nflsundayticket · 6 months
The Changing Face of Football and the Quest for Safety
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News Summary: The banning of the hip drop tackle in football has sparked controversy and raised questions about player safety. As leagues revise tackling rules, fans and players seek clarity and adaptation to the evolving landscape of the sport. Football, it's a game of excitement, glories untold, and wonders of the mind and spirit. However, there's controversy surrounding it; many fans and players are unsure of what constitutes a legal tackle in this fine league. The hip drop tackle is being banned because of injury concerns, and many in the football world ask, what is the proper way to tackle? Like the beloved body weight and rule, there are a lot of questions as to the step-by-step protocol, and today they will be answered. Consider this man to be the average offensive player. Hey there, look at how confident he is.' 'And here's your bug standard defender, sir, notice his surly and hostile demeanor.' 'Am I getting paid for this?' Now, the normal situation would be for the defendant to destroy everything dear to the world, but this isn't 1970 anymore; we are a kinder and gentler league. To begin the new process of tackling, the offensive player must first consent. 'Can I tackle you?' 'Uh, uh-uh, you never said the magic word.' 'Can I please have permission to take you to the ground?' No, I do not consent to your action.' 'This is what constitutes a broken tackle.' 'This is a joke, but let's suppose that he does agree to be stopped. Then the defender will carry the offensive player to a minimum queen-size bed of his choosing, pending league approval.' 'I'll walk myself, thank you.' 'Yes, your majesty, that's 15 yards for taunting.' 'We have now entered the room of choice. For speed purposes, the bed has already been set to the offensive player's liking, but defenders should be aware of any personal whims and requests that they prefer.' Oh, is there any chance I can get some ice cream? I prefer cookie dough.' 'I don't have any.' 'We'll let the defender off with a $110,000 fine.' 'Always remember, you're .' 'Is this an anagram?' 'No, it just means you're .' Begin the next step of the process, happy ending.' 'What happy ending?' 'Well, G-crack.' 'What, no, that's unsportsmanlike conduct.' 'We will assume that the action has taken place.' 'Now, as we can see, our two test patients are ready for the final stage of taking down a player. You must gently let him slip into slumber.' 'May I recommend a bedtime story?' 'Alright, "The quarterback who won it all".' 'Oh, I love this one.' 'And in a triumph for eternity, the greatest quarterback in football history threw for over 400 yards and three touchdowns in the high school championship game. The crowd on hand lifted him on their shoulders, chanting his name forevermore throughout the end of time. He had white horses and ladies by the score, all dressed in satin, waiting by the door. Oh, what a lucky man he was. Good night, offensive player.' (As the offensive player sleeps in his comfy bed, the loss of down is complete.) 'There's one problem with the defender's execution, he never fully shut the door.' 'Roughing the passer.' Oh God, thank you for watching this horrible pile of cringe. I wanted to do something different because this is a special occasion. This is apparently my thousandth video. Yeah, I can't believe it either, like a birthday cake or something. I wish to never do this again, dead for the sake of society. Read the full article
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loupickney · 8 months
Due to rule changes made for player safety reasons, in particular providing protection for wide receivers but also additional protection for quarterbacks, having an effective passing game is much more important than ever. In turn, players who are effective against the pass on defense are more important.
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Addendum to the rules.
Apparently I had forgotten and it wasn't exactly common sense that describing serious abuse/harm/death you've enacted on an animal is very against what we're doing here.
To be safe, I've included humans in the new rule just in case.
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usnewsper-business · 6 months
Florida Man's Lottery Jackpot Limited to $1 Million: Rule Change Disappoints Winner #cappedwinnings #Floridalottery #GoldRushLimited #lotteryjackpot #rulechange
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very positive artfight mod experience! i asked a question about ratings a while ago, got a response, moved on. Now, a few days ago, a mod DMd me on discord to tell me that the rules have been updated and the question i had, now has a different answer (very cool good to hear, positive rulechange)
anyways, i was very positively surprised that they went out of their way to update me :D
That's really nice of them!
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bitesizedgummie · 5 months
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the fact that bratworth was basically a younger recolored version of manfred says a lot about his character development (rant under cut)
he started off as pretty much a carbon copy of his dad as shown in the anime, wanting to be just like him and having a similar wardrobe and whatnot
after the dl-6 he became kind of closeted, eventually switching out his bowtie for a cravat, thus starting the von karma rulechanging that made him grow up and become bratworth, basically a younger copy of his adoptive dad that follows and respects his every move, even bowing to him and blaming himself for anything he might not know, even if it wast even shared to him.
when he grew older he slowly gave up some of his von karma ways, trading out the extravagant suit for a more simple one, but keeping the cravat as a sign that it's still there in his ways of prosecuting.
after turnabout goodbyes when he was released of the guilt and nightmare of his father's death, he became a lot more accepting of not guilty verdicts, realizing that being a prosecutor isn't to get a guilty verdict, but to get the truth.
his signature velvet/red color stayed throughout his entire life however, along with his cravat. these both show that who he once was, no matter good or bad, is still with him.
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔Has the IRS delayed new rule on digital payment reporting for small businesses and side hustles? #IRS #TaxFilers #RuleChange #1099K #Pay...
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siennastewart2020 · 3 years
On Monday, our authentic sources have confirmed that the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) announced proposed rule changes. The agency is proposing banning foreclosures until next year with millions of US homeowners behind on their mortgages after the coronavirus pandemic slammed the US economy.
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gsmcpodcastnetwork · 3 years
GSMC Football Podcast Episode 796: Rule Changes
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bleedingroyalblue · 6 years
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dungeoncartographer · 5 years
Alchemy, Poison and Healing Simplified
I think the 5e DM guide rules about crafting poisons and potions are waaaay too complicated and restrictive to use on the fly. Here’s what I do in three simple pages:
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For all the GMs who might fear this could be OP, Uninterrupted Time and materials can be as limited as you need them to be.
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harryginnyvcontest · 6 years
Valentine’s Day Fest Updates
Hello, lovelies! I hope everyone is super excited about submitting entries for the fest! :) 
I just wanted to share two (tiny tiny) things that I’ve changed in regards to the contest. 
First, you will see that there is now an additional submission category-- Best Fluff. I realized it was a little wacky to have Best Dark!Fic and not Best Fluff, so there you go! 
Second, I’ve added another rule to prevent potential trolls from crashing our H/G party: 
“Rule 8: We reserve the right to reject any stories that are deliberately trolling/designed to create unnecessary drama/attempting to bash other characters. (C'mon people...these rules are loose because we don't want to stifle creativity, but please don't abuse the level of leniency here.)”
I don’t expect that this will make a huge difference for those of us who have heard about this so far, but it’s better to cover our bases. 
Can’t wait to see what everyone’s working on! :D
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heroandlegend · 5 years
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MLB reportedly planning to change the postseason format from 5 to 7 teams per league. - Wild card game would go away - First-round would become best 2-of-3 - The top seed in each league gets a Bye - Teams with the best records would pick their opponents. #MilwaukeeBrewersNation #MLBPostseasonFormatChange #MLBPostseasonChange #MLBPostseason #PostSeason #MLB #RuleChange #SupposedChange #Baseball #ThisIsMyCrew #TheBrewCrew #MilwaukeeBrewers https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hV3Z-Ae0h/?igshid=6p8fvto8opdy
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csventbutfaster · 3 years
(Dainties) Starting to think maybe the people saying its not about misogyny 🤔🤔🤔 might be part of the problem 🤔🤔🤔 its okay to have prefrences just stop spitting on women lol.
this is not about prefrence for men/transmen dainties its about the treatment of women/transwomen dainties. There are people who are interested in women dainties, yes, and theres also people who write misoginistic things in their tradeposts/prefrence lists/gen chat. Not all people have to want women dainties, its giving it respect. You don't see people say "i'll never want a poc/black/gay/nb/trans dainty- don't even try it" in bold, in tradeposts. It'd be horrible. I can personally name names of people i've seen with this wording with females pre-rulechange. Having respect when writing public tradeposts is not hard. "I have a prefrence for masc/andro dainties" "i'm not currently looking for female aligned designs". No one is asking you to get female ocs. And furthermore, if this wasn't a problem, I doubt so many anons would agree (both in old asks, and new ones). This is a reoccurring conversation.
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Colorado regulators back 2,000-foot setback for new oil and gas drilling in “paradigm shift”
#rulechanges🎓 🏙 👨‍👧
get headlines https://thecherrycreeknews.com
All homes and schools in Colorado should be protected from new oil and gas drilling by a 2,000-foot buffer or setback – four times the current standard for urban areas, a majority of the members of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission said.
In a session Wednesday to review proposed rule changes on setbacks, four of the five commissioners voiced support for an extended setback to protect public health and safety, as well as reduce nuisances such as odors, noise and heavy traffic.
The one commissioner expressing reservations about the 2,000-foot setback was Bill Gonzalez, a former oil and gas industry executive. “I don’t think that is the right number and the right way of going about it,” he said.
Jeff Robbins, the commission chairman, said that the expanded setback was in line with the COGCC’s change in mission — defined in Senate Bill 181 — from promoting oil and gas development to the protection of public safety, health, welfare and the environment in regulating the oil and gas industry.
“It is a paradigm shift,” Robbins said. “We are sending a signal that [oil and gas] operators ought to check in with the commission and local governments early on” in their planning to know if a project will be “really difficult or not doable.”
There was, however, also a majority agreement that there could be exemptions and variances allowing projects within 2,000 feet of homes. There was a split among commissioners on how easy it should be to get a variance.
The five-member, full-time commission took over from a volunteer board July 1, and is in the midst of a sweeping overhaul of the state’s oil and gas regulations so that they conform with Senate Bill 181.
The current setback for an oil and gas well from a home is 200 feet statewide and 500 feet in more heavily settled urban areas.
The COGCC staff had proposed extending the 500-foot setback statewide, adding a 1,500-foot setback for projects affecting 10 or more homes and doubling the setback from school grounds to 2,000 feet.
The commissioners rejected the staff proposals on residential setbacks, saying that every resident deserved the same protection and that children deserve the same protection at home as they get at school.
“The 500 feet is more of the bare minimum. And if we want to be truly protective, we have to go beyond that,” said Priya Nanjappa, an environmental expert who was appointed to the commission.
John Putnam, a Colorado Department Public Health and Environment director who is a nonvoting commission member, said that in making risk assessments federal and state regulators “look at any one person and the risk that person would face.”
John Putnam, director of environmental programs at the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, announces their $9 million settlement with the Suncor Oil Refinery in Commerce City for air quality violations dating back to 2017.
The commission did agree that the setback should be measured from the edge of the well pad to the closest building and active school grounds. Currently the setback distance is measured from the well and the change could add a couple of hundred feet to the buffer, according to COGCC staff.
Over two days of hearings the commission was presented with competing scientific interpretations of the potential health risks posed by proximity to oil and gas operations.
An industry expert witness said that studies did not show any evidence that the 500-foot setback was insufficient, while community and environmental groups cited epidemiological studies showing adverse health effects, safety risks and complaints from residents.
“The science is not perfect. We don’t have all the information we wished we had,” Putnam said, “but we have a task.” He said the issue wasn’t just one point – such as the industry analysis of benzene – but the “cumulative package of impacts.”
One key study by the CDPHE measured chemical emissions for oil and gas sites and then modeled their concentrations offsite. It concluded that in a worst-case scenario — maximum emissions, worst weather — emissions could cause acute, short-term health effects at 2,000 feet.
“I find credence to CDPHE study,” Robbins said, because the kinds of health problems it predicts line up with the complaints filed with the state by residents. 
“What drives it home for me is the testimony of people,” Robbins said. “These folks who have complained about the same things” the CDPHE study predicted.
An oil and gas drilling rig is pictured between houses on June 5, 2020, in Weld County. (Andy Colwell, Special to The Colorado Sun)
The 2,000-foot setbacks would also help reduce the nuisances neighbors experience from working oil and gas sites, such as noise, dust, odor and light, he said.
“When it comes to the setback distances, I don’t know that I’ve been compelled by the science,” Gonzalez said, “Is 2,000 feet necessary to protect?”
Gonzalez argued that a setback should be a hard, no-go zone and that assessing whether a particular site was acceptable should be done using another new rule – alternative location analysis – requiring an operator to consider other sites.
The impact of the 2,000-foot setbacks could be softened by a variance process enabling an operator to drill within the buffer, commissioners said.
In the last two years about a third of the applications to drill in Colorado were within 2,000 feet of a building, according to COGCC data.
“My view of setbacks is they should be pretty prohibitive,” Gonzalez said. “If you are getting 30% seeking variances, I don’t think rules are meant to be broken to that volume, to that extent.”
Nanjappa agreed “the setback should be hard and the exceptions should be rare.”
But other commissioners spoke in favor of giving both the commission and drillers some flexibility.
“A setback for me is a blunt instrument, but it is the most impactful instrument we have at our disposal and address health, safety ], welfare and environment,” said Karin McGowan, a commissioner and a former CDPHE deputy executive director.
“You regulate to protect, but you also know that people are going to come with creative ideas,” McGowan said. “I think there has to be a waiver process, but I think you have to do no harm.”
COGCC Executive Director Julie Murphy said “distance is one tool of the suite of options but it is not the only tool” in protecting health and safety.
On a case-by-case basis, there could be technologies and controls that when added to a project to reduce its impact, Murphy said. 
The COGCC staff was directed to revise the proposed regulation in light of the commission discussion. Robbins said there will be future discussion of the revised regulation and eventually a formal vote.
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nflwblz · 5 years
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NHL: 3 Possible Rule Changes #NHL #Rulechanges It seems to come a time in every sport where needs to be a rule change or two.
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