wiki-lewandowska · 4 months
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Mała rybka 🐟🥰
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slavicafire · 2 years
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kto idzie?
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ortut · 3 months
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Natalia Rybka - Jest więcej/There's more (oil on canvas), 2020
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
In the first era, humans would devise attack strategies, then refine them in games against machines. AlphaZero crushed these earlier engines by “playing extremely aggressive chess,” Sadler said. The modern, neural-net engines are eager to sacrifice; and they exhibit a strong grasp of openings, positional structure, and long-term strategy. “It started to look a bit more [like] a human way to play,” Sutovsky told me, in describing this transformation. Or even superhuman, he said: The new chess engines seemed to have insight into “the tactical skirmish, but also could plan for some long-lasting compensation for material loss.”
To understand just how superior machines have become, consider chess’s “Elo” rating system, which compares players’ relative strength and was devised by a Hungarian American physicist. The highest-ever human rating, achieved by Carlsen twice over the past decade, was 2882. DeepBlue’s Elo rating was 2853. A chess engine called Rybka was the first to reach 3000 points, in 2007; and today’s most powerful program, Stockfish, currently has more than 3500 Elo points by conservative estimates. That means Stockfish has about a 98 percent probability of beating Carlsen in a match and, per one estimate, a 2 percent chance of drawing. (An outright victory for Carlsen would be almost impossible.)
Where chess engines once evaluated human strategies, the new, upgraded versions—which are freely available online, including Stockfish—now generate surprising ideas and define the ideal way to play the game, to the point that human performance is measured in terms of “centipawn” (hundredths of a pawn) loss relative to what a computer would play. While training, a player might ask the software to suggest a set of moves to fit a given situation, and then decide to use the computer’s sixth-ranked option, rather than the first, in the hopes of confusing a human competitor who trained with similar algorithms. Or they might choose a move tailored to the weaknesses of a particular opponent. Many chess experts have adopted the new engines’ more aggressive style, and the algorithms have popularized numerous tactics that human players had previously underestimated.
 —   Chess Is Just Poker Now
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mirellabruno · 3 months
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Natalia Rybka - Sadzić pośród ruin świeże kwiaty (Plant fresh flowers among the ruins), 2018 [Oil on canvas]
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goodtimeswithgrian · 11 months
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this is a pajama cardinalfish, a little saltwater fish from the pacific ocean. fun fact: male pajama cardinalfish incubate their eggs in their mouths until they hatch.
he got his name from the fact that he looks like he's wearing a little polkadot pajama :)
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laikahh · 3 months
when i read stuff in english i sometimes subconsciously (?? how) create a polish translation in my mind. its really fun & a good way for me to chew on the text a little bit more than i usually would (im like a puppy i need a special bowl or ill eat all my food too fast and choke...)
anyway heres something i came up w that made me laugh ugly style
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altairtalisman · 3 months
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"Being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice in my, no, my free time, I'll listen to that rendezvous until I'm tired of it, and my, no, my sounds will just be enveloped in yours."
For the 2600th post, I decided to draw Noah, Alena and Salvatore coupled half of the chorus from Goodbye Declaration by Chinozo as to me, this song highlights their shut-in/avoidant nature
Decided to make the last part a gradient as the chorus is supposed to be four verses, so one signature colour per verse and the fourth verse is all the colours together
Timelapse with song under the cut:
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ramenwithbroccoli · 8 months
writing fanfics in english is cool and all until you could make the most atrocious breathtaking unthinkable pun word play joke. but you can't. because the expression exists only in your native language and the fandom is too small to write in it
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bestseoidea · 1 year
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Yoga Challenge || Daily Morning Fitness Exercise || #shorts #viral #morn...
Increased Flexibility is somewhat of an allowed with 30 days of yoga practice, yet what you may not understand is that flexibility accomplishes other things than assist you with adapting to tie your shoes — it likewise forestalls injury, diminish torment, and broaden your portability longer into life. Further developed balance is one more win for normal yoga practice.
Read More: The 30-Day Secret To Full Splits
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ortut · 3 months
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Natalia Rybka - Sadzić pośród ruin świeże kwiaty (Plant fresh flowers among the ruins), 2018 [Oil on canvas]
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zluty-spendlik · 3 months
Btw non-czech mmu fans I want you to know that Beanie is translated as Rybka in czech (since her full name is Rebecca), and it means "little fish" which is like super cute 🐠
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wszczebrzyszynie · 4 months
Question! Is Ryba an actual polish name or did u just want them named fish. I like it either way just curious.
I know Rybka can be a surname for some Polish and Ukrainian people (My partner is of Polish decent and has that last name) so i was wondering if Ryba was a name too!
Ryba is very much not a name and it would be pretty much impossible to name your child that way in Poland. His legal name is Maurycy Rybczak, and Ryba is just a nickname taken from the surname
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grizzersmamma · 7 months
Coffee Cups | College AU | Nikto x F!Reader
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Short snippet fic based on the college AU from @ghouljams. I needed to feed the brain worms something and I'm gonna make it everyone else's problem. Unedited at the moment because I'm writing and posting on the fly.
You spot Nikto on his way to his first class of the morning, hurrying along the walkway with little regard for those around him. He doesn’t notice you at first, not until you flag him down with a slightly harried flailing of one of your arms. He slows his stride enough for you to catch up but doesn’t come to a complete stop.  
“Morning, Nikto!” You chirp, arranging your bags in one hand while stabilizing the tray of drinks in your other, ensuring nothing spills.  
“Привет, Рыбка,” he greets, watching in concern as one of the hot drinks very nearly topples over. Before it can end up falling on you, he reaches out a hand to snatch up one of the cups. You’ve gotten into the habit of getting coffee for the both of you before class, and so he goes to take a sip of the drink he’s grabbed. He hesitates, however, when he sees the branding on the front of the cardboard cup.  
You see his nose flare slightly and his face screw up in disgust, “you would poison me with this?” he demands, quickly giving the drink back to you with a look of genuine horror. He’s a tad overdramatic but you’ve learnt how to tell when he’s being serious and when he’s just being a bit of a drama queen. Anyone else on campus would’ve been searching for the nearest exit if he’d said that to him, but you just roll your eyes.  
“That’s one’s for Love, I’ve got your coffee here,” you assure him, pulling out one of the other cups and handing it to him, “a long black with an extra shot of espresso from the coffee shop in town.” You practically have his normal order memorised at this point, knowing exactly how scalding hot he prefers it.  
He takes the offered drink and immediately takes a swig from it – you're not sure how he can handle a coffee near enough still boiling – and sighs in complete bliss, “Спасибо от всего сердца и души.” You have no idea what he’s saying, but it sounds somewhat like some form of thanks.  
“You’re welcome,” you hum back, rearranging the drinks in your hands so that they’re correctly balanced in the tray.  
He takes another sip before continuing, “how these Americans can call that, that... foul, excessively sweet, substance ‘coffee’, is an insult!”  
You’ve heard this particular rant many times previously and simply nod along while he hisses and spits about how inferior American coffee is compared to other parts of the world. You sip at your own coffee and offer the occasional agreeable hum when expected. “You have first years straight up this morning, yeah? How are they going?” you ask when Nikto pauses his tirade to breathe.  
He doesn’t even need to think about the question, offering you a confirming nod, “yes, they are...” he mulls over his response for a moment, “acceptable.”  
It’s practically high praise for Nikto to consider a fresh batch of students ‘okay’ or ‘acceptable’ so early in the year. You hope for their sakes they’re able to maintain it since your best friend isn’t exactly the most forgiving when it comes to falling below his high standards.  
You reach the door to your department far too soon for your liking, but with any luck you’ll be able to catch up again during the day if your lunch breaks line up. You wave him goodbye and wish him luck with his classes but miss how he hesitates to leave after you close the door behind you.  
Perhaps one day he’ll muster up the courage to take you to that coffee shop as more than just a good friend.  
“Привет, Рыбка,” - Hello, Rybka (little fish – an affectionate term for a woman) 
“Спасибо от всего сердца и души.” - Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul (can be said formally or informally)
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b0r3dtod3ath · 4 months
Andrey fic where he gives reader a mini tennis lesson pls
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an: thank you for requesting!!! i hope you like it
cw: russian pet names (im pretty sure they are correct as i learned a bit of russian few years ago, but let me know if they are wrong)
You and Andrey sat side by side on a bench by the tennis court where he just finished his practice. Your fingers intertwined, you watched as the last few players finished up their games, leaving the court empty for you.
“I have always wanted to play tennis properly.” you said, not putting much thought to it. Andrey smiled with mischief. “Well, lucky for you, you have your very own personal trainer tight here.” You laughed “You think you are going to teach me?” you tilted your head. “Why not?” Andrey replied “You will be like a pro in no time”. 
Few days later, just before the sunset, excitement bubbled up inside you as your boyfriend led you onto the court, his hand on your lower back. "Are you ready for a little tennis lesson?" he asked, his voice warm with affection. “I don’t think I will ever be ready.” Andrey chuckled softly, his heart swelling with love. "I'm here to help you". 
With that, Andrey began to guide you through the basics of tennis, his movements graceful as he demonstrated each technique with precision. "Okay, first things first," Andrey began, stepping up beside you. "Let's work on your grip."
He gently adjusted your grip on the racket, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but admire the fluidity of his movements, as he demonstrated the proper stance and swing. You loved to watch him. Visible work of each and every muscle in his body deserved your admiration. "Got it?" Andrey asked, snapping you out of your trance. You nodded eagerly, determined to soak up every word of his instruction. With gentle guidance, he led you through the fundamental techniques of tennis. You started with simple drills, Andrey leading you every step of the way. With each swing of the racket, you felt yourself improving, yet it still wasn’t perfect. 
“You’re too stiff” Andrey couldn't help but notice a tension in your movements. “I’m sorry” you said, avoiding any eye contact. “Is everything okay, milaya?” he bent to get a better look at your face that was turned towards the orange clay. "I'm afraid of making mistakes, of letting you down. I guess I don't want you to get angry or frustrated with me. Sorry." it was a common thing for him to lose control a bit if something doesn't go right. Although he never poured his negative emotions on you, you still were a bit hesitant. His heart sank at the thought of you being scared of him. With a gentle touch of his shaky hand he lifted your chin. "Listen to me. I could never be angry with you, especially not when we're out having fun together. I'm here to teach you, to support you. We all make mistakes. And I promise you, no matter what happens, I'll never do anything to you. I swear to God”. He looked deeply into your eyes. Once he saw the worries escape your mind he grabbed and squeezed your hand “Now let’s play and have fun. Trust me”. 
As you moved on to more advanced techniques, Andrey's patience never wavered. He praised your progress and offered gentle corrections, his encouragement fueling your determination. “You're doing amazing, Malyshka” or “Rybka! Great serve” definitely made you feel more confident.
Before you knew it, the sky turned dark and it started getting more chilly, signaling the end of your lesson. You couldn't believe how quickly the time had flown by. "I knew you could do it." he whispered, his voice filled with pride as you gathered your things. He gave you his hoodie so you weren’t cold on your way back. “Thank you Andrey, for teaching me” you said as you two left the court, holding hands and both smiling from ear to ear. "No problem, just let me know when you're ready for your next lesson".
May 12, 2024
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