#The Academy of Supernatural Studies for Eldritch Expertise in Preternatural Practices
The FoE, the Eldritch Fellows, and involvement in Arthuriana...
So...doubling down on The FoE beginning some time prior to all that Arthurian stuff going down...best think about how staples relate and to what degree the Eldritch Fellows and the FoE have to do with it( whether some are more concerned elsewhere in the world). Arthur. Still Arthur, raised by Sir Ector trained by Merlin, half brother to Morgan Le Fay...that’s all unchanged. Only notable thing is that after all that business with Mordred and dying and stuff he’ll be married off to Queen(Empress?) Gloriana of Faerie. Said marriage being arranged by Alyss and Morgana prior to Arthur’s becoming King...as part of a treaty with Faerie and Elfphame so they don’t outright conquer everything in the world. Morgana: will be human, not the mother of Mordred but his aunt twice over (Arthur and Morgouse), still magical. The Convent she was sent to will truly be an Academy for the FoE (one of two at the time). She’ll still learn all the Arts and Sciences, being really into Astronomy (probably Alan’s favorite student since she was more interested in the Astronomy then the Demonology). And still super adept with Magic and stuff. Will have been a part of the meeting where her brother is promised as a future husband to the Faerie Queen Gloriana. Will follow the tract of mostly antagonistic towards Arthur, still hating G...I can never remember how to spell her name right! Gwen...till remaining good. Not sure what she does after Arthur’s death and second Marriage. Might run the Brocéliande Academy...might stick around Avalon...as an Advisor to her little brother I don’t know. Avalon. Being the Isle of Apples, Algimantas May keep an Orchard or two here for his Idunnian and Hesperidean apples. Will likely serve as the Capital Kingdom of Gloriana’s Piece of Faerie. Will likely be a means of going to and from Faerie from the regular world. Albus has a Light House on Avalon...because. Merlin: Not sure with Merlin...might have him be one of the Eldritch Fellows themselves (Alfr, Aldread, and even Alaire are possibilities)? Or...given how going by Malory he’s supposed to be the Son of the Devil or just an Incubus...might have him instead be a Son of one of the Eldritch Fellows. Likely either Alan (because of the Devil thing)...or possibly Albus (since Albus could probably be imagined as an Incubus if I’m remembering correctly what those are)? Either way this would make him Cousin to the Queens of Faerie and Elfphame, as well as cousin to Alyss. Lady of the Lake: um....hm. Possibly just a simple Fairy...possibly actually Murdann (Finwife and wife to Albus)? Hm...Nah. Just a Fairy belonging to Gloriana’s Court. Arthur’s Arsenal: mainly considering The Sword in the Stone, Excalibur, and Carnwennan. The former two probably made by Albus at Merlin’s request. Carnwennan by Alaire, and Algimantas dealt with making Excalibur’s special scabbard. The Holy Grail: The FoE (And Algimantas) wants it for reasons and keeps tabs on the questing Knights. Autolycus Lupin following the Grail Knights with the task of stealing the Grail once they find it( might also try nabbing the Spear of Destiny while he’s at it). The Green Knight: Green Knight is the Green Knight. One of the Old Green Men (though not a Goodfellow) and a part of Alwin’s Retinue and Hunt. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Figuring out conflicts and things for the FoE....
Custody battle (for lack of a better term) over the Holy Grail(s). Fending off the machinations of the Faustian Order of Maleficium (Maleficia?)? Some group or other wanting to destroy all things Eldritch (including the Eldritch Fellows themselves)? And probably other things relating to the various fields dealt with by the FoE....Ghosts, Angels, Faeries, Monsters, etc. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Figuring things regarding Alwin, his Wild Hunt, mount and so on...
Was thinking earlier about Alwin V Eldritch. Eldritch Fellow, Archimago (basically a Tolkien esque Wizard I guess?) and former Erlking of Faerie and Elfphame. Following his abdication at the advice of his Fellows (for lore reasons) Alwin (formerly Alberich) took his Corruptor of Words, his Best Knight Sir Bertilak , and somewhere between 30 to 100 Fae and Elvin Knights and has spent time Hunting, and being somewhat of a Nuisance to his Daughters who are now ruling and stuff (think of it as a King Lear situation? Sans the Tragedy). Some things to consider. What to have Alwin ride...as most Wild Hunts have people riding things... Seems it’s normally Black Horses and everyone’s in Black...will do this differently. Horse Colors...there’s two either Black, or Green (like the Green Knight’s Horse). Some ride on Goats. Eldritch Steeds like but also not like those that Nicnevin and her Court ride in the night. Bertilak on his giant Green Horse. Rosemary on a Green Goat? As for Alwin. I’m not sure. Something Kingly? Could have it be a Silver Steed which is neither Horse nor Goat. Could have it be a Unicorn (which if I recall correctly is sometimes described as an odd mix of a Horse, Goat, and some third thing?) Another possibility...just cause...could be a domesticated Questing Beast as a Mount? And I say this with it having the Snake head and neck...not that it’ll be a Giraffe.... Which seems like it fits better for a Former Emperor of the Faeries and Elves who I should note is not a Faerie or Elf himself? Unicorn? Or Questing Beast? Or something else entirely? A thought on the Unicorn idea is the Wild Hunt (save Bertilak) dismiss their Steeds into some place else when not using them. Alwin...when dismissing the Unicorn mount will leave the Horn behind which he’ll then use as a walking stick/wand. If not that...he will likely be the sort to pick up any old Smooth tree branch or just any serviceable tree branch and use that as a Wand/Walking stick. Come to think of it...I should probably make a post concerning the Eldritch Fellows and what they look like as some have undergone an aesthetic change or two...if anyone is interested in hearing about such things? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Trying to think up a good name for a Magical Market...
Decided since one of the Eldritch Fellows (Algimantas Varius Eldritch) is all about the trading, Making, selling, buying, collecting, etc. of Magical items...things which tend to accomplish the impossible as well as making Material things from/with the Immaterial in a manner not unlike or rather similar to near identical to the Making of Gleipnir by the Dwarves in Norse Mythology. So the thought occurred to me...Algimantas (Algimas to some) on top of his Traveling Salesman shenanigans...should Have some mystical market place where he can show off his goods and keep most of his stuff that he got himself and not what belongs to the FoE that he claims ownership of (the Treasure House). On top of Algimantas’ many shops (A Tailors shop, a Hat shop, A Jewelers, a Shop for Shoes...basically imagine any magical item you can and it is sold there either by Algimantas or someone else). Likely has these shops managed by those who owe him favors, Possibly Automatons...and Griffins are involved some how. Debating on the inclusion of Dragons. Pen Dragons abound certainly...but I don’t know about full on Dragons? Maybe smaller ones? For security...since this Market is...kind of like a Hoard for Algimantas? You’ve got Goblins Of Mab’s selling fruit and Bread and Clothes and other such things in return for the same or similar wares. Dwarves with their fine goods. Witches and so on...with spells and ointments and whatnot. Only thing not allowed is selling Fortunes. You can sell things that predict fortunes...but not Fortunes themselves (unless it’s by a certain gentleman in the company of a most learned Owl, and who has a certain fascination with the Stars). Various name ideas included.. TIMM (the Immaterial Material Maker)’s Market. The Immaterial Market. The Paranormal Pedler’s Market... Or some such something descriptive. Other name ideas included naming it after certain mythological items. Those various rings from Norse Mythology (I forget the names). Or from other Mythologies. In typing this...an idea struck me. Do tell me if it has any sense to it? So...of Algimantas’ many wares and baubles...perhaps his favorite thing is Magical Finger Rings...because they’re so cool! So much so he is certain to have at least one Ring on each Finger on no two are alike in their materials or their many settings. So...Oh! It could be a series of Rings! Like you have an Outermost Ring of Stalls, the one beyond that...and so on...Like a Russian nesting doll. Or like how Cities are set up in Rings inner, outer, etc...This Market is probably a City unto itself or the size of one. So you go further and further in...finding stranger and more bizarre and Eldritch goods as you go on... And in the center of it all is Algimantas’ Pawnshop/Warehouse/Cottage thing? As for the number of Rings...hm...let’s go with 10? Ten sounds good I think? So as to a Name...The Ring Market? Okay! So I was looking up what the fancy name for the Ring Cycle was...Nibelung and so on (spelling?) which apparently derives from or leads to the name/word? Nebel (amusing given that was my step grandpa’s last name. So that brought a pleasant memory) which to my understanding means Mist... So...The Mist Ring Market. The Mist Market? Should I stick to the Ring Market? Do any of these sound like they hold the inkling of a good idea? Thoughts appreciated. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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Various thoughts about Runa Ring maker, Overseer of the Treasure House
Runa Ring Maker...one of the Seven Overseers of the Fellowship of Eldritchicians. She is ultimately in charge of running the Treasure House of the FoE...basically the place where the FoE keeps all the magical/mystical artifacts they find... Does not run any of the Three Academies (Suleyman Academy (name might change?), Beowulf Academy, and DomDaniel) but does assist with the Academies. Is An Elf. Likely a Light Elf of Diana’s Court (whose name I might well change to something more Norse?) and twin sister to Huld, who is also an Eldritchician. Runa is a Sorceress and maker of magical items. Learned as a Student of Algimantas to be as good as Dwarves in making such things. Even learning from Algimantas the skill of Making from Nothing/Near Nothing and making from the Impossible material. As the other name suggests the thing she’s best at making is Rings (having made the Rings of the Overseers, as well as a Ring for Alyss but not Alyss’ Eldritch Ring). And like Algimantas wears a ring of every finger...even an Iron one which stings something awful at best and burns at worst. Caries a Wand staff thing. Missing an Eye (possibly has a false magical eye? Or gave up the eye for Odin like purposes). Plays either the Kravic Lyre or the Trossingen Lyre? One or the other. Whichever one it is she taught the one she knows how to play to Alyss as Alyss collects Lyres and the plays the lot of them (Favoriting the sort of Lyre hermes is said to have invented, the sort of Lyre Sappho plays (but only plays it on special occasions to certain people ;) ) and the aforementioned Trossingen Lyre). Yay! Lyre Buddies (and probably more?). Spends most of her time Invisible thanks to a Ring, a Cap, and a Cloak. For what reason she spends most of her time invisible I’m not quite certain I just know she does for reasons. Probably for playful reasons, Or possibly forgetting she’s wearing the Invisibility granting things? Not sure. Dressed in Grey Robes probably? But certainly a Raven Feather Cloak gifted to her by Alyss. It’s like Freya’s Falcon feather cloak...but with Ravens. Because Ravens are Cool. Speaking of Ravens and them being cool. Runa keeps a bunch of Ravens. She speaks with them often and they in turn talk back. Runa’s Ravens can probably Talk talk but generally stick to Raven speak unless necessary. Runa being able to understand thanks to a taste of Dragon’s blood she had once. Her Ravens tell her about everything going on outside the Treasure House. And a Compliment of Ravens is stationed to look after Alyss’ several Offices (one in each of the Academies) and one to look after Alvis’ Book shop and assist who ever is charged with looking after him at the time. They are a constant feature of every Academy. To my Scowler Followers think of Runa’s Ravens as the Ravens of Tamerlane House. Or the Crows in the Great Whatsit. They probably don’t have Waistcoats though. Each Raven has a Name (obviously). In this case...Runa has as many Ravens as Odin has names...as every Raven has a name that is also a Name of Odin. So however many that is. Her favorites and the ones that is always with her are named Odin and Biflindi. Or possibly just Biflindi and she doesn’t have one named Odin...not sure. Definitely Biflindi though. No reason save my own amusement. Let’s see...what else...Ah yes! While she doesn’t run any of the Academies, being busy with the Treasure House, Runa does involve herself in the education of the Future Eldritchicians. She is generally the one in charge of teaching those with a Talent for or interest in the Making, Collecting, Identification, and Dealing with of all the Artifacts the Fellowship of Eldritchicians comes across from your standard Magic Rings, to cursed objects, holy or sacred objects, and so on. Okay...the only other thought that comes to mind is I’m fairly certain I’ll have Runa and Alyss in a romantic relationship of some sort...I’m not certain. I originally thought to have it be Alyss and Morgan...but the inherent Romanticism of Lyre Music (it’s so pretty you guys!) is leading me to have it be Alyss and Runa...I’m not sure... Oh! I completely forgot. Runa is Paler than her sister on account of not going outside much...probably? Still not certain of the look. I know the Raven Cloak, the eye thing, and that she’s invisible more often than not. Oh! Alyss and Runa have a game of Sorts. When Alyss comes to see Runa Runa will enchant several lyres and leave Alyss to guess which one is played by her and which is played by enchantment. Kisses may very well be involved if I do go with them being in a romantic relationship (does that sound good? I’m not sure if it’s a sweet as I might think? So tell me if it’s not?) So yeah. There’s that? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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An updated description of Algimantas Varius Eldritch.
Algimantas (aka the Master of the Ring Market, the Maker, the Tailor, Ring Maker, The Arcane Artisan, Impossible Materials Maker, the Craftsman, the Curious Merchant, the Dragon, and other names besides, unlike some of his Fellows has doffed his Wizard like Robes and has made attempts to update his wardrobe. Wears Brown Corduroys and brown boots. A salt colored Shirt, Lapis blue Vest, and a Fine Green and Tyrian Purple Coat. Hair...mix of Golden and dirty blond curls. A curl or two is always escaping from under a fine Black Bowler. In the Bowler’s band is a red feather and a gold feather. Both seems to glow. His face is unremarkable save a scar across it (seemingly from someone scratching his face. Think like what happened to Mr. Sir in Holes) and a pair of opaque amber color spectacles obscuring his eyes. He wears a ring on each of his fingers. Might possibly have six on one or each hand for the sole purpose of wearing more rings. These are all magical to some extent and each serve a different purpose. Algimantas is the only one able to remove his own rings. Another note on his hands is they have noticeable Burn Scars. Algimantas does not hide these but he never elaborates on what exactly caused these Scars. By contrast he will freely explain why his face is scarred, his voice dripping with annoyance and an itty bitty bit of venom. Lastly, he Walks with a Cane of Black wood topped with a Silver dragon with Wings, two front legs, and tail. The Dragon’ tail curls about the cane like the Vine. His cane resembles a Zeigenhainer walking stick. Algimantas’ voice is peculiar. I’m not certain how to describe it save that it is voice of one who is studying you more than talking to you. Though it is not void of courtesy or charm....but the sincerity of it is often in question A final note, though not technically about his appearance. Algimantas is almost always accompanied by his personal PenDragon Estragon Alaric Pendragon aka Alaric. Alaric resembles though is not quite identical to the Dragon ornament on Algimantas’ Cane (I’m not certain if this Ornament will come to life or not. Probably. If so, it’ll be named Vladimir Alexander Pendragon). There’s that. Feel free to ask questions about Algimantas, the other Eldritch Fellows, the FoE or what have you. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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Pen Dragons for Everyone!
I’ve decided a key part of any Eldritchician’s set of equipment will be a Pen Dragon. A Pen...which can turn into a tiny a Dragon pal with their Tails retaining the capacity for writing. Everyone is given one upon becoming an Eldritchician and they’re tasked with giving them a Name! I’m not sure if there will be any sort of Uniformity to an Eldritchician’s Pen Dragon (serving a similar identification function as the watches of the Caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica? Aside from the Pins and things). If there is...it is only to establish a difference between an Eldritchician’s Pen Dragon and the one commercially sold by Algimantas at the Ring Market? If they are uniform....they’ll likely be Silvery grey? Good idea? Wait, have I explained Pen Dragons before? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Pondering the when and where of the FoE...and related things.
Aside from thinking on the time of when to place the damn thing( probably not modern times? Maybe whatever the period after the Victorian era is? Edwardian?)... Because of the inclusion of Medusa makes things a bit tricky...though Time Travel might be involved in that case due to a variety of reasons?(Though I imagine the FoE won’t employ time Travel often for reasons). Thinking it over...Hm... Sophocles of Alexandria was taken in/imprisoned by Alvis around the time the Library of Alexandria burned down(48 BC?)...but the FoE probably wasn’t established? The question is when was Alyss Found. And what are times for the other early Eldritchicians to come in. Morgan Maddox around the time of the Ulster Cycle (1st century AD?) Sinbad following the foundation of Islam for him to be Muslim... Runa, Huld, and Tomomi can basically be whenever? Hm. Okay. So..Alyss probably got adopted by Alvis (and the rest of the Eldritch Fellows basically) around the first or second century I think? Got found in a Forest or she found them (the Eldritch Fellows)...in a forest. Met Tomomi as a Child. Runa and Huld later, and Morgan when they were both Adults or young adults? Morgan saves Alyss’ life through circumstances. Morgan is granted some Imortality thing by the Eldritch Fellows. As well as an awesome new Spear. The Eldritch Fellows present Alyss with her Ring of Orichalcum, Legendary Apple Seeds, and Eldritch blood which grants Immortality among other things..but she doesn’t put it on or use the Eternal Youth but till she’s....hm.. mid to late 30s? Some such...don’t know exactly. I’m fairly certain Avalon May very well be the place Algimantas has his Orchards (being the Isle of Apples) only unlike the Market and Treasure House he has no ownership of Avalon (much to his annoyance). Faeries are likely involved. Rosemary is involved to some extent also having assisted in raising Alyss? Rosemary Goodfellow is basically the go to Nanny in this Universe I guess. Come to think of of it... I imagine the Fellowship of Eldritchicians has some connection to Morgan Le Fay (not to be confused with Morgan ‘monster hunter’ Maddox)...in fact...Oh! An early Academy of the FoE, when they’re just starting the whole Training New Eldritchicians in greater numbers than just Apprenticeships (which likely means Cosmin is around by this point?) could be the ‘convent’ that Morgan was sent to where she ended up learning all the things! (Apparently being really good at Astronomy as well as Healing and Magic stuff?) So...the Fellowship began as merely’Monitors of the Miraculous, Mystical, and Monstrous’ in the later end of the First Century BC/BCE (whichever)? Mostly with Sophocles being sent on errands for Alvis and keeping record of things... This developed into more when Alyss came in...and her friends popped up (Tomomi being the first, the the Elvish Twins, then Morgan Maddox) FoE some time in the First or Second Century AD/CE. Still stuck to observing and recording with Monster Hunting on the Side where necessary. Then Morgana is introduced to the FoE... The Fledgling organization begins being a bit more active... And the biggest thing they do is Alyss master of persuasion that she is..convincing the Empresses of Faerie (decided they’re Empresses now) not to invade/conquer the Mortal realms....setting up the foundation of what is basically a promise that Arthur will eventually Marry Empress Gloriana of Faerie (which she eventually does).... The FoE in its early days concerning itself mainly with Ghosts, Faeries, Mythical and Fantastic Monsters, Primordial Darkness, Items and objects...and plain Knowledge of things...eventually expanding to the myriad of things they do ‘now’ whenever the now is. Still debating on if they remain secret the entire time...or if they become Public at some point down the line...the Marriage treaty was likely relatively secret...with Morgana being the one to recommend her little brother as Husband Material for Gloriana. Okay..so... A Precursor to the FoE began at the tail end of the First Century BC. Alyss came in around the First or Second Century AD/CE. The FoE as the FoE is established at some point prior to the events of Arthurian Legend going down due to Morgana (who for my purposes is Magical Human with Faerie connections rather than straight up Faerie to begin with? Probably?) One of the first big things the FoE did was act as a diplomatic organization to stop Faerie and Elfphame from conquering everything else...in doing so setting up a Marriage promise between Gloriana and Arthur...which I’m realizing now is a problem with Arthur already being Married...but it’s there... The Academies set up after all that...with Beowulf Academy existing Post Beowulf happening for the name to hold the significance Morgan would want an Academy she’s running to hold (6th Century? Neat). Okay. Yeah. There’s some stuff figured out. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Instruments the Eldritch Fellows (and Alyss) play...
Just like having characters play cool instruments...so here’s some characters and the cool instruments they play. Alvis: probably doesn’t play one? Maybe the Anglo Saxon Lyre if he played anything. Or the Norse one I forget the name of. Albus: Flute, Concertina, and Voice (for Shanties and stuff). Alan: Violin/Fiddle Alaire: Hurdy Gurdy all the way. Alwin: Normally has Rosemary play music for him, but Alwin does enjoy playing all manner of Pipes along with his Piper/Corruptor of Words. Aldread: Lute (suited for Alchemists). Alfr: hm...Probably the Celtic Harp or Mandola? Alastor: nothing. Alpheas: no clue. Algernon: Trying to learn how to play the Kantele. Is upset that Algimantas won’t help him. Employs Louhi in his circus teaching her the magic he knows in exchange for Kantele lessons. Algimantas: This bastard is a damn Show off. Given his business and concerns any Instrument which holds mythical precedence or told to display magical capabilities Algimantas has tried to get his hands on to make, sell, trade, and play. His favorites are the stringed sort that are plucked or strummed. His favorites and the ones he plays most often when he sits down to do so are the Lyre (all sorts) going by the exploits of Orpheus and Amphion (Telekinetic Lyres you guys?) and the Kantele of Väinämöinen. The Kantele being the particular favorite for its sound and seeming simplicity. Passed his Lyre knowledge to both Alyss and Runa Ring Maker. Alyss: From the influence of her Uncle Algimantas Alyss has taken a liking for Lyres. The Barbiton (which I’m going to say she learned from Sappho probably?) and the Anglo Saxon Lyre especially. Though she collects any and all sorts of Lyre she comes across. Every office of hers (having one in each FoE Academy) has a wall dedicated to Lyres. The others are weapons and Bookshelves.... Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Eldritchician Uniforms: From Expressive and colorful Wizard Robes, to Grey Coats and Pins.
A brilliant thought occurred to me! I remembered how I had that one post about how Wizards and stuff should be required to make their own Robes and stuff to show off and be up front with what magical feats they can perform. Also remembered applying similar ideas to a version of Prospero/ProsperPoe for Original writing purposes/fanfic purposes. It hit me the other evening...why not apply this to the a Fellowship of Eldritchicians and the Eldritch Fellows? However, I really like the idea of the pins with their supposed to be distinct symbols...so I’ll have it be the one before becoming the other! This stems from the Eldritch Fellows themselves. Aside from the title of Eldritch One, the lot of them are individually/collectively referred to by most Elder races (Faeries, Elves, Angels, Demons, Giants, Archimedes’ Race and a bunch of others) by the name/title Archimago or the Archimago. Now. I’ll admit, the first time I came across this term was in the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica series. Looked into it and it apparently comes from Edmund Spenser’s the Faerie Queen (which I’m already using as inspiration for Queen Gloriana and other stuff) there it’s the name of a Wizard, was then used by Percy Shelley to be synonymous with Wizard...and might be what led to the term Arch Mage with Ursula K. LeGuin’s Earthsea series? Anyway, the Eldritch Fellows were the Archimago (Archimagos? Archimagi?) and when it comes down to it...are basically Super powerful Inhuman Wizards being the experts in their respective Fields of interest/concern. As such they Wore kick ass Robes to show off... Alyss when forming the Fellowship in its beginning had Eldritchicians make robes imitating whichever Eldritch Fellow they first learned from (the color at least), and adding onto it with other bits as they learned other things. Replace a sleeve there, add some embroidered design or tapestry like symbol or sign there. Very colorful. Alyss herself had her own Prospero esque Robes/Mantle which showed off her knowledge and proficiency in Everything...Alyss has basically become an Archimago herself. Holds the Title at least and is often referred to as such by those who know it. Like with the ideas for ProsperPoe Alyss will doubt have some super important Stoles. But rather than displaying a knowledge and proficiency in Necromancy....it’ll probably be...something else. I’m not sure what yet. At any rate. They had this practice of Robe and Mantle making at the start. Stuck around for quite a while...though it probably started being phased out after the Dark Ages or during/post renaissance maybe? At some point there was a switch from Colorful Wizard Robes, to something more ordinary. Eldritchicians can still wear what they like, but there’s now a Grey Coat with pins to include in it. Quincey for example is very colorful with his Purple shirt and Blue and Pink waistcoat, but has the Grey Coat over it. A lot of early Eldritchicians originally had Grey as the main base color of their Robes (learning from Alvis first). Mind you, not all early Eldritchicians wore Robes (Autolycus Lupin for example wore much more ‘practical’ attire for his business. All Rangery and stuff). But yeah from colorful Robes and things (and jewelry for some) to whatever you like as long as you’ve got the Grey Great Coat as a part of it. An interesting thing is those Eldritchicians and Eldritch Fellows who have or haven’t changed with the times. Algimantas, Alan, and Alaire are probably the most modern (and even Alair looks like he stitched a medieval Beastiary onto his Shadowy Coat/Cloak thing). Alwin being some bizarre mix of Modernity with his Wizardly weeds. Aldread hasn’t updated his wardrobe from his ‘looking like John Dee’ look. Albus has a more modern (Peacoat and Greek sailors cap) keeps his old Robes, but normally dresses like a Golden age of Piracy Pirate...for the Aesthetic of it. And thinking he looks damn good in his Piratey attire. Alvis hasn’t really bothered updating his attire. Nor have Alastor or Alewar( though they’re both too busy to bother with updating wardrobes) For Eldritchicians, you can usually tell how long they’ve been with the organization by what they’re wearing. Some have updated their wardrobe like Huld. Others like most of the Overseers (Runa and Morgan especially) have not. Alyss has definitely changed her wardrobe. Ordinarily in a Suit of all grey save a Violet Waistcoat, has all the Pins (prototypes for the finished product), her Awesome Great Coat...and some sort of hat (also grey probably). She does still have her own Archimago Robes locked up and secreted away(which she made herself with advisement from her Father and Uncles) though she does break it out when necessary. If the situation requires it (be that for Formal gatherings or for extra power since her Robes have become magical themselves). Now that I’ve decided on this, I really need to figure out what Alyss’ Eldritchician Prospero Wizard robes will look like. Sometimes Eldritchicians request to follow the old Practice of making their uniform and may do so. So yeah, there’s that. Ask questions if you have any. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Figuring out the protagonisty people...
Okay...there will be six ‘main’ people who are being recruited into or just joining the FoE at (probably) Archimago Academy (with Headmistress Rhonwen Goodfellow de Hautdesert aka Lady Bertilak, aka the Green Lady aka the White Spear and probably other names besides) These six include: Perdita Alunni: Circus Foundling with (insert name of Circus here). Enjoys Drawing. Human. I’ve no clue what she looks like yet. Recruited into the FoE after some senior Eldritchicians witnessed her Making Paper Dragons during a show. Probably about....18 years old? Around there. Rubedo Kleinman: A young man of sixteen with sickly complexion and peculiar red hair (as in its like an unnatural shade of red that doesn’t seem fitting for hair). His talents are not immediately recognizable and was basically dropped off at the Academy by his older brothers Mercury and Midas Kleinmann both senior Eldritchicians. Has a grasp on languages, Alchemy and alchemy related things...and some minor Elemental control without needing a magic ring or anything. Enjoys talking with people. Usually only enthusiastic when mixing up various concoctions and what not (takes explosions very well). Doesn’t like talking about his family. Especially his grandfather. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Aled of Faerie: The Crown Prince of Queen Titania’s Court. Still figuring out what he looks like. Dark skinned like his mother? Antlers like his father (Oberon), and I’ve no idea about his hair. His eyes though will be an unearthly and Eldritch green different than the unearthliness of other Faeries. Aled loves his natural talent for becoming invisible. Has a Magic ring he uses for extra invisibility and finding stuff. Loves exploring, sneaking into places, and Hide and seek. Will play Equivocation games with his cousin Acrasia. Has an enchanted sword (named Iseult) that fights for him made and cuts through enchantment. Often played with Acrasia as they were young enough that they, Aled’s younger sister, and Rei were often all taken care of either by the Lady Bertilak or by the Corruptor of Words and Royal Retainer Rosemary Goodfellow. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Acrasia Pendragon: Ninth and youngest child of Queen Gloriana and her consort Arthur. Enjoys swimming, fishing, and enchanting people to turn into animals. This is looked down on in her Mother’s Court but is celebrated in her aunt Titania’s and encouraged by Aled. Aled even offering himself as a subject for Acrasia to practice on. Will have red hair (like her Father and Motherthe) same Eldritch eyes as her cousins and siblings and her mothers Apple blossom white complexion?(still figuring out what the Faerie Queens look like. Only know Mab for certain). Has a magic wand gifted to her by the same person who have Aled his sword. They both know Rei. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Convinced by Alyss to join the FoE while The Arch Overseer was visiting the Faerie Queen of Avalon for a game of Chess (or Nine Men’s Morris). Omer Adams: Young man of 20ish. Half Giant (Jottun?)and appropriately tall (tallest of these six). Raised by his parents (Cain and the Jottun Gerlinde) traveling with Mr. E’s Phantasmagorical Circus. Youngest of three Children (Abel, Eve, then himself) decided to join the FoE after their Circus has performed at the various Academies over the years. Omer will have wheat blonde hair...and aside from that and being tall I don’t really know yet what he looks like. I know he loves Baking (bread and cookies especially), looking after animals, and is surprisingly adept with Clockwork with having not the most nimble of hands and flexible(or something. Not sure on this bit). Very soft spoken. ‘Ran away’ to join the FoE though everyone knows he left though Mr. E is annoyed at him leaving. Has met some of the Eldritch Fellows before. Rei Arashi (if this isn’t actually a name. Do tell me): Eldest or second eldest of these six around Omer’s age. A Japanese orphan with Albinism who was taken in by Eldritchician and Preternatural Intelligencer Tomomi. They have been on and off raised by Tomomi and other PIs (like Rosemary, Prioska, and Autolycus once or twice). Has also had some training with The Arch Overseer when Tomomi has entrusted her with Rei’s care. This usually included various strategy games and such. Rei can naturally see and generally interact with Ghosts. Might be able to summon some(still looking into things). Was going to go to the FoE Academy in Japan, but for one reason or another (possibly at the request of Rosemary) ended up going Archimago Academy. Knows Aled and Acrasia (who both address them as Rei Rei) They have met one or two Eldritch Fellows in the past...though might not recognized their importance. Still figuring things out but figuring them out. If you’ve any questions about these six or other FoE stuff...please ask. It could be potentially helpful. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Deciding on Alwin’s steed.
Made a decision. As cool as having the Questing Beast as a mount would be (and maybe) decided on it being a Unicorn. Why? Because looking into how it’s some times described as being some bizarre mix of Horse, Goat, and a tinge of Deer (the legs it seems) it just sounds like it would look kind of uncanny? Like...to look at it it’s both awe inspiring and definitely not right and in fact...it’s not a true living Unicorn but rather a manifestation of one drawn from the existential echoes surrounding the Horn...the Horn having been from a true Unicorn that Alwin got...somehow at some point. Either on his own or as a gift. Imagine...A creature. That on first viewing seems to be a Horse. But the longer you look at it the stranger it appears. There’s a Goat beard suddenly hanging from it’s chin when you blink. A moment after (or perhaps before) it’s legs seem even thinner than a horses should be. The body of it is both Horse like yet Goat like in it’s fur...it’s tail...I don’t know. And aside from these now uncanny proportions and attributes there are two that stand out the most. It’s Eyes. They are not eyes...but more sockets with silvery pools which lack solidity. Eyes like shaken snow globes. Unseeing, unloving and unloving. This isn’t a true creature but more a manifested hazy memory of a creature. Then there’s the Horn. It’s as you’d imagine it. Coming from the things head, spirally, somewhere between two and three feet. And of everything else...it’s the most solid. Not that the rest of it isn’t solid...I must emphasize this isn’t a ghost of a thing (ghosts aren’t Alwin’s business) but it seems to be the weightiest aspect about it. There is a certainty to it yet it is the last thing that catches the eye after the beard, the legs, the cloven hooves, the body or the Flurious pools of Silver which are not eyes. This true thing is the last of it... And then imagine someone carelessly yanking said horn both off of and seemingly out of the creatures head like a pulling up a stake from the Ground. The Eldritch steed stands there for an eternal moment...then vanished into the Aether like it was never there...though you’re certain it must have been. Went off a bit there...but yeah. Alwin V Eldritch’s eldritch steed will be this Unicorn that’s not a living Unicorn but a thing manifested from the Unicornness of the Horn itself. (This talk of Manifesting Existential echoes is how Pen Dragons work...bit Algimantas has more talent in the process than his Fellow Alwin. The Pen Dragons live for one thing rather than simply exist). Hm...I might tone this down? Or does that long bit I went into seem...fitting? Or too much? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Figuring things out....concerning the FoE...
Stuff being figured out: How many Academies, where they are, whose the head masters blah blah blah... Which Academy the Protagonist people will end up in (probably Archimago Academy). In what order and way certain Eldritch Fellows will show up... Still figuring about the exact level of secrecy with the FoE.... Conflicts...and other things. I know the Holy Grail will be of some importance or significance....partly due to it just being what it is and the role the quest for it plays in the history of the Fellowship of Eldritchicians. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Seven Academies of the Fellowship of Eldritchicians.
The First: The Academy of Supernatural for Eldritch Expertise in Preternatural Practices. Aka Archimago Academy. Set up some time between the First and Fourth Century AD/CE. Originally led by the Arch Overseer Alyss V Eldridge...in more recent times The Headmaster is the Green Lady (wife to the Green Knight Bertilak) Robin Goodfellow (not that one, but related)Bertilak (or whatever Bertilak’s last name was I can’t remember. H something). She is an Eldritchician but not one of the Seven Overseers (though was offered the position). Located in the Tower City/Castle of Silverwood (will probably change this name) which was the Seat of Power of the Erlking Of Faerie and Elfland The Eldritch Fellow Archimago Alberich (now Alwin) V Eldritch. Had been abandoned for centuries until Alyss won the right to use it for her purposes. Also known as The Convent. Reached through the Forest of Brocèliande Still expected to House the Abdicated Erlking when he visits the Academy. Dom Daniel: Originally a School for Sorcerers and Evil Spirits...these were kicked out by Cosmin Lungu with the assistance of Eldritch Fellow Archimago Albus Viggo Eldritch. Originally and still led by Overseer Secundus Cosmin Lungu and a Rotating Staff of experienced Eldritchicians as Teachers. Beowulf Academy: Set up some time following the exploits of its Name sake. Located in the Lake of Monsters in the very Cave where Beowulf slew Grendel’s Mother. (Omer Addams has been forbidden to set foot on this Academy by his parents, and ‘Uncle’ Algernon). Run for its entirety by Overseer Morgan Maddox (who took over the position from of Overseer Morgan Lefay?) and a rotating staff of other Teachers. Suleyman Academy: Established some time after...the 600s CE? (Some point after the founding of Islam). Located on an eternally moving Island. The Vice Chancellor (with Alyss as Chancellor or Arch Chancellor?) is Overseer Sinbad Al-Amin, aka Sinbad the Cartographer....is probably not Sinbad the Sailor....probably....need to look up dates...but probably not. Currently Unnamed Academy in Russia....Located in one of those Forests you get in Fairytales? Or wherever Koeschi the Immortal hid his Heart...don’t know who it is led by. Just wanted an Academy in Russia to tie into Baba Yaga and Ivan Tsarevich and so on. Don’t know when it was set up...just thinking of having an Eldritchician Academy in Russia for reasons. Baba Yaga related reasons. The FoE has probably tried to Recover or Reverse engineer? The Sampo? New thought. Possibly have the Headmaster be the seemingly Immortal Ivan Tsarevich? From all those Russian Fairytales? Currently unnamed Academy somewhere in Japan? Going to be honest. Just wanted it to be an Odd number...and after thinking up the Russia one tried to think of where else to put one...Japan seemed best what with the various ghosts, demons, and Monsters and things? As well as Alyss having spent some time there in her youth. Only authorizing the establishment of an Academy after her childhood friend, fellow Eldritchician, Lead Intelligencer, and Kitsune Tomomi Arashi bugged her to set one up. She did...expecting Tomomi would step up to run it...only to not do so and stick to Intelligencer things. As for who runs it and where it is...I’ve no clue. Just thought it’d be a fitting place. I’ve just realized I counted Archimago Academy twice so I’m only at Six....frick. There probably won’t be Eldritchicians Academies in the Americas or Africa? I’m not sure? If there’s one in Africa...Egypt will probably be the place for it? Though the Eldritchicians aren’t really there since there’s likely no necessity for them to be there? I’m not sure. If there are eventually Eldritchician Academies set up in America...they likely won’t be as grand as the others...but more do just little areas where Eldritchicians are? Or something? I will try by damndest to avoid pulling a Rowling with any further Eldritchician Academies...and if I’ve somehow done so already by accident..please please please tell me and tell me off or what have you? I’m still not certain of when to set it...but assuming it no earlier than a Victorian Post Victorian setting...(but pre ww1?)...where would be a good place for another Eldritchician Academy? Have I explained what the FoE is well enough for that matter? Answers and thoughts appreciated. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Anyone want to ask questions about the Fellowship of Eldritchicians? Certain Eldritchicians? The Overseers of the organization? The Eldritch Fellows or what have you? May very well be as helpful as it is appreciated.... Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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What’s a rough estimate of how many Names Odin has?
Like I know he has a bunch that we just don’t know about and stuff...but what’s a good guess of a number? Like 600ish? I’m asking only because I’m thinking a character will have a bunch of Ravens (for reasons and employed for a variety of reasons) and the thought occurred to have her have as many Ravens as Odin has names...each Raven bearing one of said names...having three favorites (only one of whom has been decided at present). So...yeah. Is 600ish close? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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