softichill · 2 years
The ecolo family (and ecolo specifically) are being explored more in the ongoing puyo quest story mode actually! I'm not sure if the existing English translation is entirely up to date, though
OH FUCK YEAH finally they're following up on the mysteries they give us
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orangepeetals · 10 months
ACURRUCAR ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა (pt1)
(playlist for a star series)
summary: You n’ Peeta have been best friends since you were kids, you win the Hunger games once n’ you’re a mentor now.
a/n: i speak Spanish so the story was originally written in Spanish and then I translated it into English, plz don’t be rude if there is a mistake
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You and Peeta were inseparable, they knew each other for as long as you remembered. When they were at school and they were little, you never talked to him until you defended him from some children who were bothering him because of the marks of the blows he received from his mother, you didn’t know what caused that feeling in you but you just couldn’t stand how they were intimidating him, you took a couple of blows too but they never bothered the bread boy again, since then, he followed you as if he were a puppy.
They grew up together, they suffered together, Peeta did not exist without you, nor you without him, they were for each other in every possible way, they were simply soulmates.
When you were 15 years old, ur name was selected as a tribute to the hunger games, every day you thought about it, Peeta clung to you while he drowned in tears, you remember how he apologized to you for not being able to do anything and how he begged you to stay alive, you were going to do it, you could not die, not seeing Peeta suffer in this way, you knew that he would not stand it and he deserved to live a beautiful life with you.
It took you a while to realize it but you knew it that time they were by a lake in district 12, it had been a couple of months since you had survived the hunger games with only strategy. The sky began to look like a soft orange, the breeze hit his blond curls while his cheeks were pink, you could see his eyes shine and his hands tremble as he approached your face, you felt the warm touch of his lips against yours and you thought that you would melt at that moment, Their hearts became one and sealed their love with the sunset, he loves you with every part of his being and you could give your life in exchange for his without thinking about it.
You would really give up your life in exchange for his, you would live for Peeta and you would kill for Peeta if you had to.
You would really do it.
You were on the train together with your mentor Haymitch watching the reapin, you hated the games as much as Abernathy did but you had to know who would be the poor children who would have to train this year, it was the second year that you had to be a mentor since you won the hunger games, both times without any success, it was difficult for someone from district 12 to win, in the whole history of the hunger games there were only three of them and only Haymitch and you were alive, you were looking out the window until you saw how a girl volunteered as a tribute for who seemed to be her sister, tears slid down your cheeks when you saw the scene, that girl had the courage they needed, that feat made you believe that this year they could achieve it, you stood in front of the tv while Haymitch was still living something strange sitting on the couch, now it was the turn of the male tribute.
“Peeta Mellark”
Fear and despair consumed your body, your legs trembled so much that you fell to the ground while you cried inconsolably, you put your trembling hand in your mouth to drown a cry of anguish, this was not happening, it was not happening again, you knew that sometimes they tricked the draws to get people close to other winners to make the things more interesting but you always made an effort to hide Peeta from the public eye and that no one knew that they were a couple, you did not want to expose him to anything but it was happening, they could not take the love of your life, they could not take your Life partner, to your soulmate, to the arms that protected you every time something distressed you. You hated everything, fucking capitol, it didn’t matter anymore, now you and your mentor were going to have to send two boys to death again and this time one of them was the person you loved the most on the planet.
“Oh, shit... this is fucked up” Haymitch’s voice was rough, you could feel the pity in her. His hands lifted you off the floor and put you on the couch while he knelt at your height, hugging you.
“N-no i don’t understand... why him?! No one in the capitol knows about him, I don’t think he’s just so unlucky... Haymitch please, I need you to help me!” Your voice broke more, you hugged Haymitch tightly as he tried to calm you down. “We’ll see what we can do, remember that it’s not just him” The man was right but nothing mattered, nothing could matter to you more than Peeta.
“Haymitch, I’m sorry for that girl but it’s not about just anyone, he’s not just another boy who will die, it’s Peeta Mellark! I could sell my soul for never hearing that name come out of Effie Trinket’s mouth, you know Peeta, you know it’s everything to me” Your body trembled with every word you gave, you felt dizzy, you wanted break everything, Haymitch nodded to your words and you broke into tears again, suddenly everything went black.
You woke up looking at the ceiling of the train room, you were still dizzy, possibly you had fainted from stress, you were still somewhat bewildered until you heard a familiar voice from the dining room car, you got up so fast that you fell to your knees again, your body was weakened, you were going to cry again until you saw him almost run to your room, his hair was disheveled now and his eyes lacked shine, you gave him a look and you just exploded in tears again, you couldn’t believe that he was on that fucking train, that he was now involved in this.
“I’m so sorry, Peeta, I’m so sorry, it shouldn’t have been you, this is possibly my fault, they must have discovered it somehow” The words came out choppy and weak, they denoted your suffering. Peeta knelt with you as he took your hands, you saw how his tears fell, it broke your heart to know that he was holding back.
“Hey, it’s just the odds wasn’t on my favor this time, it’s not your fault, I’ll get out of this anyway and we’ll get married, did you hear me?” Your heart beat for the blond’s words, you hugged him tightly and your lips looked for his with desperation, you wanted to feel him close to you, you didn’t want him to leave, you were afraid.
The plan was this, Peeta would be madly in love with Katniss Everdeen, the girl who had volunteered, she wasn’t exactly a very nice girl and you knew that she was likely to hate you, she knew that you were going to prioritize Peeta’s success over anything and you didn’t blame her for hating you for that but you didn’t care either, at this moment you wanted her dead no matter how sad as that was.
Peeta confessing his love for Katniss in the interview, somehow you felt jealousy in your stomach even if everything was a lie, you wanted all this to end soon, you wanted to go home with Peeta, with the interviews you knew that they were at the gates of the arena, since the day of the reapin you had not eaten or slept well, the only thing you had eaten in those days had been by Peeta’s plea, now you understood his pain the day you had to enter that damn arena and for the same reason, you knew the terrors involved putting a foot in that arena, there was no turning back, Peeta had to live.
💭pt2 here!!!
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notfreetoday · 1 year
MPW Ep 4 Subtitle Correction
Masterlist: EP 1 || EP 2 || EP 3
We have another change in director this episode, to Yasumura Emi, though the script is still being written by Funabiki Shinju (the director for Ep 3). This week's twitter space didn't have much info, so I won't be including it.
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M: いや~瀬ケ崎さん強かったわ~ M: あの物腰で*マウンティングされて M: いっそ快感を覚えてしまった M: No but, Segasaki-san('s presence) was really strong M: The way he *asserted (his relationship with Yoh) like that M: (rather than being upset), I felt even more delighted! *This is a (rather unfortunate) loan word from English - "mount" or "mounting" 😅, in this case, pretty much means to "one-up" someone else, or to brag about something to another. If you do not wish to have a weird mental image in your head, please skip the next paragraph. This word appears to have morphed from the observation that monkeys, when trying to move up a rank in the chain of command, tend to jump on the back of another to assert their dominance (not scientist just translator also low-quality source don't keel me plz). - In other words, if I watch the Jp RAW MPW a full 8 hours before everyone else and spazz about it knowing full well no one else understands what was said then I'd totally be moun--- AHEM (sorry 😂)
What I mean to say is, in this episode, Segasaki all but screams "MINE" in the most thinly veiled, polite manner possible, so let's see how he does that. If you read nothing at all, the last scene with them cuddling has an important correction you should skip to. Same translation disclaimer applies, Ep 4, let's go~!
(I see a lot of people saying some of their thoughts/suspicions were confirmed in the tags of the previous posts, so feel free to chip in with what you think! MPW deserves more discussion!)
Sorry I am incapable of summarizing, the post is crazy long and I've hit the 30 image max. As such, not every scene will be screen capped and I won't be transcribing the original subs anymore...
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Y: あ、いや、友達の漫画を手伝いに行ってきます (-masu form) Y: Ah, no. I am going to help a friend with their manga.
Yoh shifts up a speech level here, (he started the episode out speaking casually) using the -masu form to make an announcement -he's trying to emphasize his determination to go because he’s nervous about saying it.
S: はあ? どういうつもりで S: Huh? For what intention?
The "haa?" here has a more "excuse me?" feel, and the next line is interrogative - so all in all it has the same energy as: "Excuse me? What is going through your head?"
S: つぅか友達って誰だよ Y: よく通話してる…あの S: やっぱりあの女か S: Actually, when you say "friend", who do you mean? Y: The one who… I speak to a lot on the phone… S: So, it’s that woman after all huh?
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S: だめ Y: え?なんで?(plain form) S: 俺が家にいんだから家にいろ (word contraction)* Y: でも約束したし (plain form) S: あの女には行けなくなったって言え* S: No. Y: Huh? Why? S: I'm staying at home so you stay at home* Y: But, I already made a promise S: Tell that woman that you can’t go any more** *This line, together with the starred line below, is extremely direct, (said in the same style as his not-proposal actually) and is clearly an order. **This line is literally "to that woman, say 'I am no longer able to make it'" (Though the speaker may not actually mean to use those exact words)
Segasaki has dropped a speech level here not so much by using "rude" forms but by being extremely blunt and direct. What he's saying implies he's being possessive of Yoh, but the way he says it also stresses his power in their relationship. But again, note that Yoh's replies are all in plain form - he hasn't shifted up a level in response, as he usually does when addressed so directly. In fact, the way he words his protest carries some indignation - using "し(shi)" at the end like this indicates that this "promise" is but one of the reasons he has for going - which is why Segasaki cuts him off. Yoh might sulk and pout about being ordered, he's still comfortably seated in his usual informal speech level, which means at this point he's still feeling secure about where he stands and definitely isn't intimidated.
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S: お前さ*、何で自分がこの家にいるかわかってんの? S: You*… do you even know why you’re in this house? *Here Segasaki uses the sentence-end particle "さ(sa)" after the word "you", which in this case has the same feel as "now look here". He also ends off his question with "の(no)", which can have many meanings, but here functions again as an assertive particle, implying that this is a rhetorical question, because he thinks Yoh should know the answer. Unfortunately, Yoh has the wrong answer 😅 (which Segasaki will realize and attempt to address in Ep 5)
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Y: この人のやばさ*を一瞬でも忘れていた俺がバカだった Y: I was an idiot - to forget, even for a second, how insane* this person is *やばさ (yabasa) - this word comes from "yabai" and is a slang word that has evolved much like the words "crazy/insane" and "shit" have evolved in English - it can be used both positively and negatively to describe someone who's extreme, for eg "that guy is yabai (so cool!!)" vs "that guy is yabai (stay away)". Here, Yoh's referring to Segasaki as yabai for even thinking up this so called "slave contract" - which is what he assumes Segasaki is referring to.
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Y: ごめん、いろいろあって Y: あ、いや、まあ、なんていうか、家にいろって言われ Y: あ、いや、なんでもない。とにかく本当にごめん Y: 今度なんかでお返しするから Y: Sorry, a lot happened Y: Ah, no, well, how do I say this... I was told "stay at home" Y: Ah, no, it's nothing. Anyway, I'm really sorry Y: I'll make it up to you next time, okay?
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S: よくできました S: Well done. This is the same phrase we talked about in Ep 3, the stamp of approval. Again, Segasaki is emphasizing his role in relation to Yoh here.
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Y: あの満足そうな後ろ姿 Y: 本当腹立つわ Y: That silhouette of his, so full of satisfaction as he leaves, Y: Really makes me irritated!* *Yoh ends off with the particle "わ (wa)", which mostly just emphasizes his emotion, but is a softer assertive particle than the ones Segasaki uses.
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S: 夕飯、作ってくれてもいいんだぞ Y: はい Y: 俺はいつでも稼働する家事ロボットじゃねぇんだよ S: Dinner - it's fine for you to make it for me, you know Y: Yes Y: I'm not some housework robot that you can just activate at any time you know! The original subs made it sound like Segasaki was asking Yoh if he could make dinner, but that's not the case - he's literally telling Yoh to make it, and on top of that, he says it like he's doing Yoh a favour (by allowing him to make dinner) 🤣🤣 This time though, whether it's just cause Yoh's been caught by surprise or not, he answers properly with "Yes (Hai)".
Y: いっそロボットになってこの感情を無にしたい Y: (If it was going to be like this), I rather just become a robot, and turn these feelings into nothingness.
The focus of this line is mostly on Yoh preferring to become a robot in order to mute his feelings, but the sentence structure suggests that there is something to be inferred preceding this sentence, hence the bracketed bit. (It becomes clearer later on, especially in light of his monologue)
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"Dayo-chan" is a pretty familiar nickname, something you'd expect a child to be called rather than an adult, unless it is a nickname between childhood friends. It implies a closeness/intimacy between the speaker/listener, hence the the look of horror on Yoh’s face (because he knows that is going to kick Segasaki into high gear) and the surprised disbelief (that someone would dare make a grab for Yoh) on Segasaki’s face. Kills me everytime 🤣
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S: もしかして例の女か S: 家まで押し掛けるとはいい度胸してんな S: Don't tell me it's that woman from earlier? S: She's got some nerve, turning up at the house like this
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Y: それはだめ それだけは絶対だめ Y: No, not that, anything but that!
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S: うれしいな 葉がいつもあなたの話をするので S: 一度お会いしてみたいと思っていたんです S: はじめまして、瀬ケ崎瑞貴といいます S: 葉がいつも お世話になってます S: What a delight, Yoh speaks of you often so S: I've always thought it would be nice to be able to meet you. S: I'm Segasaki Mizuki, pleased to make your acquaintance. S: Thank you for always taking care of Yoh.
This is like, textbook formalities🤣 Practically every statement is a "standard" greeting and is very polite (hence the weirdly stiff english translation) except Segasaki says it in a way that makes it clear he speaks for Yoh, that Yoh is part of his in-group. (Legit, might as well plant a flag in the soil that says "Yoh is mine".) He sounds exactly like how parents sound when they meet their child's teachers, or how a spouse/older family member might sound when meeting their loved ones' co-workers. This is how it comes across: What a delight, Yoh speaks of you often so I've always thought it would be nice to be able to meet you - Sounds distinctly familial. Implies Segasaki is close enough to Yoh that Yoh shares his thoughts with him often. Also shows that Yoh tells Segasaki about Man-san, rather than the other way round. I'm Segasaki Mizuki, pleased to make your acquaintance. - standard, formal greeting Thank you for always taking care of Yoh. - standard greeting, literally "Yoh is always in your care" - You usually say this (for yourself) when you thank your teacher/senior/boss/important client. So, when you say this for someone else, you are claiming this person as your family, or someone in your in-group (a close friend, or at work, a junior).
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S: すみません 今朝 葉が体調をくずしてしまって S: 家でゆっくり休んだ方がいいんじゃないかって S: 僕が言い聞かせたん*です S: ご迷惑をおかけしてしまってしまって すみませんでした S: I apologize, this morning, Yoh wasn't feeling well so S: I convinced* him (not to go) saying, S: "wouldn't it be better to stay at home and rest properly?" S: I sincerely apologize for the trouble this has caused you. * 言い聞かせる (translated as convinced here) this word is usually used when someone of higher standing tells/explains something to a person of a lower standing, and carries the nuance that they've managed to get the latter to accept/agree with what they say. It can also be translated as "told/persuaded/instructed/warned/admonished", and used in sentences like "I warned the kids not to run" or "The teacher told the students lying was wrong" - so that might give you a better idea of what Segasaki is implying here. I've used "convinced" here rather than "instruct" because Segasaki is, in general, speaking very tactfully to Man-san - but his meaning is still clear to anyone paying attention - Segasaki has a big enough role in Yoh's life that he not only can apologize on behalf of Yoh for not being able to fulfill the promise to Man-san, he also has a big enough say that Yoh will listen to his decisions.
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M: いや、あんたがダヨの体調不良を詫びるんか M: むっちゃ身内面*するやん M: Wait, you are apologizing for Yoh being unwell (and unable to come help)? M: Isn't that a super intimate* (gesture)? *身内面する is literally "to show one's inner-circle face/side", ie the side of you that you show to your inner-circle/in-group ie your family. Hence this line reads more like "Wait, you're apologizing for Yoh?? Who are you, his family??"
Because of the emphasis on group identity in Japan, it's very common to apologize/take responsibility for the actions of another group-member, even if you had nothing to do with it. So here, Man-san has picked up on what Segasaki has been implying since the beginning - that Yoh is part of his in-group, and a very close one at that.
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S: お茶目な方なんですね S: You've got such a sweet and funny personality, don't you? The word Segasaki uses here describes a person who tends to be naturally sweet and lovable, maybe a little silly but without any ulterior motive. It's a compliment in most situations - which is why Man-san gets all embarrassed - but can sometimes come across as slightly patronizing, like how calling someone "naive" can. Note that Segasaki is still being very polite here and effectively holding Man-san at arm's length, despite the seemingly friendly/open dialogue.
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S: だから そう言っていただけると うれしいです S: So, to hear such nice words from you, makes me really glad.
S: ところで 可奈美さんはどこで 葉と お知り合いに? S: By the way, how did Kanami-san come to be friends with Yoh?
The whole dialogue where Segasaki responds to Man-san's fangirling basically sounds like how an idol would speak to their fans - it's very polite and uses deferential/humble verb forms to further indicate gratitude for the support, because Segasaki is answering Man-san in the context of his work. When he asks about Yoh, he switches back down to a normal speech level, but also uses her first name - Kanami-san, which whilst very charming, is totally NOT normal (with the sparkle effect and the wine, I can't help but get host club vibes from this lmao) because you only do that with people you are close to. Man-san is obviously flustered by this, and Yoh is understandably unhappy about the sudden familiarity Segasaki displays with Man-san (I personally think he's still trying to be disarmingly charming whilst he evaluates just how big a threat Man-san is🤣🤣)
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S: ずいぶん飲んでると思ったら S: I thought he'd been drinking quite a bit
Again, this implies that Segasaki knows Yoh well enough to know his alcohol tolerance.
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S: 寝るなら部屋いきな* S: If you're going to sleep, then go to the room alright? *いきな (ikina) - the "na" here is different from the sentence-final particle "na" we saw in Ep 3. This is short for "nasai", as in, "ikinasai", which is a polite but sharp way to say "please go (somewhere)". This sort of wording is most commonly used by parents towards young children when giving instructions like "please sit properly" or "please eat your food quietly". It's used between teachers/students, seniors/juniors etc, and sometimes amongst friends too. You absolutely should not use it with someone above you in the social hierarchy. The short version used here though, softens the tone a lot, and adds a very tender, homely feel to the sentence. Segasaki is literally coaxing Yoh to bed as a parent would a very young, sleepy but reluctant child.
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M: 本当に恋人なんだなって感じです M: ようやく現実味が M: "(You two) are really a couple!" - that's the kind of feeling I get M: It's like it finally feels real
The way Segasaki literally puffs up with pride and hugs Yoh closer... (ಥ◡ಥ)
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M: ダヨちゃんって彼氏の前だと こんな甘えた*になるんですね M: なんかちょっと意外かも S: いやお酒様様ですね S: ふだんはそっけないですよ M: So Dayo-chan actually becomes so cute and affectionate* in front of his boyfriend M: I kind of didn't expect that, I think S: No, it's really all thanks to the sake S: Normally he's pretty indifferent *甘えた (amaeta) is the kansai dialect version of 甘える (amaeru), referring to the concept of amae.
Amae is a rather complex thing to explain in English and really deserves its own post. For simplicity's sake, what Man-san means here is that she's surprised that Yoh is actually able to express his desire to be treated affectionately and indulged in - something that requires a lot of trust in Segasaki and a willingness to be vulnerable in front of him.
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M: おぉ、確かに。ダヨちゃん素直*じゃないからな M: あまのじゃく**っていうか まあそういうとこあると 困っちゃいますよね M: Ohh, that's true. Cause Dayo-chan isn't able to be honest* with his feelings M: "Contrary"** is not really (the word to use) but... he does have a bit of that in him so.... (dealing with that) can be a bit of a handful don't you think? The way Man-san phrases her last line implies that she also has to deal with this side of Yoh, and by ending off with the particle "~ne", she is seeking Segasaki's agreement that they are both sort of in the same boat when it comes to that (she doesn't do this consciously though, which is why she freaks and apologizes later) *素直 (sunao - translated as honest here) is another term you'll often see when talking about feelings/relationships, and is also somewhat of a complex topic with many different possible translations, depending on context. It is closely related to amae, because in order to express your desire to be indulged or to receive affection, you first need to be able to admit to yourself that you want that.
**あまのじゃく (amanojaku - translated as contrary here) - this is a small demon from Japanese folklore, who was of an extremely contrary nature and would often mimic both humans and gods. It had the ability to see into one's heart and would then do the exact opposite of what one desired. Thus, this term is now used to describe people who intentionally go against the wishes of others, who are stubborn/unable to admit when they are wrong, or who twist themselves into a pickle/cannot be truthful about how they feel. It's not used in a complimentary way, which is why Man-san says Yoh's not quite like that, but there are some parts of him that do sort of fit the description.
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S: やだな* 葉の素直になれないその不器用さが 余計にかわいいんじゃないですか S: ね? S: That's not nice*... Yoh's inability to be truthful about his feelings - it's precisely that awkwardness that makes him even more adorable, isn't it? S: Wouldn't you say so? *Segasaki's first line "やだな (yada na - literally "this is unpleasant/I don't like that")" is not directed at Man-san, it's a form of soliloquy (which is common in Japanese), aka he's talking to himself here. We know this because it's informal and ends with the emphatic particle "~na". He then switches back to polite speech for the rest of his sentence, which is directed at Man-san. So, "that's not nice" is actually him remarking on the unpleasantness he feels after hearing Man-san describe Yoh as contrary, just as you might walk past a pile of rubbish on the street and remark, "well that's unsightly". Of course, the fact that he's actually saying this at a volume that Man-san can definitely hear and the way he sort of drawls it out, makes it clear that he definitely meant for her to know his disapproval behind the politeness of his following sentence (See what I mean by "thinly veiled politeness"?). On top of this, ending it off with a "ne?" (the same ending particle she used to seek his agreement) as he looks up right at her makes it clear - this whole sentence is a (mild) rebuke.
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M: 分かったような口を利いてすんませんっした S: どうされました? M: では私そろそろおいとまします M: I'm incredibly sorry! I spoke as if I knew everything (when in fact I knew nothing) S: What's the matter? M: Then, it is about time for me to take my leave. In response, Man-san ratches up the formal speech in both these sentences, though (as befitting her character) she pronounces it in a rather comical way (she sounds and acts like a samurai would in the movies 🤣). Also, don't mistake Segasaki's "what's the matter" as true confusion - his indirect rebuke was met with a direct (albeit over the top) apology - so here he is helping Man-san to save face, or recover the face she lost (by sounding presumptuous and by apologizing), by not calling attention to the actual apology. It is enough that she has recognized his superiority over her when it comes to understanding Yoh. This is also why later, when Man-san voluntarily offers up the information that she has a husband (and thus is not a threat to Segasaki's claim over Yoh), that Segasaki gives sort of an embarrassed but happy smile as he says "I'm sorry". That's not just "I'm sorry I can't send you to the station" (which is basic manners) but also has a little "I'm sorry for the unnecessary posturing over Yoh".
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S: なんださっきから やだ ばっか言って S: お前はイヤイヤ期*か S: What's gotten into you? All you've been saying since just now is "no" S: Are you in your "no phase"*? *イヤイヤ期 - yes, the term he uses here specifically refers to the "no phase" of toddlers in their terrible twos. This isn't condescending though - Yoh's repeated "やだ (yada - "no" or "I don't want it")" is distinctly childlike, but this behaviour is precisely a form of amae that we talked about earlier. Yoh is asking to be indulged here, and Segasaki is responding both in word and in physical comfort.
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Y: もうやだ S: だから何が Y: 俺 万さんのことすきなのに S: は?てめぇ* Y: あんたなんか嫌いだ Y: へらへらしてんじゃねぇよ Y: 何 ちゃっかり横に座ってんだよ Y: 名前で呼ぶ必要はねぇだろう Y: ふざけんな Y: 俺のこと好きなくせに Y: I don't want (this) anymore! S: So again I ask, (don't want) what? Y: I... even whilst... liking Man-san S: Ha? You little...* Y: I hate the likes of you Y: Don't freaking sit there laughing so carelessly Y: What were you doing taking the chance to sit next to her like that Y: There was no damn need to call her by her first name, right? Y: The hell are you doing! Y: When the person you like is me. When You talks about liking Man-san, he ends off with "なのに (nanoni)" which is used to show contrast the preceeding/following topic and to express frustration - except he hasn't mentioned the preceeding topic, so it isn't immediately clear what he means until he starts complaining about Segasaki's behaviour. That's why Segasaki is caught by surprise and follows up with an angry "haa?" and an emphatic *てめぇ(temee) - A very very rude way to say "you" which he first used in Ep 2 when Yoh said he was going to leave. It's not until later in Yoh's monologue, that we learn that he's upset that he feels jealousy/bad feelings towards Man-san because he's supposed to like Man-san (as a friend).
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S: お前 お前それやだったんか S: お前の方が* そう思ってたんかよ S: あ もう最っ高 S: You... so that was what you didn't want? S: So, (all this time) it was actually you instead, who's been thinking like that? S: Oh, this is the. best.
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S: よしよし S: 取られちゃって やだったな S: There, there S: You didn't want me to be stolen away, did you?
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Monologue time: Y: こんなふうに感じること自体が嫌だったんだ 万さん相手に 友達なのに 女々しすぎるって 幼稚だろう ダメだろうって 分かってるのに 気付いたら頭ん中 ぐちゃぐちゃで どうしようもなくなってた あんたのせいだ こんなふうに 囁いたり 微笑んだり 優しく触れたりするから いつもあんな偉そうに ああだ こうだ命令してくるくせに 突然まるで恋人*みたいに 勘違いするだろこんなの もしかして 好きって こんなみっともない気持ちのことなのか Y: The fact that I was feeling this way was specifically what I didn't like. (Feeling this way) towards Man-san, even though she's my friend... It was too petty (of me). Even though I knew, that it was childish, that I shouldn't (feel that way), Before I knew it, everything in my head was all messed up. And then I couldn't do anything about it. It's all your fault, Because you do things like this, Whispering softly to me, Smiling at me, And touching me so gently. Always so arrogantly ordering me around, Saying do this do that, and yet, You suddenly (start treating me) like a lover* Of course, I'd get the wrong idea with all of that! Could it be that, "Liking someone", Really is a feeling as unseemly and disgraceful as this? *恋人 (koibito - lover) - Lover in English can sometimes imply a more sexual than romantic relationship, but in Japanese "koibito" usually refers to "boyfriend/girlfriend" and may not imply a sexual component at all.
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S: お前から抱きつくとかできんだな S: ずっと酔ってりゃいいのに S: So you actually can initiate hugs and stuff huh? S: If only you could stay drunk forever...
And we're done!! Ep 4 marks the turning point where Yoh begins the journey towards accepting and acknowledging his feelings - the concept of "sunao". It also clearly shows the preferred way these two reinforce their relationship - through "amae". Remember how in Ep 3, Yoh talked about how he felt that an "unspoken understanding" of each other's feelings was important in a relationship? Well, this is it - Yoh saying "no" and "don't want", or leaving the room to be by himself - these are all examples of amae. He doesn't want to ask for affection directly, because he can't. So he does it through amae instead, and as we can see, Segasaki really enjoys indulging in Yoh's unspoken requests for affection and gains fulfillment from that.
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Natsuyaki Chihiro
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
Full TL note at the end of the interview due to its length! But as an opener:
Chihiro refers to himself as ちぃ (Chii) at times. This is kept as is when explicitly mentioned, other times regular first person pronouns in English are used.
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Chihiro: Let's get it popping!
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What’s your name?
Call me Natsuyaki Chihiro.
How old are you?
22 years old! Still got the pep in my step!
Tell us about your occupation!
I’m an Alpha Dazzler on social media ☆ You better hit that follow button and share my posts!
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
The full course of washing my face, putting on a beauty mask, and brushing my teeth!
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
Snapping pics with filters that make it look sooo yummy♪ is a must!
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
Um… looong shadows.
What’s your routine before bed?
Can’t skip out on updating my socmed & checking my notifs~ Gotta give each and every Dazzler that sweet “Like”!
Where do you start with washing your body?
My hair persnaps~ Hair treatment for super silkiness!
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
Toooootes my phone!!!
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I like, so gotta check where all the fancy spots are.
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
Don’tcha just wanna go with the flow and hop on whatev’s the local transport there~?
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
My phone… ah, but like, a deserted island doesn’t have signal, does it?
Please give us some fanservice! 
✧・゚: *Welcome, little kitten. Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest*:・゚✧ How’s that~!? OMG, did Chii just like, serve and eat that!?
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
That's gotta be Taotao~ He’s easy to talk to!
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Morning Squad’s Ten-chamu!
What would you want to do as them?
Ten-chamu’s style of dancing is lil’ bit of a diff genre, right~ So I wanna try breakdancing like that!
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Taotao~ Chii wants to also like, get master rank in Anigun’s new season so plz carry me ‘kay♪
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
A super duper hype meeting!!! I want all the people I see for the first time ever to recognize Chii’s charm~☆
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Chihiro: Oatscurry! See ya at Chii’s stream laters!
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Chihiro: Natsuyaki Chihiro! HAMA’s 12th Ward Mayor. Leave all the hospitality to Chii the Commanding Officer of Hype to deliver you the bestest of best!
TL notes:
よろぴく (yoropiku) is outdated slang for よろしく (yoroshiku). Has been turned into various slangy ways to represent it.
トリメ is short for トリートメント, aka hair treatment.
イケカテ is short for “ikemen voice category” which is a way to classify what kind of voices you prefer. If you hear someone that makes you go, “Kyaah~ such a handsome voice!” you file him away in ikekate. If it’s like “Woaaah, so cyoot!” you file him away in kawakate (kawa being kawaii). Chihiro also makes a pun with this: ikekate rosen demo ikenjanee (lit. can’t I like, go down the ikekate route!?). While this has been reworked into something else completely, I included it in the TL note simply as an FYI. 
あげぽよ (agepoyo) is Gyaru slang for when something is super duper extra mega hype poggers, etc.
There’s more quirky stuff, but he drained me of all my braincells for now.
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 10 months
Haiiiii ^_^ can you translate Rivals! from the block party album? pretty please with CHEESE 🧀
Sure. Under a cut for length.
This one just seems to be goofy vibes and doesn't have as much imagery or anything requiring reworking as the last three requested songs. As a result, the translation is pretty darn literal. No attention paid to rhyming, line length, or rhythm.
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly flipping out over where we went wrong. 1, 2, 3! Turn it up, yo! Action plz I feel like I'm pulling a blunder, shooting craps and betting on big 6 [1] at the last second. Don't stop the game! Oh please, can't I get some fiction plz? [2] To hit the button to go back and redo everything. Just you wait; I'll destroy the current reality! Aren't you about to go off the rails? Aren't you about to fall off the tightrope act? Take it easy, baby, now. Take it easy, baby, now. [3] And screw it! Let's play it fast and loose! Let's gooo!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly committed to flipping out over where we went wrong. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go! UGH. Time to bolt down the meal I paid for with my overtime. Hm? My cellphone's ringing off the hook. Slapping down hardcore rhymes on my time card, Participating in another joint effort so we can all clock out with a bang. 1, 2, 3. Yup, let's all line up. 2, 2, 3. And march in step. We take our lyrics very seriously, and we're strongly committed to providing you with a great singing experience! [4] My eyes can tell, tell, tell what it takes to win. [5] The one and only guy to cross the most ridiculous lines, living on nothing but adrenaline, taking each day as it comes and winning! Yeah, take it easy, baby, now. Take it easy, baby, now. And screw it! Let's play it fast and loose! Let's gooo!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz Everyone's gotta struggle and put in the hard work, even the folks you're sick and tired of. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go! I bet all my chips right from moment one. It's all or nothing. It's the uprising of the corporate drones. Don't mess with guys who've got nothing to lose. There's no doubt about it; we're gonna burn out sooner or later. That's just our fate. Poor us! Dead or Alive in da house Crazy DOPPO in da house Yeah, yeah, high, high, let's gooo! [6]
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly committed to flipping out over where we went wrong. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz Wishing you all the luck--or, well, as lucky as you can ever be. Someday we'll laugh over this together, but until then we're Rivals! Rivals!
[1] Craps big 6
[2] This part's written in English, but I assume he means "fiction" in the sense of 空想 or 絵空事--something he wants that's too good to be real. In this case, it's a button he can hit to go back and redo everything.
[3] If I am correctly assuming what they're trying to say, this is more naturally worded as "Now, take it easy, baby." [4] Admittedly, this part's not very literal haha. I was having difficulty with the tone otherwise. Like a lot of Doppo's raps, it's written in a style reminiscent of business language. I drew inspiration for this bit of PR BS from some real life companies in a BBC article. [5] This (勝ち線, kachisen, lit. "victory line") is a pun on 勝ち戦 (kachisen, a fight someone wins). Dice then uses this to perform a piece of wordplay on the phrase "一線を越える/cross the line" which, unlike its English counterpart, can carry a connotation of breaking an established norm in a good way. (Hence the Cross a Line song--ie, breaking the norms by going above and beyond in new, revolutionary ways)
[6] Partially a pun on how はい (yeah) 灰 (lit. ash, part of the line I translated as "burn out") and English "high" all sound similar and partially evoking a sense of high energy.
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irismaebe · 9 months
translation of dubious quality :
Don't you think their tastes (in couples) are similar?
Mabel: pfffdjajajajajja!! Plz! I have better tastes!
Dipper: I say the same...
Their likes! sucker blondes! (who were previously his enemies)
Pacifica: uhg... poor people.
Bill: uhg human...
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No supe como traducir esto porque no sabia que "gustar" si se podia usar igual, y no solo como algo relacionado al sabor... Jajaja y asi quiero escribir un fanfic en ingles... Detenganme!! Esto sirve para mabill, billdipp, mabifica y Dippcifica jsjajsjsj
I didn't know how to translate this because I didn't know that "taste" could be used the same way, and not just as something related to flavor... Hahaha and that's how I want to write a fanfic in English... Stop me!! This works for mabill, billdipp, mabifica and Dippcifica jsjajsjsj
Spanish classes (?)
Mamon: is a rude term in Mexican Spanish that can refer to someone who considers himself superior to those around him, boasting and mostly offending in the process. I don't really know if it has an equivalent in English...
Gustar: It can be when someone is attractive to you, or when you like something. But it comes from the sense of taste, that is, feeling the taste of things. It means that it is pleasant in some of your senses :D
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glitterypopcorn · 8 months
haii!! i’m glitter!!!! you can also call me katya if you want !!!!!!!
i go by any pronouns :3 he/she/they preferred, no pref between the three >_<
click this link for additional info!
^^ best viewed on ipad as that is what i used to create it. some things are a bit weird on phone and im not sure how it looks on any computers :3
if u know what pafl is id really like you to treat me how you'd treat katya it'd just make me really happy >_> cuz i am kt after all
i'm a katya fictionkin :,3 i mention this later but if you're a double plz dni and block me, it's not personal but that sorta thing makes me feel super super bad
i edited my pfp but @/nopanamaman drew it! lmk if you want any icon edits there's a chance i'll make one
more stuff below the cut!!
I AM A MINOR!!!!! please don’t be weird ^_^
i have autism and adhd (both diagnosed)
possible bpd although it is currently undiagnosed
CANDYLAND ASK BLOG @ask-candyland
i have another account that was a basil omori ask blog but i don't use it so it's just. there @glittersendsasks
KATYA PAFL RP ACC @katyas-cool-account405
ANYA PAFL RP ACC @beletskanya69
i have an omori au called the prism au! info can be found here :3 @omori-prism-au also not active there, and the au has been basically discontinued although i may come back to state what the ending was supposed to be,
i am fictionhearted with basil (omori), sydney o sargent (camp here and there), katya/kt (parties are for losers) and anya (parties are for losers)!! i relate to them a lot!!! when i say "me" under art, i don't mean it literally >_< someone else talking about how they relate to the character makes me uncomfortable (i get jealous over a lot of things easily) so if you do it too much i may unfollow you . please please don't take it personally, youre allowed to relate to characters, this is just so i dont feel super shitty all the time,,
sorry bros i dont do copypastas dont take it personally
if i ever make you uncomfortable in ANY WAY please dm me! i won't get mad i promise ^_^ i'm always looking to better myself but i do make mistakes and forget things sometimes and im sorry about that
likes: omori, parties are for losers, ghost and pals, luluyam, the post-traumatic manifesto, welcome to night vale, camp here and there, in stars and time, evidentlyfresh, ferry, cotton candy flavored stuff, candy + other sweet foods, drawing, singing, bugs, isopods, and cosplaying!!!!! n my favorite color is pink
here's a link to music i like because i don't want to make this post too long!! i will probably forget to update this so it will likely be outdated if you're looking at it a month or more after it's posted
please don’t call me pookie, thank you <3
rbs > likes but do whatever you want lol idc !!
hearts meaning:
🩷 : romantic. if i do it with you and i don't know you irl, i accidentally clicked it. i will probably notice this.
💚🩷 : platonic.
💚 : platonic. only used when i want to send a single heart.
<3 : depends. if we're not partners, it's platonic.
no dni i just block <3
EXCEPT for doubles it makes me uncomfortable im sorry
by the way i’m burnt out currently and may not respond to asks/do things i said i would do. don’t take it personally ^_^
also. i can only speak english </3 i'll use google translate if spoken to in another language so things i say might sound weird
i LOVE following people even if they've interacted with my posts once !!!
profile picture by ferry! @.nopanamaman (people tag her in fanart n stuff but this . isn't that )
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vampsquerade · 1 year
hiiii could i plz get soap x reader except the reader is scottish and he's just happy to not be the only scottish guy on the team anymore which draws him closer to reader? feel free to ignore this and stuff but if you do write it then tysm👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
of course you can, thanks for the request! i’m not gonna lie, i delayed this one a bit so i can try and learn some Scots while working on it…AND I’M SO FUCKING SORRY IT IS LITERALLY ALMOST 4 FUCKING MONTHS LATE. yes in case you ask the callsign i gave i stole from Liquid Snake; you’re welcome
Soap x GN!Reader: Scots in a Squad
Trigger Warnings: stab wounds, self-suturing, first aid on self, some fluff scattered about
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Once he, Simon, and Kyle were called into Captain Price’s debriefing room, Johnny’s eyes widened slightly when he saw an unfamiliar person leaning against the table. John whistled to get your attention, and you immediately looked up and forward towards the 3 men that had just stepped into the room. Johnny’s eyes flicked to look into your own and he couldn’t help but smile at you. You smile back at him before glancing at the Captain once more. “Took you boys long enough,” John says, scoffing slightly before gesturing to you. “This is Sergeant Y/N ‘Liquid’ L/N, they’ll be joining us alongside Los Vaqueros of the Mexican Special Forces.” John says, gesturing to you. Stepping forward a bit, you bow slightly to the trio, eyes scanning them to get a better look.
“Excited to get to workin’ with you boys,” you say, trying to keep your Scottish accent light just in case they don’t understand you. Johnny’s eyes seem to widen just a bit more, “Steamin’ Jesus…are you—are you Scottish?” he asks, completely caught off guard by your accent. Upon hearing Johnny’s accent, you grin widely, “Ah’m ur,” you respond confidently, causing the others in the room to raise a brow. “Finally, someone I can actually have a conversation with!” he says excitedly, walking up to you and shaking your hand firmly. “John ‘Soap’ MacTavish—you can call me Johnny fer short,” he says. You shake his hand with more excitement, making Simon groan. “Great, now I’ve got two of Johnny.” he growls, crossing his arms.
“Away n’ bile yer heid,” the both of you exclaim at the same time before you laugh loudly. Kyle can’t help but laugh a little himself as he watches the other Scots getting along perfectly fine, amused by how quickly you’ve become friends. “Come off it, Simon! Johnny needs to have himself a bit of normalcy amongst us—everyone’s English except for him here. Johnny spends most of this time and we almost always ask him to translate,” he says, lightly shoving Simon’s shoulder. He just grumbles after this, crossing his arms tighter against his chest. “Look at the five of you—I’d say you’re getting along well already,” John chimes in, going to you and patting yours and Johnny’s shoulders.
You give the Captain of the 141, your new task force, a confident grin. Speaking in a “normal” accent once again, you can’t help but let your voice go a bit higher in pitch due to the excitement, “Cheers, Captain. I promise I’ll do you a damn fine job.” John gives you an expectant look, nodding, “Good. We’ll need all the help we could get with this mission so I’m expecting a hell of a lot out of you Sergeant. No pressure,” John says, adding the last part before giving you an expectant smile. It’s almost cruel in nature somehow, but you don’t question it. A shiver involuntarily travels up your spine and you nod. Did he really have to add in that last part? Is he trying to make you nervous? Or is it all just a test? “Oh trust me sir, I’ll batter the bastarts so ‘ard with their own baws yeez gonnae hae te deliver their buits to their families,” you say.
John looks at you confused before then looking at Johnny. Johnny just laughs when the Captain practically begs him with his eyes to translate. “Y/N’s gonna beat the enemies with their own balls so hard, basically,” he translates. “Oh. Well why didn’t they just say that? Maybe Simon’s right…” John says as he second guesses himself basically. “Ah, ah Captain—no going back now. Yer stuck with the two of us now,” you say cheekily. “You know you love us Captain,” Johnny teases, nudging at the older man a bit. John simply groans, just like Simon, leaving Kyle to be the only one to mostly tolerate you two for the remainder of the countless missions you’re all about to go on.
You then find yourself getting closer to Johnny, enjoying the fact that you’re not the only Scottish person in the 141. It seems that Johnny feels the exact same way, just a bit more than you do. The two of you absolutely love speaking to each other in Scots, enjoying your banter. A bond swiftly grows between you two, and it makes you all the more comfortable with your new Task Force. And Johnny well…he can’t help but find himself getting closer to you either. He just wants to get to know you better and even if he seems a bit clingy, he can’t help himself. It’s been a while since he’d spoken to another Scottish person, and you were the best thing for him right now. Johnny had finally found home in the 141, right beside his found family.
The man is blatantly protective of you as well, trying to keep you safe as possible while out in the field. “Keep yer heid,” is his most common phrase to you whenever you’re firing at enemies, weapons always seeming to be hot whenever you’re both together somehow. You can’t tell if it’s romantic or not either, the way Johnny just seems to keep you close. He sometimes calls you Bonnie, letting you know he thinks you’re attractive at least. It’s flattering, but you can’t afford to get too distracted. Far too much can go wrong; and go way fucking wrong it does. So wrong in fact, that you find yourself hating the time you’re separated from Johnny in this moment. You’d spent a good 20 minutes knocked unconscious, and 30 minutes trying to get yourself through Las Almas. How did this all happen? Well…
Johnny stayed by your side a majority of the missions until the moment Graves and Shepherd’s betrayal came around. You, Simon, and Johnny got separated from each other. A knife from one of the Shadow you once called your ally pierced through your side before you stabbed him back, with Simon finishing the job. The force of the Shadow dying pushed you down past the guard rail that was there, sending you tumbling down the mountain and into Las Almas. “Ghost, Soap…h-how copy?” you ask into your comms upon sitting yourself up against a wall in an alley for a bit before you continue on once you finally come to. Nothing; the only response that you seem to get is silence and the sound of the rain pouring down on you. “Feck…” you curse softly to yourself before crawling into the house next to you. It’s empty, thankfully, so you get yourself to the bathroom.
Getting your hands on a needle and thread, you silently thank your luck. You force yourself to your feet, wincing and falling back over slightly. “‘Mon, Y/N…you’re a part of the best fucking world can offer…push through it…” you say to yourself breathlessly. Gritting your teeth, you force yourself back up and quickly use the sink as leverage. You get a bottle of alcohol and some of the cotton balls from inside the bathroom cabinet and douse them in the alcohol. You wince and sigh deeply as you swipe against the stab wound, shutting your eyes tightly for just a moment before looking back into the mirror. You toss the bloodied cotton into the trash before picking up the most important things you need right now. Your shaky hands then begin to move the thread through you, suturing yourself.
“Liquid, how copy?” A familiar voice suddenly calls out in your ear as you carefully weave the thread through yourself. Unable to respond, you just wait to hear what else is said as you continue on. “Y/N please—say something. Anything will do, even if it’s an insult,” Johnny says, desperation clear in his voice. You then use your free hand to press against the button to your comms and begin to speak, “Soap…Steamin’ Jesus…you’re alive…” you say softly into your comms. Johnny, though you can’t see it, is practically relieved enough to know you’re alive that he might just faint. “Same to you. Think you can give me and Simon a SITREP?” he asks, keeping his voice calm. “Aye…I’m patching up the stab that Shadow fucker gave me—I’m in a house somewhere in Las Almas…” you say.
Johnny’s eyes go wide and he looks at Simon in pure disbelief. “I was the one who taught ‘em how to do it not too long ago,” Simon says, shrugging. “And you didn’t teach me?” Johnny asks, making you growl softly in frustration. “Both o’ yeez shut yer gobs! Ah ben in enough an’ Ahm naw afeared tae batter the both of yeez,” you seethe in a rasped whisper into the comms as you continue to suture yourself. “English, Liquid,” Simon says, deciding to push at your buttons as he speaks into the comms again. “Eat shit, cunt,” you say, growling when you get to the worst of the stab wound. “Alright, don’t piss them off. Let’s give Y/N a minute,” Johnny says. “Cheers,” you huff. Johnny then explains what you just said to Simon while you continue on.
You eventually finish up and go searching for something to wrap the stab and keep it covered underneath your shirt. You rummage around and find some tape as well as a clean shirt that’s good enough to use as a substitute for gauze. Carefully, you use your knife and cut it up into a thin enough piece that you could fold it up a few times before carefully pressing it to your wound. You growl softly and use the tape you got to secure it in place. “Fuckin’ hell…” you curse to yourself. “There…you two can speak now,” you say. “Think you’ll be able to get yourself to the church from where you’re at?” Johnny asks. You can tell from his voice he’s worried and wants you to regroup with him and Simon safely.
You peek out from a window and nod to yourself, “Aye. I’ll be there soon.” Carefully, you wander around Las Almas as safely as possible, taking out several of Graves’ Shadow that get a bit too close. You get lucky and find a stim, injecting yourself with it to ensure you don’t end up dying until you can get advanced aid. Once you’re at the church, Johnny hugs you tightly. He was the one that led you all the way through while Simon stayed silent, keeping his eyes out for any other Shadow that might be coming from behind the church. It was comforting, hearing Johnny as he guided you to him. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you…” he says softly as he holds you. He’s mindful of your wound, not pressing against your worse for wear side at all.
A soft smile graces your face as you bury your face into the crook of Johnny’s neck. “And you have no idea how happy I am to see I’m not dead and this was just some purgatory fever dream,” you say. Your sense of humor was much needed between the three of you, as you and Johnny were the ones who actually almost fucking died. Johnny’s warmth was also just as needed, as the both of you were soaking wet from the rain. “How the fuck did you get so lucky, Lt.? Why the fuck did you manage to get out of all that unscathed?” you ask, looking at Simon as he comes close to the both of you. “Maybe because the two of you were closer to Graves and his Shadow than I was. Now let’s get the hell outta here—we’ve gotta go looking for someone,” Simon says as he walks out of the church. You and Johnny immediately follow, taking out the remaining Shadow before driving off in a large white truck.
Feeling a bit drowsy and lightheaded, you lean on Johnny’s shoulder a bit. “You feelin’ okay?” he asks softly, his voice having broken the silence gets Simon’s attention as well. You can briefly see him flick his eyes at you before looking back at the road, “Y-Yeah, I just…need to sleep for a bit if that’s okay? I did get stabbed and practically rolled off the mountain before dragging myself to Las Almas…” you say softly. “Go ahead and sleep then—here,” Johnny says. His arm lifts slightly, letting you nuzzle against his chest gently. Simon’s turned the heater on by this point, so that and Johnny’s natural warmth was slowly beginning to put you to sleep. “Thanks…Johnny…Simon…” you trail off as you drift further and further to sleep. “You’re welcome…gae ti bed wi th' lamb an rise wi th' laverock…” Johnny says softly.
Just hearing him telling you this in your shared dialect makes you smile softly before eventually falling asleep after planting a little kiss against his chest.
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jassylife · 8 days
New ocs^^(they are the main now :D but not replacing my most main oc which yall know is Jassy)
again y’all not replacing Jassy but they are the new main ocs now, some of my teenage ocs are the mains oc for example: Dean, Jassy, Noah, Annie, Brain, Tina, and others so these 3 are now the other main
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Ocs names: Yulia: the Russian girl wearing pink and white looking feminine. Batty: the cute lil bat plushie flying wearing black clothing(he literally my fav😔✨ also not replacing Jassy to be an fav oc) Kaa: the orange and red viper
(plz be aware that he isn’t like those ocs that are called “Kaa” for some reasons that you seen those gacha hypothesis snakes videos so ye he isn’t like them instead he is inspired by Medusa the Gorgon from mythology)
for Kaa again he is inspired by Medusa from Greek Mythology for those who might know her imma tell you in the comments because it might take you longer to read(for those who didn’t understand English that much might translated or ignore it) he been sexually abused by his abuser(just like Medusa, they both got tape by their abusers unlike Medusa Kaa is still a viper, also his abuser isn’t an water element creature or monster) he been tape and abused sexually, when going to school his friends sees his scars and bruises on his body(including bite marks) 5 weeks he been treated unfairly by his abuser while in Jassy’s adopted mansion, Jassy went to him and the maid washed him and Jassy heal him and talking about him and his abuser for him, for example like “Why would you date that dumbo? He so stupid and so sinful to be with someone who is kind like you?” Or “you deserves better than him, you need someone who loves you more than anything” when she was taking him home Jassy give Kaa’s abuser that creepy yet scary and eerie look(the look that Death(Jassy’s grandfather) used to smiled at his victims smiling to get her revenge for Kaa) one night she broke in Kaa’s abuser house while the abuser was getting drunk, She pull out an bat and hit him so hard, he was awake in two hours and was sitting in the front in his car but Jassy was driving it and crashing it into the tree, she burn him alive to watch him suffer, after done burning him she started to unaliving him till he is dead, so ye Jassy saved Kaa from abuse
Yulia is an Russian girl, her dad was an military soldier to war, Yulia and her family went to USA to find some peace while her dad was in Russia trying to fight the war, she didn’t have any trauma but she suffer from the Russo-Ukrainian(for those might know that war, also she was inspired by the kids who are Russian or Ukrainian who suffer from the Russo-Ukrainian war and their dads stayed in Russia or Ukraine to fight off the war) weeks later she was sleeping and heard an noise from the kitchen and found an knife on the floor cover in blood, when she was walking the halls trying to find her mother, Doppelganger was stalking her and she knows that the Dopperlganger was stalking her and she called the police, they didn’t find him expect they found an body of children who also suffer from the war, she kept having nightmares of the Doppelgänger was gonna kill her
Batty is an bat plush toy who was been treated unfairly by an middle aged man who created him, one rainy day he left Batty in the trash, but luckily the mother of an 3 year old child found Batty and give her son as an gift to play with, the boy was happy growing he kept playing Batty and Batty feel like he been loved, years later Batty was sitting near by his new owner and heard an growl, it was Darker and then killed the boy and his mother, one little did Darker did not know that Batty was an alive plush doll, Batty escape the house but didn’t want to leave the boy side, 2 years later he started to live in his house where he been loved by his second owner suffering through pain of losing his owner that he been loved, one day an family moved to the house and they have two daughters and one son, the kids went the basement and found Batty and started to play with him, Batty feel like he was loved again after years, every night Batty tried to get rid of Darker to save his new family and his new owners
Here are the drawings I made for them
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lllaaammmaaaa · 10 hours
Jishou Mushoku ENG Lyrics plz help
I want to be someone as perfect as you.
But I want to be someone who feels like me too.
If I wanted to, I could just change my hues.
Yet if I did, should I even call myself “me”?
One more naive dream from a long lost childhood.
And with the way I am, someone like me should just die.
In a life where someone like me is alive
Would make everyone in this world start to cry.
And then not even someone like you want me.
Wouldn’t that just be a perfect world?
In a life where someone like me has died
Would make everyone in this world stop their cries.
And then no one could ever want to be apart,
Wouldn’t I have the most fulfilled heart?
Tomorrow, I’ll still be on the brink of a dead dream
And somehow that’s still the perfect way to disappear 
In a life where someone like me is alive
Would everyone in the world even realize?
And then not even someone like you wants me.
Would that really be a perfect world?
In a life where someone like me has died
Would everyone in the world even realize?
And then no one ever wishes for my soul to depart,
Wouldn’t I wish to once again stop my beating heart?
In the end, everyone always falls away from me in the same way
The “me” i’m supposed to be for others, slowly crumbles away
In the end, everyone always disappears in the same way--and yet--
In a life where someone like me is alive,
Makes you bring life back into your dead eyes
If you look at me with that life and smile
No matter how much it hurts I make it worthwhile
And if only all my reasons I want to die
Could disappear just like “me”
In a life where someone like me has died
Would everyone in the world even realize?
And then the one thing that will always keep me alive,
Wouldn’t I wish to see your face for all of my life?
I translated Jishou Mushoku into english and desperately need feedback plz help
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gimyung · 2 years
besides being a government name activist, i wish they left out some things in korean and just added an author's note or translator's note (smth like *keikaku means plan). imo it adds to getting immersed (?) in the manhwa and just gives depth to some scenes.
my main gripe is how the ' 형 hyung' is translated to 'bro'. just the honorifics in general, like it gives you a sense of who's close to whom or how they look at their peers. 'bro' just so unserious to me at this point cus it's tied to 'bruh' which connotes something else?
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Many Koreans choose to blur the boundary when they interact with older friends they met socially by calling them “hyung”, “unnie”, “oppa” or “noona”. By using these terms, you show your willingness to be informal as if they were your own brothers or sisters. [as said here] [also source: trust me bro bc i used to be a bg stan]
more talking (and detailed complaining under the cut)
these panels without the hyung context kinda loses its meaning too (ch297 sammy vs big danny). cus someone who doesn't have a strong understanding on how age/hierarchy/formalities work might not be able to grasp it?
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kr fans also made a nickname for jake (김기띵 'gitting'), and yeah it's kr fandom but the thing is, jerry called him that nickname in ch411 and all the english readers got was 'boss'.
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just adding also that jason, brad, & jerry call jake 'hyungnim' rather than 'hyung', a politer word. it's still different from samuel's 'chairman' towards yoojin tho. (not much sure at this part but hyungnim's also common for mob boss or some other informal organization [idk bruh this is literally a rant post]) (lua is exempt from calling big deal members honorifics tho, shes above them shes a girlboss) (jake also have moments of calling sinu 'hyungnim' back when sinu was still big deal boss)
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also gun praising big deal's intelligence team (lua<3) is more apparent in the kr ver of ch89
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also ranted about the same thing before about this gangseo-olly scene
i feel like there are more nuances that we're missing out on (of course i chose big deal scenes lmfaoooo these are the ones i view the most anyways). like ignorance is bliss but AHHHHHHHHHHHH plz just . let us in the lookism world completely
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hollowsart · 1 year
I sorry for the strange question, but how do you understand that this is a bot and not just an inactive person?
A thing to understand about tumblr: even if you're a big popular blog (not a good thing and not something you really wanna become..) you don't get 35 random follows in under 5 minutes if it's real people. Real people also usually will like a few posts or more before and/or after following you. These bots? They don't.
Tumblr is also known for these random influxes of bots from time to time. So the long time users, such as myself, are very vigilant about this sort of thing.
600+ notifications upon me waking up just a while ago, this is a record, and it's 99% ALL JUST BOTS FOLLOWING ME:
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Inactive: they wouldn't be following you in the first place. Inactive means there is NO activity. Perhaps there was at one point, but there is no activity anymore.
New and lurking: if you're going to be joining tumblr. PLEASE put some semblance of "PLZ DON'T BLOCK, I'M REAL, I JUST WANNA LIKE AND BROWSE! I'M SHY/LAZY AND TRYING TO GET SOME FEEL FOR THIS PLACE BEFORE I DECIDE IF I WANNA POST OR REBLOG STUFF!" It would honestly help protect you from being blocked and reported as we have far too many instances like this where bots come in swarms at random.
Real: You have posts on your blog that a normal human person would and have customized your blog, too (ie, your pfp and header image, or if you're a desktop user, you also customized your blogs overall theme!)
Bot: bots are not real people and can come in a few different varieties:
1) The s3xy men & women bots: they have links that will steal your info if you click them. Don't do that. Their blogs will have tons of posts of HIGHLY EXCPLICIT nsft content, which are also links. DO NOT CLICK THE LINKS. BLOCK AND REPORT FOR SPAM AND/OR BOT WHEN YOU SEE THEM IN YOUR ACTIVITY OR WITHIN TAG SEARCHES!
2) Fake company: "Divorce Law Firm" or "[name] Beauty Academy" etc etc are all fake. They have changed their icon to a company logo and have a link post on their blog. Don't click the link. Don't even give them the time of day. Block and report. They aren't real, and it's just weird to see some random "company" blog following you when all you post is random fandom related junk or whatever the heck you dedicate your blog to that has no reason to be followed by such a blog.
3) Default: they have the default icon, default blog theme, default header image, default description (usually in Spanish, Cyrillic, etc). Their names will usually either be a keyboard smash, something that looks vaguely real but very much came from a name generator, a select few letters repeated, is someone's name (likely not a real person, or it's identity theft idk).
4) Default, but sus: Similar to the last one, but these guys have mismatched foreign text (Persian, Korean, uhh I can't identify the differences specifically between Middle Eastern/some South Eastern languages, but just know those are also used) and sometimes you'll see some with English or with numbers in the description like "1." Or "101" if you translate the text, you'll get suspicious spam email type sentences.
Once again. Just block and report on sight if you see these bots.
Bots #1 and #3 may interact with your posts as well. As well as a different type of bot, I didn't mention as they aren't nearly as incessant or as prominent, but those bots are the "sugar daddy looking for sugar baby for allowance" types of blogs you'll see leaving replies in the notes of popular posts.
I'm sure other people can add on to this post with further information about how to identify each type of bot and what not to trust about a blog if they seem suspicious at all in a "are you a bot?" way.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Salem!Agatha oh hm... I love her so much there's so many things to explore with her... Maybe... Maybe she does like. Dark magic for the first time and freaks out? And seeks reader out for some comfort? Because she didn't mean to? It just. Happened? (I just woke up so the disjointed sentences are on that)
a/n: hi!! thank you so much for this prompt! I love it :) I’ve always wondered how Agatha felt when she first cast a dark spell, hopefully you enjoy this!! (I hope i did okay)
word count: 1.2k
warning(s): insecurities/anxiety - mention of evanora - hurt/comfort- i made up a spell, used google translate for Latin plz don’t come for my soul (it’s also kinda dumb in English but everything sounds cool in Latin)- slightly went off prompt? I got really into this sry - also the title is just a phrase i thought fit the theme
Not What They Say
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It was an accident. She swore it was. The book had called out to her, whispering promises and taunting lies in her ears. She couldn’t resist the urge, couldn’t resist her curiosity. Why were these books forbidden? Isn’t magic a gift to be shared, to be practiced?
Agatha flipped through the pages, eyes scanning every new spell. Excitement built up in her chest. With these, she could grow in power, show her mother she wasn’t a weak link in the coven. But because of the excitement coursing through her veins, she didn’t see the dark tendrils underneath the surface of the paper, like snakes ready to strike. One particular spell caught her eye, one that could temporarily change the weather over a designated spot. Agatha placed the book down on the floor, crossing her legs to cast the spell in a more relaxed manner. She didn’t understand why this spell was found in a book her mother deemed wrong. It could help in dry seasons, making the farmers abundantly full of crops. On days when the sun was too much it could help with fever and overworking. Ideas spiraled through her mind as she cast the spell, closing her eyes to concentrate.
“mutare tempestas, invocate pluvia.”
Before she even finished the last word, Agatha felt a pull within her. One she had never felt before while casting. She opened her eyes and with a gasp, she scrambled to stand up, kicking the book away. With wide, terrified eyes, Agatha watched as her once blue magic turn a light, sparking, purple. Her magic now twirled around her hands, like it had a mind of it’s own. She felt herself absorbing the power from her spell, the air around her, the ground. She didn’t even notice the spell had worked, rain showering down from the ceiling, completely dowsing her in water. All she could think about was leaving the room, fleeing the scene. For a moment, she thought about going to her mother. But that idea was quickly squashed as she conjured up an image of her mother’s disappointed expression and disgusted look. Dark magic was forbidden with a penalty of death. Evanora would look at her akin to how someone looks at a murderer. Agatha’s breath quickened, panic rising. No one could know about this, if they ever found out, she could be put to death. For a moment, Agatha felt alone. But then, she remembered you. The one person who loved her more than knowledge, more than magic. You would be there for her, when others weren’t.
Since she had taken to the dead of night to practice magic, Agatha slipped out quietly from the little abandoned cottage, running across Salem to where you resided, by the little river near the woods. Your father was on a ship back to England, where he preferred to buy you books and fabric straight from the source, not waiting for merchants that level the prices at expensive costs. With light, rapid raps, Agatha knocked on your door, trying her best not to let the sound carry throughout the air. She waited a few moments, anxiety building within her before the door slowly swung open, revealing your sleepy form. Your sleeping gown was rumpled, probably because Agatha had woken you up and you had rolled out of bed. She wanted to laugh at your bed head, but the panic inside her didn’t allow it. You blinked slowly, registering who was at your door.
“Aggie? What…” You trailed off into a yawn and Agatha couldn’t contain her next words, spoken in an intense whisper.
“It was an accident, I swear it was. I didn’t mean too.”
You seemed to wake up at your girlfriends urgent words, taking her by the wrist and pulling you into your small home. Agatha loved the smell of your house, fresh pastries and herbs wafting throughout the air. It was what she thought about when she thought of home. You shut your door quietly, locking it behind you. You motioned to your small seating area by the fireplace and Agatha sank into a chair softened with pillows and furs. You kneeled in front of her, taking her hands into yours, scrunching your eyebrows when she quickly pulled them away.
“What happened?” You whispered, concern floating in your voice. You watched as tears built up in Agatha’s eyes.
“Please don’t hate me.” She whispered out, her voice breaking. You let out a soft gasp, cupping her face in your hands.
“I could never hate you.” Your voice was firm but soft, apparently your words were what she needed to continue.
“I found a book in Mother’s library, full of spells I had never seen before. Y/N, for a moment, it was wonderful! Spells that could heal paralysis, spells that could make an assaulters hands stained red so everyone would know, and even a spell that could change the weather,” She paused, searching your eyes. You nodded, encouraging her to continue, your own curiosity kicking in, “I tried the last one, the weather one? Oh god, Y/N, it-it was dark magic, it pulled energy from the spell itself, from the ground, I-”
She paused when you held up a hand. Fear built inside her and she braced herself for the scolding. She anticipated you telling her off for using dark magic, for breaking one of the highest rules of the coven. What she didn’t anticipate was your soft question.
“Show me.”
Agatha hesitated before raising her hands, calling on her magic. Purple light filled the room, radiating power and strength. You stood up, watching the magic illuminate the walls of your house. Agatha watched in awe as her magic sparkled in your eyes, casting a glow upon you. She stood up as well, coming to stand next to you. You grasped her hand in yours, excitement bubbling in your eyes.
“Oh Agatha, it’s beautiful, it’s strong,” You looked at her with a teasing look in your eyes, “Power looks good on you.”
Agatha blushed lightly before taking in your words. She retracted her magic, the room once more returning to it’s grey hues. You deflated slightly but looked at Agatha with your full attention.
“It’s dark magic, Y/N. It’s forbidden, it’s dangerous. I’m dangerous and now my mother truly will hate me-”
You cut her off with a hug, pulling her close to your body.
“You could never be dangerous to me, Agatha. Dark magic isn’t forbidden because it’s dangerous but because the witches in charge fear those more powerful than them. You casted that spell on your first try, you’re amazing and their rules are going to bend to your power, do you understand me?”
Agatha felt new, relieved tears build up in her eyes as she tightened the hug. You had buried your face in her neck, your words vibrating through her. She let out a little sob, placing her forehead on your shoulder. You stayed like that for a while, basking in the comfort of one another. When you pulled away, you looked at Agatha in concern.
“But, Agatha, I need you to be safe, alright? Promise me. I couldn’t stand it if I lost you.” Your voice was hoarse and Agatha watched as your eyes threatened to close with each word. She let out a small chuckle, reminded of how she woke you up in the middle of the night. She kissed your forehead before guiding you to where you slept.
As she cuddled you, your head resting on her chest as you fell into deep sleep, Agatha whispered into the night.
“I promise.”
a/n: well i hope that was okay! i tried not to veer off of the prompt too much and i hope you enjoyed this! thank you for reading! (also, this fic made me look stupid on google. i bet my FBI agent is laughing their ass off at my searches ‘did they have couches in the 1600s’ and ‘how does weather work’)
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I just realized this, someone else may have already said this but the ace attorney titles are so interesting to compare in English and Japanese.
In the US at least, it's called Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney but in Japan it's Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判/"Turnabout Trial" or "Reverse Trial" translated literally?). But then The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles are called Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1&2 -Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken to Kakugo- (大逆転裁判1&2 -成歩堂龍ノ介の冒險と覺悟-). As in The Great Ace Attorney 1&2 Ryuunosuke Naruhodou's Adventures and Resolve.
As in they added the name of the protagonist like the localization to further differentiate the serieses like they've never done before. Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations is Gyakuten Kenji (逆転検事/literally Turnabout Prosecutor) and Apollo Justice is just Gyakuten Saiban 4. And then Capcom did the reverse in English making it only The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Separating them just as Adventures and Resolve.
Also also i just realized the compilation of the OG trilogy is Gyakuten Saiban 123: Naruhodō Serekushon (Selection), (逆転裁判123成歩堂セレクション) in Japanese. Maybe so Capcom do this to align more with international localization names bc of Naruhodou name.
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Note: They can have different names depends on the region and language.
Note note: I DO NOT KNOW JAPANESE nor anything about the Japanese fandom so take this just as silly murmurs. Plz anyone who does know japanese and about the Japanese fandom plz feel free to share or correct this post. Or any fun fact about the names from your region.
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obvs the bearer of knowledge for all things douki
*glaring at you from a distance* Okay. Fine. Ya know what? Here it is, "Elle's I Literally Just Started Watching Nooj And Have Only Been Simping For Douki For Part of This Year And Have Only Seen a Couple of His Matches But Apparently I'm the Douki Knowledge Lass Douki Guide"
Yes, Douki is jacked.
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I knew about this before the pics because I spent a couple days when I first got into Douki scrolling thru many of his pics on twitter. Here's one example.
2. If he's not wearing his mask, he censors his face by posting pics where he's facing away from the camera (which shows off his beautiful hair) or by cutely covering the lower half of his face.
3. He spent time training and wrestling in Mexico and parts of America (he loves Texas!) before joining New Japan. He is trilingual - he speaks Japanese, Spanish, and English. he claims his English is bad, but he speaks really well!! Here's a clip of him and ZSJ that shows off his multilingual-ness a little.
4. Despite his angry boi status, he loves cute things!! This includes animals, plushies, collectables, and other stuff! *squeals*
5. He enjoys taking walks. He got really excited walking around London when Nooj was there recently. He likes to take and post pics of cool or cute things he sees. He sometimes even helps someone in need (plz hit translate on the caption)!
6. For SOME REASON, he has a beautiful singing voice.
edit: I thought of more stuff to say so if you want more, lmk, Trashy
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i-love-to-draw1 · 1 year
I found tonight's really fun and interesting
Even if I feel like shaking some of the characters for not talking with eachother. Because they misinterpreted their ideas or them bout all this.
I got a more clear idea of everyone. Like I watch everyone n I mean it. But I only speak n understand English n Spanish. So I get like 20% the conversation in Portuguese if I put my full focus [can't always do tht bc I'm usually busy so I rely on updates on twitter, so I'm like partly listening n trust the people here on tublr]. N like no French so I rely on body language n the translater [also the update n here on tumblr]
I wish they all could talk and pick one person but I also understand due to the characters trauma or worry. Bc this is very a rp VS meta. N the cc gotta choose how their characters should walk on tht line. It also doesn't help tht the cc won't speak their native language to help with explaining their intentions better. I was really hoping for tht this time [hopefully the 3rd debate thyd do so].
That aside. I found really cool!! I like where insaimduo is going, but not all cc join in mostly bc thy arent into rp n bc Twitter fans n chat can get to intense. Their ideas are super cool!! N i feel like itll help those who DO want to come back. but I know tht despite tht the federation are also very powerful group. Bc I feel like they forgot tht they CAN deny request and rule n other stuff bc it must all go through them.
Same with bag, bad n gegg. Bc they all want to destroy it n do diff forms of anarchy. N I tots understand why their characters don't want to fully use the word bc many don't understand that anarchy isn't the typical chaos shit lmao. N i hope they joined together tho bc they are pretty similar on the goal on destroying a single power. But what I hope more from baghera is maybe talk about the council especially the main leader for each language, especially bc the Spanish community which is so small qwq [PLZ MARIANA AND MISSA COME BACK/lh]. But I also understand why insane duo worry bc thy have stuff plan n theirs is a bit uncertain but theirs is tht of relying on the community but also in hopes to be granted on being able to do the council/destroy the pres position n while insane duo also talks for the people. I understand theirs a chance tht feds might take control like they did to celbit on those days.
I love Mike's idea in establish a more aid than just people giving what they can [obviously etoiles is gathering materials for the next group, bad doing community teleports n Brazilians doing the roads, n forevers many projects] bc it can help. Like it did with the French but afterwards they all had to work hard to get most of their materials by themself. N it makes sense bc I feel like thy might make the server even more difficult as times goes by! But I also know tht certain events can be done with or without the feds aid. Like the admins (meta talk) want the players to have fun. But like rp the Feds want the resident to BE HAPPY!!! for some reason. So if this does make them happy they'll do it. Which I get the others view bc u don't need to run as pres to do this fun events.
I just want all of them to talk, to work things out like. Pick someone n I hate to say this, tht can trust and are willing to sacrifice themselfs, to 1st establish a council incase something happens to who gets elected. Start planning things n project n ect. Continue the communication, help with organizing projects ect. Bc it's very obv tht everyone cares for eachother n want to help but it's difficult if everyone trying to see their view bc of their struggles n worries. Bc the feds are powerful, they can n are willing to do anything for wutever fuk up experiment thy wnat to do. They can take control of forever, bad baghera, ect. N do wutever to them to take control.
It's anxiety inducing bc the feds can do something to everyone. N I want ALL of then to talk it out n do back up plans incase something happens. N I want them to work against the feds n Elquackity bc omg he is so sus n thy all want to make sure someone like him won't become the president, which is why thy are running in the 1st place, bc thy DON'T want someone they barely know or the feds in charge. They lost when the feds decided to do this. So now thy must fight for control. So the feds don't get more power than they already have.
Also reminder that the characters maybe fighting in the campaign but it's obvious they still care. Tht the feds failed in trying to do discourse bc the love this characters have for eachother is strong. Sure it'sbumby rn but thts how it is sometimes. Nothing is smooth. They all communicate eventually. It'll just take some time.
They all have their worries n trauma n ideas. They'll talk hopefully soon. Bc rn it's like 3 diff groups [4th bc of foolish lmao KELP]
N for now I'm divided bc now I'm uncertain. I might wait till the voting day to see who's left running so I can make a vote.
But man I super excited n nervous. :0c
I still belive in the communication in qsmp n tht might be my naive self but idc. I'm still giving hope!!!
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