#Royalty roleplay
yo-aroleplayfinder · 1 month
i have recently been itching to do an oc x oc royaltly/fantasy rp!! my oc is a very headstrong and stubborn princess and I was hoping to do mxf for the type of plot I want to write with her. 
the storyline I kind of wanted to explore was after turning down nearly every suitor her parents had lined up for her, they suddenly stop bothering her about marriage. she thinks she won when all of a sudden they start talking about this upcoming ball constantly and she hears maids whispering about a certain someone attending. So, she thinks its another set up but they’ve actually already been promised to each other
I can elaborate more as well but that’s the gist and I didn’t want to make it too long, but I was hoping to have it be kind of enemies to lovers/enemies with benefits! Your character does not have to be a prince either! he can be some other type of nobility with any personality!
I would also just like for this to be slow burn!! 
please be 20+ as im 23 and don’t really wanna rp with anyone younger than that. I do reply daily and I write third person literate!! Ooc chat is not necessary but I do enjoy it a lot!! I am open to other ideas not just this plot as well!
If any of this sounds good to you, just like this and ill dm you!
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
Hey there! My fiance and I began watching Bridgerton and if I wasn't already on the royalty/arranged marriage kick I certainly am now!! I'd love to plot something out with someone! I prefer playing f, although am happy to double up as any gender for your side! Generally, I average about 500-1k words per character!
Mainly, what I'm looking for is:
royalty, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, drama, fake relationships, and pretty dresses! It doesn't have to be all of those in one, I'd like to see where whatever plot we come up with takes us!!
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roleplayfinder · 11 months
Hello im a male 28 years old looking to rp with a female , in looking for a dark rp with mature themes please be ok with that . Someone who won’t ghost or randomly disappear I know we all get busy but if you don’t have time then don’t respond please . I’m looking for someone who can respond a few times a day . And likes to plot and character build . I love side characters , fleshing out characters , I like anything from mobsters, to vampires and wolves , to kings and queens etc I’m very open . Again If you don’t have the time as in if you can’t reply a few times through the day I’m not the partner for you :) thank you. Like and I’ll reach out
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darkrpfinder · 5 months
hellooo 🌟
18+ only!
i saw a prompt about a deaf prince being arranged to marry a king because they had become a burden to their family and i would really love to play this idea.
it could definitely be omegaverse and i would love to play the prince.
interact with this post and i will get in touch!
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neversofter · 2 years
desperately seeking out some new RP partners to write over discord!!! would really love some dark romance, high fantasy worldbuilding (I have some ideas and would love to hear others!!) 21+ only, please message me or like this post if interested!
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It has come to my attention that not everyone knows my family. Which makes sense since not everyone keeps up the monarchies. But I guess I should do an introduction. It could count as my family tree project.
Me: I am Hecate Grelitia, crown princess to the Grelitias throne.
My mother: Julia Grelitia, the current empress of The elemental fields
My father is out of the picture
My older brother: Daxter Grelitia, he should’ve been the crown prince, but he abdicated the throne, leaving me to take his place (I will hold this grudge for eternity)
My younger brother: Kam Grelitia, the prince of the kingdom. He’s only five, but he’s such a trouble maker.
My aunt: Carol Grelitia, the Duchess of the throne. She’s technically first in line until I become empress. She’s constantly attempting to escape the castle.
Next time I’ll get into the geography of the kingdom. These projects are tiring.
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crownmemes · 2 months
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Royalty Sentences, Vol. 2
(Sentences for royal muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You don’t have friends; you have admirers."
"I did not ascent to this position by being stupid."
"You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority."
"Apparently you need another demonstration of my authority."
"I see myself in you."
"A throne is no more than merely a chair, but the symbolism is important, don't you agree?"
"No ruler ever has freedom."
"May I have this dance?"
"You set standards for yourself no one could meet."
"You must forgive my bodyguard. His instructions are mine."
"The rules of the treaty are clear!"
"As much as your invitation might appeal to me, I must regretfully decline."
"I don't like anyone meddling in my private affairs."
"What is the point in tradition if one is constantly changing things?"
"I hope we shall become friends."
"I apologise for being so high-strung lately."
"There's an old saying that a king's head never rests lightly on his pillow."
"The gossip is that he fathered a child with one of his servants!"
"Do you ever think about your legacy? The mark you leave behind after you're gone?"
"Are you unhappy with your successor?"
"Marriage is indeed a manoeuvring business."
"I've spent a whole lifetime learning to hide my feelings."
"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance."
"How did they manage to get so many snobs in one place?"
"Will your servant still be up to look after you?"
"One must look to the future, not the past."
"I can't be something I'm not."
"I'd like to prove that I'm capable of something more."
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thegrimalldis · 3 months
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Happy (Belated) Wedding Anniversary to Eleanor & William
inspired by this post
Also, heard the news about the PoW! I hope she has a speedy recovery ❤
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mercy-of-the-ashes · 1 year
Liam decided to visit Haiji after a long day of monarch work. (Liam's a king now if you aren't aware.)
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Haiji had been busy doing some intense spring cleaning. He didn’t know when he first got started, but he was drained by the time he was done.
He just finished taking a shower and getting dressed. “Holy shit, much better…!” Ready to relax for the rest of the day, he collapsed on his sofa.
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mantisgodsdomain · 6 months
Finally, we get the opportunity to put our Spy Cards worldbuilding in a work. Though there are many questions about such things as "regulation" "how these cards are printed" "who approves a single spy card", and so on, we are here to present a bold new take: this game is based like 60% on obscure roach memory-reading tech that got turned into a card game with absolutely No card-game-related intentions included in the original tech and most of the card vetting is just from the fact that there aren't too many card printers out there and most of them make cards that need to be translated from Roach.
Strictly speaking, as a card game, it is not a terribly good or well-balanced one. It's popular primarily because of a mix of the difficulty involved in getting the data for high-level cards, the fun of seeing the variety of monsters that can be brought to the table, and the incredible amounts of ham and drama that goes into specifically the professional scene.
#we speak#bug fables#bold and new because we think that only maybe three people have even asked questions about the semantics ofc#notable points: professional spy cards is an entirely different thing from competitive spy cards#and the overlap between fanbases means that there is occasionally some REALLY incomprehensible beef about deck composition#also every time that carmina uses astotheles' card in one of her decks she has to pay him royalties#this is because he approached her personally about it. it was an Experience.#the roach tech thing also means that like a decent chunk of high level spy cards players know like. a handful of words in roach#competitive spy cards is generally smaller than professional and involves shit like actual deck composition and like#trying to get ahold of That One OP Card so that you can utterly crush people at the local tournament. actual card geek shit.#professional spy cards is basically wrestling in card game form and does NOT optimize the decks very well#because 99% of the draw of PROFESSIONAL spy cards is that youre gonna watch a whole bunch of people roleplay elaborate storylines#while also playing a game where most professional venues will invest in tech to read card crystals and summon appropriate effects#its a spectacle sport. specifically a spectacle sport where the actual game is mostly framework for Cool Monsters and Interpersonal Drama#carmina is a heel#this might be slightly incoherent but we'll clean it up later maybe. we are taking a break from sketching comms to write rn
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goodnightmemes · 10 months
s02e06 - s02e10
❛ Will you come to my bed tonight? ❜
❛ You are marrying into a great family. You will do it, whether you like it or not. Do you understand? ❜
❛ Something's going to happen to me. ❜
❛ Don't talk like this. Nothing is going to happen to you. ❜
❛ I'm unable to give a King a son; a son to be the living image of his father. ❜
❛ It's all right. Everything is going to be all right. Please don't cry. I love you. I'll look after you, I swear. ❜
❛ I like you and enjoy your company. But you have a reputation: you gamble and you whore. You sail close to the wind. God forbid it should ever blow you onto the rocks. ❜
❛ I have no doubt what so ever that Your Majesty's reign will always be remembered. ❜
❛ Are you amusing yourself at my expense? ❜
❛ I swear to you it will never happen again. I love you too much. I have no right to ask you to believe me. But it's true. ❜
❛ Is she one of your mistresses? How many do you have? What are their names? ❜
❛ Here's the truth: you must shut your eyes and endure like your betters have done before you. ❜
❛ How can you say that to me? Don't you know that I love you a thousand times more than [name] ever did! ❜
❛ Don't you know that I can drag you down as quickly as I raised you? ❜
❛ This is lucky you have your bed already, madam, because if you did not, I wouldn't give it to you again. ❜
❛ Listen to me. You're the Queen! For the love of God, act like it! ❜
❛ At least seem happy. Not a heap of misery! ❜
❛ It's been tasted. It's not poisonous. ❜
❛ I am not "your dear". I am nobody's "dear!" I am a woman and I demand equal respect for my ideas! ❜
❛ Why are you here? To see the degradation that we have been forced to? ❜
❛ You may kiss me. Then you will leave me alone. Forever. ❜
❛ Anyone can see that the King is not so much in love with her as he used to be. ❜
❛ All this time and you're still in love with her! ❜
❛ Let me look at you. There you are. I have not seen you for so long. An eternity. And here you are! ❜
❛If I had a son, it would bring about a golden world. ❜
❛You ought to be careful, or I will have you cropped at the neck. ❜
❛ I did not bring you up to have opinions or to express them or to quarrel with those closest to the Crown. ❜
❛ I am carrying the King's son. We are on the edge of a golden world! ❜
❛ I'm certainly aware there are some at court who would like to see the queen replaced. ❜
❛ I was married before and I must confess, I rather like the liberty of not being married again. ❜
❛ You have just come from another's bed. No. Do not deny it. ❜
❛ Sometimes, my love, I think that with you I'm already condemned to live in purgatory. ❜
❛ His heart is very weak. I don't know if he will come back to us. ❜
❛ In such a crisis, all could disintegrate. So the centre has to hold, and we must hold it. ❜
❛ You know, I cannot think whether it would be a bad thing or a good thing if he died. ❜
❛ As Lord Protector, you would ipso facto...be King, ❜
❛ Though you are still a young man...you're not as young as you used to be. ❜
❛ I'm so happy you're well. I was so alarmed, so afraid. ❜
❛ It was a mistake to think I could behave like I used to. In any case, those carefree days are gone. ❜
❛ In the future, I won't see you unless your other family members are present. I just had to see you now. ❜
❛ What is this? Just when my belly is doing its business...I find you wenching with Mistress [name]! ❜
❛ You've lost my boy. I cannot speak of it. The loss is too great. ❜
❛ I see now that God will not grant me any male children. ❜
❛ You have no one to blame but yourself for this. ❜
❛ Because the love I bear you is so great...it broke my heart to see you loved others. ❜
❛ It's true what they have whispered. I shut my ears to them, but now I know it to be true. ❜
❛ I will treasure this all my life. And if they ever open my grave, they will find it again, right next to my heart. ❜
❛ You have overreached yourself. Believe me, you have placed yourself in very great danger. ❜
❛ Do you assume I no longer possess the power to crush you? It would be an easy mistake to make. ❜
❛ The king cannot satisfy a woman. He has neither the skill, nor the virility. ❜
❛ We have come so far. No one is going to be allowed to destroy us. No one. Do you understand? ❜
❛ I think we should drink a toast to new beginnings and to new friendships and to a mutually beneficial future. ❜
❛ If your master wants to deal with me, he must first apologize for all his ill treatment of me in the past. ❜
❛ Princes are different from us and are not to be easily understood. ❜
❛ It's come to my notice that some acts of treason and other offenses have been committed by those we loved and trusted. By members of our own court. ❜
❛ I want to tell you in this slippery world, you represent for me all that is innocent, everything that is good, unsullied, uncorrupted. ❜
❛ If anything should happen to me...will you promise to care for my daughter? ❜
❛ Please. For the love you bear our child, have mercy. ❜
❛ After everything we've been to each other. After everything we were. Please. One more chance. ❜
❛ My enemies have poisoned the air with their horrid lies. ❜
❛ I pray God will help me, for there is no truth in these allegations. ❜
❛ Sometimes, in order to defeat evil, one must learn to consort with the devil. ❜
❛ When am I to die? ❜
❛ My lady, I am obliged to tell you that your marriage to the king has been declared null and void. ❜
❛ Tell them to ready the horses. But tell no one of our destination. ❜
❛ I hear you say I will not die before noon. I am sorry for it, for I thought to be dead by that time and past my pain. ❜
❛ Yes, I heard the executioner was very good. And in any case, I have only a little neck. ❜
❛ Have you ever killed someone? What did it feel like? ❜
❛ I would really like to see someone die. Can I go to the execution with you? ❜
❛ I want her dead. I want it over with. Finished. Go and do it or, by God's blood, you will join her. ❜
❛ I swear to you, from tomorrow, everything will be different. We will be young and merry as we used to be. ❜
❛ If you would take my advice for what it's worth find a rich man to marry who is too stupid to know anything about politics. Then perhaps - unless you die in childbirth, which is likely...or the plague, which is almost inevitable - then you will be happy. ❜
❛ Forgive me. It's just that I so much want a new beginning. A renaissance. Sometimes it is hard to be reminded of things. ❜
❛ Tell me, was it all worth it? ❜
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rp-partnerfinder · 29 days
i have recently been itching to do an oc x oc royaltly/fantasy rp!! my oc is a very headstrong and stubborn princess and I was hoping to do mxf for the type of plot I want to write with her. 
the storyline I kind of wanted to explore was after turning down nearly every suitor her parents had lined up for her, they suddenly stop bothering her about marriage. she thinks she won when all of a sudden they start talking about this upcoming ball constantly and she hears maids whispering about a certain someone attending. So, she thinks its another set up but they’ve actually already been promised to each other
I can elaborate more as well but that’s the gist and I didn’t want to make it too long, but I was hoping to have it be kind of enemies to lovers/enemies with benefits! Your character does not have to be a prince either! he can be some other type of nobility with any personality!
I would also just like for this to be slow burn!! 
please be 20+ as im 23 and don’t really wanna rp with anyone younger than that. I do reply daily and I write third person literate!! Ooc chat is not necessary but I do enjoy it a lot!! I am open to other ideas not just this plot as well!
If any of this sounds good to you, just like this and ill dm you!
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
24 & she/her — searching for a royalty roleplay with 18+ y/o writing partners on discord! i have an itch to play a rambunctious princess or a dutiful female knight at this time 👑🗡️ please like if you’re interested and i’ll reach out.
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darkrpfinder · 6 months
21+ RPer looking for a royalty omegaverse incest RP.
I’m looking to play a young prince who’s arranged to marry an uncle or cousin or maybe a brother.
I’m open to anything with this plot!
Look forward to hearing from you all! 👑
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trentonsimblr · 1 year
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I've finally done it! I've created a sim for all 22 of the past and current monarchs of Trenton! Names are below the cut!
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Epidarius the Great, First King of Trenton (b. 1469)
King Hayes (b. 1498)
King Ekert (b. 1502)
Queen Edwena* (b.1530)
King Ezequiel (b. 1549)
King Edmund I (b. 1567)
Queen Eleanora* (b.1586)
King Edison (b.1602)
King Enric (b. 1629)
King Emmett (b. 1651)
Queen Elfriede* (b. 1675)
King Ellington (b.1691)
King Ezra I (b. 1711)
King Edwyn (b. 1730)
King Eadric (b. 1753)
King Emmanuel (b. 1790)
King Ephraim (b. 1810)
King Evander (b. 1837)
King Edmund II (b. 1864)
Queen Emelina (b. 1902)
King Ezra II (b. 1939)
Queen Elizabeth (b. 1967)
*Prior to King Edmund II changing the law of succession, a female heir was required to marry and co-reign with her husband.
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rp-guzi · 14 days
Lord guzi, does your father talk about his parents at all? I mean, he is such a good father to you so he must’ve had a good father too
*sits down next to you*
I probably shouldn't talk too much about it since it's his private life. It might be better to ask him. Keep this between just us, alright?
But... no. My dad believes that men from Yong An are all vicious monsters on the inside. His father was from Yong An. Make of that what you will.
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His mother was a good person, I think, but died when he was young. His Auntie the Xian Le Queen at least treated him nicely sometimes, but she never really prioritized him. We went to visit her body shortly after he became my dad. He told her how hurt he was about running into his cousin again.
And then he showed up and we hid and... well, the story of the rest of what happened is common gossip, so you probably know. My dad acted like he didn't care about the Queen's body in front of Scrap Gege. I didn't know him well at the time but looking back I can tell he was just putting on a tough face. He didn't know she was going to fall apart like that. He felt bad about what happened.
He didn't have anyone growing up that cared about him the way he cares about me.
I may not have been there for him when he was little and needed someone, when he was Prince Xiao Jing, but he has me now. I'm here. I care about him.
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