#Ryou Mikajime
detectiveseapancake · 5 years
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Some people have been searching for them so I decided to make a post with all the artworks from the Ruins Events. These are 100% complete, even with the different expressions. Enjoy! [click for higher res]
Part 1 /2
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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Zanki Zero Official Complete Guide cover
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lazyparallelworld-a · 5 years
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Alola! This is Ray with a brand new multimuse blog! This blog currently holds Kubota Zen, Shinogi Keiji, Mikajime Ryou and Bennett, but will be expanded overtime. Give this a like or reblog if you’d like to interact! ♥
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jinjojess · 6 years
Opinion on each zanki zero character?
While I’m here, I should also answer this fantastic ask:
Anonymous said: Are the Zanki Zero characters names as stupid as Danganronpa character names? ‘cause one of the characters is named after a type of tractor
I also need to post my feelings on ZZ in general, but so far it’s pretty cool. The characters aren’t really out of their introductory shallow stages yet but they show promise. I don’t care what the haters say, I find Extend TV amusing. The game’s premise is cool, the 3D character models look nice, and the system of exploring new islands that wash up as dungeons to gather resources and get story beats is cool.
This may be the closest thing I get to DanRon Mystery Dungeon.
While I normally don’t like stories where death is impermanent, this seems like it will tackle more the psychological strain of immortality and the goal will be to get your zanki (extra lives) to zero, linking the end/goal of the game to the way it started: with suicide. If so, I’m here for that.
Anyway, my thoughts on the characters.
Minor Spoilers!
Higurashi Haruto - Basic SpikeChun VN protag so far: kinda bland, ahoge, etc. I do like his glasses, though, and the fact he was an editor. That’s a unique detail. Aside from oversleeping once, hasn’t exhibited much slothfulness, unless you count his inability to act when he and Susukino took a ride on the Tentacle Express. As for his suicide attempt (completion?), I suspect that’s true of everyone, not just Higurashi.
How Stupid Is That Name?Low. Higurashi means living hand-to-mouth, which is very on the nose for this situation (also likely a reference to that other VN series…). Haruto, like all the given names in this game, doesn’t have kanji, so it’s a bit tough to assign specific meaning to it. You could write it as 温人, for instance, which would mean “warm person”. Both names are real names, and fairly common at that.
Hirasaka Sachika - All I can say is, thank god she has a side besides “adowable widdle gurl!” because I am not a fan of that. It is cool to have a disabled character though. So far aside from Higurashi being a bit tactless and presumptive, it’s been handled fairly well? Sachika’s clearly extremely intelligent, likely playing everyone (she’s the one who urges everyone to go inside Mashiro Garden Tower), and appears to be the only character who doesn’t age. Since she’s original sin, wouldn’t that make her knowledge? Interesting…
How Stupid Is That Name?Moderately stupid. Hirasaka is a real name, but if it’s written that way, it’s pretty rare. The kanji used are “compare, good, hill” which you could take as comparing how well the others reform and atone for their sins. Sachika is indeed a name, and it could include a bunch of different kanji, including the ones for “happiness” or “knowledge”. Sachika’s name is what I’d consider to be the DR standard level of stupid.
Mikajime Ryou - His design was one of the ones I was the least interested in, but so far he’s been pretty amusing. I hope he doesn’t end up typecast as the “protag’s best buddy” type from DR. Real jealousy explored in a game like this would be pretty dope though.
How Stupid Is That Name?Well, as far as I know, Mikajime is not a real name, so we’re already treading pretty silly waters. The kanji basically come out to read “three flowers tied up” which is fitting the theme. Ryou is a very, very common male name, though if I had to hazard a guess here, I’d say it’s in reference to 量, which means “quantity” (as in, how much you have in the way of resources, and could feed into the envy theme).
Susukino Rinko - As is often the case with things like this, I like her design but her archetype is one that puts my teeth on edge. Please shake this Yamato Nadeshiko BS please, girl. Also, assign Lust to the beefcake dude, you cowards! I did like that I chose her and Higurashi as my least faves that I’d be cool with killing to complete the cloning mission, and lo!
How Stupid Is That Name?Susuki is the Japanese name for Chinese Silver Grass/Zebra Grass, which is already pretty silly given that she’s a florist. The “no” part means field, so duh on that, but it often gets used in dumb animanga names to stand in for the particle の which will make it a possessive. The reason I bring this up is because susuki is sometimes called “maiden grass” and Susukino’s sin is Lust. While Susukino isn’t a real surname as far as I can tell, it is the name of a neighborhood in Yokohama! Rinko’s a pretty normal lady name with the ko almost always being “child” while the Rin part can be all kinds of stuff, like forest, cold, and interestingly enough, ethics. …it also rhymes with one of the Japanese words for “penis”.
Kubota Zen - I am sad that this guy will likely become the Cursed Character of this game, because I actually find him pretty interesting. It’s always great to have a wild card in the mix, and while he’s being a little too openly Komaeda/Ouma-like in this instigator department, it seems more clearly to come from a distinctly different place than either of them. I dig it.
How Stupid Is That Name?Look at this fucking normal-ass name. Sure, the Ku part of Kubota isn’t the usual one, instead being swapped for the legal version of 9 (…suffering…), and yeah, Kubota is a brand of tractor, and okay, it’s a bit openly ironic to have your Wrath character named Zen, but honestly this is one of the least surprising names here. (It could also be one of the other zens, like the one from nature or something.)
Setouchi Minamo - The only thing stopping me from fully embracing this character as my fave is the fact that Nate likes her best. Design? Fantastic. Lady cop? Hell yes. Speaks in Osaka-ben?! FUCK YEAH. I like that she’s Pride, too, which is considered the worst one of the bunch (aside from knowledge, I guess) since she seems like she’s so…Asahina-like. Setouchi is a fucking cutie and I love her, the end. Pride Month, baby.
How Stupid Is That Name?I swear to god, her last name has to be a reference to the Seto Inland Sea since it’s written in Japanese as 瀬戸内海 and is even colloquially referred to as “Setouchi”. It also just so happens to be located…in Kansai! In fact, it feeds into Osaka Bay and is a major transportation hub around the Kansai region. Minamo is a common girl’s name, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it written with kanji before. I mean I guess the Mi could be “beauty” which might fit the Pride theme? Or you could read it as a pun that means “and everyone else too” or something? The jisho is telling me that it can be an alternate way to read the word for “water surface” which could fit with the theme of being named after a sea.
Ichiyou Mamoru - Right now he’s leaning a bit too hard on the Gonta gap-moe thing, where he’s an intelligent sciencey type who’s also mega buff, but I like the idea of him being actually really anxious underneath his go-with-the-flow exterior. As long as he develops into a more round character, I will like him a lot. Also, he’s tied with Setouchi as hottest character. Not really sure how the Greed thing comes in yet though. Ugh, he should’ve been Lust, SpikeChun, get it together.
How Stupid Is That Name?Not very. Ichiyou means “one leaf” which evokes (in me at least) the idea of an Adonis statue with a single leaf over its groin. Ichiyou is a real surname, and Mamoru is very much a real given name. The most obvious meaning being 守る, “to protect” which in this case can mean his patients or maybe his dragon horde because Greed. 
Mashiro Yuma - She is my favorite character right now, because hot damn, do I relate. This game is so fucking diverse for a Japanese game–a disabled girl and a chubby chick?! God, it’s like Togami and Celes had a daughter who was raised by Sagishi and I fucking love her. The Gluttony thing is pretty surface level right now, though I suspect that she’s going to be fairly relevant to the story given how important the Touwa Mashiro Group is in this world. She’s right behind Setouchi and Ichiyou for character I’d be most attracted to irl, cause I like thicc girls. Not a big fan of her fashion sense, but everything else is fucking great.I especially appreciate that she’s not really that spoiled or nasty, either? Like she’s snarky, yeah, but not the full Togami. Anyway I love Mashiro.
How Stupid Is That Name?Mashiro means “pure white” which could refer to a lot of things–being free from sin, being ironically NOT free from sin, etc. Pretty sure Mashiro is a real last name. Yuma is pretty uncommon, though. The kanji that you can use for it often include ones for “freedom” or “friend” or “kind” and so on for the “Yu” part, while the “ma” could be “center” (making her name end the way it begins), “hemp/cannabis”, or “jasmine”. It would be really funny if her given name was written as “freedom cannabis” since it would be like “free to be high”.
Terashima Shou - He’s a boke and I think his unnervingly Tezuka-like art style is kind of fun. I dunno, like I said, I don’t care what you kids think, I love manzai.
How Stupid Is That Name?I need to assume that they intend to write the surname as 照島 (illuminated island) considering the catchphrase and the locale, though I guess you could also interpret it as like “tereru” for “embarrassed”? Shou’s usually written as “soar”, but I suspect that this is just a pun based on the English word “show” (as in, TV show). Might also be a little nod to best friend Genocider.
Mirai - The straightman of the manzai team. I like her too–I think she does a great job of being expressive and her comedic timing is pretty good. She’s also fairly cute, so like Nate said, I wouldn’t mind merch of her.
How Stupid Is That Name?tHe jApAnEsE wOrD fOr FuTuRe
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kaibutsushidousha · 7 years
Zanki Zero
I was asked for Zanki Zero trailer translation on TvTropes so here it is.
For those who don’t know Zanki Zero is a new RPG by DanganRonpa’s producer Yoshinori Terasawa. It released this trailer this Wednesday.
There’s no furigana, so the character’s last name are not yet confirmed, but we know their first names for sure. [Updated with confirmed names]. They are:
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1) Minamo Setouchi, the police officer of Pride.
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2) Haruto Higurashi, the editor of Sloth.
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3) Yuma Mashiro, the noblewoman of Gluttony.
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4) Mamoru Ichiyo, the doctor of Greed.
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5) Rinko Susukino, the florist of Lust.
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6) Zen Kubota, the farmer of Wrath.
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7) Ryou Mikajime, the artist of Envy.
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8) Sachika Hirasaka, the girl of the Original Sin.
The story text on the trailer translates as:
“2018 a.c. A summer night. In a single night, the world ended. In this planet Earth covered in ruins, we were are still alive. Lives remaining* until human extition: 8. Humanity’s survival was entrusted to us cloned humans. Our clone bodies grow old in just 13 days. We die, and die and die and die, and keep being born over and again. This is called Extend. This is our sin and punishment. Even if we knew it would hurt, we still met you regardless. Lives remaining until human extition:”
Note: The “lives remaining” marked there in the text is “zanki” in Japanese, as in “Zanki Zero”, the game’s title.
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detectiveseapancake · 5 years
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Some people have been searching for them so I decided to make a post with all the artworks from the Ruins Events. These are 100% complete, even with the different expressions. Enjoy! [click for higher res]
Part 2/2
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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A few CGs as they get shown in the ending (source)
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mashirogroup · 6 years
At first I was gonna ask you why Ryo's boss looks like a crocodile (or alligator) but then I kinda figured it out on my own. Besides that crocodiles are green which is the color is envy, I think it more has to do with animals. Each sin has an animal tied to it, e.g. Pig = gluttony, goat = lust, toad/frog = greed, ETC. But the animal of envy is a snake, and the crocodile monsters are tied up in bondage forcing them to move around like a snake, so it fits with the whole envy thing. Any thoughts?
That’s a good theory anon, here are my thoughts on the matter
Personally, I believed each dungeon was linked to an animal from the chinese zodiac too. Haruto’s dungeon is full of goats and Haruto gets called a black sheep (though goats are linked to lust, there are no goats in Rinko’s dungeon). However, I have found this, so the animals from the dungeon might very well be related to the sins linked to the characters. In Haruto’s case it is at least. 
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Zen’s is heavily linked to monkeys, the monkey thing is mostly linked to Zen’s grandfather, but later on his grandfather tells Zen they are similar, moreover Zen calls himself a monkey before the boss fight. I believe this monkey thing is used in a way that means someone who can’t repress one’s instincts to a point it’s inhuman. It goes without saying for Zen’s grandfather, but Zen too at the end of the day couldn’t repress his anger and showed violent behavior many times. So, in some way it can relate to his sin.
Yuma’s has pig enemies and also pig plushies lying around (plus she calls herself a pig at times) and this also links to gluttony as you say, I was unsure about Minamo’s but in a stream I was watching someone pointed out she might go with Rooster as the giant chicken enemy appears for the first time in her dungeon, the other enemies in her dungeon are all humanoid…I am honestly still a bit unsure on her. Pride can be linked to peacocks that is still…a huge bird I guess but it seems a bit farfetched. Another source tells me pride is linked to horses, but I wouldn’t know how to link it to her.
I got a bit off track there, but we are finally to Ryou’s. I thought the crocodile would stand for either dragon or snake because of that chinese zodiac theory, and between the two snake makes more sense for how it’s linked to envy and how the boss moves because of how it’s tied up indeed. The most reasonable answer as to why it’s tied up is because of Ryou’s interest in bondage and of his own personal history, but it does also work to make it look like a snake. Seeing there are other exmples of the animals present in dungeons representing the owner of the dungeon’s sin, it feels entirely possible. It’s worth mentioning the bosses usually take the form of someone else rather than the owner of the dungeon, but STAGE 05 is also where we get the reveal Creatures are nothing but the imperfect clones of the main cast, and, seeing the bondage thing (that is definitely related to Ryou) is there too, this boss might have had things that relate to Ryou himself and not what that boss Creature took the appearance of.
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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Penguin Parade announced the production of Zanki Zero Petanko (first picture) and cospa announced Zanki Zero T-shirts and a tote bag (second picture) 
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mashirogroup · 6 years
Do you know how Ryo is tied with Envy? From what I read from a translated Japanese site (that was translated with Google Translate so it probably wasn't that accurate) is that the sin of Envy ties with his mother because she doesn't want anyone to take Ryo away from her. But that's more like jealousy than envy which although similar are different.
STAGE05 spoilers
Going from his backstory, his mother did indeed feel envy towards Ryou, but in a way where she thought it’s “always about Ryou” and never about her. As for Ryou himself, I am inclined to believe that he’s envious of people who actually received his mother’s love and attention, as she always put men she was seeing before her own child. It felt to me like Ryou wanted to be loved, as by the end of the chapter too, he reflects on whether his mother loved him “at least a little bit”. 
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lazyparallelworld-a · 5 years
♒! For Keiji and Ryou!
Intro HCs || ACCEPTING♒ - cooking/food headcanon 
Shinogi KeijiWhile Keiji’s opinion of himself isn’t high, he values taking care of his body to stay fit due to his field of work. His muscles are there to protect and so protein is a focus. Savoury food including veggies and especially meat are favourites, though he may also show worrisome eating habits concerning eggs when it comes to a workout… you know the stuff Nankidai drew. Yeah. Protein all the way. 
Mikajime RyouAnother meat lover! The Umami taste is his favourite and takoyaki has remained one of his favourite foods since childhood. Despite going on many photography jobs to take pictures of ramen and similar Japanese cuisine, it won’t deter him from loving a good, heart-felt bowl. This guy prefers eating street food, which goes on par with his never-ending passion for art — a good beer after work is a highlight, too. Eating is a necessary pleasure slash reward. 
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jinjojess · 6 years
if anyone in zanki zero had some form of bodymods, ie piercings, tattoos, or dyed hair, do you think there'd be any way the extend machine would somehow let them keep them when they were revived? or would the mascots just throw them a bone and give them clip-ons/sleeves/wigs, or just tell them to deal w/ it?
Could go either way, I think. Since they’re in a completely new body, any body mods would be lost.Obviously clip-ons and whatnot are easier to handle, but I mean I guess there could be a supplementary piercing/dying/tattooing/whatever machine you could use? 
Mikajime Ryou has that earring, but I doubt this question will ever be necessarily answered.
(Like how when they grow from kids to young adults, they obviously will have to change clothes and it’s way more mortifying to be seen naked as a 25 year old than a kid.)
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mashirogroup · 6 years
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Ryou Mikajime's birthday is on July 29th, today!
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mashirogroup · 6 years
Character: Ryou Mikajime
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Name: Ryou Mikajime (Male)
Height: 179.8 cm
Weight: 64.7 kg
Favorite food: Seafood dishes
Disliked food: Vegetables
Birthday: July 29 
Blood type: B
An artist who specializes in bondage art
Other info not included on his profile:
Sleeping Together skill: MAP+
Sin: Envy 
spoilers under read more, also heavy topics under read more
Past: He spent his childhood with his mother, who was abusive and would bind him. His mother meets a 52-years-old man who seems to be interested in her, but it turns out he is interested in Ryou. After that, his mother attempts to strangle Ryou with a piece of rope, in tears. But after hearing Ryou telling her not to cry, she runs away, kills that man who was interested in Ryou, and then kills herself, while Ryou faints and gets woken up by the police later.
Part of the Garage Kids who caused Sachika Hirasaka’s death.
Dungeon: Koromo Hot-Spring Village
Protagonist in: Chapter 5
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