3-aem · 1 year
im gonna bleach my hair platinum again and nobody dare say its bc of gj its bc of mental illness get it right
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silverrstarrr · 4 years
Normal girl (2)
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Note: i just edit this chapter a bit and added more dialog. Someone messaged me and helped me out with a few things, thank you!
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Chapter 2:
Walking side by side down the stairs, you took a sip of your coffee and place your herd of keys the side of your book bag. yume was scrolling through her phone on tik tok, drinking from her coconut Carmel ice coffee. You didn't understand why she was drinking ice coffee in mid February, it was cold. It was surprising their wasn't any snow.
Grinning like an idiot, she shaked your shoulder, positioning her phone in front of you–you both watched the tik tok. You didn't laugh at first only smiling, yume kept gesturing you to keep watching, waiting for the punchline. Finally it came up and you both started laughing, you slowly shaked your head placing your hand over your mouth.
"NOOO, nooo. That was so wrong, yall are going to hellll" you whined out.
Yume wiped the tears from her face and continued down the last step. She opened up the door and slid out, you trialing behind her. You both proceeded to walk down the street, where all the park cars were out.
"We riding in rich today girlie, jump in," she lifted up her arm that held her drink, her other reached into her purse and grabbed her car keys.
"I thought we were gonna walk there? It's only 10 minutes." You headed towards her car as she unlocked it and sat in the driver's seat. She had a 2018 dark Grey Nissan altima. You remember her having this ever since junior year, you recalled her talking about getting a newer model since this one was old. Like girl what? Old your ass, if the car still functioning there ain't no problem. White people shit, man.
"Well, it's the first day of sweet college life," she dragged out the last few words, adding a sarcastic tone. Yume tossed her bag in the backseat through the open space from the front, She dropped her drink in the little cup holder as well. Catching up with her, you open the backseat's door and chucked your bag in there–immediately closing it after. You pull the passengers door open and sat down, closing it behind you. Yume did the same–letting out a large sigh as she used her long sleeve to rub her legs, which were freezing.
"Bruh, you were just cold. Shouldn't have wore that skirt knowing it was this cold. Your mother would be disappointed," you moved your head side ways, pretending to be disappointed. You dropped your dunkin' drink in the other cup holder next to hers.
"Y/n, shut upp." Rolling her eyes jokingly, She grabbed the buckled next to her seat and puts it on. You placed your seat belt on too. Automatically, her phone connected to the car, you check over at the screen in the middle. It had the time, the degrees outside and all that other fancy things.
"Wanna play something?" she inserted the keys into the ignition and started the car.
"Yeah, I'll type it in,"
You grabbed her phone, showing the screen to her to unlock it, automatically recognizing her face– the lock screen slid up, revealing all her apps. You went to spotify and played "C U Girl" by Steve lacy.
"OKAAYYY, MS. INDIE TIK TOKER." Yume said nodding her, jamming to song. It was only going to be a 5 minute drive, or 7 if you guys couldn't find parking. She swerved to the left, leaving her parking space and pulling off. You whipped out your phone and paused your music, rapidly switching to snapchat–you heard yume's loud singing.
"I WANNA SEE YOU GUURRLL, I WANNA PLEASE YOU GIRL....GO AHEAD AND BE YOUR GIRL," This girl was jamming her out heart out, steve lacy was her favorite along with Brent faiyaz and many others.
In response, you started cackling as you hit the record button—swiftly turning over it to the driver. Her black ponytail moving as she sang and motioning her head in all different directions. Eyeing towards your direction she sees the phone and leans towards the camera flashing a smile, moving her head side to side—still singing through the lyrics. Yume returned back to the road as she lightly taps the steering, avoiding the horn of course.
Once the quick little vid was done, you added a caption,
"I swear if we crash😭😭💕"
Your thumb jolted between posting it on your private or public. You decided to post on the public story because why not? The song was over pretty quickly as the next one played.
"Who knew white people had rhythm?!" It was obviously sarcasm. You knew she was half Asian but it was fun always calling out her white side.
"Naaahh, white people don't have any rhythm. What you saw there was my miki matsubara pop out". She eases down her breaks– the traffic light turns red. Miki Matsubara? Oh yeah, it's that woman who sung "stay with me". It was a good song, you were obsessed with the chorus mostly. 
You giggled a bit at her remark, you checked your socials once again.
"If this light doesn-" Yume sentence was cut off by the light turning green. She pressed her foot on the gas and carried on with attending class.
Pulling up to the parking lot, yume leaned towards her wheel, searching for a place to park. She slowly went down each isle searching for a vacant lot she could snag. You had your drink in between your lips, you took the last sip and shook the plastic cup trying to get a little more. All you heard was ice rattling against one another, dropping the cup back in the holder. You peer out the window looking at the campus, there were a ton of kids, like a lot. Anxiety began spiking up through your veins, this really is the college life, huh? Maria University. It was a school for literally anything, it was one of the biggest universities in the country as well being highly diverse. Yume would be allll the way on the other side of campus while you're slightly in the middle.
"Uggghhh! I regret not leaving earlier, I don't see any open slots." She whined. This was her 2nd time driving around the parking lot looking for a space.
"I said we should walk but nahhh, you wanted to be lazy and take the car." You rolled your eyes as yume, exaggerating, throwing your hands in the air. But you weren't going to be late on the first day. As the generous queen you are, you aided your roomie with looking a space to park. After analyzing for a few moments, you spotted a space and immediately tapped at the window, pointing towards it. Yume car swerved to the left, sliding right into the parking. Taking her keys out the hole, she grabbed her drink and headed out.
"No leaving trash in my car, miss L/n!"
You grabbed your plastic cup and opened the passenger door.
"Yes ma'am," you opened the backseat and grabbed the two bags and closed the door. Beep yume locked her car. She was sipping her coffee but gave a bitter expression when her sweet drink was watered down because of the ice. You looked at your phone, checking the time:
                             8:38 am
                 Monday, February 18th
                                                               38m ago
Kittykiller27, prettygirlnene liked your photo
                                                               45m ago
[Andyhas]: CRONA BECK started following you and 48 others.
Your phone was blowing up from insta notifications. It was time for class and you weren't sure how long it'll even take you to find your classroom. Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you handed yume her own, which she grabbed. You both were speed walking, despite her coffee being ruined she still continued to drink it. It was for the caffeine you guessed. Reaching the sidewalks, it was time to part ways. Yume turned her face towards yours pouting.
"We're leaving each other nooww," she stuck out her bottom lip staring at you. You grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to you. Her arms slithered around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder–giving you a warm hug. You returned the hug by grunting and holding her tightly.
She started giggling and patted your back a few times, you released your grip and she started to jog in the other direction while looking back, waving at you. You waved back hollering a "BYEEEE!" A trash can was next to you so you dumped your empty dunkin' there.
It was now time for your own adventure, to find this damn classroom. You click the play button on your phone's lock screen, "baby powder by Jenevieve began playing. (Play the song whores👩🏾‍💻)
Walking downwards to the left side of campus, you searched for a pair of doors to go inside of. At this moment, you regretted not going to orientation. That day you were busy setting up your website for your makeup line. You haven't released any products yet, but you had plentiful of ideas and themes you wanted to do. Since it was black history month, maybe you'll drop something as simple as a face cream to help clear and brighten up the skin. But you discarded that thought because you weren't anywhere near ready to start your own small business. Plus, you had bigger things to worry about.
Standing in front of double doors, you grab the handles and pulled it back, you stepped inside while students behind you did the same. You came in slowly, admiring the interior. It was hella spacy with paintings and photos hanging along the walls. Students were roaming the hallways going back and forth from classrooms. Most of the students seemed to be in some sort of costume, or they were dressed fairly well like they were models. You didn't know the directions to your designated class, so you took up the courage to ask someone. You turned to search for someone who didn't seem busy, since most people were rushing to class. Finally you laid eyes on q girl leaning against the wall, typing on her phone. She had long pink acrylic nails, her blonde hair tied into a low ponytail, which complimented her pale skin tone. She had a gold nose piercing on the right nostril.
She seemed nice enough, so you decided to approach her.
"Um excuse me, do you know where Mr. Fargo's class is at?"
The blonde girl averted her eyes from her phone, now focusing on you.
"I'm not really sure—um, I believe it's down that way." She pointed to the right of her.
"Mr. Fargo, he's teaches cosmetic right?"
"Yeah," you replied
"Then I think it should be down there." She scrunched her face in a confusing manner, meaning not to take her word for granted. But you couldn't care less, it was worth a try.
"Ight, thank you." You bid her goodbye. Oop. You accidentally switched your lingo. You were used to speaking in AAVE but you knew how to change your tone and wordplay around others who weren't African American. The girl didn't seen to notice so you just continued down the hall.
"Down... here right..? Yeah this is the way," you murmured to yourself while you strut down the hall. Then turned left as the lady told you. You were now at a hall with multiple doors. Out of all them, you forget the most important, class started in five minutes. You looked to the left as your braids swayed with your movement, then searched to the right. You walked down the hallway, stopping at the fifth door on the left. You were hesitant with grabbing the door, you didn't want to make a fool of yourself walking into the wrong room as all eyes are on you. You pulled out your phone and texted yume.
(I did a different message format just in the previous was confusing)
                 colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
                        I'm so lost, this is embarrassing.
Lost? What happened
                               Idk where my class is
                             & its starting in a few
You don't know where?? Bruh
Ask someone, im sure they'll help you
                              I did...but she didn't tell me
                                    which class it was😭 all.
she said was "down the hall"
Just open the door you think it is😋       
                      UH- HUH🧏🏾‍♀️ YOU SETTING ME
                               UP FOR FAILURE.
       Imagine going into the wrong class and
                 all you see are eyes 👁👁
Girl, half of the people won't even see you again on campus👩🏻‍🏫
If you don't recognize the teacher, try to ask a student close to the door for direction
         Okay, im blaming you if I make a fool.    
                           outta myself 😟
                        Read at 8:43 am
(Play quicksand by SZA rq 👩🏾‍💻)
You decided to take your roomie's advice and pick a class, which you already did.
You dropped your phone back into your jacket pocket and swung open the door–you were prepared for the stares. The classroom was vacant, not even a teacher in sight. Just a bunch of stools and white pull down screens. You saw a few cameras standing in front of these screens. "Was this the photography class or sum?" You mumbled to yourself.
And well, eyes were on you but it wasn't a herd as you expected, just one. Sitting on one of the stools in front of the door, was pale skin boy with long brown hair. It rested at his shoulders, some of it covering his face even. He seemed around 6ft, or 6 ft 2? You couldn't really tell since he was sitting.
He had on some black jeans with a black long sleeve sweatshirt as well with a beige greenish short sleeve unbutton shirt rested on top of it– a long golden key necklace dangled from his chest. His hands were sitting between his lap, you noticed sliver rings on them.(his outfit for people who need help visualizing) The teal eyed boy was also rocking black & white air Jordan 1 retro, literally the same as you.
You screamed internally at how fine this man looked and he had shoe gang? Uggghh. Class been started and you were going to be late on your first because this OBVIOUSLY wasn't your class. You decided to break the awkward silence and speak,
"Hey, um, is this Mr. Fargos class?" You stepped more into the classroom for the brunette male to hear you.
"Wrong one, babe. His class is in a totally different building." A different building?! You wanted to die right there and then, especially after hearing him laugh after his statement. Not just the wrong class but the wrong building? Bye–you're so stupid. His eyes scanned your body, his eyes lingered a bit longer at your shoes–it seems he noticed. A smirk appeared on his lips after finishing his quick outfit interrogation–wait, did he just call you-? I-, yes he did. You tried your best to hide your smile and not react.
"O-ooo, I got it. Thanks" Eren released a small chuckled seeing your reaction, he could tell you were caught up with the little pet name.
"I'll walk you over there." He got off his stool and walked towards your direction.
"I-, nah it's good, I got it." You said in defense not wanting to bother him. He didn't respond and just passed by you, exiting the classroom. He held onto the door, looking at you.
"You coming or no?" He was so nonchalant with it everything. You smiled a bit and walked out the class alongside with him. He released his grip once you were out and started trialing behind you.
You paused for a moment because you didn't know where you were going. You turned back to look at him, he caught on and let out an "ah". He quickly got in front of you as you proceeded behind him.
"So," he said.
"What?" You replied. Why did he start a sentence and not finish it? Was he expecting you to start the conversation, weirdo. You just wanted to get to class l.
"Oo, sassy are we?" He raised a brow.
"What—? boy, say what you wanna say."
Once again, he let out a chuckle, flashing you a small. God, was his laugh attractive.
"You're into makeup and stuff?" He questioned.
"Yeah, I'm into 'makeup and stuff' " You said the last few words in the mocking tone, referring to what he called cosmology.
"That's good, at least I'll be seeing you often."
"Often? Oh, are you in that major also?" You said.
"No...Do you really not know anything?" He made you feel dumb by his response. How were you suppose to know what he meant? You clicked your teeth and started walking ahead. You pushed back the door that lead to another hallway and walked towards the end to push the second door that lead to another building.
The brunette boy watched as you left him behind in the dirt, waiting for the moment you'll turn the wrong corner—so he could tease you about it then correct you.
It wasn't too long till you reached your destination, you both stopped in front of the class's door.
"Well, see you. I hope you don't make snarky remarks to every girl you meet."
"Nah, only you princess." He had a smirk on his face, ooo! You wanted to wipe it off.
You glanced at him and his eyes were already on you, you broke eye contact and reached for the handle.
"Wait–" you whipped your heard back.
He cleared his throat
"Name's Eren," you let out a small giggle, did he really just stop you to say his name? Puhleasee. Hearing your laugh, his face brightened up and kept his eyes on you.
"Okay, Eren~. Thank you for walking me, I gotten get to class now."
You opened the door and stepped inside. Eren didn't even get a chance to ask your name. Luckily for him, your major mingled a lot with his own, he could only hope to see you again around campus.
Authors note: UGHHH, I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT FOR THIS just to pass out a few hours before school started. 🥲 I wasn't even paying attention in English and math class, but hope yall enjoyed <3.
Pt 3
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lifemuchgreener · 6 years
Brothers Trust - Chapter 9
STORY SUMMARY: You enter the Brothers Trust contest on a whim, not expecting to win. But what happens when you do?
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Your plans for the summer change suddenly when you don’t get a good grade in one of your classes and have to retake it as a summer class. Everything is going okay until an exposé is published about your relationship with Tom just days before the premiere of Spider-Man: Far From Home.
WARNINGS: Swearing and ANGST.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: 👀👀👀 also: Y/C/N refers to the name of the college or university you go to for the sake of this story. 
Prologue: here
Chapter/Day One: here
Chapter/Day Two: here
Chapter/Day Three: here
Chapter/Day Four: here
Chapter Five: here
Chapter Six: here
Chapter Seven: here
Chapter Eight: here
Your second semester of school flies by even faster than the first semester did. Maintaining a long distance relationship with one of the world’s current most popular actors, keeping up with all of your classes, and finding time for anything else is not an easy feat but you manage. At least you think you do.
“Yes!” your roommate exclaims loudly which startles you from packing up things on your desk. “Grades were just uploaded.”
She’s been refreshing her laptop browser for the last hour and a half, eagerly waiting to see what her final grades are. You’re not too worried so you’ve decided to get some packing done but you figure a five minute break to check your grades won’t hurt.
You open up your laptop, log into your student account, and click the link that will take you to your grades.
“Holy fuck,” you say, staring at the one unimpressive letter in front of your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” your roommate asks.
“I, uh.” You swallow hard, your throat suddenly feeling dry. “I got a D.”
She’s silent for a moment. “Ah, well...at least that’s a passing grade?”
You shake your head. “It’s a class for my major -- it doesn’t count. I don’t get credit. Fuck.”
She instantly tries to do some damage control. “What’s the course number? I’ll see if they’re offering it over the summer.”
You tell her the number and close your eyes as she does a search. This can’t be happening.
“They’re offering it over the summer,” she says. “It’s going to be okay. You can just take it again without disrupting your four-year plan.”
“Summer classes are so expensive. And it costs a lot of money to stay on campus during the summer, too -- I can’t afford that.”
“Move in with Andrew and me,” she says. “We’ve already signed the lease for an apartment nearby. He’s taking a couple of summer classes to get ahead and I’m staying in the area for my internship with the local newspaper. We were going to look for a third person to split the apartment with anyway.”
“Who’s Andrew?”
“That guy that tried to ask you out last semester,” she says. “We, uh, took a class together this semester and we’ve been dating for a few months. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it to be weird.”
You haven’t really talked to Andrew since that party in November. That’s why you don’t remember his name -- who needs Andrew when your boyfriend is Tom Holland?
“Could I? Is that okay?” you ask.
She smiles at you. “I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t okay.”
So you move from your dorm room into a cute little apartment down the street with your roommate and your roommate’s boyfriend, who just so happens to be the same guy who asked you out on a date during your first semester. The first month together goes smoothly despite this: you enjoy meals together at the tiny kitchen table, you have movie marathons, you binge-watch Netflix.
It’s the end of June when shit hits the fan.
You wake up to the consistent buzzing of your phone which is extremely annoying; it’s a Friday and you’d like to sleep in because your class only meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Normally when you post a selfie or something you’ll wake up with a few hundred notifications -- some of Tom’s fans still like and comment on every new picture you post despite the contest being nearly ten months ago. But you haven’t posted a picture recently which is what confuses you.
You unlock your phone and check Instagram to see what all the fuss is about since that’s where the majority of the notifications are coming from. Tom Holland fan accounts are tagging you in photos, which isn’t anything new, but it’s the actual photos that they’re tagging you in that make your heart skip a beat. They’re photos that nobody would have access to except for you and Tom.
Tom kissing your cheek. You kissing his. Your fingers intertwined. A selfie you took with Tom and Tessa. All photos you had taken together when you visited for New Years and had printed out on special paper in the school library so you could put them on your wall next to your signed picture with him.
Your first thought is that someone hacked into the school’s printing system somehow and released the photos on Tumblr or maybe one of the Reddit threads that has to do with Marvel. But then you notice that all the comments on the pictures are talking about some sort of article. You figure that doing some investigating will be easier to do on a bigger screen so you grab your laptop and do a search in Google for ‘tom holland girlfriend 2019.’
The first result is for some magazine that you have never heard of. The article in particular, titled “Tom Holland Has A Secret Girlfriend...OMG!” was evidently posted three hours ago. You click on the link and immediately begin to read.
Move over Zendaya...Tom Holland’s got a new girl! But is she really that new?
Her name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and she’s a student at Y/C/N. You may recognize her from this picture--
There’s a break in the paragraph to show the picture of you and Tom that Nikki had taken on the day you visited the Far From Home set.
--because she was the winner from a contest put on by an organization created by the Holland family back in the summer of 2018. Holland and Y/L/N started a long distance relationship in the fall and she spent a portion of her winter vacation at his place in London.
There’s another picture. This time it’s you and Tom laying in his bed post-sex. Both of you are topless and while the sheets are covering your chest, it’s pretty obvious that you two had just been at it: your hair is disheveled and your lips are more colored than normal from kissing. Beads of sweat glisten on Tom’s hairline and there’s a lovely flush across his cheeks as he presses a kiss to your bare shoulder.
You’re instantly infuriated. How fucking dare someone post such an intimate picture of you two without your permission? You scroll back up to the top of the page instead of continuing to read and your eyes widen with surprise when you find the byline.
You push yourself off of your bed and throw open the door of your tiny bedroom. Your heart is beating fast as you check the small living room and kitchen. The bathroom door is open and nobody is in the shower. Without a second thought you throw open their bedroom door, not caring what you’ll find on the other side.
But that’s empty too. There’s no sign of her or him.
“Fuck!” you swear loudly, tears starting to spill from your eyes. You fist your hands into your hair and let out an angry scream. “How fucking could she?”
You double over onto the floor like you’ve been punched in the stomach. You’re pretty sure a punch would hurt less than this betrayal of trust from a person you thought was your friend. You continue to cry and scream, pounding your fists against the carpeted floor. You’re grateful that nobody lives below you.
You stop crying when you hear the sound of your phone ringing in your bedroom. You pick yourself up off of the floor and sulk to your room, a whole new wave of tears coming over you when you see that it’s Tom who’s calling.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob into the phone, trying to control your voice the best you can. “Tommy, I’m so sorry.”
“Shh,” he says and even though you feel like the world is falling apart, his voice still manages to comfort you.
“I didn’t know she would,” you take a deep shaky breath. “I don’t know why…”
“That doesn’t matter right now,” he says. “It happened and now we have to do some damage control. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well, I’m not okay.”
He sighs. “I mean, like, I wanted to make sure she didn’t have a knife to you or something.”
“She doesn’t. I can’t even find her. She’s not in the apartment.”
“You need to get out of there,” he advises. “I don’t want there to be a confrontation between you two. Go to a coffee shop or a park or something. Just get out of the apartment before she gets back.”
You put Tom on speakerphone as you get ready to leave.
“How do we do damage control?” you ask.
“I’ll take care of it,” he says. “I’m going to talk to everyone I know and see what they think I should do because babe, I know it might sound like I know what I’m doing, but I totally don’t. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before and I want to get advice on what to do.”
“So what do I do?”
“I need you to wait,” he says. “Don’t reply to anything yet. I’ll text you as soon as I figure out what to do.”
“Fuck, Tom, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault so stop apologizing. Lay low for a little bit. I’ll send you a message as soon as I come up with a plan.”
“Okay,” you say. “I can do that.”
“Good.” You can hear him smile through the phone despite the stressful situation. “I’ll talk to you later.”
You hang up the phone and dry your eyes off with the sleeves on your shirt. You grab your phone charger, apartment keys, and bag before heading out the door. Your feet lead you to a little coffee place not too far away and you sit at a table in the back, attempting to distract yourself with games on your phone as you impatiently wait for Tom’s message.
What do you think about joining me for the movie premiere on Monday?
Your fingers dance across your phone screen as you write back your reply of: That’s the plan you’ve come up with?
Will you or won’t you? Harrison’s already arranged for an Uber to pick you up and drive you to the airport and if we don’t cancel it within the next minute they’ll still charge him.
Yes, you type back. Yes. I’ll go with you.
Good. See you tonight, love.
Taglist: @deadlyaffairs, @strrwberries, @le-papillon-chatoyant, @smexylemony, @carolborges890, @ineedsomemoremetime, @loxbbg, @mac-demarco1, @howdycharlie, @rebekahs-worlds-blog, @parkersvinyl, @ballerinaphan, @lovesdeath, @tom-hollands-eyelash, @supercool-holland, @tomspideyweb, @literallygooutofmyfreakingmind, @corteousdolan, @iwillalwaysbevictorious, @simplechicwithacrazedheart, @allofthebitters, @julliene0806, @kittyisabel, @aliceinwhateverland, @tomshollanddarling, @emmyfignewton, @hollandfangirl, @tommyswolves, @saintlystark, @imthwipped, and @kristyesteven
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Cats: Princess ID# 25317 4 us old. 38 lhs Waiting on Manha Pretty and playful little lady. Petite and Wiggly. Loves Stuffy Toys and Treats. Is Gently Playful with children slept with the families baby. Knows many commands. Walks nicely on leash Is well behaved when left home alone and is also housetrained **** TO BE KILLED 5/2/18 **** Meet Princess! The pretty pooch has a great smile and cute ears and she wants to be your BFF @ MACC. A Royally Adorable <3 PRINCESS is a pretty little girl with a cream white coat. Watching her play with her pink stuffy is simply adorable. Returned after only 6 months we hope, next time little Princess will find her happily ever after. Please share 'her royal highness' for a loving home. A volunteer notes (April 2018) I first met Princess in September and these photos are from then. She looks exactly the same and though slightly less cheery her temperament is similar too. She is SO petite and pretty and wiggly in her kennel. I hope second time's the charm for her. A volunteer writes (Sep 2017): Day 3: "Dear Diary, Today was the very best day. I ran and I jumped and I played! I made so many new friends and I ate so many delicious wonderful snacks. Today was the very best day." Who ever said you needed Anne Hathaway or Julie Andrews to enjoy the Princess Diaries? Our 4 year-old Princess is obviously royalty in her buttercream coat tailor made for a queen-to-be. And from her love of toys (pink stuffies to be specific) it's plain as day that this special beauty is long used to the finer things in life. Princess comes to us as a stray, so unfortunately much of her former life is unknown. We know she has a smile bright enough to turn darkness into light and a delightful, happy spirit more bubbly than a can of Sprite. She walks nicely on leash, takes her treats gently, and sets her windshield wiper of a tail to work at simply the sight of a toy (or of you!) Day unknown: "Dear Diary, Today was truly the very best day, my happiest day, the best day I have ever known. Today is the day that I found my new family. Today is the day I went home." Princess is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. VIDEOS: https://youtu.be/WDC7LXySwuM https://youtu.be/A6J_JDdIjZQ PRINCESS ID# 25317 (Alt ID A1125555 MANHATTAN ACC 4 yrs old, 38 lbs PIT BULL TERR MIX, FAWN BRINDLE / WHITE, SPAYED FEMALE Owner Surrender / RETURN / Moving Medical Behavior: Green INTAKE DATE: 04-15-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT: Experience / Single Pet Home OWNER NOTES Basic Information: Princess is a spayed fawn brindle and white medium mixed breed. She was adopted from ACC 8 months ago. She was surrendered because her previous owner is moving to a place pets are not allowed. Previously lived with: 2 adults, 3 children How is this dog around strangers? Around strangers, Princess is friendly and outgoing and exuberant at play with adults. How is this dog around children? Princess lived with 3 children age 1, 3 and 7. With them she was relaxed and playful. She slept with the baby. When she played she was gentle. How is this dog around other dogs? Princess has spent time with all types of dogs in the dog park she watches them and at times allows them to smell her. If they bark and her she growls barks and lunges. She has gotten into a dog fight. How is this dog around cats? Princess has not interacted with cats. She has spent time with birds and a turtle. With the turtle she would follow him around and lick him. She barked at the birds. Resource guarding: If her food bowl was touched she would lick the persons hand and was relaxed. The children in the home fed her there hands. Bite history: Princess has never bitten a person but has bitten a dog and drawn blood. She has also been bitten by another dog and that drew blood as well. Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Medium Other Notes: Princess isn´t bothered by storms or fireworks. If her treat or toy was taken from her she became playful. She isn´t bothered if she is pushed off furniture, restrained, if her paws are touched or if she is disturbed while sleeping. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? No Medical Notes Princess was last seen by a vet 8 months ago. She has no known injuries or health concerns. For a New Family to Know Princess is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident and excitable. Her previous owner likes that she is playful and affectionate. When her previous owner was home she would tend to be in the same room. She likes to play with balls and stuffed toys. Her favorite games are fetch and tug. She was kept indoors and at night she slept on her dog bed or in the babies crib. She ate both wet and dry Wellness. She is house trained and in the past 8 months had 1 accident. She is well behaved when left alone indoors. She knows the cues sit, come, down, stop, give me, entra (go inside) and let go. She was walked 2-3 times a day and went to dog parks. She pulls hard on leash and off leash she wanders but comes when called. BEHAVIOR NOTES: Intake: Princess had a relaxed body and wagging tail. She allowed me to pet and collar her. She put her ears back as I took pictures and when I was done she gave kisses. She sat on cue. When putting her in her kennel she backed away. Once I placed water and food in, she walked right in. Date of intake: 15-Apr-2018 Spay/Neuter status: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender Behavior toward strangers: Usually friendly Behavior toward dogs: Stares at them and pulls towards them, if they bark she barks and growls Bite history: Yes, Princess bit another dog at the dog park 5 months ago. The other dog took a toy Princess had been playing with and she bit the other dog, grabbing her neck and holding on, resulting in three punctures. Other Notes: There was one incident where the 3 year old child in the home was by herself holding Princess' leash. A person approached the child and Princess lunged, barked, and growled at the person. SAFER SCORES: Date of assessment: 17-Apr-2018 Look: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body low and a bit fearful. Paw squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Paw squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Flank squeeze 1: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2: Item not conducted Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Princess quickly approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary: When introduced to the female helper dog through the fence, Princess displays a slightly tense body, offers a brief wagging tail. Princess is muzzled for oft leash interact and appears more soft and social when greeting. However, due to history of bite incident with another dog (biting, shaking, holding when the other dog approached while she was in possession of a toy), Princess is not a candidate for further off leash playgroups due to concern for high levels of escalation. It is recommended that Princess be the only resident dog due to these observations. Date of intake: 15-Apr-2018 Summary: Princess had a relaxed body and allowed handling. Date of initial: 16-Apr-2018 Summary: Princess had a loose body and allowed handling. ENERGY LEVEL: Princess displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Recommendations: Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments: Single pet/no dog parks: Due to history of bite incident involving a dog (escalating to biting, shaking, holding on), Princess should be the only resident dog in a future home. Potential challenges: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Princess has been reported to react to other dogs on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. Princess may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach her to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 16-Apr-2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4-5 yrs based on hx and PE Microchip noted on Intake? scanned positive by LVT on intake. MC# 981020017388389 History : surrendered by O due to hx of being dog aggressive. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, tail wagging and loose body throughout exam. Allowed all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate; muzzled. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: enlarged nipples. no mammary gland masses. spay scar and tattoo present. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. 1.5cm circular scar along the left lateral hip and irregularly shaped scar along right dorsolateral thorax. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal on gross exam. Assessment apparently healthy reported dog aggression Prognosis: good. Plan: behavioral assessment. SURGERY: already spayed 16-Apr-2018 LVT Intake BARH scan pos# female spayed nervous, mouthy 4 yrs old reported mild tartar clean EEEN few spots of alopecia on body BCS 5/9 AMB x 4 NOSF ------------------------------------------- NOTES FIRST STAY - SEPTEMBER 2017 PRINCESS A1125555 MANHATTAN ACC Estimated to be 4 yrs old, 43 lbs PIT BULL TERR MIX, CREAM / WHITE, UNALTERED FEMALE I was found in NY 10467. I have been at the shelter since Sep 15, 2017. * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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gymnasticcrazy-blog · 6 years
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42/M/5'10"/160 lb: new to lifting at 40+, my 1 year transformation http://bit.ly/2SrnEpl
Let's start with the good stuff:
before/after pics
  Left: Age 29, roughly 175 pounds. Also before I discovered manscaping. :) I had to go back pretty far to find a shirtless pic of me, but rest assured that this is roughly what I've looked like for the past couple decades.
  Right: A couple weeks ago, days after I turned 42. I'm about 160 pounds and 12 weeks into my current bulk. The image is kind of a double cheat, since the photo is post-workout and with flattering light, but it's the first time I've ever seen myself in a photo and been really happy with the way I looked, so I'm using it! :)
  Here is a "fairer" image (eg: no post-workout pump & not posed) of my semi-current physique, taken 3 months ago, near the bottom of my most recent cut.
I'm a 5'10", 160 lb guy that just turned 42 a couple weeks ago. I rarely see progress posts from older people, so hopefully some of you 40+ folks will see this and post your own stories; I'd love to see them.
  During my 20s and 30s, I mostly sat in front of a computer for 8+ hours a day, rarely exercised, and never really paid any attention to my diet. As a result, my weight slowly ballooned from about 155 in my early 20s, to ~190 at my peak in my early 30s. At 190 lbs, a helpful friend pointed out that I was fat (it happened slowly and I honestly couldn't see it), and I was able to bring my weight back down to a more reasonable 175 relatively quickly through cardio and programs like P90X. I never attempted to adjust my diet because I believed that exercise was the key to weight loss.
  Throughout my 30s and early 40s, I hovered around 175 lbs, where I basically looked "fine" - at least with a shirt on, anyway. I knew I was out of shape, but I had neither the motivation nor knowledge to make changes to my physique.
  I started taking my health more seriously when I hit 40, and I took up running. I've always been a terrible runner, and had awful shin splints when first starting out. It took me several weeks to get to the point where I could run a single mile at a ridiculous 12-13 minute pace, but I was ecstatic at the time. I stuck with it, and over the next year I worked my way up to ~30 miles per week. My 5K mile pace was down to about 7:20 and I felt really good about myself. I felt fit for the first time since my teenage years!
  Even then, my physique hadn't changed much. I'd dropped a few pounds, but I still had a decent belly and no muscle to speak of - I was pretty much the definition of skinny fat.
  Everything changed just over a year ago, in October 2017. I was visiting a friend that happened to be into bodybuilding, and I agreed to join him for a workout. Until that day, I had never touched a barbell in my life. The most I'd ever done with weights was some curls with light dumbbells in my living room while watching TV.
  That day was a serious wake-up call. I had always assumed that I was about average as far as strength went, but on that day I discovered that I was weak AF! My friend took me through the big 4 lifts, and the only one that I didn't feel completely embarrassed by was squats, where I able to successfully complete 4x12 reps with the empty bar, although I seriously struggled. I could only overhead press the empty bar for 3-4 reps, and had to drop down to something like 12.5 pound dumbbells to get a full 12. Similarly, I could only bench the empty bar for maybe 5-6 reps. It was a real shitshow!
  That's the day that I decided I needed some muscles. So I jumped into weightlifting.
  TL;DR version: Was skinny-fat for all of my adult life, realized I was also weak af recently, decided to change!
As an absolute beginner, I stumbled onto this subreddit and found the recommended workout routines. I thought I'd give the dumbbell stopgap routine a try for 2-3 months, because I already had a set of adjustable dumbbells, and I wasn't yet sure if I wanted to join a gym, or just install equipment in my basement. So that's what I did, and if nothing else it got me used to scheduling workout time into my day.
  In late January 2018, I bought a power rack, olympic bar & plates, and bench and set them up in my basement (pic of my setup if anyone is interested). I decided on Phrak's full-body 3-day LP program, as it was geared toward beginners.
  I stuck with Phrak's for about 3 months and saw some pretty good beginner gains. I went from struggling with the empty bar on all movements to 5x70 OHP, 5x110 BP, 5x150 SQ, 5x155 DL (no idea on 1RMs). Still weak, but improving!
  Around May of this year, I switched over to a 5-day nSuns 5/3/1 program. The volume increase compared to Phrak's was a bit shocking, but I stuck with it. I decided to do nSuns on a cut, which in hindsight may have been a mistake, but I still managed to make some pretty good gains. By November my 1RM looked like: OHP 110 lbs, BP 160 lbs, SQ 245 lbs (no idea on deadlift; I'm scared to go too heavy). Compared to some of the numbers I see you guys and girls throwing around, I'm still weak - but I feel a whole lot better about myself!
  I recently started a bulk and switched to a PPL split to mix things up a bit, but I'll probably return to nSuns at some point to try it while bulking.
  On weekends, I run (both Saturday and Sunday). Usually not more than 10 miles per week.
  TL;DR version: Started my weightlifting journey with a dumbbell-only program for a couple months, graduated to a full-body 3-day barbell program for 3 months, been doing a 5-day barbell split program since. Went from struggling with the empty bar to (barely!) benching my weight, and squatting ~1.5x my weight in roughly a year.
Probably the most important adjustment I made was to start using MyFitnessPal around the time I started lifting. Going from guessing about my daily caloric/protein intake to having detailed information has made a tremendous difference.
  Other than logging everything with MFP in order to hit my calorie goals (~1600 while cutting / ~2200 while bulking), I shoot for at least 150g of daily protein.
  I meal prep once per week, and thus tend to eat mostly the same things on weekdays. A typical day might look like:
shake (1/2 frozen banana, 8 oz almond milk, 1 serving greek yogurt, spinach, 1 tbsp flax seeds, whey protein)
2 eggs
toast or light english muffin
  Snack 1:
cereal (something low sugar like Cheerios) with almond milk & blueberries
5 oz chicken breast or thigh
100g brown rice OR 6 oz sweet potato
green vegetable (broccoli, brussell sprouts, etc)
  Snack 2:
peanut butter sandwich (1.5 tblsp peanut butter on light bread)
typically same as lunch
  Snack 3:
shake (almond milk, casein protein - maybe peanuts and/or oats if I'm bulking)
  On weekends I typically eat what I want, though I always try to hit 150g+ protein. I still track my calories but I don't beat myself up too much if I'm out with friends and go over by a bunch. I'm a social drinker and probably average 3-4 drinks per week (usually weekends).
Whey protein wherever I need it to hit my protein goal, although usually I find that I can get there with mostly real food.
One scoop of casein protein before bed on lifting days.
5g creatine daily - just started this a few weeks ago and haven't really noticed any difference.
My main goal is to put on some more muscle mass while staying relatively lean. From my reading, it seems like most of you recommend alternating cut/bulk cycles to accomplish this. My last cut put me at just over 150 lbs, and my plan is to bulk up to 175 lbs or so and then cut again - with the understanding that the "ideal me" (more muscle, less fat) probably weighs around 160-165 lbs. Does that make sense?
I do want to also improve my running, which has taken a backseat to weightlifting this past year. I know the two goals (lifting / running) aren't that compatible, so if anyone has any advice/tips I'd love to hear it!
I'd like to improve my numbers a bit more, maybe eventually hit 1.5x bodyweight bench and 2x bw squat. I'm assuming that just continuing to put in the work will allow me to eventually hit those numbers, although my progress is definitely slower than many of you (I'm 42, so that's not unexpected either). Any suggestions?
Thanks for reading - this sub has been a tremendous source of motivation and knowledge for me over this past year!
submitted by /u/rbbrdckybk [link] [comments] December 29, 2018 at 11:56AM
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Joe’s Weather Blog: A very wet and not white storm (WED-12/26)
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas…yesterday was the 15th straight day with temperatures above average and today will be the 16th day. We’ll tack on one more tomorrow before we see a temporary change towards colder weather. In looking at the weather pattern over the next couple of weeks…and granted this is speculation on my part…I just am not seeing a set-up for any appreciable snows (over 3″) anytime soon. Several weeks ago I was wondering how things might shake out a bit after the early hits of snow…well this December is making up for the big start…with not much snow (so far). There are a couple of things to watch…one over the weekend and another into the 1st 10 days of January. We’re going to have a problem with coordinating cold air and snow maker systems though…because right now things are out of whack.
Today: Afternoon showers but not as concentrated as this morning. Highs well into the 40s
Tonight: Another round of rain and potential thunderstorms. Temperatures will be steady to rising overnight with daybreak temperatures closer to 50°
Thursday: Rain will be zipping through in the morning hours…windy and warm with highs well into the 50s…maybe some 60s in parts of the area. IF there is sunshine in parts of the area…65° is not out of the question. The colder air will surge through later in the afternoon so we’ll see a fast drop later in the afternoon or early in the evening. It may work out to take down some outside decorations in the afternoon.
Friday: Colder and blustery with temperatures in the 30s
Let’s start with radar…
The better rains are shifting northwards late this morning.
There should be drier times this afternoon with just some scattered showers expected.
The storm that will be moving through the Plains region is now coming into the Desert SW…
That storm will take a track towards the NW of KC…as the NAM model illustrates and you can see this track more clearly as we go up to about 18,000 feet or so.
Take a look at this map…note the “U” shape in the Plains…
That is the storm moving through…also note the strong winds coming up through the area…this is for 18,000 feet or so. Those are 100+ knot winds up there…closer to the surface…the winds above us will be 30-40 kts or close to 40+ MPH and that’s one of the reasons why the stronger winds are likely tomorrow…we could see gusts to about 30+ MPH or so…the key will be if we truly get into the dry slot and clear out the skies enough to stir the air up even more.
Overnight tonight a large area of rain will develop towards the southern Plains and race towards the NNE at a fast speed. I’d show you the HRRR model but I’m having an issue because of the government shutdown that is preventing me from linking to certain sites that auto-update.
The NAM model shows the warmth ahead of the cold front…note the large contrast from east to west. Depending on the timing of the front…it’s not out of the question for those 60s to sneak towards the State Line region.
That colder air will sweep through and we’ll see a marked temperature drop later in the afternoon.
On the colder side of the storm…heavy snow is likely through the western and northern Plains region.
Now I hesitate to post these kind of maps…and obviously things can change rather quickly but I do like to see trends of extremes one way or the other…and for snow lovers…this would be the “other”. This is the 16 day forecast (I know it’s ridiculous) for snow totals off the GFS model…
Ummmm KC has an issue there.
So I wanted to take a look at the EURO ensemble probabilities…and this is for at least 3+” of snow on a cumulative basis. This will carry us over the next 15 days…
Mostly under a 20% chance on the MO side and somewhat above 20% on the KS side…that isn’t overly helpful really in terms of getting anything big around these parts…and that is spread out over 15 days(!).
There will be some additional cold shots of air coming…one towards New Years Day…another towards next weekend. There should be moderation in between though to balance the colder weather.
Frankly it’s not a great pattern for snow lovers.
Our feature photo comes from Caitlin McElroy taken a couple of weeks ago.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2018/12/26/joes-weather-blog-a-very-wet-and-not-white-storm-wed-12-26/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/12/26/joes-weather-blog-a-very-wet-and-not-white-storm-wed-12-26/
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sandiegodjstaci · 6 years
Vanessa & Steven’s Thursday Club Wedding
Vanessa & Steven’s Thursday Club Wedding
Of all the San Diego wedding DJs in the county, Vanessa and Steven chose me to DJ and MC their Thursday Club wedding on Saturday, September 15, 2018.
Vanessa & Steven officially met in 2009 at his birthday party. Their first date wasn’t until 2009—Steve took her to Black Angus where she pulled out a coupon to help pay for dinner. Together, they enjoy drinking beer, going to country concerts, hanging out with friends & their turtle Rafael, and going camping. For their honeymoon, they are planning a trip to the Bahamas.
In June 2017, Vanessa & Steven were at a beach house in Puerto Penasco with about 30 friends & family when Steven made a speech welcoming everyone to the house…suddenly he was down on one knee in front of everyone, thanking Vanessa for being at his side.
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
Prelude ➔ New Age, Country Love Songs
First Processional ➔ Russell Dickerson “Yours”
Second Processional ➔ Coffey Anderson “Better Today”
Recessional ➔ Jason Aldean ” You make it easy”
For the cocktail hour/dinner playlist at this Thursday Club wedding, the bride and groom requested some of DJ Staci’s playlists & a few of their own jams…
Cocktail Music ➔ Soft Country/Classic & Guitar Rock, Motown/R&B
Dinner Music ➔ Soft Country/Classic and Guitar Rock, Kane Brown “Heaven,” Kenny Chesney “Somewhere with you,” Kenny Chesney “You and Tequila,” Dan & Shay “Tequila,” Blake Shelton “Sangria,” Luke Bryan “Play it again”
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
6:10+/- PM ➔ Toasts ➔ whatever the guests are already drinking ➔ “Ladies & gentlemen, may I have your attention please for the toasts. Please welcome our first speaker:
➔ Parents of Bride, Steve and Lisa P
➔ Mother of Groom, Margarita L
➔ Maid of Honor Kristina M
➔ Best Man Javier A
➔ Bridesmaid Janeese S
➔ Groomsman & Brother of Groom Jerry L
➔ Mother-Son Dance ➔ “Gracias Madrecita,” Conjunto Primavera ➔ fade early: yes (around 2:00/2:15) ➔ “Steven says, ‘My mom is always positive. She makes the best ceviche. And she has made nothing but sacrifices for her kids. Thank you mom…and, yes, he knows he’s a mama’s boy.’ Let’s welcome Steve & his mother, Margarita ‘on the rocks’ L, to the dance floor to share a special dance.”
➔ Father-Daughter Dance ➔ “My Girl,” Temptations (majority of the song) ➔ “Move B*tch,” Ludacris (brief—less than a minute) ➔ “Vanessa says her favorite memory from childhood with her dad is when just the two of them would go camping together in the dessert. She says, ‘My dad taught me to live life to the fullest…and to enjoy each day to the max because you can’t take any of this with you when you go.’ Please welcome Vanessa & her father, Steve, to the dance floor.”
➔ Group Photo on Dance Floor
➔ Open Dancing 6:55 pm
➔ Sunset photos 8:30 pm
➔ Photo Booth closes 8:50 PM
➔ Last Dance ➔ announce “Send Off” outside front doors
Dance Music Rating ➔ PG-13 (radio edits of songs)
Play A Lot ➔ Top 40/Pop, Hip Hop/R&B, 2000s, Rap, Cumbias
Play Some ➔ 90s, Electronic Dance Music, 90’s hip hop, Banda
Play 1 or 2 ➔ Nortenos, Corridos
  ♥ P L A Y – I F – Y O U – C A N ♥
Tim McGraw “My Best Friend,” Get Low Ying Yang Twins, Freek-a-leek Petey Pablo, Blow the whistle Too Short, Shake that Monkey Too Short, Salt Shaker Ying Yang Twins, Wobble VIC, Cha Cha Slide, Still Not a Player Big Pun, I like it Cardi B, Summertime DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Bounce Back Big Sean, Paranoid ty Dolla $ign, Im Different 2 Chainz, Loyal Chris Brown, Taste Tyga, For Free Dj Khaled, Got your money Ol’ Dirty Bastard, No Hands Waka Flocka, Baby Got Back Sir mix-a-lot, Tootsie Roll 69 Boyz, Nothin but a G thang Snoop DoggNon Stop Drake, No Rompas Mas, Payaso De Rodeo, La Bala Los Tigres Del Norte, El Tao Tao Tropical Del Bravo, La Chona Los Tocanes de Tijuana, El Botecito Los Hijos De Pueblo, Sergio El Bailador Bronco, Suavecito Suavecito Laura Leon, Danza Kuduro Don Omar
♥ D O – N O T – P L A Y S ♥
80s, Disco, 70s/Classic Rock, Big Band/Rat Pack, Country, Slow Dances, Tween/Children’s, The Chicken Dance, Macarena, the wobble, and Electric Slide
  Again, I was honored to be the one and only San Diego wedding DJ Vanessa and Steven trusted with their big day. Thank you!
Here is the amazing team of San Diego wedding vendors I had the pleasure of working with on this English/Spanish bilingual wedding:
Venue ➔  The Thursday Club
Caterer ➔ Affordable Affairs Catering
DJ/MC/Lighting  ➔  DJ Staci, the Track Star
Photography ➔ Pamela Conchas
Officiant  ➔  Aaron Blanco
Cake ➔  Serena Rodriguez
Follow me
  Like DJ Staci's vibe? Get instant access to her San Diego wedding DJ pricing here!
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Remembering Advice Animals, one of the internet's first viral memes
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It’s Viral Market Crash week on Mashable. Join us as we take stock of the viral economy and investigate how the internet morphed from a fun free-for-all to a bleak hellscape we just can’t quit.
Today's internet is an endless buffet of memes. Bountiful GIFs, viral videos, and an innumerable amount of tweets are bestowed upon us on a daily basis. But before that wide and glorious selection was available to us, there was really only one entree on the table: Advice Animals.
Remember Advice Animals? Those early internet memes like Scumbag Steve and the Overly Attached Girlfriend, that consisted of a picture and two lines of text delivering a rudimentary joke. In 2006, these guys started spreading snarky jokes, embarrassing stories, and musings. They positively dominated sites like Reddit, Tumblr, and 4Chan in the late aughts. 
SEE ALSO: The Origins of the Word 'Meme'
Now, however, Advice Animals have largely fallen out of favor. It's not really surprising, given the short shelf life of a meme in the wild world of the internet these days. What's more shocking is how long Advice Animals lasted — and how they met their demise. 
A brief history of Advice Animal memes
Advice Animals are a category of memes originally derived from the Advice Dog meme — hence the name, though they aren't just limited to animals.
The Advice Dog meme first appeared in 2006, according to Know Your Meme, an online database dedicated to cataloguing all internet phenomena. Advice Dog's construction is simple: a goofy dog's face was placed in the center of a bright rainbow pinwheel, and (typically) terrible advice was superimposed on the top and bottom of the image. The use of the image macro format  — a general term for a captioned image — made the meme fairly easy to replicate and expand on.
Soon after Advice Dog's popularity grew, so did its spin-offs, dubbed Advice Animals.
Some of the most popular Advice Animals: Business Cat, a cat sporting a tie and offering advice fit for feline co-workers; Socially Awkward Penguin, a penguin lacking in self esteem and social graces; Scumbag Steve, a youth known for his sideways cap and flair for getting into precarious situations; and Bad Luck Brian, a braces-clad teen wearing a vest who suffers from perpetual bad luck. 
(Know Your Meme has an extensive Periodic Table of Advice Animals if you want to dive deep). 
In 2009, Memegenerator.net became one of the first websites to allow users to create memes with their own desired text, according to Know Your Meme, with copycat sites like Memebase and Quickmeme following. 
By 2010, Reddit had become a hotspot for sharing Advice Animal memes with the addition of the r/AdviceAnimals subreddit. In 2014, the subreddit had 4.2 million subscribers and was featured prominently on Reddit’s front page, according to the Daily Dot. 
And then ... people slowly lost interest.
Did Reddit kill Advice Animals?
On May 7, 2014, the r/AdviceAnimals subreddit was removed from the front page. The platform issued a statement explaining that its old defaults were determined by popularity and that the company wanted to shake things up a bit with some new subs. 
Amanda Brennan, a Know Your Meme alumna and current Tumblr employee who has been dubbed the "librarian of the internet," told Mashable that Advice Animals' removal from Reddit's front page could have definitely contributed to a decline in the subreddit's reach and the memes' appeal.
"Having something removed from the Reddit front page, you lose that audience that you would get from someone who is logging into Reddit, or who may just come casually," Brennan explained. 
Instead, people would have to intentionally seek out the group in order to see it. 
The subreddit brought in 83.7 million page views and 8.3 million uniques one month prior to its removal from the front page. The following year those numbers went down to 29.8 million page views and 3.5 million uniques, according to a 2014 report from Kernel.
Google Trends also point to a decline in "advice animals" searches after May 2014, when r/AdviceAnimals was removed as a default subreddit.
There are a handful of things that could have encouraged Reddit to remove the Advice Animals sub from its front page.  
The Quickmeme Scandal
In 2013, Advice Animals faced one of its biggest scandals — the infiltration of Quickmeme.
Quickmeme, a popular meme-generating site, was launched by brothers Wayne and Stephen Miltz in 2010, generating about $1.6 million a month, according to the Daily Dot. Quickmeme links were frequently submitted to r/AdviceAnimals, though other generator sites like memegenerator.net were submitted somewhat regularly.
By June 2011 r/AdviceAnimals began looking for a new moderator to help run the growing subreddit, and Redditor gtw08 was voted into the position. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until 2012, when fellow r/AdviceAnimals moderator ManWithoutModem started to notice that gtw08 was deleting links from Livememe. 
Livememe, which debuted in 2012, was one of Quickmeme's largest competitors due to its ability to support GIFs. It struck ManWithoutModem as odd that only Quickmemes were getting upvoted while Livememe's were being deleted. 
ManWithoutModem's concerns were dismissed by the other mods, but after talking to suspicious members of the subreddit in a private chat they decided to go some digging. In 2013, it was discovered that gtw08 was actually Quickmeme owner Wayne Miltz, clearly gaming the Reddit system. The Miltz brothers and Quickmeme ended up being placed on a site-wide ban.
Brennan believes that the perceived manipulation of the Reddit subculture could have created a sense of distance.
"Seeing someone try to manipulate it [the subreddit community] and being called out for manipulating it gives that hive mind a, 'Oh, I don't want to get involved with someone that's trying to manipulate our culture for their own personal gain,'" Brennan said.
Advice Animals saw an influx of bigoted content
Like many internet communities, Advice Animals fell victim to racist and bigoted comments and memes.
According to a recent  r/TheoryOfReddit thread dissecting why Advice Animals have become less popular, racism was cited as a big contributing factor.
"Years ago around when the Racist Unpopular Opinion Puffin was starting to take over the sub and they were starting to build a certain reputation, Reddit expanded the default subs from 25 to 50 and dropped AA as a default," wrote u/diiejso. "It's possible that at this point new users weren't automatically seeing the sub and it started a gradual decline then."
Racist Advice Animal memes are still found on the subreddit, though the community now has strict rules against using Advice Animals (specifically the Unpopular Opinion Puffin) to make bigoted statements or remarks. The new rules were instated by its moderators July 14, 2015 and have been pinned to the top of r/AdviceAnimals for newcomers and old subscribers to see. 
"We're here to have a laugh; hate speech, bigotry, and personal attacks are not allowed," state r/AdviceAnimals' rules in bold. 
But with millions of subscribers it's not easy for unpaid mods to catch every crude meme or remark.
Reddit has had a longstanding struggle dealing with hate speech and controversial communities. So, it's not a surprise that a subreddit as popular as r/AdviceAnimals got tangled up with the bad side of Reddit.
Brennan explained that often times people will use use popular joke structures (like those of the Advice Animals) and language online to make racist statements to see if others agree with their ideology.
"As Advice Animals get more mainstream, more people are shown that structure of language and it's like, 'Oh people are joking about this stuff, maybe let me just test the waters and see if my ideology lands with people and then I can find my racist friends,'" Brennan said. 
This can create a kind of snowball effect, gathering more and more people through the use of mainstream language and mainstream attention, according to Brennan. 
We can't blame it all on Reddit 
Now in 2018, the still active Advice Animals subreddit has risen to 5 million subscribers, so it seems strange and a little bizarre to hold Reddit solely accountable for the decline of Advice Animal memes.   
Though, even with such a high number of subscribers the interest in Advice Animals just isn't there like it once was. Memes evolve on a daily basis, reaction GIFs became a form of communication, and Advice Animals became tired, and almost juvenile.
Now, memes tend to avoid the goofiness of their predecessors. Instead they're digestible bites of complex and surreal content, think Change My Mind meme, or the Gym Kardashian memes. They're in conversation with pop culture, current events, and nuanced human emotions in ways Advice Animals never were. The crude and sophomoric language of Advice Animals just can't compete with the offbeat and irreverent memes of today. 
"It is full of low effort content that just isn't enjoyable," said namer98, in a r/TheoryOfReddit thread, a year ago. 
Advice Animal memes are played out and unoriginal: the pumpkin spice latte of memes.
Brennan offers an explanation for the subreddit's continued userbase: "I think that it still has subscribers out of nostalgia, people who are maybe a little older, who really participated in the 'memey-ness' of it [the subreddit] in its heyday and don't want to unsubscribe because they still find them funny."
The likelihood of Advice Animals seeing a full resurgence is slim, according to Brennan, in large part because the technology we use to view and absorb memes has changed drastically.
"If you think back to 2012 or 2011 and the way that we spoke online and the power our phones had, it was easier to download a photo than it was to download a GIF," Brennan explained. "And now WiFi is everywhere. Our phones are faster, we can make more videos with our phones. Cameras are getting better."
Still, there's a little bit of Advice Animals to be found in all present day memes, says Brennan: "There's always iterations of Advice Animals that you can find. Like, you can find some evolved version of it [Advice Animals] no matter where you look in meme culture, because all the archetypes are there. It's all about fleshing out what you understand about these ideas of people through whatever the structure of the language is."
As far as the future of memes goes, it's unclear. But Brennan says that she knows one thing to be true: people will always use memes and their language to connect to others, in addition to connecting with themselves.
WATCH: Drake's 'In My Feelings' challenge has gotten completely out of hand
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2centsofsilver · 7 years
4:58am Haven’t been to bed yet.
Happy New Year. Day 3 of period and in a terrible mood. Idk if I’m in a flashback but I’m crying really hard and it was triggered by seeing a photo on Max’s IG posted tonight of Savannah and Max kissing at the SSW ball that said “Can’t wait for the memories we make in 2018.”
Fuck them.
Those were my first thoughts to Max themself. Fuck you.
But then I started panicking.
And then I started crying. Hard.
And then my mind started racing and spinning, thoughts just chasing each other. And here are some of them:
Why am I such a failure
I’m done
I can’t stay in A2
I have to leave ASAP
But idk if MU is right for me
I am trapped
I have until 1/31 to decide
I have to take Life Drawing
It’s offered now at WCC but it’s closed
EMU, Wayne State
Or just wait and do certificate?
I can’t stay at SSW too embarrassing
Can never step foot in there again
Drowning in familiar faces who know things/me
The Atrium
The front doors
South U
The desks
My weight
Public humiliation
Social anxiety
Inability to read and study
Letting self down by choosing UM?
Excited for internship
ESA- How?
Will Amy write letter
Is it all a scam
Christine’s rude email (also triggered)
I can’t afford a fake letter
Am I that friend in the friend group that everyone secretly hates?
I’ve been that since I was little
I’m a lovely person if given a chance
How can I publicly face SSW with so many people who didn’t care enough to stay
9 months to lose weight for the desks
21df regardless of Amy?
Register for HW
Feel like present is being neglected
Worried about diabetes
Think about Rachel all day long
Blood test
Medical director
Medical marijuana card
Preceding losses: Shane, Abbey, Elizabeth, Holly, Lisa, Jamie, Katie, the LMC group, the HS group, NR, BT, dog, grandma, Urban, PSU, band, journalism, K Coll, Oberlin, Hope, Jewish Identity, Max, Savannah, Gabe, 2 aunts
Physical pain/grey feet
Mike knows
Parents don’t
Lie getting harder to manage
Feel like I’m hurting them
Questioning disconnect between book and me
So much trauma research
I just swiftly removed Max from my Snapchat. I don’t need that anymore.
Thanks Katie :)
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3ennyj · 7 years
Road race on a fixie?
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It’s been a while since I’ve written something. I prefer the visual media, probably because it’s easier or that I’m lazy. Also Akul I know you’re reading this and wondering where the fuck is part three, it’s coming maccha.
2017 has been a great year so far, in a nutshell, spent the NY’s with my best mate Sid, made radical changes to my lifestyle by staying clean (drug and smoke free), continued to eat clean (plant based food), committed myself to make it into the final bunch of the Red Hook Crit 2018 at London, started the store (LBB cycles) with my dope ass partner Shariq and started dating the coolest gal ever, Steffi.
Just two days back I participated and completed my first road race and the longest race ever on my fixed gear bike. Honestly I was nervous, like really fucking nervous. Had these various thoughts lingering in my head, will I hang on with the main group?, am I on the right gear ratio?, will I cramp up?, will I manage with two bottles of water and the ride food or will I bonk like a boss?, the one thing I knew for sure though, was I’ve been consistent with my training, my recovery and with the food that I’ve been eating, and the faith people near and dear had in me.
Lets zoom out to the week that was leading up to the BBCh Bangalore Classic. I was into week 18 of structured training that I developed for myself based on research and mostly based on talking to mates like Francis and Naveen who were and are elite national racers respectively, and getting feedback from online acquaintances who’ve ridden the Red Hook. I decided to do one day of mid week training on the rollers working on my lactate tolerance efforts or pyramid intervals and skipping my strength session at the gym. After all you don’t want to stress your legs out too much on race week, rather keep them fresh though I commute to the store. What I did keep keen attention to was my food and hydration. Eight weeks back I did my first elite criterium with the roadies and put out an OK-OK performance, I mean I was under-geared (48x15:”84.16GI), for the non trackies, that means at 90rpm my speed would be 36km/h, which is not that great for a flat, and fast circuit, also I was just 10 weeks into my training with no strength training and my legs weren’t ready for more gnarlier ratio, back to the point I was making, I did not keep a check on my hydration, salt intake and the finer details such as are the right minerals getting into my system, and I cramped like a mother fucking goat! I couldn't ride for the next five days, I literally thought my cycling days are over, and the doctor who I’d not like to mention, told me I had a lack of B12 and Vitamin D, since I’m on a vegan/plant based lifestyle. Turns out I had a lack of salt and essential minerals that come from green leafy veggies in my food, and the absence of using an ORS post hard training rides. Since then I’ve been best friends with methi (fenugreek) and palak (spinach). Also I stopped using all forms of processed junk that includes alternate protein, I now use a bunch of superfoods such as spirulina, amla, moringa, chia seeds just to name a few as a part of my recovery meals and shakes that I source from, I must mention them, Happy Health Me. Must I say, I am getting stronger. Not bragging but, I ride 300+ kms a week, work out, work six days a week, prepare my food and manage my house, to be able to this day after day, and still stay fresh as fuck, I blame it on the plant based diet. If you need to know more, talk to me.
That being said, three day to go and I was still nervous, they say the best way to make sure you’re going to do something, is to announce it on social media. That’s what I did. I announced that I’d be doing the 132km elite road race on the fixed gear. You know that made no difference. I was still nervous as fuck. Speaking to Steffi, she reassured me that I’d do well, rather I’d send it, and that really helped. I made sure I loaded up on the carbs “ethically”, stuck to eating a higher potion of Matta Kerala rice than normal with my usual array of mains such as rajma, channa and black eyed  peas. The only thing different about race prep, was eating little more rice than usual. Another saying, a clean bike is a fast bike, not only did I clean the bike but I spring cleaned my house, I don’t know if that made a difference but it’s a superstition now. Cleaning the bike involved transforming this bike into a race machine. Out goes the tyre liners and bike lights, after all every gram counts, throwing out the tyre liner turned out to be a big mistake though, you’ll know more.
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I usually do all my rides fasted, and again after much research I figured that having a good healthy meal, two to four hours before a road race is essential. I made my usual power porridge potion though half in size two point five hours before the race. The slow digesting oats along with the fresh fruits, nuts and superfoods makes for an explosive pre race meal. I pre packed six pieces of my brownies which I happily forgot to carry in my tote. Shariq picked me up and we were running late thanks to a flat car tyre, these were signs that I should have seen, and we made it just 20 minutes before the race kicked off. I’ll be honest with you, I was so nervous, I did not realise when the started, next thing you know we’re rolling down NH7 and I’m asking Vivek, has the race started!
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The next 72kms was one of the best rides I’ve ridden so far. Averaging close to 38km/h, with a bunch of highly energised individuals from the likes of national, state, category champions, and  my friends who I’ve made thanks to cycling. It felt like we were on a happy go lucky Sunday group ride. My plan for the race was very simple, ride hard, have fun, stay safe and finish. I was staying true to the first three parts for sure and that made sure that the fourth part was easily achievable. Since we had a good tail wind on the way out, I decided to do my bit by heading up front and working to pull the group. The feeling is amazing. I was out in front with Venky, Aman, Tarun and a couple of solo pulls, until we reached this flyover may be 25kms out, unlike the roadies I cannot coast, so I continued to churn down the flyover at a high pace, I did my usual check glance to see no one’s on my wheel, and what looked like a solo breakaway that I did not ask for. I kept checking as I descended at about 45km/h to see that the peloton was taking it real easy for some reason, except for Vinesh and Tarun who decided to chase me. Why did they do it, no one knows, not even them. Then next thing you know we’ve officially formed the first break away of the race with an ever increasing gap. 
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I mean we were like three little children laughing and chatting, having the most jolliest of time thinking why the fuck did we do what we just fucking did, this was an epic uncalled for photo-op, with Krishna pulling up near us and Shariq and the photographer having a  field day capturing us. Everyone loved it! Vinesh suddenly calls out, man it’s 10kms and these guys have still not caught up, well that’s because I was setting a decent pace of 39km/h through our breakaway. After much discussion, actually none, we decided to slow ourselves down and join in with the peloton as it made no sense to breakaway so early and waste our energy, Good call. Our pace was now down to 32km/h and the next thing you know we’re back with the peleton. Honestly we could have pulled it off. Vinesh and Tarun, I know you’ll are reading this, we should do it, for the Nandi Epic may be? Back in the peloton life is good now. We came up on this really awesome descent which of course had a speed breaker and for some reason I really slowed down on this, the next thing you know I got dropped like a fucking hot iron, I was over revving at 155rpm doing 67km/h and still couldn’t catch up with the bunch, which then led us into a gradual climb, this was my place to attack to catch up, with my heart rate reaching the lower end of my zone 5, I finally did catchup with the peloton, cause’ I knew if I got dropped here it was going to be a lonely ride back to the finish, I knew things would change at the U-turn, just that I didn’t want it to happen this early. The feeling of catching up to the peloton can be compared to getting lost in a crowd as a kid and then finally seeing your parents, I swear that’s how happy I was to catch up and join the peleton. As we approached the U-turn I could see the positioning get into place, and riding brakeless in a group of roadies, it’s situations like these that you have to be the most careful, I almost touched Maninders wheel as we took the turn because he jammed his brakes, thankfully I weaved around and took the patli galli out. As soon as you exit the turn the pace was full gas. I held on for about 5 kilometres before being dropped on one of the descents yet again. This time a catch up was not happening, with an insane headwind and a gnarly climb I eased off and worked on bringing the heart rate down, that's when Shariq and Krishna pulled up next to me, motivating me to go on and kill it. They said the guy in front of you is Nagraj Harsha, the ironman, bridge the gap and work with him. He was probably around 300m ahead of me when I started to bridge the gap and finally caught upto him. I’ve never met the guy and we didn’t speak, all we did was work in a pair and work hard we did to fight the headwind and the climbs. While I did most of the pulling, I was more than happy too, we slowly started caching up with the other dropped riders. I wanted to build a group of the stronger riders like Vinesh, Tarun and Rajat, but that didn’t work too well. Oh and special mention to Riyaz for tanking my bottle up when I went dry, it was my first bottle refill/transfer on the road while moving, it felt very pro for some reason! So Nagraj pulled away and went on ahead and it was just Rajat, Tarun and myself that remained. Then Tarun and me, the next thing you know we see Rajat flying past us, I have no idea where did the lad create that energy, but he was flying, since Tarun was cramping out already, I told him I was gonna chase him and stick with him. I clung onto him for dear life literally and we covered a solid distance. We were now 20kms from the finish when I decided to ease it out. I could feel the bonking’ness feeling set in, and that’s when I had the Lärabars, that Tarun saved my life with, remember I forgot to pack my brownies. Big thanks to you man. 13kms from the finish, 119kms down averaging 34km/h, I was switching bottles, both hands of the handlebar replacing the water bottle that was now empty with my ORS bottle in my jersey when I almost felt my front wheel sweep under me. I quickly got a grip on my handle bar and countered the fall. As I settled into finishing mode I could feel the loss of traction from my front wheel, what do you know I have a puncture! The kind of cuss words that came out of my mouth would have made the devil happy. I couldn't believe it. I was fighting fit, ready for a spectacular finish, by the looks of it was going to make it to the top 15 at least. I pulled up on the side and looked out for help. I wasn’t carrying any spares on me as everything was in my tote that I though Shariq was carrying. The Spectrum Racing team car pulled up and Vivek, Shankar and their other team mate who I didn’t know were super helpful. They gave me a tube, a CO2 cylinder and a phone to call Shariq. I told Shariq my location and was waiting on him as I needed a 15mm wrench to unscrew the bolts of the front wheel. Almost 20 minutes passed and I did not see him any where, that’s when I decided to walk and find a wrench. Tried my luck at a petrol bunk, and finally after a kilometre of walking I found a bike puncture shop and started working on the bike. Of course I was surrounded by 30 odd villagers all interested to find out what a fellow in his undies is going to do with a bike tube. The thing is when Shankar gave me the cylinder I asked him how to use it, which he didn’t know, so when I attached the cylinder and did some twists and turns it worked and the tube was filled with this cold gas, the villagers were so amazed by this process I told them this was magic which broke the ice and got them laughing. After a quick 20 second breakdown of what I was doing with my broken Kannada I was back on the road. I lost 45 minutes to this fucking puncture. Though disappointed that I could have finished better, I DID FINISH. I’m happy. I’m looking forward to my rest week starting next week and to my first fixed gear crit I’ll be doing in Dresden, Germany later in September. T-41.
Video: https://goo.gl/zhKjui
Strava: https://goo.gl/fU4dvX
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Cats: Princess ID# 25317 4 us old. 38 lhs Waiting on Manha Pretty and playful little lady. Petite and Wiggly. Loves Stuffy Toys and Treats. Is Gently Playful with children slept with the families baby. Knows many commands. Walks nicely on leash Is well behaved when left home alone and is also housetrained **** TO BE KILLED 5/3/18 **** Meet Princess! The pretty pooch has a great smile and cute ears and she wants to be your BFF @ MACC. A Royally Adorable <3 PRINCESS is a pretty little girl with a cream white coat. Watching her play with her pink stuffy is simply adorable. Returned after only 6 months we hope, next time little Princess will find her happily ever after. Please share 'her royal highness' for a loving home. A volunteer notes (April 2018) I first met Princess in September and these photos are from then. She looks exactly the same and though slightly less cheery her temperament is similar too. She is SO petite and pretty and wiggly in her kennel. I hope second time's the charm for her. A volunteer writes (Sep 2017): Day 3: "Dear Diary, Today was the very best day. I ran and I jumped and I played! I made so many new friends and I ate so many delicious wonderful snacks. Today was the very best day." Who ever said you needed Anne Hathaway or Julie Andrews to enjoy the Princess Diaries? Our 4 year-old Princess is obviously royalty in her buttercream coat tailor made for a queen-to-be. And from her love of toys (pink stuffies to be specific) it's plain as day that this special beauty is long used to the finer things in life. Princess comes to us as a stray, so unfortunately much of her former life is unknown. We know she has a smile bright enough to turn darkness into light and a delightful, happy spirit more bubbly than a can of Sprite. She walks nicely on leash, takes her treats gently, and sets her windshield wiper of a tail to work at simply the sight of a toy (or of you!) Day unknown: "Dear Diary, Today was truly the very best day, my happiest day, the best day I have ever known. Today is the day that I found my new family. Today is the day I went home." Princess is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. VIDEOS: https://youtu.be/WDC7LXySwuM https://youtu.be/A6J_JDdIjZQ PRINCESS ID# 25317 (Alt ID A1125555 MANHATTAN ACC 4 yrs old, 38 lbs PIT BULL TERR MIX, FAWN BRINDLE / WHITE, SPAYED FEMALE Owner Surrender / RETURN / Moving Medical Behavior: Green INTAKE DATE: 04-15-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT: Experience / Single Pet Home OWNER NOTES Basic Information: Princess is a spayed fawn brindle and white medium mixed breed. She was adopted from ACC 8 months ago. She was surrendered because her previous owner is moving to a place pets are not allowed. Previously lived with: 2 adults, 3 children How is this dog around strangers? Around strangers, Princess is friendly and outgoing and exuberant at play with adults. How is this dog around children? Princess lived with 3 children age 1, 3 and 7. With them she was relaxed and playful. She slept with the baby. When she played she was gentle. How is this dog around other dogs? Princess has spent time with all types of dogs in the dog park she watches them and at times allows them to smell her. If they bark and her she growls barks and lunges. She has gotten into a dog fight. How is this dog around cats? Princess has not interacted with cats. She has spent time with birds and a turtle. With the turtle she would follow him around and lick him. She barked at the birds. Resource guarding: If her food bowl was touched she would lick the persons hand and was relaxed. The children in the home fed her there hands. Bite history: Princess has never bitten a person but has bitten a dog and drawn blood. She has also been bitten by another dog and that drew blood as well. Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Medium Other Notes: Princess isn´t bothered by storms or fireworks. If her treat or toy was taken from her she became playful. She isn´t bothered if she is pushed off furniture, restrained, if her paws are touched or if she is disturbed while sleeping. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? No Medical Notes Princess was last seen by a vet 8 months ago. She has no known injuries or health concerns. For a New Family to Know Princess is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident and excitable. Her previous owner likes that she is playful and affectionate. When her previous owner was home she would tend to be in the same room. She likes to play with balls and stuffed toys. Her favorite games are fetch and tug. She was kept indoors and at night she slept on her dog bed or in the babies crib. She ate both wet and dry Wellness. She is house trained and in the past 8 months had 1 accident. She is well behaved when left alone indoors. She knows the cues sit, come, down, stop, give me, entra (go inside) and let go. She was walked 2-3 times a day and went to dog parks. She pulls hard on leash and off leash she wanders but comes when called. BEHAVIOR NOTES: Intake: Princess had a relaxed body and wagging tail. She allowed me to pet and collar her. She put her ears back as I took pictures and when I was done she gave kisses. She sat on cue. When putting her in her kennel she backed away. Once I placed water and food in, she walked right in. Date of intake: 15-Apr-2018 Spay/Neuter status: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender Behavior toward strangers: Usually friendly Behavior toward dogs: Stares at them and pulls towards them, if they bark she barks and growls Bite history: Yes, Princess bit another dog at the dog park 5 months ago. The other dog took a toy Princess had been playing with and she bit the other dog, grabbing her neck and holding on, resulting in three punctures. Other Notes: There was one incident where the 3 year old child in the home was by herself holding Princess' leash. A person approached the child and Princess lunged, barked, and growled at the person. SAFER SCORES: Date of assessment: 17-Apr-2018 Look: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body low and a bit fearful. Paw squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Paw squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Flank squeeze 1: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2: Item not conducted Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Princess quickly approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary: When introduced to the female helper dog through the fence, Princess displays a slightly tense body, offers a brief wagging tail. Princess is muzzled for oft leash interact and appears more soft and social when greeting. However, due to history of bite incident with another dog (biting, shaking, holding when the other dog approached while she was in possession of a toy), Princess is not a candidate for further off leash playgroups due to concern for high levels of escalation. It is recommended that Princess be the only resident dog due to these observations. Date of intake: 15-Apr-2018 Summary: Princess had a relaxed body and allowed handling. Date of initial: 16-Apr-2018 Summary: Princess had a loose body and allowed handling. ENERGY LEVEL: Princess displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Recommendations: Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments: Single pet/no dog parks: Due to history of bite incident involving a dog (escalating to biting, shaking, holding on), Princess should be the only resident dog in a future home. Potential challenges: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Princess has been reported to react to other dogs on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. Princess may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach her to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 16-Apr-2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4-5 yrs based on hx and PE Microchip noted on Intake? scanned positive by LVT on intake. MC# 981020017388389 History : surrendered by O due to hx of being dog aggressive. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, tail wagging and loose body throughout exam. Allowed all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate; muzzled. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: enlarged nipples. no mammary gland masses. spay scar and tattoo present. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. 1.5cm circular scar along the left lateral hip and irregularly shaped scar along right dorsolateral thorax. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal on gross exam. Assessment apparently healthy reported dog aggression Prognosis: good. Plan: behavioral assessment. SURGERY: already spayed 16-Apr-2018 LVT Intake BARH scan pos# female spayed nervous, mouthy 4 yrs old reported mild tartar clean EEEN few spots of alopecia on body BCS 5/9 AMB x 4 NOSF ------------------------------------------- NOTES FIRST STAY - SEPTEMBER 2017 PRINCESS A1125555 MANHATTAN ACC Estimated to be 4 yrs old, 43 lbs PIT BULL TERR MIX, CREAM / WHITE, UNALTERED FEMALE I was found in NY 10467. I have been at the shelter since Sep 15, 2017. * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
0 notes
The unstoppable Molly Burke: A day in the life of a blind YouTuber
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Molly Burke’s day-to-day activities consist of writing scripts for her YouTube channel, recording last minute B-roll, and assuring others that yes, being a content creator is a real job. She has an extensive closet and makeup collection to ensure that her followers will always see a fresh look. Every corner of her Los Angeles apartment, from her millennial pink coffee mugs to her glittering gold throw pillows, is color-coordinated and Instagrammable. 
Oh, and she’s blind. 
SEE ALSO: Was LiveJournal ever actually any good? A nostalgia-tinged investigation.
“OK, so before we forget, I need to get B-roll of my eyes close up for the video we filmed yesterday,” Molly says while rapidly texting about a thumbnail image. Her iPhone’s audio accessibility feature chants T-H-U as quickly as her thumbs whiz over the virtual keyboard. Then she squeals, “Yes! Shane sent over a new thumbnail!”
“Shane?” I ask. I’m sitting at her dining room table, surrounded by Anthropologie dishes — her guide dog Gallop is nearby eating a bright pink treat that matches the dishes. Molly and her mother, Niamh (pronounced Neave), are traveling over the next few weeks as Molly goes on a motivational speaking tour, which means she needs to film a month’s worth of content in only a few days. 
“Shane Dawson,” Molly says as casually as someone could name drop a major vlogger with 13 million subscribers. “He’s doing some of my thumbnails.”
Things like video thumbnails, which are the stills you see before you play a video, and Instagram posts go over the 24-year-old’s head. “I think it’s frustrating sometimes,” she says, “I don’t know how important they are. Like, they mean nothing to me.”
Despite how dependent her whole career is on visuals, like posting high-quality photos on Instagram or picking the most eye-catching thumbnail for her vlogs, being blind hasn’t held Molly back. Her YouTube channel has more than 800,000 subscribers — it’s almost quadrupled since December 2017 — and she collaborates with YouTube stars like Casey Neistat, James Charles, and of course, Shane Dawson. And this is just the beginning for Molly. She plans on becoming the “Ellen for blind people,” breaking down walls built to keep people with disabilities out of mainstream pop culture — much like Ellen DeGeneres did for the LGBTQ community. 
Considering the scandals shaking up YouTube in the past few years, from blatant racism and anti-semitism on PewDiePie’s channel to Logan Paul’s debacle in Japan’s “suicide forest,” content creators like Molly are a breath of fresh air — but don’t often get the media spotlight.
"I learned a long time ago that traditional media wasn't gonna invite me in their doors,” Molly says about her channel, “And YouTube didn't have to invite me. I could just do it." 
Going blind
Molly was diagnosed with with a rare eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa when she was four years old. She didn’t go blind right away. Her vision slowly deteriorated for the next 10 years. At first, she only dealt with vision loss at night or in dim lighting. Then she lost the ability to differentiate between colors, and she struggled to see the chalkboard during class. She went completely blind when she was 14. 
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Image description: Molly lights a candle for her apartment tour video. She's wearing a pink bodysuit embroidered with flowers and gray jeans. Her friend and collaborator, Jake, uses a smartphone to record her.
Image: morgan sung/mashable
YouTube videos about makeup tutorials and fashion hauls struck a chord with Molly when she was going blind because so much lifestyle content wasn’t accessible to her. When she couldn’t flip through glossy magazines or browse store windows, she turned to beauty gurus on YouTube. Makeup tutorials are descriptive by nature: explaining why certain eye shadow colors blend well with others, describing the shape and feel of brushes, and detailing what motions to use when applying foundation were all tips that Molly could actually understand because it wasn’t strictly visual. 
"It meant so much to me, helping me discover how to love something I didn't know how to love anymore," Molly says, adding that she loved makeup and fashion before losing her sight. She lost friends as her vision deteriorated, and became an easy target for bullying. YouTube beauty gurus, she says, became her circle of girlfriends. 
When Molly first got into YouTubing in her parent’s Toronto home, her mom had some reservations. "I was terrified ... I didn't know what she'd do in her bedroom with this camera." Molly jokes that she was tossing between YouTubing and camgirling, but ultimately chose vlogging over online stripping. (And yes, she’s kidding — she was always set on YouTubing.) As a motivational speaker talking about bullying since she was a child, Molly was already a natural in front of the camera. Moving to Los Angeles earlier this year to boost her YouTube career just made sense. 
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Image description: Molly plays with Gallop in her apartment complex's dog park. Gallop is wearing multicolored bandana and holds a frisbee in his mouth while Molly laughs.
Image: morgan sung/mashable
Molly has lived alone before, but her move to Los Angeles will be the furthest she’s lived from her parents. Niamh helped her settle down in the city in January, sleeping on the fold-out sofa in her living room, but plans to head back to Toronto in May. She used to fret about her daughter needing assistance, but with apps like Uber for transportation and Postmates for meals and groceries, she knows technology has Molly’s back. 
"If I have to be blind, the 21st century's the time to do it!” Molly says.
Molly is even considering a series of videos where she would learn to cook with other YouTubers, but until then, she relies on Postmates and premade food from Trader Joe’s. “Hashtag not sponsored, but sponsor me,” she jokes.
Niamh finally came around to the idea of Molly as a YouTube personality after attending VidCon three years ago, about 10 months after Molly started YouTubing full time. There were so many people "sharing really vulnerable parts of their lives," Niamh says, "And trying to help other people. And it was just phenomenal." 
"I think there's a lot of people in older generations who have this misconception that all YouTubers are narcissists,” Molly says. “They don't see the content as trying to help each other.”
"Do you see your channel as a form of activism?" I ask, and Molly nods furiously while chewing pita chips, taking a lunch break between between shooting. "I see it as an outlet to educate, break stereotypes, push boundaries," she says, "To build community out of the group that is so easily isolated in society."
She emphasizes that there are creators like her who are geared toward community building, naming Kati Morton, a licensed therapist who runs a channel about mental health, and AsapSCIENCE, a duo who make educational content about science. This is the content, Molly says, that "clearly provides some kind of education or support." 
But content on beauty channels — content that people are quick to write off as vapid or shallow — still serves a greater purpose for marginalized communities, she says. 
"The beauty gurus were my only friends when I went blind," Molly sighs, "So they helped me, and I'm just one person. They helped me in a way that nobody could have understood a makeup tutorial would do." 
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Image description: Molly and Jake shoot her smart fridge tour. Molly, wearing a gray t-shirt with silver stars, holds the fridge open to show her viewers what's inside. Jake holds a smartphone on a motorized gimbal.
Image: morgan sung/mashable
Making positive content 
Molly’s fed up with the constant coverage of YouTube scandals in mainstream news describing provocative, sensationalized vloggers as “young people who are making content that can be harmful.” For Molly, the coverage only “pushes that negative view of social media.”
But what does she think about vloggers like Logan Paul, whose content is made to get a reaction? Molly chooses her words carefully, biting down on a spoonful of rice while she thinks of a way to say what she really wants to say.
"Be careful," Jake Roque, one of Molly’s best friends and collaborators whose helping her make content before her trip, lightly warns. 
"It's not for me," Molly says, "It's not what I choose to watch." 
She says her viewership is primarily 18 to 24, and she still refrains from swearing on camera. “Even though, at 18 to 24, you’ve heard the F-word before,” she laughs. 
"I don't want to promote drama,” she says, “I don't want my life or who I am to be sensationalized."
Molly not only strives to be a role model for her followers, but a realistic one. She posts Instagram photos that have been untouched by filtering apps, and she makes a point to vlog both with and without makeup. She even pokes fun at the challenges she deals with as a blind person, like tweeting about accidentally biting into a lemon instead of a potato.
I just bit half of a lemon thinking it was half of a potato... not pleasant and definitely surprising. #blindgirlproblems
— Molly Burke (@MollyBOfficial) May 15, 2018
"I don't want people to look at me and be like, 'Oh my god, her life used to be so difficult but now it's perfect,” Molly says, “because that's not reality. It's a lot better than what it was, but life's always going to be ups and downs." 
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Image description: Molly has her collection of sunglasses and bracelets on display in her bedroom, which has a wall adorned with gold star stickers.
Challenging stereotypes 
Molly doesn’t use a cane or walk with hesitation. Her eyes are still light sensitive — she loves things that sparkle because she can still see the light bouncing off — but she doesn’t wear sunglasses unless it’s painfully bright out. Her guide dog wears a harness instead of a vest, so many people think she’s faking her blindness. She even has a video called “Top 5 Reasons Why People on YouTube Think I’m not Blind.”
She’s endlessly frustrated with people who register their pets online as support animals when they don’t really need the help because it invalidates the need for actual service dogs. It took nearly two years of training and $40,000 of resources for Gallop to qualify as a seeing-eye dog. Even then, Molly’s need for the dog is challenged at stores and bars because she doesn’t “look blind.” 
“My dog isn’t this fun toy I bring around. My dog is my mobility tool,” she says, “I can’t function without my dog helping me.”
Molly’s had years of practice to adjust to her different abilities — especially in makeup. Although her channel focuses on education and activism, she frequently posts beauty hauls and tutorials, too. Instead of doing her makeup in a mirror, her application technique is purely tactile. In her “everyday glow” video, she explains how she applies blush and eyeshadow by feeling the contours of her facial bones. In a video with teen makeup guru James Charles, Molly uses touch to expertly identify all of his products down to the brand. “It’s matte,” she declares after feeling a peachy MAC blush, “You can tell by the texture.”
In a Q&A video she made in February, she said that even if there was a miraculous cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa, she wouldn’t take it: “I am comfortable and happy and content with being blind.”
Which is why she hates the roles that blind people play in film and TV. 
“Every time there’s a disabled person, [the plot] like hinges on their disability, like that’s their whole schtick,” she says. Pretty Little Liars, for example, annoys her because the blind character is meek, vulnerable, and heavily reliant on her cane. Molly says, “It would be amazing to see a movie or TV show where there’s a disabled character and their storyline has nothing to do with their disability.”
Molly is disgusted with equating disability with vulnerability, especially in her dating life. Her Tinder bio doesn’t mention her blindness — not because she’s worried about people swiping left on her profile, but because she doesn’t want “creepy men with a thing” swiping right on her.
“They like the vulnerability, they like to see us be helpless,” Molly says. As if he senses her anger, Gallop tenses up, too. Incensed, Molly continues: “The turn-on is seeing the disabled person struggle.”
Niamh uses The Shape of Water as an example. The villain in the Oscar-winning film gets off on the protagonist’s muteness. “Then he goes home to his wife and goes, ‘Don’t say anything, and ‘Be quiet,” she says.
People with disabilities, Molly says, are easy targets for sexual assault, so she’s wary of men liking her for being blind. 
“In most situations, we are easier to manipulate,” she says, “So controlling, manipulative men are more attracted to us.” 
She’ll usually mention that she’s blind once she strikes up a decent conversation with a Tinder match; Molly is open about her online dating experiences and frequently talks about them on her channel. 
When a boy on Tinder told her that he couldn’t possibly date her because he only wanted a girlfriend who could surf, Molly was furious. 
“A. Your priorities are really screwed up when it comes to relationships,” Molly fumes, “And B. You live in Ajax, Ontario. The chances of you swiping on a girl who knows how to surf in Ajax, Ontario are slim to none.”
She decided then that she would learn how to surf just to spite him. She took surfing lessons and made a whole vlog about it when she flew to Southern California for VidCon in 2016, six weeks after the rude interaction. 
“How dare he tell me what I’m capable of doing in my life!” 
He unmatched her before she could vengefully send him the video. But that kind of determination and confidence encapsulates Molly’s whole ethos in a roughly 7-minute video: People with disabilities are far from incapable. 
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Image description: Molly sits in a rainbow peace sign shaped pool float, smiling at the camera. She wears a black one piece swimsuit that says Survivor and her hair is tied up in a bun.
Image: Morgan sung/mashable
After wrapping up the day with a float in her apartment complex’s pool (for the B-roll, obviously), Molly and Jake were exhausted. Aside from a break for lunch, they had been shooting for more than six hours. Molly had done a walkthrough of her apartment, a trip to a dog park, gone through three outfits, and with the help of Jake, several makeup touch-ups. They still had to organize the footage and send it off to Molly’s editor to put the videos together, and then schedule them to post for the weeks they blocked off for traveling. 
As Niamh walks me to my car, she mentions she is still nervous about Molly living in LA alone — there were so many things that could go wrong. I ask if she’d ever want Molly to move back home, and Niamh shakes her head. 
“How can you hold somebody like that back? She’s unstoppable.” 
WATCH: This ingenious typeface blends Braille and text seamlessly
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Cats: Princess ID# 25317 4 us old. 38 lhs Waiting on Manha Pretty and playful little lady. Petite and Wiggly. Loves Stuffy Toys and Treats. Is Gently Playful with children slept with the families baby. Knows many commands. Walks nicely on leash Is well behaved when left home alone and is also housetrained **** TO BE KILLED 5/3/18 **** Meet Princess! The pretty pooch has a great smile and cute ears and she wants to be your BFF @ MACC. A Royally Adorable <3 PRINCESS is a pretty little girl with a cream white coat. Watching her play with her pink stuffy is simply adorable. Returned after only 6 months we hope, next time little Princess will find her happily ever after. Please share 'her royal highness' for a loving home. A volunteer notes (April 2018) I first met Princess in September and these photos are from then. She looks exactly the same and though slightly less cheery her temperament is similar too. She is SO petite and pretty and wiggly in her kennel. I hope second time's the charm for her. A volunteer writes (Sep 2017): Day 3: "Dear Diary, Today was the very best day. I ran and I jumped and I played! I made so many new friends and I ate so many delicious wonderful snacks. Today was the very best day." Who ever said you needed Anne Hathaway or Julie Andrews to enjoy the Princess Diaries? Our 4 year-old Princess is obviously royalty in her buttercream coat tailor made for a queen-to-be. And from her love of toys (pink stuffies to be specific) it's plain as day that this special beauty is long used to the finer things in life. Princess comes to us as a stray, so unfortunately much of her former life is unknown. We know she has a smile bright enough to turn darkness into light and a delightful, happy spirit more bubbly than a can of Sprite. She walks nicely on leash, takes her treats gently, and sets her windshield wiper of a tail to work at simply the sight of a toy (or of you!) Day unknown: "Dear Diary, Today was truly the very best day, my happiest day, the best day I have ever known. Today is the day that I found my new family. Today is the day I went home." Princess is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. VIDEOS: https://youtu.be/WDC7LXySwuM https://youtu.be/A6J_JDdIjZQ PRINCESS ID# 25317 (Alt ID A1125555 MANHATTAN ACC 4 yrs old, 38 lbs PIT BULL TERR MIX, FAWN BRINDLE / WHITE, SPAYED FEMALE Owner Surrender / RETURN / Moving Medical Behavior: Green INTAKE DATE: 04-15-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT: Experience / Single Pet Home OWNER NOTES Basic Information: Princess is a spayed fawn brindle and white medium mixed breed. She was adopted from ACC 8 months ago. She was surrendered because her previous owner is moving to a place pets are not allowed. Previously lived with: 2 adults, 3 children How is this dog around strangers? Around strangers, Princess is friendly and outgoing and exuberant at play with adults. How is this dog around children? Princess lived with 3 children age 1, 3 and 7. With them she was relaxed and playful. She slept with the baby. When she played she was gentle. How is this dog around other dogs? Princess has spent time with all types of dogs in the dog park she watches them and at times allows them to smell her. If they bark and her she growls barks and lunges. She has gotten into a dog fight. How is this dog around cats? Princess has not interacted with cats. She has spent time with birds and a turtle. With the turtle she would follow him around and lick him. She barked at the birds. Resource guarding: If her food bowl was touched she would lick the persons hand and was relaxed. The children in the home fed her there hands. Bite history: Princess has never bitten a person but has bitten a dog and drawn blood. She has also been bitten by another dog and that drew blood as well. Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Medium Other Notes: Princess isn´t bothered by storms or fireworks. If her treat or toy was taken from her she became playful. She isn´t bothered if she is pushed off furniture, restrained, if her paws are touched or if she is disturbed while sleeping. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? No Medical Notes Princess was last seen by a vet 8 months ago. She has no known injuries or health concerns. For a New Family to Know Princess is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident and excitable. Her previous owner likes that she is playful and affectionate. When her previous owner was home she would tend to be in the same room. She likes to play with balls and stuffed toys. Her favorite games are fetch and tug. She was kept indoors and at night she slept on her dog bed or in the babies crib. She ate both wet and dry Wellness. She is house trained and in the past 8 months had 1 accident. She is well behaved when left alone indoors. She knows the cues sit, come, down, stop, give me, entra (go inside) and let go. She was walked 2-3 times a day and went to dog parks. She pulls hard on leash and off leash she wanders but comes when called. BEHAVIOR NOTES: Intake: Princess had a relaxed body and wagging tail. She allowed me to pet and collar her. She put her ears back as I took pictures and when I was done she gave kisses. She sat on cue. When putting her in her kennel she backed away. Once I placed water and food in, she walked right in. Date of intake: 15-Apr-2018 Spay/Neuter status: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender Behavior toward strangers: Usually friendly Behavior toward dogs: Stares at them and pulls towards them, if they bark she barks and growls Bite history: Yes, Princess bit another dog at the dog park 5 months ago. The other dog took a toy Princess had been playing with and she bit the other dog, grabbing her neck and holding on, resulting in three punctures. Other Notes: There was one incident where the 3 year old child in the home was by herself holding Princess' leash. A person approached the child and Princess lunged, barked, and growled at the person. SAFER SCORES: Date of assessment: 17-Apr-2018 Look: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body low and a bit fearful. Paw squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Paw squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Flank squeeze 1: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2: Item not conducted Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Princess quickly approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary: When introduced to the female helper dog through the fence, Princess displays a slightly tense body, offers a brief wagging tail. Princess is muzzled for oft leash interact and appears more soft and social when greeting. However, due to history of bite incident with another dog (biting, shaking, holding when the other dog approached while she was in possession of a toy), Princess is not a candidate for further off leash playgroups due to concern for high levels of escalation. It is recommended that Princess be the only resident dog due to these observations. Date of intake: 15-Apr-2018 Summary: Princess had a relaxed body and allowed handling. Date of initial: 16-Apr-2018 Summary: Princess had a loose body and allowed handling. ENERGY LEVEL: Princess displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Recommendations: Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments: Single pet/no dog parks: Due to history of bite incident involving a dog (escalating to biting, shaking, holding on), Princess should be the only resident dog in a future home. Potential challenges: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Princess has been reported to react to other dogs on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. Princess may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach her to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 16-Apr-2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4-5 yrs based on hx and PE Microchip noted on Intake? scanned positive by LVT on intake. MC# 981020017388389 History : surrendered by O due to hx of being dog aggressive. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, tail wagging and loose body throughout exam. Allowed all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate; muzzled. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: enlarged nipples. no mammary gland masses. spay scar and tattoo present. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. 1.5cm circular scar along the left lateral hip and irregularly shaped scar along right dorsolateral thorax. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal on gross exam. Assessment apparently healthy reported dog aggression Prognosis: good. Plan: behavioral assessment. SURGERY: already spayed 16-Apr-2018 LVT Intake BARH scan pos# female spayed nervous, mouthy 4 yrs old reported mild tartar clean EEEN few spots of alopecia on body BCS 5/9 AMB x 4 NOSF ------------------------------------------- NOTES FIRST STAY - SEPTEMBER 2017 PRINCESS A1125555 MANHATTAN ACC Estimated to be 4 yrs old, 43 lbs PIT BULL TERR MIX, CREAM / WHITE, UNALTERED FEMALE I was found in NY 10467. I have been at the shelter since Sep 15, 2017. * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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