#S14 speculation
causalityparadoxes · 4 months
Okay but the Rogue throwing the bouquet and the Doctor catching it. The bride's bouquet, superstition signifying the next person who will marry. The Doctor putting on the Rogue's engagement ring.
Its the fantasy era, whats a billion trillion to one when you have coincidence on your side. What story is complete without a marriage.
They are going to find him and they are having that goddamn wedding.
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fan-of-chaos · 3 months
At this point I have 3 theories about who Mrs. Flood could be:
1 . The Master, somehow. The evil vibes, the way she acts and speaks, the comment about "she had so many plans" are all things that would fit Master. (Counterpoint to the theory -> the whole talk about meeting the Maker and tearing down golden gates)
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2. Clara, somehow?????? Because of "that clever boy comment" and the way she was dressed, the same clothes Clara wore at some point. (Counterpoint to the theory -> IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSEEE)
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3. My newest theory, one i think might be the most probable one. THE FUCKING. TIME ENTITY WE MET IN FLUX!!
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BC IT CAN MIMIC SHAPE!!! And what we see in episode 8??? Mrs. Flood mimicking other thing from Doctor's history!!! Familiar clothes, familiar catchphrases!!!
AND THIS??? Talking about the end of the Doctor??
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And it would be powerful enough to be confusing in the way Mrs. Flood is!! I am connecting the dots!!!
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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thinking about this discussion I had before FVR even came out, thinking about blends, thinking about "give me dong or give me death", about how it's both. thinking about both mac and dennis getting exactly what they want (mac's fantasy in saves the day, for mac to go away from dennis) but with a TWIST (for mac to realize there's nothing on the other side, for dennis to realize he needs mac). thinking about the pulse checking, thinking about the flatline.
thinking about my meta that I wrote before s15 even came out, about how we've been witnessing an impossible choice that's splitting dennis in two, thinking about "<3 or die" being the name of the salon in chop (and off with the head / just start over meta...), thinking about new beginnings, and meet cutes. thinking about rebirth, and baptisms.
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ncisladaily · 2 years
Here’s some good ideas of a ‘beautiful’ finale:
-Hetty and Callen reconciling and her being at his wedding (obviously!)
-Speech from Hetty about how proud she is of her team and how happy she is to be back home. 💗
-1 last shot of Hetty sitting at her desk saying something about how good it is to be home.
-Hetty getting to meet Rosa
Feel free to add on if you like! #HettysHomecoming
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Okay this might mean nothing but…get your red string ready cause this is my Doctor Who S14/S1 theory masterpost
*Disclaimer in case of inaccuracies, I started writing this before Dot and Bubble was released and then I got busy and more things happened and now it's release day for The Legend of Ruby Sunday (which won’t be available to watch in my country until this evening) and I didn’t want it to go to waste so I finished it lol okay thanks* 
I’ve been thinking a lot about @waywardwes9 ’s theory regarding Ruby Sunday and other character names in this series of Doctor Who. So we’ve had Ruby SUNDAY, MUNDI (Monday) Flynn in episode three, and MARTI (Mardi/Martes/Tuesday/etc) Bridges in episode four, with dialogue bringing attention to the uniqueness/significance of each of their names. So when the casting list was released for episode five, ‘Dot and Bubble’, I couldn’t help but notice…Cooper Mercy, a slightly adjusted form of the words Mercury, or Mercredi (fr)/Miércoles (sp)/Mercoledì (it)/dydd Mercher (welsh)/etc. all of which means Wednesday!! So up until episode six, ‘Rogue’, this theory appeared to be holding up. It then became difficult to speculate further as we had little to no character backgrounds for these individuals and the cast lists for the remaining episodes are still incomplete but twice is a coincidence, four times is a pattern. 
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Now we know that in the ancient Greco-Roman tradition, the days of the week were named after the sun, moon and planets which were in turn named after certain gods:
Monday - Moon - Selene/Luna
Tuesday - Mars - Ares/Mars
Wednesday - Mercury - Hermes/Mercurius
Thursday - Jupiter - Zeus/Jove
Friday - Venus - Aphrodite/Venus
Saturday - Saturn - Cronus/Saturnus
Sunday - Sun - Helios/Sol
Because of her surname, Ruby Sunday would be aligned with the Roman God ‘Sol Invictus’, who was considered the most supreme or important god for several decades of the mid to late Roman empire. So I decided to do a little research into this deity and found out that his feast day and the main festival dedicated to him, ‘Dies Natalis Solis Invicti’, occurred every year on December 25th… The day on which at the stroke of midnight, baby Ruby was discovered in a snowy churchyard, after being abandoned by her mysterious mother. This could just be a coincidence but it’s interesting nonetheless as it adds to the themes and theories regarding the “Pantheon of Discord” which includes godlike figures such as The Toymaker and Maestro. Could this suggest that Ruby is secretly a member of the Pantheon of gods? Or maybe she was created to be a pawn, a messiah-like figure, in their masterplan? Or maybe she’s a part of an antithetical pantheon of ‘good’ gods?
So returning to the characters named after weekdays, we may have expected a character with some variation of Thursday/Jeudi/Giovedì/dydd Iau/etc. as their name to appear in Rogue but unfortunately, there appeared to be nothing at all that would correlate to this theory… until people began to notice that the ring which Rogue uses to propose to The Doctor is emblazoned with The Caduceus, the staff of Hermes… also known as Mercurius or Mercury. 
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It seems that our story has become stuck on Wednesday instead of continuing with the remaining weekdays, but why? Why could Wednesday or Mercury be significant?  Well gang, guess what the god Mercury is known as…
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THIS IS HOW THE TRICKSTER TRUTHERS CAN STILL WIN !! Additionally, Rogue’s name originates from the DnD archetype, ‘Rogue’, who is regarded as ‘the trickster’. Very Inch Arresting. but we’ll return to the Trickster as ‘The One Who Waits’ theories a little later on.
The theory regarding The Caduceus can also play into the theory about Rogue possibly being an incarnation of The Master, or signalling the return of The Master. The Caduceus symbol, which can represent travel, thievery and mischief (which aligns with characteristics of The Rogue, The Trickster and The Master) is commonly mistaken or used in place of The Rod of Asclepius, which is used by healthcare organisations as it represents healing, care and the duties of doctors (which obviously aligns with The Doctor). 
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These antithetical yet similar symbols could easily represent the Doctor and The Master and their shared past and turbulent relationship, or alternatively could represent the theme that things that appear too good to be true usually are, but who knows.
Now if you’ve made it this far, stay with me for this part because we’re about to get even more delulu, but I promise we’ll come back around into more plausible theory territory very soon. 
So with all this attention being drawn to character names, I decided to do some further research into the names of the characters named after days of the week and found something interesting. In the case of Mundi Flynn, we can presume Mundi is intended to mean Monday but Flynn actually means…Red or ruddy/reddish, which would make her name Monday Red… or Red Monday… just like Ruby Sunday. This got me extremely excited…until…I couldn’t find any connections to the colour red within Marti’s surname ‘Bridges’. However… Marti is named after Mars, which is known as… The Red Planet! Which would still make her first name Red Tuesday, or even Ruby Tuesday just like the famous song by the Rolling Stones. Now That is a stretch but we persist nonetheless by going even deeper into delusional valley with Dot and Bubble’s character: Cooper Mercy, Cooper…an uncommon name that is very close to the word ‘Copper’.. another shade of red, making her Wednesday Red/Ruby Wednesday. Also worthy to note that the character Cooper had red hair, which was a purposeful choice as it is not the actor’s natural hair colour. Okay, last one… while there doesn’t appear to be any weekday names mentioned in Rogue, (as we seem to be stuck on Wednesday) I couldn’t help but notice that ‘Rogue’ is an anagram of Rouge… the french word for red. Listen, either this all actually connects or RTD has quite literally been sprinkling RED herrings throughout the narrative. So what could this mean? Personally, this kind of repetitive naming convention reminds me of a dream-like logic or storytelling convention centred around Ruby,  which could play into everyone’s TV show/fairytale/dream theories (which are too expansive to get into and I don’t have much to add).
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*I’ve heard that the Identity of Susan Twist has been revealed in today’s episode but thankfully I haven’t seen any spoilers yet so just ignore this if it’s completely off the wall lol*
However, this could also link to the idea of Susan Twist as a show director or writer, making cameos throughout her own work. In this light, she could be considered The Storyteller… TS… but if you physically twist the initials around…ST… Susan Twist.  
Then, there is of course the theory that Susan Twist is a physical manifestation of the Tardis. Particularly because in The Legend of Ruby Sunday she has been listed as Susan Triad, S.Triad, an anagram of Tardis. Could it be that the tardis is broken down or malfunctioning and is creating these scenarios to keep itself, the Doctor and Ruby entertained? I guess I’ll find out tonight hehe.
Okay getting back to The Trickster theory. By now most people have probably seen other posts that show that Ruby’s musical theme is almost identical to The Trickster’s theme from SJA, that the Doctor invoking a superstition at the edge of the universe could have brought back the Trickster,  that RTD could be using Ruby as a replacement for Sky from SJA, the baby that Sarah Jane discovered abandoned on her doorstep and adopted, who was originally supposed to be revealed as a child of the Trickster and a trap for Sarah Jane, and as well ofc that the hooded figure that drops baby Ruby off obviously resembles The Trickster. 
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But another thing I can’t stop thinking about is the theme of the fragility of memory and existence that has been popping up throughout this series, particularly in the first few episodes, and how this correlates to the powers of The Trickster. In Space Babies, we see how the doctor’s memories of the night of Ruby’s birth are manipulated in real time to show him something totally different. In 73 Yards, we see how the Doctor is zapped out of existence, and then brought back through a future-past paradox. In several episodes we see the blurring of reality, the past and fiction with events such as the snow from Ruby Road appearing in places where present day Ruby is. We see on two occasions how history is changed by the simplest of actions such as stepping on a butterfly or a fairy circle. And of course in 73 Yards we hear Kate’s cryptic “This timeline is suspended along your event” line. All of these elements appear to correspond with the Trickster’s powers of time and memory manipulation as demonstrated in SJA, to the point that I’m actually gonna be disappointed if all this build up doesn’t result in an appearance from everyone’s fav SJA villain lol. 
Another thing to consider is The Doctor’s continuous references to the sea constantly getting closer to the land such as the “Everywhere is a beach eventually.” line from episode three and the “The war between the land and the sea” comment in episode four, the latter of which could of course just be a nod to the forthcoming dw spin-off series of the same name… or… could in fact be a reference to ‘the one who waits’. The last time the Trickster was defeated he was locked up in a box and thrown into the ocean, where he could be waiting patiently to return to the shore, to claim what he wants. Could this also be linked to Mrs FLOOD, whose water-related name may suggest that she is the one who waits for the oncoming flood. Who knows ! I’m just throwing things at the red string board and hoping something sticks. 
Okay that’s all for my crazy wacky wild bananas bonkers theories today. Can’t wait to see how many of these are disproven in approximately one hour lmaoooo. If you made it this far, I commend ur patience <3
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doumekiss · 9 months
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My Personal Favorites of 2023
Books - Fiction 
Children of Time Series (Adrian Tchaikovsky) 
Penric & Desdemona Series (Lois McMaster Bujold) 
Teixcalaan Series (Arkady Martine) 
Kitchen (Banana Yoshimoto) 
The Master and Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov) 
Homegoing (Yaa Gyasi) 
One Day All This Will Be Yours (Adrian Tchaikovsky)
Shards of Honor (Lois McMaster Bujold) 
Elder Race (Adrian Tchaikovsky) 
Bryony and Roses (T. Kingfisher)
Ogres (Adrian Tchaikovsky) 
The Blue Castle (L. M. Montgomery)
Bambi (Felix Selten) 
System Collapse (Martha Wells) 
Lost in The Moment and Found (Seanan McGuire) 
Books - Non-fiction 
Economics: The User’s Guide (Ha-Joon Chang)
Animals Make Us Human (Temple Grandin) 
Shockaholic (Carrie Fisher)
Yours Cruelly (Cassandra Peterson) 
The Autistic Brain (Temple Grandin) 
The Hot Zone (Richard Preston) 
Love, Lucy (Lucille Ball) 
Furious Love (Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger)
Spare (Prince Harry) 
Cinema Speculation (Quentin Tarantino) 
Immune (Phillip Dettmer)
Bad Girls (Camila Sosa Villada)
The Exquisite Machine (Sian E. Harding)
My Girls (Todd Fisher)
The Future of Geography (Tim Marshall) 
Dungeon Meshi 
Sousou no Frieren 
The Apothecary Diaries 
Snow, Glass, Apples
Bokura no Shokutaku 
She Loves to Eat, She Loves to Cook 
What Happens When The Third Wheel Goes on Strike
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint 
Semantic Error
Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon and Mu 
Are you my Mother? 
What did you eat yesterday? 
Oshi Ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu
Dog Day Afternoon 
The Three Faces of Eve 
The Lion in Winter 
Leave her to Heaven 
Catherine Called Birdy 
Kiss of The Spider Woman 
God’s Own Country 
The Crying Game 
A Knight’s Tale 
The Company of Wolves
Dungeons and Dragons : Honor Among Thieves 
The Joy Luck Club 
Tv Shows (Liveaction)
Yellowjackets - S02 
Bokura no Shokutaku - S01 
This Country - S01-S03
She Loves to Cook, She Loves to eat - S01
What we do in the shadows - S05 
Peacemaker - S01
Oshi Ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu - S01
Taskmaster AU - S01 
Class of ‘07 - S01 
Good Omens - S02 
Barry - S04
Succession - S04 
Ghosts US - S02
From - S01-02 
Our Flag Means Death - S02 
Tv Shows (Animation)
Star Trek: Lower Decks - S01-S04
The Apothecary Diaries - S01 
Fionna and Cake - S01 
Sousou no Frieren - S01 
Oshi no Ko - S01 
My Adventures with Superman - S01 
Solar Opposites - S04 
Kaguya Sama : Love is War - S01-02 
Undone - S01-S02 
Bob’s Burgers - S13-S14 
Skip to Loafer - S01 
My New Boss is Goofy - S01
Tondemo Skill - S01 
The Great North - S03 
Futurama - S11 
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buttertheflame · 10 months
A List of Things To Come
*a long post*
I was on hiatus for about 5 years, but I think it's worth the risk of coming back. These are some thoughts and hot takes I've had since then up to now. My professional life is busy, but when I have the time, I'll share. Anyone interested?
Here's a preview, categorized by fandom:
A Song of Ice and Fire:
For asoiaf canon, I’ll speculate on what Jon and Val could have been, and what they could have had together, if he had not kicked the bucket. I’ll also contrast it with Jon's dreams of a life with her, and why he put the torch to it. :( Because of the root of her dislike of Mel and Shireen, I figure she will not be pleased with un-Jon.
Game of Thrones:
In GoT canon, Jon did not love Dany as much as the script suggested he would. In fact, they both failed to take responsibility for the other person. I haven't seen anyone make a statement like this before. (The PTSD is real.) But fic writers did pick up on this and tried to fix it in canon compliant stories, with a lot of success.
In Supernatural s12-s14, Mary should have found her sons to be way more weird, specifically with each other. But given what we see of her in s6, her characterization is consistent. She would have, and did, ignore the red flags for an idea of family.
I’ll share approving thoughts on Sam and Dean's relationship in the final seasons, disapproving thoughts on the final season of Supernatural, and how I speculated it would either go Gencest or Destiel. We know what happened. No one walked away happy and I think the fandom was all the better for it.
Destiel is not canon. It only became a one-sided love confession. (I know there's a lot of speculation on what happened b/w the studio, the writer's room and the post-production team. Idc. Not gonna touch it.) Thoughts on how I think SPN could have made Destiel go 100% canon involve tweaking the execution and balancing out the themes of Sam and Eileen's love story, the big bad plot, and Dean and Cas's 'love' story.
Outlander (show-only) thoughts, foremost on Roger Mackenzie. He has vexed me from the first time he appeared on screen. I love him dearly, but he vexes me, for how he consistently affects the plot and how that defines his role among the main cast. Later on, I'll run through my favorite moments, episodes and narrative arcs.
I'll share a list of favorite ship-centric fics I've collected over many, many, many years. (Gotta be over 10 years' worth). Along with blurbs that explain my recommendation in a non-spoilery way. Fandoms include: Harry Potter, LOTR, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, Star Wars (Sequel Trilogy), The Flash, Shadowhunters [look away book fans <3], Hannibal (show-only).
I'll also post drafts of fics I never got right and never finished. Mostly GoT-canon divergent Jon/Dany fics.
Most importantly, some very dear friends have encouraged me to vent and hype up my Jonerys fic series "We Could Live Together" as I write it. It's GoT-canon divergent, but I alter some of what occurred before 6x09. Then the story re-enters book territory and moves toward ADOS conclusions. I'd also love to break down and discuss songs from the playlists when it strikes me.
This is the summary of Part 1, "A Long Way Home" (published):
After the Battle for Winterfell, Jon was captured by Bolton men then later found by Daenerys not far from Dragonstone. Their meeting blossoms into the most honest love--until Jon suddenly leaves for Winterfell, only to return to Dragonstone months later with more terrifying tales of dead men and Winter storms. When Daenerys chooses to send her armies north to fight the dead, all is certain but the matter of their bond. After the pain they'd endured, can they come together again? Or will separation be too powerful to overcome? *or* A romantic tale of choice and second chances.
This is the summary of Part 2, "Awake For Ever In Sweet Unrest" (in-progress and unpublished):
Winter has come and further fractured the realm. Yet Jon and Daenerys's betrothal and alliance is well known throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The secret that threatened to break them has made their love stronger, casting a fragrance of hope that draws to the last Targaryens all who seek refuge from political turmoil. Cersei Lannister has fled King's Landing in favor of establishing a bank in Lannisport, to guard against her deposition by the Iron Bank. Euron Greyjoy has set up a naval blockade at Oldtown, yet manages to beguile the Hightowers. And Walder Frey's sundown years threaten to pull his House into a civil war. From the Wall, Jon and Daenerys begin to wage war on the Others. Yet the age of wonder and terror, of gods and heroes, leads them and their enemies in the least expected ways. It begs the question: does all happen the way it must? *or* A romantic telling of the new War for the Dawn.
This is what I've been doing the past few years: working, (dating lol), re-reading the books and joining theory discussions on other sites. What touched my heart was readers asking for me to continue the fic series. Even as I considered it, I was conflicted. Since the show and book canon are so enmeshed, I think we were really vulnerable to being whipped and scored by D&D. But we all found ways to lick our wounds. I'm grateful we were able to become closer and stronger. I'm glad to be a part of it.
So that's my preview. If you've read this far, thank you. <3
There's more to come.
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!SPN S14 Spoilers!
I personally, thoroughly enjoyed tonight's episode. But what happened during the teaser for next week's episode, is what really grinds my gears.
"You're dead to me."
Those words were spoken, from Dean to Cas.
"You're dead to me."
Those words came from the man who has intensively mourned over this angel, several times, who in angels he has lost and regained his faith over, the angel they, no, he needs.
This angel, who when trying to remember himself he repeatedly reffered to as his, "best friend."
This angel who, "gave up an entire army for one guy," that one guy, being him, of course.
The angel who has literally went to hell and back for him.
The angel he wouldn't dare attempt to leave purgatory without.
The angel his subconscious would rather have him believe he failed, than accept that he didn't want to leave with him.
The angel he forces to binge watch old cowboy movies with him in their spare time, knowing damn well he has more than enough culture downloaded onto his system.
The writers would like to have us believe that this angel is now dead to him, presumably because of a mistake that Jack made.
But it doesn't matter why, because that doesn't make it right. I don't think I've ever heard Dean say something more out of character than this, and I refuse to believe that he would ever say, think, feel, or believe that.
So let's hope that this was simply out of context, or that Dean gets over it and admits that he didn't really mean it. Because he didn't. Because Cas is his angel. I just hope the writers can see that.
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gooferdusted · 6 years
I don’t think this is gonna happen just bc the cw has exactly No sense of continuity, but I really am terrified that the s14 is gonna wrap up with no one dead, everyone safe at home, about 2 minutes early and the last shot is gonna be cas dropping dead on the ground bc his deal came due
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causalityparadoxes · 4 months
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[image description: Top text reads, "Died 2003. Born 2024". Below on the left is an image of the Doctor, voiced by Richard E Grant, from the 2003 animated episode, Scream of the Shalka. On the right is an image from the 2024 episode Rogue, of a blurry face that looks like it could be Richard E Grant. Bottom text reads, "Welcome back Richard E Grant as the Shalka Doctor". end description]
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fan-of-chaos · 3 months
Hmmm. So like. The whole thing with snow. The thing with Christmas music playing. Everything weird surrounding Ruby's mother.
What if it was never Ruby who did all that?
What if it was always the Doctor who was causing that? Because they believed there was something special about Ruby's mother and everything surrounding Ruby seemed to point in the direction that there was something there. So it was the proximity of Ruby to the Doctor and their belief that there was a mystery there was what made her weird.
My conclusion is: Doctor is for some reason getting more powerful and their imagination and beliefs are starting to affect reality around them.
It kept happening this whole season, like for example with 73 yards (doctor mentioning fairy rings -> them working) and Boom (Doctor believing that Vater's AI was capable of the same feelings as the original-> it working and the AI having feelings).
What if the reason the salt on the edge of the universe changed things was because Doctor believed it would? What if the world seems more supernatural and whimsical now than based on science is because of Doctor's started believing it would change?
What if its the Doctor affecting the universe, not the other way around?
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poorreputation · 6 years
SPN 14X15: Peace of Mind- Heaven and Charming Acres (but mostly Cas and Sunny)
Tagging those interested: @evvvissticante @verobatto-angelxhunter @metafest
Spoilers below:
  Utopia and Nostalgia
  When Heaven was first introduced, it was portrayed very early on as morally ambiguous. Angels are supposed to be good, after all, and it comes as a shock when they're revealed to be warriors of Heaven that even Demons fear.
  Charming Acres is a throwback to 1950's ideals, where every man's got a gal, people have morals, and everybody knows each other. However, it's quickly revealed that all is not well.  
  When an Angel expresses doubt, they are reprogrammed by the Host of Heaven, their memories altered or erased. Castiel is infamously the Angel who was made with a crack in his chassis, and corrupted the moment he laid hands on Dean in Hell.
  In Charming Acres, everyone is assigned a new name, and a new life. A perfect world constructed by a psychic who sees himself as God. Anyone who enters, and wishes to leave, is promptly killed. Oddly enough, the only person free of the Mayor's control is his daughter, who is also psychic, but clearly doesn't play by the rules, doing things that would be considered scandalous if they were revealed to the rest of the town.
"Scandalous" Actions
 Castiel has emotions. Has expressed them for quite some time. Coming from a soldier of Heaven, who once said emotions lead to doubt, and doubt leads to falling, it's amazing to see how far he's come. He's now, several times in S14 alone, said "I love you" to the likes of Jack, Sam and Dean. His showing Human emotion and behavior is only matched by his waning Grace, and if Heaven were not in peril, the Angels wouldn't speak to him, if not hunt him down.
  Sunny wasn't what you would call an "innocent" girl. Sending your boyfriend smutty love letters praising his girth is proof of that. But, this isn't the only way she acted out; she went behind her father's back to save her boyfriend, to warn him of the danger he was in. She chose to use her ability to think for herself for good.
 Loyalty and Free Will 
  Even though he rebelled against Heaven, and chose Humanity, Castiel still feels a certain amount of loyalty to his siblings, despite their detesting his choice in company. Over time, he leans more towards found family than the Angelic equivalent of blood, but it's still hard to let go of what's been ingrained in him for years.
  Sunny had told her boyfriend she couldn't leave Charming Acres with him, because she'd made a promise to her dead mother to stay with her father. It's not until the end of the episode that she realizes she's not bound by a dead woman's word. 
  Breaking Away   
  Naomi demanded Castiel kill Dean back in S8. She even spent a great amount of time brainwashing him, making Castiel act out Dean's murder a thousand times. But, Cas' love and faith in Dean allowed him to break free of Naomi's hold. 
  Sunny's father told her she was just like him, and that it's her fault her boyfriend died. If she'd only listened and did as her father told, then no one would’ve gotten hurt. It's not until Sunny puts her foot down, all without ending her father's life, is the town safe.
   Bonus bit that doesn't fit anywhere else!
  Sunny's boyfriend was killed by the high-pitched sound produced by the psychic as he was chasing him down. A sound that not-so-subtly mimics an Angel's true voice.
  Yeah, I know that last bit doesn’t fit anywhere else, but to me, it’s the most crucial part of the episode. It sets up the comparisons with Heaven from the very start, and gently guides us, the viewers, where we need to go. Another thing to make note of is that, very recently, Cas himself has been negatively affected by the sound of an Angel’s true voice.
  As Rowena said in 14X14, everything means something.
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought!
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trashangel-dee · 5 years
I wonder if they’re doing a decade piece. Prohibition or something. Paddy’s is a speakeasy
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kylermalloy · 6 years
Darth Jack and the predictions of doom
Disclaimer: The following is nothing more than my speculation/optimistic hope/projection-of-what-I-want for the rest of the season.
So with the combination of the trailer for 14x14 and the release of new episode titles, there’s been a lot of fear that Jack will go darkside. I’ve seen lots of posts freaking out about it. I’m freaking out too. This is something I DO. NOT. WANT.
But honestly? I think he will.
Just...not how we think.
Let’s examine evidence:
Even before the season started, I thought they would be killing Jack. At first I figured he would be a victim of Michael’s brutality, but then his magical consumption kicked in and I and everyone realized he would die of that.
Sure enough, midseason we got a cliffhanger episode of Jack collapsing, and the following trailer showed him going on a bucket-list trip. The next episode just cemented that he was a goner.
BUT...he came back! This is IMPORTANT! Trailers never give us the full story.
The trailer for the episode where Jack actually died didn’t show Jack at all. The trailer for the 300th gave no mention of John whatsoever.
For this trailer for the next ep, Ouruboros, they’re showing us things that will keep us worried. The way everyone spent weeks worrying about Jack after he coughed blood. The way they ended 14x06 with Jack unconscious and bloody. This time we see Jack exclaiming “I’m the son of Lucifer!” and doing something nefarious to Rowena.
So is he going to go evil? Yeah, probably.
But is that the extent of the story? No.
I was expecting this last year—for Jack to go off the rails, to become too drunk with his power, to become unreasonable. To an extent, we got that with him in the apocalypse world planning to kill Michael. This year, we have the added bonus of Jack’s power coming at the cost of his soul.
I...kind of like it. It’s a meaty setup. There’s potential for some good storytelling here, if it’s played right. I don’t mind Jack going down a dark path. As long as he doesn’t stay there.
And I don’t think he will.
Why not? A few reasons.
First of all, Cas’s deal with the Empty. He promised to go along with the Empty whenever he was happy. Since Supernatural is incapable of keeping a plotline dormant and waiting for more than a season, that’s likely coming to bite him sooner than later. Even if they defeat Michael (which I’m assuming will be what kicks off his deal) Cas wouldn’t be truly happy if his surrogate son is either evil, dead, or rotting in a box.
Which brings me to my next big point: the ep titles. IMDb has released several new ep titles, and at least one is cause for concern. Pay attention to ep 307, which is the penultimate episode of the season. (14x19)
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Jack in the Box.
We’ve established Chekhov’s Box with Dean building it for himself. Even if he’s decided not to use it, that huge plot point which took up two whole episodes, is not going to disappear. It’s likely someone will end up in it. I’m rooting for Nick, but that title is teasing someone else.
Do I think Jack is going in the Ma’lak Box? Not permanently. Something that big wouldn’t be spoiled in an episode title. (Of course, the title could also be referring to the scary toy that pops up out of nowhere, terrifying children and adults alike. An evil Jack could easily fit this description.)
Now, I wouldn’t put it past the writers to play with timelines, but I wanna point out that Lily Sunder lived for a century doing soul magic, and a tiny sliver of her soul still remained when she died. (Her personality, despite a diminished soul, was arguably unaffected.) Unless Jack is doing heavyweight crap like pulling his father back from nothingness every week, he shouldn’t be losing his soul yet. Also, becoming soulless would put a full stop to his abilities, so...
So am I worried? Of course. I like Jack as the pure good bean who looks up to Sam and loves his little found family. It would be a depressing slap in the face to see all of that thrown away.
But I’m not freaking out completely. Don’t trust the trailers; they’re lying liars who lie. Even if Jack does go down a dark path, there is no reason for him to stay there.
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afictionalpotato · 6 years
About Jack's illness
So, I keep seeing people online talking about their theories as to why Jack's become ill, and I want to try to explain what I think is going on, since some people seem to be forgetting key pieces here.
Jack is a nephilim, not an angel
When Cas had his grace stolen, he became human, but he didn't become sick(until he stole someone else's grace, but that's a post for later). This is because Cas is occupying a vessel, that's not his true physical form. Jimmys' body is not dependant on Cas' grace, it is still(even after all that's happened) technically a human body.
Jack's body is his true form. His DNA is half angelic and half human, every cell in his body needs his grace to function properly, because it's not fully human.
When Lucifer stole Jack's grace, he essentially took away his regenerative abilities. His body is trying to heal and replace cells as they die(like a normal human body does everyday), but because he's now without his grace, so are his new cells, and that might mean they're not compatible with his old ones, so his body's rejecting them, like a failing transplant, and so his body is deteriorating.
As to how his grace can be supposedly restored, I'm going study a bit more and then I'll post my thoughts on that as well, but I just wanted share my thoughts on this part of his situation because I've seen some people being really dismissive and saying things like he's got 'angel cancer or something'(which is really insensitive)
Anyway, that's what I got for now. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas about this you'd like to share.
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semirahrose · 6 years
petition to make it so that Sam accidentally becoming King of Hell makes his powers start coming back (with the addition of some shiny new ones)!!!!
I love you, Anon. I’d sign this petition. I can’t bring myself to expect anything to come of Sam’s declaration in the first episode (especially considering that episode two, as per SPN’s usual soul-crushing standards, is written by Bucklemming). Still, I love this idea and it would be such an amazing opportunity for TPTB to bring back powers!Sam.
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