pangeen · 2 years
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“ Sapu Mountains “ // Yiran Ding
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fadingclub · 9 months
I know you got an ask before about them but I was wonder if you could do an advance lore dump about the SAPU. Like when they first got established and how? What kind of different sectors there are and what they're all responsible for? How did Alex, Nash, Midori and Jack end up serving in the SAPU? Any kind of general rules and regulations, do they have uniforms? are there things that are strictly off limits from doing or using like certain tech an such? Thank you for your time!
It is unknown exactly when and on what Earth the SAPU was first formed. Documents relating to this matter are highly guarded and heavily redacted.
Somewhere, the discovery of transdimensional travel, the Sectors, and alternate worlds led to the birth of a new government, one eager to capitalize on the new frontier and power at its disposal.
The Sector Armed Protection Unit was first formed and conceived as a new branch of some forgotten Country's military. It did not take long before those in charge of this unit realized the potential power that they had been given. A military coup, far larger and more overwhelming than anything that could have been expected occurred, and it wasn't long before the entire world fell to their immense force.
This wasn't enough, though. There was more out there. They had seen it.
The SAPU travelled from Earth to Earth conquering. Local forces unable to fight back against the unyielding destructive force. Soon, a transdimensional Empire, the first of its kind for Humanity, had formed. Seeking to form a main capital, the SAPU put forward their most ambitious project. The consolidating of four Earths into one megastructure, one massive Capitol.
In their newfound power, the term SAPU came to stand for the Sectorian Administration for Peace and Unity, the old acronym being kept in a snide turn towards their old government, and a new name belying the brutal unity which they sought to enact.
This power would only last for a few years before a power struggle would break out, the SAPU going through several Oligarchs, each betraying the last. With such an uneasy power structure, the government internally splinters into several different groups, each vying for control over the others.
Centuries have past, and the SAPU has become far more dormant. The active conquest, unable to be kept up with such an unstable leadership, has faded into a slow creeping, a constant slow grasp for control over the Sectors. Many do not know the true history of SAPU. Many even serve the SAPU without this knowledge. Opinions of the government deeply vary, and times are deeply uneasy and unsafe.
Alex Asboth was born on the Capitol city planet. Having grown up in this environment, he is well aware of the uneasy feeling surrounding the government, but sees them as a potentially useful source of funds for his Projects. Having met Nash Grenich at a young age when she and her mother moved in from a far away land, they were both required to serve in the SAPU Forces for a time in their youth.
Midori Samon was saved by SAPU forces when her home town was destroyed when she was a small child. As such, she has a long standing sense of loyalty to the Forces, but is not blind to the corruption of the SAPU higher powers. She would hope to fix the system from the inside, but she may be naïve in this expectation.
Jack Ufaltrad hails from a poor family, Jack joined the SAPU Forces as a means to support his family. It was during this time that he met Midori, and the two quickly became friends and assigned partners in the force. During one scouting mission, Jack was cursed by an artifact he was ordered to retrieve, the Mask of Greed. Jack lost his face to the curse, and as part of the curse, now literally hungers for money, eating it uncontrollably when he sees it. Jack holds a grudge against the SAPU for his situation, but stays in the Force to support Midori and make sure that she is safe.
The SAPU is a splintered and spread out system. It is home to many types of people, good and bad. Some would wish to mold the SAPU into a system that would benefit others, others would seek to use its power to oppress those they see fit. As such, the rules within the SAPU are inconsistent at best, and mainly depend on the branch and political clique in question.
Some branches wear set uniforms, others simply wear casual clothes. Some fashion themselves as lawmakers and community leaders, others are simply hired thugs. There is next to no true Unity to be found in the SAPU.
I hope this helps! I know this was a lot to dump at once, but it was fun to write it out, and I hope you had fun reading it! I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have!
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supriadinazif · 1 year
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eksa-kp-tampoi · 11 months
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sapuijukraibon · 1 year
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