francepittoresque · 15 days
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11 mai 1857 : mort d’Eugène-François Vidocq, père de la police judiciaire ➽ http://bit.ly/Eugene-Francois-Vidocq Nature énergique et fortement douée, aventurier hors pair dont la vie truculente dépasse la fiction, Eugène-François Vidocq, ancien forçat évadé en rupture de ban, se hissa à la tête de la Sûreté parisienne et fonda la première agence de détectives privés
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etgroupfr · 10 days
Dans le monde rapide et conscient de la sécurité d'aujourd'hui, le rôle des détecteurs de métaux a évolué au-delà des limites traditionnelles telles que les aéroports et les tribunaux. Des écoles et bâtiments d'entreprises aux événements et espaces publics, les détecteurs de sécurité jouent un rôle pivot dans la protection des personnes et des biens. Investir dans des dispositifs de détection de sécurité est rentable et contribue à améliorer la sécurité publique. Appareils de détection de sécurité
🌐 Lien de notre site web en Allemagne : https://eurotechnology-group.com/ WhatsApp : https://wa.link/nzn28m #DétecteursDeMétaux #DétecteurD'or #DétectionDesMétaux #GroupeEuroTechnology #DétectionD'or #DétecteursDeMétaux #DétecteursD'or #DétecteurDeMétaux #DétecteurD'or #DétectionDesMétaux #DétectionDeMonnaie #Sécurité #Sûreté #AméliorationDeLaSécurité
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information-2-0 · 8 months
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gnatepeweb · 2 years
Comment configurer et utiliser la vérification en deux étapes sur WhatsApp
Comment configurer et utiliser la vérification en deux étapes sur WhatsApp
En ce qui concerne vos comptes en ligne, la sûreté et la sécurité sont de la plus haute importance. C’est pourquoi des produits tels que les gestionnaires de mots de passe et des fonctionnalités telles que la vérification en deux étapes sont si populaires. Bien que WhatsApp n’ait pas de mot de passe pour votre compte, il dispose d’une vérification en deux étapes, que vous pouvez activer au cas où…
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iconticolcane · 2 years
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Nuova città, vecchie abitudini. 😂😂 #nilomonamour #caneportinaio #3tonofego #alarmdog #sûreté #italiangreyhound #sighthoundsofinstagram #livinglucca #icontitornanoaltrove #conteovunque #balconcinovistamura #summerinitaly (presso Lucca, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiSogkgKki2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leptitvendeen-85 · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"SUSPECTS ARE RELEASED," Montreal Gazette. June 1, 1933. Page 4. ---- Youths Believed to Be Wandering Montreal Boys ---- (Special to The Gazette.) St. Jerome, May 31. - Two suspicious youths found loitering near the local railway station at five o'clock last night, and at first believed to be the two bandits who are being sought in connection with the St. Jovite bank hold-up, were arrested and taken to the local police station by Chief R. Latour. They were questioned and spoke little English, and the police stated, refused to give much information about themselves. Chief Latour communicated with the provincial police and Detective Merineau arrived here and questioned them.
This morning at 10.30 orders were received from the provincial police by Chief Latour to release the pair. The descriptions of the lads did not correspond with that of the two gunmen. When arrested the men were exhausted and said that they had come from Mont Laurier and were on their way to Montreal. The pair were first seen by M. Lapointe who called the police. They were between 19 and 23 years of age.
The Gazette learned that, according to the description, the two men, arrested and later released in St. Jerome, Que., when they were at first thought to be the two St. Jovite bank bandits, are believed to be Roger Laurin, 16 years of age, of 4586 Fabre street, and Jean Paul Gauvin, 18 years of age, of 5820 Second avenue, Rosemount, who disappeared from their homes on Monday last.
Upon learning that the two had been arrested and finding that the description corresponded with that of her missing son, Mrs. Laurin telephoned Chief Latour and asked him to detain them until she went for them yesterday morning. By the time that the call reached the police of St. Jerome the two youths had already been released.
Last night Mrs. Laurin left Montreal in an automobile in search of the pair. She hoped to pick them up somewhere along the highway between Montreal and St. Jerome.
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hiphuman2020 · 18 days
True to her elevated style, Louise Penny turns The Beautiful Mystery into a revelation. 
Minus the murder, Louise Penny took me back to serenity of my time in the seminary.
In the opening chapter, Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and Jean-Guy Beauvoir of the Sûreté du Québec are forced to leave behind their loved ones and the quaint village of Three Pines. In the twenty plus books in Penny’s Chief Inspector Gamache series, their isolation from the home community is unusual and quite significant to the plot. After a long flight to the northern reaches of Québec,…
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francoisege · 2 years
On ne peut défier la chance impunément
On ne peut défier la chance impunément
Nous étions si fragiles…     Mais Dieu allait abandonner la France… L’énergie électrique française était produite, depuis le dernier quart du vingtième siècle, par une cinquantaine de réacteurs dont plus de la moitié avaient dépassé depuis longtemps la limite d’âge prévue par leurs concepteurs, et que l’exploitant rafistolait tant bien que mal en dépensant des sommes inconsidérées pour assurer…
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francepittoresque · 11 months
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4 juillet 1465 : ordonnance imposant la présence de lanternes dans les rues ➽ http://bit.ly/Lanternes-Rues Ce n’est que bien récemment que l’on a su mettre en œuvre, dans les grandes villes de l’Europe, les mesures de sûreté nécessaires à leur police intérieure. Au début du XVIIIe siècle, Paris était encore mal éclairé pendant la nuit
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etgroupfr · 13 days
Êtes-vous prêt à vous lancer dans une aventure de détection de métaux avec les meilleurs du domaine ? Rejoignez des milliers d'explorateurs, amateurs et professionnels du monde entier qui ont choisi Minelab comme partenaire dans chaque aventure. Découvrez les détecteurs de Minelab, où la précision et l'innovation se rencontrent pour fournir une expérience de détection de métaux inégalée ! Découvrez les Minelab détecteurs de l'entreprise : 🌐 Lien de notre site web en Allemagne : https://eurotechnology-group.com/ WhatsApp : https://wa.link/nzn28m
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information-2-0 · 9 months
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vopaluqomes · 2 years
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iconticolcane · 2 years
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#blackteam #whoswho #fatherandson #sûreté #safetyteam #momoforever #blitzdansmavie #italiangreyhound #sighthoundsofinstagram #racingdog #coursingdog #racing #coursing #picoftheday #springinslovakia https://www.instagram.com/p/CeyrDpnq68t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leptitvendeen-85 · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"MOUNTAIN BANDITS ELUDE ALL PURSUIT," Montreal Gazette. June 1, 1933. Page 4. ---- St. Jovite People Believe They Have Caught Train Into Montreal --- POLICE IDEA OPPOSED --- Tired Detectives Think Pair Still in Woods Where They Have Proved Their Resourcefulness --- (Special to The Gazette.) Ste Agathe des Monts, Que. May 31. - Little hope that the police will capture the .two bank bandits who robbed the St. Jovite branch of the Bank of Montreal and escaped with $2,000 in cash on Monday morning last, is being entertained by local residents. While local woodsmen are of the opinion that the pair had probably jumped a passing train on its way to Montreal, the provincial police still insist that the men are hiding in the woods not far from this town and the search is being continued. All day today detectives and members of the posse which pursued the fugitives, combed the woods and later reported that no trace of the men could be found.
Sergeant Detective Lasnier, of the provincial police, who returned to the Raymond Hotel this morning after an all night search of the woods, reported that he is convinced that the pair sought are expert woodsmen who are familiar with these mountains. They have been successful in eluding the posse several times, and had probably, by this time, taken a different course through the bush without the knowledge of the pursuers. He stated, however, that the men have not left the woods and will have to make an appearance in some town sooner or later to get food. All towns in the Laurentians have been notified of this and asked to communicate with police as soon as suspicious men are seen.
The posse which has sought the two men since Monday through the woods between Ste. Agathe and St. Jovite, has been considerably reduced, and there remain about 15 or 20 men. Sergt. Detective Lasnier announced that he withdrew four of the six detectives who were with him during the search. Two detectives have remained here with the posse, and today conducted an all-day search.
ADOPT NEW TACTICS. Detective Lasnier left here this afternoon for Montreal with the two overcoats and the money which was found cached near the entrance of the woods into which the men escaped at St. Jovite. Before leaving, however, ho said that he will conduct an investigation along other lines which might lead to establishing the identity of the two gunmen. Detectives will try to find out whether any men have suddenly disappeared from their homes in the mountains, and in this way it might be possible to find out who the gunmen are. So far no report of any disappearance shas reached the police.
Local residents, however, are of the opinion that the two men remained in hiding near one of the many up grades and jumped on a passing freight train. The pair may have got on a train heading north,and again they may have gone to-wards Montreal.
Detectives conducting the search are puzzled as to how the pair were able to make their way through the thick bush without having eaten since probably before the hold-up was committed.
At local provincial police head-quarters it was learned yesterday afternoon that Sergeant-Detective Lasnier and four detectives had arrived. They were tired and worn, but the only thing that bothered Sergeant Lasnier and Detective Merineau was that they had each lost, through wear and tear, a pair of perfectly good trousers and had to purchase khaki pants at Ste. Agathe yesterday afternoon.
Questioned by The Gazette upon his arrival, Sergeant Detective Lasnier refused to have anything to say about the case except for the fact that he and his men endured many hardships during the search due to the fact that they were unfamiliar with the woods.
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