#Royal Weddings
The Princess of Wales. 🙌🏼💐
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thewales-family · 3 months
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The Princess of Wales June 2024 Photo Challenge
24. Favourite photo(s) of Catherine as a wedding guest.
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disneyboot · 24 days
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Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip on their wedding day, November 20th, 1947.
"It’s hot out here, Lilibet."
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
So I'm a day late in asking about wedding stuff so I understand if you don't reply. But have you seen the wedding photos of Lady Sarah Chatto? I just discovered them myself. She's really into art and WOW her bridesmaids dresses are amazing. Very renaissance inspired and absolutely stunning. I can't think of any other royal wedding in recent times where the highlight of the dresses are the bodices.
Sarah Chatto is my favorite '90s bridal look and one of my all-time favorite royal bridal looks.
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It was *chef's kiss.* The tiara was perfect. The veil was perfect. The hair was perfect. The flowers were perfect. The train was perfect. The skirt was perfect. The only thing I didn't like about her dress was long the bodice was (it reminds me of a catcher's chest protector and I'd have preferred something closer to the hips or not as curved) but it's such a minor complaint because the whole look just really works.
What I also loved about Sarah's wedding:
How the bridesmaid dresses matched her dress. We don't really see that in royal weddings but it's such an artistic care to detail that someone like Sarah or Kate would have appreciated.
How quickly Sarah and her husband left the church. According to the reports from the day, the press were caught off-guard by how quickly the wedding took place that they weren't ready when the bride and groom appeared together.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall for the conversations that Sarah, Charles, and Kate must have about art and art history.
I decided to take wedding/royal-watching questions all week because I'm traveling for work. It's boring here. So send them in! We'll go back to regularly scheduled programming next week.
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englishmastiff · 5 months
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My 28 favorite royal bridal earring in no specific order, part 2.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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The royal wedding of Felipe, the Prince of Asturias and Letizia Ortiz ♡
The wedding of Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz was held on May 22nd 2004, in the Santa María la Real de La Almudena Cathedral at the Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain. The couple’s engagement was announced on November 1st, 2003.
The wedding was the first state wedding in Spain for more than 50 years, and the first royal wedding in almost a century to be held in the Spanish capital. More than 1200 guests attended the wedding, including from 36 royal houses and almost every head of state from Latin America.
Letizia wore the Prussian Tiara, also worn by Queen Sofia at her wedding. The wedding dress, designed by Manuel Pertegaz, was white, tight around the waist, with long sleeves, a neckline in the shape of a corolla, a wide skirt and a 4.5-meter long train embroidered with heraldic motifs. The bride's gown was woven with Valencia silk and embroidered with silver and gold threads. The nuptial veil was a gift from the Prince to Letizia; with a triangular shape, three meters long by two wide, of natural silk tulle in ivory white with scrolls and hand-embroidered wreaths, which mixed the fleur-de-lis and the spike. The shoes were made by the illicitana designer Pura López. Felipe wore the Great Tag suit of the Army.
Upon the wedding, Letizia received all constitutional titles recognized to the Prince as heir to the Spanish throne, such as: The Prince and Princess of Asturias, the title of the heir of the Crown of Castile; The Prince and Princess of Gerona, the title of the heir of the Crown of Aragón; The Prince and Princess of Viana, the title of the heir of the Kingdom of Navarre; The Duke and Duchess of Montblanch; The Count and Countess of Cervera; The Lord and Lady of Balaguer.
The royal wedding was broadcast by Spanish public television, reaching a national record as the most-watched television program ever with 25.1 million viewers in Spain alone. Approximately 5,600 media outlets from around the world covered the wedding with a potential audience of between 1.2 and 2 billion.
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vox-anglosphere · 9 months
On this day King Henry VIII married his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves
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After a dismal first night, Henry quickly had the marriage annulled.
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valennciaroyals · 1 year
Inside Look !!!!
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Prince Michael of Kent and Baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnitz at The British Embassy in Vienna, Austria following their civil marriage at the Town Hall. 30 June 1978.
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theskyisbrighthere · 1 year
Haunted by Yesterday
Grace is trying her best to adjust to the changes in her life. She has very abruptly gone from being a service attendant to being the Princess consort to heir Noctis Lucis Caelum, Crown Prince of Insomnia.
hey hey, heres the first of my one shots for this series, although this one is a twoshot and part two will be posted soon!
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Grace is thirteen when she has her first Heat. Although it can’t be described as such, its more of a practice Heat for when she’s older, when her hips have widened, and her hormones have regulated. She remembers her mother’s soft purr directed at her trying to ease the mild distress that she was going through, while her mother did her best to wipe the sweat from her face with a damp face washer, the purr only stopping when her mother did her best to explain what was going on. How Ásdis saw fit to bless her with the gift of life. Had granted her the designation of Omega.
The purring had stopped altogether with the next words from her mother. Not everyone was so lucky to receive Ásdis’ gift, and there were many out there who would want to hurt her for it. Those who would view her as less than others purely for who she was. Who her family was. All because evolution had decided to do its thing after a near devastating event that had meant the end for a majority of their people. If only it wasn’t still so new.
Maybe then they wouldn’t be as viciously hunted like the animals others proclaimed them to be.
“You must hide yourself pomètod.” Her mother had whispered. “No one must know. But it will be hard pomètod, you will want to let your instincts take over. To show your emotions through your voice. To spread your scent on to those you cherish, but you must control it my kootioì. You must suppress it, only around us can you show it. Only around others like us are you safe”.
Grace was too young and her mind too hazy at the time to understand all of what her mother was saying. Not until later at least. By the end of her first month, her throat had felt raw and painful, the urge to purr or whine held back lest she make herself know. Her body aching with the need to hug her friends but she held back, only resorting to casual touches, when all she wanted to do was smother her face all over her friends.
Her only comfort came at home. Where she was free to burrow her face into her father’s arm in passing, the warm comforting scent of Alpha and Sire wafting up to her nose, the tight muscles in her body loosening in the meantime. Or the indulgent hugs from her mother whenever the mood struck her, and the fairly often hair tussle from her Alpha brother as they passed each other in the hallway or the stairs.
She never thought she’d miss it as much as she does, especially now that she’s in a world where she doesn’t have to worry about hiding. She just wished her family was here to see experience it with her.
Grace comes to with pleasure singing through her body. The phantom feeling of Noctis’ hands on her hips falling away as she tries to catch her breathe. She can feel Noctis’ own satisfaction in the back of her mind, the feeling somewhat reminding her of a lazy fat cat who has gotten its way, and in a way, she supposes he has. Its been a month since Noctis and Grace have seen each other, or rather since they’ve been allowed to see each other.
Due to old traditions, they weren’t supposed to consummate their mateship until they were both properly wedded the Royal way. Which meant that instead of the quick official ceremony that would have taken place the night they met, they get the full actual wedding first, which normally comes a month after the consummation, so that they could both recover.
To say that her life hasn’t changed would be a lie. She’s had to leave her job, not that she was all that upset about it, and she has an all-new wardrobe full of clothes and jewellery to go along with it, her protestations about the new clothes and pretty pieces of metal falling onto deaf ears, the future Princess Consort was expected to look a certain way. She wasn’t all too upset about it; the clothes were in her style the fabric they were made out of was just more luxurious. The biggest change though that she was struggling with so far was the armed guard that followed her every where she went, (which wasn’t far maybe to her mailbox and that was it, and apart from that they mostly stood outside her front door, and one was in her lounge room while she slept which was weird) and the new attendant that she now had as the future Princess Consort.
Grace had the quite the shock when she woke up the morning after her Heat had ended and had wondered into the kitchen following the smell of cooking food, leaving Noctis safe in her Nest (her instincts pushing the proud feeling that he felt safe enough to still sleep in it even after she left it) and had found Ignis and an unknown woman in the kitchen together. The Alpha was at the stove stirring what her nose was telling her was a type of porridge while conversing with the unknown woman sitting at her bench with a slim laptop open in front of her, wearing a smart fitted grey pantsuit with black enclosed heels and her hair pulled back from her face in a no-nonsense bun her makeup minimum but expertly applied. The tones of their voices professional and to the point.
Ignis was the first to notice her, as the unknown woman was looking down and typing furiously onto her laptop, and Grace could only imagine the speed in which the words flew across the screen.
“Good morning My Lady, I trust you are well?” he paused as he turned to grabbed one of the two bowls that were sitting on the bench to fill with the porridge he had made and setting it down to the left of the unknown woman, who had quickly but gracefully shot up to greet her. “Come sit, I have prepared you both a nutritious breakfast, no doubt you will both been needing it after the week the both of you have had. I bid you start while I go wake up His Highness, we’ve all got a busy day today and I’d like you both to eat together as today will be the last for quite a while before you see each other again.”
With those parting words Ignis pulled out the chair in front of her and pushing it back in as she made to sit and placed the bowl in front of her before he made for her bedroom, Grace staring at his back trying to figure out what he meant by those last words. Her attention was quickly snapped back to the unknown woman when she politely cleared her throat, and seeing that she had her attention she smiled, a soft gentle smile coupled with that her soft scent that of a relaxed Omega almost didn’t suit her current getup.
“Good morning My Lady, I hope you are well? I would like to introduce myself if I may?” she paused, her smile widening slightly when Grace nodded her head, her voice was very similar to Ignis’ in the way they spoke. “My name is Aurora Foest, I’m to be your new attendant until you marry Prince Noctis where I will then become your adviser, I understand this is new to you so I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
And Grace, already capable at recognising battles she wouldn’t be able to win skipped right over all the arguments she had about how she didn’t need an attendant or an adviser and went straight to what was bothering her.
“What did he mean? When he said we wouldn’t see each other for a while?” She tacked on that last sentence at Aurora’s confused look before reaching for the spoon that was already on the bench, Grace only just now realising that it was set for two, the seat to the right of her also set. Gesturing for Aurora to sit down again, she closed her laptop as she sat, and waited for Grace to swallow the mouthful of porridge she had taken.
“For traditions sake of course His Highness and yourself will be separated until the wedding, which will be in about a month but to be more precise it will be in approximately twenty-five days. As I said before its to keep to tradition where this is more a celebration of the Union. We normally have the ceremony mere minutes before the Mating cycle kicks in for both parties, of course that’s only if they are a Fated Pair. Liberties have been taken this time of course due to the circumstances.”
Grace flinched, and Aurora did her best to pretend that she didn’t, but her scent gave her away as Grace could smell the mild spice of sympathy mixed into the lavender and pine of her scent. But whatever she was about to say was forgotten as she could feel the tug of Noctis’ mind at her and her eyes shot up into the direction of her bedroom as Noctis into view, Ignis following behind him before overtaking him to fill up Noctis’ own bowl of porridge before setting it down to the left of me into the empty space.
Noctis paused rubbing at his before looking around the kitchen and landing on her and her heart skipped a beat when he smiled at her, his features still soft from sleep his rumpled clothes and his hair wild, Grace wondered how she would be able to survive twenty-five days without seeing him. But she pushed the thought from her mind as he came closer to her, flopping into the seat next to her and pushing his face into her neck and pressing a gentle kiss to the claim he left on her skin. Grace felt herself relax as she smelt their combined scents, the green apples and caramel scent being flung in all directions due to his very un-prince like flop.
Twenty-five days was definitely longer than she remembered, the only relief they both had was the dreams, and the fact they could feel each other at all times. Which almost felt like breaking the rules and when she brought it up with Aurora while they were at the modiste, she laughed at her.
“It’s a loophole, one that the Crown and everyone else ignores.” She had laughed. “I think it’s so that they don’t have to deal with a hormonal Prince and equally hormonal Princess to be. But enjoy them for the time being, no one is going to judge you, after all it’s a very common thing and it feels very good does it not?” She had laughed again when Grace’s face had flushed.
Aurora had very quickly become one of Grace’s favourite people. Grace didn’t really have to worry much about wedding preparations as it was mostly being taken care of by the Crown but what she did have to do herself, which was just the one thing, Aurora was there every step of the way.
That one thing being the wedding dress.
She only had two conditions. It had be black as that was the Royal colour and it had to be presentable. Which were both easy for Grace. Which is why they were at the modiste, doing the last fitting two days before the wedding. It was long like a ball gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a puffy skirt that had little accents on it that sparkled like stars. Grace loved the dress.
But she was also excited as this was her last fitting. The wedding was into two days. Which mean no more dancing lessons, no more hairdressing appointments and no more fittings. But more importantly, it meant that very soon she would get to see Noctis. But before then, she still had one more place to go. Getting changed back into the soft pink dress she came in, she emerged from the dressing room to see Aurora signing some papers the modiste owner a lovely woman named Sabine had handed her. She looked up just as Grace came into view, said a few more words to the Sabine before bidding her farewell and making her way over to Grace.
“Are you ready to go My Lady?” she said as she came to a stop at her side. Grace only hummed and Aurora laughed before they made their way out the front door and set off to their last stop of the day.
“I don’t like it here it smells weird.”
“It does not My Lady, its sterile and I assure you that that is all you are smelling.”
“Can we go yet?”
“In just a moment My Lady, you have one more Doctor to see and then we are done I promise you.” Grace groaned which got her a look from Aurora before she turned back to her phone to respond to an email that she had gotten from one of the florists for the wedding.
“I don’t understand why we’re here, I’m fine, the Bite healed well, and the last Doctor said that both Noctis’ and my own hormones had settled nicely.” Aurora briefly looked up from her phone and looked very mildly annoyed at Grace. “It’s a contraceptive appointment My Lady.” And with the Grace short circuited, but Aurora continued taking no notice of the way Grace froze.
“Babies need to be planned My Lady, especially Royal babies. And now that you and Noctis are mated the need for suppressants aren’t needed as now the both of you will be seasonal, but in saying that accidents can and do happen outside of a Mating Cycle My Lady.” And with that she looked back down at her phone just as her name was called. “I’ll wait out here for you My Lady and then when you are finished, I shall escort you home.” And with that Grace numbly followed the Doctor into the private room.
She had forgotten about babies. Soon in the future she would have to give Noctis babies. Which she wasn’t terrified of. It was more to do with the fact that she was expected by the whole country and the Crown to give Noctis babies. And that was quite a lot of pressure suddenly put on her shoulders.
The only saving grace was that she didn’t have to do it immediately after they we married.
don't worry the smut will be in part two
also a few notes
pomètod means shining star I made it up and kootioì means my little love.
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disneyboot · 1 month
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More of a rarer photo of darling Alix on the day of her wedding 🫶🤍
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
What are your favorite royal wedding looks and flowers
I answered a lot of these in the other ask so I'm going to use yours to do a deeper dive into most of the Millennial royal weddings. You want opinions, you're getting opinions today!
Quick aside: I mainly follow only the British royals. I pay some attention to the other European royal families and a little bit of attention to the Jordanian Royal Family. So that’s what this commentary will focus on. Because I don’t follow the Middle Eastern, Asian, or African royals (and subsequently don’t know much about them), I don't feel it's appropriate for me to give commentary on their wedding looks/styles when I don't know who they are. Obviously, as you'll see, my favorites are the BRF so the commentary does skew heavily towards them.
Adding this halfway through: This is a really text-heavy post so I'm going to break up the rambling with my favorite photo from each wedding.
Crown Princess Victoria, June 2010
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The Cameo Tiara is my favorite. It paired very nicely with the heirloom veil. Loved that she went for off-the-shoulder short sleeves. Not really a fan of how the train attached at her waist (vs being all one dress), but it really worked for her.
Kate, April 2011
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I loved how timeless her whole look was. If you take everything out of the picture and just look at her and the dress, it's magnificent. It works in black and white 1950s vintage. It works in the modern fashion era. It works for her as the individual girl she was at that time. It works for the future she's growing into.
Not a fan of the hairstyle and the tiara. It was a complete miss for me. She should've gone full updo or full Chelsea blowout instead of the halfway compromise. The tiara, meh. Didn't really add anything to me. After seeing the floral headpiece she commissioned for the coronation, I would have loved to see what she'd have done for the wedding since a floral headpiece is what she originally wanted to wear. I also thought her hair was a smidge too dark, but maybe that's the contrast with all of the ivory around her. I much prefer the golden/bronzey highlights she has now and I think it would've helped the contrast better.
Thought the flower girl dresses were a tad too long and that her bouquet was out of place. It needed to be more substantial for such a formal occasion. Either more flowers/bigger shape or bigger blooms.
Something about Hugo Burnand's work always throws me off. I think it's the scale and the perspective he uses; the subjects are too far away from the camera that their backgrounds seem to swallow them up. Didn't like most of their wedding portraits because of that. They kinda ended up looking like cardboard cutout versions of themselves.
Overall, a perfect day. It was nostalgic without being maudlin. Modern without being trendy. Celebratory without being excessive. Traditional without being stodgy.
Charlene, July 2011
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I like her dress. Reminds me a lot of Crown Princess Victoria's, but with a lovely embroidery detailing.
I don't really have a lot to say about the Monaco wedding. It looked like a lovely occasion. The dress is fine. The veil is fine. The photos are fine, but Charlene looks like she'd rather be anywhere but there marrying Albert (and the rumors that have come out since about the wedding makes me side-eye a whole lot).
Stephanie, October 2012
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Very pretty dress, very pretty veil, very pretty look. Not really very memorable for me. A lot of the gorgeous detailing in her dress gets lost in most of the photos; the close-up photos of her dress are gorgeous and I wish there were more.
I do really like her bridal bouquet; that's what I expected from Kate.
Her tiara got lost in the look and her veil not being closer to the tiara makes sense (since the tiara really would have gotten lost) but I think we've come to expect royal brides wearing their veils and tiaras together so this is something different. I do, however, really like how the veil flows in this picture.
Princess Madeleine, June 2013
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I don't mind that it's a lace dress. I cannot with the dust ruffle hem. This photo just killed the whole look for me, but this one (above) and this one redeem it to where I can pretend the dust ruffle doesn't exist.
The neckline also had its issues. It went rogue at one point during the wedding and ended up giving her a 1980s-one shoulder style look.
Her hair was very Swedish (they do like their big buns). Her veil was gorgeous too, tying with Beatrice for second. I prefer the way Madeleine styled her veil over how Victoria styled hers.
Madeleine has my favorite makeup look; dramatic eye with a nice pink lip.
Sofia, June 2015
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My feeling is that this isn't the dress Sofia would have chosen for herself. I think she went more demure and modest because of her controversial background but she's had a lot of fantastic style choices otherwise. Something about the cut of her dress reads maternity to me - the skirt seems like it starts too high in the bodice.
She has the traditional big Swedish bun, but it's quite a slicked back/severe look for her. I think with the wide open neck in her dress, a softer, looser hairstyle would have made it work better. I do feel like her earrings needed to be bigger with the open neckline, or at least should have had emeralds to match the tiara. (This may be my least favorite tiara styling -- a little too "on top" of her head, not very integrated into the hairstyle so it looks kinda like an afterthought.)
Loved the colorful flowers she chose. Her wedding colors were my favorite before Eugenie came along.
Pippa, May 2017
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I know, I know. Pippa's not royal and it wasn't a royal wedding, but it had a big royal turnout so it counts!
THIS is how you do a lace wedding gown without it looking like Granny's tablecloth or Miss Haversham (yeah, I'm looking at you, Kitty Spencer). THIS is how you do a classic English country garden wedding. The way she decorated the exterior of the church was a dream.
Her headpiece was invisible and added nothing. I get why she chose the piece she did, but come on. Hugely missed opportunity to get a major piece from her new husband or to pay homage to Carole in something like this (which I realize is Kate's coronation headpiece) or like this.
The matron of honor/children's minder was perfection. The flower girls were perfection.
Meghan, May 2018
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I'm glad Prince Philip was able to attend. I feel like he attended more to support The Queen than out of joy for the couple. I kinda wished Zara would have gone into labor during the service.
Everything was just so darkly lit, even the bridal portraits too.
(Edit: Let me know if you're curious about why I like this picture for their wedding.)
Princess Eugenie, October 2018
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Her floral design and colors were my absolute favorite. She wins, hands down, bar none. I loved the moody dark florals and loved how she embraced the autumnal vibes by making the chapel feel warm and inviting.
I thought the sleeves of her bridal gown were too long and too big, and felt oversized. They needed to have been more tailored, like Kate's were.
Eugenie's wedding portraits are my favorite. The scale and perspective was pleasing and the simpler white background of the Windsor room made the people pop.
Overall, it was a very princessy wedding. Very well done.
Lady Gabriella, May 2019
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Her veil is my favorite. I like the fuller veil style, but it almost seemed too full because the details of her tiara was lost in all the tulle.
I love the story that she had originally planned for a pink/blush gown but changed it to white when she learned The Queen wanted to attend; that says a lot about her character and respect for tradition.
Bridesmaid dresses were a tad long. For some reason, her Hugo Burnand portraits don't bother me as much as Kate's do. LOVE that she got to do some portraits outdoors, and her outdoors portraits are so quintessentially England. I kinda wish Kate had had that opportunity given how meaningful the outdoors are for her.
So sad about her husband. Sending her all the strength, especially with their anniversary coming up.
Princess Beatrice, July 2020
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I loved that she went for sentimentality above all else. She really made the best out of a terrible situation. Their wedding photos make it seem like she (and Edo) are the sort of people who prioritize the marriage over the wedding so I sense they don't mind all the changes too much.
Loved her simple make-up and her grandmother's dress. Loved the veil too. The hair felt undone; this hairstyle would have polished the look nicely.
Princess Iman, March 2023
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Iman squeaks into this review by 3 months. She is the youngest millennial royal bride.
I love how soft and golden her portraits are. She ties with Gabriella's outside portraits for the #2 spot for me.
Her look was simple, and I feel this is romantic minimalism done correctly. The drape of her skirt reminds me a lot of Sarah Chatto's, a soft delicate look that's unusual for most royal brides (who tend to go with stiffer, heavier fabric for the formality). It works really well.
The tendrils are a little much and too loose for me; I'd rank her use of tendrils #2 between Eugenie (#1) and Meghan (#3).
Rajwa, June 2023
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I appreciate that she went for a look befitting her own individual personality but it was a choice. Her bridal look is a case of "too much pageant fashion, not enough wedding" for me. The draping was strange, the fit of the skirt versus the train seemed like she was wearing pants with a huge overskirt behind her. But the dress "sits" very nicely and I suspect since the Jordanians do most of their weddings sitting (like above), the overskirt style may have been an intentional choice for the photos.
Veil was nice. Bouquet was too small. Not a fa of the earrings. I do think her tiara is a little too far back on her head.
Many congratulations to them for the new baby.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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8 October 1993 Queen Elizabeth II and her daughter, Princess Anne, attending the wedding of Viscount Linley and Serena Stanhope, at the Church of St. Margaret, Parliament Square, London © Tim Graham
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