#Rp hunter
ask-emilz-de-philz · 2 months
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(( SO I HAD ANOTHER EPIPHANY. and it's what if emilio and makisig swapped roles? Makisig as the Hunter? he'd be a super nice hunter. xDDDDDD monsters would go to him for help instead of running away. ahhhh and vince would've had a better boss too. ))
MAIN BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com
If you like our work, please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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Disclaimer: I do not own Emilio(hunter). Full Credit goes to HC -@ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto. All involved characters are adults.
Genre: Supernatural, Fluff, Comedy?, Crackfic/ Fic on Crack HAHAHAHHA
WC: 2K
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The single word that sums up everything you remembered the moment you woke up in this unfamiliar mansion.
The living room was grand and has numerous framed pictures and certificates hanging on the wall. The furniture was covered and everything seemed unused for some time, except for the library- it's well maintained as if someone took the time and effort to clean it once in a while and make sure the books are properly stored and aren't being damaged.
You were already dead.
How did you know?
Well aside from the fact that it took you days of concentration and sheer will to just hold a single book and turn the pages since everything seems to just pass through you- your lack of hunger, pain, and any other stuff a breathing and living creature needs is very apparent.
You tried going out of the mansion but it seems like you're trapped and is being bound to the place by an unseen force. Is this it? Is this the place you're supposed to haunt forever? You wondered.
What are you even supposed to haunt this place for when you can't even remember a thing? Wouldn't it be awkward to just murmur "Hustisyaaaaaaa-" like the ghosts you read about on the comic books you found on the library? What will you be asking justice for? What if you just died of natural causes? That will be very embarrassing.
You've taken a liking to comics since the pages are much lighter than the normal books and you've gotten used to concentrating enough to turn the pages easily. You usually spent a lot of time reading to your heart's content at the library, wondering if you had the same experiences as the characters when you were still alive.
Your quiet days of being alone only lasted for almost a month when a dark and tall man came with lots of weird tools and what seemed to be weapons. He must be the owner of this mansion. You quickly hid out of instinct before realizing that you're a ghost and he will not see you either way.
The guy was quirky, funny at most on how the first thing he did after getting home was check the library. So this guy is the one keeping all the books clean and in order.
You watched all of his moves- how he checked each shelf as you slowly got nervous when he almost reached the comic book section since it might just be a little disheveled because it takes a lot of concentration from you to move stuff.
Unlike how he looked around on the other shelves, he just took a very brief glance at the comic book section before smiling to himself and walking away while humming some lively tune.
It took him the whole day to tidy up his stuff from wherever he came from and it was almost sundown when he finished. He disappeared into the master's bedroom as you heard the water running from his bathroom. You kept yourself from following him since it felt wrong to violate his privacy in his own home so you just went back to the library to continue reading, making sure to turn the pages as quietly as you can so as to not scare the man.
After a few hours, you can hear strange sounds coming from the living room. You slowly went down to check what it was and found the man slumped on the couch, eating while watching TV. Television. Just like the thing you saw in the comic! You hesitantly walked towards the couch and sat down at the far opposite end to watch what seemed to be some kind of horror movie.
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The moment Emilio set foot in his mansion, he saw you right away, hiding behind the furniture- he found it funny. It's not like normal humans will see you, but he's no normal human. He's got this gift ever since he was still a child. The ability to see what the naked eye doesn't. It's not just ghosts, but also other elements and creatures that the others thought were just fragments of the imagination and the mind.
He can see you following him around like a curious child. The first thing he checked was his library where he keeps many of his work's documentation and research. He also noticed the slight mess out of his comic book collections, knowing it was probably you trying to practice moving stuff.
He made sure you wouldn't notice that he could see you so he could continue observing your funny and un-ghost-like antics.
The way it took all of his self-control not to giggle as you politely sat down on the opposite end of the couch to watch TV with him- it was so cute and adorable and the way you looked so invested in the movie made him feel like not wanting to turn it off.
He was tired after being away for a month and he's definitely falling asleep already. Emilio switched into a laying position on the couch, making sure his movements were slow as to not startle you who is currently deeply engrossed in what you are watching.
After the movie ends, you look towards Emilio only to see him fast asleep. Just how oblivious is this human to fall comfortably asleep with a ghost beside him? You softly chuckled to yourself as you politely turned the TV off so as to not have his electricity bill go overboard before slowly retreating to your usual spot at the library.
This encounter has become a cycle- Emilio stays for a couple of days, just relaxing, reading stuff, and tinkering with some small trinkets before leaving again and being gone for weeks.
You've been so used to him that you start to worry when he's gone for longer than usual. Watching TV beside him on the couch has been an activity you look forward to. Upon observing him for months, you finally learned that he is some sort of a hunter- whatever he hunts is something you still don't know though.
Through time, you've also developed more and more control and focus, making touching stuff easier and more natural at this point that you sometimes accidentally knock stuff over. Emilio doesn't seem to freak out or be scared though.
The only thing that's bothering Emilio is the fact that keeping a straight face around you is so hard. He doesn't want you to know that he can see you- but the way you pick up the stuff you knocked over and return it to where it's supposed to be- innocently at that, is just way too funny. You also had the habit of imitating funny faces and even funny dances you see on the tv.
At some point, you ran out of books to read at the library, thanks to the fact that ghosts don't need sleep, so you started following Emilio around whenever he was at home. You find it amusing to watch him study and do errands around the mansion, no matter how simple it is such as repairing some old furniture.
Emilio noticed you following him around more often than usual and the small frown on your face whenever he goes outside to do errands since you can't seem to set foot beyond the mansion's walls, so he started bringing his weapons inside to clean it so you can still watch him.
You were being too nosy, leaning way too closely against his stuff that you accidentally elbowed it, making it fall towards you. Emilio quickly moved on instinct, catching his weapons so it wouldn't fall over you despite knowing that it'll just pass through you.
"You okay?" he worriedly asked before realizing his mistake- he just casually asked you, a ghost a question while looking intently into your eyes.
"Uh, yeah sorry-- You can see me?!" You didn't bother hiding the shock on your face when the man, who you've been living with for the past few months suddenly spoke to you.
Emilio softly chuckled as he shook his head. "Aw, you got me there. Anyway, yes. I've always been able to see you, cutie." he said with a smirk as he leaned his tools and weapons back on the wall securely.
You could've sworn right there and then that you could die for the second time around out of sheer humiliation- all those countless times that you did something really embarrassing replaying in your head. You nervously chuckled before running away, knocking a few stuff over which you immediately pick up and return to its place before successfully exiting the room and seeking refuge in your spot at the library.
For days, you made sure not to make your presence known, spending all your time in solace. You heard the slight sound of Emilio's weapons being dragged on the floor and the brief jingling of his keys as he left the mansion.
"I'll be off and will be back in three weeks. Don't worry about me." Emilio chuckled as he left.
He's a weird human. Like, who even does that? Who just bids their local ghost goodbye?!
You spend your days just chilling and watching tv- which is funny since you saw in a horror movie once how scared the characters get when the television suddenly turns on in an abandoned house.
Rude. What if the ghost haunting the place just wanted to watch their favorite show and everyone is just screaming and freaking out?
Upon putting some thought regarding your current situation with Emilio, and the fact that he can actually see you all this time, you came to the conclusion that you two are basically housemates- just two homies who liked watching movies together. Perfectly normal except for the fact that you are a ghost.
How can he not be afraid of you? How can he not like, ask you to go away? And how can he not call a priest or something to exorcise you out of his mansion? You wondered as you contemplated about asking him those stuff once he comes back. At the same time, you can't help but wonder if he's secretly a loser and is lonely so he keeps you around just so he has some company. Maybe he just wants a friend?
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When Emilio came back, you didn't bother hiding yourself as you sat on the couch, a little closer to him than usual.
"Man, we need to talk."
Emilio softly chuckled at your seriousness as he turned around to face you. "Sure. What should we talk about?"
You tried clearing your throat, not knowing how to say it the least offensive way as possible. "Are you kinda...y'know...few screws loose? Cause you not being scared of me scares me."
He looked at you blankly for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. "No, no. I get you. But I'm perfectly normal, thank you for asking."
"Heh, doesn't seem like it to me. Normal people don't talk to...ghosts. Well atleast not so casually like this."
"Normal ghosts aren't as cute as you."
You rolled your eyes as you stared at him in disbelief. "Really? You're gonna go with pick up lines? To a ghost? Man, do you not have any friends? What will happen to you once I see that bright light that will take me to the afterlife? You know, I might go poof! gone, one day."
"Oh, trust me. You won't be going anywhere, Ma'am. You're staying here at our house." He said with a very smug expression.
"How are you so sure? I didn't receive some memo or some contract about me staying here, although you're right. It seems like I can't leave this place."
"A contract you say? We have that one."
You raised an eyebrow as you look at him. "What do you mean?"
"I had it framed and hung up on the living room. Look for the one that says Marriage Certificate." Emilio smirked. "Now, coming home to my wife doesn't sound so weird, right?"
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Art by: @ask-emilz-de-philz that's their OC, Emilio del Pilar the local monster hunter. Please support them <3
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kitsmuses · 11 months
This is probably gonna be a long shot, but I'm looking to start a Grease: Rise of the pink ladies rpg over on discord . . . or or even someone to write Janey against my Livvy, Lydia against my Cynthia, and/or Livvy against my Gil 🥺🩷
Though I have lately mainly been in my faccivinos element – I have so much hyperfixation and muse on them that i just need to get it all out in writing skskks
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asterpollux · 2 months
I'm back again seeking another 1x1 Discord RP! Specifically, I'm desperately seeking someone to play either a Werewolf or other Supernatural race against my lonely vampire, Ciaran O'connor. His face claim is David Tennant in Good Omens, and I'm seeking mostly an MxM or MxNB storyline but I could maybe be persuaded into MxF if I have to.
Basic literacy is good, I'm lazy literate and tend to write between 1-5 paras depending on what I get and the General Vibes. I'm only seeking muses and muns over 21, preferably 25. I prefer older, more mature, faceclaims but am not opposed to a bit of an age gap in appearance. No anime, manga or cartoon faceclaims, please.
I'm looking for people who enjoy writing smut and serious subjects in equal ish balance. I'm also specifically looking for something a bit kinkier with Ciaran but I can be persuaded against that I suppose. I have kink lists/a kink garden webpage for you to peruse if you're interested, I'll give those links privately. I prefer to write the more dominant side of things but all my characters are switches at their heart!
I have a whole back story for him alongside worldbuilding, but the gist is that Ciaran is a lonely vampire, having been sired 1248 years ago and never having turned anyone himself. He's been alone for much of that time, unable to deal with the danger he perceives that he puts others in with his lifestyle and, well, being a vampire generally. I'd like to include some omegaverse dynamics if you play a werewolf against him, but this isn't a necessity.
Either drop me your Discord name or add me yourself- my username on Discord is oli.writes.stuff !
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jaywritesrps · 1 year
Deixa aproveitar q tô no meu descanso remunerado de faz-tudo pra avisar:
Vou fazer uma conta pra rp hunter pra quem quiser procurar parceiros de 1x1, nxn ou outros indies pra interagir, independentemente da plataforma. Vai ser assim: vocês mandam o anúncio, logado ou anônimo, com o q vcs estão procurando e eu posto na conta, com as devidas marcações. Se interessou pelo anúncio? Deixa o like e o dono do anúncio vai atrás pra vocês desenrolarem isso aí. Simples, rápido, discreto, pode até pedir aqueles plots do fundo do seu coração que vc acha que nunca vai conseguir.
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undeadroleplayer · 1 year
Hi guys! Looking for someone to write as Billy Loomis against Taylor from Crypt TV's Sunny Family Cult!!!
Basically Taylors family runs a murderous cult and she's had to be involved but she's not sure how she feels about it. Billy could join the cult if we want! We can discuss plot details!
This is gonna be on discord. Long-term, 3rd person past tense. I know how to use tupperbox too!
Pls like this and I'll reach out or message me if you're interested!
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girl bossed so hard I joined an archery gang of lesbians and became immortal
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blodwyrm · 14 days
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𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞 ⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆ follow the link or message to offer if interested!
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a-den-of-demons · 9 months
Pounding a Red Queen (Open RP; Male muses preferred- can be supernatural or human, or other)
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Pyrrha, champion monster Hunter looked up to in her community, held a secret from everyone. She enjoyed the thrill of battle and the kill, but could only hide that to keep her good image. But when she learned of secret underground monster fighting rings, she eagerly joined, going under the identity of the red queen.
She rose through the ranks, but quickly found herself bored, until she was finally beaten, and invited them to a penthouse room, to “Spend some time with her.” So Pyrrha waited eagerly for her partner, who she had big hopes for.
@a-fantastic-time @ask-jaune-npr @freeusemuses @ofdarkestdesires
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abicodes · 1 year
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common sentiments  — muses page
preview —  code 
multi-filtering isotope! 
hover to reveal a blurb and links + misc info
customizable gradient background OR monocolor background 
variables for easy customization
430 x 230 image size 
includes javascript 
full credits are inside the code, along with instructions for how to set up and tweak! if you have any problems, feel free to shoot me an ask!
please like or reblog if you use! <3
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 7 months
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Emilio (Hunter): "You know, Vince's got several souls trapped in his body. So if he tells you one thing, it might not be the same thing tomorrow, haha! Weird isn't it?"
Send Questions / Asks @
BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com
Please consider supporting us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir ;w;b
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morning · 5 months
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LITTLE OBLIVIONS is a free rp theme best suited for single muse and personal blogs. if you want to see more free rp themes from me, please support me by liking and reblogging this post!
terms & conditions
feel free to edit as much as you want for personal use. dm me directly if you notice any bugs, and i'll help you privately. do not claim as your own. do not remove or move the credits. do not use as a base. do not takes parts of the code and put it into other themes. do not redistribute. because this theme is meant to be free, do not use for paid theme makeovers.
theme information
large contained theme with many color options and 540px posts.
all text in this theme is 14px or larger for accessibility.
lots of fun with gradients, grids, waves & blobs.
left sidebar with a custom title & description, basic links, and one image (318x250px). image should resize automatically.
navigational popup tab with another custom title & description, five more links, and three images (250x450px, 250x100px, 200x110px). images should resize automatically.
supports old & new post styles (legacy & npf-friendly).
live preview / get the code
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wolfspiderhaterclub · 3 months
Where in the goddamn hell am I?
[Duke “Kraven” Lambert]
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springdoy · 6 months
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# theme  0118 ㅤ  *ㅤ perfect night.
— ㅤㅤfeatures.
personal / single muse theme. different font sizes and options. visible source link. best viewed on chrome. lights off.
— ㅤㅤdimensions.
sidebar: 280x340. icon: 34x34. navigation: 240x135. muses: 50x50, each. oc profile: 100x110. outfit: 200x315. small accessories: 90x90, each. shoes: 190x120.
— ㅤㅤterms of use.
please don’t remove the credit. this is not a base code. do not take parts of the code without my permission. do not buy / use if i have you blocked. do not repost. do not use as inspiration.
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tyulezhik · 23 days
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Full pic🦇🦇🦇
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transylvanilla · 10 months
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