#SHE WOULD. Kugisaki wouldn't be proud of it but she would honestly
dailykugisaki · 3 months
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Day 123 | id in alt
Sorry Shoko, you gotta act professional around this one student because her technique is corrosive.
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Holding hands with Jujutsu kaisen characters!
pairings: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara x gn!reader (separate)
trigger warning(s): there is no, but i had to mention masochism because it would sound terrible and cause misunderstandings
author's note: i might have messed up and made them a bit oc, but i hope it's still enjoyable
♡Itadori Yuuji♡
he is a bit scared at first and would be so blushed that Y/N always asked them worriedly if he is okay.
but eventually he stops blushing that badly, but it's really hard if a cutie, like Y/N are holding his hands!
he is not embarrassed, oh no no no no. he loves Y/N so much he would always brighten up if he meets them after a bad day. if he had a good day, he would just be more happier than he usually is!
honestly, he would sometimes playfully strogen the grip for a second, only to wait for Y/N's payback. (nono not in a masochistic way-)
♡Fushiguro Megumi♡
he would never be akward or be embarrassed to hold your hand in the crowd. only maybe in front of his friends, but after a long time he would do it in front of everyone!
about blushing? well, slightly but i think inside he is the happiest man in the world.
his grip is always so gentle and even a bit loose, yet Y/N feels very safe, and of course he would protect them at any cost.
Megumi would definitely stroke Y/N's hand with his thumb!
♡Kugisaki Nobara♡
she is very confident. now imagine Y/N holding her hand. yes, she would just overdose on confidence!
Nobara is so proud of Y/N that she would never be ashamed to hold Y/N's hand, even in front of her friends!
when she is around Y/N she wouldn't snap that hard at people's stupidity. or Y/N would just hold her hand and eventually she would calm down a bit.
her grip on Y/N's hand always changes. sometimes it's strong, sometimes it's lose. it really depends on her, but she would never hurt Y/N by holding their hand too hard.
thank you for reading!
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stanurines1mp · 2 years
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~~~The First-Year Students~~~
Y/N woke up the next day and got ready for the day's plans. She went to meet up with Satoru, Megumi, and Yuji after her breakfast. They made their way to Harajuku, the streets flooded with people passing by.
Like the other three guys, Y/N made sure to wear her uniform as well since she was partially there for official reasons due to her mission of supervising Yuji. She stood beside Gojo while they watched the new student, Nobara Kugisaki, yelling at some guy.
Y/N's head was tilted as she tried to understand what Nobara was doing but a smile formed on her lips with amusement. Soon, the redhead joined the group, and introductions were made. Her personality was certainly entertaining to Y/N while the woman watched the teens interacting with one another.
"I love your outfit," Nobara complimented Y/N, a finger pointed towards the woman's uniform. "Very stylish! And modern!"
"Thank you," the woman smiled.
After meeting Nobara, Satoru had managed to trick them into thinking that their day would be filled with sightseeing in Tokyo. Since both Nobara and Yuji were from the countryside, the pair were filled with extreme joy.
Y/N could see the way their eyes brightened up at the mention of the day's activities which was why she felt both amused and guilty when Satoru had led everyone to an abandoned cursed warehouse.
While the two teens were expressing their displease, Y/N couldn't help but look over to Satoru who wore a mischievous glint in his smirk. Based on the cursed energy that was oozing out of the warehouse, Y/N could tell there were cursed spirits in there but not too high of a grade level that it became dangerous.
It seemed that Satoru wanted to test Nobara, sending only her and Yuji into the building, leaving only him, Megumi, and Y/N outside to wait.
Y/N didn't pay much attention to the conversation Megumi and Satoru were having. She was focusing on what was happening inside the building, letting her guard up in case anything went wrong.
After a while, a loud crash was heard from above. Y/N's eyes darted to the origin of the sound only to see a cursed spirit jumping out of the windows. Before she could act, something was enlarged from inside the spirit, its demise brought upon by one of Nobara's techniques.
Proud and relieved by the capabilities of his students, Satoru decided to treat everyone to a meal. One of the teens wanted sushi while the other wanted steak. Megumi paid no attention, his expression the usually bored stare while his gaze was on his phone.
"What about you, princess? What do you want to eat?" Satoru swung his right arm around Y/N and his left arm around Yuji and Nobara.
"Oh, I'm good with anything, honestly," the woman answered softly, leaning the side of her head against Satoru's body.
"Eh? Are they together?" Nobara whispered not-so-quietly into Yuji's ear.
Y/N's eyes widened, her body quickly pulling away from Satoru while the man just laughed. "No no, not at all. We're just friends," Y/N nervously chuckled, hands waving in a defending act.
"You're blushing," Yuji plainly pointed.
"What?! No, I'm not!" Y/N shook her head wildly, heat crawling up her being with embarrassment while Satoru just laughed.
"Relax, Y/N," he grinned. "It wouldn't be so bad if we were, would it?"
"What?" Her cheeks grew hotter, mind fumbling to find words to respond.
"I'm just joking," he giggled, patting her head softly.
"I'll use paper, Itadori," Nobara spoke, eyes thin in a glare.
Y/N tilted her head, entertained by the pair of teenagers as they commenced a battle of rock, paper, scissors to determine the meal of the night. Satoru and Megumi stood next to each other beside Y/N, their eyes transfixed on the childish game taking place before their eyes.
Nobara won to Yuji by putting rock against scissors, deciding for the group that their dinner was going to be sushi. The dyed-haired girl loudly celebrated her victory against her classmate, her hand coming up to an energetic high-five with Y/N.
The older woman laughed while slowly stroking Yuji's back in an attempt to comfort him for not having gone his way for the night.
"Are we eating sushi?" Satoru scrolled through his phone as he spoke.
"Let's go to the usual place in Ginza," Y/N suggested, fingers tugging onto Satoru's sleeve.
"Ah right," he smiled widely.
"All right, Ginza!" Nobara cheerfully let out.
"I want to have sushi train," Yuji suddenly let out.
"What?" Nobara glared. "You're hopeless, Itadori. Say something too, Fushiguro!"
"I would like to eat something good, too," Megumi said in a monotone voice. "Since Mr. Gojo is paying."
"Hmm, he's only nice with me when I'm paying for something," Satoru huffed, his bottom lip jutted out in a pout as he crossed his arms.
"You're very generous to be paying, Toru," Y/N giggled, stretching out her arm while standing tip-toed to ruffle his white locks playfully.
"Ah, Y/N, you're the only one who appreciates me," He dreamily sighed, batting his eyelashes though they were covered by his blindfold.
"You're very cute, Satoru," she chuckled, not realizing the effects of her words on the said man.
"Sushi is food while sushi train is entertainment!" Yuji seriously defended.
"You guys are entertainment enough, honestly," Y/N sighed, rubbing her temples while the two teens still went on with their banter.
"My favorite is Sushi Go," Satoru muttered, his fingers under his chin in a thinking manner. "But for starters, I'd go with Rippa Sushi."
"You're so knowledgeable, Mr. Gojo," Yuji praised.
"Rippa Sushi is cool for first-timers," Y/N agreed.
"Then it's decided!" Yuji clapped excitedly.
"HUH? When is it decided?!" Nobara retorted, a hand on her hip.
Y/N sighed, watching as they continued on arguing like a brother and a sister. Megumi looked extremely tired and annoyed which only made Y/N smile grow wider, knowing that his anti-social habit wouldn't be so worrying now that he had Yuji and Nobara.
Even as they all made their way to the restaurant, Yuji and Nobara hadn't stopped their bickering. There was always something for them to banter about.
"Kids," Y/N sighed.
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