wilimia · 8 months
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It just doesn't get any more self indulgent than this I swear
The height difference is very important
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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finngualart · 5 months
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since my last sketch the weather turned and we've had a lot of hail and thunder storms and i was compelled to draw... him :^)
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fresasparaelrey · 25 days
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Alla pjöller om Miku....
Därför så ger jag er.... Västerbotten Miku...
(Ref if you want to see the actual dress.)
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omrarchive · 8 months
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jayaii · 9 months
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Small comic
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isbergillustration · 8 months
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Suicidal Ideation Sunday (advance)
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the-government-man · 3 months
svenskfinska bögar födda efter 2000 vet bara om hesburger, skämmas över att inte kunna sitt modersmål, ladda ner duolingo för tredjelfte gången, vara homosexuella, käka leipäjuustoa och ljuga
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raynepigeon · 4 months
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heeeellllpppppp they're doing gay things again!
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moog-enthusiast · 11 months
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toki sappy drunk lol
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nordic-italian-german · 6 months
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Ahhh Nordics merch! 😍
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omarera · 10 months
Så mycket bättre song nr 2. Höj ditt glas (Fanfar)
The song will be on Spotify on Saturday at 10 pm.
It’s a fanfare to people who suffer from mental illness and Omar says that we should talk more about mental health issues. He also says he and friends have had periods of illness. 💜💜💜
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När ska svenska folket fatta att vi ju för fan inte kan skicka norrmän till Eurovision?
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zzzora · 1 year
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@svenskjavel såg en ask du fick om en Mamma mu och Kråkan/Pettsson och Findus crossover, kunde inte sluta tänka på det, sååå eh, fixade detta lol
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httpiastri · 5 months
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are we not FREAKING OUT rn??????
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omrarchive · 8 months
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