#molly be damned
nsfwarros1 · 2 months
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after work indulgence
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toonstarterz · 9 months
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"Maybe next time...I would say."
The end of The Ghost and Molly McGee broke me in ways I didn't think it could. As someone who turns 30 this year, this might be my personal favorite song of the series.
(ps I had to put my pen down while doodling this b/c I felt the tears coming)
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candyheartedchy · 9 months
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vermgardyloo · 1 year
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long may he reign
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bvnnyface · 11 months
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My brain rot is now your problem
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captainmartin20 · 4 months
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happy pride month from me and the fam! x
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heavenlymorals · 5 months
The Tragedy of Dutch Van Dir Linde
Warning: spoilers ahead for both Red Dead games.
Dutch Van Dir Linde is one of the finest characters I've ever come across and that I think about a lot because in many ways, he is represents the dreams that people have and the awful reality of it too.
Heytham, what the hell do you mean that this manic, selfish, delusional piece of shit is like you or me?
Here is an example. When you were a kid, did your parents tell you that your dreams will come true if you worked hard? And did you believe it? I know I did. I studied often, got a great SAT score, joined many extracurriculars, did volunteer work regularly, got a part time job, had all high grades in advanced level courses and in AP/honor programs and I had one goal. To get into my dream college.
I made my resume. I did everything right. I listen to what people better than me told me to do and I waited for that acceptance letter- so confident that I would get into the university. Never once did I imagine that I'd get rejected, but I did. For a 17 year old kid, it felt like the world was ending. I remember sobbing myself to sleep, waking up, and then just laying on my bed disappointed in the world and the lies it fed me. In a perfect world, I'd have gotten accepted. Worst people than me got accepted, why couldn't I?
But I moved on. Life continued and I was fine. I was bitter, sure, but I managed to get over it and work towards better paths and a better future.
But what if I didn't? What if I got hung up on that forever? What if I fought the rejection? What would I have done? What would I have not done?
This little experience, one that many people have gone through, is kind of a microcosm of the much bigger human truth that the world will never be an ideal place due to the human nature.
If I was like Dutch, I would have fought the rejection- I would stick so diligently to the ideal that I believed in so hard, even though that failure was more than likely a guarantee. I wouldn't find an alternative to be better and do better things. I'll get hung up on a dream and never move past it.
That's his dilemma. He believes in the ideal, like we all do, but he will fight tooth and nail to make that ideal real while we will sigh and realize that life will never be the way we want it to be.
Dutch feels betrayed by the world, or at least by his vision of the world- especially America.
America was a country built on the promise of all men being born equal under God and under the law. All men.
That was the dream, the hope, and the promise.
What happened instead? The continuing of the institute of slavery, the massacre of natives, the monopoly of magnates, and the constant discrimination of those not considered 'white'.
It was disgusting and awful and it should've never happened- but it did and people tried to remedy it in ways that were gradual but real. They found different paths and different dreams and though there is still much work to be done, people are finding a way.
Dutch couldn't do that though. He refused to do that. He wanted the ideal and he wanted it immediately, even though it was impossible. He killed for his ideal, he robbed for his ideal, and he led people to hell for his ideal.
But it didn't matter. His ideal will never exist and he couldn't accept that- which leads to his end.
He won't be caught. And he didn't get caught by commiting suicide- a final fight. He wouldn't surrender to John or the Pinkertons, because that would mean admitting that his entire life was a struggle for nothing because his vision will never be realized if people like Cornwall or Favours or the professor continue to exist. Life was hell because of those people and the American dream did not exist because of those people.
"What a beautiful dream. So poorly rendered," - Dutch to Arthur.
And Dutch is right! From the very beginning that this country was created, it relied on an ideal that turned out to be a lie.
And Dutch couldn't handle that and wanted a perfect world that can never be realized and he tried to get that perfect world by lying and stealing and cheating and killing. What a depressing dichotomy.
Now, of course, when it comes to the personal motivations of Dutch, whether pride, hubris, narcissism, or any of that, they can all by factors to Dutch's pointless battle, but his motivation has always been clear and it never changed-
"Yeah, I know it's tough. You like Dutch. He's a charming fellow. He makes sense. He's like one of those nature writers from back East. Only he takes things a tiny little step too far. Rather than just loving the flowers and the animals and the harmony between man and beast, he shoots people in the head for money. And disagreeing with him. Now, I'm not a great intellect, but the metaphysical leap from admiring a flower to shooting a man in the head because he doesn't like a flower, is a leap too far." Edgar Ross to John Marston.
Dutch lived and died to create an ideal that would never be real because he could never accept reality and that is one of the saddest fates a man could have.
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flicklikesstuff · 2 days
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My poor baby 😭😭
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Dangit. Stupid chapters with stupid scenes that made me feel stupid feelings with stupid fat tears >:((
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avieaerie · 1 year
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Have some sword dancing 🗡️
Description under the cut:
[ID: Mollymauk Teafleaf from Critical Role. Mollymauk is a purple skinned tiefling, wearing a heavily embroidered red and teal coat around his waist as a skirt, patterned leggings and a long teal scarf around his chest, trailing it's ends over his arms. He is facing away from the viewer, standing in a spotlight up on his toes on one foot, throwing a sword in the air while holding another behind him. End ID]
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newtonsheffield · 9 months
Apologies if you've already answered an ask about this. But, after reading your snippet about Kate fielding accusations about her "affair" with Anthony, I'm now picturing Anthony staging his own press conference where he reminds everyone that he pursued her, neither of them were seeing anyone else when they started, and they are now in a committed relationship that is absolutely heading towards marriage.
Yeah I think realistically, Anthony would get called upon to comment on this as well, and he doesn’t really care to explain himself at all actually.
“There have been a lot of comments in the media lately, and in parliament, alluding to the fact that an inappropriate relationship formed between myself and the Prime Minister. The fact that a relationship formed is irrefutable however, I firmly reject that anything inappropriate took place.”
A journalist scoffed, “So you weren’t a junior member of her staff when it started?”
Anthony fought the urge to roll his eyes, “Truth be told, if either of us acted inappropriately it was me. I pursued her after I felt there was some mutual attraction between us. Both of us were at the time, single, which is more than can be said more many of the relationships that form on a day to day basis, so I find myself resenting the fact that this has been termed by many to be an affair.”
“What would you call it then?”
“A relationship. The fact of the matter is, we’re two people who fell in love. It’s rare to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and I’ll not apologise for that any further. Ten true crime here is that Kate Sharma has a vision for this country, she’s making a difference and no one cares. Because they’re all too busy talking about which of us is the big spoon. Let’s set everyone’s mind at rest: We switch. Are there any other questions?”
And almost every hand shoots up.
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it does bother me that sally told annabeth she was pregnant before she told percy
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stocious · 6 months
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playing dress up with mickey is my favorite thing.
art by the amazingly talented @deathclassic! 🖤 commission info here!
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dunyun-rings · 1 year
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My first two years in SoS A Wonderful Life have been a joy 🌻
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dangerousmongoose · 1 month
i dont think people realize how long 3 years is…3 entire years…a completely new life built from Scratch…a whole wife and kid…and he went back to hannibal at the drop of a hat…ooooookkkaaayyyy
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yourfavmaedae · 1 month
uhhh ,,, molly brushing ricks YELLOW ASS TEETH . why is is teeth so yellow,,, brush them teeth boy,,
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alsoidont know whybi chose molly i made it days ago inthe middle of the night so yea
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toonsforkicks22 · 8 months
“❤️ you for all eternity…”
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Post-S2 Molly McGee sticker available in my shop
*cries again while eating tuna*
What makes this even more bittersweet is how it’s a “sequel” to my Scratch sticker 🥲
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