the-hydroxian-artblog · 2 months
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ol' 682. a nice unkillable feller. a great pal
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monigote001 · 17 days
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Welcome to this little ask box based on my SCP Canon! Feel free to drop anything, just a few things!
You can ask general questions or specify who
You can ask me things! Just specify
Any TW will be tagged like #blood #violence
Keep it respectful!
NSFW topics in questions are allowed, the only requirement is being an adult, they will be tagged like #suggestive / #NSFW
Have fun!
Characters Info!
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Warning: do NOT believe what these abominations tell you, all of them are bastards
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mattastr0phic · 2 months
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Gator that lives in your sewers is trans (682-B doodles from SCP-0682 Hard To Reach Place by @tealquacks and Floorboards! (go read it!))
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jupiterstupiter · 9 months
035 and 049 have you guys played escape the backrooms
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just-hyde · 2 days
You could've noticed that I've released some WIPs on AH
| SCP-682 | Agent Andrea Adams | Francis Wojciechoski |
That was a bit hurried and done to check if the bots are searchable because I wouldn't be able to monitor the changes quickly on the new site when the old site comes down (which I already mourn Q.Q)
And daaaamn I'll be busy irl these days
Some of their pfps are also in progress and I'll make an official release when I think that the bots are finished and there's nothing more I can do to improve them
So... Uh... You sure can get a glimpse underwater because they have 2-3 EMs + some loredump each and technically can generate responses but please don't expect much
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Stay tuned!
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
Wizardposting blogs and my view of them, OR:
My ass out here cataloguing wizards like they're pokemon 💀 i ran out of things to do fr 💀💀💀
@official-megumin: dutch (EDIT. SHE ISNT. I WRONGLY REMEMBERER A POST OF HERS. I KNOW HER ASS IS LIVING [OR FROM] NORTH EUROPE THO) megumin that still has the "only knows one spell and its the stupidest and hardest to unlock and use. Balancing the Meta my ass" problem. In a relationship with @a-sentient-cup
@autism--wizard: just a lil neurodivergent guy that likes spooders. Not much of it really. Possibly strong enough to defeat spiders georg
@the-adhd-sorcerer: moot :) also more powerful than they let on, but its like DBXV2: starter gear and GODLY stats
@mossy--wizard: moss-fueled neurodivergent boi with lots of moss. Yes their blog feels like a wet forest in the sunlight, drying up after a long rain. Not really interacted with them tho...
@wizard-council-bureaucrat: basically the MC of tumblr wizardposting. If they say something its either wizard law or just a suggestion. Probably the only wizard here that ISNT "surprisingly powerful even though their learning was less than advanced"
@wizard-intern: the blorbo.
@the-gnomish-bastard: ok i get that theyre basically pilaf from dragonball, but A: the stew arcanum is REAL bur the 24 gods thing either sounds like bullshit or he made a stew out of 24 REALLY HUBRIS-FILLED PEOPLE (which would explain his "holy fucking shit how are you even capable of HAVING A STRUCTURE WITH THE FUNCTION OF A BRAIN"), B: he was the dude that came up with the whole "floating wizard island thing" (which has so many holes like wtf put it back down) and C: im pretty sure they have been corrupted by some kind of mushroom deity, which would explain the fact that when calling him "stupid" its like SCP-682 saying that humans are disgusting. Because there literally isnt a stronger word in the human language. How in the fuck does someone have so little intellect we have to do like the jewish population of europe after 1945 when they came up with the word "shoah" to describe what happened to them. To the user running that blog. GET SOME PSYCHIATRIC HELP ASAP. Holy shit.
@not-a-suspicious-wizard: "I aM vErY tRuStWoRtHy" dude everyone knows you wanna do some weird "subjugate reality" bullshit. How about you start making drafts and NOT murdering opponents? Seriously dude if you wanna be in charge as long as you dont try weird "consolidating power like its the 1940s" shit its alright. Maybe take some craftmanship things as a hobby! Make your own throne! Come up with something to do when you are too tired to do Dominant King Bullshit! Play modded minecraft/terraria! Make origami! If youre gonna blanket the world in darkness, at least make it look cool and welcoming instead of "inevitable rebel uprising lol have fun with Prophetic Children lmao" :3
@incompetent-wizard: are you SURE youre incompetent? Chances are, you're just unlucky 😊
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ballorawan740 · 2 years
SCP Scenarios: When they cheat on their S/O (REQUESTED)
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
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Requested by: @Just_SayuriYT
A/N: Guys, I'm so sorry for the extreme delay, I was trying to study, work and move houses at the same time with a writer's block as well, I'll try my best to finish all the requests in the coming months if I can
Warning: Some angst, cheating etc
S/O = Significant Other
(I kind of just assumed that you meant the SCPs cheating on the reader, but if that's not what you meant, then please do tell me)
SCP 073 (Cain)
This is a hard one considering that I do headcanon him as being a loyal partner
I just can't see him as being unfaithful and going out on cheating on his partner, sorry :,(
But hypothetically speaking, if Cain were to cheat on his S/O, he would probably be drunk af
Would be quite apologetic and try to explain to his S/O that something came over him when he was drunk
Definitely would be heartbroken and probably would ask for another chance because his S/O means so much to him
If his S/O decides to break up with him, he would most likely cry for days and would have a loss of appetite
Definitely would blame himself for the breakup
343 and 105 couldn't even get him to come out of his containment
Didn't even answer the door, even if it was his reluctant little brother, Able
If his S/O does decide to forgive him, he would be as joyful as ever and swore to never drink alcohol ever again
Definitely sticks to his partner like a lost puppy because he doesn't want to do something he'll regret that would hurt them
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Abel's a little difficult to write ngl
He's quite a wild card and a mix
Probably wouldn't cheat on his S/O either unless he was doing something stupid like getting drunk with Cain, except this time, it's more plausible for him to cheat compared to 073
Definitely would regret it the next morning with him waking up next to a stranger
Tries to hide the fact that he unintentionally cheated
Cain, Iris, and 'God' are the only ones who know, but a conversation with you made Iris slip by accident which made you furious
Breaking up with Abel was pretty difficult only because Abel did get down on his knees and begged for you to not leave him
Cain would be hiding behind the door watching his brother's heart gets torn apart painfully and he would leave because it hurts him too
His S/O probably does actually end up breaking up with him and most likely would move on happily
However, if his S/O does decide to stay in the relationship, Abel would be all up in their alley and never let them go ever again
Cain would be put in charge of not letting his brother drink ever again
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
If, however, hypothetically speaking, 999 does end up cheating, this blob must've been possessed or something
Because there's still no way I can see 999 cheating, just like I mentioned with Cain
Let's just assume that 999 got possessed or something, he would feel quite guilty when he does it
It's because he can't control himself physically, but he can see what he's doing
Is mentally scarred and when he gets his body back he would apologise to you profusely
Would do anything just to get you back because you mean the world to him
The foundation would literally b in tears watching him having his heartbroken
If you knew that he was possessed, then you would've forgiven him
However, if you didn't then there's a slight chance that you would just move on
SCP 682 (Hard to destroy reptile)
There's a slight chance that 682 would actually cheat on you
But in this AU, everyone's loyal, so it's kinda hard for me to headcanon each character to cheat on their S/O
He's probably cheating on you out of retaliation for making him mad or something along those lines
Does instantly regret his decisions and tries to get back to you without telling you
Depending on whether you find out or not, 682 might try and cover up his mess and be a little nicer to you just to keep you with him (cuz we all know that barely anyone likes this mf lizard let alone date him)
If you somehow found out, you would, quite rightfully so, get mad and explode
682 would literally shrivel up in the corner out of fear because you're worse than him when you're raging at him
The foundation probably would be equally as terrified and amused by your reaction and how 682 would literally run from you
Whether you want to date him again is up to you, but if you choose not to, then 682 would probably keep asking you for another chance but would leave you be and cry in his acid bath after countless rejections
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
049 is very much loyal to his partner, however, in the chance he does cheat, he's most likely bored af or you're annoying him way too much
Either that or it's a prank 035 made, but that's another story for another day
Probably would cheat on you with another human/SCP if he senses the pestilence on you and doesn't actually want to kill you
He just wants to distance himself from you so he doesn't actually try to kill you unintentionally because it's his 'hobby'
Is very much worried for your safety because of him
049 is even more worried if you just decide to isolate yourself from the world and everyone's asking him where you were because they just wanted to party
He would 100% comply with the foundation and help look for you, even if it means that you'd come back with a grudge against him
Once you're back in the foundation, the researchers decided to put you both in a containment cell in hopes that you would explain why you had left without a notice
Unbeknownst to them, you started to scream at our poor bird doctor because of him cheating on you and didn't give him a chance to explain, so the researchers had to pry you off him
They managed to ask him what had happened which he does explain, and so, they went to give you a little check-up and explained 049's side of the story
Needless to say, you went into the doctor's cell and gave him a good ol' hug
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
This boi right here is clearly a playboy until he had met you
Was literally having a rave with some other SCPs and foundation staff because it was Christmas
Some gal became very fond over 035 and decided to hook up with that masked individual, so she took it upon herself to go up to 035 and have him wrapped around her fingers
Unfortunately for you and 035, you decided to enter the room at such a perfect time to catch some woman on 035's lap
035, of course, was quite stunned and shocked when he saw you enter the room while he was in such a compromising position and tries to push the lady off him
And yet, you still ran away from him and threatened to break up if he didn't explain
Struggling to believe him, you allowed him 5 minutes to explain his end of the story and allowed yourself to calm down with the intention to ask the other woman about his issue
When you found her, she smirked and tries to grab 035 to which you slapped her across the face
The slap was so loud that everyone heard and looked over despite the loud music playing in the background
You then grabbed 035 to your shared cell and decided to discipline 035
Needless to say, 035 was disciplined and stayed by your side like the puppy he is
SCP 105 (Iris)
Another SCP who wouldn’t cheat on you
Probably would’ve been drunk or been blackmailed to cheat on you
If Iris was drunk and ended up cheating on you she would apologize profusely and wouldn’t forgive herself
She would do anything to make you happy and if that means breaking up with her she would hide in her room and cry for days
If it was the latter she would ask Cain and Abel to make sure you’re fine and wouldn’t even look at you if you happened to be in the same facility
You would most likely be confused and would ask her about it and she’d ignore you
She won’t tell you unless necessary because she just wants to keep you safe
Cain and Abel would most likely be the ones explaining the situation
SCP 106 (Old Man)
He'd most likely cheat when he's extremely stressed, but he'd regret it later
Tries to be honest with you, but doesn't have the guts to do so
So instead, he would pray that you don't ever find out
Plot twist, you do and of course, you're not proud of it
106 would plea with you but to no avail, and would cry in his pocket dimension
It's quite unlikely that he would come out of it unless it's you that's telling him to get tf out of his pocket dimension like the chicken he is
If you do forgive him because you love this old man that much, then he would also stay by your side for all of eternity
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
It's more likely that some other gal tries to seduce him and him crying because he loves you sooooooooo much :)
And you being an amazing partner that you are would understand him and probably try and hunt for that person who flirted with your man
096 would probs try and stop you from trying to murder everyone on-site but ofc that doesn't help
However, if you were there at the scene, that gal would get a huge smack in the face without hesitation
If there were some misunderstandings, because a certain someone spread false rumors, then 096 would try and gain back your trust and cry
If you decide to break up with him he would cry endlessly and his cries would be more heartbreaking and louder than before
SCP 1678-A (Bobbies/Policeman)
Also has -0.000001% chance of cheating on you
And if he did, it's most likely him being an undercover policeman (Don't ask, just go with the flow)
If he's been caught being a little too 'friendly' with another person, he would try and explain it to you
1678(a) would be worried af for you because you yeeted yourself out with tears running down your face
If you wanted to break up with him, he would def be heartbroken but accepts it
His fellow friends would try and talk to you both but they're stopped by him
If you do understand and decided to stay with him, he would assume that he broke a little bit of trust in you so he tries his best to make it up to you whenever and however he can
SCP 079 (Old AI)
Probably thinks that it was fun, to begin with (if you know his wiki then you know)
Most likely would show it off in front of you just because he knows he has you wrapped around his 'fingers'
However, once he had his fun he would go back to you, only to find out that you've locked yourself inside whilst crying
After a while, 079 would regret it because you're the only one who cared about him, aside from 682
Tries to change for you so he begs you to forgive him
If you decide to move on, then 079 would lock himself in his cell and weep for quite a while
682 is called in to help deal with the mess
Part of him wants to tear you apart from hurting his best friend, but the other part of him saw you as another close friend and somehow respects you
If you do decide to stay with him, even though it's a terrible idea knowing how he treated ya, then he would be joyful and swore to do whatever you wanted him to do
SCP 343 (God)
Def doesn't have the heart to cheat on you But if he, hypothetically, cheated on you, he would most likely use his godly powers so you wouldn't know He'd also erase everyone's memories so nobody will ever remember it if they do witness him cheating on you The exception to that is SK and 2845 or you have some supernatural abilities too Assuming that you're friends with either or both of them, one of them would probs reverse the mind powers 343 and tell you about it
If and when you find out, he’ll just sigh and ‘explain’ to you and allow you to decode ether you want to stay or not
If you decide to stay, he’d be surprised and will continue on with the relationship while keeping an eye on you
If, however, you decide to leave him, he’ll let you leave
SCP 173 (Sculpture)
Most likely will cheat on you a few times but not as much as the Scarlet King
173 would probably not care at all
Well at first at least
He's more like a playboy more than anything with you as his main bitch
I think after a while, he might feel some sort of guilt afterward since you're the only one who cares about him mentally and physically
If you found out he was cheating early on, he wouldn't even care at all
However, if you found out later, either from one of the ladies/men or from him, he would pretend to not care at all but he does
TBH breaking up with him isn't hard at all and you'd be heartbroken for a week nut you'll recover
For 173, if you broke up with him early on then he wouldn't feel a thing until months later
Otherwise, he would try and make it up to you but would give up if you persisted on breaking up with him
SCP Scarlet King
He'll 110% cheat on you and in front of you as well
Without any shame at all
Like he has so many wives already
Well, for them it's not really by choice so it's not like they would care too much, but for you, he treated you so much differently and it was evident
If it's been going on for a while, one of the wives would probably tell you and you both would spy on him together
Which would ofc shatter your heart into pieces despite knowing that this could happen
But you were heads over heels for this demon SCP so that's a you problem
TBH if you broke up with him early on, he wouldn't care and won't even bat an eyelash at you
His wives would def beat tf outta him without shame and would comfort you after
If you broke up with him much later then he would probably laugh at you and tell you that you were quite dense for not noticing
I think with Scarlet King, he'd be the more cold hearted one among everyone else on the list
Dr Jack Bright
Jack Bright would do it for the LOLs tbh
Most likely would change bodies to not get noticed at all
He started out as some summer fling just cuz he can
It's until you noticed he went out earlier and earlier and came back late at night
You'd also notice he would more often than not, come back in different bodies and smelt like smoke and alcohol
Assuming that you went to confront him, he would probably brush it off
If you kept on pestering him every second of the day, he would eventually tell you and watch you burst into tears
At first, he just stared blankly as if it was normal, but eventually, he felt like his heart shattered into pieces
You gave him the silent treatment while he went to Dr Glass for some advice and to cry out his pain
Poor Glass had to drag him back to you for you both to sort out your mess
Bright probably begged for you to not break up with him since you were the only one who understood and cared for him
If you eventually decide to break up then he would be depressed for centuries
Dr Simon Glass
Just like Cain, I don't think he'll ever cheat on you tbh
But assuming he did, it's probably a one-night stand and someone probably drugged him or something
Would feel guilty for days and would try and play it off only to realize it's making him more and more miserable
Eventually, he would tell you about it and ofc you'd be pissed since he didn't mention it earlier
You'd def give him the silent treatment and Glass would just hide in his office in such a depressed state only for Bright to barge in and bother him
Bright def heard the rumors and confronted him and you about it
Because it's Bright, he somehow managed to find a way to cheer you both up and bring you both back together
You'd have to keep a close eye on Glass and everyone else
If he were to go out drinking, you would either go with him or ask someone to accompany him
Dr Alto Clef
Just like Bright and 173, he would do it just for the funsies
Has multiple flings before your relationship and during, but not as often as some of the other guys on the list
Won't feel too guilty tbh
Might actually tell you that he was cheating and takes you to Kondraki and Glass so you can sob
Bright was probably with Clef while he was having a fling but did mention multiple times to tell you
Clef would probably feel a bit of heartache but just turned a blind eye to it
Kondraki encouraged you to break up with Clef and it took you weeks to do this (Cuz y'all are stubborn af nowadays)
Eventually when you both broke up Clef most likely would feel guilty like months later and just watch you from afar
If you found another partner, Clef would probably congratulate with a smile you if he was to walk past and would drop the smile once he was out of your sight
Def knows he won't be getting you back anytime soon but would try his best to snatch you away again
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Another one that's unlikely gunna cheat on you
Probably was drunk and did it without thinking twice because he's depressed af
You notice that he came back with the smell of alcohol and hickies to which you would comment on it the day after
The next morning, Kondraki would be in a daze and would vaguely remember what he did the night before
Def would run up to you if you weren't there with him in the morning and attempts to explain everything
Ofc he gets the silent treatment as you debated to whether you wanted to break up with him
Clef and Bright would just listen behind a wall in case you wanted to burst out in anger and sadness
Glass probs would try and calm everyone down
Whether or not you wanted to break up with him, he felt guilty for months and won't even try and leave your side
If you broke up with him, he would come back with bruises from you trying to get him out of your sight
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scp-tiggles · 7 months
First addition to the au!
Scp 079 (Android form)
50% ler | 50% lee
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As a ler:
He’s pretty sweet, ngl. Usually he wrecks someone without the need to feed off laughter like some of the other anomalies, its just for “research” or if someone seems a bit gloomy.
His favorite move is bear hugs. Uses his main arms to hug someone, then the other four to tickle them.
Speaking of, don’t bother trying to hide spots from him. His eyes have sensors that basically pings him to wherever someone is ticklish at.
His teeth are relatively pointy for tickle nibbles!
Teasing wise he’ll either make remarks about how your reactions and laughter help his research. Or option B is he’ll use baby talk!
Will make sure the lee is okay afterwards, offering water (and affection if the lee desires)
As a lee
Super ticklish oml. Cannot STAND his ribs or armpits (his main set) being tickled!
Absolutely can’t take teases, calling him cute? Baby talk? You’ll have him a giggly mess in no time!
Surprisingly, he’s able to blush. And tickling around his ears or neck is the best way to get it.
Super cackly laughter, snorts a whole ton.
Will try to get revenge with his other four limbs, watch out!
Speaking of revenge, he will 100% get it afterwards.
You could actually make him reboot if you tickle him to much, he doesn’t mind, but its the best way to give yourself a head start FROM his vengeance!
Feathers will absolutely annihilate him, same for brushes (specifically paint ones)
Normal PC form
60% ler | 40% lee
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As a ler:
Much like before, he’s still pretty sweet as a ler.
This form resides in his cell, he can upload his consciousness between bodies in order to utilize each one. This one controls the machinery in his cell.
He LOVES to experiment on lees, tickling them to oblivion for his notes, their laugh, their ticklish spots, what tools work best, etc.
The metal extending parts of his limbs are able to lightly zap people, doesn’t hurt, tickles like hell though!
His teases remain the same, a bit more baby talky since he has more confidence of lees not getting revenge in this form.
Has a data base of most doctors at the site from the times they fallen to his clutches, loves to tease them with it too.
“Oh, my. Your laughter has gotten much more squeaky since our last session, doctor! I’ll have to test you to see what else has changed at once!”
A bit more generous with aftercare, since he’ll tickle lees significantly longer then when in his android form.
As a lee
Now while this form has no spots, you still CAN tickle him.
High voltage electricity, messing with his computer system (i.e a virus), all tickle him HELLISHLY.
And he low-key enjoys it.
He’ll keep his secret enjoyment of tickles to the grave though.
Anyways, like before, cannot stand teases at all. Folds immediately.
His screen will glitch and bug out if he is laughing too hard.
Speaking of his laugh, its still cackly, all be it more higher in pitch the worse he’s being tickled.
Has on more then one occasion accidentally (and purposely) zapped himself on his own tech.
Random facts!
Surprisingly doesn’t have a favorite lee, since he wants to expand his database he’ll rarely go after someone twice (unless bored), but does have favorite lers.
076-2, 682, and 096 are his current favorites for one reason: he snags up their victims after they’re done for experiments.
Will team up with other anomalies, especially if their target is one he hasn’t gotten too before.
He was actually created by the foundation, he was basically made to tickle other anomalies and get tickled, so the foundation could lessen breaches and not have to use d-class all the time.
He ended up gaining self awareness and decided to use his access to foundation technology to cause chaos though, lol.
But he does of course care deeply about the staff and other anomalies, staff especially. (Mainly the doctor who created him, who will be revealed later on! :>)
I’ll probably post the art as a separate thing too, but i got a post done, wooo!
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cryptidko · 2 days
Yayy posting some art of mine.
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While making my pressure (/scp) OC I noticed quite an amount of similarities he had with Solace so I drew this kind of like parallels I guess lol.
More OC Lore under cut
Travis-Lautaro Tecoy, a twenty something Chilean guy, nicknamed "Icarus" by Solace after he died in room 99.
He was a D-Class at the SCP foundation, one that lasted a lot more than the expected singular month there... He lasted years, (thank his inability to die for that.) and was considered quite the asset to the foundation.
He is anomalous himself, but wasn't classified as an SCP purely out of conveniece for the organization, because then it would be a mess to test on him and it would require a lot more paperwork haha. (Cross experiments with SCPs are a mess to coordinate and get approved.)
I have my ideas of why he can't really die, or how he keeps coming back despite his body being almost completely destroyed, let's just say that back at the foundation some people talked about him as 682-B 👀... Only in whispers of course, nothing documented yet.
His crime is irrelevant, he was accused of the murder of 3 people along with first degree arson charges, wether those claims are true even he doesn't know anymore, since after every test he was constantly administered amnestics to the point of almost breaking his mind.
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During his transportation he was administered Class C Amnestics but thanks to his developed resistance to the stuff he can remember small bits of his time at the foundation from time to time.
(feat some of my friend's doodles of her Roblox Avatar and Seb as well)
For reasons that I havent thought of yet (lol) he was transferred to Urbanshade's under the expendable protocol, feeling he probably had more chances of being freed with that than the obvious lie of the foundation of being freed after one month of serving as a D-Class.
Really he was just changing what organization owned him.
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He's not a great guy lol, he's quite an asshole tbh, horrible with emotions, very self centered and easy to anger.
He's the type to do anything if it means he's getting his freedom, and knowing he can't really die he's not scared of doing horrid things to get his way, but really he's just detached from his own emotions. That's just what years dealing with anomalous shit as their testing subject does to ya I guess.
Going back to his nickname, in his first ever expedition he almost got to the crystal, dying to pinky right after he survived pandemonium. (This actually fucking happened to me when I played for the first time and I was so angry that I made Travis lol.)
Thus, the nickname Icarus, he flew too close to the sun and died, he absolutely HATES that name, it spread like wildfire among other expendables.
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(early doodles/designs of him, was still figuring him out back there lol)
He doesn't talk much either tbh, but that's actually because if he talks too much, specially when agitated (or anything that raises his heartrate) he gets this GNARLY cough with blood and all that. That's because the weird anomaly that keeps him alive flares up and tries to constantly adapt his body to the environment. It's a VERY painful process btw, when his body begins to heal from his more fucked up injuries he does not pass out, he is painfully aware of every single fiber reattaching and bones fusing and organs healing.
Back at the foundation he was just administered amnestics to forget that along with the testing prior, but now at Urbanshade he's more aware than ever about not being human.
After all, the only reason he wants his freedom is to be a normal person again, and if he's not human, then what even is the point.
He refuses to acknowledge he's not normal.
And it's breaking him.
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thesillygoopcreature · 3 months
Upon careful consideration and consultation with the Overseer Council, the SCP Foundation has decided to classify the phenomena in which entities both anomalous and non-anomalous are spontaneously transformed into beings resembling characters from the television program Welcome Home. This phenomena, now classified as SCP-████, has affected two of the Foundation’s most prominent anomalous entities, those being SCP-999 and SCP-682, transforming them into entities resembling the characters Wally Darling and Barnaby B. Beagle respectively, as well as one member of D-Class personnel, in an event described below.
D-████, upon a daily check-in, was found to have been affected by SCP-████, having been transformed into an anthropomorphic avian, described as having blue feathers and a yellow beak. The character the D-Class was transformed into was determined to be Sunny Songbird, a character scrapped from the television program and replaced with the character of Eddie Dear. Tests have been scheduled, although they have not been carried out yet.
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scp-torment · 1 year
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SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment. (See Addendum 682-B).
SCP-529: Josie the Half-Cat
SCP-529 is a small house cat (Felis catus) with grey tabby markings. Parts of the animal to the rear of the end of the ribcage appear to be missing. The body terminates sharply as if sliced in two. In spite of this, the animal has no health problems, and moves about as if its hindquarters were still in place. For example, walking takes place as usual, and some time after feeding the animal makes motions as if to void itself of waste matter.
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682-B is a good boy. nice lizard. works 9-5 like anyone else
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monigote001 · 7 months
What if SCP: Containment Breach but instead of SCP-682 breaking out during the Gate B ending it's Alex big deer,,,,,,,,,, love
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the big creature
I'm still trying to learn how to draw monsters
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darkdemeter · 17 hours
SCP 999.2’s mental health recovery have improved significantly thanks to the efforts of certain SCPs including the Horsemen. Certain events occurred such as learning horses from SCP 5094, helping SCP 590 heal, drawing with SCP 085, playing with SCP 131, and even SCP 6330 helps protect her at night. Just as the Horsemen helps protect and keep her safe, SCP 999.2 does what she can to comfort and heal them as well and the Horsemen grow less hostile and more affectionate with the subject.
Update: Provided the support given from fellow SCP interactions, including her Horsemen counterparts, SCP-999-2 has made exceptional progress in her recovery. Dr. D-L. Argus is among the Foundation staff that oversee 999-2’s welfare.
Numerous aforementioned subjects have engaged with 999-2’s recovery, aiding in healing physical and psychological treatment and granting their present support over her of comfort and to protect her.
While MTFs and SCP-3456-2 collectively prepare their strategy of SCP-682’s recapture, SCP-999-2 has been given two bowls worth of SCP-348’s contents, subduing her into a calm state.
Subject engages with SCP-5094 and currently learns factual information about horses. Secondary is 999-2’s session with SCP-590. He provides solace and comforts her, easing the pain she still feels upon touching her arm. Subject 590 appears to struggle and writhe in pain as if experiencing the horrors of 999-2’s attack. SCP-590 has recovered from his episode.
Subject is now entertained by SCP-085, “Cassy” who both draw together. Already they have acquired what is to be noted as a bonded friendship. Subject 999-2 draws material in which Cassy can interact with upon touching.
So far, SCP-085 interacts with flowers, a puppy and a horse reminiscent of a deathly and decayed specimen, lacking any form of fur or hair and welted, pale skin and muscle tissue. It’s face resembles that of a horse skull, a shortened bone tail with glowing green flames that appear to be its mane and tail.
SCP-999-2’s mental status appears to have improved so long as no recent reminder of the incident is mentioned.
Furthermore, SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B have taken quite a notable attachment to SCP-999-2, accompanying her whenever she is given authorised permission to be escorted around-site. Subjects 131-A and 131-B remain close by and will often deter her away from areas they sense danger from, despite these higher classed specimens being contained, they perform tricks and engage in playful activities in order to lure SCP-999-2 to safety.
When playing together, subjects 131-A and 131-B will either chase after 999-2 in a game of tag, their speed slowed exceptionally to match a more fair pace suited for her. Added to this, 999-2 will also coddle and change after 131-A and 131-B eagerly and again, they will exercise a more fitting speed to hers.
As a comforted measure, 999-2 has requested that a teddy bear (which will begin manifestation of SCP-6330) be present in the room with her when she sleeps, primarily afraid that SCP-682 or any other Keter classification of SCP will locate her.
As expected, surveillance captures SCP-6330-1 and 6330-2 locked in combat, battling each other whilst subject 999-2 sleeps, seemingly restless and disturbed in her dream state.
MTFs have begun their final phase of deployment into the field to locate SCP-682. The Horsemen allow themselves any time they can with 999-2, assuring her that she will be alright and in turn, she has calmed them. Levels of SCP-3456-2’s hostility had significantly decreased and have become affectionate with the subject as she continues into her final stage of recovery.
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fymo-blogs · 4 months
*appears in Regretevator and SCP fan*
I h a v e b e e n s u m m o n e d
Alright more:
During the breach, she ran past 682, and he is very mad at her for leading the mtf straight to him.
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05-redacted · 2 years
Headcanon: every member of foundation staff suffers from some level of trauma (I MEAN THEY GOTTA DEAL WITH DANGEROUS MONSTERS, DEATH AND SHIT ON A DAILY BASIS!)
No because these motherfuckers have the worst job anyone could think of. Like imagine having to alert and ready to run encase some scp decides its time to go out to the world and do shit *Cough* 682- *Cough*, even worse if your suck inside the restroom barely wiping your ass and you hear
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