#Royal Simblr Tutorial
olympianroyals · 2 years
hello, i tried to send a message but it's not working and im having issue's with using the ask box your page (and mines!) but i was the canon who asked, do you have save files/cc/poses or anything you'd recommend for someone starting out?
Hellooo, welcome back to de chaos of my blog lol
The first thing I recommend for anyone that is starting out is to join the Royal Simblr Discord! My girl -> @bridgeportbritt can help with that! You will find there a lot of support, many tips and tricks, CC finds, people willing to do collabs, a positive place to share ideas, etc.
Personally, I don't use any specific save files although, I use several for my Royals. One for my current story, another for their past, and one for me to play around with.
There are plenty of Content Creators that specifically make cc for Royals. I can't list all of them off the top of my head... but these creators do come to mind,
Clothes/Poses/Deco sims -> @thedevilliers @reigningsims @melonsloth @lucky-content
Furniture -> @thejim07 @cliffou29 @felixandresims @harrie-cc
Jewelry -> @batsfromwesteros @normalsiim
Check their blogs out, a lot of their stuff would help bring life to your story. Also, Pinterest helps a lot, here are the ones that I check regularly -> Pinterest 1 Pinterest 2
Also, I know both @thedevilliers and @bridgeportbritt have done a lot of tutorials on Royal Simming so must to check their blogs aswell
Hopefully, this helps!! if anybody else wants to chime in, please feel free!! Plug yourself if you have to!!!
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bridgeportbritt · 1 year
The Guide on Starting a Royal Story
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I’m often asked about tips on starting a royal story and I see more and more popping up which is great! So, I thought I’d compile all my tips into another tutorial! More tutorials here.
Storytelling Starters
So, I’d figure I’d start with just starting a story and then dive more deep into the royal parts of it because at the end of the day, your royal story is simply a story. I’m no expert on storytelling but I’ll tell you what’s helped me tell my story for the last two years along with tips I’ve picked up from some great storytellers here on simblr!
Let’s break it up into the 2 major things your story needs - plot and characters.
Plot is the story in which you want to tell. The thing I love about storytellign on simblr is how your plot can evolve in many different ways. Many of us have no plans to stop telling our stories, so the storylines grow and change with our characters.
To get started with creating a plot, I have an outline that I create for each chapter of my story. I use Google docs and simply write out the scenes and color code them based on if I’ve taken screenshots, drafted posts, or published a post. You don’t have to do it that way but that is what works for me. Others use tools like Milanote, some do their outlines in a notebook. Find what works best to help you work out your plots.
If you need inspiration, there are so many amazing stories here on Simblr. You can find the Royal Directory here. But, you can really get inspired anywhere - tv shows, movies, even from real life. That’s the beauty of inspiration, it can come from anywhere.
It’s hard to say whether to start with the plot or the characters because they are both so essential to the story. The best thing you can do for your story is to understand your characters. From their personality, likes and dislikes, what makes them tick, what their background is. Stuff that makes a person who they are.
Those attributes that you give your character will work together with your plot. How your character reacts to certain situations based on who they are can even drive your plot. Which is why establishing them both is really important.
Again, inspiration can come from anywhere, simblr, media, or real-life. You can also Google character building questions to help you.
Now, let’s get Royal storytelling specifically! Since this is getting long and will only get longer. I put the rest under the cut!
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Royal Storytelling Starters
Okay, let’s get into the Royal stuff, shall we? There’s quite a few things you want to establish in your story if you’re focusing on a Royal family. Please note that you can always change things as you go and make things up as you go along, but I will say that establishing some things earlier on will help you in the future.
Your Country
The thing about royal families is they govern a whole country of people, usually a country that is completely made up. So, if we’re making up countries, we’ve gotta establish the things that make that country, that country. Here’s some places to start:
1. Names - What is the name of this new land? Does it have other countries, states, cities, capitals? Those also need names. It’s common for a lot of things to have names such as palaces, historical buildings, objects like tiaras. If you struggle with naming things, you can always try a name generator!
2. Geography - What kind of land is this? How big is the land? What about the climate? What kind of seasons does it have? Are there any natural landmarks like mountains, rivers, etc.? I’m terrible at this kind of stuff and made a lot up as I went. And that’s okay! There are even map generators that can help you!
3. Society - What are the people like who live here? Is there anything that bonds them together on a national level? Think state colors, flags, holidays, etc. What’s the population? Are they educated? What kind of work do they do? The best part about this is you can go as in-depth or not as you like!
4. Economy - What kind of system do they use? Capatalism, socialism, etc. Do they import and export goods? What’s the average income? What kind of money do they use? Dollars, pounds, simoleons, etc? Is the economy doing well or poor?
5. History - Your country had to start somewhere. Maybe your story starts at the beginning or hundreds of years later. How was the land founded? How did it go from what it was to what it is today? How old is the country? Are there places where people can learn about the history? Museums, monuments, tv shows, movies, etc.
Now, don’t let these things scare or overwhelm you! Trust me, sometimes these things develop with time and you don’t need to figure it all out before you start. Get a comfortable head start and worldbuild as you go!
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Your Government
Alright, let’s move onto government which I felt had to be it’s own section because there are Royal sims after all. Your country’s government system is important because it will impact your family. So, here’s a few things to consider:
Your Government System - Your probably doing a monarchy system, but there are even different types of monarchies. So it would be a good idea to do a bit of research on which one yours falls under. Keep in mind, that you can even make up your own kind of system. You don’t have to follow what’s already established.
Political Affiliation - Many countries have some sort of party system (ex. Americans have democrat and republicans and a few smaller parties). I know that most people don’t want to get political, but in some instances you may find it neccessary. But, still keep in mind that you can totally make this up. 
Laws and Such - Who establishes the laws? Who enforces them? These are some things you need to think of. Is it your royal family or monarch? Do you have some sort of parliament system. This kind of falls within the government system part, but mainly you want to establish the role of your monarchy and those they work with to govern your country.
Your Royal Family
Alright, let’s get to the fun parts - Your Royal Family! This is why you’re here. You want to slap some tiaras on a sim and send them to the next gala! But, hold on a second. Let’s establish a few things in our families first:
Titles - When it comes to royals, titles are very important. Some titles are given based on land ownership, family heritage, birth, etc. You want to give your royals titles and establish how they are styled (ex. Her Majesty or Her Imperial Majesy). You also want to create a system for titles such as if someone dies, who gets their title?
Dress code - You’re going to soon find out that dress plays a huge role in royal sims. Many have strict dress codes. Your dress code can look however you want it to look. You may also want to keep in mind traditional or national type outfits based on your country.
Roles - What exactly does your royal family do for your country? Support causes through engagements, engage in political lawmaking, host foreign diplomats? It’s really up to you. You can create some interested storylines based on duty, as well!
Religion - I added this to Royals because I realize that a lot of Royals base their pretty much entire existence on religion. So, I think it’s important to note. Of course, like politics, it’s a touchy subject so you don’t have to do it. Want to make something up? Go for it! I’ve been using the Jacoban religion from the Sims Medieval which has been much easier! You can find my guide on that here.
Royal Sims Community
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There is an awesome growing community of Royal Simmers! All of which help us tell our stories, collaborate, and overall have fun. So, here’s a few things of note!
Royal CC and Poses
Tiaras, clothes, jewelry, etc. - @melonsloth, @batsfromwesteros, @glitterberrysims, @normalsiim, @thesimpireblr, @royaltysimblr, @threethousandplumbobs, @rustys-cc, @sifix, @ice-creamforbreakfast, 
Build/Buy - @thejim07, @felixandresims, @anachrosims, @themarblemortal, @strangestorytellersims
Poses/Deco Sims -  @samssims, @royalhouseofcarrington, @novapark, @whitmoreroyals, @reigningsims​, @clanmacarthur​
Tips on Collaborating
Royal Simblr Event/Collab Etiquette 
Guide to Interacting
How to Send Sims 
How to Host an Event 
Collabing with Others 
Royal Sims Discord Server
If you’d like to join the royal sims discord server, send a message to myself, @thealbionroyals, @whitmoreroyals, @trentonsimblr​, @thebaillieroyals​, or @royalhouseofcarrington​. There are 5000 more tips and tricks in there plus it’s where we all hang out to talk about royals, get feedback, and collab!
In Conclusion
This post is so long, but I thought I’d give some parting advice as you start your journey into the crazy world of Royal Sims!
1. Get a Process Going that Works for You
When it comes to storytelling, it’s probably a fun hobby for you that you want to dedicate time to. My biggest tip is to find a storytelling process that what works for you. I recommend something that allows you to be focused without stifling your creativity. And it’s okay if it changes or if you do things differently from time to time.
2. Take the Pressure Off
It’s easy to put a ton of unneeded pressure on yourself. But, it’s always been important to me to have fun and use this as a creative outlet. Creativity is very fluid. There is no right or wrong way to be creative. Perfection does not equal creativity. It’s also really hard to be creative when you’re miserable.
3. Interact and Find Your People
For me, this one is the hardest one to do and took some time but I’ve made a lot of great friends here! It started with me following their stories and engaging with them, then I started my story and we’d engage with each other, then I headed over to discord for more interaction. And through that process I’ve found a lot of cool people who motivate me and inspire me daily! Don’t be discouraged by people having their own friend groups or feeling like an outsider. All friendships take time to form but if you put the effort in and connect with people genuinely, it’s really awesome and makes storytelling even more fun!
4. Have fun!
I can’t stress this enough! Actually have fun with what you’re doing. Don’t make this creative outlet a job or set ridiculous expectations for yourself. Don’t think your blog needs to be like anyone else’s to fit in. I think most people here can agree that they very much don’t fit in which is why they’ve turned to a space like this. You will go longer and be less bored when you have fun and not pressure yourself.
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nexility-sims · 9 months
what's something you'd like to see more of on royal simblr?
the timing of this was brilliant, actually, because i had been thinking for several days that i would like to make some sort of entirely uncalled for, roughly edited psa post about What I Think Royal Simblr Needs To Prioritize More :^) anyway, you also touched on this in your own answer, so it’s an echo of that too :^) it's very long, but i had a lot to say about the topic i've chosen. i should also preface by saying that it's not meant as a blanket negative statement or even an objective prescription; it's just based on my own observation and anecdotal experience.
in short, royal simblr needs more cultural diversity !
there are two big reasons why i feel this way: one, the entire premise is suspect because it so easily verges into uncritically reproducing and whitewashing an awful institution; and two, cultural diversity is actually more engaging and interesting than a community that feels monocultural (esp when said culture is a hegemonic colonial product whose dominance is based on plunder, oppression, and destruction of both entire peoples and the planet itself).
personally, i want to be part of a community where folks are 1) actively curious about the wider world and its cultures and 2) comfortable incorporating their own cultures in their stories. it’s true that the bias is perhaps partly because many royalty references in the real world may not have great english sources for a predominantly english-speaking community to use. but, i don’t think that’s a get-out-of-jail-free card. i am absolutely not a person who likes to consciously write myself into my stories, to be clear. that being said, i do ask myself, “what experiences or knowledge do i have that deserve representation?” we write our stories for ourselves but, frankly, i would venture many of us have internalized messages that make us devalue our own backgrounds or doubt others will be interested in content outside of the often white, often western mainstream. in my experience, the royal simblr community places high value on researching and replicating the norms of contemporary western european royalty—particularly the british royal family. the truth is that same care and respect could be put into other histories and perspectives, if the motivation existed to do so.
so, another approach, beyond drawing on your own experiences, is doing the research to respectfully depict or be inspired by a culture that isn't your own. the onus for representation cannot be squarely on the most marginalized of us, even if we'd likely produce the best version of it. if i had chosen to write a story about a fake british royal family, i'd have felt guilty about not writing a story full of brown people from the americas; that representation wouldn't really exist if i wasn't making it for myself. consequently, culture shifts require everyone to do their part, whether as creators, collaborators, or readers. i'd also venture that most of us appreciate when outsiders believe our cultures are valuable and beautiful—when they want to know or experience our clothing, food, and music in ways that are not fetishizing, exploitative, or appropriating. that's part of why tumblr is filled with guides and tutorials to writing characters from all walks of life, from ethnicity to disability to gender; the resources exist, and people want to see them used. it doesn't even have to be your entire story ! individual characters or plot lines can give good representation if you make that a priority.
in my own story, i've blended the two approaches. i think about my own, my family's, and my friends' experiences of indigeneity in what's currently the united states; i've also blended it with my interests in iberian and latin american histories, especially indigenous mexico, among other elements closer to u.s. history. my story isn't a direct replica of any real world place or people, but the culture is based on imagination, research, and feedback. if someone has a critique or feels offended for whatever reason, i want to be humble enough to accept it and make changes. one of the amazing things about this corner of tumblr is that our community loves to help others. learning in public—experimenting, sharing parts of yourself, being creative—is never easy, but it's easier to do when you're part of a community that offers grace and encouragement. my opinion is also that people are more willing to share their expertise and welcome your work if you demonstrate, not just good intentions, but that you've done your homework to the best of your ability.
i want to be clear, too: there's a place for storytelling as conscious critique of the institution, and there are storytellers in this community whose cultures happen to be the ones that are overrepresented. this isn't an indictment of the good stories and good fun people are having. i'm just taking this as an opportunity to offer constructive criticism and give people the encouragement or permission to try something different. why not use your creativity to incorporate other sources of inspiration—or to imagine a different and better world, even?
at the end of the day, everyone can do whatever they want with their hobbies. we can't all be doing social justice on simblr dot com and, frankly, probably shouldn't be ! it is nonetheless true that some of us don't get to enjoy our hobbies uncritically. we can't log onto tumblr and scroll through sims stories and be blissfully unaware of the politics of representation. "royalty" doesn't just connote pretty tiaras and fancy titles for all of us. people who are marginalized in the real world are part of this community. its representation signals to us how welcome we and the stories we have to tell really are.
most or all of us are imagining our countries to be part of the same fictional world. it's just my personal opinion, but i don’t think that world should be mostly fake europe plus specifically the settler colonial parts of fake non-europe. my challenge to everyone would be to think about whether your story could or should meaningfully contribute to a fuller, more realistic representation of the world we've created as a collective within this community.
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
open call for small collabs!
Without saying TOO much about what I’ve got planned for the next part of my story, I’ve got some openings in my outline for some small-scale collabs, so I wanted to put an open call out for anyone interested!
Back in Ye Olden Days of royal simblr (summer-fall 2020), it was very common for people to exchange sims for one-off posts. It was a really fun, low-stakes, low-effort way to get to know other people in the community, and I’d like to revive this trend!
The end product of this collab would be a one-off post on this blog with a short news article about an event our sims attended together. (Here’s a few examples of what the end result might look like: 1, 2, 3).
Unfortunately, I don’t have the capacity for taking on larger-scale/more involved collabs right now, so my part of the collab would be just the one post on my blog! If we end up collabing, you are of course totally free to have the collab be a larger event in your own story (and I’ll reblog all relevant posts, naturally!) but I’m not looking to develop new ongoing plotlines or write dialogue for my sims to appear in behind-the-scenes posts on other people’s blogs.
You need to be willing to send me your sims OR host my sims and send me pictures to use for the post
@bridgeportbritt​ put together a few tutorials for collaborating, take a look and lmk if you have questions about the logistics!
You don’t need to be a royal simmer, but you should have sims who might plausibly meet and interact with members of a foreign royal family. Royals, politicians, celebrities, athletes, and non-famous Sims who are high-ranking in their career are all welcome!
If you can, please come up with an idea for what the event would be (i.e., perhaps your celebrity is performing at a gala my sims are attending, perhaps your royal/politician is attending a state dinner in Armorica, perhaps your scientist is receiving an award for their research from a member of my royal family)
I may not be able to collab with everyone! I have no idea what the interest level will be, but if I get more responses than I can realistically handle, I may have to say no. I just want to be upfront about that!
If I end up fielding more requests than I can handle, I will update this post and do my best to immediately notify people I can’t work with right now.
I want these kinds of smaller collabs to be a reoccuring thing on my blog, so if we can’t work together now, we might be able to at a later date!
All simmers are welcome, but I’m giving priority/preference to newer/smaller blogs! Back in Ye Olden Days, my very tiny blog got a HUGE boost from small collabs with established blogs, and I want to spread the love! (not that I’m Simblr Famous (tm) or anything, I’ve just been around long enough to have an established audience (which remains slightly inexplicable to me....an audience? for my pixel barbies??? it’s more likely than you think)
NEAT, I hoped at least one person would be! Please send me an ask, off-anon, with your discord handle so we can connect over there and talk! I will lose track of replies to this post or Tumblr messages!
(as of november 11, 2022)
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themarblemortal · 3 years
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Coat of Arms
I created a simple “sticker” set of Coat of Arms, with styles ranging from Napoleonic to Russian. I don’t really know what they could be used for, but I just wanted to make some in case I or anyone else ever needs them.
Support TheMarbleMortal on Patreon
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thedevilliers · 3 years
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transcript under the cut (click pics for hq!) 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 |
[Laura] Is that you, Emilia? Why didn’t you play with us during recess? Do you think you’re better than us? [Emilia] No! Not all all. Sorry. I—I was helping Paula with homework. She was sick last week. I like playing with you guys! Sorry. [Laura] Wait, what is that? Guys, look! [Laura] Is that why you don’t want to play with us? You like horses better? [Helga] Yeah, Emilia. Are you going to marry a horse? [Marie] [laughs] A horse will be king! We’ll all have to learn how to speak horse! [Laura] Learn horse? We’ll have to neigh to talk to each other! [kids start neighing at Emilia] [Laura] Do you understand what we’re saying? [laughs] [Emilia] No, I—I’m sorry. [Alexander] Yeah, who likes horses anyway? Horses are ugly! [Helga] That’s why she likes them! They’re ugly like her! [Emilia] That’s not true! [Laura] Aww, are you going to cry miss 'and-and-and'? [kids laugh] [Emilia] You are all so mean! [Laura] [laughs] Bye!
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thegrimalldis · 3 years
I'm in the process of creating my own royal simblr page, and I was wondering how were you able to change the letters on the throne. I have the original.
@royaldevilliers had a lil tutorial on it. You can find it: HERE
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simoviacourt · 3 years
Check In Tag ✔️
I got tagged by @bridgeportbritt and @the-royals-ts4 🥰
Why did you choose your url?
Name of my fictional country and its royal palace.
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them.
I have a gameplay blog I never update as I barely ever play.
How long have you been on tumblr?
This time around, almost a year.
Do you have a queue tag?
Only for my story.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was CC shopping and I came across @melonsloth and @batsfromwesteros and figured that I’d give royal simblr a try.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s my current author portrait though it’s not very accurate at this moment. My writer’s reality currently features far less wine and far more Nutella.
Why did you choose your header?
It’s very fitting for the things that are coming for my story.
What’s your post with the most notes?
The window fix tutorial. I could never be tumblr famous, that post and all its notes gave me so much anxiety. My notifications were blowing up for a week.
How many mutuals do you have?
No idea but plenty. I’m not one of those people who think they’re too cool to follow other people. If you’re nice and you post nice stuff, I’ll follow back.
How many followers do you have?
I don’t usually disclose this information because I think it leads to unhealthy obsession over vanity metrics but 777.
How many people do you follow?
Not sure as I’m on mobile and can’t check but 300ish?
Have you ever made a shitpost?
I generally just reblog them
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Too often.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I only argue with people when they leave me no other choice so not really. I have however called out people on their shitty behaviour and will continue to do so if need be. Other than that, I’m too old and tired for drama.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Do you like tag games?
Do you like ask games?
I do, though I generally reblog them at the worst times.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
So many of my NSFT friends, I still get starstruck
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Too many of them to list! I’ve made some truly wonderful friends here and I love them all.
Uhhh whoever wants to do this and @melonsloth @batsfromwesteros @thesimmonarchy @glitterberrygaming @threethousandplumbobs
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kingdomofvellia · 3 years
Hello! I have asked you lots of questions and Im sorry about that but I have recently started my royal simblr and am wanting to collaborate with other creators, Im starting small, with pages that have a similar following to mine of course, but I just wanted to know how you collaborate with other sims. I know this may sound very stupid lol and maybe its easier than I had thought but are you downloading their sims from the gallery?? Sorry again for the stupid questions but any help would be great.
Hi there! This is an excellent question and I am glad you asked it :D If you want to share sims with other players I’d recommend using tray files instead of the gallery as it can be “packed” and sent with or without cc, making your job much easier^^
All you and the other person have to do is download The Sims 4 Tray importer and install it. After which you open your game, style your sims the way you want them to look. Save the household to your gallery and open the Tray importer. You will see your family to the left, click on them and then export the file, with or without cc! Then you just send the files to the other person, who can import them real easy, making them show up in their gallery :D
If you want a more thorough tutorial, here is one I found online!
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bridgeportbritt · 1 year
A Guide to Jacobanism
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I noticed that there is an interest in Jacobanism or religion in general in Royal stories, so I thought I’d share some of the worldbuilding I’ve done around the religion. This is very much based on the Sims Medieval religion and was my way of including religion in my story without including real religion. Feel free to use these elements in your story!
Note: I put things unique to my country, SimDonia, in italics, but I’m happy with sharing these elements if you’d like!
Jacoban, a monotheistic religion, is a religion where followers believe in a god known as the Watcher, who created them, watches them, and guides them. They believe that the Watcher is vengeful and merciless and thus must be feared and appeased by submitting to a strict moral code, lest It decide to punish them.
Accordingly, Jacoban priests work to drive fear and obedience into the hearts of worshipers by making intense sermons, encouraging Sims to absolve their sins, and teaching and spreading the word of the Book of Jacob.
Church Hierachy
The official Jacoban Church is organized by and run by the The Proxy, a Jacoban priest who has been elected to hold the position. The Proxy is said to speak for Jacob, who in turn spoke for the Watcher. Under the Proxy are the Eyes of Jacob who are appointed by The Proxy to guide the religion across it’s many churches across the simverse. Eyes of Jacob can appoint High Shepherd(esse)s in their church. The lowest ranking members of the church are the attendants of the priests. The absolute head of the church is the Sovereign in many countries where monarchies reign.
The Gothic style of Jacoban cathedrals and the heavily-dyed and adorned clothing the clergy wears is notably awe-inspiring. The main symbol of the Watcher is the Watcher's Eye, a constellation that's said to look over all of the Sims. Many eyes feature prominently in religious-themed architecture and items. One piece of significance in SimDonia is the Watcher’s Staff which is bowed to as a sign of respect at ceremonies.
You can find plenty of Sims Medieval/Jacoban converted cc here.
Common phrases used by believers, “Shine the Watcher’s Gaze Upon Thee” which is meant to help Sims focus and reflect on the Watcher. It is said during significant life moments and any time Sims reflect on The Watcher. Also commonly used is “Jacob Guide You” which is what believers say to each other normally as a greeting.
The Jacoban faith was started by a Sim named Jacob who was born in Yacothia, the Jacoban holy city run by a The Jacoban Proxy. Jacob is believed to have spoken for The Watcher and is likely the first Sim to have talked about The Watcher at all. 
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There are a few ceremonies that fall within the religion - Marriages, Funerals, Coronations, and Conversions.
For each ceremony, Eyes of Jacob must give the Jacob’s Trilogy of Praise. This praise is meant to give the ultimate blessing to any believing sim directly from The Watcher.  The Trilogy of Praise includes three key blessings:
The Watcher’s Absolution which absolves sims of their sins so they can look forward without the past blocking their path. 
The Watcher’s Touch which protects the sim from dangers and obstacles. 
The Watcher’s Blessing which is meant to fill the sims’ heart with the Watcher’s love and cherish thee. If a sim is given this praise at their funeral or just before death, they are said to live forever in eternal bliss.
For Conversions, a sim can convert at any time in life. They must meet with an Eye of Jacob and have a ceremony where they are given the Jacob’s Trilogy of Praise. Parents may also have the ceremony performed on their children.
Significant Holidays that are celebrated within the faith include:
Winterfest which is at the end of December. It is said that Jacob traveled back from Yacothia during this time with a mission to spread the knowledge of The Watcher with the rest of the world. He endured many obstacles but his belief and fear of The Watcher protected him on his journey. During this holiday, Sims share gifts as Jacob shared the gift of knowing The Watcher. 
Harvest Fest celebrated in November is when Sims gather around a large feast as Jacob did when he finally returned home to Yacothia. It is said that The Watcher blessed the meal because Jacob was so strong in his faith and spread the message with the world. 
Ybtirten is an 8 day celebration in February of The Watcher practiced by the most faithful. Traditions include: Fasting for 8 days as Jacob did during his journey spreading the Word of The Watcher, converting sims to Jacobanism, proclaiming love and respect for The Watcher, and doing acts of kindness such as donating to the church or otherwise. It’s common to acquire “Watched Water” during this time from the Church of Jacob to absolve sins.
Well there it is! Let me know if there is anything else you would like me to talk about regarding Jacobanism. Please feel free to use this made-up religion in your stories, if you’d like and adapt it to your story as you see fit!
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thehammondlegacy · 3 years
Before I say anything else, your story is amazing! You inspired me to get back into writing and start my own simblr! I was wondering how do you make your screenshots looks so amazing like do you use shaders or what do you edit with? I can’t wait see what the little Princess will look like when she grows up!
Thank you so much ♥ It really means a lot that you like my story :D I'm so happy you have started your own royal blog!! As for my sreenshots, I don't use a reshade anymore cause it was too heavy for the game. I recomend learning how to use photoshop. I know it must look very difficult at first but you can start with easy tutorials in youtube that you can look for and I'm sure you'll learn pretty fast cause it's very easy to use. I hope this helps :D
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armoricaroyalty · 10 months
Hi im going to be making a sims 4 royal side blog and am in the proccess of setting things up, one thing im wondering about is poses as ive never used them before can you tell me a bit about where to get them and how they work in game?
To use poses in game, first, you need to download Andrew's Pose Player (there are more guides about how to install the mod linked in that post). Once you have the mod installed, you'll have two new options in the pie menu when you click on your sims in the game: Pose by Pack and Pose by Name.
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picture is from the DL post I linked above
Once you have the pose player in the game, you need to download individual pose packs. I like to create individual folders within my mods folder for different kinds/themes of poses. For example, I have a folder with all poses on a bed, and when I need to take screenshots for a scene in a bedroom, I move my bed poses folder into my TS4 mods folder. If I'm not taking screenshots in a bedroom, I move that folder out of my mods folder and move the folders I need into my mods folder.
(creating extra folders is optional, I just like to do it so I have fewer pose packs in the game at once, which makes it easier to find the specific poses you need)
When you have pose packs in your mod folder and click on the Pose by Pack option in the pie menu, you'll see a menu that looks like this:
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From there, you click on the pose pack you need, and then on the specific poses within that pack you want to use.
The best place to find poses for your game is @ts4-poses, which is the longest-running and best-organized pose blog out there. (They also link to this Sims VIP guide on how to use poses in game, which might be helpful if this response is not). If you click to view the masterlist page, you'll see a whole lot of categories for different kinds of poses. There's an entire tag for royal-themed poses, which might be a good place to start!
This was a pretty quick guide, so I hope it was helpful! If you need more guidance, I'd recommend googling "ts4 pose tutorial" or something similar -- there are plenty of YouTube videos out there that will walk you through the entire process, with visual guides.
Thanks for reaching out, and welcome to the royal simblr community! Once you've started posting your story, tag me in a post or send me a message with a link to your blog so I can reblog some of your posts and share them with my followers :)
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bridgeportbritt · 6 months
Hey, I love your royal family challenge, but I'll admit that I wouldn't be able to play such a challenge myself, where I come up with everything myself. Watching your gameplay, I began to wonder what such a challenge, and more so its rules, could look like. I know that there was a royal family challenge, but as far as I know it is quite old and not updated. That's why I wanted to ask if you ever thought about creating rules for such a challenge?
Hi there! Omg thank you for this lovely message!
I wouldn't call what I'm doing now a challenge really, but I actually have thought about putting together a gameplay tutorial for my royals mainly because I noticed so many royal simblrs don't play. But I have a blast playing with my royals. I try to keep my gameplay very realistic which is why it's easy for me to do gameplay style storytelling.
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Not sure if I'll ever get around to a tutorial, but here's a few things I do! I hope this helps. Can't wait to see what you do!
Include butlers/security/assistants in households - The butlers are very important because my royals aren't going to clean and cook for themselves! The security is more for storytelling. Lately, I give the butler a security outfit to save space.
Give my royals a job - They have to work like the rest of us! Most will work in military, a work from home job, or self-employed. Sometimes I will build lots for them to work. For self-employed sims, their job is to work on certain skills and build relationships with other royals/diplomats. Oh, I also make them celebs because that offers a lot of gameplay. Some work to get more famous.
Build functional lots - It's rare that I use a set in my story. Usually I have a fully fleshed out build even for just a scene. I know, crazy lol. But, it makes my world more fun! Of course, I don't actually build, I find things in the gallery and slowly decorate them as I need them.
Story and Gameplay Align - If something happens in my story, I also play it out gameplay style. Relationships, pregnancies, even enemies. Makes both the gameplay and the story more realistic. And it can even inspire storylines.
Maybe this will inspire me to make something more formal! Thank for the ask!!
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thedevilliers · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any tips for anyone who wants to start a simblr about a royal family? I've been following your page for some time and I've been in love with your story. :)
hi!! 💖 thank you so much saying that and readin my story 💖 i do!! there's some tips i've left on my tutorials page (here) and a lil four part guide here, which includes tips on starting out !! 💖💖💖 any other questions just let me know <3
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bridgeportbritt · 2 years
You are a true queen! 👑
Your tutorials are spectacular! They are super helpful and I love the addition of the pro-tips.
Thank you for all that you have done and are continuing to do to help build the royal simblr community.
You are literally TOO kind! ❤️❤️ ❤️ This message has made my whole life. Thank you so much!!! I hope you find the guides helpful!
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bridgeportbritt · 3 years
hi there!! I really admire/love Royal simblrs (especially yours!) and I was wondering what the rules (for lack of better words) were for your discord!! Do you need to have an active story? Or can you be in the planning process? Is there a way to ask questions, and are there any requirements to join? I think it’s such a cool idea and I’d love to learn more about it!!
Hi there! Thank you for the kind words ❤️ You can be in the planning stages for the discord. We actually have a getting started channel filled with storytelling, tutorials, cc, and other resources to help! The only requirement we have is that you’re at least 15 to join.
I’m not sure if you mean can you ask questions in the server or before you join, but the answer is yes to both! You can send me a message with any questions and as a member there are plenty of places to ask questions and share stories/ideas, collab, etc!
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