#Routinely left dumbstruck at how often they seem to go out of their way to make things slightly inaccessible
zoobus · 2 months
"Change the font of this doc to Times New Roman so it matches policy"
I checked our style guide and it says to use the sans serif font Calibri, which is accessible and 508 compliant, so no.
"??? Change it back to TNR, it needs to match policy so it's 508 compliant. "
Okay. I just looked up what "policy" you're referring to and this is an unpublished paper about cybersecurity, made by a different department in a different format. I'm not sure why you keep calling it "policy" but here's a direct link to Section 508 §402.4, "Characters on Display Screens," and an explanation for why serif font like TNR is considered inaccessible. Are you asking us to break the law or what
[no answer]
[The next day; little boss]: heeyyyy guuyyys, so the guy you were beefing with in the Word comments said while calibri may look cooler, policy follows [style guide that mentions accessible once and it's just to show you how to spell it], so change it back to TNR
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Alternate Endings (Pt. 2)
Title: Alternate Endings (Pt. 2) 
Genre: more angst, possibly more than the last part. this is your warning. 
Pairing: Victor Nikiforov x GN!Reader
Notes: This is a part 2 to the previous part, and I still used the angst prompt list from the aforementioned previous parts to form this piece.
With that said, I think that this will be the only part following the first unless I can find some way to continue the storyline. I intend to keep the ending somewhat depressing and sad, so I guess proceed with caution due to such. 
If you want something similar to this for any other character, please let me know, though! I may also mention that this went from a drabble, to a scenario, and now borders on an imagine - I can’t help that I got caught up! 
Part 1
Below the cut! 
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You practically fell off the face of the Earth as soon as you left. 
Harboring all of the money you saved and deciding upon negotiations to make with your employer, you left Russia. You left Japan. You just...left. 
Travelling became a huge part of your life afterwards, and though many people had tried to regain contact with you, you ignored most of them - save for a few. Only Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuko Nishigori were available to your whims, but they were still advised to stay as quiet as possible regarding your whereabouts. 
You changed your whole appearance, changed your mindset, and even changed something as generally miniscule as your wardrobe. Still, as much as you did change and throw away, you couldn’t rid yourself of the many frivolous gifts that Victor had given you over the years. 
Some things you just can’t give up, but you knew that it would be fine. At the very least, you had something that would never let you forget about him. 
Victor, on the other hand, fell off the deep end. 
He had come across the note you’d slipped under his hotel room door and for the first time in a long time, he cried. A true mess was what Yuuri had come across, and as many times that he was able to help him through unconventional methods, this was nearly impossible. 
Victor didn’t leave Japan, but he did become so reclusive that even Yakov was extremely worried upon finding out about the occurrence from an offhand comment that Yurio made when talking to Yuuko over the phone before practice. 
Everyone around him saw the typically extravagant man become so dulled by misery that it became painful to watch. 
He didn’t even know where to start since he’d already tried to find you - looking everywhere that he knew you loved, everywhere that he knew you were often obligated to be at - but had failed to do so. 
It wasn’t until, when Yurio was free, that he overheard him and Yuuko talking at the front desk of the rink as Yuuri was warming up and he was getting his skates on. 
“Yeah, they’re in America right now. They just got a raise, actually - they were even thinking of dropping in when they get enough saved up,” Yuuko recollected, excitement dripping from her tone. 
“Well, they’d have to come by when Victor isn’t here. That would also mean that I’d be gone, but at least you could update me,” Yurio responded. He seemed more nonchalant about the whole thing, but Victor became hysterical. 
Granted, he did suppress what he could to eavesdrop further. 
“Of course! I am still a little worried about them, though - you remember how Victor had gone crazy trying to find them?” Yurio grunted in response. “Well, what if he decides to do something impulsive again and leave mid-competition?” 
The light-blonde teenager in front of Yuuko flinched at the thought. “That’s a good point...but we’ll never know unless it happens when it does.” 
A solemn chill fell upon the two, but the conversation split onto Yurio’s next routine and Victor left it to them. He stared wide-eyed, in pure disbelief, at the wall of lockers in front of him. 
“So they’re...(Y/n)’s in America....”
Ideas began to run through his head as the room became eerily quiet. Even Yuuri, who was sat in the corner and preferred a calm and quiet atmosphere, was perturbed by the sudden shift. 
“I know what I’ll do! Yuuri, skate if you want - I’m going to be out for a while,” Victor announced, generally resembling the flamboyant figure skating icon that everyone knew. 
He took his skates off and capped the blades, putting them into his bag and reaching for his cell phone and scrolling through listings. Katsuki was left dumbstruck, but he went on about what he was doing and decided to run through his routine a few times. 
Yurio had left by this point, and Yuuko was too far in the back to catch the tall man’s outburst. 
It wasn’t until the next day that he was extremely prepared and anyone who understood his issue was suspicious. Victor had hunted for every listing to America from Japan, and memorized the closest ones. Yuuko was the one person who was going to be there that he had to ask. 
“Yuuko, I must ask you something! Would you mind?” was Victor’s burning introduction, shocking the normally upbeat mother. She was a little taken aback at the bold attention grabber. 
“Mmm, yeah?” She tried to be as ‘typical’ as possible, considering that her suspicions were up now. She knew what was going on, she knew what Victor was burning for. 
“You said that you’ve been in contact with (Y/n), yes?” 
Yuuko deadpanned, eyes blank and dropping the facade that she was going to attempt to maintain. “I knew it. Listen, I know that you’ve been troubled since they left, and that they have been as well, but please - give them some more time.” 
Victor visibly deflated. He didn’t think it would work, really, but it was worth a shot. Maybe, just maybe, though.... “How about a hint? Is it hot? Cold? What is a landmark?” 
“No, Victor. Sorry.”
And he was back to his dejected being by the next hour. 
Victor was willing to annoy both her and Yurio, but gave up once they stood their ground with firm hold. “No. (Y/n) is fine, and they will come when they want.” It was always the answer, no matter who he asked. 
Daily, Yuuri would keep him company and skate to the best of his ability. It seemed to quench his troubles just a little bit before the up and coming competition season. 
Eventually, the Grand Prix rolled around again. Yurio was competing, as well as Yuuri, and Victor was there to maintain support for his ever-promising prodigy. 
Amongst the drama that had ensued, the two of them decided to take a break romantically and focus on the practice rather than devote too much issue to their worryingly stagnant relationship. 
It wasn’t until Yurio had pulled Yuuri aside when Victor was getting changed that he was let in on soem information that, had Victor heard, would send him into a frenzy. 
“(Y/n) wanted to me wish you good luck and let you know that they are here to watch. If you wanna talk, they’ll be waiting in the lobby.”
Yuuri almost faltered and told Victor, but decided against it. Your wishes were still high up, even if you two weren’t amazingly close. 
Sadly, Victor was still shaken and hurried. It was a large competition, and as much as he wanted to focus on the task at hand, you never left his mind. 
Over the year that you had fallen out of reach, he began to realize where he screwed up. Maybe he did like you at one time, but he let his own fears get the best of him and he fell to putting more of an interest to Yuuri. 
He truly loves Yuuri, but he truly loved you (romantically) at one point, and you slipped from his reach before he could manage to comprehend anything. 
So, upon making eye contact with a familiar pair of (e/c) eyes and an eerie copy of a blazer that he had given you as a birthday gift years ago, he was left idle. 
You sucked in a breath and shrugged, sighing afterwards and shaking your head. “Yep, it’s me. Hello, again, Victor.” 
Tears flooded his eyes as he ran to you, arms open and tight as his hug enveloped your frame. You didn’t reciprocate, not immediately at least. With obvious hesitance, you returned the hug, but pushed him away only a couple seconds later. 
“You’ve got a skater to support. We can talk later, okay?” 
“But, you’ve come back and-” 
“Victor. Go support Yuuri.”
He bit his lip, but nodded nonetheless and embarked to the rink. 
After the free skate, the next day’s events were prepared and everyone was sent out for the day. Yurio had caught up with you before heading to his hotel room, and Yuuri had popped in before he changed out of his costume, but Victor was most eager to meet you.
Upon seeing each other, yet again, in the lobby, the two of you parted ways but decided to meet at a restaurant in town. Yuuri would be dining with Phichit and some other competitors, and Yurio was with Otabek going sightseeing, so this was a prime opportunity. 
Silence loomed over the two of you, slow walking and sounds of nature overwhelming your senses. 
“So, you’re probably curious as to where I’ve been,” you began, breaking the tension as calmly as possible. You could have sworn that your heart was going to burst out of your chest if you let the quiet settle any longer. 
“Yes, (Y/n). I really have been.” Victor, for once in the time that you have known him, was quiet. He was never really afraid to speak to you about anything, but the way he was acting now let some of the more obvious pain show. 
“I’ve also been extremely worried. I never realized that you felt like that.”
You stopped upon the sentence, eyeing a nearby bench. Victor followed suit and looked down at you, eye contact being maintained. His gorgeous blue eyes were glassy and he appeared on the verge of tears. 
“(Y/n), darling, I never realized how much you actually meant to me. I was stupid. I- I really, truly did love you. I always thought that you were too good for me, though, so I tried to make the ideas disappear. It worked, but only for a while. I love you, (Y/n). Honestly, I really do, and...
“I don’t know how much longer I can endure this.” 
Your brows furrowed at his proclamation. The thought had never really crossed your mind, but you had always been drawn to his personality and how driven he was. You knew that he would do this, though, as he could also be notably daft regarding certain things. 
“Victor, I-.... Listen, I loved you at one point, but you found Yuuri. You found your match. You made your decision. Out of respect for you and him, I left. But I also did it to respect myself.
“I know my habits. I know that I can fixate, so I needed to get out of your hair if I wanted to feel better. So I did. I’m engaged now, Victor, and the person that I met is amazing. I thought that could have been you. But it wasn’t, and I’m okay with that now.” 
“You- you’re engaged?”
“Yes, yes I am. We haven’t planned our wedding date quite yet, but it is being discussed. The fact of the matter is simple: I knew what would happen if I were to stay, and as much as I love you, - platonically - staying here wouldn’t do me any good. Life comes, things change, and sometimes we just gotta give up.”
Silence fell on you two yet again, but it was interrupted by the slight sniffling coming from the tall Russian. 
“Victor, I came back not because I wanted to fight for your affection, but because I’ve been worried about you. I just want you to know that...I still do care for you, and I have still supported you and Yuuri. But what you want, what I wanted...that’s not possible anymore.” 
Pausing, you thought over your next words. Nothing was ever going to completely repair what was broken, but at the very least, you could try. 
“How about this? Here’s my new number,” you handed him a small slip of paper with the nine digits printed on it in your handwriting. “Let’s start talking again, and you can meet my fiancee sometime. Sound good?”
His mood nearly took a 180, but his demeanor was still sullen and sad. A weak smile crossed his face, and he responded in kind, “Of course. How about we go back to the group and enjoy dinner, though? You’re here again, and it’s more than I could ask for - but we have a lot of catching up to do.” 
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kentos-filmcamera · 3 years
10 times, 1 occasion - Inumaki Toge
9. After the Storm
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Your first kiss was long and clumsy, but also rushed and strong. You giggled whenever your teeth clashed. It wasn’t perfect for anyone but the two of you. After a while, he tugged you out of the forest into your dorm rooms as it was also getting really windy. On the run back you giggled, even though the wind was making the raindrops clash against your skin in a way it itched. No one was in sight when you reached the residential complex, but you still could hear some noises coming from different rooms. The two of you clumsily walked down the hall of your dorm, hearing some giggling from Nobara’s bedroom.
“Takana” Toge gave you a chaste kiss on your lips and left for his own dorm. You stood there for a second, dumbstruck, before nodding and going inside your own room, still not processing the whole ordeal.
You knew he was going to come back, so you rushed to your bathroom, avoiding spreading the mud all over the floor. You stripped out of your dress and underwear before jumping inside the shower, sighing. You let the hot water run down your back as you slid down the bathroom wall. Reality started to settle in. You confessed your feelings and kissed Inumaki Toge under the pouring rain. It was something you probably had only dreamt about, but it was real. You still felt his thumbs pressing onto your cheeks, and the wet strands of his hair running through your fingers like fine silk. Oh god, where did that leave you now? Were you partners now? Or was it just a casual makeout session? Fuck buddies didn’t kiss under the rain. Or they don’t only kiss, for that matter.
You shook your head as you scrubbed the dirt out, watching the brown soapy suds leave your now gleaming skin to go down the drain. You sighed and exited the shower, wrapping a bathrobe around yourself, fitting your bath slippers before wrapping your wet hair on a microfiber towel. You hung out the dress to air dry before looking in the mirror, shrieking at the sight of ruined makeup. Jesus, did Toge see you that way and still kiss you? You cringed before taking the reusable cotton pads and the micellar water to remove all the makeup from your face. You decided to do your skincare routine, and left the room, yawning a bit.
“Kelp” A tiny voice greeted you from your bed. A smile arose to your lips as Toge laid there, looking at the pouring rain through your window. At this time, the sky should be starting to color in floss purple or pink, but it remained as dark as it was three hours before.
“Hi, love” You smiled and waved slightly before opening your closet, hearing Inumaki complain about the sudden light. You apologized quietly and reached in for your underwear, a pair of loose shorts, and a large pullover. You rushed to change in the bathroom and left your slippers behind, changing for the bedroom ones.
“Hi again” You muttered, laying down behind him. You snaked your hand under his shirt to hold him tight against you. You rested your chin on his shoulder and observed the rain falling as he did, but you did achieve to fall asleep first by the calming pitter-patter the climate phenomenon produced.
“Good night” He was able to mutter without being afraid of you getting cursed. He smiled happily when you didn’t react to his words, or when they didn’t echo through the silence. But what he did hear through the lack of noise was the thumping of his heart. He sighed contently and sunk into your arms, falling asleep with a smile on his face.
The next few days were a bit unproductive by the lack of space to train, as heavy rainfall dawned upon Tokyo. So, by default, you spend your days in either your room or Toge’s, and less often in the common area with the others, offering your thick hot cocoa with some of your world-renowned cookies or garlic bread. You noticed Toge kept writing all the time on your desk but cursed you away when you tried to snoop and hid the papers when anyone was near. You also noticed he observed you quite often. He observed you as you sat by your windowsill and hummed quietly, reading a book. He observed you when you woke him up by singing a little tune and organizing his room. He observed you as you vigorously whisked the hot cocoa mixture. He observed you as you danced under the rain with Itadori, singing Umbrella by Rihanna obnoxiously. Of course, people were watching you, but it was different. He had a different fondness in his face he had never looked at you with.
With the rainwater increase also increased the naps and the cuddling; you even fell asleep once with the door open and everyone barged in to stare at the two of you lovingly, Nobara almost holding back the tears while Gojo took some pictures he knew you would treasure later as much as you would argue with him for taking it. It was one of those naps that made Toge consider more things about you, how, for example, he definitely adored when you woke him up singing or humming something.
“Don’t let the sun kiss you before I do” He heard you with eyes closed. His eyes fluttered open as you picked your hair away from your face with a silk scarf full of flowers. You kept on humming but heard a displeased noise coming from your bed.
“Keep singing” He commanded with a raspy voice. You were, of course, forced to oblige, but not so deep down you gladly did so.
“Yea, the sun sets every evening, but I’ll never leave you” You sang quietly, approaching him by the bed. “Good afternoon, grumpy little guy” You gave him a chaste kiss by the lips. He seemed displeased again, so you covered your eyes with cursed energy.
“Kiss me more” He commanded, but failed as you shook your head, your ears wrapped in a blue flame.
“You still haven’t washed your teeth, silly” You fixed his hair, which from sleeping looked like his hair from the previous year; all spiky and in different directions.
Toge rolled his eyes, but he still smiled nevertheless. “Kelp” He greeted, gaining a sweet smile back from you.
“Look, it seems like it’s finally clearing up” You pointed to the light gray sky with scarce sunrays leaking through some thick clouds. “That’s why I was singing about the sun!”
Just after it had happened, Toge held the memory close to his chest, just like he did with the brown envelope with a moss green and navy blue seal stamp, your name was carefully written across the blank paper. You noticed he was trembling like a leaf when he handed the item to you a few days later after the memory, the rain clouds long gone, leaving you with the heat and the sun to train under. He gave you a tiny nod and left promptly. Now alone in your room a few hours later, you opened the envelope carefully and took out the pages of pure written word.
“ Hello, cookie
I can’t believe I’m writing this for you. I mean, I know what I’m going to say so I can’t believe I’ve gathered the courage to ask you. This might not be a lengthy one like the ones I’ve written before, but here you go.
As you might have figured, because you feel the same that I do, for the most part, I really really like you. And I think I’ve found a new hyper fixation in kissing you. But can you blame me? Your lips are plush soft, and I feel like they belong just against mine. I feel the same when you hold my hand, or when I hold you against me. It feels like we’re made for each other, that’s why, if you don’t mind me asking
Would you like to go on a date with me to the city next Saturday?
I’ll be awaiting your response promptly, not calmly, because I’m probably making rounds outside your door this instant waiting for your answer. Thanks for reading me once more.
I love you.
Yours, Toge. “
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Hi!! can I request for yandere ghost la squadra HCs?? where they hated reader at first but now they are possessive, obsessive and all that yandere traits! thank you very very much!! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )♡
I decided to write only for Melone and Illuso, hope that’s okay! Thank you for your request, my lovely anonnie💚
Shadow monster Yan! Risotto Nero x reader
Warnings: yandere behavior, violence, stalking, obsession, implied murder
Pairings: Yan! Melone x gn!Reader, Yan! Illuso x gn!Reader
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Melone is a poltergeist, tormenting people brings him indescribable pleasure. But not everyone suffers from his vagaries, purple-haired’s attention is mostly concentrated on females like mother of the family that lives in Melone’s house, or her daughters
He let Y/n know about himself at the first night after you moved in. Melone didn’t show up, but he had a lot of fun making strange noises in the other rooms and moves different items, seeing how frightening you became from his little tricks
He’s definitely not against physical contact, it’s not a secret that Melone is pretty perverted and he often puts his hands on Y/n while you are sleeping, touching you wherever he wants. Purple-haired is not afraid of waking you up, otherwise it’ll only be more exciting for poltergeist
Y/n’s kickbacks only add fuel to the fire, thrilling Melone and making him want to tease you even more. He’s always so playful, driving you to tears, and then leaving alone for a while, letting you to calm down, and then everything repeats. He’s adduced to your fear, to your tears and screams, and it doesn’t look like purple-haired is going to stop
Melone always was noisy and chaotic, always doing something to freak you out. He’d never actually got aggressive, yes, he left some scratches on your skin, but you never felt that poltergeist wanted to hurt you. But when Y/n came home not alone, but with their friend, Melone got mad. How dare you to spend time with someone else? How dare you to talk to someone, but him?
Purple-haired was silent all the time Y/n’s friend was over at his house, not making a single sound, but once this person left - poltergeist turned into a real devil. That horrible night, full of fear and pain, you saw Melone’s real form and his face, full of rage and malice, often appears in your
After that he disappeared for a week, not interacting with you in any way. All your belongings stayed exactly where you left them, no more terrifying noises coming from other rooms. But you had nightmares. Horrible, cruel, full of suffering and fear. You were afraid to even close your eyes, not saying anything about naps or sleeping. And one night you realized - Melone was waiting for your apologies
You were afraid of sleeping. It was almost week as you couldn’t sleep, deep dark bags under your eyes were almost purple, you barely ate anything. But you still were just a human, and one night, while watching TV, your brain gave you up, falling in a sweet sleep. This dream was full of blood, way more cruel that those you had before. In this dream you killed your entire family by yourself. You just came out of your room, coming downstairs, right to the kitchen, took a knife and killed them all. Stabbing your parents and siblings while they were sleeping. It looked so realistic, you were so afraid - what if it’s not a dream?
You woke up with teary eyes, utterly terrified. A sharp sight of relief came out of your lungs - it was just a dream. Something inside of you snapped and you started crying like a toddler, quiet sobs came out of your chest as you hoarsely whispered “Sorry, I’m so so sorry. Please, forgive me. I can’t take it anymore, please. I’m sorry...”. Melone appeared in front of your trembling tiny form, looking down at you, pleased with the results of his punishment. “See? This is what happens when you misbehave”
After that incident Melone became way more softer and kinder with you. He always were hovering somewhere around you, ready to help and protect. Purple-haired never leaves you alone, following you at school/work to control who you interact with and what you tell them. Every night he soothes you to sleep, rubbing lovingly your back. And you’re so afraid to go against him, to say something that may anger him, and maybe you should just give in?
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It’s obviously that Illuso would be a mirror demon. At first it may look like there’s absolutely nothing weird about your new apartment - absolutely normal rooms that are furnished with ordinary fitments. Nothing suspicious, nothing bothers you, and it was so for the next few months
But one evening, after taking a shower Y/n were doing their daily skincare routine and brushing teeth before going to sleep. You bent over your sink, spitting out the mint foam, rinsing your mouth with warm water. You rose your eyes a little and froze - your reflection was standing still, looking down at you. Your chest swell with tacky feeling of horror, quickly spreading all over your body, numbing your limbs
It was a week after that incident, and everything was just like before - absolutely nothing strange or suspicious. Maybe it was just a hallucination? You were so tired from work that evening, and maybe your imagination went kinda too far?
You already forgot about that strange thing, but a few days after you started noticing that your belongings started to disappear, and then you found them in places you just couldn’t leave them at
The next time this happened at night. You woke up in the middle of the night because the arm, you were laying on, started to become numb. Y/n turned to the other side and opened eyes a little, and your sight caught a big mirror, that were standing in front of your bed. Not a mirror attracted your attention, but the male figure, reflecting in it
Since then, Y/n started to notice that every reflection in every surface is not like it’s supposed to be. The mirror Y/n don’t even try to act like actual you, and just silently watches your every move. A little later your reflection stopped even look like you, appearing in every luster surface and following you everywhere. Changing your apartment didn’t help and only seemed to make everything even worse
It was your day off, and you decided to spend it at home, hoping that today will be one of those rare occasions when this thing doesn’t touch you. Everything was okay, you woke up by yourself, not by the strange noise coming from other rooms, made yourself a breakfast, and it was just... normal? But the feeling of worry didn’t want to leave you - something was definitely wrong. You looked out your window - everything was just like always but... streets were empty. No people, no birds, no cats or dogs - literally no one, but you
You heard the door of the bathroom opening, a handsome long-haired man showed up, smirking up at you. You opened your mouth, utterly dumbstruck, not knowing what to say or to do, staring at the man in front of you. How the hell did he get inside? “Oh, I see that you like this form, don’t you?” His tantalizing tone got you out of shock, resuming an ability to talk
“Who are you? How did you get into my house? If you’re not gonna leave now, I’ll call the poli-“ - young male didn’t let you finish, harshly interrupting you. “And? And what? Yeah, go on, call the police! But will they come? Will they help you?” A cruel smile appeared on his face, growing wider and wider as he saw how desperate you became
“See, this is my world, I’m a god here, I rule everything here! And there’s no one but us here. No one’s gonna help you, Y/n. Now, you belong to me. Only I can decide what to do with you, stupid mortal”
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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I Dare You to Love; Part Eight (Star Trek AOS)
Jim and Shari receive a pleasant surprise, and reunite with their mothers on Yorktown. Shari finds closure for the past, and the pair finally starts the rest of their lives together.
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      “Our captain has nerves of steel, doesn’t he?”
      Leonard’s quip earned a giggle from Shari, as two of the nurses picked Jim up off the floor and put him in a chair.
      “In his defense,” she replied “going from expecting one child to expecting two is a bit of a shocker.”
      “Never letting him live down fainting at the news, though,” the good doctor chuckled “ever.”
      “Wouldn’t expect anything less,” Shari nodded, grinning, as Jim came around “though don’t tell me you were all stoic and brave when your ex was pregnant with Joanna.”
      “I can neither confirm nor deny anything.” Leonard declared, face a blank mask, before turning to Jim “Really? Of all the things we’ve faced in this hellhole vacuum, THAT’S what gets you to faint?”
      “Shut up,” Jim grumbled, though he couldn’t help smiling a bit “what did I miss?”
      “Just about to tell you the gender,” Leonard replied, looking back to the ultrasound “well, well, well…looks like fraternal twins for you two. I see a boy and a girl.”
      A boy and girl? Shari looked at the screen with tear-filled eyes, smiling from ear to ear. Turning to her fiancé, she saw Jim was smiling just as wide.
      “Should we tell our moms tonight?” she asked as Leonard finished the exam “or wait until we’re in Yorktown?”
      “Yorktown’s only three weeks away,” Jim replied, looking down at her “we haven’t been able to share anything else with them in person. Let’s let this be the first we do.”
      “Couldn’t agree more.” Shari nodded, letting Jim help her sit up as she took her uniform dress in hand.
      “Been meaning to ask you, kid,” Leonard spoke up, looking at Shari with a curious expression “was your mom Star Fleet?”
      “She is,” Shari replied, looking back at her friend with curiosity “teaches nursing cadets at the Academy.”
      “Hold on,” Leonard paused, and the look on his face was something Shari considered priceless “your mom…is she Brenna Neilson?”
      “I see her reputation still holds up.” Shari laughed, grinning at the shock on his face. Jim couldn’t help his amusement, either. He knew Shari’s mother, and her record. He’d been just as surprised, in the beginning.
      “Commodore Brenna Neilson?!” the emphasis on rank wasn’t lost on either Shari or Jim “damn…your kids are gonna have brass for blood, with their family tree.”
      “Don’t I know it,” Jim chuckled, helping Shari stand once she was dressed again “she’s a hell of an intimidating woman, when she wants to be.”
      “Steadiest nursing hands in the fleet,” Shari agreed, grinning “raised four kids, all officers in their own right.”
      “Break Shari’s heart and the Commodore will kick your ass straight to Kronos, won’t she?” Leonard asked, grinning, as he looked at Jim.
      “Nah,” Jim replied, grinning “she taught Shari how to do that all by herself.”
      “God, I look forward to meeting this woman.”
      Three weeks passed quickly, and quietly. The day they’d asked Leonard to be the godfather to their children, Shari and Jim nearly laughed at the dumbstruck look on their friend’s face. He was clearly the only choice, after all.
      “Now there’ll be four Kirks for me to have an aneurysm over,” Leonard had griped, but smiled all the while.
      With Yorktown in sight, Jim and Shari looked forward to the week to come. Correspondence with Commodore Paris had gone well, Jim taking the time to call in his favor and ask her to officiate the wedding. There weren’t many of higher rank at the base, after all, and he’d been on good terms with her since Altamid.
      “It would be my honor, Captain,” Commodore Paris had said in a video call “a welcome change from the routine here, and a reason for all to celebrate. It’s not often two officers find their other halves in one another.”
      “I can’t tell you how much Shari and I appreciate it,” Jim replied, smiling “we wanted to make sure we went through with this before the twins are born.”
      “My congratulations on the good news, Captain,” Paris declared, smiling “you will be a great father, especially with Lieutenant Neilson by your side. Her reputation here was well deserved, when one could sort the truth from the slander.”
      Jim knew exactly what the woman was talking about, and tried not to frown.
      “She’ll be glad to hear you think so highly of her,” he told Paris “should we expect anything else from the troublemakers?”
      “I hope not,” she frowned, before her lips quirked up in a smirk “though her new status and reputation should be more than enough discouragement. If all else fails, I know you to be a good man who will set things right. Just don’t tell me about it. Can’t charge you for what I don’t know about.”
      “Yes, ma’am.”
      Jim knew he liked the Commodore for a reason.
      Docking in Yorktown, making sure everything was all set as it was supposed to be, Jim walked with Shari as everyone disembarked. Asha kept pace right by her side, of course. After she’d become pregnant, Asha never left her human mother’s side. Shari had officially filed the paperwork to adopt the lioness as her own companion, once the mission and her work were done.
      “Lookin’ forward to meeting the in-laws?” Leonard asked, giving Jim a small smirk “how long’s it been since you guys have seen your moms?”
      “Not since the mission started,” Jim replied “I mean, there’s been vid calls and all that.”
      “Been about the same for me,” Shari added “haven’t seen mine since I graduated and was shipped out here.”
      “Gonna get squeezed within an inch of your life, then.” Leonard declared, grinning, as he nodded towards the crowd. Shari and Jim turned to see both of their mothers coming through the crowd.
      “Mom!” Shari called out, smiling, as she ran towards her mother. Jim wasn’t too far behind, grinning when he saw his own mother. Brenna Neilson and Winona Kirk were over the moon at seeing their children again, and Jim nearly choked a little at the hug his mother gave him. Not that he didn’t return it just as fiercely, though, once he had his strength back.
      “How are you two?” Brenna asked, smiling brightly as she put two hands on Shari’s stomach “and how’s little baby Kirk?”
      “Yes, how is our grandchild doing?” Winona added, smiling just as bright. Shari and Jim looked at each other, smiling mischievously, before turning back to their mothers.
      “Your grandson is doing wonderfully.” Shari began, watching the joy on the older women’s faces.
      “As is your granddaughter.” Jim finished, unable to hold back his laughter at their surprise.
      “Twins?” Winona gasped, smiling through happy tears.
      “Jim fainted when we found out.” Shari teased, grinning as their mothers dissolved into giggles. Jim rolled his eyes, smiling still.
      “You’re really never gonna let me live that down, are you?” he asked, crossing his arms as he looked down at Shari with a quirked eyebrow.
      “Never,” she replied, grinning as she stood on her toes to kiss his cheek “my brave captain.”
      “Your father nearly cried when he found out we were pregnant,” Winona reassured him, smiling all the while “getting emotional is a family thing.”
      “Well, now that we’ve got the good news out of the way,” Shari declared “we unfortunately have a meeting to attend, but it’d be great if we could have dinner tonight. Last minute plans for the wedding, and all.”
      “Yes, we still need to figure out what you’ll wear,” Brenna nodded “and no, Jim, you’re not seeing it until the day of.”
      “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Jim replied, smiling “I want to be surprised. Though I know my queen will look stunning in anything.”
      Both women watched as Jim took Shari’s hand in his, lacing their fingers together, and kissed the back of hers.
      “If more men followed your example, Jim Kirk, the galaxy would be a happier place,” Brenna declared, smiling “I’m glad my daughter found you.”
      “As am I,” Jim agreed, smile turning wistful as he looked to Brenna “it’s no exaggeration to say that she saved me.”
      “Well, we should let you get to your meeting with Commodore Paris,” Winona spoke up, giving Shari and Jim each a hug “we’ll see you guys at dinner tonight.”
      “Thanks, mom,” Jim replied, hugging her back tightly “god, I missed you.”
      “As I missed you, sweetheart,” she smiled, looking up at her son after they pulled apart “now go. The Commodore doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
      Both smiling brightly, Shari and Jim bade their mothers farewell, before making their way further into the base. Commodore Paris had asked to meet with them to go over the paperwork right away, so the tedious part of the planning could be over with and let them concentrate on the rest of the planning.
      Making their way to Administration, Jim could feel Shari stiffen up beside him, and looked down in worry.
      “Is everything okay?” he asked, concerned.
      “Yeah,” she replied, distinctly not sounding okay “everything’s fine.”
      Jim followed her line of sight to a small group of officers not too far from them, each of them wearing science division blue. They seemed familiar.
      “That’s them, isn’t it?” he asked, eyes narrowing a bit as he watched them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shari nod in reply.
      Even after a year, everything that had happened still affected Shari like it had happened just yesterday.
      “Ignore them,” he told her “you are and always have been better.”
      He resolved to talk to his mother, and Brenna, about what was going on. Shari didn’t deserve to feel lesser when their wedding was a week away.
      That night, after handling all the paperwork and plans for the ceremony, Jim and Shari met up with their mothers for a nice family dinner. Even though she was at the stage where she had trouble thinking she looked good in anything, Shari had never looked more beautiful, in Jim’s eyes.
      “You’re only saying that because you’re biased.” Shari had teased, smiling up at him as they walked.
      “Well, not only,” He countered, chuckling “But babe, I think we really need to talk about earlier with our moms. Especially yours. She has no idea what happened, does she?”
      “She doesn’t,” Shari replied, shaking her head “I didn’t want her to worry even more.”
      “She needs to know, especially so she can help you on the big day. You don’t deserve to feel anything less than amazing during our wedding.” Jim insisted.
      “And why would she?” the two turned around to see Brenna and Winona, both looking curious and skeptical.
      “Other than hormones?” Shari replied, sighing “we should go inside. I’ll tell you everything then.”
      When they finally had a table at the restaurant, Jim took Shari’s hand in his, offering her a squeeze of encouragement. He knew it was hard for her to talk about.
      As she explained, the story was laid out for Brenna and Winona. When Shari had first been stationed at Yorktown, she’d established herself early on as a potential leader in the fields of zoology and veterinary science. A few that had already been at the station for years had seen the confident woman as a threat, and orchestrated a quiet war of attrition to get Shari out of the station. Rumors, systematically bringing her down so that she was no longer confident in herself, and slander against her working in tandem with the reputation that Admiral Carlson had forced upon her.
     They had aimed for her personally, digging at her insecurities and lack of personal confidence. They knew that undermining her there would leak into her work, without it being traced back to them, and would make her want to request a transfer that much more. She'd been torn down so much that Shari had ended up hating herself and the way she looked for the longest time, but it had all changed after she transferred to the Enterprise.
      Hearing what had happened to her future daughter-in-law, Winona felt herself seething.
      “Why didn’t you ever tell me, sweetheart?” Brenna asked, reaching and putting her hand on Shari’s shoulder.
      “I didn’t want you to worry, what with me being so far from home at that point already,” she replied, smiling for her mother “besides, if you look at it a certain way, it helped me find Jim. If I hadn’t put in to join the Enterprise…”
      “Yes, but still,” Winona declared “those people are still here, and I’ll be damned if they try anything again once they learn you’re on the base.”
      “Hell yes,” Brenna agreed “You’re better than they are, in every way, and I’m not just saying that because you’re my daughter.”
      “Told you I wasn’t the only one who knew that,” Jim whispered to Shari, smiling when she turned and stuck her tongue out at him. His smile dropped when she winced, though, putting a hand on her stomach “what is-“
      He didn’t get a chance to finish before she put his hand on her stomach. Confused, Jim waited, and suddenly, he felt something hit his hand.
      “Oh my god,” he whispered, smiling as he looked to Shari “is this the first…?”
      “If there were some before, they were subtle enough that I wrote them off as something else,” Shari replied, smiling brightly “guess the little ones don’t like it when you tease me!”
      “Hey, your mom teases me just as much,” Jim spoke to her belly, grinning “but I’ll listen to you this time.”
      Their excitement was shared by Brenna and Winona, congratulating their children on feeling the twins’ first kicks. With the positive change in atmosphere, their dinner went by happily, with discussions on the wedding party, and making plans to look for a dress for Shari the next day. Brenna, Winona, and Nyota would go with Shari to help her, and Jim wasn’t allowed to even know where they were going.
      “Taking this a bit far, aren’t you?” Jim teased as they walked out of the restaurant “I already said I would cooperate.”
      “Where’s the fun in life if we can’t tease you a bit?” Shari giggled, and both of their moms agreed wholeheartedly.
      “God help me,” Jim laughed “you three are gonna have way too much fun this week.”
      “You’re damn right!” she declared, grinning from ear to ear.
      The next day, Shari left for dress shopping with her mother, future mother in law, and maid of honor. All four women looked forward to the time in the shopping district of the base, and Shari knew exactly what she was looking for. She wanted something simple, with long sleeves, and in silver.
      “Even if I wanted to, I can’t wear my dress greys like this,” she had explained to Uhura “so a silver dress will be the closest I can get. Plus, I just like the color.”
      “Fair enough,” Uhura replied, smiling “I’m sure we’ll find something.”
      Finding something was exactly what they did, hours later after visiting a few shops and taking their time. Shari had insisted that each of the other women look for something to wear to the event, if they wanted to go out of uniform, so they had done that in between looking for her dress. A fun time for all four, and Shari was excited that she’d finally found her dress.
      “By the way,” Uhura spoke up as they left the shop with Shari’s dress in hand “can I join your family? Your mom is an amazing woman!”
      “You’re already like a sister to me,” Shari insisted, looping her arm around Uhura’s as they walked “consider yourself an honorary Neilson.”
      “I humbly accept,” Uhura laughed “now come on, we need to get your dress stowed away.”
      It was a few days of arranging and organizing, and Jim and Shari were more than excited that everything was coming together. The rehearsal for the ceremony and dinner were upon them, but Shari had one last thing to give Jim. Sitting on their bed together, getting ready to start the day, she pulled a small box out from their bedside table.
      “Happy birthday, my love,” she declared with a smile, handing him the small box “your mom helped me with this one.”
      “Oh?” Jim smiled, taking the box before leaning down to kiss her cheek “thank you, babe. Want me to open it now?”
      “I wouldn’t hand it to you otherwise!” Shari gently teased “just open it, you silly.”
      He chuckled, taking the lid off the box. Looking inside, Jim’s eyes turned curious as he picked up what was inside.
      “Your mom said you had one like this when you were a kid,” Shari explained “that you wore it all the time.”
      “Yeah,” Jim smiled, holding the leather bracelet up “mom said dad had made it for her, before their wedding.”
      “And she taught me how to do this,” she smiled brightly, watching Jim’s surprise “keep the family tradition alive.”
      “Babe…” he trailed off, smiling softly “how do you do that?”
      “Do what?” Shari replied, giving a somewhat amused look as he pulled her in for a hug.
      “Know exactly what to say and do, to make me smile,” Jim explained, kissing the top of her head “God, I can’t wait to be married to you.”
      “Nor I, you,” she smiled bright, snuggling into his chest “my soul mate, moy korol' volkov.”
      “My soul mate, moya koroleva yaguarov,” Jim replied “man, I’m glad your Russian lessons paid off.”
      “I remember the day Pavel found out you could understand him without a translator,” Shari giggled “his face was priceless.”
      “Especially considering what I caught him saying,” Jim laughed, pulling away to give her a quick kiss “come on, we’ve got paperwork to do, and the ceremony rehearsal to go to. And I may or may not have something planned for the dinner tonight.”
      “You and your surprises,” she gave a fond eye roll “I’ll allow it on the grounds that it’s your birthday.”
      “You better,” he teased “especially since after dinner, I won’t be seeing you until the ceremony. I want to keep the tradition alive, and I’m sure you’ll love my reaction at the altar.”
      “You're such an old fashioned romantic.”
      “One of the many reasons you love me.”
      The rehearsal was fun, going through everything they needed to for the ceremony, and the entire time the wedding party joked around. After all, the rehearsal itself was taking a while, so why not have fun with it?
      Shari was having the time of her life with her best friend, mother, and future mother in law, as everyone made their way from the rehearsal to dinner. In a bright blue maxi dress, that had a lace overlay in the same color along with short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, she felt just as beautiful as Jim said she’d looked that morning.
      She could see Jim ahead, talking animatedly to Leonard and Spock, and smiled happily as she watched him basically orbit the two by walking around them. Her fiancé was an energetic ball of sunshine and it was one of the reasons she loved him.
      She was broken out of her happy reverie by the sound of a strange voice calling her name. Why did it sound so…
      “Neilson!” the voice called again. She turned at the sound, seeing a familiar face approaching.
      “Johnson,” Shari replied, stopping for a moment as the other woman came closer ‘It’s nice to see you. Sorry, but I really don’t have long to talk.”
      “I see you’re as cold as always,” the taller woman declared, smirking a little “somehow managed to find someone who’d knock you up, huh?”
      “Shari?” from the side, she could hear Jim as he approached “is everything okay?”
      “Of course, my love,” she replied, turning to smile at her fiancé as he reached for her hand “just saying hello to an old colleague.”
      “Of course,” Jim nodded, turning to Johnson “sorry, but we’re on a tight schedule. A lot to do before our wedding tomorrow, you know?”
      “Wedding?” Johnson repeated, looking to Shari “you’re getting married to Captain Kirk?”
      “To my soul mate, yes,” Shari replied, smiling “I really should be going. So long.”
      With that, Jim and Shari walked away, arm in arm, joining the rest of the group.
      “Are you alright, sweetheart?” Brenna asked, having seen the whole thing.
      “I’m fine,” Shari declared, smiling for her mother “more than fine. Nothing to worry about.”
      As they continued on their way, Shari looked up at Jim with a sly smile.
      “You didn’t happen to have anything to do with that, did you?” she asked. Jim looked down at her with an amused smile.
      “I wish I had,” he replied “you really held your own back there. Lot more confident than last time.”
      “I guess what you’ve been saying finally sunk in,” Shari smiled, leaning in as he wrapped his arm around her waist “what reason do I have to worry about what these people say about me?”
      “That’s the queen I know and love.”
      The next day, Shari was up early and getting ready with her wedding party. They were at the ceremony location, in the bridal suite, as Brenna did her daughter’s hair.
      “I think it’s really sweet, what Jim did last night,” Brenna declared, smiling as she looked over to Winona, who was helping get their dresses ready “your boy is a good man. You raised him well.”
      “He’s been through a lot of pain, but it’s made him kinder,” Winona agreed “he suffered in silence for a long time, but Star Fleet helped him to get through it. Of course, with enlisting, came meeting our beautiful bride here.”
      “And after everything she’s helped him through,” Uhura spoke up, smiling as she looked from where she was doing her own hair “I can honestly say I don’t know what he would have done without her. Especially after the Anchorage.”
      Jim had told his mother in a call, a few days after, about what had happened with Kodos. In an effort to help the healing process and be fully open with his future mother-in-law, he’d told Brenna as well. Brenna had known the basics, as did most who were in Star Fleet at the time, but to know the first hand details from Jim? She knew then and there that she could count on Jim to protect her daughter.
      “Just makes what he did at the rehearsal dinner all the sweeter,” Winona declared, smiling at the blush that rose to Shari’s cheeks at the memory “I didn’t realize my son could be quite so heartfelt and open.”
      Shari smiled at the memory; the moment Jim had stood to toast everyone with small, individual speeches for each group, before turning to Shari. He’d asked her to stand, bringing them both around so everyone could see them, before going down on bended knee to speak to her belly.
      “I wanted to make you two a promise, here and now,” he declared “that you’ll hear again and again; I will never leave you. No matter how far away I go, or how long I’m gone, I will always come home to you. You two, and your mom, are the best that have ever happened in my life, and I will never abandon you.”
      After he finished, Jim had leaned in to press a soft kiss to Shari’s stomach, and she could see the tears in his eyes as he stood up. It was such a soft and tender moment, and she’d heard a few people go ‘awwww’.
      “He’ll be an amazing father,” Shari declared, smiling to Winona after her mother finished with her hair “he learned all he needed to from you, and I know he’s scared that what happened to his dad will happen to him, but I promised him that I would do everything to protect him.”
      “I know you will,” Winona replied, helping Shari to stand as Uhura got the dress ready “now, let’s get you dressed. Your soul mate is waiting for you.”
       When asked, later on, what Jim remembered of the wedding ceremony, he would have a few things to tell them. He was nervous for everything to go right, and anxious for things to begin. It was a small ceremony, but a few were streaming it so the rest of the Enterprise crew could watch. It had warmed Jim’s heart to know that everyone was so excited for him and Shari.
       He remembered Shari walking down the aisle, an absolutely radiant picture of beauty in her wedding gown; silver, with an empire waist, long sleeves, and off the shoulder neckline, and her long brown hair pulled back to cascade down her back in loose curls. Everything after that was a blur, including the vows, and Commodore Paris’ words to those gathered.
       When he put the wedding band on her finger, and her onto his, Jim remembered the smile on Shari’s face clearly. She had tears of joy in her eyes, and he could feel his own. To finally be marrying his other half, the mother of his children, had Jim feeling absolutely complete, and full to bursting with sheer joy.
       When Paris pronounced them man and wife, Jim immediately leaned in to kiss Shari, the cheers and applause from the gathered crowd only background noise. A few tears had escaped him, but he didn’t care. Shari was his wife, and he her husband. All was right with the world.
       At the reception, the dinner passed with a lot of laughter and happy conversation, before it was time for their first dance. When they had planned it, the decision for the song was an easy one.
       The acoustic guitar started, Jim holding Shari as close as he could, so there was no space between them. His fingers spread, hand on her upper back, as he held her hand to his heart.
       When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
       Winona and Brenna watched with smiles on their faces as their children danced, swaying slowly. Jim’s eyes were closed, nose in her hair as his lips pressed to her temple. The two seemed in their own little world.
       “Winona,” Brenna whispered “look at Jim.”
       Looking closely, Winona could see the small movement of Jim’s lips, as they danced.
       “Only Jim…” she muttered, smiling. Only her son would sing along to the song for his wife.
       That night, as they finally made their way back to their room, Jim was grinning from ear to ear as he carried Shari in his arms. Once they were inside and the door was closed, he put her gently on her feet.
       “Well hello there, Mrs. Kirk.” he quietly declared, smiling softly as he put his hands on her hips.
       “Hello there, Mr. Kirk,” she replied, smiling wider as she looped her arms around his neck “I do believe this is an important night, isn’t it?”
       “I do believe it is,” Jim agreed, leaning in to steal a kiss, before letting his forehead rest against hers “welcome to the first night of the rest of our lives, my Queen.”
       “I can’t wait to get started, my King.”
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The Bodyguard - Chapter 3
Summary: Magnus is a dancing popstar sensation whose popularity continues to climb. Alec, an ex-Secret Service agent, is hired on as a professional bodyguard in charge of Mr. Bane’s personal security by insistence of Magnus’ manager. Despite their initial differences, Magnus finds himself falling for Alec the more time they spend getting to know each other and relies on him for more than physical security as his safety gets threatened. Loosely based on the 1992 film The Bodyguard.
Rating: M
Genre: AU, Everyone is Human AU, Celebrity!Magnus, Bodyguard!Alec, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Friendship, Romance, Eventual Smut, Mutual Pining
Author: holdyourbreathuntilyouseelight
A/N: I'd like to credit the amazing Malec AU series 'Stars Aligned' by Lecrit for some inspiration for some of this. I happened to come across that fic and it solidified my decision to put Magnus on my favourite talk show, even though I could only hope to write it as in character as that incredible author. If you haven't read it, please do yourself a favour and do so - it is incredible and so in character and a mix of fluffy, funny, smutty and just plain perfection. You can read part 1 of 3 here.
Can also be read on AO3. Thanks for reading!!
Previous chapters on tumblr: Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2
Alec settled back further into the pillows, smiling to himself as he read over the most recent text he received.
It had only been a few days since Alec had 'moved in' with Magnus, and so far it hadn't been so bad. Magnus had an extensive evening and morning routine, but since Alec was typically low maintenance when it came to daily prep, they managed to make it work.
Alec typically was awake first, showered and sipped at coffee while Magnus got up later and took a luxuriously long shower, exfoliated, moisturized, and did a bunch more things that Alec tuned out whenever Magnus prattled on about it when he made a comment about it.
Have you met any celebrity pals of Magnus' yet?
Alec rolled his eyes at his sister's curiosity.
No, Iz. Been a little busy trying to, y'know, do my job.
He chuckled. Another text came through shortly after.
I miss you.
The three words made him sigh.
I miss you too. I wish the tour allowed me to take a visit home at some point but it's so busy. And with everything going on, I don't want to leave Magnus vulnerable.
I know. You always do what's right. Your brothers miss you too. Max is already taller. And he's acting more like you every day.
I miss them too. How is Max like me? I thought he'd end up more like Jace when he was younger to be honest. Too curious for his own good sometimes.
Oh he definitely has his mischievous side. But he's got a good head on his shoulders too. He looks up to you so much. He may want to be Jace's best pal but he wants to BE you.
I have no idea why. He'll grow out of it, I'm sure.
Alec! Don't be stupid.
Yeah, yeah, love you too.
You know I love you, dummy.
Before he could respond with some other mocking jest, a rap of knuckles on his open door startled him out of his texting.
"Hey. If you want the bathroom, I'm done."
Alec slipped off the bed, grabbing his clothes and sending Magnus a smile. "Thanks. I won't be long."
Magnus let him by and turned to head to his own room, using one hand to dry his hair with a towel, until a noise caught his attention.
It only took him a moment to track it to Alec's cell phone on the bedspread that he left behind.
Curiosity brewed under his skin, and the second vibrate made him skip over to pick up the device. Maybe it was urgent?
He swiped to open the recent texts and stumbled upon his conversation with someone named Izzy.
He read back a few messages, his brow furrowing, especially once he got a look at the icon attached to her contact.
His eyebrows rose into his hairline. The woman was beautiful. Gorgeous.
Did Alec have a girlfriend? How had he never mentioned her?
To be fair, he couldn't recall Alec sharing much of anything to do with his life. He was a rather quiet figure, except when it came to barking orders.
If his text conversation was anything to go by, they clearly were serious, what with the playful banter and exchanges of missing each other. The casually dropped I love yous. And it sounded as though she was close to his family—making comments about his brothers the way she did, as if she had been seeing them regularly despite his absence in their lives.
It wasn't that surprising that someone had snatched Alec up. After all, Magnus wasn't blind. Alec was an attractive guy. A little too serious and uptight at times, but his appearance was certainly lacking in faults. Although, with the quiet temperament of the man, it likely took a special someone to break through his walls.
Magnus didn't know why it made his chest feel heavier.
It caught up to him when he heard the faucet running in the bathroom, that Alec could be done any moment. He quickly replaced the phone where he found it and skittered away from the bed, not wanting to be caught snooping. Alec's personal life was none of his business.
Maybe he was just bothered about it because of the other night with Camille. Alec seeing a vulnerable piece of his relationship past, and Magnus not having a clue that Alec had a present one. He had felt closer to Alec since that night, and once he revealed to him the real reason he hired him. It made him feel like he could trust him. And Magnus wasn't one to hand out trust like that to just anyone.
He didn't realize he was still hovering at Alec's doorway until the man returned, surprise on his face.
"Uh… is something wrong? Did something happen?" Alec asked, going into business-mode immediately.
His face looked freshly clean, the evening stubble shadowing his cheeks, and Magnus found himself distracted at the sight of him so casually dressed in pajamas pants and a t-shirt that he almost forgot that he was expected to speak.
Izzy's one lucky lady.
"Uh… sorry. I…"
Magnus corrected his throat.
"I was just thinking back to the other night. With Camille. I was a little too dumbstruck to say it then I think, but I wanted to make sure I had thanked you for stepping in and removing her from the building."
"It's my job, remember?" Alec teased, and Magnus felt the tightness in his chest lift a little. Their banter was what he had been enjoying since that night. The side of Alec he only got to see snippets of, when he let his guard down.
"I know, I know. But not just that. What you said… I don't know, it stuck with me. So thank you for that too."
Alec leaned against the door jamb, looking a little amused. Before Magnus could ask, he explained, clearly catching the question in his expression.
"Words aren't really my specialty. Just sort of ironic, considering. But I appreciate it."
"Why, Alexander, words aren't your specialty? Since when?" Magnus asked, mock-incredulous, and Alec rolled his eyes.
"Yes, I should really run for office with my way with words. I'm sure the public is ready for a socially awkward introvert to lead them to greatness."
Magnus threw his head back and laughed at that, finding Alec's eyes sparkling with mirth right back at him. Alec certainly had a mischevious side to him too.
The trait made him pause and think back to the conversation he peeked at.
Right. Alec was… involved. He shouldn't be this playful with him. Some might take it as flirting, and he wasn't interested in being that guy. Even if Alec hadn't confided that he was in a relationship and he could feign obliviousness. He supposed he'd have to reel back his purposeful flirting now too, despite the lovely blush his words always forced on his companion.
He straightened up and forced a smile. "Well. I should head to bed. Goodnight, Alexander."
He slinked away, not wanting to look back in case Alec could sense the disappointment in his face.
"Night." he called back, before closing his bedroom door.
Alec crawled into bed, plugging his phone in and texting a quick response to Izzy before lying down to sleep.
He wondered what had gotten into Magnus. They seemed to be in a good place, but then he started acting odd. Did he do something wrong? Push too hard?
The troubling thoughts eventually cradled him to sleep.
Early mornings were not Magnus' thing.
Ironic, considering how often he had to get up at an ungodly hour to either make some talk show, start rehearsals, or begin travelling.
Still, despite his experience, he still had to drag his feet and grumble under his breath until at least after a hot shower and mug of strong coffee.
Alec, on the other hand, appeared like he did at any other time of day; bright, alert, and ready for anything. Magnus would have assumed he would be the grumpier of the two of them, but it seemed that mildly irritated was Alec's general state of being and it didn't exceed that just because of the early hour.
The only thing that seemed to really increase his irritation was Magnus himself.
Then again, Magnus could probably work on giving him less of a hard time or not pressing so many of his buttons, but it was so fun.
"Mr. Bane, please return to the inside of the vehicle." Alec said through a heavy sigh.
Magnus poked his head through the open roof. "Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times." he imitated an amusement park ride operator robotically.
"Magnus… you are exposed out there. We don't know if who is stalking you is dangerous to your physical well-being and they no doubt know about your appearance on Ellen."
"My fans are also aware of my appearance and expect to get a glimpse of me on my way there. I can't disappoint them."
"They will be even more disappointed if you get a bullet in your head." Alec pointed out.
Magnus huffed and climbed down from his perch, collapsing back into his seat with his arms crossed. "You really know how to dampen a mood, Alexander."
"One of my many charms." Alec quipped, going back to his tablet.
Magnus tried not to watch him too closely from the corner of his eye. It was hard not to notice that Alec was actually an incredibly attractive man, somehow more noticeable now that he knew he had an equally attractive partner. Or so he assumed. Alec had still not mentioned anything about having a girlfriend. If he did, he still hoped that Alec followed his sexuality spectrum more—at least if he was bisexual, he couldn't write off something happening between them someday completely off the table.
Then again, Alec also was infuriating at times, stubborn and callous, even though the softer side he had seen lately could melt his heart.
"We're here." Alec said as the car began to slow.
Magnus jumped up immediately and Alec's hand shot out to grab him.
"Remember what we talked about." Alec said exasperatedly, like he was dealing with a hyperactive child.
Magnus pouted and slunk back to his seat. He hated being told what to do and bossed around, but he knew that Alec knew what he was doing and it was important. After the other night, he wasn't looking to be risky at any venue, even one as well secured as Ellen DeGeneres' Warner Brothers studio.
Alec immediately went into Head of Security mode, directing the security team and going to meet with the main security person for the studio before even letting Magnus out of the car.
It would be boring if it wasn't so hot watching him take initiative and order people around with the cool confidence he exuded while he was working.
Still, Magnus was anxious to get inside and get prepped for the show. It was his favourite show to be on and he had only been on once before after he had won first place on the show. He loved watching Ellen even before he was famous. She always treated every guest equally, like they were a long-time friend, and he loved how comfortable he felt despite the millions of eyes on the pair of them and her unexpected questions or turns.
A moment later, Alec was opening the door for him.
"All right. All clear." Alec said warmly, gesturing him ahead.
Magnus reached out to clasp his arm for support to stand up. "Why thank you, Alexander. Such a gentleman." he teased, sashaying past him to head inside.
Alec rolled his eyes but he was fighting a smile.
Magnus heard an explosion of screams upon his exit from the limo, and he grinned brightly in direction to the fenced off area where fans were losing their mind over the sight of him.
"Can I go say hi?"
"I don't think that's a good idea. There has been no regulation of who is over there and if they're carrying any weapons…"
But Magnus was already skipping off to greet people, waving excitedly and embracing the ones he could reach.
Alec sighed as he trotted after him. This man was going to be the death of him.
Magnus took countless photos with exuberant fans and signed any paper thrust into his hand.
Finally, he pulled out his own phone. "I'm on Ellen today – and look at the beautiful sight that greets me!" he shouted into the camera, holding his phone far away to capture the rows of screaming teens jumping up and down. "You guys are amazing! So excited to meet more of you on this tour! Love you all!"
He ended the video as Alec put a hand on his lower back.
"Magnus, we're on a schedule. Time to go inside."
Magnus nodded. "Sorry, my bodyguard is a buzzkill. See you lovelies later!" he chirped at his audience before letting Alec lead him away back to the studio.
The screams didn't get cut off until the door of the studio closed behind them.
"Magnus! We've got to get you to hair and make-up." Raphael said, looking at his watch. "You're the second guest on the show so we need to get going."
Magnus waved a hand dismissively at him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear you. I was giving the fans a little something they likely waited hours for. And now I have something to post to my Instagram story."
Alec met Raphael's eyes and shrugged one shoulder, admitting defeat at his ability to keep Magnus in line.
"You're fine with that, right? Since both my people and Ellen's show have been promoting my apperance here all week, so it's not as like some stalker will get new information that I'll be here today." Magnus said as he sat in the make-up chair.
Alec nodded. "Yes, exactly. It's like with your tour venues. Everything is posted well in advance, which is why we have to take such extra precautions when here, but not so much with social media."
Magnus grinned, not used to his approval, but also realizing belatedly that he never used to look for it so openly.
A well dressed woman came into the room then, wearing a headset and holding a clipboard, and her eyes went wide upon seeing the man standing off to the side of the star.
"Oh my god. Alec Lightwood?!" the blonde squeaked.
Alec's body language changed entirely. "Lydia? Hey! I didn't realize you worked here." he said as she pulled him into a big hug. She was very small compared to his tall form.
"I'm just filling in mostly, while their usual person is on maternity leave. Helping direct the show's schedule and keep things running smoothly. I thought you were working in Washington?"
"I was. But now that Trump is in office…"
"Ah. I'm sure he has certain specifications for his Secret Service team." Lydia said knowingly.
Magnus felt a little confused. Alec had implied something of the sort before when they met, but he didn't know what he meant by it. He figured he just wasn't a Trump supporter. Now he felt like he was missing something. Maybe Alec followed a disapproved religion? Or was an immigrant?
"Well, I also wouldn't want to protect someone who was against the safety of so many others just because they are different." Alec admitted. "It's really good to see you."
"You too." she said, smiling brightly up at him. She then seemed to remember there were others in the room. She clasped her hands together. "Sorry! Magnus! It is amazing to meet you. I'm Lydia."
"Nice to meet you too, Lydia." Magnus replied, kissing her proffered hand.
She giggled at his chivalry. "Let's get started with the plan for today, shall we?"
"You're not going to escort me out there, are you?"
"No. But I will be here on the sidelines to make sure nothing goes awry. I've got people stationed in different areas that I can direct from here."
"Have fun out there." Alec said, pressing a hand to his headset to listen in to the voice talking to him. He nodded at Magnus when Lydia gestured him to go on, so he assumed Alec had gotten the all clear from the others.
Magnus headed out to the stage as the music swelled and Ellen's voice announced his presence.
He danced in his spot for a moment, giving a twirl, before crossing the stage to hug Ellen and settle in the armchair across from her.
"Well, no surprises that you are a world famous singer/dancer. We should hire you to do dance solos every show! We can just kick Twitch out!"
Twitch laughed from his spot at the DJ booth, eyes sparkling with mirth.
Magnus laughed along. "I wish. I am so very lucky to get to do what I do each day. I am forever grateful for the talent reality shows growing in popularity so that people like me have a chance to be discovered when we never would've had the resources otherwise."
"Yes, there is a lot of talent in America and beyond, and it is so great that these incredible people reaching their dreams."
"Definitely." Magnus agreed, sipping at the mug of water in front of him.
"Speaking of dreams, how is your tour going? This is, what, your third US tour? Any plans to go further?"
"It's been incredible. We have a beautiful country that I get to see so much of and it is amazing to be able to meet so many fans from all over. I'd love to go further, like Europe or another continent, but there are a lot of logistics to work out when going that far. Also need to be sure the demand is high enough to warrant it."
"Oh come on. There has to be enough demand around the globe. You're amazing!"
The audience cheered alongside her sentiment.
Magnus wasn't great at taking compliments, and he was grateful his dark skin didn't show his blush well. "Thank you. We'll see. Hopefully next tour."
"So what is new this tour? I know you have a couple dates in Canada this time around, and obviously you're promoting your newest album, but I see you've also found yourself a bigger security team."
Magnus nodded. "Yes, my manager thought it would be wise to have people with better qualifications than a previous bouncer at a bar, given the magnitude of this tour."
"And your head of security, Alec. I met him earlier. He seems to know what he's doing."
A photo of Alec appeared on the screen behind them, his head bent to murmur directions in Magnus' ear as they moved through a crowd of people all trying to get a handful of the star. It was at one of the concert venues last week. His eyes were intense, one of his big hands on Magnus' lower back, but he was every bit as gorgeous as ever.
The audience certainly seemed to think so, if their sudden cheering was anything to go by.
Ellen grinned. "He's not for me, of course, but everyone here seems to think what my staff tell me – he's… pretty."
Magnus rolled his eyes. "Pretty infuriating, but sure."
She laughed. "Is this the old-married-couple bickering I've heard rumors about? The tabloids seem to catch the pair of you arguing a lot."
The photo on the screen changed to one of him and Alec clearly in the middle of some spat, Alec's eyes mid-rolling while Magnus' mouth was twisted in an irritated scowl.
"I wouldn't call it that, but yes, we argue a lot. He's a bit uptight and bossy and I've never been good at being told what to do. Makes for interesting interactions. But I do know what he is doing is important and he is good at what he does."
"So you trust him at least?"
Magnus nodded. "With my life."
There was a series of aws throughout the studio and he wrinkled his nose at the audience.
"Well, he works my security! I should hope he can protect my life!" he said exasperatedly to the group.
Laughter broke out through the studio and he shrugged at Ellen for her amused expression.
"You make a good point. It is important you feel safe. How does he do that? Lots of wrapping you in his big arms?"
Magnus shot her a warning look, which only made her laugh.
"Not quite. It typically means me sitting on the sidelines while—"
But his spiel was interrupted by the table next to them bursting open with a shriek and a glittery disco-ball-looking costumed person running away off stage.
Magnus had startled so badly he had moved without thinking and found himself half-straddled on the back of the chair before burying his face in the cushion.
"Ellen! Why?! I thought I was in the clear since you didn't scare me last time!" he shouted at her amongst the eruption from the audience at the scene.
She was cackling in her seat, wiping her eyes. "I didn't get you last time because I wanted to make sure you came back."
"Oh, I see, so you built my trust up just to break it?!" he said hysterically, climbing back into his seat.
It was when he was resettling that he spotted Alec losing it off-stage and he flipped him his middle finger.
The audience roared with laughter again.
"Sorry. Forgot this was day time TV. That is not a nice gesture to do, kids." Magnus said directly to the camera before turning back to the host.
"I see you were right about your relationship with your head of security."
Magnus shrugged. "We're complicated, but I think it works." He glanced back at Alec to see him smiling, small and private, aimed right at him. He felt something in his chest flutter.
He dragged his eyes back to Ellen to see him watching him knowingly and he corrected his throat.
"So now that my heart has restarted, shall we continue?" he asked.
"Speaking of your heart, anyone stolen it these days?"
He knew she wouldn't let it slide. She was a successful talk show host for a reason. She had incredible observation skills, a heart of gold, and knew how to ask direct questions without hesitation.
Magnus chuckled. "Not at the moment. This tour is keeping me pretty busy. I barely have time to FaceTime my cats."
"Nobody on your team? No one you travel with and stick close to their side…" she trailed off, glancing pointedly in Alec's direction, and he laughed.
"Nope. Just me."
Ellen sighed heavily, throwing him a forgiving grin, and then thankfully moved on to asking him about his inspiration for his most popular new song.
It was mid-morning the next day when Alec got a call from Izzy.
"Hey big bro. I saw Magnus on Ellen yesterday." she said teasingly, and he could tell it was going in a direction he didn't like.
"Glad you enjoyed the show." he said as he zipped his suitcase closed.
"Oh Alec, don't be like that. Be honest - is there something going on between you two?"
"No? Of course not! He's my client. And even if he wasn't, we bicker more than we talk. I told you—he drives me crazy some days."
"I know, but I figured that the best sex always starts with a little tension."
"Jesus, Izzy!" Alec groaned, rubbing a hand over his face.
She laughed. "Well, was he honest on the show? I know some fans still stupidly want him back together with Camille, but he never looked happy with her. Is he still single?"
"You know, I didn't take this job so I could be your spy on all things Magnus Bane." Alec said irritably, pushing his arm through his leather jacket.
Magnus was walking by when he heard it, and he couldn't help the swell of pride in his chest along with pure amusement at Alec's irritability. He nudged the door open further with a knock of his knuckles and held out his hand for the phone.
Alec sent him a look, but Magnus simply gestured for him to pass it over and Alec sighed as he gave him the phone.
"Magnus Bane speaking. Now, may I ask who's asking about me before I spill all my secrets?" Magnus said cheekily, eyes locked on Alec.
Alec was smothering a grin with difficulty, going back to getting ready. He knew his sister was about to lose her mind, especially since Alec hadn't been able to give her any warning. She had watched every episode of that damn reality show and had loved Magnus ever since. She was so excited when Alec told her he had been hired on to work with him.
"Holy shit." The female voice on the other end of the line breathed. "Hi. Sorry, I'm Isabelle. Or Izzy. Whatever you prefer."
The photo from Alec's phone popped into his head, along with the conversation he peeked at. So this was Izzy.
"Nice to make your acquaintance. Alec never told me he had a lady friend." Magnus said, slipping a little away from the bedroom now so Alec wouldn't necessarily hear.
To his surprise, Izzy broke out into loud laughter. "Yeah, well, Alec doesn't really do 'lady friends' of any kind. Regardless, I'm not his girlfriend—I'm his sister."
Magnus' eyebrows shot into his hairline and he couldn't help the grin that formed on his face by the news. He felt stupid for not considering that possibility before. Thinking back to her photo, the family resemblance was obvious.
"So you can't tell me about any top secret skeletons in his closet?"
Izzy laughed. "Not much to tell in the relationship area, if that's what you're after. I'll leave it to my big brother to fill you in on any… um… closeted details."
Although he knew her wording was a nod to his, he figured her awkwardness about it meant that maybe Alec was gay. He had hoped in his wildest dreams that it was a possibility, given the way Alec blushed so spectacularly at any flirting hew threw his direction and the way his eyes never followed even the most gorgeous of women that walked past, but after seeing him reacquaint with Lydia the day before, he was wondering if they were old flames.
He was enjoying this phone call more and more.
"Well, enough about your brother. Tell me about you. And you can ask me anything you want to know."
Meanwhile, Alec finished getting ready and came out to find Magnus chatting animatedly with Izzy on the phone like they were old friends. He was sprawled out in the armchair, legs flopped over the armrest, and he seemed perfectly at ease.
Alec never would understand the ease at which Magnus could communicate with people. He never seemed nervous or worried about saying the wrong thing—it was like he knew exactly what to say or ask with everyone to keep them interested, entertained and above all else – feeling special. It was fascinating to witness, especially since all Alec had ever managed to do was make people feel afraid of him or just plain uncomfortable.
Alec met Magnus' eyes and twirled his finger in a 'wrap it up' gesture, pointing to his watch.
Magnus rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Izzy. Your brother is giving me the finger."
Magnus grinned, clearly pleased with himself for his choice of wording. "I'll text you my number, Isabelle, and we can continue this conversation later."
He said his goodbyes and tossed the phone back to Alec. He looked down to see Izzy had already hung up. Sheesh. She had called to talk to him originally and she hadn't even bothered to say bye.
He supposed that was the magic of Magnus though. He had the ability to make you feel like you were the only person in the world at the time.
"All right. Let's get going then." Magnus said, grabbing his bag and hoisting it over his shoulder. "I like your sister by the way. She had a lot of interesting things to say about you, too."
Alec blanched. "Wait, like what?"
Magnus continued walking out of the door, not turning back.
"Magnus! Like what?!"
Continue to Chapter 4
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lastarabesque · 5 years
Best Friend Surprise (2/4)
"Wow, I really thought you're reading this stupid book." You pull his head to rest on your shoulder because he's struggling in his position. "Did you stay up late for computer games again? Why are you this sleepy?"
You stare at him from your shoulder, scanning his features for good seconds and realizing again that damn, your bestfriend got really beautiful eyes. You always envied him for it. Those pair of orbs that you always look into whenever you converse with him. You can willingly get lost in it and he doesn't even know.
"I'm having a girlfriend soon." He suddenly cut your thoughts with his announcement. His voice is weak and his eyes remains shut.
"You're what?" Oh, how you hate surprises.
"I said I think I'm having a girlfriend soon."
"You think?" You almost push his head out of your shoulder to face him directly. What did he just say?
"Well, she likes me back so it wouldn't take long."
"Why didn't you tell me earlier about this?"
"As if you have the time to listen to me? This is the earliest I could." He spit a very meaningful remark which you couldn't focus into. The news of him having a girlfriend soon still reverberates in your mind.
"Look, my point is, we might not see each other often so I hope you rely more on your boyfriend instead of me."
"Are we really going over this topic, Seungcheol?" He always points out how you depend on him but ofcourse, he's your bestfriend. You can't possibly just trust a guy you met months ago more than the guy you've spent almost your entire life with.
"He deserves to know more about you, more than how I do. He's the boyfriend, remember? I'm just... the bestfriend." You can't even mutter a word because you don't get what he means by it. It definitely seemed like he's trying to imply something but at the same time just sounds like a usual thing he would say. "You know I can't do certain things for you once I have a girlfriend."
Seungcheol. Girlfriend. Dang words! It sounds so irritating together.
The thought of him dating never came across your mind. There surely are many girls who wants to date him but he never even looked at one once, he's out of it and purely uninterested at anyone so today is really a big revelation that put you to shock. Seungcheol? Having a girlfriend? Unbelievable.
"So this is how it feels." Maybe Seungcheol also felt this suprised before when you told him you'll date.
"Ofcourse not. Mine was—" Heartbreaking. You wouldn't even want to imagine.
"Hey, go back to your seat." Seungcheol's seatmate broke the seriousness between the two of you. "Miss Lee is coming." You take a last glance at him before going back to your seat.
Seungcheol stood and left to the comfort room to fix himself after his nap and you are just dumbstruck at your own seat. Almost frozen, speechless and at the same time, annoyed.
Days, more days, passed after that revelation and Seungcheol just became more out of sight. Somehow it feels like he's purposely detaching himself from you, avoiding you. As if he wants to train you to stand alone without him. Now it's just lunch again and he's nowhere to be found. You're used to eating meals with him because it has always been like that from day one. He never really promised to eat with you ever but you, stuck on the usual routine, like the dumb friend you are, kept on waiting. There's no trace of him anywhere near the cafeteria so maybe he's dealing with his girl but you still wait, he'll probably come soon.
"Hey, babe." Firm hands hug you from behind. You knew it, you turned.
"Choi Seung—" But it wasn't the eyes you want to match yours with. It was your boyfriend. "Oh, sorry." Sometimes Seungcheol jokes around by calling you random endearments and for a moment you wanted to hear him do it again, that is why you blurted his name all of a sudden even though you knew the voice wasn't the voice you're used to.
"Let's eat?" He put his arm over your shoulder, leading you to the cafeteria. You press a smile, looking away from him but as you do your gaze fall unintentionally at the empty room by the hallway. There in it is Seungcheol, talking to a very unfamiliar girl. She's way smaller than him and she's looking at her toes as they talk. You couldn't see her face clearly and you want to so you try hard to recognize her for the seconds you squint your eyes. But then as you are processing her features in your head, like a flash of light, she holds Seungcheol's shoulders, puts her balance on him as she tiptoes and reaches to plant a small kiss on his lips.
You're whole body was just immobilized. You stopped walking, feet trembling. Was that even real?
"Is everything okay?" Your boyfriend came in front of you, lowering his gaze to match your uneasy eyes. "Babe?"
"Uhh," You look up at him trying to compose yourself but failing to do so in an instant. Seungcheol then came out of the room, the girl after him but to the opposite track. He didn't run after him as he saw your dumbstruck expression. He ran to where you stood.
"What happened here?", was the first thing he said.
Oh, damn. His voice is the last sound you want to hear. You really want to curse at him for acting like nothing happened. Like you saw nothing.
"Uh, babe," You turned to your boyfriend instead of getting bothered by Seungcheol's presence. "You should eat first. I forgot, there's something I need to do." You escape his grip on your shoulders. Seungcheol flinched at the endearment he heard. He still can't get used to it.
"You're not eating?" Seungcheol asks. You look up at him, blinking for dead seconds, and whether he did or not notice your moist, hurt, eyes is none of your business. You just turned back and left them there. Screw lunch. All you want is to be alone.
Your feet brought you anywhere it could. It's almost dark and you totally forgot about the classes you have left. You've been walking back and forth, around and back the grounds. Oddly, you don't feel tired from it. Seungcheol's actions can probably make you drained and pained quicker than any physical work there is.
Pang. It hurts again.
It's not supposed to feel like that, you shouldn't feel angry at all. Of all people, you should be the first one to be genuinely happy for him, to congratulate him but all the contrary is happening now. You hate everything you saw- no, you hated it from the time he told you. You don't want him to date anyone but you really wish he becomes happy like how happy you are in the relationship you're in. Or are you, really? You really can't tell. Your head is in a total mess right now, your mind is twisted and all you could do is sit in that soccer field where your feet suddenly stopped. You cry your eyes out as you bury your face on your knees.
"Fuck these feelings." The more you sort it out, the more confused you get. You have a boyfriend and you are definite that you like him, that is why you tried it out with him. Seungcheol is just your best friend but how come it hurts so much when you saw him kissing another girl? It's so complicated and wrong. You never felt so distracted about your feelings and you never felt this confused. Everything would be so much worse if the rain falls.
And it did.
The raindrops slowly hit your head one by one as if consoling you and blaming you at the same time. Your clothes caught the water, soaking you wet. You don't have an umbrella so there's no use in picking up your bag from your homeroom. It's Seungcheol's job to make sure you don't get rained but then he's not around so you'd have to pierce through the rain on your way home.
You arrived dripping.
"I'm here." You pull yourself out of your soaked shoes.
"What happened to you?" Your mom immediately ran to get a towel for you.
"I forgot to bring an umbrella."
"You should have gone with Seungcheol but he already dropped by an hour ago. He brought your bag saying you didn't attend afternoon classes." Her words are just passing your ear to the other. You feel so exhausted, your mind's blurred, and your mom can see all that. Her eyes softened. "What's wrong, honey?"
"Mom," She smiled with loving and understanding eyes upon hearing you call her, like telling you it's okay even before you can tell her anything. It's really amazing how your mom sees through you and feels you. How she knows things even if you don't tell her entirely. You really want to tell her but some part of you hesistates. What if she wouldn't like what she's about to hear? All that just triggered you to break down. "Mom, I'm sorry!"
She sighed but not a disappointed one, more of a relieved breath. "Honey, you can tell me. I'm your mother."
"Mom, I think..." You sob. It's awkward to admit this to your mom when you're supposed to be admitting this to your bestfriend. But then you remember that this whole thing is about your bestfriend which leaves you with no other choice but to tell your mom. She's also your bestfriend anyway. "I think like Seungcheol."
"Oh," She's not even surprised.
"Mom, I'm sorry. I tried to stop myself because I know you—"
"Shhh, it's okay." She pulled you to an embrace despite the water all over your body. It's the warmest someone could ever give you. She even waited until you finally calm down but you never did so she simply let you cry everything out as she pats your back for relief.
The moment you settled down, and washed up, she offered you a tea.
"Mom, you're not mad at me?"
"Why would I be? It's not like you can stop that if you want to." She has a meaningful look on her face. "And did you really think I don't know?"
"You do?"
"It's pretty obvious, honey."
"Do you think he knows?" Because it's the last thing you want to happen.
"Well, you are my daughter so definitely I know everything even if you don't tell me. Seungcheol is not that kind of person, you need to actually tell him before he catches up."
"I don't want to tell him. I'm afraid that if I do, I'll lose him." He's a great friend, the best you could ever have and those twisted feelings of yours can't be the reason for your friendship to fall apart. You won't let it.
"I understand, that's your decision. But you must make sure to clear everything out. You have a boyfriend, remember that. If you can't give him your whole heart, might as well end it."
"I know and I don't want to be unfair. I really have to break up with him."
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ssoap-box-operaa · 5 years
New Mornings
Link awakened with a muffled groan, having pressed his head into his pillow. Despite staying up late, talking way past midnight with Zelda, his body was accustomed to waking at the crack of dawn. He turned, a grin now plastered on his face as he remembered what happened yesterday, and tenderly gazed upon his fiancee.
That title, the connotation of belonging to someone, never had any power until now. An absurd wave of happiness washed over him, filling every crevice of his body, to the point he believed  his heart could burst. This capacity for joy wasn’t something he could fathom or conceive in the past yet here he was, living in this very vivid reality.
He reached out, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She stirred, only for a moment, before she laxened back into comfort. His eyes trailed to her hand where his mother’s ring glistened on her finger. Another smile, this time far more wider than the previous.
Longing for her nearness, he sat up and leaned over her body to plant a soft kiss above her brow, her cheek and her jawline. Her murmurs caused him to pause, knowing how much she needed her sleep as a busy woman. But out of greed, he planted one last kiss on her bare shoulder before he slid out of bed.
As he smoothed out his blankets and rearranged the pillows, he stole glimpses of his future wife. The curves of her body weren’t diminished from the fabric that cradled her. One day, he could unashamedly strip her of her cover and envelope her in all the love he could physically give. Suddenly, the imprint of her lips upon his own burned and he instinctively touched the invisible mark she left.
His cheeks warmed at the thought of her ravenous kiss, its strength and passion unlike the ones they shared before. It was intense, for a lack of a better word, and hungry and the longer he dwelt on the thought, his arousal grew. His blood coursed rapidly through his veins as remembered the taste of her tongue and her eager moans.
He shook his head in a failed attempt to remove those sensual thoughts from his head. He said he’d wait until marriage and lingering on that ecstasy would not help. So he hurriedly ran into the bathroom where he could cool off in the showers.
They’d be together for three years in a few months, and he was surprised they hadn’t been part of the statistics of failures for long distance relationships. He prays that stays true. After all, he had given up his life as a farmer to stay committed in Downtown Hyrule for her. Of course, this decision was not one that was known to Zelda yet.
Cold beads of water eased his doubts as he ran his hands through his hair with the pomegranate scented shampoo. Fruity and sweet scents reminded him dearly of Zelda. Moments when he toiled the fields back in Kokori Farm, he’d absentmindedly pluck a fresh fruit and linger on its aroma, awaiting to be swept into a reverie of his lover.
But now, he no longer had to rely on text messages, emails, phone calls, video chats, hand written letters or fruits to be reminded of her. He was here with her. Of course, they’d visit one another as often as they could and go on rare week long trips around the country but the looming realization of their anticipated parting always bittered the experience. Now that dread won’t have to occupy their time together.
As he scrubbed his body, he was jolted when the door opened. He must have forgotten to lock it in his haste and was dumbstruck by Zelda’s appearance.
“Morning, babe.” She smiled, not sparing him a glance as she took her toothbrush from the small cup.
“You’re up early.”
“Yeah, you wake up early.” She teased and proceed to speak despite her mouth filled with mint paste. “The bed was awfully cold without you.” Zelda’s blue eyes peered at him and he instantly felt conscious, not that he was ashamed of his body but the frosted glass that separated them seemed too... thin. “Did you see your toothbrush, by the way?”
“Not really but I’m assuming it’s there.”
She leaned over, rinsing her mouth before she responded. “Yup, it’s the green one. Also, your clothes-”
“Are in the white drawer in your closet.”
He instinctively peeked at the sound of the toilet seat but turned away before he could register the patterns on her lace pink underwear. They had gone camping before and even shared a room on their few travels so this wasn’t new but why was he so nervous?
She eventually left, and he finished shortly after her departure. The rest of his morning routine was brief compared to Zelda. Face wash, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, and lotion was instilled by her and he had come to appreciate this ‘feminine’ ritual. He walked out, feeling like the best version of himself, freshly groomed. He found her deeply concentrated on a textbook at her desk. Only when he hovered above her, did she notice his presence.
“You smell good.” She grinned, accepting his kiss. When they parted, they longingly looked into each other’s eyes until she licked her lips. “Taste good, too.”
He shrugged. “I used your balm, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind.” She stood and left him alone while she washed up.
The highlighted paragraphs caught his attention and he skimmed through, reading political history. He sat, engrossed in the emergence of how democracy took over monarchy and the slow creation of United Nations. It was odd, a world beyond his very own. Choosing the city as his new home was already a large step above his comfort zone, having grown up in a small village in the countryside, but now this? If this was the world that Zelda would involve herself in, he feared he would be left behind.
You know that’s not true, his mind’s gentle voice scolded. A new resolve sprung, he’d simply have to... learn. This was just part of Zelda, and if he loved her enough to study her, surely he’d have no difficulties learning an extension of what she did. She already shared those parts of herself, regurgitating the things she learned at school. Often stopping midway, embarrassed over her ramble and apologize for boring him. But like always, he’d convince her he was listening. There was nothing better then when Zelda went into long tangents about something she loved, she always glowed.
“Did you leave a bookmark?” Her voice forced him from his thoughts as he glanced at her. She approached, drying her hair in a towel.
“Yeah.” He said, easily flipping where she had left off. “Is this what your last exam is on?”
“Pretty much.” She sighed. “But I’m not that worried. I kinda studied up on the history of Hyrule after I discovered my lineage... You know, with the whole bloodline royalty thing. I’ll occasionally remember that I’m technically a princess and I’ll be shocked everytime.”
“I sure hit the jackpot.” His teasing grin earned a delicate punch on his shoulder.
“Oh shut up.” A matching smile spread on her lips as she rolled her eyes. “It’s too bad our library burned down though. I know a lot of what we had aren’t in public libraries and getting access to the government libraries are exceedingly tedious.”
“What do you think about the religious aspects of our history?”
“Like what? With the goddesses, the triforce and the reincarnation?”
He shrugged. “Yeah.”
“I won’t deny that I’ve encountered some supernatural things... You know those flashbacks I tell you about? How I get a window to my past lives or something? I try not to think about it because when I do, I worry. Must our story always be doomed to fight evil each time?”
“Maybe things will be different now.”
“Maybe. I haven’t been able to figure out who that evil reincarnation is and I don’t know if I believe my dad when he tells me it’s uncle Ganon... I mean, it’s uncle Ganon.” She sighed. “What about you? What’s your opinion?”
“My flashbacks aren't as frequent as yours. Neither do they emerge unless an emergency and I rarely encounter any sort of danger that require some wisdom from my past life.” He grumbled, taking her hands into his. “But what I do know is, we’ll fight it together, whatever happens.” Delicately, he raised her knuckles to his lips and he looked up where a faint blush spread on her cheeks. Deep in the pools of her eyes, he could tell that she had gone into an old memory and when she had come to, he asked. “What did you see?”
“You do that often.” His raised brow prompted her to explain. “Kissing my hands, declaring your loyalty, that sort of thing.”
“Do you ever get tired of these memories?”
“Sometimes.” She pouted. “I hope to goddesses that our wedding night won’t be interrupted!”
Link instantly crumbled at her enthusiasm, too embarrassed to comment and it wasn’t until his prolonged silence made Zelda realize the gravity of her words. She also deflated, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
“I hope so too.” He finally said, catching her attention. When her eyes found his, he gazed at her fiercely, suggesting and conveying the depth of his desires. Rarely did Zelda get flustered, but around Link, she noticed her frequent susceptibility in turning to mush.
She cleared her throat and leaned against the desk, unable to look at him. “I love you a lot, Link.” She mumbled, allowing him to take hold of her hand. “Sometimes, though, I don’t know if our relationship is just manufactured by the universe. What if my feelings aren't authentic?”
“They are.” He said confidently, without skipping a beat.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because it’s us.” Again, he raised her hand against his lips, but lingered this time. “And even if we’re just part of this crazy loop in history, we always find our way back to each other. Part of me likes to think that, before I even knew you, I already loved you.”
Her eyebrows hitched and she pouted. She pushed herself off the desk and wrapped her arms around him tightly. “I’m sorry.” She murmured into his neck.
A faint smile and a quiet scoff left his lips. “What for?”
“For doubting us.”
“I don’t blame you, princess. We lived very complicated lives.”
The mention of her title caused her to giggle, its infectious sound loudened as she pulled back. “Come, my guardian, let us proceed to breakfast.”
LOL so this is an excerpt from my fanfiction: A Place in the City. It’s been so long and I just wanted to contribute in some way to the fandom that gives so much <3 cheers friends. If you want to read it, check out my fanfiction: soapboxopera. Chapter One is already up. This story is a sequel to A Home in the Country. Though, I will warn you, if you choose to venture in the first story, i wrote it in high school. hahahhahahha so don’t be alarmed by the grammar/spacing. my, it’s quite atrocious to look at, 
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dragongoddess13 · 7 years
Hermione Granger x Viktor Krum
Jobs AU
Your love of strawberry shortcake really doesn’t match your appearance but I still think that’s really cute.
Successful was always the word Hermione used to describe her future when asked. Business school seemed the best way to go about making sure she was. She always figured she’d be some kind of accountant, or manager. She hadn’t even considered the idea that she would inherit her cousin’s bakery. She hadn’t even considered that she would be thrown into someone else's dream and that she would have to work so hard to learn the trade herself and...well...after all these years she’d really grown to love it.
Her friends had thought she was crazy when she first started but they knew if anyone could do it, it was her. And she did. She’d taken night classes and learned to bake and had kept her cousin’s dream alive long after she had passed unexpectedly.
And now she couldn’t picture her life any other way. It was perfect. She mostly ran the place by herself and a few of her friends would show up every so often to help her out when they didn’t have to work or they were in town visiting. All in all, she could never complain about the way things turned out.
Hermione was up bright and early every morning to start the morning batch of pastries. This morning was no different. It was few hours before she was set to open and she spent it mixing batters, folding icing, creaming fillings. The ovens were eventually filled and the timers set and with the extra time she set out the next batch before going over the books for the end of the month.
The timers went off one at a time and with each one she pulled the trays out and set them on the cooling racks. As the hours ticked by and she finished decorating and setting the trays in the display cases beneath the counter. She finished just in time to flip the sign and unlock the door to let the morning rush in.
Hermione got customers of all kinds throughout the day, but the morning was notorious for regulars and she greeted each one the same way she greeted them each morning. With their drink and breakfast ready to go and smile for the road. By ten o’clock the regulars were gone and the predictability of the day was over.
And lunch was a sure sign of that.
At exactly 12:30 on the dot, when the place was mostly empty save for a few college kids working quietly on their computers, the chime of the bell ushered in a horde of large men in various clothes ranging from jeans to sweatpants and trainers. Their hoodies or t-shirts were all the same though, a team, rugby, that she only knew about because Harry and Ron were obsessed.
“Good morning.” she greeted the group as they approached the counter. She received smiles in return. “What can I get you?”
The men turned out to be Bulgarian. They’re english wasn’t the best but Hermione had dabbled in language studies all through school and she knew enough of their language and they her’s to get through their orders. They all varied in personality. Some of them were sweet, a little flirty, while others were straight to the point.
It was the last man that really stuck out to her. He was as tall as the others, his dark hair spiked. He had facial hair and intense eyes. The back of his hoodie read Krum. Most of the men he was with had ordered Protein shakes (she made it a point to have healthy options on the menu) and various pastries that resemble ones from their own country. “Krum” was apparently not like his compatriots. In broken English he ordered;
“Strawberry shortcake, espresso, two shots.” he told her. Far beit from Hermione to judge a paying customer so with a smile, she nodded and wrote it up. She then turned to the group.
“Make yourselves comfortable, I’ll bring everything over when it’s ready.” she told them before setting to work gathering everything up. The rugby team had pulled a few smaller tables around her biggest table and sat down. She expected them to be loud and rowdy, but in fact they were well disciplined, talking amongst themselves both in broken English and their own languages, their voices low so as not to disturb anyone else. It was both appreciated and a big contrast to some of the other all male groups who came in sometimes.
When Hermione was finished gathering their orders she loaded as much as she could onto a serving tray and carried it to the table distributing everything, then returned to the counter for the rest of it. Krum was the last at the opposite end of the table and she smiled at him as she set his coffee and cake in front of him before leaving them to eat.
The team stayed for nearly an hour, eating and relaxing before neatly stacking their dirty dishes and silverware and leaving with a wave and a thank you.
The rest of the day was uneventful and Hermione closed up shop at nine p.m. on the dot and returned to her flat down the street. There were nearly a dozen messages on her answering machine when she returned home, but she ignored them in favor of showering and turning in early.
The next morning there were six more messages on top of the twelve from the night before and slightly alarmed she took the time to listen to them.
One of the newest ones was from Ginny;
“There was a team of hot Bulgarian Rugby players in your shop yesterday and you didn’t think to call me? Just because I’m happily married doesn’t mean I don’t like to look. Honestly. You better call me if they show up again.”     
Confused as to how Ginny could possibly know who was in the shop yesterday she almost missed the next message from Pansy.
“Your such a bitch!” she screeched. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me yesterday! Twenty hot Bulgarians and you keep it to yourself, that’s so selfish.”
“How does everyone know?” Hermione exclaimed, startling Crookshanks from his sleep across the room.
“Granger, I’m quite cross with you,” Draco’s message began. “Viktor Krum walks into your establishment and you tell noone? Honestly, it’s like you don’t know any of us at all.” his snooty little voice continued and Hermione scowled at her answering machine. Why was she friends with these people?
Message four and five were from the Weasley twins both trying to talk over each other in each message and insisting if she saw them again she drop the name of their joke shop around the corner from the bakery.
Message six was from Ron, she skipped it before he could lapse into whining and message seven was from Harry, God love Harry, he just wanted to make sure she was okay with everything that was going on. The answer to what was “going on” came with the last batch of messages, all from news outlets looking for an interview or a quote from the owner of the bakery the famed Bulgarian Rugby team raved about on social media.
Completely dumbstruck, Hermione gathered her things and left her flat, making her way to the bakery, which thankfully was free from the crowd of reporters she had imagined would be waiting for her.
She went through her morning routine as usual and everything seemed to be normal, that is until she came out of the back with the first batches of cooled pastries to find a line had formed outside the building. There had never been a line outside the bakery before. She wasn’t so self conscious to think that her baked good weren’t good, she’d been in business for years now, obviously they were good enough, but there had never in all the years she had kept this store open, had a line of people waiting to get in. And from the looks of it, none of those people were her morning regulars.
Panicking, Hermione ducked back through the kitchen and into the office where she snatched her cell phone off the desk and dialed the first number that came to mind. It rang three times before the groggy voice of Ginny Potter nee Weasley answered.
“‘Mione, I love you, but if you called to get back at me for that message I left last early this morning I’m going to jump through the phone and strangle you.” she heard a snort in the background, undoubtedly Harry amused by his wife’s temper.
“I need help.” she replied trying and failing not to sound utterly pathetic. It seemed to work though as Ginny replied;
“What’s wrong, are you okay?” she asked. Harry’s mutter voice followed only for Ginny to shush him.
“There are people lined up outside.” Hermione explained.
“What? People lined up outside where?”
“The bakery. There’s like a hundred people out there. What are they all doing here?”
“Hold on.” Ginny replied. “Babe, give me your phone.” she heard her direct toward Harry. There was some shuffling and then; “Oh shit.” she continued. “The shop is trending on social media. It’s all over twitter, and facebook, even tumblr. People are lining up in the hopes of running into Viktor Krum.”
“Oh god, there are too many people out there.” Hermione said as the panic began to rise again. “What am I going to do?”
“You're going to take a deep breath and finish doing what you usually do before opening up. I’m on my way, I’ll try to round up as many people as I can.” Ginny told her, taking charge.
“Thank you.” Hermione muttered softly before they hung up and she did exactly as instructed.
Ten minutes before she was set to open, a knocking sounded at the back door in the office and Hermione opened it cautiously, sighing in relief at the familiar faces crowded in the doorway. “Oh thank god.” she said, opening the door up for everyone to get through. Ginny led the charge in, followed by Harry, both of them gave her a hug. Behind Harry was Luna and because Luna was there so was Draco. Behind Draco was Harry’s godfather Sirius, who despite being a surrogate uncle to all of Harry’s closest friends looked none too happy to be up so early, even if it was for her. He managed a smile when Hermione pointed out the coffee pot in the corner. Bringing up the rear was Lily, Harry’s mother and one of Hermione’s favorite people in the world. The older woman wrapped her up in a hug as soon as she was through the door and whispered words of encouragement to her before pulling away and letting Hermione instruct the group.
Nine minutes later, the chairs were on the floor, the tables and counters wiped, the coffee machines percolating and the display cases filled. “Alright,” Hermione spoke up drawing everyone’s attention. “Ready?” she asked.
“Let’s do this.” Ginny replied like a cheesy action hero, making the group laugh as Hermione unlocked the door and flipped the sign. The crowd rushed in through the now open door and Hermione stepped up behind the counter.
“Honestly, Granger, how do you do this by yourself everyday?” Draco asked some hours later a hint of reserved respect in his voice.
“I don’t, it’s not usually this busy except for the morning rush. And even then it’s still not that bad.” Hermione explained equally exhausted. The only thing that kept the day running was the constant stream of patrons and Hermione, for one, was glad there was only fifteen minutes left until closing. The insistent throng of people had stopped five minutes prior and now only the stragglers remained.
By the time closing came the shop was empty and Hermione bundled up the leftovers for everyone to take home, something that seemed to make it all worthwhile for them.
The next few days were similar, although she didn’t need as many people to help out with each successive day. By the end of the week she was back to her old routine and thankful for it.
On Saturday morning, Hermione got up, gathered her things and ventured off to the bakery. Saturday morning were always her favorite. Throughout the week she had her regulars, usually people headed off to work, but Saturday mornings were practically empty and she could take her time in the back and actually experiment with some of the recipes. On this particular Saturday morning however, she found someone waiting outside when she went to open up. He was tall and broad shouldered and Hermione was hesitant to open the door with the hood of his jacket pulled up. That is until he stepped closer, lifting his hood enough for her to recognize him.
“Hi.” she greeted opening the door.
“Hello.” Viktor Krum replied stepping over the threshold and letting the door swing shut behind him.
“What can I get you?” she asked stepping behind the counter with a smile. Viktor stepped up to the other side.
“Strawberry Shortcake, espresso, two shots.” he replied, the same order in the same broken english. She smiled back and nodded, before moving around the back and gathering his order. When she returned to the counter she handed over his order, expecting him to take it and find a table but he set it down on the counter and looked up at her. He cleared his throat and it took Hermione a moment to realize he was trying to find the words in his limited vocabulary. “I wish to...be sorry.” he shook his head. “Apologize.” he corrected.
“For what?” she asked.
“Fans, they are...rabid.” he continued. Hermione chuckled. “We brought them here.”
Hermione shook her head. “I won’t lie, business was very good this week, but it was a little crazy.”
“They not cause you trouble?” he asked.
“No, actually they were pretty well behaved for being rabid.”
Viktor chuckled. “This is good.” he replied. Hermione smiled back.
“Um, can ask you something, and you definitely don’t have to answer, but I’m just curious. Why strawberry Shortcake? No offence but you don’t exactly strike me as a fruity cake kind of guy.”
Viktor laughed at that and Hermione was struck with how warm it sounded. He’d heard enough from her friends in the last few days to know that Viktor Krum was not exactly known for his sociable personality or his warm demeanor but talking to him now she wondered how many people really knew him.
“I panic.” he finally replied when he calmed down. “I think I will get something else like the others but then I go to speak with you and...I forget. You… make me forget when you...smile.”
Hermione blushed not at all expecting that answer. “And now?” she asked her voice small.
“It is very good.” he told her. “Friends, they tease, but...it is very, um, delicious.”
“Well, I’m glad you like it.”
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skitnote · 7 years
Done Chapter 2: Chin up
Alright its time for chapter two! Thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged, commented and given kudos to this fic. I read all of your tags and comments and it gave me so much joy and inspiration to get this chapter completed. Anyways I know the last chapter was really short even for a sort of prologue, but this chapter is much longer which hopefully you’ll enjoy.
Also a quick shout out to c00kieneko who is the whole reason I started writing in the first place, mostly because we started throwing head canons at each other. Go look at her art! she’d so good! 
read it on a03
Chapter 1/Prologue / Chapter 3
Lance woke up clutching his pillow in a tight grip hours earlier than he intended to. Closing his eyes again tightly he attempted to force himself back into unconsciousness, but he knew it wasn’t going to happen. Giving up the losing battle for sleep he rolled onto has back and tried his best not to think.
He’d been having trouble going to sleep for weeks already due to over thinking late at night, he didn’t need to add waking up to continued intrusive thoughts. But of course, forcing yourself not to think will ultimately lead to thinking about not thinking, which would then turn to other thoughts he hadn’t wanted to move on to.
Specifically, what he was going to do now.
Lance knew what they were doing was important, saving planets, freeing those who were enslaved, protecting earth from the Galra, and he would be damned if he let those purple assholes get anywhere near his real family.
Even if all that meant was piloting the lion that didn’t have a better option yet, he would do it.
But that meant he was stuck here and he knew that he couldn’t take another rejected plan or not so subtle hint that he was talking too much, which he hadn’t done in a while but his reputation for doing so had stuck, and so on. Especially not the jokes about his intelligence, fighting skills and basically everything that he did.
Honestly, he wanted his mom, he missed her so much right now. He missed her smiles, her energy, her loud and lively personality, and her caring nature. He wished she was here right now, hell he’d even just take a hug for a few seconds.
She would know what he should do with her little pieces of advice and wisdom that always made things better. She would help him keep a clear head, find his confidence and probably say something along the lines of “Keep your chin up, don’t give those bullies a chance to see you react.”, Just like she had done for his older sister back when she was being targeted in her first year of high school.
That brought up the question to his mind though, would they count as bullies? He turned over and frowned at the thought. There was no way, that had to just be him being over dramatic about it all. There had been good times. At the start of this crazy situation he had genuinely been enjoying his time in space, even if it was lonely having gone from hundreds of people in his life to six.
But right now, Lance didn’t like hanging around the other castle goers at all, and if he knew anything about friends it was that you shouldn’t dread the thought of seeing them.
Maybe the old advice from his mom would work for this time too. He wasn’t going to give them what they wanted, he wasn’t going to let them take all of his hollow smiles anymore. He would keep his chin up and ignore anything that wasn’t Voltron.
Still he didn’t really want to test out this new strategy immediately, and if he wanted to avoid seeing his teammates, now was the best time to get up and ready. Before anyone else would be waking up for breakfast, something he didn’t think he could sit through yet. He didn’t feel like he could pull himself out of bed this early without the new motivation of avoidance.
Lance slowly sat himself up, and proceeded to get ready for the day. He even went as far as to pick up a little of his old morning routine. He’d abandoned it a while ago when he lost too much time in the mornings from sleeping in due to his late nights. Something that Allura didn’t seem to like given the number of, often public, scoldings he’d recently received for lazing around.
Just another new source for the snickering he’d heard from his teammates.
Once Lance had finished stalling from leaving the safety of his room he found himself standing in front of his door, unsure if he could follow through with this plan.
“I can do this.” he told himself quietly.
Finally, at 5 in the morning he forced himself to step into the hallway.
Lance successfully managed to sneak in and out of the kitchen before anyone else came in, taking some extra portable goo bars that had been developed by Coran in order to avert the need for a second trip later.
But he wasn’t out of danger yet so he crept silently along the halls praying that he wouldn’t encounter anyone, even going as far as to remove his shoes so there wouldn’t be a chance of squeaking along the polished floors.
He was headed to the lion hangers to hide away. He wouldn’t feel safe until he was inside Blue, who was always glad to have her paladin’s attention. Being the friendliest of the lions of course she would.
Finally, once he’d made it to his lion’s side he felt himself relax, having not noticed just how tense he’d been until he could feel her calming emotions envelop his mind lifting the weight he’d been feeling from his shoulders.
To him getting to Blue felt like a small win, he had sustained the inevitable for just a while longer. But the time for avoiding everyone dwindled as there was no way he could skip out from seeing them all day, He still had to face dinner.
For now though, he was going to catch up with his main girl and try to prepare himself mentally for his first interaction with the rest of the crew.
He had a feeling that this was how he would end up spending a lot of his free time for the next long, long while.
In the castle of lions, the group had decided early on, that in order to keep the paladin bond strong everyone would have to at least have dinner together every day. This would ensure that they had a constant connection and provided a break for those who ended up training or working for too long. Which meant that unless someone was in a healing pod there was no other reason not to show up.
Normally this would end up as a very loud event, the large room filled with chatter about the day, some arguments, a couple jokes and laughter, and sometimes stories from their pasts or previous missions. Today though, the table was a bit quieter.
Trying to figure out why, Keith turned to look for the missing voice. It seemed that while everyone else was caught up in the conversation, Lance was quietly eating small bites of his goo beside him with an uncharacteristically pinched expression. Well that wasn’t normal. At this point, usually Lance would have started some dumb argument with him, which would eventually capture the attention from the whole crew. Maybe he needed a little nudge today.
Leaning towards the other paladin Keith tried to catch his attention. No reaction, maybe the other was stuck in his thoughts. He’d try calling out to him, typically it didn’t take much to get Lance talking after someone began a conversation with him.
“Hey, Lance,” He said, all Keith got in acknowledgement was a quick catch of his eyes and the boy eating faster. “No one has seen you all day, where’ve you been?” He continues a little louder. Nothing, just more scraping from Lance’s plate, and not even a glance this time. The sound was starting to aggravate the red paladin.
He tried looking towards Hunk, seeing if he could catch the yellow paladin and get him to talk to Lance. Only he was too enraptured with something Pidge was saying excitedly. The two of them had worked themselves into a full on nerd out session with Coran about their latest success with the drones, which they were trying to explain to Allura and Shiro.
So, Keith went back to Lance, calling his name a few more times, maybe trying to annoy him into speaking. Still no response, though it looked like he may have stiffened a bit.
Not one to give up he tried a different approach, if there was one thing that could always get Lance into a conversation it was to challenge him. After that you’d be lucky to get him to shut up for even 30 seconds. Right now though, Keith would prefer that over this quiet which was both annoying him and maybe making him a bit uncomfortable, he’d never seen Lance so silent before. Hell, the guy had been blown up and had still managed to get out at least a couple of sentences at the time.
“Hey, the drones Hunk and Pidge were upgrading are finally done, I bet if we went down to the training deck after this I could take down more than you.” He declared with a smirk. Lance continued to hold his silence, but now he was glaring directly at Keith.
Good, maybe if he built on this he’d finally get Lance to speak. Besides he actually wouldn’t mind trying out the improved bots with the boy, it’d been a few days since the two had trained together.
“It looks like you could use the practice anyways, you’ll never beat me with those noodle arms.” He teased.
Any second now Lance would jump in saying “Oh yeah!? Let me show you what these “noodle arms” can do, buddy! I’m going to school you with these drones.” Or something along those lines. Lance never failed to do something with a taunt like that. Even if they had built up from their little rivalry into a sort of friendship.
Well he sure did something alright, just not what Keith had expected.
Lance completely shut down, quickly looking away and expression falling flat. With only a few bites left on his plate he rose silently and quietly headed towards the kitchen, presumably to deal with his dish.
Keith watched with a dumbstruck expression. Something must have been wrong, there was no way competitive, arrogant, self confident Lance would have turned away from that taunt albeit a half-baked one.
Shaking himself out of his shock, he looked to the rest of the table that was still absorbed in their conversation, now talking expressively about new projects they could work on around the castle. Keith was surprised no one had seen Lance’s departure. Clearing his throat to grab their attention he asked if any of them knew what was wrong with their friend.
“Something’s wrong with Lance? What happened? Wait, where is he?” questioned Hunk, looking worriedly around for the Cuban boy.
“He left, he’s been silent all night and I couldn’t even get him to speak by challenging him with the new training drones,” He sighed, Fiddling anxiously with the hem of his glove. “Didn’t you guys notice how quiet he was?”
“That’s not Lance, there’s no way he would ever turn down a competition! On a daily basis, he makes at least 5 bets with you before we can even have lunch,” Pidge exclaimed. “Do you think that could have been a clone or an impostor?” She theorized aloud, swiveling her body towards Coran probably to ask if the technology for that was possible.
Shiro put a hand on her shoulder to stop their chattering before they could go off on a different topic altogether.
“I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for Lance’s sudden silence, maybe he’s just feeling under the weather.” He assured Keith, while looking Pidge in the eyes when she continued grumbling under her breath about cloning. “We can check on him tomorrow to see if he’s alright.”
“Oh well we should probably enjoy the peace while it lasts then, who knows With Lance when this chance will come again!” Pidge giggled, causing a couple scattered chuckles in their small group. Keith guessed if they were making jokes the rest didn’t think it was too serious of a matter.
And with that the conversation was deemed over, moving on to other topics easily.
Keith looked over to Hunk to see if he thought this was likely with his best friend. From what he could read on Hunk’s face, Hunk didn’t seem convinced that this was something as easy as Lance being a little bit sick. But he didn’t say anything against Shiro, so perhaps the big guy was just worried over Lance’s health.
Keith would let it go for now, but if Lance continued to stay silent for too long, Keith resolved that he would talk to Hunk. Plan in place he then allowed himself to join in on the rest of the exchange between the remaining paladins and Alteans.
Lance scraped his plate quietly as he was absorbed in his thoughts.
He hadn’t been prepared for Keith to try so hard for his attention, why couldn’t the stupid mullet just have left him alone? If all he wanted was a training partner he could have gone to Shiro.
At first when he’d walked in Lance had been focused, a result from meditating in Blue all afternoon. He had practiced locking up his emotions so the inevitable conversations and occasional jokes wouldn’t affect him.
He’d also worked on his bond with the lion. If he kept with this plan he’d still need some way to form Voltron with the others, and if he wasn’t working on level with the paladins then he had to make sure he could work well with Blue, using her as the glue keeping them together.
So, when he walked into the dining room first he waited and held on to his state of mind. When he saw Pidge, Hunk and Coran he was ready to not react. However, no greeting came, no acknowledgement at all. It was like he wasn’t even there. They were absorbed in a very passionate conversation about engineering, probably something about their latest project. They always joked that he wouldn’t understand their work, so he never asked anymore and ended up feeling out of the loop when they got into their genius talks.
That hurt though that they hadn’t registered his presence, he’d kind of wanted the attention even if he was ignoring them. Wanted them to ask why he wasn’t speaking to them. But that was just him being stupid, of course if he didn’t add himself to the chat they wouldn’t need him for this kind of topic.
So he sat quietly.
Shiro, Keith and Allura came in soon after and once Pidge saw them she’d quickly ran over and started babbling about all of the latest tech achievement. Amused at her antics the trio quickly joined the conversation as they set towards the table.
And just like that Lance was served and kept to himself as the others socialized. He’d accepted it once they’d shown no signs of looking to talk to Lance. At least it would make things easier.
That is, it would have made things easier, until Keith started bugging him. Which he didn’t expect. But by this point, Lance had been ignored himself long enough that he didn’t care, he didn’t want Keith to be in his space or any one to look at him anymore. Except Keith was persistent, and Lance had never been good at ignoring the boy.
But then he brought up the drones project, the reason nothing had happened and it soured any possible hope Lance may have had for Keith’s attention, which hadn’t really grown much since the red paladin had started pestering him. He couldn’t help turning to glare at the challenge.
Keith’s eyes seemed to sparkle a bit at having gotten something from him. Damn it he had one goal of not reacting, and now he couldn’t even hold onto the peace he’d worked to achieve for this exact situation.
And then Keith insulted him.
Lance wasn’t able to deal with that. He already knew his physique hadn’t improved and that he wouldn’t ever be as good as perfect Mr. Trains-away-his-life and he didn’t need another reminder. It may have been harmless but to him the little comment tore a new shallow cut from the deep wound inside Lance. Never having a chance to heal.
So, he left the jerk and his stupid smirking face. He would not unravel everything in a fit. But as he thought about the plan now over the newly cleaned dish, Lance realized that maybe it just wasn’t going to work. One meal and he’d already almost given in. Perhaps he should try something else.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just hit the drawing board later and take out his frustration on the damn drones. He’d try asking Keith if he was still up for the challenge. As he came close to the door he heard voices and prepared to recall his mask. He was about to step inside when he heard what they were saying.
“… tomorrow to see if he’s alright.” Came Shiro’s voice, maybe they moved on from the tech talk.
“Oh well we should probably enjoy the peace while it lasts, who knows with Lance when this chance will come again!” Giggled Pidge.  The room filled with chuckles and laughs.
Lance didn’t listen in for any more, he didn’t want to hear it. He hadn’t even needed to be in the room it seemed for the comments to cut at him. It sounded like it was better if he was silent.
Wiping his face, he crept away from the scene with out any of the people inside aware. They could have their peace, it was the only thing they wanted from him.
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chunmakowski3-blog · 6 years
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Ive always had this silly idea in the back of my head, that maybe I should be writing more than just forum posts and rants on facebook, that maybe I might have more to say, or share, than Ive been allowing myself. So, within that vein of thought, I sat down, and through a mix of two things that really did happen to me, along with some embellishment and other imaginings, I put the following partial story together. I have no idea what to expect from this, good bad or indifferent, but If you take the time to read it, please share your thoughts / critique. Writing like this is experimental for me and Im going even further on the limb by making it erotic... and know that I know, that this is rather rough. Ive gone over it a few times, and I think I could continue to edit, just this tiny piece for ages. Point is, I know Im a newb, and have a long way to go before I might be good. So be honest, but also respectful please. Advice, points, a direction... all welcome. This is just the beginning. The second piece and most of the conclusion are outlined. If folks show interest, Ill finish it up and post it as part #2. Laundry Day... Saturday morning... close to noon, still tired from staying up too late the night before. I get some coffee started then head back to the other end of the house to grab some laundry for the wash. Its a beautiful spring day, really warm outside so I pull some windows and the door open, with just the screens on to keep the bugs out. I live on a quiet street in the suburbs, and mine is the last house before a few empty lots, so I get zero foot traffic. I dont even think twice about traipsing about the house in my boxers. Im 28 years old, about six foot tall, a little too thin but muscular and wiry from working construction all year. I think that Im considered attractive despite my hawkish nose. I have long hair and about 3 days of facial growth. I need to shave, but dont much care too. If I have an attribute that stands out, women often tell me that I have nice hands. Im humming along to Sweet child o mine squeaking out of my old radio while stuffing dirty clothes into the washer when I hear a flat knock on the screen door. The door isnt latched, so it swings half open at the touch. Im a little startled and surprised when I look over and see an attractive woman, twenty-something, dressed modestly in shorts and blouse carrying a hand-bag and a stack of pamphlets. She has long, strawberry blonde hair, and I notice right away, tight, fit legs and a cute face. Regardless of my surprise, I sheepishly say hello, and without even considering that Im more naked than not I approach the door, baffled that theres anyone there at all, nevermind this pretty young woman. She appears to be about as nervous as I am, and begins a rehearsed line from the sheet she has clutched in her hand. She stutters a bit but recoveres quickly. She says My church has asked a few of us to pass out these pamphlets to let people know about our Sunday services. She looks up expectantly, while reaching out to hand me a pamphlet. I take it, and our fingers touch, giving me a slight chill down my spine. A slight breeze blows through the house and I notice that she smells really nice. A complimentary scent to the spring air. I smile and look down at the pamphlet, surreptitiously her thighs. She doesnt seem to have more to say, so I tell her that Im not particularly religious but if she wants to talk, shes welcome to come on in as long as she doesnt mind if I do some laundry while we chat. I gesture at my obvious near nakedness, expecting a repsonse, but instead she just smiles again, very deliberately pushes the door the rest of the way open and walks over to sit down on the couch. She looks demure and slightly nervous, with her legs together and a stack of pamphlets gripped tight in both hands. Despite the apparent nervousness, shes still wearing a grin that looks more mischevious than awkward. I think to myself that so far her actions have been more bold than timid. The situation was feeling rather unreal, her sitting there with me standing in only my very brief thin white boxers. I didnt really know what to do, and I dont think it was conscious thought that got me there, but I walked over and sat next to her. We both sat quiet for a few moments that felt overlong. While I was trying to think up something to say, and becoming increasingly aware of how close to nude I was, she looked over at me, a little red-faced, and then suddenly stood up, mumbled something I didnt understand and took off out the door. If you have any kind of concerns about wherever as well as how to work with mature milfs pics, you are able to email us from our webpage. I stood up to follow, but she had distanced herself from the house rather quickly and I didnt want to run outside in only my underwear. I was puzzled, and more than a little disappointed that shed left so quickly. Id gotten near as much warning with her leaving as Id had with her coming. I turned around, shook my head, laughed a little, walked to my bedroom, found some jeans and a shirt to put on and then walked outside to see her and her group a few doors down talking with my elderly neighbor. They all looked up when they heard my screen door shut. I waved, she waved back, then turned away as the group said their goodbyes to my neighbor, got into a mini-van and drove away. With nothing more to do or say, I went back inside refilled my coffee mug and sat down on the couch, still warm where shed been sitting, and attempted to take stock of what just happened. Though there had been few words and no contact, the experience left me with my blood pumping. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. My mind replaying the experience over and over, changing the subtleties to suit my fantasies. Fantasies that eventually got the best of me. My cock got hard. Throbbing in my boxers, I couldnt help myself, I reached down and stroked it thinking of what might have happened differently with this impromptu beautiful stranger who had come to my home, and then left again after such a brief encounter. As the days turned to weeks, the memory of the experience and the fantasy became a sort of routine. I would sit on the couch and masturbate thinking of the day Id had a beautiful stranger come to my door. Each time I would imagine having said something clever or having reached over and touched her leg while she sat there, each action or word a catalyst for the fantasy to bloom. A touch turned to another, and then a kiss, and well, you get the idea. Time passed, a month or more, I dont remember now. It was my day off during the week. I was killing some time playing a video game, awaiting the time free naked mature pictures to go meet my friends for drinks that afternoon. It was still warm out, and after her visit and my subsequent fantasies, Id gotten into the habit of leaving the front door open, screen door closed but unlatched. Id come down from the high of the experience, but it was still fueling my masturbation ritual on a nearly daily basis. Despite this and though I suppose Id subconsciously hoped to run into her one day, I was harboring no real belief that Id see her again. Amidst the noise and distraction of the game I was playing, I almost didnt hear it when someone at my door cleared their throat. Once again startled, I jumped a little, and when I turned to see, it was her at the door, and already pushing it open, though Id not invited her in. I was dumbstruck and overwhelmed at how attractive she looked framed by the door and the sunlight streaming in around her. She let the door shut behind her, and stood there smiling dressed in a white t-shirt and semi-raggy short jeans with her long reddish-blonde hair flowing down her shoulders and onto her chest. She looked different, less demure, and it took me a few moments to realize she was wearing makeup that was absent at our first meeting, and this time her clothes are a little tighter and I can see that through her shirt, the bra shes wearing is lacy, sexy milf, on purpose. Her cute face and fit legs are the standouts of her appearance, and though I cant tell with her facing me, I imagine that she must have a really fantastic ass too. Then, in an instant, several things cross my mind at once. I felt my face flush red, as several weeks of stroking my cock to thoughts and fantasies about this woman came flooding back to me. It was my turn to studder. I didnt know what to say, and then I began to feel myself getting hard. I thought, at least Im wearing pants this time. Feeling unusually confident, perhaps inspired by her bold intrusion, I let my inhibitions go and allow myself to become erect. I stood there facing her, each of us looking one another up and down, taking each other in, appraising. I was sure shed noticed my hard-on, she smiled and then looked me in the eye. I nervously, nearly choking on the words said, Hey again, how are you... come on in. even though she was already standing in the room. tweakmymeter
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