#Ryu Yamada
degenerateshinji · 3 months
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tosses this at u & leaves
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blueflame-krp · 19 days
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New kindlings have been accepted into the fire pit! ♡
Jeong Yunoh | Jaehyun. (NCT)
Please follow the admins: Sapphire & Aquamarine within 3 days to secure the spot of your flame in the roleplay.
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hershuargames · 2 years
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Pocky Day School Girls
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ryunumber · 1 year
Hifumi Yamada from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
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Hifumi Yamada has a Ryu Number of 3.
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madcowhead · 1 year
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they skipped class to meet Haruka !!!
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parasiticjustice · 1 year
[RGG Online Translation] Boss Rush Event · Ravenous Beasts, Greedy Monsters (Ichiban & Miss Tatsu)
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Summary: Ichiban is approached by Miss Tatsu, who is looking for help with a particularly strange debt collection. All of her colleagues have attempted to collect the debt, but have come back mauled, as if besieged by a savage beast... Featured Characters: Ichiban Kasuga (RGGO version), Miss Tatsu, Hirata, Tiger, Teru Yamada (OC) Spoilers?: There’s a few light references to another story from RGGO, but they’re not really spoilers.
On this episode, Ichiban and Miss Tatsu team up to fight a tiger, and I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.
In case you’ve forgotten who Hirata is (which is completely understandable) he’s somewhat notable for being the first enemy you ever fight in the whole series: Kiryu is introduced collecting a loan from him in Yakuza 1. Hirata resisted, so Kiryu did as Kiryu does.
Usual Disclaimer: I'm coming at this with little more than crude Japanese knowledge, a machine translation cocktail, and an insatiable desire for more RGG content. This will by no means be a decent translation, but it should at least be serviceable.
This is set in 2018. Even though she looks the same as she did back in 0, Miss Tatsu will be in her 50-60′s here.
This is also a slightly alternate continuity where Ichiban is fighting the Omi Alliance in Kamurocho instead of getting hustled over to Yokohama. This is relevant because of the specific point that the police are in bed with the Omi, which is touched upon in the Epilogue.
Yamada makes reference to knowing Noa Amon, of the Amon clan. This is referring to one of the Daily Life substories where the two worked together to beat up some goons. You can read it here if you’d like, it’s the one at the very bottom.
------------------ PROLOGUE ------------------
Scene #1: Kamurocho · Nakamichi Street
Narration: One holiday...
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Yamada: [smile] Thanks for coming along to my special training, Kasuga!
Ichiban: No problem. Just, you know, maybe tone it down a little- Ugh! [pained] My ass still hurts from how hard you kicked it...
Yamada: [frown] Oh, uh, I’m sorry?
Ichiban: Noa still won’t train with you?
Yamada: Yeah... “There’s no point in getting into the practical when you still haven’t mastered the basics.”
Ichiban: [smile] Ehh, that’s pretty cool. I should remember that. If that’s the case, why don’t you focus on laying down a foundation? I’m always happy to help you train, so you don’t need to rush.
Yamada: [smile] ...You’re right. Thanks, Kasuga!
?: Kasuga!
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Ichiban: Oh, Miss Tatsu. What’s up? If you haven’t eaten yet, wanna join us?
Miss Tatsu: ...That works. I just wanted to ask you something, not stand around and chat.
Ichiban: Hm?
Scene #2: Kamurocho · Restaurant
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Ichiban: [confused] A troublesome collection?
Miss Tatsu: Yeah. My colleagues are getting pummeled by them, one after the other.
Ichiban: Hmm... So now it’ll be your turn?
Miss Tatsu: That’s right. Actually, the request just came in.
Ichiban: You took it, yeah?
Miss Tatsu: [frown] Well... I’m not sure.
Ichiban: [confused] You’re unsure? Is he really that dangerous?
Miss Tatsu: That’s just it, the debtor is a completely average old man. At least, from what I’ve gathered.
Ichiban: Then why...
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Miss Tatsu: The people who went to collect his debt came back mauled, as if they’d been attacked by a wild beast...
Ichiban: [confused] Beast...? What, does he have a Doberman?
Miss Tatsu: I’ve seen their injuries. No Doberman could do that.
Ichiban: ...What then?
Miss Tatsu: [frown] I don’t know. That’s why I’m indecisive. Even when I tried to talk to the victims, they all clammed up like they were afraid of something. So I wanted to see if you’d know anything... but it seems like you don’t.
Ichiban: Sorry, I’ve got no clue. But hey, if you’re gonna fight the guy, I can lend a hand. [smile] Maybe the old guy’s a werewolf. I’m curious to find out, hehe.
Miss Tatsu: ...It would be nice to have your help, but...
Ichiban: Then it’s settled. I’ll be fine - if things get bad, I’ll run away as fast as I can.
Miss Tatsu: [smile] ...Heh, I got it. Looking forward to working with you. We’ll split the fee fifty-fifty, alright?
Yamada: U-Um!
Ichiban: [confused] Huh?
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Miss Tatsu: Ah, sorry miss. Talking about something this gory over a meal.
Yamada: No, it’s not that, you’re fine... Anyway, can I come with?
Miss Tatsu: [surprised] You?
Ichiban: No, it’ll be dangerous... Leave this to us.
Yamada: Please, I won’t do anything risky! [frown] I know I’m still a novice, but that’s why I want to become strong as soon as possible, for everyone’s sake. So-
Miss Tatsu: [smile] Hehe, you’re a proper youngster. Almost hurts my old eyes to see... Teru, you said?
Yamada: Yes ma’am.
Miss Tatsu: Will you keep your promise to not do anything risky?
Yamada: Yes ma’am!
Miss Tatsu: [smile] Okay then, let’s go. I know where he’s hiding. I can count on you when the time comes, right Kasuga?
Ichiban: [smile] Heh. I gotcha.
Scene #3: Kamurocho · Docks
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Miss Tatsu: ...Here it is.
Ichiban: This is where we’ll find the truth of the old man werewolf.
Miss Tatsu: His name is Hirata. He’s the president of a credit company called Peace Finance.
Ichiban: [confused] Huh? Feel like I’ve heard that name before.
Miss Tatsu: You’ve got a good memory. Yes, he ran the same company about 30 years ago. He was a bastard with a bad reputation, and one day he up and disappeared. And then, recently, he reappeared out of nowhere.
Ichiban: And he’s right back to his bad behaviour. Guess a tiger never changes its stripes. You alright, Teru?
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Yamada: [frown] Y-Yeah...!
Ichiban: You can head back home if you want.
Yamada: It’s fine, I’m fine...!
Miss Tatsu: [angry] Okay then, let’s go...!
Scene #4: Kamurocho · Warehouse
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Miss Tatsu: [angry] Hirata! Come out! I’m taking back the money you owe!!
Ichiban: [confused] Hm? What’s that smell...?
?: Hi, hihihi...
Ichiban: !
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Hirata: You collectors never learn. No matter how many of you come, it’s always the same...!
Ichiban: You’re Hirata, yeah? ...I see, you really are just an old man.
Miss Tatsu: [angry] An old man with the cash to rent a warehouse like this. Let’s get you to pay back one month’s interest first.
Hirata: You all say the same thing... so your fate will also be the same.
Miss Tatsu: ...?
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Yamada: [surprised] ...! Watch out!!
[something growls]
Ichiban: [confused] Wha?!
Miss Tatsu: [surprised] What is it now...?!
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[the tiger growls again]
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Miss Tatsu: [angry] ...Teru. We’re running.
Ichiban: [angry] Tsk...! We’re not letting him get away, are we? He’s a fucking lunatic. [raises fists] We have to fight it, Miss Tatsu. Teru, you stay behind me, alright?
Yamada: [frown] O-Okay...!
Miss Tatsu: ...Hirata. I’ll ask just in case. You aren’t gonna give the money back?
Hirata: No way that’s happening...!
Miss Tatsu: Fuh, then it can’t be helped. [angry] Sorry to that big guard dog over there, but I’m about to give his master a hell of a beating! Let’s go, Kasuga!! 
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Ichiban: Oouh!
Hirata: Aren’t you scared of my pet at all? ...Fine, if you think you can get past him, then just try it!
[And so, Ichiban and Miss Tatsu beat up Hirata and his pet kitty about a hundred million times. I can’t place the battle music off the top of my head, but I do know the main menu for the event played Debt Cleanup, which is still a certified :catjam:]
------------------ EPILOGUE ------------------
Scene #5: Kamurocho · Docks
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Ichiban: I wasn’t sure when I reported it, but it seems like the police have a handle on things.
Miss Tatsu: He didn’t have anything to do with the Omi, after all. Besides, it’s not like they could leave a tiger alone.
Ichiban: That’s for sure. I can’t believe he got a freakin’ tiger to fight off debt collectors instead of a guard dog. How did he even tame it?
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Miss Tatsu: [frown] I’m sorry, Teru. You must have been scared.
Yamada: [frown] It’s fine...
Ichiban: [raised eyebrow] Hey, you don’t look fine. What’s wrong?
Yamada: ...I was thinking about what I could do while the two of you were fighting so hard. But in the end, I couldn’t do anything...
Miss Tatsu: Teru...
Ichiban: [smile] ...Heh, your heart’s in the right place, Teru. But you don’t have to rush yourself. Noa said it too, right? The basics are important. If you weren’t up to it today, you can try again tomorrow. And one day, you’ll be the one to help us out when we’re in a pinch. I’ll be looking forward to it.
Miss Tatsu: [smile] Feh, that’s right. We’re not getting any younger, after all. I’m counting on you, Teru.
Yamada: ...Yeah! I’ll try harder! [yell] Alright, I’ll get right back to my training! Starting with a run back home! Farewell!
[she runs off]
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Ichiban: [confused] Hey! How many kilometres does she think that is...?
Miss Tatsu: [smile] Heh. She’s a good girl. I’m looking forward to her future.
Ichiban: [smile] ...Well, us old-timers are exhausted. What say we enjoy an after-work drink together?
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Miss Tatsu: Sounds good. At least that’s one advantage to being an adult!
------END------ ------------------
Ichiban: And he’s right back to his bad behaviour. A tiger never changes its stripes. 
The original saying here is “三つ子の魂百まで”, which translates literally to “the soul of a child of three (is the same) at 100″. In other words, someone’s nature as a child never truly changes even when they get older. The tiger saying seemed to be a decent equivalent, and also added a delightful bit of dramatic irony, hehe.
Anyway, let’s talk a little more about Hirata. He actually showed up one more time in the main series, in a Yakuza 3 substory. After Kiryu kicked his teeth in, Hirata ran off and became homeless while his family suffered under his debt. Circa 2009, his son tried to kill him in revenge, but Kiryu stopped him and father and son reconciled after Hirata apologised for what he put his family through.
So then, why did he return to his old scam another ten or so years later? One could just say he relapsed, going along with Ichiban’s point that a person’s true nature never changes. However, I think it honestly might be because RGGO did its Yakuza 1 retelling just two months before this event. Why stoop to some generic mook when they have a fully animated model for an actual Yakuza baddie, you know? Really sucks to be that family of his, though.
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something-general · 1 year
I love having cannon name url mutuals for stuff I haven't watched yet. Like is that pfp the character? Maybe. I think so? In short I think all cannon name urls should change their pfp to a different character all together to fuck with people.
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madsscreenshots · 2 years
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yakuza kiwami 2 (2017)
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banqanas · 2 months
Yamada Yuki acting as Todoroki and Maeda Goki acts as Murayama + them talking about the infamous forehead flick scene
From: Yamada Yuki 2020.05.21 instagram live translations
Above version is only for parts I managed to sub. Full version (around 12 minutes) is here (without subs). Text translations for full part under cut:
Note: Yamada Yuki did a lot of instalive during the pandemic. In this episode, he had 4 guests over: Ozawa Yuta (Daruma Ikka's Kato), Saotome Taichi (Mighty Warrior's Ryu), Nakajima Ken (Oyako's Nakaoka), and Maeda Gouki (Todoroki Yosuke)
Y: *reading comments*
“Yamada Yuki-kun, just once in my life, I want to be beaten up by you.” Please don’t say that.
“I saw Kimi wa Petto movie” That’s the drama Shison starred in! The actor’s Shison Jun not me!
Y: Ah there he is! Gouki! I was thinking of doing (instalive) together with Gouki. Did he get the invite?
Y: He’s here!
M: Hello~
Y: You know just yesterday, I was with Uchida Rio-chan and Inaba Yuu-kun (Kizzy). We were playing MonHun. And I said, I wanna do a High&Low collab since I’ve been doing instalive a lot lately. And I thought I wanna do it with Gouki.
(バイゆう baiyuu is probably some shortform for something but i couldnt figure out what it is, sorry)
M: But just now (Saotome) Taichi and (Nakajima) Ken-kun were going live with you too and I was like “Woah, they’re really doing it!”
Y: For some reason a lot of High&Low cast were doing it like one after another. And I was thinking of contacting you asking if you wanna do Murayama and Todoroki together... But I didn’t think it’ll come true this soon.
M: Sorry for suddenly dropping in!
Y: It’s fine!
M: But I’m happy to know that my name popped up eventhough I wasn’t there. Thank you.
Y: Not at all. You’re already an important part (of the cast).
Y: Considering the times we’re in I was seriously thinking that I want to do an instalive with Todoroki-chan.
M: Right now I’m entirely in a Murayama-style though. With my headband and all
Y: I was thinking about that too! I’m gonna try putting on glasses then.
M: My hair totally grown out like Todoroki’s now
M: That glasses look like Shiono Akihisa’s character though (lol) with the tinted sunglasses
Y: Ah, the one with chains, right
Y: I wonder if I have any other glasses
M: I’m gonna take the headband off for a bit
Y: Was it black framed glasses?
M: Whose?
Y: Todoroki’s. It’s not black right, he has silver framed glasses, right?
M: Yeah it’s not black, it’s silver.
Y: This is Todoroki.
M: Wait a minute—
Y: Todoroki is here.
M: *dying laughter*
M: Sorry for going out of screen
Y: Nice, Murayama’s here. It feels weird calling you “Murayama”.
M: “Y’know Todoroki-chan~”
M: Do you want to say some lines together, since we’re already doing this.
Y: The one where you pushed back your hair like this and said, “You talk too much.” That scene was so cool!
It was so freaking cool I went all Woooo~~
M: Thank you very much!
Y: Yeah where you went wham! to shut the other guy up. That was so awesome!
M: Ah, I know! How about the scene from the drama series for old times sake?
M: The line that goes “I don’t need your greetings.”
Y: You went bang!
M: It was... “Our leader is going around greeting other gangs...” and immediately after that line I went bam! And pushed my hair back a bit and said “I don’t need your greetings.”
Y: That scene was great too.
M: What was Murayama’s line during that scene again...
Y: What was it...
M: Nothing’s coming to me other than, “Let’s go, you assholes!”
M: Oh yeah, during the (The Worst Episode. 0) drama, there was that scene where (Murayama) lightly punched me in the chest, right.
Y: Right, right.
M: What was your line during that scene?
Y: The one I said to Todoroki-chan?
M: Yeah, yeah!
Y: AH! What was it again?!
Y: I think it was (same time with mdgk)
M: Wasn’t it
Y: I think it was “You have to uphold it...” or something.
M: Yeah, something like that!
Y: I can’t remember...
M: You were replying to something (Todoroki) said.
Y: “That’s how a Oya student should be.” I think it was something along those lines.
M: Then, how about that line at the start of the movie?
Y & M: (reading comments)
Y: “You should be using this (your fists) too.”
M: “You should look at the people around you better.” Exactly, that’s the line. It was something like that.
Y: I remember, I remember. “I’m here to lecture you.”
M: Oh yeah that’s right! You were lecturing (Todoroki).
Y: “Look at the people around you better.” Yeah, that’s how the script goes.
Y: The fans remember our lines better (than us).
Y & M: Everyone’s amazing.
Y: Thanks to your help I’m starting to remember.
M: I think it’s interesting that when Murayama was talking, Todoroki didn’t say anything at all.
Y: Todoroki was properly listening to Murayama and taking it in, wasn’t he! Surprisingly.
M: Yup, yup. That might be it.
M: He probably didn’t like it when (Murayama) revealed his bad points.
Y: (reading comment) That’s it! “If you’re an Oya High student...”
Y: But I still can’t remember much of the remaining lines after that (lol) Sorry!
Y: Everyone, if you have any of Murayama’s lines that you want Todoroki-chan to say, please write them here (in the comments).
M: Same with (Todoroki’s lines) too, okay!
Y: Sorry, I’m going to drink for a bit.
M: Okay.
M: But really... For Yuki-kun to think about Todoroki to that extent. I’m really happy to hear that.
Y: Of course I’d consider about him too.
M: “If you’re an Oya High student, you should try thinking using your fists more...” THAT’S PROBABLY THE WHOLE LINE, RIGHT.
Y: Ahh, that’s right!
M: (tl note: i cant figure out which line this is, sorry) kenka yori haika
M: “Just having a strong fist isn’t enough.”
Y: “Go back and learn, idiot!”
M: Ahh, I remember that line.
Y: Brings back memories, doesn’t it?
M: I was really scared when you flicked my forehead the first time.
M: It was terrifying, really! Your fist was really close (to my face) and then suddenly you changed your hand like this. I thought you were holding a weapon or something!
(TL note: the forehead flick was an adlib from Yamada Yuki)
M: I was really freaked out!
Y: Was that, did we did it all of a sudden?
M: The forehead flick wasn’t written in the script in the first place... And during filming you just put it in, if I remember correctly...
Y: Yeah, I was going for a punch..!
Y: But then I thought, this (using a fist) isn’t what Murayama wants to teach to Todoroki, thats why I changed it to a flick instead.
Y: And then in the THE MOVIE, Todoroki-chan did it back (to Murayama), tying it all back to that original scene.
M: Ah, yes, I thought it was fitting.
Y: Thank you for that, really.
M: The director mentioned that too.
Y: I’m really grateful that you did it.
M: Someone commented that “Murayama has a lot of wise quotes”, exactly!
Y: Then, please choose any line you like.
M: Is it okay for me to choose?
Y: Of course. Whichever you like
M: *reading comments* Are you okay with the time? Sorry for taking so long
Y: Not at all. I was planning on being live or around an hour or so
M: There’s quite a lot of lines that I want to say
M: Ah, but I definitely wanna say “Todoroki-chan~!”
M: Okay I’ll go with the “If you’re an Oya High student, you should try thinking using your fist...” and punch! Yeah, that’s the line I wanna say.
M: But that’s kinda. So like, please say your Todoroki line as soon as I’m done saying mine. Because it’ll be embarrassing otherwise.
Y: Wait, what line was it again.
M: I know! Let’s make it like we’re talking with each other.
M: I’d say “Todoroki-chan~ “If you’re an Oya High student, you should....”
M: But it doesn’t really match with “I don’t need introductions.”
M: Eh...what other line can fit...
Y: Todoroki-chan, Todoroki-chan
Y: You say “Yahoo~!” And I’ll say “I don’t need introductions.” Then you do the punch thing. Sounds good, right?
M: Ah, okay, I get it! I’m the one who say “yahoo~” right
M: Okay, okay, let’s do it!
M: I haven’t acted in a while so I’m pretty excited
Y: I’m gonna channel my inner Todoroki now
M: Me too. Should we start?
“I don’t need introductions.”
“Todoroki-chan~ if you’re an Oya High student, you should think using your fist more.”
M: I can’t help wanting to smile the whole time!
Y: Embarrassing!
M: Sorry after the yahoo I didn’t say “Todoroki-chan”
Y: Yeah, it’s probably the nerves getting to you.
Y: I’m so embarrassed... Oh, Ozawa-san from Daruma Ikka had a good laugh out of it.
M: That was fun~
Y: Nice yahoo~
M: Thank you. I don’t think I’ve talked with Ozawa-san before.
Y: Yeah we don’t really interact with Daruma much, especially Todoroki-chan...
M: Nice to meet you, I’m Maeda.
Y: Thanks again for doing this together with me. It’s a top of the top instalive.
M: I’m happy to hear that
Y: If possible. If there’s a chance to do this again, would you come and be a guest again?
M: Of course, anytime!
Y: I’ll contact you if that time comes.
M: That was really fun, thank you!
Y: Thanks again for that amazing performance. Truly, thank you!
M: Bye bye, see you again!
Y: That was really cool. It became a High&Low skit thing.
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itostea · 1 year
perfect match (shidou x reader)
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When news breaks out that your friend’s boyfriend breaks up with her due to his wish for a “mature” woman, you make sure to not to ensure that never happens with your boyfriend. 
warnings: established relationship, shidou being dirty again lol, he can’t keep his hands off you, the scene is kinda inspired by the ending scene in loving yamada kun at lv999, image from my reason to die
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“I just got dumped.”
“What? That’s impossible! I mean you guys were soooo in love!” One of your friends gasps, a hand clasped over her lips. You feel yourself roll your eyes at the mock surprise, blinking as you watch her comfort your other friend who stared blankly at her lunch.
“He said he wanted a mature woman…” she mumbles quietly. “So he broke up with me and told me he was going to go look for one.”
You sigh, patting her on the back as you smiled in pity. “Don’t believe him. That was probably just an excuse to break up–”
“Oh no!” A voice interrupts you and you watch in wonder as your other friend stares deep in thought. “That actually happened to one of the girls in my class as well. As a matter of fact, that’s quite a trend now!”
“It’s a trend to break up if the woman isn’t mature enough?” You gape, finding her words hard to believe. Then again, you’ve been receiving more news of couple fall outs and failed talking stages. Unexplained motives behind break-ups; tears and uncontrollable sobbing; ending on bad terms. You don’t want to accept such groundless theories regarding these split-ups but they’ve been increasing exponentially ever since last month. 
“Yes, one hundred percent!” Your friend chirps. “Reminds me (Name), you have a boyfriend too right? Shidou? Does he want you to be mature as well?”
“Well…” you chuckle awkwardly. Truthfully, “mature” was a reach for your behavior with him. Just an hour ago, you made a stupid deez nuts joke to him because he ate the last of your ice-cream. And a day ago, you walked around in the house with a face mask and in your cringy middle-school shirt–not the most flattering version of you. All of the memories of your time with him come rushing to you and you can’t help but feel sweat drip down your skin. 
Believe it or not, you loved Ryusei. A lot. Even if you had to deal with his constant gushing about that Itoshi Sae player and his weird morning routine that required getting naked and yelling, you genuinely wanted to marry this man. You know it’s pointless to think further into the possibility of him breaking up with you, but the surge in break-ups makes you worried–anxious that he seriously could consider it. 
“(Name)? You’ve been glaring at the table for a good minute now. Are you okay?” 
Your friends watch in surprise as you suddenly stand up, looking at them with a determined expression. You quickly gather your things and slap a couple bills down. “Sorry guys, I have to go! I’ll see you at class!”
“What–? Hey!”
You jolted outside the cafe and sent a text to Shidou, telling him that you were coming home. In a normal situation, you would’ve ignored the fact that he responded with an “ok.” It was rare for him to give you short answer responses but it wasn’t unheard of. Yet, that answer is enough to make you pick up the pace, ignoring the way your heels dug into the side of your foot. 
Today is the day where you perfect the “mature” partner act. 
“So basically,” you mumble, choosing to ignore the hand on your thigh. “I know that you’re busy with practice and all that stuff so I won’t bother you that much. Also, I want you to start prioritizing your health and–”
 A yawn cuts you off from your ramble and you feel your eye twitch in irritation. Even so, you restrain yourself from arguing with him. “Are you listening to me Ryu?”
“Yeah I am babe,” he stretches, manspreading over the couch until you’re left pressed against the corner. The hand on your thigh just moves up to grab your waist and plop you on his lap. You feel your breath hitch but there was no way you were giving in this easily.
You huffed. “Then what’d I say just now?”
“Something ‘bout how you wanted to talk and other stuff.”
“That was at the beginning of our conversation!” You heaved, watching in disbelief as he let out another yawn. “Seriously Ryu?” 
“I promise I was listening, sweets. It’s just I got bored once you mentioned the ‘giving me space talk.’ Y’know that stuff bores me.”
“But it’s important!”
“Nah what’s important is this,” he mumbles against your shoulder, shifting so he can grab your foot to observe a fresh bruise forming. In his arms, you can smell your shampoo on him and it makes you giddy inside to know that you guys started sharing each other’s things. He tilts his head to get a better look at it. 
“Why’d you wear those, what do you call them? Oh heelies right? Yeah, why'd you wear heelies to a ‘casual’ outing with some friends. You’re not hanging out with other men right babe?” 
You roll your eyes from his random fit of jealousy. “They’re called heels and I wore them because it completed the outfit Ryusei. Now back to what I was saying–”
Another yawn cuts you off from continuing. It’s his way of saying that this conversation is meaningless. You sighed and tried to unravel his arms around your waist. “I’m going since you’re not listening to me.”
“Don’t be like that,” his arms tighten around waist and you yelp when he moves you back in his lap. “Not letting you leave ‘til you tell me what’s wrong.” 
“Nothing’s wrong–”
“Uh huh good try,” he says, voice husky against your neck. “Now tell me.”
It’s not easy to dissuade Shidou whenever he’s put his mind to anything. You’ve tried it many times and figured that he’s ten times more stubborn when it comes to you. Just that thought is enough to make you slouch against his chest and sigh. “My friend got dumped.”
“Okay but what’s that gotta do with us?”
“Let me finish,” you slap him lightly on the shoulder, gaining a grin from him. “Anyways, she got dumped because her boyfriend wanted a mature woman. Now before you make fun of me, a lot of couples have been breaking up so I got scared okay? I know I don’t act that mature with you so I was worried you might…” you don’t finish the last part and instead avert your eyes from his pink hues. 
“Oh that’s all? That’s a shitty reason.”
“Are you calling my feelings shitty, Ryusei?”
“Not your feelings pretty thing. Breaking up over that reason is shitty. At least for me. I think you’re cute how you are now,” he shrugged, patting your face with a grin. 
You still don’t believe him completely, frowning as you turned to look at him. “But…”
He huffs and leans back. “Babe I literally took you on a crawfish date and still fucked you afterwards–”
“Ryu! Oh my god,” you covered your face in your hands. “You’re gross!”
“Yeah but you like it,” he laughs. “Okay, point is, don’t worry your pretty head over shit like that. I don’t act that mature around you either.”
“Well that’s because you’re just weird.”
“You’re just as weird for liking me,” he snickers. “That’s all you wanted to say right? It’s cute that you went out of your way to act like this for your mean boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes as he began to squeeze your cheek. “Please shut up and just hold me.”
“Anything for my girl,” he chuckles, bringing your head closer to his shoulder. Shidou always had the warmest body temperature that you couldn’t help but appreciate. Closing your eyes, you choose to relax against his hold and breathe in the smell of his laundry and shampoo. 
And that peace is shattered the moment you hear the sound of a slap and a sting on your ass. Your eye twitches once again. “Ryusei. Why do you always ruin the mood?”
“Babe it was right in front of me! I was resisting the urge for over an hour now!”
You pinch the space in between in your eyes and sigh for the nth time today. Thinking about it now, you two really were a perfect match for one another.
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Seiyuu Birthday: Riddle's Hanae Natsuki
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Happy birthday to Riddle’s voice actor Hanae Natsuki!
Hanae is having a busy year with roles in over 20 different projects such as:
・9S in this year’s Nier: Automata Ver1.1a anime ・Shen in Undead Unluck ・Natsume Ryu in Paradox Live THE ANIMATION ・Tsuzuki Jun in Opus.COLORs (with Leona’s VA Umehara, Floyd’s VA Okamoto, Silver’s VA Shimazaki and Trey’s VA Suzuki) ・Sasaki Eita in My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 (with Idia’s VA Uchiyama) ・Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King ・Gremmy Thoumeaux in Final arc BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War (with Grim’s Sugiyama) ・Kashima Ryuuto in “You Were Experienced, I Was Not: Our Dating Story" ・Mashle (With Deuce’s VA Kobayashi and Leona’s VA Umehara) ・Summer Time Rendering: Another Horizon
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“Stray Tabby,” Kokonoi Hajime’s character song from Tokyo Revengers, sung by Hanae Natsuki
A short, behind-the-scenes video of Hanae’s first time appearing in a TV commercial
Hanae has also recently been on a world-tour promotion for Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (he is the voice of main protagonist Tanjiro)
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Hanae is very active on his YouTube channel where he does video game play throughs (mostly horror these days), often with other voice actors as guests.
Here is an older video where he plays Uno with voice actors Ono Kensho and Eguchi Takuya
More here:
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Tsuji x reader fluff
a/n: Hii! I couldnt find any Tsuji or Shibaman fics so i decided to write one xçdömxöe I really love them and their precious actors Takahide and Ryu :') my big babes 😭💕💕 I hope you like it :')♥️
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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"Tsuji! Shibaman!"
Tsuji and Shiba got up from the bench they were sitting on and looked at who was calling them.When a few Oya boys came by dragging a young girl by her arm, they both looked at the people who had entered in shock.
"What's going on Yamada-kun? Who is this girl?"
When the boy next to Yamada handed the notebook to Shiba and Yamada answered the question.
"This girl was watching the garden from outside the school. And she was drawing in a notebook."
When Tsuji and Shiba looked at the girl in surprise, the young girl lifted her head for a moment and looked at Tsuji.
Then she averted her eyes and lowered her head again.
"Probably, one of the other schools sent her.She was spying on you. She must be a spy.Oi, you! Speak up!"
Tsuji shouted when Yamada pushed the young girl.
"Oi! Don't be so harsh."
Tsuji approached and stood in front of the young girl and studied her for a few seconds.The young girl looked rather frail, like a normal high school student.He didn't think any school had sent her.
"Are you allright ?"
When the young girl didn't say anything, Tsuji wanted to ask again.But before he could ask, Shiba called out.
"Oi Tsuji, you need to see this."
When Shiba showed the drawing on the notebook in his hand, Tsuji looked at the picture in surprise. The drawing on the paper looked just like him.Everything was the same, even the hair.The young girl felt compelled to say something when she saw the boy's was starring at the picture and his confused expression.
"I'm not a spy. No one sent me, I swear."
Tsuji closed the notebook with the frightened voice of the young girl and looked at her.
"I just like to draw things that I find interesting. Your hair was beautiful and I wanted to draw."
"Then why were you drawing the school?"
When Yamada shouted at the young girl again, Tsuji stopped him.
"Enough! Cut the bullshit! Oya looks pretty strange from the outside, I don't think she's a spy."
He handed the notebook to the young girl and smiled.
"And you shouldn't draw people you don't know. This is a dangerous neighborhood, not everyone can be as polite as I am."
Y/n quickly nodded and apologized. Tsuji nodded and smiled.
"You can go... and... also be careful."
Y/n nodded her head and hurried out of the school, Yamada and the people around them protested. Shiba yelled and silenced them again.
"Stop the bullshit, leave before Todoroki hear about your stupidity."
As Yamada and the others left, Tsuji was thinking about the young girl and the picture she had drawn. It was quite a strange moment. It was also very interesting that she was brave enough to get so close to Oya.Probably she was new around here...
While Y/n was walking home in the evening, she slowed her steps with the shouts coming from the street. But when she turned her head in that direction, succumbing to her curiosity, she was in shock with the person she saw.
She had faced many incidents in the Sword area that she had moved to a few months ago. She had become accustomed to living alone while her family did their parenting duties just by sending money. She was happy with her small apartment and pictures.
Y/n liked to live things in the moment. She never knew what tomorrow would bring her. Just like she didn't know that the strange-haired boy she had seen a short while ago would change her life.
The first time she saw him, he was buying a coke from the market.The second time she saw him, they were on the same bus.When she saw this boy at Oya High School, she secretly wanted to draw his picture, but it didn't turn out well...
Now, the boy she saw while walking home surprised her again. Because he was fighting alone with a large group.
Y/n could guess that he was strong but they were outnumbered so she felt she had to do something.
Thinking of what to do, when she saw that someone hit him hard on the head with a pipe, knocking him to the ground and kicking him, she acted without thinking and shouted.
"Oi! I called the police! They'll be here soon!"
While they were all looking at each other, they couldn't risk getting caught by the police and fled away. Y/n couldn't believe her plan had worked, but when she saw the young boy leaning against the wall and coughing, she quickly ran to his side.
"Hey! Are you okay?"
Tsuji clutched his stomach and opened his eyes that he closed in pain, looking at the young girl who was looking at him with concern. He recognized her even in this dark street. Confused, trying to understand whether it was a dream or reality, he realized that the young girl was really there with the water she was holding out.
Y/n helped him to slowly drink the water, then put the bottle in her bag, and hissed when she saw the blood dripping from the young boy's head.
"We need to go to the hospital. Stay awake okay?"
Tsuji slowly reached out and took the young girl's hand that was holding her phone and made her look at him.
"I can't go to the hospital. My mom shouldn't find out about it. Besides, dont worry, I'm okay."
"What the hell are you doing? Do you even know how you look?"
Tsuji nodded and smiled
"It's okay, I'm fine. I'd better go before the police come."
"I didn't call the police, I just lied to make them go."
Tsuji stared in surprise for a few seconds.Then he chuckled and stood up with support from the wall. The young girl stood up with him in worry.
"Where is your house? I'll help you."
Tsuji smiled and shook his head.
"I can't go home either."
"Huh? Will you stay on the streets?"
Tsuji straightened his jacket and brushed off the dust. He shrugged and smiled.
"I'll probably sleep at school tonight.Thank you, you put yourself in danger for me."
Y/n quickly nodded
"You're injured and it's cold. Let's go to my place."
Looking at the boy who is in surprise, y/n got under the young boy's arm and supported him.
"You can put your weight on me"
"I'm twice your size. I'm pretty heavy too."
Y/n laughed and replied
"I'm not as weak as I look, don't worry."
Tsuji smiled and let the young girl support him. Of course, he didn't put his weight on her...
After about 10 minutes of walking, y/n opened the door of the apartment and they went inside together. The young girl let Tsuji sit on the couch slowly, then ran to the bathroom and came back with a small first aid kit in her hand.
Tsuji was still puzzled. He didn't even know why this girl was helping him. But something inside him told him that he could trust her.
The young girl was very kind and sweet.  She was obviously a nice and harmless person. He would also prefer this warm house over the dark school classrooms...
"You can lie down. I'll make a soup for you after I clean your wounds, okay?
Tsuji slowly nodded and laid his head on the pillow. It hurts but tried not to show it.And Y/n sat next to him on the sofa.
He watched y/n's worried face as the young girl gently cleaned his wounds with alcohol swab.
She was a beautiful girl. She was naturally beautiful.She was wearing a loose-fitting black T-shirt and jeans. Even though she had a simple style, she looked very good to Tsuji's eyes.
"By the way I'm y/n" said y/n
Tsuji smiled and replied.
Y/n nodded her head and continued with her work. The young boy watched her silently for a few minutes, while y/n threw the cotton in her hand aside and put band-aids on the wounds.  After patching the wound on his head, she got up from the sofa with a smile.
"I'll make you a hot soup now. You can rest. If you need anything, just call."
Tsuji muttered a small thank you and smiled. As Y/n stepped into the kitchen, he closed his eyes and began to think.
When Y/n turned off the stove and went back to the living room, she saw that Tsuji fell asleep. She took the blanket on the other sofa and covered him, and studied his face for a few seconds. 
He had interesting and nice hair with colorful dreadlocks and a cute face. Smiling, she sat in the opposite sofa and took the sketchbook on the table in her lap. He was quite innocent and cute while he was sleeping, so she wanted to draw it.
After drawing the young boy for a while and coloring his hair, she went to her room to change.
When Tsuji opened his eyes after a while and saw that y/n was not around, he slowly stood up. His body ached a little, but he needed to pee...
He noticed the sketchbook on the sofa as he looked around. The cover was open, so he bent down slowly to look at the open page and was surprised to see his own picture again.
After looking at the picture for a while, he smiled. It was a really beautiful drawing. That's why he couldn't even be mad at the young girl...
After a while, he remembered why he had gotten up from the sofa and went to the corridor. Seeing the light and the room with the door slightly open, he went there. Although he was a little embarrassed to see the young girl wearing her shirt inside through the doorway, he knocked on the door and made the young girl turn to him.
"Can I use the bathroom?"
Y/n smiled and nodded and picked up the loose t-shirt from the bed. She walked over to Tsuji and handed it to him.
"Your shirt has bloodstains on it, it's one of my dad's shirts. You can wear it."
Tsuji nodded and muttered a small thank you, then entered the bathroom the young girl pointed to. After he finished, he changed his shirt and put it aside. After washing his hands and face, he looked at his face in the mirror for a while and rolled his eyes. He would definitely find those who did this to him.
After Tsuji came out of the bathroom, he thoughtfully went back to the living room. Seeing the young girl sitting on the sofa and a bowl of soup on the coffee table, he smiled and sat back in the sofa again.
"Really...thank you. I owe you."
Y/n laughed and replied
"I hope you like my soup. Besides, you didn't owe me...remember you helped me too."
Tsuji put the spoon on the table and looked up at the young girl. She had a sweet expression on her face. What she said was sincere.
"That day... I apologize on their behalf... I can't say that Oya students are very polite."
Y/n laughed and nodded
"Eventually, I was able to convince you all that I wasn't a spy."
Tsuji let out a small laugh and her smile widened when y/n heard how beautiful his laugh was.
"You draw really well."  Y/n looked there as Tsuji pointed his head at the notebook.
"Oh... thank you. I think I draw the things pretty well what I like."
Tsuji nodded his head and looked at the young girl again with a question in his mind.
"The things you like?"
When Y/n realized what she was saying, she wanted to say something in a panic, but she couldn't.Tsuji found her worried expression cute.  He chuckled again
"Does that mean you like me?"
Y/n first averted her eyes and then shook her head with a laugh
"Will you believe me if I lie?"
Tsuji laughed
"I can pretend."
Y/n smiled and nodded
"Okay then... no, I don't like you."
At what the young girl said with a smile, Tsuji smiled and drank another spoonful of his soup.
"I am glad to hear that."
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 months
nct - yuta, mark, ten, rennie, jisung, xiaojun, johnny, taeyong, hendery
monsta-x - hyungwon, chankyun
bts - suga, jungkook, taehyung, jin
pentagon - wooseok, yuta, shinwon
nu'est - ren
b1a4 - cnu
cnblue - jungshin
n.flying - jaehyun, chahun, dongsung, seunghyub
onlyoneof - junji, kb, yoojung
2pm - taecyeon, nickhun
got7 - jb, mark
lunafly - teo
shinee - key, taemin, onew, minho
winner - seunghoon, taehyun, jinwoo
ikon - bobby, donghyuk
dbsk - jaejoong, changmin, yoochun, junsu, yunho
exo - chanyeol, kris, tao, luhan, xiumin, lay, kai
infinite - dongwoo, sungyeol, sungjong
u-kiss - kevin, dongho, kiseop
dalmation - donglim
m.i.b - kangnam
mblaq - lee joon, mir
boyfriend - the jo twins
ss501 - kim hyun joong
ftisland - hongki, jaejin
uniq - yibo, seungyoun/woodz
b.a.p - yongguk, jongup
txt - beomgyu, huehue, yeonjun
seventeen - jun, jeonghan, the8, mingyu, vernon, woozi, joshua
beatwin - sunhyeok, yoonhoo
sf9 - hwiyoung, zuho, rowoon
lucente - parkha, z.hoo
a.c.e - donghun, jun, sehyoon
vixx - leo, hongbin, ken
teen top - niel, minsoo
knk - youjin
victon - seungwoo, hanse
1team- bc
omega x - xen
k.a.r.d - j.seph
stray kids - hyunjin, jisung, felix, i.n
day6 - youngk
super junior - leeteuk, eunhyuk, heechul, donghae
imfact - jian, lee sang, ungjae
block b - jaehyo, p.o, park kyung, zico
newkidd - hwi
cross gene - takuya
ateez - hongjoong, yeosang, seonghwa, mingi, wooyoung
big bang - gd
bonus: kim jae wook
bonus: kim woo bin
bonus: park bo gum
bonus: park hyo shin
myname - gunwoo, junq
m.pire - haru
topp dogg - atom, xero, sangdo, bjoo
14u - loudi
2z - hojin, jisub, bumjun, junghyun, zunon
alphabat - gamma
n.tic - jion
dkb - yuku, heechan, harry june
vav - ace
target - boun, oojin, g.i
wei - yoo yongha
kingdom - ivan, mujin
to1 - chanhyuk, donggeon
mcnd - win, huijin
ghost9 - shin, prince
e'last - romin, rano, wonhyuk, baekyuel, yejun
blitzers - chris, go_u
nik - parkha
megamax - iden, jaehun, jini
argon - kain
epex - baekseung, mu
b.i.g - heedo
mirae - lien
xdinary heroes - gaon, jooyeon, junhan, o.de
oneus - xion, leedo
onewe - cya, dongmyeong
cravity - minhee, serim
xeed - jaemin
bz boys - seunghyun
xodiac - beomsoo
the rampage - hokuto, kaisei, itsuki, takahide, ryu, riku, yamamoto
psychic fever - jimmy, weesa
ballistik boys - matsui, sunada
j soul brothers - hiroomi
fantastics - keita, yusei yagi
atlas - erwin, nice, muon
travis japan - noel, genta, umi
zero base 1 - ricky, jiwoong
7 men samurai - konpi, bana-san, rinne
treasure - haruto, junghwan, hyunsuk, jaehyuk
bang yedam
jo1 - shosei, kinjo
snow man - hikaru, fuka, daisuke, raul, date-sama, koji, ren
boys republic - sunwoo
kim woojin
justb - geonu
the rose - woosung, dojoon
fistbump - hyunwoo
sema - sema
ini - rihito, jun
bonus: maeda gouki
bonus: jun shison
ryuji sato
bonus: shuntaro yanagi
bonus: masataka kubota
bonus: kanta sato
bonus: akhisa shiono
bonus: yuki yamada
riize - wonbin
great guys - dongin
cix - bae jiyoung
4mix - ninja, folksong, george
xy - gai, p star, furutatsu, kanji, jay, karma, kairi, kyohey
gazette - aoi, kai, uruha, ruki, reita
highlight - dongwoon
buck-tick - atsushi, hyde, yuta, imai
t1419 - gunwoo, leo, sian
btob - minhyuk
click b -minhyuk
younite - dey, eunho
orbit - ooon, youndong
d-crunch - minhyuk, jungseung, dylan
unvs - eunho
enhypen - sunghoon, jake
hihi jets - syoya igari
dir en grey - toshiya
sug - takeru
golden bomber - kenji, yutaka, jun
bonus: kento yamazaki
bonus: dori sakurada
bonus: takumi saitoh
arashi - matsumoto jun, oguri shun
bonus: haruma miura
bonus: go ayano
bonus: hu xiaoling
bonus: mizushima hiro
kat-tun - jin akanishi
itagaki mizuki
8turn - myungho
wataru vasayegh
onf - j-us
p1harmony - intak, theo, soul, jongseob
bonus: zhang shuai bo
bonus: song jae rim
bonus: takenouchi yutaka
bonus: paing takhon
bonus: ryu jun yeol
bonus: hu yetao
wang lin kai
wow - daro yoon
jeff satur
the7 - woochul
mont - roda, narachan
xenex - uhyeong
dios - hyun
n.ssign - doha
trendz - havit
lun8 - chael
82major - seongil
hoppipolla - jeonghun
@witchy-weve-monbebe ok I wasn’t going to post it cause I know there’s more but this is all I have so far. I have no idea what to do with the list I wanted a visual guide lol but idk what to do with it hehe I have pics from Pinterest I can use but yeah idk
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madcowhead · 1 year
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young stray dog
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parasiticjustice · 1 year
[RGG Online Translation] Character Story · Teru Yamada (OC)
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Summary: Ichiban is suddenly attacked by a girl who seeks vengeance for her dojo, and has mistaken him for a member of the Omi Alliance. Featured Characters: Ichiban Kasuga (RGGO version), Teru Yamada (OC) Spoilers?: Nope!
On this episode, himbo meets herbo.
Yamada is one of the original characters who came at launch, and has enjoyed her fair share of cards and events - she even got another story with her seasonal alt. She’s also notable for being a female character who’s an Attack Type, which was basically non-existent in the first year or so of the game (and is still pretty uncommon now). Since this is a launch story, it’s pretty simple and short, but I like her spunk!
Usual Disclaimer: I'm coming at this with little more than crude Japanese knowledge, a machine translation cocktail, and an insatiable desire for more RGG content. This will by no means be a decent translation, but it should at least be serviceable.
This is RGGO Ichiban, which means this story is set in 2018 when he’s fighting against the Omi in Kamurocho instead of getting hustled over to Yokohama like in Y7.
------------------ CHAPTER #1 ------------------
Scene #1: Kamurocho · East Shichifuku Street
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Ichiban: [scratches head] Phew, I’m getting sleepy... Time to head home...
???: Let’s gooooo!
[a girl tries to kick Ichiban, he dodges out her way]
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Ichiban: [yelling] Whoa?! What are you doing, kicking me all of a sudden? Who the hell are you?!
???: [yelling] This is revenge for my teacher! Prepare yourself!!
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] Teacher? What are you talking about?
Yamada: I’m here to settle the grudge that destroyed our dojo! You’re up against Teru Yamada, assistant instructor for the Kamuro Dojo! No more questions, ya-ah!
[she attacks him again]
Ichiban: [yelling] I told you to wait!
Yamada: Hah, hah... what’s wrong with you? Come at me like you mean it!
Ichiban: I’m not gonna fight with a girl. And what’s this about a dojo and a teacher?
Yamada: You’re from the Omi Alliance! You’re the ones who ruined my precious dojo...
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] Omi? No, I’m...
Yamada: [clenches fists] Be quiet!!
Omi Yakuza: Oi! Kasugaaa!
Ichiban: [yelling] Tch! Hey! They found us cause you were making a fuss!
Yamada: [surprised] Huh? They’re also from Omi...?!
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Omi Yakuza: Die! Kasugaaaa!
Omi Yakuza: S-Shit! We’re outta here!
[they run off]
Ichiban: Heh, and don’t come back!
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Yamada: ...Hey, why is an Omi guy fighting other Omi guys...
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] I told you, I’m not from Omi.
Yamada: [frown] ...I won’t believe it. Teacher, I’ll definitely avenge you. Just you wait and see!
[she runs off]
Ichiban: What was with that girl... “Just you wait and see”? Does that mean she’ll be back? This is gonna be a hassle...
------------------ CHAPTER #2 ------------------
Scene #2: Kamurocho · Public Park 3
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Ichiban: [smoking] Ugh, it’s cold today... I should head home quick... Hm?
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Yamada: [yelling] Yaah! Hwah!
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] That’s... the girl who fought me the other day, isn’t it?
Yamada: Hwah! Hoh!! Yaaah!!!
Ichiban: (...She’s young, but she’s got some sharp moves. She must be training seriously.)
Yamada: Hah... hah... damn it, I can’t get the dojo back like this...! Hwah! Yah!
Ichiban: ...
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Omi Yakuza: There you are, Kasuga!
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] Ah?
Yamada: [surprised] Hm...? Oh, it’s the marimo head from before...!
Ichiban: Ah, shit, I’ve been found.
Omi Yakuza: Get him!!
Omi Yakuza: Ugh...
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Yamada: You... are you really not with the Omi?
Ichiban: That’s what I said. How did you get “yakuza” from such a good-natured guy like me?
Yamada: [frown] No matter how you look at it, you’re yakuza... Still, I’m sorry.
Ichiban: [neutral] Well, at least you understand now. You said something about your dojo being destroyed?
Yamada: Yeah... last year, the Omi started this ridiculous land grab. Our dojo was evicted in no time, and now there’s a new building in its place. But I won’t give up. I’ll drive those bastards out of town and take back the dojo!
Ichiban: Even if you want to take it back, the land’s already been given up, right? If there’s nothing left of the dojo, what exactly are you gonna do?
Yamada: [yelling] That’s... I’ll think about it after I get rid of them!
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] Good plan.
Yamada: S-Shut up! I said I’ll think about it! I’m leaving now, goodbye!
Ichiban: ...She’s a dangerous young lady.
------------------ CHAPTER #3 ------------------
Scene #3: Kamurocho · Shichifuku Parking Lot
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Ichiban: The shops around here have changed a lot...
???: Dammit! Let go!
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] Hm? That voice just now...
[he moves over to the Parking Lot]
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Omi Yakuza: You wanna take back your dojo, eh? You’re a feisty little girl.
Yamada: [yelling] I won’t forgive you guys...! Our dojo... our teacher...!
Omi Yakuza: Ohh, scary. I feel for you, but it was a bad idea to pick a fight with us. Doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a kid, you don’t go against the Omi. I’ll make you see why...
Yamada: [frown] Kuh...!
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Ichiban: Hey, you look like you’re in a pinch.
Omi Yakuza: Huh...? Kasuga...?!
Yamada: [surprised] Why are you here...?
Ichiban: [smile] I heard someone crying and shouting “Help me!”, so I had no choice but to come and lend a hand.
Yamada: [frown] Hey, I’m not crying...!
Ichiban: [raises fists] Well, anyway, I’ve come to get you out of here. And I’ll knock these guys on their ass while I’m at it.
Omi Yakuza: You think you’re funny... Kill the both of them!
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Ichiban: Hey, you all right?
Yamada: I-I’m fine...
Ichiban: You’ve got some pretty good moves.
Yamada: ...You don’t need to flatter me. I get it now. It’s impossible for me to take down the Omi on my own...
Ichiban: So you’re just gonna give up?
Yamada: [yelling] No way! If I train more and get even stronger...!
Ichiban: You still won’t be able to face them alone, you know.
Yamada: Then what should I do?!
Ichiban: Why don’t you rely on the people around you? Like me.
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Yamada: [surprised] Eh...?
Ichiban: [smile] Just recently I went through the pain of running off on my own. I thought I’d lost all my family and friends, but I was wrong. It’s nice to have someone you can depend on.
Yamada: [frown] ...
Ichiban: Besides, I was planning to drive out the Omi too, so it works out. What do you think?
Yamada: [surprised] You're also trying to...?
Ichiban: Yup.
Yamada: [smile] ...Alright. I’ll recognize your skills and become your friend! You should be grateful! I, Teru Yamada, assistant instructor to the Kamuro Dojo, will be your comrade!
Ichiban: [smile] Hehehe, I’m counting on you. Even if you were crying earlier.
Yamada: [yelling] I wasn’t crying!
Ichiban: [raises eyebrow] Ow! H-Hey! Don’t kick me! Agh!
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Yamada: [smile] Be quiet! From now on, let’s do our best!
Ichiban: Ouch! Don’t kick me! Let’s do our best!!
------END------ ------------------
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