#Rubedo Kleinmann
Some Al-verse (FoE Verse?) OCs and their Hobbies and whatnot.
Perdita Alunni: Cryptid Nerd, Shakespeare Nerd, enjoys Whittling and wood carving. Chess and Checkers. Long talks about the stuff...
Rei Arashi: Playing the Shamisen (learned from their mother), self defense, various abstract Strategy Games. Reading. Loves Cats.
Aled of Faerie: Adores playing Hide and seek with friends. Playing Pranks with Acrasia, Rei, and his Shadow Dela Fencing and Sword fighting. Magic Word games and word games in general. Playing Questions (see Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead) Cooking and subsequently eating. Playing Dice (loves Liar's Dice) or Nine Men's Morris. Dancing, very fond of parties though he lacks any skill with instruments. Flying when space allows (I should note he is a Faerie with Large Moth like Wings). Fond of sleeping when not doing any of the above.
Acrasia Pen Dragon: Practicing magic(mainly by turning her cousin Aled into whatever animals he can think up). Sword fighting and Marksmanship. Fishing. Horse riding. Doesn't enjoy flying but will join Aled from time to time. Regularly beats Aled at most Strategy games...though is terrible at games of chance. Poetry?
Cassandra-Sibyl Read: Total Astronomy Nerd. Plays either the Guitar or Violin. A Devil (ha) at Dice (favorites are Liar's Dice and Greed) and Card Games. Chess, particularly Four player Chess. Dungeons and Dragons (will introduc the rest of her cohort to the fun of DnD) DMs, or Cleric. Enjoys practicing various forms of Fortune Telling. All manner of mancies. Quite fond of Tarot though no one else holds with it (Mr. Mancy especially not holding with it even though he'll hold with just about any other form of Divination).
Rubedo Kleinmann: Chemistry (especially when it involves explosions) and Math. Gardening (finds pulling weeds to be relaxing), jewelry maybe? Not the most sociable person...but does enjoy playing games with people (or at least he'll be invited and learn to enjoy playing games with people) though not especially good at any parti ones probably. Gets the hang of playing Greed really quick. Can not hold any liquor (aside from it tasting terrible almost always).
Omer Adams: Gets along with Animals. Practicing what magic he knows (still figuring this out. Has Norse Giant Ancestry) Tinkering with mechanical stuff. Arm wrestling and wrestling. Knife throwing. His true passion is Baking (especially sweets!).
There's that. Ask questions if you like.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Protagonists and their cohort and stuff...
As mentioned before, the FoE academies teach for Five Years. 26 in a year separa into Cohorts of 13 (Smaller class sizes?). With the exception of Dom Daniel which only accepts 13 students for a year(possibly the same for either Leeds and Kidd Academy or Tomoko Academy). Protagonists for this thing will be entering their first year blah blah...for a variety of reasons.
Perdita Alunni: Still figuring her out, but basically got on the FoE's radar when it was noticed she has skill in Making. figuring out her whole thing still.
Rei Arashi: Practically raised within the FoE, Rei Arashi is the adopted daughter of Preternatural Intelligencer Tomomi Arashi. Rei has natural Albinism (unlike most other white haired characters whose hair is white for different reasons), can see and communicate with Ghosts. Plays an instrument of some sort (still figuring that out). Came along with variou trick Umbrellas given to them by their mother. Has occasionally interacted with Faeries (due to Tomomi occasionally leaving Rei in the care of Rosemary Goodfellow) and from those interactions picked up a habit of not writing their name consistently. Though there are 5 writings she regularly uses and three favorites. The Second oldest in the Cohort (mid to late 20s ish). Knows Aled and Acrasia.
Acrasia Pendragon: Ninth child of Queen Gloriana and her consort Arthur Pendragon. Joining the FoE with recommendation from her aunt, former Headmistress of Archimag Academy Morgan Le Fay. Has Mist grey Mothlike Wings. Has a Wand that's a silver branch, a Faerie Pistol, and a Book gifted to her on her naming day that's full of how to make potions and stuff. Loves turning people into animals and back for fun.
Aled of Faerie: Son to Queen Titania and her consort Oberon. Has Antlers, Moth Wings of Blue and purple. A Trouble maker at heart, young Aled has three magical gifts. A Living Shadow, a Selfswinging Sword of Thunderbolt Iron, and what the FoE recognizes to be a 'Hide and Seek Ring'. On good terms and supportive to his cousin Acrasia. He or she might have a crush on Rei. Was recommended by Inteligencer Rosemary Goodfellow.
Rubedo Kleinmann: Seemingly a son to One of the Kleinmann family. Rubedo is short and somewhat frail. Reccomended by multiple Kleinmann Eldritchicians. Breaking with Tradition of the Kleinmann family by not attending Dreadrock University and joining the FoE at the earliest chance. Youngest of his cohort at...17? Or something.
Omer Adams: A Half Giant, both good with animals, baked goods, and mechanically minded. Omer 'ran away'(given full support by everyone there) from the circus his Family (Mom(the Giant Gerlinde) Dad (Cain) elder brother Abel and sister Eve) works for 'Mr. E Fantastic Phantasmagoria'. only one against him joining the FoE was Mr. E (or his 'Uncle Algernon'himself and that was mostly petty annoyance). limited Shapeshifting and illusion based magic.
Casandra Sibyl Read: A Cambion (half demon child) With some shapeshifting and Prophetic Abilities. Cassandra's demonic heritage shows up in horns, a tail, and purple skin (basically a Tiefling?) and Eyes that are like full moons yet not blind? Ward to 'Astrophel O Mancy' owner and proprieter of Mancy's Emporium for Fortunes, Herbs, Games and more. Joined the FoE after a particular game night with Mancy and her coworkers. one Co Worker insisting Cassandra join the FoE, another saying she should go to Dreadrock...Cassandra ultimately deciding to join the FoE. With both a recommendation from her former Eldritchician Coworker, and another from Mancy himself. Was given several gifts on leaving. a bag of Dice for gaming. A Tarot Deck Hand made by Mr. Mancy (he doesn't hold with Tarot, but Cassandra enjoys doing readings among other methods of Divination), a Telescope(for stargazing) and reminding Cassandra to keep up on her Violin Practice. And a silver ring with some writing on it. accompanying Cassandra is an Owl that always accompanied Mancy. Stolas. tumblr is dumb so I guess I need a second part for the rest of their cohort.
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Figuring out the protagonisty people...
Okay...there will be six ‘main’ people who are being recruited into or just joining the FoE at (probably) Archimago Academy (with Headmistress Rhonwen Goodfellow de Hautdesert aka Lady Bertilak, aka the Green Lady aka the White Spear and probably other names besides) These six include: Perdita Alunni: Circus Foundling with (insert name of Circus here). Enjoys Drawing. Human. I’ve no clue what she looks like yet. Recruited into the FoE after some senior Eldritchicians witnessed her Making Paper Dragons during a show. Probably about....18 years old? Around there. Rubedo Kleinman: A young man of sixteen with sickly complexion and peculiar red hair (as in its like an unnatural shade of red that doesn’t seem fitting for hair). His talents are not immediately recognizable and was basically dropped off at the Academy by his older brothers Mercury and Midas Kleinmann both senior Eldritchicians. Has a grasp on languages, Alchemy and alchemy related things...and some minor Elemental control without needing a magic ring or anything. Enjoys talking with people. Usually only enthusiastic when mixing up various concoctions and what not (takes explosions very well). Doesn’t like talking about his family. Especially his grandfather. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Aled of Faerie: The Crown Prince of Queen Titania’s Court. Still figuring out what he looks like. Dark skinned like his mother? Antlers like his father (Oberon), and I’ve no idea about his hair. His eyes though will be an unearthly and Eldritch green different than the unearthliness of other Faeries. Aled loves his natural talent for becoming invisible. Has a Magic ring he uses for extra invisibility and finding stuff. Loves exploring, sneaking into places, and Hide and seek. Will play Equivocation games with his cousin Acrasia. Has an enchanted sword (named Iseult) that fights for him made and cuts through enchantment. Often played with Acrasia as they were young enough that they, Aled’s younger sister, and Rei were often all taken care of either by the Lady Bertilak or by the Corruptor of Words and Royal Retainer Rosemary Goodfellow. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Acrasia Pendragon: Ninth and youngest child of Queen Gloriana and her consort Arthur. Enjoys swimming, fishing, and enchanting people to turn into animals. This is looked down on in her Mother’s Court but is celebrated in her aunt Titania’s and encouraged by Aled. Aled even offering himself as a subject for Acrasia to practice on. Will have red hair (like her Father and Motherthe) same Eldritch eyes as her cousins and siblings and her mothers Apple blossom white complexion?(still figuring out what the Faerie Queens look like. Only know Mab for certain). Has a magic wand gifted to her by the same person who have Aled his sword. They both know Rei. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Convinced by Alyss to join the FoE while The Arch Overseer was visiting the Faerie Queen of Avalon for a game of Chess (or Nine Men’s Morris). Omer Adams: Young man of 20ish. Half Giant (Jottun?)and appropriately tall (tallest of these six). Raised by his parents (Cain and the Jottun Gerlinde) traveling with Mr. E’s Phantasmagorical Circus. Youngest of three Children (Abel, Eve, then himself) decided to join the FoE after their Circus has performed at the various Academies over the years. Omer will have wheat blonde hair...and aside from that and being tall I don’t really know yet what he looks like. I know he loves Baking (bread and cookies especially), looking after animals, and is surprisingly adept with Clockwork with having not the most nimble of hands and flexible(or something. Not sure on this bit). Very soft spoken. ‘Ran away’ to join the FoE though everyone knows he left though Mr. E is annoyed at him leaving. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Rei Arashi (if this isn’t actually a name. Do tell me): Eldest or second eldest of these six around Omer’s age. A Japanese orphan with Albinism who was taken in by Eldritchician and Preternatural Intelligencer Tomomi. They have been on and off raised by Tomomi and other PIs (like Rosemary, Prioska, and Autolycus once or twice). Has also had some training with The Arch Overseer when Tomomi has entrusted her with Rei’s care. This usually included various strategy games and such. Rei can naturally see and generally interact with Ghosts. Might be able to summon some(still looking into things). Was going to go to the FoE Academy in Japan, but for one reason or another (possibly at the request of Rosemary) ended up going Archimago Academy. Knows Aled and Acrasia (who both address them as Rei Rei) They have met one or two Eldritch Fellows in the past...though might not recognized their importance. Still figuring things out but figuring them out. If you’ve any questions about these six or other FoE stuff...please ask. It could be potentially helpful. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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A number of ramblings concerning Dreadrock University
A secret University (?) founded some time around the later 1500s to the turn into the 1600 Founded by the Eldritch Fellows Aldread V Eldritch and Alan V Eldritch. Old Dread and Little Rock respectively, thus Dreadrock. They were convinced to do so by their pupil and one of the future Teaching Masters Doctor John Dee. The curriculum of Dreadrock includes: Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music(every student is expected to be proficient in some musical instrument by the end of their tutelage) and Astronomy (the two Eldritch Fellows were both insistent on including Astronomy). But aside from these classical Liberal Arts, Dreadrock also teaches Languages of all sorts (with the exception of animal languages), Alchemy (and the various reasons for it...with a recent turn to finding Universal Cures rather than), Medicine, Angels (the Summoning of, communication with, and other such things) and Demons (Summoning, communication(how to safely talk with demons/get information from them), protection, binding, etc). The later two being Aldread and Alan’s respective fields. Every now and then there might be a class on Necromancy...but it is rare. Dreadrock University is on good terms with the Fellowship of Eldritchicians and it isn’t uncommon for Alumni of Dreadrock to seek to join the Fellowship, or for accomplished Eldritchicians to attend a Class or two. Dreadrock is on decent terms with The Hermitage. Has hostilities with and denounces the Faustian Institute. Staff of Dreadrock includes: the aforementioned John Dee (master of Geometry, master of Angelic Communication, Alchemy, part time Master of Astronomy), as well as other historical figures such as Marry the Prophetess (Master of Alchemy, and other subjects?), Cleopatra the Alchemist, Others include Members of the Kleinmann family. Azoth Kleinmann as Master of Demons (taking over when Alan stepped away from official teaching) and Medicine, Hermes Kleinmann as Master of Music, and Alchemia Ariel Kleinmann as the Master of Angels(the subject), Linguists Headmistress of Dreadrock. All the subjects have a Master teaching it. With some subjects having other teachers and tutors as needed. Hermes had been an accomplished Eldritchician before joining the staff of Dreadrock. Other Kleinmann family members (Midas) have not been a part of the staff but studied for a year or two in between Eldritchician duties. Panacea Kleinmann was Master of Medicine, but stepped down and now works for the FoE. Rubedo Kleinmann is an interesting case as he has gone to join the FoE and seemingly has no intention of continuing on to Dreadrock. Aldread and Alan were much involved with the Running and teaching of Dreadrock but due to a variety of reasons stepped down as Duel Head masters. Of the other Eldritch Fellows, Algimantas is the most frequent visitor aside from Aldread and Alan. He comes by to see if any students has the knack for Making, and then haggle over taking them on as Apprentices or some such. How one goes about applying to study at Dreadrock...I currently don’t know. Finding it is the real difficulty. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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