e-m-p-error · 10 months
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Chris: Josh
Jess: Mike
Matt: Mike
Mike: Jess
Chris: Mike, Ashley
Jess: Matt, Emily
Matt: Emily, Jess
Mike: Matt, Josh, Billy (Wendigo)
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clarisimart · 1 month
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be careful what you wish for, Fordsy
commission info here
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athina-blaine · 2 months
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pouletpourri · 5 months
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damnit caine
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mumatsi · 4 days
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Freaky triangle cant handle true freak
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neo--queen--serenity · 5 months
Marcille is actually one of the biggest reasons it took so long to pinpoint which Chilchuck was the imposter in today’s episode.
The Senshi and Marcille imposters had their own reasons for being hard to decipher, but that was a joint effort on the party’s part. Chilchuck was the only example where a single member’s bias actually swayed the others so strongly that it made them all doubt themselves.
Ryouko Kui did an excellent job of giving us a rich background on how different races interact, and how they may descriminate against each other. Each of the races in this series struggles with these prejudices. Our main characters are not exempt from this, and we see it clearly in the way the shapeshifter manifested as each party member, showing us how the others percieve them.
Marcille knows Chilchuck well, and cares deeply for him as a friend. But she’s not immune to assumptions and biases that come from her elven background. The Chilchuck imposter we are faced with, when it’s down to two of them left, is Marcille’s memory of Chilchuck, Marcille’s perception of how he behaves.
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One of the first manifestations of this bias occurs when shapeshifter Chilchuck can’t get a jar open.
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The real Chilchuck knows that this would never happen—at least not in this way. Chilchuck is proud, yes, but he asks for Laios’ help all the time. Laios is actually one of the party members he is the most likely to ask help from, given how long they’ve known each other, and how much mutual trust exists between them.
However, the whole scenario isn’t right. Chilchuck wouldn’t give up so easily on opening something; his whole job is opening and unlocking things. He would never quit an attempt like this within 5 seconds, then run to Laios so that “big strong adult tall-man” can open it for him.
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Marcille is the one who asks, “Huh? Why do you say that?” because Marcille is partially right. Chilchuck does rely on Laios, and Marcille knows this to be true. But she fails to realize how he relies on Laios.
Chilchuck respects many of Laios’ talents, but the most important ones are his combat skills, his emotional fortitude, and his quick thinking when delegating tasks. He trusts Laios as someone he is comfortable following (he literally said to him and Shuro in the last episode: “Laios!! Tell us what do!! Give us orders!!” when chimera Falin was quickly overpowering them).
So while Marcille almost understands Chilchuck’s confidence in Laios, she tends to accidentally infantilize him in the process.
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She immediately believes that Chilchuck B (the imposter, who is specifically using her own memory as its base for Chilchuck’s personality) is the real one, and says so, because she’s blinded by her perception of him as being childlike and adorable because of the very common racial prejudices that half-foots deal with all the time.
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She dotes on the imposter, and is open with her affections, as usual (again, her care for him is clear), but doubles down on that bias, on her own assumptions of Chilchuck’s behavior shown through her own lens.
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And ultimately, Laios was able to tell the difference, but only because he watched how the Chilchucks handled other minute tasks. Marcille’s stance on which Chilchuck was real truly did throw the others for a loop, at least until the threat passed. And honestly, that’s part of what makes the shapeshifter so terrifying. Its strategy almost worked.
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curapicas · 3 months
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This whole scene is so mind-blowing that I missed the obvious shape of Laios' speech bubbles here. At first I thought it was a cheerful roundness laughing at the absurdity of what he's saying, but looking closer; it's wobbly. It's fake cheeriness, passive aggressive even. He just heard he was lied to for reasons he doesn't understand, and now this man is trying to sell an even more outrageous, sweeter lie?? Laios is SO hurt, and while he wasn't understanding what Kabru was saying, he was trying to be patient. Now he's not even trying to hide it.
So it's on Kabru to double down and convince he means it, which he does by /punching/ him and screaming "actually I DO want to be your friend, dumbass!!! I've been looking from afar and think you're interesting, you idiot!!! There’s things I find weird about you but that just made me invested enough to even eat harpy eggs!!!!!" and I just have to cry. I HAVE to
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poohsources · 4 months
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. bold all that definitely applies, italicize what could potentially apply. feel free to add more if you think certain options are missing or you just want to add more.
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( put whatever you want here )
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newttxt · 1 year
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this is opla!zoro, to me 🙂
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velinxi · 7 months
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Hana visits the ones she couldn't save
(The words say “the grave of Song Min-joon Number 1 StarCraft player” It’s a reference to Hana’s really obscure overwatch 1 voice line where she says she just can’t beat her dad at StarCraft)
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
🎔 either for ValAngel, or Vick(StaticSpider)? Since they’ve had the most?
@a-hazbin-spider (if you’d like to!)
Send Me 🎔 + A Ship And I’ll Tell You:
[ Valentino ]
Who wins a prize at a carnival/fair/festival: Val likes to show off his skills with darts and guns! He will also intimidate others for better prizes.
Who does most of the cooking: Angel Dust. Val likes being cooked for but is hesitant to cook for other people.
Who does most of the shopping: If they want anything productive to be purchased, Angel has to do it. Val is a fickle and capricious thing that will buy nothing but junk and expensive clothes if left to his own devices.
Who is hopeless at board games: Neither, but Valentino gets super competitive and Dove doesn't back down from the challenge. It's one of the few times when Val doesn't cause him trouble for fighting back.
Who is always trying to make the other laugh: Dove is a lot sillier than Val is, and Val appreciates the jokes more when he's more comfortable with him.
Who has a tendency to give out TMI: I think they are both pretty prone to it.
Who does more DIY projects: Valentino loves his nerdy little Godzilla models and when he is comfortable with Dove he will share them with him.
Who is the big spoon: They switch!
Who gives more casual affection: Dove is a lot more affectionate in public, and Val is very affectionate in private.
Who reads to whom: Val likes to hear Dove reading to him, especially when he has to read words he doesn't know how to pronuonce.
Who brings drinks and food without being asked: Valentino feeds his partners when he gets really into them and this is not something that Dove is exempt from after they get together.
[ Vick ]
Who wins a prize at a carnival/fair/festival: Dove gets the esteemed privilege of showing off for Vick and getting praised even if the prize he gets is lackluster.
Who does most of the cooking: Vick loves to cook and runs a cozy cooking Voxtube channel. Dove gets to help him eat his leftovers!
Who does most of the shopping: Vick likes to shop and take care of his partners and brings Dove with him to let him get what he wants, too.
Who is hopeless at board games: Vick is so bad at all of them, but he enjoys playing with Dove anyway.
Who is always trying to make the other laugh: Vick looooooves Dove's laugh. He wants to see him happy all that he can.
Who has a tendency to give out TMI: Dove. Vick is not one to share very much.
Who does more DIY projects: Vick loves to build things and tinker. He will make things just to make Dove's life easier.
Who is the big spoon: I think they switch! Vick loves wrapping around him, and he loves when Dove wraps around him, too.
Who gives more casual affection: Vick is obscenely affectionate all the time.
Who reads to whom: Vick will read to Dove in a dumb text-to-speech voice sometimes to make him laugh. He does enjoy reading to him in his regular voice, too.
Who brings drinks and food without being asked: Vick will feed Dove constantly because he loves cooking and Dove needs to eat more.
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Bobby: None
Chris: None
Dylan: Ryan
Jacob: Max
Max: Jacob
Bobby: Open to anything!
Chris: Open to women!
Dylan: Open to men!
Jacob: Dylan, Emma, Ryan
Max: Laura, Travis
0 notes
calocreek · 8 months
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Desertduo fanon #3: "The Bed"
Absolutely CLASSIC trope lol! There really is 'only one bed' in every fandom, huh? Anyway this is how I think it would play out!
(my minecraft + mcyt tag)
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risibledeer · 3 months
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hugs, all of joel's soulmates, lizzie, grian and eefo lol
Psst reqs are open, ik I draw a lot of Joel but i like drawing most hermipires so feel free ti ask, if uf like to
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pouletpourri · 3 months
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bit late, but the meme reminded me of them
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