drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
Frothing at the mouth okay everyone I’m mostly speaking to myself but we need to put the Caleb and Golden Guards down for two seconds because oh jesus christ on a cracker do you understand how much content we can write now. In just two forty-five minute episodes do you understand how much we could create.
Look at the first ten minutes of Thanks to Them. Look at literally everything that happened off-screen in For the Future. Do you understand. This is not a tragedy but a silver platter of unfathomable proportions of writing material. We never got to see all those episodes of the kids learning to adjust to the human realm. We never got to see all those episodes of the Boiling Isles crumbling apart and people getting turned into puppets. I’m 95% certain we were never supposed to know the full story behind Caleb or the Guards, and so there’s physically nothing to miss. What could we possibly write, knowing the creators likely never had the intention of it being written in the first place?
But everything else? Oh baby that’s a GOLDMINE of content right there. There is no canon, therefore we can craft it with our own two hands. Do you see it. Everything we ever wanted the kids to do in the human realm, we can now create it, and canon cannot tell us it didn’t happen like that. Everything we thought would happen in the demon realm we can create, because canon cannot tell us it didn’t. We can write what didn’t get the chance to be completed. We can shape it. We can literally make our own canon. I’m going to start biting the wall
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