#SEHUNS freckles?
kokaibop · 2 years
i don’t know a group of finer, more handsome men than the exos
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exosalt · 1 month
aot headcanons - skincare edition
Slightly on the dry side but v sensitive
Has a pretty simple routine - cleanser, toner, moisturiser, aftershave etc
His products are high end and high quality
Knows exactly what to use for specific skin issues
Religiously uses SPF
Combination skin but slightly on the oilier side
Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Uses 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash on his face when he’s in the shower
Steals Armin’s and Mikasa’s skincare products
Uses them wrong
Refuses to use SPF in winter
Normal balanced skin
Literally only needs cleanser and SPF and that’s IT
Likes trying out new face masks and sheet masks
Physically has to hold Eren down and rub SPF on his face
Used to have balanced skin like Mikasa but it dried out because he kept using hand sanitizer on his face
Cleanses twice a day but with antibacterial soap
Skin stills looks good because ✨Ackergenes✨
Combination and slightly acne-prone
Needs encouragement to use proper skincare
Not too fussed about following a proper routine, always forgets in the evening
Thinks growing a beard will cover the sins
Has an oily T-zone
Tiktok is her main source of skincare info
Tried homemade Pinterest face masks but ended up eating it
Has a post on her Instagram of herself and Connie with face masks on and cucumbers over their eyes
Combination skin but slightly acne prone
Doesn’t really use anything special unless it’s recommended to him
“What’s your skincare routine?” “Water” - thinks that’s a flex
Loves trying new face masks with Sasha
Dry, sensitive skin but no one can ever tell because she’s perfected her skincare
Has a full 12 step routine
Loves giving skincare recommendations
Convinces Ymir to do spa nights with her
LMAO jk jk his skincare is pretty simple
Has mostly normal skin but stress causes him to break out
Still trying to find products which work for him
Oily + sensitive skin
Constantly forgets to use SPF
Doesn’t really matter because he sweats off all the product anyway
Combination skin
Constant dark circles
Uses super simple drugstore products
Only really focused on keeping her skin clean
Started using SPF because Armin suggested it
Combination skin but has an oily forehead
Doesn’t have a proper routine
Only buys products that are half off 🙃
Low-key scared he’ll exfoliate a freckle off
(The freckles demand love)
Really only uses water and it works out fine
Doesn’t understand the skincare hype
Will still try out whatever Historia recommends for her
this set
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Doesn’t have a skincare routine
Likes putting weird things on their face just to see what effect they’ll have
Like they’ll rub a whole lemon on their face just to see what it does
Enjoys popping pimples
Soap goes up his nose every single day and impairs his sense of smell for like an hour afterwards
Cries when this happens
Prefers to keep it simple
Doesn’t wash his face
Crusty ass bitch
s/o to @sehun-cakes for helping me with this 😂
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bullet1ni · 1 year
IN Wonderland Ch. 3:
House Wolfe
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pairing: prince!jeongin x executioner!reader (feat. skz changbin, hyunjin, exo sehun, enhypen jungwon, nct jaehyun)
word count: 6.5k
🔒warnings: apathetic! reader as per usual (although she's toned it down a bit for this chapter), blood (also less), nightmares, mental illness (possibly written inaccurately)
author's note: new characters yay (not really). consider this a filler chapter, the necessary stuff that comes before the interesting. that's probably why i procrastinated this forever it was literally so boring to write. my favorite stuff to write is dialogue and zooming in on moments, that shit comes easy to me. which is why writing a longer timespan is so fucking difficult for i apologize. enjoy. @tangerminie my favorite person, i await your critique and feedback :)
click here for the series spotify playlist
⚠️!Minors and sensitive readers proceed with caution!⚠️
Please don't copy or repost my work.
click here for the series masterlist
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reblogs, comments, and constructive criticism are very much appreciated🙂
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The head fell from the body, spraying freckles of blood against your breastplate and thighs. The head rolled over and stopped, blank face up, against your foot.
You looked down, impassive, at the face, rapidly turning white as color rushed out of his cheeks along with blood.
"I have, Tripp Cohen." You turned around. "But I learned not to search for the answers to meaningless questions. Perhaps if you had done the same you would still be in possession of your head."
Over on the side, Count Axel's brows were furrowed, watching you in silent contemplation.
The two carriages rolled up the center of the crowd at a mind-numbing pace.
Many of the delegation's expressions, you noticed, had become rather fixed, and frankly, you couldn't blame them. How they got anything done at that pace was beyond you.
As they squeaked and groaned slowly to a stop, swaying slightly, each carriage was approached by footmen. They solemnly unfolded a set of steps in front of the carriage door. Then, the carriage doors were opened and their occupants each stepped out.
From the first, came a tall, handsome, broad-shouldered man with a perfectly cropped black beard, and cold eyes. The twisting silver and iron crown on his head indicated him as King Alvaro.
From the carriage behind, a tall, slender girl. Her porcelain features were dainty yet striking, but her eyes were the same hard, steely, gray as her father's. Her beauty was undeniable.
The two approached the foot of the stairs and gave matching slight bows. King Alvaro offered a wan smile. 
“Queen of Hearts, on behalf of Ohdria, I thank you for receiving us so gracefully.” His voice was deep and accented.
The queen stared at him.
Sehun leaned into her ear.
She gave herself a little shake, muttered to herself, then gave King Alvaro what you supposed was meant to be an apologetic smile.
“Oh, King Alvaro, you flatter me. We are so glad to have you." She held her hand out. He made his way up the stairs, kissed her hand, and stood straight again. The queen withdrew her hand and preened.
From behind her, Duke Sehun whispered something into her ear again.
She looked annoyed for a second, then shut her eyes and hoisted the smile back onto her face with some difficulty.
"King Alvaro, may I present my son, Prince Jeongin.”
She gestured towards you.
King Alvaro looked at you politely with his eyebrows raised.
“Ah, ...Prince Jeongin, how nice to meet you.” He smiled at you with bared teeth.
The situation was so bizarre, you had no clue how you were supposed to respond.
Thankfully, Sehun leaned into the queen's ear yet again.
She listened irritably, then here eyes widened and the queen shot you a look of surprise.
She whipped around to look at Jeongin, who had been standing on her other side, who was no doubt disassociating with all his might. His expression was extremely stony.
“Oh, oops, silly me." Her face reddened with embarrassment. "This is Jeonginie.” She gestured at Jeongin all the while shooting you a venomous look, as if it were your fault for existing in the wrong space.
You gazed back at her innocently.
When Jeongin and King Alvaro met gazes, Jeongin gave a low, solemn bow. 
“A pleasure to meet you, King Alvaro.”
King Alvaro looked over him with a sharp, calculating gaze.
“Likewise, Prince Jeongin. I have heard many things about you.” Jeongin met his gaze, eyes hardening to match the man facing him.
"Good things, I hope," he replied stiffly.
"A mixed bag, to be completely transparent, your highness." King Alvaro smiled the bared-teeth smile again.
The queen, seemingly unaware of the tense exchange happening beside her, swept her arm and spoke pompously.
“Come, gather your court members King Alvaro. Let us go inside the castle. We are preparing a feast and some exciting festivities.”
She beckoned.
“My servants shall help unpack your things and bring them to your rooms.”
King Alvaro turned away from Jeongin to face the queen. As he did, you thought you saw Jeongin's posture droop a little. You certainly saw unmistakable relief on his face.
“Very well, Queen of Hearts.” King Alvaro bowed graciously.
He turned to face his entourage. “Let us allow Wonderland to bestow upon us their hospitality and warmth.”
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The throne room was crowded and noisy, nobles from Wonderland and Ohdria wandered the room, conversing with one another, occasionally snatching glasses of wine and beignets off the trays of the waiters dotted around the room. The queen and King Alvaro sat on twin thrones on a raised platform at the end of the room, surrounded by their advisors. Princess Laverne and Jeongin stood to one side talking quietly.
You edged your way along the sides of the room towards the exit. 
Just as you reached the door however, a server hastily stopped you with a bow.
"Lady y/n, your presence is requested at the throne."
You sighed inwardly and nodded. You made your way back, retracing your steps as slowly as possible through the crowd, towards the king and queen.
Upon reaching the thrones, you bowed your head and knelt on one knee.
King Alvaro looked down at you. Duke Sehun spoke from his spot beside the queen.
"King Alvaro, your majesty, please allow me to introduce to you, Lady y/n, the executioner of Wonderland."
"Rise, Lady y/n," commanded King Alvaro. You straightened up, looking into those cold eyes, matching your own gaze to his. He raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.
"I have heard much about you from our correspondence with your country. I look forward to seeing you in action."
You pointedly let his words hang in the air before speaking.
"Thank you, your majesty. I hope you won't be disappointed."
"Hm." King Alvaro inspected his hands.
Your eyes wandered a bit over to Sehun, who was looking on with a slightly worried expression. Just when you were about to ask if you could go (politely, of course), King Alvaro spoke again.
"Axel!" he called.
You didn't have time to wonder who Axel was, because a handsome young man stepped forward from where he was standing in the shadows behind the throne. His voice was pleasantly warm.
"Yes, my king?" He bowed low. King Alvaro turned his head to you.
"Lady, y/n, this is Count Axel. He is the executioner of Ohdria." Axel gave you a polite incline of his head, hazel eyes taking you in curiously.
"It is a pleasure, Lady y/n." He gave you a warm smile. You narrowed your eyes a little.
"Likewise, your excellency."
Sometime during your interaction with Count Axel, the queen had become aware of what was going on beside her. She butted in with ill-masked excitement.
"King Alvaro, what say you we let y/n and Count Axel go for a bit, so they can get to know each other? I daresay it should be most enlightening for the two of them."
King Alvaro looked at Count Axel. They exchanged a look, so fleeting that you thought you had imagined it. But when the corner of Count Axel's lips turned up slightly, you knew you hadn't.
The two men looked back towards you.
"I would lend my consent if Axel is willing."
Count Axel inclined his head.
"I would be delighted to get to know Lady y/n," replied Count Axel.
He fixed his easy gaze on you, and you returned it, expression polite, but suffice it to say, you would not be delighted. Axel seemed to sense the venom behind your stare but he just gave you an amused smile.
"Very well," shrugged King Alvaro. "They may go."
Count Axel descended the stairs and offered you his arm and another smile.
You looked at him.
'I am going to offer you exactly one graceful way out of this' is what you silently told him. His eyes crinkled slightly and his lips pressed together, suppressing a smile.
You extended your own arm out to him.
To his credit, he took your hand adroitly, kissed it lightly, then let go, retracting his arm and not extending it again. You gave a polite smile and bowed to both sovereigns. Axel copied you.
As etiquette dictated, you stood silently until the attention of both rulers was averted from you, and the second it was, you turned on your heel and walked away, Axel trailing behind you like an obedient puppy. He followed you in silence until you reached an exit.
You were stopped, right before leaving, for the second time that day.
"Pardon me, my lady." He put one hand gently on your arm. You spun around, giving him a flash of your eye, and he let go of you quickly.
"Your excellency?" He bowed his head apologetically before looking at you again.
"Yes, my lady, I was just wondering, would it be ah-unsuitable, of us just to leave unannounced like this?" You smiled cordially.
"Not at all, your excellency." Axel looked at you, opening his mouth to say something.
You tilted your head questioningly to the side.
He shut his mouth.
You gave him a nod, turned around, and led him out of the room.
Outside, you led him through the castle to the West Wing's second floor, where the guest staterooms were. You found the place swarmed with servants, Wonderland and Ohdrian alike, carrying trunks and parcels in and out of rooms. You stopped one of the maids rushing by you.
"Excuse me, ma'am." She gave a frightened start and quickly executed a deep, ninety-degree bow.
"L-lady y/n! What a surprise!" Her eyes darted from you to Axel feverishly. "And a guest!"
"Yes, this is Count Axel, the executioner of Ohdria." You quickly adopted a sweet smile and looked at him. He smiled back, bewildered by your sudden change in attitude. You turned back to the maid. "Could you please show me where Count Axel's room is?"
"Oh! C-count Axel! W-why how p-pleased to meet you!" She bowed even lower this time. "Yes, of course," she paused for a second. "Yes, Count Axel, this way please. Your excellency, my lady."
You smiled brightly at Count Axel again.
"Come along, your excellency! I'm sure our servants have prepared a wonderful room." He looked like he wanted to say something, but you turned before he had the chance to answer, following quickly after the maid. He had no choice but to follow as well.
She led you down the hallway to a closed door, and opened it for the two of you, peering inside as she did so.
"Here it is. Everything seems to be in order. Now if you'll please excuse me," she bowed apologetically. "I really should go back now. There's quite a bit to unpack still."
"Of course," you nodded towards her. "I'll help him settle in." You maintained the smile you had been wearing until she was well out of sight, then dropped it from your face immediately.
You turned to look at the count.
Count Axel had already caught up with your plan. He watched in wry amusement.
"So, my lady," he opened the door further and stepped inside the room. "Am I correct in assuming that this is where you're going to dump me?"
"Quite right, your excellency." He chuckled a bit at that. You stayed carefully beyond the threshold of the door.
"Up until now, I thought that you seemed rather...severe, for a child. How refreshing to know that certain adolescent conducts have not escaped you. Such as complete ignorance regarding etiquette."
You waited impatiently for him to get to the point. Upon seeing your expression, he let out an amused chuckle.
"I must say, what a way to treat a guest. Such disrespect is not tolerated in Ohdria." He looked at you. You met his eyes evenly, unimpressed.
"This is not Ohdria."
He shook his head with a smile. "You have such keen abilities of observation, my lady."
You scowled. "Don't mock me, your excellency."
"Not mockery, my lady," he raised his hands quickly to his sides. "Just observation."
"Well, I am flattered, to say the least, by your interest in observing me." You snapped back.
He chuckled again.
"Hm." He tilted his head, looking intently at you. "You're an interesting girl, Lady y/n."
You did not answer.
"I would be much obliged if you would come in for a minute and speak with me."
You paused
If there was one reaction to your rudeness that you had not considered, it was that Count Axel would invite you into his rooms to chat. It was true that you had dragged him away from the mingling and chatter to dump him here, and hopefully catch a few hours of solitude in your rooms before the festivities began, and would not end for what, as far as you were concerned, was forever.
It was also true that this Count Axel character was intriguing the hell out of you.
So you inclined your head politely and stepped through the doorway.
Axel shut the door behind you, seemingly delighted. He gestured to a little tea table surrounded by chairs and you sat down. He pulled up a chair and sat down as well, crossing his legs and lacing his fingers on top of his knee. You settled down into the cushions.
Count Axel spent several minutes just examining you, tilting his head this way and that, peering at your face. Finally, his curiosity seemingly satiated, he leaned back and spoke.
"First of all, Lady y/n, you ought to know that you, along with the prince, are rather famous, even outside your own kingdom. Tales of the two of you have spread far and wide, reaching even our distant nation. Whether this was a deliberate move on the part of your monarchy is in question. The validity of the claims is also a question."
He spoke with eyes softly shut. When he paused, he opened his eyes again. You were slightly taken aback by his bluntness. Axel seemed to be satisfied for the moment and was waiting for you to say something. You refused to oblige him. He smiled pleasantly.
"Lady y/n, I am an exceedingly patient man. I promise you, I would wait here until my death if need be, so it would be in your best interest to cooperate with me." You didn't reply. "However, since a response from you is not important at this moment, I shall continue. Where was I?" He mused. "Ah yes." His eyes fluttered closed again.
"Your fame, Lady y/n. It has made you a character of great interest amongst the king's court. We are all fascinated by you. Would you like to know why?" He opened an eye and fixed it on you. You raised an eyebrow.
"If it pleases your excellency."
Axel chuckled. You were getting tired of the sound, mostly because it meant that everything you were doing to irritate him wasn't irritating him.
He took a second to compose himself.
"Allow me to explain, then. As I stated before, you and the prince are equally famous throughout the lands. The genius and the...whatever you are. Executioner, perhaps, but it is my belief and the belief of many in the high court of Ohdria that you are perhaps just a bit more than that."
You cocked a little half smile. Axel tilted his head.
"Interesting. Would you care to tell me what you found amusing about that, my lady?" You threw an arm over the back of the chair.
"Just that Ohdria believes whatever stories or rumors that traveled all the way over there. By word of mouth. I was under the impression that you had to be intelligent to be part of the king's court." Axel maintained his smile but his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He spoke lightly.
"And yet, Wonderland requested that we bring one of our highest security prisoners to use in a...demonstration by the prince and yourself. Surely we hadn't gone to all that trouble for an execution? Believe me, my lady, the Ohdrian high court is far from unintelligent, we are far more perceptive than you would believe."
You narrowed your eyes.
"That demonstration is a matter between only the King of Ohdria and Wonderland. It does not concern you."
"True," he agreed. "My question was just to prove a point. At any rate, though much is known about the prince," here he leaned forward in his seat towards you. "Quite close to nothing is known about you. Where did you come from? Why did you grow up in the castle? We hear rumors and outlandish stories, but no provable facts. It really is a mystery."
"'Us' meaning Ohdria?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Well," Count Axel pondered this question for a little. "Not Ohdria the country, but the monarchy. The king."
"Couldn't it be argued that the king is the country?" You asked.
He frowned.
"Do not attempt to derail me or make empty talk, Lady y/n. I expect I'll get enough of that in the coming days from your nobles. Can't we agree to be honest and direct with each other?"
You raise your eyebrows and did not answer.
The two of you sat in silence.
Finally, you decided that you'd had enough. You wanted out of this conversation. Your curiosity was sufficiently satiated and this was becoming nothing more than a waste of time.
"Well, Count Axel, I'll only tell you this once, so listen carefully so you may relay this back to your king as I have no doubt you will." Axel unlaced both fingers and placed them carefully in his lap, looking expectantly. You gave him a hard stare.
"Does Ohdria really think," you leaned close and lowered your voice slightly. "That I have never asked myself these questions? Did you not think that I, too, once sought out the answers? Believe me, Count Axel, if there were answers to be found I would have found them."
Axel smiled politely.
"Perhaps you did not find them because you stopped looking." You looked at him skeptically.
"Who says I stopped looking?"
"I do, Lady y/n. In fact, I say you stopped looking a long time ago." He examined you, then examined his hands in his lap. "And I say that I am right. I am very rarely wrong."
You were silent.
What was he playing at?
The two of you sat quietly for a while. Finally, Count Axel stood up and smiled apologetically.
"Forgive me, my lady. I've kept you too long, haven't I? You have your places to be, and I have to find my way back to the party." He walked to the door and opened it for you. You got up and approached him. He was slightly taller than you, and he looked down at you. "I daresay it has been a most enlightening chat we've had."
You stepped out of the room and bowed.
"Likewise, your excellency."
His eyes glinted.
"Please call me Axel."
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You stood against the wall of the execution hall, Axel beside you. On the floor, servants were scurrying to clean up and prepare the floor for the final prisoner of the day. The crowd buzzed in excitement.
Up on the queen's balcony, King Alvaro, the queen, Sehun, the black-robed crown-hat man, Laverne, and Jeongin sat, looking down at the festivities.
The headless body and the head were carried off. Blood was scrubbed from the ground. When the last servant ran off the floor, Sehun stood up and walked to the banister to address the room.
"Ladies, gentlemen, esteemed Ohdrian guests." He nodded towards the top box where the Ohdrian nobles sat. Several of them raise their champagne flutes toward him. "We thank you again for attending today's festivities. I would now like to announce the last prisoner for today."
The noise from the crowd swelled as the doors from the dungeon were swung open by the two Clubs flanking them. From inside emerged a figure, hands tied behind his back. He was standing straight, looking around with glinting eyes. When they landed on you, he held your gaze until you looked away.
Sehun was looking down upon him with disgust. More interestingly, however, was the queen. She looked down at him as well, and with unmistakable hatred.
Sehun noticed and whispered a few words into her ear, and she nodded in agreement. She looked back down at the prisoner with a vicious smile.
The man looked up at her, bared his teeth in a snarl, and spat on the ground.
The crowd erupted into roars of outrage. Sehun looked furious. He spoke loudly, voice shaking slightly.
"May I present to you all, Tripp Cohen, a criminal of the highest order. He stands before us on a charge of the highest severity, of treason against the monarchy of Wonderland, spreading lies and tarnishing the good name of our queen." He pursed his lips.
"For shame."
"For shame," echoed the crowd.
Tripp Cohen was shoved forward, a Club behind him jabbing his back with the butt of his spear.
Sehun turned towards you and Axel. "Today, we are fortunate enough to have not one, but two esteemed bringers of justice to perform for us. Count Axel of Ohdria and Lady y/n of Wonderland, take a bow! Let's have a round of applause for their outstanding performances thus far."
Count Axel bowed low and waved toward the appreciative crowd. You barely inclined your head, choosing instead to watch as Tripp Cohen was forced to his knees at the center of the room. The Clubs shoved his head to the execution block, untied his wrists, then retied them to the sides of the block.
Sehun addressed the crowd again.
"The privilege of retribution for Tripp Cohen's crimes will be given to our very own Lady y/n." The crowd, mostly consisting of Wonderland citizens, screamed their approval.
You sighed. At the center of the room, Tripp Cohen perked up, raising his head to look at you.
With the crowd chanting your name, you stepped forward. A Club appeared at your side, with your freshly polished axe. You took it from him. Tripp Cohen watched you as you approached him, eyes fixed upon yours.
He lacked the hysteria and or anger of the ones before him. Instead, he looked rather pleased to see you. Over the noise from the crowds, you barely heard him when he spoke.
"Lady y/n, a pleasure to finally meet you."
You lifted your face to peer up at the queen's balcony where it sat half-covered in shadow. Sehun gestured for you to go on. You looked back down.
"I bet this isn't how you imagined it." Tripp Cohen's face spread into a sideways smile.
"Actually, my lady, this is exactly how I envisioned it."
From the corner of your eye, you saw Count Axel watching the two of you intently. You walked to the side of the execution block, adjusting your stance. Tripp Cohen tilted his head sideways so he could look at you.
"I have planned for this moment all my adult life. To deliver my message and die. For Wonderland."
You pushed the visor of your helmet and raised an eyebrow, gripping the axe with your second hand. Tripp Cohen continued on.
"Because I know things. I know things that challenge everything we are led to believe, what I know could shake this kingdom and its monarchy to the ground."
You carefully adjusted your grip on your axe.
"Haven't you ever wondered who you are, Lady y/n?" His voice was hushed and urgent. You lift the axe above your head, allowing a moment of dramatic suspense, for it to gleam and shine in the light.
The head fell from the body, spraying freckles of blood against your breastplate and thighs. The head rolled over and stopped, blank face up, against your foot.
You looked down, impassive, at the face, rapidly turning white as color rushed out of his cheeks along with blood.
"I have, Tripp Cohen." You turned around. "But I learned not to search for the answers to meaningless questions. Perhaps if you had done the same you would still be in possession of your head."
Over on the side, Count Axel's brows were furrowed, watching you in silent contemplation.
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Life with the Ohdrians in the castle was very different than what you had become accustomed to.
Three meals a day in the dining hall, under the scrutinizing gazes of the Diamonds, who whispered behind their hands to the Ohdrian nobles.
"No one knows where she came from, she just appeared one day," is what you overheard some of them saying in the courtyard one time.
Then there were the socials, tea parties, outings, balls, and whatever other excessive formalities that the Diamonds so enjoyed performing. Being starved for new gossip and chances to show off their wealth, they quickly befriended the Ohdrians and spared no expense in their entertainment. None.
The council was pretty much the same, and every night there were executions and a feast. As a result of all this, you had no time whatsoever to train.
So every night, you awoke, drenched in your own sweat, clenching the blankets until your knuckles turned white. Tears stained your face that you wished you could shove back into your eyes. The dreams always featured some mutant or the other.
One night, when you were once again wrenched awake by the vision of a grotesque, half-human corpse, someone was sitting beside your bed. There was a cool towel on your forehead.
Silently, you turned your head towards the silhouette.
It was Camille.
She sat gazing out the open window, eyes wide towards the gibbous moon.
When she turned, you shut your eyes and slowed your breathing. There was a rustling sound, and you felt the towel being lifted from your forehead. You heard Camille get up, and walk away.
You stared at the ceiling above you, hearing your heartbeat in the dark. A strange feeling filled your stomach at the thought of Camille, awake in the middle of the night to watch over you. It was a terrible squeamishness that you wished would go away.
When you heard the light footsteps returning, you shut your eyes again.
You felt Camille lean over you. You could smell her. It took everything in you not to cringe. She gently brushed the hair sticking to your forehead to the side. At that, you couldn't suppress the spasm in your upper body.
Camille placed a hand on your arm, and you stiffened even further.
"Oh, y/n," she murmured softly. "Your demons follow you through every world."
No address. No 'my lady'.
She smoothed out your covers and returned to her spot by the window. A dreamy, ephemeral night breeze drifted through the open window, gently nudging the curtains, carrying the words she whispered under her breath.
"I wish I had the power to protect you from them."
The fuck.
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The next morning, you refused to allow yourself to be dressed by the maids. Ignoring their slightly desperate pleas, you entered the dining room in your preferred attire of trousers and a shirt. The Ohdrians all looked scandalized.
You took your usual spot at the end of a sparsely occupied table against the wall. You were halfway through your porridge, when, at the High Table, Jeongin and the council members all collectively stood up.
The entire hall looked toward them, and Duke Sehun raised his hand.
"Apologies, everyone, please continue with your meal and excuse us. We have some business to attend to." He gave a polite smile and led the group through the hall towards the exit. He stopped to say something to Baron Jungwon, the youngest member of the council.
Baron Jungwon nodded and glanced toward you. The group continued on, but he hurried towards your table. You pretended not to see him until he was right in front of you.
"Lady y/n." You looked up and feigned surprise.
"Baron Jungwon! To what do I owe this pleasure?"
He looked slightly exasperated.
"No need to seem so overly enthusiastic, Lady y/n. It comes across as insincerity."
You bowed your head politely.
"Of course, my lord. Apologies."
He sighed.
"Lady y/n, your presence is requested in the council chamber at the nearest possible time. I'm to accompany you." Here, he heaved another sigh.
You pushed your plate away from you and stood up.
"I won't keep you waiting then, my lord." Baron Jungwon nodded tightly and set off at a brisk pace toward the exit. You followed at a more leisurely speed after him.
The two of you reached the council chamber, and he held the door open for you. You bowed before entering.
Inside, the council and Jeongin were already seated at the table. The queen was notably missing.
Duke Sehun cleared his throat.
"Please take a seat next to Prince Jeongin, Lady y/n." You slid into the empty seat beside Jeongin.
It had been a while since you had seen Jeongin, especially since the two of you saw each other daily for a long time prior to the Ohdrian delegation's arrival. When you settled into your chair beside him, you felt a sense of familiarity wash over you. It took you a couple seconds to realize that that sense of familiarity came in the form of smell.
Apparently, Jeongin smelled like...something. And...you knew the smell. All you could feel was surprise. You sat in somewhat of a stupor until Sehun spoke.
"Prince Jeongin, Lady y/n?"
You looked up. Jeongin cleared his throat and did the same.
"The council would like to inform you of several updates in your schedule." You shifted slightly in your seat.
"The demonstration for King Alvaro will be taking place in three days' time at ten o'clock in the morning, the day before the start of official closed-door meetings with the Ohdrian delegation. I know the two of you haven't had much time to prepare for it, so as of today, Lady y/n, you are excused from all events until after the date of the demonstration. Use this time to prepare however you will. General Changbin has already been informed." You nodded.
"Prince Jeongin, you are excused from all events as well, excluding your afternoon teas with the Ohdrian high court." Jeongin nodded too.
"Good. We are counting on the two of you to make an impression on the Ohdrians."
Sehun shifted a pile of papers in front of him and read something from one of them. He nodded and looked up at the two of you again.
"Now, one more thing. Lord Jaehyun will tell you about it." He gestured somewhere down the table, and the two of you peered in that direction. Lord Jaehyun waved his hand.
"Yes," he said, straightening up and looking down at his own piece of paper. "As the two of you may know, the queen's birthday is in five weeks. The council has put together a committee, of which I am the head, to plan her birthday festivities, and we have decided," he looked up at you both, "to include one of the private shows she so enjoys."
You and Jeongin just looked at him.
"It will take place before the evening feast."
Seeing your unenthused expressions, he smiled stiffly and nodded back up the table.
"That's all from me, Duke Sehun."
"Very good." Sehun stood up. "That's all for now, your highness, my lady. The two of you are dismissed." He held the door open for you and you exited the room, bowing to the council as you left. Jeongin followed suit.
You were about to head off when Jeongin tapped your shoulder gently.
You turned.
"What is it, your highness?"
"Please call me by name."
You sighed.
"What is it, Jeongin?" He sighed too, looking down at his hands.
"The mutation I'm using is with fox and hare DNA. Agility and jump height." He didn't look up. "You know, so that it's not too..messy for the king."
"...So?" you asked, slightly cynically.
"Nothing." He looked up. "I just thought you might want to know, so you're not caught off guard. Duke Sehun said we need to make a good impression on the king."
"Okay." You tilted your head, giving him a skeptical look. "Thank you Jeongin, I think."
There was a pause. Jeongin looked at you, and there was a hint of conflict in his eyes.
"You're welcome, y/n," is what he finally said. He gave you a bow, turned and walked off, his steps purposeful and steady. You looked at his retreating figure, then turned and walked off yourself.
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You found Changbin in one of the two courtyards surrounding the barracks, where the Clubs lived. He was directing a training session, barking orders at Clubs as they did push-ups and ran around the courtyard.
You stood half-hidden in the shadows of a pillar. He ignored you until you gave a quiet cough. Then he turned to look at you.
His eyes were as guarded and dark as ever.
"Lady y/n. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
You cocked your head to the side, with an eyebrow raised. You knew for a fact that the council had informed him of the presentation for the Ohdrians.
"Keep going," he called out to the platoon of jogging Clubs. Turning his back on them, he approached you, looking directly into your eyes.
You stared back, refusing to budge. After an interval, he gave a slight scoff and a bemused smile, though his eyes were still locked searchingly on your face. However guarded he could be, eyes were still the windows to the soul. You saw something more in General Changbin's eyes; something indiscernible to you. He pulled you out of this train of thought.
"Would I be correct in assuming you want to prepare for your performance for King Alvaro?"
You raised both eyebrows. Changbin turned back around to his Clubs, walking back to the center of the courtyard
"Bring it in for a second!"
The Clubs finished their lap, stopping in front Changbin, all panting slightly, foreheads covered with a light sheen. They huddled around him, and as they did, one of them spotted you, a tall, well-built soldier with a strikingly beautiful face.
You stood straight, but retreated slightly back into the shadows.
Changbin spoke to them for a minute, and you tuned out. When you directed your attention back to him, he was saying, "Hyunjin will lead the rounds until I return. Now go change, you all smell like horses."
There were grunts and noises of assent from the group before they all walked off, presumably to shower. The soldier who had spotted you earlier stayed behind.
"What's she doing here Captain?" you heard him ask Changbin in an undertone, voice ringing through the courtyard nevertheless.
"The lady requires my supervision to do certain activities she so enjoys doing," replied Changbin simply.
"Training?" asked the soldier. There was a silence in which you assumed Changbin nodded.
"What is she training for, Captain? And why must it be you who has to babysit her? Surely they can find someone else? You're more needed here." Changbin tutted lightly.
"You're more than capable of taking over my position, Hyunjin. Don't be so humble. Besides, it is by order of the prince."
"Still. It's not right for you to be absent all the time because of her."
"Curiosity killed the cat, Hyunjin, remember that," was all Changbin replied.
The soldier named Hyunjin was silent, then gave a short hum. You heard the sound of his footsteps fading away. Changbin stood alone in the center of the courtyard.
"Are you going to stay there forever, my lady, or shall we go do what you interrupted me to do?"
You stepped out from the shadows. Changbin walked away from you back into the castle. You trailed after him, content with letting him lead you through the hall to the training arena. Once inside, he waited for you to catch up. You stopped several feet away. Changbin licked his lips and put his hands on his hips.
"The council did brief me on this before, as did Prince Jeongin, on the nature of this demonstration. If you would warm up, my lady, while I prepare the session."
You obliged, and he walked over to the wall, where there was a little box on the wall. He lifted the lid, and pressed the black button underneath. A little red light turned on for a second, then turned back off. About thirty seconds later, a pair of servants entered the arena. Changbin met them by the door.
"If you two would please go fetch ten Clubs from the reserve gate guard and two medics from the prince's laboratory," he instructed.
"Very good, sir." The two servants bowed and left. Changbin disappeared into the weapons vault.
There was a five minute interlude in which Changbin was making clanking sounds in the weapons vault and you cycled through your warm up stretches. Finally, the vault doors were swung open again, and through them came the to servants, ten Clubs marching in perfect formation, and two medics, carrying a stretcher between them. The Clubs were, of course, wearing their signature blood red armor.
Changbin walked out of the weapons vault, leaving the door ajar. Upon seeing him, the Clubs gave a sharp, synchronized salute. Changbin nodded.
"At ease, soldiers." The Clubs snapped their hands back to their sides. Changbin addressed the room.
"Today's exercise will be like so: you soldiers," he gestured towards the Clubs, "will be standing in a wide circle around Lady y/n. You will be armed with some kind of missile, which you will utilize with the sole purpose of hindering the lady in the endeavor she pursues. Since we want these missiles to come back, we are using boomerangs."
He paced slowly back and forth.
"Each soldier will have two boomerangs. In addition to this, each soldier will be given a wood block on a string to wear on his person. You may wear it however you wish."
Here, he turned to look at you.
"Your objective here, Lady y/n, is to identify the wood blocks and put a knife in each one. You will have exactly ten knives. You may not inflict physical harm on any soldier. The Clubs may not fight you offensively, but they apply defensive techniques." You listened to all this with an impassive look on your face. Changbin turned back to the Clubs.
"Am I clear?"
The Clubs all nodded. "Good. You ten, go into the weapons vault. All your necessary equipment is on the big table in the center of the room. Touch nothing else."
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So the next two days were filled, morning and afternoon, with similar activities and exercises.
"My lady, you have the grace of a newborn mule," Changbin said evenly, the afternoon before the showcase. He was standing against the wall with his cold look and perfect posture. He got up off the wall and advanced upon you.
"May I remind you, that the King of Ohdria has little to no idea about the nature of a true fight? He will not be looking at your technique, nor your skill. He will only care about the manner in which you defeat your opponent. In this moment, grace and fluidity are more important than efficiency."
You straightened up, fixing him with a piercing look, readjusting your grip on your knife, turning to face the pathetically beat-up dummy.
"Again," demanded Changbin.
You lay awake in bed that night, hands clasped stiffly on your stomach, staring blankly at the canopy of your bed. Your mind swam with possible combat maneuvers.
"Well," you thought drily to yourself, "it's not a matter of if, but how. Worst case scenario I pass out afterward." You yawned. A wave of drowsiness washed over you.
"Better try and avoid that though," you thought, as your eyes fluttered shut. "'Cause that situation has the potential to get real irritating."
And you were out.
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ohsenhun · 1 year
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Sehun with freckles 😭😭😭
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amaranth · 2 years
with jongdae looking like THAT minseok being blonde sehun having freckles. my brain is melting exo is too much
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seiwas · 6 months
saw u posting abt exo’s sg pics i just need to talk about sechan’s pretty doe eyes here real quick like ??! why are they both so pretty even with half their face covered ?? and sehun’s FRECKLES !!
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hi logan!! omg shdbfsja sechan pretty eyes yES!!!!! 🥺 reminds me so much of that photobook they did way waaaay back in exodus era, where they shot in germany or smth 😭 (the photobook was called die jungs) AND ALSO the ex'act album!! sehun had freckles on his face too 🥺
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bulmarex · 4 years
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not-xpr-art · 4 years
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Oh Sehun - pop-art drawings
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hand-painted-5tars · 4 years
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“For being siblings you all look nothing alike”
“we hear it often”
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x-exo · 6 years
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throwback - Vogue Korea EXO x Star Wars
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bts-lockscreenss · 7 years
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EXO Sehun Lucky One Wallpapers (Changed Colors Ver)
Like & Reblog if u save~
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jianyitopia · 7 years
i can't believe SM actually gave drugs to exo and lines to sehun
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
Last line wip tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @inkofyoonkoo and I think it was only this tag 🙈😅 maybe someone else tagged me too.. I don't know 😅🙈
Okay, so because of work and stress I am struggling with a little writer's block because my brain is basically too tired to produce anything.. (I'm glad I'm somewhat able to write today.. gonna use the muse as long as it lasts)
That's why I bounce between a bunch of wips at the moment. Because every time I lose the spark with one of them I go to the next one..
Let's just start with the newest wip and ending with the one I haven't touched in almost ages... not counting the ones where I have no access to anymore.. otherwise two of my series would be here as well... :sob:
- Not like others (Oh Sehun request)
Whenever you were with him, you had nothing to worry about.
- Arcane (BM one shot)
It reminded him of the time back then.
- 6 Wolves and a Fox (Jimin one shot)
You heard someone stopping behind you, breathing just as heavily as you.
- Apaixonar (Jackson one shot)
Jackson tried to reason with his thoughts, clinging to every little thing that would push his guilt away.
- Heimat (Chan and Felix one shot)
You traced his cheekbones with your fingertip, contemplating turning on the light so you could see his freckles.
- Found Family (Namjoon one shot)
There was never a need to explain every detail to Yoongi as he always somehow figured everything out on his own, finding the missing solution easily.
- Wabi-Sabi (Taehyung Series)
But you refused to let go of him and immediately hid your face in his chest as soon as Taehyung stood or sat close to you again.
- Broken Parts (Namjoon one shot)
It made him wonder if all humans had a lot more emotional changes than he initially thought.
- Doctor's Appointment (Johnny one shot)
"Would you follow me, please?"
- Orphic (Jin one shot)
You sighed before you decided to head home, knowing you've been gone quite a while already.
- Spy x Family (Johnny one shot)
You then heard the beep of an unlocking xar and the slam of a door, before the soft rumble of the engine filled your ear.
Some of these have been pushed back in writing because they didn't receive votes in my questionaire.. so yeah..
Anyway, if you read until here: Thank you! Would you kindly tell me which one excites you the most? 🥺
Aaand I'm tagging @cheriebeom @limjaeseven @toikiii @sanjoongie @moccahobi @star-lemonade and anyone who wants to share their lines as well!
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huntertainment · 7 years
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170713 KoKoBop ♥ SEHUN’s teasers
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ohsehunpai · 7 years
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yoongesthetic · 7 years
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So uhmm SM can we have the other members also do a freckles concept because *nosebleeds* the world needs to see such beauty
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