#SHE said this to me tho i'm like kicking my feet etc
dadmyth · 10 months
lesbians will be like omg we should take a glass blowing class together :) when it's like the second time we've talked to each other
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josephtrohman · 1 year
Do you have any Joetrick recs?
kicking my feet twirling my hair blinking my big wet eyes at you holding u gently in my arms so on and so forth...i Am still working on a real full fics recs page but it's like a bigger job than i expected so idk when i'll be done it ...anyways maybe one day but for now here are my favest faves :^) sorry it's a lot and i kind of said too much BGDJKGBDHJGB, CLEARLY im very passionate (also no matter what i do the formatting keeps getting messed up lmfao sorry.)
combinatorics by heyginger. patrick is in luvvv with joe when joe starts online dating during tour, and basically tension and feelings and etc etc ensue. the first time i read it i was like running around my house and squealing out loud and everything bc it's just that perfect, and it really only gets better upon re-reading bc you pick up on little things you didn't notice the first time! the tension and the misunderstandings are, at times, painful and you really feel everything patrick is going through, but it really keeps you on your toes! i feel like the characterization is perfect in this and i just can't get enough. also this is the fic i read to my partner (if you are a true josephtrohman fan and saw the post HAHAHAH), he really enjoyed it and is interested in me reading more of my favs to him bc of it, so it even has the normie stamp of approval ;)
hedonism by rosiedoesfic. patrick is in a toxic relationship with pete, but patrick and joe begin an affair and it leads to a mess of feelings and fighting and etc etc. it's angsty and it hurts and everything like that but god it's also sooo brilliantly written. rosie has this amazing gift of writing the voices so realistically, including and especially the complexities of joe's inner monologue! i mean not that i know joe’s inner monologue irl obviously but it feels so realistic…this fic a punch in the gut to read, and obviously i prefer when fob are like Friends rather than fighting but this fic is insanely beautiful that i can look past that preference of mine lol. one of the fics i've re-read the most because it's been a fave for a long time. so so so heart-achingly GOOD.
thnks fr th knckers by rosiedoesfic. a pair of panties gets thrown on stage at a show, and the floodgates open essentially, with patrick at the centre of it, grappling with finding it hot and also thinking it's weird basically. because of this internal dilemma, the tension (sorry i don't have a better word it's always tension lol) is like soooo perfect, like patrick fighting it but he can't UGHGHBG. it's a little naughty obviously but with some real plot and this is probably the singular fic i've reread the most throughout my life!!! i'm not even normally into panty kink stuff (not a problem with it, it's just something that's never been like a big turn on for me or anything) but this fic is AMAZING.
above are my three favest faves EVER and i go absolutely nutso for them, as you can tell!! i kind of cycle through the three of those for which one i call my all time favourite depending on my mood <3 if you only are interested in reading some of these, PLEASE PLEASE read the above three!!! i could go on forever and ever about them and just really leave this reclist there at those three, but just cuz i loveeee to talk about fic i'll touch on some others
in general, you really can't go wrong with any of rosie's fics!! i've read literally every single joetrick fic she's ever written and all of them are amazing, seriously very much our joetrick queen (hi rosie if you're reading this <3). some specific highlights for me in her catalogue include fairytale of new york (a really neat holidays fic with a hint of magic, i just re-read it the other day even tho it's july and it's so so so good) and technology (another fic written for the same prompt as combinatorics, all about online dating and catching feelings!! ughhhh amazing). i also would be remiss to NOT mention the world's not waiting which has an almost legendary status in joetrick/fob world, and rightfully so bc it's SOOO good and sweeps you away and then you blink and your whole day was spent just reading this fanfic lol...and it's been on a bit of pause BUT rosie has promised she's planning on resuming when she has time so better get to reading it so you're ready whenever there's the next update anon ;)
heyginger's got some other great ones too but there are only i think like 2 other joetrick fics on heyginger's page (both are shorter but SOOOO GOOD - bdsm and good fortune. since they're shorter i'll let the fics speak for themself!)
ok ok now for a couple outside of just gushing about rosie and heyginger BGDHBGHJDB. im going to keep the descriptions etc to a more minimum cuz im losing steam but. yeah ;)
my heart goes with you by likeasugarcube. prom fic with amazing smut, this is one of the first joetrick fics i remember reading as a teen and i always keep coming back to it!
intensity by likethepaint. perfect lil fic about patrick's temper, or rather, patrick's intensity, and stuff basically, and no further spoilers :) but really good!
there is no natural religion by carleton97. short and a lil smutty, and i'll leave it at that :)
brace yourself and find a safe place by distortedmya. amazing fic about joe coming out as an adult, and it's soooo sweet <3
summer of like by heartofthesunrise. yes it may be the petekey title but it more focusses on j+p with some petekey drama off to the side that ends early on actually if i remember correctly. so dang sweet and the way the writing places you in the ambiance is kind of magical (i first read it in the winter and reading it truly felt like it was summer!)
sorry if this is a lot. i didn't expect to pop off but hi. the way this is me holding back a bit too, im crazy and you all know it GDBHBDHJBGDJBJ. clearly im passionate about this topic and i hope you enjoy my recs!!!!! and dont find me too annoying dear anon hahahahah
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fchsadfa · 10 months
Woke up this morning, checked my notes from brainstorming last night, and had no idea what kind of connections my brain was making. Like there's good ideas! But how does embroidered Braille and Morse Code connect with the Doomsday Clock, a music staff with the repeat notation, and cultural Christian notions of World Without End?
(Put the rest under a read more because it got quite long)
I'm probably going to have to drop the morse code and Braille, which is sad bc I was excited by that idea from the first day of the week (tho the teacher did say to toss whatever our first ideas were and to be open to new directions).
However I am panicking slightly because this project is due Friday and I only have concepts (that aren't even written in my sketchbook to show my work).
I was late to class this morning in part because I should have gotten out the door earlier, but also because there was an accident that closed the main road into town and I had to detour around the lake. And then that accident ended up knocking out the power and they kicked us out of the building at noon (can't have people there without running water, for sanitary reasons).
Anyways my current plan is to make a box/ fake book. One of my library books has info on traditional embroidered boxes! I plan to have the front cover say Once Upon a Time, as gilt and embellished as I can manage with embroidery and sequins etc. The back cover I have a design that combines the phrase "as it was in the beginning/ is now/ and ever shall be/ WORLD WITHOUT END AMEN" which was my favourite part of having to recite the rosary as a wee Catholic child (in part because it signaled the end of having to recite the rosary, but also it's just nice :) trad Catholics who do the whole O My Jesus/ Hail Holy Queen bit don't come at me) ANYWAYS that phrase made into the hands of the Doomsday Clock (which is at 90 seconds to midnight as of the start of 2023 (: this is fine.png).
The embroidery bit covers one portion of the techniques we need to incorporate. For a second technique, I'm thinking the lining fabric to be made with a repeat pattern/ making marks on fabric (one or both, other techniques of this week) using alphabets (Latin but also Greek, Cyrillic, Inuit, Arabic, Korean, etc etc).
I had a one on one chat with the teacher and she was pro me incorporating Braille and Morse. It was a conversation about how I don't want people to Know Things about me now, let alone in 50- 200 years. About codes and secret languages and ciphers, about how we can't really know the past (or ascribe modern language of gender and sexual orientation to the past where people had different understanding of those concepts). But also about how on one hand I can't know that humanity will be around in 50-200 years, and on the other hand there's a long tradition of Apocalyptic propheteering. People are forever proclaiming the End of Times and time is forever carrying on regardless. (There's actually a fairly funny local story about a man who was sure the second coming was nigh and said he would walk on water like Jesus to prove it. And then the day came, everyone gathered to witness (entertaining being thin on the ground in settler days), dude had a crisis of faith and strapped wooden planks to his feet to help him float, sank, and sulked under the pier until everyone stopped laughing and left).
So yeah. This is a very rough draft of my eventual Artist Statement for this piece. Something something Tower of Babel. Something something cultural norms (shaped by Christian narratives) of a beginning, middle, and End preventing us from appreciating the cyclical nature of time.
It's also funny to me (not funny haha, funny strange) that we've been told to consider storytelling when thinking about this week's project, and how for much of history those with the privilege to access paper and ink (and education) were creating the official stories (while textiles preserved the common heritage). And now it's almost reversed, where most people have access to language and words, but the basics of textile creation is now a privileged activity (I mean, leaving aside folk embroidery a lot of needlecraft WAS something only the wealthy elite could afford). Being a fibre artist is expensive, y'all. (And ugh I love art but having to write artists statements is a struggle. What do you mean I have to theorize about Meaning and put it in inaccessible Art Speak and know the code and network to become famous and make a living at this and be in exhibitions and galleries)
Anyways it's time to stop talking about it and start ripping apart my elementary school Bible to do some papier maché.
Maybe the embroidered music staff with repeat and Braille and Morse Code can be a ribbon. A ribbon that can wrap around the box/ hold it shut by wrapping around a button? A ribbon that lifts a secret compartment, because I love secrets? We shall see!
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Dating Johan headcanons? Your Vinjin one was literal ✨gold✨ and yk so now i'm super curious about how you'd think dating Johan would be like.
Thank you!! 😭 I hope I did this well <33 also a warning, skip to where I wrote [HERE] if you’re uncomfortable w reading anything ab religion. Also I didn’t mean to offend any religion I am religious myself and didn’t specify any to avoid saying something incorrectly !
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If you’re religious, he’s very VERY wary and cautious. Not of you but of the people you’re with, and it worries him a LOT
If u tell him ur hanging out with church friends he’s either insisting he comes too or asking a suspicious amount of questions of ur whereabouts and watching u from afar. He’ll probably step in on accident cuz he saw them like reach for ur shoulder or smmn and intervene cuz he thought like u were ab to get kidnapped but they were just gonna bring ur awareness to the food store around u, he’d be so on edge
He doesn’t like entering churches but if u go and u won’t negotiate on wether u can or can’t go, he’ll risk it all and come too
He’ll rough up the preacher after the service tho like “what’s your thing ???? Like what do you do.” And ask them questions completely unrelated and honestly kind of confusing to intimidate them
Like, “oh so this is all u do? U just preach?”
“Uh, yeah I love my job and am devoted. :) 👍”
“u have no other job? Nothing?”
“R u married?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
And he meant like yeah good keep ur eyes off of u his s/o or SMM but it came out off putting and frankly indiscernible 😭
While in the service he might even start to shake cuz he’s so worried if he sees AC or hears it running he’ll grab ur hand and book it cuz he thinks ur being poisoned 😭
Likes to share things with you, like clothes and all. U know that black jacket he always wears it’s also ALWAYS on u too
Half of it is cuz he’s stingy w money naturally so it’s like less money spent if u guys r sharing ur food and clothes and all
So ur always wearing his stuff but in return he’s always wearing urs and like even shoes. If ur taller than him and have clothes that were his size he has ur old wardrobe in his closet now as hand me downs
HE PROBABLY wraps ur shirt around his wrist as a good luck charm before fights. Before he gets into a showdown he’ll wrap it around like his arm and kiss it and say ur name or whatever and he swears if he does this tradition he cannot lose he won’t let himself
Because u don’t spend much money, u have wired earphones (nothing wrong w that ofc) HOWEVER if ur listening to music together and he runs into someone he has beef with he’ll start swinging and ur just there like 🧍🏽‍♀️ cuz the earphones r still connected and he’s fighting to the death w like sweet but psycho playing in the background
He loves physical activities to do together. If ur not active u probably will be now forcefully bc he’ll be like please and u can’t say no so now ur hiking every day
Forgets to wait up for u bc he gets rlly ahead of himself the amount of times u get lost on the trail is unbelievable and he eventually establishes the “if u lose me, HUG A TREE AND I WILL FIND YOU” rule w u and now three times a week ur hugging a tree and waiting for him to come pick u up in the middle of the woods
He’ll apologize and tries to teach u the layout but u don’t memorize it ever
Also loves biking and gets u matching bikes, likes walking the dogs w u, going on runs etc. if u cannot run he grabs ur hand and is all its okay u got this :)) like thanks for the sentiment but it doesn't help💀
DO NOT DO HOBBIES W THIS MF!!!!!!!!! If u like to dance and tell him he’ll do it with you and within two days he leagues better than you it would suck
He is so good at picking things up if u play just dance for fun he will kick ur ass and ur like bro I thought we were just playing having fun wtf 😕 and he genuinely wasn’t even trying
So if ur competitive don’t put him on the hobbies ur into cuz he will start it a beginner and be better than u within three days
He’ll feel so bad tho if he finds out u don’t like it. Like when u drew stuff he’d sit by u and draw too and when u saw he was advancing to surpass u u stopped. He thought u just grew out of it but finds u in like a closet drawing to hide from him
But he loves doing stuff ur interested in w u even if it’s something he was never into. If u like it he likes it by association
The type of boyfriend to buy you ten fruits if you say you like one.
In passing you mention liking watermelon the next day you come home there are ten on your counter and he’s like hey :DD!
Gets you a matching dog god jacket like him so u two and ur dogs r matching always
He doesn’t care if you’re wrong, he will die defending you!!! U r always in the right what do u mean the total cost is 10.00$?? What do u mean it says 10$ on the register?? They said it was 8$ u heard them
He’s pretty reserved when it comes to personal stuff and just everything in general. U will be three years into the relationship and realize u don’t know what his last name is??!!!
He’s a “I didn’t see why it was so important” mf... if u ask ab his past or occupation he’ll tell you but in a way that underplays it extremely. Because he isn’t that ready to be vulnerable and open up as well as thinking u might not care or you’ll leave him
He’s a pretty jump-y person because he had to be alert and on his toes most of the time. If you surprise him by accident by being too quiet then appearing right by him he’ll jump three feet up like a cat or sock you in the face then apologize profusely and tear up feeling horrible
He’s pretty perceptive but when caught off gaurd he gets very nervous, can’t help it
While watching tv shows or bingeing a series he will narrate everytning to u. Because he really enjoys the show and wants to make sure u understand in the fullest too and enjoy it. If he didn’t understand sometning in the beginning but then understands you HAVE to know too
“Oh my god he just shot him....”
“The dog RUNS AWAY!?”
“She said she loves him oh my gosh...”
“They’re kissing?”
Like yes Johan.... we know.... if you tell him he’ll stop but it’s like programmed in his DNA to not shut up while watching tv he can’t help it
He’ll also pause the show to turn to u and go “I KNOW HIM!!”
And ur like “rlly?? OMGG”
And he’ll go “YEAH he’s also in that other show remember :O” and u realize he does not know him recognizes him
😑😔 .
He’s not that updated on internet and how humor has progressed over the past few years so if u send him any meme over 2015 he will be so confused
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Send this and he’ll text back “😅 why did you send me this?”
“Is that sonic?”
“Are these your texts with someone?”
Otherwise he’s a pretty normal texted. He uses punctuation sometimes which will throw u off gaurd cuz it will be like “I love you.” And it’s like sweet but why did he add the period?? But he doesn’t always so it’s regular
If playing sports or doing something competitive he threatens everyone in the beginning to let you win and always lets u get the score/goal/net, whatever. He pulls everyone into him prengame by their collar and is like “listen ur letting them win got that. If I see u take that ball from them....”
He’s a helicopter boyfriend he is always seeing what ur doing what ur up to how u are, etc. protective to a fault basically
Holds u back when crossing the street as if ur seven years old
I have more I could say, but I’ll inevitable write another johan relationship hcs some day again so I’ll save it for then 😅 I hope this was what I wanted! Thank you for requesting ❤️❤️
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p-antomime · 3 years
Me to San!Pollo & Nymph-san the whole time they talk to each :
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Me to Rin!Ros everytime he open his mouth in this chapter :
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Me in the negotiation part :
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Me during the spice scenes :
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Me after that last part :
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But also :
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Just what are you trying to do, Rin!Ros? What?! Now i'm worried for both Nymph-san & San!Pollo! 😭
I'm in my overthinking mode & i blame you and Rin!Ros for this, Kiki! Even the spice scene can't take my brain from bad scenario after that last sentences! 😭
I hope you have a great day, because my day is certainly great because of this! Even though i'm dreading what comes next after this. Sen!Temis won't like it if she found out about what happen in this chapter. I'm totally scared for Nymph-san & San!Pollo's well being!
Last, take a good care of yourself, Kiki! -❤ Arya-
NAURRRRRRRR I AM WITH TIME TO ANSWER NOW! so here we go, my friends kicked my ass today and said: bitch you're going to be social as fuck and we're going to the mall etc etc
first of all, I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO happy that you liked their convo because while writing everything with haruchiyo and reader, i was kicking my own feet and twirling a lock of my hair because ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH WHY DID I NEED TO PUT HARUCHIYO WAS SUCH A CUTE SWEET PIE WITH EYES THAT SPARKLE WITH SUN KISSES, i cant with him anymore, everytime i look at cosmic dust, i'm like: uhh haruchiyo you're so sweet and good and i need to ruin it somehow 🙄🙄
and, honestly, about the part ns/fw in the chapter, i'm not sure if i was able for real to make everyone see that, in the end, rindou isn't the villain, yknow? actually, theres no villain in the story originally as i already said ((* cough * * cough * i won't be able to say the same thing in evergreen with mikey tho
AAAAAAAAAAND WHAT DO YOU MEAN HERE! with this overthinking thing! i did nothing, just rindou did 🙄 it's his fault, not mine!
baby, take care also! and, even though i think you're going to say that i dont need to, i'd like to say sorry 4 my late response here because i love all your comments and i FEEL SOOOO BAD when i dont get time enough to answer them because you deserve the best and everything from me
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch six
read ch five here
an; heyo everyone. online schooling is kicking my ass, my cat doesn’t like me anymore, and i keep sleeping until 3pm. no worries tho, cause yesterday i got some starbursts. let me know what you think of this chapter! hearing your feedback is super encouraging :)
**italics indicate flashback**
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.7k+
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peter's pov
my blood runs cold as soon as the weight of edie's body falls into mine. her limbs are limp and heavy, making it awkward to keep her steady as i gather her in my arms. everything around me is buzzing. every noise is drowned out by the pounding in my ears, the drumming of my heart beat in my chest.
"oh- oh my god. edie." i rush out with a shaky breath as her eyes struggle to stay open, "look at me, please. please keep looking at me, okay? don't close your eyes." i plead.
she gazes up at me, more like through me, as her head lolls against my chest. i pull her into me and lift her off the ground. i try to control my breathing, knowing how i handle these next few minutes will mean more than anything i've ever done before.
edie's eyes wander around the hallway and i make my way to the medical room with bounding strides. she lets out an occasional whimper when i jostle her too much and my stomach drops every time.
when there, i flip the light switch on and take in the room around me. i've never needed to be here before, making me wish every wound i ever endured had landed me in here- just so i can take better care of the girl in my arms.
i move over to one of the two empty beds that resembles those you would find at a hospital and place her down softly. she stares up at the ceiling, her eyelids grow weaker and heavier as time passes. i bite my bottom lip and grab at my hair. i really don't know what i'm doing.
"my side, pete. 'm hurts." she whispers and rolls her head so that she's looking at me now.
i swallow my fear and put up a strong facade for her, "i know, e. just keep looking at me. can you do that?"
edie just barely nods her head and her eyes follow me as i gather the right supplies to address the source of the bleeding. my hands fumble around as i set everything on the cart next to her bed.
"e, im gonna have to take your suit off, okay? i have to get to your side to stop the bleeding." my voice can't help but shake as i mutter the words to her. she just stares back at me with misty eyes that hold no objections.
"m'kay, jus' press the button." edie instructs, her lips parting as her breaths become softer and weaker. with that, i search for the emblem on her wrist and press it lightly. her suit expands and hangs loosely around her frame. i hesitantly begin pulling it down her shoulders, letting out a sigh of relief when i see the dark purple bra covering her chest.
finally able to get a good look at her side, i try to hold back a gasp. along the length of her torso, a gash runs from just under her ribs on her back all the way to her hip bone in the front. no longer being compressed by the suit, the bleeding gushes faster.
i look over at the supplies i’ve gathered and realize none of it will be much help. this is so much worse than i originally thought. i finally move my eyes from the wound and scan the room once again. so many machines that i have no idea how to operate just stare back at me, taunting me as i stand here helpless.
a hand clasps around my own. edie stares up at me with pleading eyes, small whimpers leaving her lips. i hold back a sob as i squeeze her hand back and reach for my cell phone.
the phone rings three times before he picks up, i don't breath until then.
my words are caught in my throat. "uh, m-mr. stark, i need help. edie's hurt and she must have gotten stabbed or something and there's so much blood and i-i don't know what to do or—"
his voice cuts me off, remaining calm and stern, "are you putting pressure on the wound?"
i let go of edie's hand and grab the gauze from the cart, moving to follow orders. "y-yes, sir."
"peter, you need to go to the back right corner and in the first drawer is a device that looks like a pen. grab it and hold it over the wound. press the side button and let it do its thing." mr. stark explains everything to me slowly. i do as he says, grabbing the small device and removing the now bloodied gauze from edie's side.
as i click the side, a blue light emerges from the tip, analyzing the wound before a cluster of lasers move over the length of it. slowly but surely the horrific gash starts mending before my eyes. i grab edie's hand and squeeze. after a few seconds, i feel the gentle press of her fingers against mine.
"everything okay, kid? give me an update here." tony says into the phone i had put down to tend to my best friend.
"yes, mr. stark." i call out.
edie's eyes flutter to meet mine. they're glassy and wet, unshed tears sitting on the brim of her lower lids. i glance at the healing device, taking notice that it has turned off automatically after it finished its job. i shakily put it down and latch onto edie's hand with both of mine.
"hey. hey, there," i whisper to her. she smiles weakly and closes her eyes, finally letting a single tear slide down her flushed cheeks, "you're okay now, yeah? how do you feel?"
she just squeezes my hand one more time before her body releases all the tension it's holding and she falls unconscious.
"peter, what the hell happened?" i jump when mr. stark's voice sounds from the phone again. hesitantly, i move edie's hand to her side and cover her almost naked chest with the blanket draped at the foot of the bed.
i pick up the phone and take a deep breath before giving an answer.
"i-i don't know, sir."
edie's pov
i never realized how often i put myself in danger. when i go out into the city at night, the thought rarely crosses my mind. it was only when i was face to face with the possibility i wouldn't make it home that night, that's when i realized what wearing a suit really entails.
before i even open my eyes, i'm aware of how cold the air feels around me. it bites into my cheeks and the tip of my nose, making me wiggle it uncomfortably. i can tell i'm not alone too. i hear soft breathing come from a few feet away, the source is asleep from what i can tell. finally, i open my eyes.
my heart swells at the sight of peter sprawled out along the hospital bed next to mine. he lays on his stomach, one hand draping over the side of the bed as his other supports his head. i keep my eyes on his peaceful face- and suddenly i find myself fighting the urge to wrap my fingers around his and hold his hand. i lift my hand away from the side of the bed and i gasp at the pain that shoots from my ribs to my hip.
it's excruciating. my skin feels hot and the red flash of pain brings tears to my eyes. slowly, i move my hand to the blanket covering my torso and push it aside. i raise my head slowly to see a horrible looking scar stretched along my side. it's red and angry and makes me sick to my stomach. i fight to keep a sob from escaping my lips, but the sight of the wound makes it nearly impossible. i let out a whimper and the events of the night before replay in my head.
i stay close to the dark alleyways of the city. my lack of web-slinging and flying makes it difficult to remain discreet, but sticking to the alleyways where most of the crimes take place seems to work well for me. the streets become quiet after rush hour hits and the city is lacking its usual light atmosphere. i've been walking for a while and have yet to find anyone who needs help.
once one am rolls around, i stumble upon a younger couple arguing a few meters down the alley. the man is shouting and seems to tower over the girl. she's scared, that i can tell, but something about her seems tough and hard to crack. i hide behind the corner and bend down to wrap my fingers around the knife in my left boot, ready to make a move if necessary.
the man begins backing the girl up against the wall and making large gestures with his hands. he must've said something the girl didn't like because she takes her hand and brings it down across his face with a sharp crack. he stumble back, hand to his cheek. i tense when he looks back at the girl and growls at her like an animal.
as he raises his hand to hit her, i jump from around the building and sprint in their direction. i manage to grab hold of the man's fist before he brings it down to meet the girls' face. his head snaps in my direction and his attention is suddenly on me. i shoot a quick glance at the girl, pleading with my eyes for her to run.
"mind your business, lady." the man hisses through clenched teeth. i hold my ground, focusing on keeping his attention on me so the girl has a chance of getting away. "are you gonna say anything? or just stand there?" he continues. when i don't answer again, he lunges at me.
quickly dodging his attempt at an attack, i slash my knife along his forearm. he gasps and grabs at his now bleeding arm, holding it to his chest. i sneak one more glance at the girl and let out a sigh of relief to see she has fled the scene. the man makes another move and runs towards me. i grab his injured arm and spin him around to face the nearest wall. with all my strength, i push him against the bricks and hold him there while digging my fingers into his cut flesh.
"let's see how you like it, huh, tough guy?" i speak from behind him. he rests his forehead against the brick wall and begins to laugh. it’s a horrible sound. the noise is surprising and unsettling, but i do my best to remain present for the task at hand. i open my mouth to speak again, but all the comes out is a muffled yell as i feel something sharp tear into my side. my grip weakens and the man slides away as i crash forward into the wall.
it feels like someone has tried to sever my body into two pieces. the pain completely overtakes my senses and i no longer have any control. my glassy eyes move to see the man standing behind me, still clutching his arm. next to him is the girl from before, holding a gnarly looking hunting knife by her side. blood drips from the tip of it onto the concrete below. my blood.
the girl comes towards me and kneels next to me on the ground. i stare into her eyes with numb shock, so thrown off by her actions. she smiles at me. a wide, bright white smile that takes up half of her face. she grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me towards her.
"see what happens when you try to help people? maybe some people just don't need help from someone like you. go along, try getting back to your secret hideout with this, little girl." her words mean nothing as soon as she pushes me onto my back and delivers one heavy kick into my side, leaving me breathless as she and the man turn to walk away.
images keep flying through my head as i stare down at the scar. i can't look away. this thing is a part of me now and i can't bring myself to terms with it yet, not that i expect it to ever be easy. i slowly move back down until my head hits the pillow. i stretch one hand towards peter as the other one falls along the marred skin of my side. my fingers are just centimeters away from peters limp hand, i try to close the distance but fail as shots of fire emerge from my side.
hopeless and in pain, i finally let a wet sob leave my lips. i squeeze my eyes shut and let all the failure and defeat roll along with my tears. it's embarrassing. i take pride in myself for being a trained fighter both physically and mentally. yet, i had been so blindsided by the situation and it came back to get me, leaving me with a scar to remember it.
clammy fingers meet mine and squeeze tightly. i roll my head to the side and see peter kneeling next to the bed. his eyes are soft and tired. seeing his face makes me cry even harder with both relief and sadness. peter parker is here for me, holding my hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb as i cry and cry and cry.
eventually, i have nothing left but empty sobs and quiet whimpers. peter has moved closer, his head resting atop of mine as he places soft kisses in my hair. it's intoxicating and warm and i want him to do it for hours on end, but i need to get myself together. as scared as i am right now, i know he is even more so.
"help me sit up, peter, please." i more demand than ask. he obliges and wraps one arm around my shoulders and the other continues to hold onto my hand. i bite my lip to hold in any sounds of protest as my body shutters and writhes against the unwanted movement.
"i need to call mr. stark and tell him what happened. you need to know too." i whisper.
"maybe you just need to rest a little while longer-" peter tries to say.
"no. just... please find my phone." i plead. with a hesitant nod, peter rummages around the floor and comes back up with my phone. he dials mr. stark's number and sets it on speaker.
as it rings, i look over at peter again. he’s sitting on the edge of the other bed, feet dangling a few inches from the floor. i take notice of the empty feeling in my hand. "peter, just listen as i tell mr. stark. i doubt i'll be able to tell it more than once."
the ringing stops and tony starks' voice booms through the speaker.
"edie? are you okay?"
i let out a breath of air i didn't know i was holding, "mr. stark. i-i'm okay." i say weaker than i want to.
"what the hell happened, wolfie?" he asks, almost in a whisper, his voice is laced with sadness and worry.
with that, i tell him. i explain every little detail as best i can. peter lets out a tiny gasp when i get to the part about being stabbed, which makes me glance in his direction. he won't meet my eyes.
mr. stark doesn't say a word until i'm finished.
"im sending happy over. no, yanno what? i'll come myself." my eyes widen at his words. i immediately want to protest, but he wouldn't have it.
"i'll be there in four hours." he says and ends the call. peter and i finally make eye contact. the tired look in his eyes is still there, now laced with sadness and something else. i can't let either of us be sad for much longer. that's not what i want at all.
conjuring up my best smile, i speak with a chipper voice that only cracks once, "well, parker, looks like the boss man is coming home. we better make this place look presentable."
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit
let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist. hope you enjoyed the chapter. :)fvgggggg
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