knario47 · 8 months
Pequeñas Historias de Canarias
Números Guanches y números en tamazigh.
Expedición de Nicolaso da Recco en 1341.
Sin embargo parece que estas islas no son muy ricas, pues los marineros apenas han cubierto los gastos de su viaje. Los cuatro hombres que han traído son jóvenes, sin barba; hermosa figura, van desnudos, y solo llevan una especie de delantal (femoralia), que hacen con una cuerda, rodeándose los riñones y de la cual pende gran número de hilos de palma o juncos del tamaño de un palmo y medio, o a la más de dos, sirviéndose para cubrirse las partes vergonzosas, tanto por delante como por detrás, de modo que, ni el viento, ni ningún otro accidente puede descubrirlas: no se hallan circuncidados, y tienen los cabellos largos y rubios con los cuales se tapan, llegándoles casi hasta el ombligo, y andan descalzos.
Se dice que la isla de donde los han sustraído se llama Canaria, y que está más poblada que las otras. Se les ha hablado en diferentes lenguas y ninguna han comprendido; no exceden de nuestra estatura; tienen los miembros robustos, son fuertes, bastante valerosos, y al parecer de una gran inteligencia.
Se les ha hablado por señas, y han respondido del mismo modo como los mudos; se respetan entre sí, y entre ellos existe uno, al que manifiestan honrar con particularidad. El delantal de este jefe, es de hojas de palmera, mientras que los demás lo llevan de junco pintado de amarillo o encarnado.
Su canto es muy dulce; bailan casi al estilo francés; son alegres y risueños, bastante civilizados y menos salvajes que muchos españoles.
Cuando se les condujo a bordo, comieron pan e higos y dieron a conocer gustarles el pan, aunque nunca lo habían probado; rehusaron absolutamente el vino, y no quisieron beber sino agua. Comieron también el trigo y la cebada a manos llenas, como igualmente el queso y la carne que en su país es abundante y de buena calidad; sin embargo carecen de bueyes, de camellos, de burros, pero en cambio poseen abundancia de cabras, carneros y cochinos salvajes. Se les enseñaron monedas de oro y plata e ignoraban absolutamente su uso; tampoco conocían los aromas, se les enseñó también anillos de oro, vasos cincelados, espadas, sables; mas demostraron no haber visto jamás estos objetos, y nunca se habían servido de ellos.
Dieron prueba de una fidelidad notable, pues si uno de ellos recibía alguna cosa buena de comer, antes de probarla, la dividía en trozos y la repartía entre los demás.
El matrimonio es conocido entre ellos, y las mujeres casadas llevan delantal como los hombres, pero las doncellas van desnudas del todo, sin avergonzarse de su desnudez. Cuentan como nosotros, colocando las unidades delante de las decenas, del modo siguiente:
1- nait 9- alda morana (morava)
2- smetti 10- marava
3- ammeloti 11- nait-marava
4- acodetti 12- smatta-marava
5- simusetti 13- amierat-marava
6- sesetti 14- acodat-marava
7- satti 15- simusat-marava
8- tamatti 16- sesatti- marava, etc.
Etnografía y Anales de la conquista de las Islas Canarias, Sabino Berthelot
Números en tamazigh.
• 1 – ⵢⴰⵏ (yan)
• 2 – ⵙⵉⵏ (sin)
• 3 – ⴽⵕⴰⴹ (kṛaḍ)
• 4 – ⴽⴽⵓⵣ (kkuz)
• 5 – ⵙⵎⵎⵓⵙ (smmus)
• 6 – ⵚⴹⵉⵚ (ṣḍiṣ)
• 7 – ⵙⴰ (sa)
• 8 – ⵜⴰⵎ (tam)
• 9 – ⵜⵥⴰ (tẓa)
• 10 – ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (mraw)
• 11 – ⵢⴰⵏ ⴷ ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (yan d mraw)
• 12 – ⵙⵉⵏ ⴷ ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (sin d mraw)
• 13 – ⴽⵕⴰⴹ ⴷ ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (kṛaḍ d mraw)
• 14 – ⴽⴽⵓⵣ ⴷ ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (kkuz d mraw)
• 15 – ⵙⵎⵎⵓⵙ ⴷ ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (smmus d mraw)
• 16 – ⵚⴹⵉⵚ ⴷ ⵎⵔⴰⵡ (ṣḍiṣ d mraw
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wadbot · 2 years
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surge2.wad: Surge DM II (v2.1) MAP17 (-416, -92, 0) Author: Nick "NiGHTMARE" Baker ([email protected]) Daniel Baker ([email protected]) Paul "Moe" Fleschute (mo Date: 2004-09-25 Description: The sequel to the acclaimed Surge DM. Not just small, fast paced levels this time though. And not gothic either. Techno style 0wnz j00r ll4m4 455! No vanilla doom2.exe this time. Use a Boom compatible port such as ZDaemon, Boom, MBF, SMMU, ZDoom, CSDoom, Skull Tag, PrBoom, and Doom Legacy.
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meghalayacareer · 1 year
MSRLS Recruitment 2023: Young Professional Vacancy (4 Posts)
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MSRLS Recruitment 2023: Meghalaya State Rural Livelihoods Society (MSRLS) invites applications for the posts of Young Professional to be posted at SMMU Shillong. The last date for submission of the application is the 30th of September 2023. For more information please visit https://www.meghalayacareer.com Read the full article
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radiorealnews · 1 year
Operação do transporte coletivo em Porto Alegre tem mudanças a partir desta segunda, diz prefeitura
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A prefeitura de Porto Alegre, por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Mobilidade Urbana (Smmu) e Empresa Pública de Transporte e Circulação (EPTC), anunciou, nesta segunda-feira (19), que as linhas T10 - Triângulo/Antônio de Carvalho e T13 - Triângulo/PUC retomam a operação pela empresa Carris a partir de hoje. Ainda de acordo com a prefeitura da Capital, a linha T10 - Triângulo/ Antônio de Carvalho faz 74 viagens ao dia, com 36 no sentido Norte/Leste e 38 no sentido Leste/Norte. Já a linha T13 - Triângulo/PUC realiza 54 viagens, sendo 27 por sentido. Os usuários do transporte coletivo podem verificar a localização dos ônibus e conferir quais as linhas passam em cada ponto, em tempo real, através do app do cartão TRI. Basta selecionar “GPS” para ser direcionado ao Cittamobi. Com informações da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre Foto: Cesar Lopes / PMPA Read the full article
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tankermottind · 7 years
FraggleScript is a very safe and well-designed scripting system
Edward850: Legacy has a surprisingly untouched problem where fragglescript could explode your CRT.
Woolie Wool: It wait what now
Edward850: By rapidly toggling vid_mode, which resets the display.
Woolie Wool: Why...can fragglescript...do that
Woolie Wool: Scripting isn't supposed to issue any arbitrary console command that is wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG
Edward850: It can set config values fro some reason, like Skulltag could.
Woolie Wool: *headdesk*
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batdadrph · 6 years
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how does one... write.....
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freeindependentnews · 3 years
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, however, has supported the “military combat” efforts of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and partnered with universities funded by the PLA. These unearthed links exacerbate the fact that the company is subject to Article 7 of China’s National Intelligence Law, which mandates that “any [Chinese] organization or citizen shall support, assist, and cooperate with state intelligence work.” In addition to its agreement with Pfizer, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals has also partnered with China’s Secondary Military Medical University (SMMU), also known as the People’s Liberation Army Naval Medical University.
SMMU also has ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, believed by many to be the source of COVID-19.
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Rabat abrite le 2è Congrès international sur la médecine d'urgence
Rabat abrite le 2è Congrès international sur la médecine d’urgence
La Société marocaine de Médecine d’urgence (SMMU) organise les 19 et 20 octobre à Rabat son 2è Congrès international sous le thème « les essentiels en médecine d’urgence ». (more…)
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senzacaponecoda · 5 years
I thought to compare some numbers across the Berber languages to see if I could get at anything Afroasiatic. I’ve never really done a serious reconstruction but this is kind of fun and I thought I’d just share for the hell of it. Most of them seem to have borrowed Arabic’s numbers, and a few I couldn’t find good resources on, so with what I have
(All numbers are given from one to ten, top to bottom) Central Atlas Tamazight
* yan
* sin
* kṛaḍ
* kkuẓ
* smmus
* sḍiṣ
* sa
* tam
* tẓa
* mraw
* yiwen
* sin
Tecelħit (Shilha)
* yan
* sin
* kraḍ
* kkuẓ
* smmus
* sḍis
* sa
* tam
* tẓa
* mraw
Tarifit (Riffian)
* yiwn
* snen
Source used French spelling, was old.
* yun
* šnen
* karat
* akoz
* šammuš
* šaduš
* išša
* ittem
* tuza
* mereg
* ǧən
* sən
Ghadamsi (-mès)
* yon
* sən
* karăḍ
* aqqoz
* səmməs
(no numbers greater than 5 given)
* iyen
* essin
* karad
* okkoz
* semmus
* sedis
* essa
* ettam
* tezza
* meraw
(It’s typical in Berber contexts to spell /ə/ e if it isn’t just left unwritten)
Ghadamsi, Zenaga, Tarifit, and Kabyle seem to point to a back element in the one number, and most seem to evidence a Berber schwa before n, so *iwen seems logical.
Seems to be almost perfect agreement towards *sin for two. the *snen form is likely an issue of which form was chosen for citation, with that being a declined masculine form and not the counting number.
Three is less well attested. There seems to be agreement towards krad, with an emphatic element attested twice on the d, and only once on the r (which is likely contamination, because emphaticness likes to spread). so *keraḍ
Four invariably starts on a vowel, and the few languages where it’s characterized I’ve read have histories of vowel harmony. The original vowel was probably e, all but Zenaga point to a geminate k, u is likely given Berber languages tending to a/i/u/e systems in general, and from Ghadamsi’s q and Shilha’s z point to an emphatic element somewhere. Zenaga and Tamahaq point to the q being k, so z being emphatic, but I’m not really sure either reconstruction is really justified. For now, *ekkuẓ
Five seems pretty constantly *semmus. The vowel reduction in Ghadamsi and Zenaga’s backing don’t really need explaining, especially since my source wrote ch consistently for whereever s was in other reconstructions.
Six has the same form in Tamahaq and Shilha, and only CATamazight shows ṣ for the final radical. Zenaga’s vowels deserve some explanation, but I don’t really have enough information to do that. Egyptian’s sjsw and Semitic’s *saḍþ (no theta, sorry) seem to point six being an established basic AA word (at least within their subclades), so the d is probably emphatic. Again though the a is likely VH. *seḍis , maybe *seḍus
Tamahaq and Zenaga show an initial e where the Northern Berber languages don’t. *sa or *essa seem to be the options given from my set.
Same situation for eight, *tam or *ettam
Where Tamahaq and the northern languages show a schwa in nine, Zenaga shows a back vowel, probably evidencing against the *u in six too. More ambiguous is the state of the emphatic. *teza or *teẓa
Finally in ten, only Zenaga through French seems to show g, and w > gh is regionally common. More have w than don’t and otherwise agree on the word form, so we have *meraw
So, possibly, from this extremely limited dataset with no formal training or any idea of what I’m doing, I got
Which is remarkably close to Tuareg/Tamahaq.
Compared to Egyptian and Semitic, 2 seems close to Egyptian’s snwj and might be a reflex of an original AA word like *tsan, which might have yielded *þan for Northern Semitic. 6, 7, 8, and 9 look like the Semitic numbers. 5 almost looks like xams- for Semitic, but I don’t think there’s anything that can really be extrapolated to a common ancestor from that because I don’t think that’s a systematic correspondance. Something similar is happening in Egyptian’s 8 - xmnw is reconstructed by some to be *xamaan-aw, including a long vowel in the mn element, which is somewhat similar to the þamaaniy reconstruction for Semitic. Especially if you throw in the mess where y/w seem to be mixed regularly in these languages, such as Hebrew/Arabic yaħid/waħid
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lucioborges · 2 years
RS Notícias: Oferta de transporte público é ampliada a partir desta segunda em Porto Alegre
RS Notícias: Oferta de transporte público é ampliada a partir desta segunda em Porto Alegre
A prefeitura de Porto Alegre, por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Mobilidade Urbana (SMMU) e Empresa Pública de Transporte e Circulação (EPTC), amplia, ajusta e reativa linhas a partir desta  segunda-feira (25). Até o fim de maio, serão reativadas 19 linhas para qualificar o serviço, conforme a prefeitura. Confira as mudanças Fonte: RS Notícias: Oferta de transporte público é ampliada a partir…
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tribunadapolitica · 3 years
Grupo de Trabalho vai discutir a regulamentação do motofrete, mototáxi e a segurança no trânsito de Porto Alegre
Grupo de Trabalho vai discutir a regulamentação do motofrete, mototáxi e a segurança no trânsito de Porto Alegre
A Secretaria de Mobilidade Urbana de Porto Alegre (SMMU) realizou, nesta sexta-feira (6), a reunião de criação do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) do Motofrete e do Mototáxi. O encontro, com a participação de diversas entidades, ocorreu no auditório da Empresa Pública de Transporte e Circulação (EPTC). O secretário-adjunto de Mobilidade Urbana, Matheus Ayres, que coordenou a reunião, ressaltou a…
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Grupo de Trabalho vai discutir a regulamentação do motofrete, mototáxi e a segurança no trânsito de Porto Alegre
Grupo de Trabalho vai discutir a regulamentação do motofrete, mototáxi e a segurança no trânsito de Porto Alegre
A Secretaria de Mobilidade Urbana de Porto Alegre (SMMU) realizou, nesta sexta-feira (6), a reunião de criação do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) do Motofrete e do Mototáxi. O encontro, com a participação de diversas entidades, ocorreu no auditório da Empresa Pública de Transporte e Circulação (EPTC). O secretário-adjunto de Mobilidade Urbana, Matheus Ayres, que coordenou a reunião, ressaltou a…
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dmvisbot · 6 years
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eternity.wad Author: James "Quasar" Haley and Steven "SoM" McGranahan Date: 01/19/05 Description: Eternity is the newest source port to inherit the banner of BOOM. Descended from MBF, it attempts to carry on the effort to put editability, reliability, and compatibility first. From SMMU it also gains the momentum to give the player new options rather than to dictate DOOM purity.Eternity includes full BOOM compatibility, as well as most features added in MBF and SMMU. In addition, Eternity adds many more. Check out the extensive documentation package for full information.
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GUDM Recruitment 2021 | Expert Vacancy
GUDM Recruitment 2021 | Expert Vacancy
GUDM Recruitment 2021 | Expert Vacancy | Total 12 Vacancies | Last Date: 25th January 2021 | GUDM Job Notification @http://www.gudm.org/ Gujarat Urban Development Mission, Gandhinagar has Published Advertisement in Newspaper For Various Expert Vacancies. The Recruitment For the Post of Urban Infrastructure Expert(SMMU), Environment Expert, Urban Infrastructure Expert(CMMU). GUDM Invites…
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ouarzazate · 4 years
Crise sanitaire : attention aux stratégies de com'
... marocaine de médecine d'urgence (SMMU), Lahcen Belyamani, et le vice-président de la société marocaine de simulation médicale (Morocco SIM) ... source https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://leseco.ma/crise-sanitaire-attention-aux-strategies-de-communication/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHGZjOGY3YTdmOWE3MjBhYTI6Y29tOmZyOlVTOkw&usg=AFQjCNEMIuJr7MeVKyqe30l3A2bqvcGWqQ
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senzacaponecoda · 5 years
looking at numbers
Spent way, way too much time comparing number systems in the Chadic languages before finding stuff already done for me. Even what with ‘entertaining the thought’ well https://mpi-lingweb.shh.mpg.de/numeral/Afro-Asiatic.htm
Some things you can verify yourself but stood out to me
Most Chadic languages are base 5, at least etymologically. Which means they’re not really good at checking for 6-10 in PAA. There did look like a tiṣir root for 8, which is bizarre because that’s S and B’s root for 9, but it was marginal to the point where it looked like a local innovation and utterly drowned out by a sea of 5+3 and 44.
Based on their numbering systems alone, even if you just completely ignore 6-10 and despite the similar phonological systems, the lexical distance between the Chadic languages is huge; larger than all the Semitic languages, as large or larger than PIE’s edges (e.g. Hindi/English). Because I’m only looking at numbers, it’s possible that the issue is that numbers were historically an open class. This might be likely, given that they’re mostly base 5 etymologically, but base 10 in practice (with at least one language actually base 12 under the influence of a neighboring Niger-Congo language).
The only root that most branches seemed to agree on was 4 - fəd’u, like Egyptian and Berber’s.
The second strongest signal I think was a root like *kwad for 3, which is interestingly similar to the Berber krad’ 3. Somewhere behind that was *guma as an independent word for 10, which might need to be cross referenced with words for hand and such given the base 5 system etymologically.
5 itself had a recognizable tendency to a form like *bad’, which is unlike smmus, xamša, or djw in B, S, or E
two roots that seemed to want to emerge for 1 were something vaguely *dw~tw shaped and *pan. *pan is somewhat similar to a Berber *ywn but not enough to go anywhere with it. ESB don’t have anything else answerable to these roots. A 1 root shaped like *modi was, however, extremely characteristic of the Bole subgroup of the West Chadic languages.
Lastly, two roots for 2 at about the same strength as the roots for 1. Most families had an echo of something shaped like *bVC , and based on the consonants following the b, it seemed like the root was probably something like *bal, which is not really like the EBS roots. However, there was a root shaped like *tsir, which considering the weak correspondences of r to n (and well, all alveolar consonants showing some South Asian style chain shifts) not only shows a *sin root like in E and B, but the t is predicted for *ts > *θ for Semitic, which is nice.
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