werevcookie · 1 month
i'm sorry but you cannot convince me that they didn't know what they were doing when they made spencer deliver a baby. they knew exactly what they were doing.
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Charlie Kelly stashes whiskey in bleach bottles in the bar's bathroom
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and that’s a point for gay dean
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deansamnatural · 1 year
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the-bisexual-bitch · 3 months
Dean's constant desire to settle down and do normal things makes me so sad
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chainuuser · 7 months
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its always sunny in the bathroom where we drink bleach and neglect our souls
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endlessgoldensky · 1 year
Supernatural fandom! Did anyone write a fic where Dean chose to stay at the boys home instead? I know why he chose to go but I can’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if he had stayed.
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
Rhys Darby as Hamish (the night clerk at the Farhampton Inn) in How I Met Your Mother S9E7
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Some points everyone has to think about while I'm rewatching s9e7 "Bad Boys" because if I have to feel emotions that so does everyone else:
You can hear John restating Deans life motto, which was quite literally beat into him: "Protect Sammy"
Dean is so little! He is 16 years old and actually looks it since these are his memories and not Sam's where Sam remembers him to be bigger and cooler
Dean throws a bag of funyuns at Sam and tells him to eat his vegetables. Lack of sufficient food as children clearly impacted Dean and Sam differently. Dean prefers foods with lots of calories and protein, often being seen ordering burgers with eggs on them, one meal that lasts. Sam gravitates to the healthy food and vegetables he didn't have access to growing up. Their food choices directly reflect their personalities and individual experiences throughout childhood.
Dean lost the money their dad left them in a card game while trying to make more money for him and Sam
Dean was arrested for trying to steal bread and peanut butter for Sam. It is implied that Dean regularly had to try and steal food for Sam but never complained about being hungry himself.
John told the police to let Dean rot in jail as a 16 year old
After leaving Dean, John dumped Sam at Bobby's
Dean doesn't like cops
Dean is wearing an ACDC shirt shirt with a denim jacket and it's absolutely adorable
Dean has bruises on his arms that he denies being from is father and claims to be from a werewolf, but if it was a werewolf it would be cuts, not bruised that go all the way around both forearms
"No body bad touched me, burned me with their smokes, or beat me with a metal hanger. I call that a win." That's what Dean says about staying at Sonny's. That is very specific. This implies that Dean has been in situations in which this is common. Sam rolls his eyes and keeps digging up the dead body, but nothing in Dean's tone or on his face suggests he is anything other than serious. This dismissiveness indicates that Sam assumes it is a joke and actually has no idea what Dean's childhood was like.
While at Sonny's Dean joins the school wrestling team and wins 1995 Sullivan County champion in wrestling 135 weight class which Sam knew nothing about
Dean took guitar lessons
Dean told Robin that he doesn't like what his dad does for a living but he is expected to do it so he has gotten used to it.
At 16 Dean want to be either a rockstar or mechanic when he grows up. He likes cars because fixing them is like a puzzle but "when you're done they leave and you're not responsible for them anymore" reflecting his resentment for being forced to raise himself and his brother and should ing responsibilities that should not be his own as a child
Dean has likely never been to a school dance
Dean turned down a second chance where he could have a normal life after seeing Sam in the backseat of the impala playing with an airplane
Sam had absolutely no idea where Dean went for those 2 months and didn't know about any of this until well into their adult lives.
It was John's idea to lie to Sam about where Dean was.
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whump-or-whatever · 3 months
3rd Doctor Whump - Classic Doctor Who
Figured I’d post this since it’s made anyway… Some of these might be a bit vague or confusing cause, well, y’all know how dr who is.
Spoilers ahead!
S7E1- faceplants into some grass
S7E2- grazed by bullet, coma
S7E4- strangled by tentacle thing
S7E5- strangled
S7E9- subjected to Silurian torture beam thingy
S7E10- feeling symptoms of disease
S7E11- torture beam thingy again
S7E15- bandage on face after explosion
S7E17- gassed, coughing, passes out
S7E19- stuck in limbo
S7E21- wakes up groggy, manhandled
S7E22- interrogated, weak
S7E23- knocked to ground
S8E1- coughing
S8E2- arm twisted behind back, tied to chair, rag stuffed in mouth, attacked by angry mob
S8E4- wrapped up in phone cord, tied up, jumps out of moving vehicle
S8E6- head hurting, hallucinating, panting
S8E8- cuffed to chair, hallucinating, passes out, one heart stopped, weak, knocked out by gun to back of head
S8E9- affected by nightmare machine
S8E10- nightmare machine again
S8E11- hurt by scan
S8E13- tortured for information
S8E14- smothered by axons?S8E19- gassed and passes out
S8E20- coughing from gas
S8E21- frozen in snow
S8E22- still frozen
S8E24- hit with sticks, tied up
S8E25- briefly electrocuted
S9E2- tied up and gagged
S9E3- knocked in the head, interrogated (implied whipped), strapped to table
S9E4- subjected to mind analysis machine, weak supported
S9E6- manhandled
S9E7- in a fight
S9E11- cuffed to chair
S9E16- strangled
S9E21- nightmares
S10E4- choked, coughing
S10E6- brief fight
S10E8- falls to knees, weak, passes out
S10E9- shot with stun gun
S10E11- headache from mind probe
S10E14- bloody head wound, falls to ground, helped up
S10E15- collapses, pain from head wound, nightmares, running out of air
S10E16- shot by dalek disabling weapon, falls to ground, struggled to stand
S10E21- attacked by animals?
S11E2- shot with sontaran weapon, headache, shocked repeatedly by mind control machine
S11E4- shot again with sontaran weapon, briefly knocked out, knocked down by explosion
S11E5- knocked in the back of the head
S11E7- hit with small explosion, crawling on ground
S11E11- attacked, kidnapped
S11E12- beaten to the ground by a gang of creatures, unconscious
S11E14- mental assault, grabbed by back of neck
S11E15- briefly knocked over by rockfall
S11E18- thrown around, punched several times
S11E20- psychic torture
S11E23- zapped unconscious
S11E24- aftermath, feverish, thrown to ground, hand stepped on
S11E25- subject to mind control
S11E26- zapped again, falls to ground, regenerates
That’s all folks!
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baby sam manipulatively playing with a toy airplane in the impala when he knew dean would be looking out the window....forcing him to leave his only chance at a stable life behind in order to be his brothermother..... big samanipulator moment.
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bakamoonyasf · 7 months
My God Tier fave doctor who episodes
TOP 5:
Heaven Sent & Hell Bent (S9E11-12)
The Power of the Doctor (S13E9)
The Day of the Doctor (S7E15)
Doomsday (S2E13)
The Parting of Ways (S1E13)
The Parting of Ways (S1E13)
Bad Wolf (S1E12)
The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances (S1E9-10)
Dalek (S1E6)
Doomsday (S2E13)
Human Nature & Family of Blood (S3E8-9)
Turn Left (S4E11)
The Sound of Drums & Last of the Time Lords (S3E12-13)
Silence in the Library & Forest of the Dead (S4E8-9)
The Stolen Earth & Journeys End (S4E12-13)
Blink (S3E10)
The Waters of Mars (S4E14)
The End of Time (S4E17-18)
Midnight (S4E10)
New Earth (S2E1)
The Idiots Lantern (S2E7)
Partners in Crime (S4E1)
School Reunion (S2E3)
The Doctors Daughter (S4E6)
Daleks in Manhattan (S3E4)
The Day of the Doctor (S7E15)
The Time of the Doctor (S7E16)
Vincent and the Doctor (S5E10)
The Name of the Doctor (S7E14)
The Wedding of River Song (S6E13)
The Time of Angels & Flesh and Stone (S5E4-5)
The Rings of Akhaten (S7E8)
Asylum of the Daleks (S7E1)
A Town Called Mercy (S7E3)
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (S7E11)
A Good Man Goes to War (S6E7)
Let's Kill Hitler (S6E8)
The Pandorica Opens & Big Bang (S5E12-13)
The Girl Who Waited (S6E10)
Amy's Choice (S5E7)
Nightmare in Silver (S7E13)
The Snowmen (S7E6)
The Doctors Wife (S6E4)
Heaven Sent & Hell Bent (S9E11-12)
World Enough and Time & The Doctor Falls (S10E11-12)
The Zygon Invasion & The Zygon Inversion (S9E7-8)
Flatline (S8E9)
Dark Water & Death in Heaven (S8E11-12)
The Girl Who Died & The Woman Who Lived (S9E5)
Twice Upon a Time (S10E13)
The Lie of the Land (S10E8)
The Witch's Familiar (S9E2)
Time Heist (S8E5)
The Power of the Doctor (S13E9)
Ascension of the Cyberman & The Timeless Children (S12E9-10)
Demons of the Punjab (S11E6)
Revolution of the Daleks (S12E11)
Skyfall, Part 1 & Spyfall, Part 2 (S12E1-2)
Rosa (S11E3)
Kerblam! (S11E7)
Chapter Four: Village of the Angels (S13E4)
The Haunting of Villa Diodati (S12E8)
Praxeus (S12E6)
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror (S12E4)
Fugitive of the Judoon (S12E5)
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bg-anon · 2 months
For no real reason besides curiosity, I screen-capped, rotated, enlarged and then enhanced (as much as I could without breaking out Photoshop) a scene from S9E7 of Suits just to find out what book Donna was reading at the end. The answer? Inherit the Wind. (Which is a play based on a real legal case from 1925.)
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She missed Harvey so much that she read something to do with law until he got home. 🥺 She found something that melded her passion (theater) and his (law) into something she could dive into. 🥺 So cute.
Edit: Something about it felt familiar and it was bugging me so I went skimming through some past episodes and found it again. Samantha is reading it at the end of S8E16, seemingly the same exact book. She let Donna borrow it? Recommended it to her? 🤔
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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so i’ve finally remembered to do all the painting on one layer, but in exchange, about halfway through the video i wanted to throttle these damn trees for being so blobular
lesson - s9e7, “Forest Hills”
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mari-bellis · 1 year
After S9E7 Ruby is starting to figure out why Qrow is an alcoholic. Cause Ruby has really
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