viviraptor · 11 months
i watched that shitty live action yugioh thing on tubi (tubioh if you will) in a call a while back it was really really good. but everything they did with rex raptor was a hatecrime directed against me
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teamhawkeye · 1 year
love how these clowns get their accounts suspended and deleted on twitter for spreading lies of grooming and pedophilia, so they think they can keep doing it on tumblr and instagram instead and get away with it
you’re so fucking transparent and pathetic - get a fucking life
hey all normal people, here’s a fun little tutorial for you - go to the three little dots up in the corner of the post:
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Report posts that spread lies!
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They can be reported as Spam, Harassment (if you yourself have been targeted by these deranged blogs), Unlawful Content Uses (to spread falsehoods with an image of a person attached), or even Violent Threat, since they seek to inspire harassment against an individual!
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take your pick - just don’t let these cretins think they can keep trying to promote their falsehoods on different platforms after being banned on others
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lunityviruz · 10 months
When my pen comes and I start drawing, I’m going to start drawing random popular anime characters doing weird stuff with feet (I.e licking, sucking, tickling etc) and then I’m going to start tagging people and tell everyone that I’m so happy that they commissioned me to draw that
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alexandraisyes · 23 days
Harassment Slander and Stalking
Biased-tsams-confessions has endorsed lies, manipulation, slander, defamation of character, aphobia against two sex-repulsed individuals, ableism towards two other individuals with ASPD, transphobia, and has now actively allowed someone's life to be put in danger. And they're only willing to apologize for the last one, and that's all Z gets. Is an apology. All of the other harassment posts are still up, despite the appeals to have them removed, they don't care about the harm they are causing to innocent people as long as they can sweep the worst of it under the rug.
We have tried confronting them. We have tried compromising. We have tried civil discussion, and we have tried ignoring them when all else failed. And once we started ignoring them they started targetting other members of our community such as @polaris-stuff, @pixelchills, and finally @zthesheep. They are not going to stop, every new victim that's added to the pile is another stain on their reputation. They are soaked in the blood of lambs, and yet they still continue to lie, and slander, and harass people.
Please, regardless of if it fits your blog's theme or not, read what the victims have to say, hear their stories, and if you can, share it. This has gone on for over a month, fueled by shattered-sparks and biased-tsams-confessions. They claim it is over a fandom ship, but evidence has proven that they are just looking for reasons to hurt others.
They are one step away from being the exact thing they claim to be protecting others from. If they even inch backwards, they're going to be just like the people sending kids gore.
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theterribletenno · 3 months
Enjoying the idea of a rogue-themed Duviri-based warframe.
Like a Robin Hood type character maybe.
He's obtained from a boss fight that has a chance to occur as a Duviri objective during any spiral and each of the aspects reacts to his appearance differently.
Mathila, The Harbinger of Joy is excited to see him, speaking of him as a folk hero who brings hope to the oppressed and joy to children.
Lodun, The Prince of Fire condemns him for the crimes of theft and murder and demands that we arrest or execute him.
Bombastine, The Covetous Courtier attempts to defame him by recounting his crimes and augmenting them with slanderous lies.
Luscinia, The Sorrowful Soprano admits to being infatuated with him and laments the necessity of his death.
Sythel, The Fearful Conspirator immediately panics, believing that he has come to assassinate her.
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na19love · 5 months
Whew, this tweet 🔥🔥! Couldn't have said it better
"So, after Meghan apologised in UK High court for "forgetting" that she leaked information to Omid scabies via Jason Knauf, in order to write Finding Freedom and attack the RF; today The Telegraph reveals that Harry had to apologise in Court after he "emailed confidential information to Johnny Mercer, the veterans MP concerning his security claim against the Home office"🔥
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This is interesting because this is the same MP who has been singing the praise of Harry's military service and the same MP who is helping him with his bid to return invictus to the UK. So was Harry expecting a gov MP to go against the UK government decision regarding his security or pull strings on the inside?🤔
You see my dears, Lies travel faster than the truth, but the Thruth always comes out at the end and brings shame with it🔥
All the bad press Harry and meghan get is absolutely justified: They always end up doing worse than what they are accused of.
H&M have spent the past 6 years lying ad nauseam about William and KP;
Lying that he is in bed with the press; lying that he leaks about them. Yet it is them who are continuously exposed by journalists as having a whatsapp group chat; with the same british press they publicly complain about; in order to leak info to them🤡
It is them BOTH who have been outed in the court of law as liars and leakers🤡
It is them who are on record violating the RF privacy and giving interview to the press🤡
It is their supporters who were exposed in the press as a cyberbullying group doxxing and harrassing people as well as pushing death threats against the wales family and their supporters🤡
Quite simply Everything they accused William of doing to them is actually everything they did and continue to do to HIM, his wife and their family🔥
The proofs are out there in every book they wrote and ghost wrote, in their projects, court cases and well documented bots orchestrated campaign they lead nonstop on William and His family.
Now we know clearly that the leaks and bullies in KP were always Harry and meg which is exactly why William threw them both out.
This Man has never defended himself againt their lies, slander or defamation of character because he knew Time is on his side and the Truth is on his side🔥.
The Ones who cried wolves on every public platform to attract sympathy and play victim were all along, the actual wolves trying to gaslight the world into believing their actual targets was the wolves.
But Prince William is not one of H&M numerous victims. He is a Lion at heart. He never announces himself. He simply strikes and scores because the Lion is King☕️"
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lunariamv · 4 months
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I will address this one more time, and then I will be done; because it is unnecessary drama but I want to keep my name clear
✎ Anyways I briefly mentioned it in my last drama post, but I want to leave a response one time before I ignore it forever, because it is a waste of time.
✎ Because I don't really like getting involved with so much toxicity. It negatively effects your mental health, and this is a good example of that
✎ so anyways i only mentioned a bit of a person online spamming my posts and stuff (bc i didnt want them to be bothered); tldr they spammed my posts, i debunked their accusations of plagiarism (see last post), but they kept going so i warned that i would block them
✎ this person ignored my explanations and just kept repeating themselves, so i decided to just block
✎ this is because i don't like dealing with toxic people; there are better things i can do than argue with rude people online who ignore your points and just spam hateful things
✎ i assumed they were a kid at first because of how childish they were acting; but i guess i was wrong;; as for my dms, i did roast them a bit but that's because this was right after they spammed my comments section and it looked like this…
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when you're getting attacked by a disrespectful person, it's hard to be nice and respectful back; so yes i was being a little sassy, but for the most part i tried to carry myself higher and then just blocked them after
also this person tried to use their mental disability against me? i am autistic as well, so....? :/
since then, they've made multiple accounts to message me and post negative comments on my posts; even going as far as to threaten me. it's enough to qualify as harassment, i believe
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if you block a person numerous times and they keep making accounts to message you, i'm pretty sure that is harassment.
I talked to my friends and family about it, and they were really worried for me. Surprisingly, I'm actually not that bothered by it.
this person goes on to claim copying; which… not really?
i already said before my works are very inspired by charon; never said it was original; that's literally what i said, so of course they are similar (that was the point :/)
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There is due credit everywhere.
I linked the plagiarism definition and the law because accusing someone of plagiarism is a serious accusation. I looked it up, and it is not plagiarism, to show they are wrong in that aspect. Spreading misinformation and lies to defame my character is a serious offense. If I wanted to, I could probably sue this person for slander, but I don't want to. I think they are just misguided.
They go on, but it's clear they did not read or are not trying to understand my perspective on it. It is not done to be malicious. I just like the artstyle and aesthetics and wanted to do something similar. Is the plot similar? Yes, but I already said it was intentional and credited the original.
They can not like it, but it's still not a crime and they can ignore me at any time. The internet has blocks for a reason.
i didn't think i'd have to give a point by point analysis, but okay :S (spoilers for games ahead)
Doom Stones takes inspiration from Makoto Mobius, they both have a time traveling aspect to save someone. However, Yuuka is trying to save her best friend (boyfriend cough cough) that she saw die in front of her. It turns out she's actually not going back in time. It was a simulation orchestrated by her classmate who is infatuated with her to break her morale. The characters have bonds/histories with each other. Yuuka breaks out, and she grows and learns to accept losing someone close to her.
Makoto Mobius was about saving a girl the MC had a crush on, only to be used as a sacrifice by Makoto's friend. The MC was not related to Makoto at all, and Makoto does not acknowledge him in the end, or they just stay in the time loop.
They have similar story moments, but overall are different. But you have to actually look.
Love Letter is based off Mikoto Nikki (I said this already). They are both about house exploration of a beloved classmate with a hidden secret. However, Mia isn't friends with Mikio. She's a lowkey yandere that broke into his fancy and rich mansion and reads his notes, books, journals and letters. (She even goes through his trash and stuff… lol). Mikio turned on his family and staged their suicide out of the country and changed his identity. After that, he had been stalking Mia. The story is about Mia having her obsessive crush turn on her, and her reaction to it. She either sees him as a murderer, or its an unhealthy yandere x yandere thing. In the true end she learns details of his abuse and decides to help him not be a yandere. She can even escape, which you can't in Mikoto. Also Mikio doesn't kill her, he just kidnap.
Mikoto Nikki was about the MC going on a scavenger hunt with the diary entries Mikoto put around the small house. They were already dating, and Mikoto kept her tortured parents in the closet before they died. It turned out his girlfriend was a yangire. It has a similar 'accept her or no,' but dealing with the corpses in the house is not addressed, and we found out later in another game MC left her.
((not love letter though, mia is devoted to her man for life <3333))
The plots are similar, but I already said its kind of like a retelling. I never said it was totally original or anything. It's literally just retelling with different parts.
by this person's logic, charon would be copying/plagiarizing red riding hood and other fairy tales, since they use the same story and characters. i think it's fine, but this person would think otherwise with their flawed reasoning.
Also i notice this person doesn't even address my other two games (Akeno Delusion and Carousel), because those were uninspired plots just with the similar art style. It's clear the person has tunnel vision when it comes to this stuff. They like to jump to conclusions without thinking.
They even said they understand me being inspired by artstyle, so why can't you do the same with story? It has enough differences to not being a replica.
They point out cg, so look at all of this cg this person did not show (because it hurts their argument) GAME SPOILERS AHEAD!! GORE/BLOOD WARNING AHEAD!!
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they show 4 images, i show 19
if i was 100% 'copying everything', i would not have 19 unique images here.
If you see it for what it is, just a fan game with inspiration, and not malicious, it really isn't that bad. They are just projecting hateful/harmful notions onto me.
also, about the mikio thing, that was a coincidence that they share names. I used a random generator website (i got lazy XD) and I picked one at random. I realized later that they have the same name and I just thought it was a cute reference. It makes no sense to claim Mikio in Makoto is the same as Mikio in Love Letter. They're different characters and do different things in their respective stories. I didn't base him off her.
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this is the website lol, but ya they are different characters.
♢ Mikio Horiuchi from love letter is the male lead, an arrogant and vulgar overachiever. He has severe abuse trauma, pretends to be a charming popular guy, and stalks the main character because he loves her.
♢ Mikio from Makoto is a cutesy side character who sacrifices a random person to save her best friend.
Even then, characters from different animes share names all the time.
Hinata from Naruto, Hinata from Assassination classroom, Hinata from Danganronpa, Hinata from brother's conflict. I could go on.
Are people not allowed to have the same name? I know five people named Emily in real life. I guess they are copying each other.
Also, if you saw the entire game, you would know Mikio is not even his real name. It really shows how much research this user did about my work…
don't judge a book by its cover. they teach everyone this in school.
So this user spreads lies and misinformation, and the research is not that good. They don't look at the game plot, the game itself, the characters, or even read everything I have to say. They just make assumptions and try to cancel. It's like the wendigoon situation, honestly.
I dunno, I just think there's nothing wrong with it. My work changes all the time, so it really isn't a big deal to me. Like I said in my last drama post, people draw inspiration from each other all the time. Danganronpa has fan games too, but are they copying danganronpa? No, not really.
So I will stand my ground and not take down anything. I don't think I did anything bad, and its not illegal. Bullying doesn't work on me.
It was clear this person doesn't read my posts all the way. They don't try to look at my work, or see the bigger picture. Their judgment is clouded, so I don't have much left to say to them. They can hate me, but spreading misinformation and lying about me is a waste of time.
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From their posts, it seems they have lots of hate in their heart. They even went as far as to obsess and stalk me, make multiple accounts after I blocked them, and are only toxic without trying to understand. They even go to my deviantart (that I haven't posted on lately) to show a post from 5 years ago?
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my brother in christ, i was a 13 year old girl playing a dress up game…
my warnings on my page are for people like this; who are toxic and instead obsess over people they hate instead of enjoying their own life. it's mentally unhealthy, and i hope they get help.
you clearly have a lot of hatred in your heart; so much so that it effects your judgment and how you perceive things
I do not wish bad on you, and I hope you have a good life. But you should probably take a break and touch some grass.
if anyone does see this, please do not harass this person on my behalf. i don't care about this drama anymore, i just wanted to clear my name;;; if they want to obsess over me, okay. i will continue doing what i like to do, and make things for the people who like them.
and then for anyone else interested in my work, i usher you not to engage this person either. i don't want anyone to be harassed as well for associating with me. just block and not talk to them.
but, i do think its ironic that charon games are about menhera and stalkers…. and this person is an obsessed stalker; it gives me ideas, stalker child
they not like us
they not like us
they not like us
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*pointing* Makima simp
slander, lies, defamation of character.
you’ll be hearing from my attorney
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anotherworldash · 2 years
(TW : SLANDER ...towards me awww ouch 😞🥺😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂)
A chronically online loser out there is defaming me for my ships , she wrote it all while STILL posting MY drawings in her profile 😌 (all because I ship a 18 x 27 yo. How do I know this? a friend told me turned out her NOTP is one of my OTPs... )
People who have followed me knew I liked other ships too, not always problematic ones. I'm just having fun with character dynamics and create possible scenarios between them. So let's see what's this about:
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It's true that
✅I support "fictional-is-not-reality" tumblr
✅I confessed to have interest in FICTIONAL pedo contents (KILLUA X ILLUMI. KILLUA X MACHI and GON X HISOKA anyone? )
But, it's not true that:
❌ I support MAPS or REAL-LIFE pedophilia (I detest any kind of cruelty, especially pedophilia. And as you can see, "fiction-is-not-reality": Cartoons characters are just drawings lol. And we're in subfandom anyway. Subfandom was never meant to be consumed by mainstream audiences. DLDR Don't like don't read.)
❌ I wrote pedo fics. No. I didn't write one. I haven't yet written a Killumachi or Illukillu fics yet! Unfortunately, this person was referring to KuroNeo, which isn't pedophilia at all (Neon was 17-18 and this person was supposed to say Ephebophilia... Which, again,I support when it's portrayed in fictional subfandom works. Age gaps yay!
Sorry hun, but you gotta improve your vocabulary before stating blantant lie about someone)
We're in a fandom so consume your fictional contents responsibly. I could create 10.000 fucked up fics and art, and I would not be affected by it in a slighest. But you? If you feel swayed to support pedo ships(WHEN IT'S NOT EVEN PEDO) after seeing fanworks of them, you are fucking delusional. I suggest you to see a psychologist, go out more and make some friends!!!
In conclusion. Girl if you read this, you better stop being chronically online. Get a life, life is not cartoon!
I'm so dissapointed because after all the defamation she wrote, she still use MY DRAWINGS. If she wanna stop being associated with me, then fucking delete them. I really don't give a fuck if she's a antis or mantis or whatever bugs are out there. Do your own thing, mind your own headcanons. Stop being hypocrite and spreading blantant lies about me!!!!
ISTG How can you hate me while still admiring my beauty(ful drawing) ??? I know my arts are beautiful, but what a fucking hypocrite 😞. Anyway I might message her one day, but I don't have an ig profile, and it's too much work to create one. Plus she's not important lol so I'm just gonna defend myself here.
(BTW don't try to calm me. I know this person doesn't care at all about real children. She just hate my OTP, so she's looking for excuses to defame me and KuroNeo, aaaaah so classic )
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PS: I did say to all my friends I don't mind repost but this??????seriously????? A repost just to defame the artist herself????
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dfroza · 3 months
A point of humility
(sufficient grace)
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 12th chapter of the letter of 2nd Corinthians:
Boasting like this is necessary, but it’s unbecoming and probably unavailing. Since you won’t hear me any other way, let me tell you about visions and revelations I received of the Lord.
Fourteen years ago, there was this man I knew—a believer in the Anointed who was caught up to the third heaven. (Whether this was an in- or out-of-body experience I don’t know; only God knows.) This man was caught up into paradise (let me say it again, whether this was an in- or out-of-body experience I don’t know; only God knows), and he heard inexpressible words—words a mortal man is forbidden to utter. I could brag about such a man; but as for me, I have nothing to brag about outside my own shortcomings. So if I want to boast, I won’t do so as a fool because I will be speaking the truth. But I will stop there, since I don’t want to be credited with anything except exactly what people see and hear from me. To keep me grounded and stop me from becoming too high and mighty due to the extraordinary character of these revelations, I was given a thorn in the flesh—a nagging nuisance of Satan, a messenger to plague me! I begged the Lord three times to liberate me from its anguish; and finally He said to me, “My grace is enough to cover and sustain you. My power is made perfect in weakness.” So ask me about my thorn, inquire about my weaknesses, and I will gladly go on and on—I would rather stake my claim in these and have the power of the Anointed One at home within me. I am at peace and even take pleasure in any weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and afflictions for the sake of the Anointed because when I am at my weakest, He makes me strong.
I have become a fool, but you drove me to it. Why didn’t you stick up for me? I may not be much, but you could have shown me the same respect as you did the other so-called great emissaries. I am not inferior to them in the least. Miracles, wonders, and signs were all performed right before your eyes, proving I am who I say, a true emissary of Jesus. With the exception of not asking you to shoulder the burden of my care, I have treated you no differently from any other churches. Forgive me for wronging you by not charging for my services!
Now listen, for the third time I am ready to travel to you, and once again I will not burden you because there’s nothing of yours that I want: the only thing I want is you. You see, it’s not right for children to have to save up for their parents because it’s the parents’ job to care for their children. I would happily spend until I had nothing left if it was for you. But just because I love you more, should you love me less? Because even though you didn’t have to lift a finger for me, lies abound that I deceived you by some clever act. Did I cheat you somehow through one of the coworkers I sent your way? If any of them defrauded you, I’d like to see it. I was the one who insisted Titus come to you with the brother I sent along. Did Titus take advantage of you in some way? Didn’t we work in the same spirit and follow the same direction?
I hope you don’t think that all this time we’ve been defending ourselves to you. We come as the voice of the Anointed; God will judge whether all our work has been useful in building you up, beloved. And quite honestly, I am afraid that when I come, we may both be disappointed with what we find; in my fear, my thoughts go from bad to worse—into a drama of friction, rivalry, fevered tempers and fists, selfishness, slander, defamation, pride, and complete chaos. I am worried that when I come to visit that my God will humble me somehow before you, that I will have to grieve over all those who have sinned before and then refused to turn away from their addictions to impure practices, immoral sex, and reckless perversions.
The Letter of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 12 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Sincerity is a difficult thing to judge. The commitment that people have to a cause can only be determined over time. One test might be: do they persevere through hardships and challenges? In this regard, Paul is without equal. If the cause of Jesus were a fleeting interest or a halfhearted pursuit, then he would have given up after his first beating. But Paul’s compassion for those who did not know the beauty of the gospel was stubborn and unyielding. This persecutor-turned-emissary always had his critics. But who could call him insincere?
Paul is speaking of himself in verses 2-5 in an odd, third-person way. He writes cryptically for a purpose: to distract from the fact that, at least for the moment, he is boasting of something other than weakness. In heavenly journeys, Paul has seen amazing sights and heard amazing sounds—sights and sounds no human can or should ever speak of.
But God adds something to keep Paul from being carried away by such ecstasies: He gives His emissary “a thorn in the flesh.” Perhaps it is a chronic physical or emotional illness he suffers. Perhaps it is the steady stream of opponents who follow Paul wherever he goes. In God’s wisdom, Paul doesn’t say because his listeners would likely fixate on whatever problem he has in unhealthy ways. That’s what humans do. Still Paul believes that God sent this unwelcome messenger, so he pleads with God three times to remove it. Why just three times? Why doesn’t he bombard heaven daily with his pleas? Well, it may be because he knows Jesus prayed three times in the garden for the cup of suffering to be removed. Ultimately Jesus surrendered to the will of the Father, and Paul does too: “Grace is enough, Paul. Grace is enough.”
Today’s paired reading from the First Testament is the 15th chapter of the book of Leviticus:
The Eternal One spoke to Moses and Aaron.
Eternal One: Go, talk with the Israelites, and tell them that if a man has any sort of a discharge from his body, the discharge renders him impure.
Eternal One: A man’s discharge makes him impure regardless of whether his body allows it to flow out of him or blocks its flow altogether. If the person with the discharge lies down in a bed or sits down on a couch, it becomes impure. Any person who has contact with that bed or that couch must wash his clothes and bathe in water. He will remain impure until dusk. Any person who touches the discharging man must wash his or her clothes and bathe in water. He will remain impure until dusk. If the discharging man spits on a person who is ritually clean, then that person must wash his garments and bathe in water. He will remain impure until dusk. If the discharging man rides on a saddle, the riding saddle will be impure as well. Therefore, if anyone touches any of the items that were under the discharging man, then that person will be impure until dusk. Whoever picks up and carries any of these items must wash his clothes and bathe in water. He will remain impure until dusk. If the discharging man does not wash his hands and touches another person, then that person must wash his clothes and bathe in water. He will remain impure until dusk. If the discharging man touches a clay cup, then it must be shattered; but a wooden cup shall be washed with water.
Once the discharging man is healed, he must wait seven days to make sure the ailment doesn’t return before his ritual cleansing. He will wash his clothes and bathe in running water so that he can be ritually pure again. On the eighth day, he is to bring two turtledoves or young pigeons into My presence and hand them to the priest at the entrance of the congregation tent. The priest will present the birds—one of them as a purification offering for sin and the other as a burnt offering. The priest will come before Me and cover the impurity of the man with a discharge.
If a man ejaculates, then he must bathe his whole body with water and remain impure until dusk. If an item of clothing or leather is touched by semen, then it must be cleaned thoroughly with water and will remain impure until dusk. If a man ejaculates while lying with a woman, then both must bathe with water and remain impure until dusk.
Eternal One: When a woman has her menstrual period and discharges her blood, she must stay in a state of her menstrual impurity for seven days. Any person who touches her will be impure until dusk. Anything she lies down upon or sits down on during her menstruation will be impure, and any person who touches her bed or her cushion or anything else she sits on must wash his clothes and bathe in water. He will remain impure until dusk. If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her menstrual period and her menstrual blood gets on him, he will be impure for seven days, and any bed he lies down upon will be impure as well.
If a woman discharges blood for several days beyond her menstrual period or outside of it, then she will treat those days as if she were having her menstrual period and will be impure. Treat every bed she lies down upon during her irregular discharge like the bed she lies down upon while she is in her menstrual period. Anything she sits down upon will be considered impure just as it is when she is menstruating. By the same token, any person who touches the items she touches will be impure and must wash his clothes and bathe in water and remain impure until dusk. When the woman’s discharge stops, she will wait seven days before she is ritually cleansed. On the eighth day, she will bring two turtledoves or young pigeons and present them to the priest at the entrance of the congregation tent. The priest will present one as a purification offering for sin and the other as a burnt offering. The priest will come before Me and cover the impurity of the woman with a discharge.
This is how you are to separate and deal with the people of Israel during those times when they are ritually impure, so that they will not die from their impurity by defiling My sanctuary that stands among them.
These are the instructions for what to do when someone has a discharge of any kind; and for the man who has become impure from his ejaculation, for the woman who is not well from her menstrual period, for any man or woman who has a discharge, and for the man who has sexual relations with a ritually impure woman.
The Book of Leviticus, Chapter 15 (The Voice)
A set of notes from The Voice translation:
This is the general principle: a bodily discharge produces a state of ritual impurity for both men and women. As we see in this chapter, some of these discharges are abnormal and caused by active infections or diseases. When this is the case, healing is required. But some discharges are actually normal. For example, a woman’s period is normal, but there are conditions that cause her to bleed at odd times or too much. Again, in such cases, healing is required.
The impurity referred to in these verses has to do with ceremonial and ritual practices such as making sacrifices, going to festivals, or receiving a revelation. Men, like women, have times when they become ritually impure. For men it happens whenever they have an ejaculation. For women it happens whenever they have their period. It’s important to note that these bodily functions are normal and natural, not sinful or evil. The ancients knew the power of such events for making them one with their wives and ultimately creating life. Through these bodily fluids men and women become partners with God in creating other humans who are made in the image and likeness of God. Such power cannot and must not be taken lightly.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, june 15 of 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons
There are various clues given throughout Scripture about God’s divine nature (Rom. 1:20). The Torah itself begins with intimations of the "One-in-the-Many" character of God. For instance, when we read, "In the beginning, God (אֱלהִים) created the heavens and the earth," we might ask who exactly is speaking? In other words, who is the narrator of the Torah? The next verse states that the Spirit of God (רוח אלהים) was hovering over the face of the waters, followed by the first “direct quote” of God Himself: i.e., יְהִי אוֹר: "Let there be light" (Gen. 1:2-3). The creative activity of Elohim (God) and the presence of Ruach Elohim (the Spirit of God) are therefore narrated by an omniscient Voice or Davar Elohim (the Word of God). Obviously the Spirit of God is God Himself, just as the Word of God is likewise God Himself, and consequently the very first verses of the Torah reveal something of the nature of the Godhead: God is One in the sense of echdut, “unity,” “oneness,” and so on, though not “one” in some monistic sense of a solipsistic mind (νοῦς). Indeed, a monistic idea of God (i.e., God as "absolute" oneness) is one of a being who is inherently self-absorbed and unable to accommodate being outside of itself. Such a god may serve as a “deus ex machina” or contrived "unmoved mover" or "first cause" of the universe regarded as a “cosmic machine,” but it is not relational within itself. Indeed, there can be no sense of “person” apart from relationship, and therefore God’s Personhood is as eternal as his Being.
Yeshua is the Source of all life in the universe: כָּל־הַמַּעֲשִׂים נִהְיוּ עַל־יָדוֹ / "All things were made by Him (John 1:3). The "Word made flesh" is the "image of the invisible God" and the "radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint (χαρακτήρ, 'character') of his nature" (Col. 1:15). All of creation is being constantly upheld by the word of His power (Heb. 1:3): "All things were created by Him (i.e., Yeshua), and for Him" and in Him all things consist (συνεστηκεν, lit. "stick together") (Col. 1:16-17). As our Creator and Master of the Universe, Yeshua is both our King and our Judge, and therefore our lives center upon him... Ultimate Reality is found in the presence of Yeshua our LORD, and eternal life is found in Him alone: "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Yeshua the Messiah" (2 Cor. 4:6). “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18).
“The grace of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah (האדון ישׁוע), and the love of God (אהבת האלהים), and the communion of the Holy Spirit (רוח הקדשׁ), be with you all” (2 Cor. 13:14).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Deut. 4:39 reading:
Hebrew page:
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6.14.24 • Facebook
from yesterday’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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nsfwhiphop · 6 months
Incoming Message for DGSI agency - Don't hestitate to call me if you need my testimony, I will be glad to expose the French traitors.
Dear DGSI Agency,
My name is Angelo and I live in Strasbourg, Alsace.
If you need my testimony, I will be glad to come to court, I'm ready.
I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of utmost importance regarding the unjust persecution of Mr. Angelo, a man of unwavering integrity who has been the target of malicious lies and deceitful attempts to tarnish his reputation. Over the past four years, a group of individuals within the French government and police force has engaged in a systematic campaign to falsely accuse Angelo of heinous crimes, despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence.
It has become abundantly clear that these individuals, whom I can only describe as liars and traitors to the principles of justice and truth, have made repeated efforts to sabotage Angelo's life and livelihood. Despite their relentless attempts, they have consistently failed to substantiate their baseless allegations with any credible evidence. Instead, they have been caught red-handed fabricating lies and spreading malicious rumors in a shameful attempt to undermine Angelo's character.
Fortunately, Angelo is not alone in this struggle for justice. He is supported by a team of dedicated lawyers who are committed to vindicating his innocence and exposing the truth. Moreover, there exists a multitude of witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of the deceitful tactics employed by these individuals. These witnesses, scattered throughout the French nation, stand ready to testify to the egregious acts of slander and defamation perpetrated against Angelo.
We refuse to be intimidated by the cowardly actions of these French traitors. We are prepared to take this matter to court and pursue all legal avenues available to us to ensure that justice is served. We will not stand idly by while the reputations of innocent individuals are callously destroyed by those who seek to sow discord and division within our society.
I implore you to take immediate action to address this grave injustice and hold those responsible for these reprehensible actions accountable for their crimes. The people of France deserve better than to be subjected to the tyranny of falsehoods and deception. It is time to stand up against bullying and harassment in all its forms and to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of truth, fairness, and justice.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will act swiftly and decisively to rectify this injustice and restore Angelo's good name.
Your loyal soldier, Angelo.
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wolint · 8 months
Proverbs 26:20
There is no smoke without fire, they say, but some smokes are founded on a smothering ember set out of jealousy, anger, and prejudice. Gossip means malicious backbiting, slander, rumours, hearsay, and taletelling. At its best, gossip whispers dubious hints, repeat information, and turn the light on another person negatively. Although gossip is not listed as a deadly sin, I think it should because it’s a danger and sin.
What is gossip then? Gossip is to prattle, to chat unconstructively, to talk too much, to run about and tattle; to tell idle tales that are usually defaming and damaging according to Proverbs 18:8.
James 3:6 calls the tongue fire, it’s often the instrument of producing the most desperate contentions and insurrections. He goes further in verse eight to say it’s a restless evil and full of deadly poison. Contention is like fire, the flame blown up by talebearers and whisperers.
Gossip is usually half-truths or outright lies to throw doubts on the character of another person. When we gossip about somebody, we steal their reputation. Words unfortunately when spoken, can’t be unsaid, or recalled. With a single sentence or phrase and sometimes even with a look, we can ruin the reputation of another person according to Proverbs 11:9.
Gossip is lucrative and legal; newspapers, magazines and news run stories that are unfounded, untruthful, sometimes downright cruel, damaging, and destructive. But according to Leviticus 19:16, God specifically forbids gossip.
Gossipers make poor friends. Stay away from them.
Gossips are demolition experts, tearing others down to devalue them, they use gossip to make themselves look good whilst making someone else into who and what they want them to be.
Gossips speak of the faults and failings of others or reveal potentially embarrassing or shameful details regarding their lives without their knowledge or approval. Even if they mean no harm, it is still gossip, see Psalm 101:5.
Gossip puts us in the place of judging others by our standard but God says not to judge in Matthew 7:1. Rumours and opinions are not allowed in a court of law because they may unjustly sway the verdict of the jury but we turn our living rooms, bedrooms, offices, cars, even the church into a court when we sit in judgement over someone and allow rumours and personal opinions to colour and damage the reputation of others who may never have the chance to defend themselves.
Anyone can engage in gossip simply by repeating something heard in confidence. The book of Proverbs has an extensive list of verses that cover the dangers of gossip and the potential hurt it causes. Proverbs 11:12 says, a man who lacks judgment derides his neighbour, a man of understanding holds his tongue. A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.
Those who guard their tongues keep themselves from trouble according to Proverbs 21:23. So guard your tongue and refrain from gossip. If we surrender our natural desires to the Lord, He will help us remain righteous.
Before we open our mouths next time to say something nasty, mean, or untrue about another, pause and ask yourself if you'll like to be in that person's shoes.
As believers, we are meant to be peacemakers not dividers of friends according to Proverbs 16:28, which is what happens when we gossip. And even if you think you don’t gossip at all, ask yourself why the gossipers feel comfortable and confident to gossip others to you. Because they have heard you previously gossiping or that you never shut them up when they come bearing gossip tale.
Gossip is sweet but destructive, please keep your mouth shut unless it is necessary and appropriate to speak.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to refrain from pulling people down with my words and to mind how I speak of others but to always let my words be seasoned with salt in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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atargetedindividual101 · 11 months
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Shut Down Thedirty.com
Thedirty.com is a vile website set on defamation of character. It’s absolutely toxic in every sense. It’s full of slander, lies and extreme hate. Regardless if people have made mistakes in the past, there should not be a platform like this for people to spew hate and ignorance toward each other. Ages don’t matter as people on the dirty range from as young as 16 to over 50. We need the United States government to do something about this site, only with the governments help can something truly be done about this site. It needs to be taken off the web for good. This needs coverage and the owners of the website should realize that what they are doing is wrong. Please help and make a positive change!! I understand websites like this exist but at the end of the day if we allow them to stay up, we aren’t doing ANYBODY any favors.
This website affects everybody, it can cause serious depression in people.
I started this blog because too many people have been hurt due to this website and it needs to stop. My mind was read and I was gang stalked because of that website. Someone posted too many inappropriate comments about me. I was even given placebo or fake medicine because of that website which endangers my health people so please listen to me and keep thedirty.com shut down.
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chloeworships · 2 years
This morning I heard the Holy Spirit say “Defamation of Character”
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Someone is going to be slapped 👋🏾 with a lawsuit. It’s about time 😂
People are out here running their mouths like words don’t have consequences and I’m seeing too much of that going on today. The LORD said it’s time to take action. You deserve to live in peace ☮️
This is the scripture the Holy Father gave me:
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Words are a sword ⚔️ There is power in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Below is the NLT version:
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We need to be held accountable for the things we say. Once lies and harmful words are said, they cannot be taken back.
The LORD is saying don’t allow yourself to be bullied any longer and take legal action.
If people want to profit from speaking down on your name at least ensure you profit too and sue their behinds 🍑 Let these folks know that you ain’t taking none of the BS anymore. You are no ones b%#€$ You have all the evidence you need….
Lies are harmful to one’s reputation, to one’s personhood and family. The damage is often irreparable. Good for you for taking action and protecting your name and mental health.
Nothing is wrong with speaking the facts but we need to exhibit responsible communication.
May the LORD be with you. You have his blessing in this matter 🤍
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PS. This goes for Slander and Libel lawsuits as well.
PPS. These laws need to be updated with the rise of social media and they should have harsher consequences.
Lawyers are about to be super buuuuusssyyy💰
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viberevstudios · 3 years
When an individual's character or reputation is tarnished as a result of a fraudulent statement or action of another individual that unjustly harms their reputation. That is Defamation of Character! Join the nice guys as they each share a story where their man hood, fatherhood or both were challenged, questioned or just simply lied on.  The Last of the Nice Guys Podcast now playing on your favorite podcasting app or listen here - https://episodes.castos.com/viberevstudios/3086/263cf144-d141-4b57-b98c-8fe2825789f4/Last-of-the-Nice-Guys-66.mp3
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bookbeani · 5 years
Also someone called me out today for saying ‘about’ weirdly and it’s making me question everything 😭
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