nakamorijuan · 5 months
キララとウララ - センチ・メタル・ボーイ KIRARA To URARA - SENTI METAL BOY
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yume-kara-samete · 2 years
Senti Metal Boy - W
2004nen Natsu First Concert Tour "W Standby! W & Berryz Koubou!"
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arlakos · 2 months
Is it just me or...
I know it wouldn't work in canon, but wouldn't it be just fitting if Chat Noir just developed a visceral hatred for Mayura, ala Black Suit Spiderman from Spiderman 3?
Now now, just hear me out...
Like, everyone thinks that Chat Noir is this funny cat boy who just takes things all half-heartedly and keeps trying to flirt with Ladybug; even Hawkmoth and Mayura think the same as well. Nobody really thinks much of him because Ladybug is the one who makes all the plans.
But then Mayura Thanos-Snaps Senti-bug from the Ladybug episode, and it all just stops.
Like, Chat Noir still acts normal whenever they are fighting akuma's, but the SECOND Mayura pokes her head out of Hawkmoth's lair and just ... Chat Noir just goes from being this funny Catboy to just something that could come out of a horror film. Just straight up ignores both Ladybug and the akuma and just runs straight for Mayura.
At first, Mayura and Hawkmoth just think its plain anger ... until Chat Noir just bursts through some wall Mayura is hiding behind, tears apart metal like its nothing, and over all just looks ready to murder someone.
Mayura: What reason would you have to come after me?!
Chat Noir: Remember that copy of Ladybug that you made? The one that you killed in cold blood?!
Mayura: What does it matter to you anyways?! She was a Senti-Monster!!!
Chat Noir: EVERYTHING!!!
Like, I know this wouldn't happen in canon, but wouldn't it be nice if Chat Noir was actually allowed to have emotions by himself for what would be considered murder?
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nobbykun · 1 year
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Artist - キララとウララ (Kirara & Urara) Song - センチ・メタル・ボーイ (Senti Metal Boy) Release Date - August 1984
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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kittinoir · 3 years
Phantoms Ch. 10
Read on Ao3
Content warning for Claustrophobia. Feel free to message me for more details
Queen Bee couldn’t stop pacing.
Ladybug was not stupid. If anything, she was renowned for cleverness. If she didn’t think Gabriel Agreste was Hawk Moth, then he probably wasn’t. 
Then again, neither she nor Adrien had realized their partner in crime was their classmate for literal years. How much of him being cleared had been the result of neither Ladybug or Chat Noir wanting it to be someone else? At the very least, it deserved a second look with fresh eyes.
Her eyes.
At least, that was what she was planning to tell Felix when he showed up.
“I know I make it look easy,” Felix said as he stepped through a portal and onto the roof as if on cue, “But I can’t always drop everything to run to you on a moments notice. I’m not a dog.”
Queen Bee smirked as she eyed the dog Miraculous she knew was hidden beneath his starched collar. “Could’ve fooled me.”
“I don’t have time for this,” Felix said, turning back to the portal where a confused Pegasus was looking back and forth between them from the other side.
“I think you’ll want to hear what I have to say,” Queen Bee said quickly.
“Put it in a message.”
“It’s sensitive information.”
Felix paused, his back to her. Queen Bee was aware of every painful thump of her heart as he stood there, debating. Finally, he waved to Pegasus and the portal closed.
“Well?” he said, turning back around.
“I have a lead,” she said, suddenly trying to figure out how to start. She’d planned to just lay it at his feet and impress the boy who wasn’t impressed by anything, but in thinking about Adrien, she couldn’t help but remember that Gabriel, horrible father that he might be, was also Felix’s uncle. “Gabriel Agreste.”
For a moment, Felix just stared at her. And then he buried his face in his hands, shoulders shaking.
Queen Bee blinked, unsure what to do next. Disbelief, anger, she’d expected. But crying…?
“I, uh, know this is hard to hear,” Queen Bee said, lifting a hand to comfort him before hesitating and dropping it again. “But I have reason to believe it’s a good lead. I know he’s family, but if you just listen…”
Felix’s shoulders started shaking harder, but then he threw his head back and Queen Bee saw he wasn’t crying, but convulsing with laughter so hard it was silent.
“Gabriel…?” Felix gasped, clutching his ribs. “You think the man that doesn’t even have time for his own son has time to take on the heroes of Paris?”
“I think that Ladybug and Chat Noir got the original grimoire from him before they knew what it was,” Queen Bee snapped, “And there’s only one reason he’d have it.”
“The man’s an eccentric billionaire,” Felix sneered. “One reason? Try a thousand. He’s a collector. He’d want the grimoire just because it’s one of a kind and worth a fortune. He probably has it on display under a glass case.”
“It’s not like he offered it up when Ladybug and Chat Noir needed it,” Queen Bee said.
“Why would he?” Felix asked. “Like I said, eccentric billionaire. When have they ever cared about anything but themselves? Gabriel’s not smart enough or motivated enough to be Hawk Moth. The man hasn’t even left his house in years; where would he have gotten the Miraculous from?”
“The same place he got the grimoire,” Queen Bee tried, but Felix just scoffed.
“An auction?”
“Name one reason it couldn’t be him!” Queen Bee snarled.
“I’ve already given you three,” Felix shot back.
“You really don’t think it’s even worth a second look - even if his house is smack in the middle of your stupid map?” Queen Bee thrust the paper out towards him, the graphic side out so he could see the big, red circle she’d put around the Agreste Mansion.
“I think,” Felix snarled, striding up to her and snatching the map out of her hands, “That if there were two kwamis in one house, either Plagg or Nooroo would have noticed. I think that  if Gabriel were Hawk Moth, he’d have suspected his son by now and targeted him. I think he has no motive, and I think you’re wasting my time."
Queen Bee fisted her hands by her side as Felix folded the map back up and shoved it into his pocket. She was used to being dismissed. She knew Felix could be as mean as she was. She didn’t know why she’d thought he’d be any different.
“Why did you even let me in on your little hunt if you weren’t going to accept my help?” she asked. She would not cry. She would not cry. She would not cry. Not in front of him, and certainly not because of him.
“I thought your ‘help’ would be better than that,” Felix said. “I guess that was my mistake.”
“If I wanted to be talked to like this, I would have stayed home,” Queen Bee sneered. She released her yoyo and turned her back on Felix, hoping he couldn’t see how badly his words stung. 
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere but here,” Queen Bee snarled over her shoulder, shooting him one last venomous look. His face remained impassive, and she left him there on the rooftop as she began her own patrol. It wasn’t technically her day, but she hoped that as much as Kagami didn’t like her, she and Ivan wouldn’t mind her crashing. She wasn’t ready to go home yet.
Careening through the streets of Paris with Miraculous-fuelled abilities was usually the perfect fix for whatever was eating her that day, but her fight with Felix wouldn’t leave her alone. It was obvious that he thought she was stupid, no matter what he’d claimed. He hadn’t really wanted her advice as much as he’d wanted a cheerleader, someone to brag to - and who better than the girl who never thought about anyone but herself? Two challenges wrapped up with a neat little bow, a fun distraction while he hunted the real threat. 
For the first time in her life, Queen Bee wanted to hit something. She bit her lip to stifle the feeling as she finally paused to rest at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The metal would crumple under her fist, she knew, if she followed her instinct. It was fading now anyway, along with her frustration. So what if Felix had used her? She didn’t need him. She didn’t need any of them. She never had. 
But as she looked out over the city, she suddenly realized why she felt calmer: she’d already made her own decision.
Gabriel had spent good money fencing in his mansion, but it hadn’t been designed to withstand the Miraculous. Still, even with her enhanced eye-sight, she was too far away to get a good enough look. A few quick maneuvers had Queen Bee dropping silently over the wall and into some bushes. She scanned the side of the house as best she could through the foliage, noting the security cameras. Hopefully none of them had caught her entrance. 
Queen Bee darted through the gap in their coverage to a tree, aiming for the wall of Adrien’s windows. If he could come and go as Chat Noir without revealing himself, then it was probably a sure way in, especially since he was too busy with fencing to wonder why she was there.
Sure enough, a few moments later she was sailing through Adrien’s open window and into his room. Queen Bee crossed the space but hesitated at the door. Would it be better to do reconnaissance as ‘Chloe’ or should she remain transformed? If she was spotted as Chloe, Gabriel would be confused about why she was there, but if she remained Queen Bee, she could fabricate a senti-monster attack - unless he really was Hawk Moth - but then Mayura would be…
“Nathalie,” Queen Bee breathed as it all lined up. Adrien had mentioned she’d fallen ill recently; was it because she’d been using the broken Peacock Miraculous? Queen Bee made her choice. It was too dangerous to go in untransformed. She’d have to take the risk. If Gabriel wasn’t Hawk Moth, he’d buy her cover. If he was…well, hopefully she’d have the element of surprise. Maybe he’d play along to protect his own identity. 
“Please let me be wrong,” Queen Bee whispered, and then she opened the door. 
She didn’t know what she expected. In the handful of times she’d visited Adrien, the house had appeared the same: silent and empty.
But it wasn’t empty. At least, it shouldn’t have been. She could see Gabriel’s study from Adrien’s door in the hall, but no personal assistant was posted outside to screen callers. Perhaps he hadn’t replaced Nathalie. Perhaps the new one was busy running an errand. Or perhaps the eccentric billionaire wasn’t where everyone always assumed he was.
Queen Bee checked her yoyo, but there was no active akuma attack. 
Maybe she was wrong. 
The thought crept in as she inched down the stairs towards the study. Maybe she was totally off. Maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir had been right. 
But even as she thought it, the coincidences wouldn’t stop lining up: how Gabriel’s ‘wine cellar’ wasn’t actually in the basement no one ever saw, but an offshoot of the kitchen; how the three story mansion he owned only actually went up two floors; how she’d seen a window from the outside as she’d dropped in that she couldn’t find the room for inside.
There was only one way to be sure.
Taking a deep breath, Queen Bee seized the handle of Gabriel’s study, threw open the door, and strode inside. 
Empty. Just as she’d thought. 
But then where was Gabriel Agreste? 
She didn’t stop and waste time thinking about it. His absence proved nothing. At least, it wouldn’t prove anything to Felix. She needed something concrete, a reason to convince him to at least consider it, if only to rule him out. 
So she made her way to the shelves of designs and mannequins, running her fingers over their edges, pulling them to see if they’d release a trap door, but…it was just an office. It didn’t prove anything, either. A man as rich as Gabriel could afford to have a second residence, a lair separate from his home. But if he did…there would be tax records for it.
Queen Bee made her way to the desk, trying to ignore the way her skin prickled as she drew near. If she was right, she was standing at the desk of the man who had been terrorizing her home for two years. If she was wrong, she was totally invading the privacy of her best friend’s dad. It was hard not to feel self-conscious when that enormous portrait of Adrien’s mother was right behind her, watching her every move. 
But there was nothing. The desk had no drawers, and when she grazed the angled surface, it lit up, revealing it was actually a giant tablet. There were no filing cabinets and no files anywhere in the room.
“Of course,” Queen Bee muttered, rolling her eyes. “A man as high tech as Gabriel Agreste wouldn’t have any papers lying around. Still, would’ve been nice if he could have left out a file marked ‘top secret evil plan’ in big red letter for me to find.”
Queen Bee sighed and turned back toe Emilie’s portrait as she leaned back against the desk. She studied it for a moment, letting her eyes randomly follow the swirls and eddies as disappointment settled along her bones. It wasn’t that she was upset Gabriel was looking less and less like a probable suspect. If anything she was glad she wasn’t going to have to have that conversation with Adrien. It was Felix she wasn’t looking forward to talking to. She didn’t think she’d been wrong, but she knew he wouldn’t see it that way. Not that she particularly cared.
“He really misses you, you know,” Queen Bee whispered. She reached out, tracing the line of Emilie’s sleeve with one finger. Chloe had gone to her funeral, but with a closed casket, it had felt like the opportunity to say goodbye had been missed, and they were the ghosts, struggling to pick up the pieces she’d left when she’d gone. Chloe hadn’t known how to comfort Adrien, so she’d simply sat beside him in silence, on and off for months, until he’d finally started to wake back up. It was part of the reason Gabriel terrified her so much: not because of his austere nature, but because he was a reminder of what Adrien could have become. 
Queen Bee froze, her attention snapping back to the painting as she slowly ran her finger back up the canvas. There! She slid her finger over one of the black feather-things and it dipped a little, like a button. 
Of course! Marinette had mentioned the grimoire but it hadn’t been anywhere in the office. It was too valuable - it would probably be in safe. A safe behind the painting! A high tech man liked Gabriel wouldn’t waste time on a traditional dial-lock; of course he’d have this painting decoy installed. The only thing between her and it was if it was also finger-print coded.
Queen Bee took a deep breath and pushed the button.
And nothing happened. 
“It doesn’t do anything?” She frowned. Hopefully she hadn’t just called for assistance. Maybe it was a glorified Alexa. Of course Gabriel wouldn’t want something like an Alexa just sitting around his office.
But no one came. If anything, the house was more silent than before.
“Must be a trick to it…” Queen Bee mumbled, leaning in. “Maybe it really is finger-print coded. Suspicious, but still not enough to convince Felix…”
As she lifted her finger, though, she saw it: the discolouration in the paint where months, maybe years of someone pressing their greasy little finger tips to the canvas had worn it down. Not finger-print coded, then.  
She scanned the canvas and caught sight of a second discoloured spot, and a third. Within second, she’d uncovered six discoloured spots, two areas in groups of three: two hands. She has to stand on her tip toes to reach the furthest one, but when she’d gotten into position, she didn’t hesitate: she pushed them.
And screamed when the floor opened up beneath her, a small platform descending into darkness. 
Queen Bee crashed gracelessly to the carpeted floor, whacking her elbow on the desk. If anyone was in the house and hadn’t known she was there, they did now, but she couldn’t quite make herself care about anything except how grateful she was she hadn’t been standing directly on the platform when she’d pushed the buttons. 
Shaking slightly from the adrenaline now shooting through her blood, Queen Bee got back to her feet and pulled out her yoyo. She snapped a photo of the now-empty shaft with the painting in the background and sent it to Felix with a short message: ‘Still think this is a waste of time?’
She sent it off and returned to the shaft.
It could still be anything. It could be nothing. It could lead to an in-home theatre or bowling alley or pool. It could be where Gabriel kept all of his designs on mannequins. It could be just another secret passage in a rich persons house. God knew there was more than one in the Grand Palais.
But this didn’t feel like that. If it were, why weren’t there any normal entrances to the space anywhere in the house? Not even emergency stairs in case of a power outage. Why was Gabriel so protective of it? Why had Adrien never mentioned it?
There was only one way to find out. 
Queen Bee released her yoyo and, with a flick of her wrist, sent the top wrapping around the leg of Gabriel’s desk. She tugged on it, and, as she’d suspected, it held. Something that high-tech would have been bolted to the floor to run the wires through it the way he had. 
Queen Bee gripped the other end firmly in her hand, the wire wrapped around her fingers a few times, but paused before she jumped.
She was the one who insisted they loop Ladybug and Chat Noir into their plans if they found anything solid. She was the one who insisted they don’t take Hawk Moth on alone. 
In the end, it was Adrien that decided it for her. She could deal with Felix’s nay-saying and Marientte’s disappointment, but she couldn’t handle the pain it would cause Adrien if she didn’t have anything concrete to go on. She had to be sure. She had to have proof. Something more than a suspicious hole in the ground. She couldn’t leave him wondering.
So she took a step and dropped into the darkness. 
The shaft was tight, nearly brushing both Queen Bee’s shoulders as she made a controlled descent. Her breath bounced back into her face as the sound of her breathing echoed in the small space. Small blue lights built into the walls prevented it from being pitch black. She hadn’t gone more than a few feet when the passage abruptly widened, splitting into two shafts, one that continued down and one that went sideways, a tunnel under the house.
“Two secret rooms,” Queen Bee whispered to herself as she paused to study the fork. “Both of them only accessible from Gabriel’s highly private office.” Interesting, but as usual, proved nothing. 
“First one, than the other,” Queen Bee murmured, continuing her descent. Maybe one just led to his bedroom. It would explain why Adrien never saw him, but if that was something she stumbled across, she didn’t think she’d ever recover.
Queen Bee continued to drop for another minute, straight down until she noticed the light in the tunnel brightening as she approached the opening. She came to a stop, her toes inches from the opening. Whatever was out there, it would prove her right, one way or the other. Either she was about to drop into a private library, or Hawk Moth’s layer - and for the first time, she found herself actually hoping Felix had been right. 
And that was when she saw it: the tiny white butterfly that flit by the glass tube that descended into the room.
Queen Bee let herself drop slowly into the room as her heartbeat echoed loudly in her ears. She already knew what she would see, but knowing couldn’t prepare her for the horror of the reality.
Several dozen bushed lined the room, as large as the footprint of the house itself. And on them, thousands upon thousands of cocoons, matched only by the number of white butterflies that drifted through the room. 
Queen Bee stepped silently forward as she touched down, tying her yoyo string off on one of the less-occupied branches as she took in the cold reality of the room. This was it. It was more than proof; it was Hawk Moth’s private garden, the place he bred his akumas. And Hawk Moth was Gabriel Agreste. She might not have a photo for proof, but this… Felix would have to listen to this.
And even if she didn’t, she didn’t care. Marinette, she knew, would. For she much as she hadn’t liked the girl, as much grief as Chloe had caused her, she would listen. And she would believe her. 
Queen Bee took another step and a runway suddenly lit up. Maybe it had been Gabriel’s gallery once upon a time - before his hobbies had taken a decided evil bent. She could picture the mannequins lined up, the crown piece from each collection on display. There were no mannequins now - just a cylinder at the end.
Queen Bee’s blood froze in her veins as she took it all in. Her instincts told her to run, but if it was some kind of secret weapon, some horrible senti-monster he and Mayura were cooking up, they needed to know. She knew she was pushing her luck as she jogged to the cylinder, but she couldn’t leave without knowing. 
She could see the glass was opaque as she approached, but like every high tech thing in Gabriel’s house, it adjusted once she got closer, clearing to reveal Emilie Agreste’s very pale, very preserved face.
Queen Bee fell back, slapping a hand over her mouth to stifle a scream. 
This was it, she realized as the last piece of the puzzle fell into place. This was why Gabriel had become Hawk Moth, why he needed Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous. To bring back his wife. 
Queen Bee jerked as she felt a sudden sting at her neck, and then there he was, looming over her as her knees gave out.
“Still beautiful,” Hawk Moth crooned, gazing at Emilie’s still face as he wrapped an iron arm around Queen Bee’s shoulders to keep her standing. “Even after all this time.”
“You’re sick,” Queen Bee barked. She tried to push away, but there was no strength in her arms.
“And you’re one of Adrien’s closest friends,” Hawk Moth said as he dragged her closer to the casket. “Surely you of all people can understand why I must do this.”
“Adrien…wouldn’t want this,” Queen Bee slurred. The room had begun to spin, and it was while she was trying to look anywhere but at Emilie she noticed the syringe in Hawk Moth’s hand. “What’d…you do…t’me?”
“Succinylcholine,” Hawk Moth said, glancing down at her. “I don’t want to fight you, Chloe. I want your help.”
“I’d never…help you,” Queen Bee mumbled. Black dots had begun to crowd her vision and she couldn’t feel her legs anymore. She suspected the only reason she wasn’t unconscious already was because her Miraculous was fighting it.
“But we make such a good team,” Hawk Moth said with a knowing grin. “You’re so much more powerful when we work together. And now you know, I’m doing this for my family. I never wanted to hurt anyone; I just need the Miraculous.”
“S’wrong,” Queen Bee said. She was vaguely aware of her knees hitting the hard, steel walkway, then the cool metal beneath her cheek, but wasn’t entirely sure how she’d ended up that way.
“You’ll see,” Hawk Moth said, but he sounded so far away. “I’ll make…help me…”
She thought she said it, but she wasn’t sure. Her last thoughts were of Felix, and how he might have been right about it being smarter to leave Gabriel alone after all. Then everything went dark.
And upstairs, in Gabriel’s study, Queen Bee’s yoyo unwound and dissolved with pop, vanishing without a trace. 
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Sand Boy 2.0 (Ripped Out)
Thanks to @gale-of-the-nomads for this fanfic idea and @papyreads for the support! Knowing you're interested is very motivating and uplifting! Also fuck you, Gale because I have other fanfics to be writing and you inspired me to procrastinate those. (Lol jk thanks dude for your permission!) Hope you enjoy! (Warning: Blood and descriptive injury and lots of angst)
Another day, another akuma, another miraculous ladybug and another pound it. Hawkmoth had been very lacking in creativity. He'd been akumitizing so many of the same people, and giving them the same powers, not altering them or anything. I mean, yeah their powers are based off of the victims emotions and trauma, but Hawky could change the power and still fit in, not to mention you'd think there would be more people in Paris going through some real emotional shit that could really make a powerful akuma. Not that Marinette was complaining of coarse. It all made it so much easier to handle being a superhero and a high school student and a bakers assistant and a fashion designer. A nice nights sleep would be sure to help her out in her duties. It was crazy, really. She had gotten so used to everything, it was always Mr. Pigeon, Lady Wi-fi, Miracle Queen, Volpina, all of them. Though in reality there was one she forgot she hadn't seen in a while. She woke up to a panicked text from her parents. She had it so her phone would chime louder if her parents called her or texted her. She was super lucky she did. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have gotten info of an akuma. *Marinette, are you okay?* After that, her father seemed to spam her. *Please answer, Marinette!* And it went on and on until she assured him she was okay and asked why he was so scared all of a sudden. *We got a call that you had been kidnapped by Hawkmoth! With all of these akumitizations we had to be sure.* She looked to her purse and shook the chain that was looped around the edge of the foot of her bed. She assured him that she was safe and he should go back to sleep, and wished him goodnight before going onto the room to see if she could see anything. On the room, she looked around and saw a familiar mist. Glittery yellow and going into peoples homes. It could only be Sandboy! That poor kid had to have been watching scary movies again. It probably took so long after the first time because he was too scared to do it again, especially after finding himself in the middle of nowhere that very same night. "Tikki, we have an emergency!" She declared in a hushed enough tone that no one else could hear, but still got across the fiery determination she always felt when she was needed. "Tikki, Spots on!" ------------------------------ When she arrived to the fight, Chat was already there. He was trying to slow the boy down, but those wafts of sand moved on their own and avoided Chats baton on every hit. "M'Lady! Glad you could finally join me!" He called, smiling as he used that same metal stick to vault his way over to the spotted heroine. "Last time we beat him because of how dumb my nightmare you was. This time... I'm not entirely sure that we'll have that kind of luck. Nightmares change all the time after all." "And what's your nightmare, Chat?" The lady asked out of pure hope that they could use it to their advantage again. Totally not concern. He smirked, deciding it wasn't important to be serious in such a moment. "Well, not being able to call you my bugaboo, of coarse!" Giving his normal wink. His lady of coarse rolled her eyes. How could she not see that coming? "A nightmare? Then you're living in one, Chat." Despite her harsh-ish words, she didn't sound mad or upset or even slightly annoyed. Maybe a little bad, even. "The sand boy just checked in, now nightmares can begin!" The boy chimed, looking to the two superheroes. Though blue eyes noticed that the villains gaze wasn't directly at them, more like he was looking behind them. With a quick turn, she saw a mother and her baby in a stroller. The mom was shaking and covering her baby as she frantically tried to pull the baby and run, though Sand Boy shot a bullet of sand towards them. What could a lady do other than save a mother in need? She was brave, jumping in front of the line of fire, but she knew it would come at a cost. At first she was worried she wouldn't be able to call onto her lucky charm, but when she noticed her Yo-yo working fine, she seemed confused. "What? But it wasn't working last ti-" Her words cut off. With the simple sound and yet another familiar voice caused the girl to freeze. Luckily the mother was able to run, but Ladybug found herself unable to as she heard a little diddy sang. She could tell it was soft and farther away, yet it sounded like it was playing directly next to her ear at the exact same time. She shook, and she could tell Noir was staring. "A little kitty on a roof," the voice played, "All alone without his lady~" She slowly looked up to a nearby building to see those eyes. Disturbingly blue and icy gaze looking right back. "There you are, M'lady!" He called as he jumped down. "I have to admit, I've been fee-line lonely since you abandoned me in that other time line. You never came back to me and I was left all alone!" She backed away, shaking her head as tears threatened to prick out of her eyes. She needed to look strong! For Chat and Hawkmoth. "I-I'm not-" "Scared of me? Oh but M'lady I think you are. You're so scared that... You might fail me. Fail Paris- the world even. You know that if I find out your identity then you will have to go through the same thing... Over and over and over-" "Stop it!" That same voice interrupted itself, but it was far less cold. "M'lady, what's going on? I thought your worse fear was losing your-" And then before another word was spoke, before anyone could finish a single sentence, Sand Boy shot another pound of sand at the Chat, smirking. "Shit..." He called. He could already feel it. The bracelet on his wrist. His trust in Ladybug represented so clearly on his arm- if anything happened, he knew Ladybug would figure him out. But it was far too late anyways. "Chat!" His lady called from an entirely different direction than she was already visibly seen. Right behind him, in a state much like the Ladybug senti-monster was when he first came to her aide. A peacock flying away as she laid on the ground. "I... I don't feel too good... My Chat Noir-" Both the heroes now occupied, Sand Boy could easily use these nightmares to get those jewels for him. That in itself would be far worse than any nightmare they could even know. The real Ladybug was being backed up and taunted. "Oh Bugaboo, you know if you give me your miraculous we can fix everything! We can get rid of all the negativity in the world and make peace with everyone. We could be happy to together like we were before!" Finally, our spotted heroine was against a brick wall. Her heart was racing and her limbs were trembling. She couldn't fight him- it was her partner. Even if a nightmare, she felt so guilty- like she deserved any heart break that came to her, like she deserved to have harsh words thrown at her, like she deserved this torture of knowing she let everyone down. No, none of it happened. It was all fixed, but it just showed how capable she was of fucking up again. And as Chat Noir bent down to cradle his fake lady in his arms, his own nightmares, the real one felt the rough terrain of brick against her back move as she slide down, silently sobbing as she stared at the twisted grin her akumatized partner shared with her. "M-M'Lady?" Noir cried as fake bug reached up and caressed his cheek. He couldn't lose her- not again. So many times watching her disappear in front of his eyes, he couldn't do it again. And yet, as she faded away in a wisp of dust, still knowing what would happen, he reached down to that piece of metal at his wrist. But it was no longer there. In actuality it was never there to begin with. It was never meant for him, it was meant for Luka. Looking up, he watched Ladybug running to him, she looked panicked and lost. He quickly stood and reached to grab her, but his hand only met air as the limb of the woman slowly disappeared, fingertips to shoulder, then shoulder to chest, and spread through her body like blood pumps through veins. His heart ached as and dropped, every time his lady appeared and died...He felt himself get lost in what to do. He could only stand and watch as they all fell down, screaming to himself as he reached for his bracelet over and over again, knowing what the outcome would be but hoping it wouldn't. And yet through the haze of dust and tears, he saw her. One white clawed hand reaching down, followed by another for the sides of her head as they went in for the earrings. And suddenly, all the others didn't matter. She had been staring at him, whereas he knew her eyes were previously on the other. She saw him reach, she saw him panic and saw him scream the words he was so tired of using. After over twenty-five thousand times, it gets old. But he needed to focus. Right now, there was a bigger problem to solve. "Ladybug!" Noir called. Dashing to the others side, he used his metal baton to flick the white cat to the side, to remove him so he could pick up his lady, support her and help her stay balanced. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry for-" "Not now, Chat! Right now we need to get rid of this nightmare..." She spoke through quivering lips. As expected, the nightmare wasn't wasting time to come back up, strutting to them from the other side of the street. "Tsk tsk tsk, M'Lady. You're still fighting it? Still fighting me? Against the inevitability of your partner finding you out?" She gulped, pigtails bouncing with the force of her throat as it processed her saliva. Chat Noir didn't flinch, instead held himself in front of her, keeping her safe from him. "Whatever you mean by that, leave her alone." "Oh of coarse! You weren't there... Or shall I say it... Wasn't the place and time." He snickered, distracting them from a looming threat getting closer, step by step. A paw out, a small energy ball erupted into existence. "She's not afraid of a little kitty cat. She's afraid of love, and afraid of what it would do to the world as a hero. You see," He continued, not once looking over to give away anything sneaking up behind the two. "I found out who she is. And although she doesn't know how since she doesn't know who you are, she does know that if you find out her secret identity before the right time, you'll destroy the world, kill everyone, explode the moon and make the ocean drown everything. And she's scared, because she knows our love did it. It was all because she fell in love with you." She flinched, looking down at the ground. Because it was true. But... Now she knew something she hadn't before. "Chat Blanc," The heroine called, "Maybe I'm scared of him finding my identity out. Maybe I'm scared for my future, but I'm not longer scared of love. I know who you are now, and I think I know how you came into existence." She took a deep breath, stepping forward away from Noir, watching her steps carefully. Of coarse, she wasn't stupid. "You saved my life so many times, Chat. I never meant to upset you, and I never should have let you find me out, but now I know how to stop it. How to keep you from making my nightmare an irreversible reality." Turning around, the hero looked towards the black cat. She reached up and gently rubbed her friends cheeks with her thumbs. "Adrien. I should have known it was you all along. Brave and smart, funny when you want to be. That one time you solved an akuma attack speaking Chinese and fencing, even having the same allergies. I should have found out sooner." She pulled her face closer and closer to the others, who was nervous. Ladybug... She really was in love with him? She loved him now that she knew he was Chat. She didn't love him for him. "LB, Chat Noir is more 'me' than anyone named Adrien could be." She smiled, shaking her head. "I'm afraid of what my love will cause. Well... I was. But now I don't need to be. I'm in love with you Chat. I was just so scared of what our love would do, like when it destroyed the world in another time line. I wanted to tell you but I've been so terrified." There seemed to be a never ending train of water escaping her eyes as she went on. "Scared that I would hurt you. But now I know how to stop it, how to avoid it." This time, Adrien didn't stop her. He didn't tense or shake or pull away. He held her close, and pulled her closer, until finally their lips- -Didn't meet. Something happened. Something that he couldn't describe. One moment, Ladybug was there leaning up to kiss him, the next moment she was yanked away from him and on the floor as she appeared to transform back. She wasn't unconscious or dead, she was very much awake- though from the looks of her ears she probably wished she were. Her earrings were yanked from her ears and her cries were now pained and nearly screams as blood ran from them. And suddenly, his Ladybug became Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Eyes went wide, he had forgotten all about his own nightmare. Losing the love of his life and forgot that there was still another threat. And right next to his own evilized self was his own image of Ladybug. But now, she had holes where her earrings should have been, and she wore pink pants, a white shirt, black jacket, and no mask. She smirked just as eerily as her partner as they bumped fists, mocking their normal victory 'pound it.' "Of you scatterbrained cat, you really forgot about me? How could you..." She looked away, lost and upset. This version of her had died so many times, she seemed to have a hazy hole through her stomach, as if impaled. "I'm hurt... You never saved me. Not once in over twenty-five thousand times, months of work. All for nothing and proof that you aren't meant for me. We aren't made for each other, and that's what hurts the most." After that and seeing Marinettes sobbing form on the ground as she profusely apologized for not paying enough attention, he lost his normally cool temper. Using his baton he would swing and clash and smack every chance he had to get rid of these monsters. Several minutes of trying and attacking for naught, as he failed each time. He was losing breath, and Marinette needed medical attention. But before he could pick her up, she pushed him away. "My earring, Chat. Get them back- I-I can't use my miraculous ladybug- You have to do it. My ears- I can't put them on- I'll be better when you use them, please." She sobbed. The dark haired girl couldn't bare the pain as her ears rang, irrefutably getting more infected as time went on. Chat trusted her blindly, as he always had. He went over those damn nightmares and gave it his all- his lady needed him and he couldn't help but put everything he had into it. And finally his hard work paid off. He hadn't caught them, but the faded girl had tripped and thrown one of them by Chat. With only one earring, he couldn't transform, but... He did have an idea. It was a very sharp object. And his baton would again, save the day. Using said stick, he extending himself into the air, Sandboy had been caught off guard as Chat jumped towards the pillow and used said sharp object to tear the pillow. He had almost dropped the earring since the material was so tough, but he managed to get a big enough hole that his hands could tear though it the rest of the way, catching the little boy before he fell to the ground. Rushing over to where Marinette was- well the fake one, he found the missing earring and ran back to Marinette. "M'Lady? Can you hold this for me?" He said as he removed his ring and handed it to Mari. "I don't want to accidentally cause the end of the world by bringing them together, you know?" He laughed softly, hoping the happy sound might draw out a smile. And although she tried, her head hurt too bad to smile or laugh. "Silly Kitty, thank you." He smiled and put the earrings on, a small and familiar creature appearing. "Marine-tte..!?" The kwami started as a yelp, but ended in a question, as both the holders were very much unmasked and seeing each other. "A lot happened, okay?" Plagg started, having been able to tell what happened based on Marinettes state. And the fact that his miraculous was still on his wearer so he could see everything that happened. "Don't worry, bud. Just do what you have to." He grinned. He knew what would happen. Adrien stood, not really realizing what exactly would happen. He called on a lucky charm which gave him a paper and pencil. He was a little surprised, but Plagg seemed to know what to do. Taking it, he wrote a little note. The boy was bewildered, but nonetheless let the black creature scribble away. Once it was handed back, with the note torn out, it was tossed in the air, words were spoken and ladybugs appeared out of nowhere. But when faced with it, Adrien couldn't remember what happened. Why was Plagg holding a piece of paper? Why was he in Bug boy form and why was Marinette crying on the ground? "Oh my- what happened?" He panicked and watched as Plagg looked, noticed Marinette there, and handed Adrien the note. Bug Boy didn't have time to read it though, he just picked up the sobbing girl and carried her all the way to the hospital where they quickly took her in. They kept asking about what happened, why was she all beat up and had her ear lobes torn. He answered as truthfully as he could, but he didn't know a lot of answers. So he referred to the note, hoping it would enlighten him. "Dear Chat Noir, I had entrusted Marinette with the Ladybug Miraculous for an emergency on my end that was unavoidable. If I hadn't, it would have given away my identity. I was informed by another kwami I had brought with me that something was wrong and I saw everything that happened. Hawkmoth almost got her earrings but you saved them. She couldn't perform the Miraculous Ladybug with her ears in the shape they were in but you stepped up. I wrote all of this down and had it sent by the horse miraculous to let you know what happened, since I knew that everyone would forget with the power of the miraculous Ladybug. Thank you, Bug Boy again for saving the day. I'm sorry but I will be back soon. In the meantime, have Plagg send me back the earrings. He knows where I am since I rushed back just in time. Please remember to get the black cat miraculous back from Marinettes finger. You had given it to her to protect herself after her earrings were stolen. Love, Ladybug." The hero smiled. He was glad he could be of service. He let the nurses know what happened and took the ring back, then went off home and de-transformed. "Here, Plagg." He said and laid back against his bed. He felt a little... Shaken and he didn't know why. His heart was racing, he was tired and scared. Though he passed it off as being worried for his friend. When the kwami came back, Adrien told him about how he was feeling about what happened. He didn't know what happened, but it still seemed to have some kind of affect on him. And once Marinette woke up from the surgery that had to be performed on her ears, she knew that whatever happened had affected her too. Her ears were fixed but she was told not the wear the earrings for at least six weeks. Six whole weeks of not being allowed to save Paris, and it sucked so much. Luckily, the two kwamis were able to arrange something so the two could switch earrings secretly and not find out about each other, but it was so weird. And she still couldn't help but think about it. How she felt. The night they met in the catacombs under Paris, they were on either side of a turned edge so they couldn't see each other, and gave each other the miraculouses by sliding them across the floor in their boxes. Who knows how Plagg was able to convince Adrien that Ladybugs ears were fine but they needed to trade miraculouses. "Hey Chat?" The lady question. "Yes, M'Lady?" He answered. She felt so much less afraid of her feelings. How they would affect their mission. "I may be a bit late on this, but I just wanted you to know that I'm in love with you." It sounded so much better in her head, blunt sounded like a girl confessing her love to a boy that shared his oreos with her. "I mean-" "I understand." Chat said, putting the earrings on. "And I'm happy you feel the same. If I'm to be honest, I feel more myself as Chat Noir. Though, I guess for a while I'm going to have to be Bug Boy again, huh?" The two laughed. It lasted a few moments, and then it died down. "I'm still in love with you. You're not late, but... How would this whole thing work? We aren't allowed to find out our identities and we can't use our miraculouses for personal use." The sigh Lady Noir let out was dragged out. "I didn't think that far ahead." It was true though. "I guess we don't have any choice but to wait until Hawkmoth is defeated." And suddenly, the blond felt an impending doom fall over him. He knew that they would be fighting Hawkmoth for a long time, as Time tagger had taught them. He felt so hopeless. But he knew it was for the best. A least until he saw a black flutter stop in front of him.
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kimonobeat · 5 years
idol duo W (Kago Ai & Tsuji Nozomi) performing Kilala & Ulala’s “Senti Metal Boy”! all of the Showa idol covers they did on their first album were great.
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reversenoise · 4 years
entrevista - “prettyboimozart”
por elias aka senshiseiei
Quer você queira chamá-lo de Yung Mozart ou prettyboimozart, é fato que o paulistano verdadeiramente residente nas amarras mais profundas do SoundCloud, por entre as influências quer seja de Seattle com hinoni e CBX, quer sejam as afluentes da buffalogang, suas músicas confluem raízes dos mais diversos movimentos de cloud rap experimental da plataforma para originar, no fim, um artista emergente que representa o Brasil na cena com maestria, obtendo números e reconhecimento internacional. No artigo de hoje, trago uma conversação com ele e percebo que por trás da identidade estética e sonora marcante, uma alma altruísta, sensível e leve deixa o verdadeiro carimbo em quem o conhece e o acompanha.
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Beleza, em primeiro lugar, quantos anos você tem e de onde vem ?
Tenho 18 anos. Nasci em Bragança Paulista no interior de São Paulo, mas, sempre vivi em São Paulo.
Quais foram tuas primeiras influências musicais ? O que é que tu cresceu escutando até começar a ter interesse em fazer música ?
Quando criança eu escutava mais pop, tlgd KDJXJDKKDKE. Na pré-adolescência eu comecei a escutar metal e depois fui pro metalcore e deathcore. Logo após isso, conheci o Yung Lean, e aí entrei no meio do rap, mas sempre com influências da cena emo.
Sem dúvidas, é um portfólio bem completo de influência e que se mostra bem forte nos teus sons. Em que ponto da tua vida tu decidiu que queria passar da condição de somente ouvinte e criar realmente música ?
Então, quando eu tinha uns 16 anos, comecei com um quadro bem fudido de ansiedade tlgd, comecei escrevendo poesias e colocando o que eu sentia pra fora, então depois de um tempo eu pensei, "poxa mano, talvez eu consiga escrever uma música". Foi de uma maneira bem ingênua, sabe ? mais com o papel de uma válvula de escape para os meus sentimentos.
Isso de usar a música como escape pros problemas psicológicos é bem profundo e resulta num som bem carregado de sentimento. Como é que funciona teu processo criativo ? Você escreve/ grava só quando tá triste ou isso ocorre de maneira mais natural hoje em dia ?
No início era mais pontual, mas é que de fato, tinha bastante coisa guardada então, saiu uma tonelada de som na época kkkkxkdjdksk. Hoje em dia sai de uma maneira bem mais natural, ultimamente tenho gravado a maioria dos sons de freestyle, isso ilustra ainda mais esse fato, na verdade. Quando a ansiedade bate, saem uns sons mais emotivos, fora isso, saem músicas que remetem a minha realidade mesmo, rolês que fiz, momentos marcantes e afins.
Isso de freestyle é perceptível em alguns sons, consigo sentir e admiro porque é difícil não se perder na rima. Qual é a música tua que você mais gosta e como foi o processo de gravar/ escrever ela ?
Muito obrigado, mano. O som que eu mais gosto sem dúvida é Purple Night. Eu gravei esse som dentro do carro mano, pois não estou em São Paulo nesse período de quarentena, e sim no meu sítio, que não tem um lugar da hora pra gravar, porém, o carro tem um ótimo isolamento acústico, que usei a meu favor. Nesse dia, eu tinha tomado uns remédios, tava bem leve kkkkkkkkkk. Foi de freestyle também, remete a um rolê com meus amigos no centro de SP. Eu só me lembro que tava tudo bem escuro na hora, e só conseguia sentir a guitarra do beat e minha voz saindo lentamente kkkkkjj. Foi bem profundo na hora, tanto que até quem me acompanha, elege esse som como um dos melhores.
Escutar a história por trás dos sons é foda, eu escutei Purple Night várias vezes e nunca imaginei que tivesse sido gravada no carro. Agora, tem uma coisa que eu queria falar muito contigo. Quais são tuas influências atuais dentro do SoundCloud ? Como tu classifica teu som dentro dos gêneros que existem lá e em quem você se inspira da cena de lá ?
Então, eu me classifico superficialmente, como cloudrap. Tenho muita influência da draingang, Capoxxo, Lil Soda Boi, Kizaru, que é um rapper russom Nosgov e buffalogang. Na real, acho que meu som é um misto de digital, Hitech, cloudrap e uma parte da cena emo. Não sei como classificar, chamaria de Softcore kkkkkk.
Cara, influências incríveis. Nosgov, soda e capoxxo, sem dúvidas tão bem aparentes nos teus sons e até na tua estética de foto e de cover art. Tem alguém que tu acompanhe na cena BR também ?
Cara, um mano da cena Br que é tão underground quanto eu é o Diego Tesla. Esse cara é fora do normal, na real, ele tem menos views que eu, mas o som dele é angelical, único mano que acompanho de fato, Pois a cena BR é muito saturada do mesmo.
Ótimas colocações. Não conheço o mano, sem dúvidas vou dar uma olhada no trabalho dele. Foi legal tu ter falado da saturação da cena BR porque o último trabalho que tu lançou foi ao meu ver também um dos mais autênticos, a estética, os Beats e a composição de Lovely estão incríveis e diversificadas. Zoloft é minha favorita. Como foi o processo de composição desse álbum, quanto tempo tu passou fazendo cada uma das músicas ?
Muito obrigado pelo reconhecimento mano, fico muito feliz por isso. Então, cada música desse EP de fato tem uma história por trás. “Zoloft”, como foi a que você mais curtiu, vou dar uma explicação mais a fundo. A letra retrata literalmente meu dia no dia que gravei o som, tinha tomado zoloft na noite anterior e acordei meio panqueca. No fim do dia, achei justo escrever sobre, ainda mais naquele beat que é ótimo pra uma moshpit kkkkkkjj. O EP em si, tenta transmitir que mano, eu tenho sentimentos, que eu sou sensível, que sou adorável KKKKKK. Quebrar esse paradigma de que homem precisa ser babaca e não ter coração, tlgd? O som “prettyboi” tá com um erro de ortografia, proposital. O certo seria handsome boy, mas pus pretty por ser feminino. Tenta retratar a fragilidade tlgd? O som “Lonely”, que tem o feat do Dyo, tem um beat super digital, mostra uma noite vazia e que passei a noite produzindo uns beats. Me senti sozinho pra caralho, e entendi que às vezes, eu e meu PC com o FL aberto, são minha única companhia kjxjdjxjdkkdI. “Miss her voice”, som pra minha ex namorada, nem era pra sair com esse nome, mas terminamos um dia antes do lançamento, então, mudei o nome do som. Era pra se chamar " Her eyes" mas, é.
E Smoking Loud é sobre um rolê que dei no centro de SP aonde fumei na frente da tropa de choque KKKKKK, Comendo McDonald's. O som de abertura é pra reforçar que sou maconheiro JFJCJJDKXKDKDKS. A capa é bem afeminada, mas é aquela fita, masculinidade frágil aqui não.
Eu adorei a história de todas as músicas, I miss Her Voice nunca imaginaria FIJSDJWKSKS. O que tu gosta de fazer além da cena musical ?
Cara, adoro RPG, jogo videogame pra caralho, curto muito ler, principalmente sobre filosofia e psicologia. Amo acampar, amo a natureza em si na verdade. E também curto uns projetos sociais, como a Sea Shepherds, mas devido a pandemia, não consigo atuar em nenhum D: Sou do grupo de risco cjfkxkxnxkz, eeee, arte em si também .
Uma alma altruísta atrás de todas essas músicas, foda demais. Como última pergunta , eu gostaria que tu citasse 5 artistas que tu gostaria de ter um feat e o que espera pro teu futuro no underground.
Hmm, pergunta difícil mas bem fácil a, Vamos lá:
Bladee, Lil Soda Boi, Senses, Capoxxo, Thaiboy Digital. Isso é meu objetivo na real kkkkkkk.
Faz Sentido IFKWKDKWKSKWKWKA. Antes da gente acabar, tu tem alguma mensagem que gostaria de passar pra galera que vai te conhecer com essa entrevista ?
Ah, que apoiem a cena underground. Os artistas mainstream de hoje, começaram da mesma maneira que eu e que vários artistas sem reconhecimento, com equipamentos por vezes piores que os meus, então é, apoie a cena. E que, tudo o que faço e fiz veio do coração, o retorno financeiro é só uma vírgula nessa história toda. Obrigado pelo interesse mano, de verdade, é o tipo de reconhecimento que me deixa feliz pra caralho.
Eu que te agradeço cara, pela disposição em fazer a entrevista e pela disposição em trazer essa cena de música incrível pro Brasil. A galera aqui da Reverse Noise vai ficar de olho nos teus próximos lançamentos, já que tu é uma das minhas promessas pra cena BR. Muito obrigado mesmo.
Link para escutar “Lovely”, novo álbum de 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖞𝖇𝖔𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖟𝖆𝖗𝖙, bem como sua rede social para acompanhá-lo :https://album.link/XbmKsxWMttpkg
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blessiwatobi · 7 years
Cinta Modeladora
Cinta modeladora de cintura
1)     O formato do corpo é universal
Não existe corpo ideal para se utilizar a cinta. Desde quem já tem uma cinturinha como quem não tem, quem é mais magra ou quem é mais gordinha, todas podem utilizar. Atualmente a variedade Diamond State cintas disponíveis no mercado é imensa e o lado bom disso é que existem inúmeros tamanhos e modelagens. Já o viés negativo é que o cuidado metallic element escolha deve ser redobrado.
2)     A cinta serve para modelar
Este tópico é um dos mais importantes!!!!!! Para tudo se você acha que irá perder centímetros Diamond State quadril/cintura ou qualquer coisa apenas com a cinta modeladora. Gostaria muito que trench verdade, mas O PRODUTO NÃO FAZ MILAGRE. Cinta + world = menos centímetros. Caso utilize apenas a cinta, saiba que comic o uso seu corpo ficará praticamente perfeito, assim como sua postura. No meu caso, senti até uma leve modelagem metallic element cintura, mesmo sem o acessório, contudo, eu tenho metabolismo acelerado e não engordo nem devorando um boi!
3)     Massagem modeladora e cremes intensificam os resultados?
Nunca cheguei a utilizar cremes para verificar os resultados. A massagem modeladora ajuda sim. A massagem por si só já deixa a cintura mais fina e a utilização public prosecutor cinta finaliza o processo.
4)     Além Diamond State modelar, é possível perder gordura localizada?
Não! Se você tem alguma saliência metallic element barriga e não harmonizar a cinta com a world, vai continuar com sua saliência. A cinta irá apenas esconder comic a utilização.
5) valley a pena o custo x benefício?
Vale se você investir no produto certo. Qual mulher nunca usou ou vai usar um vestido mais justo e que deixa as saliências bem evidentes? Aí a cinta já vai resolver seu problema. Para o dia-a-dia ELA irá ajudar a não fazer com que a roupa íntima e a calça jeans Diamond State cós mais baixo (ui, evitem), deixem seu corpo com uma modelagem estranha. Além disso, contribui para a postura, pois você se mantem retinha ao sentar.
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ptravassos12 · 5 years
Que saudades da minha ex
Nosso reencontro acontecia sob a promessa de uma surpresa. Não nos víamos há anos, desde o término. Fui recebido na sala grande e apresentado, de forma lacônica (porém não deseducada), à nova galera dela. Recebi alguns sorrisos e olhares julgadores. Aquelas caras de “Ahn, então esse é o boy”. Depois nos fechamos no quarto.
Estava caótico. A bagunça não me surpreendia, eu conhecia bem os hábitos dela. A atmosfera se impregnara com o cheiro adocicado de seus perfumes, produtos de maquiagem e de higiene pessoal. Mas não era só isso. Mesclado a tudo havia um cheiro pungente de corpo: suor e outros fluidos. A janela, fechada, deixava passar apenas um pouco de ar e de luz do sol pelas fileiras de buraquinhos no metal. O medo dela das mariposas...
- Pode deitar aí. Tira essa roupa, lógico.
Eu obedeci, e mal havia concluído, notei que ela fazia o mesmo. Sem muita dificuldade, alías: me recebeu vestida com pijamas e nada por baixo. Nua, ela me olhou fixamente com aqueles olhos enormes, engastados no rosto anguloso, de proporções virtuosas.
- Eu estava transando com um carinha. Bem aí, onde você está deitado agora.
As palavras baixas e em tom oscilante, como era o dela, foram pronunciadas com firmeza. Quase que perpassadas por um risinho. Seu rosto sorria. Ele me olhava aguardando a reação. Eu sorri de volta, sem resposta. Sempre desejara aquilo, e pedira aquilo dela, mas agora, diante do fato, me sentia paralisado. Percebendo, ela continuou, assumindo de vez o controle:
- Fica assim (reorientando minha posição). Você vai me chupar.
- Vou sim, meu amor.Foi tudo o que pude responder, até que o peso ínfimo dela desceu sobre o meu rosto. O sexo, recortado contra as virilhas ossudas, estava inchado, escuro, afetado pelo gozo da transa recente. A vulva úmida engoliu, sem dificuldades, meu nariz e minha boca. Por vários minutos ela rebolou sobre meu rosto, ali, nós dois em posição de 69 -, mas o resto do meu corpo estava sendo ignorado.
Eu segurava as nádegas dela com força, comprimindo seu quadril contra o assento em que meu rosto se tornara. Senti a respiração quente dela bem próxima da cabeça do meu pau. Sem tocá-lo, ela deu-lhe uma cuspida. Meus gemidos, sempre constantes, foram aumentando de volume. Com eles, crescia um desespero por tocá-la mais e mais, e receber o mesmo tipo de atenção. Mas não foi o que recebi.
- Dei pra ele sem camisinha, meu amor, declarou ela, aprumando-se.
Era verdade. O gosto salgado que descia do canal vaginal pela minha boca a dentro não poderia ter outra origem. Pior que isso, a substância era apolar, estava ficando cada vez mais grudenta em contato com a minha saliva. Aquilo só poderia ser...
- “Ele gozou dentro, lindo. Eu estou tomando anticoncepcional por esses tempos.”
Minhas pernas se flexionaram num espasmo, emiti um longo gemido, que ela abafou redobrando a pressão. Fui dominado pela agonia quando me dei conta de que o fluido medonho já enchia minha boca.
- “Não senhor. Quietinho aí”, disse ela, agarrando minhas bolas e começando a torcê-las sem muita força, mas de modo ameaçador. “Você vai engolir isso. Tudo. Me deixar limpinha.”
Sem ter coragem de continuar meu esboço de resistência, sentindo a firmeza de sua mão delicada em volta dos meus testículos, cedi. Acatei a ordem. Perdi a noção de quanto tempo passei na tarefa. Minha língua doía com cãibras, meu pau latejava, esquecido. Ela, por seu turno, gozou várias vezes, talvez tenha até mesmo cochilado: durante certo tempo tombava a cabeça inerte sobre o meu pau duro, deixando escorrer um filete de saliva morna pela boquinha entreaberta.
- Nossa, chega, né, disse ela, finalmente levantando da minha cara e, com um pouco de ajuda minha, estendendo-se ao meu lado.
Conversamos um pouco. Eu, ainda cheio de tesão, me punha a beijá-la e acaricia-la, na esperança de reavivar-lhe o fogo...
- Olha, lindo... não vai rolar, sentenciou ela. E, colando os lábios ao meu ouvido, explicou-se: O Rodrigo é um fofo, super jeitosinho... mas me deu uma canseira. Acho que nunca vi alguém aguentar transar por tanto tempo.
- Ele cuidou bem de você, amor? Repliquei, a voz trêmula. Um misto de sensações me invadia quando ela descrevia e explicava – em tons elogiosos – o desempenho sexual dos outros machos que punha na sua vida.
- Cuidou, amor. Muito bem. E o pau dele era de um tamanho ótimo, não machucava, era macio... me fez gozar várias vezes. Sua língua também. E agora, eu estou acabadinha...
Não havia outra solução a não ser conformar-me. Eu precisava ir de qualquer forma. Tinha hora pra embarcar no ônibus. Enquanto eu me vestia pra sair, ela me observava, pensativa. Sentou-se, então, na borda da cama, abriu as pernas, e me chamou:
- Vem aqui. Ajoelha aqui, disse, indicando o espaço do chão entre as pernas dela.
Mudo, mas bastante surpreso, obedeci. Nunca havia visto ela encarnar tão bem o papel de mando como agora. Assim que me pus de joelhos, ela puxou meus cabelos da nuca e pediu, com suavidade, que abrisse minha boca, precipitando nela uma escarrada. Disse, então, de forma pausada, como se tivesse ensaiado o discurso mentalmente:
- Eu não posso te dar atenção agora, não do jeito que você quer. Mas você veio aqui só pra me admirar e me adorar, então acho que se contenta com pouco. Faz assim, então: no posto aqui da esquina tem um banheiro público. Vai lá, ajoelha no chão e bate uma. Goza no lixinho. Quero uma foto. Aliás, duas: de antes e de depois. Tá bom pra você essa atenção?
- Tá... tá sim, meu anjo, respondi, engolindo em seco.
Fui posto pra fora sem protestar. Descia pelo elevador rumo ao destino a que ela me comandara. Não subsistia em mim qualquer vestígio de frustração. Sentia-me, isso sim, grato por ela ter me pedido ao menos fotos da situação ignóbil à qual me forçava. Havia interesse dela na minha conduta, afinal. Sentia-me cegamente compelido a obedece-la. E sentia, sobretudo, pasmo diante da atitude da menininha que, em outros tempo, me tivera como seu primeiro namorado.
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pruzhiinki · 8 years
Dream Machine Review
Non sono il tipo di persona che fa recensioni, però in questo caso voglio fare un’eccezione.
Partiamo dal fatto che si tratti della band che direi seguo da più tempo, che nonostante bruschi cambiamenti di sonorità nel corso della loro discografia li ha sempre adorati ed apprezzati, senza dover per forza ghettizzare la musica elettronica come hanno fatto e fanno molte fan ora. Io non critico i gusti altrui, ognuno può pensarla come vuole, però sono qua per esprimere semplicemente il mio misero parere.
 Intanto chiarifichiamo che sto parlando dei Tokio Hotel, band tedesca molto celebre per coloro che sono stati adolescenti negli anni 2000 e che ha suscitato parecchio scalpore non tanto per la musica che è (o meglio era) semplicemente pop rock, ma più per tutto il contorno di immagine.
Ora sono cresciuti parecchio: Bill e Tom Kaulitz hanno ventisette anni, Gustav Schäfer –ora padre di famiglia – ne ha ventotto e Georg Listing fra poco sarà trentenne.
Fa paura eh? Mi sento parecchio vecchia anch'io.
 Ma andiamo all’album.
 Parto da un giudizio generico, dicendo che questo album ha pregi e pecche come ogni cd di questa band, eccetto lo storico Zimmer 483, al quale tutti i fan sono legati e lo etichettano come l’opera madre .
A primo ascolto, un po’ per l’emozione un po’ per altre cose non sono riuscita ad inquadrarlo bene, ma mi è piaciuto subito, questo è certo. Tuttavia le opinioni che ho espresso in nove minuti di messaggio vocale alle mie amiche sono ben altre rispetto a ciò che scriverò qua sotto.
Per capire bene i pezzi, infatti, consiglio di ascoltarlo un paio di volte. Qua non si parla più delle canzoni acchiappone di Zimmer o Humanoid, che al primo ascolto già si vola: Dream Machine richiede un bel po’ di attenzione per essere ben compreso.
 Per quanto riguarda i pregi, comincio dicendo che le sonorità siano la prima cosa che mi ha colpito; se in Kings Of Suburbia c’era un accozzaglia di generi un po' elettronico, un po’ pop, un po’ dubstep, un po’ rock e non si capiva dove andassero a parare, qua finalmente hanno scelto un settore e basta.
Chiaro, c’è chi ha apprezzato di più l’eccessiva varietà di generi di Kings Of Suburbia, reputando questo album monotono e che le canzoni si confondano l’una con l’altra.
Ma il mio orecchio attento, ahimè, non la pensa così.
Mi piace il fatto che ogni canzone abbia comunque un mood molto più cupo, quando nell’album precedente, tolta qualche perla, c’erano cos'è troppo allegre per il mio gusto personale.
Qua l’album sembra aver scelto un genere misto fra musica elettronica, pop e che vada verso il darkwave. Una versione frociarola del darkwave ecco, un gaywave.
Per quelli che conoscono il genere e stanno per lanciarmi i sassi, alzo le mani al cielo: in Germania sono bravi a fare quello, che lo si associ al pop, al rock o al metal.
Quasi tutti i brani sono in minore, cosa molto gradita.
 Un altro punto di forza di questo cd sono le linee vocali: molto orecchiabili, le senti una volta e automaticamente le impari. Non te le togli più dalla testa, anche se alcune sono un po’ ripetitive, ma credo che quella sia una costante di ogni tormentone che si rispetti.
Non mi hanno fatto granché impazzire i brani con troppi effetti sulla voce (tranne una di cui vi parlerò dopo), anche perché per quanto Bill Kaulitz non sia Freddy Mercury e la sua tecnica vocale sia quasi inesistente, il suo timbro o lo ami o lo odi.
Il punto è che se lo ami sei fottuto, fine.
A mio gusto personale è veramente sexy, un po’ “strappalacrime” in alcuni punti.
Ma io ovviamente parlo da fan, non sarò mai totalmente oggettiva su questo, nemmeno fra un milione di anni!
 Altra cosa bella è stata che finalmente si sono autoprodotti per davvero , con l’aiuto della Sony, e non per finta: il nome di Tom Kaulitz è onnipresente nei credits, quindi merita un applauso bello grosso!
 Se posso aggiungere, infine, una cosa che ho trovato molto geniale è la semplicità dei pezzi. Oggi giorno quelli che fanno i grandi cultori di musica giudicano sfigati chi non ha perfezione tecnica o non sa comporre un riff di chitarra in 12/8 a 200 bpm.
È li che sbagliano.
La semplicità la sanno eseguire tutti, è vero, un giro di do e un quattro quarti sono una vera cagata, ma il punto è: vi siete mai chiesti perché questi brani funzionano?
Perché è l’interpretazione che rende vincente il tutto. Una cosa semplice con una bella interpretazione può suonare molto meglio e caricare molto di più di una composizione mega complessa che però risulta piatta all’ascoltatore.
Io penso sempre che i cd non siano dei saggi di composizione, i cd devono respirare, l’artista deve comunicare con l’ascoltatore e se il linguaggio è semplice e con carattere allora l’ascoltatore sarà molto più in grado di capire e sarà più attento è coinvolto.
La semplicità è una caratteristica dei Tokio Hotel dai tempi di Durch den Monsun e se li ha fatti vendere un casino di dischi c’è sicuramente un perché.
 Veniamo ai difetti.
 La prima pecca di questo cd è sicuramente il lessico. I testi fanno chiaramente capire che nonostante i gemellini vivano in America da ben sei o sette anni e lavorino con madrelingua  e parlino tutti i giorni in inglese, il loro linguaggio è rimasto un po’ troppo scolastico e cade nel banale, tranne per qualche frase semplice ed effetto.
Avrei suggerito di lavorare per lo meno con un autore: lo hanno fatto per anni, non gli avrebbe fatto meno onore farlo anche questa volta.
 Altra pecca è il numero di tracce: dieci. Come fai a far uscire solo dieci tracce in tre anni se fai solo quello di mestiere?
Quarantuno minuti di musica ti lasciano un po’ l’amaro in bocca e nonostante l’ultimo brano chiuda perfettamente l’album e alcune tracce durino parecchio, la tua testa a fine cd pensa “E ora? È già finito?”
 Altra pecca, ma questa è una cosa più di immagine, lo shoot del cd.
Onestamente non vado matta per i loro outfit, non riesco sinceramente a capire cosa centrino col sound in generale. A differenza della copertina che rievoca parecchio “Stranger Things” e che comunque fa passare ognuno di loro come un personaggio di un film, questa cosa negli shoot interni si perde parecchio (anche se adoro lo scatto a centro del libretto). È un peccato, perché è fin dai tempi di Schrei che hanno questa immagine, ossia che ognuno di loro sembri un personaggio di una fiction.
 Ma passiamo ai brani.
 Si apre con l’atmosferica Something New, che penso sia il brano più curato di tutto l’album. Se gli altri pezzi sembrano un po’ scritti in fretta, qua la questione proprio non traspare.
In sol bemolle minore, tonalità non troppo comune nel pop, lentamente comincia con un intro creato da synths molto cupi, che sembrano quasi alieni. Ci trasporta, insieme alla voce di Bill, carica di riverbero tanto quanto probabilmente Enya ai tempi d’oro, dentro il mondo di Dream Machine. Un mondo astratto, dove l’aria che si respira è completamente diversa da quella degli altri cd. Non ci sono altri termini per descrivere questo pezzo, se non atmosferico perché è proprio quello che è: un ouverture che piano piano si carica sempre di più di strumenti ed effetti elettronici fino ad un apex strumentale, accompagnato da qualche acuto della voce. I colori di questo brano rispecchiano perfettamente il video musicale: un deserto, i colori della terra, anche se io ci vedo molto spazio e molta oscurità dentro, soprattutto nella prima parte.
  Boy Don’t Cry è il vero apripista di Dream Machine, una traccia in re minore molto dance, con un simpatico arpeggio funky nelle strofe. Una canzone tutta per ballare o per fare sesso, non saprei, perché istiga a entrambe le cose. Punto di forza di questa canzone è soprattutto il riff di tastiera presente due volte: carico e deciso, adatto proprio al limone in mezzo alla pista della discoteca. La voce qua è molto elettronica e carica di autotune, ma penso che ci stia tutta, compreso il falsetto quasi innaturale di Bill.
Molto particolare e sensuale il bridge: un piccolo drop che sicuramente dal vivo sarà interessante ascoltare. Nel testo, in quel punto, invece di “she took me dancing” hanno piazzato il verbo in tedesco (“she took me tanzen”) e probabilmente ciò evidenzia il fatto che si tratti di un’avventura in Germania. Per quanto riguarda le lyrics un po’ ambigue,  sembra che parli dell’avventura con una ragazza(?!!?) tedesca, forse una friendzone… La cosa bizzarra è che questa traccia credo sia la più gay di tutto il cd. Quando mi è stato riferito che forse loro sono intenzionati a fare un video musicale su questo brano, la prima cosa che ho pensato è stata Bill a strusciarsi in mezzo a seimila corpi palestrati e lucidi di olio, non di certo ad una bella bonazza che balla nuda la lap dance. Ma questi sono dettagli miei... Questo pezzo può piacere o non piacere, ma nel mio caso è definitivamente un si, dato che tira fuori la stripper che c'è in me.
  Il terzo brano del cd è Easy, che a primo ascolto non avevo apprezzato appieno, anzi, non mi era particolarmente rimasto. Tuttavia, dopo la terza volta che l’ho sentita, questa è diventata una delle tracce che apprezzo di più. Qua siamo sul pop elettronico classico, con la bella cosa che si sentono un po’ di strumenti veri, anche se distorti negli effetti , in la minore. Poi modula alla sua relativa maggiore nel ritornello, cosa carina per conferire un pelo in più di malinconia al cantato, ma allo stesso tempo gioia alla strumentazione, dando movimento alla canzone per evitare che rischi di diventare piatta.
Il testo esprime un’amicizia finita, forse uno dei testi più curati dell’album, espressi con la voce che finalmente sembra liberarsi un po’ di qualche effetto e dell’autotune. Questo brano ha solo due pecche: l’inizio del ritornello che ammazza il crescendo che si crea prima, a fine della strofa e quindi laddove sembra che la canzone debba esplodere invece finisce in calma piatta. Tuttavia recupera benissimo sul “we can't go back now”, melodia semplice che esprime appieno le parole. Queste credo siano le frasi rudimentali, ma che però ti rimangono impresse nella mente e hanno il loro perché su come vengono cantate.
L’altra pecca credo sia l’uscita in fade out che mi sembra un po' buttata lì.
Mi pare di aver scorto nei primi due ritornelli anche un pedale su una nota sola con la chitarra che mi sembra molto figo, irrompe prepotentemente in tutta l’elettronicità che abbiamo sentito finora.
  Rimaniamo in la, ma questa volta andiamo in maggiore e sto parlando del secondo singolo che hanno fatto uscire : What If. L’atmosfera torna ad essere molto sexy e piccante, carica e frizzante,  rispetto alla canzone precedente. Strumenti veri ed elettronici si mischiano in quasi egual misura, mentre il ritornello rimane sempre molto in testa come un martello pneumatico. Il testo ahimè lo trovo un po’ demenzialmente semplice, poi magari dietro c’è tutta la filosofia nichilista sul sesso, però non è quello che ho colto io. Già dal primo ascolto in preview, nella mia testa percepivo tanti colori ed è quello che effettivamente ho visto nel loro videoclip: un arcobaleno di luci mentre loro sono immersi nella natura, una giungla di foglie. Che volesse rappresentare l’istinto animalesco e notturno di chi è a caccia di avventure? Non ne ho idea.
Però è stata un’ottima idea usarla come singolo, mi sembra la traccia del cd più indicata per riavvicinare il pubblico alla loro musica, anche perché è estremamente orecchiabile, più di tutte le altre, credo.
 Il mood si trasforma completamente con la traccia delle ansie: Elysa.
Molte la amano, molte la trovano moscia, io sono esattamente a metà. Non che la trovo moscia, anzi, però c’e una parte di me che non la apprezza completamente o non mi ha ridotto in lacrime come ha fatto con molte altre fan. Qua si legge la palese inclinazione per Adele da parte di Bill : siamo in fa minore, tonalità della famosissima Hello, e finalmente si decide a tirare fuori un po’ di qualità vocali, immerse in un’atmosfera veramente da “emo”. Io vedo colori scuri, viola, nero, blu notte… mi sembra di nuotare in un mare di emozioni negative che pian piano mi trascinano verso il basso, ed è per questo forse che questa è una delle tracce che sento di meno quando magari sono sull’autobus. Fantastico il bridge e l’ultimo ritornello, con un bell’acuto che cerca con tutte le sue forze di strappare le lacrime dagli occhi dell’ascoltatore. Il testo ora è leggermente ambiguo fra lutto e rottura: sembra parli di un amore finito, ma da come ne parla sembra quasi funereo, quasi come se la ragione per questa canzone sia proprio morta davvero.
L’autotune sulla voce, grazie a Dio, è quasi del tutto assente, forse per rendere la veridicità delle emozioni senza artifizi elettronici.
Musicalmente anche questa, come Something New, è una delle tracce più curate anche sotto l’aspetto musicale: bellissimi tutti i crescendi che vanno al contrario rispetto alla voce quando invece è quasi ridotta a un sussurro (“scars were bleeding” etc etc), e i giri di tastiera velocissimi è un po’ bachiani (che cazzo ho detto….).
  Rimaniamo in minore ma ci spostiamo in la, respirando un’aria completamente diversa, quasi sognante, con la traccia che porta il titolo dell’album: Dream Machine. Non a caso è il secondo brano più lungo del cd e qua risentiamo un po’ di chitarre funky e riff di tastiera molto orecchiabili. Questo brano, tuttavia, mi sembra creato sulla falsa riga di Covered in Gold dal precedente album: la sonorità è simile, ma se in Covered in Gold abbiamo drop elettronici al massimo, acuti e momenti di intensità, qua si respira solo tranquillità, non c’e una gran tensione vocale. Musicalmente ci sono dei punti di climax, vocalmente un po’ meno, credo che forse il punto di massima tensione sia quello dove la strumentazione è assente e dove finalmente Bill canta in voce piena e non con quel colore un po’ sussurrato è un po’ atmosferico. I colori di questa canzone sono decisamente meno intensi di Elysa : rosa tenue, arancione pastello… Un tramonto sulla spiaggia di Los Angeles con un bel cocktail di frutta in mano, il perfetto cielo color zucchero filato, quindi sembra quasi introdurre la traccia successiva.
Non è uno dei brani che mi ha fatto più impazzire, anche il testo lascia un po’ a desiderare, però non è brutto .
L’argomento all’inizio sembra sempre un amore finito, poi però una parte  suggerisce che parli della band, che finalmente ha cambiato sonorità, che sono persone nuove, non sanno che direzione avrà la loro musica ma non ritorneranno sui loro passi. La frase che rimane più in testa è il “Let’s get High” che si sente e risente cento volte in tutta la canzone, così tanto che rischi di rimanere fatto all’ascolto. Ma credo che ci stia: già l’atmosfera del brano è di per se molto delicata, l’idea della marijuana conferisce ancora più questa idea di rilassamento e trascendenza.
  Cotton Candy Sky è esattamente un tono sopra alla traccia precedente, ma sfortunatamente è cento scalini sotto tutte le altre tracce a mio giudizio. Se l’introduzione promette bene, purtroppo il resto della canzone non è così. È carina, orecchiabile, ma non corrisponde granché al mio gusto personale. Gli effetti sulla voce qua sono tremila, al punto che Bill nel ritornello sembra più una tastiera dotata di parole, eccetto il “we ain’t gonna get no sleep” che invece mi è piaciuto molto e tira fuori tutta la sensualità che questa canzone merita di far sentire sia nella voce che nella base. Bello anche il bridge munito di “battimani”, conferisce  groove e movimento.
Se i New Order avessero deciso di fare una traccia con Justin Timberlake e Immanuel Casto, questo probabilmente  sarebbe il prodotto finale: come ho già detto, potremmo chiamarlo gaywave.
Tuttavia, in generale, prediligo la base della canzone più che il cantato che un pochettino annoia.
Il testo sembra parli di un’avventura con un uomo ma io ci leggo, per quelle maliziose  che seguono il movimento, un po’ di twincest: Bill ha avuto le sue delusioni d’amore, Tom ha divorziato… Entrambi realizzano che non potranno mai avere una vita sessuale ed amorosa finché hanno l’un l’altro e sono costretti ad end up alone. E poi, guarda  caso, quel Cotton Candy Sky è nato dalle foto che postava Bill su Instagram nei giorni in cui lui e Tom hanno fatto questa fuga romantica di compleanno…. Coincidenze? Io non credo.
Vabbè, fangirling a parte, andiamo avanti.
 Se la canzone di prima non mi aveva fatto impazzire, questa invece mi ha fatto salire la pelle d’oca. Better si apre con un arpeggio al pianoforte in re minore, con un bell’effetto di cd antico messo sul giradischi. Costruita fondamentalmente su tre accordi, è uno dei brani più vincenti di Dream Machine, si stacca dal sound totalmente elettronico, tirando fuori un po’ l’atmosfera dark che si respirava ai tempi di Zimmer e Humanoid. L’unica pecca di questo brano è purtroppo il ritornello, non perché sia brutto, anzi, ma perché è un’autocitazione bella e buona. Tenete presente Stormy Weather, tratta proprio dal loro cd precedente, e poi ascoltate questa e capirete che sono parenti stretti, sono gemelli, proprio come Bill e Tom: Stormy Weather è più dubstep e carica, Better più malinconica e sentimentale. Ma le note del ritornello sono quelle, fine, non ci stanno santi.
La voce finalmente è scarica di autotune praticamente del tutto, ha corpo ed è un pugno allo stomaco, malinconica e rassegnata nelle strofe, speranzosa e piena di forza nei ritornelli.
Le strofe mi ricordano vaghissimamente Valentine’s Day dei Linkin Park, ma questo è solo un mio sentore.
Interessante la base di strumenti, mi sembra di sentire una sorta di fisarmonica elettronica e la trovo una scelta particolare. I synth associati agli accordi del pianoforte anche quelli sono davvero splendidi, tutto l’insieme mi ha fatto venire i brividi. Il testo parla sempre di una rottura, una versione un po’ più poetica del detto “meglio soli che male accompagnati”. E come dargli torto, povero Bill.
  Se in Dream Machine sentivo sapore di Covered in Gold, in questa As Young As We Are sento un po’ Dancing in The Dark. Spaziale e carica, ci abbassiamo di mezzo tono dal brano precedente (do diesis) e anche se è un po’ ripetitiva, anche questa è una delle tracce vincenti dell’album a mio parere personale.
Dark, i synth e le chitarre rendono un mood quasi rock, interrotte da qualche break di solo pianoforte.
Spero di sentirla live, perché questo mi sembra uno dei perfetti pezzi da concerto, il ritornello da cantare con un coro da stadio, con tanto di accendini accesi. Orecchiabile, non troppo allegro per quanto il testo mandi comunque messaggi positivi e spensierati alla Leb Die Sekunde. Il beat della canzone incita sempre di più a muovere il capo, senza entrare nell’eccesivo mainstream.
Il testo mi sembra un po’ buttato lì, ma ha il suo perché, forse proprio per la spensieratezza del messaggio stesso della canzone: velocità del viversi la vita di tutti i giorni, senza fermarsi ai momenti di dolore.
 La chiusura veramente strappalacrime sta nel brano Stop, Babe. Anche questa è una costante dei Tokio Hotel e anche questa volta non hanno cambiato le tradizioni, chiudendo l’album con un brano triste ma con un messaggio felice: prima Unendlichkeit, poi An Deiner Seite (By Your Side),  poi Zoom (into me), poi Great Day e ora questa.
La scelta della tonalità credo sia strettamente connessa al testo, molto bello anche se mi ha lasciato un po’ perplessa questo “in your kitchen lights”: parla di due persone, una delle due, la voce narrante (o meglio cantante) è una persona che ha sofferto per amore in passato e non è pronta a fare il passo successivo ma ad una certa ce la fa perché è la cosa più giusta da fare, quella di lasciarsi andare alle emozioni positive di questo nuovo amore.
La scelta di un brano in maggiore ( mi) come chiusura dell’album è bella anche perché fino ad ora la stragrande parte dei brani in minore ci hanno comunque tenuto in un’atmosfera cupa, triste e di sofferenza. Questa è la luce in fondo al tunnel del dolore, quindi sensatissima oltre che bellissima. Dà un messaggio di speranza fra synths elettronici mescolati a strumenti veri (che finalmente prevalgono!), la voce senza tanti effetti, eccetto un po’ di riverbero che ci sta perfettamente, conferisce profondità ed importanza al testo.
La mini pecca è forse la frase che introduce il ritornello, dato che come melodia ricorda un po’ The Reason degli Hoobastank ( creatività cercasi, mannaggia a Tom!), ma per il resto è un brano davvero che rende.
Adoro il finale con le più voci a cappella che si mischiano fino ad essere una voce sola con la frase che tutte le fans a fine di questo cd penseranno della band: “nothing’s better  than you.”
  Quindi ricapitolando:
 Tracce Top: Better, Stop, Babe, Something New, As Young As We Are, Boy Don’t Cry.
Tracce MEH.: Easy, What If, Elysa, Dream Machine
Tracce Nope: Cotton Candy Sky
  Concludo dicendo che so di essere stata un tantino prolissa, ma dovevo sfogarmi! Ormai questo album so che sarà un loop continuo almeno fino ai giorni delle date italiane e non sono l'unica a pensarla così. Ho alcuni amici che comunque non seguono i Tokio Hotel e hanno apprezzato davvero questo disco, quindi spero di riavvicinare alla loro musica un po’ di persone con questo post!
Concludo facendo un grosso applauso a loro perché nonostante non avessi grandi aspettative, mi hanno reso felice e hanno colpito nel segno un’altra volta.
 Bravi ragazzi, sehr gut!!
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kimonobeat · 5 years
This is just a silly curiosity but I was wondering, if you could pick a H!P group to cover an 80's/oldies J-pop song, what song(s) would you pick?
oooh... that’s a tough one, if only because they’ve covered so many Showa idol songs in the past! I don’t know the current groups as well but if I had to pick, probably Morning Musume ‘19 and Kirara & Urara’s “Senti Metal Boy”?
for older groups and soloists, I would’ve loved to have seen GAM cover Pink Lady, or Takahashi Ai sing an Ishikawa Hidemi song (like “Ai no Jumon”)! I also feel like Kusumi Koharu would’ve been a great fit for Kokusho Sayuri’s “Valentine Kiss”.
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