I know it's been months since you posted about it but. I want to hear about the Bad Moms.
No worries! I'm always happy to chat, no matter the time! This one's gonna be a long one though, so strap in!
First things first, all of the Bad Moms are at least 15th-level adventurers, if not higher. All of them, excluding Sklonda, have canonically either adventured or did something like it. And Sklonda is high-level because she's just that badass.
In order of first appearance, we'll start off with the imposing Hallariel Seacaster, who, side note, I truly believe is almost seven feet tall. Just a tower of a bored housewife who used to be the best swordswoman in Spyre (Think Morticia Addams but slightly less goth). This leads me to believe that she'd be a straight Fighter (all of the Seacasters are) with the Samurai subclass. A heavy hitter who just won't drop yet still smoothly transitions into being an elegant courtier when need be. Oh, and I'd love for them to bring back the sober trigger mechanic from Unsleeping City S2 for her! It'd also be a treat to watch her deal with other Elves who make pointed backhanded comments about her finally settling down with another Elf and how it's good to see that she's done playing house with that human husband and half-human son of hers.
Next up is Wilma Thistlespring! My most precious Artificer Bard! With the subclasses Battle Smith and College of Creation, respectively. Battle Smith because in "Family in Flames", while Digby had a Tesla-coil laser canon (a hallmark of an Artilerist), Wilma had a fleet of spinning gyros instead. It'd probably take a little reflavouring but I think she could have her Steel Defender be this swarm of bird-like constructs that fuck a bitch up. And for the College of Creation part, I mean... It's the Bard subclass all about having a Song in your heart and that Song being one of the most ancient and powerful magic of all. If that's not Wilma Thistlespring to a T then I don't know what is. Also, btw, I'd love for her to be played by Elaine Lee because, if I remember correctly, Brennan took inspiration for the Thistlesprings from his parents!
Next is Mom of the Year, Sklonda Gukgak, who is obviously a straight-up Inquisitive Rogue, just like her son! This one is one of the more obvious picks for her and one of the only ones really. None of the other Rogue subclasses fit quite right while still making sense for her character. Like, maaaybe she could be a Mastermind Rogue, but I think it's a stretch. And it's the only subclass that she could conceivably get to a high enough level without her being a straight-up adventurer. I honestly think it'd be so funny to watch her get pulled into an adventure. Because I think she's a lot like Carameldina and Steel in the way of absolutely hating that they live in a DnD world, but instead of being utterly baffled by why her son is acting like an adventurer, she knows. She knows she lives in a world where adventures happen and the Call to Adventurer is a real phenomenon that wraps people up with Quest Fever. She's been trying to keep Riz from it ever since Pok died. So getting to watch her finally get the Call herself would be fantastic.
Sandra Lynn Faeth, the messiest bench ever, is next up and she's pretty straightforward, just like Sklonda. She's a Beast Master Ranger and that's all she wrote! Obviously, most of the fun of watching Sandra Lynn take center stage would be in witnessing her past come back to haunt her and seeing how she deals with it. The most glaring plot hook for a Bad Moms season (as long as they don't do it in Junior Year) would be her serving justice to the older adventurer creep who got her blacklisted from adventuring! I want her to kick ass, take names, and call Jawbone whenever she wants to make out with someone because she's still too anxious to do it impromptu even though they've talked about it!
Second to last, we've got Cathilda Ceili!!! Fight me if you think she doesn't count as a Bad Mom!!! She does!! She and Roz are picking up the slack that fucking Arianwen and Donna are dropping, okay? Okay. Now, while her being a Swashbuckler Rogue is a given. What else was she going to be? I'm also kinda leaning towards her multiclassing into Banneret Fighter, is that crazy? It's just that it feels that she'd also have some support mechanics in her roster (like Rallying Cry) and having Action Surge and Second Wind could tie why her work ethic is so tireless. Plus, as a Fighter, she'd fit in with the rest of the Seacasters! Listen, i want to see Cathilda let loose for once. And I feel like the other Bad Moms could get her there.
Finally! Roslyn "Roz" Fukumoto! She's such a wild card because we literally know nothing about her, but I think it'd be fun to include her in a Bad Moms season. Getting to know another Aguefort Alumni like Sandra Lynn and learning about what life is like outside of Elmville in another small town in Solace. I don't know if there'd be any tension between her and Wilma, (mostly because Wilma's such a sweetie) but getting to see their dynamic would be a treat. Now, for what class she could be. Another spellcaster would round out the party nicely, leaning more toward like a Warlock or even a half-caster, like a Paladin. But if she'd had to be a martial, a Fantasy High hasn't had a Monk PC yet and they are always a joy to watch.
Whew! That's about it for the Bad Moms class wise. It's such a pipe dream but it'd be such a joy to watch a group of older women play DnD as this badass team of Moms. I hope this satisfies your curiosity, @deconstructthesoup!!
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notreallyuseless · 2 years
Contains SPOILERS for Exandria Unlimited: Calamity 
first off: FUCK YOU BRENNAN FOR MAKING ME CRY SO MUCH /lh. I seriously had to stop the video every 2-3 minutes to cry, wait until i calmed down, then go back to it. MULTIPLE TIMES. Now that that’s out of the way, I really liked this! I’m not used to more than 2 and a half hour of videos so that’s why it took me so long to finish the last episode but i wanted to give this serie a chance and i really liked it. Cerrit is by far the best but like, i’m biased bc i like bird folks haha so does that even count? I, by mistake, already knew what fate was waiting for the characters (meaning i knew who died lol) but still, i’m a very emotional person so this didn’t stop me from crying haha. If i see someone cry there’s a hig probability that I will join them. 
It was a cool experience tbh. I already watched Brennan, Lou and Aabria play before so it wasn’t a complete jump into the unknown and let me tell you, I liked seeing them play, but it was really really cool to watch Marisha, Sam,Travis and Luis play too. Seeing how every one of them play a little differently and it made me “discover” new players (Luis was the only one I never heard of tbh). 
Anyway i’m rambling. I had fun. I wrote this right after finishing the finale but i’m too shaken up still so when you see this i will have had a good night sleep!
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Two Booth’s
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Seeley Booth’s Sister!Reader 
Word Count: 2,555
Warning: Violence, Graphic-ish, Mentions of drinking, Blood, Kinda goryish (Watch the episode you’d understand)
Summary: The reader is Seeley Booth’s sister. When he is stumped on a case that’s pressed for time, he reaches out to his sister and her team for help.
Aaron Hotchner Masterlist
Criminal Minds x Bones Cross Over.
Based off the Bones episode The Woman in the Car
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At the Club
“Are you too going to keep dancing around the fact you both have feelings for each other? Or are you going to do something about it?” Derek questioned, nudging you slightly as you kept your gaze on Hotch.
He was across the bar, with a tall busty blonde, whom had his attention since he walked in.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You stated nonchalantly as you took a sip of your drink.
“Alright lover girl, whatever you say.” He commented rolling his eyes. “Like he hasn’t been giving me a death glare, since you sat down.”
“Huh?” You asked, finally breaking your gaze turning towards your best friend.
“Baby girl, anyone with two eyes can see you have feelings for each other.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Come on.” You spoke standing up, extending an hand towards him. “Let’s dance.”
“Okay, but if boss man gets mad at me, it’s on you.” He teased.
Making your way to the dance floor, you quickly joined your group of co-workers.
“So nice of you to finally join us, Y/N.” Emily teased as she kept dancing with her partner.
“I couldn’t let you have all the fun, now could I?” You teased back.
As you were dancing with Derek, you couldn’t help the stolen glances you shot over his shoulder.
Hotch was still paying attention to the blonde.
Sighing you shook your head. He was never going to feel the same way about you.
“Hey, Kid.” Derek spoke bringing your attention back to him. “I know a way, we can make him jealous.”
“Oh, yeah?” You questioned tilting your head to the side. “How so?” You raised an eyebrow in question.
Without another word, his hands landed on your hips spinning you around. Your back was against his front. He swayed your hips in unison to the beat of the music. After a few moments, you leaned back against him, as you let your hands wander to his neck.
“Mind if I cut in?” A familiar voice spoke.
Before you could respond, you were now face to face with Hotch. His firm hands landed on your hips, as he tugged you impossibly closer to him.
You threw your arms around his shoulders, as you continued dancing.
“I’ve wanted to get you alone since we got here.” He spoke into your ear.
“You were too busy with bottle blonde Barbie over there.” You spat.
“Are you jealous?” He teased, sending you a toothy grin as he pulled back.
“No.” You replied quickly.
Grinning, he leaned into you. “Let’s get out of here.”
Groaning, you stepped out of your car, with a pounding headache. 
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Derek greeted, with a smile.
“Why are you yelling?” You asked rubbing your temples, walking beside him towards the elevator in the parking garage. 
Derek chuckled in response, walking into the elevator. “Who do you love?” He questioned handing you his extra cup of coffee, you hadn’t noticed he had until now.
“Derek Morgan, I love you.” You responded, beaming as you took a drink of your coffee. You let out a content sigh.
“That’s what I thought.” Derek teased, nudging your shoulder with his. “How’d it go with Hotch?”
Frowning you shook your head. “I...I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, Y/N/N, you left with the boss man.” He continued teasing.
You smiled before shrugging in response.
“Girl, you gotta give me those details.”
“You and Penelope are the only ones who, that I like Hotch.” You murmured.
The elevator doors, opened revealing your floor, saving you from having to response.
“Hey, guys.” Spencer grinned, getting you and Derek. 
“Morning, Spence.” You beamed, hooking your arm in Spencer’s, walking together into the BAU office.
Sitting in the conference room, you were one of the first ones in the room. 
“Goodmorning, Y/N.” Hotch beamed, walking towards you. 
“Morning, Love Birds.” Rossi greeted, joining you and Hotch in the room.
Giggling, you rolled your eyes, before shaking your head. “Morning, old man.”
“Ouch.” Rossi responded, placing a hand over his chest in mock pain.
The rest of the team quickly filed into the conference room. Derek and Spencer, took their usual spots on either side of you.
“This case is in Florida...” JJ began briefing on the case.
You couldn’t help but become distracted by your phone. Every few minutes, it would buzz signalling someone was trying to call you.
“Sorry.” You spoke, glancing at your phone. Ice began coursing through your veins, as you saw how many missed calls you had. Realizing they were all from the same person, your heart began beating rapidly. 
“Excuse me, I have to take this.” Your voice filled with urgency. 
Everyone in the room, turned to glance at you, as they tried to read you.
Making your way outside the room, you quickly dialed the person that had been blowing up your phone.
“Seeley, it’s me.” You responded.
“Y/N.” Your brother sighed. Knowing him, you could see him rubbing his face in frustration.
“What is it?” You questioned, tapping your foot anxiously.
“I...I need help with a case.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“There’s an eight year old boy missing. His father, Carl, is under witness protection.” 
You hummed in response, signalling for him to continue.
“He is to testify in two days against, the KBC Systems.” He continued. 
Sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Hold on.”
Opening the door, you walked into the conference room. “Guys, I’m sorry.” 
“Is everything alright, Y/N?” Rossi questioned. 
“It’s...It’s Seeley...He needs out help.” You hesitantly responded, not lifting your gaze from the floor.
Placing your phone on speaker, Booth, let the rest of the team know, what he had told you. 
“We’ll be there shortly.” Hotch responded, catching everyone by surprise.
Hotch, had take you and Rossi in the SUV. It wasn’t a long drive to the Jeffersonian. The car ride was quiet, before Rossi broke it.
“You okay?” He questioned nonchalantly. 
Without breaking your gaze from out of the window, you could feel Hotch’s gaze on you from the review mirror. 
“I’ll be alright.” You huffed out. “Why is it always kids?” You questioned in a somber tone.
“I wish I knew the answer to that, kid.” Rossi responded, his tone matching yours.
“Booth Junior!” Dr. Hodgins exclaimed, rushing towards you, tugging you in for a tight hug. 
Giggling you returned the hug with the same enthusiasm. “It’s nice to see you again Hodgins.”
“Let’s not go that long again.” He spoke pulling away, leaving his hands on your upper arms. 
The sound of someone clearing their throat filled the air around you. Quickly the rest of the Jeffersonian team joined you and Hodgins.
“This is SSA Hotchner, SSA Rossi, SSA Morgan and SSA Reid.” You spoke motioning towards each agent as you spoke. 
“Nice to meet you.” Angela spoke, with a grin. “This is Doctor Hodgins, Doctor Saroyan..” Her voice trailed off. “Joining us at some point, will be Doctor Brennan. I’m Angela.” 
“Nice to meet you all.” Rossi spoke, shaking their hands as they did the same.
“Would any of you happen to know where my brother is?” You questioned, slightly bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“I believe he’s with Doctor Brennan.” Hodgins spoke shrugging.
“Y/N!” Booth yelled, rushing down the stairs, with Doctor Brennan in toe.
“We’re running out of time.” Booth spoke breathy as he was catching his breath.
“Man, you’re getting old.” You teased at your brother causing him to swat at you.
“Shut up.” 
“Dude, don’t embarrass me in front of my co-workers.” You shot back dodging his hand.
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“What do you mean we’re running out of time?” You questioned bringing back the attention to the case.
“They cut off the boy’s finger.”
With widened eyes, a small gasp fell from your lips, as you exchanged a worried glance with Rossi.
“Is he still alive?” You questioned, turning to face Doctor Brennan and Booth.
“Well the flesh is still fresh, along with the blood.” Brennan spoke. “I would say he was alive when they amputated his phalange.”
“Have you been able to find a location of where they’re hiding out?” Derek spoke.
“We’re working on that as we speak.” Booth responded, placing his hands on his hips.
“Nice belt buckle.” You smirked, rolling your eyes.
“What’s wrong with it?” He questioned, glancing down at it.
“Oh nothing.” You teased. 
Turning towards the three BAU men, they all gaze you a skeptical gaze.
“Oh, guys this is Booth. Booth this is SSA Rossi, SSA Morgan, and SSA Hotchner.” You introduced repeating your action from earlier, when introducing them. “This is my brother Seeley Booth.” 
Glancing at Hotch, you could see him relax slightly, once you introduced Booth as your brother.
“That makes so much sense.” Rossi spoke. 
“Hey!” You exclaimed, sending him a warning glare. 
“What?” Booth questioned. “I’m awesome.” 
Your groaned, crossing your arms over your chest. “You’re so annoying. How do they work with you?” 
“Wow.” Cami spoke, gazing between you. “The resemblance is uncanny.” 
You groaned again. “I’m going to go...Anywhere else but here.” You spoke, walking towards the elevators. “And Booth.” You spoke before the doors closed. “Shut up.”
Once the doors shut, you could hear your brother yell at you. “I didn’t even say anything!”
Giggling you shook your head.
Once, the location was received, both the FBI and BAU got into their cars. As everyone, arrived at the abandoned mechanic shop, the teams were suiting up.
“Y/N.” Hotch spoke. “I don’t want you anywhere near the scene.”
“With all due respect Hotch, I’m going in.” You spat, tightening the straps on your bullet proof vest. 
“It was an order.” Hotches stern voice, brought your attention back to him.
“You’re ordering me?” You questioned, taking a few steps towards him. “I wasn’t asking Hotch.” 
“Hotch, we need her in there.” Rossi attempted to defend you. 
Hotch must’ve shot him a glare, causing him to leave you to alone. 
“Agent Booth.”
“Oh, you’re calling me agent now?” You sassed. “Hotch, I’m going in and there’s nothing you can say or do that will stop me.”
“I...I don’t want you to get hurt.” He muttered, quickly turning his gaze towards the building.
Sighing, you shook your head. Reaching for his hand, you wrapped your hand around his. “I’ll be okay. I can take care of myself.” You spoke. 
Gazing back at you, his expression had softened. “I...”
Before you knew it, you were throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. “It’ll be okay.” 
“I know.” He muttered into your hair, while bringing one of his hands to craddle the back of your head. “I just...I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’ll be okay, Hotch.” You whispered nuzzling his neck.
“Okay, okay break it up love birds, Morgan and Reid are on their way over.” Rossi spoke.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Booth whisper yelled at you, as he made his way towards the small BAU circle.
“I’m going in with you.” You spoke shrugging your shoulders.
“I’m going whether you like it or not.” You stated. “Personal relationships aside, this is my job. You called us here to do said job.”
Sighing he gave in. “Fine, but you stay behind me the whole time.”
Grinning you nodded. “Thanks big brother.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He muttered. 
Once the FBI burst into the building, the men immdiatley began shooting. Everyone, was hiding behind objects, while others made advances towards the gunmen.
There was a lot of gun shoots there were exchanged. Your focus was on finding Donovan. Once, the men had been shot, you could hear the soft cries of a boy. Following the sound, you saw Donovan. Making your way towards him, he was hiding under a table.
“Donovan, don’t look at them anymore.” You spoke, attempting to calm him. “You’re gonna be okay.”
“No!” He exclaimed, while hitting you. “Get away!”
“They’re not going to hurt you anymore.” You spoke trying to get closer to the scared boy. 
“Get away!”
“Donovan, Paladin.” You spoke, gazing at him.
The word seemingly calmed him down, as he let out a sob.
“Paladin.” You stated again.
While crying the boy nodded at, wrapping his arms around your neck. Quickly, you placed a hand around his back while placing the other under his knees, carrying him out of the building.
As you exited the building, Donovan’s blood was on your shirt and vest. The sound of sirens echoed off the building.
“Y/N!” Derek called, bringing the attention of the rest of the BAU team towards you. In no time, they were surrounding you and Donovan. 
“He’s okay.” You spoke, looking at them. “You’re okay.” You whispered resting your head against Donovan’s.
Quickly, Donovan was placed on an ambulance stretcher. Standing beside him, you were carding your fingers through his hair, mindlessly. 
Carl, pulled up in a car, rushing out of it. Standing before him, he began to cry.
“Is...Is my dad crying?” Donovan questioned.
“I think he’s crying because he got you back.” Booth spoke, from the other side of Donovan.
Running over towards the ambulance, Carl joined Donovan. Taking that a cue to leave, you made your way towards the BAU team.
“You did good, Kid.” Rossi spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’m proud of you.”
Derek and Spencer, voiced their praise as well, before walking over towards the FBI and asking them questions. Leaving you and Hotch alone.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke. “I was worried about you and I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“It’s okay.” You nodded. Placing a hand on his bicep you gave him a slightly squeeze. “I understand...It’s part of the job.” You gave him a small smile.
“I...I worry about you more than I should..” Hotch spoke hesitantly. “More than I worry about Morgan or Rossi...”
“I...I feel the same.” You whispered.
Hotch wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug, as he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
The sound of someone clearing their throat, caused you to pull away from him. “I uh...I hate to ruin the moment.” Booth spoke. “I also have to apologize for the way I treated you.”
You couldn’t help the grin that made it’s way on your lips.
“I...I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my little sister.” He spoke, gazing around.
“Are you going soft on me, Seeley?” You teased, giggling slightly.
“What? No.” He quickly responded. “Shut up.” He spoke walking away.
“Love you too!” You yelled in his direction. 
“So.” Hotch spoke, taking a step closer towards you. “Would you...”
“Yes?” You questioned gazing at him with excitement.
“For goodness sake’s Aaron.” Rossi spoke, from besides you.
Jumping slightly, you could feel heat rise in your cheeks.
“He wants to know if you’ll go on a date with him.” He rolled his eyes. 
“She’ll go on a date with you Aaron.”
“Dave, you didn’t even let her respond-”
“That’s because you too have been making googly eyes at each other, for months now.” Rossi pointed out. 
“Dinner, Tomorrow night at Seven. Aaron will pick you up.” Rossi spoke. “Dinner’s on me, kids.”
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doubleattitude · 3 years
24/7 Dance Convention, Atlanta, GA: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Charlotte Brayman-’Wonderful World’
2nd: Emersyn Lawson-’Beautiful Things’
2nd: Khylie Wilkerson-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Audrey Mikkelson-’Shake the Room’
4th: Brenna Ferrell-’Showstopper’
Mini Solo
1st: Mia Clark-’Dem Beats’
1st: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
2nd: Elizabeth Scott Lanier-’Bitter Earth’
2nd: Kaylee Schwamb-’See Me Now’
3rd: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
3rd: AnaKate Danner-’Malfunction’
3rd: Ella Barnes-’Nobody’s Watching’
3rd: Layla Karadchy-’Tomorrow’
4th: Jasmine Pando-’Amelia’
4th: Georgia Beth Peters-’Come Together’
4th: Allie Plott-’Fire’
4th: Savy Luetchtefeld-’Sound of Silence’
5th: Lauren Fenton-’Boogie Shoes’
5th: Cora Wunder-’Faith’
5th: Rudie Bolton-’Still Don’t Know My Name’
6th: Isabella Shortridge-’In This Shirt’
7th: Bella Smith-’Against The Music’
7th: Sami Nix-’Bridges’
7th: Rose Mangan-’Make Someone Happy’
7th: Ruby Wilkes Petty-’Once Upon Another Time’
8th: Alessandra Gauger-’Morning’
9th: Kenzie Wagoner-’Recharge’
9th: Laila Taylor-’Riot Rhythm’
10th: Belle Brining-’Ain’t to proud to beg’
10th: Malea Moore-’Big Time’
10th: Gabi Brown-’Brown Skin Girl’
10th: Sydney Lawrence-’Everybody Wants To Rule the World’
10th: Lyrah Atkins-’Keep It Moving’
10th: Vivian Liu-’Opportunity’
10th: Channing Jones-’Tight Rope’
Junior Solo
1st: Giselle Gandarilla-’All Human Beings’
2nd: Nicholas Moreno-’Blue Lips’
2nd: Emme James Anderson-’Resume’
3rd: Mia Doyle-’Designated Harmony’
3rd: Brinkley Pittman-’Gravity’
3rd: Belle Richardson-’Seven Birds’
3rd: Leila Winker-’Takt’
4th: Addison Bradley-’Dynamite’
4th: Maddie Shaw-’Final Goodbye’
4th: Caroline Powell-’How Rare’
4th: McGowan Howell-’Resurface’
4th: Maely Weaver-’Staggered In a Configuration’
4th: Cadence Lyles-’Warrior Queen’
5th: Amanda Fenton-’Devil In Disguise’
5th: Emma Martin-’Dreams’
5th: Leah Midgett-’Mirror Mirror’
5th: Morgan Belyeu-’Older’
5th: Vanessa Johnson-’Over The Rainbow’
6th: Kaden Brown-’Resolution’
7th: Mollie Mikkelson-’Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
7th: Gracie Elder-’No More Tears’
7th: Sloane Dawson-’TEA’
7th: Scarlett Liu-’Unaccompanied’
7th: Sydney Martin-’Vibeology’
8th: Isabella Burdo-’Dance, Dance, Dance’
8th: Estella Guzman-’No Contamination’
8th: Alora Freeman-’Sing to the Moon’
9th: Lila Jane Meadows-’Friend Like Me’
9th: Ever Martin-’Long Time Traveler’
9th: Ensley King-’Ruby Blue’
9th: Gracie Hawkins-’Smokestacks’
10th: MacKenzie Meissner-’Be Strong’
10th: Kinsleigh Gullette-’Despicable’
10th: Pierce Bevans-’Float’
10th: Stella Adamson-’Gamzatti Variation’
10th: Sophia Bell-’Waving Through A Window’
10th: Taylor Dillard-’Way Down We Go’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’Once More’
2nd: Oliver Keane-’Electric Pulse’
2nd: Georgia Greene-’Warning’
3rd: Preslie Rosamond-’Possibly Maybe’
3rd: Sophie Garcia-’Warrior’
4th: Emma Vaughan-’Tango’
5th: Camille Pepper-’1,000 Faces’
5th: Savannah Manning-’Line Thickness’
6th: Emery Sousley-’Birds of Paradise’
6th: Addy Beckham-’Fame’
6th: Natalie Bumgarner-’Lullaby’
6th: Angelina Brennan-’Woman’
7th: Loren Puchalski-’All The Time’
7th: Nika Nosova-’Epiphany’
7th: Sydney Jones-’Raise Your Voice’
7th: Jackson Smoak-’The Longest Time’
8th: Abigail McKinney-’Shout’
8th: Haley Midgett-’Smile to Me’
8th: Callaghan Johnson-Untitled’
9th: Hadley Snell-’Like This’
10th: Emmy Fuller-’Be Be Your Love’
10th: Tierney Denny-Lybbert-’Lean Back’
10th: Sophie Hunsicker-’Take Flight’
10th: Kayleigh Atterton-’Wild Is The Wind’
Senior Solo
1st: Xavier logan-’Self Memoria’
2nd: Thiago Pacheco-’I’m Naturally Platinum’
3rd: Lily Sledge-’My One and Only’
3rd: Kayleigh Everhart-’Thunderstruck’
4th: Grace Robinson-’Always;
4th: Wysdem Ceaser-’Blades’
4th: Niya Smith-’Down2Ride’
4th: Seth Gibson-’Identity’
5th: Chloe Jeffcoat-’As For The Fall’
5th: Dai Boyd-’Try A Little Tenderness’
6th: Alexandra Jinglov-’Action Reaction’
6th: Maika Takemoto-’Changes’
6th: Bella Mills-’Everywhere, Still’
6th: Shaeleigh Person-’Mine’
6th: Christian Butts-’Ohm Sweet Ohm’
6th: Brittany Willard-’Unchained Melody’
6th: Javon Moore-’Visions’
7th: Tristin Edsel-’And So It Goes’
7th: Belle Mason-’Drones’
7th: Saleya James-’Fix You’
7th: Lily Thompson-’Foolish Games’
7th: Savannah Folding-’Heart Shaped Birthmark’
7th: Kirsten Brown-’Trainwreck’
7th: Ella Samellas-’Without You’
8th: CJ Parker-’A Letter From France’
8th: Bailey Cerio-’Free Falling’
8th: Mallory McCormick-’Rose’
8th: Chloe Barr-’Still Light’
8th: Jalen Scriven-’TIME’
9th: Jasmyn Hopper-’Another Lifetime’
9th: Raven Rutledge-’A Pale’
9th: Sydney Scott-’Forsaken’
9th: Katelyn Midgett-’Georgia’
9th: Morgen Watkins-’Gonna Love Me’
9th: Ryin Corcoran-’Red Dust’
9th: Sophie Hooker-’We’ll Meet Again’
9th: Hannah Rivers-’Will You Ever Return’
10th: Blair Southerland-’Desperation’
10th: Izzie Bringle-’Hush’
Sidekick Duo/Trio
1st: West Main Studios-’Colors Of the Wind’
2nd: To The Pointe-’Wildside’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Carolina Collective Dance-’It’s Quiet Uptown’
2nd: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Loves Me Like A Rock’
3rd: Carolina Collective Dance-’Proud’
3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’To Build A Home’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Even The Sun’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Fiyah Speak’
3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Nothing We Can Do’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Let Me Follow’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Down We Go’
2nd: The Royal Dance Academy-’Grieving’
3rd: Great Gig Dance Co-’Canon In D’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Addictive’
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Verlust’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Darkest Hour’
3rd: Studio 413-’Black Flies’
Sidekick Group
1st: Studio Powers-’Big Love, Small Moments’
Mini Group
1st: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Daisies’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Hey Hi Hello’
3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’The Moment’
3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Wepa’
Junior Group
1st: The Southern Strutt-’A Young Mind’s Thoughts’
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Made of Stone’
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Swan’
2nd: Studio Powers-’Cry Me A River’
3rd: Milele Academy-’Save a Horse’
Teen Group
1st: Milele Academy-’Close Up’
1st: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Slack Jaw’
1st: Studio 413-’Social Media Overload’
1st: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Wooden Hymnal In C’
2nd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’He’s A Dream’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Shaken Lung’
Senior Group
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’What A Girl Wants’
3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Dying of Thirst’
Sidekick Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Besties’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
Mini Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Brown Skin Girl’
2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Found A Good One’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’As Good As It Gets’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Back At It’
Junior Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’This Place About to Blow’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’I Will Leave The Light On’
3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Genesis’
3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Kill The Lights’
Teen Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
2nd: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Midnight Street’
Senior Line
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Sunny Side of the Street’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Charlie Boy’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
2nd: Great Gig Dance Co-’I’d Love to Change The World’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Layla’
2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Matter’
3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Full Bloom’
3rd: Studio 413-’Rumors’
Sidekick Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Fly Kicks’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’The Happy Disco Show’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On The Gas’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Walk It Out’
3rd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Work’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Angels’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
Senior Extended Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes The Boom’
Sidekick Production
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
Mini Production
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
Junior Production
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Ski-A-Rhythmdale’
2nd: Studio 413-’Electricity’
Teen Production
1st: exonerated
2nd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Southern Hospitality’
3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Bay 2 the A’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’ 3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
Sidekick Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Besties’
Sidekick Tap
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Shout’
Sidekick Contemporary
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Sidekick Lyrical
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’ 2nd: Studio Powers-’Big Love, Small Moments’
Mini Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’ 2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Brown Skin Girl’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’The Happy Disco Show’
Mini Ballet
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Concerto In D’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Fly Kicks’ 2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Found A Good One’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Back At It’
Mini Tap
1st: The Southern Strutt-’As Good As It Gets’ 2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Love Shack’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Jitterbug’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Daisies’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’ 3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’The Moment’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’3000 Miles’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Fly Me To The Moon’ 3rd: Studio 413-’Helium’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’ 3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Little Shop of Horrors’
Junior Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’This Place About to Blow’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’ 2nd: Studio 413-’Electricity’ 3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Kill The Lights’ 3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Genesis’
Junior Ballet
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Violin Fantastique’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On The Gas’ 2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Walk It Out’ 3rd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
Junior Tap
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Sussudio’ 1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Here Comes The Sun’ 2nd: Studio 413-’Into the Night’ 3rd: Great Gig Dance Co-’Tiny Dancer’
Junior Contemporary
1st: The Southern Strutt-’I Will Leave The Light On’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Swan’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’A Young Mind’s Thoughts’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Off The Rails’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Made of Stone’ 2nd: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Daisies’ 3rd: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Firework’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’First Day Fruge’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Zero to Hero’
Junior Acro
1st: The WHEREHOUSE-’Day-O’
Junior Specialty
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Ski-A-Rhythmdale’ 2nd: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Grease!’
Teen Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′ 1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’I Hope My Life’ 2nd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Shake’ 3rd: Studio 413-’Body Language’ 3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Work’ 2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’ 3rd: Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Southern Hospitality’
Teen Tap
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Rock Your Body’ 2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Hook’ 3rd: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Wooden Hymnal In C’ 3rd: Studio 413-’Gold Watch’ 3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Gold Watch’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Exonerated’ 2nd: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Embrace the World’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Midnight Street’ 2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Angels’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’This Particular Dream’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Groundhog Day’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’ 3rd: Heather Wayne’s Dance Company-’Too Darn Hot’
Teen Acro
1st: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Oceans’ 2nd: Studio Powers-’Area 51′
Teen Specialty
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’ 3rd: Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Hip Hip Chin Chin’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Born to Be Alive’
Senior Jazz
1st: Studio 413-’Rumors’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Human Nature’ 3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Saved By The DJ’
Senior Ballet
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes The Boom’ 3rd: North Georgia Dance and Music Factory-’Power’
Senior Tap
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’What A Girl Wants’ 2nd: Great Gig Dance Co-’I’d Love to Change The World’ 2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Layla’ 3rd: Great Gig Dance Co-’Faith’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Charlie Boy’ 2nd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Dying of Thirst’ 3rd: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Full Bloom’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Matter’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tides of Lamentation’ 3rd: Dothan School of Dance-’It’s All Coming Back to Me’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Sunny Side of the Street’ 2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Too Darn Hot’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Might As Well Be’
Senior Specialty
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’
11 O’Clock:
Studio Powers-’DANCE’
The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Rhythm Dance Center-’Besties’
Studio 413-’Helium’
West Main Studios-’Spiders’
Milele Academy-’Move Your Body’
Studio Powers-’Iconology’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Daisies’
Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Found A Good One’
Rhythm Dance Center-’Fly Kicks’
The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’
Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On The Gas’
The Southern Strutt-’This Place About to Blow’
Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Kill The Lights’
Milele Academy-’Missy’
Studio Powers-’Cry Me A River’
Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Made of Stone’
The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Hip Hip Chin Chin’
Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Exonerated’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
Oconee Youth School of Performance-’Poppin Party’
The WHEREHOUSE-’Changes’
Studio Powers-’Stand Up’
Milele Academy-’Close Up’
Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Southern Hospitality’
Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
Dothan School of Dance-’You’ll Never Walk Alone’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’
Rhythm Dance Center-’What A Girl Wants’
Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Sunny Side of the Street’
The Southern Strutt-’Charlie Boy’
Great Gig Dance Co-’I’d Love to Change The World’
Studio 413-’Rumors’
Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Exile’
Milele Academy-’Get It’
Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Bitter’
Heather Wayne’s Dance Company-’Old Skin’
Smitty’s Performing Arts Center-’Where Is The Love’
Studio Showcase:
Milele Academy-’Close Up’
West Main Studio-’E R’
Variations Dance Studio-’Through The Cracks’
Upstate Carolina Dance Center-’Exile’
The WHEREHOUSE-’Changes’
The Southern Strutt-’Charlie Boy’
Studio Powers-’Stand Up’
Studio 413-’Rumors’
Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
Oconee Youth School of Performance-’Poppin Party’
North Georgia Dance and Music Factory-’Tap Dat’
Heather Wayne’s Dance Company-’Old Skin’
Gretchen Greene School of Dance-’Hip Hip Chin Chin’
Great Gig Dance Co-’I’d Love to Change The World’
Dancemakers of Atlanta-’Exonerated’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’
6 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
Tumblr’s Top Fandoms of 2020
It’s been a weird and often devastating year, and our social media has reflected that. Tumblr has just released its top fandoms of 2020 and it’s fascinating to see how a year of pandemic and quarantine has affected transformative fandom and broader cultural trends. In a year when almost everyone spent a lot more time at home, Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the most blogged about topic on the social media platform, followed by animated dramedy Steven Universe, Belgian SKAM adaptation WtFOCK, K-pop supergroup BTS, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. We talked to Tumblr’s Trend Expert Amanda Brennan about how she interpreted the biggest trends of the year, how this was a big year for animation and international media, and why 2020 was the year everyone stopped worrying about what was cool and just embraced what they love. But, first, some 2020 Tumblr statistics:
Top 20 of 2020 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Steven Universe
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Artists on Tumblr
Critical Role
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boku No Hero Academia
Black Lives Matter
The Witcher
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Magnus Archives
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Sanders Sides
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Top 25 Ships 
Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe (m/f)
Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (f/f)
Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It (m/m)
Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher (m/m)
Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens (m/m)
Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender (m/m)
Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House (f/f)
Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl (f/f)
Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS (m/m)
Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural (m/m)
Live Action TV
The Witcher
The Mandalorian
Good Omens
Skam France
The Umbrella Academy
Doctor Who
The Untamed
Killing Eve
Animated TV
Steven Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
The Owl House
Invader Zim
The Dragon Prince
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Gravity Falls
TV Characters
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Adora | She-Ra
Geralt Of Rivia
The Old Guard
Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
Birds Of Prey
Little Women
Sonic Movie
Lord of the Rings
Movie Characters
Kylo Ren
Harley Quinn
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Richie Tozier
Chris Evans
Henry Cavill
Sebastian Stan
Adam Driver
Tom Holland
Pedro Pascal
John Boyega
Robert Pattinson
Tom Hiddleston
Timothee Chalamet
Katie Mcgrath
Jodie Comer
Daisy Ridley
Margot Robbie
Lili Reinhart
Naya Rivera
Brie Larson
Florence Pugh
Jodie Whittaker
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Warrior Cats
The All for the Game series
Pride And Prejudice
Midnight Sun
The Secret History
The Raven Cycle series
Carry On
Six Of Crows
Authors of Books
J.K. Rowling
Rick Riordan
Erin Hunter
Nora Sakavic
Jane Austen
Stephenie Meyer
Donna Tartt
Maggie Stiefvater
Rainbow Rowell
Leigh Bardugo
Video Games
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Among Us
Pokemon Sword And Shield
Sims 4
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Persona 5
Video Games Characters
Obey Me Lucifer
Obey Me Mammon
Tom Nook
Cloud Strife
Arthur Morgan
Animal Crossing Villagers
Anime & Manga
Boku no Hero Academia
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
One Piece
Fruits Basket
19 Days
Anime & Manga Characters
Midoriya Izuku
Bakugou Katsuki
Wei Wuxian
Aizawa Shouta
Todoroki Shouto
Kirishima Eijirou
Lan Wangji
Levi Ackerman
And, now, our chat with Brennan. (This Q&A has been edited for clarity and length.)
Den of Geek: I’ve heard you refer to the users as the Tumblr hive-mind or the orchid, whatever it is. I was just hoping you could generally talk about what the Tumblr hive-mind is to you? Which is the way of saying, who uses Tumblr generally? And how and why? If you can even extrapolate those things. Go!
Amanda Brennan: Most of our audiences is Gen Z; it’s at 48%. Our new user registration with Gen Z is even higher; I’m pretty sure it’s 60%. These are people who come to Tumblr because they love something so much they just want to share that love with people who love it as much as they do. I know that feels like a giant umbrella, but that’s the thing: Tumblr is what you make of it. If you love sports, sports Tumblr is intense hockey Tumblr, so good. If you love TV, you’ll have all of that. K-pop Tumblr, totally amazing. Furby Tumblr is off the hook and they make these incredible creations. I’ve recently gotten into Stained Glass Tumblr.
There’s layers upon layers. No matter what you love, there’s something on Tumblr for you. That’s both the easiest thing and the hardest thing about it. You have to go in being like, “Alright, I’m so into this thing, what does Tumblr have for me?” It’s not like the other social media networks, right? It’s really about what you love rather than who you know.
Yeah, I like that. I did want to ask you specifically about the process of how you track trends and how you make decisions about what to track?
We built the whole taxonomy that powers fandom metrics based on what Tumblr talks about. I’m a librarian, as you know, and I kind of reverse engineered it. My first year in review at Tumblr in 2013, they handed me a spreadsheet and they’re like, ‘OK, go to town.” So I was like, “Cool, let me pull out the threads that I see.” We really let the data tell us how to analyze it, if that makes sense. So when it comes to what we track, I have a running notebook that I’ve kept all year of the things that I’ve wanted to have in year in review.
The Witcher has been on my list since it came out. Animal Crossing has been another one. The Old Guard had a huge moment. I was just writing notes, like, “Oh, what is this thing? And we’ll keep an eye on it.” I have an amazing team. We all are into our own pieces of Tumblr. So we’ll all work together to just keep an eye on different fandoms. I don’t know if you know about Minecraft YouTuber fandom?
Yeah. I was actually listening to the latest Fansplaining last night and they mentioned it in that. I was just like, “OK, a new thing.” There’s always a new thing to learn about.
There’s always a new thing. That’s the beauty of Tumblr. It’s so fluid in fandom. You can go from one fandom to another and then you’ll see like, “Ooh, what is this thing?” I’ve got Supernatural on the brain, as who in the fandom doesn’t right now. [This interview was recorded on the day of the Supernatual series finale.] I was telling someone, the whole reason I got into Supernatural was because I saw a gif from the show on Tumblr and I was like, “What is happening? Let me go back and watch this entire series.” That’s the vibe of Tumblr, right? You see a thing and you’re like, “Oh, I need to know everything about that.”
Read more
Supernatural Series Finale: Why Dean’s Fate Works
By Juliette Harrisson
Supernatural: The Internet’s Best Reactions to the Series Finale
By Kayti Burt
Hmm. Yeah, for sure. I was interested in talking to you or getting your insight into how trends you saw or data you saw that were maybe tied to the very unique experience of being in the middle of a pandemic.
Yeah. I was looking back at the predictions that I had made last year and like four of those things didn’t even come out. It was just so unexpected. There’s two things that we really saw tied to the pandemic. The first was “cottagecore” as an aesthetic. It kind of touched everything because it’s soothing, it feels comfortable. In March and April in the early days, when you didn’t know what to do, you’re stuck in a forest isolation. Cottagecore has got this vibe of chosen isolation. It was very fantasy-driven and something to reach out for.
That evolved also into nostalgia. I think this year’s really big theme is nostalgia and comfort. We saw huge returns to fandoms like Twilight and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Avatar going on Netflix was such a world-breaking moment. Not only did it introduce a new, younger fandom to the show, there’s a lot of Avatar content once you get into it, but it brought people back to a younger time in their lives. Remembering and rewatching. The Avatar fandom, as you see, it’s all over all of the lists. Zuko is number 20 on all of the things on Tumblr this year. Avatar was able to redefine people’s year. Because you know what, we’re all at home, I’m going to binge Avatar. Reignite my love for this fandom.
A lot of TV too, because TV is episodic, you get lost in it. Movies had a really rough year. When we look at the movies, movies like Megamind were trending this year. That comfort movie that you go back and watch 17 times.
Yeah. I was curious about that too. The balance or proportions between older fandoms and newer fandoms, like the Avatar example. I was curious how much that changed this year? How much you thought it was tied to the pandemic? How much is tied to accessibility and things, like Avatar coming to Netflix? Do you think that is an interest in older fandoms? Or that it’s going to continue past the pandemic?
Yeah. I think another high-level theme of this year is the rejection of cringe culture. I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but I’ll tie it all back in. I think people are realizing what their values are and not being afraid to admit that they like a thing. Not caring what other people think of the things they like. Unabashedly loving the things they love. That’s why I think we do see a resurgence in these older fandoms.
Because people who may have loved them their whole lives, or may have been nervous to share that they liked it when they were younger they’re not afraid anymore. They’re like, “You know what? Twilight, it’s not that great, but I love it. This is my emotional support vampire.” Recognizing that you can be critical of something. You can see where its flaws are, but you can still love it. That duality of fandom is something that is going to persist into next year. That freedom to just like a thing, because you like it. Be able to see its flaws, but still be like, “You know what? Overall, this brings me joy and the world is melting down.”
I’m on board with that mission, that plan for 2021. I did want to ask about the role of non-English language media, especially live action stuff. Generally because I was someone who fell into The Untamed this year, but I saw that there were two SKAM remakes as well that are on the top 10. In general, have you seen over your time at Tumblr, and maybe especially in the past few years, an increase in non-English language content? Do you think that is mostly English speakers and Americans being more open to that or being able to find it easier? Or do you think it’s also an influx of people from outside the United States coming to Tumblr? Or both?
Interesting. The data that we work with is actually stripped of all user information. I don’t really have an insight into where these people are coming from. I do think that users in general are more open to content in any language. Tumblr is more interested in characters than where the story comes from. Thinking about The Untamed, it’s just such a compelling story, it doesn’t matter if you have to read subtitles.
To parallel it to something in major pop culture, Parasite. People are becoming more open to just watching content because it’s good. SKAM is really fascinating to me because the number one live action show is wtFOCK. Then, I think two years ago, 2018, the original SKAM was number one at some point. This show really transcends language barriers. It transcends geographical barriers. At the core, the story of the teenagers is just so relatable to anyone. We’ve seen lots of translation happening and not just into English. Translation of SKAM into other languages, just because people want more of these characters and their iterations, no matter what locale they’re based in. I’m waiting for some professor to have a class on it, because it’s so fascinating to me.
I also wanted to ask about how you thought the election cycle affected Tumblr this year, if there were any trends or data that you were like, “Yes, of course this is what people were doing on Tumblr this year.”
Tumblr has always had this backbone of social justice. This year, it came out stronger and in more force. No matter what fandom you were in or interests, everyone I know on Tumblr was participating in sharing social justice stuff. Even politics, if they weren’t from the US, those kinds of memes that were like, “I feel for you”. The way that fandoms do. I see your show is ending and I’m sorry.
The one thing that Tumblr really had leading up to the election was such an appreciation for the postal service. Especially Gen Z, their world is so much larger due to digital connection. Mail order, just as well as sending letters and keeping in touch with your digital friends is just as important as keeping in touch with your IRL friends. All of the artists on Tumblr, so many of them turn to mail order to replace cons. This is their livelihood. By the time the fall hit and the postal service was having all these issues, people are ready to jump in. There were the Transformers dressed like mail people.
There were all these comments like “support your postal workers,” “support the USPS.” It really boils down to the fact that we are all connected and the mail service is something in the US that connects everyone. Even overseas. Supporting these artists whose livelihood went from IRL to online and having to deal with all of this.
And the “Super Putin Election.” The confluence of those elements. I was just surfing on my personal computer and I was on Tumblr and I saw a post being like “Destiel’s canon.” I’m like, “Excuse me?” I immediately texted my team. I was like, “Open up your work computers, let’s go.”
It’s time.
We all signed on trying to figure out what’s going on and watching the numbers. That, to me, is thrilling. I said this to someone else, but it felt like the night of The Dress. To have that moment where everyone on the internet is feeling the energy. The things that kept getting layered on top of it. Putin and Sherlock and all the anime mysteries. It was breakneck speed, and it was really thrilling just to be in that moment, and so Tumblr.
I did want to ask you about an increase in animated fandom and potentially anime fandom. A lot of these things I’m anecdotally or just observing things in my own little corner of the internet. It just seems like animation and anime, probably at least partially because Netflix has accumulated a much larger anime collection and seems to be investing in these sorts of things. Have you seen that increase? Could you talk about it, if so?
It plays into what we were talking about earlier, twofold. That nostalgia vibe, the late nineties anime vibe, that art style. Also your comfort zone and being open to more stuff just because it’s good. Not worrying about reading subtitles and stuff like that. But anime in general had a huge year. Haikyū!! ending also transposed into other fandoms because that moment of the final panels, it brings people together. People being so excited to see this massive thing come to a close. You might not be familiar with Haikyū!! in general, but you’ll see the fanart and be like, “Oh, I feel that.” It’s the emotion of it.
The popularity of Avatar did also open people’s doors to like, “Oh, well, what else can I watch? What else do I want to learn about”? Boku No Hero was consistently on our Week In Review every week. BEASTARS is another Netflix anime that’s at the top. Then Mo Dao Zu Shi, thinking about The Untamed, the story of Mo Dao Zu Shi is so fascinating. I don’t think I can name another piece of content that has that storyline. People are just ready to take it all on.
I did want to ask you, I think you’ve probably talked about some of these already, but what were some of the biggest fandom moments for you on Tumblr this year?
Oh boy. So many things going canon. Catradora was a huge, huge moment. I cried watching that. The Witcher, Jaskier, introducing this whole new world to Henry Cavill. I saw a post yesterday that was like once Superman was goth, a lot more people realize that he’s hot. Repurposing and looking at things in a new way. Among Us, so huge. There is a user who is doing a comic about White and Pink being in love. She’s giving them lore. She’s giving them backstory, personalities. It is amazing.
Unus Annus, I am not very into streamers, but I’ve caught some of those videos. When they had their final stream, I was tuning in. I was like, “Are you really going to delete the channel?” Then they did. Just watching the fans have that moment, even though I am not in that fandom, it was wonderful so meaningful.
Harry Potter being taken by the fans. Fans own Harry Potter now, and that’s what matters. The Old Guard also came out of nowhere and really blew Tumblr away. The Immortal Husbands. I love that ship. I’ve got to touch on almost all of the places, MCR, My Chemical Romance. Those fans have woken up and they didn’t get their tour, but they will. They’re not going to sleep until they do.
Because we maybe all have Supernatural on the brain, to a certain extent. I’m just curious how you think, that show’s been on for 15 years. The fandom has gone through literal generations. How do you think the fandom is going to change?
There’s always going to be a supernatural gif for everything. People will continue gifing it. It’s going to surpass what it is and it’s going to become that comfort show. This is a personal anecdote, but when I go to the dentist, every single time supernatural is on. It’s just like, “Oh, I get to watch my boys while I’m getting my teeth cleaned. That’s good.” It’s always going to be there. It’s always going to be there for people when they need it the most. We’re going to see a lot more fan creations. People love these boys, men now they’re adults. People love these characters. I haven’t watched this season. I am going to watch the finale tonight. I’m going in almost cold. I know that a lot of fan favorites have returned. My prediction for Supernatural fandom going forward is seeing these side stories come through in fanfiction even more than they already do. Lots more Charlie. That’s personal of mine because I love her.
I don’t think you’re alone in this.
Yeah. Who doesn’t love Charlie? Seeing these smaller characters come out and just shine in their own fan works, more so than the world might’ve provided them in canon.
It feels dangerous to make fandom predictions based on what happened this year, but if you have any predictions and or hopes for the coming year in terms of Tumblr and fandom?
Where we’re at now and going forward, it’s all about true authenticity. Screw what people think. We’re rejecting our old ways of thinking. We’re about flipping perspectives and forgetting what you thought was important in exchange for what you truly love. 2020 has helped us all figure out what our values at our core are. It’s about choosing something that makes you happy, that supports you, and your people. Choosing the happiness of those around you and making sure that you’re fighting for the goodness in life. Which sounds really sugar sweet, but one of the things, again, that I love about Tumblr is it is about putting people first based on the things they love. That’s what I see happening.
Explore the rest of Tumblr’s Year in Review lists here, and let us know what your biggest 2020 fandoms were in the comments below.
The post Tumblr’s Top Fandoms of 2020 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3lPIRa9
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koalaaquabear · 4 years
The 5 hour finale live stream just concluded and y’all, it was crazy. It has been a wonderful several months with all you guys and I am so excited for April 8th and Junior Year. 
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year Live Reaction -HOOT GROWL BABY it's time. I didn't react to part one but wOW that one was crazy. Get ready for EMOTIONS :'(( -SIG FIG RESCUE MISSION lol #ontour -well ok brennan that canopy shit is scary as fuck -murph is still looking like riz -Zaphriel and Ayda!!!!!!! -"HOLD ME BACK GORGUG" i love u emily -Brennan I stg -Ayda is Gorgug's dad lol -oh shIT they're totally in the cottage -heLL YEAH AYDA!! -oh GOD figayda kiss? exceptional. -if ayda dies i WILL throw dice at Brennan -ok brennan make me cry then -GET THE VAN GORGUG -gorgug truly is the greatest wizard of this age -#hugeblueguy -aww zac oyama i love you -"semi-fallen" oH dEar -gorgug texts zelda IMMEDIATELY i love him -amaZING thank you zelda -"ew, creepy, hate that" -zaphriel is the best character you guys, what a homie -i keep forgetting ayda can fly. like she has wings. i know that. -AELWYN! -nOPE someone is coming through the forest and if it's arianwen i will kill cry -HANGMAN???? -HANGMAN!!!! HIS DOG!!!!! -HANGMAN NO I LOVE YOU YOU'RE THE CUTEST DOGGY -adaine i love you baby -"the weak yogurt man" -what high ranking devil??? -fabian you're adorable -aww fabian has a puppy!! (i get that the hangman is eight feet long don't @ me) -that's the first "the ball" -lou can never have the highest roll -BARDY BOYS -oop kristen and riz time -tracker? i barely even know her -chills, brennan. chills -someone in the chat just said "so did skrank fuck zelda?" -intense muSIC -nononononononono -ragh, tracker, and sandralynn better be all right -ooo a sTICK -HELL YEAH RETURN OF THE RIBBON DANCE -"riz weeps" holy shit i love him -"something bad always happens when we go off together" -#RIZTEN -awwoOOOOOOO -ayda can fly too! -absolutely FUCK this bridge ABOUT 30 MINUTES -poor ayda -please say they're ok brennan -"put your tongue baCK in your mouth" -sANDRA LYNN NO -"what kind of arrows" "you know what kind" fuCK OFF BRENNAN -if baxter dies i will cry -wait faerie fire is a cleric spell..? absolutely fuck me -ok aelwyn let's fuck shit up -calling the bank in the middle of this nightmare forest lol -heLL YEAH ZAPHRIEL -luck check luck check luck check -"y'all are going to turn into dragons" -fabian straight up cries? what a fucking rich kid -NO WAY HE HAD T H E COIN??? -REMOVE CURSE BABY -"nnOOO!" lmao -ally and brennan are in the chat -kristen's religion is REALLY coming in handy -the name was turned into the night yorb lol -"how's that axe feeling?" "..pretty light ;)" i love him -ayda can lift the axe??? exceptional -FIG IS KALINA? ABSOLUTELY RAD -brennan has created a place where illusions are real and emily is holding him TO IT -"do you have a dongle?" incredible -EMILY I LOVE YOU! KALINA IS A YOUTUBER BABY -wretchrot is baCK baby -aelwyn i love that -"i am a low quality child" "yeah ayda you're a bad kid" -"hey bitch" emily axford is a goddess -im sorry cOURT OF ELDERS? -NO I WILL CRY -ROLL INITIATIVE TIME -go OFF hangman -ooo some high initiatives babyyy -zac oyama is my favorite ever -"trackerrr" -brian as soon as emily was threatened said "how dare you" -brennan you FUCK "i'm awake for all of this" FUCK YOU -fig and her mommy issues: an album -absolutely FUCK THE TREE GUY -kick that wood elf BITCH ABOUT ONE HOUR -fuck him UP fabian, shit in his gODDAMN mOUTh -"SPRING BREAK YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER" -pleASE BRENNAN LET HIM SHOOT HER WITH THE TINCTURE -spRING break this is for the corn god -okay nevermind riz is holding his action -i love the intrepid heroes they're adorable -"ice feast" fucking love them so much -yES the ball thank GOD -brennan..? -"her rage ends" tracker = barbarian -FIRST NAT 20 BABY -"IT 100% WORKS BUT IT 50% WORKED" -that's the second "the ball" -bOOOOOOO BRENNAN -mad plans for the tree guy -sorry, is his name crAFTME ROOTDRINKER? -oh ok it's aelwyn we're fine -cone of cOLD baby i love aelwyn what a babe -you absolutely hate to see it -ragh my baby i love you -SPRING BREAK -tracker nO PLEASE -TRACKER JUST CRIT OH NO -brennan is really good at acting this btw -wait 14 on a crit??? i mean oH NO kRISTEN, bOO -disPEL MAGIC BABY -ALLY BEARDSLEY YOU ABSOLUTE GOD -aww kristennn is babyyy -tracker nooo don't cryyyy -you've sAVED your GIRLFRIEND -"some of us have already done that today" fig the sHADE -ally simply musT get new dex -absolutely fuck that brennan i don't need that vampire pixie -FUCK IT UP AYDA -FIGHT ME IN THE SKY! -"does a 29 hit?" daMN zac that absolute SHADE -53 DAMAGE?? CHEJ IS SO FUCKING STRONG -"goddamn paper lantern" -absolutely fuck you brennan -nevermind gorgug and adaine both passed the con saving throw -"i don't like you" lou really gets personally upset about this and i love that -nO NO NONONONO aelwyn and tracker are down -FUCK IT UP ADAINE -gdi brennan don't do this to us -ABSOLUTELY FUCK THE TREE -fig is straight up gonna kill her mom -this is scary as fuck -HANGMAN HAS A BREATH WEAPON AND YOU DIDN'T SAY SHIT??? CHOKE ON GRAPES BRENNAN -FUCK EM UP HANGMAN ABOUT 1 HOUR AND A HALF -wood elf is DOWN baby hoot growl -kristen thinks the elf is gak lol -23 DAMAGE??? AC OF 25??? ABSOLUTELY FUCK IT UP FABIAN -SHENANIGANS TIME FOR MURPH -HELL SECRET AGENT TIME -27??? RIZ YOU'RE THE HOTTEST -third the ball -imagine the ball is secretly SO HOT without the hat -YES BRENNAN GOT A NAT 1 EAT YOUR GODDAMN DICE -sweEET -fourth the ball (they've all been Lou cuz of course) -incredible turn murph -kalina is SO GOOD at skateboarding -#bloodphoto -KALINA HAS 23 WISDOM? absolutely fuck me -oh hELL YEAH FIG COUNTER THE COUNTER -emily is doing some SHIT right now you guys (fear spell) -DAMMIT that high as fuck wisdom -sorry WHAT she rips open sPACE??? -BABY BETTER SAVE THE GODDAMN DAY -let's go BABY -"mMMHHHHnnN leET ME tOUCh ItT" baby is fucking weird -"baby vs mommy" i love you siobhan -aelwyn better not DIE brennan -riz baby let's get it -trACKEr -nAT 1??? kristen is unCONSCIOUS?? -HUMAN DETERMINATION!!! THE GRIT BABY] -wait aura of life is badass!! they can't lose damage?? -okay scrap that we're gonna TURN UNDEAD and then MASS HEALING WORD? absolutely incredible -gorgug has so much goddamn health -FUCK THIS TREE DUDE -KILL IT AYDA LET'S GO -"her girl's side" *in lou voice* okAY bRENNNAn -second nat 1 but both of them re-rolled -GEM!!!! -LET'S GET GORTHALAX BABYYYY -"BIG DADDY" -ayda is so turned on lol -KILL IT CHEJ OKAYYYY -fuck this centaur -i'm so nervous -puT THOSE DICE DOWN BRENNAN -"you're gonna drop." shuT UP -riz is fULLY DEAD???? -i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. -sHUT UP BRENNAN -baby is DEAD oh my GOD you absolutely hate to see it ABOUT 2 HOURS -nO NO NO NO NO NO NO PUT THAT CROWN AWAY BITCH -absolutely fuck me, the nightmare king is totally fucking back i hate myself -aww fabian is baby -hELL YEAH FABIAN SPRING BREAK -"i've lost one friend, that's too many" fabian is adorable -"that's a full ass miss, my guy" -sandra lynn just crit on chej :(((((( -14 damage is not very spring break of her (she did 28 but it was halved because gorgug is such a strong boyyy) -LET'S GO LOU -almost all of them are spellcasters wtf (only one who isn't is riz but he has a daily misty step) -fuck em up hangman -fUCK EM UP HANGMAN! d8 + 2d6 +8 i think -figaroth the unfaethable baby -THOSE ARE SOME SHENANIGANS FIG I LOVE IT (she's shattering the rubies to get a revivify diamond) -casts teleport??? aelwyn came here to FUCK -"i would love to teach you this spell" aww the abernant sisters liking each other is my new aesthetic -fuck em up adaine -you can hit the tree on a 12 babyyyyy -heLL YEAH 44 DAMAGE ADAINE IS STRONG NOW -kalina is not even that cool she just said "that's enough of that" in the most uncool way -2 down 3 to go! -omg wait it would be so badass if they could just remove curse on kalina -"Mr. The Insatiable" -ayda is such a sweetheart "i don't care if you want me to date your daughter but i do hope you love me" -"I LOVE THIS SONG" yes siobhan me too -on a DC 20 she got a 31!!!! consider my jeans creamed -SHRED BABY GIRL!!! -KILLIAN IS DEAD! RIZ IS ALIVE! -ayda is so turned on AHHH -I LOVE RIZ SO MUCH "am i interrupting something???" -fuck him UP chej! 3 hits, no crits -hell yeah mr. march!! oh sorry wrong series -a gROUP PROJECT i'm DEAD -someone in the chat called him "snac oyama" and you're rigHT -siobhan's straight fucking this tree UP -the spellcasters are like all out of spells at this point -fuck OFF arianwen. KILL YOUR MOM -"where's your father, aelwyn?" "last i saw, adaine killed him so *shrug*" i lOVE HER -FUCK THEM UP GORTHALAX -abolutely fuck the nightmare king -waIT GORTHALAX IS GONNA KILL THE NIGHTMARE KING -sidenote: fig calls gorthalax pops -dO IT BRENNAN kILL YOUR OWN BIG BAD -this treeant has GOT to be dead -NAT 1 on that attack?? SPRING BREAK BABY -no we haven't seen kalina in action brennan, and we do not want to -OH SHIT THE TIE! YOu just got FUCKed bRENnan eaT youR DICE -yeS AYDA ROAST HER -"GOTTEM!" -i'm sorry i just hallucinated, did you say 6 ATTACKS? -time to go VIRAL BABY -19 intelligence, 23 wisdom, 20 charisma for kalina? absolutely fuck me -riz just got kICKed! you absolutely hate to see it -GODDAMMIT -KALINA IS HOMOPHOBIC CONFIRMED ABOUT 2 AND A HALF HOURS -brennan be like "im about to kill this bird" -absolutely fuck me i hate this -let's go FIG -time to caTCH the bALL -murph has the same thinking face as riz and it's adorable -this is not very spring break brennan -DC 25 acrobatics check? c'mon faBIAN -29????? -fifth the ball (from the hangman) -"there's just something endearing about him" fabian loving his friends is adorable -absolutely fuck me that fire elemental is adorable -absolutely swaddle the ball -well hot take but fuck the nightmare king you guys -absolutely NOT brennan do NOT kill adaine you PSYCHO BITCH -PLEASE ADAINE LIVE -STRAIGHT DEAD? FULLY DEAD? FUCK OFF WITH THIS INSTAKILL SHIT BRENNAN -hell yeah ayda is back and kristen has the revivify diamond -aelwyn FULLY banished that unicorn -it's good to know ragh really doesn't want them to die -YES RAGH IS BACK BABY -fuck em up kristen -s/o to DND Beyond btw absolutely banger website -hell yeah mass healing word is awesome -clerics are GOOD you guys i should play more clerics -FUCK IT UP AYDA -SANDRA LYNN IS BACK BABY -skater chej is my favorite thing -aBSOLUTEly fuck the tree -i have no idea wHAT is happening ABOUT 3 HOURS -fuCK YOU nightmare king -i absolutely hate this battle but at least gorthalax is still standing -gorgug better split this gd tree -"what if we just kill kalina?" yeah zac it's that goddamn easy -brennan almost just fucked everyone -"does she want to borrow my teddy bear?" the SHADE -"MAKEOVERRR" i love you siobhan -this tree SUCKS -battlemaster is cool as fUCK SPRING BREAK -BARDY BOYS also i think that was a nat 20 -i can't imagine the thistlesprings watching the battle livestream and like worrying if gorgug is going to die -FUCK HER UP THE BALL -ABSOLUTE SHENANIGANS FROM MURPH! -with ADVANTAGE BABY -"has anyone seen my hat!?" keep it off baby you're HOT now -"mirrors negate mirrors" "i think oscar wilde said that" i love them -#hotrizweek? -holy shit fig is FUCKING THIS BATTLE UP -HELL YEAH KALINA ROLLS A NATURAL 2!!!! -hell yeah adaine is back and SO MUCH is happening that i'm like forgetting to write down my reactions -kill this woody motherfucker baby -the music is too lOUD -ok it's normal now -fuck em up gorgug -i'm sorry the chat is saying he did 90 DAMAGE?!?!?!? -KILL IT CHEJ ILY -fuck off brennan, absolutely fuck off -ABSOLUTELY FUCK OFF BRENNAN -gorthalax is FULLY DEAD? absolUTELY FUCK YOU -SAINT KRISTEN APPLEBEES -adaine has SOLVED THIS SHIT -god all the abernant names are confusing -fuck you kalina ABOUT 3 AND A HALF HOURS -BRENNAN I STG IF RAGH ENDS UP DEAD -hellish rebuke that bitch -c'MON faBIAN HIT that BITCH -wait is kalina a rogue and a druid? absolutely incredible -FUCK IT UP FABIAN -OMG THE HANGMAN BETTER FUCK THIS UP -YES THE BALL 31 DAMAGE -so the stream just ended. i'll say it again: absolutely fuck me -ok so we're back and kalina got fucked up -WHAT THE FUCK A NAT 20???????? YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO SEE IT -ALLY WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS -I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS AND NEITHER CAN BRENNAN -MAGIC IS REAL AND SO IS MY ALLY -i can't believe this. eat your GOD damn DICE brennan! -OMG ARE THE NIGHTMARE KING AND THE GODDESS ONE AND THE SAME? -THEY ARE! THE NIGHTMARE KING IS THE NIGHTMARE QUEEN -brennan is CRAZY AHHHHH -brennan absolutely stop this tension -28 insight. brennan is fucked -GO TOWARDS HIM KRISTEN -YES!!!! PLEASE SAY THIS IS A GOOD THING -ALLY GOT A NAT 20 THEY BETTER BE RIGHT -fear. is. not. real. -this is just like the ending of moana -NO WAY BRENNAN I LOVE YOU (you wouldn't believe it from what i have said but it's true) -this is intense i'm about to cry -you're meeting god and you say "is it too early for this?" -LMAO 5'9" -Moral of the story: IDK and that's OK -ok ally make me cRy -HELL YEAH NEW SHIRT BABY -i'm so emotional -"well oBVIouslY cASsAndRa" i wish every deity had names as normal and human as cassandra -fuck them UP cassie -i love that tracker's just like "uh... babe?" -love having god in your corner -no more hangman puppy :((( -RIZTEN are the CUTEST i love them "i love all of them, riz the most, we know this" -"we still need the crown for our grade" FABIAN I LOVE YOU -"counselo- former counsel- i'm an assistant :(" why do y'all think this man is hot -KILL ARIANWEN -"she tried to hurt me in my shattered state?" "that's her MO" aww adaine my baby -HOLY SHIT PLEASE GIVE GILEAR ALL OF ARIANWEN'S MAGIC -GORGUG YOU SWEETHEART I LOVE YOU -cassandra throwing SHADE -ThE vANdS -aelwyn throwing SHADE -AWW RAGH I LOVE YOU BABY brennan lives another day -"a big bug gave me a riddle" that is NOT what happened -aww the hirelings are all crying and i DO NOT stan -hell YEAH cassandra OH I STOPPED KEEPING TRACK OF TIME IT'S BEEN OVER 4 HOURS -hELL YES HANGVAN -i love you fabian -nO IS CHUNGLE DOWN BIM REAL? -maybe the real chungle down bim is the friends we made along the way -GARTHY i love them -arthuR aGUEFORT - absolutely wild -ayda and arthur is crazy -"snOGGING THE HEADMASTER'S DAUGHTER ARE WE?" -awww that is so smooth fig "you don't need to make me the most magnificent creature because it seems you already have" -ARTHUR PULLS THROUGH -garthy is a cutie i love how they care so much for ayda -oH FUCK ME garthy is ayda's child from her previous life -"your girlfriend's daughter fucked your mom!" goddammit siobhan i can't handle this -if they fail i will cry -CHRONOMANCY!? absolutely fuck me -"professor principal headmaster aguefort" -hell yeah arthur you're killing it -faelwyn? absolutely can't handle it -aww kristen is baby -jawbone and sandra lynn are ok? amazing -jawbone is the best character -"our parents are great" kill me why don't you siobhan -AWWW FUCKING STOP BRENNAN WITH THESE GIFTS -i just cried he wants to adopt her -"you're easy to love" jawbone is fUCKING me up -LYDIA BARKROCK what a badass i love her already -"a pheonix whom everyone she touches is reborn better" fuck off emily -gorgug is a cutie <3 <3 -ABSOLUTELY KICK SKRANKS BIRD ASS -GORGUG CONFIRMED FUCKS -riz is a dork i love him -who knew "you're so much like your father" could make me feel like that -GILEAR IS MOVING THE FUCK IN BABY -GILEAR WITH SELF CONFIDENCE IS MY AESTHETIC -aww jawbone gave ayda autism books? jawbone is the sweetest to ayda cuz OF COURSE HE IS -AYDA GETS HER SPELL!!! -Ayda's Comprehend Subtext is the cutest spell ever -adaine and fig's friendship is too cute -craig has always been down for everything. i don't know craig but i love him -YES HOOT GROWL HOOT GROWL I'M SO PROUD OF RAGH -"BAD KIDS FOR LIFE" RAGH IS A CUTIE -NO FAELWYN IS REALLY HAPPENING I CAN'T -fabian's laugh is so cute -i love how nervous fabian is -WAIT FABIAN AND AELWYN ABSOLUTELY WILL FUCK? -fabian's gonna get his KISSES IN -aww i get how hyped figayda is but they are truly so adorable -weLL EMILY AXFORD I WILL LET YOU HURT ME LIKE THAT -they said i love you :((( -tracker only deserves the best -TRACKER'S GOING TO FALLINEL? I LOVE HER -ragh is going too? gay road trip! -that's adorable -ABSOLUTELY NOT BRENNAN FUCK OFF DO NOT SAY THE NIGHT YORB IS GONNA BE THE NEXT VILLAIN -BRENNAN NO YOU BITCH I HATE YOU THE NIGHT YORB IS THE VILLAIN OF JUNIOR YEAR? -that was crazy. i cried, i laughed. i am fuCKING HYPED FOR CROWN OF CANDY AND JUNIOR YEAR GANG!
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scribomaniac · 4 years
Something Wicca This Way Comes Ch 3
@andiirivera @blackwidownat2814 @gryphbear @meredeph @jonesfandomfanatic @forget-me-not-s @groovyfoxpeace @superchocovian @therealstartraveller776 @stahlop @kmomof4 @teamhook
If anyone wants to join the tagged list, or be taken off of it please just let me know!
The police station was a drab and depressing building, built from gray stone and accented with iron steel. However, not even it’s ugly facade could dampen Killian’s good mood. Thoughts of the Savior had quickly left his mind as soon as he finally escaped the manor, and the only remaining thoughts  revolved around a beautiful blonde and whether or not she might want to take an early lunch with him. 
Brushing past several uniformed officers and a few suited bodies, Killian stopped right in front of a desk that was topped with a placard reading Detective E. Swan. “Hello Swan,” Killian all but purred, bracing his hands on the edge of her desk and leaning forward.
Emma glanced up from the file she was reviewing with raised brows. Looking at her watch she said, “You’re early.”
“Well you know how the saying goes,” Killian grinned, “the early bird catches the worm.”
“And what,” Emma asked as she leaned forward herself, her long, golden hair slipping past her shoulders, “is the worm in this metaphor, exactly?”
“Lunch perhaps? Just you and me?” Killian raised a brow, his blue eyes meeting her green ones. “What do you say, Swan?”
“I say,” Emma smiled, a small, hesitant thing, “I should take your statement.”
“Right, that.” Killian nodded then pushed himself away from the desk and plopped himself into the chair on the side of her desk, the one that criminals usually sat in while awaiting processing. "Very well. Statement first, then lunch." 
Ignoring him, Emma pulled out a form and asked, "Name?"
"Killian Jones."
Scratching at his ear, Killian replied, "1329 Prescott Street."
"Have you always lived there?"
The question surprised him, as he didn't think it was something the form had asked. Sitting up straighter, emboldened by her interest, Killian answered, "Since I was thirteen or so, but before that I lived in England with my brother.”
Emma sat back in her chair and tilted her head, "What made your family come to San Francisco?" 
"My father remarried. She was American and they wanted to start a life in her hometown." 
That was mostly true. Lilian had been born and raised in San Francisco, but by the time she'd met his father, everyone who knew her had thought her dead for at least fifty years. She'd been a white-lighter to his witch father, and they'd fallen in love. 
Unfortunately for them, relationships between white-lighters and their charges wasn't allowed. No one was supposed to know, and no one would have ever known, probably, if it hadn't been for William. Who knew a white-lighter could get pregnant? Not Lilian and certainly not his father. Once the Elders discovered the relationship, and it’s intensity, his father and Lilian went on the run, leaving Killian and Liam behind for their own good. At least, that’s what they were told by Brennan the night he left. 
Then, nine years later, after Lilian died at the hands of a dark-lighter, the Elder’s forgot their anger, and Brennan remembered his two other sons.
Sniffing, Killian averted his eyes and took in the surroundings of the station. Not much was going on. David's desk was empty, as was the conference room and Captain's office. There were a few people in the holding cell at the back of the room, but he could tell they were mostly drunks just sleeping off the alcohol.
"Mr. Jones?" Emma's voice caught his attention.
"Killian, love. I insist," He gave her a small wink, as an added touch.
"Killian," Emma said with a faint smile, one that could easily be overlooked. "What do you do for a living?"
Coughing to cover up a wince, Killian told her, "I was in the Navy for a while. Left about three or four years ago."
Emma wrote down what he said, then asked the dreaded follow-up question, "Honorably discharged?"
"Liam was, aye," Killian looked down at his fingers, intertwined on his lap. "Me, not quite."
"Oh." Blue eyes snapping up, Killian noticed Emma's knitted brow and surprised frown. "Sorry," she shook her head, "it's just I would've thought--" she cut herself off suddenly, darting her eyes back down to the paper before her. "What do you do now?"
Vanquish demons, he wanted to say, conjure spirits, brew potions, oh and occasionally I box, too. 
Instead he said, "I bartend every now and then at my brother's pub."
"All right, now that that's over," Emma flipped a page over in the form, then looked back up at him, “Tell me what happened.”
Killian regalled her of the story he and Liam had decided upon the night before. He told Swan of how they were on their way to meet up with Nolan for a pint when they heard something suspicious in the alleyway. They soon saw the crazed, bald headed man standing over Nolan with a knife and the two of them acted immediately. Tackling the offender to the ground, disarming him, and subsequently rendering him unconscious.
“That was pretty brave of you two,” Emma said, “not many people would’ve stuck their necks out like that--even for someone they knew.”
“Ah, well you see, Swan,” Killian smirked confidently, “if it’s one thing I’m good at, it’s surviving. Now that that’s all finished, what do you say to a bit of lunch?”
Emma laughed, averting her eyes and shaking her head, “You sure are persistent, Mr. Jones.”
“Killian,” he corrected again. “And I’ve learned from experience that you’ll never get anywhere in life without it.”
Looking at her watch, Emma hummed, “I’ll have to pass on lunch, but I can spare a few minutes for a walk.”
“Wonderful,” jumping to his feet, Killian began to lead the way. “You’re new to this station, aye? Are you new to the city as well?”
“Yeah, I, uh,” she took a moment to lock his statement up in her desk drawer, then followed him out of the station, “I just moved here last month.”
“From where, if I may be so bold as to ask?”
Chuffing out a light laugh at his small tease, she answered, “New York, and Boston before that.”
“An East Coast girl, eh?” They took a turn to the left outside of the police station. It was a shame Swan could only spare a short walk. There was so much in the city he’d love to show her, but Killian supposed that would just have to wait. “What brought you all the way to California?”
“Work,” she said vaguely. Then, as if an afterthought, added, “I mean, I was transferred here after making Detective.” She shrugged, “You gotta go where the jobs are.”
“Oh, aye, I understand that. Do you enjoy the city?”
“It’s not too different from any of the others I’ve lived in.” She looked up and squinted at the bright, blue sky, “The weather’s pretty nice though.”
Biting the corner of his lip, Killian turned a corner and pressed his luck, “You didn’t mind leaving your loved ones behind? Family, friends,” he paused, “a boyfriend, perhaps?”
Emma snorted, “Smooth, Captain obvious.” Shoving her hands into her pockets, she let out a long sigh and said, “Look, I’m kinda a loner. Always have been.”
“You don’t like your parents then?”  Killian winced at his blunt question, but he could understand that feeling quite well himself. Before his death, Killian and his father hadn’t been on the best of terms. That’s what happened, he supposed, when a father leaves his two children in the hands of a brute while he went off with his pretty new wife and child to a new country.
“Don’t have parents.”  The words were short and practiced, like she’d said them many times before.
Wanting to kick himself, Killian tried to apologize, “Shit, Swan, I’m--”
Emma smiled at him courteously. It wasn’t a genuine smile, but a mask people put on to make others at ease, “Don’t worry about it. You can’t miss what you never had, right?”
They turned another corner, and a gust of air blew into them, causing Emma’s golden curls to fly about her face. She stopped to push her hair back and before Killian could help himself, he reached out and tucked a small tendril behind her ear.
She froze at his touch, looking up at him with wide, green eyes and her lips pulled down into a surprised frown.
Snatching his hand back as if it’d been burnt, he said, “Sorry, I didn’t--ahh--” Bloody hell he was making a mess of this.
“No, um,” Emma looked down and retucked the hair behind her ears. “Thanks.”
They continued on in awkward silence until they made another turn. They were more than halfway through their walk now, almost back to where they started. Having already shoved his foot as far into his mouth as he could, he figured he had nothing more to lose by asking, “Do you have any plans this weekend, Swan?”
“Just helping out with the arraignment hearing tomorrow.” She let out a half heart chuckle and added, “Great way to celebrate my birthday, huh?”
“Surely you have more planned than that,” Killian’s brows furrowed. She’d said she was a loner, and she was still very new to the city, but still--it was her birthday. She deserved to do more than spend the day in a courtroom. When Emma did nothing more than shrug, Killian made up his mind. “We’ll do something, then.”
Seeing Emma’s raised brows, and remembering just how badly this walk of theirs had gone so far, Killian quickly retraced his steps and added, “I’ll bring Liam and my other brother, Will. And Tink, too! We’ll all go out to Liam’s pub after the arraignment for a few drinks.” Realizing he was rambling, Killian gave her his best, most charming smirk, and said, “What do you say, Swan?”
Emma stopped, and Killian realized they’d finally made it back to the station. 
“Sure, why not?” Emma tilted her head and looked him up and down. “Your brother’s bar isn’t far from the courthouse, right? Let’s meet up there around five.”
Surprised that she’d agreed--surprised, but immensely pleased--Killian nodded his affirmative. “We’ll see you then.”
“Killian!” Liam called out, walking up for his own appointment with Emma. “Hello Detective,” he smiled, “I hope I’m not late.”
“Not at all,” Emma said, taking a step up towards the station’s entrance. “Come follow me.”
“Will this take long?” Liam asked, looking between Emma and Killian, “I was hoping Killian and I could ride home together,” he locked eyes with Killian as he said, “we have some family matters to discuss.”
Closing his eyes to prevent Emma from seeing them roll, Killian was immediately reminded of their conversation this morning and how they were meant to find the Savior. 
“Won’t take long at all,” Emma assured him, obviously missing the sudden tension between the two brothers. “Killian,” his eyes snapped up to her, his heart pounding in his chest at her use of his name, “you can either wait out here or in the lobby.”
“Here’s fine, Swan. Thanks.”  Looking back towards his brother, he said, “Take your time.”
After giving his brother a very unimpressed look, the eldest Jones brother ascended the station’s steps and disappeared inside to give his statement. Leaning against a handrail, Killian scanned his eyes over the passing crowds to pass the time. 
Soon a familiar face appeared. David Nolan walked towards him, his hands holding a cup of coffee from the nearby diner, Granny’s. 
“Nolan,” Killian nodded in greeting.
“Killian,” the older man nodded back. “What are you doing out here?”
Jerking his chin towards the direction of the station, he answered, “Liam’s just finishing up his witness statement.”
“Oh yeah,” David’s brows rose with realization, “the arraignment hearing for that guy is tomorrow, isn’t it?”
Frowning, Killian wondered at the detective’s forgetfulness. “Aye, mate, the one for the lunatic who tried to kill you. That guy.”
David laughed, but it was a quiet, hollow thing. “Guess I need caffeine more than I thought.”
“Right,” Killian said slowly. Then, as David took a step up to pass by, Killian asked, “You don’t have any plans for Emma tomorrow, do you?”
Tilting his head, David frowned and shook his head, “No, why?”
Killian wondered if Emma was still too new as a partner, or if she just hadn’t told David about her birthday yet. She didn’t seem to be hiding it, but she wasn’t promoting it to the world either. “It’s Swan’s birthday so I just wanted to make sure,” he paused, “you and Mary Margaret used to bring Humbert over for dinner for that sort of thing.”
“Oh,” David stood taller, “oh, I didn’t, um,” he furrowed his brows and looked down at his feet. “No, I didn’t know it was her birthday.”
Killian shrugged, “No matter. I’m getting a few people together for her so it works out. After the arraignment we’ll go to Liam’s. Want to join? The invitation is open to your lovely wife as well, of course.”
“No.” David said quickly. “Sorry, tomorrow’s no good. Maybe another time.” Before Killian could say anything more David was up the stairs and inside the building.
What a strange day this was turning out to be.
Not long after Liam reappeared by his side. “Ready?” He asked, “Or did you need to get one more flirt in?”
Killian snorted, “I’m not that bad. Besides, need I remind you how much flirting went on between you and Tink?”  When his brother’s cheeks darkened to a ruddy red, Killian nodded, “Exactly.”
They headed for the parking lot, and Killian quickly spotted the car. Wanting to delay their supernatural discussion as much as possible, he said, “It’s Swan’s birthday tomorrow. It turns out she’s new to town so I offered for us all to meet up for some drinks.”
“Define all,” Liam said, pulling out his car keys and pressing the button to unlock the doors. 
Killian waited until he was seated before answering, “You, me, Will, Tink.” He reached for his seatbelt then added, “I invited Nolan, too, but he can’t make it.” Liam grunted, turning the key to start the engine. “He seemed off just now when we spoke,” Killian thought about his most recent brush with the Underworld. “You don’t think that Guardian demon has anything to do with it?”
“The Guardian?” Liam asked, his attention mostly on the rear window and he backed out of the parking spot.
“Aye, you know, maybe his behavior is being affected somehow?”
“Killian, you can’t be serious,” Liam looked away from the road to give his brother an incredulous look. “Nolan’s behavior has nothing to do with demons.” Looking forward again, he sighed and said, “It’s the anniversary of his daughter’s death.” Glancing over and seeing Killian’s stunned face, he said, “Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”
“How the bloody hell was I supposed to know?” He and David weren’t that close, and the only photo he’d ever seen on the detective’s desk were of his wife and son, Neal.  “Why doesn’t he have any pictures of her?”
“Because he doesn’t have any pictures of her,” Liam shook his head. “She died the day she was born, or something like that. I’m not too sure. Have you never noticed,” he looked directly at his brother again, “over the past three years how depressed he becomes around this time?”
Killian winced, realizing that he hadn’t. To his credit, though, it wasn’t as if David ever spoke about this directly with him. Never once in all the years Killian knew him did David ever mention having a daughter.
Leaning his head back against the seat rest, Killian closed his eyes, suddenly very tired, “Bloody hell what a day this has been.”
Hope you all enjoyed! The next couple of chapters will be Emma focused and we’ll even get to see her interacting with some demons. The next chapter I’ve already mapped out in my head, and I don’t think it will be pretty long so it should be up before next weekend. Then I hope to have another chapter after that one finished for next weekend.  
Will, the youngest brother, is Liam II btw. Sorry I didn’t make that clearer before! Wil-Liam, get it?
How might a dead white-lighter have a child? How could Leo? How could Sam? In this case, the existence of the Charmed Ones/their destiny surpasses the laws of supernatural physics. The universe just said one day, we need a third jones boyo and there you have it.
Killian is kind of a clumsy mess in this chapter, but 1) Emma throws him off his game 2) in OUAT Killian was not always some heartbreaker, especially with Emma 3) it took a LONG ASS time for Emma to open up to him. The same goes for an Emma raised by Demons.
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malnatimedia · 4 years
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as a child, the so called ripper witnessed the horrors of camp malnati first hand, the ruthless brutality of the kids cut a bloody path through his heart and scarred his mind. as a young boy, he suffered in silent torment, haunted by an evil that wouldn't stay dead. but now as an adult and a lonesome man, he's prepared to bury more than his past, by any means necessary.
he'd been planning his revenge on the campers and counselors for over twenty years worth of nightmares, and now he was finally ready to put his plans into action. 
tw: murder, violence, gore, death, funeral. please read at your discretion! this is meant to be the grand finale of the au camp event. thank you to lynds again for this event to happen && to everyone who participated. none of this is meant to be canon, just a little fun for the event. 
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“a murderer has escaped from custody a few towns over. he’s extremely dangerous, out to get revenge on the bullies that tormented him at camp when he was younger. beating him. trying to strangle him, and worst of all, nearly leaving him to burn as a prank at an old shed in the woods.”
the malnati’s heard police reports of a literal axe murder out on the loose, but shook it off as hearsay, not wanting it to detract from the amazing week they had planned for their counselors and campers. when the malnati’s arrived, there were sounds of a struggle, then there was a scream from the camp’s kitchen, but soon it was quiet again. perfectly serene and peaceful for the impending arrival of the camp counselors and campers. before camp malnati was camp malnati, it was owned by a different family, a family whose kids used their time at the camp to be the high school bullies they’ve always wanted to be. they didn’t care about hurting feelings or the damage it would cause their victims. one victim in particular was a small boy who had now grown into a man, using the ripper as an alias. thinking the kids who used to bully him at the camp were the ones who were now staying at the camp, the ripper decided to make his return. however, what he didn’t know was that he messed with the wrong group of people. 
a week later, after days on end of taunt and terror caused by the ripper, the young adults who spent their time at the malnati decided to take it into their own hands. the past hour and a half had been filled with the harmonious noises of counselors and campers crowded onto a small bunk, going over their plan to take down the ripper once and for all. their week at camp was approaching its end, and a lot of the camp goers wanted their own kind of revenge. 
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the group lead june out and through the secret path they had all created to a clearing in the woods beside the lake. she was going to be used as bait for the ripper, hoping he’d follow her out there in order to finally end him. come out to the woods if you want a kill, they wrote in a note. it didn’t take long for the small note to catch the ripper’s eye, the sound of laughter and talking leading the mysterious man into the woods. 
seth, brennan, preston and trevor had decided to take guard behind huge weathered trees, watching out for the ripper for when he arrived to the woods. others were lurking near by as they waited for the ripper to make his appearance. and there was june, standing in the woods with soft birds chirping in the distance and the sun peaking through the shadows. june could feel her throat tighten and she blamed the temperature, not the deepening feeling in her stomach as she started to see a figure walking towards her in the distance, standing staggered against the leaves under her feet. the ripper’s footsteps as he made his way into the woods were slow and rhythmic. marley stood by the edge of the path, her arms crossed over her chest as those deep green eyes peered into the woods. the girl was shorter than the ripper, but the way she puffed out her chest and sneered made her feel like she could take him on. shawn and duncan were near by, with the latter holding onto fishing net he found down by the lake. nic, declan, kinzie and eddie were hiding behind an old abandoned shed, perhaps thinking it was the ripper’s very own. with the ripper making his way towards june, it was now or never.
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“what are you doing here all alone? didn’t you hear the announcements all this week?" the ripper seemed skeptical, but his tone dripped of mischief. “must be a stupid girl to come out here all alone.” june steeled her nerves and ran when the ripper came into her view, cutting across the woods as a few people mumbled while others stared directly at her. june fell onto her knees, tripping onto the floor of the woods, her clothes not giving enough protection from the low scraggly bushes and thorns. june’s lips parted as chills of horror and fear wracked her body, the ripper approaching her fast. just as things started to seem dire, in a jarring turn of events, shawn came out from where he was watching and slashed the ripper in the leg with his knife, making the ripper drop his axe in agony. as the ripper yelled profanities at shawn, the others started to pile out from where they were lurking. the ripper’s leg dripped with blood, coating the ground in crimson red. 
“get the rope,” nic told declan, pointing back to the shed where they both hid behind just moments before. the group’s grand plan was to lead the ripper out to the woods where he would be tied up with rope, and they would then throw him into the abandoned shed, letting him die with it on fire. 
as declan fetched the rope, the ripper continued to fight off the group, throwing punches when he could. before the ripper could pick up his axe and use it against anyone, kinzie jumped on his back and held him in a headlock, leaving him restless. as kinzie was on his back, duncan came out with his fishing net and hit him between the legs with the pole, which left the ripper falling down to his knees. trevor took the lead of shawn, stabbing his own knife into the ripper’s side as kinzie moved back to let trevor take over. as the knife stabbed into the ripper, blood splattered over trevor’s face. trevor kept going at him five or six more times with the bloodied knife before allowing seth to take over. before seth could even make his move the ripper surged in sudden strength despite being severely tore up, and caught seth by the neck, holding it in a tight grasp. seth’s coughs rang throughout the wooded forest as he tried to get out of the ripper’s grasp. not wanting to see someone die on his watch, brennan stepped into action to try to help seth break free from the ripper’s chokehold. “you dumb fuck will never stop, will y--” an abrupt cut to brennan’s voice came as the cold metal of the ripper’s axe dug deep into the back of his neck, exposed by his folded collar. a dirty mix of metallic to the point of terracotta red seeped out of brennan’s body. the tip of the rusted blade splintered the wood above his shoulder. brennan could feel the slight gash that created a spike in searing pain. brennan’s stare shot to the impact point for a split second before a cold hand clamped around his throat to stifle the yell. brennan hissed, bringing his knee up blindly into the abdomen of the ripper. the ripper grunted, pushing down in pain before brennan grasped the side of the ripper’s head and pressed it evenly against the side of a tree in one fluid movement and one sickening crunch.
there was a dull silence, the resonance of shouting and rumble of leaves quietened, brennan’s other hand reached for his throat upon the realization of his blood gushing out. brennan started to see black spots, with his breathing restricted and chest constricted. brennan gasped and choked for air. eddie, now behind a tree, stared heavily with tears as he watched the life suck out of brennan. marley’s scream cut through the silence as it brought back the cacophony of voices trying to figure out what they wanted to do to the ripper next. 
“you son of a bitch,” groaned seth as he stabbed the ripper with shawn’s knife, watching the ripper’s body tense, the knife handle aided against the ripper’s body, the liquids in the killer’s body pooling behind it. a thick syrupy blood rushed against the ripper, letting out a cry that resembled a wounded animal. seth pulled the weapon out, surely not to leave the blood trapped and clog up the wound, preventing him from bleeding out. with that pull came another push, this time into the ripper’s back. with a careful drag, seth let it roll along next to his spine, a spur of laughs of adrenaline rushing from his mouth as the ripper’s shirt popped and ripped. the ripper’s body fell once the knife left his skin again, face crashing into the patch of dark dirt sitting under him. 
nic emerged from behind one of the tall trees, her shirt stained with fresh blood as she tended to brennan’s corpse. “i swear to god if the ripper is not dead,” she screamed out as she analyzed the ripper’s body, looking up to see declan back with the rope. making sure he was unconscious, the group began to cut the rope into pieces so they could tie up his feet and his hands, not wanting to let the ripper have another chance to take another life. it was all hands on deck as they moved to get the ripper bound up, with shawn and trevor using their knives to make makeshift handcuffs. preston moved over the ripper’s body, bending down to see how badly he was injured. a smirk made its way onto his face as he could tell the ripper was out like a light, blood painting the forest ground as if it was a blanket of snow. preston noticed the axe near the ripper’s body, picking it up and swinging it over his shoulder, declaring he was going to keep it for himself. as a little camp souvenir.  
kinzie and marley took the task of tying up the ripper’s wrists, duncan and declan took over tying up the ripper’s feet, and june and eddie made sure it looked tight enough. handing the axe to nic for the time being, preston grabbed the ripper’s feet with shawn taking the ripper’s hands, both picking up the body and moving it towards the shed. 
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the sun started going down as the group made their way over to the shed, gas cans already set out for them to use courtesy of declan. nic broke the lock of the deteriorating shed with the axe she still held, allowing the group to open up the building to throw the ripper in. as the doors pulled forward, a lingering smell of stench began to fill all of their stenches. at first sight, it looked like it was the ripper’s headquarters, with dismantled body parts laying around and pictures of past campers hanging on the walls. shawn and preston walked into the shed, dropping of the body of the ripper before moving back. preston grunted, stepping back and using his hand to wipe away the splatter of blood on his jacket. shawn’s head turned to look at the tools in the room – a multitude of pillows for suffocation, a few hanging wires, and of course, a handful of axes. trevor walked in to look at the ripper one last time, bending down and staring at the breathless body one last time. “you fucking asshole,” trevor cursed, grabbing his knife, raising the already bloody object and digging it into the ripper’s left eye. with a quick pull out, trevor plunged it into the ripper’s chest, somewhere close to where the heart was. walking in, kinzie saw the scene in front of her and asked if she could have a turn before they ended the ripper for good. trevor gave kinzie his knife and stabbed the ripper a few more times, breathless and aggravated. this kill was much messier than usual, that fear of an escape making kinzie more anxious than ever. when kinzie saw the ripper’s chest stop moving up and down, she knew that this time, it was over. 
being so caught up in the killing, kinzie had forgotten about the group behind her. “that was sick,” preston’s voice was somewhat hoarse, even raised a bit. “you didn’t have to be that harsh. i’m glad you were.” kinzie tightened her hold on the knife, taking steps closer towards preston before handing the knife to him. “get one last slice in,” kinzie spoke to preston as she walked out of the shed. preston moved to look over at the ripper, the blade in his hand lifted ever so slightly to the ripper’s throat, before he moved it to the ripper’s throat. the blade rose to the ripper’s face, caressing the ripper’s cheek. preston was slow, letting the sharp metal move deep into his skin. the tip of the knife dug harder into the flesh. a small droplet of blood fell from the exposed wound, though preston didn’t care too much. the ripper ruined his camp experience, so preston would ruin the ripper’s life. 
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“are we doing this or what?” asked duncan as he stood outside the shed with the group, thinking he was going to miss his dungeon and dragons session if they didn’t hurry up. the sun was gone and the moon shined like a beacon, a sign of what was to come. 
“calm down,” remarked preston before he looked at the building one last time. while preston was in the building, the rest of the group spilled gas all around the shed, throwing gas into the shed itself once everyone was out.  
marley did the honors and lit the shed on fire, moving back once the lighter latched onto the gas. the group huddled together as they watched the flames dance around the shed. the soft, crackling fire casted a gentle orange light on their faces. their eyes glowed, illuminated in the center. shadows reflected in time to the shifting of the wood in the fire. blazing red and fury echoed against the trees as continued to watch on, the scent of burning skin pulling at the back of their throats rushing in their lungs. it was quiet -- the fire cracked against the mass, spreading across the shed. the building collapsed, putting the ripper’s burning body into view, hands twitching as they melted. they watched on until the ripper perished into the night.
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things were very different after the week that the ripper and brennan had died. seth felt almost guilty to be happy at not having the ripper’s eyes staring at him when he tried to sleep, knowing brennan gave his life up for him. the others felt the same way, too. feeling somewhat guilty for being alive when brennan was being laid to rest. 
the counselors and campers had all been transported to an unknown land, stripped of their summer plans, their normal lives, trapped into a nightmarish scheme of unimaginable situations, playing the same events as if they were in a horror movie. now it was all over, but at one very sad cost. 
dark clouds hung in the sky over camp malnati on a friday afternoon. the air felt thick, cold and penetratingly damp. throughout the service, nic sobbed openly and uncontrollably. declan just appeared to be in shock, even though they knew this was coming. the camp was packed, which was often the case when a young person passed away. so many contemporaries left to mourn. marley, kinzie and duncan comforted each other. seth and june sat together, with june rubbing seth’s back and handing him tissues. preston stood in the back with trevor standing beside him. they mourned in silence. eddie and shawn served as bearers, leading the casket to brennan’s resting place once the funeral was over with. the rest of the counselors and campers of the year 2005 came to his funeral, letting him know just how much his sacrifice saved lives. no one would ever forget the summer the ripper showed up at camp malnati.  
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penniesforthestorm · 4 years
“It’s a world of truck drivers”: ‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Recaps, Parts 1 & 2
Slightly over a year after I started this project (which, in terms of me and projects is actually alarmingly punctual...), we’re finally diving into 2015′s Twin Peaks: The Return. I’ll be following a similar format to my other recaps-- two episodes per post, notes made as I watch. I hope to expand on some theories I developed over the course of the original series, and may link to relevant recaps in a few cases. As always, if you’re following along I’d love to hear from you! Let’s part those red velvet curtains and begin, shall we?
Part One:
-We open with Agent Cooper and Laura Palmer in the ‘waiting room’ of the Black Lodge: “I’ll see you again in twenty-five years. Meanwhile...”
-Coop, older but still in his suit and tie, w/ The Giant. They’re in black & white, so it’s hard to see the room, but it resembles the room ‘above the store’ in Fire Walk With Me. The Giant gives Cooper some information: “Remember: 430. Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone.”
-Dr. Jacoby, still chipper as ever in his red-and-blue glasses, accepts a delivery of shovels.
-And suddenly we’re in New York City at night, Manhattan glowing in a gold electric haze. A young man in a warehouse of some kind, accepting a delivery of coffee from a pretty girl named Tracy, but tells her she can’t come upstairs. (Side note: as I was typing this, Simon & Garfunkel’s “The Only Living Boy in New York” came up on shuffle. I swear I didn’t plan this.)
-Back in Twin Peaks, Benjamin Horne is still running the Great Northern, but Jerry’s gone green-- as in, weed. I love his funky knitted outfit.
-Over at the Sheriff’s office, some confusion-- a man comes in looking for ‘Sheriff Truman’, and Lucy Brennan (nee Moran) asks him ‘which one’?
-And then, driving on a dark road, pulling up to an isolated house... it’s him, but it’s not. Dale Cooper’s suit and tie have been forsaken for a leather jacket and a snake-print shirt, his neat dark hair is long, worn in a silver clasp, and his eyes, that were so kind, are utterly dead. He is finally addressed as “Mr. C”.
-NYC: Tracy and her friend take advantage of the security guard’s absence to canoodle. The glass box flickers, goes black, and then shatters as a form emerges out of the blackness toward them. Haven’t these kids ever watched a horror movie?
-Buckhorn, South Dakota: Marjorie Greene leads  police to Ruth Davenport’s apartment. Ruth’s head is on the bed inside, but the body below it is definitely not hers.
-Finally, a late-night call between two steadfast souls, Deputy Chief Tommy ‘Hawk’ Hill, and a sickly Margaret Lanterman, a.k.a. the Log Lady. The Log, via Margaret, informs Hawk: “Something is missing and you have to find it.”
Part Two:
-We start in Buckhorn: High-school principal Bill Hastings has been imprisoned on suspicion for Ruth Davenport’s murder. His wife Phyllis visits, and things are not what we thought-- they’re both (?) cheating on each other, and she’s glad to be rid of him. In the next cell but one, a Woodsman appears. Phyllis goes home, and finds Mr. C waiting for her.
-Las Vegas: a Mr. Todd summons ‘Roger’, gives him cash and says, ‘tell her she has the job.’ Roger asks, “Why do you let Him make you do these things?” Apparently Todd isn’t happy about it either.
-Buckhorn: Mr. C in the diner with Ray, Darya, and Jack, drinking coffee. Mr. C wants information from Ray-- “I don’t need anything. I want that information.”
-Twin Peaks: Hawk is in the woods, talking to Margaret. “Something is supposed to happen here tonight.” He’s at Glastonbury Grove, and the trees are glowing.
-The Black Lodge: Laura, older, the way the real Laura never got to be, tells Cooper, “You can go out now.” The One-Armed Man is also there. We witness The Evolution of the Arm-- now a...thing...protruding from sycamore branches. It tells Coop his doppelganger must come back before Coop can leave.
-Buckhorn: Mr. C catches Darya in a lie-- she and Ray have been hired to kill him. Mr. C knows he’s due back in the Black Lodge, but he mutters, “I have a plan for that.” Once Darya is dead, C logs into the FBI website and speaks with someone he calls “Philip”-- as in, Philip Jeffries. But... is it?
-The Black Lodge: Cooper attempts to leave, but “something’s wrong”. He’s sucked into a void instead. Turns out that in NYC, while the box guard and Tracy were deciding to sneak upstairs, Cooper appeared briefly in the box.
-Twin Peaks: At the Palmer home, Sarah watches a nature documentary, of lions attacking a water buffalo.
-The Roadhouse: On stage, The Chromatics, singing “Shadow”. Shelley is out with her girlfriends, looking carefree and radiant. James Hurley enters, accompanied by green-gloved Freddie Sykes. He watches Shelley and her friends for a little bit too long, and Shelley springs to his defense: “There’s nothing wrong with him! He was in a motorcycle accident; he’s just quiet now. James is cool. He’s always been cool.”
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7-wonders · 5 years
Blame It On My Youth
Summary: You’ve seen enough of Michael’s world to last you three lifetimes. Now, it’s time to show him some of your world.
Word Count: 4907
A/N: Did that sound a bit like the Little Mermaid? Yes. Do I care? No. Hope you guys enjoy, feedback is always appreciated and, if you feel so inclined, I would love if you reblogged, liked, and commented.
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Read Mad Love (part one) HERE | Read Totally F***ed (part two) HERE | Read The Isle of Flightless Birds (part three) HERE | Read A Hard Day’s Night (part four) HERE | Read Pour One Out (part five) HERE | Read Where Angels Fear to Tread (part six) HERE | Read Naked & Afraid (part seven) HERE | Read Ironically Alive (part eight) HERE
Out of all of the fantasy books that you read as a child, none was more frustrating than Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland. It was a fine book, filled with whimsy and adventure, all things that a child can devour like candy, but one particular passage captured your attention and warranted your problem-solving abilities for an entire week after you first finished the book. The famous question of “why is a raven like a writing desk?,” posed by the Mad Hatter to young Alice at their tea party, drove you nearly as mad as a Hatter in trying to solve it. It’s not as if there was an answer; the protagonist, herself, declared that “I think you might do something better with the time than wasting it in asking riddles that have no answers,” but you were determined to be the first to solve this unsolvable riddle. Obviously, you didn’t solve the riddle, and the answer still eludes you to this day. You haven’t thought about that old riddle for quite some time, but your current predicament, and the amount of time spent thinking about it, gives you an odd sense of deja vu and reminds you of Lewis Carroll’s question with no answer.
It’s been two weeks since your trip to the Murder House, and your mind has spun with hundreds of questions that seem to have no answer. Michael, of course, hasn’t been any help at all. The man seems to be a walking paradox; when you don’t need him, he’s impossible to get rid of, and on the rare occasion that you do need him, he can’t be reached. You’ve been able to talk to him, your weekend visits to his mansion forcing you to make some conversation, but Michael has diverted every question you’ve shot at him. He doesn’t get mad that you’re constantly coming up with questions that, to you, have no answers, which only confuses you even more. Although you shouldn’t be pushing your luck after his show of mercy at his childhood home, you feel that you’re entitled to some answers.
Michael, the infuriating, confounding, caring husband that he is, has patiently reminded you time and time again that your finals are more important than any questions you may have. You hate it when he’s right, especially when he pulls out the contract and points out that it was you who made it a point to refuse dropping out of school. Your questions, he tells you, can be answered after you’ve finished the semester and gotten the grades you know you’re capable of. If you’re being honest, at this point you would take a year of being trapped in the Murder House over a week of finals (“Your dramatics truly never get old,” Michael commented dryly when you complained to him during a study break on Sunday). Finals week, you’ve decided, is certainly the work of Michael’s father.
Regardless of your opinions on the week of tests that largely decide your grades, the feelings of joy and relief that flood through you upon walking out of the classroom in which your last final of the semester was held. You have a high enough grade in the class to be able to keep your ‘A’ even if you flunk and, if you were brave, you would have just completely skipped the final. Worst-case scenarios, however, prevented you from doing so and made sure that you actually studied for this test. No matter how you did on the tests, you walk across campus feeling like you’re floating on air. No more school for an entire summer! The bliss that accompanies a last day of school does not, thankfully, fade with age.
Part of you wants to literally put the school in your rearview mirror and stay at least a mile away for three months straight, but you’re also a good person who promised to meet her friends for lunch and isn’t about to back out of a commitment. College dining halls, contrary to popular belief, are not nearly as clique-y as high school lunch rooms. Although there’s a few tables that everyone knows the athletes sit at, the rest of the tables are up for grabs. This can make things difficult when you’re one of the last to an already-packed dining hall and you have to awkwardly stand in the middle of the room while you search for your ‘group.’ Having friends like yours makes this move a lot easier, waving at you to get your attention once they notice that you’re looking around for them.
“You had finals today, right? How’d they go?” Kate and Brennan sit across from you, a bowl of cucumbers sitting between them. You grab at one when you take your own seat, deciding a water-based vegetable is better than nothing.
“They went okay, especially considering they were my last finals,” you reply, glancing around the table to catalogue who is and isn’t here. It’s the usual crew, but you take note of a new face. Shooting Kate a glance, she quickly picks up on your question.
“Oh yeah, you two haven’t met before! (Y/N), this is Mallory. She’s in my Russian Lit class, her other friends have already left for the summer so I invited her to come sit with us today.”
Mallory’s beautiful, her large doe-like eyes and golden leaf headband nestled in her brown locks giving her the appearance of some sort of angel. She’s wearing a black dress that’s cinched with a belt that matches the headband, her outfit looking like it costs as much as a couple of textbooks.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” you smile warmly, Mallory returning your smile and waving at you.
“It’s really nice to meet you, (Y/N),” she says.
“Why haven’t I seen you around campus before?” Although it’s a large and populated college, you’re sure that you would have remembered seeing someone as unique as Mallory.
“Oh, we must just run in different circles.” The buzzing of your phone draws your attention from the conversation, sending Mallory an apologetic look before checking the notification.
“How did your tests go?” You can’t help the smile when you see Michael’s message, thumbs flying across the keyboard to type a reply.
“I think they went really well, thanks!” 
Barely thirty seconds pass before Michael’s responded, and you stifle a laugh at the mental image of Michael sitting at his desk and just waiting for you to check your texts. 
“You should call me when you get a chance, maybe we can go out and celebrate?” After the Murder House escapade, you had become a lot more lenient with your “two phone calls a week” rule. Sometimes it’s actually you that calls him first, much to the shock and surprise of both of you. 
“Wow, our second date? Amazing, maybe we can even go steady after this lmao,” you can’t help the sarcasm, especially not when the opportunity is right there.
“-and--(Y/N),” Kate whines, drawing your attention back to the people in front of you.
“I was listening!” You unconvincingly insist.
“Really? What was I talking about, then?”
“No, but nice try. I was talking about the end-of-year party at Colin and Noel’s.” Colin and Noel are two best friends who live together and, at least once a month, throw the type of parties that are the stuff of legends. The first, and only, time you went to one, Noel got so drunk that he body slammed himself onto the pong table, somebody tried to crowd surf, and multiple people ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. 
That was on a regular Saturday in January.
“I don’t know, Kate, I’m still trying to recover from Thirsty Thursday at the Stadium House.”
“That was almost a month ago.”
“That’s the point,” you say jokingly. “But really though, I don’t like crazy parties, and I’d rather not deal with the cops.”
“They’ve scaled their parties back so much since the last time you came to one! No hospital visits related to events at their house, even!”
“Really?” You can’t help but be skeptical at her claim. 
“Really. Listen, you don’t even have to stay for long, but I’d really like to hang with you one last time before I go back home for the summer.” Kate smiles when you sigh, knowing she has you. A good chunk of your friends are all going off to the far corners of the country for the break, and this will probably be the last time that you’re all together for three months. 
“Alright, let me talk with, uhh--yeah, I should be able to swing by for a bit,” your friends don’t know about Michael yet, and you’d prefer to keep it that way.
“Yay!” Kate squeals, drumming her hands on the table in excitement. 
“I should get going.”
“I’ll see you tonight though, right?”
“Are you going to the parking lot? I’ll walk with you if you are,” Mallory says, a twinge of guilt running through you at the realization that you practically forgot about the poor girl.
It’s impossible for you to say no, and you find yourself walking side by side with Mallory towards the parking lot. It’s a bit of an awkward silence, as it usually is when two people who don’t really know each other are left alone.
“Seriously though, how have we not met before? Are you a freshman?” You ask.
“No, but this is my first semester here. I transferred from a school in New Orleans.”
“Oh, I love New Orleans! I went there for a week last year, it was amazing.”
“Yeah, I, uh,” Mallory looks down towards her heeled shoes, nodding, “I miss it a lot.” Your heart aches at the sudden look of homesickness on your new friend’s(?) face, causing you to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Well, at least the school year’s over and you can go home now.”
“Actually, I think I’m sticking around for the summer. My aunt thinks it’s good for me to get out of New Orleans and out of my comfort zone. My best friend Coco’s letting me stay with her.” Mallory’s phone starts to ring, and she laughs when she looks at the caller ID. “Speak of the devil; it’s my aunt.”
“I’ll see you at the party tonight?” Mallory nods. 
“See you tonight, (Y/N).” Mallory watches you continue towards the parking lot, only answering her phone when you’ve rounded the corner. “Hey, Cordelia...Yeah, it’s her alright.”
Michael, as per usual, is in his office when you arrive at his home. Even though he has no logical way of knowing that you’ve arrived, the opening of his office door before your hand even makes contact with the knob gives you the sneaking suspicion that his Antichrist powers give him an advantage. You stroll in, Michael looking a little too nonchalant as he reads through some papers on his desk.
“Some serious Cooperative business?” You ask, falling into a chair on the other side of his desk. 
“You could say that,” he looks up at you, smiling. “How was your last day of the semester?”
“It was fine, finals were fine, it’s all fine, fine, fine.” You spin yourself in the chair, head falling back as you watch the blur of the ceiling above you.
“That’s a mood.” Stopping suddenly, you look at Michael in surprise before laughing loudly.
“Look at you, catching up on your slang!”
“Figured I’d try and actually learn what you were talking about.”
“Speaking of ‘moods,’ I might have something that would help to raise both of ours.” Michael raises an eyebrow, urging you to continue. “Some...friends of a friend are throwing a huge party tonight for the end of the year. Would you wanna go? I know you had talked about celebrating, but maybe we could celebrate this way?”
“You want me to go to a...college party? The same type of party that you drunk-called me from and where I had to get you from?”
Your face heats up at the reminder. “I’m not even going to be drinking at this party, I learned my lesson last time. Look, I know that you didn’t have the most normal upbringing, so maybe this could be your chance to experience some of the things you missed out on. You can’t tell me that you’re perfectly fine with going from a child to running your father’s army and planning the apocalypse practically overnight.”
Michael’s thinking about what you’ve said, which you’re not sure is good or bad yet. You know that you’ve made some good points, and he knows that you’ll go to the party even if he doesn’t. Maybe this is a question with no answer, like so many that you’ve encountered lately. Michael and parties don’t seem like they’d mix, and it’s impossible for you to read his mind like you can read his.
“Will I be out of place there?”
“Michael, there’s going to be so many people there that nobody will even look at you twice.” A lie; Michael’s far too beautiful for just one look.
“What time?” You aren’t even aware that you were holding your breath until he sighs and looks at you again.
“Really?” Michael nods. “Uh, probably nine or ten?”
“Is there not a set time for these parties?”
“Not really, just whenever people show up.” You stand up, smiling widely at Michael’s sudden apprehension and choosing to leave before he can change his mind. “I’ll leave you to your work!”
The good thing about being at the home of your Antichrist husband is that your wardrobe is limitless. A red satin top and a pair of black jeans (tightened with a Gucci belt, because how are you not going to take advantage of that?) is dressy, yet casual enough to be worn at a college party. When you trek down the stairs at a quarter to nine on a quest to scrounge around the kitchen for a quick meal, you’re not at all surprised to see Michael standing at one of the counters.
“You haven’t gotten dressed yet?” You ask, hopping up on the counter next to him and tearing apart a bread roll before popping a bite in your mouth.
“I figured I could just wear this to the party.” Michael’s expression sours when you laugh.
“I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t mean to laugh! It’s just--if you don’t want to attract a bunch of attention, then I wouldn’t suggest wearing a cloak, a suit, and a pair of red bottoms.” He looks down at his outfit, as if suddenly realizing how overdressed he is.
“But...I don’t know what else to wear?”
“C’mon, I’m sure we can find something in your closet for you to wear.” Michael hesitates when you grab his hand, obviously unsure of what to do next. “Kind of need you to lead the way, since I’m assuming your closet is in your bedroom that I’ve never been to before.”
“Right! Let’s go.”
The uncertainty that you feel at the threshold of Michael’s bedroom holds you back like a tether. It’s not as if anything unscrupulous is going to be happening, but the idea of invading the sanctity of your husband’s private bedroom is a little jarring. Peeking into the room, you’re reminded of a conversation you had with Michael during your first weekend here.
“Does every room look like this?” An unspoken question dangles in the air: does your room look like this? Michael grins widely, but it’s devoid of any of the emotions that a regular smile would accompany. It’s the smile of the devil. 
“Guess you’ll have to find out for yourself, won’t you?” He chuckles at the withering glare you give him, loping back towards the door and resting a hand on the silver handle. 
“So, every room does look the same,” you comment with a smirk, finally getting over your sudden fear and following Michael into his room.
“I had to have a little mystery surrounding me.” Michael smiles. “Are you going to help me or not?”
“Everybody here is in khaki shorts and printed shirts,” Michael hisses in your ear. Your hand grips Michael’s firm bicep, and you give it a teasing squeeze.
“Yeah, and you look a thousand times better than them. You always do.” Cars were already inconspicuously-but-not-really parked up and down the block, and you have to maneuver through at least fifty people just in the entryway and the living room. “College guys don’t really have a sense of style.”
“So I won’t lose you to one of these ‘boys,’ then?” Michael’s style, in your opinion, is timeless. You managed to work with his formal wardrobe, finding a white t-shirt and pairing it with an unbuttoned black shirt. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows (although that part may be totally self-serving), and his black jeans are cuffed into a pair of boots. He still looks more formal than everyone else, but it’s way better than him showing up in a goddamned cloak.
“You never even had me in the first place,” you chuckle, shooting Michael a playful wink. “C’mon, let’s see if we can find any of my friends around here.”
There’s coolers set up in the kitchen to keep the different cans and bottles cool, as well as an array of liquor on the kitchen island. Michael looks like a fish out of water, standing around awkwardly while you start peeking into the coolers.
“I thought you said you weren’t drinking,” Michael comments.
“I’m not, I’m just trying to find some soda or water.”
“(Y/N)!” You turn around, smiling when you see Noel standing before you.
“Hey, bud.” Noel, one of two party throwers of legend, is a shorter guy who makes up for his lack of height with his absolute insane stockpile of never ending energy. His black hair is always carefully gelled and combed into place, and he dresses like a middle-aged rich dad who’s going boating for the weekend.
“Who’s your friend? If he’s a part of Sig Tau, he needs to get outta here before Colin sees him, because Colin still has a huge problem with--”
“No, don’t worry, he doesn’t go to our school.” Noel nods, drumming his hands on the table and picking up a bottle of tequila.
“In that case, can I get you two some shots?”
“I don’t know, Noel, I wasn’t really planning on drinking tonight.”
“C’mon, (Y/N), one shot’s not gonna get you fucked up. I’ve seen you drink before, you’re barely even gonna get buzzed.” He winks, already knowing that you’re going to say yes when you sigh.
“Two shots, then.”
Noel expertly pours two shots, sliding them your way with a friendly “enjoy” before leaving to continue his hosting rounds.
“What’s Sig Tau? Is that some sort of a cult?” Michael asks once Noel’s gone.
“It’s a fraternity, so close.” You slide a shot to Michael and pick up your own, downing it with a grimace. Michael just stares apprehensively at the clear liquid in the shot glass. “Are you not going to drink that?”
“What is it? It looked like you were drinking gasoline.”
“It’s tequila, which is kind of the same thing.”
“If I die, I’m holding you responsible.” Michael throws his own shot back, coughing and hacking as you cheer. “Satan, that was terrible. Why do people drink that?”
“I dunno,” you shrug, grabbing two bottles of water from a cooler and tossing one to Michael, “quick little buzz, palate cleanser, there’s a million different reasons.”
Michael grabs your hand and pulls you out of the way when a girl, clearly already drunk, nearly bumps into you on her search for another drink. She mumbles an apology, choosing to take the whole bottle of Jack Daniels with her instead of pouring it into one of the hundreds of red Solo cups stacked on the counter. His blue eyes meet yours and you both chuckle, silently agreeing to move out of the cramped kitchen and somewhere with less people. While the living room’s not any better, you do manage to run into Kate and Mallory.
“You made it!” Kate exclaims, pulling you from Michael to hug you. Her eyes are wide while also managing to droop at the same time, and you can almost guarantee that she’s crossed. 
“I told you I would be here,” you say, giggling when Kate affectionately boops your nose. Mallory’s standing awkwardly to the side, eyes flickering between you and Michael. Kate also seems to pick up on her friend’s sudden change in demeanor, and smirks when she notices the man trailing behind you.
“And just who is this, (Y/N)?”
“Oh, this is my--uh, my friend Michael.” ‘Friend’ seems like a good term to settle on; you can’t explain your true relationship, Michael is not your boyfriend, and ‘acquaintance’ would be weird to say. Kate wiggles her eyebrows at you, sticking her hand out for Michael to take.
“Helloooo, (Y/N)’s friend Michael.”
“So, do you two have the same classes?” Mallory asks politely.
“No, Michael isn’t in college. He...well, he does--”
“I work for my father,” Michael interjects, smiling down at you. “I’m learning the ropes before I take over for him.” It’s technically not a lie, and you’re impressed until you remember that this must be one of his Antichrist powers. Mallory nods, but you can see a hint of something--doubt, or maybe suspicion?--in her eyes. Kate gasps before anymore words can be exchanged, grabbing yours and Mallory’s hands excitedly.
“I love this song! Dance with me, please!” You don’t really have a choice, the small woman amazingly strong when she wants to be. You look back at Michael apologetically, but he just smiles and gestures for you to go with. 
The familiar bass that underlays all hip-hop songs thumps loudly through you, acting as some sort of an electric charge. Where you had once been bored and ready to quietly slip out of the front door, you’re now controlled by the beat of the song. The congregation of partiers who have also decided to dance grows larger with each passing second, enveloping your trio in the middle. While the dancing isn’t so much dancing as it is bouncing in time with the rhythm, it’s carefree in a way that you didn’t know you needed until now. Mallory takes your hands, both of you laughing as she spins you in a circle.
Michael leans against the wall, head tilted as he watches the dancing college students. More specifically, he intently watches you dancing with your friends. He’s intrigued, the corner of his mouth tilting up in a smile as you move in a way he’s never seen you move before. While you’re more relaxed around him now, you’re still so reserved in your mannerisms. Here, Michael sees a glimpse of who you once were before he dragged you into his life. You smile widely, singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs along with everyone else in the group of dancers. Your hair flows freely around your face, and he finds himself enraptured by the movement.
Would things have been different between you two if Michael wasn’t the Antichrist? Maybe, in another life, or another universe, you both would have attended the same college. The image pops into his head like it’s burned there; Michael sitting next to you on the first day of some nameless class, becoming friends with you first. Slowly but surely, your bond would only deepen, and from friends would spring lovers. Michael shakes his head imperceptibly: a fantasy. He can’t dwell on these silly theoretical questions that have no answers. It’s a fruitless pursuit, and nothing good will come out of fixating on the ‘what if’s.’
Michael jumps in surprise when you’re suddenly in front of him, being too wrapped up in his thoughts to notice the song ending and you making your way back over to him. You laugh, obviously delighted at finally catching him off guard. 
“I let you startle me that time,” he jokingly argues.
“Uh-huh, if that’s what makes this crushing defeat easier for you. Anyways, do you wanna get out of here? Kate and Mallory are the only ones I really came here to see, and if we’re not going to drink there’s not really any reason to be here.”
“I’m ready to go home if you are.”
“Actually, I might have a little detour for us…” you trail off, smiling conspiratorially.
“Oh?” Michael’s not sure if he should be excited or nervous for idea of yours, something that you easily pick up on. 
“I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
Twenty minutes later, you’re sitting on opposite sides of a booth in a small diner that you frequent with friends during the school year. A basket of french fries sits in the middle of the table, two tall glasses that are already beading with condensation standing guard next to the food. Amidst the fluorescent lighting, scratchy country music, loud ceiling fans, and run-down booths, you’re struck by how out of place Michael seems here, in your world.
He had stuck out like a sore thumb at the party, his uncomfortable posture and expensive clothing practically screaming that he did not belong in that small house. Here, in a restaurant with patrons ranging from a young family to an elderly couple, a middle-aged businessman to a homeless woman, he looks like some far-away traveler who landed in the wrong town. He’s a Renaissance piece of artwork, something far too beautiful and celestial for the eyes of these mere humans who couldn’t begin to comprehend the masterpiece that is Michael Langdon.
“Just what are we doing here?” Michael asks after the waitress, an older busty woman with red hair straight from the box, sets your order down and leaves. 
“We’re enjoying a late-night snack,” you say simply, grabbing at a fry and savoring the first bite into the just-fried food.
“A late-night snack consisting of french fries and--are these milkshakes?” Michael picks up one of the glasses, investigating its contents. 
“Uh, yeah? Have you never had a milkshake before?”
“(Y/N), my grandmother hid me away and refused to let me out of the house. Of course I’ve never had a milkshake before.” Your face falls, proving that you’re still not good at hiding your emotions like Michael is. Pushing the other glass towards him, you lace your fingers together and place them under your chin. 
“I’m honored that I get to be a part of your first milkshake experience, then. There’s vanilla and chocolate; try them both, and then you can have whichever one you like best.”
Michael looks uneasily between the two glasses, as if trying to decipher if one is poisoned. “Which one do you prefer?”
“I like them both,” you shrug. 
Finally, he takes a cautious sip of the chocolate. You’re mildly disappointed when he doesn’t have any sort of reaction, silently cataloguing his opinions on the flavor before taking a less-cautious drink of the vanilla. Without any fanfare, he pushes the chocolate back towards your waiting hands.
“They’re both good, you’re right, but I like this one better.” You smile, sliding the glass towards you and sipping the shake that he’s rejected.
“Um, Michael…” you trail, not sure how to phrase what you’ve been thinking of for the past week.
“Would--is the offer to move in with you still on the table?” Michael smirks widely, and you rush to explain yourself. “It’s just that my rent is going up next month and it’s not worth it at this point, and your place is closer to campus. Plus, my cat likes you better than she likes me.”
You’re not sure why you’re nervous, since he’s obviously going to say yes to your request. You living with him was one of the only things he desperately wanted during the contract negotiations. When you think about it, you just don’t want him to get the wrong idea. It seems as if you’ve finally reached a comfortable relationship with Michael, a place where you tolerate him and could even see him as one of your friends. But an actual romantic relationship is so far down the list of things that you and Michael are, and you don’t want him to think that you’re finally going to be the loving wife that Satan wanted you to be. For lack of better wording, there’s no way in hell that will happen.
“Only because I like your cat better than you, and I wouldn’t want her to go homeless.” Your mouth drops and you laugh, picking up a fry and throwing it at Michael who, of course, deftly catches it in his mouth.
“You jerk!”
“You said it first, not me!”
“Fine,” you sit back against the booth and cross your arms over your chest, trying to keep your best poker face on, “but you should know that we’re a package deal.”
“Hmm, I suppose I can cope with that.”
“Do we have a deal, then?” Yet again, you’re struck by the irony of making a deal with the Devil (well, the Devil’s son, but close enough). Michael picks up his glass and waits for you to do the same, clinking your milkshakes together in agreement. 
“We, my dear, have a deal.”
Tag List: @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @ultragibbycentralworld @sebastianshoe @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @alexcornerblogthethird @everything-is-awesomesauce @ccodyfern @jimmlangdon @dolceandchalamet @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @dextergirl12345 @americanhorrorstudies @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @coloursunlimited @punkysouls @kahhlo @storminmytwistedmind @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsdemon @langdonslove @carousallie @cuddletothecake @born-on-stgeorges-day @mega-combusken @michaelsapostle @babyloutattoo89 @divinelangdon @venusxxlangdon @idespac @hexqueensupreme @hecohansen31 @rocketgirl2410 @gold-dragon-slayer @tcc-gizmachine @90sroger @atombombastic @idespac
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jq37 · 5 years
When you have time, can we get breakdowns for epusodes 3 and 4 of Bloodkeep? I'm going to be honest: I thought for sure that having a fight thousands of feet in the air was going to go about as well for Brennan as having a fight in an active volcano, but I was surprised
**spoilers for airship ambush**
I am not completely caught up on CR and I likely never will be because that backlog is truly stunning but I do know that Matt had a ship battle this season that one player (Taliesin I think) derailed completely. Now idk if that was before or after this was filmed but I have to imagine whichever one happened second had Matt flashing back to whichever one happened first. 
I really appreciate all the work Brennan puts into all the unique mechanics for all of his fight, specifically the ship stuff in this ep.
Sohkbar putting the potion in a cone of beef like he has a dog and not a horrifying monster abomination.
Efink being like, "Why did we let Galfast live?" and everyone being like, "Your??? Dumbass???? Husband???????"
Are there ever gonna be siblings on D20 who don't want each other dead? Marcus can join Adaine in the, "My sibling can go straight to hell," corner. (Kristen’s brothers don’t count, they had like zero screen time). 
"Ye shall pay for it."/"Aw come on." I love Mike.
Efink's spirit guardians are freaking Elven paparazzi.
Maggie being BFF's with John is my fave.  
Sidenote, I really love how all of these guys reskinned their attacks to make them fit their aesthetic and the campaign more.
Everyone applauding the Lord of Shadows.
A Brennan soundboard: Hell Yeah! Incredible. Bud.
"Who wore it better? Tom Cruise or this Mystery Bird?"
Marcus being like, "Yeah, I come from a pirate city. We're basically all bad guys."
Lilith takes a cue from Marcus and works on recruiting a SECOND eagle. And she rolls a 26!
John throwing a pocket square at the other-other eagle.
"Don't do it Leiland! You have so much to live for."
I love it when a player rolls, nods approvingly, and then is like, "Right, that's a [terribly low roll]."
Leiland being the personification of that John Mulaney gif as he falls off the ship: You know those days when you're like, this might as well happen?
Did the card for Hellish Rebuke actually say, "Set someone on fire if they hurt you"? Because if I got a card that vague as a newbie PC I'd be like, "Well he emotionally hurt me. Does that count?"
Matt using his reaction just to yell, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!"
"Because you have spent a good couple of sessions establishing yourself as extremely materialistic, this object is a close personal friend of yours."
That is is one of my favorite DnD sentences ever.  
Efink rolled two, twos and I had Naddpod flashbacks. Shout out to the two crew!
The annoying thing about DnD is that you can just roll total garbage for an entire session. True randomness means that, sometimes, you just can't hit anything for a full 2 hours.
"Tokyo drifting your airship."
I've said this before but it's really a shame Matt doesn't get to play more. He's a great DM obviously, but he's such a stellar player too.
Wild Nat 20 from Leiland and then he tells LIlith to CUT THE CHAIN THAT’S KEEPING HIM FROM FALLING.
The Vingury showing up is one of my favorite things. Players being forced to face the direct consequences of their own RP actions is the best. 
I think the lesson on D20 is Spirit Guardians are Good.
One-liner king Trapp purposely whiffs the easy one liner.
"There is a slim chance that all goblins in the Bloodkeep have a bomb in them. Just a slim chance."/"WHAT?"
"Did we put them there? Is that on us?"
What was Brennan on when he came up with that mechanic?
One of my other fave DnD things is having a lengthy, pointless conversation as a giant battle is happening.
lol, Efink is a cleric. I also forgot.
Poor Leiland being in the radius of her Turn Undead. Buddy.
"You're making doors! You're doing that which you hate."
Boss use of druidcraft by Lilith. I like it when people use mainly flavor spells for combat.
"You could dramatically go above decks and jump OR you can just walk through the giant hole belowdeck."
"WOT IS HAPPENING? DID SOMEONE CLOSE A DOOR ON THE SUN?"/"I thought you liked that. I'm so unclear."
Leiland is getting straight Roadrunner'd by Hamhead and it's wild. (I forgot that the players also made a Loony Tunes ref and they did it right as I was writing this line).
“Puddles of fire.”
Just waves upon waves of enemies this fight, huh? I think that’s a good DM move because it means you can gauge how it’s going and send out more or less depending on if you’re players are getting murdered or if they’re totally breezing through it.
And while we’re talking about the fight, I guess sometimes you womp the terrain and sometimes it womps you and this was a scenario 2. I also think Brennan might have been more prepared this time with like the rooting Ents and the sturdy dwarf and the waves of enemies. 
The indignity of not only getting slayed by J'er'em'ih (or however you spell that) but specifically by his butt hands. Wild. You’d think Marcus would care more about not getting the killing blow but, actually, this is almost better because it’s not even a cool, noble, aesthetic pirate death. 
Trapp: Lol. Wouldn't it be cute if it was like J'er'em'ih was flying the boat?
Brennan: No, he needs to do that. Roll.
Everything Brennan says about J'er'em'ih is equal parts fascinating and horrifying.
Parachute J'er'em'ih is just so wild.
"Just barely better than J'er'em'ih at driving."
"Oh, you're negging me, I see."
I always forget that Leiland is floating everywhere like he's on a freaking hoverboard.
The running thing of Leiland being useful but no one being able to see it is so so good.
LOTR needed more parachuting. I mean, I assume. I've never seen LOTR.
"It seemed super metal at the time."/"As a religious choice, it makes sense but saying it's for cleanliness doesn't make any sense." These guys are so good at improv. So consistently dropping gold.
"How does physics work?" Mike Trapp asks, as if that's something that has a hard and fast answer in DnD.
"I will actively go prone to sit where I am and pout." What a whole-ass drama queen.
lol Amy finally found Brennan's limit.
Even though they didn't do it, I love how down Rekha was for the insane airship plan.
Lilith treating Leiland like her adult disaster child is my fave.
"Please push harder."
Leiland drops darkness and the Goblin rolls a nat 20 to blow up the ship. Is there a moment more encompassing of this dude's existence?
"I understand that everyone here wants to rob me of my joy." DM mood. (Matt: I genuinely feel you there [and I’m reminded of that CR ship battle.])
The last shot of everyone falling out of the sky is so nice.
Anyway, as I was finishing this up, I got an ask about the next ep which is a doozy and prob my fave of the season so far. I’ll answer it as soon as I have another block of free time!
30 notes · View notes
callunavulgari · 6 years
Scrapbook 2018 - Pt. II
Second part of the scrapbook for 2018. A reminder, for myself and others-
Italicized titles - enjoyed quite a bit | bold titles - love | titles with an asterisk* - all time favorites | (bracketed titles) - re-watches/re-reads | strikethough - dislike
Goals are: read forty-five new books this year (34 so far!), finish six video games (2 so far!), write either 30 fics or 70k total, finish the damn Sabriel AU (not so much), and write something original.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
(The Lost Boys)
(Road to El Dorado)
The Philadelphia Story
Singin’ In The Rain
Incredibles 2
Funny Girl
High Society
Blade Runner 2049
Ocean’s 8
Ant Man and the Wasp
Lego Batman Movie
Good Morning Vietnam
Mary and the Witch’s Flower
(Wonder Woman)
Flavors of Youth
(Song of the Sea)
The Losers
The Greatest Showman
(Jurassic Park)
(LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring)
(V For Vendetta)\
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Wreck It Ralph 2
(Howl’s Moving Castle)
Ready Player One
Home Alone 2
The Stand | Stephen King
Think of England | K.J. Charles [Fin] 
Reincarnation Blues | Michael Poore [Fin]
Voyage of the Basilisk | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Wishful Drinking | Carrie Fisher [Fin]
(Captive Prince | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
(Prince’s Gambit | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
(King’s Rising | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
The Fifth Season | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
The Power | Naomi Alderman [Fin]
The Stand | Stephen King [Fin]
King of Attolia | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
Conspiracy of Kings | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Ocean at the End of the Lane | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Postcards From the Edge | Carrie Fisher [Fin]
A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 3 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street | Natasha Pulley [Fin]
Half Bad | Sally Green [Fin]
Spinning Silver | Naomi Novak [Fin]***
(Uprooted)** [Fin]
The Bedlam Stacks | Natasha Pulley [Fin]
If We Were Villains | M.L. Rio [Fin]
Circe | Madelline Miller [Fin]
Lord of the Flies | William Golding [Fin]
The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt
The Obelisk Gate | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
(His Majesty’s Dragon | Naomi Novak)
The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt [Fin]
(His Majesty’s Dragon | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
Pachinko | Min Jin Lee [Fin]
The Cruel Prince | Holly Black [Fin]
Thick As Thieves | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Language of Thorns | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Salt Magic, Skin Magic | Lee Welch [Fin]
Red Queen | Victoria Aveyard [Fin]
Record of a Spaceborn Few | Becky Chambers [Fin]
The Labyrinth of Drakes | Marie Brennan [Fin]
The Stone Sky | N.K. Jesmin
Luck In The Shadows | Lynn Flewelling
The Stone Sky | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
Luck In The Shadows | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Stalking Darkness | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Within the Sanctuary of Wings | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Traitor’s Moon | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Shadow’s Return | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi 
The White Road | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Casket of Souls | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Shards of Time | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin]
When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi [Fin]
Little Fires Everywhere | Celeste Ng [Fin]
Titus Groan | Meryn Peake [DNF]
The Fellowship of the Ring | J.R.R. Tolkien
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones
The Wise Man’s Fear | Patrick Rothfuss
The Fellowship of the Ring | J.R.R. Tolkien [Fin]
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones
The Wise Man’s Fear | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin] 
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones [Fin]
Ender’s Game | Orson Scott Card
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
Wolf 359 (Eps 49-61) FIN
The Bright Sessions (56 - Finale) FIN
Penumbra Podcast (1-32)
Alice Isn’t Dead (5-6)
Penumbra Podcast (32)
Penumbra Podcast (ALL OF IT)
EOS 10 (Rewatch of s1 & 2, then 1-5 of s3)
Welcome to Night Vale (1-26)
EOS 10 (s3; eps 5-FINALE, bonus episode)
Welcome to Night Vale (26)
Welcome to Night Vale (26-29)
Wolf 359 RELISTEN (1-34)
Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel and the Long Way Home pt 1-2)
Wolf 359 RELISTEN (34-62)
Westworld s2
Legion s2
The Flash s4
Siren s1
Sense8 Series Finale*****
Black Mirror
Voltron s6
The Bold Type s1
Anne With An E s1
Black Mirror
Big Mouth
Anne With An E s2
Legion s2
The Flash s4
Voltron s7
San Clarita Diet
Jeff Jeffries
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
The Dragon Prince
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
The Haunting of Hill House
The Good Place s2
Castlevania s2
The Good Place s2
Castlevania s2
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
She Ra s1
(Dead Like Me)
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer s4)
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 2 hrs
Song of the Deep
(Final Fantasy 15) - 30 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 2 hrs
SOMA [Fin]
(Kingdom Hearts Final Mix) - 34 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Remix [Fin]
(Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix) - 40 hrs
(Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix) - 40 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Terra - 20 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Ven - 5 hrs
Prey, M Morgan - 30 hrs [Fin]
Prey, F Morgan - 6 hrs
(Final Fantasy 15) - 100 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 6 hrs
(Final Fantasy 15) - 100 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 6 hrs
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Ven - 12 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Aqua - 5 hrs
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Aqua - 5 hrs
Pokemon Go?
Pokemon Moon (34 hrs, Ghost trial?)
Pokemon Go
(Kingdom Hearts: DDD - La Cite de Cloches, 5 hrs?)
Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee
Detroit: Become Human
take the stage and deliver by mothwrites | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 3k | “Why me?” Jacobi asked.“You’re just his type,” Cutter said. “He’ll never see it coming.”
push to the limit by gortysproject | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 10k | five times kepler asks too much of jacobi, and one time jacobi can't pull through for him.
you be the motor, I'll be the gasoline by crookedfingers | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 5k | The hold music begins before Jacobi can finish his sentence. He blinks at the far wall and then glances at a clock. He’ll give it thirty seconds before he hangs up.Then the music stops jarringly mid-note and someone says, “Thank you so much for your patience. I understand that you’re seeking career opportunities with Goddard Futuristics.”
life 2.0 by goldtreesilvertree, mothwrites | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Eiffel | 5k | "Alright... Daniel. Why are we having a movie night?" Minkowski never seemed the type to be into movie nights, and Hera probably doesn't get the point. He's beginning to get the feeling this will be the first movie night Eiffel 2.0 is going to remember, and he doesn't know if that's a good thing."Because," Daniel says, passing him a DVD so he has to get up again, "I really want to watch this, and my usual movie-buddy is dead. My backup movie-buddy is also dead. Any further questions?"
 'til your heart goes numb by LuckyDiceKirby | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 1k |  Instead of going out and getting drunk with Rose, Mark goes for a drive.
black sheep and mischief by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor & Loki | 3k | A bird alights on Thor’s shoulder and pecks his cheek twice, hard enough to make him wince.“What are you doing?” it warbles in his ear.“Wondering what my brother is doing up at this hour, little bird,” Thor replies. “Will you go ask him for me?”
(Lines on Palms by Fahye | Captive Prince | Damen/Laurent | 35k | "You're lying," Damen says. "You walked into Akielos and stole something from me.")**
On Tilt by 13th_blackbird | Solo | Han/Lando | 3k |  “You want to play?” Han says, nodding at the cards, before he can think better of it. “Or are you just showing off?”
tell me, get my shit together by paperclipbitch | Solo | Han/Lando | 5k | “I thought we were actively avoiding each other after the Trandosha Shitshow,” Han says.“We’re actively avoiding each other after the Iridonia Shitshow,” Lando corrects him, “the Trandosha Shitshow is That Which We Do Not Speak Of.”
Make Me Feel by Copper_Nails (Her_Madjesty) | Solo | Han/Lando | 2k | Winning the Falcon back is supposed to fill the empty space beneath his ribs. Han told himself this the whole way to Lando, tells it to himself again, now: it’s immensely satisfying to stare up at the ship’s sleek (battered) lines, so he can stop thinking about Crimson Dawn, thanks; can stop thinking about Beckett on the cliffside and Qi’ra, fading like a star in the morning.
Proving It by sailingonstardust | Solo | Han/Lando | 1.5k |  “You know,” Lando interrupts Han in the middle of a story about a seedy club and two twi’leks, “you can talk, and talk, and talk, but I don’t believe half the things you’re saying for even a second.”
one night on the falcon by topaz | Solo | Han/Lando | 3k |  If Han was the kind of guy who thought about things like this, the idea of fucking Lando Calrissian in the ship he'd used to own would have fallen somewhere on the Cool side of the prospective ideas spectrum, probably shading to the Not really likely to happen but still fun to think about group. 
A Cornstalk Fiddle by notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down to Georgia | Devil/Johnny | 9k+ |  Where Johnny goes, the Devil follows; where Johnny goes, the Devil is already there.
The Beginning After the End by notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Padme & Obi-Wan | 7k |  Padmé wakes to the back of Obi-Wan’s head, his hair mussed and his arms spread, outstretched over her knees as though to shield her from all that would come.
( Stargazers by Ruby_Wednesday | Captive Prince | Laurent/Damen | 90k | Five years after the Truce of Marlas, Damen and Laurent meet again in Delpha. They're forced to work together to soothe the growing tension between their countries. But Laurent does not forgive easily and Damen's not that sorry.)
( One the Other by Ruby_Wednesday | Captive Prince | Laurent/Damen | 200k |  Marlas goes badly for Damen. He goes back to Ios with Laurent as his reluctant ward.)
Any More Obvious by idiopathicsmile | Les Mis | Eponine/Cosette | 2k | “Look, folks,” says Musichetta, ten minutes from the end of cheer practice, “we have an audience. A spooky audience.”
speak in tongues by SpineAndSpite | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 7k | The last time Yuri went sightseeing with Otabek it had been the middle of winter, and he only had breath to contemplate the speed of the bike and the warmth of Otabek through his jacket. A crowded bus is a far cry, but he still has the same feeling of displacement--of not knowing what will happen next.
cherry pie by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 133k | Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.**
(you hate me) cause i got what you need by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 6k | “You smell like coconuts,” Billy murmurs. “Like the ocean, too.”
Draconia by perceived_nobility | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 4k | "So I was driving. One ex wife and one ex husband later, stopping at the same fucking gas stations you and I stopped at."
untalked of and unseen by prouvairing | If We Were Villains | James/Oliver | 5k | Four times Oliver and James slept together, and one time they didn’t. Not exactly in that order.
Swipe right by mee4ever | HP | Draco/Harry | 2k | Or then one where Harry swipes right, and it turns out Draco does too.
The Truth by mee4ever | HP | Draco/Harry | 4k | Or the one where Harry is too bloody thick to see the truth, even when it's staring him in the face.
Victory Condition by astolat | Transformers | Megatron/Optimus | 39k | “Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
chases, escapes, true love, miracles by pepperfield | The Flash | Cisco/Harry | 55k | Just because the timeline has been restored, doesn't mean things are back to normal. Cisco's got 99 problems, and Harry Wells is approximately 38 of them.
Turn by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 9k |  I would kill for you, he thinks at her, inside her, and this is the result of what they just did, the culmination of all of their history together. I would destroy the entire galaxy for this.
You should see the things we do by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | SW | Reylo | 13k | “Maybe Ben will come home from his business trip and bend me over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck me hard and fast.”
Your Pretty Little Heart by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | SW | Reylo | 64k |  “Good. Good little Omega.” He says the words against her gland, almost sweetly, and Rey—Rey is going to die. A wonderful, delicious death. Depraved, all of this. Filthy. Beautiful.
✓✓ Read by Boyue | South Park | Kyle/Stan | 65k | AKA how Stan Marsh met Kyle Broflovski through a dick pic mishap.
Pretend There Is No Wreck by LuckyDiceKirby | The Flash | Harrisco | 11k | Cisco and Harry figure out how to not kill each other, and also maybe how to talk about their feelings.
the cure by aquaexplicit | The Flash | Harrisco | 43k | “I guess I don’t really get what you need to fix? Harrison Wells is a hot, rich genius that pays you to make cool stuff with his daughter and is totally into you. If you guys boning is the biggest problem you have, I think this officially qualifies as your best relationship ever.”
and everything nice by perzimon | Voltron | Sheith | 5k | when he's beautiful and you love him but he can't make toast, the fic
hello, i love you, won't you tell me your name by perzimon | Voltron | Sheith | 12k | Keith's human enough to have wisdom teeth and unlucky enough to need them extracted. The team despairs.
Unexpected Developments by mific | SGA | McShep | 14k | Detective John Sheppard after Vegas (S5E19). His near-fatal wound's slowly healing and he's got his old job back, but then someone turns up unexpectedly who's a greater mystery than any of the cases on John's desk, and John has to make some hard choices.
teach me something new by tagteamme | Voltron | Sheith | 64k | Keith and Lance accidentally get into trouble. Shiro is the TA that has to Deal With It™.
to go, to follow, to kneel at your feet by arahir | Voltron | Sheith | 12k | They think it will be funny to leave him with a Galra in heat.
called out your name (but it was too late) by arahir | Voltron | Sheith, Griffin/Keith | 5k | Walk into the Garrison like—wait, what the fuck, is that Keith? Or: an old classmate watches Keith fall in love with someone else.
To Consummate is to Burn by the_glow_worm | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk | 6k | Miryem, the Staryk, and their wedding night.
The Time-Traveller's Portion by PutItBriefly | Pride & Prejudice | Elizabeth/Darcy | 7k | Darcy always knew she was to be his wife. He just didn't know she was poor.
songs about love by sarahyyy | YOI | Yuri/Otabek | 8k | In the embedded Instagram photo just under that subheading, a very grumpy Yuri is cuddling a very grumpy-looking cat. The caption reads: I found the cat version of me at the shelter today. #iknowisaidnomorecats #canyoublameme
Between the Lines by Dementordelta | Harry Potter | Snarry | 22k | Harry discovers a secret in his Potions text and a friend in the Half-Blood Prince.
More Than Gravity by JenTheSweetie | Marvel | Stony | 20k | “Aw, time travel, no.”On Christmas Eve, Tony came unstuck in time.
Of an Arcane Binding by Salvia_G | The Hobbit | Thilbo | 44k | An inexplicable magic ties Bilbo Baggins, hobbit of the Shire, to Thorin, dwarven prince of Erebor.
Back and Forth by kiyala | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 4k | Yuri convinces Otabek to get snapchat, just to send selfies of himself making faces at Victor and Yuuri. He gets more than he expected.
your tongue is sharp, but i miss the taste of it by thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7k | Billy had one job -- don't take off the scarf. / Science is probably not Steve's strong suit, but he's really trying to make sense of why Billy's suddenly found him so appealing.
Things Already Said by balloonwhisk | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 4k | Damien gets a not entirely unwelcome early morning surprise.
Wreak Havoc by myfandomsareinfinite | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 8k | Five Times Ryan Dalias Saved Akmazian's Life (Sort of) and One Time Akmazian Saved Ryan's (Sort Of).
you will see what it is to be overcome by magneticwave | Star Trek | Spirk | 10k | What kind of an idiot would try to explain magic to a Vulcan.
Bloody Ruin by esama | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 37k | Vampire hunter and a vampire try to get along.
Minus 1 by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 6k | The text—'What’s up, daddy?'—was originally intended for Finn.
Paint it, red by CeruleanHeart | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 3k | " That's a pretty color..." Billy repeated and stepped closer, crowding Steve against the door "... for a pretty boy."
a road less traveled and a life less led by Azzandra | Dishonored | Gen, Outsider & Billie | 9k | She took him out of the Void, as promised.And then she kept him, she supposed.
Changing the Sound of Your Name by Agrotera | Dishonored | Outsider/Corvo | 14k |  It was the first thing she said to him when they stumbled out of the Void. You’re going to need a name. Emerging from the dark into what promised to be a lifetime of questions impossible to answer, and she broached the hardest one first.
if the end comes (don't let us hear it) by Kandakicksass | Dishonored | Outsider/Corvo | 5k |  "He comes in like a ghost in the fall of 1854."
Work of All Saints by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Coco | Hector/Imelda/Ernesto | 210k | Imelda Rivera (b. 1899 - d. 1969), a story that includes but is not limited to: the finest music school this side of the Santo Domingo, three traveling musicians and the mess they made of love, the twice-cursed assassination of Venustiano Carranza, all the patron saints, and ninety-six ways a man can try to cross a bridge.**
Traveling Far by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 24k |  Three weeks into their delightful slog across Westeros, during yet another charming day of shitting in the woods, eating half-raw squirrel, and trudging his feet bloody, the single most dour and uninteresting woman Jaime had ever met in all of Westeros stopped in the middle of a field, drew a deep breath, and said, “When I was seven, my aunt came to visit with her son. My father told me that as the daughter of the house, it was my duty to show hospitality to my guests and to be gracious to them. I wanted to make him proud. So for three weeks, I let my cousin follow me around and talk to me about spiders.”
insert baseball pun here by hoppnhorn | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 6k |  He’s considering taking up smoking again if it keeps him from trying to pick up Steve in the middle of the office. That’s really the last thing that he needs to do, start fucking around with someone he works with. He had sex with a coworker one time back in college when he worked at some shitty deli and that had devolved into his manhood being threatened with a meat slicer.
Regrowth by moogle62 | Uprooted | Agnieszka/The Dragon | 1k |  Agnieszka’s wood-green cottage stands waiting for her when she leads Sarkan carefully by the hand back home. They wind through the trees together and only she does not flinch at the stray touch of branches. The Wood has known her too completely, now, for her to mistake friend for foe.
I just met you (and this is crazy) by littlesystems | Captain America | Steve/Bucky | 41k | After Steve gets outed by a grainy cell phone picture, it takes the media less than 24 hours to discover Captain America’s secret relationship with James Barnes: classical musician, teen heartthrob, and son of a former president.The only problem? Steve has never met James Barnes in his life.
will you chew until it bleeds? by brawlite | Venom | Venom/Eddie | 7k |  Venom drags Eddie into a seedy club out of sheer curiosity. Trying to make the most of a night he didn't choose for himself, Eddie tries to get laid. Instead, he gets mugged. Afterwards, Venom doesn't let Eddie feel too disappointed about the missed opportunity. 
devil's backbone by starscry | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor Belmont | 3k |  “Come, now. I’ve seen you stalking around, pent up like a bitch in heat. You’re quite high-strung; it’s beginning to wear on the others, me included,” the vampire drawls. His sharp eyes find Trevor’s, narrowing slyly. “You need a good fuck.”
Steam and Skin by LuciferianRising | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 5k |  He wanted to spare Sypha the horror of having to share a bath with either of them, but Trevor never imagined choosing to share it with Alucard would lead to this. He's not exactly complaining, however.
when the devil comes to plea (he'll be running quicker than you've ever seen) by Hornswaggler | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 3k | Akmazian runs with some pretty shady people. Akmazian is a pretty shady person. Now the Destroyer of Stars has developed something of a soft spot. Not all of his employees approve.
like it's supposed to by Hornswaggler | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 2k | Ryan is consistently busy. Luckily for him, that means he's consistently distracted from things he'd really rather not think about.Unluckily for him, he's apparently not too busy for impromptu visits from one of the most wanted men in the system.
a lesson in cartography by novembersmith | Uprooted | Agnieska/Sarkan | 7k | “I will never cease to be amazed at your unequaled talent for creating chaos out of the simplest components. You were meant to be scrying and map-making. What were you doing?”
heart on a string by jilliancares | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | A good Force Captain would do a lot of things that Catra wouldn’t, like not pulling their punches when fighting Adora and not sneaking into Castle Bright Moon for anything less than evil purposes. Unfortunately, Catra wasn’t a very good Force Captain, despite striving all her life to become one.No, everything had changed when Adora wandered into the stupid Whispering Woods to find a moral compass. Little did she know she was dragging Catra’s heart on a string behind her.
Aia ke ola i Motunui by asteriae | Moana | Moana/Maui | 25k | The trouble with saving the world and returning home a hero with a demigod by your side, is it really scares off potential suitors.
lilies of the valley (cover me with kisses, make my garden grow) by diasterisms | Star Wars | Reylo | 8k | Every girl is entitled to the mistake. That one colossal fuck-up that permanently alters the terrain of who you are. You'll either learn from it or you won't, so might as well have the time of your life.
Astronomical Odds by xzombiexkittenx for Cinnamaldeide | Hannibal | Hannigram | 2.5k |  Picked up a hitchhiker last night. He said, “Thanks! how do you know I’m not a serial killer though?” I replied, “The chances of two serial killers being in the same car are astronomical.”
meet me in the woods tonight by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 86k | There’s something in the woods of Hawkins, Indiana.
Notes of Noy, Notes of Joy by pendrecarc | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk | 5k | "I might wander ten thousand years in the goblin depths and never find a way out again...."Miryem descends into the depths with no more than a dagger in her hand, a mirror about her neck, and a song in her heart to bring her husband out again.
if you don't like the company, let's just do it you and me by hoppnhorn, thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 9k |  “Stevie, Stevie, Stevie,” Billy tuts, and it’s nearly sickening, too fucking good, the way he looks like he can think of nothing better than digging his teeth into Steve Harrington. “Look at you. What’re we gonna do with you, huh? Tell me what you want, pretty boy.”
B-Sides by notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down to Georgia | The Devil/Johnny | 5k | All the tunes that didn't make the cut.
Steve Rogers | Elegy
Lucifer | Heaven's Door
in my veins | keith
Voltron | Rise 
VOLTRON || H O M E || Season 6
Eleven || I'm this way because of you
Tenth Doctor | Reminiscence 
Lucifer | Heaven's Door
Marvel || Where are you now? (Faded)
Stranger Things | Heroes
What if THOR RAGNAROK had an anime opening?
the maze [multifandom]
Gilbert Blythe || The last, the only
K E I T H // "I won't quit" (6x07)
(Marvel) Avengers | Sacrifice
sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴏʀ (ᴇᴘɪᴄ) // {Voltron AMV} ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟼 sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
Voltron | Rise (Season 6)
sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ // {Voltron AMV} ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟼 sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
Marvel | We Will Rock You
infinity war || bleeding heart
How Far We've Come - Voltron AMV (s1-s6)
Kylo Ren | Look What You Made Me Do
Way Down We Go|Detroit: Become Human
Loki // Hustler
Born ready [VOLTRON]
You could be h̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ and I won't know
ʜᴏᴡ ғᴀʀ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ
voltron s7 | home
VOLTRON || FIX YOU || Season 7
almost everything;
Infinity War || Flesh and Bone
Broken People || Avengers Infinity War
Marvel || Death is not the End
Blood//Water || Voltron Legendary Defender
The Wolf|Voltron| AMV
Harry Potter || Across this New Divide
► I Like Me Better
Game of Thrones | Flesh and Bone [6K]
The Byers || We can fix it, together
Legion || The World Killer
Infinity War || Violet Hill
Mike & Eleven || Out of the darkness
My Hero Academia「AMV」|| You Can Become A Hero
MARVEL || Stronger [The Score]
Peter + Roman | he hurt you
peter & roman | animals
Excelsior, Stan Lee
[Catradora] The Enemy
Avengers: Endgame - (Logan Style)
2018 --Trailers Mashup
X Ambassadors - UNSTEADY | Official Dance Video #LoveisLove
2018 Movie Trailer Mashup
just a machine? [Detroit: Become Human] *HBD Pteryx*
who are you? | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human || Paralyzed
Emeli Sande - Daddy
EMPIRES Hello Lover
Stupid | Brendan Maclean
Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It?
GHITA - Mindfvck
Olivia O'Brien - Fuck Feelings
gnash - i hate u, i love u ft. olivia o'brien
Paradise Valley | Honey and the Sting
Hidden Citizens - Hazy Shade of Winter
Attila the King | Nick Glennie-Smith
Lawless - Crossing Over (feat. IO Echo)
Is This the End | Joseph William Morgan
Man or a Monster | Sam Tinnesz(feat. Zayde Wølf)
Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing, Sense8 Remix ft Zoe Wise 
Moonlight End Credits | Nicholas Britell
Ori and the Blind Forest Soundtrack
Little Sadie - Crooked Still
That Feeling When - Dagny
Asylums for the Feeling - Silent Poets
Starboy - The Weeknd
Lash Out - Alice Merton
Liztomania - Phoenix
Alice - Fields and Planes
Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Ahead By a Century - The Tragically Hip
Can I Sit Next To You - Spoon
Fantasy Reading Soundtrack
Watercast Soundtrack
HAEVN - The Sea
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
Ocean Size - Jane’s Addiction
174 Hours - Jeff Russo
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
the trapper and the furrier - regina spektor
the war - syml
lion - saint mesa
island - svrcina
who are you - svrcina
lovely - billie eilish
hold me - the sweeplings
natural - imagine dragons
mermaid - skott
sky full of song - florence + the machine
music to watch boys to - lana del rey
road river and rail - cocteau twins
hypnos - daemonia nymphe
in a landscape - john cage
mmm mmm mmm mmm - crash test dummies
queendom - aurora
ordinary world - duran duran
silent lucidity - queensryche
friends - marshmello
popular - nada surf
song of the sea lullaby - nolwenn leroy
flesh and bone - black math
the wolf - siames
broken people- rag n bone man & logic
nina cried power ep - hozier
kol nidrey - the yuval ron ensemble
amen - for king & country
stronger - the score
rise like a phoenix - conchita wurst
heroes - mans zelmerlow
cut to the feeling - carly rae jepsen
electrified - just loud
all my friends - the revivalists
the way you used to do - queens of the stone age
the morning after - maureen mcgovern
killer shangri-lah - psychotic beats
work it out - effee
sous les aquarelles - ingrid st-pierre
the other side - greatest showman ensemble
the greatest show -  greatest showman ensemble
never enough - loren allred
this is me -  greatest showman ensemble
SOS - Cher
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - Cher
Dancing Queen - Cher
Perfect Opening Line  - The Frames
Twin Fawn - Chelsea Wolfe
The Plains/Bitter Dancer - Fleet Foxes
Don’t Fall In Love - Still Corners
Acid Rain - Lorn
One Night Only - The Struts
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
Always Starting Over - Idina Menzel
Ghost of John - Kristin Lawrence
Fernando - Cher
The Ancestors - Dario Marianelli
Turn Back Time - Cher
It’s Quiet Uptown - Kelly Clarkson
Stranger Things - Facing West
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
The Origin of Love - Hedwig
DJ Earworm Mashup - United State of Pop 2018 (Turnin' It Up)
DECADE OF POP | The Megamix (2008-2018) // by Adamusic
MASHUP 2018 "THE GREATEST HOPE" - 2018 Year End Mashup
DANCE TO 2018 | YEAR END MEGAMIX (MASHUP) // by Adamusic
Vivaldi Recomposed by Max Richter
and i'm always tired, but never of you | The Bright Sessions | Sam/Damien/Mark | 10,405 words | Sam runs into Damien at the grocery store two years later. It changes everything.  
tides will bring me back to you | Kingdom Hearts | Axel/Roxas | 7,383 words | When Axel was sixteen, he did something stupid. He and a couple of his friends took his mom’s car up to the mountains, where they’d spent the better part of the day drinking bottles of stolen liquor and staggering along a heavily forested trail, laughing and bumping into trees as they went. As it was getting dark, they’d ended up near the end of it, where the heavy brush of the trees gave way to open sky and sea, a quiet little cove in the middle of nowhere.Then, one of his friends said, “I dare you to go in the water.”
Smallest Light | Stranger Things | Gen, El & Will | 5,165 words | In the summer of 1986, Will’s mom marries Jim Hopper. OR, Will and El learn how to be real people again together.
i don't want to rest in peace, we can haunt each other's dreams | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 1,520 words |  In the dream, Ryan wakes up and Akmazian is there. 
Looking For Atlantis | SGA | Mcshep | 4,632 words | Hey Rodney, the postcard reads. Go see a movie.
keep your heart open (i'll keep mine open too) | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7,915 words | “Did you even like me before you found out I was your soulmate?” Billy murmurs as he kisses a line down Steve’s throat.
2018 Playlist
2 notes · View notes
angel-princess-anna · 7 years
Downton Abbey Character List
This is an updated list through Series 6. The original list is here, although I’ve also been updating own list in a Word Doc since 2013, which is what this is based on. Below are the characters listed in alphabetical order by last name (for the most part). Characters not ever appearing on screen are in italics. For real people mentioned, I’ve only included them if the Crawelys et al. knew them personally (references to real historical figures will be included in a separate list). While I’ve included some family members without names who are mentioned, I have left out minor characters with no names and also animals (if you need that info or have any questions on that, message me). This does include information that is only included in the S1-3 script books.
I hope that the Keep Reading works on mobile, because this list is very long!
A Acland, Lady Anne (S6E6) Acland, Lord  (d.; Anne's husband who died in WWI) Adams, Mr (formerly of the schoolhouse)
Aldridge, Ephraim Atticus [goes by middle name] Aldridge, Lady Rose (née MacClare)  Aldridge, Victoria Rachel Cora (b. 1925; we see photos of her) [Aldridge] Daniel, Lord Sinderby [Aldridge] Rachel, Lady Sinderby Other family members mentioned: Lady Sinderby’s cousin Sir John Gluck (at the S5E8 party but not on-screen), The Melfords (Lady Sinderby's cousins, including one named Anne) For Rose’s relations see  the MacClares
[Allsopp] Lord William "Billy", Baron of Aysgarth Allsopp, Lady (d.) Allsopp, The Honourable Madeleine Other family members who appeared on screen: older sister to Lord Aysgarth (S4CS)
Ambrose, Benjamin Baruch (real life bandleader at the Embassy, S4CS) Ames, Captain [no last name given] Alice (S3 maid; no lines) Ansty, Joseph Gerald, the Honourable (winner of Ripon by-election of 1913, probably not a real person based on Fellowes' note in the script book)
Anstruther, Dowager Lady (née Mountevans) Anstruther, Lord, "Jock" (d.)
Astor, John Jacob "JJ" (d. 1912 on the Titanic) Astor, Madeleine (on the Titanic, survived in real life)
[no last name given] Audrey (Edith's S6 secretary) Avebury, Mr (person who helped the second earl, would be d.) Avignon, Arsène (real life chef at Ritz in London) Axford, Sir Patrick (racer, S6E7, blows gaskets)
B Bakewell, Mr Bakewell, Mrs Bailey-George, Lady Elizabeth (S4CS) Margham, the Duchess of (I am assuming this is Elizabeth's mother, she is presenting her) Barrow, Mr Thomas (Acting Sergeant in S2) Other family members mentioned: Father, sister, cousin
Barnard (Downton Abbey gameskeeper, S2CS. Mary references him, and while I'm not sure someone was assigned to play him, he'd be in some of the shooting scenes) Barnes (tenant, S4E1) Bartlett, Mrs Audrey Bassett (gardener at Downton Abbey, S2E1)
Bates, Mrs Anna May (née Smith) Bates, Mr John Bates, [Anna and John's newborn son] (b. 31 Dec 1925) Bates, Mrs (mother of John, d. 1916) Bates, Mrs Vera (d. 1918) Other family members mentioned: Anna’s father (d.), Anna’s mother, Anna’s step-father, Anna’s sister (possibly d.); John’s Scottish grandmother who was a Keith (d.), John’s Irish relatives; Vera’s cousin Mr Harlip.
Baxter, Miss Phyllis Beaumont, Lady (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Beet, Mr Alfred (Carson's old butler when he entered service; only mentioned in Rules for Household Staff book)
Bellasis, Tom (d. 1916) Bellasis, Lady Benton, Mrs Benton, Mr [no last name given] Beth (maid at Crawley House; never seen) [no last name given] Betty (maid at Dower House in S4; appears on screen in S6CS)
Bevan, Rita (S6E1, her fake name is "Ellen Gouse") [no last name given] Billy [also credited as "Race Stopwatch Man" in S6E7] [no last name given] Billy [mentioned by Mrs Hughes in S6E7, a hallboy maybe?] Bird, May (”Mrs” as she’s a cook) Family members mentioned: sister Blake, Mr Charles Blake, Sir Severus (Charles' father's cousin)
Bow, Mrs (lived in a cottage on the estate, the Bateses more than likely live in that same cottage now) Bramley (servant who wants to move the feeding pens and needed a decision, mentioned along with Cripps in scene seven in S1E3) Braithwaite, Miss Edna
Brocket, Mr (gardener at Downton Abbey, S1E4. Also mentioned in cut lines in S2E4) [S6E3 has a "Mr Brock" who cuts the flowers for the wedding. I assume that this is the same character]
Brand, Sergeant (works with Inspector Stanford) The Bransons of Cork (not related to Tom)
Branson, Kieran Branson, Lady Sybil Cora (née Crawley) (d. 1920) Branson, Miss Sybil "Sybbie" (b. 1920) Branson, Mr Tom Other family members also mentioned: Tom’s mother, Tom’s cousin in Boston, Tom's grandfather, other cousins (Bill [d. 1916], Nula, daughter of Nula)
Brennan, Mrs (Brancaster cook) Bricker, Simon Bromidge, Mr Bromidge, Mrs (mother of Mr. Bromidge)
Brook, Mr (The Bateses' tenant of their London house until S5E7) Brooks (Carlisle's valet) The Broughams  (friends of Violet's who vacation in Cannes) Bryant, Major Charles Bryant, Mrs Daphne Bryant, Mr Horace Bullock, Sir John [Bunting] Imogen (Sybil's friend; in the final version Sybil doesn't say her last name, but it's in the S2 script book) Bunting, Miss Sarah
Burns, Ivy (d. 1912) Burns, Joe Burns, Peter Burns, Mr (Rosamund's chauffeur in S4E1, no relation to the others) Burton, Major General B. (real commander of Division at Richmond, S1E7) Bute, (”Mrs” as she’s a housekeeper) (Grantham House housekeeper, S4CS. No longer employed by S5E8)
C Callender-Becketts (where Sir Anthony was going when he stopped by to invite Edith to the concert in York) Carlisle, Sir Richard Carlisle, Mr Mark Other family members also mentioned: Sir Richard’s mother (d.)
Carson, Mr Charles Ernest ("Charlie") [middle name from prop] Carson, Mrs Elsie May (née Hughes) (”Mrs” Hughes as housekeeper) [middle name from prop] Other family members also mentioned: Charles' dad (d.)  and grandad (d.); Elsie’s sister Becky Carter (partner in law firm Matthew works at in Ripon) Cartwright, Colonel (who had a place for Thomas as a medic in the Great War, S1E7) Cavendish, "Taxi" [While a real family from the time, Fellowes notes in the script book that this person's first name comes from a friend of his father]
Chamberlain, Neville (Minister of Health in 1925, later Prime Minister) Chamberlain, Anne de Vere Cole (real person, Neville's wife. Fictitiously, she is Robert's father's goddaughter) Anne de Vere Cole's father (who served with Robert's father in the Crimea War) Horace de Vere Cole (Anne de Vere Cole's brother)
Charkham, Mr (Reggie Swire's lawyer) Chetworth, Mrs (Sir Anthony's sister) Chirk, Mr (lives in a cottage on the estate, more than likely the Bateses’ neighbor) The Churchills Clark, Daniel Clark, Diana
Clarkson, Dr. Richard Cobb, Mrs (former tenant of the Carsons' cottage) Coates, Sir John (another doctor who examined Matthew after his war injury) Collins, Miss (Violet's S5 lady's maid, until S5E5) The Colthursts (guests invited to Robert's party) Colthurst, Kitty (friend of Rose's in S5E1, probably related to the above)
Coombs (This might be Edith's editor in S5E6 who appears on-screen for five seconds) Connaught, Duchess (Lady Reresby was her lady in waiting) (d.) Corville, Oliver Coulter (tenant farmer on the estate) Cox, Mr (former spice shop owner in Thirsk) Courtney, Lieutenant Edward (d. 1917) Courtney, Jack Coyle, Peter Craig Crane, (”Mrs” as she’s a housekeeper) (Duneagle housekeeper)
[Crawley] Cora, Countess of Grantham (née Levinson) Crawley, Lady Edith [see the Pelhams]  Crawley, George (b. 1921) Crawley, Mrs Isobel (née Turnbull) [see the Greys] Crawley, Mr James (d. 1912) Crawley, Lady Mary Josephine [see the Talbots] Crawley, Mr Matthew Reginald (Captain; Esq.) (d. 1921) [what is her official last name??] Marigold (b. 1923; see the Pelhams) Crawley, Mr Patrick (d. 1912) Crawley, Dr Reginald (d.) [Crawley] Robert, Earl of Grantham (Lord Lieutenant, Colonel) [Crawley] Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham Other family members also mentioned: Robert's father/Violet's husband (d.), Robert's grandmother/Violet's mother-in-law (d.), the 2nd Earl and his mother (d.), Violet's mother (d.), Cousin Freddie, Anne Gordon (Robert's great aunt), Roberta who loaded the guns at Lucknow, Mrs Vanneck (cousin of Violet), James's mother (whom of which Violet hated), Matthew's great-great-grandfather (who was the son of the 3rd earl), the 3rd earl built the abbey (d.), the 4th earl put together the library and also collected "horses and women" (d.), an aunt that was good at macramé For Cora’s relations see “Levinson”
Cripps (an employee of the estate mentioned twice in S1) Crowborough, Duke of, Philip Crump, "Old" (smithy in the next village who was working at the old Skelton Estate all week in S1E5) Cruikshank, Henry [father of Amelia] Cruikshank, Mrs [mother of Amelia] Cunard, Lady [And Lady Cunard's daughter] Curley, Mrs (owns a dress shop in Ripon) Curran (Mentioned by Murray S3E1, possibly one of his partners)
D Darnley, Sir John Other family members mentioned: Marian, Tom, Sir John's father (d.)
Daunt, Mr (Sinderby's valet) Davis (Matthew's soldier-servant, possibly d.) Davis, Bella (Rose's friend, helps with Russians; is only mentioned in final version of S5, but appeared on-screen in PBS version of S5E5) Dawes, Mr (Headmaster of the school S5-6) Delderfields (the people Cora met along with Evelyn Napier at the Doncaster Races; in a cut scene, they were Tom's former employers, and his father was a tenant there. This was cut I suppose because Tom's family still lives in Ireland instead) Denker, Miss Gladys Dent The Derbys (cut S3E4 lines, pg. 204. Must have been real and just had a baby in 1920) Dominic, Father (priest that baptizes Sybbie)
Dorrit, Mrs "Mrs. Flecter" (guest at Mrs Patmore’s B&B) Dorrit, Mr Drake, John Drake, Mrs Drax, Miss (one of the young girls who is Mary's bridesmaids, name is in cut line S3E1) Drewe, Mr Timothy "Tim" Drewe, Mrs Margie Drewe, Peter Drewe, Billy Other family members who appeared on screen: daughter of Margie and Tim Other family members mentioned: Tim’s father (d. 1922)
Drumgoole, Lord and Lady (Laura Dunsany), and their sons (do not seem to be real) Dudley Ward, Mrs Freda (real person) Duff-Gordon, Lady Lucy Christiana (dress designer of "Lucille"; a survivor of the Titanic) Dufferin, Lady Maureen (socialite, friend of the Crawleys) Durrant, Mr Dupper, Mrs (S2E8 cut lines) Dupper, Mrs Jill (S6E6 dinner guest of Evelyn's; my guess is a reused last name that didn't make it in before) Dupper, Mr (Husband of S6E6's Mrs Dupper; d. in WWI)  Dyer, General Reginald
E Edmunds, Miss Laura [no last name given] Ellen (maid at Crawley House) Elcot, Mrs. Elcot, Bob (d.) Elcot, Robbie Ellis, Lord (estate owner in Easingwold in S4) [no last name given] Ena (S5 scullery maid) [no last name given] Elsie (maid at the Stiles') Eltham, Lady (I believe this is a reference to the real Dorothy Isabel Westenra Hastings) Evans, Mr Walter (winner of an award at the flower show) Evans, Mr (man who makes headstones and plaques in S5)
F Fairclough (tenant, S4E2) Fairclough, Mr (on the hunt with Mary, S6E1. Unsure if this is a name reusual or the same character) Field, Mrs (Isobel's cook in S4E1) Finch, Mr (organizer of Fat Stock Show, S6E2) Fitzalan-Howard, Gwendolen, Duchess of Norfolk (real person and friend of Violet's; confirmed in S3 script book to be based on the real person) Frobisher (Mentioned by Murray S3E1, possibly one of his partners) Foyle, Anthony "Tony", Viscount of Gillingham Other family members mentioned: Johnny (Tony’s father), grandmama Fry, Roger (real life painter)
G Gannnon, Mrs (cut S3E1 lines, housekeeper at Easton Grange) Gaunt, Mrs (telephone operator) [no last name given] George (Grantham Arms bartender in S3CS) George, Marsha (friend of Rose's S5E5) George V, King Goldman, Dr T. Gordon, Major Peter ("Patrick") Gordon, Dr (a friend of Isobel's in Manchester, S1E2) [no relation] Graham, Adela (Peter Hexham's cousin and fiancee) Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta (real life Irish revolutionary) Graves, David (Credited as "Ripon Wedding Registrar", but his name is visible on the sign) Green, Mr Alex (d. 1922)
Gregson, Mr Michael (d. 1922) Gregson, Lizzie [no last name given] Gertie [S6 maid] [Grey] Richard "Dicky", Lord Merton [the CC has a 'y' for most episodes but S5E8-CS is 'ie'] [Grey] Ada, Lady Merton [Grey] Isobel, Lady Merton (née Crawley, Mrs. Isobel (née Turnbull)) Grey, Larry Grey, Amelia Mary (née Cruikshank) Grey, Tim Grigg, Mr Charles "Charlie"
H Harding, Mrs Gwen, (née Dawson)  Harding, Mr John Other family members mentioned: Gwen and John's children; Gwen’s parents
Harvell (a partner in the firm Matthew works at in Ripon) Haig, General Douglas (real person who later becomes a field marshal) Harriaby, Lord (S4CS first party guest) Harrowby, Lord (guest at first party in S4CS, friend of Madeline's father) Hays, Charles Melville (president of the Grand Trunk Railway that Robert invested in; he was real and d. on the Titanic) Henderson, Mrs.
Henderson, Mr Philip Henderson, Mrs (S6E1; this actress also appeared as an extra in S4CS; I don't believe that is this is earlier Mrs. Henderson) Other family members mentioned: Philip’s uncle
Hepworth, Lord "Jinks" Other family members mentioned: the late father of the current lord (d.) Hewitt, Major Hexham, Lord, Peter (d. 1925) Hexham, Lord ("Old Lord Hexham") (d.)
Holmes, Major The Howards Howard, Lord (of Glossop) (S5E5 cocktail party guest; I assume related) Other family members mentioned: the late father of the current lord (d.)
I Ingleby, Lady (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Ingraham, Lady
J Jackson, Mr (probably the groundskeeper, S5CS) Jackson (Merton's chauffeur, S6CS) Jarvis, Mr Jefferson, Mrs (S4E3 party guest) Jellicoe, Admiral John, 1st Earl Jellicoe (real person in the Royal Navy, Blake and Tony served under him) Jenkins, A. (person who wrote to Gwen about the job in S1E5) Jervas, Lady (she offered Sir Anthony and Edith a bit to eat after the hungry hundreds concert in York) [no last name given] Jimmy (S1 postboy) [no last name given] John, Sir (S3E2 party guest) [no last name given] John (S3 hallboy)
K Kelder, Fraulein Kent (soldier in Matthew's unit, d.) [no relation to Jimmy's family that we know of] Kent, James "Jimmy" Other family members mentioned:  mother (d.), father (d.) Kerr, Ralph (officer in the Royal Navy; Mabel mentions a man by this name as a friend) Kuragin, Prince Igor Kuragin, Princess Irina
L Lane Fox, Lord Osweston (d.) Lane Fox, The Honourable Mabel (assuming that she did marry Tony as planned, Mabel would become Viscountess Gillingham) The Lanes (S2E8 cut lines; I am assuming Fellowes reused these names for S4) The Lane-Fox twins (S3E1 cut lines; the real life Lane-Foxes are Fellowes' neighbors. I think he reused their name for Mabel because the mention[s] got cut and still wanted a shout out to them. These would be two of the bridemaids in Mary and Matthew's wedding. There are two others, and one had a cut line in the rehearsal)
Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of York (that's his name historically, Violet calls him "Dr Lang" once) Lang, Mr. Henry [no relation] Lawson, Lady (she was mentioned in another episode outside of S5E5) Lawson, Sir Henry (S5E5 cocktail party guest) (the Lawsons are a local family apparently and get name dropped often)
Levinson, Mr Harold Levinson, Mr Isaiah (d. this could possibly be Isodore's original name, as it's from cut S1E2 dialogue. Or Isodore's father). Levinson, Mr Isodore (d.) Levinson, Mrs Martha Other family members mentioned: Cora's aunt
[no last name given] Lily (the only housemaid to be in all of the first five seasons, barring Anna who was promoted. She does not appear in S6) Lisbon, the Earl and Countess (guests at the dinner of Edith and Bertie's engagement dinner) [no last name given] Louise (guest at Rose's wedding reception) Lynch [no last name given] Lucy (works for Tufton) M MacClare, Lady Agatha [possibly a spinster or a widow] [MacClare] Hugh "Shrimpie", Marquis of Flintshire MacClare, The Honourable James [MacClare] Susan, Marquess of Flintshire Other family members mentioned: Annabel and her husband (Rose’s sister and brother-in-law; I believe her and her husband were cut from the S5E8, as they were cast for S5 per agency sites); Shrimpie’s sister Louisa, Countess of Newtonmore (Shrimpie's grandmother)
MacDonald, Vivian (male friend who is studying for the bar, S1E2)
Mead (Rosamund's butler) Other family members mentioned: sister
[no last name given] Madge (S3-5 housemaid who also dressed Edith and Rose in the later seasons; is noted in S6E1 to be leaving service) Maley (Violet's gardener S4) Mall, Mrs (Ivy's former employer, deleted S3E5 scene) Manville, Lady (S3E2 Party guest, S5E8 reception guest)
Margadale, Terence Margadale, Mrs (Terence's wife) Markievicz, Countess Constance Georgine (real life Irish revolutionary and politician) The Marlboroughs Marsh, Mr (tenant, seen from afar in S4E1) Martin, James Dillon (socialist candidate at the Ripon by-election in 1913, probably not a real person bases on Fellowes' note in the script book) Mary, Queen
Mason, Mr Albert [first name from Celebration book] Mason, Daisy (née Robinson) Mason, Mrs Mason, Private William Other family members mentioned: William's siblings who did not survive infancy
[no last name given] Mavis (no lines, Mrs. Bartlett's neighbor?) [no last name given] Mavis (S3E4 cut lines, another fallen woman) [no last name given] Maud (asked a questions at the hospital meeting in S6CS) McCree, Mr McKee, General McKidd, Ian "Dr Flecter" McNair, Lady Anne McVeigh, Mrs [no last name given] Meg [S3E5 cut lines, Crawley House maid] Melba, Dame Nellie (real life opera singer) [no last name given] Michael [S5-6: this is per one of the extras who plays a hallboy's Twitter, his name is never uttered in the show] Mexborough, Lord (whom the family has their meal with after the Malton show in S6E2) Minterne, Lord (attended James and Patrick's funeral) Moncriffe, Isabella (someone Sir John Bullock mentions in S4E3) Monk (Gregson's butler/servant/person)
Moorsum, Freddie Moorsum, Jane Other family members mentioned: Harry (Jane’s d. husband), Jane's mother [idk Jane's maiden name], Jane's four siblings
Morgan, Trevor Andrew (Liberal Candidate in Ripon By-Election 1913, not a real person) Molesley, Mr Joseph [his name was originally Alfred until S4 when confirmed as Joseph on-screen] Molesley, Mr William "Bill" Other family members mentioned: Joseph’s mother (d.) Molyneux, Edward (real life fashion designer; Cora has a fitting with him in S5E3) Moore, Mr (man at other house were Thomas interviews S6E2) Mountevans, Harry (sibling of Lady Anstruther and Lady Renton) Murray, Mr George 
N Napier, The Honourable Evelyn Napier, Viscount of Branksome (father of Evelyn) Other family members mentioned: Viscountess of Branksome (Evelyn’s mother) (d.) Neal, Alice (d.) Other family members mentioned: sister Nield, Mr The Northbrooks (family at who's conservatory Mary flirted with the Duke at) Nugent, Alfred Other family members mentioned: father (d. 1922), mother, sister See also the O’Briens
O O'Brien, Miss Sarah Other family members mentioned: sister (Alfred’s mother), and at least one brother (d.) See also the Nugents
The Olds (tenants, S4E2)
P Painswick, Mr. Marmaduke (d.) Painswick, Lady Rosamund Pamuk, Kemal (d. 1912) Parker, Andrew "Andy" Parks, Charles "Charlie" (probably goes by Charlie Bryant post S3?) Parks, Ethel
Patmore, Beryl (”Mrs” as she is a cook) Other family members who appear on screen: Lucy (Mrs Patmore's niece, her sister's daughter [which sister, we don’t know) Other family members mentioned: nephew Archie Philpots (d. 1916), sister Kate Philpots, another sister (d.), aunt (father’s sister) (d. 1924) and her husband (d.)
The Pascourts (friend of the Duchess of Yeovil) Pattinson, Mr (S4-5 Downton Abbey Librarian) [no last name given] Peter (S3-5 hallboy) Pegg, Mrs. (appeared in PBS' edit of UK episode of S4E4) Pegg, Greta (appeared in PBS' edit of UK episode of S4E4) Pegg, John
[Pelham, Mr] Bertie, the Marquess of Hexham [Pelham] Edith, Marchioness of Hexham (née Lady Edith Crawley) [middle name is 'Josephine' on a prop but that is also Mary's, which was actually uttered in S2] [Pelham?] Marigold [Edith probably changes her daughter’s name to "Pelham" when she marries Bertie] (b. 1923) Pelham, Mrs (mother of Bertie) Other family members mentioned: Bertie’s father (d.) See also the Hexhams
Portsmouth, Annabel (Mary's friend willing to cover for her with Tony) Potter, Mrs (Violet's S5-6 cook) Pratt
Primrose, Archibald, Earl of Rosebery (British socialite and Prime Minister Violet knew; d. 1895) Primrose, Hannah (née Rothschild), Countess of Rosebery (British socialite Violet knew; d. 1890) Pulbrook, Mr Clive ("Mr Pillbox" "Mr Pumpkin") (d. 1919)
R Rankin (soldier in Matthew's unit) (d.) Raven, Lady (S4E3 party guest) Radclyffe, Jane (S4CS) Derwentwater, the Countess of (I am assuming this is Jane's mother, she is presenting her in S4CS) Raycourt, Mr (Atticus' friend at his stag party) Raymond, Johnnie (someone Robert mentions in S5E1 as a general or colonel; I don't think he is real) Reed, Miss Renton, Lady (née Mountevans) (sister of Lady Anstruther) Reresby, Sir Michael (Dryden Park owner where Thomas looks for work - S6E3) Other family members mentioned: his wife Lady Reresby, two sons who d. in WWI Roberts, Mr (perfume seller in York) Robertson, General (I don't believe he's real) Rogers, Charlie (d. 1925) Rose, Mrs (nursed Sybbie) Ross, Jack Other family members mentioned: mother Rostov, Count Nicolai Rothes, Lucy (on the Titanic, survived in real life) The Russells (owners of Haxby when Carlisle wants to by it) Russell, Billy (d.) Ryder, Dr
S Salter, Mr (owner of the pub Bates went to in S4E8; mentioned in S5CS) Sampson, Terence Savident, Lord (whose valet Thomas wrote to about Pamuk and Mary which is what starts the rumors S1E5) The Scrupts  [CC says Scroops] Semphill Girls (one of whom Evelyn Napier was engaged to in S1) Shackleton, Lady Prudence Shackleton, Lord  Hubert (Prudence's husband) (d.) Shackleton, Lord Philip (Prudence's son) Shackleton [Philip's wife] See also the Talbots Sheffield, Billy Other family members mentioned: son The Schroders [Swiss family who adopted Edith's daughter at first] Shore, Miss Marigold Shortt, Edward (real life Home Secretary from 1919-1922) Shute, Basil Skinner, Mr (Edith's editor in S6) Skelton, Billy (Appears to be neighbor of the Crawleys, at Skelton Park) Simmons, Miss (Violet's lady’s maid who left her to get married) Simpson (tenant farmer? Mentioned S3E8) Slade, Mr Ethan Smiley, Captain
Smithers (Violet's S3E1 lady's maid) Smithers (Tenant at Oakfield farm in S5E1) The Southesks (attends of Sybil's funeral; could technically be the people leaving the house in the beginning of S3E6; named after Fellowes' friends) Spenlow, Agatha (Cora's friend in Malton)
Spratt, Mr Septimus ("Cassandra Jones") Other family members mentioned: niece of Spratt, niece’s husband; (Spratt's brother or brother-in-law is d.), nephew See also the Sterns
Stark (Chauffeur S3CS-S5CS) Stanford, Inspector Stapley, Mr (a veterinarian it seems) Stapley, Mrs   Stephen (A Downton groom in S5E6) Stephens, Sergeant Stern, Mrs (Sister of Spratt) Stern, Wally (nephew of Spratt) Stewart, Mrs (family friend) Stiles, Sir Mark Stiles, Lady Stowell, Mr Strachey, Lytton [mentioned in S6E1 as having attended one of Gregson's parties] Strallan, Sir Anthony Phillip Strallan, Lady Maud (d. 1911) Strutt, General Sir Herbert Stuart, Ivy Stuart, Mrs (family friend who lives in Malton, not related to Ivy) Suter, Eugene (real hair stylist) Swann, Madame (Sybil's seamstress) Sweden, King of (knew Violet's husband)
Swire, Mrs Anne (from the script book) (d.) Swire, Jonathan Swire, Lavinia Catherine (d. 1919) Swire, Mr. Reginald "Reggie" (was at Lavinia's funeral but had no lines; d. 1919) Other family members mentioned: Cousin Binny (S2E8 cut lines) Sykes, Sir Mark (S2E8 cut lines)
T Talbot, Henry Talbot, Lady Mary Josephine (née Crawley) [note that upon marrying Henry, she'd probably change her name to "Lady Mary Talbot" but she is never referred to as such in S6CS] Other family members mentioned: Henry’s mother/Lady Shackleton’s sister, Henry's uncle the bishop See also the Shackletons
Tapsell, Sir Phillip Taylor Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. (a tenant at the S4E1 luncheon, no relation) The Tenbys Thawley, Sam Thompson (soldier in Matthew's unit, possibly dead) Thompson (doctor that performs abortions - at least that's the name on the bell) Tonkins, Mrs (Sir Michael Reresby's housekeeper)
The Townsends Townsend, Miss (the young daughter who is one of Mary's bridesmaids, cut line S3E1)
Travis, Reverend Albert Trent (tenant mentioned in S4E1) Trewin, Mr (schoolteacher who Molesley takes over for) Trader (from S3E1 cut Dublin scene) The Tripps (family that live in a cottage on the estate, neighbors to the Bateses) Truro, Duchess of and her three daughters (doesn't seem to be real) Tucker (tenant farmer? Mentioned S3E8) Tufton, Jos
Turnbull, Dr Edward Turnbull, Sir John (d.) [this is Isobel’s brother and father per the S1 script book] Other family mentioned: Isobel’s cousin Turner, Mr.
V Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Lady Edith, Marchioness of Londonderry [always referred to as Lady Londonderry, real person] Vyner, Inspector (S5 inspector)
W Wakefield (soldier in Matthew's unit, possibly dead) Wales, Prince of (became Edward VIII, was David back then) Ward MP, John (real person) Warrick, Lady (also "The Warricks") Watson, Mr (valet before Bates; name from cut lines S1E1) Watson, Mrs  [no relation] Wavell, Mr (seen from a distance) Weaver [Lady A's chauffeur] West, Nanny
Wigan, Mrs (appears in S1 and S4 as "Postmaster's wife"; gained a name in S5) Wigan, Mr (credited in S1E1's one scene as "Postmaster")
Wilhelm, Kaiser (Sir Anthony met him) Willis, Sgt. (S5 & 6 policeman) Wilson, Lady Sarah (née Churchill) (real life female war correspondent) Wimborne, Lady Woolf, Virgina (real life author) Woolton, the Earl and Countess of (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Wren, Lady Wright, Corporal (soldier in Matthew's unit, probably d.) Wurkett, Ted (soldier who first comes to Crawley house, name is from the script book) Y Yardley, Mrs (the cook when Robert was a kid) Yeovil, Duchess of Yeovil, Duke of (d.)
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bi-any-chance · 7 years
I wrote a story...
Waiting Room
by Asher Brennan Chase
This is based on an actual event, but this story is fictional. I hope you like it… 💖💜💙 
A hospital is a strange place; life both begins and ends within its walls every single day. Joy, sadness, heartbreak, and elation are all felt in one building. There is pain and suffering, but also love and care. And for some of us, there is waiting.
Seemingly endless at times, waiting is something many people detest. They feel as if they have better things to do, instead of waiting for the nurse to call them in or, in the case of this story, for a family member to come out.
It was mid-afternoon when I made my way into the hospital. I had with me my umbrella, for the dark gray clouds above hinted at an upcoming downpour and I don’t like to get wet. It began to rain as I walked to the building, so hastily I popped up my umbrella and hurried inside. I entered through a pair of automatic doors and took the liberty of putting my wet umbrella in one of those umbrella bags to keep it from dripping all over the tile floors and causing falls. Granted, if anyone did slip they were already at the hospital, but I still didn’t want that on my conscience.
I made it to the elevators and hit the up button, I had to go to floor number five to pick up my little brother from his physical therapy. The boy had wrecked his bike, severely breaking his arm and getting a concussion in the process. Since our dad had to be to work by nine, it was my responsibility to pick-up the fourteen-year-old after his appointment. It was just before eight-thirty when I held the elevator doors for a family of three who seemed in a rush.
I assumed it was a mom, a dad, and a daughter. The woman, around forty-years-old, wore round glasses and had long blonde hair that flowed over her shoulders. She was approximately five feet tall and had a bright smile as fake as her fingernails. The man, who seemed to be ten years her senior, was at least six-foot and had a cowboy hat topping off his balding head. He had few defining features, other than perhaps his large obtrusive nose.
Lastly, there was the girl who I assumed to be their daughter. She appeared to be around my age, seventeen, and was very bubbly for having such stressed parents. A shy smirk and bright green eyes, the cute brunette wore a navy-blue tee with jean shorts and sneakers. I briefly considered saying hi, but soon the ding of the elevator signaled their departure. I sighed to myself, then realized that this was my floor as well, and scooched out as the doors slid shut.
The girl and her parents scurried across the waiting room to the sign-in desk for the physical therapy department. I walked in the same direction, taking a seat by an end table. The room was quiet except for the news blaring from the television several feet behind where I sat. The girl was just out of sight for the time, so I busied myself with taking in the surroundings.
The majority of the people in the room were elderly, parked here and there sporadically. Some had magazines, others read books, and this one man just stared at the bathroom doors, probably considering if he should take the chance or hold it until after his appointment. Soon, my eyes caught sight of another attractive person, but before I continue, let me make something clear. I am not the kind of guy who falls in love every single person my age. I do; however, find myself developing a myriad of crushes. This particular day, I had just discovered my second crush of the day.
He was kind of geeky looking, his brown hair swooping in every direction, effortlessly styled with bangs that rested over his glasses. I was super nervous. I hadn’t noticed him until I had sat down; he probably was some seven chairs away, wearing a black hoodie and light blue jeans along with a pair of bright red high tops that I would totally wear. He looked my age at least, possibly a year older. I don’t think he noticed me glancing, I really need to learn to control myself around people I like. I swear, if I was in a cartoon there would be hearts in my eyes when I am around any one of my crushes…
Anyway, to distract myself from my waiting room crushes, I reached over to the end table and grabbed a random magazine. It was something about food, which only made my stomach churn.
Do you know the butterflies you get when you are around someone you like? Well, I had that feeling times two, mixed in with hunger because all I had for breakfast was one of my mom’s cereal bars. I had woken up later than I was supposed to, so even though I had taken my shower in half the time I usually do, I still left my house a half-hour after my dad had instructed. I know my brother is fourteen, but our parents don’t trust him alone for more than ten minutes, so I had to be in the waiting room when his appointment ended. Needless to say, I did make it there in plenty of time.
I snapped out of my thoughts when the girl from the elevator and her father sat directly between me and waiting room guy. Was this a test? Was some otherworldly force trying to tell me something? Was I on some hidden camera show? I didn’t know, but I was slightly panicked. From my seat, I could see both of my waiting room crushes in one glance. Remember how I said I needed to control myself? Well, that wasn’t going to work now…
So, there I am. Three magazines on one side, two crushes on the other, and one love-struck bisexual in the middle: me.
I didn’t know how long my brother would be, but I was more than happy to wait. I’m not sure why the guy was there, but the girl was there for an appointment and her mother was having trouble signing her in. I sighed, wishing I had enough courage to start a conversation with at least ONE of them. No words came, but instead, I was greeted with the active imagination that many writers and fellow creatives have.
In my day dream, I was a brave little bi boy. I took a breath, and said casually, “I’m glad they have these umbrella bags. I wouldn’t want to make anyone slip and fall at the hospital.”
The girl looked over at me and smiled. Though it sounds corny, I felt my heart skip a beat. “Yeah,” she replied, “I’m sure the hospital staff appreciates the concern.” I didn’t know if she was being sarcastic until she giggled, calming me down. “So, what’s your name?” she asked, “I’m Madison, if you’re curious.”
“I’m Chase.” I introduced, “Nice to meet you, Madison.”
I shook the thought away and glanced over as the girl’s mother sauntered over in our direction and plopped down in the seat next to the girl’s father. Maybe the girl’s name was Madison, but unless I asked I would never know.
“The insurance wouldn’t go through.” the woman explained to her husband, “I had to call the company and tell them that I know for a fact that our plan covers P.T. They just covered Kara’s last three appointments, so why is this follow-up any different?!”
Kara. Madison. I suppose I was close. And a least I now had a name.
“Honey, calm down.” the man cooed, “The entire waiting room doesn’t need to know about our insurance issues.” The man took off his cowboy hat and set it on Kara’s head, which by the way looked adorable, and whispered something into his wife’s ear. I couldn’t hear what.
That was when I saw the bright red high tops shift as the guy on the other side of Kara and her family got out his cell phone and started texting. Hopefully, it wasn’t his girlfriend…
I started daydreaming again, and this time I never talked to Kara. Instead, her name was called and she went into her appointment. I don’t know what came over me, but when she was out of sight I got up from my seat and sat next to my red high tops crush. “Hey.” I greeted meekly, much better at communicating with girls than guys in my opinion, “I’m Chase.”
“Hi.” the guy smiled, “Ben. What’s up?”
“Just waiting for my brother to get done, you?” I answered smoothly. “Waiting for my mom.” he replied, “She tore her ACL playing baseball with her friends.” “Baseball?” I check, not used to the idea of mothers playing baseball. What is that called? The Mom League?
“Yeah,” he assured, “she’s weird sometimes.”
I was yanked back to reality when Kara’s father stumbled over my foot on the way to the bathroom. “Oh, I am so sorry!” I gulped, freaking out at the thought of a bad first-impression with a candidate for my future in-laws, “Are you okay? I was completely zoned out.”
“You’re fine, I’m good.” he assured me, his wife speaking up, “He’s a clumsy fool sometimes, sweetheart.” I sigh, drawing my feet up close to the legs of my chair. Kara snickers at me and I try not to blush. A part of me was embarrassed, but mostly I was happy I made Kara laugh. It was an accomplishment at least.
The boy I named Ben in my daydream was also amused. Two birds, one traumatic event.
I sigh to myself, still at a loss for words. Honestly, what was I supposed to do? Go to Kara, ask for her number, then go to Ben and repeat? No, I couldn’t do that. I wanted to because I had hardcore crushes on both of them, but that was way too much of a player move.
It is a hard thing, for me personally, to be attracted to someone. At the time this happened, I was still new to the whole bisexual thing. It was not even a year earlier that I was questioning my orientation in the first place. I finally accepted it, and embraced it, and came out to a few close friends. But, not only was I still “in the closet” to 99% of the world, I also developed more and more crushes because people are just too much for a little thing like me looking for love.
Anyway, what’s hard for me is the fact that I don’t have a preference of any kind, and I develop so many crushes…
Kara’s mom stood up from her seat and walked down the hall towards the direction of the hospital cafeteria. It was around nine, so maybe she was having a late breakfast. It was now my chance to strike up a conversation with my crush without the extra audience of her parents, but instead, I grabbed a magazine and flipped through. Ashamed of myself for being such a chicken, I looked up at the physical therapy department to see my brother exit the doors and wave at me. Sighing, I put the magazine down and walked over to meet him.
“Come on.” I ordered, ushering the boy ahead of me as I glanced back at Kara and Ben. I sniffled quietly as Ben sat next to Kara and start talking. Kara laughed, and as her father left the bathroom, the two had exchanged numbers.
A hospital is definitely a strange place; life both begins and ends within its walls every single day. Sadness, heartbreak, elation, and grief are all felt in one building. There is pain and suffering, but also love and care. And for some of us, there is waiting. And waiting too long can mean a missed chance at love.
We can only hope there will be many more.
My brother and I left the building. The rain had stopped at last, and the sun was shining brightly. Blue skies lifted my mood slightly as I swung my umbrella and lead my little brother to my car.
“How’d your therapy go, Wyatt?” I asked as we got buckled and I started my car. “Good, I guess.” he responded with a shrug, “I have a follow-up next week, same time. You’ll probably have to pick me up again.”
I pulled out onto the street and turned on the radio. Sighing, I nodded, “I just love the waiting room.”
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archirenaux · 8 years
Wait can I ask for Wynn and Niall on the "get to know my characters" thing? I'm interested in if you'd make changes now :)
yes you can!!! it was fun to see what i’ve discovered about them over the years, tbh, especially in the case of niall. i think he has changed the most vs. how he was when i first “made” him, like, 4-5 years ago? yikes.
01. Full name: Wynn Ercwlff Carmichael (I couldn’t actually remember the middle name I originally gave him so I went with the most Welsh bastard I could find)02. Best friend: I remain a BIG FAN of him being best friends with Marcas and Helbert.03. Sexuality: He’s an artiste... who knows.04. Favorite color: I won’t waste your time by naming them because he fore sure cannot decide, though he does keep coming back to pear green.05. Relationship status: Married B)06. Ideal mate: Wynn found his way into being a lil’ uptight under the careful watch of his mother and then after he started working with teenagers who can stress him tf out, so someone who would help him relax at the end of the day. Someone who doesn’t put too many expectations on him, or demand too much of him. (Not that he can’t handle responsibility, he just can’t really handle demanding people at this stage in life.) Someone funny, creative, and supportive. :’)07. Turn-ons: Nice smiles, lots of laughter, affection, a feeling of security with the person, compassion, and humor.08. Favorite food: Crempog/pancakes09. Crushes: His wife @theblushdahlia aka you)10. Favorite music: Duran Duran, Hall & Oates, Men at Work, aaaand probably Tears for Fears tbqh.11. Biggest fear: He got two. 1) Not being able to provide for his family and 2) waking up one day and feeling like he didn’t do enough re: his career in art/that he settled by becoming a teacher.12. Biggest fantasy: Rn his biggest fantasies really revolve around his children succeeding and being happy when they grow up? Lame!!! (jk)13. Bad habits: He’s so dang indecisive!!! Midnight snacking, biting the ends of pens and pencils and things, tries too hard to make people feel okay about something until they’re like “ok thx but pls stop”, can get kinda whiny about small things, leaves the toilet seat up a lot, and not to drag him but he probably drinks a lot of expensive juices.14. Biggest regret: His falling out with his mom because it was right on the cusp of her getting sick and he didn’t try to patch things up for awhile.15. Best kept secrets: He can’t count to 100. Lol jk. I think, for a long time, it was his family (specifically, the state of it and his relationships with them).16. Last thought: “When will these children finally all be asleep AT THE SAME TIME???”17. Worst romantic experience: That time he proposed to his gf at the time and she said no lol.18. Biggest insecurity: His art and his ability to make art.19. Weapon of choice: Even in the FWW verse I wouldn’t say his wand because he is just Not Great at defensive magic, so idk. He’s the least violent character I have, probably.20. Role Model: I don’t think he has a role model but in terms of someone who he respects and inspires him, it’d be Calista, especially after everything she’s gone through and how she’s such a great mom to their kids.
01. Full name: Niall Brennan Mulloy02. Best friend: [banging pots n pans together] JER-EM-Y WOOD ( @multisamicis​​ )03. Sexuality: Hetero but I mean, we all know the Jeremy/Joce/Niall ot3 is something he’d be into.04. Favorite color: [Niall Mulloy voice]: Who over 10 has a fuckin’ favorite color? (It’s a blue-gray.)05. Relationship status: Obviously it depends on the timeline, but where he is in the verse in which he currently exists, he is in fact in a loving and committed relationship with Marlene ( @theinglenook​ ​). 06. Ideal mate: From his perspective, someone intelligent and relatively spontaneous, not boring or naive. Someone who’s not very dependent or WEIRD (lol he’s v. judgmental so he would not fare well with someone Quirky). He likes someone who can take charge but not necessarily controlling/bossin’ him around. But I also think he needs someone who will pull him out of shell (though, to be clear, I don’t mean in the He’s Shy type of shell, because he definitely isn’t, but the shell he’s constructed for himself that can limit the things he experiences or the people he interacts with cuz he Jaded and closed-off). Also, someone who’ll call him out when he’s a dick and not like, police his behavior but make him face the facts when he’s being ridiculous. And, depending on the timeline, someone who’s not only chill with him having a daughter but likes and is kind to her.07. Turn-ons: You know as well as I that he is a Butt Man(TM). But also, back to the taking charge thing →  ✓. Ummm. Long hair, good hygiene, lots of kissing, aaaand idk, I don’t want to sound redundant by saying intelligence but it’s true, but he’s also kinda shallow so like if you hot, he’s like “nice.”08. Favorite food: Forfar bridies09. Crushes: Other than the babysitter his parents hired when he was like, eight? His gal, Marlene.10. Favorite music: He’s not a huge music person, tbh. He will mostly listen to whatever his brother, Ian, is playing, which is 70′s/80′s punk music (Buzzcocks, Stiff Little Fingers, Joy Division, Ramones, etc). He’s been conditioned to enjoy it. But if he were to make the steps to explore more and see what he really likes, he’d be more into The Who and, like, Cream, haha. 11. Biggest fear: Losing the people he loves/cares about.12. Biggest fantasy: Tbh, to just be a good dad, brother, friend, bf, etc. He has always felt like he’s not doing enough irt his interpersonal relationships, but he’s reached a point where he wants to make an effort to be better.13. Bad habits: Can I call general apathy a bad habit? Lmao. But also, hardly remembers to do the dishes until there’s a full sink, judging people before he gets to know them, bad at communicating, swearing a lot, smoking, and ya know being generally unfriendly for no valid reason (though less so than he has in the past).14. Biggest regret: He has... A Few of those, but I guess his biggest one, in FWW verse, was that time he disappeared and didn’t tell anyone where he was for months LOL!15. Best kept secrets: He reeeally, really truly believes he let his brother down. Niall thinks he failed Ian in so many ways, but it’s something he doesn’t want to say aloud for fear of it being validated.16. Last thought: It was either about Maggie, Marlene, Jeremy, or work lmao.17. Worst romantic experience: He didn’t have very many romantic experiences before he got together with Marlene when he was around 18. But I guess if I took the definition of romantic much, much more loosely, I could say that the two-birds-one-day fiasco was like, super great while it happened, but the backlash was A Lot ahahahhaha.18. Biggest insecurity: Niall’s reluctant to show his emotions because he’s forgotten how and it makes him feel Weak when he does, so -- that!19. Weapon of choice: Tbh, I honestly don’t know. His fists? Prob.20. Role Model: His mom.  
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isaacathom · 5 years
decided that Duncan Brennan, Lavina’s husband (Lavina being Alexis’ ex wife), is actually Ryan Lane’s brother in law. Because his younger sister Jean married Ryan. Jean’s how he even met Lavina, coming to UWG for the wedding and meeting her there.
also that the Brennan family are a big deal, prior to ever coming to UWG. Moneyed and influential bunch in the big city. This ties into the murder that starts the story of DODAN, since half the point is that the group behind it want to frame on Christopher Brennan, Duncan’s stepson. and its more complicated than just ‘fuck the Brennans, bring em down, make way for market dominance by us boys’ because Christopher has fucked up a Lot on his life, and it is partly a revenge specifically on him. but the fact he’s a Brennan helps. two birds, one stone. lock Christopher up for murder, bring down the good Brennan name, because sure he’s only a stepson, but he’s still part of the family. It’ll be grand. Brennan dominance slips with a little well placed coverage of the murder investigation and the trial that will surely find him guilty, and this other group seizes the chance, like hey look, OUR business doesnt have a murderer associated with it! dont look back there fuck you
yknow, like you do.
Jean and Duncan are mostly unrelated to this whole situation. mostly. like, the stink is gonna fuck them both over because they Live in the town and Are Brennans, especially Duncan as Christophers stepfather and ‘dude who also failed’ (why is everyone failing my boy christopher). Jean’s potentially gonna be in it because of her police connection, being as she is a) an attorney/lawyer/smth legal and b) married to the UWG chief of police. it bodes poorly, on the whole, if youre in a position of that kinda power and then it turns out your nephew, who you see often, is a fuck. and ryan’s gonna get tarred in the same brush because thats his step nephew too. and hes chief of police. in charge of the investigation. which is intended to find him guilty. this whole thing would basically fuck over the extended Brennan family. because Ryan arresting and charging Christopher would be analysed, of course it would! and the conflict of interest angle comes up extensively in the actual investigation, as literally everyone involved is connected to the prime suspect. its wild. its deeply suspicious. Alexis and Johnathan insist Christopher is innocent and while Ryan trusts that Alexis is not like, lying per se (cant say the same for John, who is Chris’ older brother so Oh No), by the end he is convinced that Alexis is trying desperately to find exoneration evidence for Christopher where none exist. and Ryan gets it. its his step nephew too. But he’s the one who finally puts his foot down and goes ‘fucking put out a warrant for Christophers arrest, just fucking get it over with’. Ryan gives up. and it does turn out that there is exonerating evidence and further damning evidence that someone else did it. but man. fuck of a shitshow the whole thing was.
p much the only reason Ryan gives Alexis as much time as he does is because their reputation post-UWG (really post name change, as the whole thing goes) is VERY good. theyre a good detective. maybe being slow to commit to the obvious suspect is part of why Alexis has such a good record. the fact its their son is :| but maybe its not that! until ryan decides it is that. and to be fair to ryan, that was a part of it. it was complicated!
also like the idea of the Broader Brennan Family (the city ones) trying to bury the story somehow. cause theres absolutely someone in that town reporting on the ongoing investigation, and who has absolutely mentioned the existence of Christopher Brennan in connection to the case, and the city Brennans are Fucking Peeved. which would hurt their rep even more if it got out. its a whole fucking thing. the brennans are quick to claim they dont want to impede justice! they just dont think everyone needs to know. the relatives of the deceased(s? more than one? unclear! at least one!) would probably beg to differ, but eh. the story would without a doubt fucking Explode if the fact the semi-famous Alexis Norton is Christopher’s parent got out. god. But when asked by reporters for ~insight~ Alexis is more the sort to go ‘its classified’ and ‘disclosing information could jeopardise the investigation’ sort, so their relation actually never comes up. Alexis feels like the sort who would just decline comment flat like ‘detective! a word please’ ‘no’ ‘what?’ ‘no. there’s your word’ and walk off.
0 notes