#SNS Month Day 28
naruhinaluvrx · 11 months
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Sasunaru Month Day 28-Role Reversal/Flowers
I was just gonna make Naruto Rouge and Sasuke not rouge,but then I thought ✨️ World Ending Jyuubi Jinchurikis together ✨️
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grandisknight · 21 days
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i like to play a fun game of ‘guess what banners and events are coming up’ (aka predictions and speculations) so feel free to hear me out and take everything with a grain of salt ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
+ date ranges for anything after zayne’s birthday are just placeholders ;; (unless i’m citing from actual banners/events)
+ will emphasize that these are just my opinions (✍️) ! purely for fun and if it’s not your cup of tea then that’s okay have a good day ٩( 'ω' )و
also infold pls do not smite me i’m just a girl with thoughts
okay so in an ideal world (mine) this is what’s cooking…
we have zayne’s birthday for a week (0831-0907)
his birthday is on 09/05 ; eternal attachment banner + birthday event
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(✍️) and then for two weeks afterwards we could have a solo limited banner (either rafayel or sylus)
last time rafayel had a solo banner was his “private trip” card from 05/28-06/07
sylus was “no defense zone” from 07/15-08/01
however i wouldn’t be surprised if they end up doing a xavier solo banner / his last one was “faint sensation” from 04/19-29 so he’s long overdue… 😭 my blue eyed king comeback
in addition to the end of the month : first story branch that will go into last week of september into the first week of october (potentially 09/22-10/05)
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based on july’s 2.0 livestream and follow-up SNS posts, the order has been implied to be zayne-rafayel-xavier (not confirmed) (just speculation)
(✍️) lowkey hoping we get to see zayne’s first
(✍️) i hope it’s similar to how they handled long awaited revelry’s debut in that we get a 10 day event to complete tasks and get resources 🫡
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and THEN
(✍️) from like 10/11-18 xavier’s birthday banner and event runs for a week (his birthday is 10/16)
new birthday card, make a cake, the usual bday festivities shall commence
(✍️) following this, if story branches are released towards the ends of months, then the second story branch at the end of the month from 10/20-11/02 (rafayel?) and potentially third story branch from 11/24-12/07 (xavier?)
(✍️) rinse and repeat with solo limited banners and multis/precise wishes sprinkled in between and we’ll eventually find ourselves at the first anniversary ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ uwah…
(✍️) additional thoughts i have
halloween and christmas events/memories i think absolutely yes please feed us into the holiday spirit and give fun outfits/cards for the boys
i’d like to think that potentially sylus’ 2nd myths could come out this year just to be on par with the other boys, since ❄️⭐️🐠 are done for the year! november sounds nice… december even…
fingers crossed that the next BP is zayne/xavier from september-november since we currently have rafayel/sylus as a duo (07/15-09/11)
sometime by the end of this year hopefully we’ll get to see zayne and sylus’ free 5* memories from heartfelt gift login campaigns!
who knows, they’ll probably sprinkle in another 10 days with you free 4* memory campaign again in there somewhere (gestures towards the current zayne ‘doomsday’ event)
fifth LI… come home soon… 🍎 (i personally believe there’s only going to be 5 main LIs)
(✍️) + in my opinion, an LI has to be relevant to the main story + mc’s story — ❄️⭐️🐠🐦‍⬛🍎 fit those qualifications from the get-go
+ ch1 alone introduced all of them: ⭐️ first mission, 🐠 at the fountain, ❄️ doctor’s appointment, 🍎 call/text, 🐦‍⬛ red eye foreshadowing
+ the specific focuses of the main story were as follows: ch4 🍎, ch5 ❄️, ch6 ⭐️, ch7 🐠, long-awaited revelry ch1-2 🐦‍⬛
therefore i can’t really fathom any new additions otherwise for an LI beyond those five (though, time will tell depending on the story development i guess) (i’m excited nonetheless)
thank yew for coming to my ted talk
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negrowhat · 2 years
saw a user (lutawolf) on here yesterday compare build to emmett till so there's that
Well that's unnecessary and offensive and disgusting. It's not the same thing. No where near. Emmett Till was not a MAN he was a CHILD accused of something because he was BLACK. He was accused of WHISTLING at a white woman because that white woman was jealous over some BS and lied and had a black CHILD unalived. He was minding his own young black ass business and someone decided they didn't like that. He was 14 years old. It is not the same thing. It can't be compared.
And that's sickening that a person is using what happened to him to defend Build or any of their other faves. Emmett Till was the victim of a fucking hate crime, that white woman could have said that he had on the wrong shirt and the results would have been the same.
Build is a grown ass 28 yr old man accused of something way more serious and not because he's Asian. Build has admitted to posting shitty and disgusting stuff in the past against women. Something he has owned up to. The accusations against him are ones of abuse and given his opinion on r*pe culture it wouldn't be hard to believe the accuser. NOT TO MENTION HE'S BEEN ACCUSED BY MORE THAN ONE WOMAN!
Poi is a POS as well but the difference is that Build is being given the chance to prove his fucking innocence. He has a say so and how things will go from here and he's still breathing. So what if people cancel or hate him? So what if he loses an endorsement deal or 2 or can't do the world tour or had to deactivate his sns. He's still alive and he can still prove himself worthy to be loved. He has someone backing him up who can defend and represent him and get to the bottom of things.
I really just woke up to this and it's really annoyed and disgusted me. It's too close to Black History Month for this BS. I don't give a flying fuck about Build stans trying to prove his innocence, but do not use MY history as a tool to defend him.
What's happening to Build can never be compared to what happened to that Black Boy. ESPECIALLY since there are still young BLACK children being k-worded without proper investigation to this freaking DAY! A young Black 11 year old boy was just literally gunned down a few weeks ago by a white man because he "looked suspicious" no reports, no investigation, just unalived.
I don't know if that user is black or not but I just wish that people would keep black folk's business out of their discussions when they're trying to prove a point.
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sincerely-krp · 6 months
if you're an au krper, please read through and give me your thoughts! i'm going crazy by myself. i kind of wish that literate and/or au krps would stop including an option for members to post sns. personally i think it kills the mood for writing threads, overall. tell me if i’m wrong though. //
(admins please only post positive things to this because i'm not trying to have any hidden agenda with this and i genuinely liked my time at insidious. maybe i left before any drama or something. i'm not willing to let my post be what brings down a krp's name)
this actually worked really well for au krps, back in the day, iirc insidious (au krp from a couple of years ago) focused much more on threads instead of sns and they had steady activity with good plot consistency and diversity for like a year. darkstt (another au krp that closed after about a year and a half) said no sns at all and it did phenomenal in terms of culture till the admins had to close it down in 2023. i still remember how tight knit that group was, they were there to WRITE you know. rupes (still around?) like darkstt didn't allow sns and the group had writing chemistry like crazy with everyone. they required paras every two months so the tl wasn't dead, which was the one thing with darkstt that made it feel super dead. i remember insidious would sometimes have like cute things everyone would do too lol, like post event fits, and both insidious and rupes having stuff on the timeline made darkstt feel a little dead, but nothing serious because you had other krps to vibe on when it was.
where insidious was much more modern and defined what i consider a genuinely literate au krp to be with its use of modern media and classic krp event ideas, darkstt felt like an old-time au krp (akin to gaia or tumblr aus), and rupes felt more like a place to find people invested in the art of writing and character development which are core aspects of krp everyone seeked to find writers enthused about, and they did so particularly with magical realism/fantasy/horror genres. which makes sense, since insidious was about classic supernatural media and exploration into that world, darkstt was about crime and city underbellies, and rupes is about purity, horror, and wonderland-like whimsy.
their admin teams reflected that too. the darkstt admin team was pretty hands-off, and only made activity posts and event posts. no one knew the admin but because they weren't super present it didn't matter, and no one had any issues with them ever, like either with the admins or the krp. their tone was always kind of kid-like but not unprofessional, just not taking themselves too seriously which broke immersion just enough (rupes too) that i felt like the place was super kind. i feel like the admins definitely set krp tones, and most old krps were like darkstt admins where being an admin was safe to make known because everyone generally supported the kid doing it. (i say kid because now i'm like 28, so everyone 18+ to 25 is a kid to me lol). i really liked this approach from this admin team because it was a low-maintenance krp as it stood, and the one time there was major drama not only did the admin handle it well, but they also made way to open a dialogue with their community and assert their decisions without being pretentious.
rupes admins don't write in their krp, but i can't think of a more accommodating and responsive, beginner-friendly admin team. they never assert themselves as more important or 'the law' and you could do whatever you wanted with their premise, even if you misinterpreted it they would find value in encouraging you to explore that. they never expected perfection from any member, and no member expected a level of writing skill, just ooc interest. i can't remember anyone in or out of the krp having anything bad to say about them which is, as all of us know now, rare (in a different way than darkstt). they have a sharp sense of humor too, and a very clear brand that they're dedicated to (in fact part of the humor was when the brand would meet their chaotic/modern humor). because of that it added to the feeling the place gave of being about the art of writing, but without expectations or judgement.
i actually looked up rupes and darkstt on this blog and nothing bad was said about either (in fact they're rare here in general) which only proves my point that krps like this feel so much different than the modern stuff because their communities are barely even here. even the stuff i found attached to insidious was minor/feels like it was way after the time of the krp itself, but a little bit of tea here or there is also part of a krp! it adds to the legends of the places you know!! a good au krp always has ooc lore to it and the members that were there, but no one ever takes it too seriously!
in insidious it was common knowledge the admin team was part of the central community, but it wasn't a bad thing! it added to that classic krp feel the place had, and they were pretty detailed and into their premise probably because they were actively writing in it too. i don't remember this team too much, just that they were super specific about people following their rules which is a totally valid admin style, especially in a literate krp. the expectations are always higher when it comes to member conduct with literate krpers, and these admins were so detailed in their announcements that it makes sense they would expect their community to follow what they basically spell out for them. this community was also like the admins, very detailed about how they liked to write, and very self-assured about their writing worth. they were very amicable and easy-going ooc, always excited to plot and offer ideas while communicating with the base admin team to make sure they were within the specifics and particulars of the influences the krp was based on. this krp had a lot of etiquette to learn because of the expectations of the members to know what they had written in their bios, but once you did it was smooth sailing and they would generally do the same for you. this meant that you carried yourself with more care, and because of that, it was a seriously literate group in a different way from darkstt (their mature and calm community never causing drama or propagating it because the focus was always writing), and rupes (their more academic pursuit of discovery in personal styles and love for exploring psychological nuance through their plots). all equally valid, although today i'm sure all three would be trashed for their communities or clear styles because they don't cater to everyone in krp and thus must be cliquey, or elitist, or dead!
even the events in these places reflected their krps: darkstt with their simple but versatile settings and references to classic crime pop culture, rupes with their beautiful, innovative and modern to gothic plots (balanced impeccably with what their community was in the mood for, which might be something easy and creative and not very in depth plot-wise), and insidious with their blend of classic and modern takes on time-tested events. bit of a tangent i know, but i picked these three because they are popular krps for their time that represent different takes on literate au mewe krps that didn't allow sns or had a community that didn't encourage/rely on it, and really did awesome with that.
so it can be done, but i feel like those same groups wouldn't do as well anymore because au krpers nowadays just seem to be into formatting blrs or accounts and chatting ooc. or worse, they just hear things from these blogs and spread them around without even bothering to realize how tone deaf that approach is.
modern au krpers get a lot of self importance from having such harsh, critical opinions of krps in my opinion.
these groups were definitely for the people who were looking for a place to stay through all the seasons of their life, both busy and still, and i think they all allowed triggers to be written that it feels like krp would take issue with, despite them being handled correctly.
also, nowadays i think people like the aesthetic of writing literate, but forget that literate doesn't mean darker/detailed/smarter plots. it means more writing. semilit used to have characters and plots just as complicated and cool, but without as much writing. you're expected to write in literate krps, and plot over ooc connections. jesus. or, i see literate krpers making responses that should be 200 - 300 words like 600 words! everything is filler! it's all backwards.
i think there's also very aggressive and obvious jealousy or competition between krps today sometimes. people from one group will shit on another for no reason, just because they're viewing everything as politics. gone are the days where everyone joined all the krps and shared their spaces, you know!
for context, when i used to au krp, everyone would join two or three krps, because when one would be dead they'd have the other two to keep writing in, and then when they'd be quieter, the other one would be popping again. nowadays no one's really into that i feel like.
i also think nowadays it's seen as cliquey to be in a group with people that have stayed in a group for a long time. but back in the day that was kind the point? like every krp had a community, and you could invest into one ooc to join their community or just vibe in their orbit and write with their muses. and if you tried hella to join a community and it wasn't working, they're just not your vibe & you can choose to leave. krps are so unique, their communities are too. none of us get along well with everyone we're paired with for irl group projects right. but it wasn't a requirement you know.
at all three of the krps i mentioned i was a writer in orbit, but i saw people bring others into their little communities all the time because you'd see new names consistently in the ooc chats you know. it was my favorite to see writers i knew in one of the krps join another one, you could tell because their style was so influenced by their community elsewhere but would grow from their immersion in the new one they added to their krp roster. unlikely writing-style muns meeting and becoming friends too.
i never went without plots at any krp, i had eight to twelve plots in all the groups overall even if i wasn't quite friends with anyone ooc, and if i wanted more ooc connection i'd bring a friend into a group and that would jumpstart things back into gear. if i miswrote someone's muse they'd just tell me to fix it, i was never scared they'd think i was an asshole or an elitist empty-shelled krp writer or anything you know.
one thing i liked about darkstt and rupes was that people would always give feedback on your writing, either support or suggestions for your next piece or character development, so i never cared about emojis and whatever else. in insidious this was supplemented by the constant emojis and occasional conversation about the piece in dms with people you plotted with (which occurred at the other two also, don't get me wrong!), but in classic krp style, paras were meant for the people you plot with to really care about, which was nice release of pressure in a lot of ways too.
see how things can be good depending on your perspective? all of this is just perspective i feel like. i'm gonna take a moment here to address that i know insidious ended problematically, and while i wasn't there, i was able to see a bit of it in my look-through on this blog. they were wrong for what they did, and very very very wrong for everything at paradigm. i'm not excusing or avoiding this, i'm just mentioning my experience there to show what a genuine experience was like in the krp, without knowing any tea or whatnot. because communities that are toxic under the surface are barely noticeable when in the place itself. they're no better or worse than the other places. i also know that group took issue with many au krps, and that they tried to defame so many other groups behind the scenes or on vent blogs, and that some people reading this will be influenced by that and not believe what i'm saying. i don't care to talk to sheep though, and they know they're sheep if they haven't been in a krp and have such a strong opinion they refuse to join. they're literally the whole problem, we all know this.
but also, in other krps, those same base communities didn't need an ooc chat to stay in the group. those were the quiet ones, which were always a welcome addition to the collection you join you know. one busy au, one chaotic gen, one quiet au or gen that you know will be around forever, and will have people in it forever that might be quiet but will always have awesome brains to plot with. in fact it was always nice whenever everyone seemed to be back and kicking, usually when that quiet au got a bunch of new members. and if the old quiet group was still... old and quiet, it also didn't matter because the new groups would become the new base. just like that though, the opposite (with darkstt) was great too, it was all about the writing, not about krp or art and just about plotting and making chaos. the focus was nice.
like idk, things are so different now. coming back to krp is just... it's no longer anything it used to be. every krp from back in the day would be called cliquey and elitist. those words have simply lost all meaning. no one is ever meant to write with everyone in the krp. you find a couple people, and you settle, and that's chill!!
so my point is in modern au krp, it's much more like fast food, kind of like how all our social media is becoming hyper-addictive (short form content everywhere, youtube shorts, insta reels, you can't even filter those functions anymore, sometimes the app just opens you to it. or they will show you those short form contents in your searches even to draw you in). until there's a return to reading being the source of dopamine (delayed gratification/resistance to immediate dopamine) we go to for escapism, i feel like these groups will never be joined.
the majority of krp today in the literate communities are all people with writing skill not realizing how inconsistent muse and flow state are. they just mistake it for being dead, or loss of muse, or take every move too seriously and decide things are being implied ooc when they aren't. like that ridiculous exchange i read about while looking through the proof here, of a college student berating someone for wasting their time who (i assume works) said less than a week is not enough time for receiving krp feedback! it would be unheard of in my day to try to do anything in less than a week.
the glory days of krp in the literate world died with the era these came from, right around/during quarantine. they began in 2016 or 2017. i probably sound like an old hag, please forgive me if i've misstepped, i'm not all the way caught up on modern krp etiquette.
we'll only post positive/constructive (with discretion) responses to this!
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mariacallous · 7 months
Aleksandar Sapic, Belgrade’s former mayor and current president of the Provisional Authority of the City, on Monday said he expects new elections to be called in Belgrade in the next seven or eight days, once the president of parliament is elected, since he is the one who should call such elections by law.
“I don’t think we will be able to go to the polls on April 21 because that means elections should be called on Wednesday and that date has already run out. When the president of parliament is elected, we can watch from that moment on. I would like them to be on April 28, as soon as possible,” Sapic told TV K1.
On Sunday, the ruling party in Serbia, the Serbian Progressive Party, SNS, decided that new elections will be held in the capital. President Aleksandar Vucic criticized the opposition, adding they want his name put off the list because they cannot beat him.
He ironically urged them to put on their list Andreas Schieder, a European Parliament member who was a member of the EP observation mission for the Serbian elections, Stefan Schennach, head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe PACE that observed the elections, as well as Michael Rot, chair of the German Bundestag Committee on Foreign Affairs. All spoke publicly about irregularities in the Serbian elections held on December 17.
“We will defeat you all together,” Vucic said on March 3.
The European Parliament last month adopted a Resolution which called for an investigation “by respected international legal experts and institutions” into irregularities reported during and after the Serbian elections.
In the Belgrade city elections, the SNS won 49 seats and the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition won 43. The NADA coalition won seven seats, while the Serbian Socialist Party, SPS, won five. Dr Branimir Nestorovic’s We – Voice of the People won six seats. However, Nestorovic’s list had split into factions in the meantime.
The opposition in January submitted a request to the Serbian Constitutional Court seeking the cancellation of the Belgrade elections, but the court has not ruled yet.
However, now they have got new elections, though not because of the claims of election theft, the SNS insisted, but because of the lack of a majority to form a city administrarion.
The opposition welcomed the decision but is still calling for an international investigation into election irregularities, and that election conditions are improved, referring to the final report by the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, ODIHR, on the elections.
“Now the emperor is naked, only they are trying to call it something else. The most important thing is that we fought for those elections to be held again in Belgrade,” said Marinika Tepic, one of the leaders of the Serbia against Violence coalition.
The ODIHR report said Serbia needs to initiate legislative amendments well in advance of the next elections, address concerns about the accuracy of voter lists, increase public confidence, prevent intimidation and pressure on voters – and provide for a clear separation between official functions and campaigning.
The report also noted allegations of the organised “migration of voters” – bussing – vote buying and unfair domination of the campaign by President Vucic.
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biblenewsprophecy · 9 months
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: “I believe that people always need religion”
A reader sent me a link to a German language article titled: KARL-THEODOR ZU GUTTENBERG: „ICH GLAUBE, DER MENSCH BRAUCHT IMMER RELIGION“ 12/28/23 (URL: https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/interview-karl-theodor-zu-guttenberg-ich-habe-mit-meinem-damaligen-scheitern-frieden-geschlossen-id68462711.html) and machine-translated the German into English, which is as follows:
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: “I believe that people always need religion”
The former Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg analyzed the situation of the churches in Germany in a 90-minute RTL documentary {12/26/23} … For him personally, faith is “a basic support in life”.
In the ntv interview, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg expressed the conviction that people would not be able to get along without religion given “so many unanswered questions in life”. He emphasized:
“I believe that people always need religion. No yoga mat can replace that. …
“The core message that the church spreads is still an extremely comforting one. One that can give people support. This is important.”
Personally, his faith helps him “almost every day.” Even though he doesn’t go to church every Sunday and he “occasionally” struggles with his faith as well as with the institution of the church, …
Zu Guttenberg even believes that troughs in faith combined with a critical debate are important because they keep the debate “active”. He emphasized that when it comes to wanting to change the church, “one should be part of ‘the club’ and not just try to influence it from outside.” That’s why leaving the church is “not an option” for him, said the 52-year-old. …
He sees it as an important task of the church to offer “a clever translation” of the Bible into our time. …
Overall, he is “worried about the church, but I’m not completely worried,” Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg summed up to n-tv.
This is of interest for several reasons.
One reason is his idea of “a clever translation” of the Bible is concerning as the WEF, certain ecumenical promoters, and others want to re-word parts of the Bible as they want the biblical truth changed for political (see SN: WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’) and other inappropriate reasons (see PETA uses ChatGPT to make blasphemous Bible)–to do so is a blasphemous heresy. Baron Guttenberg is presumably a supporting member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as he once spoke at one of its conferences (Stott M. German minister fears “infectious momentum” in Mideast. Reuters, January 28, 2011), hence his comments may align with what some in the WEF are advocating.
Another reason the documentary Herr Guttenberg was in was of interest is that I posted the following here a month before it was broadcast:
Another thing I have speculated about him was that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg would be involved with religion. (Thiel B. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is to become a ‘media brand’? Another COGwriter speculative prediction confirmed? COGwriter, November 25, 2023)
Well, that documentary suggests that he is involved in religion and his comments suggest that he wants to change it.
That is something that the coming King of the North will do. The Bible teaches:
38 … he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know … (Daniel 11:38)
Related to Karl Guttenberg and Daniel 11:38, back in 2010, I posted:
I consider that Germany’s Defence Minister Baron Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg is someone to watch as both a potential future King of the North and final political leader known … as the Beast …
From the passages in Daniel we see that this king is not truly devoted to any existing religion, but that he somehow promotes another. One way this could be done would be to come up with a new order within Catholicism (which is not that hard to do as my great-aunt Mary did that last century). A new order allows one to have certain unique characteristics while still claiming to be part of the Roman Catholic faith. And in the King of the North’s view, if he promotes an order that (at first at least) seems fairly Catholic, this ruse will work for some time. …
He has the right to select the priest for his parish.  Hence, the idea that political leaders should be involved with religion is something he was raised up believing. A leader combining church and state is prophesied in Daniel 11:37-38 and Revelation 13.
Also, if certain Catholic prophecy about the “Great Monarch” is correct, this leader will change the Catholic faith and offend many of the Catholic clergy:
Francis also speaks in a series of letters to Simeon de Limena, Count of Montalto in great detail of a future Great Monarch who will be a Roman Emperor. Limena was a great patron of St. Francis’ order and also a great military protector of the Church…Several potentially confusing things are now told about this future Monarch. He is described as founding a new religious order. To the reader this may sound like he also become a priest. That is not the case. What happens is that he founds a religious order, part of which contains military men who take religious vows. He will be the head of the military arm of this order. In this sense it will be like the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages.
St. Francis of Paula (15th Century)…“He shall be the founder of a new religious order different from all others. (Birch, DA. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before During and After Antichrist. Queenship Publishing Company, Goleta (CA), 1996, pp. 276-270)
Franciscan Friar (18th century). “All the religious orders will be suppressed, except one, the rule of which will be as rigid and severe as that of the monks of the past. During these calamities the Pope will die. As a result, the most powerful anarchy will prevail within the Church.”  (Dupont, Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, p. 79)
Sister Marianne Gaultier (18th century): “…the Prince shall reign, whom people did not esteem before, but whom they shall then seek.  (Dupont, p. 75).
D. Birch (commenting after the above in his book), “Many of the prophecies speak of the fact that the Great King at first will not be well-liked, especially by the French clergy” (Birch, p. 276).
Even if the above is in total error, the biblical fact is that the future King of the North and final political leader known biblical as the Beast will not truly be a devoted Catholic.  He will likely simply claim that religion, change it, and ultimately attempt to destroy it. (Thiel B. PCG Claims Karl Guttenberg is a “Devoted Roman Catholic”, COGwriter has a different view. COGwriter, March 16, 2010)
Could Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg possibly establish, officially or unofficially, a new order of some type of ‘Catholicism’?
Yes, but that would NOT be the faith of the original catholic church unless he repents.
If Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg does establish, officially or unofficially, a new order of some type of ‘Catholicism’ that will be even more reason to “watch” (cf. Mark 13:37) him as a Beast candidate.
Related to him and the Middle East, in 2022 the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
A reader sent me a link to a German language article titled: KARL-THEODOR ZU GUTTENBERG: „ICH GLAUBE, DER MENSCH BRAUCHT IMMER RELIGION“ 12/28/23 (URL: https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/interview-karl-theodor-zu-guttenberg-ich-habe-mit-meinem-damaligen-scheitern-frieden-geschlossen-id68462711.html) and machine-translated the German into English, which is as follows:
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: “I believe that people always need religion”
The former Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg analyzed the situation of the churches in Germany in a 90-minute RTL documentary {12/26/23} … For him personally, faith is “a basic support in life”.
In the ntv interview, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg expressed the conviction that people would not be able to get along without religion given “so many unanswered questions in life”. He emphasized:
“I believe that people always need religion. No yoga mat can replace that. …
“The core message that the church spreads is still an extremely comforting one. One that can give people support. This is important.”
Personally, his faith helps him “almost every day.” Even though he doesn’t go to church every Sunday and he “occasionally” struggles with his faith as well as with the institution of the church, …
Zu Guttenberg even believes that troughs in faith combined with a critical debate are important because they keep the debate “active”. He emphasized that when it comes to wanting to change the church, “one should be part of ‘the club’ and not just try to influence it from outside.” That’s why leaving the church is “not an option” for him, said the 52-year-old. …
He sees it as an important task of the church to offer “a clever translation” of the Bible into our time. …
Overall, he is “worried about the church, but I’m not completely worried,” Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg summed up to n-tv.
This is of interest for several reasons.
One reason is his idea of “a clever translation” of the Bible is concerning as the WEF, certain ecumenical promoters, and others want to re-word parts of the Bible as they want the biblical truth changed for political (see SN: WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’) and other inappropriate reasons (see PETA uses ChatGPT to make blasphemous Bible)–to do so is a blasphemous heresy. Baron Guttenberg is presumably a supporting member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as he once spoke at one of its conferences (Stott M. German minister fears “infectious momentum” in Mideast. Reuters, January 28, 2011), hence his comments may align with what some in the WEF are advocating.
Another reason the documentary Herr Guttenberg was in was of interest is that I posted the following here a month before it was broadcast:
Another thing I have speculated about him was that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg would be involved with religion. (Thiel B. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is to become a ‘media brand’? Another COGwriter speculative prediction confirmed? COGwriter, November 25, 2023)
Well, that documentary suggests that he is involved in religion and his comments suggest that he wants to change it.
That is something that the coming King of the North will do. The Bible teaches:
38 … he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know … (Daniel 11:38)
Related to Karl Guttenberg and Daniel 11:38, back in 2010, I posted:
I consider that Germany’s Defence Minister Baron Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg is someone to watch as both a potential future King of the North and final political leader known … as the Beast …
From the passages in Daniel we see that this king is not truly devoted to any existing religion, but that he somehow promotes another. One way this could be done would be to come up with a new order within Catholicism (which is not that hard to do as my great-aunt Mary did that last century). A new order allows one to have certain unique characteristics while still claiming to be part of the Roman Catholic faith. And in the King of the North’s view, if he promotes an order that (at first at least) seems fairly Catholic, this ruse will work for some time. …
He has the right to select the priest for his parish.  Hence, the idea that political leaders should be involved with religion is something he was raised up believing. A leader combining church and state is prophesied in Daniel 11:37-38 and Revelation 13.
Also, if certain Catholic prophecy about the “Great Monarch” is correct, this leader will change the Catholic faith and offend many of the Catholic clergy:
Francis also speaks in a series of letters to Simeon de Limena, Count of Montalto in great detail of a future Great Monarch who will be a Roman Emperor. Limena was a great patron of St. Francis’ order and also a great military protector of the Church…Several potentially confusing things are now told about this future Monarch. He is described as founding a new religious order. To the reader this may sound like he also become a priest. That is not the case. What happens is that he founds a religious order, part of which contains military men who take religious vows. He will be the head of the military arm of this order. In this sense it will be like the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages.
St. Francis of Paula (15th Century)…“He shall be the founder of a new religious order different from all others. (Birch, DA. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before During and After Antichrist. Queenship Publishing Company, Goleta (CA), 1996, pp. 276-270)
Franciscan Friar (18th century). “All the religious orders will be suppressed, except one, the rule of which will be as rigid and severe as that of the monks of the past. During these calamities the Pope will die. As a result, the most powerful anarchy will prevail within the Church.”  (Dupont, Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, p. 79)
Sister Marianne Gaultier (18th century): “…the Prince shall reign, whom people did not esteem before, but whom they shall then seek.  (Dupont, p. 75).
D. Birch (commenting after the above in his book), “Many of the prophecies speak of the fact that the Great King at first will not be well-liked, especially by the French clergy” (Birch, p. 276).
Even if the above is in total error, the biblical fact is that the future King of the North and final political leader known biblical as the Beast will not truly be a devoted Catholic.  He will likely simply claim that religion, change it, and ultimately attempt to destroy it. (Thiel B. PCG Claims Karl Guttenberg is a “Devoted Roman Catholic”, COGwriter has a different view. COGwriter, March 16, 2010)
Could Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg possibly establish, officially or unofficially, a new order of some type of ‘Catholicism’?
Yes, but that would NOT be the faith of the original catholic church unless he repents.
If Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg does establish, officially or unofficially, a new order of some type of ‘Catholicism’ that will be even more reason to “watch” (cf. Mark 13:37) him as a Beast candidate.
Related to him and the Middle East, in 2022 the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg
Iran and Israel have been involved with various attacks and threats against each other. Does the Bible seem to prophesy that Iran and Syria will attack Israel? Will God always protect Israel? Will Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ protect it? Is “great damage” prophesied to come to Jerusalem? What about damage to Syria’s capital Damascus? What was Isaiah inspired to write? Could a peace deal come after a regional conflict in the Middle East? Could Baron Karl-Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg (KT) be the “prince” of Daniel 9:26-27, who becomes the King of the North of Daniel 11? Was KT spurned, rejected, and passed over for advancement consistent with one rendering of Daniel 11:21? Does KT have the ancestral and religious background to be the “Great Monarch” of Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies? Does KT have the digital background to be able to be involved in the 666 controlling of buying and selling (Revelation 13:16-18)? Should you be watching the Middle East and Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more.
Here is a link to our video: The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg.
Back in 2016, the Continuing Church of God is put out the following sermon about him on its ContinuingCOG channel:
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future
Former German Economic & Technology Minister as well as former Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg spoke at the Hub Conference in Berlin and gave a presentation titled “Wish List or Reality? Digital Trends in 2016.” Dr. Thiel shows portions of the presentation and comments on his presentation related to Bible prophecy and Baron Guttenberg’s background. What is the future for Europe?
Here is a link to the sermon: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future.
Related Items:
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the former German Defense Minister (who is also the former German Minister for Economics and Technology) one to watch? What do Greco-Roman Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest? A video of related interest would be: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future. A shorter one is also available: The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg.
Blockchain, Karl Guttenberg, and 666 American Express just announced a deal with Ripple related to using its blockchain technology. No longer confined to Bitcoin, blockchain technology is moving towards the mainstream. Former German Economic and later Defense Minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has long been an adviser to Ripple and has plans for internationally-expanding the use of blockchain money. Jim Rickards, Doug Casey, and others have expressed concerns that blockchain money will give governments too much control over buying and selling. Could any of this be related to biblical prophecies in the Books of Daniel and Revelation? Could any of this help fulfill the prophecies related to buying and selling and 666 in Revelation 13? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video. A related written article is also available: Amex launches blockchain-based business payments using Ripple: Prelude to the Beast and 666?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to two related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For and The Future King of the North. The Great Monarch: Biblical and Greco-Roman Catholic Prophecies Is the ‘Great Monarch’ of Catholic prophecies endorsed or condemned by the Bible? Two sermons of related interest are also available: Great Monarch: Messiah or False Christ? and Great Monarch in 50+ Beast Prophecies.
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18? A related sermon in the English language is also available: 17 Last Days’ Signs of the Holy Spirit.
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
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punk-pandame · 11 months
Punky's Kinktober 2023, Days 27 and 28
Werewolf/Scream AND Vampire/Goth SNS
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help me pay the bills this month
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laresearchette · 11 months
Saturday, October 28, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 1:00pm: Ducks vs. Flyers (CBC) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Predators (City TV) 7:00pm: Jets vs. Habs (SN360) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Penguins (CBC/SN) 10:00pm: Rangers vs. Canucks
MEN’S RUGBY WORLD CUP (TSN3) 3:00pm: Final - New Zealand vs. South Africa
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 4:00pm: Ti-Cats vs. Alouettes (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 7:00pm: Argos vs. Redblacks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:30pm: 76ers vs. Raptors (TSN3) 8:00pm: Timberwolves vs. Heat
CRIME BEAT: MOST WANTED (Global) 7:30pm: Two murders that take place three thousand kilometers apart leave detectives scratching their heads; Caryn Lieberman investigates the lives of Kier Bryan Granado and Tommy Ngo to learn more about what these two men are wanted for.
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 8:00pm: World Series: Diamondbacks vs. Rangers - Game #2
THOR (CTV) 8:00pm: After his reckless actions reignite an ancient war, the Norse god (Chris Hemsworth) is stripped of his powers, cast out of Asgard and forced to live among humans.
LIES BETWEEN FRIENDS (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: A wealthy family's life is upended when the 18-year-old daughter of a family friend comes to live with them for a few months.
THE WITCHES (2020) (CTV Life) 8:00pm: An orphan and his grandmother travel to a seaside resort at precisely the same time that the world's Grand High Witch has gathered her fellow cronies from around the globe -- under cover -- to carry out her nefarious plans.
LUCKY IN LOVE (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: A woman (Jessica Szohr) must adjust to her new, seemingly perfect life when her pranks on April Fools' Day come true.
DYING FOR THE CROWN (Super Channel Fuse) 8:00pm: A successful married woman's life is put in turmoil when she reunites with an old high school rival at her twenty-year high school reunion.
THE NUN II (Crave) 9:00pm: An evil spreads in 1956 France as a priest is murdered and Sister Irene once again comes face-to-face with the demonic nun Valak.
ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: Eleven-year-old Margaret moves to a new town and starts to contemplate everything about life, friendship and adolescence. She relies on her mother, who offers loving support, and her grandmother, who's coming to terms with finding happiness.
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eduardotleite · 2 years
Data Management and Visualization - Week 2 - Chi
The Dataset contains variables of Watch television and age group. To examine the relationship of watch television with each age group people.
Python Code
Importing required libraries
import pandas as pd import numpy import scipy.stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns
def faixa_etaria(row): if row["PA2"]>=65: return "Idoso" elif row["PA2"]>=41: return "Adulto" elif row["PA2"]>=18: return "Adulto Jovem" elif row["PA2"]>=11: return "Adolescencia" else: return "Infância"
Getting data in
data = pd.read_csv('addhealth_pds.csv', low_memory=False)
data['PA2'] = pd.to_numeric(data['PA2'], errors='coerce') data['H1DA3'] = pd.to_numeric(data['H1DA3'], errors='coerce')
sub1=data[(data['PA2']>=1) & (data['PA2']<=99) & (data['H1DA3']<7)]
sub1["faixa_etaria"]=sub1.apply(faixa_etaria, axis=1)
sub1 = sub1.dropna()
sub2 = sub1.copy()
recode1 = {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 0: 1} sub2['USFREQMO']= sub1['H1DA3'].map(recode1)
contingency table of observed counts
ct1=pd.crosstab(sub2['USFREQMO'], sub2['faixa_etaria']) print (ct1)
column percentages
colsum=ct1.sum(axis=0) colpct=ct1/colsum print(colpct)
print ('chi-square value, p value, expected counts') cs1= scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(ct1) print (cs1)
set variable types
sub2["USFREQMO"] = sub2["USFREQMO"].astype('category')
new code for setting variables to numeric:
sub2['USFREQMO'] = pd.to_numeric(sub2['USFREQMO'], errors='coerce')
sns.barplot(data=sub2, x="USFREQMO", y="faixa_etaria",errorbar=None)
plt.xlabel('Days per month') plt.ylabel('Age Group')
Python Output
faixa_etaria Adulto Adulto Jovem Idoso USFREQMO 1 97 68 3 10 475 387 3 20 653 578 9 30 1735 1574 28 faixa_etaria Adulto Adulto Jovem Idoso USFREQMO 1 0.032770 0.026084 0.069767 10 0.160473 0.148446 0.069767 20 0.220608 0.221711 0.209302 30 0.586149 0.603759 0.651163 chi-square value, p value, expected counts Chi2ContingencyResult(statistic=8.655741129293999, pvalue=0.19388454866325733, dof=6, expected_freq=array([[8.86417112e+01, 7.80705882e+01, 1.28770053e+00], [4.56399287e+02, 4.01970588e+02, 6.63012478e+00], [6.54260250e+02, 5.76235294e+02, 9.50445633e+00], [1.76069875e+03, 1.55072353e+03, 2.55777184e+01]]))
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Interpretation: As p-value (0.19) is greater than 0.05, there exists no relationship between the time wacthing television and age group people. The bar diagram also shows that have no signaficative differences in the graph which further suggests no relationship between the two variables. This way, the Post-hoc test is not necessary for examining the relationship as there is no significant relationship.
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spacejournal · 2 years
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sasu-bear · 7 years
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Day 28 of SNS Month: Don’t Leave Me Alone - Death
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pesiko · 3 years
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✖hiatus | ✔ completed | ✿ favorite | M mature
Black and White {14} ✔
Baekhyun is the typical heartthrob that always gets what he wants.. until you came along. @baekingpancakes
Caffeine {2} ✔
Your new year at college was not off to a good start. Normally, everything would be fine and going well, you'd be ahead on your homework (though you admittedly had to work into the night to do so), and you would be getting enough sleep. But not this year, with your new across the hall roommate. @cbxtual
Can I Be Your Boyfriend? (sns AU) {22} ✔
CAN I BE YOUR BOYFRIEND? ANSWER THESE SEVEN QUESTIONS ABOUT ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY TO FIND OUT! (or the one in which a drunken [y/n] angrily tweets at part-time buzzfeed quiz maker byun baekhyun. drama, and potentially, a love story ensue) @seihun
Cataclysm ✧ ✿ {6} ✔
It’s a race against time when there’s a month left until the end of the world and you have yet to find your soulmate. @whimsical-ness
Compass & Soulmate M {2} ✔
You and Byun Baekhyun are soccer coaches for your children’s rival soccer teams, and you can’t stand him. At least, until you get lost on a camping trip together. @taetaesbaebaepsae
Guilty Pleasure M {5} ✔
You and Baekhyun are best friends and you’ve lived together for three years now. It’s no news to you that Baekhyun sleeps around, but you do too...so what happens when he wants to be with someone as experienced as him? @smuttyfairy
Hearts Race in Tandem ✿ {2} ✔
“Finally?” Yixing’s jaw drops open. “Finally what?” you throw him a blank look. “Finally, the both of you took your heads out of your assess and dated?” “Wait, what?” you backtrack, completely flummoxed. “Where did that come from? I don’t even like him in that way!” You pause. “I think.” @baekingpancakes
I Give Up {28} ✔
Mess We Made {4} ✔
You were willing to put the both of you through suffering without realizing you might hurt Baekhyun's feelings in the process. Even though he was yours, you were never his. And he would not stand in the way anymore. @7wanderingpaws
Nuisance - part of EXO Wolf AU {8}✖
Don’t look anywhere else even for a moment. I can’t just watch, I can’t lose you. I have to be the only one next to you ‘cuz you’re mine…  @thesammtimes
Only For You & Best 2 Out of 3 {2} ✔
Your best friend Baekhyun finally shows up on the worst possible day. @taetaesbaebaepsae
Pink Lace M {10} ✔
Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life. @bobohu4eva
Reckless & Relentless M ✿ {2} ✔
You’re sitting on the ice cream freezer in ripped fishnets and cut-offs, and Baekhyun is looking for the shopkeep with a baseball bat. You’re not afraid, and for the first time in his life, he’s not bored. @taetaesbaebaepsae
Resonant ✿ {4} ✔
In your attempt to survive university stress, you throw yourself back into the world of martial arts, where you meet an unexpected rival. Or friend? Or maybe more? @suho-mochi
Show Me How - friends w benefits? M {10} ✔
It all started when Chanyeol asked you a favor, and from there your entire world spun out of control. @thesammtimes
Snooze M {3}✖
The seatmates on your flight home are adorable in two completely different ways. @thesammtimes
Simply, Yours {15} ✔
Baekhyun and you have been together for a long time. Coming from countryside, it is not easy to survive in the wild and expensive Seoul. With you working full-time without a degree while supporting Baekhyun in his studies to become a professor and a top hapkido master, neither of you are planning to start a family just yet. So when an accidental pregnancy comes along, it throws you a little bit off guard until you find out you are pregnant with three. A rollercoaster of a multiple pregnancy. @7wanderingpaws
Sweet Tooth M {8} ⇨
Life as the palace baker got a lot more interesting after catching the devastatingly cute prince sneaking around your kitchen. @bobohu4eva
Tempo of Our Love M {6}✖
In which Byun Baekhyun completely messes up your tempo, but you soon learn that this only births the exposition of a beautiful, beautiful song. @baekingpancakes
[main masterlist] [exo masterlist] updated 7-23-21
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markpickardlife · 2 years
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The new school year began in the month of April here in Japan. So, I am very happy to be back in the classroom with students. During the first term (April to August), I'm teaching a total of 34 students in ten different 90-minute classes each week. So, yeah, my classes are small, which is ideal for both me and the students. I'm looking forward to teaching these students this academic term. It's my seventh year teaching at Vocational School LIFE Junior College in Naha-shi, Okinawa-ken. By the way, Golden Week started yesterday (04/29). Seven consecutive days off! I love it! * 沖縄の 専門学校ライフジュニアカレッジ LIFE Jr College 英語で世界と繋がる仕事をめざす! 国際ビジネス科 ・国際ビジネスコース ・留学準備コース 観光科 ・ホテルエキスパートコース ・トラベルホスピタリティコース オリジナル留学プログラム * 沖縄の 専門学校ライフジュニアカレッジ 大学編入・英語・留学・国際ビジネス・観光・あなたの未来を今すぐ始めましょう! * 学校法人 成道学園 沖縄県知事認可専修学校 専門学校ライフジュニアカレッジ 〒900-0037 沖縄県那覇市辻1丁目1番28号 TEL. 098-867-2811 FAX. 098-867-2812 メール: [email protected] HP: https://life.ac.jp SNS: @lifejrcollege * #専門学校ライフジュニカレッジ #専門学校 #ライフジュニアカレッジ #沖縄専門学校 #ライフジュニア #カレッジ #専門学校ライフ #ジュニアカレッジ #沖縄県 #那覇市 #沖縄 #那覇 #留学 #留学準備 #留学プログラム #国際ビジネス #国際 #ビジネス #観光 #大学編入 #英語 #follow #followme Mark 2022.04.30+ (at Okinawa|沖縄) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc9V0Q_PUfc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aer-in-wanderland · 4 years
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구미호뎐 | Tale of the Nine Tailed - 이동욱 VLIVE 2020.11.18 TotNT Q&A
Below the cut you’ll find a translation of some of the TotNT Q&A highlights from Lee Dong Wook’s recent VLIVE, wherein the actor answers live questions from fans and shares some fun behind the scenes stories and insights. 
Note: these are only excerpts I’ve selected out (primarily from the third segment) of the full 2hr VLIVE. You can find a full transcript of the second segment here.
At the start, LDW wrote a few things on a white board because he was being asked them so much. Those are:
Tale of the Nine Tailed Ep 13 & 14 will both be broadcast the following week (filming for the drama has wrapped) [on November 5th, after filming for nearly 7 months]
He really does like mint chocolate
He has no intention of running his own SNS (social media) 
[In a later addition] He doesn’t know his MBTI type and isn’t interested in finding out
The VLIVE proceeded in three main sections. 1) Free talk 2) VS Game (prepared for him by his promotional team), and 3) TotNT Q&A. Below are some things I thought were of note, mostly from the third section, complete with time stamps in case you want to go see where he talks about them but also because academia has conditioned me to always be meticulous about citing my sources. ;) 
Q: Do you watch Tale of the Nine Tailed on live broadcast? [0:17:16~0:17:46]
I think I watched live...about half the time. I saw about half of the episodes live, and for the other half I couldn’t watch because we were filming, so I either watched them on re-watch [online] or when they re-broadcast them. 
Since it wasn’t entirely pre-produced, we were still filming as it was being broadcast, so there were occasions when I couldn’t watch the broadcast live. 
[Note: The reason people in Korea are concerned with the original live broadcast (bonbang) is because this is how the viewership ratings are measured.]
Q: Are you close with Kim Beom-nim in reality? [0:30:45~0:31:03]
(Laughing) Yes, we are close in real life haha. That was a very cute question. We’re extremely close. We worked out together yesterday too. (Laughing) That was a cute question. 
[Note: Lee Dong Wook and Kim Beom are represented by the same talent agency so they’re also label mates]
Q: Are there any ad lib lines that come to mind? [1:17:30~1:18:30]
Everyone, to be perfectly honest, I did so many ad libs I don’t even remember them all. I think I made an ad lib in nearly...at least once in every two scenes? Was it more than that? But thankfully the director and writer gave me a lot of opportunities to do as I pleased. Most likely if you were watching and found yourself thinking, ‘oh, that seems like an ad lib?’ those were all ad libs. And there were actually many more than that even. Yes. I did so many I can’t remember. 
[Note: You can find a full round-up of ad libs mentioned throughout the VLIVE that I did here. I’m not going to repeat them in this post since it’s going to be long enough already ;) ]
Q: What line left the deepest impression on you? [1:18:36~1:19:35]
This is also...for our drama, the writer really did a wonderful job writing the dialogue and there are many iconic lines, right? So to be honest it’s difficult to just pick one...yes. But, in any case, it would probably have to be that line, wouldn’t it? The ending of episodes 1, 4 and 9. Ji Ah’s line, ‘I waited for you.’ And then again at the end of episode 4, my line, ‘I also waited for you.’ And then at the end of episode 9 Ji Ah says, ‘I waited for you’ with a different meaning. The mirroring of the lines in these ending scenes, I believe it will have stayed with you, and it stayed with me too. 
[Reading the live chat] Yes, ‘I have never once missed my target.’ Yes, that line was also really good. It was a line that helped to wake something in Rang-ie’s heart, so... 
Q: Was it hard acting before the CG effects were added in? [1:20:39~1:23:19]
Ah, is that so? That was also released as a clip, as a video [available here]. They compared the CG before and after...It’s not easy. Yes. Especially in cases like the Knife Mountain Hell and the Snow Mountain Hell, when you film in front of a blue screen, you need to make a lot of calculations. And, you sort of...need to be aware of the details. Right now, what cut you’re filming, what cut will come after that cut, and...for that, seeing as how everything around you is blue, you tend to lose your sense of direction a bit? You also have to take that into account. So, actually to film all the Knife Mountain Hell and the Snow Mountain Hell scenes, added together, I spent three days and two nights in front of a blue screen...so it was a bit hard. After being in front of nothing but a blue screen for nearly three days straight...I started to lose my sense of time and space. Where I am now, which direction I’m going in, whether where I’m currently standing is facing forward or backward, even what time it is currently, or how much time has passed, these sort of...the most basic senses that are part of being human, become duller and duller. That was somewhat hard. But thanks to our director, our CG director, and our stunt director helping me a lot, and the same goes for our film crew, yes, so, that was how we filmed. 
Ah, and, when filming in front of a blue screen, especially in cases like the Knife Mountain Hell, there are knives flying at me right? So I get asked a lot if that isn’t embarrassing, but to be honest when I’m filming I don’t have the space to even be concerned with those sorts of things. It’s not as if, like, because I moved in such a way I feel humiliated or because I did this I feel embarrassed. I don’t even have the space to be concerned with those things. I just think about the fact that the CG team, the stunt team, the camera team, and me, I have to act well so that these four teams can work well in concert...yes. Because to the extent that my acting comes across as realistic, it should be better once the CG is added. Because it will be easier for the people filming [that way], so I always film while keeping those things in mind. 
Q: Do the colors of your thread rings have to do with the drama’s plot? [1:26:42~1:27:00]
[Big pause] Hm~.....the color doesn’t. 
Q: Between Lee Rang and Imoogi, who did you have the best synergy with for the action sequences? [1:27:26~1:28:11]
For me, it was easiest when I worked with the stunt team (laughs). When I do action sequences with other actors...I’m uneasy. Well, the other party might also be uneasy but I am also uneasy, because if we happen to strike each other for real, we’ll get hurt. So I always film with a very cautious mindset, but when I do action sequences with the stunt team, in any case, because they are professionals, even if I get the motions slightly wrong or I step forward too much, they are able to adjust to match me. So my heart is most at ease when I do action sequences with the stunt team. Because they are able to respond to me well. 
Q: Do you get startled for real when Taluipa screams at you while you’re acting? [1:28:46~1:28:59]
No. In reality it doesn’t startle me that much. Jeong Nan-Noona (Actress Kim Jeong Nan) is also very close with me. We’ve been in a number of productions together, so we enjoyed ourselves. 
Q: A behind the scenes story from the promotional teasers with Jo Bo Ah? [1:29:17~1:30:02] 
Ah~, this is a bit of a departure from talking about the drama itself. I was just talking with Ji Ah, with Bo Ah-ssi, and we ended up talking about how it might be if we tried filming something funny just by ourselves to release before the broadcast...and so, I was the one who provided the idea, at the beginning. If you look, it’s written there, right? Planning: Jo Bo Ah, Directing: Lee Dong Wook hehe. Yes, we just made them like that. At the very beginning, Jo Bo Ah-ssi was the one who proposed making them, so the planning is Jo Bo Ah, and then I was the one who supplied ideas of ‘let’s do this like this,’ so the directing is Lee Dong Wook. Yes. 
[Note: If you haven’t seen these, they’re great. There are three of them that were shared to both Lee Dong Wook (@leedongwook_official) and Jo Bo Ah’s (@xxadoraa) Instagram feeds ahead of EP03, EP05, and EP07]
Q: Who had the most NG (no good) takes while filming? [1:30:59~1:31:14]
I have the most NGs. I think in any case, I have the most...I joke around a lot, and I make a lot of ad libs, and I also had a lot of scenes, so I had the most NGs. 
Q: Re: Lee Yeon’s Hair [1:33:38~1:34:34]
Yes, I like it. Ah, this could actually be a bit of a ‘behind the scenes.’ It was actually my idea to make Lee Yeon’s hair red-brown. It wasn’t the original character setting. I thought that, since he’s a Korean red fox, how would it be to make his hair a bit closer to that color, and also that it would be nice to give him a bit more of an otherworldly image. So I consulted with the director of our salon and the salon director said that that would be good. So I ended up with red-brown hair, and it just worked naturally that the (mountain god) wig be a mixture of red-brown and silver. Ah that isn’t white hair, it’s actually silver. It’s much closer to silver hair, not white hair. So that’s how I came to have a combination of red and silver long hair. Yes. 
Q: What was your reaction when you first met the agwi while filming the Forest of the Starved sequence? [1:36:27~1:37:50]
That, rather than thinking they were scary, I mostly kept thinking about what a hard time they must be having. The Forest of the Starved sequence, adding together every time the Forest of the Starved shows up from beginning to end, we filmed for nearly a week straight. Six days? For about six days to a week. For most of them, they are actually members of our stunt team in stage makeup. There were also many people who appeared just in those roles, but those folks all had a really hard time. That makeup takes a long time to put on and a long time to take off, and seeing as it’s all special effects makeup it’s hard on your skin in a number of ways, and because it was summer it was really hot and humid, and because we were in the forest it was just...well, in any case there were truly a lot of error conditions, so while me and Kim Beom-ssi also had a hard time, in truth it was those people who had it the hardest. Those who played the agwi really worked very hard. Thank you very much to those people. For me and Kim Beom-ssi, at least our clothes and shoes were, at least we were dressed comfortably while we filmed, but those people had to wear torn hanbok and straw shoes while running, so in truth those people are the protagonists of the Forest of the Starved. They really worked the hardest of all of us.
[Note 1: ‘those people’ sounds dismissive in English but LDW is using the respective term ‘bun’ so he’s actually being quite deferential here.
Note 2: Kim Beom has said elsewhere that he filmed this sequence for 3 weeks so either LDW is just talking about his own scenes or possibly Kim Beom just remembered it as being longer than it was haha]
Q: When you played baduk with Lee Rang, did you know what you were doing or were you just placing pieces at random? [1:39:34~1:40:07]
For that, I knew what I was doing. For that baduk game, someone who knows [how to play], if they see that board just once they will know. We used a high caliber game by extremely famous baduk players and transferred the placement of the pieces exactly, and then Rang-ie and I took turns placing piece by piece like this, right? For that, we each, Rang-ie and I each memorized our moves, so we were playing an actual game of baduk. The reason being that, these sort of things are the details, and for those, well, you shouldn’t lie, right?
Q: Are there any details you payed attention to when you were acting as Lee Rang transformed (into Lee Yeon)? [1:44:27~1:45:47] 
For episode 11... for episode 11, at that time, conversely, I didn’t pay much attention to it. At that time, the reason being, fooling the viewers was a critical part of that sequence, of that episode, so conversely, if I had acted like Lee Rang, and Lee Rang had acted like me, like Lee Yeon, doing it like that seemed like it would have been too obvious, so we just, to the greatest extent possible, we each respectively acted Lee Yeon as had been, and Lee Rang as had been. 
But then, when Lee Rang transforms into Lee Yeon and goes to see Taluipa, at that time I tried more to act like Lee Rang. In fact, before we started filming, I asked Rang-ie, I asked Beom-ssi to read through the lines once. I asked him, ‘If it was you, how do you think you would do this?’ So Beom-ssi read it for me and I matched that. So this was another place that I manipulated the details while I was acting. When I (Rang) went to see Taluipa, when he was transformed, there was originally another version where I (Rang) looked around even more and was even more awkward. But rather than that, that was too blatantly obvious, so it was broadcast with the more toned-down version. 
Q: Did you really have a video call with Ji Ah? [1:46:18~1:46:36]
No, we each shot our scenes on different days. I shot mine first, and then Ji Ah-ssi, Bo Ah-ssi, shot hers about two or three days later. We each shot separately on different days.  
Q: A behind the scenes story from the sound booth recording? [1:48:07~1:48:47]
The sound booth recording is just the sound booth recording (laughs). Ah, that, the sound booth recording for the hell scene? Ah, that was exhausting. For that, honestly if it wasn’t for the ‘making’ (behind the scenes video) you probably wouldn’t have known about it. To that extent, I poured as much energy into it as when I had originally acted it out all over again as I was recording it, so I really ended up feeling like I’d gone to that hell and back twice. Which is what I said in the ‘making’...And that was caught on video by our miss Bo Ah, and that ended up being released as part of the behind the scenes. 
[Note: The sound booth BTS can be found here (2:09~3:01)]
Q: Which of the mountain god outfits do you like the most? [1:50:47~1:51:11]
That...when I went to save young Rang-ie, the outfit I wore the first time I appeared, the black one, yes. In the Forest of the Starved, when I went to save young Rang-ie, the mountain god clothing I wore when we first met, I personally really liked it.  
Q: Re: the mountain god hair [1:51:30~1:52:17]
It was uncomfortable. It...dragged a lot, and sort of...yes. It gives you a headache. Once you’ve had it affixed for about 6 hours, your scalp gets tighter and tighter, and it hurts your head. So the wig, it also takes a long time to put on and take off. To be honest, the mountain god scenes, to everyone watching they may be very beautiful...but they were quite tiring. That goes for the wig, but also for the hanbok. It’s very uncomfortable to move about in and restrictive in a number of ways. Especially, seeing as how I always got a headache, it was a bit hard. 
Q: Does Lee Yeon know that he’s cute? [1:55:06~1:55:09]
Of course. 
[Note: This is the 3rd gif ;)]
Q: What was the first scene you shot? [2:02:18~2:02:46]
My first scene was...the scene where Soo Oh and I meet at the park and talk. That was the first scene that I shot. When the little girl lost her balloon and I caught it and returned it to her. Soo Oh said, ‘Ajusshi, are you an alien?’ and I said, ‘No, a gumiho.’ That scene was the first scene of Tale of the Nine Tailed that was shot and it was my first scene that I shot. 
Q: Did you have a time when you swooned while acting with Jo Bo Ah-nim? [2:03:14~2:03:20]
Of course. Whenever I act out those sorts of emotions I always do. 
This is not a complete exhaustive transcription. You can find my translation of the VS game that proceeded the Q&A here. 
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p1harmonyofficial · 4 years
[📰] [ENTREVISTA | INTERVIEW] P1Harmony 피원하모니
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October 2020 arrived with one of the most anticipated male debuts in the music industry, P1Harmony 피원하모니, whose performance marked FNC Entertainment’s first boy group four years after SF9.
In BA NA NA we have been able to speak with P1Harmony after their successful debut with DISHARMONY: STAND OUT and the premiere of an apocalyptic film that has shown different facets of its six members. They have told us about their experience preparing for debut, some of their hidden talents, or what it has been like to debut at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you want to know what they have told us? Keep going BA NA NA!
KEEHO, THEO, JIUNG, INTAK, SOUL, and JONGSEOB are the members of P1Harmony, the new boy group from FNC Entertainment that was performing on October 28, 2020 with their first mini album. However, their music debut with DISHARMONY: STAND OUT did not come alone, and before we were presented with the movie P1H: A New World Begins.
The film came with the boys as the leads, but also with the presence of CNBLUE’s Jung Jin Young and Jung Yong Hwa, AOA’s Seolhyun, Jo Jae Yoon, Choi Yeo Jin, Lee Chae Yoon, and cameos from Jung Hae In and Yoo Jae Suk. It premiered at the beginning of October to let us know the universe of P1Harmony and that they later developed in their debut video clip, SIREN.
Thanks to that we were able to get to know them better and prepare for the beginning of their professional career. In the P1Harmony interview exclusively with BA NA NA they tell us about the process of recording this film, its debut, and its objective. Do not miss it!
We have known your music debut with DISHARMONY: STAND OUT,, but before that we were able to see in you in the film P1H: A New World Begins. How was the experience? Any anecdotes you’d like to share with us? Will we be able to learn more about the concept of the film in your future projects?
THEO: I am more than happy to debut with a film. It was the very first-time filming and acting for all of us. We were really nervous. In the film, the drones represent the disharmony of society which is related to the albums that we’ll show in the future.
SOUL: I wanted to film a movie since way back, so I was very happy to film it. When I first went to the movie set, I was so nervous because it was my first time. At the time of filming, the weather was so cold that I had a lot of hot packs, and by the end of the day, at least three of them were in my pocket.
It’s been four years since we met a new boy group from FNC Entertainment and we’ve known about your debut for a year. How was the debut process? How has it changed your life?
JIUNG: In the debut process, everything was a part of my first experience, so I was very nervous. I was especially nervous when filming, but now that I think about it, I think it was part of the learning process. And in the case of changes in life, as I started working, I felt more responsible. After our profile and videos were released, many people were interested in us and left comments which made me realize that I’ve really become an idol. I felt more responsible.
You all participated in the creation of the album by writing some of the songs. How was it? How did the ideas come up?
INTAK: Not only me, but as well as all membes including JONGSEOB was able to join in writing lyrics for our songs in our firstr album. We were very honored and thankful to our company. When I’m working on writing the lyrics for songs, I tend to focus on the material. For example, in the case of ‘Nemonade,’ I thought of keywords which were related such as lemons, freshness, and square. In the case of ‘Intro: Breakthrough,’ the words were walls, surrounded by and I’ve tried to look for more as I worked on writing the lyrics. I also add on what I have in mind when writing lyrics for the songs.
Any artist can’t forget their debut. What moment do you think you will always remember?
JONGSEOB: I think it was the day of our debut showcase. It was the day when P1Harmony officially had our debut and it was a special day where we were able to showcase different stages including our title track ‘SIREN’ which we worked hard for.
You debuted just a month ago, and there are sttill many ssecrets to discover about each of you. Do you have any special skills? (Cooking, playing an instrument, sports...)
THEO: I can play a little bit of piano and guitar. I did not formally learn it or take lessons, but I was very interested in music since I was young, so I’ve naturally learned it while looking at it. In case of sports, I’ve learned swimming, bowling, and volleyball.
JIUNG: I think it would be cooking. I try to cook when there’s time, but sinnce we are performing these days it is hard to cook. However, I remember that I used to cook and eat a lot before. For musical instruments, I can play a bit of piano and guitar. When it comes to sports, I’m good at Frisbee! I remember getting praised a lot for good throws in the past. (Haha)
2020 has been a year marked by COVID-19 at a global scale. Many artists and musical professionals have not been able to meet with their fans. How have you dealt with it being your debut? Have you been able to reach your fans in another way?
KEEHO: It’s really sad. Performing in front of fans has been my dream and it currently is up to now. However, due to the current situation where it is difficult for us to meet, I try to find alternative ways to communicate with our fans through our SNS, lives, and video call fansigns, and etc.
Let’s talk about the future...what would you say ir you goal as a group and as individuals for each of you? What is your dream?
INTAK: I think our goal as a group is to convey good influence to the world. As an artist who really wants to convey our meaning and message to the world, I hope that people will be able to be influenced positively through our songs and albums. My personal goal is to be a great person who will be remembered in history.
SOUL: Our goal is a group is to look good, but I hope we can work longer than other teams. My personal goal is to win first place in dance battle.
Can you send a message to your fans in Spain?
KEEHO: I wanted to say thank you for supporting us from afar and loving us. We’ll continue to show our best. Please look forward to it. If things get better, we would like to visit Spain and perform in front of you all. We love you.
JONGSEOB: Hi Spanish fans! Thank you for supporting and loving us from afar. We will work hard to show you how we develop so please stay tuned for us. If things get better, we would like to meet you in person and perform for you! Thank you for loving us from Spain and me, JONGSEOB, and P1Harmony loves you too!
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vavarekings · 5 years
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2020 Beginner’s Guide to VAV:
Hyung Line: St. Van, Baron, Ace (top picture, left to right) Maknae Line: Ayno, Jacob, Lou, Ziu (bottom picture, left to right)
VAV stands for Very Awesome V-Rangers because they are Very Awesome Voices, Very Awesome Visuals, Very Awesome Vegetables
fun fact: Jacob came up with the VAV hand gesture because he’s a Very Awesome Virgo
shows: VCAM (vlogs of their daily lives, updated weekly) | VAV’s Apartment (1) (2) (3) | PromiSINGER (1) (2) 
SNS: FanCafe | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter (staff) Twitter (members) | Facebook | Tumblr | V Live
fan chants: Venus | ABC | She’s Mine | Spotlight | Señorita | Thrilla Killa | Give Me More | Poison
VAV also have their own free app for android and ios where they do weekly live chats with live eng subs! you can also buy merch there
all of VAV are Big Boys, most members are over 6ft. Lou is the tallest at approximately 6′3″ and Ace is the shortest at approximately 5′10″
Title Tracks
2015: Under the Moonlight
2016: Brotherhood | No Doubt | Here I Am
2017: Venus | Flower | ABC | She’s Mine
2018: Spotlight | Gorgeous | Señorita | So In Love
2019: Thrilla Killa | I’m Sorry | Give Me More | Poison
(Everything mentioned is 100% true but I didn’t link my sources because most aren’t in English.)
St. Van: leader, vocal
real name: 이금혁, 金赫, Lee Geumhyuk. “Geumhyuk” was given by his father and it means “shines like gold”
born December 22, 1991. currently 28 years old (international age)
originally from Daegu, South Korea but spent about half of his life in China
immediate family: father, mother, younger brother
fluent in Korean & Mandarin
predebut life: he originally planned on being a chef and studied culinary for a year. his parents influenced him to pursue music as a career. he trained for 4-5 years and debuted with VAV in 2015
future dreams/goals: first win on a music program. wants people to feel happy and refreshed when they think of VAV’s music
composed and wrote almost all of the Korean lyrics in VAV’s I’m Sorry
ideal type: someone small who can fit in his arms. someone he can comfortably talk with. prefers long hair instead of short hair. prefers someone sweet instead of someone charismatic. prefers skirts instead of dresses
Baron: dancer, vocal, visual
real name: 최충협, Choi Chunghyeop
born April 19, 1992. currently 27 years old (international age).
originally from Osan, South Korea
immediate family: father, late mother, older sister
family life: he was very close with his mother, her nickname for him was “Little Prince.” as a child, his mother often had to buy him new pants because he would rip the knee areas from playing so much [lol little Roni was so cute]. his father’s birthday is on Christmas and his family used to celebrate both occasions by going to church on Christmas day and giving him a cake. as a child, he used to wish for large packs of colored pencils for Christmas
fluent in Korean. likes learning languages and speaks beginner-intermediate level English & Japanese, he’s self-taught
predebut life: he chose to become an idol because his mother inspired him by always playing music for him as a child. Yoo Seungjun was one of his biggest inspirations. he studied singing and dancing for two years then in January of 2012, Baron was a barista who wanted to become a trainee so he submitted an online application then went on an audition program in May of 2012, he passed because of his dancing skills. he later joined One Million Dance Studio and originally trained to be a choreographer. in 2014, he became a temporary backup dancer for girl group Minx. he debuted with VAV in 2015
future dreams/goals: domestic success by getting a first win on a music program in South Korea. international success by ranking on the Billboard music chart
Baron’s audition tape, solo projects, and favorite music are listed here
in December of 2018 he revealed his entire skincare routine, it’s listed here
he’s a really sweet, generous person. a small compilation of some of his best moments can be found here
he’s also very playful and likes to push people’s buttons. a few examples of his sense of humor can be found here
some basic facts about him can be found here
a profile card he filled out can be found here
baron is ambidextrous, he favors his left hand for cooking/chopping/cleaning/writing but can use his right hand for everything as well. he plays right-handed guitar
ideal type: someone with big, pretty eyes. “because I am human too, I will also look at their body” [asldkfjslkjf bARON OMG] someone honest. someone punctual with strong self-discipline. prefers dresses instead of skirts. he once picked Selena Gomez as his ideal type amongst celebrities
Ace: prince, vocal
real name: 장우영, Jang Wooyoung. it means “give and help. live a prosperous life”
born August 28, 1992. currently 27 years old (international age)
originally from Anyang, South Korea. went to high school in Seoul
immediate family: father, mother, older sister
family life: it was once revealed that Ace talks to his parents everyday
fluent in Korean. beginner-level English
predebut life: as a student, his hobby was dancing so he decided to become an idol. he trained for 5-6 years and debuted with VAV in 2015
future dreams/goals: first win on a music program. in 2018, he said he’d like to be married within 10 years time
he started learning to play guitar for Señorita and has kept going with it ever since
he gave himself the nickname “Prince” and said the national flower of Prince Ace-land is a red rose
he wrote/composed VAV’s Sweet Heart by himself and published it after working on it for over 8 months. he made it to express how he feels about vampz. baron said he paid close attention to ace as he worked on this song and was very impressed with Ace’s hard work, he’s proud to be a member in the same group as Ace.
ideal type: someone cute with a bright personality, likes tall girls. someone he can exercise with. prefers someone younger instead of someone older. pays more attention to someone’s body instead of their face. prefers dresses over skirts. he once picked love over friendship. he once joked that, because he often goes to the hospital, it’d be good to marry a doctor so he saves on medical expenses [lol what a virgo].
Ayno: rapper, vocal, dancer, visual
real name: 노윤호, Noh Yoonho
born May 1, 1996. currently 23 years old (international age)
originally from Ansan, South Korea
immediate family: father, mother, older brother, younger sister
family life: when he was a child, his future goal was to be a good husband because he viewed his father as a good role model. as a child, he used to wish for a dog for Christmas
fluent in Korean
predebut life: Ayno was a child actor (he’s been in multiple commercials and had a minor role in Boys Over Flowers) who decided to pursue music. was a trainee for about a decade. participated in No.Mercy but was eliminated in the 9th episode. he debuted with VAV in 2017
future dreams/goals: first win on a music program. in 2018, he said that he would like to be a father with a family of his own in 10 years time
apart from his instagram, he also has his own SoundCloud
his solo projects and favorite music are listed here
Ayno composed/wrote most of the lyrics in Touch You, here’s a full English translation of the lyrics
Ayno partially composed Runway and wrote the lyrics for it. he wrote some of the lyrics in VAV’s ABC, Flower, Give It To Me, Señorita, I’m Sorry, Touch You, Give Me More, Un Poco Más (Remix), 119
Ayno’s very witty and playful. VAV once said that Ayno’s pranks are 19+. a small compilation of his sense of humor can be found here
ideal type: someone hard to get. prefers skirts over dresses. prefers someone older instead of someone younger. once picked work over love
Jacob: vocal, rapper
real name: 张朋, Zhang Peng. he favors this spelling of his name, he even has a bracelet with “Zhang Peng” engraved on it!
born September 7, 1996. currently 23 years old (international age)
originally from Hubei, China
immediate family: father, mother
family life: when asked what he would like to pass onto his children he said “my love. so much love. I will love you most.” [he’s so sweet >.<]
fluent in Mandarin. advanced-level Korean. basic English
predebut life: his trainee period lasted about a year, he said it went smoothly and encountered no major problems. he debuted with VAV in 2015
future dreams/goals: wants to meet more fans and wishes for VAV to last a long time and do well on music charts
apart from his instagram, he has his own tiktok and weibo
solo projects: Jacob debuted as a solo artist with his song Love Night and was featured in Xiao’s Trouble. in 2017 he starred in the movie “The Dreamer on the Catwalk”
Jacob has a cold, stoic appearance at first glance but once he starts talking he’s very cute and is often seen giggling and clapping for his members. He also has a very blunt and witty sense of humor, shown here
Jacob has said that, because he’s a Virgo, he’s very detail-oriented and helps the other members during their practices. Ziu said that whenever they do something wrong Jacob corrects them by speaking perfect, fluent Korean yet when they correct Jacob he suddenly doesn’t understand Korean. [i love him hahahah]
ideal type: someone cute with a pretty heart. prefers skirts over dresses
Lou: rapper, vocal
real name: 김호성, Kim Hosung. it means “shining star”
born December 21, 1996. currently 23 years old (international age)
originally from Seoul, South Korea. spent some time in Atlanta, Georgia, USA as a child and four years in the Philippines as a teenager.
immediate family: father, mother
family life: he’s very close with his mother and often goes out to eat with her
fluent in Korean. advanced-level English
predebut life: he originally planned to go to university but was scouted by an entertainment company and trained for 3-4 years. he debuted with VAV in 2017
future dreams/goals: first win on a music program. he’s interested in acting and has already been in a web-drama. wants VAV to be remembered as a group that always puts out good music
solo projects: was in the web-drama Lemon Car Video and released the single Good Night
he wrote a few of the lyrics in ABC, Gorgeous, Give It To Me, Señorita, Thrilla Killa, I’m Sorry, Touch You, Give Me More, Un Poco Más (Remix)
ideal type: someone with a caring, mother-like personality. someone who can cook well. someone pretty. prefers skirts instead of dresses
Ziu: vocal, human maknae
real name: 박희준, Park Heejun. it means “happy and shining”
born June 16, 1997. currently 22 years old (international age)
originally from Seoul, South Korea.
immediate family: father, mother, older twin sisters
family life: he’s close with his mother. once when he was asked to pick someone as the most handsome member of the group he picked himself because “my mom says I’m the most handsome” [lol what a cutie]. has said his father works with the USA army [I’m assuming he means that his father works with an American military base in Korea] and that’s why he understands some English.
fluent in Korean, beginner-level English
predebut life: he was inspired to become a singer when he was in middle school and watched a performance by Rain with his mother. he trained for 5 years and debuted with VAV in 2017
future dreams/goals: first win on a music program. visit Area 51. try out other music genres such as ballad pop
solo projects: was featured in Ayno’s Don’t Sleep
ideal type: someone with prominent facial features (eyes, nose, jaw) like him. prefers skirts instead of dresses. prefers sexiness instead of innocence [...ziu O.O ]
*bonus profile under the cut
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Cash: puppy maknae, beloved little sister
real name: 캐시, Cash
born December 22, 2018. currently 9 years old (dog years)
originally from China
breed: Shar Pei
immediate family: 7 older brothers (St. Van, Baron, Ace, Ayno, Jacob, Lou, Ziu)
family life: Cash is very loved amongst VAV, she has been spotted watching their music show performances and observing them practice. St. Van likes to gently pet Cash to help her sleep well
fluent in Korean, Mandarin, & English (Cash runs a Twitter and Instagram where she interacts with vampz in multiple languages [uwu she’s the world’s cutest and sweetest puppy uwu])
life before VAV: cute puppy living in China
future dreams/goals: live happily with VAV, see VAV’s first win
Cash doesn’t like broccoli
Cash is sometimes bullied by Spirit but Cash is kindhearted and still loves Spirit
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