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This FB post (which was public at the time I grabbed this screenshot) is Reason #90510 I teach nature identification classes and am SO adamant that my students look at ALL the details of a given animal/plant/fungus. Also, I ran the photo through iNaturalist just for the heck of it. Its first suggestion was timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), but its second was western rat snake (Pantherophis obsoletus). This is why you never, ever, ever use an app as our only tool for identification, because you need to also have the critical thinking and observation skills to be able to differentiate between species, to include when the app offers up two similar species where the difference can be a serious matter.
I hope the OP makes a quick and full recovery, because I can't imagine getting tagged by a venomous snake is much fun. Please skip any judgemental comments about Darwin Awards, etc.--I have seen plenty of intelligent people make bad mistakes, and have even made a few myself, though none with quite this level of consequence. It can happen to anyone; thankfully OP realized their error in time to get medical help.
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apsciencebydan · 10 months
Cypress swamp nuggets! Including a Neelid 🥹
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And an amphipod!
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And a cottonmouth
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that-bluesybitch · 2 months
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blackhornedarts · 17 days
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(Gods Are Real) Page 5
(Gods Are Real) Page 5 5th page for my comic. Loki being reunited with snek son.
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monarchbutt · 1 year
daily snake #20
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💚 The Green Tree Python (Morelia viridis), native to New Guinea, can reach a total length of 2 meters, weighing 1.6 kg. They live in trees, hunting mainly small reptiles and mammals.
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uselessness-incarnate · 6 months
Quick question, how does one convey to their snake - not interpretive dance, I already tried - that the refrigerator is not going to kill him?
Another thing to note: snakes do not have ears, so one cannot simply tell the snake that the refrigerator is not an enemy. All other suggestions are much appreciated.
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circeofjagd · 2 months
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A gay spider doctor and the femboy courtesan she's caught. Thankfully Oboro is into it.
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beefycuicuiganon · 1 year
There is a snake species called Tachymenoides harrisonfordi
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rosepetalexotics · 2 years
What do snakes feel like?
I sometimes forget that not everyone has held/touched a snake before and some people don't know what it's like.
There's a myth that snakes are slimy but this is not true! While a snake could feel slimy if covered in a slimy substance they are not normally slimy.
I've seen people also say that snakes feel kind of like a basketball however in my experience this isn't really true.
So what do snakes feel like? It depends on the size of a snake, how it's moving, where you're touching and the size, shape and keel of the scales. Different genera of snakes often feel a bit different. Some snakes have been described as having a velvety feel, others are rough however in my experience most snakes feel smooth, maybe a bit textured but not rough or bumpy unless they have heavily keeled scales. Since my snakes are small and thus their scales are quite small they feel very smooth as I can't feel the individual scales and I'm normally touching their belly scutes which are very flat and smooth. Most of the snakes I've handled have felt cool (as in the temperature) this is because snakes are ectotherms and don't produce their own body heat. Considering I often handle snakes that have not been near heat for a little bit it makes sense they'd feel chilly to my warm hands.
Snakes are incredibly cool to touch and hold and if you ever get the opportunity I'd highly recommend it even if you're a bit nervous.
Some photos of me holding my baby snakes below the line, lots of images so I'm adding a read more break :)
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Here they are!
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disturbedgent · 2 years
I convinced my Ag Sci teacher to name her newest reptile fren, a snek, Macaroni bc then when he's fed mice we can say it's time to give this macaroni some cheese. Does the Tumblr like what I've done
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This is very similar to what he looks like
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randum-famdoms · 8 months
Don’t normally post videos on here but this very scientific informative and educational content must be shared with the world. Sneks are among the most important creatures in the ecosystem and we need to talk about them and their very boop-able snoots more.
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that-bluesybitch · 7 months
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jotun-philosopher · 6 months
Half meta, half ramble
Not entirely sure where this post is going, tbh... Let's find out, eh?
Sooo... I was browsing the Final Fantasy wiki (as one does) and the article for Tantarian (an optional/missable boss in FF9) caught my attention. Y'see, Tantarian is a demon found in a library, hiding in a possessed book -- and is based on the Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion (or Dantalian, the spelling can be inconsistent). How the ever-loving wossname, I hear you cry, does this relate to Good Omens????
Let's take a closer look! (this got longer than I anticipated, hence the cut)
From the Wikipedia article 'List of demons in the Ars Goetia':
"The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will. He can cause Love, and show the Similitude of any person, and show the same by a Vision, let them be in what part of the World they Will."
Bolded details:
"Duke Great and Mighty" -- evocative of the whole "Thin Dark Duke" thing <3
" [...] he hath a Book in his right hand." -- pretty obvious GO connection there!
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(best 'Azzy+book(s)' gif I could find quickly...although on a second look, this might well be from the body swap bit in S1 XD Mr Sheen, you ludicrously talented chaos gremlin, you <3 )
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(Ok, this one's definitely Crowley XD)
Mah point is dolphins they both match up to the book thing!
"His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences [...]" -- leaning slightly more towards a Crowley parallel here, with the apple thing partly symbolising intellectual curiosity (essential part of arts and sciences!), but Aziraphale giving away the flaming sword would've helped humanity figure things out in that area as well (even if indirectly)
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(I want to boop the snek!!!)
"[...] knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will [...]" -- mind-reading! Seems to be sliiiiiightly more of a demon thing from what we've seen (e.g. "Nina: It's like you've seen into my secret soul. Crowley: Yeah, it's a knack.", Shax picking at insecurities in the bookshop battle), but both the Ineffables have directly influenced human minds on screen (e.g. Sitis, the Shopkeepers' Ball)
"[...] can cause Love [...]" -- well, they certainly tried! Operation: Shop Lesbians :D
"[...] show the Similitude of any person [...]" -- mostly seen with the body swap bit so far (where A+C are concerned), but given that for angels and demons, size and shape are merely options, and Beelzebub canonically changed their face, it's not outwith the bounds of possibility that the Ineffable Husbands could disguise themselves as people other than each other (if that makes sense)(and assuming they'd *want* to, of course)
Plus, if you go with the 'Dantalion' spelling, the last four letters form the word 'lion', which is a motif the show ties pretty strongly to Aziraphale via the signet ring on his right hand. Fierce protector angel! <3
Plus plus, from what I've been able to gather, Dantalion is supposed to be one of the more benevolently-inclined Goetic demons -- both the Ineffables are pretty dang benevolent!
The point I'm stumbling towards (stone-cold sober, but with about 3,000,000 on the ND Scoville scale) is that Dantalian/Dantalion has some pretty interesting parallels to both the Ineffable Husbands and so, within the GO verse, could be either another alias of Crowley's or a name Aziraphale might take if he Fell (AU fic writers, start your engines!) :D
As a small bonus, I saw the name 'Shax' mentioned in the list of Marquises of Hell!
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The characteristics given for the Goetic Shax don't really match up to TV!Shax that I can tell, apart from the stork symbolism and the "hoarse but subtle voice" (and maaaybe 'is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar'), but given all the other Goetic parallels, it wouldn't surprise me to see elements of the Goetic description popping up in Shax's S3 arc -- likely in unexpected ways!
Hope you enjoyed reading that ^^ Have fun fic-writing!
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monarchbutt · 1 year
daily snake #21
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💛 The Eyelash Viper (Bothriechis schlegelii), native to Central and South America, is a venomous snake with a wide variety of color variations. It has large, needle-like fangs that fold back when not in use.
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stepswordsen · 4 months
【KagePro】 KuroEne 🖤💛💙
Happy 6/9! Happy HaruTaka/KonoEne/KuroEne day!!! 💛💙 I want to draw HaruTaka and KonoEne too eventually, but I haven't gotten the chance to draw them yet. So for now I'll post my recent Kuroha and KuroEne doodle log 🖤💙
My fave KagePro meow meow mf unhinged evil snek x my cheeky cute energetic wife!!!
KuroEne doodles
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These WIPs are really messy so I'll refine them sometime in the future!
I'll post the rest of my KuroEne doodles, and rambles about my KuroEne AUs, and thoughts, under the cut!
Inspired by the Outer Science MV and Kagerou Daze LN 7 cover -from the darkness- illustrated by Sidu
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Kuroha x Envy Baby (Song by Kanaria and illustrated by LAM)
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KuroEne doodles
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I was imagining Ene sitting on a desk or elevated ledge for the last one
My character trait is just scribbling whatever until I get to refine and clean up the sketches. So these are very scribbly for now
Kuroha is my fave KagePro chara. Murderous mad man! I'm a villain enjoyer~ And Ene is my wife~
I have folks following me for all sorts of fandoms so I'll try to explain a bit of context first so those curious can follow along with my rambles if they'd like!
Technically Kuroha is just referred to with ?? or XX in merch, but 6/9 and 9/6 (KonoEne Day) are convenient days to draw Ene and her Haruka lookalike harem~~
KuroEne AUs 🖤💙
I have 3 main types of KuroEne AUs, and my sub AUs tend to fall into one of these:
1) Canon-verse AU where Kuroha pretends to be Konoha, so Ene thinks he's Konoha with Haruka's memories. Takes place in an AU setting that's closest to canon and very angst heavy.
2) Canon-verse AU where Ene can manifest in the real world and even becomes intimate with Kuroha. Kuroha/Saeru remembers previous routes, so he's done this before and remembers their moments of intimacy in all the past timelines. Also very angst heavy.
After all the time loop resets, Kuroha/Saeru figured out a way to transfer to a humanoid android body for certain durations of time so she can interact with the real world (inspired by the CopyBots and Iris from BN6)
3) Fluffy lighthearted AU with fanon Kuroha with a much more fluffy, lighthearted, and tamer setting. Just me coming up with cute little scenario ideas. I love fluff!
Other KuroEne AU ideas:
Royals AU KuroEne (Prince and Princess/Cinderella)
KuroEne dancing in a ballroom together in formal clothes (though this could also work in KuroEne AU No. 2)
KuroEne making snow sculptures together. Kuroha makes a giant snake snow sculpture and Kuroha helps Ene make a giant chibi version of herself. Snakes tend to feel lethargic during the winter. Ene throws snowballs at him.
Snake and Bunny theme (Ene's twintails could look like bunny ears)
I think I need to name my KuroEne AUs eventually to differentiate them lmao
KuroEne AU: No. 1
I also like thinking of KuroEne in canon-verse angst AUs where Kuroha messes around in the routes (timelines). In AU no. 1, he pretends to be Konoha, decides to actually bond and get to know and befriend the Mekakushi Dan members before k*lling them this time, and Ene projects her feelings for Haruka and Konoha, onto Kuroha (who she thinks is Konoha…)
Kuroha decides to mess around in the Routes and befriend the Mekakushi Dan members. I feel like Kuroha should experiment that way cuz he doesn't want the "fun" to be over so soon yet. And also because he's curious how things will play out, and see what will be the same and different compared to previous routes.
In the present day, 2 years later, when she meets Kuroha, she recognizes his appearance, and thinks he's Konoha. After seeing Kuroha, who she thinks is Konoha, she's surprised to see "Konoha" in the flesh...
In my KuroEne AU, Ene thinks that Kuroha is Konoha with Haruka's memories, because Kuroha/Saeru remembers previous routes (timelines) and thus knows her true name (Takane) and context.
I'm insane LMAO. I love angst! KuroEne's angst potential is so high.
I love how KagePro ships are all super heavy and tinged with angst and tragedy.
I love that aspect of them, but ofc, I will delve into light-hearted AUs with them too that take place outside of canon~ I want to write/draw KuroEne in a much more fluffy and lighthearted setting too.
KuroEne AU: No. 2
Canon-verse AU where Ene can manifest in the real world (since I'm taking creative liberties here for the sake of my ship) and even becomes intimate with Kuroha. Very angst heavy.
Takes place in an AU setting close to canon, except the only difference is that Ene can manifest in the real world (unlike in canon where she can only interact with the digital world in devices)
Especially with all the time loop resets, you could see this as an AU where Kuroha/Saeru finally manages to figure out how to make Ene able to manifest in the real world as well.
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It was inspired by the Copybots from MMBN/EXE (Battle Network: 6) where Iris, a NetNavi (Network Navigator, companion digital AI, a digital cyber girl), interacts with the protagonist, Netto, by transferring into a Copybot (Android body) to be able to move around in the real world.
The CopyBots take the form of the NetNavi currently in it. They are battery charged, so NetNavis (MMBN/EXE's digital AIs) can only stay in them for certain periods of time.
I imagine this is the case for my KuroEne AU too
Due to Kuroha's knowledge of previous routes, I imagined that since Kuroha keeps memories of previous routes, at some point, he starts to play around in the routes and experiment with different possibilities. He eventually gets to know and bond and spend time with Ene.
Though eventually, Kuroha proceeds with the "Plan" on August 15th to kill everyone in the Mekakushi Dan and force Marry to rewind the world. Thus, repeating the "never ending tragedy."
I imagine Kuroha eventually found a way for Ene to be able to transfer into an android body so she'd no longer have to be stuck in electronic devices like in canon…
Ene tops and hate fucks Kuroha/Saeru (when she finds out about his real identity). Kuroha obliges in letting her top him when she wants to "play" with him. I think the smug personality he has would really rile up Ene and make her competitive side come out. They're playing a "game" with each other.
Kuroha has been intimate with Ene before and keeps memories of previous routes. He knows about the context of the Mekakushi Dan, therefore, knows about Ene's past as Takane (and her relationships with Haruka and Konoha)
And, due to the time loops, he makes improvements to the Android bodies (CopyBot-like models that I need a name for eventually), for his encounters with Ene, throughout the routes, like improving the battery life and durability and such
It'd honestly be pretty funny if tsun tsun Ene tries to justify her trysts or intimate encounters with Kuroha like this
Ene: They're not trysts!!! I'm just doing this with you so that I can finally defeat you!!! Hmph!!! (//>3<//) Kuroha: And yet, you seem to enjoy our little... encounters.
Trying to convince yourself you're fucking a guy (your most hated enemy) only to defeat him, sounds hilarious ngl 😭
Cuz technically, they are playing a "game" of some kind, so the competitive side of her comes out here~~
I think KuroEne has a very unique context that makes their relationship dynamic sooo interesting to think about because of HaruTaka and KonoEne's context.
I love conflict and tension in ships, and KuroEne has sm of it cuz it's with the series' big bad villain/antagonist who's the main source of conflict and tension in KagePro.
How I got into KagePro
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Kuroha/Saeru and Konoha, and Ene hanafuda arts by Sidu
I first got into KagePro when I was 12, so Kuroha was my 12 year old self's big fave~ KagePro was my kid self's first fandom interest.
12 ~ 16 y/o me was OBSESSED with this mf and the KuroEne ship 😭 Ene my wife… 🥺💙 I think the KuroEne ship has such great angst fuel. I love fluff and angst~
The Kuroha liker in me coming out with the unhinged anime man / meow meow mf core taste, HAHA.
Sen's unhinged anime man (insane meow meow mf) pipeline
Kuroha (2013) -> Saeran (2016) -> Judar (2022)
Kuroha (KagePro), Saeran (MysMes), Judar (Magi) pipeline
Black/white haired meow meow mfs with monochrome/black/white design aesthetics are my ultimate fixation
Obviously I have so many faves like this, like Douman (FGO) and Idate (WATGBS AU), but those 3 kinda have similarities in terms of their basics and design vibes/aesthetics tbh
I love smug evil bitches with black/white design aesthetics 🐈‍⬛ I love his expressions ✌️ And Kuroha has a great song and MV too~
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Also I’m gonna admit that seeing this thumbnail got me into KagePro
I first got into KagePro after watching the Outer Science MV and kid me immediately went like "I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS MF IS" and then became obsessed with Kuroha and KagePro
The first song I ever listened to was Headphone Actor, and Outer Science showed up in my recommended soon after, and when I saw the thumbnail (this exact thumbnail), kid me was just like “I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS MF IS”
And then I fell into the KagePro/Kuroha/KuroEne obsession.
Kuroha BITCH
You are my favourite KagePro character <3
I'm laughing so hard at how obvious my character taste has been since FOREVER. Glad to know that my character/ship tastes are as ancient as time!
Kuroha is mad entertaining it's not surprising why kid me would be obsessed with him
KuroEne rambles
KuroEne relapse… KuroEne reload. After 10+ years I'm still not over them ADKSKLDKLSLK
I was so obsessed with them, I think it's because it was the first ship I was really obsessed with and made AUs for
Also I'm REALLY not surprised why kid me was so obsessed with them... It's literally a ship between my wife x meow meow mf (of the series)
My fave ships are usually between my fave (usually the meow meow mf chara) and my other fave charas, which is exactly the case here
I swear they made up at least 80% of the KagePro art I drew omfg
Takane was 157 cm (5'1") and Konoha is 182 cm (6'0"), and Ene is 640 px tall and weighs 2 MB. Portable wifey…
KuroEne Art Ideas
Things I wanna draw eventually...
KuroEne doodle with Maid outfit Kuroha wearing spiked high heels while he has a bloody mop (maybe it's just red paint instead???), and slips a finger into Ene's thigh highs while he kisses her cheek. Ene's entire face gets all red and she just goes like "WORST MAID EVER!!!"
KuroEne wearing hanfu
KuroEne wearing Việt Phục
Pokemon AU KuroEne where Kuroha is a Dark/Poison type trainer with snake/serpent-like/serpentine body Pokemon (ie. Arbok, Seviper, Rayquaza), and Ene is an Electric type trainer (ie. Rotom), and Konoha is a Normal/Grass/Fighting type trainer (ie. Serperior, Bewear)
Imagining Ene's blushy pouty face (//>~<//) is cute~
KonoEne/KuroEne Shitpost
Kinda wanna make a joke/shitpost meme like
Ene: (<- Would fuck a snake)
(<- Having an existential Crisis)
(Applies to both Kuroha and Konoha)
Humanoid snek…
Outer Science (MV) (Illustrated by Sidu) (Fan-translation by vgperson) Kagerou Daze LN 7 -from the darkness- (Illustrated by Sidu)
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Inspired by the Outer Science MV, and my fave Kagerou Daze (LN) cover: Vol. 7 -from the darkness-
It's based on the classic "Welcome to my womb" line in the Outer Science MV and my fave Kagerou Daze LN cover 🤭✨
Sidu's gorgeous Kagerou Daze VII (7) cover with Kuroha on the cover 🖤💛 This will always be my favourite cover. Sidu's art style is IMPECCABLE I love their aesthetics sm… The pose and blood splatters and expressions... AHHH IT SLAPS SO HARD
I thought of a sketch concept where all the "Keep out" tapes bind around him just like in the LN cover.
I'm still amazed by Sidu's MVs. Outer Science is still my fave KagePro song and MV. Sidu's art style is so nice and their MVs are gorgeous. Sidu really appealed to my aesthetic tastes when I first saw this MV in 2013 as a 12 year old, I was immediately enamoured with it. They have such great aesthetic sense.
The colours and chosen visuals… The insane attention to detail...
Outer Science my beloved~~
Sidu you will always be famous!!!
Sidu's MVs just hold up SO WELL
The art, visuals, text and animation effects are so good...
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