and immediately thought of George earlier and the promise you'd made. Truthfully, you'd had no intention of touching yourself whilst you were in the bath but it seemed that his words, the low whisper into your ear and the dominant actions earlier had all fuelled a fire within you so that now it was the only thing you could think about.
Your nipples began to harden in the water, just poking out from the layer of bubbles on the surface as you thought of George and by extension, Fred. You were suddenly overwhelmingly aware that you were completely naked, aroused and completely bare and there truly was nothing to stop you from slipping your hand down between your legs if you wanted to, but you couldn't.
You wanted your boyfriends desperately, needing a resolve to your erotic torment and the slight risk that you wouldn't get what you needed was enough to stop your hand from wandering, instead choosing to push those aroused thoughts from your mind and focus on the pitter patter of the rain. It didn't work and suddenly your nice and relaxing bath turned to be a mere obstacle to the pleasure you craved.
You quickly pulled the plug out of the bath allowing the water to drain as you stepped out and into a big fluffy towel. You shot a look at your clothes on the chair and thought twice, gathering them in your arms rather than putting them on, seeing them as only one more barrier.
You crept down to the twins room, opening and closing the door behind you as they looked at you in surprise at your lack of clothes, though the towel covered everything.
"Did you enjoy your bath princess?" Fred asks innocently, though his tone conveying the same thing. He looks like he can barely contain a knowing smirk, much like his very smug looking brother.
"It was lovely thank you," you said, not biting. You walked over to the hamper and threw your dirty clothes in, including their jumper from today and instead of dressing, you bent down to reach for something in your case, absently searching as your mind considered all the possibilities on how you were going to seduce them.
You'd first go for the easy, straight shot. You knew they were watching you, you could feel the heat of their gazes upon your skin and so you bit back a smirk, reached up to pull the clip out of your hair, loosened your towel just slightly at the top and moved to stand up. Of course, your loosely wrapped towel couldn't withstand the movement and as you stood up straight, the towel fell completely off, landing in a heap at your feet. You let out a well timed gasp as if you were reacting and pretended to scramble for the towel one again.
"Merlin," both boys cursed as they watched your towel fall, seeing you deliciously nude before them.
"Angel, come here," George said in a clipped tone, not leaving any metaphorical room for you to protest. As you tired to pick up the towel, he added, "you don't need that."
You made your way over to George and felt a strange nervousness in the act, never having been so fully bare in front of both twins before, your body on display and your relationship with both completely bare for either to see. You'd teased each other and kissed, cuddled and so on with the other twin there but you'd never taken the next step in front of the other so this was all new.
"Look at you," George muses as you move to stand behind the bed where he's sitting on the edge, his hands immediately running over your hips as his eyes struggle to focus on just one part of your nude body, eventually focusing on your breasts that are perked up in front of his face. "So beautiful," he adds, one hand coming up to entwine with yours before he drags you onto the bed, keeping your hands together at all times.
You lie beneath the brothers who both look like they could eat you for supper, their greeny brown eyes darkening and dangerously arousing looks washing over their faces.
"We've been talking, princess," Fred says, leaning closer to you in the bed, his hand coming up to brush your hair back from your face. "You left Georgie all riled up and it was a little unfair wasn't it." His hand slowly creeps down onto your shoulder and across your chest, stroking little patterns into your skin. "And me, well I felt a little left out princess. So we decided that if you want us, both, with you right now," he teases, soft fingers slipping down to the curve of your breast, "you can have all of us together."
"So no one is left out," George adds softly, his other hand that isn't entwined with yours begins to tease your other breast, fingers circling but never directly touching your pebbled nipple.
Their words cause a wave of fresh arousal to wash over you and you can't help but squirm just a little at the overwhelming sensation, your dripping pussy desperate for relief.
"What do you think Georgie, do your think she wants it?" Fred teases, seeing your hips squirming at their words.
"I'd say so Freddie," George adds, the same teasing tone to his voice, "look at her little nipples, already so hard for us." George drags his middle finger over your nipple and you can't hide the gasp that slips out at the delicious contact.
"Need you to say it princess," Fred says, his own fingers reaching down to playfully pluck at your other nipple, "do you want us both?"
"Yes, godric, yes," you moan, no longer denying yourself, writhing in anticipation. George squeezes your hand lightly in acknowledgement before both brothers look at each other and let out a perfectly synchronised chuckle.
They immediately both latch onto your breasts and begin their attack, Fred sucking hard on your left nipple whilst George kisses around your right, his tongue lapping over the nipple every couple of seconds. Your hips surge again and you try to rub your thighs together for relief.
"Ah ah ah," Fred teases, slipping his right hand down to your thighs, pulling them apart and exposing your wet pussy to the room as he holds your thigh in place, "be patient sweetheart, we've got you." You can't help the little whine that escapes you, his words and their joint actions eliciting a desperate noise to fall from your mouth.
"Think she's good and wet for us Fred?" George asks, his hand squeezing your breast as he begins to suck at your sensitive nipple.
You feel Fred's hand creep up your thigh until he touches your unobstructed slit, instantly feeling the wetness there, so much that it's clinging to the inside of your thighs and pooling on the bedsheets below.
"Merlin princess," Fred curses, feeling just how aroused you are. "I think she likes this Georgie."
"She's not the only one," he mumbles into your breast, reaching down to openly adjust himself in his trousers.
"What do you need baby? Want Fred to put his fingers in you?" George whispers, eliciting another whimper from you as you nod, your hand free reaching out to touch Fred's chest, as if trying to summon him closer. Fred chuckles at your reaction as his fingers begin to run through your soaked pussy folds, dragging the wetness around until he slowly sinks one of his long, perfect fingers into your heat. George captures your lips just in time to stop you from moaning too loudly as Fred's fingers begin slowly pumping inside of you, first one and then a second one just a few moments later. George kisses you with such passion that your knees fall completely open, resting against the legs of each boy as Fred's fingers bring you higher and higher. His thumb makes contact with your sensitive nub and you keen into George's mouth.
You break your hand away from George's and begin running each hand over their chests and down their torsos, desperate to feel them. Your hips surge again as you reach out and feel both of their cocks bulging in their trousers, just as Fred's fingers hook up inside you and touch the magical spot that makes your eyes roll back. You begin to paw at their trouser fixings, well past being able to undo their buttons and the boys instantly take notice and fumble to pull off their clothes. George was already shirtless so that was one obstacle out of the way and Fred slings his T-shirt away with the rest of his clothes as you all lie naked on the bed, completely bare for each other.
Fred's fingers immediately find their way back to your waiting pussy and your hands reach down to grab hold of their cocks, feeling the delicious weight of them in your palms. They moan in unison as you slowly begin pumping them, your pleasure only increasing with their own. George kisses you again as his hands wander on your body, never moving far from your breasts as Fred begins to suck at your neck, breathing heavily and mumbling broken curses into your skin as you continue to pump them, gaining a little speed just how you knew they liked.
"I need to taste you," George moans into your mouth as you run your thumb over their sensitive tips as you stroke, smirking as you feel the beads of precum leaking from both of them.
Fred hears his brother's words and slips his fingers out of you, beginning to manoeuvre you so that you were on your hands and knees. He lies beneath you, his beautifully hard cock straining against his belly as George slips behind you, lying between Fred's shins so that you could put your wet heat directly over his face. He grabs you by the hips once he's in position and immediately latches onto your pussy, moaning at the taste of your evident arousal. His tongue laps at all your little folds, sucking each labia into his mouth as he teases you before kissing your little hole. He then runs his tongue up your slit and latches onto your clit, giving it little teasing sucks as his tongue swirls around it, making you want to scream. Fred pulls forward, anticipating it and captures your lips just in time, swallowing your moan as your eyes close in sheer bliss.
George is like a man addicted, leaving no part of your pussy unattended as he licks, kisses and sucks with perfect precision. He begins lazily tasting you, teasing you as he feels you beginning to climax, wanting to hold off on your orgasm for a little while longer.
You push Fred back down onto the bed by his chest and eagerly look at his abandoned cock, seeing the deep pink tone, the rigid hardness and the bulging vein underneath and you can't help but reach out at grab him at the base. You slowly shift your body down so that George could still feast on you whilst you aligned yourself with Fred's cock.
You tentatively stretched out your tongue and licked away the little dribble of precum from his tip as he groaned loudly. Swirling your tongue around his tip, you looked up at him and saw that his eyes were squeezed shut, head thrown back as he enjoyed your movements. You gently squeezed his cock, forcing him to look up at you as you held eye contact with him and slowly sunk down on his length, taking him as far as you could as you sucked. He let out another moan and squeezed his eyes shut as you began sucking up and down his length on a rhythm you know he loved. You couldn't take you're eyes off of him, fixated on his pleasure filled face and heaving chest as your left hand moved to grab his hand, entwining your fingers. Resting on your elbow, you were able to pump the base of him with your hand, working in sync with your mouth to leave no single spot of his cock untouched. You flattened your tongue and ran a stripe down his length and towards his balls, sucking each one delicately into your mouth as your hand reached up to pump him again, focusing on his tip and just under his ridge. His chest was heaving, face flushed red as he bit down on his lip hard to stop from shouting, his gaze alternating between looking at you with wide, adoring eyes and squeezing tightly shut to avoid cumming too soon.
George's slow licking and sucking fixed on your clit again and you couldn't help but slowly begin to roll your hips in time with your sucking, rocking your hips over George's face as he moaned. His hands were gripping your bum hard, spreading your cheeks and massaging the skin. His hand lifted off of you for a brief second before coming down hard and sparking your right cheek, eliciting a gasp and a moan from you, all of which vibrated into Fred's cock, causing him to moan.
You pulled off of Fred just briefly to cry out, "please, want you inside, need it." You had no idea who you were asking, not caring enough to decide right now as you fought off your climax. George immediately pulled away from you and switched places with his twin, sliding in in front of you whilst Fred knelt on the bed behind you.
George kissed you passionately and you could taste your own arousal on his tongue, making you involuntarily clench. You reached your hand down and began stroking him, leaning over to spit onto his cock to lubricate it, his head falling back onto his shoulders at the sexy action. You couldn't help but pump his perfect cock, paying close attention to the delicious little upward curve he had, swiping his precum with your thumb before bringing it to your lips for a taste, watching as his mouth opened and his eyes looked at you in adoration, glassy with arousal.
"You ready for me princess?" You heard Fred say from behind you as he lined himself up, stroking his cock through your wet folds as you moaned out. It dragged across your clit perfectly and you couldn't help but roll your hips trying to make more and more contact. He suddenly slipped into you and pulled your hips back all the way so that he was buried deep within you, your head tossing back in pleasure at the sensation of finally feeling full.
Fred's hips rolled at he plunged himself into you with an eye rolling intensity, both of you already so worked up from your foreplay. You could help but moan as his cock hit all the right spots inside you, stretching you out and making your knees shake. George saw how close you were to crying out and immediately pressed his thumb to your lips for you to suck on. You continued pumping him again as you looked straight into his eyes, both of you wordlessly  conversing as you looked at eachother, silently showing the other everything you felt, even as you were getting railed by his twin.
You felt Fred shift behind you, kneeling forward as his hand snaked around your hip to bring his long fingers to pluck at your sensitive, swollen nub. You sucked hard on George's thumb to stop your moans from spilling out as you stoked him quickly, paying perfect attention to his sensitive tip. His other hand groped and massaged your swaying tits, pinching and toying with your hard nipples as you keened, hips rolling against Fred as you fucked your self on his cock.
You could feel your climax building as Fred railed into you, hips stuttering as he reached his own end, curses and moans growled into the air as his fingers expertly circled your clit. Your walls clenched hard on him as your orgasm overtook you, clamping down around his twitching cock as he slammed your hips into his one last time. He held you tightly to him as his length twitched inside of you, spouting ropes of hot cum deep within you, your clenching walls milking every drop as he groaned your name.
Instantly needing more, you shifted your hips so that you were lying almost flat on the bed, Fred's cock still buried inside you as you took George's waiting length into your mouth, moaning around him at the taste. He cursed and instantly reached up to grab your hair, keeping it out of your face as he watched his cock disappearing between your lips.
Fred had begun slowly rocking into you again, your over sensitive pussy and his cock twitching at the overstimulated that drove you both crazy before he slowly pulled out, falling limply onto the bed. You could feel his cum begin to drip out, knowing what that did to him and it only fuelled your passion for the brothers even more.
George suddenly pulled you off his cock and threw you onto the bed so that you were lying down as he towered above you, cock hard and leaking as he shifted your legs onto his shoulders.
He plunged into you without warning and you cried out before clamping down on your bottom lip to stifle the cries. In this position the slight curve of his cock hit just the right spot, dragging along the spongy part inside you that had you seeing stars as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of you until you were sure he was in your tummy. His hands reached up to cup your bouncing breasts at your hands grabbed and scratched at his shoulders, overwhelmed by the insane pleasure. His hair fell in front of his face as he thrusted and you tried to keep it out of his face as he leaned down to kiss you, all sloppy tongues and teeth, desperately taking what he could from you.
You couldn't help but feel the pleasure building again, only fuelled more as he pulled back and Fred's hand ghosted across your tummy and down to your clit as he rubbed in short, sharp circles. Your walls began clenching again and George cried out a mixture of curses and 'angel's' as his own climax crested. You came suddenly, the white hot heat taking over your body as his hips dove into you with an astounding force, your body folded up like a pretzel as he came with a silent roar, never once stopping his brutal thrusting.
Fred's hand pulled away from your overstimulated clit as soon as he knew you'd ridden out your pleasure and when George pulled out and slipped your legs down, you fell limply back onto the bed in a pile of mush.
You could feel George's cum mix with Fred's as it leaked out of you, onto your ass and then onto the already slick bedsheets as you fought to catch your breath. George fell onto the bed on your other side, leaving you sandwiched once again between the twins, each of you naked, flushed and more satisfied than you'd ever felt.
George's softening cock was pressed to your thigh, smearing the last remnants of his cum and tour arousal onto your skin as Fred reached up to turn your head towards him. He gave you a sensual kiss, hand grabbed around the curve of your jaw as he kissed you passionately, linking your right hand with his. George also linked your other hand with his own and turned you to him to capture your lips once you'd broken away from Fred.
You had no sense of time or space anymore, the only sign that it was late were the dark, rainy skies outside the window. The rain had never stopped and had only served as background white noise to your activities, the constant falling drops the only noise you could hear right now as you all recovered from your activities.
"Can we do that everyday?" You said dreamily, breaking the comfortable silence. You felt George chuckle against you, his body pressed more tightly to your side than Fred who was lounging on his back, one hand still entwined with yourself whilst his other arm covered his eyes.
"Happily," Fred mumbles, turning and pressing himself closer to you. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard and that's saying something with you princess." If you were more aware of things you'd probably blush at his praise but you were still off in dreamland after being fucked silly.
"Agreed," George adds, "bloody hell." He rubs his hands over his face, the ghost of his blissful smile still etched upon his features.
The back of your mind tells you to get up, clean yourself and get dressed but you're frozen in the moment, mind vacant and calm as you snuggle into your boyfriends sides.
Time passes and you all eventually moved to het cleaned off and dressed into your nightwear as you lounge around the room, chatting and reading well into the night until you all climb into bed to sleep. The twins had changed the sheets whilst you went and cleaned up and Fred had thought to spill a little pumpkin juice on the sheets so that it wouldn't seem suspicious that the sheets were needing to be washed again.
Later that night after goodnight kisses, you were cuddled into Fred's chest with George's body pressed tightly against your back, his arm slung around you as you laid awake, listening to their steady breathing and little soft snores, mostly from George behind you. You felt completely at peace, with both of them surrounding you and the rain pouring down outside the window. The three of you completely in sync with no battle in your heart between the both, loved equal in every sense.
You wished it could be like this all the time, just three souls linked together in harmony. It was always best when the three of you were together; Fred and George were the other half of each other, complimenting and completing each other, always in sync and you fit in with them perfectly. The threesome you'd just had was a perfect example of that. Would you be happier if you didn't have to chose?
You didn't know how it would even work but it was a much better thought then having to choose between the two boys you loved.
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Sic Mundus Creatus Est
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin & Son!Reader | Harry Potter x Male!Reader Summary: sic mundus creatus est - thus the world was created Word Count: 10,884 A/n: Kinda a reimagining of "broken crown"!reader but in a one-shot :) This is a long one tbh
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You knew from a young age that you were a special case of magic. Knowing early on that you were a descendant of Merlin, from the courtesy of Dumbledore. No one really knew if there was anyone of Merlin's blood, many thought he never had children and his line died with him, but that was very untrue.
When you were five, Dumbledore started arriving at your doorstep. Every first day of the month, he would visit the family home and your mother would always be there to greet him. From a young age, you knew you bore the powers and responsibility of Merlin - to explore the world and finish any of his unfinished businesses.
You were advanced for your age and when you entered Hogwarts, you excelled in third-year content, however, at the request of your mother, you were to be kept in the same year and not skip years to avoid questions - especially with the threat of the dark lord looming above everyone. Your dad had no idea about your true nature, your reason for life, he was kept in the dark about everything.
It was easy to keep things away, your father never liked to stay in one place and your parents weren't married. He would often come to stay during the holidays so he could be a part of your life. In your first year, you made friends with the trio, being a part of Harry's adventure whilst living your own.
During the first year, you unlocked Merlin's cursed vaults. Well, at least three of them - out of the six. You were the only one who could access it and had the brain to unlock it. During the second year, you opened the last three, and from that moment Dumbledore knew you were a formidable wizard.
That was when Hermione, Harry and Ron found out you were Merlin's descendant, destine to finish his work. They were, at first, wary about it - they didn't know if you were just joking but when you started to reveal little things about the curse vault rumours and your magic spells that were definitely not going to be in the curriculum.
"That's bloody brilliant," Ron excitedly praised you, "Do you think you could teach us that stuff?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "It's pretty advanced stuff, Ron..." You trailed off, scratching the back of your head, "But, you three have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about it. Not unless, it comes from me, got it?"
"Potter! No!"
At the end of summer, your mother was killed in an attack. It was unknown who did it and many, especially Dumbledore, suspect it was the death eaters who managed to avoid jail. Dumbledore wanted to keep you safe, you were stronger and smarter than most wizards and you were just thirteen.
When you got on the train to Hogwarts, you weren't expecting your dad to be on there as well. When he expelled the dementors, he gives you a wink - which made you smile.
"He seems like a nice professor," Hermione commented as Remus closes the door, there was silence in the carriage as Harry recompose himself.
"Hey, (Y/n), what's your plan?" Ron asked finally as Hermione smacks him, "Ow! I'm only asking!"
"Something tragically happens to one of our best friends and you immediately ask him about it? It only happened last week!" Hermione scowled as Harry looked at you inquisitively, of course, Harry was left in the dark about it - even meeting the Weasley and Hermione at the Leaky Cauldron.
"My mum was killed last week, Harry," You softly say, looking outside to take in the view, "They say it's...you know who's people, but we- I mean I couldn't care less."
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)," Harry replied as your other two friends silently give you looks of encouragement, "What about your dad?"
"Dad doesn't know yet, I haven't had the chance to tell him, really, he seems to be a bit preoccupied with being the new defence the dark arts professor."
"That's your dad?" Hermione screeches, you didn't know whether out of excitement or surprise, "Why didn't you say something?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "Just a lot on my mind," You hummed, watching Hermione regret her words, "It's fine, honestly, I'll be fine."
"You watch your own mother die," Harry emphasised as Remus opens the carriage door, "You don't have to pretend to be fine."
Remus cleared his throat, his eyes sharply on you as you look like you wanted the floor to swallow you whole.
"Nice one, Potter," You muttered, as Harry sheepishly smiled at you, "Hi dad... I guess we have a lot to catch up on..."
Yet, even with Remus in the castle. You and Dumbledore had agreed not to inform him about your heritage, only a few knew and you know that Remus would not take it lightly in the future.
After your mother's death, you stayed with your dad or the Weasley over the holidays. You had become closer to your dad, which was to be expected. You were thrilled that Remus was more active in your life, but you felt bad. You knew of Remus' condition since you could remember and you felt terrible keeping secrets away from him. How he would often see you leaving Dumbledore's office, and he wanted to ask badly but he didn't want to overstep the line.
As months went by, you were extremely close with your dad. It was almost as if he had been in your life from the beginning. After the Tri-wizard tournament, you had arguments with Dumbledore.
"You don't look happy," Harry commented, you sighed, flopping on your bed, "What did Dumbledore want?"
"I can't say, Harry," You apologise profusely, before burying your head into the pillow, "All in due time, you trust me right, Potter?"
You didn't want to unload onto Harry about the arguments with Dumbledore, especially after the fact that Cedric just died. But, truth be told, you knew that everything was going to spill. You knew from the moment Remus told you that you would be living in the Orders' base.
You were there gathered by the members and the children, upon their first meeting. They explained what they are and the children weren't allowed in these meetings and cannot ask any questions. But, as Dumbledore dismissed the kids to go back to their rooms in Grimmauld Place, he asked you to stay.
"I would like a moment with (Y/n) if you would please."
You shot your dad a "help me" look, but you know he couldn't. He gives you a reassuring smile, whilst your uncle Sirius gives you the thumbs up of encouragement. You turn to look at your headmaster, sighing as you prepare yourself for an argument.
"I think we both know it's the time," Dumbledore started as you rolled your eyes, "People will find out in due time but I think it's time to show your dad and the Order the true you."
"Is that all I am to you?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, "You are really despicable," Looking at your headmaster with such distaste, "I'm not a soldier, you know that?"
"But, you can help to the cause, your strength and your knowledge can help us protect Harry, is that not what you wanted?"
You wanted to sneer at your headmaster, using Harry as an excuse, knowing full well the two of you were in a relationship with each other was just low. You've had this talk more times than you'd liked.
"Don't you dare use Harry against me," You shouted at Dumbledore, who sat down as you were standing, "I'm not some, some-"
Remus from the kitchen could hear your voice, loud but incoherent. The adults shared a look, they had quietened down upon hearing your voice, before they were having conversations to distract them from thinking about this meeting.
"I wonder what that's about," Sirius mumbled, as Remus nodded, his eyes staying on the door that had you and Dumbledore behind it, "It doesn't sound fun at all."
The door slams open with Dumbledore entering first and then you behind, looking furious. The order stood up abruptly at the presence of Dumbledore, but you looked like you weren't done shouting at him.
"Are you mad?" You shouted, Remus grabs your shoulder to stop you from lunging at Dumbledore, Sirius on your other shoulder, sensing hostility.
"You agreed, Mr Lupin."
"Yeah! When I was bloody nine and I didn't know any better, but, now...I refuse," You exclaimed, shoving your father and uncle off you as if they weren't strong enough to hold you back, "I'm not some pawn in your game, I could die!"
Dumbledore looks at you, the adults were afraid to talk as they looked at each other before their attention settled back on the fuming fifteen-year-old. You huff, throwing your hands up in the air and you splutter incoherent words.
But, somehow you managed to calm down. You run your hand through your hair. Your mind was racing and the only thing that was calming you down was the comforting hand of your dad.
"He will want you, and he won't stop until he does. He will want you just as much as Harry," Dumbledore explained, but the older members still didn't understand, "You must promise me that you will not go to the dark lord's side."
"But, you want me to be your spy? Isn't it obvious?" You asked, there was a bitter tone within your voice.
"I'm sorry, but what?" Remus cuts in, almost offended to not be in this plan, "Not my son, Dumbledore."
"I'm terribly sorry, Remus, but what must be done should be done."
"He's just a boy!" Molly and McGonagall cried out, even Snape was surprised at this new information, looking at this great wizard as if he went mad.
"Even, I think this is all mad, Dumbledore," Alastor chided as you were thinking about your options.
You finally sighed in defeat, sinking down on a chair as the adults argue about you. You hadn't seen your dad so riled up before, it was a first to see his anger. His anger to protect you, but deep down, you know no one was ever going to be strong enough to protect you.
You looked around and see the people that Harry cared about so dearly, sacrificing themselves to make sure he will not be touched by the dark lord. Looking down at your hands, knowing full well you're going to be the one protecting Harry's loved one.
"I'll do it," you softly say, the words barely escaping your lips as they adults stop their shouting to look at you.
"No, I won't allow this," Remus declared, you smile at him, though he could tell that you were defeated by this topic, "You're my son, none of the kids are allowed to help so why should you? You're no better at defending yourself as the next kid in this house!"
"I'm sorry, dad," you apologise, your eyes softening as you gaze upon him, "Dumbledore is right, once everyone knows who I am... it's only a matter of time."
"What are you on about?" Sirius asked, confused as you look up to your headmaster.
He slowly nodded to you, "(Y/n) will be joining our Order meetings, as much as you do not like nor accept it he is an important asset."
"Your plan is to get him killed!" Molly exclaimed, she was a mother first before being a soldier for Dumbledore, "I will not have any children-"
"The daily prophet will get headline news about me, and from there Voldemort will try to recruit me," You continued from Dumbledore, watching the adults look upon you with interest, "After all, if he's able to get Merlin's descendant on his side, he'll be invincible."
"Merlin's beard," Arthur breathes out in awe, "I've heard rumours that Merlin's back, I- I wouldn't have thought- how, why?"
Remus slumps down in the empty chair next to him, adjacent to you. He was speechless as you looked at him with worry.
You didn't want your dad to think ill of you. But, you know he has every right to be angry. You had lied and kept this secret away from him and now you're announcing a suicide mission. It was all too much for him, he couldn't even look you in the eyes.
"Look, I don't know much about why or how Merlin gave me his knowledge and powers, but," You hesitated, unable to find words, "I want to help out as much as I can, even if nine-year-old me didn't know what you fully meant."
The first meeting was primarily awkward and silent. You explained your whole life story to them, how you have bestowed Merlin. Whilst they understand that you can be terrifying in your own way, all they can see is a boy. A terrified boy.
Remus didn't look at you for a week, he didn't speak to you for two. Your heart was breaking, and you cried yourself almost every night. The news of you spread like wildfire, just as you expected. You don't know how Dumbledore got the information out, but there was no backing out now.
Remus finally mustered up the courage to talk to you, after Sirius knocked some sense into him that he couldn't and shouldn't abandon his child when you need him most. He finds himself alone in the drawing room, reading a book as the piano plays softly in the background. Remus takes in the scene, surprised that you somehow enchanted the piano to play.
"Ministry is dumb, you know," you say, your eyes never leaving the page of your book, "They can only detect wand magic for people under the trace, nothing is said about wandless or wordless spells."
"Impressive," Remus replied truthfully before coming towards you. You looked heavily invested in your book, though when he stands behind you, all he can see is a blank page.
"Merlin's code, a spell he made to see all his other works. A precaution to prevent his work from falling into the wrong hands," You explained, you were avoiding the subject, both of you knew it, but both of you didn't know how to approach the subject, "I heard about Harry..."
"Yes, the order is planning a rescue mission."
"I assume you'll be going?" Finally looking up over to him as he nods, you sighed, knowing that you weren't going to stop him, "At least I'll know both you and he will be back safely."
"Actually, they want you to come along," Remus says as you raised an eyebrow, "Mad-eye wants to know your whole, um, you know, powers."
You nodded, and there was a beat of silence as you look back down at your book. The room quickly filled with awkward yet hostile silence, you wanted to squirm under your dad's eyes.
"I'm not mad anymore," Remus started, clearing his throat, though you'd do anything to avoid his eyes contact, so he sat down in the seat adjacent to you, "I'm just worried that's all, and I have every right to be, (y/n), you're my son, my boy."
"You think I want to be dragged into this?" You finally asked, slamming your book closed, "I don't really have a choice in this."
"I know," Remus says tentatively, placing a gentle hand upon your shoulder, as you gaze into his soft eyes, "I'm just terrified for you."
After a while, you were dismissed from the recuse mission with many order members voting against you. You sighed in relief, as the meeting continued. Every time you would leave the meeting, the children would surround you asking about it.
"Guys! I can't say," You exclaimed, lying back in your bed.
"It's worth the shot," Fred says as George smirks, you rolled your eyes as all of you went downstairs for tea.
You watched the children happily talk to other Order members and not ask about the whole meeting. You found yourself playing with your food, not feeling hungry. You abruptly stand up and leave the table, some people watching you leave. You were barely seen for the rest of the week, only reappearing when you went to bid your dad good luck.
You couldn't even say hello to Harry upon arrival, as Dumbledore was starting the meeting. Most of the time, you're quiet during the meetings - you had no other contributions to the meeting, so you didn't want to say anything in a place that you're not invited to. Usually, you're squished between Remus and Sirius, almost as if they had an unspoken protection pact over you.
As the meeting concluded, you could hear loud noises in the hallway You went up and investigated to see Harry and the rest, who had disturbed Walburga's portrait. You watch on as Sirius and Remus was attempting to pull the curtains, you move over and placed your hand upon the portrait.
Soon, enough her voice dies down, and everyone watched in amazement to see her moving and attempting to talk - however, no noise was coming out.
"Couldn't have done that sooner?" Hermione chastise as you rolled your eyes.
"Hello Harry," Sirius composes himself, "I see you’ve met my mother."
The reunion was more bitter than you liked. You couldn't really give your boyfriend a loving welcome, especially since the fire in his eyes wasn't dying down. He was getting riled up that he couldn't join the Order, you even shouted at him whilst Sirius and Molly were bickering.
After his hearing, Harry started to be open with you. Most of the days, you spent yourself in isolation, reading mostly. Oftentimes, you would be joined by Hermione or even Remus. But, as Harry was once starting to warm up to you, the pair of you were found screaming at each other. Remus grabs you whilst Sirius grabs Harry.
"What's going on, boys?" Molly asked, sweetly, it seems like you created a crowd, "You two haven't-"
"Broken up?" You replied, sneering at Harry, who looked like he wanted to fight you, "Oh, dear sweetheart - what are we?"
Your tone had enraged Harry so much, he managed to wriggle out of Sirius' hold and landed a right hook right in the cheek. Soon enough, you managed to get out of your dad's hold and retaliated. It took about five minutes to rip the two of you away.
Harry managed to land better with his hands, a part of you inside knew that Harry had the right to be angry and it's why you didn't fight as much. You swat your dad's hands away, fixing your clothes as Harry stops fighting against the twins.
"Tell them," Harry spat, your eyes hardening as you felt two pairs of hands holding you back once again, "Go on tell them!"
You say nothing.
"Fine, I'll tell them! (Y/n) did the unbreakable vow!" Harry announced as eyes all fall on you, "With Dumbledore."
"When?" Remus says, using one of his hands that were gripping your wrist to cup your cheeks tightly and make you look at him. Remus looked furious with you, "WHEN?"
"Last day of Hogwarts," You spat, pain stretching from your cheeks at your dad's tight grip.
"Have you gone mad?" Molly roared at you as you finally stop your struggle, you felt Sirius' hands loosen and then completely disappear. But Remus still had a grip on you, "A death sentence!"
"A few weeks ago you were shouting at Dumbledore that whatever you two had planned was a suicide mission!" Sirius exclaimed behind you, "Unless you two have been planning this for weeks?"
"Tell me what was said," Remus demands from you, but your hardened gaze does not drop.
"Fuck you," You spat, headbutting your dad as you ran up to one of the bedrooms. Locking yourself from the rest of the house, panting in relief as you weren't able to be caught by other household members.
The last few days leading up to the return of school, were fairly quiet, not that you liked it. But, you had the oath to uphold. Dumbledore was quickly informed about you, and whenever Order meetings occurred, before he leaves - he would come to your door. You would unlock it and lock it behind Dumbledore, and no one knew what the two of you were saying.
The first two days, since you locked yourself, you did not come out of the room. Molly would knock on the door and leave quickly, and every time she would leave a tray of food for you. The first meal, you didn't touch, but as the day progressed, you were eating little by little. By the third day, Molly found herself an empty tray in front of the locked bedroom.
"He's eating at least," Molly reassured Remus.
Remus was not doing good, after his initial anger, it turn to worry. His anger lasted a bit too long for Remus' liking, but he had every right to be. He knew that you knew that as well, but as a dad, he couldn't help but think about what you were up to on the other side of the door. Molly has tried to cheer him up, that it was just usual teenage angst and it was just a phase.
But, everyone knows that it wasn't just teenage angst. Remus had found himself knocking on the door, attempting to reconcile with you. Though, there was nothing back. Harry started to feel guilty, in fact, he didn't know whether you two had broken up, especially after the fight. He, too, found himself trying to talk to you from behind the door.
"I love you," You could hear him say, but you rolled your eyes.
You finally emerged when it was time to get to King's Cross. Everyone was downstairs, chatting loudly as you stood at the top of the stairs. Mad-eye looked around, hoping for someone to show up.
"Sturgis isn't here yet!"
It was chaotic as hell, as you slowly descend the stairs before Fred and George wrapped their arms over your shoulder.
"It's alright, (Y/n) is here!" Fred bellowed loudly as you sighed, eyes landing on you - you really had to get used to this.
"And (Y/n) makes up three people in the Order," George cheekily continued as you rolled your eyes.
"I guess it'll do," Moody nodded, before delegating which child goes with what Order member.
You managed to escape being paired with Harry or being with your dad as you travel with Moody, there wasn't much talk between the two of you and you two were the first to arrive. You had twenty minutes before the trains leave as you see one by one the group appearing.
"Congrats on prefects," You say to Hermione and Ron, they looked at you before smiling back at you.
Hermione jumped on you, engulfing you in a hug, "I've missed you."
"I haven't-"
"Shut up," Hermione says, as you looked at her confusingly, before accepting her hug knowing she won't let go of you, "You're a bumbling idiot, honestly!"
"It's been quiet without you," Ron admitted as Hermione got immersed in a conversation with Ginny, "Harry was a bit moody."
"Then, you wouldn't have enjoyed my presence."
A bell was sounded, calling for the last ten minutes before the train leaves. You watch the Weasleys say goodbye to their parents as you looked a bit lost. You turned away and were faced by your dad, he looked at you, with soft eyes - understanding. You couldn't help but crash into him for a hug.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled into his chest as you hugged him tightly, he hugged back just as tight, "I'm a terrible son!"
"No," Remus reassured you, rubbing your back, he knows you're almost in tears, "You're not a terrible son."
He pulls out of the hug, hands on your shoulders - gentle yet firm. He looks into your eyes, which were threatening to spill tears.
"I have to accept there are things that cannot be said. I hope one day, you'll be able to tell me everything. I trust your judgement, okay?" You shakily nod as he places a kiss upon your head of hair, "Now get onto the train before you miss it."
Fifth year for you was a rollercoaster for you. Harry and you made up, but put a pause on the relationship. It broke the two of you but it was for the best. Though, Harry was getting suspicious by the day, your personal mission was to keep an eye on Draco and track down his family. It was easy, unfortunately.
As the next coming of Merlin, you were already sending letters back and forth with the Malfoys, attempting to recruit you to their side. You got details and were reporting them to Dumbledore, you knew that this was the easy part of your mission. You were in for a long run. But, nevertheless, you were always by Harry's side, lover or not. You assist him in teaching the newly founded group known as Dumbledore's Army. The group always were in awe at your advanced magic. You were practically ready to graduate.
You armed your friends with attack and defence spells, basic ones at least. You knew that they weren't ready for other spells. Despite suspicions that you were going to the dark side, that did not stop Umbridge from giving you detention - mostly because of your dad.
You defended your dad at any given moment, Hermione had to talk you out of fighting Umbridge once and even Ron suggested trying and not talking to her. Remus was updated about it by letters from Harry, Remus was touched but was horrified about the abuse.
"I'm telling you, Potter, it's a bad idea, don't you have the mirror?"
Harry was determined that Sirius was held captive, and despite your protest, you followed him. You didn't expect yourself to be defending your friends in the ministry. At this point, all your friends were injured, and you used your wandless magic to move them from harm's way.
Harry had your back, not much he could do to defend you, but you were holding yourself quite nicely. You watched as Neville drops the prophecy and Harry reassured him it was fine, that he needed to move Neville out of the fight. Soon enough, you see a wisp of white, watching Order members apparate in and quickly fight back.
You watch as Bellatrix's eyes widen at the sight of her cousin. Before she could muster any words, you blasted a spell her way, as you cause a push of wind towards Sirius into Harry.
"Dumbledore!" Neville shouted his presence.
But you paid no attention as you make a break for it with Bellatrix hot on your heels, casting spells upon the chase, whilst you fire back.
"(Y/n)!" Harry exclaimed following closely behind.
"Neville, where's the rest of you guys?" Remus asked, itching to follow his son as well, but he saw Dumbledore race as well after the three of you.
Neville pointed to the rest of the gang, protected by your dome of a shield. Though the magic was still holding up, Sirius helps Moody and Tonks before standing with the rest of the group.
"This shield," Kingsley commented, poking it with his wand, "Strong despite distance and his multitasking."
"I guess we found out his power, Moody," Sirius says, "Bloody powerful, no wonder Dumbledore wants him fighting."
"He shouldn't be," Remus hissed, failing an encantation to release the rest of the kids from the shielf dome, "He's still a kid."
"Sixteen and able to take on about ten death eaters at once," Sirius pointed out, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder, "I think we both know he saved my life there."
Suddenly, the shield disappears, and the children release but injured. Suddenly, the scratches and spells they'd taken had started to reverse.
"(Y/n), he's healing us," Hermione cries out before scrambling up, "we have to find them!"
Quickly, the group moved to find the rest of the battle. Upon scene, they see Harry on the floor with Dumbledore by his side, Voldemort looming over Harry. On the other side, there was a limp body, guarded by Bellatrix. When Voldemort realised there was a crowd forming he apparates away with Bellatrix.
Some were quick to run to Dumbledore and Harry, but others ran to you. Remus' heart slowly breaks upon your state, he hastily finds a pulse on you, sighing in relief when he finds one.
"He's alive."
You spent days in the hospital, recovering, which meant you weren't in a state of consciousness. Remus stayed by your side as much as he could, Sirius was there if Remus wasn't, thanking you each time for saving his life. Harry found himself by your side if no one was by your side. He wished you woke up soon, all he felt was guilt that you almost died.
When you wake up, you're alone. Madam Pomfrey was quick to alert people who would be interested in you. The first to see you were Harry, Hermione and Ron, who were all ecstatic to see you awake.
"Are you okay, Harry?" You asked, eyes comforting to Harry. Harry just hugs you instead, you were taken aback at the sudden affection, "Oh, Potter, you're not going soft are you now?"
He managed to laugh as Ginny, Luna and Neville greeted you, apologising to you for burdening you in protecting them. You waved them off with your bandaged hand. Soon, Remus and Sirius appeared, with Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall right behind them.
"You gave us a right scare, Mr Lupin!" Dumbledore says, you could only give him a sarcastic look back. Remus was quick to be by your side again.
Pulling you into a side hug and kissing your hair, "Thank god you're okay."
"We thought you died!" Sirius says dramatically, before looking serious for a second, "I know you're terrifyingly strong and that, but don't be testing death like that."
"Oh, Sirius," you hummed, tilting your head slightly almost menacingly, "Death can have me when it earns me."
The Order didn't really want to mess with you in the first place, but when you utter those words, shives ran down everyone's spine. What Sirius and Remus caught on is that you weren't staring at Sirius when you spoke of death, in fact, you made eye contact with Dumbledore.
Harry was a lot closer to you after the first battle that had awoken Britain that the Dark Lord returned, you didn't know if it was because you almost died or because you saved one of the few living family he had left. Nevertheless, it was nice to have Harry by your side, though that happiness didn't stay when he realised he couldn't stay with Sirius.
"This is utter-utter..."
"Think the word you're looking for, Potter, is shit. It's utter shit."
Harry rolls his eyes, replying with a snarky tone, "Thanks, (y/n)."
Your summer was eventful, to say the least, you spent some days repairing the relationship with your dad. It was hard, you wanted to tell him everything be he understood that you were bound by a vow. You got a lot closer to Sirius, who enjoyed your company, calling you the miniature version of Remus just a lot cooler. You watched as your dad and Tonks were dancing around each other, you don't really want to touch that topic.
Other times, your days were spent in Order meetings, where your opinion started to become valuable to them. They wanted your input, and your opinions and a part of you were relieved that they accepted teenagers in this group. You filled your summer saying no a lot.
"Can you teach me-?" Hermione started as you give her a pointed look, "Not even like a little bit?"
"Hermione, please indulge me in how I can teach you a bit?" You asked eyebrow raised as Remus stifled a laugh behind his own book, whilst Sirius loudly snorted, "My hands are tied, I cannot."
"It was worth a shot," Hermione grumbled, before patting your head with her own book, "Budge over."
Ron came into the kitchen, with the Twins following, looking excitedly but Ron looked more apprehensive.
"You three better not be nagging (Y/n)!" Molly exclaimed as she begins to cook dinner for everyone, "I'm sure he's sick of all of you."
"They humour me," You answered honestly, you waved Molly off, eyes never leaving the letters on the paper.
"Well, I was just curious, I don't want you to teach me anything, but-"
Your eyebrow raised as you sat up, closing your book slowly. Your attention is fully on Ron, who squirms under your attention. Your mere movements caused everyone to look at the scene before them.
"I heard Melin has his own spells, well, they're yours now. But... I was just wondering what are his- I mean, your most brutal spells, that you've mastered, if you don't mind me asking."
You smirked, leaning back in your seat, "I'm glad you asked, Ron, and I'm going to preface this that I will not be teaching anyone these."
"Not like we can do them in the first place," Fred commented as George nodded.
"You're practically invincible, mate," George finishes, "But, go on, tell us then!"
"Blood bending, granted it's not perfected," You started off, tapping your chin as Hermione's eyes widen, "What?"
"That's what you start on? That you can bend the flow of blood in someone?"
"I said I haven't perfected it!"
"Still!" Hermione exclaimed as you chuckled at her, "You haven't got it mastered, have you?"
"Let's say I hope you're not in the same room as the victim," You replied easily, before quickly adding, "I haven't killed anyone by the way."
The sixth year had seemed to be a rollercoaster, whilst you were eyeing up on Draco - which, he had turned for your help in serving the Dark Lord. It seems like he could only trust him as you had not explicitly said whose side you were on, Voldemort was still eager to recruit you despite the encounter at the end of last year.
"Draco, you know I can't," You replied, leaning against the wall, looking around to see if anyone was listening in, "I'm not going to stoop to your level."
"I rather think you beneath that level, you're still helping me," Draco hissed at you, though you looked unbothered, "Aren't you?"
"And every little plan you've done has failed, I wasn't the one who became a death eater," You taunt as Draco refrains himself from knocking the everliving shit out of you, "But, since I am nice, I'll figure something out."
Draco sighed in relief, "I don't get why you can't just join our side, you fit right in."
You gave him a side eye and replied with a snarky tone, "I sure do."
You watched Hermione and Ron's relationship hit a hard patch, and you cringed at the pining looks. Not that you could say much, You and Harry were still on a pause in the relationship, though every day you two got closer and closer. You knew it was inevitable, but, you had to hold off a little longer.
"I think Draco is a death eater," Harry announced, looking at the men before him, "And I think Snape is helping him."
"I just think Snape is acting for Dumbledore," Arthur says, Remus nodded, chastising Harry from continuing the family prejudice against Snape.
"(Y/n)!" Harry says as you looked over to him, "Do you hate Snape."
"As much as the next person."
"Atta-boy!" Sirius cheered as Remus rolled his eyes.
"Do you think Snape is helping out Draco, Dumbledore is making a mistake?"
"Truth be told, Harry," You say as softly as you can, "I loathe Dumbledore, but you have to admit, the guy barely makes mistake. Snape could be helping Draco, who knows, but I don't think Snape is someone you should scrutinise."
The topic changed quickly, as you find out that Remus had been spending time with the other werewolves. You had to leave the room as you couldn't take the news.
"I knew he would react badly," Remus exhaled, watching you leave the room.
"I mean you reacted badly, remember last summer," Sirius reminded as Remus glared at him, Harry could only snort at the two adults.
As the night was closing in, Harry found you standing by a window. Looking outside, you noticed that Remus, Sirius and the Weasley parents were standing in the doorway, Remus sensing something was off.
"Are you alright?"
Before your eyes, you see a circle of flames lit in the dark night. Your eyes widen at the dark wisps of the death eaters. Your eyes locked in on Fenrir, who you quickly wanted to murder. You dashed down the stairs, pushing past all the adults as you chase after Bellatrix and Fenrir.
You no longer have the trace on you, so you have no qualms about having another duel.
"Lupin!" Fenrir snarled loudly, you were flickering between directions to find him, and you raced further into the field.
"(Y/n)!" You heard your dad in the distance as Harry comes crashing into you.
He stands on your six, as you started attacking the field, beams of white expelled from your wand, echos of whips of your wand. You held onto Harry's wrist, almost as if to reassure him that you had it under control. Suddenly, you see Arthur, Remus and Sirius joining you two in the fray.
"(Y/n)!" Remus breathes in relief as Sirius does the same with Harry.
The five of you stand on guard as you watch the death eaters start to apparate. Arthur quickly returned to his family, as you watched the Burrow get burnt down.
"Molly, please let me help rebuild, it's partially my fault," you begged the next morning, it was quiet other than your voice.
Molly merely smiled, "Perhaps, after you finish school," but you were not satisfied, as you sink further down in your seat before opening your mouth again, but Molly managed to intercept, "And I will not be accepting any money!"
"Hmph," You say in defeat, as Remus pats you on the shoulder, whilst Sirius snorted into his drink, you stuck your tongue out to him.
"Remus!" Sirius whines, "Your son is being mean!"
"He's your nephew," Remus replied quickly, acknowledging little as he continued to eat his breakfast whilst Sirius tried to splutter out that you were his godson, "He's your problem too."
"I'm not a problem!" You objected as you turn to look at your friends, "Am I?"
"Well..." Harry replied teasingly as you gasped in offence
"You wound me, Potter!"
It seems like you broke the ice as everyone returned to their jolly self, in time for Christmas as well. As the new year came, returning to Hogwarts, you couldn't help but be apprehensive. Draco has been giving you looks upon arrival, and you hadn't had a moment to be alone with him.
"You know, it's never late for you to turn around," You hummed as you accompanied Draco to the Room of Requirements.
Draco scoffs, "It is late."
You let a small noise out, "You could be a spy for the right side."
"How do you know who's on the right and wrong side?"
"Draco," you gently bumped his shoulder, "Think we both know whose the wrong side."
As time went on, you realised that this had been the most normal year for you, which made you feel nervous about the future. Every day you awoke with a sense of dread and couldn't figure it out. But, the puzzle pieces started to fit with each other when you had your last meeting with Dumbledore.
"Hang on, what?" You said in disbelief, standing behind Dumbledore, who stared off into the distance.
"It's for the best."
You groaned, rolling your eyes and running your hand through your hair, "It's always for the best, what if- what if it isn't?"
"That's why he has you."
"So, what, you're just gonna burden Harry with the responsibility? And I'm supposed to what? Guide him? I barely know shite all!"
Dumbledore gives you a stare as you sighed reluctantly. You knew he was right, he has told you more stuff about the cause than he has to Harry, and you've been a spy on Malfoys.
"So, I'm supposed to let you die?" Dumbledore looks at you silently, "Yeah, yeah, it's for the best. So, what do you want me to do?"
"Harry and I will return tonight, if you are correct about Draco allowing the break-in tonight then I need you to patrol the halls of Hogwarts. You must somehow get the message out to professors and the Order."
"Doesn't seem too hard."
"I must express this that no Order member comes here tonight," Dumbledore emphasised, as you huffed before nodding, "I would think you'd be more delighted at this news, it would mean that the vow will break."
"You have a lot of faith in me sticking to cause."
"Well, Mr Lupin, you'd do anything to protect the one you care most," Dumbledore complimented as you softly smile to yourself, "It's an admirable trait of yours."
You were correct, the break-in did happen. You watched as your school turned into a battlefield as you watched Order members and yourself duel against the infiltrators. You watch the fall of Dumbledore.
"Snape killed him," Harry announced as you turn to look away.
Harry explained why Dumbledore trusted Snape, after all this time, as your dad and Sirius almost looked furious. That this was the guy that allowed Snape because he was sorry for James' death.
You knew you couldn't say anything, that you knew that this was planned and why it happened. You shut your mouth as you tried to comfort Harry in the hospital wing. Watching Tonks and your dad has some wild heated discussion.
"You know, everyone deserves love," You mention loudly as Tonks look elated that you backed her up, even Remus had a small smile on his face whilst you looked at Harry, who, in turn, smiled that you referred to a potential rekindling of a relationship.
Hogwarts was chaotic, with professors running about, unsure how to proceed.
Harry leans onto you, you were always going to be there for him. He turns to you when he had theories and when he wanted to vent, you always had a listening ear. Some days, you found yourself cuddling Harry when he looks like he needed it, you saved all your affection for him. And out of respect, you attended Dumbledore's funeral
"Ready to leave Hogwarts, Potter?"
Harry merely nodded as you shut your trunk, you looked at him and open your arms. There he managed to bury himself into you as much as he could. You tighten your grip around him as you kissed his head of hair.
You had dreaded the months to come, the sense of dread had washed away for a day before returning. You knew that you couldn't leave Harry to find the Horcruxes by himself, you had no bound to a vow, so you were essentially free of doing whatever the fuck you wanted.
You didn't have to pretend to be interested in being a death eater, you didn't have to protect Draco anymore. You no longer have to restrain your full power anymore, you can breathe in freedom.
"I still don't think Sirius should come with us!" You say as everyone watches you argue with Mad-Eye, "It's already risky enough to bring Tonks, but if we do get ambushed, Bellatrix has it in for Sirius."
"I'm capable of taking care of myself!" Sirius argued as Mad-Eye nodded, "If it's any consideration, I'll take the poly portion."
Harry welcomes you to his home on the night before his birthday. A hug lasted longer between the two of you, before trailing everyone into the living space. After realising Harry had to go through with this plan, he sees which are paired up. He was very much appreciated that you were paired up with Sirius, knowing that you are there to protect him.
He didn't see much of the fight behind him as Harry went through the portkey. He got increasingly worst as everyone was returning and yet there was no sight of you.
Remus and he stand guard, despite Remus being very persistent in making Harry go inside and relax for a bit.
"I know you're worried, and so am I," Remus says, comforting to him, "I don't think I've seen Sirius so worked up."
The two men looked through the window to see Sirius pacing through the living room as Tonks and Arthur were trying to consolidate him.
"He thinks it's his fault, you know," Remus explains, "He got separated after fighting Bellatrix with Tonks, he thinks it's his fault for leaving (y/n)."
There was a snap in the distance and they see a figure approach them, they both had their wands out as the figure turned to be Moody.
"After the first order meeting, what did you say about my son?" Remus interrogated as Mad-Eye stared at him.
"I said, your son is up to no good and we had to keep an eye on him."
Remus lowers his wand as he tells Harry to inform everyone that Mad-Eye had finally turned up, but there was still no sight of you. Mad-Eye walks into the burrow with a sullen look on his face.
"They took (y/n)," Moody reported, gasp was heard around the living space, "Bellatrix managed to hit a stun spell when he wasn't looking, and one of the death eaters took him."
Harry was miserable, unable to get the thought of you out of his head. You had missed his birthday and the wedding, you missed taking off with Harry to find the Horcruxes. He missed you, everything about you. He felt so lonely without you, missing your comforting words and gentle affection.
Remus was tearing himself apart, all he could imagine is how badly you might be enduring. He didn't want to think about negative stuff, but his brain wouldn't let him think of happy memories. He knows Sirius is properly beating himself about it as well.
You missed Harry and Remus's argument, how Harry called your dad a coward for running, afraid of having another child. Both parties were glad you were not present for the fight as you would be disappointed in both of them.
There was nothing heard about you for months, before showing up unexpectedly in Godric's Hallow. Harry was in disbelief as he and Hermione engulfed you in a hug. You looked like you'd walked Hell and back every day, you had scars and you looked so worn down.
You camped with them after the Nagini fight, Harry sees all the scars that litter around your body. He sees discolouring around your ribs, your neck and wrists. Your lip was busted and you sported a black eye.
You didn't talk much about what happened as you continued to stick by them. Harry was constantly hovering over you and if not it would be either Ron or Hermione. Everything was holding up until you managed to wind yourself back into Malfoy Manor.
After doing Bellatrix's artwork on Hermione, she moves on to you, as you have been her favourite victim. You were already showing discolouring after the snatchers had a good beat down on you. Blood was already smeared on your face as she cuts into you.
Bill and Fleur came to rescue you from your injury, but you waved them off and told them you can handle it. You were upstairs when Remus makes a visit to Shell Cottage, sleeping off most of your injuries. Harry runs upstairs to wake you, ushering you downstairs.
Remus turns to hear the extra voice, his heart almost leapt out of his mouth as you come into view. He sighs in relief that you were alive as he engulfs you in a bear hug, pulling your head close to his chest. He leans out of the hug to see your state, his eyes darting back and forth, looking at all the scarred cuts and vile words cut into you. He cringe to see bruises on you, you looked absolutely drained.
"She had the baby!" Remus announced to everyone as you raised an eyebrow, confused at the news, your dad looked at you with bright eyes; "Tonks had a baby boy! He's called Teddy, (y/n), you're a brother."
You had to get back to the mission with Harry, you spent most days rebuilding your energy, after using the last on healing yourself - you were more sluggish. After resting for a few days at shell cottage, you ventured with the trio to Gringotts before sneaking into Hogwarts.
"(Y/n)," Harry calls out to you, as you turn to look at him, "Are there any more Horcruxes?"
"Why are you asking me all of a sudden?"
"Dumbledore trusted you with something, he must know about its whereabouts or what it is."
You shrugged your shoulders, crossing your arms over your chest, "He said something about his snake, there is a reason why he takes the thing with him everywhere he goes."
Harry nods, and he turns away before turning back to you. You let out a soft chuckle and tilt your head as he gazes at your warm smile. You can see his mind racing with a million different thoughts.
"I need to talk to you," Harry says as you shake your head.
"Later, Potter," You replied, letting out a heavy breath, "We'll talk later, after all this, okay? I know you have some burning questions for me."
Harry nods before running out of the Room of Requirements to follow a hunt on a different Horcrux. You turn around to look at half of Dumbledore's Army, and you tell one of them to contact the Order and anyone who can come.
"But, Harry said-"
"I know what Potter said, Hermione," You sighed, watching the hole in the wall for anyone willing fighters, "But, trust me, this is more than he bargained for."
Hermione nods as she and Ron run off to the chamber of secrets. You watched as the old Quidditch team flocked into the room, and you see the Weasleys come on after the other. You wait anxiously as you hear the bang of a stick come from the entrance; seeing Moody arriving with the rest of the Order.
"(Y/n)!" Sirius greeted, hugging you tightly and you chuckled gleefully "I see that death has not earned you yet."
"No, not at all," You say with a grin, hugging your old man as well.
Moody cast you a look with Kingsley smirking behind him. Remus gives you a pat on the shoulder as Sirius ruffles your hair. You give your dad a look.
"He still doesn't trust me, does he?"
Remus pulled a face, "Uh, why'd you think that?"
"Dad, you can drop the fake act, I've known since the first order meeting. He's not sublet as he thinks."
Soon enough, Harry comes barrelling into the Room of Requirements in amazement with the turnout but confused as to why there were more people than last time. You give him a knowing look.
"Voldemort is on his way, they're barricading the school," Harry announced, as there was a cheer from Dumbledore's army, "They're evacuating the young students and everyone's meeting in the Great Hall."
"Harry!" You called out before he can make a dash out again, you panted slightly as you were trying to keep up with him, "Be safe,"
"You're not coming with?" You looked behind you to see everyone making plans to get to the great hall, Harry nodded, understanding, "Okay, please be safe... I-I can't lose you."
You pause for a minute, "I love you too, Harry."
The adults started making battle plans for the school as the students, now soldiers, turn to them. You looked helpless as you see the order members throwing their opinions.
"You'll need a shield around the school," You say as you approach the discussion, they all stop to look at you, "It'll buy Harry time and enough time for us to man the school. We'll need fighters up in the sky - which I would assume Oliver wouldn't mind leading."
"I can do that," Oliver says, nodding, pride on his face, looking at his old team, who followed him as he went venturing for any quidditch players in the other houses.
You looked at Moody, his glare trying to shrink you down, you cleared your throat, "Moody and some of the Order take to the quad battlements."
Moody looks satisfied with your choice, as named members to follow Moody. You shot Remus a reassuring smile before mutely saying goodbye and turning to your head of the house.
"Professor, I'll need any willing professors to be stationed on school grounds - especially the viaduct, they'll attack all entrances at all points."
McGonagall nodded, "Then, Mr Finnigan I have a special task for you if you would follow me."
You quickly made your way up to the quad battlements, calling to the portraits of the castles to be the connection line to each army. As you finally reach the top, you were out of breath - mentally telling yourself if the school gets destroyed, you should install some sort of easier way to get to higher levels.
You hear the rumbles of thunder, and you see through the windows you quickly passed by, you see the dark grey clouds as the day draws to night. You couldn't tell whether you were controlling the weather subconsciously, if you were, it might be because you were filled with adrenaline. You reach the top to the quad battlement.
You see Moody, Arthur and Kingsley on one side, and on the other stood Sirius and Remus. You let out a heavy breath, causing the five men to turn around, you waved them off as you tried to catch your breath.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Arthur asked, his face turning to worry quickly, "Nothing has-?"
"No," You shake my head, "The school needs me more than Harry right now, he has Ron and Hermione - they'll figure it out."
There was a beat of silence.
"Glad you're here with us," Moody broke the silence as you raised an eyebrow.
You wordlessly go over to your dad, who puts a firm hand on your shoulder. There was an unspoken conversation between the two of you, he worries for you. He doesn't want you to fight in this war, you've gone through enough, but he knows there is nothing stopping you.
As the war began, you were buzzing with adrenaline, and you were grinning ear to ear. The order members who snuck looks your way was taken aback that they could see the hunger for blood, it didn't bode well for them, yet they were thankful you were on their side. They couldn't comprehend how you were eager, they heard about your endeavours in the past months.
You were tortured, beaten down, and exhausted - yet, your body language and demeanour didn't show that. They had lost you as death eaters raided your station, you were battling fiercely, conjuring Merlin's spells left and right. There was a look of darkness within your eyes and any death eater that appeared in your path - you were their last regret.
They underestimate your power and you grin as you murder or maim them. They regret challenging them as you set them up for their demise. However, you were so consumed by your hunger you almost missed Dolohov attempting to murder your father, you felt energy underneath the floors travelling towards you as you snapped your head towards that direction, only to be met with Dolohov wanting to deliver a killing blow.
You swished your wand and your father watched Dolohov look panicked before his eyes slowly staggered towards you. Remus followed his sight and saw you standing there, inching closer and closer as you walked menacingly towards them; Ignoring any death eater running towards you as you waved them off with your hand - magically tipping them off the tower. Remus looks back to Dolohov, whose skin is slowly drained of colour - he attempts to catch his breath before ultimately he takes his last one.
With one last flick of the wand, Dolohov was no longer under your spell as he came crashing down onto the floor without life in his eyes. Your demeanour changes as you reach your dad, holding your hand towards him.
"You okay?" You asked him softly, he looked at you almost scared and yet confused.
"Am I? (Y/n), please don't tell me that was blood-bending you just did." Remus says as you look at him wordlessly.
You shrugged your shoulder, "I honestly don't know what you want me to say."
Remus sighs before chuckling as he brings you in for a hug, you chuckle back as you hugged him tightly. He strokes your hair, he doesn't know whether or not he was attempting to comfort you or himself. He hadn't seen you for so long, and the last time was an hour of visit where you and he had hardly interacted since everyone was asking him how Tonks was.
He hadn't had the time to check up on you, if you were okay, you were just hurled into being a commander, and you were expected to fight. You separate from the hug, Remus noticed now that standing before him was a man. You were almost, if not, at the same height as him - you looked weathered down, almost giving wise vibes from you. Stood before him, was a man, who was wise and powerful.
"Do you think you guys have up here covered?"
"Y-yeah," Remus stammered out, wanting to be selfish and asking you to stay with them.
You joined Harry at the start of the one-hour armistice. After Harry knew that the people closest to him were alright. Fred was one of the few that were heavily injured. Alive, but injured - Harry was grateful to see him, seeing he almost witness his death if not for you being there. He saw Tonks in the great hall, leaning on Remus. She looked fine, a bit frazzled, but overall fine.
She had been filling in Remus and Sirius that she had run into you as you made your way down to find Harry. You had provided distraction as she could sneak away from Bellatrix's rage. But, after returning from the boat house, Harry came to find you.
"Let me come with you," You softly say, your forehead against his as you stood with him on the grand staircase.
"I can't let you, you have to stay here with everyone," Harry replies just as softly, his grip tightening around you, "If- if everything goes well, you are the one to kill him."
"What's going on?"
You turn to see Hermione and Ron at the bottom of the stairs, you sighed as you rip yourself away from the grips of Harry. As Harry walks to his death, it leaves you and your best friends.
"I want to be alone, right now."
You didn't know how you managed to end up fighting Voldemort, but you were. In your mind, you had to avenge Harry's death. Adrenaline was pumping through your blood. Remus was watching on the sidelines, anxious. Many of the order members watch in anticipation., whilst the professors had a go with Voldemort, you were battling him by yourself.
You were the power of three experienced wizards, and the order had no idea if you were more than that. Voldemort was getting frustrated as you were taunting him, verbally, laughing and the look in your eyes of determination.
Harry watched under the cloak at bother battles before him. Wildly impressed that Molly had delivered the final blow to Bellatrix. He watches how Voldemort screams in fury, sending a powerful blow towards you - flinging you back into the crowd.
The final battle between Harry and Voldemort lasted minutes, as the war dies down. There were two people looking for you, but it was Harry who could really figure out where you could be hiding. His nerves were bubbling in his stomach as he reaches the Merlin portrait. Harry was met with a letter.
As Harry returns to the great hall, he is met by your dad.
"He's gone," Harry says, almost defeated, "He left."
Harry hands him your letter as he meets with his best friends outside. Remus reads the words you have written to him and Harry. How you have to embark on a quest for Merlin. You have unfinished business, you were stepping up in the role Merlin has created for you.
Remus wanted to hate you.
He wanted to be selfish, he wanted you to be back home, somewhere he knows you'll be safe. But, Remus loved you too much and he was always going to be there for you. You tell him to focus on himself, and take care of Teddy whilst you're gone, and Remus will tell stories of you.
Harry will wait for you, you promise to come back to him. He was excited to start a new chapter with you; he wanted to be your boyfriend again. But, Harry will wait for you.
Years had passed by, and there was still no sight of you. But, in the years between, you were always there to remind them you were alive and around. Hogwarts got a hefty sum of money to repair the school, as did the Weasleys' burrow. You had promised Molly you will help replay for damages that you caused in the winter of 1996, though you knew you will get a right earful from Molly that the money you sent was enough to renovate the whole burrow to her heart's content.
You send a birthday present to Teddy, your dad and Harry every year without a fail, it was to let them you that you were always thinking about them. The group had started to think you knew everything, what they were doing and whenever they feel lonely or sad - they think of you. Both your friends and order members, think about how you are alone, how you are much braver than they are.
The thought of you was encouraging to them.
You returned home after five years. You heard about the retirement party for Moody, you just had to be there. The party was held at the burrow.
"Bloody hell, is that Merlin I see?" Fred says, looking off into the distance to see walking toward them with a new pet on your shoulder.
The group turns to see you arguing with your Niffler as your Demiguise hangs off your other arm. This wasn't a teenager anymore, that wasn't the eighteen-year-old they last saw. This was a man aged twenty-two, with a confident stance. You were different now, some of your locks had turned grey, and your body was littered with tattoos - some moved and some didn't.
Everyone thought it would be Remus or Harry first to greet you, but instead, it was your little brother who was intrigued by these magical creatures.
There were hugs given to each person; people didn't miss how your voice had changed - it was rough around the edges and slightly deeper. People noticed how you were taller and there was a look in your eyes that says you've seen everything you wanted and things that you did not. It was Remus and Harry who hugged you the tightest.
"I've missed you," Harry mumbles into your ear, "I waited for you."
"I know, Potter," You say back, equally quiet as his words, "I've missed you too."
"Don't be hogging him, Harry, I'd like to hug my son too, you know," Remus interrupts causing a chuckle from a few people.
You smiled brightly as you hug your old man, you sink into your father's touch, relieved to be back after a while. Everyone was happy to see you again, you even gave Moody a cheeky jab that you couldn't miss his retirement party.
"So, (Y/n), what's your plan now?" Ron asked.
You shrugged your shoulder, "Well, I'm going for Supreme Mugwump."
"That's brilliant!" Hermione exclaimed as you laugh, there was a clear buzz of excitement for you.
"But, really, I just want to relax, I've been working too hard and for too long for this world," You hummed, placing a tender hand on top of Harry's, "So, I'll turn down the position for now just so I can spend time for you guys."
"Awh, aren't you a darling," Sirius jokes as you rolled your eyes.
"I've missed you too Sirius."
Life hasn't been easy for you, but, the world was safer now, especially in your hands. In the end, it was worth it. To be with Harry and see Remus grow old as he should.
You are content.
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dewitty1 · 7 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up February 2024♡(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*・:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands  @saxamophone
It’s the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort’s soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too. Featuring rumpled band shirts, poker games everyone hates, fumbling sex, and a Harry going a little mental over how wands even work. Rec Post
The Secret’s in the Telling by Verayne @veraynes-blog
Draco Malfoy suffers the unthinkable when he is turned into a werewolf. How is he supposed to live any kind of life afterwards, especially when Potter continues to stick his unwanted nose into things? Rec Post
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout @6balls
Harry thinks “Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?” is a much simpler question than, “Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don’t, what will you do?” Rec Post
Tapestry by Kbrick @kbrick
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna’s beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy’s mother’s ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn’t perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway. Rec Post
Sense of Doubt by FibromyalGIA
Normalcy is driving Harry insane, and just when he thinks it can’t get any worse, he’s invited to Draco Malfoy’s hearing as a witness. Drama ensues. Rec Post
Canary Creams and New Yellow Paint by dothechachaslide
It’s not Draco’s fault that Potter is seeing things and Scorpius’s campaign to be the Ministry’s Creature Liaison is struggling, it’s not. Draco didn’t ask for Potter to walk into his Ocularistry Clinic in Northern Ireland fifteen years after they last saw each other, demanding to know why the Spectroculars Draco invented malfunctioned while Potter was painting and cost him an eye. Scorpius hadn’t asked for any of that either, though, so when Potter and the rest of Draco’s patients start to see mysterious symbols through their prosthetic eyes, and the resulting blow to Draco’s public reputation drags Scorpius’s campaign through the mud, Draco is determined to fix it. If that means trudging through a boggy moor in search of a fictional species Luna thinks is causing their problems, Draco will just have to pluck up the courage, march in with a team of Gryffindors, and be ready to battle any beast they meet. Even if that beast looks less like the large, bipedal talking toads they find and more like the Ministry of Magic as a whole. Rec Post
Draco’s First Holiday by Meowfoy @resilientkitteh
Draco catches Blaise cheating, breaks up with him and decides to leave his French Villa behind to swap houses with a woman named Hermione and her husband Ron. His relaxing vacation becomes far more interesting when a handsome stranger (Harry) knocks at his door in the middle of the night. They meet and get to know each other, and suddenly Draco feels much better about his decision to leave France behind for Britain. Rec Post
Englishman Extraordinaire by BlueSundayCake  @bluesundaycake
When Draco’s life goes to shit, he gets scammed. Maybe it’s for the best. Who doesn’t love new beginnings? Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Mirror Mirror by epiphany_dex
Harry’s new year starts with a bang when he encounters Draco Malfoy at the Ministry Ball.
(Never) Let Me Go by maraudersaffair @maraudersaffair
Harry and Ginny are married, but she abandoned him for her Quidditch career overseas. He is lonely and desperate for love and very interested in sleeping with a man. Then, one night at a party, Draco Malfoy whispers in his ear: Do you want to leave with me? Harry knows he should say no, especially since a scandal would ruin his chance at becoming Head Auror, but Malfoy is entirely too fit to pass up the opportunity.
Another Mind Game by May_May_0_0
Harry’s occlumency reveals his disturbing home life which sets off a chain reaction that cannot be undone. Snape finds himself begrudgingly caring about the bespectacled boy, Harry discovers what it's like to have adults who care, and Hermione finds herself becoming an accidental crime lord. Draco Malfoy is very much along for the ride, in all senses of the word. A ridiculous blend of hilarity and tragedy, Another Mind Game is the multi-faceted fanfiction you didn't know you wanted but will absolutely adore. Featuring a sassy Harry Potter, good friends, and a great deal of sarcasm.
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by teacup_tai @teacup-tai
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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tedwardremus · 4 months
What kind of dates do you think Harry and Ginny go on? I think they are super fun-loving thrill seekers. Harry was denied so many happy experiences when he was younger and I bet Ginny fantasized about all the things she would do when she was older and had money and finally some freedom. So, I think they are super fun and they travel a lot. Basically act like two big kids even when they are 35 or 45. They do things like order every dessert item on a restaurant's menu. They do dumb challenges like try every cereal and rank them from best to worst. Make a list of every single theme park and all the best rides and try to experience every single one (they def took Teddy to Disney World and paid for the VIP treatment so he could eat with Mickey Mouse). They do bucket list things like spend Christmas in NYC (Harry loves it because the muggles are distant and rude and that's totally his vibe) and spend New Years on Sydney Harbour watching the fireworks on the beach (one of Ginny's fave ever memories). When the kids have birthdays they are the aunt and uncle that rent the bouncy castle and water slide and rent a fckn pony for the kids to ride. They are FUN. For Christmas they do a build the nicest gingerbread house challenge with the kids and its super competitive. One time Ginny shows up at Hogwarts and says there is an emergency and the kids need to go with her and they are like wtf and then they meet Harry in Hogsmeade and take a portkey to Coney Island (Hermione is so furious and yells at H/G over this because it's SO childish and irresponsible - Ron is like please don't tell her I went with you she thought I was at work).
It was a difficult undertaking to plan a date night when your boyfriend happened to be the most famous wizard in the entire world. Everywhere they went, the press was sure to follow. And if not the press, then someone would try to tell Harry how amazing he was and ask for an autograph. Either way, if they spent too long in public, Harry would get spotted, and his mood would turn sour.
There was always the Leaky Cauldron—Hannah would ensure they had a private booth. But the Leaky was crowded and noisy and they spend so much time hanging out with friends there it didn't really feel like a date night location.
There were always weekend getaways to Romania to the Dragon Reserve to see Charlie or France with Bill and Fleur. But family trips, while fun, were not romantic.
They'd head out to Muggle London, go to the zoo, and once Harry took her to the movies. But if she was honest, Ginny didn’t understand the hype and much preferred reading her books or listening to stories on the wireless.
Or they’d go out with Hermione and Ron, but again—a date that included brothers was automatically not romantic.
Then there was coordinating their busy schedules. When Ginny didn’t have a game, she was usually training, and now that she was on the national team as well as the Harpies, her schedule was even more hectic.
Harry, of course, was busy not just with Auror training but also various committees to reform the Ministry. He always did his best to spend a day or two a week with Teddy—even if it was just a quick mealtime hello.
That’s why their best dates tended to be quiet ones at home. Just the two of them in the safe sanctuary they had built together. Away from public eyes, dark magic, and intrusive press. They’d play music records—a mix of wizard and Muggle music. Do silly dances while they cooked. Sometimes dinner turned out well, and sometimes they ended up walking to the nearby village to get takeaway when it turned into a disaster. But they had been living together for a couple of years, and Ginny was confident that their cooking was improving.
They’d share a bottle of wine and start a fire. Afterwards, Harry would look at her and ask if she wanted to fly.
She always said yes.
And in the cover of darkness, they’d fly. And they’d be free. It was wonderful—to reach out and touch the stars and have the love of your life hold your hand in return.
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What if Harry wasn't rich? Like, say James gave away the Potter fortune to the Order or the Potter's never made their fortune thanks to that hair growth potion. Do you think things would change in canon, or would it be about the same?
Canon I imagine would change in small but mostly inconsequential ways.
The thing about Harry and money is that he has enough of it that he never has to worry about it but he's also a boy growing up who doesn't really think about it or handle it. He's in school most of the time where his expenses are covered, when he needs a thing he pays for the thing, but otherwise he just doesn't handle money that much throughout the series.
But there would be some effect.
Harry's trip to Diagon Alley would be made a bit awkward when they go to buy everything and he... blows all his money on the wand. He then gets to get second hand equipment (or else forgo textbooks and be told he can get them at school) and I imagine is much more :/ now that he's getting beaten up and not new shiny things.
He probably hates Malfoy even more for being rich now that Harry's not rich and Malfoy in turn makes fun of Harry's robes. Similarly, I imagine Harry and Ron bond over being dirt fucking poor.
Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban would have a time where, upon running away from home, he doesn't have the funds to rent a room in the Leaky Cauldron the way he did in canon for the last few weeks of summer. Harry instead has to... stay on... the Knight Bus... We'll just say the Weasleys manage to pick him up before anything happens there.
Harry might be more tempted to keep at least some of the prize money in Goblet of Fire, and that could be the reason he wants to participate in the first place much like Ron, and Ron in turn could be less in a snit as he gets it/Harry's not just doing it for honor and glory presumably but needs the money as much as Ron and "hey if you win can I have some" but would probably ultimately give it to Fred and George out of guilt of what had happened with Cedric.
Harry can't really spend money in Hogsmeade the way he did canonically and is likely quite upset about this and is probably even more pissed about his Cho date because he can't afford Madam Puddifoot's like that.
He still gets the Nimbus 2000 as that was a gift from McGonagall, the Firebolt as well as that was a gift from Sirius.
He probably doesn't take Apparition lessons (12 galleons!) but Ron or Hermione could help cover the bill since the Weasleys are still burning through their lottery money by book six. If he doesn't then Dumbledore probably dies out in the ocean from poisoning as Harry is unable to get the pair of them back to Hogwarts (which would then completely derail Deathly Hallows as well as the end of HBP).
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deardoiloveyou · 11 months
Your Fluttering Heart୨♡୧ 。゚
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Notes: Lots of fluff, romance, Gryffindor!reader, y/n not used, setting can be anywhere your heart desires
Characters: Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco
prompt: you confess your feelings ...
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𓂃𓏲࣪ Hermione Granger
She would most likely respond with a small gasp as her face turned red and both of your heart's skipped a beat
"I love you," "too, I don't know how to explain my feelings but the way you make me feel - is almost indescribable"
She would give you a warm embrace as you hid your face in her neck, she would gently ruffle your hair as you let out a small sob of relief after finally being able to confess your feelings
Hermione would give you cute pet names like "darling" or "honey" and of course shower you with compliments almost all the time
Both you and Hermione enjoyed reading books together as her cat, Crookshanks curled up on your lap
You both would be a very cute couple and sort of balance each other out, not too loud or obnoxious but a bit petty if one of you got jealous<3
Study dates were an obvious yes, picnics were lovely because you both could enjoy your own hobbies (although you both liked reading and would end up reading books together in almost every date), going to a cozy hogsmeade cafe was 100% a yes, the leaky cauldron was also a good place to discuss matters between everyone (everyone being: you, hermione, ron, and harry - made a wonderful quartet)
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𓂃𓏲࣪ Ron Weasley
Ron would start stuttering out of how flustered he was, and you also being very goofy would tease him but in an affectionate way
"I love y-you too, ve-y-very dearly" "I-I hope you didn't mind my ignorance to your hints...I might be blind in that sense"
Ron would slip up his words while accepting your confession, but after getting used to you calling him "love" or "baby" he would give you sweet pet names as well
Ron would give you little gifts (not often but they were always genuine and kindhearted) like your favorite flower, or he would get you cute little hairclips<3
Ron wasn't the best at coordinating dates with you but he spent as much time as he could with you, even when hanging out with the rest of the quartet he would gently squeeze your hand or give you a kiss on the cheek
When you two did hang out it would either be in the garden, he would enjoy the dewy scent of the morning air with you over a cup of tea, or during breakfast he would give you a bunch of pancakes (slightly to Hermione's dislike because of S.P.E.W but she also wanted you to enjoy breakfast)
You both wouldn't go to Hogsmeade often but when you did Ron would spend almost every last galleon he saved getting what you wanted<3
You were a pretty good influence on Ron- trying to keep him out of detention (sometimes to no avail but you didn't mind getting in a bit of trouble yourself), and Mrs. Weasley definitely liked you (she sent you yummy treats and loving letters when she could)
You both had a goofy sense of humor which created a fun atmosphere and people loved hanging out with you two
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𓂃𓏲࣪ Harry Potter
Harry would start feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his chest, he wasn't embarrassed but more so flustered and his thoughts were "How could you, of all beautiful people ever like.. me?" once Harry regained his consciousness (he thought he was dreaming for a moment) he replied in a very meek and soft voice
you would end up having to ask him what he said- which only made him even more flustered but once he replied loud enough and you could comprehend his words, you would give him a soft and loving embrace (one that this touch-starved boy NEEDED)
It would take Harry a long time until he could be used to you calling him "honey" or "my love" without turning redder than his tie (the tie which you would teasingly pull and make him almost faint)
Hedwig almost immediately loved you, giving you affectionate pecks here and there (which was a clear sign to Harry that he was gonna marry you /hj)
Both you and Harry bonded over adventures and getting into a bit of trouble, might I add you both weren't very keen for Snape
Sometimes Harry and you planned to meet up at the library, both huddled under his invisibility cloak studying for a test you both forgot about<3
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๋࣭ ⭑Draco malfoy
Malfoy obviously had to scoff when you confessed your feelings for him, yet you felt like he wasn't going to reject you - well, based off of his reddening face and the way his hands shifted shyly trying to hide his feelings as well (mostly for his everlasting pride yet he couldn't help but admit his feelings for you as well)
"Tsk, of course you, a Gryffindor would fall for me" "Well, I accept your proposal, doll"
The pet name already threw you off guard and made you flustered (your plan 100% backfired and now you were fidgeting uncontrollably from being so flustered)
Draco was struggling to keep his composure and not immediately hug and kiss you, but his pride was too strong for that
You gave him a soft hug - a hug that Draco most definitely needed (this boy was also incredibly touch-starved but hated to admit it), he hugged you back but a bit apprehensively
As his cold hands wrapped around you it send shivers down your spine, yet it also made butterflies erupt in your stomach making you quiver a bit in his cold but loving embrace
He gave you lots of kisses, on your neck, your cheek, truly didn't matter where or when - if he wanted to kiss his partner he would
Draco constantly got jealous if a boy laid a single hair on you- even if it was for a justifiable reason
He would immediately walk over to your side or inch closer and wrap his arm around you, squeeze your hand, or even openly kiss you until the boy left and you were left embarrassed (but proud of your boyfriend)
Being in different houses wasn't too much of an issue to Draco, but it definitely made his friends act coldly around you (seeing that you were in the house that had Harry Potter- Draco's enemy)
But thankfully no matter what snide remarks Draco's friends' made he would always defend you and give you even more kisses
Draco loves giving you kisses (if you couldn't tell) and showering you with gifts (this boys' love language is 100% gifts and physical touch), many of the gifts included your favorite brands, expensive jewelry, or anything you said was cute or caught your eye even for a second
Draco was always a little shy when arranging the dates, mostly because he didn't want to hurt his pride but in the end he never regretted it (a lot of the dates would consist of going shopping, going to the leaky cauldron, or just cuddling with you in the library after hours (you're lucky he's a prefect)
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Notes: I hope you enjoyed reading this and it brought you some comfort! Have a lovely day<3 ALSO PLEASEE I NEED HERMIONE TO MARRY ME I LOVE HER SM, if you have any suggestions or critiques please do tell me!!
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halloworhorecrux · 6 months
Let me tell you.
Every slytherin has heard the rant. It's basically a sonnet, depending on the day. Severus Snape is constantly thrown back in time to his best friend ranting and raving about a boy.
"Saviour Potter, with his hair and his broomstick"
"Chosen Seeker with his emerald eyes and his hair"
"Champion Gryffindor with his wand and his hair"
It's always the hair with Draco. It drives him mad. Mad with the want to care for it,never tame it like he has heard people say. Why tame Harry when all he needs is some care? His mother said that's what anything worth loving needs.Just someone to care.
Okay, so everyone Draco has spoken with any length of time knows that he loves Harry. You couldn't know him even as an acquaintance without having heard the fond tone of his voice when he spoke of Potter.
When they start a relationship not known to the public, all of Draco's people just know. This is simply because they all know who could make Draco Malfoy smile so big.
On the other side, no one can figure out why Harry Potter is smiling more. His best friends can't even fathom that it would be Draco Malfoy that has helped him. Why would anyone ever think Draco Malfoy could do anything with his happiness. Sure, they are happy they are done hearing conspiracy theories about what Malfoy is up to. So everyone tries to find the person. They must be attentive and understanding. They're probably beautiful, of course.
One day, people hear Ron laughing after Harry tells him it was Malfoy.
"Don't make me laugh mate, if you want to keep it a secret, I won't bother you anymore about it. "
Coming up behind the group is Draco Malfoy. There is a kind of sadness in his eyes. He had told his parents about his date with Harry. They had simply smiled and said they knew it would happen someday.
It kind of breaks his heart a little that everyone he holds dear has heard Harry's name. Know how he feels and can see the ways the two are good together.The same cannot be said for his partner.
Laughter rings out as George laughs about a ferret boyfriend.
Instead of going into the Leaky Cauldron. he Draco runs. He runs because he cannot handle a fumbled defense by Harry. Who would want their boyfriend to be known as the boy who was turned into a ferret, who was humilated by a giant chicken, that has become even more scared of his shadow after azkaban. Who would ever think Draco is attentive and understanding and beautiful enough for Harry James Potter.
If he had stayed, he would hear the proclaimation of love for Draco and that he is, in fact, all those things.
Harry has never been ashamed to have chosen Ron as his friend until now.
How can the person claim to be his best mate and ignore the signs of his infatuation that turned into love? How could Ron weasley, who has been through years with him, think that Harry had finally lost sight of the person who centered his childhood. And he doesn't count Voldemort. That was a distraction to his rivalry with Draco Malfoy. Has there ever been a person that made Harry react more. Every year any action by Malfoy was noted, the final years of the battle were fraught with scenes he had failed to react accordingly. Myrtle’s bathroom should have never seen so much blood, Malfoy Manor should never left a defenseless Malfoy, The ROR, even his final battle had Malfoy and his wand as his victory.
Hence, Harry's disappointment.
The bags under his eyes were gone thanks to his partner. Draco learned that sometimes he felt suffocated, so he couldn't be too close, but being alone was infinitely worse. Draco would fall asleep on their respective sides, but always holding Harry's hand. This gave him the ability to not scare Harry awake from an outside touch. He would squeeze and release their hands, rub against his knuckles to soothe, and settle Harry.
His food intake had increased through Draco hand feeding anything from his plate. While Harry could hardly stand to share anything off his plate, Draco had no such issue. He would take bites of something and then tell Harry to taste something so divine. Sometimes, the things they had were common, but every once in a while, Draco would surprise him.
Sure, Draco had never had to care for someone other than himself if you measured by his Manor. He did have Crabbe and Goyle, and they were a sort of sibling. They needed help with lessons, directed to wherever they needed to be. Told countless times to pick up after themselves. Draco could chasten Harry for leaving socks and towels on the bathroom floor, but it wasn't a real struggle to merely pick them up himself. Harry is anxious with clutter, yet finds that he was always in a rush to ever really care for his living space. Now, he comes home to a clean living space and home-cooked meals.
Some might think it would be easy to just burn his hand me downs and call it a day. They didn't see how sometimes Harry would itch when wearing new robes to a ceremony. The struggle of knowing he deserved better, having clothes of his own, is a basic need. Given the knowhow of Narcissa, Draco had been able to sew old into the new in discreet ways. The surprise when the collar of his auror robes now didn't chafe against his skin sank into Harry's heart. The love swelled as he didn't have to explain why. There was no shame to voice. Draco knew humiliation, so he didn't make Harry try to explain the feeling of wanting something familiar even when laced with the abuse of his childhood neglect. There is a certain kindness when their eyes meet, Draco fixing his collar in the mornings, attaching a pocket to the inside of his robes made of his old t shirts. That is just his beloved showing his devotion.
Dracos' cunning(slimey manipulative) ways were able to schedule him into training sessions with new recruits instead of paperwork he loathed. Harry now spent the majority of his time in the training rooms with newbies instead of missions. Teaching and aiding other protect themselves is where he thrives and Draco made that happen with just a few letters to the right places. There was no scorn to quit the Aurors or be something he shouldn't, just the ability to there was a place were he had chosen to be that didn't leave him drained.
The past months with Draco Malfoy have proven exactly how he is exactly attentive and understanding.
Blindingly beautiful was a given since he first meet him at Madam Malkins, now it's even lovelier when he can trace the pale neck with a single finger, the smooth skin against his lips as he licks them from ankle to the sharp chin and likes to bite. The blonde hair that can be wrapped by Harry's callused hands, it's softness a wonderful contrast to his. Nibble fingers braid his untamable hair with care. They knead any ache from Harry's body. Long legs wrap Harry up into a warm embrace until he feels loved beyond his status as a hero. There is nothing more beautiful than the smile he is graced with every morning, every noon, and midnight. Whether it rains or shines, there is happiness in grey eyes just looking upon Harry James Potter.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
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Trust Him Like a Brother AO3
Ginny was excited that her mum met someone new after her dad died, but she did not realize that meant she would have to deal with Harry Potter being her new soon-to-be step-brother.
Written for Reputation Era of SeveralSunlitDaylights and for @takearisk-ao3 who supported me writing this shamelessly
if it makes you feel better, Harry and Ginny aren't step-siblings yet
July was unbearably hot. Unusually hot. And if Ginny were at the Burrow, she would go down to the pond, dip her toes into the water, and even, after assuring that no one was near her, strip off her clothes and take a dip.
But Ginny was not at the Burrow. Instead she was holed up in her brand new bedroom at her mum’s new fiance’s manor. 
The whole thing was ridiculous. 
Arthur Weasley died in an unfortunate accident that Ginny did not want to talk about when she was 11 years old. Molly Weasley had grieved for years, until she joined a widow support group where she happened to meet her brand new fiance.
Lily Potter.
Ginny hardly knew her because she was off at Hogwarts while her mum was going on dates with the tall, green-eyed, red-haired witch. And before she knew it, she received an owl from her mum that she was engaged, and they would move into the old Potter Manor instead of the Burrow during the summer. 
Don’t get it wrong, Ginny liked Lily. A lot really. She liked how she joked that this old Pureblood Manor was now owned by a bisexual, muggleborn witch. She liked how she worked so many puns into her conversations. She especially liked how Lily would make her mum smile.
What she didn’t love about Lily Potter was her barely of age son who lived in the bedroom next to hers. Who shared a bathroom with her. 
Harry. James. Potter.
Ugh. Ginny rolled her eyes at the thought of his name. 
Everything about him annoyed her. The way he insisted on racing her on his brand new Firebolt whenever she was taking a leisurely flight. They way he ruined her favorite Weird Sisters songs by belting them poorly in the shower. The way he stole her olives off her plate at dinner, even if she was not going to eat them in the first place. The way his bright, green eyes caught hers whenever his mum said something cheesy, yet hilarious. And the way his jaw line-
She was getting carried away, but he was infuriating.
Just to drive the point home how infuriating he is, Harry was currently ruining the Weird Sisters’ newesting single, Graveyard Shift, during his way too long of a shower. 
“Will you shut up?” Ginny yelled at the wall, banging on it to emphasize her point.
Harry’s voice only got louder. “I’m haunted by the way we kissed, stuck working the Graveyard Shift.”
“Fucking hell,” Ginny muttered under her breath. She probably would not have enough time to shower before they were supposed to meet her classmates at the Leaky Cauldron, so she cast a quick Scourgify on herself. 
“Do you not like my voice?” Someone asked. Harry leaned against her bathroom door frame, towel wrapped casually around his waist, his jet-black hair dripping beads of water down his face. 
Ginny cleared her throat, “I’m surprised the boys at Ilvermorny did not cast a permanent silencing charm on you to get you to shut up.”
“The boys at Ilvermorny didn’t have as big of a reaction to me as you do,” Harry said, smirking at her. “And I like getting a reaction out of you.” Harry shook his head, cascading water droplets all over her to emphasize his point.
Her bedroom door sprung open with a thud. 
“Hey Ginny! Do you happen to have any spare perfume? I forgot to spray myself before leaving home and Ron said you might have some. Oh, hello!” Lavender Brown said all in one breath. Her eyes darted between Ginny and Harry who at least had the audacity to look somewhat embarrassed meeting someone in just a towel.
Ginny went over to her nightstand and directly handed Lavender her floral perfume, not trusting her to catch anything if she threw it at her.
“Thanks, Ginny!” Lavender said, spraying an obscene amount of perfume on herself. “Sorry for interrupting,” she said with a wink before closing the door behind her.
Ginny took a moment to stare up at the ceiling before braving to turn back to the half naked man standing in her bedroom. “Sorry about her.”
“Ron’s girlfriend, I assume?” Harry asked.
“Yes,” Ginny replied. “She is not too bad if you get to know her. She has calmed down a lot since when they first started dating. Mainly because she finally realized that Ron’s best friend, Hermione, was not actually trying to sleep with her man.”
Harry carted his fingers through his wet hair, “Actually, that is why I am in here. I was hoping you could help introduce me to everyone tonight. I really only know Ron, because of the whole soon-to-be-step-brother thing, and just a few of the other guys who are in the Auror training program with us.” 
“So you want me to babysit you all night long?” Ginny asked.
Harry let out a small laugh, “I’m older than you, shouldn’t I be the one babysitting you?”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Go get dressed, Potter. I’ll meet you downstairs.”
In the kitchen, her mum and Lily were standing at the stove together, swaying to an old Celestina Warbeck song. The sweet sight was ruined by Ron and Lavender snogging around the corner. Ginny grabbed a dishrag off of the counter and threw it at Ron, hitting him square in the back of the head. 
“Do you two ever not do that?” Ginny asked. 
Ron ignored her, giving her the middle finger as he continued to suck on his girlfriend’s face. 
Harry bounded down the steps a few seconds later, “Ron, mate, you got to let the girl breathe.”
Ron detached himself from Lavender’s face with a gross squelch sound, “Fuck, man, not you too.”
“What can I say, Ginny is a bad influence,” Harry smiled over at her. 
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Let’s go. We are already late.” 
“Have fun tonight, everyone!” Lily Potter’s voice called from the kitchen. 
“And please send us a patronus if you need any help. I don’t want to have to pick anyone up from the Auror holding cell tonight,” Mum added. 
“But if you do, make sure it was because you did something funny!” Lily called back. Molly let out a shock gasp before breaking into a fit of giggles at her fiance’s joke.
Harry caught her eye and grinned. 
“Ew.” Ron said, “Let’s go before they flirt even more.”
The Leaky Cauldron was packed by the time they all arrived. The majority of Ron’s class was here and a good chunk of her class was present as well. 
“Hermione says she has a table in the back!” Lavender shouted over the music, grabbing Ron’s hand and dragging him behind her. Ginny followed closely behind, Harry kept a hand pressed into her back to not get washed away with the crowd.  
Ginny saw Luna first, although she was hard to miss, standing on top of a stool waving both hands at the four of them pushing their way through the crowd. Hermione sat next to her, hands gripping onto Luna’s legs preventing her from toppling over.
“Luna, please be careful,” Hermione begged, pulling her girlfriend carefully down. 
Luna ran around the table and crashed into Ginny, giving her a bone crushing hug. “So good to see you!” Luna shouted. She turned and immediately crushed Harry in a hug. 
“Oh, erm, Hi.” Harry stuttered.
Ginny laughed at Harry’s obvious discomfort. “This is Luna. My best friend, and Hermione’s girlfriend.”
Luna let go of Harry, she gave him a curious look before announcing, “Your head is full of nargles.” Luna turned to give Lavender and Ron their hugs.
Harry turned to Ginny, facing away from the strange blonde, “What’s a nargle?”
“Don’t ask,” Ginny replied, shaking her head at her friend’s creatures.
Hermione reached across the table to shake Harry’s hand, “I’m Hermione. Ron and Ginny have told me so much about you.”
Harry wrapped an arm around Ginny’s shoulder, pulling her flush against his body. “All nice things from Ginny, I’m sure.” 
Ginny elbowed Harry, pulling away from his warmth and ignoring the swoop in her gut. “I don’t know what she is talking about, I do not talk about you.”
“Whatever you say,” Harry teased, rubbing the spot that Ginny’s elbow hit. 
Hermione ignored both of them and continued on, “I heard you went to Ilvermorny, tell me all about it!”
The six of them discussed their life at school, and the differences between Hogwarts and the American school. Begrudgingly, Ginny admitted to herself how well Harry fit into the group.
“Quidditch at Ilvermorny is obviously more intense because we don’t just compete against the house teams, we also compete against the other American schools in the National Championship,” Harry stated smugly, taking a long drink of his butterbeer. 
“That is not true!” Ginny cried, smacking her hand on the table, sloshing her own drink in the process. “Ilvermorny Central only has two house teams that compete against each other so automatically you have a 50% chance of making the championship! Hogwarts you at least compete against three teams. And it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it matters how much you win or lose by to claim the Quidditch cup!”
Harry set his mug down, a grin dancing across his face, “So if the points are the only thing that matters, then the seeker must be the most important player on the pitch. Right?”
Ginny threw up her hands in frustration, “We are not having this argument again. I, alone, have scored more than 150 points in a game.”
Ron downed his drink in a gulp, “Well, I am going to go to the bathroom.” He stood abruptly, shifting his pants. 
Ginny took a deep breath and counted down from ten in her brain. 
10, 9, 8, 7, 6
Harry’s knees nudged her under the table.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
“I need to go to the bathroom too!” Lavender announced to the table, scurrying off after her boyfriend.
“Subtle!” Hermione called after her.
“Nothing was subtle about that. Did you see all of the nargles swarming around both of their heads? They almost had as many nargles floating around their heads as Harry and Ginny do,” Luna said in a sing-song voice.
“Luna!” Hermione cried, “You can’t use your mythical creatures to call out people like that!”
Luna swirled her Gillywater in her glass, “I am not calling anything out. I am just making careful observations that most witches and wizards would rather ignore,” she replied matter-of-factly.
“Do they always fight like this?” Harry asked, lips inches away from her ear. 
Ginny turned in her stool so her back was faced to Hermione and Luna, her knees pressed into Harry’s. She leaned forward so she was facing Harry head on. Nose inches from his nose. “This isn’t fighting for them. It’s foreplay,” Ginny said. 
They both turned back to the couple. One of Hermione’s hands was flying throughout the air as she was explaining the unlikely ability that Nargles existed in London during the summertime, while her other hand was creeping slowly up Luna’s thigh. Luna for her part just stared dreamingly at Hermione.
“I think we should continue this debate at home, Mione,” Luna said.
Hermione’s cheeks turned pink, “We probably should. See you two later. Say bye to Won-Won and Lav-Lav for us!” Hermione said, tugging Luna towards the door.
“Subtle!” Ginny called after them.
“Hey,” Harry said, knees pressed up against hers again, “Sorry for insinuating that I’m better at Quidditch than you.”
Ginny reached forward and grabbed Harry’s hand on the table, “Thank you,” she said dramatically, “because we both know I am better than you.”
She expected Harry to throw his head back and laugh at her, but he kept her gaze, eyes sparkling at her. His thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. Ginny felt cornish pixies flutter in her stomach.
“I need a drink,” She said, standing immediately, making her way to the bar.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Her brain chanted at her. He is going to be your step brother in a month! She scolded herself.
But you aren’t related. Another part of her brain said. And there are many purebloods out their who have performed worse acts of incest than crushing on a soon-to-be stepsibling. 
“You look thirsty. Can I buy you a drink?” A voice said, breaking her out of her internal battle. A man with sandy hair, brown eyes, not too much taller than her leaned ever so casually against the bar. 
Ginny smiled at the stranger, “Yes, please.” He was a distraction. A perfect distraction from jet black hair, green eyes, and a toned abdomen that looked so brilliant in just a towel. 
“I’m Jacob,” the man said, passing her a glass full of some smokey pink drink.
“Well, Ginny,” Jacob said, smiling at her, “Cheers!”
Ginny clinked her glass with Jacob’s and took a sip. Warmth of the drink flooded her senses. Her insides ignited, and when she looked back up at Jacob he was haloed in a warm glow. 
He was more than the perfect distraction. Jacob was perfect.
She slowly brought her glass to her lips again to take another sip, but it was knocked out of her hands before she got the chance.
Harry stood next to her, eyes murderous. He was not looking at her, but rather he was glaring at Jacob. 
“Hey what the fuck, man!” Jacob cried out. His voice sounded so regal. Ginny swooned at the sound. 
Harry turned back to her, “Did you drink what he gave you?” He asked, voiced terrified.
“Yes,” She said, pushing past Harry, stepping closer to Jacob and his warmth. “Jacob is so sweet, and bought me a drink. So I drank it! He is so perfect.”
Harry stepped between her and Jacob, his back pressed against her. He lowered his head to look Jacob directly in the eye, “You better fuck off right now, and if you ever touch her again, it will be the last thing you ever do,” Harry said in a low voice.
Jacob got the hint and scurried off. Ginny tried to follow after him, but Harry grabbed her arm, pulling her close to his chest, “You’re coming with me.”
Ginny pulled her arm free from Harry’s grasp, “But I don’t want to!”
In one fluid motion, Harry swooped Ginny up and over his shoulder and carried her out of the bar. Her face smacked directly into his arse. 
“You. Are. An. Arse!” Ginny shouted, emphasizing each word.
“An arse that just saved yours,” Harry grunted, shifting Ginny’s weight.
"I already have six older brothers to be overprotective, I don't need another one!” Ginny shouted, kicking her legs against Harry, trying to break free. 
"Good thing I don't want you to treat me like a brother,” Harry retorted.
Ginny’s legs stilled, “What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing,” Harry replied shortly.
Ginny lifted her head so she wasn’t staring at Harry’s backside. Diagon Alley was empty at this time of night, the only lights coming from the Leaky Cauldron and the dim street lamps of Knockturn Alley. The sound of Harry’s footsteps on the cobblestone echoed through the night.  
Harry stopped, shifting Ginny so he could pull his wand out of his pocket. He tapped his wand in a pattern on the brick, unlocking the door.
“Why the fuck are we here?” Ginny asked.
“Because,” Harry grunted, carrying her through the door to Weasleys’ Wizards Wheezes, “That dickhead gave you a love potion that he likely got from your brothers. Which means, your brothers also likely have the antidote.”
Ginny wriggled, trying to break free from Harry’s grasp. “He did not give me a love potion! You’re just jealous because he has perfect sandy hair and warm brown eyes and all you have is night-black hair and stupidly, bright green eyes.” 
Suddenly, her world turned upside down as Harry threw her off his shoulder and onto the ground. 
Harry turned his back to her, heading over to the WonderWitch area of the store, searching for the love potion antidote that she did not need. Slowly, she got to her feet, planning to make a break for it back to Jacob. Her world came crashing back down as she landed face first on the filthy floor.
Her brothers really should mop.
Rope bound tightly around her ankles preventing her from running. She used her arms to pull herself up. Maybe she could hop to Jacob. Rope flew across the room, binding her hands together too. 
“Let me go!” Ginny shouted at Harry.
“Only after you drink this,” Harry replied, a tiny vial of liquid in his hands. Lover’s Antidote written in cursive font on the front. 
Ginny tightly closed her lips, shaking her head no. 
“Ginny, please,” Harry begged. 
She stuttered for a second, wanting to make Harry happy. Then she remembered that he wanted her to stop trying to go after Jacob and she did not like that. With her bound hands, she tried pushing herself up, but Harry was quicker than she was. He wrestled her down, straddled her hips, keeping her pressed to the ground.
“Open,” Harry said.
Ginny did, opening her mouth wide for him, tilting her chin and arching her back up. She didn’t understand why in this position, with Harry’s weight pressed into her, that she would listen to him. That she would forget about what's-his-name, and her only thoughts being Harry.
With shaking hands, Harry tipped the potion down her throat, and she swallowed. Slowly, her senses cooled, and her wit returned.
“That fucker love-potioned me.”
Harry choked out a sound, halfway between a sigh of relief and laughter. “Good to have you back, Gin,” Harry said, grinning down at her. 
Ginny smiled back up at him, shifting her hips underneath him, trying to find some relief under the weight of him. She stilled when she felt something very hard, that could not possibly be his wand, because that was secured firmly in his right hand. 
Harry’s eyes widened, but he did not move off of her.
Slowly, Ginny rocked her hips up to meet him, daring him to make the next move. Either off of her and pretend this never happened or to thrust back into her. He hesitated a moment, but then Harry placed his arms balanced on either side of her, and rocked back into Ginny.
A shaky breath escaped her lips at the friction. 
“So, do you tie up all of the girls you shag?” Ginny asked, big, brown eyes batting up at him. 
Harry’s hand moved to Ginny’s tied up hands, pinning them above her head. “Only the girls that misbehave.” Harry leaned forward, whispering in her ear. “Do you promise to behave, Gin?” Harry asked, thrusting into her again.
“Yes,” she breathed out.
“Good girl.” He twirled his wand, wordlessly untying the ropes from her wrists and ankles.
And then his lips crashed to hers. Hands exploring every inch of her body. His weight fully pressed on top of her now.
Her hands were shaking from holding back from him. She finally admitted to herself that she didn’t want him like a brother. She wanted him for so much more. And now she couldn’t hold back. Her hands were in his hair, and then under his shirt, and then undoing his belt. Needing every part of him.
Harry wasn’t careful with her. Leaving bruises along her jawline with his tongue. He found the hem of her shirt and yanked it off of her, uncaring if it ripped coming off. Hands immediately found the clasp of her bra, freeing her.
“Merlin, your tits are even better than I imagined,” Harry groaned, mouth licking down her sternum. 
Ginny arched herself into him as his tongue circled her nipple. “You dream about this often?” 
Harry came back up so his face was even with hers, “Every fucking day, Weasley.” 
His lips met hers once again. “I think about you when we fly together and the way your arse looks bent over the broom,” His hand grabbed her bum for emphasis.  “I think about you in the shower with me, your tits all sudsy with soap,” Harry said, kissing her breasts once again. “I think about you as I lie in my bed awake at night. Wondering how you taste,” he voiced, barely above a whisper. 
Excruciatingly slow, Harry pulled off her pants. He kissed the inside of her thigh, working his way back up before going over to the other thigh.
“Harry. Please,” Ginny moaned out.
“Anything for you,” Harry said, before diving in.
His tongue worked inside of her, hands tightly holding her hips in place. She felt warmth build as his tongue expertly worked on her clit. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” She chanted.
A long finger teased her entrance before plunging inside her. She needed him to finish her off, and she was so close to crossing that line. His fingers move quickly, pushing her closer to the edge, one she so desperately wants to be thrown over. He carried her up to the peak and pushed her over with one word.
Suddenly, she was free-falling, tossed right over her edge into a blissful oblivion.
Harry worked his way back up to her, leaving a trail of kisses as he went. 
“Tasted better than I imagined,” he said into her lips.
Ginny pulled him into a crushing kiss. Heat pooling in her gut again. She pulled away, and stared into his green eyes, now dark with lust. 
“I need you.”
Harry stood to pull off his pants. Ginny crawled over to him, kneeling before his length. She kissed the inside of his thigh before licking the underside of his dick. She stood, meeting Harry in a fierce kiss. 
He picked her up in a fluid motion, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He set her down on the front counter. It was cold on her arse, but she could not care because Harry was teasing her entrance with his penis. Gradually, he entered her, inch by inch, filling her up. 
“Fuck,” Harry cried out. 
Ginny agreed with her entire being. With every thrust, Ginny saw stars. A galaxy of constellations blurred her vision as she felt herself being pulled closer and closer to the edge again. 
“Fuck, you fuck good,” Ginny moaned. Her heels pulled him impossibly deeper inside her. Her hands wrapped around his strong shoulders and her fingernails leaving scratches down his back. 
Harry let out a string of curses under his breath. His thrusts picked up speed, and Ginny knew that she would crash in any second. Harry’s fingers found her clit again, and with the increased pressure and deep thrust, she was gone. Exploding like a star, she came hard.
With a few more thrusts, Harry followed her cue. 
Ginny smiled up at him, “Come here,” she said, pulling Harry’s face to kiss her breathless. Harry’s lips eagerly met hers. With time, the kisses turned more lazy before they finally pulled away.
“You’re so gorgeous,” Harry said, breathless above her.
Ginny let out an uncharacteristic giggle, “You’re amazing.”
Harry let out a laugh that made Ginny’s entire insides curl with pleasure. “Here,” Harry said, offering her shirt back. 
“Just so you know,” Ginny said, pulling her shirt over her head, “I realized, I’ve been thinking about this almost every day too.”
Harry nearly tripped pulling his pants back on, “Really?”
“Really,” Ginny reassured, sliding off of the counter. 
“So what should I call you now? My fuck-buddy? My boyfriend? My brother?” Ginny teased. 
Harry cringed, “Maybe not that last one.” He spun her around so she was facing him again.
“Definitely, not the last one,” Ginny said before kissing him again.
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landos-meat-rider · 9 months
mastermind, part nine
okay guys omg finally this chapter had me in a slump for literally months im so glad its over like💀🙏
anyways this ones lowkey short and i dont like it at all but its okay guys bc next chapter will be much better dw 😋🤞🤞
also reminder to please send me some requests bc im lowkey losing my mind w these exams and my brain space for original thought is taken up by cold war history material and i dont think anyone wants to read a theodore nott fic w kennedy as a side character💀💀
anyways enjoy this one pookies even though its v short and not v good, lets just be grateful its over and done with😍🙌
no warnings for this one
theodore nott masterlist
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We entered the blue-lit cafe hesitantly, cautious of our whereabouts. Harry slid into the red booth first on one side, quickly followed by me and Theodore with Hermione and Ron on the other side.
“What about all the people at the wedding?” Harry spoke up, looking around at all of us in worry, “Do you think we should go back?”
“They were after you mate,” Ron said with a shake of his head, “We’d put everyone in danger by going back.”
The moody waitress walks up to our booth, leaning on one leg with headphones in her ears.
“Coffee?” she asks us with a huff, diverting our attention from one another to the menu above the counter.
“A cappuccino please.” Hermione asks politely to which the waitress agrees curtly before asking the rest of us.
“Uhm…what she said,” Ron answers.
“Same,” Harry says.
“Me too.” I nod.
“Yeah, same.” Theo agrees.
She quickly turns around and moves to go back to the kitchen to prepare the five drinks as we quickly return to our plan.
“So, where do we go from here? Leaky Cauldron?” Ron asks as soon as she’s out of sight.
“No, it’s too dangerous.” Hermione shakes her head, “If Voldemort has taken over the ministry then none of the places are safe.”
I look around as everyone debates to try and come up with a game plan and notice the peeling paint on the wall and the dirty coffee machines. But what catches my attention is the two strange burly men who trudge into the cafe. They look around sinisterly and fix their eyes for a moment with us. Theodore seems to catch my gaze, quickly followed by Harry as they both yell “Down!” as the men start shooting spells at us.
“Petrificus totalus!”
We shoot spells left and right at the two men until finally, they’re unconscious.
The waitress walks out in worry as Hermione yells at her to go, I oblivate her as she walks out the back door in a hurry.
“Lock the door, get the lights,” Harry commands as Hermione and I start to shut down the shop and Ron gathers the lights in his deluminator. Theo walks up beside Harry, both looking down at the man on the floor.
“This one’s name’s Rowle.” Harry speaks up, not taking his eyes off the man, “He was on the astronomy tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore.”
Hermione and I come up behind Theo and Harry as they walk over to join Ron as he says, “This is Dolohov. I recognise him from the wanted posters.”
“What should we do with them?” I ask, looking around at everyone's worried faces.
“They’d kill us if it were the other way round, why don’t we kill them too?” Ron speaks up angrily.
“If we kill them, they’d know we were here,” Theo says, trying to calm Ron down.
Ron shakes his head, turning around to face the rest of us as Hermione warns, “Ron…”
“No, Suppose he did Mad-eye. How’d you feel then?” he snaps.
“It’s better we just wipe their memories,” I say, earning agreeing nods from Theo, Hermione and Harry.
“Fine. Whatever, you’re the boss.” Ron says, thankfully calmer now.
Hermione performs the charms as I open one of the doors so we can leave, and we walk out into the icy breeze of mid-winter London.
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We dodge and push our way through the iconic London underground, dimly lit orange lights paving our way and regular chatter and train railings filling our ears.
“How’d they know where we were anyway?” Harry asks, almost bumping into a lady with a pram and quickly apologising afterwards.
“Maybe you still have the trace on you?” Hermione brainstorms as she pulls Ron from bashing into an elderly couple.
“Can't be. Trace breaks at 17, it's wizarding law.” Harry says shortly, attracting mine and Hermione’s attention.
“What?” he says after Hermione and I gasp.
“We didn’t celebrate your birthday Harry,” I say solemnly. “We’d made a cake, we were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding.”
“Look, guys, honestly, I really appreciate the thought but seeing as we were just nearly killed by death eaters in a muggle cafe…” he dodges a group of small boys running around.
“Right,” Hermione says looking ahead, “Priorities.”
I smile, looking at Ron, remembering the thing he’d said in first year about Hermione needing to get her priorities straight before two strong arms pull me towards them. I look up as we keep walking and Theo releases me from his hold, I give him a questioning look as he points behind him to a woman running away in a hurry, whom Theo had avoided me from colliding with.
I give him a tight smile and mutter thanks before linking arms with Hermione and walking faster than the boys, thinking about where we were going to go from here.
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“Hermione what’s for dinner?!” Ron yells across the huge tent from his room.
Hermione rolls her eyes and shouts back, “Soup!” as I laugh next to her, making tea and coffee for all of us. The tent is surprisingly comfortable with lots of room to move around and quite a relaxing ambiance which is useful for our constant nerves.
I pass Hermione her tea and carry the other cups to the living room where Harry and Theodore are, sitting on the sofas going over the plans for the next few weeks and trying to work out where the other horcruxes may be. Ron’s in his room trying to put his clothes away which is a first.
I take my cup of coffee from the table as the boys take theirs and sit in the armchair with the book Dumbledore gave her, reading it and re-reading it again and again as the night goes on. Harry and Theo’s conversations drone out as Hermione’s soup brings rest and my eyelids fall heavy.
I stir awake slightly when I feel Theo carry me to my room; I peek an eye at him as he takes my shoes off for me and tucks me in. He goes behind me and undoes my hair, brushing it gently and loosely attempting to braid it before pecking me on the cheek gently and leaving as quietly as he could.
The next morning I walk down to the kitchen to find Theo making breakfast for everyone. We haven’t spoken properly since last night at the wedding and even that conversation was cut short. He looks up at me with his watercolour eyes and flashes a soft smile which I return. I take a seat on one of the counters as he works, flipping pancakes and spreading nutella on others. He has soft music playing on the radio which helps make the silence less awkward. I decide to break it as I joke, “Since when did you learn to make pancakes?”
He looks up at me with a grin and looks back down to his pancake as he responds, “Since the day you told me you liked them.”
His response leaves me stunned and I look down thinking back to one of our morning study sessions in the library when I complained about how much I’d rather be eating a massive stack of pancakes at that moment rather than studying. He’d joked back to me with a sly smirk, ‘Is it so bad to be studying with me?’ to which I had responded by kissing him.
“Here.” His deep voice breaks me from my thoughts as I look down and see him with a plate of pancakes for me with my favourite toppings. The gesture floods me with nothing but bliss and I accept the plate, jumping down from the counter and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. I smirk as his neck reddens and he shoves me away jokingly to eat my food.
“So,” I start as we both sit next to one another on the large sofas, each nursing a plate of pancakes and a cup of coffee.
“So,” He responds, “Do you want some maple syrup?”
“Ew no, maple syrup with nutella? Theo are you mad, I’m not Ron.” I laugh as he joins in.
“What?” I say, noticing him falling quiet after a moment and staring at me.
“You called me Theo.” He says plainly with a slight grin, making me blush profusely.
Even though his leaving was heartbreaking for me, the fact that he came back and is trying to do better means the world to me. I thought I may have liked him before in Hogwarts, but reading all those letters he’d sent me day after day with no reciprocated response and seeing how gentle he had been with me these past few days and seeing him sitting across from me now laughing about another stupid joke I made had made me realise I’m falling for him. Hard.
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@timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere @ama1a2 @kezibear 
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Second submission for reputation/fearless era of @cruelsummer-ficfest 🖤💛
Every time the door of the pub swings open, it lets a blast of raucous noise into the street that slows my steps. The Leaky Cauldron may as well have a Hermione-repelling charm cast over it, the way it’s making me feel as we get closer. The click-click-click of Lavender’s heels on the sidewalk as I follow her keeps time with my pounding heart until she finally calls over her shoulder, “C’mon, slowpoke. We’re already late.”
“Isn’t that a thing?” I grouse, though I pick up my pace to catch her. “Fashionably late?”
“Sure it is, but it’s not why you’re dragging those designer heels I forced on you.” Lavender stops and spins to face me, planting her hands on her hips as she fixes me with a raise of one perfect blonde eyebrow. I stare back at her, not wanting to admit out loud what we both already know perfectly well. “You’re nervous about seeing Ron.”
Well if she’s going to come right out and say it…
“Two years is a long time. What if he met someone?”
“At the Auror Academy? No, he’s definitely still single.”
“Honestly, that’s worse.”
Lavender scoffs and throws her hands up in the air. “How is that worse?”
“Because…then I don’t have any excuse not to tell him that I haven’t stopped thinking about him for two bloody years.”
“Well that’s honest,” Lav says with a laugh. “What are you worried about? Didn’t you guys have some sort of…I dunno, agreement, before he left?”
“You know we didn’t.” I sigh and glance over my shoulder, away from the pub where Harry and Ron’s welcome home party rages on. “Come on, you’re always trying to get me out to these Muggle clubs you like. We’re overdressed for the Leaky, anyway.”
“Stop it, you look gorgeous. And that’s an absolute waste of a dress if Ron doesn’t see you in it. Or out of it.”
“Besides, if you’re that worried about talking to him, you could always just march up to him and snog him. Worked for me.”
Lavender grins, and I give her my best death glare, though I know she’s only teasing me. We’re long-past the drama of sixth year. Still I retort, “You’re more evil than Voldemort sometimes.”
Her laugh rings off the cobblestones as she loops her arm through mine and starts us walking toward the pub again. “Come on, let’s get a drink in you. You’ll be fine.”
Fortunately, there are enough people coming and going from the pub that my entrance with Lavender doesn’t cause any particular ruckus. Harry spots us first and manages to make his way over without dislodging Ginny, who’s wrapped around him like a Devil’s Snare.
“Hey, Hermione, so glad you made it! It’s great to see you! Hi Lavender!” Harry’s exuberant greeting and flushed cheeks give away the fact that he’s had more than a couple of drinks, and I hug him back enthusiastically. He’s a happy drunk, at least.
“It’s great to see you, too. Welcome back!”
“Thanks! Last time I saw Ron, he was…” Harry gestures vaguely around the pub, and since we’re still standing by the front door, he could be just about anywhere.
“Thanks, I think we’re going to get a drink first.” Ginny quirks an eyebrow at me but doesn’t comment. “See you in a bit.”
I pull Lavender towards the bar, keeping my eyes peeled for Ron the whole time. He’s usually not hard to spot, head and shoulders above practically everyone, but we make it to a couple of barstools without seeing him and I let out a little sigh of relief. I take the shot of firewhiskey Lavender sets in front of me, the hot liquid crackling down my throat, and then reach for the soothingly cool butterbeer.
Just as I’ve finished one drink and motioned to Tom for another, Lavender chirps from beside me, “Oh, there’s Ron!”
Part of me wants to crawl under the bar and hide, but my body turns of its own accord to look where Lav is looking. He’s halfway across the room, chatting with Dean and completely oblivious to Lavender’s frantic wave or my slack-jawed stare.
He looks the same, sort of—same ocean-blue eyes, same slightly crooked smile—but also not the same at all. His lanky frame has filled out, arm muscles on full display beyond the sleeves of his black Cannons t-shirt. He looks like he may have somehow actually managed to get taller, too. There’s a neatly trimmed layer of ginger hair covering his face, and just a hint of a tattoo beneath one sleeve that keeps ducking out of sight as the magical image moves.
He’s so gorgeous it hurts. Actually hurts, down in the pit of my stomach where all of my insecurities about him not wanting me live and where they are now multiplying like someone cast a Geminio charm on my gut.
“Aren’t you going to go and talk to him?” Lavender asks, snapping me out of my stupor.
“I think I just saw Susan, so I’ll just—” I grab the fresh drink from the bar top and slide off the stool, heading in the opposite direction of Ron. I hear Lavender muttering something about Gryffindor courage as I take off in search of someone else—anyone else—to talk to.
She’s right, of course. The defining trait of our house has completely failed me at the prospect of facing Ron after all this time. Fighting Voldemort and dealing with all the myriad horrors of seven years in a magical castle feels like a walk in the park compared to this, and I’m completely chickening out.
I haven’t seen Ron in two whole years, and although we did have something of a denouement between the end of the war and him going off to the Academy, there was no commitment. We were both free to do as we pleased, romantically. For me that meant a whole lot of pining over him and nothing else, but Merlin only knows what he’s been up to while he was away. I know he did fancy me back then, but two years is a long time and surely he still can't feel the same way.
We’ve stayed in touch throughout his time away, and he hasn’t mentioned a girlfriend or anything, but the idea of us rekindling things when he got home also never came up. Not that I brought it up, either. But if I don’t bring it up, then there’s no possibility of rejection. Cowardly? Yes. Safe? Also yes.
“For Merlin’s sake,” Lavender huffs as she catches up to me in the dark corner I’ve tucked myself into. “Even if you’re not ready to tell him how you feel, the man is your best friend. You can’t hide from him all night.”
“I can try.”
“Then why did we come?”
“Good point, let’s go.” Lavender holds out an arm to stop me before I can take a single step past her, and I sigh. “Okay, fine. But I need to stop in the loo first.”
Lavender narrows her eyes at me. “You have five minutes before I come in after you.”
“That’s—I’ll just be a—”
I catch Lavender’s eye roll as I make another escape, sneaking around the back side of the bar to the witches’ room. There’s nobody else in there, so I lock the door and add a charm for good measure before I take a long look in the mirror and try to calm myself.
You can do this. It’s just Ron.
Just the love of my freaking life who may or may not have moved on.
There’s a knock on the door and I groan softly. “It has not been five minutes, Lav!”
“It’s me.” My heart stops at the sound of Ron’s voice. “Can I come in?”
I make my steps as slow as I can as I approach the door, but it’s not a big room so I can only stall so long. I take a deep breath and turn the lock back to its open position, then the door cracks open from the outside and Ron peeks in, his face so close to mine that I can smell the hint of firewhiskey on his breath. The smile he flashes me is infectious, even in the face of my nerves. “Hi.”
“Hi yourself. Everything okay in here?”
“Sure.” I swallow hard and give him a tense nod. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Because you’re hiding in the bathroom, and I swear you’ve talked to everyone here but me.”
“That’s not—” Ron raises an eyebrow at me and I can’t get the lie out.
“Did I do something?” he asks as his face scrunches with worry. “I mean, I know I haven’t been writing as much lately, but it’s been so hectic with final qualifications and everything and I—” Ron cuts himself off and smiles at me again. “I’m really happy to see you.”
“I’m really happy to see you, too.” That’s certainly true, even if my insides are wriggling like flobberworms.
“Okay, good. So…come back to the party?”
“Sure, I just…need a minute.”
I try to give Ron a reassuring smile, but he’s not convinced and pushes the door open further to join me in the bathroom, locking it behind him. My heart pounds as he looks me over, his eyes full of concern.
“Hermione, what is going on?”
It takes a few minutes to find my voice but I finally squeak out, “You’re back.”
“That’s a good thing.” He takes a step closer, and when I don’t respond, he adds, “I missed you.”
Ron laughs. “Are you kidding? I missed you like crazy. You’re my best friend.”
His best friend. Right. The knots in my stomach turn to lead, and I can’t bear to keep looking at him as I fix my eyes to the floor instead, praying I can keep the tears at bay until I get out of here. Unfortunately, Ron is currently between me and the only escape route.
“Well, I missed you too, but as way more than just my best friend, which is why I’ve been hiding so I wouldn’t have to tell you that I fancy you in case you don’t feel the same and you obviously don’t, so now that I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself, I guess I’ll just stumble on home to Crookshanks.”
The words tumble out in a rush as I try to squeeze my way around Ron, but he catches my hand in his.
“You’re as mental as ever, you know that?” Ron rolls his eyes as an affectionate smile plays on his lips. He tugs at the sleeve of his shirt, revealing the tattoo I noticed earlier, and I feel my jaw drop as I watch the little silvery-blue otter scamper around his arm. “I will admit I was a little drunk when I got it, because I kind of thought I would tell you how I feel about you before I went and tattooed it on myself, but…” He lets the sleeve fall again and shrugs. “Reckon this’ll get the point across, anyway.”
“You got…” My hand finds its way to his arm of its own accord, drawn to him like a magnet, and I let my fingers follow the otter’s path. Ron’s skin pebbles up with goosebumps under my touch, even though it feels about a million degrees in here between the two of us, and I start to believe he might actually be as affected by me as I am him. “You have a tattoo of my patronus.”
“Yeah.” He gives me a sheepish grin. “Still just want to go home to Crookshanks?”
I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck, leaning forward on my toes, but even with the help of Lavender’s heels, Ron has to duck his head to brush his nose against mine. “Only if you come along.”
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so-scarlett-maroon · 9 months
Hermione Granger and The Pub Quiz That Changed Her Life
Words: 5,602 Rated: Teen and Up No Archive Warnings Apply Ship: Dramione Tags: Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, But Hermione Likes it Grand Gestures, Fluff, Humor, Plans Gone Awry, Pining Draco Malfoy, Pining Hermione Granger, Marriage Proposal, Developing Relationship, Falling In Love Tooth-Rotting, Fluff On AO3
Summary: When Harry invites Draco to their weekly Pub Quiz, Hermione is sure she's never going to be able to enjoy the event again. And her life is changed forever...but just not how she thought it would be.
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The Beginning:
The first time Hermione and Draco were at the same pub quiz night, it felt electric. She’d been purposely avoiding him. She was well aware he and Harry were Auror partners and had become friends. But, the first few times Harry mentioned he’d be joining, she’d found excuses not to go. She hated missing the weekly pub quiz, but the idea of seeing him in a social setting felt strange, wrong. She knew he wouldn’t call her a slur and he probably wouldn't insult her hair, but she just didn’t know what their new dynamic would be. Eventually, though, she gave in, she wouldn’t let him keep her from seeing her friends.
She walked into the Leaky Cauldron and found Harry, Ginny, and Neville at their team’s usual booth. She waved to them as she walked over and settled next to Harry at the wooden table.
“Thanks for the drinks mate,” Harry called out. Hermione followed his eyeline and spotted the poncy git himself walking over with the first round for the table. She wasn’t sure how she’d missed the shock of blond hair when she’d first walked in. Malfoy got to work handing out the drinks, Butterbeers for her and Ginny, Gin and Tonic for Harry, Fire whiskey for himself and Neville, and an ale for Ron, who seemed to be running late, as usual.
Draco shrugged, responding to Harry’s thanks. “It was my turn to buy, but you are up next,” he said looking at Hermione.
Draco’s eyes met hers now. She’d never noticed just how strikingly gray they were before. If he were any other man, she’d even say they were attractive. But he was him, so they weren't. “Why is it my turn to buy?” she asked incredulously.
He looked at her his eyes pitying, “She’s lost her brains since graduation then?” he asked the table.
Harry laughed openly, Ginny tried to hide her giggles and Neville just glanced away, trying to avoid conflict.
“I haven’t ‘lost my brains’ as you put it, I just don’t see why I should get moved up in the rotation when I haven't been here. I always buy after Ginny.”
“Yes and as you missed the last three weeks, you’ve not bought after anyone in far too long so you are up.” He sat down across from her. His long legs barely managed to fit under the table and his knees bumped up against hers. She waited for him to apologize or pull his legs back, but instead, he just smirked and bumped her knee again, on purpose. She was just about to pull out her wand and hex his knees off his stupid body when the quiz host walked to the front of the pub with an announcement.
“Hello, I am Chester Borgin, and welcome witches and wizards to the Thursday night Pub Quiz!” He’d cast a Sonorous on himself to amplify his voice over the crowd gathered for the quiz. “We have answer sheets and self-inking quills up at the front table. Send up the team captain to collect the materials and we will begin shortly!”
Draco stood at the same time as Hermione. Ginny looked at them, laughing as they both froze. She sighed, wiping her tears of laughter aside, and explained to Draco, “Normally Hermione is our team captain, and she gets the material and writes the answers,”. She turned to Hermione. “But in your absence, Draco had taken over,”
Hermione frowned.
Draco did not sit or retreat. “I’m closer to the host’s table,” he pointed out. “How about I just go and collect the materials then?” He had a fake smile plastered on his face.
Hermione sprung into action, scooting out from her side of the booth, her skirt annoyingly riding up her legs as she tried to squeeze past. “No, thank you,” she said in her most sickly sweet voice, walking towards the front. She could feel him racing right behind her, trying to beat her. But Hermione was small, she was able to slip through the crowd more easily. She reached the table just a moment before he did and felt his body crush against hers as the momentum carrying him forward propelled him into her. She ignored the slight pain from their collision and called to the host.
“Team We’re not Lion. There are six of us.”
“Actually, since I joined we go by team Dirty Lion Snakes,” Draco corrected from just behind her, his body still pressing against hers from chest to hips. “It’s the same pun, just more fun,” he explained, his breath fanning over her ear.
“Yes, I understood the wordplay, thank you,” she said, rolling her eyes, despite Draco being behind her and unable to see the gesture. She pushed forward trying to get him off of her back, but it just pushed her further into the table, her hips pressing into the wood, as she felt his strong chest warm and solid behind her.
Continued on AO3
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startanewdream · 2 years
For @hinnyfest, prompt #2: "I did something bad..."
There was a handkerchief on Ginny's hand so twisted that it reminded Harry of a rope. He paused behind her, hands searching for the knots in her neck that were usually enough to calm her; but Ginny jumped, face blushing at the sight of him.
"Hey there." He sat next to her, gently taking the handkerchief out of her hands. "Oh, I liked this one."
"We can iron it later," said Ginny, sounding guilty.
"It's just a handkerchief—why do you look like you've just waken up a basilisk?"
She blinked. "What?"
"It's just—I think the last time I saw you so nervous you were about to tell Ron and I about the Chamber."
"Oh, no." She rolled her eyes. "Nothing as grave—not criminally, at least. Unless we are counting the murder of my dignity." He waited. Ginny bit her lip. "I did something bad."
Harry nodded. "We can hide the body."
"I know you—if you murdered someone, they probably deserved it. Better not confess to an Auror next time, though."
Ginny laughed, some tension leaving her shoulders. "It's not grave, remember? I'm just—embarrassed, that's it."
"Embarrassed as you sending a dwarf to sing a Valentine's card?"
"Embarrassed as I might hex my fiance if he keeps making fun of me." Her words were threatening, but Ginny was smiling again. "And that would look extremely embarrassing for you, Mr. Auror."
Harry pretended to zip off his mouth. Ginny got closer, allowing for him to place his arms around her shoulders and bring her closer.
"Embarassed as do you remember before the Battle, when you needed to go to the Ravenclaw Common Room and I insisted that Luna should go with you, instead of Cho Chang?"
It took a moment for Harry to recollect the exact memory. "Oh, yeah. You sounded fierce, very protective."
"I sounded stupid," she disagreed. "We were at the edge of the war, Voldemort was coming and I got jealous. But I thought—hey, I was young and naive. I wouldn't do that again."
"But then—"
She sighed. "Then we were at the Leaky Cauldron tonight and Cho showed up for our meeting, I wasn't expecting and—and I told her we are engaged."
"Oh." Harry blinked, confused. "That isn't a crime."
But Ginny shook her head. "I haven't even told most of my friends yet, and then—ugh, why do I still feel like a teenage girl unsure of everything around her?"
"I have no idea." He placed a kiss on her forehead, eyes closing when the smell of her shampoo overwhelmed him. "If anyone should be self-assured and arrogant, it should be you. You—you are perfect."
She laughed, not taking him seriously. "I'm not. I'm—it's pathetic, actually."
Harry twisted the handkerchief. "If it helps—when we were discussing the guest list, I almost asked you not to invite Dean."
"Yeah, I know. And worse—I wanted to include Viktor Krum in the list."
"Viktor Krum? Other than annoying Ron, I don't see—"
"He was attracted to you."
"I don't remember meeting Krum—"
"Bill and Fleur's wedding." Harry fought an urge to hide his face. "We were sharing a table, he didn't know who I was, and then he asked if you were seeing anyone because you were very good-looking. And I said you were, a jealous type, big guy, one he wouldn't want to mess with."
Ginny blinked. Twice. And then a grin took control of her face as she moved to give him a kiss that Harry wasn't sure he deserve, but he wouldn't complain ever.
"Jealous type, ugh?" she teased when they broke apart. "I can see we are perfectly matched."
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soup-of-the-daisies · 3 months
Characters for you soup!!!!!
Sirius and Ron!!!
How I feel about this character:
Sirius — my absolute favourite. I’ve loved him for years and became vaguely intrigued the moment I read Hagrid say his ‘unusual’ name in Philosopher’s Stone (I think I was ten? So 14 years now). He’s a humongous prick he’s highly intelligent he’s hot and uninterested in basically everybody. I need him to be characterised well in fic: far too often he’s written as unhinged in a childish way, which is just Not It. I love it when he makes mistakes in spite of his competency and the mistakes actually make sense (for the situation, his age, his prejudices, etc). He’s so violently his own person and he should be allowed to be.
Ron — Won-Won my beloved. The James to Harry’s Sirius. Ride or die as long as he doesn’t let his insecurities get the better of him. Intelligent little shit who hates studying if he’s not interested in it. Character development King. He’s got so much depth that Ron-bashing fics need to fully mischaracterise him in order to make it viable (and then it still isn’t really). He’s had his bad moments (fourth year and the horcrux hunt comes to mind), but he always comes ‘round again, even if I wish the issues were talked out more. The series wouldn’t be the same without him.
Who I ship romantically with this character:
Sirius — James, obviously. Lily, but usually in a triad with James. Harry, sometimes. Well-written OC’s. Voldemort. Bellatrix, Narcissa. Marlene McKinnon too, though it’s been quite some time since I read any Blackinnon. I like him with Kingsley as well.
Ron — Hermione, Harry, Pansy, Viktor Krum, Lavender. Sometimes an intriguing OC. Draco, when he’s redeemed. I’ve read Ron/Blaise and had a blast.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Sirius — Oh gosh, probably Remus,,, but in a non-romantic Prongsfoot situation it’s James.
Ron — Hermione and Harry 100%… though I love a Ron&Draco (post-war and redeemed) situation, as they tackle the Muggle Household Appliances. Ron and Draco versus The Refrigerator Light.
My unpopular opinion for this character:
Sirius — ig it’s that I don’t think Remus is his soulmate or whatever, or that he’s a whiny twink. He’s incredibly shippable, first of all, and he does give off the vibe (in the books) of being a guy who generally conforms to a Straight Wizard Standard in terms of looks and values. He doesn’t look or act particularly muggle, but he’s fascinated by the culture; he doesn’t regularly paint his nails either I don’t think, and when his nails are painted it’s probably bc he had a tea-party with his (grand)daughter—he’s not scared of displaying femininity, but he’s not actively performing it . I also don’t think he was physically abused by or genuinely hated his parents. A kid doesn’t need to be all but (or literally) tortured physically to run away from home.
Ron — he’s not dim, or obsessed with food, or nothing more than comic relief. He’s a witty tactical genius, the youngest son, who sort of pales in comparison to Literally Survives Anything, The Chosen One Cockroach Harry Potter and Brightest Witch Of Her Age Hermione Granger. But he’s still an integral part of the trio, and he’s an incredible wizard when he applies himself, and he’s funny and logical and emotional. I think him and Hermione are cute together too.
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
Sirius — I wish he’d lived. If not for Harry then for himself. He should’ve grown old, free and happy.
Ron — I think him helping George with WWW is a fun choice, but I think it would’ve been grand if he’d taken over a pub or something. Never starting Auror training, just immediately working at the Hog’s Head or the Three Broomsticks or the Leaky Cauldron and later taking over the place. He seems like the type — warm, funny, sociable — to be around people, listen to their problems, talk to them. An easier, slower life.
character breakdown
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