#mamma mu
zzzora · 19 days
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Blandade existensiella memes med Mamma Mu och Kråkan samt Pettson och Findus.
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cloversnout · 3 months
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Mamma muuuu doodle
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
mamma mia and legally blonde the musical r in the exact same category but i have no idea what the category is
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bovineblogger · 6 months
I'd like to show you Mamma Mu & Kråkan (Mama Moo & The Crow)! Mamma Muu is a lovely little swedish cow who likes to do stuff cows usually don't do and does most of it with the help of the friend Kråkan.
They have several kinds of books and a few movies, thought I haven't seen any of 'em. The movies only came recently-ish.
I used to have a plushie of her when I was little, I still have it somewhere but it's in a box I can't get to right now.
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rosiestalez · 21 days
Taking a Gambit
WC: 3,400
Gambit (Remy LeBeau) x afab!mixed!reader
Summary: on a girls trip turned spending time with Remy after a bad breakup, you find yourself making a decision that will change the rest of your vacation and maybe even your life
Warnings: 18+, mentions of cheating, bullying, childhood trauma doesn’t go into detail, a little bit of smut, alcohol, not my gif, bad French, a girl from Georgia trying to write a deep southern & Cajun accent
Happy reading!
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It’s so humid out, you got the wonderful idea to straighten your hair for your girl’s trip to New Orleans, huge mistake. As soon as you stepped off the plane the humidity hit you like a wrecking ball, you’re from Georgia so you know that humidity could be bad, but you never knew it could be this bad. Your makeup is sliding off your face, your once silk pressed hair is attempting to retreat back to its normal curl pattern.
You and your girls pile into an extremely over priced Uber that arrives to an equally over priced ARBNB near the French Quarter. “How much did you spend on this Beebee?”, you ask tipping your sunglasses down. You put your hair in a bun a little bit ago ‘out of sight, out of mind’.
“I dunno, it’s was like $80 a night!”, she remarks, “but that’s okay, the man covered it all!”, you all giggle and grab our luggage from the car.
When y’all walk in there’s a wonderful smell of food. You drop your luggage and make your way to the kitchen. When you walk in you see a man, you jump back, you’re a tad frightened not expecting someone cooking in the kitchen. You knock over the broom behind you, the man turns away from the stew on the stove top and turns to you.
“Hello?”, the man has an extremely thick Cajun accent, and not to mention his crop top.
“Uh hi? What are you doing in our house?”, I tilt my head to the side
“Your house? Last time I checked my name was on the deed, ma chérie”, okay not Cajun , maybe French you think to yourself.
“Hey gi-“, one of your friends walked in to the kitchen a smile beaming on her face when she sees the handsome man standing in the kitchen. “Hey, I’m Briana, and I see that you’ve met y/n”, she sticks out her hand to him. He waltz over kissing her hand.
“Bonjour Belle”, you roll your eyes at his charm targeted to your taken friend.
“She’s married”, you point to her flashy diamond ring on her finger.
“Okay, and I’m Remy!, he introduces himself with a dramatic bow.
“Wow”, you huff, “what are you cooking?”, you walk over to the stove.
“I’m making GUMBO!”, he answers, flailing his arms outwards, his crop top lifting up slightly exposing the rest of his ripped torso, “would you masdames like some, there’s plenty t’go around. Judgin by the luggage in the living room y’all mus be starvin.”
“That would be perfect Remmy”, Beebee beams walking over to a cupboard pulling out four bowls. “Riley, Cora, there’s food!”, she yells. Two more girls shuffle into the kitchen stunned by the man serving up Gumbo and rice.
After dinner you’re practically falling asleep at the table while Remy chats up your friends, all of them are blushing and giggling like elementary school girls talking to the life guards in their Justice mermaid swimsuits. “Guys I’m gonna go ahead and unpack, and get ready to go out. Take your time though. Thank you for dinner Remy”, you stand up placing your bowl and spoon into the sink. You hear another chair scrape the floor.
“Lemme help you mon amour”, he smiles at you. You nod and he follows behind you picking up your luggage. He takes it up stairs to the biggest room, “this my room”, he remarks.
“Cool, when are you leaving the house, this is really unprofessional?”
“I’m leavin t’night, I just wan to make sure there s’food b’fore I left. Mamma always told me to feed the guests.”
“How cute, so all of this is yours?”, you ask and put your purse on the bed, “I hope you washed the sheets, you look like a player.”
“I worked hard, and they’re clean Remy got more respect for women than that, doll.” He gives you a tour of the room and you follow him, it is huge and the bathroom is insane.
“Wow.”, you are stunned, “do you think my friends would be mad if I stay in tonight, your food is on the verge of putting me into a comma”, you plop yourself onto the bed laying back and sighing.
“No, I don’t think they will”, he grabs some extra pillows for the other rooms, “lemme walk these to the other rooms and I’ll be right back.”
“Okay”, you sigh and roll over to your side, your eyes drift close and like that you’re out.
Remy walks back in and lets out an obnoxious sigh, but realizes you’re asleep, and he quietly tip toes back out after writing a note and slipping it onto the night stand before leaving to a hotel.
You wake up to your phone buzzing beside you nonstop:
Cold & Suffering😀🙄:
B- “where is y/n?”
Coracola- “she went up stairs w/ Remy and never came back down😏”
B- “omg😭”
*Rizzles laughed at a message*
Coracola-“I did see Remy leave so maybe he laid it and dipped 🤷‍♀️”
B-“Doubt that, she’s still hung up on Miles!”
Rizzles- “okay, but having rebound sex with the man who cooked dinner for you is very ✨demure✨”
You roll your eyes at the messages before replying:
Me-“we didn’t have sex, I fell asleep”
B- “oh she lives!”
*Rizzles thumbs down a message*
You turn your phone off throwing it across the bed. You roll over and look up at the ceiling before standing up, the note catches your eye.
‘You looked extremely peaceful and I didn’t want to wake you. You’re very beautiful btw! I am leaving now and I wanted to say enjoy your stay. Here’s my number if you need anything, or want anything…if you know what I mean. (765)432-1010.’
You make your way back down stairs to see your friends all dressed up on the couch waiting to go out for the night. They all turn to look at you, “why aren’t you ready?”, Beebee questions.
“I’m not going out, I’ll go out with yall tomorrow, I’m not feehling to good the flight drained me”, you respond.
“Ugh”, they moan in unison.
“Okay we’ll call us if you need anything please?”, Cora states as they pile out the door to the Uber.
You walk back up to the room, and undress, you unpack your toiletries and begin wiping off your makeup from the day. You get the bright idea to text Remy, while in the process of unwinding. You talked for a while about how happy you were to leave your lame ass city in Georgia and visit a historic city. He threw in some French and unfortunately, you swooned. Your phone starts to ring, it is a FaceTime from “LeBeau (NOLA)”, you answer reluctantly. You see a big smile beaming across his face.
“Bonjour, belle”, his French accent shining through, “oh by the way I have a liquor cabinet help yourself”, he adds.
“Oh, I don’t drink much”, you respond.
“Fair nough ”, he nods.
You reposition yourself to lay on your stomach propping your head up with one of the pillows.
“Are you enjoying?”, he asks smiling.
“Yes I am, I decided to stay in, not feeling good”, your face softens to sorrow.
“What’s wrong ma chérie?”, his voice fills with concern.
“No tell Remy, something is bothering you. You’re to pretty to be bothered by something”, He raises his concern again.
“No, it’s pretty irritating and it’ll go away, that’s why I’m here to get away for this weekend.”
“So why are you staying in if it’s gon go away?”, he asks once again. You roll your eyes at his persistence, “Remy gives very good advice, but shit you don’t gotta tell me. I’ll just find out f’myself soon.”
“Fine”, you sigh, and inhale a deep breath before sitting up and propping the phone up on the lamp on the night stand. “It’s my ex”, you pause, twiddling your thumbs, “he keeps sending me sex videos of the girl he cheated on me with and saying really fucked up things about me.”
Remy has a stunned look on his face, jaw practically touching the floor. “What the fuck?”, his Cajun accent more pronounced. His bright red eyes fill with anger. “Thas fucked up, that jus don’t make no sense, why?”
“Like I would know, I don’t even know why he cheated on me in the first place. I did nothing to him.”
“No s‘not your fault cher, some people are jus filled wit evil”, he responds. “How long were yall together?”, he tilts his head to the side like a puppy waiting for a treat.
“One year”, you follow, “we broke up two weeks ago.”
“Woah, s’insane he would do a beautiful masdame like that”, he follows this, “d’ya know tha girl?”
“Yeah”, your eyes sink lower, “Riley.”
“Ya amie?”, he asks
“Your friend”, he translates the French
“Yes”, you remark, “that’s why I don’t want to go out.”
“You got that right”, he adds, “get him back.”
Your eyes widened stunned by his ‘good advice’, “what?”, eyes widen.
“Ya heard me, get em back”, he beams, eyes lighting up again.
“Why would I do that?”
“You a very beautiful woman, I assume he ain’t, get em back wit a good lookin man.”
“Remy”, you sigh, “I don’t want to do that, I don’t just have sex to get revenge.”
“Fair”, his tone direct.
“Yep, so that’s why I’m not going out tonight”, you roll your eyes grabbing your phone and laying back down on the bed. “Where are you?”
“Hotel!”, he flips his camera around to show off the sorry room that he’s in.
“Yikes”, you chuckle out your nose. “Come back here, we can party”, you smile. You surprisingly enjoy his presence, he’s a little cocky, but he makes you smile.
“Ha, d’ya play poker?”, he asks.
“I can play 21”, you smile.
“Close nough, imma be there soon.” He hangs up the phone, and you change into some more presentable clothes, but yet still comfortable. You take it upon yourself to borrow one of his purple sweatshirts because you weren’t expecting his house to be freezes cold. You make your way down the stairs and into the kitchen searching for something to munch on, you smile when you see a snack cabinet specifically for guests and renters. You nestle yourself into the plush vintage couch that matches the aesthetic of the French quarter.
You flip through a couple channels on the tv before landing on the Animal Planet because reruns of your favorite childhood tv show ‘Dirty Jobs’ was currently on. You’re hair fully curled back up, because you did rinse out the rest of the silk press earlier, revealing bouncy, but some what frizzy 3c curls. You let out a long sigh when the door knob starts jiggling you jump up making a run to the door grabbing a random baseball bat, when the door opens you swing the bat hitting Remy in the stomach.
“Ooo”, he groans dropping to the floor holding his stomach. You drop the bat cupping your mouth to stifle a giggle. You quickly rush down to his aid still trying not to laugh and planting a look of concern onto your face.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!”, you exclaim.
“S’all good”, he grumbles out, “jus-ow-needa-minute”, he exhales, “good arm you got there.”
“Yeah, I played softball in highschool”, you respond. You help him off the floor closing the door muffling the outside noise and bring him to the couch. “Let me grab some ice!”, you spark.
“That’ll be great cher”, he responds shifting slightly. You return with a bag of ice placing it on his abdomen, he looks up at you and smiles. “Thanks.”
“I’m so sorry, it’s definitely gonna leave bruises, you lift up his shirt to reveal a spot begging to form.
“Well at least I’ll know a beautiful woman gave em to me”, he chuckles. You roll your eyes, still enamored by his body, his voice, his charm. You didn’t understand why it’s only been one day, but you would drop everything to have him around all the time.
“You make me blush”, you say with a slight hint of sarcasm lining your voice, “I don’t think they’ll be back anytime tonight, I bet you around midnight Cora will call and say they found another party”, you sigh.
“you’s ain the party type?”
“Not really.”
“I ain’t either, I like stayin home and watchn a good movie, playin cards”, he responds. He looks down at your hands lightly resting on his torso, “you’re nail s’pretty, I like purple”, he compliments the dark purple color you just did for your trip to NOLA. “You look good in my sweatshirt too”, he adds lightly grabbing the sleeve.
You blush, “thanks”, you remove your hands from his abs swiftly pulling the sleeves of the sweater over your hands.
“Don’t hide mon amor”, he pulls your hand and holds it tightly, rubbing his thumb on your knuckles.
“No it just hit me that I was touching you, I’m sorry”, you chuckle.
“Don’t be Remy don’t mind!”, he exclaims placing your hand back on his belly.
You’re 3 rounds deep in 21, he keeps winning and you keep busting, never trusting your gut. The air is filled with laughter as you both tell funny stories about your childhoods and about current day. “So are you from here?” You ask shuffling the deck to prepare for another round.
“Born n’ raised”, he remarks with a smirk, “are you from Georgia?”
“I am, I was too born and raised, but I didn’t live in Macon my whole life, I moved there when I was a girl, I’m actually from Moody”, you answer. “It’s a smaller subset town of Valdosta!”, you chirp.
“Oh wow”, he responds.
“Yeah, crazy right”, you smirk dealing the cards. You behind the fourth round and as quickly as it started it ended, finally you won a round, “YES!”, you exclaim fist pumping the air!
“You took a gambit cher and it put you in a good spot”, he responds to your win, “I’m bored of this game, do you wan watch a show?”, he asks cleaning up the card and placing them back in their spot inside the coffee table.
“You’re not bored you’re just upset that you lost”, you laugh.
“Damn you’s caught me”, he sarcastically sulks.
“But yes we can watch a show, I’m not picky we can watch anything!”
“Okay, do you like Disney?”, he asks taking a spot quite close to you in the couch. His arm is stretched out behind you, and you subconsciously lean into him without even realizing. You nod at his question and he opens Disney+, “is that your natural hair?”, you nod, “it’s beautiful cher!”
“Thank you”, you blush at this compliment, it’s very rare for a white man to compliment your hair without touching it or comparing it to something else. He puts on a movie.
“This is MY favorite move”, he remarks clicking on ‘Princess and the Frog’ you chuckle, and how adorable this man actually is. The movie starts playing, he gets up to dim the lights and sits back down next to you, he pulls you in a little closer.
About 30 minutes into the movie you receive a text from Cora:
Coracola: “hey found another party, we ain comin home tn don’t wait up!”
Coracola: “have sex with Remy!”
Coracola: “love you N/n!”
Me: “okay be safe, please call me if you need me! I’m not going to have sex with him, love you guys too!”
You close your phone and place it on the coffee table. You hear a light snore beside you and turn to see Remy asleep head rested on the pillow. You smile grabbing the remote and turning off the movie, “not done watching”, he shuffles awake.
“I’m sorry, I am”, you respond.
“Oh”, you could probably hear his heart sadden.
“Yous sleepy?”, he asks, “go on to bed”, he smiles at you. You stand up hands gently cupping his face rubbing your thumb against his stubble. You turn to walk up the stairs, you know he’s looking so you sway your hips with each step you take.
You make it upstairs and you softly close the bedroom door behind you, stripping off all of your clothes except for your underwear and crawl into bed letting the warm blankets embrace you tired body. With that you’re relaxed, your eyes closing as you drift off to sleep.
The smell of breakfast wakes you up from your deep sleep; the smell of fresh coffee, sausage and eggs fill the air. You roll out of bed putting your discarded clothes back on before stumbling down stairs wiping sleep from your eyes. “Bonjour, belle dame”, he remarks when you walk into the kitchen he’s standing over the stove cooking breakfast for you and him and it looks big enough it could also be for your friends when they decide to stumble back in. “I have some grits jus bout done, and French roast coffe brewin, and sausage fryn up”, he points a spatula to different parts of the gigantic kitchen. “You like grits”, your pouring some coffee and putting in your absurd amount of cream and sugar, “woah there doll, you don’t wan no coffee wit ya sugar?”, he mocks.
“I like my coffee sweet.”
“You don’t need it to be sweet you already sweet enough, sugar”, he reverts his gaze back to the sausage in the skillet. You blush taking a sip of your sweet ass coffee.
“Why do you cook so much?” You take a seat at the island setting your blue mug down gently. The windows were propped open the humidity fills the room.
“My momma taught me s’really jus somethn I always did wit momma.”
“Oh I see.”
“Do you cook?”
“Here and there sometimes I just get to busy with work.”
“What ya do f’work?”
“Oh I’m a teacher”, he turns away from the stove eyes widening.
“Yous a teacher?, still filled with shock.
“Yes sir, I teach first grade, sometimes it’s a little rough, but they’re little angels just wanting to grow”, you smile taking another sip of the coffee.
“We-you know, you’re a special woman. Your heart truly is as beautiful as you are”, his red eyes look at you deeply. “Oh well! Everything seems to be done let me make you a bowl, lovely.”
After breakfast Remy encourage you to get ready so he can take you exploring through the city now that it’s daylight and a bit safer. You do your curly girl routine and put on a little waterproof mascara, changing into one of the summer dresses you brought for your trip. You still have yet to hear anything from your friends so you allow Remy to show you around instead.
You walk around the FQ for a bit, snack on some delicious food, and even try some of Remy’s favorite drink, Whiskey Neat, to you it was not neat and you may have even gagged a little. You found yourselves hand in hand at one point while walking around, he says it’s for your protection as he’s just trying to be a gentleman, but you know better than that. “I don’t know if I told ya that you look very beautiful today, Une beauté dans le bayou.”, he compliments.
“Thank you Remy”, you find you and Remy sitting in a cafe that he said he went to all the time as an ‘enfant’.
“Of course cherie”, he responds.
“So are you Cajun or French?”, you finally expose your curiosity to him and he just chuckles.
“Both amor”, he follows, “mostly just a ragin Cajun”, he smiles taking a sip of his beverage.
“That’s pretty cool, so your related to the Canadian French people?”
“Somin like that yeah.”
“That’s interesting”, you smile eager to learn more about this mystery man who seems to care about you more than your friends who you still not have heard from except Beebee who’s keeping you updated here and there.
“I reckon”, he states plainly, “Tell Remy bout you.”
“I’m not as interesting as you are”, you chuckle re adjusting yourself in the seat.
“Try me, gon ahead, doll”, he just smiles.
“Well, I’m mixed, my dad is black mom is white”, memories flood back from your childhood, all the adoption rumors that floated around your school, all the stories your mom told you about how people called you a devil child, and how you were unnatural, all the racism you faced from both sides of the family.
“Hey that’s pretty cool”, he smiles, “why you lookin sad, belle”
“I just had it a bit rough growing up up that’s all”, you drink your water practically chugging in. This has been your go to tactic when you’re anxious, just chug water and hope your nerves calm down.
“Oh”, he pauses and reaches accross the table to grab your hand, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay! When I got to college the bullying stopped!”, you exclaim
“Well thas good cher.”
After a couple minutes your food arrives and both of y’all go to town, you ordered the best burger you’ve had in a while, and Remy got a some crawfish and he went to town on their little heads, you just giggle, he’s absolutely adorable. He pays for both of you not without heavy protest, but he just ignores you saying, ‘this jus what men s’posed to do’.
You two arrive back at his house, and you finally see your friends running around the house like mad women trying to figure out who’s shoes are who’s, and who’s going out clothes belong to who. “Bonjour, mesdames!”, Remy pipes closing the door behind y’all.
The girls stop running around facing the door, “Hey!”, they exclaim together before going back to what they were doing. You and Remy just laugh and make your way back upstairs. Closing the door behind him you both sit down on the bed, just laughing at the women down stairs.
“My friends think we should have sex.”
“What?”, he looks at you Turing sharply. You have to admit he did look completely fuckable in this moment, but you just couldn’t fuck him, you don’t like the idea of having a rebound partner.
“Because of Miles”, you add.
“I mean, Remy wouldn’t mind bein a rebound, but I do get a lil clingy after sex, I will bother you”, he chuckles.
“Yeah, me too, that’s why I don’t want to do rebound sex.”
“Cher, remember how I told him yous should get him back?”
“Do it, you’re only here for a couple more days, so jus gon ahead and get tha ass back”, he adds, “gon and find a man and get him ba-“
Before you could finish his sentence you kiss him, you’ve wanted to do that since he came back to spend time with you last night. He responds to the kiss without hesitation. Your lips match movements. He leans you back on his bed, crawling on top of you deepening the kiss. His free hand travels up to your face holding you tightly with the other. You’ve never experienced a kiss this deep and this passionate ever. He’s filled with passion, it has to be his souther and French roots tied into one. Man is it beautiful, it’s great, until he stops, “doll? yous okay wit this, I’m okay if you okay?”, you nod your head pulling him back down into the kiss. Before anything could happen you hear a knock on the door, you pushed him off you and he hits the floor with a *thud* and an *ow*. You jump of the bed straightening out your clothes before opening it wide enough just for you to only be seen.
“Hey bad time?”, Beebee asks.
“No, yeah, no- you’re good, what’s up?”
“We are leaving again, we found another spot do you wanna come?”
You look behind you at the man still sitting on the floor rubbing his head.
“I’m staying here again, I really don’t want to be around Rylie.”
“Fair, okay well I will see you tomorrow, tell Remy I said hey”, she giggled and makes her way down stairs. You close the door as she leaves letting out a long winded exhale before walking over to Remy and helping him stand up.
“Do you have super strength?”, you look at him confused, “this the second time you’d hurt good ol’ Remy. Startn to wonder if ya dislike me”, you just giggle and rub the back of his head. “What kinda music ya like cher?”, he asks while getting up from the bed and walking over to the record player on the dresser.
“I don’t know Rem, I’m not picky. We can listen to whatever you pick”, he smiles and picks out a Louis Armstrong record. He starts swaying, he grabs your hand and politely forces you to start swaying with him.
“Beautiful belle”, he whispers, his chin rests at the top of your head, “stay with me. We can dance like this forever.”
You giggle softly, “I wish Remy.”
“It’s summer break stay wit me for the rest of summer”, he adds lowly. You let out a content sigh, pondering the idea for a second. He spins you around towards the bed and you take a seat, he walks over to you with a sensual look on his face. You scoot back spreading your legs so he has room to lay you back, pressing his lips against yours with so much passion you could practically melt into liquid form. He kissed down your jaw and neck, he finds a spot under your ear and sucks on it, that will definitely be a hickey; the sensation leaves you breathless and your eyes begin to roll back pushing your hips close to his. He forces your thighs apart more using his thigh, he’s pretty much straddling one of your thighs. You rub against his toned thigh out of instinct searching for release of the tension building on your bud.
“Ma chérie, ralentis”, he whispers in your ear. You whine, the accent is way more thick than it has been. You don’t know what he’s saying, but you can only assume it’s about your movements. “Oh don’t whine belle, that makes me go s’crazy”, he smirks. “Can Remy take off your dress cher?”, you nod. He pulls off the yellow dress revealing you in nothing, but a lacy purple thong. Your tits are perky, and your nipples have turned into mounds at the feeling of the cold air. He smiles like a goofy kid, “Remy likes that purple, s’bad gotta go”, you smile with him, looking up at his red eyes.
“Remy?”, he looks at you.
“Yes ma cher?”
“Be nice.”
“I’m always nice, mon amour”, with that he slides your thong and tosses it somewhere in the room. He looks at you silently asking permission to go down on you and you nod confirming that everything is okay. He dips his down into your throbbing cunt. He lives light kisses on the lips and around where you want him.
“Rem, please”, you beg.
“Not yet, sugar”, he keeps up the teasing until his fingers get involved and they lightly pass through your folds softly rubbing your clit. You buck letting out a soft moan, “I can’t hear you cher, a lil louder so Remy can hear you, yeah?” You nod your head.
He has you moaning a writhing underneath him for about 30 minutes, he’s taken his time making you feel good, talking you through everything. He’s laying next to you playing in your hair and rubbing your back, as both your heart rates attempt to drop back down to normal. “Cher you did so good for me”, he smiles, pushing some curls behind your ear. “I’m sorry if I was rough”, he says staring deeply in your eyes.
“You’re okay Remy, it felt good”, you respond cupping his face, planting a kiss on your forehead. “I’m gonna shower and it’s starting to get late, I’m sleepy.”
“Okay mon amor, any thoughts t’my question yet?”, he asks looking up to you as you wrap yourself in a towel.
“I have, I’ll stay”, you smile and waltz towards the bathroom.
A/n- hey author note at the end! I noticed there’s not a lot of Gambit content which is so sad. So I’m currently taking requests for him! I’m sorry this one got long, I’m going to be working on a part 2! Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to reblog🫶!
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sweepingboy · 11 months
actually the accusations against mu qing, that he allegedly killed jian lan and cut the baby out of her womb are ABSURD if you know him personally
he loved and respected his mother so much, she always was his priority; he probably actually wanted to help a poor pregnant woman from his nation bc it felt personal to him??
//also jian lan has never blamed him and she had a really good opportunity to point out at her murderer
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thereaper · 2 months
Igh imahinr liking beibg misgendefed and groped as your so high a little bit of drool ps collevtibf in my mouth. So high thar i van barely feel you as yoi pull down my javket, revealing no shirtt but a bra. It eas staryibg to slip off my shpulfer, so i fixd it for ypu. Ome of my perku nipz pop out, anf them ypu gran my hand tughtlu to shove it aeay. Then ypu mive and tear my bra off, snaping it so i have nothing to wear yo work tomotrow. Nut all i can do is arch mh back as the music blars. Everything geels so wonferful, I dont even realfed you mobed ontop of mee. You shove rhe cart inyo my mouth as youe hands grope my harder, finfing my wet boy cunt. I. BCant help but to just suck and suck, 2 blinkers, 5 nlinlers, 10 nlinkers. You give me a reward afyer everyone.. A kidd and my nipples pinched. The boobie pump on thr mail. Ypi eanted to make mu boobies into a mammas. Thr music geys loufer, carrying mr awau. I forgot i tan out of condomd ladt week...
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cattle-in-art-history · 7 months
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Johan Thomas Lundbye, Rød ko, som slikker sit højre baglår, 1848, Statens Museum for Kunst, open.smk.dk, public domain.
I love that this painting has such strong Mamma Mu vibes.
(Picture source for Rød ko, som slikker sit højre baglår)
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svenskjavel · 1 year
Fuck marry kill
Reinard Räv, Mulle Meck, Mamma Mu
Marry Reinard Räv, han är ju ändå en gentleman
Fuck Mulle Meck, han har antagligen byggt och genomfört sin egen bottom surgery
Kill Mamma Mu, hon blev över
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dealgemeneverwarring · 5 months
De Algemene Verwarring #111 - 29 April 2024
Episode one hundred and eleven of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, April 29, 2024, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
First of all, apologies for the late update of the Tumblr page again, I'm kinda slacking with it lately. Sometimes there's just not enough time to get everything done. The usual order is: Monday: making the episode, Tuesday: putting the show online and spreading the word on the social media, and Wednesday: Tumblr. But you know sometimes there's just other things to do on Wednesdays and then I tend to forget the following days. Anyway, let's get down to business. Pictured below is the Australian almost unpronounceable duo Troth. I recently picked up the CD compilation of their early work "Uncut Flowers", released last year by the fine people of Fördämning Arkiv, and I absolutely love it. It compiles early very limited cassettes and some compilation tracks and I think that at this very moment I like it more than the two albums I have from the band (one on Knekelhuis and the other on Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox), but I'll have to give those two another spin. It's a pretty unique band anyway, combining elements of the Bristol scene with dub and kraut influences. Very good release, and it's still available at Discreet Music. And it's on CD and yeah seems like the noise and experimental scene is totally into CDs again and I don't really have an excellent cd player anymore so it's always a surprise if it will play or not, but this one does so me happy.
Some other music in this episode: Primetime, Blank Statements, Lime Crush, Jeanines, Paperniks, X-Mal Deutschland, Can Kicker, Rose Mercie, Cindy, Nina Harker, and Mosquitoes. And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for the show. Enjoy!
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The Mighty Caesars: 1977 (LP V/A “Dope, Guns & Fucking In The Streets Vol 4-7” on Amphetamine Reptile Records, 1990)
Primetime: Pervert (7” “Going Places” on La Vida Es Un Mus, 2016)
Blank Statements: The Way (LP “Signs Are Rampant” in Tough Love Records, 2019)
Jeanines: After All (7” “Latest Light/After All” on Market Square Records, 2022)
Lime Crush: Break The Spell (LP “Sub Divide” on Fettkakao, 2018)
Paperniks: Oxygen Tank Flipper (7” “Paperniks Paperniks” on Market Square Records, 2024)
Violent Change: Dreary Example (7” “S/T” on Sloth Mate Productions, 2020)
Purpur Spytt: Triangles (7” “Nitpick” on Kaka Kids, 1000 Balles, POUeT! Schallplatten, Le Syndicat Des Scorpions, 2018)
ESG: Moody (12” “ESG” on 99 Records, reissue 2017 on 99 Records, originally released in 1981)
X-Mal Deutschland: Schwarze Welt (LP “Early Singles 1981-1982” on Sacred Bones Records, 2024, originally released in 1981 on Zickzack Records)
Pawns: Monuments Of Faith 33BPM!! (7” “Monuments Of Faith” on Inflammable Material, 2019)
Can Kicker: Disassociate Now (LP “S/T” on Drunken Sailor Records, 2022)
Rose Mercie: Marie Toi de Moi (LP V/A “Spasmes Du Hasard - 20 + 1 Years Of SDZ Records” on SDZ Records, 2021)
Cindy: A Trumpet On The Hillside (LP “Why Not Now?” On Tough Love Records, 2023)
Nina Harker: Hin Und Her (LP “Nina Harker” on Aguirre Records, El Muelle, La République Des Granges, Animal Biscuit, All Night Flight, Be Coq, 2023)
Troth: Dreck (In Solemn Dub) (CD “Uncut Flowers” on Fördämning Arkiv, 2023, track originally released on cassette in 2019 on 30 copies)
Mosquitoes: Reverse Charge (12” “Reverse Drift/Reverse Charge” on Knotwilg Records, 2021)
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zzzora · 1 year
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bicchiere · 1 year
Mamma mia c'ho pronta in canna la storia con wake mu up when september ends quest'anno non ce n'è per nessuno.
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l3o-lion · 1 year
Currently thinking about all the lovely swedish kids media i watched and read and listened to as a child. There is so much stuff i wanna check out again for nostalgia purposes.
Astrid Lindgren i am forever grateful for your stories, you made my childhood that much better, also i really want to relisten to the audiobook version of Mio min Mio that you read yourself again. Beppes godnattstund, idk how to express the amount of comfort you provided. Trasan & Banane you were so funny and iconic. Every gorgeously illustrated book like Mamma Mu and Pettson och Findus- i can't imagine my childhood without you. Tilbaka till Vintergatan and previous related shows, me and my brother have an almost impossible time not singing along to your intro to this day. Bolibompa, we're gonna be humming your tunes for the rest of our lives, happily.
I could go on forever but i won't, gotta sleep, goodnight fellas.
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asahicore · 1 year
hi!!!!!!!!! hello, im actually so excited to write this cuz ive just read “our secret moments” and aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, first thing, ive to say is i remeber recommending dress by tswift as a perfect song for this AND OMG u did use it <3 im so happy !!!!
okay, but lets get down to business!!
1.i loved that we got an inside on heeseung and what he has been up to!! it was really wholesome to read his own “figuring out i like my sisters best friend”, it was so cute and his overall makeover - that was fun to read!! also the bit of him meeting jake lmaoo that made me laugh ^^ i can totally see that !!!
2.the "lets avoid him" trope was what i expected and it was exceeded perfectly !! like yes!! thank u !! also chaeyeong seeing right THROUGH yn was amazing, yeah gurl u aint slick !!! but thanks for making the dumbass (yn) confront hee tho!!! bless!!!
3. PLEASE THE WHOLE MOVIE NIGHT STUFF??????? i giggled and kicked my feet like a little girl, omg, it was so amazingly written i could feel everything !!!every heart fluttering moment was described so well!!! I WAS AMAZED!!! and hooked on the story even more!!!!! their talk “so dont” 2eojiwfndwqdsjekwdsnjfsd making out in the kitchen was a superior scene!!!!
4. their "sneaking around" was also so well narrated!!! car is THE SPOT !!! omg and the star gazing :((( making out in the backseat tho 🤭🤭🤭
5. the pool party tho………consider me dead cuz it was so good, I LOVED THAT SCENE too, i mean..shirtless hee?? being playful in the pool? making heart eyes?? going on the slide with yn? kissing her THIGH?? MAMMA MIA !! :OO, toooooooooooo goooooooooooood 
6. ngl the fact that yn didnt tell Seeun the truth when she asked had me "oh NOO this is bad innit?" i knew this was not gonna end well whyyyyyy, i mean i get why cuz she was scared BUT :(((( 
7. and for the BIGGEST JAW DROPPING MOMENT OF THE FIC WHICH I READ LIKE THIS :OOOO,  the bedroom/shower scene HOLY FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! I ASCENDED… the dry humping  was so fucking hot,i mean , the idea itself BUT THE WAY U WROTE IT i was wowed and also they were so cute and heeseung IS THE BIGEEST SIMP EVER in a good way like his thoughts on not knowing what to do but doing what makes yn feel good……………………….god me when!!! REALLY IT WAS AMAZING!! THE SHOWER THO like i melted cuz of the whole "we can stay in our swim suit bby" was so adorable :((  AND THEY ACCIDENTAL I LOVE U I DIED I WAS NOT READY AND THEN IT GOT SO STEAMY??????????? HELLO??? I DIED SO MANY TIMES ALREADY LORD (emma) HAVE MERCY, it was too good, I swear to god them just wanting to make the other person feel good was and is the hottest concept and u made it CHIEF'S KISSES!!!!!! doll >>>>>>>>> ,
8. and then they were cuties again :(((( the morning scene had me melting i'm literally a puddle of fluff on the floor !!! let me walk u to the door and kiss u goodbye OH THIS IS NOT GOOOD GUYS !!! ABORT ABORT!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. ,............................ Seeun :(((( please the last scene broke my heart even though i know it was gonna happen, im so sad mann, i hope they gonna figure it out cuz if this has a sad ending then i will still read but my heart would never recover ANYWAY the way hee grabbed her but she just push him ->>>> emotional damage
UFFFFFFFFFFFF, THIS WAS 24K WORDS OF PURE MASTERPIECE, I ENJOYED EVERY BIT OF THIS, THANK U THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 It was so with the wait !!!! i'm so seriously in love with this !!! thank u sm for the time and work and everything that put into this it was MESMERIZING!!! the details and descriptions emma. ure insane, i swear u just so amazing!!! kissing ur brain URE THE BEST What the frick
emma i love u!! this made my weekend, i hope u gonna have a great week <3333 all the best ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
ps. this is so long im sorry :>
ANOOOOOOON !!!!! dont apologize omg receiving asks like these are the absolute best, i was smiling like an idiot and punching my pillows reading this thank you so so much !!! and omg thank you again for the song rec, it went so perfectly with the story!!
im glad u liked heeseung's part!! since gorgeous was all in reader's pov i thought it'd be nice to see how heeseung was feeling and have his backstory and all that... and yes jake hahaha he was really fun to write about
no cause thank god for chaeyeong otherwise these two idiots would probably still be stuck in their awkward phase 😭
AAAH movie night scene omg im so happy u enjoyed it !! i had kind of a hard time writing it cause i felt like it needed a lot of tiny details ugh so reading this is such a relief!! same for the pool party at first i had noooo idea how i was gonna write it lmao
im so glad u liked the smut part omg for some reason these are the scenes im always most unsure of !! but yeah these two are so sweet like they just want to make the other happy BUT AAAAH TY SO SO MUCH IM SO GLAD IT MADE U REACT THAT WAY 😭😭
and ikkkk yk how it is we needed at least a little bit of angst but yes dont worry i will give them a happy ending !!! which honestly i feel like is more realistic than a bad ending.. seeun and yn just need to talk things through 🥰
anon i seriously cannot thank u enough for this <333 ur the one who made my weekend !!!! when i receive asks like yours it makes me really happy to have started writing and posting on here :)) i appreciate u sm and love u too and hope u have a lovely rest of ur weekend!!!!<3333
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pop-culture-diary · 20 days
MusicalON czyli konwent w rytm muzyki
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Weekend 10-11 sierpnia spędziłam na MusicalOnie, pierwszym w Polsce zlocie musicalowym organizowanym przez Fundację Proscenium. Zacznijmy od tego, że byłam dość sceptycznie nastawiona. Pewnie, pomysł konwentu dla fanów musicali, od razu mi się spodobał, ale fakt, że ogłoszono go zaledwie dwa miesiące przed terminem, a jeszcze na początku sierpnia nie było wiadomo, jakie dokładnie teatry pokażą się na Panelu Premierowym, nie napełniał optymizmem. Na szczęście MusicalON okazał się fantastycznie zorganizowanym wydarzeniem o wspaniałej atmosferze. Wszystkie trzy punkty programu zdobyły serca fandomu, a także moje. Ale po kolei. 
Panel Premierowy 
Na MusicalOnie pojawiły się największe polskie teatry muzyczne, które planują premiery w nadchodzącym sezonie. Panele nie ograniczyły się do podania informacji, które pojawiały się już na socialach teatrów, uczestnicy wydarzenia mieli niepowtarzalną okazję posłuchać, jak twórcy opowiadają o swojej pracy, przekomarzają się, żartują czy zdradzają kulisy produkcji, o których inaczej nie mielibyśmy pojęcia. Dość powiedzieć, że po MusicalOnie musiałam nieco zmienić swoje teatralne plany na kolejny tok, by zmieścić w grafiku kilka nowych tytułów. 
I tylko Roma pozostawiła po sobie pewien niedosyt, pokazując znacznie mniej niż przedstawicie pozostałych teatrów, także szykujących się do wiosennych premier. O ile Michał Wojnarowski poopowiadał o smaczkach tłumaczeniowych, a od pani Anny Waś dowiedzieliśmy się jakimi dokładnie teatr dysponuje głośnikami, zabrakło reżysera, który przybliżyłby swoje spojrzenie na spektakl tak znany i lubiany jak “Wicked”. Przedstawiciele Romy wypadli nieco blado w porównaniu z reżyserkami “Six” czy “Jesus Christ Superstar”, które z pasją opowiadały o swojej wizji. 
Impreza na MusicalOnie udowodniła mi dwie rzeczy. Pierwsza: da się tańczyć przez cały wieczór w rytm piosenek z musicali. I druga: człowiek znacznie lepiej się bawi w rytm muzyki, którą zna i w towarzystwie ludzi, ko podobnych zainteresowaniach.  
I tak szaleliśmy razem, śpiewając chórem lecące z głośników piosenki, a cosplayerzy wczuwali się w swoje role, sprawiając, że wszyscy dookoła czuli się częścią ich historii. Ale to możecie obejrzeć na licznych rolkach, które krążą po internecie. 
Zachęcona tym jak świetnie bawiłam się na imprezie, na seans do Kina Helios poszłam nastawiona optymistycznie. Prawidłowo, nigdy nie czerpałam takiej radości z oglądania filmu “Mamma mia” jak na sali pełnej fanów musicali. 
Poprzedniego wieczora konwentowicze udowodnili, że znają piosenki ABBY na pamięć, dzięki czemu mogli porzucić swoje miejsca i szaleć pod ekranem. Były też wiwaty, gdy Pierce Brosnan rozpoczął swoją najgorszą piosenkę, dzięki którym spojrzałam na świetnie sobie znany film zupełnie inaczej.  
Ogólne wrażenia 
MusicalON bardzo mnie zaskoczył. Od pierwszych informacji dotyczących paneli do samego startu wydarzenia byłam nastawiona bardzo sceptycznie, ale nawet ja uległam czarowi tej wspaniałej społeczności, w której można po prostu podejść do kogoś i pogratulować mu koszulki czy cosplayu, zaczynając długą rozmowę na temat wspólnych zainteresowań. A potem bawić się razem cały wieczór. 
Dalej uważam, że zawiodła komunikacja. Punkty programu zostały podane za późno, gdzieś w międzyczasie rozciągnięto też konwent na dwa dni zamiast jednego. Zupełnie nie dziwię się ludziom, którzy zrezygnowali z planowanej na ostatnią chwilę wyprawy do Warszawy, szczególnie jeśli podzielali moje podejście do niektórych atrakcji.  
Marzy mi się też konwent podobny bardziej do Pyrkonu, na którym fandom może współtworzyć punkty programu. Chętnie dowiedziałabym się też więcej o tym co dzieje się, nim otwierają się drzwi teatru i widownia wchodzi do budynku. Ale cóż, pamiętajmy, że to dopiero pierwsza edycja MusicalOnu i wszystko jeszcze przed nami. Ja na pewno postaram się zdobyć bilety na następny rok. 
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna.
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guzelkoku · 6 months
yazlık bir mekanda güzelim yazlık elbisem ve denizin kıvırdığı saçlarımla bu şarkıda dans ediyorum.
yaz mevsimi hayranı olmayan bana gelen bu yaz aşkı... mamma mia here i go again my my how can i resist you? mamma mia izleyip geldiğim belli oldu mu? 😄
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