420faggyactivities69 · 3 months
You were a young, good looking girl. Or so you were told. Your long blonde hair fell gracefully on your bony bony shoulders. Your defined cheekbones gave you a sharp look. Your skinny waist made you quite the catch in the eyes of people around you.
But you weren't happy, were you? The long hair didn't feel right. Neither did the feminine face or the skimpy outfits you wore to show off your tiny body.
So you choose to pursue happiness instead and admitted to yourself that you're not the girl you're pretending to be. You chopped off the hair into a messy mohawk and dyed it bright colors, got piercings and tattoos, traded your tiny dresses and heels for oversized leather jackets, rough jeans and combat boots. It took years but you eventually even got on testosterone. The changes made you ecstatic. You gained muscle mass, your body hair grew and got darker, your voice deepened....
And you became hungry. All the years of denying yourself the pleasure of food in order to fit into a box caught up to you and for the first time you ate freely. After all, you were basically going through a second puberty and that's just how teenage boys get, right?
They chug bear, tear into a steak, devour plates after plates of chicken wings, fries, pizzas, whatever they can get their hand on. You were no different. You ate everything in sight and soon it started catching up to you.
Your small waist blended into your wide hips, giving you a more boxy, manly appearance. Your thickening thighs tore through your old feminine skinny jeans and became the perfect resting place for your softened belly. Your arms got huge and mixed with the muscle mass you still got they gave you almost bear like appearance. You could easily go out without binding because your tits now just looked like moobs.
Nowadays, you as much as catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and can't help but get horny. The body you worked so hard on makes you wet just thinking about it. You made it yourself out of flesh that was unfit for you and you did it one shot and one stuffing at a time.
Tell me boy, doesn't it feel nice? To finally become one of the big men you always admired? Doesn't the low vibrator of your voice in your throat make you excited? Don't you want to get that tummy to jiggle even more?
I know you want this.
So eat up
You were never meant to be a small girl anyway
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honeybyte · 18 days
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found a weird shop do i go in y/n
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rarephloxes · 7 months
i need a fic where Eris is just completely, irrevocably, devotedly, surprisingly and oh so consuming in love with Nesta Archeron and willing to move mountains for her
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sircrowchad · 2 months
Bird because a bird would fit with the rest of the men and he does seem more like a bird.
Rat, so hear me out. I cant chose what type of bird Brian would be its to hard but a rat. Just think about it, Hoodie as a rat with a little rat mask doing rat crimes.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 6 months
Don't mind me just thinking about a Hunger Games Gallavich AU
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ryuusei-blade · 5 months
How I feel explaining the Inazuma eleven timeline:
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Favourite Royal Gowns {2- ∞}
                                 A l e x a n d r a  P r i n c e s s  O f   W a l e s  
                                                 1881 | Marlborough House
Her voice, her walk, carriage and manner are perfect, she is one of the most ladylike and aristocratic looking people I ever saw!
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foxofninetales · 1 year
Elaborate in the tags if desired!
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verved · 1 year
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idk why i waited this long to watch vinny play the callisto protocol. but i think i will enjoy this game.
vinny: "the character models on the robots look pretty fucking amazing" 
yeah i agree
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shinkaishoujo103 · 1 year
Winter izuleo. Winter izuleo cuddled up on the couch covered in blankets with hot chocolate watching a cringey movie. Leo laughing his ass off and izumi just staring lovingly at him as he does so. Izumi chuckles and suddenly leo fell in love all over again. WINTER IZULEO.
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a-very-fond-farewell · 3 months
as I wait for artms to feed us crumbs, I guess it’s gonna be a ‘sweet crazy love’ on repeat until I pass out kind of writing session 😔🙄💅🏻
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diviinc · 8 months
because you liked this post /@temptedfates
✧˖° ' who cares? love is overrated anyway.. ' ( bonus 4x !! )
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Jack Griffin Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Trying to make him look like a dnd side character but damn he look kinda
Also if I ever get around to drawing more of him I will do something no one will expect
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squidkid15 · 2 years
You can't just drop that and then not explain
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emmcarstairs · 1 year
a blackdale drabble because it’s what they deserve
“Just close your eyes. I will still be here when you open them again,” Jesse murmured, his green eyes reflecting the murky witchlight upon Lucie’s nightstand. 
“But, Jesse, you disappear at sunrise.” There was a weight in her throat, a sob threatening to escape. How many nights had she left him perched on the windowsill, staring at the night sky or reading a book, only to find him gone like morning mist at the first rays of the sun?
Jesse smiled with only a corner of his mouth, as if he knew something she didn't. “I promise you, Luce. Do you trust me?” he asked quietly. She nodded despite herself. But she was tired, so tired. Maybe if she just laid down on the forest floor for a minute, maybe then her body wouldn’t feel so heavy. The sense of calm and green overcame her, the birds' song so beautiful, the melody reminiscent of that one Welsh lullaby from her childhood. She followed its tendrils as they led her further and deeper into the woods until there was only soothing darkness and peaceful quiet.
Hours later, she opened her eyes to sunbeams peaking through the curtains, gilding her room in warm colours. Jesse wasn’t on the windowsill. 
Instead, he laid under the duvet right beside her, his chest rising and falling as he slept, a small content smile on his lips.
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turtleplushi · 1 year
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this shall not stand.
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