#Techno Kayo
nakamorijuan · 5 months
キララとウララ - センチ・メタル・ボーイ KIRARA To URARA - SENTI METAL BOY
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nobbykun · 2 years
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Artist - Y.M.O. (Yellow Magic Orchestra) Song - 君に、胸キュン。(Kimi Ni, Mune Kyun.) [Eng. "My Heart Goes Kyun For You"] Release Date - March 1983
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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roseillith · 1 year
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chiemi manabe  不思議・少女 // mysterious girl (1983) artwork
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abovethissilentworld · 6 months
At the stage of dreaming, contemplating, and escaping oneself, does narrative undo itself? The concept of ineffability has a profundity attached to it that the mere state of experiencing unconscious thought cannot satisfy, yet that very dissatisfaction drags one into their own memory – painting the aural, atomic echelons of perceptive rendering with one’s own soul. And that soul returns through the vision, sound, and ephemeral sense of one’s environment - synthesized, processed and reimagined as something new! The allure of the undiscovered becomes bland when literalized, as though the system of one’s own expressional relation with eternity is a simple, linear cycle. No – the evolution of oneself is a feature to both observe and experience, and in realizing that one cannot be both simultaneously, one reaches their own natural limit. Self-conception’s transition between observation and experience is subject to time, and time erodes everything. Ultimately, that self-image, that self-description, that infinity preserves itself through its own natural dissipation, where its transformation dictates one’s own absence of perfection. In simpler terms – it is ourselves that we always seek, and it is the seeking that we cannot transcend. Thus, it seems as though dreaming and contemplating are simply natural escapes from the fact of oneself, and that the transition between fact and fiction is what inspires the romantic, artistic, creative essence that nuances circumstance with atmosphere. The meta-transitory is the state where our experience of great art is captured, reinforcing and protecting the soul on its journey between states, and ultimately allowing who we are to flourish without impedance from the natural world. Maybe I’ll linger in this state a little while longer.....
Anyhow, what was I talking about? This is a good album. Yeah, a real solid pop album. A real winner.
sigh ~Reflections on an evening in mid-November 2022, Age 26, Vancouver BC.
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dr-s-strange · 1 year
Song of the Day
"Today's song? Here you go."
SINGLE (シングル) Kumiko Yamashita
Genre: techno kayo
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tagsecretsanta · 9 months
From @alexthefly
From @alexthefly to @gaviiadastra
The prompts:
A Tracy Island games night;
Something’s cooking in the kitchen;
Put the mess in domestic.
Rating: teen
Content warnings:
Moderate whump (fracture, soft tissue injuries);
Alcohol throughout (no drunkenness);
Flirting, including innuendo and one sex mention;
One instance of swearing.
Other warnings: a bit of Pen & Ink included in this one; hope that's ok.
A familiar combination of thrusters, VTOL and a slightly-delayed sonic boom signalled Thunderbird One's return to the island. Gordon immediately felt his heart-rate leap a hundred beats.
“They’re here! Action stations! Alan, fluff the cushions; Virgil, get the food; Kayo…”
Whatever task Gordon had been about to assign to her fizzled away in a blaze of epic side-eye.
“...just kick back and relax, ok? No biggie.”
He backed away a few steps just to be safe, but his sister seemed satisfied, pointedly putting her feet back up on the coffee table before returning to her romance book. 
Any other day the temptation to comment on her choice of reading material would be far too much to bear, however hazardous to his health such a comment might be, but today he had other things occupying his mind.
“What can I do?” asked John, making to get up just as Virgil - already on his feet - pushed him firmly back down onto the sofa.
“You can stay right there, Mister,” he said, voice full-medic stern. “You know the rules. First night down from Five means no unnecessary moving around.”
John rolled his eyes and muttered something in Russian, but thankfully stayed where he was. 
Gordon flashed the big man a grateful smile on his way past to the kitchen. The last thing he needed right now was a certified space-case causing a danger to himself and others.
Not tonight.
“Shall I get some tunes ready?” Alan had already pulled his tablet out from behind a pillow and started tapping. “I’ve got a great playlist I’ve been working o-”
“Is it video game music?” asked Kayo, not even looking up.
“No!” The chorus was unanimous.
“Aww, but it’s not like normal video games. It’s this really cool mix of techno and-”
Alan pouted. “Oh, so I guess you'd all rather listen to Fish-boy’s sea shanties and Europop?”
Gordon was all ready to defend his frankly impeccable musical taste, but John was clearly not in a mood for bickering.
“EOS, could you put on playlist P3 please?”
“Of course John.”
And with that the room was filled with gentle contemporary music - upbeat but not too raucous, neither intrusive nor dull - ideal for an evening with company. Obviously it was no Wellerman, but it wasn’t half bad. 
“Would you like some ambient lighting as well?”
“Not right now, thankyou EOS” replied John, ruffling Alan’s hair as he sat back down with a huff. “Is everything okay up there? Any calls? I could dial in if you need me?”
“Absolutely not,” said Kayo, an edge of menace in her voice. “You’re staying right where you are. Grandma’s orders.”
John scowled.
“Really John, there’s no need,” continued EOS. “I’m perfectly capable of handling things for one evening.”
Gordon noted the slight drop of his big brother’s shoulders but decided not to tug on that thread just now. Gravity always did a number on John the first night down, and it had been known to make him grumpy and homesick.
Virgil wandered back in carrying a big bucket filled with ice water, bottles of beer, prosecco, and cans of soda. With every step another puddle of ice water sloshed over the side and onto the floor.
“Allie, get a cloth would you? And could someone get some glasses out please? I’m kinda weighed down here.”
Kayo and Alan each grabbed one of John’s shoulders, using them to both pin him down and haul themselves up. The older man started to object, but was distracted by a ping on Alan’s tablet beside him.
“Scott’s on his way up now.”
Oh god oh god oh god. 
Gordon had the sudden and inexplicable urge to dunk his head in the bucket Virgil had just set down, but instead decided to busy himself with robustly re-plumping the chair pillows while bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.
“So everything’s ready, right? Place is tidy, drinks are out, games are stacked, food’s in hand… Are we all set? Should I open a window? It’s kinda hot in here.” Am I sweating? “Maybe I should go change-”
“Breathe Gordon.” soothed Virgil, resting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The weight of it felt good. Calming. “This isn’t a state dinner; just a normal games night like we’ve done a thousand times before. Nothing to get worked up about.”
Gordon scoffed. “Except it’s not though, is it? ‘Cos those other times it was just us, not-”
There was a ding and the elevator doors slid open.
“Right through here Lady Penelope.” Scott Tracy, suave as always, smoothly waved their guest into the room. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable and we’ll get started.”
“Thankyou Scott. And sorry again that you had to come and collect me…”
And there she was. Penelope.
Perfection personified. The epitome of class and grace. A beautiful angel with a heart of gold and a spine of steel, whose voice was a song and whose smile could reduce whole armies to-
“Gordon, what on earth are you doing to that cushion?”
He looked down at his hands to see the pillow he’d been fluffing, now scrunched and twisted over and over as if he were trying to throttle the poor thing. As he stared down trying to compute the mess of fabric and stuffing it suddenly disappeared from his hands, and then something was shoving him in the back, causing him to stumble forwards over his own feet. He recovered just in time to spot Virgil throwing the battered scatter cushion back behind the sofa, grinning from ear to ear.
Oh, there will be vengeance…
Right now though she was looking at him and oh god he needed to say something.
Quick as you like, Tracy.
“Er…” His throat made a strange sort of rasping sound.
Any words will do!
“Lady Penelope!” he squeaked. “Welcome in! Come here! I mean come in. Welcome here. You’re welcome here. To our home I mean. This home. Where we…”
He glanced over and caught sight of Kayo, face in hand, shaking her head behind the temporary bar they’d set up for the evening.
“Drink!” he exclaimed, just a little too loudly. “Can I… Would you like a drink?”
The small, knowing smile she gave him was all at once thrilling and completely mortifying; a glorious little needle of light straight through his poor, mortal little heart.
“That would be wonderful. Thankyou Gordon.”
Cheeks burning, he slumped off to the bar and a consolatory shoulder nudge from Kayo while Scott showed Penelope to the seating area. Virgil scooted around them and disappeared back down to the kitchen, throwing him a sympathetic look on the way.
After getting their guest settled, Scott casually folded himself down on the sofa next to her. “So how come Parker didn’t join us tonight? He was more than welcome.”
Gordon loudly shovelled a scoopful of ice into a long glass and then reached for the schnapps.
Stupid Never-flustered Always-has-the-right-words Scott Tracy…
“He wasn’t feeling too good I’m afraid. He said something about Lilian’s casserole disagreeing with him, but to be honest I suspect it was probably more to do with the FA cup final showing on BBC.”
Cranberry, orange wedge…
Kayo cleared her throat softly. “So what drink was it you wanted, Lady Penelope?”
Gordon’s brain short-circuited, vodka in hand. 
What.. drink?
He replayed the conversation - such as it had been - through again in his head.
…Dammit, he forgot to ask! He’d been so flummoxed he’d ended up mixing on autopilot.
“Oh, anything really. Whatever you’re all having.” Penelope looked over curiously. “What’s that you have there, Gordon?”
Aww hell.
“It’s a… umm… Sex on the Beach.”
Now it was John’s turn to facepalm while Alan snickered from behind his tablet. Even Scott snorted before passing it off with a hasty clear of the throat. 
Lady Penelope, however, held Gordon’s gaze, expression inscrutable, then ever so slowly arched one perfectly coiffured eyebrow.
“Well, that sounds interesting. But perhaps just some wine for now and we’ll see how we get on.”
There was a squeak beside him, and Kayo ducked down behind the bar giggling. Alan snort-coughed and had to be hit on the back by John, who was at least trying - somewhat painfully - to keep a straight face. Scott just grinned at him.
Gordon stood there, stunned into inertia, though he wasn’t quite sure if it was his own mortification holding him back or the slight hint of mischief in Penelope’s eye, almost as if…
Nope, he was definitely imagining it.
Scott looked from one to the other for a moment then, chuckling to himself, jumped to his feet and strode over to the bar.
“C’mon Fish,” he said quietly, grabbing a champagne flute off the bar top and flashing his best, most reassuring, big brother smile. “Let’s go choose a game and get this thing started.”
Gordon nodded, dumbfounded. He grabbed his ridiculous but perfectly mixed drink, complete with little novelty umbrella, and trudged over to the seating area.
Alan was already giving the assembled group a run-down of the various choices lined up for the evening. “We’ve got all your classics like backgammon, chess, battleships, guess who…”
“Those are all for two people, Allie,” said Scott, grabbing himself a beer and pouring Penelope her wine. “How about something we can all play?”
“Clue then?”
“That needs six. We’ve got seven.”
“I don’t mind sitting out the first round if you need me to,” Penelope said gently, accepting her drink.
“Not a chance,” said John firmly. “You’re our guest.”
Alan looked around, confused. “Wait, who’s the seventh?” 
Kayo passed him a soda from the bucket. 
“Uh, Virgil(?)”
“Oh yeah.”
““Oh yeah” he says,” came Virgil’s voice over the ‘comms. “How soon I’m forgotten(!)”
“Sorry Virg!” Alan slurped his soda loudly, earning him a frown from both Scott and Gordon. “Guess I’m just too hungry to think. Where’s the food at?”
“It’s coming. Just waiting for the vol-au-vents to puff up.”
Alan nearly spat out his soda. 
“Vol-au-vents?! What happened to our wings and chi- Oww!” 
A pillow flew across the room and caught Alan right upside the head. He got back up and glared at Gordon, who was already gearing up for another throw. 
“Whatcha do that for?”
Penelope looked from one to the other, realisation dawning. 
“I do hope you didn’t go to any trouble, Virgil. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Not at all. Really, it’s all in hand. I’ll be up in a few.” 
And with that the comms blinked off.
John swayed forward in his seat. “Y’know, I might go give him a hand…”
“Sit down, John!” ordered Scott, clearly done with them all by this point.
John remained there for a second, possibly weighing up the odds of making a run for it, then sat back down, arms folded definitely-not-at-all petulantly. 
“What about Monopoly?” suggested Penelope, clearly trying to change the subject. “That can have up to eight players.”
Kayo shook her head. 
“We’ve been banned,” Alan piped up. “Grandma said so.”
A pause. “...I see.”
“Well that doesn’t matter, does it?” urged Gordon, keen to get everyone playing before the whole evening went up in smoke. “Grandma can’t stop us from all the way in Gran Roca.”
“You sure about that, Gords?” asked Kayo, eyebrow raised.
He laughed nervously. “Heh…”
“In any case,” interjected Scott, “did you forget why Grandma banned it?”
“...Good point.”
The Great Tracy Anti-capitalist Revolution of 2056. In Gordon’s defence Scott had started it, buying up all those hotels like a dragon hoarding gold…
Alan held up a bunch of VR headsets. “How about something more modern? I’ve got Samurai Slasher, Twilight Ridge, Malibu Steade’s Epic Quest…?”
Scott frowned. “Not on John's first night down, Squirt.”
“Oh yeah. Gotcha.”
Gordon nodded. Way too much potential for injury.
“Ugh!” John threw his hands in the air. “You guys are like a flock of mother hens. I’m fine! Look…” He rolled to his feet before anybody could tell him not to. “Nice and steady. No wobbles, no stumbles. Nothing. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to the bathroom.”
“Uh, Johnny…”
“John darling...”
“Nope, I’m not listening,” he barked, striding purposely out of the seating area towards the stairwell, “Comfort breaks are necessary, so I don't care what you s-”
“Food’s here!”
“Look out!”
There was an “oof” and a crash as spaceman, heavy-lifter and a platter of freshly-made vol-au-vents collided in a mess of limbs and pastry before tumbling out of sight down the kitchen stairs.
Everyone was on their feet as a series of thuds, grunts, clatters and clangs echoed from the stairway, followed by one very plaintive “Oww.”
The place immediately erupted into total uproar. Ever the level head, Kayo immediately ran to get the first aid kit and the medi-scanner. Meanwhile Scott - always the quickest to leap into action - practically flew down the stairs after the pair of them in a frenzy of big brotherly concern, with Alan, Gordon and Penelope following closely behind. 
The two fallers themselves were actually relatively uninjured in the circumstances. Both were a mess of bruises and grazes and smooshed pastry, but at least they were fully conscious and coherent enough to be thoroughly embarrassed by the whole thing. John had twisted his ankle and had a walnut-sized bump on his forehead, and Virgil (who had slid most of the way down the steps backwards) ended up with a bruised tailbone, strained shoulder and one broken finger.  
The kitchen, unfortunately, hadn’t fared quite so well. Total disaster was the most accurate description. 
Best they could figure, the metal serving platter Virgil had been carrying had reached the ground floor airborne, bounced off the doorframe and had landed right in the middle of the countertop, sending plates, bowls, jars and spoons scattering and smashing all over the place. The situation wasn’t helped any when MAX, having heard the commotion, came speeding into the kitchen brandishing a mop and broom, skidded on a stray patch of vol-au-vent filling, slammed into the fridge and sent ice cubes from the dispenser shooting across the floor, then got confused and started spinning on the spot, taking out the stand mixer and two cupboard doors in the process.
Eventually they managed to get things back on a somewhat even keel. After a thorough checking over and an even more thorough mothering from Big Bro, both casualties were helped to their feet and safely installed back on the sofas with strict instructions not. To. Move. 
Penelope kept herself busy fetching drinks and ice packs for the patients and generally trying to soothe frayed nerves while Gordon, Alan and Kayo set to work fixing the kitchen back up, but after twenty minutes Scott - aware of the time and the presence of their guest - called everyone back to try to enjoy what was left of the evening.
And so instead of vol-au-vents, chips and dips were retrieved from various stashes in various rooms, drinks were replenished (non-alcoholic for the two injured parties, eliciting low grumbles from one and shrug of “stupid gravity” from the other) and in lieu of further disagreements a couple of packs of cards was produced. 
The rest of the evening was spent enjoying rounds of Go Fish, rummy, and playing poker for bottle caps, with plenty of jokes, stories and good conversation enjoyed in-between. Towards the end of the night - and to Gordon’s delight - Penelope even taught them a game from her university days called Shithead.
Finally, after most of the others had said their goodnights and wandered off to their rooms, Gordon and Penelope sat side-by-side on the sofa finishing their drinks alone, save for Alan who was snoring softly on the floor beside them.
Penelope swirled the last of her drink with her straw. “Do you think we should move him? That doesn’t look very comfortable…”
Gordon shrugged. “Nah, that’s how he normally sleeps. It’s a teenager thing,” he added, chewing on his orange slice garnish.
Penelope beamed. “I really have had a lovely time tonight. It’s been the most terrific fun, injuries notwithstanding of course.” 
Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the warm mood lighting that EOS had finally persuaded John to put on an hour or so earlier.
“And this drink of yours really is delicious by the way.”
Gordon laughed.
“See? I knew you’d like it. Maybe one day I’ll open up a bar of my own right on the beach and serve them out of coconut shells.”
He removed the little paper umbrella from his glass and started opening and closing it like he was in a tiny Hollywood musical.
She laughed. “Well if tonight’s anything to go by, any bar of yours would never be dull!”
Gordon grinned and presented the tiny decoration to her with a flourish, all hint of his earlier embarrassment gone. He was here, she was here, and it was all just… right.
She accepted it with a smile.
Really though Gordon, it’s been the most wonderful night.” 
There was a pause while she twirled the umbrella in her hand thoughtfully.
“You know, it’s not always easy to relax around other people, especially in my line of work.” She sighed. “So many functions, so many people, but it can all sometimes feel just a little bit…” 
She shook her head. 
“I’m not making any sense. It’s just that being here with you all, everything feels so… easy; so fun.”
Gordon leaned forwards, willing her to go on. It was like a wall somewhere was shifting, and he could finally catch a small glimpse of what was actually going on behind that perfect smile of hers.
She looked up at him, eyes shining.
“I suppose what I’m trying to say is, thankyou so much for inviting me.”
A breath. A moment that seemed to stretch out between them, soft and fragile.
“Thankyou for coming.”
The next morning, as Penny yawned and stretched out in the extra-soft, gloriously comfortable guest bed, luxuriating in the distinct novelty of waking up with nowhere particular she needed to be, her eye fell on the little yellow umbrella laying, just as she'd left it, on top of the nightstand beside her.
She smiled, her stomach fluttering.
So fun…
From downstairs there was a sudden commotion and a voice:
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cozmonaughty · 4 months
intro post
aini | 17 | media archive
about me + what I love + socials under the cut ~
about me: hiii my name is aini and i'm 17 years old! this is my blog for sharing the media and music i like (more as an archive) and i'm looking to find others with a similar interest! I love all things 80s and 90s and I'm a pretty big fan of japanese media. I'm currently studying literature, fine art and geography at school, and I'm looking to study graphic design at uni. But in the meantime i like to do character illustrations and paintings.
genres: jpop, jrock, shibuya kei, kayokyoku, techno kayo, new wave, city pop, jazztronica, synth funk, r&b, proto hyperpop, dream pop cantopop etc artists: Yasuyuki Okamura, BARBEE BOYS, Akina Nakamori, Prince, Chara, Kahimi Karie, Toshinobu Kubota, Kirinji, Panchiko, Radiohead, POiSON GiRLFRiEND, Nelward, Drive45, Nona Reeves, Kenji Sawada, Cibo Matto, Bjork, Ginger Root, Towa Tei + Deee Lite, Denki Groove, The Long Faces, Sheena Ringo, YMO, Ryuichi Sakamoto, HALCALI, Faye Wong, Jun Togawa, The Garden, CYMBALS (+ more i def missed)
Fav album rn: Home Tutor by Yasuyuki Okamura
Fav song: Live 4 Love by Prince
i'll try to keep this post updated if anything changes! links to socials:
links to my art accounts: https://linktr.ee/ikaa
main blogs: @ichigoaini / @mitsuwaltz
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ijonk8655lwzo3dnm45a57tr2
last.fm: https://www.last.fm/user/missy-mitsu
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that feeling when you techno kayo
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miss-scorpion · 3 years
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let's take a moment to appreciate yumi matsutoya's albums art
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subete · 4 years
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nobbykun · 1 year
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Artist - 山口美央子 (Yamaguchi, Mioko) Song - 恋は春感 (Koi Wa Shunkan) [Eng. "Love Feels Like Spring"] Release Date - February 1983
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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roseillith · 3 years
marie laforet is not let in anymore - yukako hayase
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ymofan04 · 3 years
Japanese idol and singer, Chiemi Manabe. (1982)
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tvkirakira · 7 years
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this is a good reminder how archaic the equipment these shows were recorded on is now. this performance is from 1982. look at that camera... the viewfinder screen is actually in black and white.
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hontokana · 8 years
矢野顕子 - VET (1981, Japan)
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reckonslepoisson · 5 years
Boy Soprano, Miharu Koshi (1985)
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I’ve never heard anyone in pop music sing quite like Miharu Koshi. So operatic, not just in talent but in the way she actually sings, Koshi seems to transcend novelty in her quest for classical crossover pop. When Boy Soprano wasn’t covering classical standards, it still felt choral merely through the unerring, unwavering pitch of her vocal delivery: combine that voice with a penchant for orchestral covers and clear post-modern intent for pop and you get something both brilliant and really rather odd.
Most tracks here take a few listens if only to believe they actually exist - her synth pop version of ‘Ave Maria’ almost rivals Jun Togawa’s J-pop rendition of ‘Pachelbel’s Canon’ for sheer oddity in a pop song. That oddness is more than a gimmick but the reason Koshi is so rightfully revered as a pop musician, ensuring that each of her tracks contains a certain, consistent draw. Nothing on Boy Soprano is as outlandishly propulsive as the titular track of Koshi’s 1984 record Parallelisme  (then again, little is), but this mostly-Haruomi-Hosono-produced effort is one of her best.
Pick: ‘マリアンジュ’
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