#Russian Tim and Pavel Bures
shotattheshow · 3 years
[PHOTOS] Russian Tim & The Pavel Bures @ Vogue Theatre
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Shots by Jacob Zinn for VIES Magazine
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landofgay · 2 years
did I tell yall I succeeded in my goal of getting the Invasives to come to my small town heheheheh
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screamingreek · 2 months
Punk Canada Vol. 3 (LP) En-Guard Records
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GET 'EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT MALAKAS! FOR SALE! FIND THIS ITEM & MORE AT screaming-greek.com or check out the link in my bio. If you live in Montreal & want to save on postage contact me at [email protected] & we'll arrange for a pick-up Punk Canada Vol. 3  - A compilation of 16 Canadian bands covering Canadian Punk / Hard-Core bands from the past. Featuring : Vulgar Deli, The No Goes, Citizen Rage, Supercar, Peroxide, Sago, Audio Visceral, Hockey Moms, Forever Dead, Russian Tim and Pavel Bures, The Poor Choices, Hellbent, Stand Against Fear, Old Habits, Tadoma, Yer Mum New - Limited to 500 copies Black Vinyl / Includes Booklet & Digital Download Code - En-Guard Records - 2024       Read the full article
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dentalrecordsmusic · 5 years
Two Shows, One Night: Just Say No (Or Don’t)
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Alien Boys frontperson Sarah lolls with the crowd. All photos by Joshua Kingston.
Let me give you some advice.
Someday, you are going to want to go to two shows on the same night. Maybe you promised your best friend you’d go to their band’s show, but now your favorite touring band is playing one night only across town. Maybe, like a certain friend of mine, you committed to reviewing two shows but didn’t realize they were at the same time because you never fuckin’ learned how to read.* In any case, it’s going to happen. And I’m here to tell you: it’s a terrible idea. Also, you should do it anyway.
Two months ago, I went to two shows in one night, accompanied by photographer Joshua Kingston. It was so exhausting that I think I’m still washing fatigue out of my ears, but it was also so god damn worth it that I’d do it again tomorrow if I could.
On February 9, FLVRHAUS released their new album. On February 9, Alien Boys released their new album. We made it to both with a combination of reckless driving, weirdly synchronous intuition, and sheer force of will. Both shows were great and I’m not sorry. And if you want to do the same thing, I’ve got some suggestions for how you can make it happen and not die.
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FLVRHAUS is not as ominous as they may appear.
My first piece of advice to you is that it’s going to be way easier if your two shows are displaced by at least an hour. Otherwise you’re just going to have to split both sets down the middle, and you’re going to feel like a sad traitor to both of them. You’ll feel a little like a sad traitor anyway when for one show, you only get there in time for the headliner and miss all the openers (that is, if you are a decent human being who supports opening bands.) But with even a little wiggle room in your two shows’ start times, you’ll mitigate a lot of that guilt. Fortunately, FLVRHAUS opened the doors at 6, and Alien Boys didn’t let anyone in until 7, so we almost had time to breathe in our mad dash between the two.
I got to the FLVRHAUS show nearly at doors, an hour early for actual music, because somewhere in my lizard brain I decided that me getting there earlier meant the show would end earlier so I could peace out to Alien Boys on time. Of course, since I am neither a member of any of the bands involved nor an employee of the Astoria, this subconscious feeling had no bearing on reality. 
The show went on.
It was a great show. I haven’t seen a weirder band than Molly Be Damned in many moons, and their sporadic drums scattered across the stage, madcap ukulele, and peculiarly self-effacing stage manner put me in exactly the surreal headspace that is required to transition between two wildly different shows in one night. It really is a unique headspace. Even before the reality of the packed schedule truly hit me full force, I was in the zone, floating along on the music and glancing at my watch every ten minutes trying to imagine where the Alien Boys show was at in the lineup. It was even more surreal because my watch is a phone. Molly Be Damned was extremely conducive to my feeling deeply weird about the evening’s plans, and I still appreciate them for that.
The rest of the opening acts for the FLVRHAUS album release did not disappoint me as I surfed that musical mindset tide. It’s hard to stay grounded in the music when you know you’ve got somewhere else to be. So there’s another bit of advice for you: don’t even try. Let yourself drift in and out of the sound. You can experience music in all kinds of ways and none of those ways is wrong.
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Everyone yells at the FLVRHAUS show, that’s how you can tell it’s fun.
Letting the sound buoy me in and out let me hear all three openers and be pleasantly surprised as the strongest elements of each disparate sound grabbed me by the ears and pull me back into close listening. It was a varied show. The Highsides sound nothing like Molly Be Damned, but their quick, tight pace and their pleasantly jarring pauses caught me right back up in the punk rock mood. And when I heard the first jangling notes of Stranded Hikers’ “Hangin’ on the Telephone” cover, I couldn’t look away from the rest of their set. It’s okay to be distracted, as you certainly will be with two shows on one night because the music is there to drag you around as long as you let it. That’s the point of punk rock. It’s a bodily experience. It grabs you and throws you around whether you want it to or not.
This was no less true of the deep-down grunge sound that FLVRHAUS unleashed. This was where the real guilt began because my sense of distraction got higher and higher as we got closer and closer to when I knew Alien Boys would be starting their headlining set across town. I had to let go of that guilt, though, because FLVRHAUS was such a jam that I couldn’t not be there for it. I knew we were going to have to blast out the door before the applause for their final song even had a chance to start, but I could be there in the moment because of their sheer enthusiasm for the new CD they had just released. Their music was infectious, an echo of the dancing disease myth tells us spread throughout entire medieval towns. Advice nugget number three: don’t do two shows in one night unless you know the bands will be so good they’ll keep you invested no matter how distracted by timing you get.
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FLVRHAUS has everything: flannel, grunge, a banner for a different band.
The thing is, no matter the investment, we did have to dash, and that meant missing the final act of FLVRHAUS’s night: Russian Tim and Pavel Bures. That was, at least in anticipation, the biggest stain on my guilty conscience. They are, possibly, my favorite band in Vancouver (I know I say this about a lot of bands, but it’s true every time). But here comes the fourth piece of advice: overbooking your evening with punk rock shows goes a lot better when you’re in a small scene and everyone knows each other. 
About halfway through my time in the Astoria, I found myself standing directly next to Russian Tim himself - a character you may remember from such films as that thing I wrote about Rocket From Russia FEST last summer. It was between sets and all my neighbors were tugging out their earplugs (since we are responsible adults who wear protection). Tim hugged me, which is not surprising because at a show where there’s Tim, there’s hugs. As he did, though, I told him, “I’m gonna miss your set! I have to go cover Alien Boys later, I have to get to the WISE Hall.”
Because punks are excellent people who are friendly and understanding and care about each other, Tim refrained from reinforcing my guilt. “It’s fine, I understand!” He said, hugging me again. “You’ll be here next time!” So we ran out the door and we missed that set. But you know what? Vancouver is not a large scene, and I’ll see Tim and his outrageously joyous Russian pop-punk again.
Outside the Astoria, it was a half block dash to my car, somehow in a legal and free parking space in Vancouver. This, my friends, is another learning moment. Your advice: if you have to do this, bring your automobile and a propensity for vehicular miracles, because the bus isn’t coming any time soon and it’s going to screw up your tight schedule.
With my extremely responsible driving, we made it to the WISE Hall in under ten minutes. Here, of course, was the downside of driving between two overlapping shows, and also of living in Vancouver. I absolutely parked illegally. Next lesson: it’s possible you may have to break the law during this process. But that’s okay. You’re a punk.
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Look at Alien Boys’ god damn stage presence. LOOK AT IT.
The vast crowd we found outside the venue was a good sign. For those who are unaware: the mass smoke break means we’re between sets. I knew we weren’t going to miss any of whatever was happening next. I hoped to God it was Alien Boys and not some secret post-headliner I had also missed by not remembering to read some damn Facebook events before accepting assignments like a true professional.
We elbowed through a dense hallway and very nearly collapsed at the door. After the short “we’re on the list” hand stamp moment, which never fails to make me suddenly feel like a grown-up with a real job, we noticed another miracle.
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I love any punk rock band with tiaras and you should too.
By sheer coincidence, we had arrived in the venue just as the five members of Alien Boys stepped onto the stage. About three seconds later, a few bars into their first song, I felt it. Two shows, one night: actually a great decision.
Because here’s the thing: I wouldn’t have missed that Alien Boys album release for anything. Though I didn’t know anyone in that bill, as I did with the crowd back in the FLVRHAUS crowd, the music was just as overpowering, the atmosphere even more shiningly surreal. With my vision lit up by string lights and chandeliers drifting across the ceiling and shifting stage lights my exhausted mind insisted had come to Vancouver by way of the fairy realm, I felt their charismatic energy and forceful, enthralling d-beat with my whole self. It was transcendent.
The journey there was arduous. It was a night of early-onset carpal tunnel from journalistic scribbling, of logistical Tetris and wild sprints between vehicles and venues. It tore me down into a blank slate onto which music could pour.
Would I do it again, for another double booked punk rock work night? Absolutely fucking not. Would I do it again for the soul of the music? You’re fucking well right. *(P.S. The friend was me all along. Obviously.)
Cae Rosch will never write two live reviews, a cover story, and an album review while editing a full magazine section in one month for her part-time job again because she will probably keel over and die. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram.
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rocketfromrussia · 7 years
Episode # 254, Christmas RAGER Preview
Hello Hello Hello!
First of, big news! My band Russian Tim and Pavel Bures have two new hits ready! It will be out very soon as “SuperHIT and The Other Song” EP. And on the show I presented both of those songs!
In the first block I previewed Christmas RAGER which will feature The Greatest Sons, The Corps, Contra Code, Aanthems and of course Russian Tim and Pavel Bures.
And tomorrow we (Pavel Bures) are going to play a show in Chilliwack out of all places and we’ll be playing with The Spewers, The Schatzis and The Greatest Sons (again!!!)! So of course previewed that show as well! 
And the final block previews a very good show which is happening on Sunday at the Cobalt and features Uptights, Pet Blessings and The New Rituals! 
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BAD RELIGION - Generator [Generator] RUSSIAN TIM AND PAVEL BURES - SuperHIT [SuperHIT and The Other Song] THE GREATEST SONS - 1982 [We'll Take The Road] THE CORPS - Pillar of Salt [In Blackest Night] CONTRA CODE - Slay Them All [Sickrad] AANTHEMS - Cops/Robbers [Die Every Night] RUSSIAN TIM AND PAVEL BURES - The Other Song [SuperHIT and The Other Song] THE SPEWERS - Lists [Get In Line EP] THE SCHATZIS - Up to the Attic [World Premiere] THE GREATEST SONS - My Name Is Short [Play Through The Pain, Sing Through The Strain] UPTIGHTS - Edge of the Earth [Time + Space] PET BLESSINGS - Passive [Demo] THE NEW RITUALS - Do You Get It? [Sweets Demo] POINTED STICKS - Real Thing [Perfect Youth]
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goalhofer · 3 years
Where Every Player Played During The 1994-95 NHL Lockout: Vancouver
Didn't Play: Trevor Linden, Geoff Courtnall, Jeff Brown, Cliff Ronning, Martin Gélinas, Greg Adams, Dave Babych, Bret Hedican, Wayne Odjick, Dana Murzyn, Tim Hunter, Gerald Diduck, John McIntyre, Yevgeni Namestnikov, Gary Leeman, Kirk McLean & Kay Whitmore; Jr.
AHL: Michael Peca (Syracuse Crunch), Nathan LaFayette (Syracuse Crunch), Jassen Cullimore (Syracuse Crunch) & Scott Walker (Syracuse Crunch)
Russian IHL: Pavel Bure (K.K. Spartak Moscow)
DEL: Pavel Bure (E.V. Landshut)
Alpenliga: Sergio Momesso (C.D.H. Diavoli Milano)
Liiga: Jyrki Lumme (Ilves)
Czech Extraliga: Jiří Šlégr (H.K. Litvínov)
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parkerbombshell · 5 years
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Today's Bombshell (Bombshell Radio)Bombshell Radio THURSDAY'S Radio Hootenannybombshellradio.com Regular Time Slot: Thursdays 3pm - 4pm EST https://tunein.com/radio/Bombshell-Radio-s25742 repeats Fridays 3am-4am EST #RadioHootenanny #Radioshow #DJSkip #Alternative #Indie #Rock #Indie #Rock, #Canadian, #CollegeRock, #BombshellRadio Our radio show menu is ready to boom & starts airing today! Check out the all the air times at www.skipthedj.ca! features ♫ from: woodland telegraph easterdogs Shaky Stars The Gathering Rheostatics Bigfoot Portal Crisis Isölation Party BBQT Russian Tim and Pavel Bures NoMeansNo Dany Laj and The Looks Steve Adamyk BAND The Dying Arts METZ The Diodes Read the full article
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flauntpage · 7 years
DGB Grab Bag: The Bettman Sentence, Russia's List, and NBA Off-Season Jealousy
Three stars of comedy
The third star: Taylor Crosby. She's a goaltender at St. Cloud State University. You may have also heard of her big brother, but just in case you hadn't, she was nice enough to drop a mention of him into her official bio.
The second star: Justin Williams. As a diehard Leafs fan, I recognize Maple Leaf Gardens on top of that trophy. No idea what that cup-shaped thing behind it is, though.
The first star: Predators fan Andrew Fudge. OK, admittedly this one is only funny if you're not Andrew Fudge. Are you Andrew Fudge? No? OK, keep reading.
Yes, that's a diehard Predators fan who won tickets to a Stanley Cup Final game—and only realized it two months later. You can read the whole heartbreaking story here.
The Nashville Predators, sliding into your DMs like:
(Where Andrew is the linesman.)
Epilogue: This one has a happy ending.
Be It Resolved
This week, Gary Bettman appeared at a panel with the commissioners of the NFL, MLB, and NBA to discuss a variety of issues. As always seems to be the case whenever he gets near a live microphone, he said some things that annoyed hockey fans.
We've covered this sort of thing before, because it happens every few months. But this time, I'm not here to complain. No, this time, I'm bringing a solution. I've figured out one simple trick that will transform any random Gary Bettman soundbite from something that infuriates you into something that makes you nod and go "Yeah, that's fair."
I'm calling it The Bettman Sentence.
Here's all you need to do. Whenever Bettman says something about the state of the game, just recall that he's been NHL commissioner for 24 years and counting. That's already longer than three of the five men who'd held the previous title of President. He's going to pass Frank Calder within a few years. There's a decent change he'll even do what once seemed unthinkable and outlast Clarence Campbell.
Even that might be underselling it. While Calder and Campbell each led the league through tumultuous periods of major change, things just move faster these days. You could make a good case that 24 years in today's hyper-speed world should count for a lot more than 26 years back before most people had a television.
Everything about today's NHL, both good and bad, traces back to Bettman in one way or another. I know it. You know it. Every player, coach, GM, owner, and media member knows it. And it's a pretty safe assumption that Bettman knows it, too.
So whenever you hear Bettman complaining about state of the modern NHL, all you need to do is mentally append one more sentence: "And since I've been running this league since 1993, I take full responsibility for that."
That's it. Just imagine that sentence, in Bettman's trademark voice, and everything will be OK again.
Here, let's try it out. Take this quote from earlier this week, which probably had you bouncing your forehead off the nearest desk.
Bettman is basically complaining that the league doesn't get enough media coverage. But that's outrageous, because he's the one who bailed on ESPN and he lets the league be so boring and he's always picking fights with reporters and…
Calm down. Breathe deeply. And then, add the magic sentence.
"Historically, we have been underserved by traditional media. And since I've been running this league since 1993, I take full responsibility for that."
That's a perfectly rational thing to say, right? If you heard those words come out of Bettman's mouth, you wouldn't be mad at all. You'd actually think he was being downright perceptive. It's not like we're changing reality around here by making stuff up. Bettman really has been around since 1993. He absolutely knows that he's the most influential person in the modern history of the league, and probably the most influential ever, period. He knows that everything about today's game has his fingerprints all over it.
Would he say that out loud? Probably not. But he's thinking it, or at least he should be. So you should feel free to do him a favor and tack that extra sentence on for him.
Here, let's try another one:
"… and since I've been running this league since 1993, I take full responsibility for that." Boom. Suddenly, a comment that's transparently antagonistic at the worst possible time is transformed into a completely reasonable observation.
So be it resolved: From now on, every Gary Bettman quote where he's complaining about the state of the game gets The Bettman Sentence automatically appended to the end of it. "And since I've been running this league since 1993, I take full responsibility for that." Do that, and everything else starts to make a lot more sense. It will probably be good for your blood pressure, too.
Obscure former player of the week
This week, a Russian magazine unveiled its list of the country's 50 best NHL players of all-time. As always with these sort of projects, the end result made for some fun debate. They had Evgeni Malkin as the best ever, but you could make a case for Alexander Ovechkin, Pavel Bure, Sergei Fedorov, Pavel Datsyuk, Alexander Mogilny… the list goes on and on.
This week's obscure player didn't quite make the cut, but he is the subject of one of my favorite draft day stories, and that's worth something. He's defenseman Sergei Bautin.
Bautin was a big blueliner who played a physical style that earned him the nickname Bam Bam. He made his name with Dynamo Moscow, and won gold as part of the Unified Team at the 1992 Olympics alongside Sergei Zubov, Nikolai Khabibulin, Darius Kasparaitis and the subject of this week's YouTube clip.
By the time the 1992 entry draft rolled around, Bautin was 25 years old, but with the NHL opening up to European players and his international experience drawing attention, he had an outside shot at getting drafted. Hey, you could do worse with a late-round flyer, right?
Then the Winnipeg Jets picked him 17th overall.
To give you an idea of how off-the-board the pick was, consider this: Even Bob McKenzie didn't know who Bautin was, sending him into a live-TV scramble to figure out who the Jets had just used their first round pick on. It was a bizarre choice, but you know, that's what happens when your GM is Mike Smith, am I right, folks?
Bautin came over to North America and had a pretty decent rookie season, playing 71 games for Winnipeg and just narrowly missing out on team rookie-of-the-year honors. But he struggled in Year 2, and was traded at the 1994 deadline as part of the deal that saw the Wings and Jets swap goaltenders, flipping Bob Essensa for Tim Chevaldae. Bautin's stint in Detroit didn't go well; he lasted exactly one game before Scotty Bowman and the Wings sent him to the minors for being out of shape, reportedly after discovering he was a two-pack-a-day smoker.
Bautin would sign with San Jose in 1995, but once again played just a single game before the team moved on. From there, it was back to Europe, where he finished off his career, and presumably a few more packs of smokes.
Outrage of the week
The issue: The NBA off-season has been way more fun than the NHL's.
The outrage: [Folds arms and pouts.] It's not fair. Is it justified: It's been a rough summer for hockey fans, especially if you know anyone who's into basketball. It's like being a kid on Christmas morning, and watching your friend tear open a ton of cool presents. Blockbuster trades! Free agency intrigue! Front-office shenanigans! Crazy rumors! Look, he even got a traded first overall pick and a big-money offer sheet. You didn't even know those still existed.
Meanwhile, you're sitting there sadly unwrapping your discount Kevin Shattenkirk signing and trying to get excited about an Artemi Panarin trade. At some point, you just want to give up and trudge on back to bed.
It hasn't been all bad. We did get expansion, and that was kind of fun. And we might still get a Matt Duchene deal, if Joe Sakic's foot ever gets sore from continually kicking that can down the road. But yeah, let's not sugarcoat it: Compared to the NBA, our off-season sucks.
And it's nobody's fault, and there's really nothing we can do about it. This is just how the NHL has evolved in the salary cap era. Most GMs are too timid to make big trades. Offer sheets are mysteriously off the table. Teams go all out to make sure they sign all of their top players to long-term deals at the first opportunity, so nobody good ever gets to free agency. And then everyone bolts for the cottage midway through July.
Every now and then we'll get an exciting day, but that's the exception. It's not good or bad. It just is. We may as well accept it.
And sure, it's hard not to feel a little jealous of that NBA fan passed out from sheer excitement in a sea of wrapping paper and major headlines. And now he even gets to care about exhibition games? How spoiled can one kid be?
Ah well. If you're a hockey fan, this is your fate. We may as well make our peace with it.
(And then wait until the playoffs, when you're tearing into a big helping of "anything can happen" and basketball kid is stuck with "this is all pointless because everyone knows Golden State is winning again.")
Classic YouTube clip breakdown
Last week, we used this space to break down the unparalleled genius of Alexei Kovalev, as he shrugged off a vengeful Mike Keenan and labored through the greatest shift in NHL history. At times, Kovalev was the absolute best.
But other times, well, it's safe to say that the Alexei Kovalev Experience had its share of ups and downs. So today, let's balance out the scales with a look back at one of the downs.
It's April 13, 2004, and Kovalev and the Canadiens are hosting the Bruins in Game 4 of the Eastern Conference quarterfinals. The Bruins are leading the series 2-1, and just scored in the dying seconds of regulation to tie the game. Now we're midway through the second overtime, and it's safe to say that it feels like a must-win for Montreal.
Luckily, Kovalev has the puck in his own zone. I'm sure this will turn out great for Montreal.
Our hero decides to cut along his own blueline, which is a reasonable move given the Bruins forwards are heading off on a line change. But Travis Green reaches out and lightly taps him in the hands on the way by, and tragically this causes Kovalev to immediately die.
Well, OK, not quite die—but it's close enough. Kovalev bails on the play, selling the tap for all its worth in an attempt to draw a penalty. This being playoff overtime, the ref immediately checks to make sure Kovalev's arm is still attached and then puts his whistle away.
Realizing that there's no penalty coming, Kovalev jumps back in the play and delivers a textbook open ice check on the puck carrier. Unfortunately, that puck carrier is teammate Sheldon Souray, and that springs Glenn Murray on a breakaway. Anyone who has every watched hockey knows exactly what's about to happen.
Sure enough, Murray beats Jose Theodore to end the game, and the Bruins pile onto the ice to celebrate.
My favorite part of this clip is the crowd reaction. You can actually isolate the Kubler-Ross five stages of Montreal Canadiens fans watching this play unfold:
1. Ho hum, nothing is happening
2. Oh was kind of a slash
3. Umm guys…
(Stage 6, as always, is rioting.)
The celebration pile includes the usual fun sightings. There's Joe Thornton, in the middle of the pointless playoff run that convinced the Bruins they couldn't win with him. There's former Canadian Olympian Rob Zamuner. There's Michael "Father of William and Also That Other One" Nylander.
And there's the Bruins' rookie head coach, who looks vaguely familiar. Yes, it's good old Mike Sullivan, fresh off an impressive 104-point debut. He'd be fired by the end of the following season, and wouldn't get another shot in the NHL until Pittsburgh hired him a decade later, midway through the 2015-16 campaign. Don't tell me how that turns out, I'm going to binge watch the last few seasons over the weekend.
"This is your goal scor-rah…" I love Boston announcers.
We see the Canadiens leaving the ice, and they don't look happy. And they weren't, with Souray and coach Claude Julien both ripping Kovalev after the game for quitting on the play. They're not wrong, but I mean, Souray doesn't look great on this one either, does he? I know he's caught by surprise, but he's standing flat-footed at center ice while a forward breaks out of the zone, and he basically makes the worst possible play with the puck. Are we really going to pretend this is 100 percent Kovalev's fault?
[Thinks about the comedic implications.]
Yeah, this is all Kovalev. Motion carried.
At this point I have to address an issue I'm sure some of you are wondering about: Are we sure Kovalev was really faking here? I know I called it a tap, but Green really does give him a decent hack. Isn't is possible that he's actually hurt, and we're all pointing and laughing at an innocent (and injured) man?
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'd like to present Exhibit A, which you may recognize from the case of the murder of the Quebec Nordiques. The prosecution rests.
By the way, that waved-off Sakic goal was so bad that it remains just about the only known instance of the NHL ever coming right out and saying one of its officials screwed up. That play doesn't get anywhere near enough run in the "worst call ever" conversation. Brett Hull and Kerry Fraser and Martin Gelinas were all bad, but none of them ended an entire team.
"Ya gotta suck it up in ovah-time, boys." I really love Boston announcers.
Anyways, the Bruins win to head back home with a 3-1 series lead, the Canadiens are in disarray over Kovalev's boneheaded play, and Boston sportswriters are writing about how this play will live in infamy as the counter to the 1979 too-many-men debacle. Anyone want to guess how the series ends?
Yes, of course, the Canadiens come back to win three straight, and Kovalev had assists on both goals in their 2-0 Game 7 win. As Mike Keenan could tell you, you do not mess with Alexei Kovalev, because he always wins in the end.
Have a question, suggestion, old YouTube clip, or anything else you'd like to see included in this column? Email Sean at [email protected].
DGB Grab Bag: The Bettman Sentence, Russia's List, and NBA Off-Season Jealousy published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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screamingreek · 3 months
Punk Canada Vol. 3 (LP) En-Guard Records
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Punk Canada Vol. 3  - A compilation of 16 Canadian bands covering Canadian Punk / Hard-Core bands from the past. Featuring : Vulgar Deli, The No Goes, Citizen Rage, Supercar, Peroxide, Sago, Audio Visceral, Hockey Moms, Forever Dead, Russian Tim and Pavel Bures, The Poor Choices, Hellbent, Stand Against Fear, Old Habits, Tadoma, Yer Mum New - Limited to 500 copies Black Vinyl / Includes Booklet & Digital Download Code En-Guard Records - 2024       Read the full article
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rocketfromrussia · 7 years
Episode #253
Hello Hello Hello!
The first block previews upcoming Christmas RAGER and I played SUPERmassiveMEGAhits by The Corps, The Greatest Sons, AANTHEMS, Contra Code and of course Russian Tim and Pavel Bures! I'm pretty sure that by now you know that those bands are from Vancouver, BC, Canada!
In the second block I did a ticket give away to The Bombpops, Supersuckers, The Bellrays show at the Venue!
And block #3 features Pack A.D., Actors and Sorry Edith who played a great Pack A.D.’s album release show at The Rickshaw!
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TOYGUITAR- Is It True [In This Mess] THE CORPS - The Island [Punkouver, vol. 1] THE GREATEST SONS - 22nd Street [Punkouver, vol. 1] AANTHEMS - Mikey Mikey [Punkouver, vol. 1] CONTRA CODE - Snap Crackle [Punkouver, vol. 1] RUSSIAN TIM AND PAVEL BURES - Alkogolik [Punkouver, vol. 1] THE BOMBPOPS - Sweet for Sorrow [Fear of Missing Out] SUPERSUCKERS - Hey Ya! [Devil's Food] THE BELLRAYS - Black Lightning [Black Lightning] THE PACK A.D. - Dollhouse [Dollhouse] ACTORS - How Deep Is the Hole [Reanimated] SORRY EDITH - Tide [Goodbye Frida EP] DEAD TO ME - Bad Friends [African Elephants]
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rocketfromrussia · 7 years
Episode #245
Hello Hello Hello!
My band Russian Tim and Pavel Bures played a wedding party with Green Day and blink-182 so I celebrated that.
And then I did two ticket giveaways to Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs, The Ballantynes, Uptights, Pet Blessings @ Rickshaw and Worriers, Thin Lips, Shameover, Corner Boys @ Astoria.
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THE DREADNOUGHTS - Foreign Skies [Foreign Skies] RUSSIAN TIM AND PAVEL BURES - Alkogolik [Punkouver, vol. 1] THE MENZINGERS - Waiting (Originally by Green Day) [Covers EP] HONEYWAGON - The Rock Show [Grass Stains: A Bluegrass Tribute To Blink 182] SAM COFFEY & THE IRON LUNGS - Judy [Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs] THE BALLANTYNES - My Place Your Town [Dark Drives, Life Signs] UPTIGHTS - Edge of the Earth [Time + Space] PET BLESSINGS - Passive [Demo] WORRIERS - Not Your Type [Survival Pop] THIN LIPS - Andy Weed [Riff Hard] SHAMEOVER - Already Gone [Shameover Demo] CORNER BOYS - Joke (Of The Neighbourhood) [Demo] JESSE LEBOURDAIS - The Dirt [Grief Intensity Friendship]
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punkrockmixtapes · 5 years
Listen/purchase: Rasputin by Russian Tim and Pavel Bures
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rocketfromrussia · 7 years
Episode #221, Rocket From Russia Fest preview
Hello Hello Hello!
On this episode I previewed very first Rocket From Russia Fest which will take place in Vancouver on July 21-22 at The Media Club. Eleventeen great local bands will play the fest and it will be a celebration of our great local punk rock scene. The line up features Isotopes, You Big Idiot, The Corps, Contra Code, Ellesmere, ATD, AANTHEMS, The Dead Hits, Shockload, Skells and my band Russian Tim and Pavel Bures
And in the end of the episode I played track by The Generators and Car 87 who played a show on the weekend.
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THE DAMNED - Love Song [Machine Gun Etiquette] ISOTOPES - Legend Of George Brett [1994 World Series Champions] THE CORPS - 1983 [In Blackest Night] ELLESMERE - This Time We Ride [Bail City] ATD - 1000 Cuts [Waist + Tragedy EP] AANTHEMS - You Are The Devil [Die Every Night] YOU BIG IDIOT - The Pirate [You Big Idiot] CONTRA CODE - Red Ass [Wasted Already] THE DEAD HITS - Peace, Land, and Bread [Demo] SHOCKLOAD - Bail Me Out [Attractive Distraction] SKELLS - Wake Up [Welcome Mat EP] THE GENERATORS - Castaways [Life Gives...Life Takes] CAR 87 - Trapped [No Hope] NOMEANSNO - Dad [Sex mad / You Kill Me]
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punkrockmixtapes · 5 years
Russian Tim and The Pavel Bures - All the Things She Said
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landofgay · 2 years
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rocketfromrussia · 7 years
Episode #235, Punkouver Compilation Preview
Hello Hello Hello!
Before Rocket From Russia FEST myself and Dan Garrison of The Corps and The Real McKenzies got together in CiTR studio and previewed a local compilation Punkouver vol. 1.
This comp features brand new exclusive track by The Crops, You Big Idiot, Russian Tim and Pavel Bures, ATD, Shockload, AntEater plus track by all the other great bands which played Rocket From Russia FEST! 
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THE CORPS - The Island [Punkouver, vol. 1] RUSSIAN TIM AND PAVEL BURES - Alcoholic (Leningrad cover) [Punkouver, vol. 1] YOU BIG IDIOT - The Ted Danson Plane [Punkouver, vol. 1] THE DEAD HITS - H.E. Double Hockey Sticks [Punkouver, vol. 1] ATD - Fix My Brain [Punkouver, vol. 1] SHOCKLOAD - Day By Day [Punkouver, vol. 1] ISOTOPES - Morganna [Punkouver, vol. 1] AANTHEMS - Mikey Mikey [Punkouver, vol. 1] CONTRA CODE - Snap Crackle [Punkouver, vol. 1] SKELLS - Flaking Out [Punkouver, vol. 1] YOU BIG IDIOT - For Ronnie [Punkouver, vol. 1]
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